--- Log for 25.02.103 Server: sterling.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 14 hours and 0 minutes ago 00.18.25 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.21.26 Join elinenbe_ [0] (~chatzilla@user-0cev121.cable.mindspring.com) 00.29.28 Quit elinenbe_ ("ChatZilla 0.8.11 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3a; MultiZilla v1.1.32 final) Gecko/20021212]") 01.14.25 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACB4FB06.ipt.aol.com) 01.14.48 # Hi 01.15.35 # i want my screen inverter :-) 01.17.13 Quit tracktheripper (Client Quit) 01.23.52 Quit dwihno (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.28.03 Join dwihno [0] (dwihno@ 01.34.37 Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 01.41.48 Join Tony [0] (~Tony@157.seattle15rh15rt.wa.dial-access.att.net) 01.42.04 DBUG Enqueued KICK Tony 01.42.04 # 02anyone not idle? 01.42.10 # i'm here 01.42.33 # 02Is the recording feature for recording only in the daily builds 01.43.18 # yes 01.43.25 *** Alert Mode level 1 01.43.25 # 02OK, cool, thanks 01.43.29 *** Alert Mode level 2 01.43.29 # 02bbl 01.44.33 Part Tony 01.45.16 # And my #ipodlinux channel is crowded as Hell! 01.45.18 # .. 01.45.26 # wow 01.49.06 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 01.49.06 # * Snorlax is soooo busy chating in his OWN channel.... 01.53.30 *** Alert Mode OFF 01.55.45 Join davidc_ [0] (~davidc@h24-79-85-76.vc.shawcable.net) 02.18.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.19.20 Join dwihno_ [0] (dwihno@h193180246067.kommunicera.umea.se) 02.22.06 Nick Snorlax is now known as Snorlax|ZzZ (Snorlax@h202n2fls34o883.telia.com) 02.23.22 # ls 02.23.28 # nm.. wrong terminal :) 02.23.34 # :-) 02.27.51 Quit dwihno (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 02.28.38 Join Jet8810 [0] (~Josh@ 02.56.23 Quit davidc_ ("[BX] Hey, where's the cream filling?!") 03.29.34 # http://web6.scan.co.uk/Products/Info.asp?WPID=54595 03.29.41 # got a trademark? 03.30.57 # got prior art if nothing else, but thats a hardware product name, and this is a software project so i dunno if there'd be any conflict 03.32.20 # they are both mp3 players tho 03.32.26 # same arena 03.32.34 # and you cant have prior art on a trademark :) 03.33.25 # oh 03.33.47 # why would you have a trademark on something that's not traded though heh 03.46.57 Join bombadier337 [0] (~mike@pcp02878733pcs.cnorth01.va.comcast.net) 03.47.42 # hey, LinusN, u no anything more about that fastforwarding bug on the recorder? 03.48.06 # what ff bug? 03.48.44 # like when u fastforward, but it says it fast forwareded, but still plays the old position 03.49.20 # yes, that may happen when you have VBR files without a VBR header 03.49.34 # it happens to me on cbr files 03.49.38 # oh 03.49.52 # tell me about the file 03.50.00 # ive done it on like 3 03.50.58 # one is a 60 min chris rock standup,bitrate 128, two other 3-4 min songs, one is 128 bit the other 192 03.51.57 # o well, its all good 03.52.46 # did sum1 want rockbox to make the recorder 20 become an fm recorder 20? 03.52.51 # i read sumthin like that earlier 03.53.11 # so the WPS tells you that the play position has advanced, but the audio is playing from the beginning? 03.53.17 # yes 03.53.26 # weirdo 03.53.42 # can you make the shortest of them available for download? 03.53.51 # ill try it on a newer build when my usb cable comes 03.54.07 # sure, ill put it up 2morrow 03.54.12 # we haven't changed that code in ages 03.54.25 # o, ok 03.54.33 # ill play around with it 2night 03.54.46 # the recorder->fmrecorder request is a joke 03.54.54 # where is it? 03.55.07 # somewhere in the feature request database i guess 03.55.43 # what was that guy smokin? 03.56.52 # well, it was a joke 03.57.02 # heh 03.57.25 # did tracktheripper write it by chance? 03.57.44 # i think so, yes 03.59.34 # well good news, im having trouble repeating the fast forward bug 04.02.59 # good :-) 04.03.24 # r u like an eltrical engineer or sumthin? 04.03.39 # i am an embedded systems programmer 04.03.47 # nice 04.03.55 # what was ur major in college? 04.04.42 # languages; latin, italian, french and english 04.04.48 # sweet 04.05.02 # thats tricky, languages r not my thing 04.05.19 # i never had any computer classes 04.05.28 # kool 04.05.44 # and never went to university 04.05.47 # o 04.06.05 # i want to learn to program so bad 04.06.12 # self-taught 04.06.18 Join elinenbe [0] (~elinenbe_@user-0cev121.cable.mindspring.com) 04.06.20 # yeh, what i no, is self taught 04.06.25 # in c# 04.06.45 # LinusN: hello! 04.07.00 # c#? heh 04.07.11 # hi elinenbe 04.08.48 # i like that the fm recorder charges the battery from the USB 04.09.01 # LinusN: how long does a charge take? 04.09.06 # really, thats tight 04.09.10 # LinusN: that must be nice for file transfers. 04.09.27 # i don't know how long it takes :-) 04.09.40 # LinusN: I think the FM is a much nicer piece of hardware, BUT, I hate the fact that it does not use standard batteries. 04.09.49 # same here 04.10.03 # i got my recorder 20 for 25, im not complaining 04.10.13 # however, it seems that they have removed the remote control option :-( 04.10.45 # really? 04.10.50 # I wonder why they did that? 04.11.18 # i think the older models broke too often 04.11.42 # the serial port is sensitive 04.12.13 # are the internal connections serial or parallel this time? 04.12.30 # you mean mas <-> CPU? 04.13.03 # yeah. 04.13.05 # same same 04.13.14 # Isn't it serial in the recorder. 04.13.27 # playback is serial, recording is parallel 04.14.00 # LinusN: I think you should design a hardrive based mp3 player. 04.14.07 # :-) 04.14.09 # LinusN: do they use the same MAS chip? 04.14.24 # yes, it is very similar to the old recorder 04.14.36 # only the power/battery stuff has changed 04.14.44 # and the radio of course 04.15.06 # For the FM the charging is done through hardware -- is there some chip that takes care of it? 04.15.31 # yes, a dedicated LiIon charging chip, LTC1734 04.15.38 # y doesnt the recorder buzz when charging through rockbox? 04.15.48 # not mine 04.16.06 # my recorder that is 04.16.41 # the fm recorder charging is not s/w controlled 04.17.02 # Do you know the logic in that chip? Do you think that is is better or worse that it is hardware? 04.17.14 # better 04.17.26 # LiIon is tricky stuff 04.17.30 # oh. 04.17.42 # Well, if you have good LiIon code, then it shouldn't matter. 04.17.46 # you don't want to risk blowing up the unit because ov overcharging 04.18.01 # on my 1800mAh batteries I get about 13-14 hours with Rockbox. 