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10:17:32 | | Join amachronic [0] (~amachroni@user/amachronic) |
10:19:31 | amachronic | chris_s, I can't reproduce a crash on pictureflow with the current daily build could you provide more details? |
10:28:23 | | Join chris_s [0] (~chris_s@dslb-002-206-146-026.002.206.pools.vodafone-ip.de) |
10:35:44 | chris_s | It seems to crash consistently for me (as long as the database contains more than 1 album) as soon as I (re-)launch the plugin after the album index has already been built. |
10:35:45 | chris_s | (Clean, daily build with default settings, except “Load to RAM” enabled (and restarted afterwards). |
10:35:45 | chris_s | Reverting the commit reliably fixes it. I can try to find out if it is somehow only triggered by certain albums, if you continue to be unable to reproduce it. |
10:37:09 | amachronic | what's the panic message? |
10:38:27 | chris_s | *PANIC* Exception occurred: Address Error (Logd or Ifetch) [0x83e1ecb3] at 0x83e0708c (stack at 0x80002a14) |
10:38:41 | amachronic | okay awesome, let's see what that is. |
10:42:17 | amachronic | somewhere in pictureflow_main, apparently |
10:45:25 | _bilgus | amachronic https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/4533/1/apps/plugins/pictureflow/pictureflow.c#4306 looks suspicious |
10:46:08 | _bilgus | div by 4 + 3 or 7?? |
10:47:03 | amachronic | that's a div by 4, plus sizeof(long)-1 to cover the ALIGN_BUFFER below |
10:47:13 | _bilgus | sould be - maybe the macro normally flips the sign? |
10:47:51 | _bilgus | ah you remeber when you fixed my bug a long time ago in pf |
10:48:16 | amachronic | ALIGN_DOWN is just rounding pf_idx.buf_size/4 down to a multiple of four. |
10:49:02 | amachronic | although now that i think about it aa_bufsz is wrong since it's including the alignment padding |
10:49:06 | amachronic | sigh |
10:49:32 | _bilgus | https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/3330/2/apps/plugins/pictureflow/pictureflow.c#3591 |
10:49:39 | _bilgus | same spot i think |
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10:57:00 | _bilgus | amachronic I'd say you found it it later subtracts from the buffer and pulls it out of alignment |
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10:58:27 | amachronic | it could be but if pf_idx.buf is not aligned it should get fixed up later anyhow |
10:59:15 | amachronic | i guess we'll see if it fixes the problem |
10:59:42 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision f661dc596e, 303 builds, 8 clients. |
11:00 |
11:10:59 | _bilgus | well unless alignof has some weird behavior thats the only thing I see off |
11:13:22 | _bilgus | ah actually it appears it does https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Alignment.html |
11:13:54 | _bilgus | struct foo { int x; char y; } foo1; |
11:13:54 | _bilgus | the value of __alignof__ (foo1.y) is 1, even though its actual alignment is probably 2 or 4, the same as __alignof__ (int). It is an error to ask for the alignment of an incomplete type other than void. |
11:14:23 | _bilgus | but you aren't pulling members |
11:14:28 | chris_s | same panic message, it looks like |
11:18:12 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 1111 seconds. |
11:18:19 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision f661dc596e result: 4 errors 0 warnings |
11:19:07 | amachronic | ok. all the inlining is making it hard to see where it's faulting from the disasm |
11:21:05 | _bilgus | there is also something about some not requiring alignment and then defaulting t the minimum (??1 char presumably) |
11:22:28 | amachronic | i doubt they actually do that on any sane machine - even on x86 alignment makes a huge performance difference |
11:22:37 | _bilgus | maybe warn_if_not_aligned (alignment) |
11:22:59 | _bilgus | then you might see it at compile time |
11:23:33 | amachronic | in any event on riscs, alignment is a hard requirement so i wouldn't worry about that |
11:24:11 | _bilgus | idk after chasing a 0x4 vs 0x8 bug through ARM Thumb I don't assume |
