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#rockbox log for 2024-12-22

00:01:00***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
01:08:58 Join jacobk [0] (
02:01:01***No seen item changed, no save performed.
02:16:20 Join lebellium [0] (
03:50:06 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
03:58:47 Join OriginCode [0] (~compl.exe@aosc/dev/origincode)
03:58:53 Quit COMPL_EXE (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
03:59:12 Nick OriginCode is now known as COMPL_EXE (~compl.exe@aosc/dev/origincode)
04:01:05***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
04:04:18 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
04:04:43 Join jacobk [0] (
04:49:49 Join martylake_ [0] (~martylake@
04:51:56 Quit martylake (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
04:51:56 Nick martylake_ is now known as martylake (~martylake@
05:11:44 Quit COMPL_EXE (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
06:01:10***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
06:20:14 Quit PheralSparky (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
07:29:32 Join COMPL_EXE [0] (~compl.exe@aosc/dev/origincode)
07:44:10 Quit stgiga (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
07:52:17 Quit pixelma (Quit: .)
07:52:17 Quit amiconn (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
07:53:14 Join amiconn [0] (
07:53:14 Join pixelma [0] (
08:01:11***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
08:05:09 Quit Galois (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
09:20:32rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 7d1cdf3ece, 345 builds, 9 clients.
09:20:32rb-bluebotsmall cleanup skin_parser parse_album_art parse_image_load by William Wilgus
09:33:07rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 755 seconds.
09:33:09rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 7d1cdf3ece result: 44 errors 0 warnings
10:01:14***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
10:05:02 Join JanC_ [0] (~janc@user/janc)
10:05:02 Quit JanC (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
10:05:02 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@user/janc)
10:17:55rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 50515de940, 345 builds, 9 clients.
10:17:55rb-bluebot[Fix Red] Manuals by William Wilgus
10:18:22_bilgusI can't figure out whats wrong with the manual this reverts the change I'll have to look at it later
10:32:53rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 899 seconds.
10:32:55rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 50515de940 result: All green
12:01:15***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
12:12:02zouHey, trying to debug char encoding... So I've filenames with emoji in it (on my ext4 part), if I get it right iPod part is vFat and manage emojis right (`ls` in it shows em)
12:12:27zouBut then, when Rockbox builds the database, another charset seems to be used instead of utf-8; for instance, cherry emoji 🍒 (yikes, my irc client doesn't do emoji) become in database_4.tcd "eda0 bced bd92"
12:14:08zouAnyone got an idea of charset path that is taken? My context is about writing a script that export rating value from runtime db, matching entries by path, so it fails in path containing emojis
12:14:51zou(easy solution might be removing every emoji chars in my songs... but I'd like to understand that, and that would also mean make some magic on my clementine db)
12:15:58zouAnd to clarify, cherry emoji in utf-8 is "d83c df52" :)
12:44:32 Join lebellium_ [0] (
12:48:25 Quit lebellium (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
12:56:52zouWell, not understanding fully, but I found a pattern, emojis in rockbox db start by "eda0 bced", that'll be enough for me :)
14:01:19***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
14:11:33zouIt seems it supports unicode chars up top U+FFFF, and after it messes up
14:21:20 Join lebellium__ [0] (
14:25:10 Quit lebellium_ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
15:20:40 Quit tertu (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
16:01:21***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
16:08:35zouAh! also, just saw a "-1% progress" building database! what is that supposed to mean? can't find mentions in manual
16:25:23 Join Galois [0] (
16:33:12 Join Everything [0] (~Everythin@
16:48:00 Join bilgusph [0] (~bilgusph@
16:48:32bilgusphZOU it might say -1 if its done or if there was an error
16:48:59bilgusphYou can try doing it from the plugin if you want error messages
16:50:42bilgusphATM core doesn't support above FFFF but i think someone has patches and is working on it
16:51:38 Quit bilgusph (Client Quit)
16:56:44zouOk nice, thanks for the info :)
17:22:29 Quit lebellium__ (Quit: Leaving)
17:28:55 Join othello7 [0] (
17:39:23 Quit othello7 (Quit: othello7)
17:45:20 Quit bpye (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))
17:45:59 Join bpye [0] (~bpye@user/bpye)
17:49:54 Quit jacobk (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
18:01:24***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
18:02:56 Quit Everything (Quit: leaving)
18:09:27winsim-buildbotNew Windows simulator build round started. Revision 50515de940, [Fix Red] Manuals by William Wilgus
18:44:10 Join stgiga [0] (~stgiga@
18:55:06winsim-buildbotBuild round completed after 2739 seconds.
19:30:40 Quit stgiga (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
19:34:53 Join stgiga [0] (~stgiga@
19:52:55 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a982:5400:7151:7763:5e7b:3e1b)
20:01:25***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
21:15:15 Quit baltazar (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
21:17:15 Join baltazar [0] (~baltazar@user/baltazar)
21:47:40 Quit stgiga (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
22:01:27***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
23:11:30 Quit bpye (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))
23:12:09 Join bpye [0] (~bpye@user/bpye)
23:28:49 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
23:35:54_bilgusfirst run trying out the new %ft tag and I find a nasty bug in %ss
23:36:20_bilgusit doesn't check the supplied buffer size and will happily overflow

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