00:00:02 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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04:49:17 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision a032611e3e, 345 builds, 9 clients. |
04:49:17 | rb-bluebot | configure: remove clang warning for darwin host by Christian Soffke |
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05:01:34 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 739 seconds. |
05:01:36 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision a032611e3e result: All green |
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08:00:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:00:44 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision f179fc1079, 345 builds, 9 clients. |
08:00:44 | rb-bluebot | S5L87xx bootloader: Add option for viewing SysCfg in the development bootloader by Vencislav Atanasov |
08:12:04 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 681 seconds. |
08:12:06 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision f179fc1079 result: All green |
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10:00:16 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
10:31:48 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 660fa3ffdc, 345 builds, 9 clients. |
10:31:49 | rb-bluebot | scroll engine calculate stringsize only when scroll line updated by William Wilgus |
10:49:41 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 1073 seconds. |
10:49:43 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 660fa3ffdc result: All green |
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12:09:38 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 48811ed4a8, 345 builds, 9 clients. |
12:09:38 | rb-bluebot | ErosQ Hosted: Fix maximum volume upon plugging in headphones by Dana Conrad |
12:17:22 | | Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@akawolf.org) |
12:24:57 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 920 seconds. |
12:24:59 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 48811ed4a8 result: All green |
12:56:45 | | Join Classyham [0] (~Classyham@cpc160307-seac29-2-0-cust172.7-2.cable.virginm.net) |
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13:07:48 | Classyham | Hi all, I have a question about compiling Rockbox from source using WSL. I'm getting some errors in the final make (Post configure) to do with SDL. I followed the Windows10CrossCompiler guide to a T while only changing one line in the tools/configure file. Line 30 from "sdl_config=sdl2_config" to "sdl_config=i686-w64-mingw32-sdl-config" The errors |
13:07:48 | Classyham | I'm getting are in "button-sdl" mentioning unknown type name 'SDL_Keycode, SDL_WindowEvent, SDL_Event' and a few others. Here is a pastebin of the full log from the make command. https://pastebin.com/vEhQECX3 If you need more info from me please let me know and thanks in advance. |
13:11:02 | | Join lebellium [0] (~lebellium@2a01cb0405d07f00d33a0da62bfc2206.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
13:12:04 | speachy | you need *SDL2* |
13:12:34 | speachy | ie 'i686-w64-mingw32-sdl2-config' (assuming that exists) |
13:16:02 | Classyham | I see, the guide specifically mentions SDL1.2, so I assume it's outdated. I'll try the SDL build steps again with SDL2, is there a specific version I should use or can I just clone the git repository? |
13:34:55 | Classyham | Thank you for the help. That's got me further in, but now I'm getting a different error, stating include <SDL2/_real_SDL_Config.h> I assume I need to set that in a build file somewhere. |
13:35:32 | speachy | can't comment; that's internal to SDL |
13:48:11 | Classyham | Ok, no worries, I'll go digging. Thank you for your help though. |
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14:07:15 | spork | what are you trying to compile? is sdl(2) not only needed for simulators ? |
14:09:00 | spork | if you have wsl2 (like on windows 11) you can install ubuntu and compile rockbox like on realy linux |
14:09:20 | spork | much easier than cross-compiling |
14:15:50 | Classyham | Unfortunately I'm still on windows 10. Is it worth me installing wsl2 or just going the vm route? I already have an ubuntu 20.04 vm i can use |
14:16:27 | spork | if you want to compile actual rockbox and not simulators, a vm is fine too |
14:21:37 | spork | if you want simulators on windows, MarcAndersen is compiling those but i forgot where to download them |
14:25:17 | Classyham | I'm looking to compile actual rockbox yes. |
14:32:33 | spork | then you do not need sdl |
14:33:00 | spork | a vm will do fine |
14:34:30 | Classyham | Thank you. I'll go that way then. Apologies for my noobish questions |
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16:00:22 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
