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#rockbox log for 2021-01-10

00:00:27 Join saratoga [0] (
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04:49:15 Join lebellium [0] (
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05:34:15 Quit braewoods (Quit: WeeChat 2.8)
05:36:20 Quit livvy (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
05:38:54 Join braewoods [0] (~braewoods@learnprogramming/staff/braewoods)
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05:58:17 Quit jschwart (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
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07:38:18 Join MrZeus__ [0] (~MrZeus@2a02:c7f:70d0:6a00:f011:8a69:bd0f:4078)
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09:25:20 Join ac_laptop [0] (~ac_laptop@
09:44:03speachyok, I have the final set of rails I need to properly rackmount the server, and a narrow window of access
09:44:53speachyso I'm going to take everything down for about 10 minutes in.. maybe 1.5 hours.
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10:25:59 Quit speachy (Quit: WeeChat 2.9)
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11:04:00 Join speachy [0] (40eebded@
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11:18:56speachyok, shutting things down, be back in a few.
11:19:26DEBUGReceived signal 15 (SIGTERM), terminating (snapshot: transfer.c line 304)
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11:37:40 Join braewoods [0] (~braewoods@learnprogramming/staff/braewoods)
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11:41:20speachyexcellent, all good now.
11:49:56 Quit speachy (Quit: speachy)
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15:03:34 Join TheHippieCripple [0] (462774d6@
15:04:15TheHippieCrippletried to register for the wiki, do I need to email that person before registering?
15:04:54TheHippieCripplei know someone yesterday offered to add what I was going to add to the xDuoo X3ii port wiki
15:05:58TheHippieCripplebeen using the latest  nightly builds heavily and I've got bugs and suggestions aplenty
15:11:33 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@
15:13:27TheHippieCripplespeachy been testing the xDuoo X3ii port, user registration for the wiki is disabled but I've been heavily using the daily builds and have bugs and such to report
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15:55:16alex_tomodachiHello there! How long does it usually take to install the bootloader on an Xduoo X3? After nearly an hour I interrupted the upgrade process by pressing the reset button. I followed the instructions in the manual using ubuntu to clone the git, compile bspatch and run it on the original Firmware. Any ideas?
16:00:50TheHippieCripplethere are prebuilt firmware files on the wiki
16:01:55TheHippieCripplethe I'm pretty sure that is the same on the xDuoo x3 but I've got the X3ii.
16:02:14TheHippieCripplethe .rockbox folder is now on the sd card with the latest bootloader.
16:02:24TheHippieCrippleso you can upgrade your rockbox version on the fly
16:06:49alex_tomodachiThank's, but I'm afraid the X3 is quite different from the X3ii. The X3 Wiki pages says that they can't distribute the bootloader directly.
16:07:49TheHippieCrippleoh I'm confusing x20 with. x3 whoops
16:18:25 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
16:23:32speachyTheHippieCripple: pm me you full name and email address, and I'll set you up with a wiki account
16:24:08speachyalex_tomodachi: the X3 installation should be pretty quick. and fwiw bspatch is available pre-built via ubuntu
16:25:49speachyTheHippieCripple: and the X3 vs X3ii are _very_ different.
16:27:51 Join prof_wolfff [0] (
16:33:54alex_tomodachiThanks speachy. atm I'm trying to install the rockbox-vortex firmware, which seems again to take quite a while.
16:50:33 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
17:02:20alex_tomodachialright, used an old FAT formatted 1GB SD card to install the bootloader and it worked (with the former compiled file). \O/
17:03:15braewoodsalex_tomodachi: 2005 called, they want their small SD card sizes back.
17:13:36alex_tomodachiHaha ^^. So it seems like I need to format the 128 GB card in Fat16 /-32 since RB now does not find a partition on the exFat card with the .rockbox folder inside.. Any ideas? formatting these sizes in Windows is not possible by default, right?
17:20:07braewoodsalex_tomodachi: easy to do with Linux though
17:20:54braewoodsyou may want to overwrite the original partition to erase any traces of exfat before formatting though
17:21:02braewoodsit can create issues
17:21:55braewoodssure, more wear on the flash, but how much writing does one do to a mp3 player card?
17:36:24_bilgus_i'm told that windows will allow you to do it through the command line alex_tomodachi
17:37:18_bilgus_but i've always used 3rd part stuff rmusb prep comes to mind as well as low level formatter uril IIRC have a look on the forums
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17:38:20_bilgus_possibly something like partition magic / wizard?
17:44:22alex_tomodachiThank's, I've chosen a tiny tool called "Fat 32 format Gui (GuiFormat)".
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18:21:53alex_tomodachialright, with the Fat32 formatted 128 GB card it works fine. Great feeling, to see Rockbox running on another device than my old trusty Sansa Clip+ <3 . Maybe a hint to use fat32 formatted cards in the X3 Wiki/Manual would be helpful for others in the future. Thanks for your help!
18:24:57braewoodsi thought it was well known that RB doesn't support exfat
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