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#rockbox log for 2024-12-02

00:06:57 Quit VanIsBadAtNames (Quit: Client closed)
00:38:23 Quit chris_s (Quit: Client closed)
01:23:42 Join Saijin_Naib [0] (
01:24:17 Quit Saijin_Naib (Client Quit)
01:24:38paulcarrotyyou can do it on all Fuzes afair
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02:44:56 Quit othello7 (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
03:43:16 Quit PheralSparky (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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04:03:46 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
04:04:42 Join jacobk [0] (
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07:07:01 Join Guest40 [0] (
07:09:41Guest40Hello. After compiling a newer version of rockbox with the normal option and updating the files in my ipod, would I also need to do something about the bootloader or is it updated automatically when the ipod boots up rockbox.ipod? Sorry if this sounds uninformed but I don't understand if I have to also build just the bootloader with the B option i
07:09:42Guest40the cross compiler. Thanks
07:19:17speachyGuest40: back up. why do you feel the need to replace the bootloader?
07:21:19speachywe only infrequently release bootloader binaries because there needs to be a compelling technical reason ie something more than "it's newer") and the need for hightened testing (lest the device end up getting "bricked")
07:23:08Guest40Because I want it to use different battery voltage settings that stop me from booting up my device. I cannot test it right now because it will take too long to drain the battery(and I don't really want to open the ipod again unless I really need to). I can't really tell from the source code but does the bootloader read the config.h of the device?
07:24:11speachyVanIsBadAtNames: it's called the "multiboot" stuff and IIRC all of the sansas support it. I forget the specifics of how to use it though.
07:24:53Guest40Ohh nvm, I confused the bootloader with the firmware again
07:24:58speachyIIRC the bootloader in general doesn't care about batery levels.
07:25:31speachyall it does is minainal hardware setup to read the primary firmware out of the relevant storage device.
07:50:42***No seen item changed, no save performed.
08:08:32user890104speachy: the ipod6g bootloader in particular does care, and prevent the HDD from spinning up and causing an inrush current, if the battery level is too low
08:10:29speachy(hence "in general", heh)
08:11:00Guest40I switched to the sdcard mod that's why I want to change that.
08:11:51user890104also, it's very hard to brick an ipod 6g by installing a bad bootloader, unless you deliberately cut the power while it's moving data over on the NOR flash
08:12:09user890104the bootrom DFU is always available
08:12:47speachythe ipods are largely unbrickable, but the sansas are another matter.
08:13:48user890104Guest40: I'm using a fairly recent bootloader (something like 20 commits before the most recent) and it's working fine, but I've updated it mostly because I'm making changes that affect the S5L87xx platform, and I'm afraid not to break something unintentionally
08:15:01speachyuser890104: they're asking about a fuze+, so let's not confuse them with completely irreleant details...
08:15:48speachyspeking of the ipod6g though, that hangs on boot when built with gcc95.
08:17:10Guest40user890104: Good to know. I'll still be compiling based on a commit from sep 2023 since I am testing things right now.
08:17:53speachyin general there are highly target-specific codepaths that are only exercised by bootloaders, and historically those are rather...fragile.
08:17:55Guest40I'm also using the ipod 6g
08:18:24speachyah sorry got confused by an earlier poster
08:18:42Guest40No problem, that's why I clarified it :)
08:19:29speachyI do intend to release updated bootloader binaries for all of the ipods (to pick up the storage subsystem improvements)
08:20:08user890104Guest40: the rule of thumb is to test the most recent commit in master, and if there are any issues, let us know so they can be addressed
08:20:18speachythis is particularly relevant for modded ipod6g devices.
08:20:42speachyespecially if you're willing to completely forego compatibility with the stock firmware.
08:21:20speachy(if not being forced to do so, because of the 128G limit on the older 6G models)
08:31:09Guest40user890104: I will do so if I ever run master without my modifications ;)
08:47:22 Quit speachy (Quit: WeeChat 4.4.3)
08:50:50 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy)
08:50:50Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
08:58:05Guest40> [INFO] Reading partition table from \\.\PhysicalDrive6
08:58:05Guest40> [INFO] Sector size is 4096 bytes
08:58:06Guest40> [ERR]  Partition layout is not an ipod
08:58:10Guest40Well, that's fun
09:37:47user890104Guest40: did you restore the iPod after the SD card swap using iTunes, before attempting to install Rockbox?
09:38:20user890104it needs the original firmware/bootloader to exist, so that the ipod is in a well defined state, before making any modifications to it
09:39:22Guest40Yeah I did, not sure why it's having trouble with it but I'll do it all over again I guess
09:41:45Guest40To be fair, I got a hint because when I connect the ipod to PC while in rockbox I also get the extra 192MB partition and windows ask me if I want to format it so something is definitely wrong.
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09:58:51user890104are you using ipodpatcher or mks5lboot?
10:01:45Guest40Would mks5lboot allow me to update the bootloader in the current state my ipod is in?
10:19:44Guest40Just tried mks5lboot and it won't find it in DFU mode so I will have to restore anyways. Cheers.
10:54:16user890104ipod6g is not supported by ipodpatcher, only by mks5lboot
11:11:22user890104some instructions for mks5lboot are available here, but the binaries are very outdated:
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11:56:19Guest40Yeah, I came across that so I'll be using that.
12:57:09 Join JanC_ [0] (~janc@user/janc)
12:57:10 Nick JanC is now known as Guest4566 (~janc@user/janc)
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13:26:38 Join davisr [0] (~davisr@fsf/emeritus/davisr)
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15:08:33 Join sebagala [0] (~Burak@
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16:33:04 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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17:06:31 Part miho
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19:46:58 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a982:5400:d0ca:1324:bf10:897)
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