--- Log for 01.04.103 Server: sterling.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 1 month and 5 days ago 00.00.06 # true 00.00.28 # hmm 00.00.43 # soooooon 00.01.11 # I read that the "make the normal Recorder pick up FM" was officially "the most outrageous request" on here 00.02.14 # Anyways im off to have a shower be back here soon :-) 00.02.28 # i need to get sieve working on my mail server :/ 00.02.50 # its too hard being 56k again :/ 00.02.55 # lol 00.02.58 # be back soon 00.04.57 # night 00.04.59 Quit Bagder ("http://daniel.haxx.se") 00.15.35 # Adidimas? 00.16.09 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 00.17.49 # yeah? 00.28.18 Join elinenbe [0] (trilluser@user-0cev103.cable.mindspring.com) 00.28.31 # I love the Doom port -- I already passed the first level! 00.28.33 # woo hoo! 00.28.38 # LOL 00.31.34 # man -- the second level is hard. 00.31.46 # I can't believe this is why there were no commits in the past week. 00.31.50 # thats only because there are that many more monsters.. 00.31.51 # nods 00.32.00 # they were working on the best program EVER! 00.34.38 # eh? 00.34.46 # it really was a doom port? 00.34.49 # nods 00.34.52 # go download it... 00.35.07 # nah, bedtime for me 00.35.17 # frustrated and annoyed at cyrus atm :) 00.36.22 # i compile -games anyway 00.36.23 # heh 00.49.05 Join adam [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 00.49.06 Quit adam (Remote closed the connection) 00.49.10 Join adam [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 00.49.22 # wow. 00.49.24 # * adam returns 01.05.25 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-sinking (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 01.05.26 Quit adam (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.05.51 Quit seb-sinking (Excess Flood) 01.06.03 Join seb-sinking [0] (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 01.06.21 Quit seb-sinking (Remote closed the connection) 01.06.22 Join seb-sinking [0] (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 01.07.08 Nick seb-sinking is now known as _seb_ (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 01.30.53 # anyone have the remote control? 01.36.16 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.49.28 Join adam [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 03.08.06 Quit josh966 ("ChatZilla 0.8.23 [Mozilla rv:1.3/20030312]") 03.08.06 Quit adam (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.13.16 Join adam [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 03.36.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.39.38 # hmm 03.39.41 # * adam makes noises 04.12.52 Join RedLeg [0] (~apotter@apotter.static.pa.net) 04.12.52 Quit adam (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.13.04 # reetings 04.13.38 # Anybody Awake? 04.16.11 # I'm having an apparent hardware problem with my recorder20 04.16.19 # Can anyone assist? 04.24.14 Quit RedLeg ("Client Exiting") 04.36.48 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 04.39.42 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.36.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.40.03 Join adam [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 05.50.51 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 05.50.51 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.50.51 Quit adam (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.05.17 Join adam [0] (jankey@x84-207-243-dhcp.reshalls.umn.edu) 06.05.20 # woo 06.07.55 # hmm 06.07.55 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.07.59 # the U must be sucking in the bandwidth department 06.10.16 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 06.29.22 Quit adam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.38.19 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-sleep (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 06.47.02 Join adam [0] (jankey@x84-207-243-dhcp.reshalls.umn.edu) 06.56.48 # heh 06.58.35 # * adam hoses with cygwin 07.36.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.43.55 Quit webmind (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.46.32 Join webmind [0] (webmind@seal.student.utwente.nl) 07.53.14 # hey 08.03.46 Join Bagder [241] (~daniel@as3-3-2.ras.s.bonet.se) 08.04.01 # mornings 08.15.37 Mode "#rockbox +o Bagder " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 08.15.51 Topic "Doom for Archos on http://rockbox.haxx.se/doom/" by Bagder (~daniel@as3-3-2.ras.s.bonet.se) 08.16.04 # heheh 08.16.07 Mode "#rockbox +o logbot " by Bagder (~daniel@as3-3-2.ras.s.bonet.se) 08.16.11 Mode "#rockbox -o Bagder " by Bagder (~daniel@as3-3-2.ras.s.bonet.se) 08.16.17 # :-) 08.16.54 Join thu_ [0] (~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net) 08.22.56 # heh 08.23.39 # I'm glad to see so many downloads 08.26.26 # they will never suspect a thing 08.26.32 # I was just impressed by the filesize... :p 08.31.07 Quit thu (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: thu_!