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12:20:55 | MarcAndersen | I am having trouble building the manual, this is what I get: ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ? (U+0421) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. Anyone? |
12:26:41 | speachy | that shouldn't be a fatal error. IIRC we have a small pile of names in the credits file that LaTeX can't handle. |
12:27:37 | MarcAndersen | It's exactly in credits.tex |
12:29:49 | MarcAndersen | It fails anyway |
12:32:10 | speachy | that's probably not be what's causing the whole thing to fail though. I'll bet there's another error message lurking somewhere in the voliminous output |
12:33:05 | MarcAndersen | Can you get something out of the rockbox-build.log if I put it up? |
12:33:05 | speachy | (On fedora, I had to install these packages: texlive texlive-inputenx texlive-multirow texlive-optional texlive-tex4ht |
12:33:08 | speachy | sure |
12:35:13 | MarcAndersen | Here is the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ttrjam6vn944tb9/rockbox-build.log?dl=1 |
12:35:25 | MarcAndersen | I had to install texlive manually though |
12:38:47 | speachy | building the html manual, that one's a lot more finicky |
12:39:03 | speachy | what target? |
12:39:34 | MarcAndersen | Just tried a clip zip I think |
12:39:48 | MarcAndersen | But pdf doesn't work either I think |
12:40:03 | speachy | can you re-do it as a pdf and send that instead? There's a lot less noise to wade through |
12:40:13 | speachy | (I mean build the manual as pdf) |
12:40:28 | MarcAndersen | Sure. |
12:43:01 | speachy | one possibility is that you're using texlive-2021, but we're using -2020 |
12:43:17 | MarcAndersen | I am |
12:43:31 | speachy | you might have tripped over some incompatibiltiy we hadn't encountered yet |
12:43:37 | MarcAndersen | I don't know how to downgrade |
12:43:48 | speachy | but the pdf build logs should be more helpful |
12:44:20 | MarcAndersen | Pdf log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ttrjam6vn944tb9/rockbox-build.log?dl=1 |
12:44:26 | speachy | thanks |
12:45:12 | speachy | 'pdflatex (file ec-lmcsc10): Font ec-lmcsc10 at 864 not found' |
12:45:50 | MarcAndersen | What does that mean? |
12:46:25 | speachy | on the surface it means you're missing a font file |
12:47:00 | MarcAndersen | I think I've built it before some months ago |
12:47:06 | speachy | that font is part of the 'texlive-lm' package on Fedora |
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12:47:32 | speachy | /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/lm/ec-lmcsc10.tfm |
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12:48:57 | speachy | https://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/lm |
12:49:01 | MarcAndersen | I have no texlive dir in /usr/share |
12:50:01 | speachy | you're doing this on something other than Fedora Linux, I presume.. but that appears to be why the pdf build is barfing, and perhaps that is why the html version fails too |
12:50:50 | MarcAndersen | Ubuntu |
12:51:28 | speachy | anyone else out there doing manual builds on Ubuntu? |
12:52:14 | speachy | ...you installed texlive from source? it looks like ubuntu's packages are also -2020 still |
12:52:52 | MarcAndersen | I think I did it with a perl script, but it is so long that I don't remember |
12:54:21 | MarcAndersen | Pdf built! |
12:55:00 | MarcAndersen | But html still fails |
12:55:49 | MarcAndersen | For the pdf I did: sudo apt install texlive-fonts-extra |
12:55:59 | speachy | ok, progress! |
12:56:08 | speachy | the html log should be difference |
12:56:10 | speachy | different now |
12:57:11 | MarcAndersen | Html log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ttrjam6vn944tb9/rockbox-build.log?dl=1 |
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13:11:36 | MarcAndersen | Hmm is it just me or does the rockbox.org site have timeout? I can't access it. |
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13:14:27 | spork_ | same for me MarcAndersen |
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13:18:34 | MarcAndersen | What's going on here? |
