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#rockbox log for 2025-01-09

00:01:37 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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00:42:36rb-bluebotBuild Server message: New build round started. Revision e5c9846cb4, 347 builds, 9 clients.
00:42:37rb-bluebotPlaylist Catalogue: fix: "Save Current Playlist" may fail silently by Christian Soffke
00:46:29 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
00:50:42 Quit dconrad (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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00:55:29rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Build round completed after 774 seconds.
00:55:31rb-bluebotBuild Server message: Revision e5c9846cb4 result: All green
01:21:34 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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09:02:00 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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09:22:37_bilgusI've got the start of FS #13538 up I do question allowing the user to set battery level dangerous maybe we can put some sanity checks in the import part
09:22:38rb-bluebot Pull battery charge curve tables into external files (feature requests, new)
09:23:28speachywe can put in a hardcoded floor but otherwise we can't stop folks from deliberately screwing things up
09:24:23speachyIIRC "shutoff" is historically what, 5%?
09:24:36_bilgusprobably just some checking to make sure they jive would be a good step
09:24:37speachyand is "dangerous" ever less than 0%?
09:25:26_bilguslike dangerous is lower than the lowest value, uh it goes on mv level not %
09:25:43speachyI don't see much of a point in keeping "dangerous" less than our "0%" value.
09:25:58speachyI mean battery bench will discharge to the point of the player dying anyway
09:26:20_bilgusit makes the distinction on if it will try to spin up disk IIRC
09:26:46_bilgusif its dangerous level the player shuts off NOW
09:27:12speachyah, ok, so maybe it needs to be renamed as such. :D
09:27:59speachysince "dangerous" only means "safe to spin up disk"
09:28:40_bilgusI'm not sure how to make that more descriptive
09:30:17speachydisk_safe_level yeah
09:30:50_bilgusit also used it to flash the battery
09:31:05speachyshutoff_level is already descriptive enough. The handful of tables I've looked at have shutoff_level == 0% level.
09:31:45_bilgusyeah which makes sense..
09:32:00speachyso IMO that is redundant
09:32:38_bilgusyeah we can hardcode it to just be the fist curve level[0]
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09:47:57_bilgusprobably ge rid of the battery_types too IIRC its only a few devices that use it nyway
09:48:10speachyI think there's just one
09:48:14speachy(xduoo x3)
09:48:36_bilgusoh so two then
09:48:44speachyoh? what's the distintion?
09:49:29speachy BATTERY_TYPES_COUNT is 1 for everything but x3
09:51:40_bilgusyeah I swear the battery_types was originally for the ipod (6g?) but I don't see it now
09:51:51_bilgusBATTERY_CAPACITY_INC needs looking t too
09:51:56speachyit was originally for the Archos players
09:52:06speachywhich could be alkaline or NiMH
09:53:49speachyX3 had two different shipped batteries that used different chemistries
09:54:18speachyI'd be in favor or collapsing that to the later one
09:54:39speachyespecially since anyone with one of 'em will have had to replace the battery by now anyway.
09:55:39_bilgusI'd go with the more conservative one likely just because its less likely to cause damage
09:56:26speachycharging is under hw control
09:58:13speachythe current curve for the newer type was one I generated a while back
09:58:25speachyI should generate a new one with the replacement battery
10:01:02_bilgusah so its only for levels and shutdown (prior to the device forcing it)
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10:15:26speachyon this device at least
10:15:41speachypretty sure we have true sw control over charging on some devices
10:30:43 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@
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16:47:35_bilgusso reading the FS are you wanting to pull out all the hardcoded tables? I think its probably a good idea to still package a default due to the possibility you might be running without disk access
16:47:59speachyyes, I want to pull the tables out
16:49:02speachyI agree that we need a buultin one but we can generate that at compile time from the same data file
16:49:36speachy(ie we'd convert the builtin table to a txt file, parse that as part of the build and also install that under .rockbox
16:49:58speachy(optionally, I guess)
16:56:22_bilgusthat sounds worse than jut leaving a default in he bin and if one is supplied use it if it fails fallback to inbuilt and splash a warning
16:56:53_bilgusotherwise you'll have a genuinely bad day when that file fails to load
16:57:47speachyI mean there would be a builtin table, but it would be generated at build time from a properly-formatted txt file
16:58:38_bilguswhat do you do if you can't read the disk?
