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01:40:33 | tertu2 | well another thing is |
01:40:52 | tertu2 | it actually doesn't always take the same amount of time to read the battery! |
01:47:34 | tertu2 | wait, it could be what was happening is it's booting an old binary.... yikes |
01:47:39 | tertu2 | i've zeroed the SD card out |
01:47:51 | | Nick tertu2 is now known as tertu (~tertu@user/tertu) |
01:53:29 | tertu | that did it!!! |
01:54:36 | | Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@ip5f5abcae.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) |
01:56:06 | tertu | all the files play fine now too |
01:59:11 | | Quit ZincAlloy (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
01:59:26 | tertu | i'm guessing what happened with that battery issue was that it was reading the old rockbox.erosq off of the sd card |
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02:14:38 | | Join johnb5 [0] (~johnb2@p5b3af796.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
02:15:31 | johnb5 | dconrad (logs): FWIW, I have the native port running on a Surfans F20. |
02:16:25 | johnb5 | or rather installed it. My daily devices are X3 and clip+. |
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02:34:10 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 58462184d1, 303 builds, 11 clients. |
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10:22:53 | | Join dconrad_web [0] (~dconrad_w@entr-34279.desm.netins.net) |
10:23:27 | dconrad_web | johnb5, oh awesome! sounds like everything went smooth then? |
10:23:34 | dconrad_web | glad to hear there's another one running |
10:23:38 | | Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving) |
10:23:55 | dconrad_web | tertu, excellent! |
10:27:08 | dconrad_web | hopefully it's reliable going forward |
10:27:24 | * | dconrad_web knocks on wood |
10:50:56 | | Quit speachy (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
10:53:02 | tertu | is there a way to make the jog dial be considered a button for the purpose of preventing the screen from going to sleep? |
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10:58:09 | dconrad_web | tertu, I believe it should already do that? |
10:58:47 | dconrad_web | or at least, it seems to when I test it here |
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11:01:23 | | Join Genju [0] (~Genju@user/genju) |
11:01:24 | dconrad_web | I tested it in the main menu and while playing screen, it seems to prevent the screen from shutting off on both |
11:01:31 | Genju | 'ello |
11:04:57 | Genju | I've just installed rockbox on my new surfans f20, successfully. Only problem: there's no way to browse the database by album artist |
11:05:20 | Genju | Just "artist", which shows me N++ entries for albums with various artists |
11:05:46 | Genju | I could swear rockbox on my clip+ had album artist view by default |
11:06:42 | dconrad_web | tertu: ah, I had Backlight Exemptions turned on - Settings->General Settings->Display->LCD Settings->Backlight Exemptions, Enable and then select at least "Disable Unmapped Keys" in its settings, that seems to do it |
11:09:53 | tertu | it may have been something that they took out of the stock database view |
11:10:00 | tertu | you can still add it as a custom view |
11:10:16 | Genju | yeah, guess I'll have to dive into the syntax for that |
11:10:20 | Genju | already found the wiki page |
11:10:32 | Genju | still weird that it was removed |
11:12:11 | tertu | haven't used rockbox in a long time so |
11:12:29 | tertu | forgot where a lot of things are... |
11:12:53 | Genju | I'm using it on a daily basis (gotta have those mpc files in my car :) ) |
11:15:50 | | Quit JanC (Remote host closed the connection) |
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11:17:06 | tertu | okay unfortunately i did have an issue with the battery showing as empty |
11:17:28 | tertu | (my workaround for that is using jztool, waiting a few seconds, and then launching rockbox from the bootloader) |
11:18:11 | tertu | it does seem to have a cooldown period, in that if i turn the eros off and then back on again relatively quickly it boots fine |
11:18:48 | dconrad_web | hmm, ok, yeah I might try to do a fix after work today that isn't just a blanket "wait x ms" |
11:19:07 | tertu | is there anything i could provide that would be helpful for that? |
11:19:17 | dconrad_web | you can get into the bootloader by holding Vol+ while booting, too rather than using jztool |
11:19:29 | tertu | yeah i figured there would be a way to do that, thanks :) |
11:20:03 | tertu | does the original firmware for these things have a button lock? |
11:20:29 | dconrad_web | not sure, tbh - I've only used it for a couple minutes |
11:20:37 | dconrad_web | I think so |
11:21:45 | tertu | also one thing i noticed, is that album art seems to take a really long time to load |
