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#rockbox log for 2024-08-24

00:00:30 Join npmania [0] (~npmania@
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12:54:29_bilgusonly issue is you are going to have to extend bootdata to actually mark it invalid and frankly I can't see doing that for this one target which then extends back into all the bootloaders
12:58:42_bilgusboot data being invalid currently means its a bad redirect and it falls back to default behavior if you want to differentiate them you'll need at least a couple flags REDIRECT_OK | VERSION_OK and another variable to carry them
12:59:41_bilgusinstead why not add another variable to the bootloader (like bootdata) but for your version info
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13:25:38_bilgusI'd assume once a v1 bootloader always a v1 bootloader anyway
13:26:04_bilgusgive me a few days and I'll get you a POC
13:46:00 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
13:51:39dconradI'm probably misunderstanding, but can't we fall back to default behavior without marking the bootdata as invalid?
13:53:47dconradIt seems to work fine that way...? And it kind of seems like we could have a redirect ok/version ok variable like you say that is outside of the bootdata structure, and that would serve the same purpose...?
13:54:30dconradbut I'm not familiar with all this code so my understanding is very hack n slash to get this to work
14:09:15_bilgus ATM that marked as invalid means the CRC doesn't match or the redirect file it found was bunk
14:10:05_bilgusyou can differentiate that if you want in the firmware
14:13:52_bilguseither add more bools for them or maybe just swicth bood_data_valid to uint32_t boot_data_flags, 0x01 CRC_VALID, 0x02 REDIRECT_VALID
14:14:53dconradthat might be the way - we can differentiate them without major overhaul
14:14:53_bilgusI understand why you want to do that because you can't get the version info through ROLO
14:15:54dconradso I guess I should go through and see where we even check boot_data_valid to do decision-making
14:16:05_bilgusits so specific though
14:16:51_bilgusI still think its might be better to just extend bootdata with another payload
14:17:42dconradcould be, I'm more in the "achieve the goal by touching as little as possible" mode
14:18:12_bilgusI just don't want to have to relase and test more bootloaders
14:18:30dconradagreed, that's a pain
14:18:51_bilgusbut luckily its backwards compatible..
14:19:17_bilgusI just question if its worth it for a one off
14:20:34_bilguswe could basically do the same as boot_data and call it version_data and it only gets used in your eros stuff
14:20:55_bilgusreally leaning towards that then the fallback becomes v0
14:21:42_bilgusthen its only a support burden where its needed
14:22:27dconradso currently, as far as I can see there are really only 2 places boot_data_valid is checked, in firmware/include/dircache_redirect.h and firmware/rolo.c
14:22:50dconradunless its being checked in some asm somewhere, those appear to be the only 2 things that even care at the moment
14:23:33dconradunless there's some uses that github's search isn't showing me
14:23:41_bilgusI don't think it is but give me some time I think writing the version to its own spot will end up a lot cleaner and eaiser to follow
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18:01:08 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
18:17:56dconradI did have success patching the stock update image to have our bootloader! spl at offset 0 and bootloader.ucl at offset 26624 (0x6800), add it to update.txt, make an iso and away you go!
18:18:16dconradFirst time I've ever done a binary patch, I was a little worried haha
18:18:53dconradIf we enable running the Aigo recovery from our native bootloader, that seems pretty workable
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