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#rockbox log for 2024-12-01

00:16:33 Quit gxsh (Quit: Client closed)
00:16:49 Join gxsh [0] (~gxsh@2600:8800:2280:c600:5500:b9f4:e09c:c4ac)
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01:03:07_bilgus_my guess would be somethings either not right with the files or perhaps this is a new revision?
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06:09:59speachythat error you reported only comes from the _native_ bootloader.
06:10:45speachymeanwhile if tou see the v_v failed message the stock fw didn't install that updafe file anyway, so it's moot.
06:11:11speachyyouput the _native_ bootloader on there, install the 'erosqnative' firmware image.
06:12:04speachyIf you're using the 1.5.1 rbutil binary, it doessn't know anything about the native version.
06:13:41speachyso, please, follow hte steps on the wiki page, under " Native Port Installation (the new way, with update files)" after blowing away the entire .rockbox directory.
07:45:33 Quit PheralSparky (Remote host closed the connection)
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12:04:30 Join Guest64 [0] (
12:12:08 Nick jn_ is now known as jn (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)
12:43:32Guest64Hello. I am checked out at v3.15 and I'm trying to build the docker image for crosscompilation. In the build phase it says that it's using crosstool-ng-1.13.2 and I currently get stuck at: [WARN ]    Could not retrieve 'eglibc-2_12'
12:43:33Guest64I looked it up and for debian eglibc has been apparently merged into glibc from what I understand but I can see the files are still located on the server specified in the build script.
12:53:05 Quit dconrad (Remote host closed the connection)
12:59:18spork3.15 is very old
13:00:42sporkeither go for current rockbox or get an equally old debian ?
13:00:59spork(i recommend the first)
13:01:44sporka lot has improved in 5 years
13:02:58CH23oh boy has it been that long already since 3.15?
13:16:41 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
13:20:52Guest64Isn't 3.15 the latest stable though?
13:22:39Guest64Also, I am building the docker image which is using debian 9 so I do have the proper environment for it.
13:22:45sporkit is the latest release
13:23:22sporkunless you have a no longer supported device, you want current rockbox
13:23:37Guest64Ok, so you mean master? Master is not stable though.
13:23:51sporkwhat do you exepct from 'stable'
13:24:08Guest64Is that a question?
13:24:14sporkwhat do you exepct from 'stable' ?
13:24:27sporkexpect even
13:24:40Guest64For the software to be stable.
13:24:57Guest64Hence why I am on the last release which is 3.15 and is known to be stable.
13:24:59sporkrockbox is under continous development, 'stable' is not a quality mark
13:25:06sporkno it is not
13:25:22spork3.15 is known to have issues that have been long resolved
13:25:45sporktime and effort is the only reason no new 'stable' has been named
13:27:07sporkwhich device do you want to build for ?
13:34:18Guest64iPod 6g
13:34:25Guest64I'll try some commits from 2022 I guess
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14:10:49 Join aigo [0] (uid678396@user/Aigo)
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15:10:09 Join gxsh [0] (~gxsh@2600:8800:2280:c600:10fc:6d4c:46f7:5839)
15:12:23gxshLooking to revert my HifiWalker H2 to stock firmware, but am unfamiliar with .sh files. Could I have some help with the uninstallation step
15:12:24gxsh"If the update file is unmodified, use tools/hibyos_nativepatcher/ to mark the original bootloader for updating". I have a stock firmware update but am unsure how to mark it and fully revert the device
15:17:23 Join paulcarroty [0] (
15:27:35paulcarrotyhey, got issues like this one:
15:27:38_bilgus_gxsh you probably just need to supply the file as an argument to the script
15:28:33paulcarrotyon ~1 month old dev build. any workarounds?
15:33:51_bilgus_paulcarroty, I think the fuze+ (imx23) has its own dedicated battery mgmt chip and we do have a TOPOFF mode that times out after 30 mins
15:35:31_bilgus_you should be able to goto the debug menu and see what mode it is currently in
15:36:04_bilgus_after that I'd say maybe an issue with the USB cord disconnecting and starting the charge over??
15:37:02_bilgus_does it do this same behavior with a wall type charger (ora differentlower power wattage one)
15:39:14paulcarrotybilgus_: it's charging, then in random time can discharge to -20%, then will start again.