11:21:55 | tertu | is there a tool i can use to strip the resolution? |
11:22:47 | tertu | ah no i don't need to do that |
11:22:59 | tertu | just need to make cover.jpg not 3000x3000 *_* |
11:23:04 | dconrad_web | yeah there's a few, personally I use kid3 to pull the album art, resize it in the tool of your choice (save as non-progressive), and then put it back with kid3 |
11:23:08 | dconrad_web | oh lol yeah that would help |
11:25:16 | Genju | %menu_start "custom" "Album Artist" |
11:25:16 | Genju | "Album Artist" -> albumartist |
11:25:19 | Genju | that was reasonably easy :] |
11:25:35 | Genju | and it seems to work |
11:25:47 | tertu | wow! |
11:25:48 | Genju | hm, not quite |
11:25:50 | dconrad_web | sometimes I buy music and the _embedded_ art is a 5-6 mp jpg or png... |
11:25:53 | Genju | needs more levels, i suppose |
11:26:26 | tertu | can i just say i'm happy y'all are still around doing this |
11:27:48 | Genju | "Album Artist" -> albumartist -> album -> tracknum title |
11:27:50 | Genju | let's try this |
11:29:00 | Genju | nope. back to the drawing board |
11:30:38 | | Quit dconrad_web (Quit: Connection closed) |
11:33:47 | tertu | i think the first line would be the %menustart |
11:35:19 | tertu | oh also dconrad what do you have database > Load to RAM set to |
11:37:37 | | Join dconrad_web [0] (~dconrad_w@entr-34279.desm.netins.net) |
11:37:56 | dconrad_web | looks like I have that set to "no" |
11:38:27 | tertu | okay that makes sense |
11:38:32 | dconrad_web | though I don't use the database that much, and I don't keep my whole library on the player |
11:38:42 | tertu | the manual suggests that is intended more for hdd players |
11:39:05 | dconrad_web | yeah that's my impression, though you could certainly play with it and see if it changes behavior |
11:39:15 | tertu | well it seems to reduce stability a bit |
11:39:19 | tertu | so i turned it off |
11:39:32 | | Quit speachy (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
11:39:41 | dconrad_web | well that's good to know, dunno why it would have an effect though |
11:40:03 | tertu | i was getting oom errors on usb plugin or something |
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11:40:09 | tertu | probably should have written it down |
11:41:42 | dconrad_web | hm, that might have something to do with the recent usb rewrite then... I wonder if the new usb system uses more memory |
11:48:47 | Genju | now i can finally listen to some Havukruunu :) |
11:49:14 | Genju | device up and running, ended up browsing albums via file paths, gonna figure out the custom view when i haven't already had 10 hours of work |
12:00 |
12:05:46 | tertu | i'm also having issues playing a podcast which like |
12:06:03 | tertu | i guess that makes sense, but it shouldn't be trying to load the entire file into ram, right |
12:08:57 | tertu | specifically "audio_reset_buffer_noalloc(): EOM (526080 > 64)" |
12:10:06 | dconrad_web | how long is this podcast? I've been playing podcasts that are up to about an hour long, and I haven't seen such an issue |
12:10:20 | dconrad_web | yeah I don't believe the entire file gets loaded into memory |
12:10:58 | | Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@ip5f5abcae.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) |
12:11:42 | tertu | 93 minutes |
12:11:51 | tertu | well it looks like the allocation is like, 512KB or so? |
12:11:53 | tertu | that seems reasonable |
12:14:37 | tertu | i am not going to pretend to understand exactly what's going on here... |
12:15:19 | | Quit ZincAlloy (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
12:17:13 | dconrad_web | any chance you could link to that particular podcast that causes the issue? I'll have to defer to someone else on what's actually wrong, but I can see if I can replicate the issue |
12:17:56 | dconrad_web | (it sounds like it's a bit above my pay grade haha) |
12:19:07 | speachy | parsing mpeg4 containers is quite ram-intensive but I've not personally seen issues with stuff under a couple of hours long |
12:21:54 | speachy | (10+ hour audiobooks, otoh...) |
12:22:46 | tertu | it's an mp3 i think |
12:23:58 | tertu | https://podbay.fm/p/behind-the-bastards/e/1636455600 |
12:24:07 | tertu | this is where i grabbed the file, from the mp3 download link on this page |
12:25:55 | tertu | okay doing a cursory reading of the source code this error doesn't really make sense to me because it seems like everything is claiming memory based on how large the buffer is? |
12:27:02 | dconrad_web | did it give you that error right away, or after a while? it started playing ok for me |
12:29:04 | tertu | oh darn |
12:29:06 | tertu | right away |
12:29:21 | dconrad_web | jeez, go figure |
12:29:22 | tertu | when i opened it from the database anyway |