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13:19:16 | tertu | does anybody know if the M3K has been discontinued or not? |
13:19:46 | tertu | it seems like it has, but it wasn't quite clear to me. it seemed like a decent choice for a player if i wanted to run rockbox on it |
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13:22:59 | spork | tertu: it is no longer listed on the fiio site, so i would think it is |
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13:23:27 | tertu | got it |
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13:24:16 | speachy | .., ok, so the new site keels over faster in the face of wiki bot storms. which isn't surprising given the greatly curtailed resources. |
13:24:27 | speachy | it's back online now. hopefully wasn't out for too long. |
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13:25:11 | MarcAndersen | speachy: Thanks. Did you find anything in my log? |
13:25:47 | spork | even the fiio store on aliexpress lists m3k as unavaikable |
13:26:32 | speachy | changed the wiki cache wipe cron job to every 12 hours instead of daily now |
13:26:37 | speachy | hopefully that'll hold up |
13:27:28 | speachy | MarcAndersen: nothing seems to be obvious. All I can suggest is temporarily commenting out that problematic name in docs/CREDITS to see if that lets the build finish |
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13:29:17 | tertu | yep |
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13:30:22 | tertu | i think what happened is if you use search engines the product page is still there, even though it's discontinued, and in 2020 sometime they posted a message that said something like "we're going to discontinue the M3K once it doesn't make sense to make it anymore" |
13:30:47 | tertu | that said it doesn't seem too hard to get one |
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13:31:25 | spork | m3 pro seems its replacement |
13:31:31 | spork | or positioned that way |
13:32:03 | spork | similar soc/dac |
13:32:36 | tertu | the exact same soc |
13:32:37 | spork | no, completely different dac |
13:32:47 | spork | but same as in shanling q1 |
13:32:53 | tertu | ah that makes sense |
13:33:24 | spork | but touchscreen instead of that clumsy strip on the m3k |
13:33:27 | tertu | yeah i mean having had fiio players in the past i don't want to get another one if i can't run rockbox on it tbh |
13:33:37 | tertu | their system software is. not great |
13:34:23 | spork | if we buy amachronic or dconrad an m3 pro it could probably run rockbox |
13:34:25 | speachy | their system software is a dumpster fire |
13:34:40 | speachy | (well, speaking of the m3k. can't comment on the others though we have no reason to think otherwise) |
13:34:53 | tertu | yeah i had an X1 |
13:35:22 | tertu | the database equivalent was extremely slow and didn't appear to support partial updates, among other things |
13:35:34 | speachy | it's worse behind the scenes |
13:36:02 | tertu | doesn't that generation run on some weird rtos also |
13:36:35 | tertu | also i haven't used rockbox on touchscreen devices before, what is that like |
13:36:48 | spork | i use it daily on the shanling q1 |
13:36:56 | spork | works quite well in most case |
13:37:11 | speachy | it's not great (IMO) but getting better. |
13:37:42 | * | speachy is not a fan of UIs that can't be navigated without looking |
13:38:20 | tertu | (also i would be happy to buy somebody an m3k pro at some point, not now though) |
13:41:42 | speachy | the m3k's was/is the only "cheap" rockboxable player still commedcially available |
13:42:32 | tertu | yeah i guess i'm looking at the other ones |
13:42:33 | speachy | The Q1 and the other x1000-based targets were $40-50 more expensive. |
13:42:46 | tertu | i wouldn't mind spending another $50 for eg physical buttons |
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13:43:10 | speachy | the xduoo x3ii, and the eros q/k + clones are all great |
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13:43:35 | speachy | (eros q, eros k, hifiwalker h2, agptek h3, surfans/irulu f20...) |