04.18.06 # cool 04.18.08 # the batteries are ONLY .89$ 04.18.12 # you can't really beat that. 04.18.27 # that is why these proprietary batteries are so blah! 04.18.30 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.18.34 # i agree 04.18.40 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-sleep (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 04.18.50 # i should sleep too 04.18.56 # LinusN: nah. 04.19.02 # :-) 04.19.07 # LinusN: any luck with the radio? 04.19.28 # my new id3/mp3info code works great now 04.19.42 # LinusN: what is that going to do? 04.19.48 # i haven't started with the radio driver, too busy with 2.0 04.20.13 # the new id3/mp3info code is the base for the Xing header generator 04.20.22 # ah... is that complicated? 04.20.27 # a little 04.20.35 # is 2.0 gonna bring big changes, or just like cvs? 04.20.51 # you have to parse the MP3 frame headers to calculate the position in time 04.21.02 # bombadier337: vcs _is_ 2.0 04.21.05 # cvs 04.21.11 # thats what i thought, cool 04.21.23 # a few more features are on their way in, though 04.21.30 # u think there will be a playlist editor? 04.21.36 # like VBR header generation 04.21.58 # i don't think a playlist editor will make it into 2.0 04.22.00 # LinusN: does it scan the entire file after you stop the recording? 04.22.05 # yes 04.22.17 # either automatically or on demand 04.22.21 # How long odes that take per minute of mp3? 04.22.43 # i don't know yet, i have only run it in the simulator 04.22.47 # oh. 04.22.59 # it will take some time, i think 04.23.06 # LinusN: how is your wife doing? 04.23.15 # bad, as usual :-) 04.23.21 # huh? 04.23.24 # LinusN: sorry to hear that. 04.23.33 # LinusN: there should be no smiley :( 04.23.36 # no change really 04.23.43 # what happened? 04.24.09 # bombadier337: complications when delivering our daughter this october 04.24.19 # o, im sorry to hear that 04.24.29 # yeah, it sucks 04.25.06 # elinenbe: the smiley was for "as usual" 04.25.18 # LinusN: I see. 04.25.23 # anyway, i gotta get some sleep 04.25.28 # LinusN: goodnight 04.25.29 # lata man 04.25.38 # cu around 04.25.41 # i hope everything turns out for the best 04.25.50 # thx 04.25.52 # nite 04.25.55 Part LinusN 04.27.05 Nick bombadier337 is now known as b0m8 (~mike@pcp02878733pcs.cnorth01.va.comcast.net) 04.27.20 Nick b0m8 is now known as bOmBadIEr337 (~mike@pcp02878733pcs.cnorth01.va.comcast.net) 04.27.45 # well im out 04.27.47 # peace 04.27.49 Part bOmBadIEr337 04.29.16 Quit elinenbe ("Heading to the pub") 06.18.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.18.35 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 08.32.54 Quit meshuga ("BitchX Official FTP Site -- ftp://ftp.bitchx.com") 08.36.50 Quit PsycoXul (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.37.27 Join Bagder [241] (~daniel@as3-3-2.ras.s.bonet.se) 08.37.38 # hi! 08.42.25 Nick dwihno_ is now known as dwihno (dwihno@h193180246067.kommunicera.umea.se) 08.42.30 # Hi! :) 08.56.53 Join PsycoXul [0] (psyco@adsl-63-205-44-144.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 08.57.12 # Bagder you around? 08.57.17 # yeps 08.57.23 # k.. 08.57.43 # with language files.. if there is a bug namely a LANG_... misspelled 08.58.00 # is it better to correct the typo, or just add a correct label to the end of the lang file? 08.58.05 # and leave the typo one alone 08.58.15 # good question 08.58.25 # I'm not sure 08.58.28 # I'll check 08.58.30 # k 09.00.35 # correcting the typo is the way 09.00.49 # but... 09.00.54 # all languages have that typo 09.01.01 # including the C source using it 09.01.48 # nods 09.01.52 # im going to fix them... all :( 09.01.55 # cool? 09.01.58 # yeps 09.02.02 # k.. off i go 09.03.45 # hey adi, don't change any order of things in the english lang file 09.09.24 Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 09.10.50 # define order.. 09.10.58 # we have that single id that was/is alone 09.11.04 # that was a mistake in it being there.. 09.11.10 # but other then that im not changing any order 09.11.13 # #define order :-D 09.11.17 # lol 09.11.29 # I was refering to that other problem monter mentioned 09.11.46 # the TETRIS one? 09.11.49 # yes 09.11.57 # grrr.. i fixed it.. but didn't commit yet 09.11.58 # why? 09.12.15 # we must not change the order of items in the english lang file 09.12.26 # * adi|home plays dumb 09.12.26 # why? 09.12.34 # because it screws up the language files 09.12.58 # im not trying to be an ass. but how does it screw it up? 09.13.00 # we should consider doing a cleanup and lang-version bump for 2.0 09.13.36 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 09.13.38 # it breaks backwards compability 09.13.46 # k 09.13.50 # ill unfix 09.14.12 # and you do realize that some of the language files don't have that TETRIS line right? 09.14.29 # the other files don't matter 09.14.41 # the english one is the master one 09.14.47 # okay.. so I can clean those.. just not the english one? 09.14.53 # yes 09.15.09 # can i add a comment to that id so that ppl know we are aware of it? 09.15.26 # sure, comments are good 09.15.38 # k 09.16.14 Nick Snorlax|ZzZ is now known as Snorlax (Snorlax@h202n2fls34o883.telia.com) 09.17.13 Join langhaarrocker [0] (~Phil@212-204-020-018.dsl1.versanet.de) 09.21.58 # the header comment if the english.lang file actually spells out my warning as well ;-) 09.34.39 # okay.. fixes commited 09.37.03 # yay! 09.37.07 # * dwihno loves CVS commits! :D 09.47.00 Join TotMacher [0] (tot@ip67.rsidus.riege.de) 10.06.01 Join quelsaruk [0] (~zaknafein@faerun.ugr.es) 10.06.25 # hi 10.07.05 # hi quelsaruk 10.07.21 # anything new ? 10.07.28 # since friday :) 10.07.50 # not much, no 10.16.20 # moin 10.17.22 # other then the sokoban changes.. not too much :) 10.17.46 # ah, right, forgot those 10.18.11 # umm 10.18.20 # i don't play sokoban.. i use my new mobil 10.18.22 # mobile 10.18.25 # :) 10.18.29 # java games ;) 10.18.33 # hehe 10.18.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.18.45 # but you can't write your own for it 10.18.52 # yes you can 10.19.08 # in theory, yes, in practise most often no 10.19.11 # I already compiled the "hello world " for it 10.19.27 # But I'm more interested in its blue tooth capabilites. 10.19.31 # langhaarrocker for presindent 10.19.43 # kjer wrote a tetris for his T68 10.20.04 # only to find out that 1) it doesn't work 2) only he and no friends can play it 10.20.07 # Maybe I'll do a multiplayer wormlet in java via bluetooth 10.20.08 # my brother would like that tetris... 