16:58:51_bilgusload it at boot?
16:59:02speachyif you can't read the disk then you use the one built into the binary?
17:00:08_bilgus'there would be a builtin table, but it would be generated at build time from a properly-formatted txt file' ??
17:00:31speachyat build/compile time, yes.
17:00:58_bilgusok so you want to use the build system to generate it and pull into the bin
17:01:57_bilgusok got ya and then you could supply the same file with your new values pasted in
17:02:11 Quit luscusrex (Quit: Leaving)
17:02:42speachyyep. or off the wiki or forum or wheverer cool kids go for their cargo cult needs.
17:03:54_bilgusfor that matter you have it if you build the target
17:05:09_bilgusbeing its int attr we can afford to be a bit more verbose with it, well hmm if the display is up by then..
17:05:10speachyyep, given how common 3rd party batteries are for some devices, I don't know how much value a repository of battery curves will ultimately be
17:05:26_bilgusone day you can generate one
17:05:34_bilgusin one day.
17:06:04speachyit's also a step towards making this completely dynamic
17:06:08_bilgusso battery bench will need a second plugin to actually generate these
17:08:44_bilguswell if its loaded at compile time into the bin it makes more sense to just carry around the arrays and write them directly
17:09:11_bilgusfor that matter I can leave whats in there anyway
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17:09:21speachyas the internal representation you mean?
17:09:42_bilgusthey just remove the const
17:09:43speachyinternally it can be the same, just centralized and writeable.
17:10:12_bilgusthen it won't break the build system as we go back in time
17:10:28_bilgusgit bisect etc
17:10:30speachyno wait, we'll still need the const target-specific default as a fallback if there's an error.
17:11:08speachyI don't see how this will break bisections... I mean, it won't be used until it's used..
17:11:10_bilgusit'll b there just not const
17:13:04_bilgusif you try and go backwards you have to do make clean anytime the builds change
17:14:27_bilguswith this change the compile time stuff will still get written even if its const bc it doesn't care the build will just use that
17:16:58_bilgusbasically we will grep the assembly to find the symbol and write in our own values for the array
17:18:30_bilgusactually maybe a weak-ref would make more sense here
17:19:04_bilgusin that case we can make it an actual c source file and just ask the preprocessor to paste it
17:23:09_bilgusthat also sets up our formatting for parsing it too
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17:24:40 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving)
17:29:33_bilgusok so phase 1 is now going to be removing the battery type stuff and knocing it down to a 1d array, that and removing const + making the build system spit out the targt specific include as a cfg file
17:30:54_bilgusphase 2 will be building a parser for it in the init time similar to how keyremap does it
17:34:58_bilgusI guess for the xduoo we need to ship two
17:36:50_bilgusI'm not sure how to best handle that I guess have the second in the same file and keep the battery type setting and have the parser handle it
17:37:20_bilgusit'll get picked up next start
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18:00:10winsim-buildbotNew Windows simulator build round started. Revision e5c9846cb4, Playlist Catalogue: fix: "Save Current Playlist" may fail silently by Christian Soffke
18:01:15MarcAndersenLet's hope this builds...
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18:16:47_bilguspretty much all the targets are powermgmt-<target> but a few aren't and they also have other logic in with the table so i'll need to break them out
18:18:37_bilguswelp might as well just break them all out to a file called battery_levels.c
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18:47:18winsim-buildbotBuild round completed after 2829 seconds.
18:50:31MarcAndersenIt built them all.
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23:20:32_bilguswell damn about half way through adding battery_levels.c and then I run into ihifi where they just have all the power mgmt files in a single directory so back to parsing the asm for the symbols :/
23:41:41 Quit TorC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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