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#rockbox log for 2024-12-29

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10:15:46 Join zugu [0] (~zugu@2a02:2f04:e100:b500:d19e:31e7:e3a3:4b84)
10:17:35zuguhello, everyone! just got a Sansa Clip+ and Rockboxed it, then I wanted to factory reset everything so I deleted all files and folders on it; now I'm stuck on a "Plug USB cable" screen and cannot reboot at all, not even to stock firmware; when I plug the USB cable in, Windows does not recognize the device; what can I do?
10:17:58 Join cela [0] (
10:19:06cela_bilgus Is that using ./rockboxui −−debugwps or a new feature?
10:19:15 Quit cela (Client Quit)
10:40:57 Join othello7 [0] (
10:41:36sporkzugu: if you hold the 'home' button when turning the device on it should boot the original firmware
10:42:31sporkif you put an original unpatched firmware file on the sd card and boot the original firmware it should reset to original
10:53:24zugusolved, thanks!
10:53:30 Quit zugu (Quit: Client closed)
10:56:27 Join zugu [0] (~zugu@2a02:2f04:e100:b500:d19e:31e7:e3a3:4b84)
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11:06:24sporkzugu: any reason why you want to remove rockbox ?
11:07:12spork(or factory reset as you put it)
11:07:29zuguI had forgot to factory reset the stock firmware, so I wanted to do that after installing rockbox; then I stupidly deleted all the files and was stuck in a bootloop; all is well now, rockbox is up and running again
11:07:49sporkaha, that does make sense
11:08:07sporkrockbox is particularly awesome on the clip+
11:10:17zuguyeah, I noticed that; I wanted to buy a Clip Zip initially, it did not arrive, so I rockboxed and case modded an iPod Classic "7th" gen, then fell in love with the size of iPod Shuffle 2nd and 4th gen, so I'm now back to Sansa after getting a bargain Clip+
11:12:55zugucould anyone please tell me why is there a ##MUSIC# folder on the Clip+ when there's another folder called MUSIC?
11:13:37sporkthe ##MUSIC## is from the original firmware
11:13:51sporki think it is used by its MTP mode
11:13:52zuguI see, thanks!
11:14:32sporkyou can delete both
11:14:49zuguwhere will the SD card contents appear in Rockbox?
11:15:50sporkthat depends on the version of rockbox
11:16:23sporkon mine, if i go to 'files' i see a <microSD0> folder
11:16:43sporkthat is the internal memory i think
11:17:09sporki use the multiboot bootloader and what i see in 'files' is the contents of the sd card directly
11:17:54MarcAndersenWhy are you recommending to put rockbox on the sd? Mine has always been on the internal.
11:18:18sporkmultiboot is highly recommended for a clip+
11:18:29sporkbecause the internal can fail
11:18:32MarcAndersenMine is a clip zip though
11:18:38sporkand then you have a useless device
11:18:43sporkworks for clip zip too
11:18:59MarcAndersenYes but if it does the bootloader goes too? or not?
11:19:19sporkfailing starts by writes giving errors
11:19:21MarcAndersenHmm. Is it hard to set up?
11:19:46zuguoh, I see, it's like the emunand on a modded Nintendo 3DS; NAND eventually fails, but SDcards are more resilient, I think; and obviously easily replaceable
11:20:42sporkit is not hard at all
11:20:43MarcAndersenOh, thanks. In the days I started with rockbox that was not possible yet and I never got to looking at it.
11:21:16sporkhardest (in windows) is to create a filename with '+' in it
11:22:11sporkif you install the current bootloader with rockbox utility it has this feature included
11:23:01sporkin theory this makes sansa's last a long time
11:23:12zuguso how do I get rockbox installed on the SD card? just copy everything over from the internal memory?
11:23:25sporka .rockbox
11:23:39sporkthe .rockbox dir
11:23:50zuguand isn't the bootloader installed on the internal NAND as well? if the NAND fails, how will the bootloader be able to point to the SD card?
11:24:08sporkit is, but writing will fail before reading
11:24:20sporkand after this you will never write to it again
11:24:22zuguI see
11:24:49sporkno guarantees and all but this should reduce risk of catastrophic failure
11:24:57zuguhear, hear
11:26:05sporki have done this on my 6 supported devices
11:56:50zuguI just plugged in my microSD card and it's not showing up in Files
11:57:26zuguit's an 128 GB card formatted as FAT32, restarted the device and still nothing
11:57:56speachyUsing the 3.15 release or a recent-ish daily build?
11:58:05zuguusing the latest stable release
11:58:28speachywhat's probably happening is that the _parition_ is FAT32 but the card is partioned with GPT
11:59:08zuguso I need to partition it with MBR?!
11:59:09speachy(instead of the "classic" MBR −− GPT+exFAT is how >32GB SD cards are shipped from their mfg
11:59:15speachyor you can update to a daily build
11:59:20zuguI see
11:59:47speachyI added GPT support sometime in the past year I think. or maybe last year?
12:00:33speachybut there's been a metric f-ton of improvements in the past 5 years since 3.15 was released.
12:01:16sporkgo daily
12:01:30spork'stable' does not have multiboot
12:01:46MarcAndersenHave you set a timeline for 4.0? Many of my friends do not like running dailies and I would like to get those features out to them
12:03:51speachyI'd hoped to have it out pretty much every month for the past 3-4 months but $life keeps throwing me major curveballs, and we keep finding things that need to be fixed. Plus the reported test coverage of anything that's not an ipod or sansa or x1000 devices is quite poor.
12:04:34MarcAndersenI see. Just take your time then.
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12:06:02speachyfrom a backend/infra/process perspective we're ready to go; just tag and kick off the builds.
