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#rockbox log for 2021-02-19

00:17:42 Join S|h|a|w|n [0] (~shawn156@unaffiliated/shawn156)
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00:46:32 Join Stanley|00 [0] (~stanley00@unaffiliated/stanley00)
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00:57:33 Join koniu [0] (~koniu@gateway/tor-sasl/koniu)
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03:14:51 Quit J_Darnley (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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03:23:00 Join rudi_s [0] (
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04:12:20 Quit bluebrother (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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04:41:33 Join ccf-100 [0] (ccf-100mat@gateway/shell/
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04:53:28 Nick Stanley|00 is now known as Stanley00 (~stanley00@unaffiliated/stanley00)
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06:24:15 Quit Stanley00 ()
06:31:59speachychris_s: we should revert that lone commit since that's the general behaviour elsewhere. And.. I agree about the dynamic playlist quirk, but it's osmething I've almost never used either, and I'll defer to others who do..
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08:01:35 Quit tchan (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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08:14:05 Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
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08:28:50 Join massive_H [0] (
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08:55:19_bilgus_idr if dynamic playlists only store indices like the regular ones do when you make changes
08:56:03_bilgus_I doubt there is an explicit need to dump them immediately but there might be a valid reason
08:58:44 Quit J_Darnley (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
09:01:23 Join J_Darnley [0] (
09:01:49 Quit berber (Quit: The Lounge -
09:02:26 Join berber [0] (~berber@
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09:24:33 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
09:30:22 Join chris_s [0] (
09:42:43chris_sok, thanks. BTW, speachy, you wrote "elsewhere we don't automatically start/resume playback if we select a new track when we're paused." – I noticed that my commit message title incorrectly suggested that it would apply only to songs picked from a playlist. I should have clarified, that it also changes the behavior when you pick a new song in
09:42:44chris_sanother context, like from the file or database browser. Of course, maybe there's another place I'm not thinking of. Just thought I'd mention it, in case it wasn't obvious or makes a difference. I would agree that it should be consistent, whichever behavior is chosen.
09:42:55 Quit Acou_Bass (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
09:43:05speachythat wasn't claer
09:43:12chris_ssorry :/
09:43:13speachyit's reverted for now
09:47:10 Quit chris_s (Quit: Connection closed)
09:49:19 Join Acou_Bass [0] (
09:55:22 Quit Acou_Bass (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -
09:55:46 Join remihacker5 [0] (
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10:03:06 Join Acou_Bass [0] (
10:10:34 Join chris_s [0] (
10:15:00chris_sI've pushed a new commit with a message that better describes the code change, just for completion's sake. Feel free to ignore or reject it though. :)
10:16:02 Quit chris_s (Quit: Connection closed)
10:34:26speachyincluding documentation changes too?
11:04:55 Join chris_s [0] (
11:09:51 Quit remihacker5 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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11:10:50chris_sI'm not sure there's anything in the manual with respect to the resume playback behavior. I'll take a look though and amend it if I find something.
11:10:50chris_sI will update the documentation for the other merged change (abebc6b) in a separate commit.
11:20:06speachythank you
11:31:23 Join jdarnley [0] (
11:32:57 Quit J_Darnley (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
11:36:06 Quit bleb (Quit: leaving)
11:41:14 Quit chris_s (Quit: Connection closed)
11:45:17 Quit remihacker5 (Quit: my battery probably died :()
11:53:23 Join lebellium [0] (
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12:51:18 Quit St3ak (Quit: Free ZNC ~ Powered by LunarBNC:
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