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00:19:39 | Join othello7 [0] ( | |
00:42:26 | Quit othello7 (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | |
00:46:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:00 | ||
01:09:32 | Join advcomp2019__ [0] (~advcomp20@user/advcomp2019) | |
01:12:45 | Quit advcomp2019_ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
02:00 | ||
02:00:05 | Quit CH23[m] (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
02:00:35 | Join CH23[m] [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23) | |
02:46:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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04:36:27 | Quit paulk (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | |
04:38:48 | Join paulk [0] ( | |
04:38:48 | Quit paulk (Changing host) | |
04:38:48 | Join paulk [0] (~paulk@about/aquilenet/user/paulk) | |
04:43:24 | Quit paulk (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | |
04:43:45 | Join paulk [0] (~paulk@about/aquilenet/user/paulk) | |
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06:46:30 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
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07:44:18 | Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy) | |
07:44:19 | Mode | "#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ ( |
07:45:56 | speachy | |
07:47:36 | speachy | |
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08:06:48 | rb-bluebot | |
08:06:48 | rb-bluebot | |
08:16:36 | rb-bluebot | |
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08:16:40 | rb-bluebot | |
08:16:41 | rb-bluebot | |
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08:25:39 | rb-bluebot | |
08:25:43 | rb-bluebot | |
08:25:43 | rb-bluebot | |
08:34:16 | rb-bluebot | |
08:34:17 | rb-bluebot | |
08:34:21 | rb-bluebot | |
08:34:21 | rb-bluebot | |
08:40:06 | Join f_ [0] (~AUGESOUND@user/f-:38077) | |
08:43:30 | rb-bluebot | |
08:43:31 | rb-bluebot | |
08:46:32 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
09:00 | ||
09:22:22 | speachy | |
09:22:40 | speachy | |
09:34:14 | Join othello7 [0] ( | |
09:40:17 | speachy | |
10:00 | ||
10:04:32 | Quit othello7 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
10:18:57 | Quit f_ (Remote host closed the connection) | |
10:19:52 | Join f_ [0] (~AUGESOUND@user/f-:38077) | |
10:46:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:47:55 | Quit teddiewallie (Quit: WeeChat 4.2.2) | |
10:58:45 | Join davisr [0] (~davisr@fsf/emeritus/davisr) | |
11:00 | ||
11:05:13 | Quit rogeliodh (Quit: The Lounge - | |
11:05:34 | Join rogeliodh [0] ( | |
11:40:30 | Quit CH23 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
11:50:51 | Quit CH23[m] (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
11:51:24 | Join CH23[m] [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23) | |
12:00 | ||
12:17:05 | Quit f_ (Quit: To contact me, send a memo using MemoServ, PM f_[xmpp], or send an email. See | |
12:46:38 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:52:03 | Quit hactar|ant (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
12:55:27 | Join hactar|ant [0] (~zem@ | |
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13:06:13 | Quit davisr (Quit: yeehaw) | |
13:29:05 | Join lebellium [0] ( | |
14:00 | ||
14:06:07 | Quit CH23[m] (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:06:21 | Join CH23[m] [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23) | |
14:46:42 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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15:23:08 | Join CH23 [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23) | |
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16:41:06 | Quit cstine (Quit: The Lounge - | |
16:41:36 | Join cstine [0] (~cstine@ | |
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17:02:10 | Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving) | |
17:33:20 | Quit CH23 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
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18:04:40 | Join CH23 [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23) | |
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19:14:45 | Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a982:c800:27f2:68af:c6b:c898) | |
19:46:57 | Quit IPG (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
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20:24:13 | Quit CH23 (Quit: Leaving) | |
