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#rockbox log for 2022-04-11

00:01:18rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision b9ab75732a, 303 builds, 8 clients.
00:22:09rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1251 seconds.
00:22:12rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision b9ab75732a result: All green
00:24:41***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
00:39:14 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
01:31:48 Quit spork (*.net *.split)
01:31:48 Quit michaelni (*.net *.split)
01:31:48 Quit paulcarroty (*.net *.split)
01:31:59 Join spork [0] (
01:32:29 Quit ufdm (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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01:33:21 Join michaelni [0] (
01:34:06 Join paulcarroty [0] (~paulcarro@2001:470:69fc:105::216)
01:43:13 Quit melmothX (*.net *.split)
01:43:45 Join melmothX [0] (
01:43:59 Quit melmothX (Signing in (melmothX))
01:43:59 Join melmothX [0] (~marco@amusewiki/marco)
01:47:30 Quit pixelma (Quit: .)
01:47:30 Quit amiconn (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
01:49:56 Join pixelma [0] (
01:49:57 Join amiconn [0] (
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05:59:17 Quit Natch (Remote host closed the connection)
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06:29:57 Join lebellium [0] (
07:32:06 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
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09:43:06 Quit speachy (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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09:48:46 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy)
09:48:46Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
10:05:49speachyd'oh, missed the certificate expiration warning.
10:06:02speachyexpirs tonight.
10:11:05braewoodsIs it LetsEncrypt?
10:11:36braewoodsHuh. I thought you'd be auto-renewing these.
10:11:48braewoodssince that's literally something it was designed for.
10:13:16braewoodsspeachy: is there a reason you don't have these on auto renewal?
10:13:48braewoodsthen again it can get quite complex depending on how it's intended to be used
10:14:11braewoodsfor non-HTTP services it tends to get rather involved to distribute certs
10:17:09 Join berber6 [0] (
10:18:39 Quit berber (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))
10:18:39 Nick berber6 is now known as berber (
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10:38:25 Quit speachy (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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10:44:39Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
11:12:05speachybraewoods: oh it is on auto-renewal, but the DNS propogation delay was too short for the secondaries to update in time. Just bumped up from 10 min to 30 min and all is copacetic now.
11:13:27speachyfinally sorted out
11:13:42speachynew cert valid through july, and auto-renewal should be sane now.
11:17:27 Quit speachy (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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11:22:01Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
11:33:11 Quit akaWolf (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
11:33:59braewoodsspeachy: oh, you use DNS method.
11:34:11braewoodsmakes sense i guess.
11:34:19speachybecause wildcard
11:35:02braewoodswhy wildcard? i know it's convenient but many times you can just request a cert for all your subdomains you intend to use
11:37:42speachyit's simpler?
11:38:28braewoodsi guess that works.
11:40:31speachyalso some of the subdomains were a little finiky for web-based authentication due to rewriting rules −− eg gerrit
11:40:51speachycertbot renewal authentication, that is.
11:47:06 Join akaWolf [0] (
11:49:12 Quit speachy (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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11:56:59Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
11:57:49 Quit speachy (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:03:24 Join lebellium [0] (
12:04:45 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@
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12:04:46Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
12:06:47 Quit speachy (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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12:10:56Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
12:12:15 Quit speachy (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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12:28:37Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
12:39:12 Quit speachy (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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12:44:49Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
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12:50:59Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
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15:03:32sporkthat is _bilgus' dream. hardware as a plugin
15:04:06speachyas long as it's all self-describing!
16:25:02***No seen item changed, no save performed.
16:56:35 Quit ufdm_ (Quit: Leaving)
16:56:48 Join ufdm [0] (
17:00:00 Quit wolfshappen (Quit: later)
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17:21:43_bilgusit never! works that way
18:11:48 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
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19:01:27 Quit akaWolf (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
19:16:42 Join akaWolf [0] (
19:17:17 Quit ats (Quit: Lost terminal)
19:22:02 Join ats [0] (
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22:11:02 Quit akaWolf (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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22:28:51 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
22:41:40 Quit dconrad ()
22:56:37 Join saratoga [0] (
22:57:13saratogai've seen a few people comment that they get permission denied errors installing on the ipod 5g lately, did something break?

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