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#rockbox log for 2021-12-06

00:26:29 Quit asabas (*.net *.split)
00:26:29 Quit tomato (*.net *.split)
00:26:29 Quit _bilgus (*.net *.split)
00:26:29 Quit Bobathan (*.net *.split)
00:26:29 Quit bluebrother (*.net *.split)
00:26:29 Quit JanC (*.net *.split)
00:26:29 Quit danwellby (*.net *.split)
00:26:30 Quit Romster (*.net *.split)
00:26:30 Quit Longclaw (*.net *.split)
00:26:30 Quit ufdm (*.net *.split)
00:26:30 Quit braewoods (*.net *.split)
00:26:30 Quit advcomp2019_ (*.net *.split)
00:26:31 Quit rb-bluebot (*.net *.split)
00:26:31 Quit rasher (*.net *.split)
00:26:31 Quit cb (*.net *.split)
00:26:31 Quit munkis (*.net *.split)
00:26:31 Quit rogeliodh (*.net *.split)
00:26:32 Quit Galois (*.net *.split)
00:26:32 Quit gevaerts (*.net *.split)
00:26:32 Quit hook54321 (*.net *.split)
00:26:32 Quit melmothX (*.net *.split)
00:26:32 Quit PaulFertser (*.net *.split)
00:26:32 Quit pixelma (*.net *.split)
00:26:32 Quit amdj (*.net *.split)
00:26:32 Quit jschwart (*.net *.split)
00:26:33 Quit Maxdamantus (*.net *.split)
00:26:33 Quit Solanacean_ (*.net *.split)
00:26:33 Quit mrkrisprolls (*.net *.split)
00:26:33 Quit user890104 (*.net *.split)
00:26:33 Quit SammysHP (*.net *.split)
00:26:33 Quit yang (*.net *.split)
00:26:33 Quit Arsen (*.net *.split)
00:26:33 Quit __builtin (*.net *.split)
00:26:33 Quit olspookishmagus (*.net *.split)
00:27:10 Join asabas [0] (~asabas@
00:27:10 Join hook54321 [0] (sid149355@user/hook54321)
00:27:10 Join tomato [0] (~tomato@user/tomato)
00:27:10 Join _bilgus [0] (~bilgus@
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00:27:10 Join Bobathan [0] (
00:27:10 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@user/bluebrother)
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00:27:10 Join melmothX [0] (~marco@amusewiki/marco)
00:27:10 Join JanC [0] (~janc@user/janc)
00:27:10 Join danwellby [0] (
00:27:10 Join Romster [0] (~romster@user/romster)
00:27:10 Join Longclaw [0] (bouncer@xn--n8jr8c7341a.xn--q9jyb4c)
00:27:10 Join ufdm [0] (
00:27:10 Join braewoods [0] (~braewoods@user/braewoods)
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00:27:10 Join Maxdamantus [0] (~Maxdamant@user/maxdamantus)
00:27:10 Join Solanacean_ [0] (solanacean@
00:27:10 Join Galois [0] (
00:27:10 Join gevaerts [0] (~fg@user/gevaerts)
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00:27:10 Join user890104 [0] (~Venci@freemyipod/user890104)
00:27:10 Join SammysHP [0] (
00:27:10 Join __builtin [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/builtin)
00:27:10 Join yang [0] (~yang@fsf/member/yang)
00:27:10 Join Arsen [0] (arsen@managarm/dev/Arsen)
00:27:10 Join olspookishmagus [0] (
00:27:15 Quit wolfshappen (Max SendQ exceeded)
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00:37:49 Join benjaoming [0] (~benjaomin@
00:37:49 Join Riviera [0] (Riviera@user/riviera)
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00:46:19 Join kadoban [0] (~kadoban@user/kadoban)
00:53:26 Quit amiconn (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
00:53:26 Quit pixelma (Quit: .)
00:55:55 Join amiconn [0] (
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07:30:47 Join speachy [0] (
07:30:48 Quit speachy (Changing host)
07:30:48 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy)
07:30:48Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
07:50:41speachylebellium: I think I've fixed the mail issue, but oddly enough there wasn't anything useful in the logs to go off of.
07:52:10speachyalso, FYI to everyone −− there's now a formal ticket for the fosshost migration, but so far I don't have any further specifics to share.
07:52:50speachy(our VM has to move from one facility to another, and as well as data copying time, the IP addresses will change)
08:22:58 Join cockroach [0] (~blattodea@user/cockroach)
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09:39:44 Join massiveH [0] (
10:47:47 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
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12:05:34 Join ZincAlloy [0] (
12:08:17 Quit _bilgus (Remote host closed the connection)
12:09:49 Quit ZincAlloy (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
12:39:12 Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@2a02:8108:943f:d824:408d:1473:5c3:98f0)
13:07:12 Join lebellium [0] (
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17:08:17***No seen item changed, no save performed.
17:28:28lebelliumspeachy: ok thanks
17:28:46lebelliumdid we remove the broken themes from the theme website at some point?
17:30:40lebelliumI can't find KiwiCam's ALiEn themes...
17:34:19lebelliumand several others as well
17:35:41lebelliumall themes are labelled as "works with current build" while at some point (but can't say exactly how long ago) there were several themes labelled as broken with curreny builds
17:37:16lebelliumdoesn't make it easy to identify which theme was broken/removed if someone wants to fix it...
17:37:51 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
18:09:26 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.)
19:08:18***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
19:23:12speachyI nuked a ton of older versions of themes, but nothing further.
19:23:37speachyactually I think I did nuke a couple of truly broken ones (that were causing crashes with checkwps)
21:08:19***No seen item changed, no save performed.
21:42:08 Quit j-r (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
21:46:29 Join _bilgus [0] (~bilgus@
22:16:53 Quit cockroach (Quit: leaving)
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