10.21.00 # But before I start that I want that damn configurable keys work in rockbox 10.22.25 # But one thing in fact is suprising: most of the demos that come with the api for the s55 don't work. 10.22.47 # i haven't tried them 10.23.19 # the thing that more impressed me is that MMS technology is really bad 10.23.24 # There's a spread sheed program, too. A spreadsheet for a mobile! What a nonsense. 10.24.22 # I haven't managed to send MMS at first try and haven't investigated any further. 10.24.48 # i mean.. with siemens you can send midi files but sony-ericsson mobiles wont be able to play the midis.. so the only thing you can send are images and text, or voice records 10.25.37 # so we have to programm a midi -> sony-ericsson converter :) 10.26.29 # a midi--> imy converter 10.26.32 # :) 10.27.02 # i thought nowadays companys would work in a common way 10.27.21 # as they did with T9 10.27.46 # heh yeah with all this fucking "corporate synergy" lately 10.27.55 # they did not with T9 10.28.07 # there are at least three different ways, T9 is one 10.28.45 # yes.. but most mobiles have t9 or something like that.. with word recognition 10.29.04 # besides, SonyEricsson is still too much Ericsson ;-) 10.29.26 # * Bagder has done his share of projects for Ericsson 10.29.26 # of course... my brother has a T68i and i don't like it 10.31.42 # Are there any MasterBlueToothUSB-Plugs? :) 10.31.50 # yes 10.31.58 # iirc 10.32.39 # ?!?! I was thinking about something to plug into the archos and make it wireless. 10.32.42 # langhaarrocker: calpefrosh bought one of those.. as he is german maybe you can ask him 10.32.49 # uh 10.32.53 # (i think) 10.32.58 # well, it might exist something like that 10.37.29 # * dwihno has a 2-part question: What kind of sideeffects (a.k.a. surprise features) might the SLEEP + HD OFF patches have? 10.39.23 # you tell us! 10.39.28 # they should not have any 10.39.33 # Hmm... 10.40.03 # I'll do some testing during lunch 10.43.17 # hd off gives you longer spinup time, meaning it takes more time to change track. that's the only side effect i know of. 10.43.36 # it's better i don't try anything... i you want accurate results ;) 10.44.21 # still voodoo in your rockbox? 10.44.48 # Zagor: What disk do you have? 10.44.54 # * dwihno got some hitachi ninja stuff 10.44.54 # toshiba 4018gap 10.45.19 # 4000-something rpm 10.45.27 # 4200, yes. that's the normal speed. 10.46.34 # langhaarrocker: even worst... now even my computer has demons 10.48.33 # i must go now 10.48.41 # cu l8r! 10.54.42 Quit Bagder ("http://daniel.haxx.se") 10.55.34 Part quelsaruk (""Eve's Avatar - Avatar's Eve"") 10.58.09 # Zagor: I sometimes experience disk stops, the red light still lit and I need to reboot (happens when I bicycle) 10.59.57 # I had that phenomenon, too. Seems to occur sometimes when the thing is shaken while accessing disk. But I haven't played with parameters yet. 11.00.41 # I never experienced that with my IBM disk 11.01.23 # mine is an ibm 11.01.50 # Adding a couple of anti-skip seconds might be the trick 11.02.06 # * dwihno still likes the power-off and sleep options 11.02.39 # what are the dimensions of the icons? 11.42.10 # * dwihno feels ignored 11.45.24 # * langhaarrocker is busy and has no clue 11.48.19 # look in icons.h 11.48.36 # 5x8, 6x8 oder 7x8 it seems 11.48.49 # s/oder/or/ :) 12.09.20 # People, have a look at this, and tell me what you think: http://dw.lahma.net/rockbox/two_state_thing.png 12.14.14 # Tell me what you think 12.15.47 # PsycoXul: what did you think about it? 12.18.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.19.40 # um nifty 12.19.41 # heh 12.19.46 # looks nice 12.21.34 # The configuration needs to be simplified 12.21.50 # Right now, you have to press too many buttons in order to get some action going. 12.25.44 # half of my buttons are broken already. 12.28.50 # Since my serial neural archos accessory isn't done yet, there might be an idea simplifying the configuration 12.41.08 Join kuji [0] (~kuji@m31-mp3.cvx2-a.lng.dial.ntli.net) 12.41.17 # hallo 12.41.28 # hello! 12.41.45 # can someone answer me a simple question.... pleeeeeze/..... 12.42.05 # when recording, I cannot transfer files back to my pc... always says file corrupted... is this SMCS nonsense.. ? 12.42.31 # 'file or directory is corrupted or unreadable' 12.42.33 # hmm 12.42.37 # well, what build do you use? 12.42.45 # latest daily build 12.43.01 # run scandisk on the hd and check if there is any file system errors 12.43.02 # I can xfer all other files back and forth ok. 12.43.17 # theres nowt, done a scandisk and norton disk doctor 12.44.04 # What do you do when your recording is finished? 12.44.16 # press off once 12.44.24 # so you've exited the recording screen? 12.44.56 # yes.. 12.45.03 # well one off stops 12.45.08 # another goes out of menu 12.45.38 # I couldnt find any docs about recording so just playing with it.. 12.47.05 # I don't use recording myself... 12.47.31 # Linus has done the recording code, and Zagor did the file system stuff (if I remember everything correctly) 12.47.36 # are there ANY docs about recording.. 12.47.46 # Im not sure Im stopping it the right way. 12.47.47 # There is some threads discussing this in the mailing list, have you checked them out? 12.47.59 # yes, all seem to be about the time recording bug 12.49.26 # Then I don't think I can help you :-/ Talk to Zagor or Linus, they might be able to help you. 12.49.46 # hopefully I will catch one of them,. 12.49.52 Join quelsaruk [0] (~zaknafein@faerun.ugr.es) 12.49.59 # welcome back, quel 12.50.04 # hi dwihno 12.50.07 # :-) 12.50.08 # kuji: which daily build are you using? 12.50.09 # Que pasa? 12.50.11 # any spare goats?? 12.50.23 # i think i'll need them today 12.50.24 # Non, non spare goato caramello! :-) 12.50.33 # :) 12.50.36 # archos20030225.ajz 12.50.49 # did same on all the others back to 1.4 12.50.53 # is fricking weird 12.51.06 # I can copy files to and fro no prob.. but NOT any recorded ones. 12.51.12 # kuji: if you make a very short recording, like 5-6 seconds, do you get the same problem? 12.51.18 # Im wondering if its copy protecting them. 12.51.23 # no, it's a bug 12.51.25 # Zag.. yes no matter the length 12.51.43 # have you ever reformatted the disk? 12.51.47 # is that right to just press off to finish the recording. 12.51.52 # yes 12.51.54 # Yes, I have formatted it before.. 12.52.07 # be careful to not press too long, or you'll shut off the whole unit... 12.52.19 # I can copy the files back if I boot into archos rom. 12.52.30 # !! really? 12.52.32 # yeah.. 12.52.44 # Let me just double check that... 12.52.46 # *that's* weird 12.52.51 # But usb transfer doesn't depend on the firmware. 12.52.54 # just rebooting it 12.53.31 # ahh shit.. no... it wont.. 12.53.42 # it will let me play em on the box 12.53.45 # ok 12.53.50 # which windows version are you using? 