00:10:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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08:56:59 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 21ca64d7cd, 303 builds, 8 clients. |
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09:21:32 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 1473 seconds. |
09:21:35 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 21ca64d7cd result: All green |
09:41:25 | | Join michaelni [0] (~michael@84-115-40-24.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) |
09:48:10 | speachy | bluebrother: hey, I have a feature request for bluebot −− when logging the beginning of a build round, can you also log the first line of the commit? (maybe the author too?) |
09:52:13 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision ed95892a1f, 303 builds, 8 clients. |
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10:16:50 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 1476 seconds. |
10:16:51 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision ed95892a1f result: All green |
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10:40:02 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 7d13c0c4eb, 303 builds, 8 clients. |
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11:03:40 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 1418 seconds. |
11:03:42 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 7d13c0c4eb result: All green |
11:04:48 | bluebrother | speachy: ok, tried something. Waiting for the next build round to start to see if it worked :) |
11:21:44 | | Join fourHZ [0] (~fourHZ@92-52-40-121.dynamic.orange.sk) |
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12:03:07 | MarcAndersen | Doing some more testing on the voice problem. This is really annoying. I have a theory that I will tell you if it's true. |
12:07:34 | | Join MarcAndersen_ [0] (~no_znepna@93-163-32-211-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) |
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12:08:44 | | Nick MarcAndersen_ is now known as MarcAndersen (~no_znepna@93-163-32-211-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) |
12:10:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:12:08 | MarcAndersen | With the current revision it says "r" after each option, with the previous it said "s", and with f3358eb20a it says "x". 5883cb4a52 works. |
12:12:55 | MarcAndersen | Anyone else who want to try? I'm lost. |
13:00 |
13:03:27 | _bilgus | thats what git bisect is for did you try that? |
13:09:11 | MarcAndersen | I know next to nothing about git |
13:10:23 | _bilgus | its so easy I gave you the 3 command you need yesterday |
13:10:29 | _bilgus | $ git bisect start; git bisect good 5883cb4a52; git bisect bad f3358eb20a; each a separate commend |
13:10:34 | _bilgus | command* |
13:11:06 | _bilgus | give me a second I don't have time to run through this all day but ill upload you a newer build |
13:11:18 | _bilgus | the next one dealing with langs in that tree |
13:11:30 | _bilgus | gigabeast S right? |
13:11:50 | MarcAndersen | Yes, and nano 1g |
13:13:11 | _bilgus | which are you testing currently? I have the gigabeast spun up |
13:13:40 | MarcAndersen | gigabeats |
13:26:33 | _bilgus | https://www.mediafire.com/file/p5864d7qwft4kp2/gigabeatS_rockbox_b53d2bc.zip |
13:26:41 | _bilgus | MarcAndersen, |
13:28:41 | MarcAndersen | _bilgus: got it |
13:32:38 | MarcAndersen | _bilgus: It works! But could you make a build with espeak? I hate festival |
13:32:47 | _bilgus | fuck that |
13:34:14 | _bilgus | do it your self if you want to be picky |
13:34:59 | MarcAndersen | But what did you do to get it work? |
13:35:56 | _bilgus | git checkout b53d2bc; make -j3 && make zip && make voice |
13:36:43 | _bilgus | we are diagnosing the issue not trying to get you a working build presumably there is something that broke it |
13:37:32 | MarcAndersen | Oh I misunderstood. Thanks a lot! |
13:41:11 | MarcAndersen | Then it must be between b53d2bc and f3358eb |
13:42:20 | _bilgus | yeah we will try and get it closer |
13:42:33 | _bilgus | then do git bisect with whatever is left |
13:47:25 | _bilgus | and another this time from 2022 http://www.mediafire.com/file/9vr71jgxsle2mcq/gigabeatS_rockbox_e5e457b.zip |
