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#rockbox log for 2023-11-16

00:09:55 Join jacobk [0] (
00:16:48 Quit pixelma (Server closed connection)
00:17:01 Join pixelma [0] (
00:18:21 Quit amiconn (Server closed connection)
00:18:30 Join amiconn [0] (
00:22:02 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
00:28:27 Join jacobk [0] (
01:23:20 Quit pixelma (Quit: .)
01:23:20 Quit amiconn (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
01:24:18 Join pixelma [0] (
01:24:19 Join amiconn [0] (
01:36:25 Quit pixelma (Quit: .)
01:36:25 Quit amiconn (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
01:37:29 Join amiconn [0] (
01:37:29 Join pixelma [0] (
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02:20:26 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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03:50:33 Quit bleb (Server closed connection)
03:50:48 Join bleb [0] (~cm@user/bleb)
04:11:30 Join ac_laptop [0] (~ac_laptop@2001:910:107e:1:e29d:31ff:fe2d:a258)
04:39:43 Quit PheralSparky (Quit: Leaving)
05:48:21 Quit michaelni (Server closed connection)
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05:56:49 Quit bluebrother (Server closed connection)
05:57:15 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@user/bluebrother)
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05:58:40 Join rb-bluebot [0] (~rb-bluebo@rockbox/bot/utility)
06:09:27 Quit buZz (Server closed connection)
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06:09:58 Nick buZz is now known as Guest8004 (
06:50:46 Nick Guest8004 is now known as buZz (
07:03:54 Quit CH23_M (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
07:06:31 Join CH23_M [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23)
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09:20:40 Join CH23_ [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23)
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10:33:35 Join othello7 [0] (
11:27:38 Quit Ckat (Server closed connection)
11:27:58 Join Ckat [0] (~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g)
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11:58:38 Quit funman (Server closed connection)
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12:10:22 Quit prg (Server closed connection)
12:10:37 Join prg [0] (
12:27:25 Quit dbohdan (Server closed connection)
12:35:49 Join dbohdan [0] (~dbohdan@user/dbohdan)
13:11:39 Quit SammysHP (Server closed connection)
13:11:59 Join SammysHP [0] (
13:17:09tertudoes building rockbox on aarch64 macos work currently/
13:23:16 Quit sch (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
13:31:32 Join lebellium [0] (
13:36:49 Join sch [0] (
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13:51:10 Quit jssfr (Server closed connection)
13:56:39 Quit sch (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
14:12:10 Join sch [0] (
14:16:32 Quit sch (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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15:05:58 Join jacobk [0] (
15:32:12 Join davisr [0] (~davisr@fsf/emeritus/davisr)
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15:50:07 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
16:18:38 Quit sch (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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16:30:33 Quit CH23_ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
16:30:52 Join jacobk [0] (
16:34:53 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
16:55:19 Join jacobk [0] (~quassel@
17:01:36 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
17:23:58 Quit sch (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
17:29:06 Quit ac_laptop (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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17:57:46 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
18:20:01 Join Moriar [0] (
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18:46:37 Join jacobk [0] (
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19:08:50Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
19:10:03speachytertu: short answer: no. longer answer: there's no inherent reason why not, but the older toolchains we still rely on aren't buildable under the ARM Macs.
19:12:16speachyand more modern toolchains currently exhibit some problems for some targets.
19:13:44speachynow if you wanted to build a "native" SDL application or UISim build onder MacOS, that currently doesn't work either due to substantial divergence in the Mac cmdline stuff vs Linux. Someone posted some patches to improve this but it broke non-Mac builds rather badly.
19:18:26 Join chris_s [0] (
19:21:32chris_sAs for the sim, the patches from g5278 on can be used to build and run it on AS. For the toolchain, a VM still seems the way to go
19:21:53chris_sspeachy: Were you talking about these patches, or something else?
19:24:37speachyI think so, which shows I'm misremembering the state of affairs
19:24:37 Quit CH23_M (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
19:25:09 Join CH23_M [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23)
19:28:17 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a982:c800:3cb0:db21:2de4:e8b9)
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20:01:45 Join CH23_ [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23)
20:24:31 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
20:29:41 Quit Maxdamantus (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20:30:37 Join Maxdamantus [0] (~Maxdamant@user/maxdamantus)
20:48:43 Quit CH23_ (Quit: Leaving)
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21:01:40 Join Maxdamantus [0] (~Maxdamant@user/maxdamantus)
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21:50:15 Quit Moriar (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
21:54:48 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
22:01:43 Quit Maxdamantus (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
22:02:17 Join Maxdamantus [0] (~Maxdamant@user/maxdamantus)
22:17:09 Quit speachy (Quit: WeeChat 4.1.1)
22:24:50 Quit skipwich (Server closed connection)
22:25:13 Join skipwich [0] (~skipwich@user/skipwich)
22:58:14 Join InvoxiPlayGames [0] (~InvoxiPla@
22:59:17 Quit IPG (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
23:01:30 Quit ParkerR (Server closed connection)
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23:05:08 Quit Nezumi-sama (Server closed connection)
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23:29:33 Quit othello7 (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
23:46:59 Quit LjL (Server closed connection)
23:47:16 Join LjL [0] (~ljl@user/ljl)
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