12.53.59 # XP 12.54.36 # oh and I noticed a bug report that said about the drive light staying on and music stopping.. I get this... managed to stop it by setting the skip protection to less than 7 12.54.54 # shouldn't concern usb transfer 12.55.25 # kuji: do you have another computer available to try on? with another windows version? 12.55.26 # I'll try all inputs as recording and check they are all stuffed 12.55.27 # kuji: I'm experinencing the light staying on with my new disk too... I'll test it throughly during lunch 12.55.41 # kuji: input should not matter 12.55.46 # I'll try it with USB1 see if thats any different 12.56.01 # Have you manually changed the clustersize when fdisking / reformatting your drive? 12.56.15 # no its standard 12.57.31 # ok USB1 no diff... will try on an ME machine 12.59.10 # But you can see the files in the explorer and they have a real size (>0)? 12.59.15 # yes 13.01.35 # under ME... 'access denied or file may be in use' 13.03.10 # Didn't linus lately change something? Like closing the file after each buffer write? 13.03.34 # langhaarrocker: yes 13.03.43 # but that shouldn't matter for short recordings 13.04.31 # it did the same before that 13.04.54 # zagor 13.05.14 # do you have time for our dialectic fight? 13.06.11 # kuji: if you have time, it would be good if you could format the disk on a non-xp machine and see if that changes anything. I have a suspicion that XP has changed the fat32 file system slightly... 13.06.14 # i must convince you that my quick screen menus are better for "long-words" languages 13.06.40 # quelsaruk: right. how did you modify the screens? 13.06.52 Join Bagder [241] (~daniel@as3-3-2.ras.s.bonet.se) 13.07.54 # * langhaarrocker opens the door for the pizza boy 13.08.07 # hi bagder 13.08.39 # i changed the display so we have now something like " << Repeat mode: " and in the middle of the next line the status of that option 13.08.44 # hi 13.09.03 # the same with the shuffle mode.. 13.09.05 # and so on 13.09.23 # also for the F3, recording F2 and F3 ... 13.09.29 # Dj screen... 13.10.07 # the way it's now is cooler 13.10.13 # I don't like making a menu of it all. it's not as intuitive. 13.10.38 # sorry.. i didn't understand that 13.10.42 Quit kuji (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.10.49 # it's not operated like a menu 13.10.56 # not like a menu 13.11.02 # I mean I really like how the screen looks like the keys. 13.11.13 # i normally explain myself as a closed book :( 13.11.16 # why not label the left and right button vertically and leave the layout as it is? 13.11.38 # i would imagine vertical labels dont look good 13.12.11 # zagor, if you use spanish, or german (not tested other languages) some strings join and make them look very ugly, and also you can't read them 13.13.07 # i know this is not as intuitive as having the display the same way as the keypad 13.13.21 # quelsaruk: did you try simply skipping the word "mode" ? 13.13.28 # yes 13.13.35 # but that is just a small problem 13.13.40 # for example 13.13.49 # scrollin spanish is "Desplazamiento" 13.14.01 # a bit longer than scroll.. 13.14.12 # or line in is also bigger... 13.14.13 # maybe cut the vocals :) 13.14.17 # dsplzmnt 13.14.31 # Schnueff: i could read that, but not a normal user.. 13.14.37 # or at least not all users 13.14.39 # just joking :) 13.15.20 # if i send a sms to my brother and say xk instead of porque.. we would never know that is the same x= "por" and k sound like "que"... 13.15.26 # :) 13.15.28 # lets have a virtual quickscreen that keeps scrolling around 13.16.20 # Zagor: that's why i thought of using this other way 13.16.38 # is less intuitive, but as you have the icon at the left side.. 13.17.01 # you know which button you have to press to change repeat mode 13.18.00 # * langhaarrocker thinks that internationalization is a pain and uses english 13.19.47 # langhaarrocker: i must say i normally use english, i admit that.. but i have friends that have a very poor english base (Spain is really a mess teaching other languages) 13.21.48 Nick Snorlax is now known as Snorlax|Gone (Snorlax@h202n2fls34o883.telia.com) 13.21.49 # quelsaruk: i sympathize with you, but I really like the keybard-like layout of the quick-screens. maybe there's a good middle ground somehow? 13.22.22 # i hope so ;) 13.22.29 # ok... 13.22.46 # i'll give you 20 goats.. and you change to my screens display 13.22.51 # nothing more 13.22.57 # maybe 21 13.23.00 # but not 22 13.23.08 # can you 'interleave' the description of left / right keys? 13.23.20 # would those be spanish goats? 13.23.40 # of course... from the very south of Spain ;) 13.23.58 # experienced goats? 13.25.01 # 2 of them have seen a ritual, the other are still inocent 13.25.18 # langhaarrocker: what do you mean with interleave? 13.26.02 # left button: description left aligned 13.26.02 # right button description right aligned one line lower 13.26.30 # but both descriptions can use all of the screen width 13.27.24 # so left icon is at the left 13.27.33 # and right icon is at the right? 13.27.56 # just an idea. And I don't really like it very much... 13.28.11 # but then.. what do we do with up and down? 13.28.30 # They remain at the very top / bottom. 13.29.47 # Zagor? 13.30.54 # any idea of how i could change this screens to fit your intiutive model and my internationalisation? 13.31.47 # Another idea: we could implement a jog dial. You just have to rub over the direction keys cyclically. :) 13.34.31 # Yay for food! :) 13.34.37 # by dwihno 13.35.16 # * langhaarrocker finished his pizza and wants another one 13.36.38 # i must reboot 13.36.42 # cu in 1 minute 13.36.52 Quit quelsaruk ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta1 "Eve's Avatar"") 13.39.01 # kuji: can you copy (not move) the file although it is 'in use'? 13.39.25 # oh, he's offline 13.41.29 Join quelsaruk [0] (~zaknafein@faerun.ugr.es) 13.41.35 # hi again 13.42.08 # i'm still waiting to see if we negotiate with those goats... 13.42.09 # :) 13.42.58 # you forget: zagor is a programmer, not a techno priest. He has other means to purify his electronical devices 13.43.33 # but when everything fails... you can only ask a technopriest for advice 13.43.35 # :) 13.43.46 # langhaarrocker: you're right. I much prefer camels for my rituals :-) 13.43.56 # argh 13.44.20 # :-) 13.46.05 # camels?.. they are not good for cold countrys 13.46.11 # countries 13.46.12 # ;) 13.46.59 # I supposed that programmes use other anmials. Like gnu, yacc, bison, ... 