13:49:00 | MarcAndersen | Got it |
13:52:34 | MarcAndersen | It says x after each option and can not spell |
13:52:58 | _bilgus | good now we have a smaller range few more to go |
13:55:49 | _bilgus | bisect says 8 to go |
14:00 |
14:00:41 | _bilgus | MarcAndersen, http://www.mediafire.com/file/up73fihdt6z5629/gigabeatS_rockbox_ed897d135.zip |
14:01:22 | MarcAndersen | _bilgus: I'm eating dinner, brb |
14:01:41 | _bilgus | i'm leaving so try later then |
14:01:49 | MarcAndersen | Oh |
14:05:02 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 528b6a9a15, 303 builds, 9 clients. |
14:05:03 | rb-bluebot | manual: Update screenshots by Christian Soffke |
14:10:23 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
14:14:43 | | Join chris_s [0] (~chris_s@ip-095-223-074-147.um35.pools.vodafone-ip.de) |
14:15:44 | chris_s | let me know if anyone has issues getting used to one of the previous commits. They're easy to revert or adjust if necessary. |
14:15:48 | chris_s | May obviously feel a bit unfamiliar at first |
14:20:05 | MarcAndersen | _bilgus, ed897d135 works! |
14:21:05 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 964 seconds. |
14:21:07 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 528b6a9a15 result: All green |
14:24:17 | | Quit chris_s (Quit: Connection closed) |
14:24:51 | _bilgus | MarcAndersen, i'll be back later you can do this yourself 'git bisect start' then git 'bisect good ed897d135' 'git bisect bad e5e457b' then do 'make clean && make reconf && make -j3 && make zip && make voice' copy the files and type 'git bisect good' if it works or 'git bisect bad' if it doesn't |
14:25:24 | _bilgus | that should be 'git bisect good ed897d135' |
14:26:14 | _bilgus | each of those don't include the quotes and in 7 or less builds you should have the bad commit |
14:27:04 | _bilgus | here is a guild too https://www.git-tower.com/learn/git/faq/git-bisect/ |
14:27:08 | _bilgus | guide* |
14:27:22 | MarcAndersen | Ok will try |
14:50:18 | MarcAndersen | It's going along here. 1 good and 1 bad with 5 to go. |
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15:08:10 | | Join jacobk [0] (~quassel@47-186-81-17.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) |
15:22:35 | MarcAndersen | Voice problem: df3afcfa3b63b8f4ca012a428e35dfb24bba4bb9 is the first bad commit |
16:00 |
16:07:24 | speachy | that doesn't make sense.. it adds a couple of language strings for a plugin to use. |
16:10:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:39:30 | MarcAndersen | That was what I got by git bisect |
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18:45:40 | | Join bilgus_ph [0] (~bilgus_ph@ |
18:46:30 | bilgus_ph | MarcAndersen good job |
18:46:47 | bilgus_ph | Now you know how to get bisect |
18:47:30 | bilgus_ph | Speachy how much you wanna bet it is something to do with the number of talk entries |
18:48:12 | bilgus_ph | Do plugin talk entries still get built when plugins are omitted |
18:48:56 | bilgus_ph | I'll be a while yet but maybe we can try removing some of the talk entries at head and see if I works |
18:49:06 | | Quit bilgus_ph (Client Quit) |
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20:10:30 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:37:46 | speachy | I think so. |
20:38:42 | speachy | I don't see why it would only fail on a couple of targets; there's nothing special about them and there are no inherent limits to the number of voice clips. |
22:00 |
22:10:31 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
23:00 |
23:32:19 | _bilgus | MarcAndersen, when you get a chance try this build http://www.mediafire.com/file/k68kzlnffi4pt20/gigabeatS_rockbox_HEAD-PF-chessbox.zip |
23:32:41 | _bilgus | its the build at head but with those strings and chessbox strings removed |
23:34:20 | _bilgus | I really see no changes that could cause issue in that commit, you might try running bisect again just to be sure you didn't mess up wouldn't be the first time it was wrong but its usually something I did when it fails like forgot to copy a file or do make reconf/clean or something |
23:35:18 | MarcAndersen | sorry |
23:37:16 | | Quit m01 (Quit: Konversation terminated.) |
23:39:16 | MarcAndersen | works |
23:39:27 | | Join m01 [0] (~quassel@vps-b172b88b.vps.ovh.net) |