11:24:38 | _bilgus | idk what processors those two are but.. |
11:26:57 | amachronic | okay I think I found it |
11:27:23 | amachronic | load_album_index is not aligning stuff properly, surprise surprise... |
11:28:10 | amachronic | g#4542 |
11:28:14 | rb-bluebot | Gerrit review #4542 at https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/4542 : pictureflow: fix album index alignment in load_album_index by Aidan MacDonald |
11:28:46 | _bilgus | oh see I saw it here https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/4533/1/apps/plugins/pictureflow/pictureflow.c#1408 |
11:29:21 | amachronic | hmm that looks pretty sketchy too |
11:29:34 | _bilgus | its char aligned after a few of those |
11:30:43 | _bilgus | probably a better idea is to give them an allocator |
11:31:07 | _bilgus | but its that way because a lack of resources |
11:33:24 | amachronic | i'll give it a 2nd pass later and fix up that stuff |
11:34:03 | amachronic | an allocator sounds like a good idea but hard to see how it'd work cause of how it builds the indexes backward etc. |
11:34:19 | _bilgus | I didn't like working on PF whatsoever so I'm glad chris_s is interested in it :) |
11:34:41 | chris_s | lol, thanks – seems to get rid of the crash :) |
11:34:51 | amachronic | yes it's a nightmare :D |
11:35:01 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 4b293285ea, 303 builds, 8 clients. |
11:39:25 | _bilgus | I'm still working on the keyboard code Ive started over a few times now because I feel its way too large code wise |
11:39:44 | _bilgus | like adding 5-10k large |
11:40:50 | _bilgus | Ive got the NUMPAD though and indexes I'm debating to keep the code to capitalize unicode or go back to just shifting pages |
11:41:38 | _bilgus | I'm leaning towards the latter bc its a lot less code |
11:42:06 | _bilgus | let the person making the keyboard reson about it |
11:44:16 | _bilgus | I've also started thinking about touch screens with my current scheme I think I can just auto size the font to max that will fit in the available space and hopefully get it large enough to touch |
11:45:48 | _bilgus | I'm currently using macros to exclude things from small screen vs large screens but I think it might be better to use anouther few PUA unicode chars to allow different targets in the same board |
11:47:58 | _bilgus | like FEF0 for large screens FEF1 for small screens FEF2 for touchscreens then the target can parse the def from user kbd too |
11:48:28 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 808 seconds. |
11:48:30 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 4b293285ea result: 4 errors 0 warnings |
11:49:30 | amachronic | _bilgus that all sounds like good ideas but I wonder is the kbd flexible enough for small vs. large screen to make a big difference? |
11:49:53 | amachronic | the last time i tried your patch (weeks ago) it didn't make a lot of use of the available screen space |
12:00 |
12:00:39 | _bilgus | the num pad takes up some of that but the clip zip has one page for just A-Z |
12:01:15 | _bilgus | the bigger screens should be able to show most common symbols too |
12:02:25 | _bilgus | but probably not touchscreens.. |
12:03:30 | _bilgus | I still dislike the menu I think* want it as a horizontal scroller |
12:04:56 | _bilgus | then you could touch arrows or hit the index to go to a new page |
12:06:43 | _bilgus | but I figure thats something to add for everyone to use so it can just be a later possibility |
12:07:21 | amachronic | yeah, it's better not to go overboard just get the basic functionality in and build extras on top |
12:08:27 | amachronic | the current kbd is nearly unusable with the touchscreen anyway so leaving that out at first isn't a big deal imho |
12:10:34 | _bilgus | Yeah I figure get everything as modular as possible for later expansion in its current form its very rigid |
12:11:51 | _bilgus | the vports help a lot in that regard |
12:12:40 | _bilgus | I am liking the long press for caps though its become v ingrained to te point its bothersome to use the old builds |
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