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#rockbox log for 2024-08-15

00:07:27***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
02:07:29***No seen item changed, no save performed.
02:33:33 Join advcomp2019__ [0] (~advcomp20@user/advcomp2019)
02:37:27 Quit advcomp2019_ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
02:58:58 Join lebellium [0] (
03:34:08 Quit advcomp2019__ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
03:38:22lebelliumHi, regarding,54958.0.html, did someone delete the pamaury and I created back to the time?!
03:42:13lebelliumnevermind, I got it is working. (from is not working
03:42:50lebelliumI want to fix that but when I click on "login" anywhere on the wiki, it doesn't do anything
03:43:44sporkgo to realwiki
03:43:56spork/wiki/ is a static copy
03:46:22lebelliumsorry but I'm confused. What do you mean with "realwiki" ? Can you help me with the right URL ?
03:52:05lebelliumJust found that but still can't find the URL
03:52:22lebelliumlooks like a treasure hunt...
03:57:25lebelliumoh OK I got it as well, was too easy to figure it out
04:00:32 Quit PheralSparky (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:01:12 Join PheralSparky [0] (~S|h|a|w|n@user/shawn/x-4432647)
04:01:24lebelliumThere is some replication time?
04:06:15 Quit thanosengine (Quit: WeeChat 4.3.1)
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04:33:59 Join thanosengine [0] (~thanos@user/thanosengine)
04:35:04sporknightly job iirc
04:35:16sporksorry for the cryptic message :)
04:45:40 Quit thanosengine (Quit: WeeChat 4.3.1)
04:46:23 Join thanosengine [0] (~thanos@user/thanosengine)
05:04:49 Join jacobk_ [0] (
05:05:00 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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05:25:19 Quit bluebrother (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
05:27:02 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@user/bluebrother)
05:39:11 Join rb-bluebot [0] (~rb-bluebo@rockbox/bot/utility)
05:52:52 Quit PheralSparky (Quit: Leaving)
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08:07:37***No seen item changed, no save performed.
09:16:28lebelliumOk the wiki page got replicated now. Maybe the nightly job as you said
09:38:22speachylebellium: IIRC it happens around 3-4am EST
09:38:41speachytakes ~45 min to regenerate
09:39:20lebelliumthanks for the info
09:43:30speachyOneOfTheseDays the old wiki needs to be taken out back and shot.
09:44:03speachy(it's questionable if FOSWiki 2.x will fare any better with respect to the pathologies of 1.x)
09:44:22speachyand we're slammed with more bots than ever thanks to "AI" scrapers.
09:52:43 Join IPG [0] (~InvoxiPla@
10:07:38***No seen item changed, no save performed.
10:35:55 Quit Pokey (Quit: Hecc! My server must have died!)
10:40:27 Nick jacobk_ is now known as jacobk (
10:41:02 Join Pokey [0] (~pokey@spikeyCactus/hoosky)
10:43:29 Quit rb-bluebot (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
10:44:05 Quit bluebrother (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
10:45:38 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@user/bluebrother)
10:58:01 Join rb-bluebot [0] (~rb-bluebo@rockbox/bot/utility)
11:36:24 Quit chamlis (Remote host closed the connection)
11:36:59 Join chamlis [0] (~chamlis@user/chamlis)
11:48:06 Join advcomp2019 [0] (~advcomp20@user/advcomp2019)
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12:17:32 Quit rogeliodh (Quit: The Lounge -
12:17:56 Join rogeliodh9 [0] (
12:29:45 Join othello7 [0] (
12:56:48 Join Guest6980 [0] (~Guest69@
12:58:17Guest6980Hi guys. I'm on lastest daily on sansa clip+. It biases left channel for some reason. Scared the hell out of me, though I was going partly deaf or insane.
12:59:08Guest6980Also it doesn't change to right channel if I choose 'mono right' in 'stereo config'. Keeps playing to left channel
13:00:33Guest6980Do I try to submit a bugreport or only certain people can do this? Or maybe it's a known fixable thing?
