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#rockbox log for 2025-01-06

00:08:38***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
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00:10:58 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@user/janc)
00:12:21_bilgus_ha even better I can track if its empty and just not show it if the buffer hasn't been initialized
00:13:16_bilgus_makes the screen display black for a moment but tahst better than pieces of skin elements and rainbow snow
00:16:37 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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00:51:46_bilgus_what makes it right is copying the current framebuffer if the backdeop is uninitialized with an image
01:05:08 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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01:37:32 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
01:38:26_bilgus_ok 6315 appears o work pretty well now
01:39:33_bilgus_the .empty variable is probably unneeded but its essentially free so it will ensure if anyone had any weird stuff going on this shouldn't break it
01:39:50_bilgus_sorry g#6315
01:39:53rb-bluebotGerrit review #6315 at : [Bugfix] Fail theme load if %VB is not switched back to foreground by William Wilgus
01:42:07 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
02:00:47 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
02:01:21chris_sooh very nice
02:05:04 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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02:20:36_bilgus_looking at the code I think I can assume the background buffer is always empty since you are loading a theme and by the time skin_backdrops_preload is called everything has been parsed
02:21:18 Quit othello7 (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
02:21:31_bilgus_I was thinking more from a standpoint of loading several images to a background but I think this should still be possible (if it were before)
02:26:13rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision 0b5f1b68e6, 345 builds, 9 clients.
02:26:14rb-bluebot[Bugfix] Copy current lcd contents into empty background buffers by William Wilgus
02:29:48_bilgus_this shouldn't cause anything but an improvement as anyone that uses it properly will overwrite the buffer anyway
02:33:11 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
02:38:00 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
02:38:10chris_sI wonder if the document should even be updated after your fix, because now you can  prevent overlapping foreground viewports and thus eliminate any flashing of the UI viewport, which is pretty cool
02:38:51_bilgus_my only worry is that the main framebuffer is optimized
02:39:10_bilgus_with attributes to make it faster
02:40:24rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 852 seconds.
02:40:27rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision 0b5f1b68e6 result: All green
02:40:31_bilgus_but I guess if its acceptable with the refresh no harm no foul
02:43:08_bilgus_if you want to play with it a bit and see if thats the case I do wonder about the comment about text on the vp though
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07:01:47 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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07:27:22dookJust tested 6315 out and it plays really nicely with my themes.
07:28:21dookI got reports before about visual bugs caused by using %VB, usually when loading the themes and it's fixed with this change.
07:38:11 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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07:46:00dookIt has introduced some buggy behaviour when loading a theme I'm working that uses %VB a lot
07:46:37dookChances are I need to handle the %VB tags better
08:00:02 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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08:51:34 Quit MarcAndersen (Quit: I was using NightOwl 0.2.)
08:55:47 Quit speachy (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.0)
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09:03:03Mode"#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (
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09:37:33_bilgus_dook, whats the buggy behavior?
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10:18:36speachyHmm. why are the hifi et ma8/9 targets so small?
10:18:42speachy... no plugins, apaprently.
10:21:17speachythat seems like quite an oversight given that the targets are considered "unstable"
10:21:52speachy(as opposed to "unusable")
10:24:06_bilgus_wonder how much of that is unstable due to minimal testing versus unstable it crashes at random
10:32:47speachy"stable" vs "unstable" means things like installer support and a manual
10:33:39gevaertsIt does feel that a lack of plugins should have blocked the unstable name, yes
10:33:49gevaertsWell, label, not name
10:34:08CtcpIgnored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood
10:34:08*speachy grumbles.
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10:34:36speachy"do I go through the plugins and add keymaps for devices I've never seen and probably never will.."
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11:28:01_bilgus_when is the last time someone even mentioned it? maybe downgrade it instead?
11:28:39_bilgus_someone comes sniffing we can revisit then
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12:20:48speachyI have no idea.
12:20:58speachyof coruse the same could be said about 2/3rds of our catalog
12:29:38 Join othello7 [0] (
12:30:54user890104I'd like to once again bring the idea of having a list with volunteers and which devices each one of them has
12:39:22speachythere have been several of those in the past, folks move on.
12:39:58 Quit othello7 (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
12:40:14speachyall folks _really_ care about are the ipods, maybe the sansas, and to a much lesser extent, the erosq family by virtue of it being in production.
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14:21:31dook_bilgus_ when switching to it from certain themes (adwaitapod, or spazz for example) 2 of the fonts fail to load, and then the backup menu viewport is drawn but over the warning pop ups and the previous theme's screen
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14:25:47dookBut if you select it a second time, while it's in that bugged state, it loads normally.
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14:33:59speachyI wonder if we run out of font slots or sometihng
14:35:46dookI think that might be the case, I'm using 9 slots here
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14:43:41dookAh okay I have found a bug with the background patch. If you switch to a theme that draws on the background and the theme can't load due to an error, the background wont be wiped
14:50:49 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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14:55:53dookAdded to the tracker, with some screenshots
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15:12:30_bilgus_ok I'll look at it I think I can just wipe it if it fails to load in a similar manner
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18:00:11winsim-buildbotNew Windows simulator build round started. Revision 0b5f1b68e6, [Bugfix] Copy current lcd contents into empty background buffers by William Wilgus
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18:46:21winsim-buildbotBuild round completed after 2770 seconds.
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22:25:11chris_sAs far as I can tell, the CustomWPS page on the wiki ( is really a bit misleading.
22:25:19chris_sInstead of telling you to "add %V(0,0,-,-,-) and continue with your skin as normal" it should recommend you ensure that no area of the screen is left uncovered by _non-overlapping_ foreground viewports after drawing a fullscreen viewport on the backdrop layer.
22:25:32chris_sAny areas left uncovered by foreground viewports will not be updated properly (i.e. you may see an unrefreshed backdrop). But if you follow the page's advice and just insert a fullscreen foreground viewport, it will _necessarily_ overlap (at least) with the UI viewport, causing brief flashes during screen updates.
22:36:42 Join jacobk [0] (
22:52:26chris_sI guess it's fine to do it like that for the WPS but not the SBS
23:01:45 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving)
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