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#rockbox log for 2022-10-04

00:37:10 Quit m01 (Quit: Konversation terminated.)
00:39:12 Join m01 [0] (
00:52:31***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
02:52:34***No seen item changed, no save performed.
04:52:36***No seen item changed, no save performed.
06:52:38***No seen item changed, no save performed.
08:16:56 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a993:4900:c861:ca34:e0a5:e61)
08:52:39***No seen item changed, no save performed.
10:25:56 Join tomato7 [0] (~tomato@user/tomato)
10:28:19 Quit tomato (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
10:28:19 Nick tomato7 is now known as tomato (~tomato@user/tomato)
10:29:07speachytertw: that unfortunately doesn't say anything useful. but it does generate a log, that will at least say what's going on.
10:36:16 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
10:52:41***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
12:07:15 Join cockroach [0] (~blattodea@user/cockroach)
12:21:12 Quit cockroach (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit reductum_ (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit hactar|ant (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit hexadecagram (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit Galois (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit Nezumi-sama (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit kugel (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit danwellby (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit bluebrother^ (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit LjL (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit gevaerts (*.net *.split)
12:21:12 Quit Xeha (*.net *.split)
12:21:13 Quit kirvesAxe (*.net *.split)
12:21:13 Quit _builtin (*.net *.split)
12:21:13 Quit Pokey (*.net *.split)
12:21:13 Quit SammysHP (*.net *.split)
12:21:13 Quit Riviera (*.net *.split)
12:21:13 Quit Ckat (*.net *.split)
12:21:13 Quit speachy (*.net *.split)
12:21:14 Quit prg (*.net *.split)
12:21:14 Quit braewoods (*.net *.split)
12:21:14 Quit hombrelaser (*.net *.split)
12:21:14 Quit funman (*.net *.split)
12:21:14 Quit wolfshappen (*.net *.split)
12:22:52 Join cockroach [0] (~blattodea@user/cockroach)
12:22:52 Join reductum_ [0] (
12:22:52 Join hactar|ant [0] (
12:22:52 Join hexadecagram [0] (~acc@user/hexadecagram)
12:22:52 Join Galois [0] (
12:22:52 Join Nezumi-sama [0] (
12:22:53 Join kugel [0] (
12:22:53 Join danwellby [0] (
12:22:53 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy)
12:22:53 Join bluebrother^ [0] (~dom@user/bluebrother)
12:22:53 Join LjL [0] (~ljl@user/ljl)
12:22:53 Join gevaerts [0] (~fg@user/gevaerts)
12:22:53 Join prg [0] (
12:22:53 Join Xeha [0] (~Xeha@user/Xeha)
12:22:53 Join braewoods [0] (~braewoods@user/braewoods)
12:22:53 Join hombrelaser [0] (~my@user/hombrelaser)
12:22:53 Join funman [0] (
12:22:53 Join kirvesAxe [0] (kirvesaxe@user/kirvesaxe)
12:22:53 Join wolfshappen [0] (
12:22:53 Join Ckat [0] (~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g)
12:22:53 Join Riviera [0] (Riviera@user/riviera)
12:22:53 Join SammysHP [0] (
12:22:53 Join Pokey [0] (~pokey@spikeyCactus/hoosky)
12:22:53 Join _builtin [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/builtin)
12:22:53Mode"#rockbox +v speachy " by
12:23:00 Quit Pokey (Max SendQ exceeded)
12:23:01 Join [Pokey] [0] (~pokey@spikeyCactus/hoosky)
12:23:01 Quit wolfshappen (Max SendQ exceeded)
12:23:18 Join wolfshappen [0] (
12:24:10 Quit hexadecagram (Max SendQ exceeded)
12:31:42 Quit cockroach (Quit: leaving)
12:36:29 Join hexadecagram [0] (~acc@user/hexadecagram)
12:52:43***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
13:19:21 Join lebellium [0] (
14:52:44***No seen item changed, no save performed.
16:52:47***No seen item changed, no save performed.
17:56:03 Quit speachy (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
17:57:55 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@
17:57:55 Quit speachy (Changing host)
17:57:55 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy)
17:57:55Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
17:58:35 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
18:52:49***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
19:19:10 Quit launchdemon (Remote host closed the connection)
19:19:44 Join launchd [0] (launchd@bitbot/launchd)
19:49:14 Nick launchd is now known as launchdemon (launchd@bitbot/launchd)
20:52:50***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
22:36:36 Quit ats (Remote host closed the connection)
22:36:51 Join ats [0] (
22:52:51***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
23:12:37 Quit ats (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
23:12:52 Join ats [0] (
23:53:22 Quit hexadecagram (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)

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