13.47.27 # :) 13.47.36 # :-D 13.47.55 # you know the new camel shell? 13.48.48 # well, then, if i get a way to make a menu intuitive and compatible with other languages.. we can talk again about this no? 13.50.24 # of course 13.50.59 # quelsaruk: I would recommend playing around with photoshop or something to try and come up with a good a nice-looking screen 13.51.18 # why not gimp? 13.51.20 # ;) 13.51.24 # of course 13.51.28 # gimp rocks 13.51.31 # i know 13.52.59 # Zagor: did you check my screen thing I did? 13.53.00 Nick seb-sleep is now known as seb-school (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 13.53.01 # can a fork()ed child change it's own priority (to a lower prio) ? 13.53.02 # Zagor: can i use a colorfull menu? 13.53.03 # Please tell me you did! :) 13.53.08 # dwihno: umm, no :) 13.53.13 # *sob* 13.53.17 # dw.lahma.net/rockbox 13.53.21 # I did pretty gfx ;) 13.53.42 # Zagor: yes, nice() can be set on your own process, afaik 13.53.43 # lookie lookie 13.53.53 # hey it's cool 13.54.01 # aprops gimp: any hires t-shirt contest images available? 13.54.02 # ericsson display 13.54.03 # :) 13.54.22 # langhaarrocker: I'm trying hard to get adi to make some and send me 13.54.25 # dwihno: fix set_bool() and i'll merge it :-) 13.54.47 # btw... Zagor, why don't we change the charge animation, to a ericsson charging animation? 13.55.03 # because we haven't recevied any patch doing that 13.55.07 # how does that look? 13.55.23 # Zagor: Was it pretty? :) 13.55.28 # dwihno: you should upgrade your apache server ;-) 13.55.46 # Bagder, Zagor did you say that to me? 13.55.51 # Bagder: the entire server needs an upgrade, but my friend hasn't gotten the fingrar ur yet ;) 13.56.06 # Bagder: what did U think? 13.56.12 # neato 13.56.25 # the best part is it works for players too 13.56.51 # we still support players? ;-P 13.56.55 # * Bagder hides 13.56.58 # hehe 13.57.12 # I was thinking 13.57.27 # about enabling a special 8MB build on the daily build page 13.57.57 # mo' builds! 13.57.58 # ;) 13.58.05 # mo' builds, mo' problems! 13.58.13 # With my mind on the builds and the builds on my mind 13.58.28 # yeah, those 8MB people could really get some things going 13.58.33 # are there more debug or more 8MB models around? :) 13.58.35 # like increasing playlist and dircache sizes etc 13.58.51 # there's ONE debug unit, afaik ;-) 13.58.59 # or is it two zagor? 13.59.25 # i don't know 13.59.38 # are your units debugable? 14.00.03 # oh, two debug units. one player and one recorder. 14.00.05 # no. I use all the jacks 14.00.42 # mine? are you crazy Bagder? a technopriest unit debugable?? thn i could not say i'm a technopriest... 14.00.48 # is it possible to do direct file manipulation with sed or awk? 14.01.06 # i science know where are the errors... there's no place for faith :) 14.01.09 # cat file | sed -e s/mooo// > newfile 14.01.34 # Bagder: you can't change the file directly? 14.01.58 # perl -i.bak -pe 's/mooo//' file 14.02.01 # with awk it might be, but I never attempt that 14.02.25 # -i like inline 14.03.15 # inline? 14.03.31 # yeah, backup the file into file.bak and change file 14.03.36 # mkay 14.03.52 # sed can only do streams? 14.03.57 # dunno about sed 14.04.02 # :) 14.04.04 # sed does streams, yes 14.04.13 # thats sad 14.04.23 # no, sed 14.04.24 # :-) 14.04.26 # :) 14.04.28 # * Bagder ducks 14.04.30 # You are so geeky 14.04.39 # sed makes me sad 14.04.39 # (which is a good thing, otherwise there would be no rockbox) :) 14.14.50 # time to go home 14.14.54 # see you later 14.14.55 # :) 14.15.03 # have fun with your goats :) 14.15.09 # :-)( 14.15.37 # i'm harvesting so i must cook one today ;) 14.15.56 Nick quelsaruk is now known as quel|lunch (~zaknafein@faerun.ugr.es) 14.18.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.53.21 Part Zagor 14.53.58 Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 14.58.28 # Bagder or Zagor you guys see montor's new post? 14.58.38 # about the joined id's? 14.59.10 # am i allowed to split them, or does that qualify as 'moving' them? 15.00.36 # adding a newline makes no difference 15.02.23 # k 15.04.05 # okay.. corrections commited 15.04.13 # anyone got the url for the 7.5 meg SDK? 15.04.30 # http://rockbox.my-vserver.de/win32-sdk.html 15.05.10 # thank you :) 15.05.19 # its in the docs page 15.05.48 # If I'd search for it I'd search on the download page ... 15.05.49 # it is? 15.05.58 # * dwihno needs to get his contacts 15.06.05 # "Setup a cygwin Rockbox development environment (Windows)" 15.07.50 Join Kuji [0] (~kuji@m2-mp1.cvx2-b.lng.dial.ntli.net) 15.08.07 # zagor.. you dere ? 15.08.10 # kuji: can you copy (not move) the file although it is 'in use'? 15.08.27 # right Ive formatted under ME.. same problem 15.08.36 # I cannot copy file no. 15.08.43 # havent tried renaming.. 15.09.02 # can renamre 15.09.12 # can move 15.09.16 # cannot move to PC 15.09.38 # tried to move to different places on the pc? 15.09.49 # yeah same thing 15.09.57 # but can move on the box anywhere 15.10.09 # fascinating 15.10.51 # but yet windows or dos will allow me to rename, delete it. 15.10.52 # And that concerns only files recorded with rockbox? A mp3 transfered pc -> rockbox -> pc works? 15.10.58 # yes 15.11.08 # but not a rockbox recorded file 15.11.14 # you tried scandisk on the archos? 15.11.19 # ye its fine 15.11.25 # weeeeird 15.11.26 # oh, you recorded with the archos firmware? 15.11.27 # chkdsk, norton disk doctor all ok 15.11.29 # nonono 15.11.42 # a rockbox recorded file 15.11.48 # archos ones will copy no problem 15.12.05 # (because archos firmware does strange things with the fat) 15.12.08 # tried files 4 ,6 ,8 , 12 seconds 15.12.25 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 15.12.44 # It seems just like an SMCS thing, where windows is stopped from making copies 15.13.04 # that cannot be. smcs woud prevent from making a file at all 15.13.15 # But once you have the file it's just a file. 15.13.22 # mmm 15.13.52 # anything you want me to try 15.14.41 # As you already tried older rockbox versions with recording I can't think of anything. 15.15.11 Quit Bagder ("http://daniel.haxx.se") 15.15.32 # does 1.4 have recording ? 