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#rockbox log for 2024-12-18

00:02:37rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 674 seconds.
00:02:38rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 12ea82d9e4 result: All green
00:04:51_bilguspaulcarroty (logs?), the user in that flyspray report makes a good point and the fuze+ is a bastard in regards to that stuff too
00:39:40 Quit stgiga (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
01:54:09 Quit pixelma (Quit: .)
01:54:09 Quit amiconn (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
01:55:09 Join pixelma [0] (
01:55:11 Join amiconn [0] (
01:59:03***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
03:01:56 Join emash [0] (~emash@user/emash)
03:59:07***No seen item changed, no save performed.
04:04:34 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
04:05:00 Join jacobk [0] (
05:15:28 Quit PheralSparky (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
05:41:24 Quit COMPL_EXE (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
05:42:14 Join COMPL_EXE [0] (~compl.exe@aosc/dev/origincode)
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06:10:18 Join JanC_ [0] (~janc@user/janc)
06:10:19 Nick JanC is now known as Guest9592 (~janc@user/janc)
06:10:19 Quit Guest9592 (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
06:10:19 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@user/janc)
07:59:14***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
09:11:20 Quit jj5 (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
09:11:37 Join jj5 [0] (
09:39:41 Quit jacobk (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
09:42:08 Join Everything [0] (~Everythin@
09:47:07 Nick q3k1 is now known as q3k (
09:47:09 Quit q3k (Changing host)
09:47:09 Join q3k [0] (q3k@hswaw/infra/q3k)
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11:59:17***No seen item changed, no save performed.
12:13:08 Join JanC_ [0] (~janc@user/janc)
12:13:09 Quit JanC (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
12:13:09 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@user/janc)
12:18:10 Quit bbbccc (Quit: ZNC 1.9.0 -
12:19:33 Join bbbccc [0] (~aaabbb@
12:32:04 Quit Everything (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
12:36:11 Nick JanC is now known as Guest3878 (~janc@user/janc)
12:36:11 Join JanC_ [0] (~janc@user/janc)
12:36:11 Quit Guest3878 (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
12:36:11 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@user/janc)
13:18:18 Quit COMPL_EXE (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:18:32 Join OriginCode [0] (~compl.exe@aosc/dev/origincode)
13:18:56 Nick OriginCode is now known as COMPL_EXE (~compl.exe@aosc/dev/origincode)
13:57:43 Join JanC_ [0] (~janc@user/janc)
13:57:43 Quit JanC (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
13:57:43 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@user/janc)
13:59:21***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
14:02:35 Join chris_s [0] (~chris_s@2a09:bac3:2b76:1282::1d8:1b2)
14:30:54 Join lebellium [0] (
14:36:50 Join Everything [0] (~Everythin@
14:51:12 Join JanC_ [0] (~janc@user/janc)
14:51:12 Nick JanC is now known as Guest1677 (~janc@user/janc)
14:51:12 Quit Guest1677 (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
14:51:12 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@user/janc)
14:53:57 Quit Everything (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
14:55:53 Join Everything [0] (~Everythin@
15:22:48 Quit Everything (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
15:24:30 Join Everything [0] (~Everythin@
15:32:35 Quit chris_s (Quit: Client closed)
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16:12:13 Quit advcomp2019 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
16:32:40 Join advcomp2019 [0] (~advcomp20@user/advcomp2019)
17:06:15 Quit sebagala (Remote host closed the connection)
17:06:40 Join sebagala [0] (~Burak@
17:56:08 Quit Everything (Quit: leaving)
17:59:07user890104LD bootloader.elf
17:59:08user890104/home/build/toolchains/rockbox/lib/gcc/arm-elf-eabi/4.9.4/../../../../arm-elf-eabi/bin/ld: /home/gitlab-runner/builds/t3_sJ-nsz/7/user890104/rockbox/build-ipodnano4g-bootloader/bootloader.elf section `.stack' will not fit in region `MOVE_AREA'
17:59:28***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
17:59:42user890104I'd need to find out how to fix this one...
18:00:26winsim-buildbotNew Windows simulator build round started. Revision 12ea82d9e4, Allow scroll_all lists to resume scrolling lines by William Wilgus
18:09:28 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
18:18:31 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@2604:2800:6:65d0:f420:84c8:9a01:df78)
18:46:29winsim-buildbotBuild round completed after 2764 seconds.
19:31:36 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a982:5400:899e:a808:760e:10b)
19:59:29***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
21:09:57 Quit dconrad (Remote host closed the connection)
21:49:49 Join PheralSparky [0] (~S|h|a|w|n@user/shawn/x-4432647)
21:59:31***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
22:38:59 Join stgiga [0] (~stgiga@
22:47:44 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
22:52:10 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
23:11:11 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
23:32:53 Quit jn (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
23:33:12 Join jn [0] (
23:33:13 Quit jn (Changing host)
23:33:13 Join jn [0] (~quassel@user/jn/x-3390946)

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