13:43:53 | tertu | thanks! |
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13:44:39 | tertu | i mean honestly i figure the capabilities are the same on most of them and i don't have any like, super intensive requirements |
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13:45:19 | speachy | all of those are more or less equivalent in functionality, price, size+weight, etc. |
13:46:40 | | Nick spork_ is now known as spork (topic@31-151-2-135.dynamic.upc.nl) |
13:47:58 | spork | those clones have a nice amount of buttons |
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14:39:30 | tertu | is the xduoo x3ii smaller? |
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14:49:39 | MarcAndersen | The manual built now. I just emptied out the credits. Can we get this fixed in a way that suits us all? |
14:53:01 | tertu | also are there any major differences between native and hosted rockbox |
14:54:01 | speachy | depends on the target |
14:54:25 | tertu | let's say on the eros |
14:55:00 | speachy | but in the case of the erosq, the native port is better in every way, except for some features we get for free from the underlying linux platform −− exfat support, external usb mass storage, usb dac (in theory) and bluetooth (also in theory) |
14:55:40 | MarcAndersen | exfat? Can we use that? |
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14:55:42 | speachy | native is much faster to boot, more performant in general, has ~4-5x more available RAM for us to use, and we aren't limited by the platform choices. |
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14:56:18 | speachy | on those targets, yes, exfat justworks(tm). so does ext4 and probably others too. |
14:57:10 | speachy | whreas on the native stuff we'd have to write our own exfat code. which is necessary if we want to support storage with capacities over 2TB. |
14:58:44 | speachy | MarcAndersen: wrt the manual failure you're having, we need to understand why it's a hard failure on your environment vs just a warning elsewhere. |
15:00 |
15:09:34 | spork | how come native has so much more ram ? |
15:11:00 | braewoods | spork: because it' |
15:11:09 | braewoods | it's not being eaten up by the other software |
15:11:25 | braewoods | in hosted rockbox can only use what isn't already in use by something else |
15:12:07 | spork | that maked a lot of sense |
15:12:39 | spork | makes |
15:13:26 | speachy | yeah, we only have use of about ~6-7MB of RAM out of the 32MB on the player. |
15:14:24 | spork | that is still a luxury compared some of the older targets |
15:14:28 | speachy | but the OS does a lot of stuff for us (eg caches) we'd otherwise need to do ourselves |
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15:19:02 | MarcAndersen | How can I debug this other than giving you the log from before? |
15:19:46 | speachy | suss out the changelogs between the -2020 texlive we're using on our builders and the -2021 rollup release? That's a pretty tall order. |
15:25:45 | speachy | htlatex has always been very, very finicky though, and tends to break if we look at it funny. |
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16:33:53 | braewoods | https://www.ebay.com/itm/194381330092 Gigabeat S auction if anyone wants one. I've got enough of these. |
16:34:23 | MarcAndersen | Cool |
16:35:25 | | Join bilgus_ph [0] (~bilgus_ph@ |
16:35:41 | bilgus_ph | Or even if we don't look at it apparently |
16:36:47 | bilgus_ph | I build on Ubuntu but my laptop is way out of date my main rig has new stuff but it's been a few months since it went to storage so no current builds there |
16:38:22 | bilgus_ph | Marcandersen have you tried out the new builds since I fixed the CPUboost? |
16:45:42 | MarcAndersen | Oh, yes. My c200 is also better now, thanks a lot man! |
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17:05:19 | speachy | yay, stumbling towards perfection |
17:09:15 | MarcAndersen | speachy: What do you mean? |
17:10:23 | speachy | we make incremental progress in small fits and starts, rather than concerted steady effort |