15.15.44 # no 15.16.01 # what is the earliest build that does... 15.16.52 # the first builds with recording are probably unstable as fubar 15.17.36 # just to test the file xfer 15.19.02 # Kuji: the file xfer is not handled by the firmware 15.19.37 # but what makes windows think the file was in use? 15.20.04 # I don't know. sounds like a file write problem, but I have no clue how to write a file so windows thinks it's in use... 15.20.34 # hm 15.20.41 # what about a file created with 'create playlist' 15.20.49 # trying now 15.20.51 # one could try to copy this 15.21.06 # smart thinking, Schnueff 15.21.29 # how do I add to playlist 15.21.37 # the file at 0 bytes copies fine. 15.21.55 # in the menu there should be a 'create playlist' entry for the recent builds 15.22.01 # ye 15.22.01 # (recent = some weeks old) 15.22.05 # how to add 15.22.21 # it makes a playlist of the selected dir 15.22.27 # if you select it, a playlist for all mp3s in and below the current dir will be created 15.22.27 # ahh ok 15.23.20 # aha.. no it wont 15.23.33 # so the copy problem is not recording specific. 15.23.57 # can you open the m3u file with a text editor? 15.24.25 # no access 15.25.56 # :( 15.25.56 # another topic: I use Win2k. It won't allow me to safely remove the archos unless I relogin. Does anybody experience the same? 15.26.08 # how to add to a queue.. I could try copying the queue file 15.26.19 # on + play iirc 15.26.28 # or something 15.27.52 # nope that neither.. so its a file structure thing 15.28.45 # If so - why does it pass scandisk / norton. 15.29.14 # fuck nose 15.29.26 # what 15.29.32 # fuck knows . 15.29.34 # no idea 15.29.39 # * Schnueff fingers his nose. 15.29.42 # hehe 15.29.48 # * dwihno has lot of snot in his 15.30.02 # I won't ask how it got in there 15.30.32 # Then I won't tell you that I got a cold during saturday 15.31.45 # dwihno: avoid sneezing at the monitor. 15.32.13 # well ran chkdsk under dos.. 15.32.30 # says first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated. 15.32.45 # that usually finds all those files generated with the archos firmware. 15.33.09 # this found the queue, the mp3 recorded and the playlist ! 15.33.28 # Kuji: chkdsk found the error, but not norton or scandisk??? 15.33.49 # no 15.35.59 # basically any files that rockbox creates come up as first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated. 15.36.04 # Zagor: you don't steal bugs from the archos firmware, do you? 15.36.29 # langhaarrocker: i've avoided it this far, keeping only thumb marks 15.36.31 # bloody chdsk removes the files 15.36.33 # that bug is due to fubar file system. it's alarming that scandisk does not find/fix this. 15.37.40 # hope this all helps in some way !! ;-) 15.38.45 # Kuji: My workaround to this problem used to be to move the file archos -> pc -> archos. Afterwards scandisk was happy. 15.39.08 # I'll try and move it with archos.. 15.39.30 # see if it moans 15.39.34 # I meant moving the files, not the device :) 15.39.47 # I gotcha ;-) 15.39.56 # nope file is still buggered 15.40.30 # doesn't surprise me: I think the os moves only the entry in the fat around 15.41.01 # can you copy it somewhere else on the jb? 15.41.05 # yes 15.41.12 # is the copy movable? 15.41.13 # rename or delete 15.41.16 # no 15.41.35 # oh hang on.. I'll double check that 15.41.43 # now it becomes even more strange to me. The copy was written by the os! 15.41.54 # ahh no it wont let me copy 15.41.56 # sorry 15.42.05 # just move, rename or delete 15.42.34 # what's fubar file system? 15.43.22 # bloody weird thats for sure 15.45.14 # is there a site for the archos new beta firmware ? 15.45.44 # I wonder if they will have nicked any code from RB. 15.46.00 # Isn't all the archos firmware beta? ;) 15.49.21 # Kuji: beta firmware? 16.03.49 # gotta go 16.03.49 Part Zagor 16.09.11 Quit quel|lunch (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 16.09.11 NSplit sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 16.09.11 Quit Jet8810 (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 16.09.11 Quit gissehel_ (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 16.09.11 Quit webmind (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 16.09.11 Quit seb-school (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 16.09.11 Quit mbr (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 16.14.15 # Kuji: what kind of beta firmware are you talking about? 16.18.38 NHeal sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 16.18.38 NJoin webmind [0] (webmind@seal.student.utwente.nl) 16.18.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.22.23 Join quelsaruk [0] (~zaknafein@faerun.ugr.es) 16.22.28 # hi.. 16.23.37 # Bienvenue! :D 16.23.57 # not really 16.24.10 # i've fried my portable case... 16.24.15 # maybe a 6GB HD.. 16.24.23 # a 30 GB hd.. 16.24.24 # and... 16.24.37 # you did?! :( 16.24.38 # i have 10% chance of having fried my jukebox 16.24.46 # in just 10 minutes 16.24.52 # a record 16.25.06 # i've never done anything like that before... 16.25.29 # what have you done? 16.25.32 # What did you do? 16.25.43 # you told us you were going to fry goats only! 16.25.44 # You're a technopriest! You can't have broken anything! 16.26.00 # langhaarrocker: perhaps the goats got a hold of his juke... 16.26.13 NJoin mbr [0] (~mb@stlx01.stz-softwaretechnik.de) 16.26.34 # i think i shouldn't have told the goat i was going to eat it 16.26.37 # :( 16.26.59 # Please tell us how to fry 2 drives and a jukebox within 10 min. 16.27.06 # i dunno how 16.27.08 # well.. 16.27.17 # i know how to fry a hd and the case 16.27.23 Quit Kuji (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.27.27 # but not the jukebox and the 30 GB hd 16.27.56 # (training required, I guess) 16.28.22 # i umounted the 30 gb h from the case and connected it to the jukebox ( it was on the case to remane mp3... defrag hd...) 16.28.55 # then.. i connected the 6gb hd to the case, but i made a stupid and weird error 16.29.01 NJoin gissehel_ [0] (gissehel@AFontenayssB-105-1-5-228.abo.wanadoo.fr) 16.29.49 # omitted the rubber sheet? 16.29.57 # don't know how, but conected pins in a weird way, left pins 1,2 disconected and conected pins 3,4 where i should have conected 1 and 2 16.30.23 # like rolling all pin rows i setp right 16.30.46 # * langhaarrocker shivers 16.31.01 # what pins? 16.31.04 # disk pins? 16.31.04 # so when i powered it up... 16.31.11 # yes.. disk pins 16.31.30 # * quelsaruk can't explain all the smoke and fire... 16.31.31 # :-/ 16.31.47 # that's how you can break a hd and a case... 16.31.49 # Damn goats! :( 16.32.03 # but i dunno what happened to the jukebox 16.32.06 # i swear 16.32.08 # :( 16.32.23 # i don't want to test it today... 16.32.46 # i don't really worry about the 6gb hd, 'cause i got it for free 16.32.52 # but my little case.... 16.33.02 # i loved it so much... 16.33.04 # :( 16.33.17 # and i'm really worried about the 30GB hd... 16.33.36 # i don't want to convert all my music to mp3 again! 