15:39:51paulcarrotyalso just after moment of disconnect it can loose 10-15% battery
15:40:25paulcarrotywill test will low power charger tomorrow
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15:46:44_bilgus_what I can do is add a bit of logic to disable charging after a top off for say 10 mins but that all depends if the device is getting to the full charge mark
15:47:26_bilgus_if its not there is nothing we can do that won't be wrong at some other point in the cycle and i'd say your battery is probably the issue
15:50:12paulcarrotybattery can do 15 hrs runtime, not new, but not dying yet
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15:58:03_bilgus_paulcarroty, g#6136
15:58:06rb-bluebotGerrit review #6136 at : [WIP] Fuze+ (IMX233) add full charge timeout by William Wilgus
16:02:14 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
16:02:51dconradgxsh: you can give this a try:
16:02:58 Join chris_s [0] (~chris_s@2a09:bac3:28bb:2478::3a2:46)
16:03:15dconradyou'll need to rename it to "update.upt"
16:08:18gxshthank you so much, ill give it a try soon
16:09:50paulcarrotybilgus: thx, bookmarked. hope to give more info tomorrow.
16:11:10 Quit Guest64 (Quit: Client closed)
16:12:56 Join Guest96 [0] (
16:13:01chris_sre g#6133 is it still necessary to mark lang entries as deprecated instead of removing them?
16:13:05rb-bluebotGerrit review #6133 at : erosqnative: Repurpose stereosw_select setting for output select by Dana Conrad
16:13:59_bilgus_chris_s, I think its fine to rename in place since we regen now with every build
16:15:24chris_sok thanks
16:15:43_bilgus_and speach y has since implemented caching on the voice pool so its no longer such a drag
16:15:45gxshdconrad worked like a charm! lifesaver. thanks again
16:15:53dconradno problem
16:16:07 Quit gxsh (Quit: Client closed)
16:17:28chris_s_bilgus_ ah great, yeah that's kind of what I remembered, just a little unsure
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16:20:15_bilgus_well thinking about it though that does mean you need to unzip the whole folder instead of picking the bin and lang files, doubt that matters to users
16:20:30 Quit aigo (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
16:23:43_bilgus_hmm maybe it should still be marked deprecated though so it would not let the older lang files and voices bring up the wrong phrase
16:24:42_bilgus_nah just bump the lang version
16:25:38Guest96I managed to build it( I had to use debian stretch to make it build, not sure why it kept failing with newer versions). I copied the updated files to my existing installation. Is that the right thing to do or do I also have to remove my exiting configuration files?
16:32:31user890104Guest96: it's not a problem to copy the files over the old installation, as long as you accept all replace prompts (or use cp, which will do this by default)
16:32:59Guest96Cool, thanks
16:33:32_bilgus_oh apparently the lang version thing is gone now
16:33:44_bilgus_hmm not sure speachy Ideas?
16:34:20user890104Guest96: also, if you need a container image for arm crosscompilation specifically, feel free to use the image from my container registry:
16:34:33Guest96Welp, it crashed as soon as I plugged it into my PC so that's fun. It has done it before so no biggie.
16:34:35user890104(it does not have MIPS and the other toolchains)
16:35:39Guest96user890104: I wish I had known that earlier as I spent 3 hours trying to get the docker container to build and it always failed(had to manually do everything in interactive mode with debian:9 image lol)
16:35:41user890104also its source Dockerfile is here:
16:35:54user890104debian 9 is old even for me :)
16:37:01Guest96It refused to build on anything newer
16:37:07user890104as an added bonus, here's my GitLab CI config, that builds for ipodnano2g and ipod6g on every git push:
16:37:45user890104but keep in mind that's up to date with Git master branch. yes, there hasn't been an official release, but a 4.0 is being prepared
16:39:41user890104there is a draft of the major changes, so you can see for yourself how much has changed since 3.15:
17:33:44 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
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18:34:03 Join OlsroFR [0] (~OlsroFR@user/OlsroFR)
18:34:20OlsroFRI made also my own Docker script that anyone can use:
18:34:20OlsroFRI built it from scratch and is based on Ubuntu 22.04
18:34:26OlsroFRit can build most targets and all iPods
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19:26:36 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
19:48:18speachychris_s: yeah, not strictly necessary any more, but our "incompatible voice file" detection is rather crude. (I think it just checks that the number of entries matches what was compiled in)
19:49:20speachy_bilgus_: that was long gone before my time too, IIRC
19:49:36 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a982:5400:bcf7:2267:ceb7:da67)
19:49:53speachy_bilgus_: It's too much of a PITA to support nonsynchronized lang files for a given build.
