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#rockbox log for 2020-11-08

00:04:10***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
02:04:13***No seen item changed, no save performed.
02:22:41 Quit mendel_munkis (Remote host closed the connection)
02:23:27 Join mendelmunkis [0] (
02:52:13 Join MonTaGaTnoM [0] (~shawn156@unaffiliated/shawn156)
02:53:39 Quit S|h|a|w|n (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
02:54:30 Join S|h|a|w|n [0] (~shawn156@unaffiliated/shawn156)
02:54:37 Quit MonTaGaTnoM (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
03:15:36 Join lemon_jesus [0] (~lemon_jes@
03:16:08 Join prof_wolfff [0] (
03:38:13 Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
03:38:17 Quit efqw (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
03:38:57 Quit Tsesarevich (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
03:39:25 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
03:52:19 Join Tsesarevich [0] (Tsesarevic@fluxbuntu/founder/joejaxx)
03:53:15 Join Strife89 [0] (sid399903@gateway/web/
03:55:03 Join efqw [0] (uid412670@gateway/web/
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04:51:45 Join Romster [0] (~romster@unaffiliated/romster)
06:04:20***No seen item changed, no save performed.
06:07:27 Quit S|h|a|w|n (Quit: Leaving)
06:18:48 Join johnb3 [0] (
06:26:03johnb3speachy the Walker firmware: I tried and binary patched the date in the v1.2 to ver=2028-01-19T19:20:29+0800, which unfortunately didn't help.
06:26:38johnb3Have you heard back from them?
06:27:48johnb3I also asked for a download link to the v1.3, but no reply yet.
07:20:10 Quit mendelmunkis (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
07:47:50 Join mendelmunkis [0] (
07:48:14 Nick mendelmunkis is now known as mendel_munkis (
07:51:58 Quit johnb3 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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08:32:00 Join prof_wolfff [0] (
08:45:48 Quit ender| (Remote host closed the connection)
08:47:11 Join MrZeus [0] (~MrZeus@2a02:c7f:70d0:6a00:e90d:8a80:e89a:9d47)
08:57:13 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
09:42:31speachyjohnb3: I've heard nothing so far.
09:45:26speachyjohnb3: with disasembly it would be pretty easy; we can easily do a dump from within u-boot
09:58:57 Join johnb3 [0] (
10:04:25***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
10:16:17bluebrother^speachy: I've seen that, but since it turned out to be incomplete I figured I put the licenses to their libs, since that's already the case for almost all of the existing ones.
10:17:40bluebrother^btw, I'm thinking about merging the rbutil folder with utils. Having it completely separate is a bit weird these days.
10:22:32 Quit St3ak (Quit: Free ZNC ~ Powered by LunarBNC:
10:23:07 Join St3ak [0] (
10:35:18 Join prof_wolfff [0] (
10:38:51speachyhmmm... if I'm reading this correctly, the ingenic jzboot stuff will do reads as well as writes.
10:39:25speachythough we'll need a stage1/stage2 that initialize the flash controller.
10:41:19 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
11:43:49 Join ender| [0] (~ender1@2a01:260:4094:1:6045:6fff:fedd:cbf3)
11:55:28 Quit prg318 (Quit: ZNC 1.7.5 -
11:58:27 Join prg318 [0] (~prg@deadcodersociety/prg318)
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12:24:57 Join sakax [0] (~r0b0t@unaffiliated/r0b0t)
12:25:01 Quit prg318 (Quit: ZNC 1.7.5 -
12:29:57 Join prg318 [0] (~prg@deadcodersociety/prg318)
12:41:28 Quit ender| (Quit: Bydgoszcz = bid GOSH-CH (City in Poland. I straight up admit to choosing it just to cause panic in my audiobook narrator. To English-speaking eyes those four consonants at the end look alarming.) — Kevin Hearne: Staked)
12:44:40 Quit johnb3 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
12:51:18 Quit prg318 (Quit: ZNC 1.7.5 -
12:55:15 Join prg318 [0] (~prg@deadcodersociety/prg318)
13:02:44 Quit sakax (Remote host closed the connection)
13:03:00 Join sakax [0] (~r0b0t@unaffiliated/r0b0t)
13:06:29 Join skx_ [0] (~r0b0t@unaffiliated/r0b0t)
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13:10:52 Join ender| [0] (~ender1@2a01:260:4094:1:6045:6fff:fedd:cbf3)
13:53:58 Join prof_wolfff [0] (
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14:13:00 Join skx_ [0] (~r0b0t@unaffiliated/r0b0t)
14:16:58 Quit edhelas (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
14:26:37 Quit akaWolf (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
14:27:18 Join akaWolf [0] (
14:36:44 Quit skx_ (Remote host closed the connection)
14:37:20 Join sakax [0] (~r0b0t@unaffiliated/r0b0t)
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16:18:00 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
17:26:48 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
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19:33:48 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother)
19:34:11 Join fs-bluebot [0] (
19:36:25 Quit fs-bluebot_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
19:37:24 Quit bluebrother^ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
19:45:16 Join prof_wolfff [0] (
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20:13:31 Join skx_ [0] (~r0b0t@unaffiliated/r0b0t)
20:13:44 Quit sakax (Remote host closed the connection)
20:28:02 Quit MrZeus (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
20:37:16 Quit skx_ (Remote host closed the connection)
20:37:42 Join sakax [0] (~r0b0t@unaffiliated/r0b0t)
20:37:53 Join t0mato0 [0] (t0mato@gateway/vpn/mullvad/t0mato)
20:38:25 Quit t0mato (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20:38:25 Nick t0mato0 is now known as t0mato (t0mato@gateway/vpn/mullvad/t0mato)
20:48:36 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
21:50:07 Join Stanley00 [0] (~stanley00@unaffiliated/stanley00)
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22:08:55 Quit sakax (Remote host closed the connection)
23:06:42 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
23:07:17 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
23:39:25 Quit mendel_munkis (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
23:51:58 Join mendelmunkis [0] (

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