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#rockbox log for 2024-06-29

00:18:23 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
01:31:54***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
02:26:52 Quit pixelma (Quit: .)
02:26:52 Quit amiconn (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
02:27:45 Join pixelma [0] (
02:27:49 Join amiconn [0] (
03:31:55***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
05:31:59***No seen item changed, no save performed.
07:32:03***No seen item changed, no save performed.
07:34:35 Join Moriar [0] (
07:58:43_bilgus g#5797 is nearing completion if anyone wants to check it out, the code should ll work but don't use it on you most trusted files just yet
07:58:46rb-bluebotGerrit review #5797 at : [Feature] onplay.c show file progress by William Wilgus
07:59:28_bilgusthe scanning part is pretty damn quick especially compared to doing file operations its also really nice to finally have a progressbar
09:32:07***No seen item changed, no save performed.
10:08:57rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 025841cfb5, 305 builds, 10 clients.
10:08:57rb-bluebotata: Use consistent error values for all invocations of set_features() by Solomon Peachy
10:16:38rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 463 seconds.
10:16:39rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 025841cfb5 result: All green
11:32:11***No seen item changed, no save performed.
11:59:25 Join Jinx [0] (~Jinx@user/jinx)
12:56:19MarcAndersenThe left headphone channel stopped working on my c200, but I believe there was a page on the wiki on how to repair it?
13:07:47sporkprobably the jack connector loose on one of its legs
13:08:36MarcAndersenIf i press the cable a bit down to the bottom of the player it connects briefly when I hold it down.
13:10:20MarcAndersenOh, ifixit has one? I thought they only had apple guides. Thank you.
13:22:04sporkthe jack is possibly not broken, just detached a bit
13:25:56MarcAndersenI don't think it's worth doing that. I think it would be better to get a new player
13:26:32MarcAndersenI can try, I have a screwdriver and a spudger but I need someone with some sight to do it :)
13:32:14***No seen item changed, no save performed.
13:34:52sporkget some help, retiring an otherwise working c200 would be a shame
13:35:11sporkthere are many people who can and like a bit of soldering
13:37:14 Quit MarcAndersen (Quit: I was using NightOwl 0.2.)
13:37:54 Join MarcAndersen [0] (~no_znepna@
13:38:13 Nick MarcAndersen is now known as Guest4242 (~no_znepna@
13:38:59 Nick Guest4242 is now known as MarcAndersen (~no_znepna@
15:32:16***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
15:44:07 Quit Moriar (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
17:32:19***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
17:39:23 Nick JanC is now known as Guest737 (~janc@user/janc)
17:39:23 Join JanC_ [0] (~janc@user/janc)
17:39:23 Quit Guest737 (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
17:39:23 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@user/janc)
18:16:08winsim-buildbotNew Windows simulator build round started. Revision 025841cfb5, ata: Use consistent error values for all invocations of set_features() by Solomon Peachy
18:59:53winsim-buildbotBuild round completed after 2626 seconds.
19:02:03 Join massiveH [0] (
19:32:22***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
20:03:29 Join Moriar [0] (
20:08:47 Quit Airwave (Quit: WeeChat 3.8)
21:25:55rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 16a3f6d41e, 305 builds, 9 clients.
21:25:55rb-bluebotFS #13436: Updated German Translation (Wilfried Winkler) by Solomon Peachy
21:32:25***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
21:33:36rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 462 seconds.
21:33:37rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 16a3f6d41e result: All green
21:35:58 Join paulk-bis [0] (
21:36:06 Quit paulk (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:09:10rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision c87c09658a, 305 builds, 9 clients.
22:09:10rb-bluebotMinor German translation update (add credit, and one mecanical correction) by Solomon Peachy
22:16:33rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 444 seconds.
22:16:34rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision c87c09658a result: All green
23:08:25 Quit Moriar (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
23:32:27***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"

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