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#rockbox log for 2023-09-03

00:02:07 Join Trzyzet_ [0] (
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00:03:08 Quit Trzyzet (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
00:03:08 Nick Trzyzet_ is now known as Trzyzet (
00:07:52 Quit bertrik (Server closed connection)
00:08:08 Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@revspace/participant/bertrik)
00:08:20 Join digitalis [0] (~digitalis@user/digitalis)
00:14:44digitalisHi, rockbox utility is stuck on "Downloading bootloader file". This wasn't a problem when I used the program 5ish days ago.
00:15:03digitalisAlso, is /wiki down or is it just me?
00:37:17 Quit m01 (Quit: Konversation terminated.)
00:40:02 Join m01 [0] (
00:57:26 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
01:02:23 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
01:06:32 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
01:36:52sporkdigitalis: some stuff is down because of the weather where it is hosted
01:37:46sporkhurrican idalia i think it is called
01:40:28digitalisahhh, gotcha
01:46:41digitalishope everything is okay
02:02:44***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
02:46:50 Quit lusciouslover (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
03:02:38 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
03:07:08 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
03:51:40 Join lebellium [0] (
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04:14:50 Quit lebellium (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:15:12 Join lebellium [0] (
05:03:08 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
05:07:40 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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06:29:44 Join Malinux [0] (~malin@2001:4641:4dfa::12c:c4a7)
06:45:32 Join jjs007 [0] (jjs007@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jjs007)
06:45:38 Quit JanC (Remote host closed the connection)
06:45:52 Join JanC [0] (~janc@user/janc)
07:03:17 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
07:07:49 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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09:03:45 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
09:08:12 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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10:31:17 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
10:59:58 Quit danwellby (Remote host closed the connection)
11:23:03 Join danwellby [0] (
11:36:31 Quit dconrad (Remote host closed the connection)
11:41:18 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy)
11:41:18Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
11:42:21speachyFYI, un-wedged the wiki again.  For the record, that had nothing to do with the hurricane, beyond my being heavily distracted by recovery efforts)
11:44:15speachywith respect to what _was_ affected by the storm −− Yesterday I migrated the master DNS to a new host. email (outbound and inbound) is still down, but as soon as I finish data transfers I can light that back up again.
11:44:22 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
11:44:57speachy(~46GB left to transfer over a ~5-10Mbps link)
11:48:43speachy(It was hosted on a server at my home, which took a direct hit from Hurricane Idalia.  My generator is holding up fine but $ISP is still down, four days later..)
11:48:59 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
12:03:01***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
12:34:37TrzyzetSounds like you're fine and in that situation that's the most important thing speachy.
13:04:06 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
13:08:30 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
13:08:31 Quit Nyaa (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:10:11 Quit jjs007 (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
13:10:23 Join Nyaa [0] (
13:25:27kirvesAxespeachy, you just reminded me of this xkcd in a good way :)
13:54:50 Quit braewoods (Remote host closed the connection)
13:57:13 Join braewoods [0] (~braewoods@user/braewoods)
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14:33:24 Join PheralSparky [0] (~Shawn@user/shawn/x-4432647)
15:04:26 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
15:08:39 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
15:26:15 Join lusciouslover [0] (
15:28:51 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
15:44:42 Quit dconrad ()
15:44:48_bilgusspeachy when I tried I got ssh: Could not resolve hostname to: Name or service not known and couldn't get gerrit or rbo..
15:45:42_bilgus~7hrs ago
15:56:18 Quit speachy (Quit: Connection closed)
15:56:49 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@
15:56:49 Quit speachy (Changing host)
15:56:49 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy)
15:56:49Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
15:57:09speachybilgus: is that still a problem? From here, I'm hitting the same public DNS now as everyone else.
16:03:06***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
16:06:33 Quit Nyaa (Remote host closed the connection)
16:11:21 Join Nyaa [0] (
17:19:51 Join danwellby-1 [0] (
17:25:17 Quit danwellby (Quit: Watch out For sysops carrying carpet and quicklime)
17:25:18 Nick danwellby-1 is now known as danwellby (
17:53:12 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
18:03:09***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
18:37:45 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a982:c800:69fc:4213:ed6e:93d2)
18:44:34 Quit PheralSparky (Remote host closed the connection)
18:54:47 Join PheralSparky [0] (~Shawn@user/shawn/x-4432647)
19:38:01_bilgusworks now
20:03:13***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
20:10:28 Quit Nyaa (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20:11:53 Join Nyaa [0] (
22:00:06 Quit speachy (Quit: WeeChat 4.0.4)
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22:13:08 Quit Nyaa (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:15:08 Join Nyaa [0] (
23:09:07 Quit lusciouslover (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
23:23:37 Join lusciouslover [0] (

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