17:10:39 | speachy | and it does seem that we |
17:11:07 | MarcAndersen | Oh |
17:11:08 | speachy | we destabilize things as part of bigger improvements. |
17:12:00 | speachy | we'll eventually get to our goal of a perfect digital audio player, but it's going to be a very twisty path there involving a fair amount of tripping over rocks and skinning our knees... |
17:12:57 | speachy | it'll probably happen about the same time we can use our flying cars to hop over to our job on the moon |
17:13:15 | MarcAndersen | Are you going to create a hardware unit? |
17:14:22 | speachy | Oh I'd love to. But I'm nowhere near wealthy enough to fund it myself. :/ |
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18:21:39 | _bilgus_ | MarcAndersen, excellent and no problem |
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18:55:26 | braewoods | speachy: maybe we can come up with something using existing connectable parts. 3d printed case or so. |
18:58:01 | braewoods | only problem is it might end up being too bulky lol |
19:00 |
19:05:32 | MarcAndersen | Can we get rockbox to play tta files with password? |
19:07:13 | braewoods | MarcAndersen: true audio format? |
19:07:34 | MarcAndersen | yes |
19:08:14 | braewoods | i doubt it as that would require the ability to enter the password |
19:10:02 | braewoods | MarcAndersen: none of the known TTA encoders let you enter a password |
19:10:12 | braewoods | what made you think this is a thing? |
19:10:30 | MarcAndersen | The tta I have here can do it. |
19:10:40 | MarcAndersen | version 2.3 |
19:11:57 | braewoods | hm. |
19:12:54 | braewoods | seems it's only available in the libtta variant |
19:13:29 | braewoods | MarcAndersen: i would say probably not. encryption isn't something rockbox really deals with. |
19:14:05 | braewoods | there's not much reason to encrypt audio files normally anyway |
19:15:04 | MarcAndersen | That's ok, just found out about it while looking at lossless codecs. Ape is btw really slow, except on the gigabeat. On the other players it's fun to just listen to it when it splits it up in peaces :) |
19:15:44 | braewoods | MarcAndersen: ape is notorious for heavy cpu load. don't expect otherwise. |
19:16:04 | braewoods | tta and flac are both pretty speedy |
19:16:24 | braewoods | flac is generally better. lots of compatibility and different ways to use it. |
19:16:45 | braewoods | it also has a mode of encoding for encoding an entire audio CD's data stream into one file |
19:17:04 | MarcAndersen | Sure, all my archiving stuff is flac, and if I need it smaller I use vorbis or opus. |
19:17:07 | braewoods | it uses metadata blocks to enable seeking the individual tracks as if they were separate files |
19:17:47 | MarcAndersen | You mean with exact audio copy or what? |
19:18:02 | braewoods | well you can use other tools like cuetools |
19:18:14 | braewoods | http://cue.tools/wiki/Main_Page |
19:18:21 | braewoods | windows only though |
19:18:47 | braewoods | but it's a swiss army knife of audio stuff |
19:18:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:19:07 | braewoods | i used to use it for audio rips since it does a lot in one bundle and doesn't cost money |
19:19:08 | MarcAndersen | Oh I heard about that before, doesn't EAC use that internally? |
19:19:15 | braewoods | no, EAC is separate |
19:19:29 | braewoods | cuetools just happens to implement many of the same features |
19:19:47 | MarcAndersen | So EAC doesn't use cuetools? |
19:19:51 | braewoods | afaik. |
19:19:54 | MarcAndersen | Ok |
19:20:04 | MarcAndersen | I'll check it out |
19:20:08 | braewoods | one of the modes cuetools can use is single file rips |
19:20:17 | braewoods | might also support TTAs |
19:20:26 | braewoods | been awhile |
19:20:40 | braewoods | it also supports accuraterip |
19:20:48 | MarcAndersen | Can cuetools rip via the command line? |
19:20:56 | braewoods | it has one, for windows only |
19:21:03 | MarcAndersen | Cool |
19:21:11 | braewoods | i think the GUI is better though. more options. |
19:21:23 | braewoods | it's a .NET application |
