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#rockbox log for 2024-03-14

00:02:06 Join smbgaiden [0] (
00:03:14smbgaidenhi all, have a question about a fix for plugin button handling on my device (an erosq by hifi walker)
00:04:07smbgaidenthe plugins seem to handle keys in two different ways of which one works and one doesn't.
00:04:25smbgaidenExample, snake 2 works. no more need to discuss this way
00:05:05smbgaidenbubbles, brickmania and others don't seem to work with the scroll wheel, so i dug in
00:06:40smbgaidenin apps/plugins/lib/pluginlib_actions.c there's a structure of pla_remote_ctx that maps out the buttons for plugins
00:10:30smbgaidenwithin that there's the sections related with the erosq: 1) scrolling assigned to pla_left/ right, 2) ifdef guard on HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL which assigns scrolling buttons to pla_scroll_fwd / back, and 3) the other buttons
00:11:54smbgaidensince 1 and 2 are concerned with the same scroll buttons and likely the key check function bails out after first match, the plugins will only see left/ right actions and not scroll_fwd / back
00:12:47smbgaidenhowever, in bubbles.c there's the same guard on HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL to assign BUBBLES_LEFT/RIGHT to the scroll actions
00:13:14smbgaidenthese actions will never be sent so the turret won't move
00:16:52smbgaideni added the PLA_LEFT/RIGHT under their respective PLA scroll actions AKA BUBBLES_LEFT/RIGHT in bubbles.c bubbles_handlebuttons and after building then running the turret was moving with the scroll wheel movements
00:18:48smbgaidenseems the fix should be to remove the assignment of erosq scroll to the pla_left/right in the pluginlib_actions.c and check the plugins that use the structure whether they need modifications from left/right to scroll fwd/back
00:19:58 Join AndroUser2 [0] (~androirc@2607:fb90:bd9f:e35:4b7:ec1e:dad0:de32)
00:24:11 Quit smbgaiden (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
00:24:29 Nick AndroUser2 is now known as smbgaiden (~androirc@2607:fb90:bd9f:e35:4b7:ec1e:dad0:de32)
00:29:03smbgaidenguess i failed to ask a question, given the above where to go from here to mainline fixes?
00:42:36_bilgus_smbgaiden, gerrit is where we do patches
00:44:16smbgaidenthanks, will have a look
00:44:22_bilgus_or if you want to post a patch file on the forum I can add it later
00:44:44_bilgus_seeing as its not v. much code
00:46:40smbgaidenthank you, very much appreciate your kindness. was just looking thru all the steps on how to get a log in
00:46:59smbgaideni have a forum login, but not oauth
00:47:12 Quit Piece_Maker (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 -
00:48:51 Join Piece_Maker [0] (
00:53:39smbgaidenread them
00:54:53smbgaidenwill do the scan thru the plugins and test out any variations on button handling logic for those that i can run before posting the patch into the forum
01:00:48_bilgus_ok i'm busy af if I dont respond within a day or so to have you test it on the forum say something to me in here
01:13:28smbgaidenthank you, will comply
01:17:52smbgaidensleep time, be back another time with news
01:18:00 Quit smbgaiden (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
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03:02:33 Quit Galois (Remote host closed the connection)
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04:57:18 Quit PheralSparky (Quit: Leaving)
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