13:09:47speachysounds more like a hardware issue. like the headphone jack is screwy.
13:11:33Guest6980I don't think so. Channel configuration controls stopped working altogether. Doesn't react when I change settings, keeps playing in stereo
13:12:53speachyboot into the factory firmware and see if it behaves thes ame?
13:14:43Guest6980Internal flash is dying so OF is screwed, doesn't see any files when I boot into it
13:15:11Guest6980I got lucky with updating bootloader and booting RB from SD
13:15:35Guest6980OF doesn't see files on external SD either for some reason
13:16:09speachyif the analog audio path is screwed then there's nothing software can do.
13:16:30speachyI've repaired hte hadphone jacks on mine a few times over the years.
13:18:11Guest6980Well, it does play and I can bias it with "Balance" setting all the way to the left and right channel. But at 0% it biases left channel like 5%~10%
13:18:54Guest6980And 'Channel configuration' setting stopped working. So Iooks like an RB issue to me
13:20:14speachyI can definitievely state that nothing hs changed in rockbox wrt the audio path on the sansa plyears in years.
13:20:28Guest6980Just selected "Custom" in "Channel configuration" and it suddenly sounds normal
13:22:45speachyI have two clips, one has a completely fried flash, the other only occasionally boots and the screen is shot. so I'm not in a position to try and recreate anything
13:23:25speachylet's see.. other basic tests. blow away the .rockbox dir and start with a completewly fresh config?
13:23:59speachyand does 3.15 exhibit this too?
13:24:48Guest6980Do I kill .rockbox and reinstall?
13:25:50speachyrename it to somethign else and reinstall (ie just unzip a rockbox zip file)
13:33:07Guest69803.15 doesn't boot from SD
13:33:25Guest6980Only daily
13:34:05Guest6980It boots into old internal RB i had which also doesn't see files in file browser
13:36:32Guest6980Clean default settings daily behaves the same way, biases left channel
13:51:19Guest6980> Just selected "Custom" in "Channel configuration" and it suddenly sounds normal
13:51:31Guest6980Nvm, it doesn't still biases left channel
13:52:15Guest6980Nvm, it doesn't. Still biases left channel*
14:00:10__builtin_bilgus: I actually sent that polygon filling code upstream to Simon, who merged it into his puzzles tree
14:00:32__builtinso I think for sgt-puzzles at least, it will just rely on that for now to do polygon drawing
14:01:44__builtinBut of course a port of that same code to xlcd would also be useful. It does duplicate some code, but at least the maintenance of the version in sgt-puzzles will be in Simon's domain
14:07:43***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
14:18:23Guest6980Be back tomorrow. Cya
14:18:26 Quit Guest6980 (Quit: Connection closed)
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16:13:17 Quit jjs0077018310196 (Quit: The Lounge -
16:26:44 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
17:27:57 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
17:46:10 Join Moriar [0] (
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19:50:42 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a982:dc00:105b:89c8:8922:64d4)
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20:29:17 Join jacobk [0] (
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22:36:03 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
22:58:06 Quit Moriar (Quit: Leaving.)
23:11:54 Quit othello7 (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
23:16:30 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
23:19:52dconrad_bilgus: A day later than I anticipated, but I got to testing g#5877, and it seems like it works.... except it seems like it breaks my redirect "rockbox_main.aig_erosqn" file. Does that make any sense based on what we've done?
23:19:55rb-bluebotGerrit review #5877 at : ErosQNative: Add v3 LCD support, conditional on bootloader by Dana Conrad
23:20:16dconradother than that it seems like it works as expected!, "rockbox_main.aigo_erosqn"
23:23:59dconradI haven't actually installed it on the device yet, I've only usbboot'ed it and sent the bootloader over that way, but I did send over both v1 and v3 bootloaders and the v3 bootloader seems to result in the v3 initialization (i.e. very wrong for my specific player)

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