19:22:34 | braewoods | i doubt it'll ever work anywhere but windows due to its dependency on native DLLs |
19:22:50 | braewoods | namely windows specific libraries |
19:23:33 | braewoods | MarcAndersen: i don't know of many players that support the single file rips. RockBox does, i only know of foobar 2000 doing so on windows. |
19:23:44 | braewoods | on linux deadbeef and maybe audacious supportit |
19:25:09 | MarcAndersen | But you'd need a cue file as well, right? |
19:26:25 | braewoods | depends, it can be embedded |
19:26:42 | braewoods | the issue is not all players work with embedded cuesheets |
19:27:00 | MarcAndersen | Cool |
19:38:38 | MarcAndersen | But what will the difference be if using cuetools or eac? |
19:39:39 | braewoods | honestly no clue other than EAC being proprietary and cuetools not |
19:40:07 | MarcAndersen | Oh that's right eac is not open source. |
19:42:18 | MarcAndersen | I've played about a bit with it now, and with a screen reader cuetools is not easy, almost every control is unlabeled. |
19:47:41 | | Join Syco54645 [0] (~frank@ |
19:49:50 | Syco54645 | hello. i have a sansa e200 v1 that i bought that just came in today. the battery does not hold a charge (another is on the way) but it does power on via the usb cable. the issue i am having is it does not mount. it is in msc mode, debian does not even see it according to dmesg and windows 10 it does not appear in the device manage. i am able to get to recovery and it mounts as expected. i have tried both mtp and msc mode and none of my machines see it. |
19:49:50 | Syco54645 | could this be because of the dead battery and some initialization the player does at connection that occurs after a boot? |
19:50:04 | Syco54645 | that is the best that i can come up with as to why it may not be mounting |
19:51:22 | Syco54645 | also i swear i found somewhere last night something about FW supported and was curious if i imagined that it exists and is still correct. i was thinking of upgrading the fw on it to see if that resolves the mounting issue. |
19:52:35 | Syco54645 | i forgot to mention this is vanilla sansa and not rockbox yet. |
19:52:44 | MarcAndersen | I have a sansa connect which had been connected for several hours, the sandisk logo appears and then disapperas in an endless loop, though it is not an e200 it might be the same case here |
19:53:13 | | Join mendel_munkis [0] (~mendel_mu@ool-ae2cb218.dyn.optonline.net) |
19:53:44 | | Nick munkis is now known as Guest6456 (~mendel_mu@ool-ae2cb218.dyn.optonline.net) |
19:53:44 | | Quit Guest6456 (Killed (cadmium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) |
19:53:44 | | Nick mendel_munkis is now known as munkis (~mendel_mu@ool-ae2cb218.dyn.optonline.net) |
19:53:52 | munkis | earlier today I unplugged a fuze+ from my pc and it remained in bootloader usb mode (although it correctly updated to disconnected) until i hard powered down, any thoughts as to cause? |
19:54:19 | Syco54645 | MarcAndersen: well this one boots for me and will even play the songs that the previous owner loaded on it. though i thiunk i read about what is happening to you and you just hold the power button for 30+ seconds. i could be wrong but worth a shot |
19:57:30 | MarcAndersen | I tried everything with this player, it's dead. |
19:58:34 | MarcAndersen | But it was never used so it must be because it just lost it's power during all those years |
20:00 |
20:00:35 | braewoods | Syco54645: is your cable power only? some usb cables are modified to only provide power which might explain why it doesn't enumerate ("show up") |
20:01:22 | MarcAndersen | Oh, I hate these cables. I know exactly what you mean. |
20:02:35 | braewoods | Syco54645: a bad battery can cause a lot of weird things. at the very least it means it won't be able to charge and the battery may not show up. i can't say for sure what else can occur as it varies |
20:03:04 | braewoods | it could also be the internal flash is dying |
20:03:31 | braewoods | let me see... the e200... |
20:04:15 | braewoods | Syco54645: it appears the battery is easily replaced. you could try doing that to see if it helps. |