12:29:26 | tertu | *file browser |
12:29:27 | tertu | aaa |
12:29:49 | dconrad_web | yeah, I opened it from the file browser as well |
12:31:39 | tertu | it seems to play fine from the database?? |
12:31:52 | tertu | although there are also two copies of it in the database. for some reason. |
12:32:49 | tertu | and now it also plays fine from the file manager. |
12:33:08 | dconrad_web | hmm, is it possible you were initializing/updating the database in the background? |
12:33:32 | dconrad_web | I'm not quite sure, but my gut says that will probably eat quite a bit of memory |
12:33:42 | tertu | yes. i was |
12:34:05 | tertu | and right now it's using most of the memory on the player for buffering |
12:37:08 | tertu | so i'll not do that for now |
12:37:19 | dconrad_web | as for the two copies in the database, it's possible you've got a hidden file or file in the SD card's trash folder that got pulled into the database as well |
12:37:24 | tertu | AH |
12:37:26 | tertu | that would be it. |
12:38:22 | dconrad_web | that's gotten me before, you can narrow down the database's search by using the "Select directories to scan" feature in the database menu |
12:38:43 | | Join johnb5 [0] (~johnb2@p5b3af796.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
12:39:26 | tertu | i think i had an explicit exclusion filter on my old ipod |
12:39:40 | tertu | oh another question: what's the stop button? |
12:40:02 | dconrad_web | hold power button |
12:40:12 | dconrad_web | (but not long enough to shut off, obvs) |
12:40:28 | tertu | (also yes that seems to be it: updating the database at the same time as playing that file will absolutely crash the player 100% guaranteed) |
12:41:01 | dconrad_web | I wonder if we can control the size of memory allowed to those processes, but good to know that's possible |
12:41:02 | johnb5 | dconrad_web yes, the installation process was smooth. |
12:41:18 | dconrad_web | excellent! |
12:43:07 | tertu | it almost seems like it's a bug rather than just the player running out of memory, because the size of the pcmbuf under normal circumstances is ~512KB and that works fine |
12:43:49 | tertu | so like, it shouldn't be trying to allocate a buffer of only 64 bytes or whatever |
12:44:00 | dconrad_web | yeah it strikes me as a general bug, we've got way more memory than a lot of players in these things |
12:44:17 | dconrad_web | maybe you could make a bug report in flyspray? since it seems quite repeatable |
12:44:24 | tertu | yeah i'll do that later |
12:44:27 | dconrad_web | sweet |
12:49:15 | tertu | oh also like |
12:49:33 | tertu | the way the database auto update works, the database never stops updating? |
12:50:31 | tertu | which i guess makes sense, but it would be nice if you could do something like assume nothing that happens on the player itself could update the database |
12:52:25 | tertu | (as in, have rockbox only update the database on boot and after usb disconnect) |
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13:00:29 | tertu | not really super important under normal circumstances though |
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13:11:46 | munkis | tertu: I preform databse affecting actionns on my playyer on occasion. |
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14:38:33 | tertu | well, deleting tracks is database affecting, and i assume there's no other way for it to track that |
14:38:38 | tertu | which i guess makes sense |
14:38:54 | tertu | and the dircache would mean that it doesn't have to look at storage ever |
14:39:30 | tertu | also i think that contributes to what i've always considered rockbox's really good database performance |
14:39:59 | tertu | at least it does a lot better than say the fiio firmware on my x1 did |
14:40:57 | | Quit johnb5 (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
14:53:56 | tertu | are bookmarks tied to playlists? |
14:54:53 | amachronic | I'm pretty sure they are. |
14:59:13 | amachronic | does anyone have an opinion on g#3947? |
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14:59:16 | rb-bluebot | Gerrit review #3947 at https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/3947 : Revert "Database: Fix tag_albumartist; new tag_virt_canonicalartist." by Christian Soffke |
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15:21:24 | munkis | tertu: also moving files and adding database.ignores |
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17:12:43 | tertu | does the eros platform support inline headphone controls in theory? |
17:22:33 | dconrad_web | I don't believe so, at least I think I tried it once in the OF and it didn't work |
17:30:32 | speachy | they don't claim support for headphone remotes |
17:57:36 | | Quit dconrad_web (Quit: Connection closed) |
18:00 |
