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#rockbox log for 2024-08-04

00:01:40***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
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03:28:39 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
03:49:00 Join bakedbacon420 [0] (~bakedbaco@
03:49:24bakedbacon420alright so ive been playing with this adapter for some time and it seems to wrap around the same way the quad does :/
03:49:36bakedbacon420guess if i want to do this ill hafta make the adapter myself >:(
03:56:04 Quit bakedbacon420 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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04:47:23 Join lebellium [0] (
05:33:14 Join Malinux [0] (~malin@2001:4641:4dfa::12c:c4a7)
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07:34:54_bilgusbakedbacon420 well that sucks I guess it might give us a chance to have an adaptor that actually follows spec
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08:36:21 Quit speachy (Quit: WeeChat 4.3.4)
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08:36:39 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy)
08:36:39Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
08:37:12speachybakedbacon420: How did you establish the sector count is wrapping?
08:40:01speachyIIUC these PATA<>SATA converters are fairly passive devices; ie they just convert the signalling protocol and don't screw with the message/data itself.
08:41:54speachyLBA48 is absolutely part of the pre-SATA world, though while it's _possible_ that implemetnations couldn't handle >32-bit addressing... it's not like it was any more work to do so. After all you still had to convert the LBA48 insttructions over.
08:42:30speachywhat I think is a necessary first step here is to plug hta drive into a "real" system first, to make sure it actually is what it claims to be.
08:43:10speachybecause even if the adapter wraps at >2TB it should still _work just fine_ for <2TB addresses.
08:43:46speachy(and it's certainly possible there are remaining bugs in the 64-bit storage patch I wrote)
09:03:37 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
09:22:09_bilgusI'm stuck on this cue viewer I have the file indexed and all my offsets now do I write that to a file and keep the original cue separate or should I copy the entries to my new file and fix up offsets?
09:22:49speachythe latter, I'd think? We don't normally want to modify user-supplied files?
09:23:35_bilgustwo options are to have a separate file indexing to the original cue or copying the data to the index file since they are intimately linked
09:24:07_bilgusproblem being 10000 files metadata is several megs
09:25:43_bilgusin a normal system I could hold the file and prevent updates I don't think we do that?
09:26:19_bilgusI guess our db gets away with it but...
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10:41:42_bilgusyeah we don't have any kind of file locking in place
11:21:59 Join Moriar [0] (
11:59:42speachyAny reason you see to not land my 64-bit storage patch? I've been using it (albeit not heavy usage and not with any >2TB systems) for a few weeks now
12:01:56***No seen item changed, no save performed.
12:04:25_bilgusnothing I know of and we probably won't without releasing it
12:10:47_bilgusI'm thinking I'll just copy the data over to the indexed file and sort it on the way to make displaying it take less compute since I'm already touching it
12:12:35_bilgusI guess I could also check modtime and hope for the best
12:13:38_bilgusbet on devices without RTC they probably don't have any way to know
12:14:12 Join bakedbacon420 [0] (~bakedbaco@2600:381:cb60:1e23:b577:39e0:fe0d:b3ff)
12:14:13_bilgusrun a CRC on the fiel probably wouldn't be the worst
12:14:43_bilgusbut by them might as well re-index on the way
12:15:15_bilgusso maybe just make the index each time and work on making that fast
12:17:30bakedbacon420speachy: theres a few things going on when ive been working on it. mainly it seems to corrupt the disk no matter what i do. ive been able to get itunes to restore the ipod a few times, but it immediately boots into the "no disk" sad face and folder. in 5th gen it does essentially the same thing. in disk mode on the 5th/6th gen it shows only 1.64TB no matter how i format the disk, but when
12:17:30bakedbacon420i take it out and put it in my pc it shows a 1.64tb fat32 partition, and 2tb unformatted space. when i do this for the 5th gen it gives a 64mb partition or so for the bootloaders and such, a 1.99tb fat32 partition, and 2tb of unformatted storage space
12:18:17bakedbacon420so the chip in the ipod is doing some formatting of the disk somewhere. its got an identical looking blob/chip to the iflash quad on it so i dont think its so passive with this adapter atleast. atleast with my (obviously) pretty limited knowledge
12:18:25bakedbacon420chip in the adapter*
12:20:03bakedbacon4201.64TB unformatted space in regards to 5th gen formatted disk in the pc* sorry for so many formatting errors in my messages i just woke up.
12:22:30bakedbacon420OH and when i used ipodpatcher to install the default rockbox bootloader to the 5th gen in the same configuration just on a whim, it gave a panic that said "not compatible with this size disk 2x32" or something to that effect so it lead me to believe *maybe* the rockbox bootloader can actually see the whole disk? when i compiled a bootloader with the patched 5808 source it gave the same
12:22:30bakedbacon420errors the 6th gens were about "no partition found" but in usb mode it still only showed 1.64TB
12:27:59_bilgusso the ipod can't handle the full 2TB anyway can you make a bunch of 1TB partitions and get it to work?
12:29:06_bilgusor a 1TB and another with the rest?
12:31:55_bilgusmaybe better would be like some of the devices that weren't compatible with FAT32 and make a small partition to boot and hide the rest from the OF
12:32:59 Quit bakedbacon420 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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12:34:34bakedbacon420i did try with a few 1TB partitions and showed a 1tb partition, and a 640gb partition
12:35:02_bilgusdon't the mac formatted ipods use a different underlying filesystem already?