16.34.30 # (thanks god neither zagor or bagder are here to see this big mess) 16.35.35 # but your s55 is still fine? 16.35.49 # (lets search for the positive) 16.36.08 # quelsaruk: look at this from the bright side - it's an excellent opportunity to upgrade your disk! :) 16.36.17 # again? 16.36.32 # langhaarrocker: i don't want to touch it... 16.36.49 # just in case i still have electrostatic electricity and fry it too 16.37.06 # i think i can change the case... 16.37.45 # you still have your goats. 16.37.49 # that's also positive. 16.37.59 # as i bought it as a dealer, so i can say that i've sold it today and it was broken... 16.38.39 # the 30 GB hd has still warranty 16.38.46 # good :-) 16.38.52 # i most fear all the info 16.39.00 # and the jukebox 16.39.10 # but as i didn't make anything strange... 16.39.25 # i hope it was just a joke 16.40.05 # i must check my technopriest licence, maybe i have to renew it :) 16.40.27 # perhaps it has been cancelled becuase of this event?! :) 16.40.36 # i hope not 16.45.50 # i must leave you now 16.45.59 # may the source be with me... 16.46.12 Nick quelsaruk is now known as quel|fried (~zaknafein@faerun.ugr.es) 16.50.54 Join gambino [0] (~geronimo@node16357.a2000.nl) 16.59.06 # I'm off 16.59.08 Nick dwihno is now known as dw|gone (dwihno@h193180246067.kommunicera.umea.se) 17.01.42 Quit langhaarrocker (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.02.05 Nick Snorlax|Gone is now known as Snorlax (Snorlax@h202n2fls34o883.telia.com) 17.06.09 Quit gambino ("Client Exiting") 17.08.54 Join Norrin [0] (~JSmith123@ip68-99-9-168.om.om.cox.net) 17.10.33 # Sorry to bother the hard working individuals of Rockbox but was curious if the Rockbox firmware for the FM recorder supports the FM tuner? 17.11.06 # dunno.. not likely..and uhm.. if it does.. it's probably on the site? 17.11.43 # I've read the FAQ, nothing listed there. Daily builds don't mention the FM tuner support either. Thanks for your time. 17.16.13 # np, i though people where working on the support for the fm thingie.. dunno how far it was 17.16.59 # rockbox seems to run decently on the FM but none of the extra features of it are supported 17.17.05 # (yet) 17.21.36 # I had a Jukebox Studio 20 which was pretty difficult to deal with until I loaded the Rockbox firmware on it. The FM recorder is better but look forward to using Rockbox firmware. Cheers. 17.26.35 Part Norrin 17.34.48 # LinusN is working on it, so I expect it will end up working :) 17.41.53 Quit TotMacher () 17.57.34 Join windchill [0] (~windchill@ 18.07.31 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACB66765.ipt.aol.com) 18.07.31 Quit windchill (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.08.25 # Hi 18.11.06 Part MrSnazz 18.18.51 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.58.26 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EA906B.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.00.54 Join [Del] [0] (~sdb@adsl-68-74-103-158.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 19.01.29 Join Stephen [0] (Stephen@ 19.01.35 # hey all 19.01.37 # <[Del]> yo 19.02.08 # Just like to say Rockbox rules :D Just saw today that it's now working on the FM recorder, and I love it :D 19.02.25 # been waiting ages for it :) 19.02.27 # <[Del]> i didn't like my fm recorder. 19.02.31 # <[Del]> i returned it. 19.02.37 # <[Del]> it wouldn't play a bunch of songs that i had. 19.03.00 # My first one had a hard drive error 19.03.07 # but the store replaced it without moaning 19.03.26 # <[Del]> that's cool. 19.03.36 # <[Del]> when i took mine back, the girl dropped it. 19.03.41 # lol 19.03.41 # heh 19.03.45 # <[Del]> i was like, "oh, that's gonna suck for whoever buys it next" 19.05.05 # just wondering is there a downloadable version of the documentation? 19.05.36 # <[Del]> not that i know of. 19.05.39 # <[Del]> just save all the pages. 19.06.14 # OK just wondered :D I was going to just save the pages if there wasn't 19.08.22 Quit Stephen () 19.08.36 # Hiiiiiiiiii 19.08.44 # <[Del]> yo 19.09.01 # hi Del 19.09.04 # <[Del]> For the record, "track", this is IRC, not AOL. On "i" will do. ;-) 19.09.22 # :-O! 19.09.26 # how did u know im on AOL?! 19.09.39 # <[Del]> call it a hunch. 19.09.43 # lol 19.09.43 # <[Del]> or a whois. 19.09.49 # <[Del]> you and your java applets. 19.09.54 # Ok 19.09.57 # Hi 19.09.59 # better? 19.10.00 # <[Del]> Hi. 19.10.01 # <[Del]> Yes. 19.10.18 # :) 19.10.21 # u have an FM recorder? 19.10.31 # <[Del]> I used to. I returned it. 19.10.40 # oh right whys that? 19.10.44 # I have a JBRec10 19.10.54 # <[Del]> because it wouldn't play a bunch of my tracks. 19.10.57 # <[Del]> i've got a rec15. 19.11.12 # is that the one wiv the black corners? 19.11.30 # <[Del]> yes. 19.11.37 # <[Del]> if by "wiv" you mean "with". 19.11.37 # cool 19.11.43 # :-( 19.11.49 # ok "with" 19.12.18 # and I have an Archos Jukebox Recorder 10 and it has the Hitachi Hard Drive which is 10 Gigabytes :-) 19.12.42 # <[Del]> Spectacular. 19.13.03 # heehee :-) 19.13.49 # Why didnt you like the FM rec? 19.14.01 # <[Del]> [13:10:40] oh right whys that? 19.14.01 # <[Del]> [13:10:44] I have a JBRec10 19.14.01 # <[Del]> [13:10:53] <[Del]> because it wouldn't play a bunch of my tracks. 19.14.46 # perhaps your files are corrupt. My Archos has never given me trouble 19.15.33 # <[Del]> No, they're not corrupt, because they play fine in wmp, winamp, fb2k, and the rec15. 19.15.44 # oh okay 19.16.25 # What bitrate are your files? 19.16.28 # <[Del]> I don't know what the deal was. 19.16.29 # <[Del]> 128. 19.16.35 # i use 192 19.16.43 # <[Del]> i rip at 192. 19.16.52 # you said 128 :-) 19.17.00 # <[Del]> I know I did. 19.17.04 # <[Del]> They were seperate questions. 19.17.13 # <[Del]> What bit rate are your files? 128. 19.17.16 # <[Del]> What do I rip at? 192. 19.21.47 # yea 19.21.52 # All of my MP3s are 192kbs 19.22.02 # don't like 128kbs as I can hear compression artifacts 19.22.21 # <[Del]> I can't. 19.22.41 # What ripper do u use? 19.23.12 # <[Del]> ac. 19.23.20 # i use musicmatch 19.23.28 # <[Del]> I don't like that app. :) 19.23.37 # <[Del]> I'm very against skinnable things. 19.23.40 # well it does my ripping duties fine 19.23.52 # <[Del]> Splendid. 19.23.56 # and it uses the Fraunhofer codec which is the best in the business ;-) 19.24.41 # <[Del]> Good job? 19.24.42 Part [Del] 19.24.48 Join [Del] [0] (~sdb@adsl-68-74-103-158.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 19.24.52 # <[Del]> yay wrong button. 19.24.57 # welcome back 19.25.01 # <[Del]> Thanks. 