20:04:39 | Syco54645 | braewoods: well it is the sansa cable. i didnt think to check if the cable on it but just did. all pins are intact. the player appears to be quite new, the lock sticker isnt damaged at all. no heavy damage to the case scratch wise. |
20:04:53 | braewoods | try another cable. |
20:04:58 | Syco54645 | and yes the battery is on its way to be delivered tomorrow. of course they couldnt come at the same time. |
20:05:17 | braewoods | an xduoo x3 i had shipped with a power only cable and i was wondering why usb data didn't work |
20:05:25 | Syco54645 | i do not have another cable. it is that proprietary wide connector like an ipod |
20:05:31 | braewoods | Oh, right. |
20:05:52 | braewoods | you may also want to try a replacement cable. that can also be a factor. |
20:05:56 | Syco54645 | also in recovery it mounts fine |
20:06:01 | braewoods | Hm. |
20:06:10 | braewoods | that should be enough to install RB then |
20:06:26 | braewoods | but |
20:06:27 | Syco54645 | guides say not to flash in recovery mode |
20:06:41 | braewoods | wait for the battery |
20:06:49 | braewoods | i wouldn't attempt this without a working on |
20:06:50 | braewoods | one |
20:07:09 | braewoods | then you can evaluate better what is working and what isn't |
20:07:33 | Syco54645 | oh for sure. i am not going to install anything on it when it doesnt have a battery that works. i just wanted to make sure it "worked" otherwise i would start a return on it |
20:07:39 | MarcAndersen | Oh so it had no battery inside, I didn't catch that. |
20:07:48 | braewoods | MarcAndersen: correction, "Dead battery" |
20:07:53 | Syco54645 | well there is a battery but it is nice and fat ;) |
20:08:28 | braewoods | MarcAndersen: it's why i sold you one with a replaced battery. it's not easy to replace if you can't see but the E200 is probably doable. |
20:08:46 | MarcAndersen | Yes, but in the connect it isn't replaceable, is it? |
20:09:02 | braewoods | it probably is but even harder than the gigabeat S |
20:09:04 | Syco54645 | it is with a soldering iron |
20:09:20 | braewoods | gigabeat S is socketed; just a bit of a hassle to take apart |
20:09:41 | MarcAndersen | So the gigabeat I got has a new battery? |
20:09:51 | braewoods | yes, i told you that before I sold it to you. |
20:09:59 | braewoods | i replaced the storage and battery. |
20:10:02 | braewoods | as part of my repairs |
20:10:26 | braewoods | well as new as can be had right now |
20:10:41 | MarcAndersen | Oh. It also has a scratch somewhere on the left side in the middle, did it also have that when you shipped it? |
20:10:57 | braewoods | i forget. |
20:11:01 | braewoods | it probably did. |
20:11:04 | Syco54645 | braewoods: you brought up flash dying. i was wondering once rockbox is on it is there a way to minimize writing to the flash? |
20:11:05 | braewoods | these aren't mint condition |
20:11:16 | braewoods | Syco54645: see the manual, "multiboot" |
20:11:21 | MarcAndersen | But it's nothing that keeps me from enjoying it |
20:11:22 | braewoods | it puts all writes on the removable sd card |
20:12:01 | Syco54645 | that is exactly what i want to do. thanks |
20:12:45 | MarcAndersen | Does the e200 use a normal sd, or also a micro? |
20:12:48 | Syco54645 | should preserve this for many many years. |
20:12:51 | braewoods | probably a micro |
20:12:53 | Syco54645 | it is micro |
20:12:58 | MarcAndersen | Ok |
20:13:07 | braewoods | i think none of rockbox ports use full size sd cards |
20:13:19 | MarcAndersen | But as far as I can tell from the chart it's bigger than the c200 |
20:13:20 | Syco54645 | sdhc/xc compatible so technically i can have a 2tb mp3 player |
20:13:31 | MarcAndersen | the zen x-fi d oes |
20:13:36 | Syco54645 | it is larger than the c200 yes |
20:13:45 | braewoods | Syco54645: the rockbox with the most capacity potential is probably the xduoo x3 |
20:13:48 | braewoods | dual sd cards |
20:14:05 | braewoods | so up to 4TB if you had 2TB cards |
20:14:42 | MarcAndersen | Oh yes, fat32 can't get higher anyway, but are 2 tb micro sd's for sale yet? |