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19:51:16speachyGuest96: And that is why we say to just use master...
19:51:41speachythere's also this: for a high level overview.
19:53:50speachyunless there is a _specific_ bug you are trying to avoid (or are attempting to narrow down when it was introduced) current master is _vastly_ superior to 3.15 in every respect. Far fewer known bugs too.
20:00:20 Join othello7 [0] (
20:06:00_bilgus_(I think it just checks that the number of entries matches what was compiled in) < thats my understanding as well so maybe leaving the deprecated string would be a better idea?
20:07:58chris_sI think it's 4 removed and 3 added in this particular case, so it should work out?
20:11:38speachyI think so. We talked about embedding the checksum of the language file into the voicefile or something like that.
20:15:00speachyI do want to try and batch together things that trigger the need for translation updates
20:17:05speachyI need to regnerate all of the hibyos-based bootloaders and update images soonish. I added variable timeouts and some other QoL stuffs a while back but never did update things
20:18:14rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision f1010005b0, 345 builds, 9 clients.
20:18:14rb-bluebotFix simulator crashing on MacOS by Christian Soffke
20:25:01speachyI wonder if it's realistic to try and get a release done by the end of the year?
20:25:42speachyOn the infra side we should be all good to go; I did a pipeline flush a few months back
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20:36:26rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1093 seconds.
20:36:27rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision f1010005b0 result: All green
20:50:43speachyMajorChanges pages now brought up-to-date as of 2024/11/07
20:53:10dconradif I can get g#6132 and g#6133 merged, new bootloaders put up on the downloads site, I think that's ready to go
20:53:16rb-bluebotGerrit review #6132 at : erosqnative hw1/hw2: Check for DAC in bootloader by Dana Conrad
20:53:16rb-bluebotGerrit review #6133 at : erosqnative: Repurpose stereosw_select setting for output select by Dana Conrad
20:54:32dconradthat is, if that's whats keeping erosqnative from getting to stable
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21:44:57 Join VanIsBadAtNames [0] (~VanIsBadA@
21:46:30VanIsBadAtNamesI have Rockbox installed on a Sansa Fuze+ and keep running into weird bugs and I wanna be sure if it's just me dealing with them or if it's a problem with the Fuze+ itself
21:47:07VanIsBadAtNamesJust now I tried plugging it in and it threw me a panic message for some reason. Its unresponsive and I can't even power cycle, I have to wait for it to die
21:47:32VanIsBadAtNamesSimilar thing happened a few days ago (when it all started) where it went into panic mode just because I tried running something off a playlist and again, I had to let the battery run out
21:48:38VanIsBadAtNamesWhenever this happens and I have to let the battery run out when I turn it back on it makes this weird glitchy hiss noise whenever I try using headphones. I have to turn it off, boot into the default OS, then turn it off again and boot into Rockbox for it to go away
21:50:03VanIsBadAtNamesAll of these problems started on Friday, I don't know what caused them and can't find anything that would help me. Most people having any similar issues aren't running on a Sansa Fuze+. Part of me wants to just get an Aigo Eros Q or an iPod Classic instead but I don't know if this is the Fuze's problem or if I screwed something up
21:50:07VanIsBadAtNamesCan anyone help me with this?
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22:47:36speachyobvious question: did you do anything to it on Friday (eg updated software) or did it just start happening?
22:48:10VanIsBadAtNamesIt just kinda started happening
22:49:13 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
22:49:19VanIsBadAtNamesI did update it and reinstall the bootloader but that was after things Started Happening
22:49:34speachyOdds are that the flash contents are corrupted −− potentially because it's simply wearing out.
22:50:12speachy(would be informative to compare the firmware zip file contents with what's actually on the device's .rockbox directory.
22:52:06speachy...that is the fate that will eventually befall all players with onboard flash.
22:53:25speachydepending on the vintage of the bootloader on that thing it would support booting rockbox off of the SD card instead.
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23:05:34VanIsBadAtNamesOh I see, that's a big help actually thanks
23:05:41VanIsBadAtNamesOops ente key
23:05:48VanIsBadAtNamesI'll look into that as soon as I get the chance to
23:08:37 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
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23:58:14 Join VanIsBadAtNames [0] (~VanIsBadA@
23:58:33VanIsBadAtNamesSo I uh
23:58:48VanIsBadAtNamesCouldn't find anything about booting Rockbox from the SD card for the Sansa Fuze+ specifically

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