12:35:24bakedbacon420with the bootloader panicking with a 2x32 error though im hopeful it can actually see the disk and its just a matter of the 64bit code needing some cleaning up
12:35:42bakedbacon420and yes mac formatted ipods do HFS or somethinf to that effect
12:35:56bakedbacon420but im using windows with fat32 partitions
12:36:46bakedbacon420but the HFS formatted ipods are limited to 2.2tb or so if i recall correctly
12:36:48_bilgusyeah so maybe you could give them a 1gb HFS partition to stay happy and work out a method for US
12:37:14bakedbacon420hm i may have to pick up a cheap mac to try that out
12:37:37bakedbacon420im happy to slam my head against the wall for hours partitioning disks if it moves the needle forward
12:37:46_bilgusbut if its the ipods hardware limiting you you might need your adaptor and work out a scheme to communicate with it
12:39:11_bilgushehe or invest in tooling to make sd slot cases for ipods :)
12:39:29bakedbacon420i need to get a new zif to usb adapter so i can plug the sata adapter up directly to my pc. ive just been chucking the m.2 into my pc when i need to check its formatting and such
12:39:49bakedbacon420and thats actually one of the main ideas ive had for circumventing 2tb since ive been having so many issues with adapters
12:40:54bakedbacon420theres adapters for pi's and such that allow you to switch between two micro sd cards. just install rockbox to both sd cards, and turn off rhe ipod and flip a switch and hey presto ive got another 1.5-2tb of sd card
12:41:50bakedbacon420that would allow me to shove 3-4tb in an ipod albeit in a scuffed way but thats kind of my jam
12:43:30 Join Tonux_ [0] (~Tonux@
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12:43:57speachyThe 5g and 6g use completely different ATA controllers. IIRC the 6G uses CE-ATA for some of them, which is effectively ATA over the a physical SD/MMC interface
12:44:13 Quit bakedbacon420 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:44:54speachyso on the 6g there are additional complications, but the 5g is a "traditional" ATA controller which is to say it's dumb as bricks and is little more than a passthrough to the real on-drive smarts.
12:45:09 Join bakedbacon420 [0] (
12:46:20 Quit berber_l51 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
12:46:44speachyso I _really_ don't think there's any sort of inherent limitation there, unless that PATA<>SATA adapter is trying to be clever.
12:47:09 Quit bakedbacon420 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:47:17speachyI don't know if there were any >2TB PATA drives shipped.
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12:49:21speachybut there were plenty of PATA LBA48 drives −− ie anything over 128GB.
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12:51:52speachybut anyway −− doesn't matter if it's SATA or PATA, the LBA48 command set is bit-for-bit identical.
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12:53:51speachybut the USB<->ZIF adapters (which are just USB<->PATA adapters with a different pysical plug) may nto work >2TB either because the USB mass storage protocol uses a different command for >32bit sectors.
12:54:15speachy(sorry, >32-bit sector counts)
12:54:38 Join hook54321 [0] (sid149355@user/hook54321)
12:54:39 Join bakedbacon420 [0] (~bakedbaco@2600:1004:b03b:926:31e9:493c:4076:9f4d)
12:54:53bakedbacon420sounds like i should focus my efforts on the 5th gen for now for simplicity sake then
12:56:15speachy(which gives 64-bit addresses and 32-bit counts, vs the 32+16 that READ10/WRITE10 gets you)
12:57:39speachyI don't know what's under the epoxy blob on that adapter but various stuff I've seen online claims to have no hardware limit)
12:57:40bakedbacon420are there any better programs for advanced harddrive/partition troubleshooting and general partitioning? ive been using aomei and its *okay* but it and all pther programs ive tried are pretty basic even after "paying" for their premium versions
12:58:03speachyI don't bother with anything more than straight (linux) fdisk and gparted
12:58:04bakedbacon420and im real close to using destructive methods to find out whats under those blobs myself honestly
12:58:22bakedbacon420i recently finally got a full linux install going so ill look into familiarizing myself with it
12:58:32bakedbacon420i was using WSL2 before and that crap sucks
12:58:37 Join berber_l51 [0] (~berber@2a03:4000:7:4e0::)
12:59:29speachygoogle for 'gparted live', write it to a USB stick, boot from that
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13:01:18speachyhmm, I'm seeing adapters for plugging a ZIF drive into an SATA system, but what I want is the other way around
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13:01:51speachy(ie plug a "real" SATA drive into a ZIF system)
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13:02:03speachythen I can do all the debugging with a known-good drive
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13:13:09_bilgusthing is likely there is just a wirebonded board at best and likely just a chunk of die so maybe ken sherrif or something but I don't know that it'd help you much
13:13:51_bilgus(under those epoxy blobs)
13:14:04speachythe only useful info you'd get woudl be the markings on the ASIC, which probably wouldn't survive deblobbing anyway.
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13:20:45_bilgusi'm saying there probably aren't any markings anyway they have gotten real good with bonding what looks to me like a raw wafer with bond pads Chip On Board i think
13:26:35_bilgusiDK not really into that kind of thing but I'd like to see it if you do :)
13:34:25 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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14:49:17rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 66fa10f1ba, 337 builds, 9 clients.
14:49:17rb-bluebotFS #13463: Updated Italian translation (Alessio Lenzi) by Solomon Peachy
15:02:30rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 795 seconds.
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