18:03:20 | munkis | can't find dissasembly pics to count the jack pins. |
18:08:25 | | Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving) |
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18:29:50 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 606 seconds. |
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18:36:26 | dconrad | ... are the x1000 devices really running at 1.008 ghz? |
18:37:15 | speachy | yep |
18:37:26 | speachy | well, we can downclock things but there's not much benefit |
18:40:16 | dconrad | dang |
18:46:22 | munkis | dconrad: did you do the native work for the eros devices? |
18:46:40 | dconrad | yeah |
18:47:27 | munkis | was any disassembly required? |
18:47:50 | dconrad | yeah, you can actually go through the forum threads if you want to look back at it |
18:48:12 | munkis | oh it'sin the forum, I as looking at the wiki |
18:48:33 | dconrad | honestly, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be - a fair number of hours, but not impossible with somewhat accurate source (and amachronic holding my hand!) |
18:49:01 | dconrad | https://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,53896.0.html |
18:50:33 | munkis | oh, I was referring to hardware disassembly (opening the case) |
18:50:45 | dconrad | oh, yeah I did that too |
18:50:47 | dconrad | lol |
18:51:01 | dconrad | um, the pictures are linked to on the forums as well I think |
18:51:39 | dconrad | https://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,53601.msg248705.html#msg248705 |
18:53:57 | dconrad | if you're crafty, you /can/ do a port without disassembly (I think the q1 was done without disassembly), but I found it helpful to know for sure what all the ICs were |
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19:04:19 | speachy | you can get a lot of info from the running linux environment FWIW |
19:04:23 | munkis | I just wwanted to count the connectors |
19:06:00 | munkis | it has 4 pins wich would imply trrs but the fze+ does as well and I believe only has TRS |
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19:32:56 | munkis | um yeah nvm fue+ has trrs |
19:39:40 | dconrad | If I recall correctly, those all ohmed out as shorted left to right...? something like that |
19:39:57 | dconrad | also, they have switches built in to detect when something is plugged in |
19:47:05 | munkis | they usually have switches, but not always. |
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21:39:59 | dconrad | tertu: if you want to try some builds, they should be available for download here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tg15wru8sc49gt4/AABSGNkFPMJoLg60A1RV2BtJa?dl=0 |
21:40:52 | dconrad | I tested it on my own device, and even the lowest value (50) works just fine, whereas before I couldn't go below 170... so I'm curious if it works without incident on your device, and if so what the lowest value that does work reliably is |
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21:41:19 | Mode | "#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.libera.chat) |
21:42:56 | munkis | for some reason PC is the instruction after the call to panic. |
21:45:21 | dconrad | also: g#3956 for anybody interested... I imagine I should probably add m3k to this patch as well, but I haven't tried it yet |
21:45:25 | rb-bluebot | Gerrit review #3956 at https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/3956 : x1000: delay power thread until valid battery read by Dana Conrad |
21:53:18 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 67fb558c89, 303 builds, 11 clients. |
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22:05:55 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 757 seconds. |
22:05:56 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 67fb558c89 result: All green |
22:08:19 | | Quit dconrad (Remote host closed the connection) |
22:08:59 | munkis | can anyone give me advice on debugging a queue overflow? |
22:10:16 | | Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@ |
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22:38:38 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision cf009b4cbb, 303 builds, 11 clients. |
22:38:55 | _bilgus | this should be interesting |
22:39:06 | | Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@ |
22:39:51 | _bilgus | munkis I don't know if its any help but what ablut setting the queue length longer and check if its larger than the old amount? |
22:40:55 | _bilgus | add a macro to allow you to get the name of the producer |
22:54:32 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 953 seconds. |
22:54:33 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision cf009b4cbb result: All green |
22:59:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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