20:14:50 | Syco54645 | well the limitation of 2tb is because of fat32 i believe. so if some other fs would ever be implemented then it could go larger. but yes dual sd beats it |
20:15:01 | Syco54645 | MarcAndersen: no there are not, just 1tb right now |
20:15:15 | Syco54645 | or i suppose dual partition a 4tb card? |
20:15:40 | MarcAndersen | Then it's not sdxc anymore |
20:15:59 | Syco54645 | i was unsure if the limitation was fat or sdxc. i couldnt recall |
20:16:45 | MarcAndersen | There is no need to support the new sd cards if we can't support other file systems though |
20:17:24 | Syco54645 | so the xDuoo X3 is still being produced. i will have to look at that one. the sansa was nice because of reported battery life of 17-21 hours |
20:25:24 | Syco54645 | i will report back once the battery arrives tomorrow. thanks for the help thus far MarcAndersen and braewoods |
20:26:58 | braewoods | Syco54645: not really, you just sometimes find it on ebay. |
20:27:10 | braewoods | there's 4 new ones for sale out of the UK last i saw. |
20:27:12 | braewoods | old stock. |
20:27:49 | braewoods | MarcAndersen, Syco54645: also the limit comes not only from FAT32 but also the limits of the partition table. |
20:28:07 | braewoods | unless larger cards have a larger sector size. |
20:28:19 | braewoods | they'll be stuck at 2TB for the older partition table we use |
20:28:27 | speachy | nope, SD addressing is 512 byte sectors. |
20:28:34 | braewoods | I thought so. |
20:28:45 | speachy | SDUC adds more address bits, but still 512 bytes. |
20:29:24 | braewoods | speachy: question. is it possible to issue a block erase to rockbox SD cards? |
20:29:42 | braewoods | linux can do this if the sd card is exposed under the right interface type, usually mmc |
20:30:12 | braewoods | i would like more ways to properly erase sd cards and the xduoo x3 could do that for me |
20:30:21 | braewoods | if the hardware gives proper access |
20:30:48 | speachy | we can issue any sd command the card supports |
20:31:07 | braewoods | ok. i think i'd like to add that as a feature in debug or so. |
20:31:20 | braewoods | i'll look into it later. |
20:31:36 | braewoods | mostly useful for devices with more than one SD card slot |
20:31:50 | braewoods | it's basically TRIM for sd cards |
20:32:29 | Syco54645 | oh that is right, i now remember the reason for the card size limits. regardless 2tb is a lot of lossy music and a good amount of lossless ;) |
20:32:45 | braewoods | i can't see us needing to worry about that limit |
20:32:48 | braewoods | it's far in the future |
20:33:15 | braewoods | and to bypass it we would need a new FS and possibly a new partition table system too |
20:33:48 | braewoods | the only other way to expand the limits is to enlarge the sector size |
20:34:01 | braewoods | not generally applicable |
20:34:12 | braewoods | about the only 4K native devices i've ever seen are nvme drives |
20:37:35 | MarcAndersen | Can rockbox format the other sd card in the x3, or is that what you're trying to add? |
20:38:39 | MarcAndersen | It would also be cool in devices with internal storage to format the micro sd |
20:42:09 | braewoods | MarcAndersen: it can't. this would mostly just be to clear the memory so the host can do so from a fresh slate. |
20:42:28 | braewoods | obviously we wouldn't want this enabled for internal unremovable storage. |
20:42:51 | braewoods | i wouldn't want to have an option that could brick a device like that |
20:42:55 | MarcAndersen | No, but it would be cool if I could format my sd in i.e. my sansa or something |
20:43:29 | braewoods | i've been thinking of adding an option to erase all attached storage (if isn't permanently affixed) so you can reinstall from a fresh slate |
20:43:37 | braewoods | and then shutdown |
20:44:06 | braewoods | advantage is clearing cells to improve future writes, mainly |
20:45:03 | braewoods | it would be useful only for flash storage |
20:45:16 | braewoods | since there's no quick erase for spinning rust |
21:00 |
21:13:24 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 95b10ac74e, 303 builds, 11 clients. |