19.25.08 # yea the Fraunhofer codec is the best 19.25.31 # <[Del]> It depends on whose research you listen to. 19.26.13 # the Blade codec and the Lame codecs are crap 19.26.29 # <[Del]> I reiterate: 19.26.30 # <[Del]> It depends on whose research you listen to. 19.26.54 # yes 19.27.02 # but im talking about personal experience 19.27.06 # im an MP3 connesiour 19.27.37 # <[Del]> Obviously. 19.27.54 # but anything is better than WMA 19.28.19 # <[Del]> So, you're a WMA connesiour as well? 19.28.25 # NO! 19.28.33 # I HATE wma :-) 19.28.55 # <[Del]> So then, not knowing about it, how can you degrade its worth? 19.29.12 # ive heard WMA on Windows Media Player 19.29.16 # its crap compared to MP3 19.29.27 # Who wants to encolde at ultra-low bitrates anyway? 19.30.07 # <[Del]> I don't know. 19.30.11 # people who want to transmit voip 19.30.16 # lol 19.30.18 # <[Del]> voip people. 19.30.19 # <[Del]> Yeah. 19.30.21 # MP3Pro is cool as well 19.30.30 # I appreciate MP3Pro but not WMA 19.30.44 # <[Del]> You should write your own codec, track, since you're the pro. 19.31.00 # well unfortunatly tracktheripper cannot program to save his life 19.31.05 # im a listener not a writer :-) 19.31.23 # <[Del]> He can, however, type in the thrid person, and manage to completely avoid all punctuation. 19.31.57 # Del, tracktheripper did pass his english exam. :-) 19.32.15 # <[Del]> And a miracle we all found that to be. 19.32.38 # <---------- has had his feelings hurt :-(. 19.33.35 # :-) 19.33.44 # @--:-)--@ 19.33.55 # <[Del]> ... this is still IRC. 19.35.40 # calm down children 19.35.45 # don't make me pull this car over 19.35.49 # <[Del]> I'm perfectly calm, dude. 19.36.05 Nick [Del] is now known as Walter (~sdb@adsl-68-74-103-158.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 19.36.09 # I'm calmer than you are. 19.36.11 Nick Walter is now known as [Del] (~sdb@adsl-68-74-103-158.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 19.37.57 # <--- is perfectly calm 19.41.26 # where are you Delboy? 19.42.43 # <[Del]> That's [Del]. 19.42.46 # <[Del]> And I'm here. 19.42.53 # ok [Del] 19.43.08 # Im off to have my dinner, ill be back on soon. 19.43.22 # <[Del]> cya. 19.43.42 # Bjorn upset me more than anyone else!!! :-) hahaha! 19.44.36 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 19.56.28 Quit edx () 20.01.19 Join elinenbe [0] (~elinenbe_@user-0cev121.cable.mindspring.com) 20.11.06 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACB6041D.ipt.aol.com) 20.11.06 Quit elinenbe (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.11.06 Quit quel|fried (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.11.16 # Hi. 20.11.48 # just had dinner. 20.13.00 Join elinenbe_ [0] (~elinenbe_@user-0cev121.cable.mindspring.com) 20.14.08 # if you miss then you try again. 20.15.52 # you there Del? 20.17.49 # <[Del]> yeah 20.17.50 # <[Del]> sup? 20.18.08 Join quelsaruk [0] (~zaknafein@faerun.ugr.es) 20.18.47 # wondered where you were! 20.18.52 # didn't mean to upset you! 20.18.55 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.19.36 # <[Del]> you didn't. 20.19.38 # <[Del]> i'm at work. 20.19.54 # oh right. 20.20.37 # where do you work at? 20.21.14 # <[Del]> www.digitalsystemsgroup.com 20.21.37 # oh right ill check that out 20.23.55 Quit tracktheripper (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.35.16 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EAA0E1.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.37.57 # <[Del]> Apparently he didn't like it. 20.51.36 Join Stephen [0] (Stephen@ 20.54.25 # anyone around? cause I've got a question 20.55.52 # <[Del]> yo. 20.55.52 # maybe... 20.55.57 # lol 20.56.26 # is the "deep discharge" option included with the FM Recorder version of rockbox? cause I can't seem to find out, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place though 20.57.21 # <[Del]> It should be. 20.59.04 # any idea where? 20.59.19 # or has it been renamed to "power saving" cause thats all I can find 21.00.00 # <[Del]> I'm not sure. 21.01.27 # I know I've already said it once today but I love the WPS :D 21.02.01 Join seb-school [0] (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 21.02.37 Nick seb-school is now known as _seb_ (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 21.03.19 # <[Del]> hehe. 21.03.21 # <[Del]> me too. 21.03.48 # Do archos do a remote control for the fm recorder? or is it just for the studio 21.04.26 # <[Del]> just studio, iirc. 21.04.40 # ah right 21.05.18 # ah that was my other question (I know I'm annoying :D), File Delete & Rename are on the feature list, how do you access them? 21.05.40 # <[Del]> in the file list, press on, and play, at the same time. 21.05.50 # ah I see 21.05.52 # thanks :D 21.05.56 # <[Del]> np 21.06.16 # rename was something that annoyed me that the archos firmware didn't have 21.06.33 # <[Del]> a lot of things annoyed me about the archos firmware. 21.07.00 # thats the other thing :D creating playlists? 21.07.15 # <[Del]> What about it? 21.07.45 # how? 21.07.53 # <[Del]> press F1 21.07.58 # <[Del]> scroll to Create Playlist 21.08.01 # <[Del]> and press Play 21.08.10 # <[Del]> while in the file listing. 21.08.18 # doesn't that just add all the files in the current directory? 21.08.35 # <[Del]> recursively. 21.09.07 # I meant is it possible to do something like on the original, hold the play button to add it to the list 21.09.15 # for example I may want a song from 21.09.29 # the folder /folder/something/album 21.09.45 # and the whole folder /folder2/artist 21.10.22 # <[Del]> i'm not sure. 21.11.14 # oh well I'll just use Rolo to change firmware when I need to do that 21.11.17 # no biggy 21.12.22 # anyway thanks for your help. you've been greta 21.12.22 # <[Del]> aye. 21.12.24 # *great 21.12.26 # <[Del]> np. 21.12.27 # <[Del]> anytime. 21.12.31 # gtg 21.12.45 # probably be back some other time with more annoying questions :D 21.13.01 # <[Del]> k 21.14.33 Quit Stephen () 21.23.03 # cu tomorrow 21.23.09 # <[Del]> cya 21.23.19 Quit quelsaruk ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta1 "Eve's Avatar"") 21.29.03 Quit gissehel_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.31.57 Join gissehel_ [0] (gissehel@AFontenayssB-105-1-4-19.abo.wanadoo.fr) 21.51.10 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACB5B439.ipt.aol.com) 21.51.32 # Hello 22.12.25 # <[Del]> yo 22.18.56 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.30.37 Join edx`busy [0] (edx@pD9EAA383.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.33.58 Quit edx (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 22.36.37 Quit elinenbe_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.23.07 Quit edx`busy () 23.23.09 Quit tracktheripper (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))