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18:00:06 | winsim-buildbot | New Windows simulator build round started. Revision 48811ed4a8, ErosQ Hosted: Fix maximum volume upon plugging in headphones by Dana Conrad |
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19:10:22 | Classyham | (not sure if my previous message posted so apologies for the potential dupe. ) Ok so i got everything working in a VM. Now, to deploy to my ipod for testing proper, so i just replace the contents of the .rockbox folder with the output of the "normal" build? Or do i need to use the utility? |
19:17:42 | | Join WebGuest16 [0] (~WebGuest1@2600:1700:4ec0:c500:9c58:cdff:fef3:f223) |
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19:27:06 | winsim-buildbot | Build round completed after 5221 seconds. |
19:31:14 | Classyham | So i hail mary'd it and pushed it to my ipod (after making a backup of my current .rockbox folder) and while it boots, nothing seems to work. It won't play music or anything. Not sure if theres a deployment guide but i can't seem to find it |
19:41:21 | | Join jacobk [0] (~quassel@47-186-65-73.dlls.tx.frontiernet.net) |
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20:19:19 | | Join bilgusph [0] (~bilgusph@ |
20:19:54 | bilgusph | Classyham yes just copy over the. rockbox folder and making a backup is a good IDEA always |
20:20:32 | bilgusph | Are you doing make and then make zip? |
20:20:45 | Classyham | Yep, i suppose, how do i get the extra stuff, like plugin data included in my fullzip. Is there somewhere i can download it from or can i put a custom zip into the utility to have it inject the plugin data? |
20:20:48 | bilgusph | Try make full zip |
20:21:09 | Classyham | I have fullzip, but that doesnt come with plugins (which is what i'm looking at making) |
20:21:50 | bilgusph | Then unzip to your device extras you can get from rbutIL or download them yourself |
20:22:14 | Classyham | How do i download them myself? I couldn't find a link anywhere in the docs |
20:22:24 | bilgusph | Yes full zip has plugins unless you've set up config not to make plugins |
20:22:51 | bilgusph | Extras would be like game file for doom themes fonts |
20:23:14 | Classyham | Ah gotcha, let me try fullzip again. One moment. Thank you for the info :D |
20:23:59 | bilgusph | When you did tools/configure what did you put? N for normal? |
20:24:38 | bilgusph | Or are you trying to get test plugins? |
20:25:04 | Classyham | for simplicity i just did a normal configure |
20:25:37 | bilgusph | In that case to tools configure press A for advanced and T for test plugins finally N for normal build |
20:25:59 | bilgusph | Other than that it should work |
20:26:20 | bilgusph | And are you building at head? |
20:26:41 | bilgusph | GIT pull −−rebase |
20:26:48 | bilgusph | Lowercase ofc |
20:28:17 | Classyham | I just cloned the repo today, so i'd assume its at latest. |
20:28:46 | bilgusph | EH id do it anyway esp if IM having issues |
20:29:44 | Classyham | Ok, it's working now. Thank you so much :D now for the fun part of trying to port igpsp from ipodlinux to rockbox |
20:30:39 | bilgusph | Good luck feel free task we try our best to help but it might take a while to GETA reply |
20:31:16 | bilgusph | To ask rather.. |
20:31:56 | bilgusph | Do remember no malloc |
20:32:42 | bilgusph | You can emulate it though over your plugin buffer |
20:32:51 | bilgusph | Tlsf |
20:33:03 | bilgusph | Its in plugins lib |
20:33:24 | bilgusph | The RB STRUCT has all the functions provided by core |
20:34:42 | bilgusph | We have most of std lib and plenty more esoteric functions see plugin. h |
20:35:38 | | Quit bilgusph (Quit: Client closed) |
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22:00:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:44:16 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 774357e722, 345 builds, 9 clients. |
22:44:17 | rb-bluebot | [Bugfix] Volume, track starting and track ending no default timeout by William Wilgus |
22:56:39 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 743 seconds. |
22:56:41 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 774357e722 result: All green |
22:58:07 | _bilgus | and even trying to not allow themes above the .rb directory I still managed to allow i because of the damn absolute path thing in path_append |
23:00 |
23:01:19 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 9c477e84ff, 345 builds, 9 clients. |
23:01:19 | rb-bluebot | [Bugix] %ft has access to the root of the drive using / by William Wilgus |
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23:14:15 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Build round completed after 776 seconds. |
23:14:17 | rb-bluebot | Build Server message: Revision 9c477e84ff result: All green |