21:13:55 | _bilgus_ | doubtful we have any logf builds |
21:15:16 | MarcAndersen | Where do I go to dump it when it's built? It sounds nice. |
21:16:18 | _bilgus_ | the debug menu |
21:16:39 | MarcAndersen | Oh. I need sighted assistance then |
21:17:15 | _bilgus_ | we could probably make it voice numbers for the menus |
21:17:29 | _bilgus_ | or even spell the top level ones |
21:18:55 | MarcAndersen | It would be cool to have, but it doesn't need to be the highest priority |
21:19:01 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:19:02 | _bilgus_ | It appears it has support for it |
21:24:09 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 645 seconds. |
21:24:12 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 95b10ac74e result: All green |
21:27:15 | _bilgus_ | testing now lets see |
21:27:31 | _bilgus_ | oh hear I suppose |
21:27:35 | _bilgus_ | OR* |
21:31:42 | _bilgus_ | marcandersen https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/3855 |
21:32:08 | _bilgus_ | its kinda clunky as everything gets spelled but its something.. |
21:32:37 | MarcAndersen | How did you make that so quickly? |
21:32:57 | _bilgus_ | I copypastad from my last voice enabling adventure |
21:33:24 | _bilgus_ | its the nice thing about commit history |
21:33:53 | _bilgus_ | or rather once you have one thats kinda long and everywhere in the codebase |
21:34:17 | _bilgus_ | I'm sure speachys is far more impressive |
21:35:15 | MarcAndersen | Was it a commit you made some time ago that you revived? |
21:36:24 | _bilgus_ | https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/1417/40/apps/gui/mask_select.c |
21:37:28 | _bilgus_ | line 210 |
21:38:44 | MarcAndersen | Can you give me a direct link to the patch? I can't get gerrit to work |
21:39:02 | _bilgus_ | the new one? |
21:39:02 | MarcAndersen | I mean find the download button |
21:39:08 | MarcAndersen | Yes |
21:40:12 | _bilgus_ | https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/changes/rockbox~3855/revisions/1/patch?zip |
21:40:35 | MarcAndersen | Thanks |
21:40:49 | _bilgus_ | bth you need a logf build to see the boost logs |
21:40:57 | _bilgus_ | BTW* |
21:41:22 | MarcAndersen | So I need to pull master first, and then apply the patch, right? |
21:42:03 | _bilgus_ | yes but really its simple enough that you don't really need to pull master |
21:42:18 | _bilgus_ | but always a good idea anyway |
21:42:39 | _bilgus_ | also depends on your voice file I suppose |
21:42:45 | MarcAndersen | But if I don't pull I won't get the log thing, will i? |
21:43:00 | _bilgus_ | ah yea you'd need to pull to get that |
21:43:20 | _bilgus_ | I haven't changed voice strings so its probably fine |
21:44:24 | MarcAndersen | I will do it tomorrow. It's 3:43 AM. Good night. Btw, I have not started translating again yet after my browser crashed yesterday, but I will do it at some point. But I got really angry. |
21:44:45 | _bilgus_ | let me know how it works for you |
21:44:50 | MarcAndersen | Sure |
21:45:17 | _bilgus_ | we should in theory be able to add voicing for other interest menus as long as they aren't fast changing |
21:45:40 | _bilgus_ | fast chnaging and voice would be bad but maybe we can dump to disk |
21:49:27 | | Quit MarcAndersen (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
21:59:13 | | Quit Moriar (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
23:00 |
23:09:20 | braewoods | man i'm glad i have gigabit lan some days. these file transfers would take an eternity without it. |
23:13:41 | braewoods | _bilgus_: https://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,54008.0.html |
23:13:48 | braewoods | might be LCD related |
23:19:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:25:53 | | Quit scorche (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
23:40:31 | _bilgus_ | I can reproduce it in the sim |
23:40:55 | _bilgus_ | on my clipzip it just cut it off |
23:51:18 | _bilgus_ | braewoods, cabbie appears to use this font just fine |
23:51:48 | _bilgus_ | also the font in question is not even in the releases its in an extras list somewhere too |