12:06:11sporki wish i had many friends that could update
12:06:51speachy(well, changelogs need to be brought up to date for the past 1.5 months)
12:07:30sporktake away _bilgus's commit rights to catch up
12:07:45sporkspeachy: can the wiki search be fixed ?
12:07:46MarcAndersenYeah I saw you updated the release notes page and then I thought that it was released along with that.
12:08:20sporkwith google's bot being blocked, the rockbox site is hard to search
12:08:40speachygoogle's AI bot is blocked but their regular bot isn't.
12:08:56sporkgoogle returns no results for me
12:09:29speachyoh that's nice. sigh
12:09:46sporkanyway, the wiki search opens a login page
12:10:12*speachy adds yet another item to the endless todo list.
12:11:30speachythe Google AI bot was generating ~25GB/day in traffic and using up about half the CPU resources in the process.
12:12:14speachy(not to single google out here; it seems the latest generation of crawling-for-AI all act pathologically.
12:13:57antgod bless ai
12:16:15sporknothing smart about ai crawlers
12:17:07speachyit's just that the folks implementing them ignore the lessons and behaviors that the search crawlers _from the same organization_ demonstrated.
12:17:35speachynot to mention completley ignoring robots.txt
12:17:55speachythat's pretty much an insta-ban in my book.
12:19:00speachywhen the malware probes behave better than the "legit" stuff you know someting is very wrong.
12:46:42 Quit spork (Remote host closed the connection)
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13:37:44_bilguscela its in gerrit now using ./rockboxui, along with a crosshair cursor and a help messgae (F1 key)
13:41:50_bilgusI'd like to hear about some results on something other than linux before I push
13:45:20_bilgusspork probably half of those started as a bug spelunking mission :)
13:52:09sarkit is impressive
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13:54:05chris_s_bilgus: SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND seems better suited
14:04:34chris_sThe half-second delay feels a bit annoying to me.... is it necessary to be so conservative about that?
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14:06:58_bilgusI mean not really its doubtful anything the sim is running on will not be able to handle it
14:07:22_bilgusI just didn't like how jumpy it was otherwise
14:10:35chris_sFor the cursor change, too? I feel like that should not have  a (perceptible) delay. HZ/4 at most maybe...
14:11:34_bilgusthat was actually prior
14:13:42_bilgusI can't say I notice much of a difference between either with the cursor involved
14:16:08 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
14:16:37chris_sthe help text shows "[] scroll forward
14:16:38chris_s[Space] scroll backward" for the iPod video, probably even though it has BUTTON_SCROLL_FWD, because it's defined but not in the buttonmap
14:17:19_bilgusI was wondering about that
14:17:47_bilgusI think with the cursor change we probably don't need the title change
14:19:23_bilgusI guess we can block anything that returns "" from SDL_GETKeyName
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14:37:50_bilgusI still find the fast flash back to UI_TITLE a bit annoying but having it at the back of the window title makes it bearable I still might remove the title change part
14:40:54chris_syeah, title constantly changing can become a bit distracting :) . ..  checking for keyname[0] doesn't seem to help .,.. SDL_GetKeyName(BUTTON_SCROLL_FWD) or SDL_GetKeyName(BUTTON_SCROLL_BACK)  returns some string
14:43:46chris_sI'm not sure HELPTXT(BUTTON_SCROLL_FWD /BACK is needed at all? Isn't that covered by the buttonmap already
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14:44:57chris_sin the case of the iPod video:
14:44:58chris_s[Keypad 8] Scroll Back
14:44:59chris_s[Keypad 2] Scroll Fwd
14:46:28_bilgusah good
14:46:49_bilgusI was just going with what was in the button_events fn
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15:06:31_bilgusok I think I'm pretty happy with all that
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15:10:54_bilgusnow someone is goinh to want it in the sdl app
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15:40:43_bilgusmouse motion supplies a ms timestamp
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16:45:18rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 8884284da4, 345 builds, 9 clients.
16:45:19rb-bluebotsimulator hand icon on button region mouse over by William Wilgus
16:50:08_bilgusI was going to push the help menu one too but making it a child of the main app stops playback and making it non-modal makes the sim get a force quit message
16:50:33_bilgusguessing I need to process someting in my event loop
16:51:04_bilgusno because when its non-modal I don't get access :/
16:53:08_bilgusoh nm it stops it in both
16:55:10_bilguswell thats too bad but I'm not dealing with owner drawn text for this
17:03:57rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 1119 seconds.
17:03:59rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 8884284da4 result: All green
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18:00:19winsim-buildbotNew Windows simulator build round started. Revision 8884284da4, simulator hand icon on button region mouse over by William Wilgus
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18:47:35winsim-buildbotBuild round completed after 2836 seconds.
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19:16:26 Quit speachy (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.0)
19:21:49rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 9ba59477a1, 345 builds, 9 clients.
19:21:49rb-bluebotsdl: improve window resizing on macOS by Christian Soffke
19:36:12rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 864 seconds.
19:36:14rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 9ba59477a1 result: All green
19:37:54 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a982:5400:c504:fec2:f8a6:cc5d)
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21:25:51rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision fcbfa494f5, 345 builds, 9 clients.
21:25:51rb-bluebot[Feature] Simulator add F1 help text by William Wilgus
21:38:12rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 742 seconds.
21:38:14rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision fcbfa494f5 result: 0 errors 24 warnings
21:43:43 Quit chris_s (Quit: Client closed)
21:47:48rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 2a825b866a, 345 builds, 9 clients.
21:47:48rb-bluebotSIMULATOR help text fix yellow by William Wilgus
22:00:07rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 740 seconds.
22:00:09rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 2a825b866a result: All green
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