20:28:52 | Quit sebagala (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
20:29:17 | Join sebagala [0] (~Burak@ | |
20:46:47 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:50:29 | Quit CH23[m] (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | |
20:51:24 | Join CH23[m] [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23) | |
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21:15:39 | Quit baltazar (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
21:17:30 | Join baltazar [0] (~baltazar@user/baltazar) | |
21:43:13 | Quit CH23[m] (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
21:43:49 | Join CH23[m] [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23) | |
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22:04:11 | Quit CH23[m] (Remote host closed the connection) | |
22:04:21 | Join CH23[m] [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23) | |
22:06:13 | Quit CH23[m] (Remote host closed the connection) | |
22:22:18 | Join Burak_ [0] (~Burak@ | |
22:24:03 | Quit Burak_ (Remote host closed the connection) | |
22:24:28 | Join Burak_ [0] (~Burak@ | |
22:26:04 | Quit sebagala (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | |
22:28:03 | Join CH23[m] [0] (~CH23@revspace/participant/ch23) | |
22:46:48 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:53:15 | Join rasher_ [0] ( | |
22:56:38 | Join axeKirves [0] (kirvesaxe@user/kirvesaxe) | |
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23:00:46 | Quit kirvesAxe (*.net *.split) | |
23:00:47 | Quit rasher (*.net *.split) | |
23:00:47 | Quit Jinx (*.net *.split) | |
23:00:48 | Quit Pokey (*.net *.split) | |
23:00:48 | Quit dys (*.net *.split) | |
23:00:48 | Nick axeKirves is now known as kirvesAxe (kirvesaxe@user/kirvesaxe) | |
23:01:14 | Join Pokey [0] (~pokey@spikeyCactus/hoosky) | |
23:41:30 | Join Bobathan- [0] ( | |
23:42:24 | Join chamlis_ [0] (~chamlis@user/chamlis) | |
23:44:30 | Quit chamlis (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
23:44:30 | Nick chamlis_ is now known as chamlis (~chamlis@user/chamlis) | |
23:46:43 | Join ursa-major_ [0] (114efe6c39@2a03:6000:1812:100::11f3) | |
23:47:16 | Join darrik [0] ( | |
23:47:35 | Join Marqueteur [0] (~Tor@fsf/member/TorC) | |
23:48:15 | Join _bilgus__ [0] ( | |
23:49:48 | Join pookie [0] ( | |
23:49:52 | Join b02 [0] (~b0@user/b0) | |
23:50:17 | Join troglodi1o [0] (~cave@ | |
23:51:04 | Join spork_ [0] ( | |
23:53:02 | Quit Pokey (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:02 | Quit decky_e (*.net *.split) | |
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23:53:03 | Quit rb-bluebot (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:04 | Quit martylake (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:04 | Quit Tonux (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:04 | Quit man84 (*.net *.split) | |
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23:53:06 | Nick b02 is now known as b0 (~b0@user/b0) | |
23:53:21 | Join Pokey [0] (~pokey@spikeyCactus/hoosky) | |
23:53:39 | Quit ursa-major (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:39 | Quit olspookishmagus (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:40 | Quit melmothX (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:41 | Quit Bobathan_ (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:41 | Quit TorC (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:42 | Quit _bilgus_ (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:42 | Quit Natch (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:43 | Quit spork (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:43 | Quit troglodito (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:43 | Quit dbohdan (*.net *.split) | |
23:53:48 | Nick ursa-major_ is now known as ursa-major (114efe6c39@2a03:6000:1812:100::11f3) | |
23:55:04 | Join melmothX [0] (~marco@amusewiki/marco) | |
23:55:58 | Join decky_e [0] (~decky_@ | |
23:55:58 | Join belak [0] (~belak@user/belak) | |
23:55:58 | Join rb-bluebot [0] (~rb-bluebo@rockbox/bot/utility) | |
23:55:58 | Join martylake [0] (~martylake@ | |
23:55:58 | Join Tonux [0] (~Tonux@ | |
23:55:58 | Join man84 [0] (~weechat@2001:19f0:5c01:cbf:5400:4ff:feab:2a4f) | |
23:55:58 | Join rudi_s [0] (~simon@user/rudi-s/x-7673890) | |
23:57:24 | Quit belak (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
23:57:37 | Join belak [0] (~belak@user/belak) | |
23:58:21 | Quit man84 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
23:59:00 | Join dbohdan [0] (~dbohdan@user/dbohdan) |