~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net))) 08.31.08 # blah :p 08.31.10 Nick thu_ is now known as thu (~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net) 08.31.29 # blah :p 08.32.00 # my roommate is snoring again 08.32.06 # er wtf.. heh 08.32.15 # * adam needs some cone of silence like old Get Smart eps 08.36.31 # http://rei.damnsw.net/~adam/rei.jpg 08.36.35 # This is my life, in a nutshell 08.37.00 # http://rei.damnsw.net/~adam/i_get_this_alot.jpg 08.38.35 # * adam notes he wishes the archos default firmware would let him load other ones :p 08.38.43 # then I could just switch between them 08.39.35 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@as13-4-5.mal.s.bonet.se) 08.39.46 # morning mats 08.39.50 # on another note 08.39.51 # hey mats 08.39.58 # * adam will finally have his USB2 card :P 08.40.06 # hi bag 08.40.11 # hi adam 08.40.13 # usb2 is neat 08.40.28 # I don't know what kind of speed increases to expect 08.40.31 # they said something like 40x 08.40.37 # so I'll automagically refigure that 08.40.42 # to two or three times faster ;p 08.41.00 # you'll notice quite a diff at least, I promise 08.41.09 # yeah 08.41.23 # heh 08.41.37 # I seriously see no reason why people, outside of encoding digital video, are buying high mhz machines 08.41.49 # my buddy has a dual athlon system 08.41.52 # asides from compiling kernels 08.41.55 # it's almost always idle 08.41.57 # they play games! ;-) 08.42.03 # yeah 08.42.04 # except 08.42.08 # oh, and run rc5-72 clients! 08.42.09 # what games require that much cpu overhead? 08.42.15 # uh 08.42.15 # true 08.42.19 # if that doesn't make any money 08.42.21 # they mostly require graphics 08.42.22 # I see no point to doing it 08.42.37 # yeah, and graphics are handled by my little Radeon 9000 :P 08.42.52 # the poor mans Radeon 08.43.18 # well, I've got pointless TV-out functions in duplex 08.43.18 Nick dw|gone is now known as dwihno (dwihno@h193180246067.kommunicera.umea.se) 08.43.33 # the dxr3 card (works in linux, yay), and the Radeon itself 08.43.39 # Hello! :D 08.43.42 # hey 08.43.47 # hi dwihno 08.44.13 # I just love tuesdays 08.44.21 # (= the monday is history!) :) 08.44.26 # * adam has class in 7 hours 08.45.02 # How did they extract such a large increase in performance with USB2? 08.45.05 # Where's Zagor? He is still asleep? :) 08.45.31 # adam: they fitted more midgets in the circuits :) 08.45.31 # just using higher throughput all across the board? 08.45.42 # no idea 08.46.01 # * adam is eager to be able to copy files, to his archos. 08.46.01 # :P 08.46.12 # rather than wait 80 minutes for 4 gigs to fly across 08.46.41 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 08.47.17 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.48.15 # adam: well, USB2 is really kickass :) 08.48.22 # yeah 08.48.23 # I hope so 08.48.53 # Linux support EHCI yet? 08.49.08 # sure 08.49.14 # good. 08.49.31 # I'm discouraged by recent debian images 08.49.38 # since 2.4.19, and before that with patches 08.49.49 # the bootfloppy kernel seems to hang with my hard drive 08.49.58 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.49.59 # but hey 08.50.05 # Mandrake gets around that 08.50.11 # so it's not a problem with the drive per se 08.50.39 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 08.51.36 # USB2 = fast, yumyum 08.51.44 # I never realized I needed it before I bought it. 08.51.49 # you should be a marketer 08.51.59 # I actually had 3 USB2 devices before I got my USB2 card :) 08.52.05 # cameras? 08.52.18 # * adam has his goofy new recorder FM 08.52.29 # I prefer the LiIon to the NiMH for only one reason 08.52.30 # weight 08.52.38 # Not really. My archos, an external closure for my 3.5" disk and an external 2.5" enclosure for the "old" archos disk :) 08.52.39 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 08.52.53 # yeah 08.53.05 # I was looking at enclosures myself 08.53.08 # that's a good idea 08.53.12 # if I can't sell my old studio 20 08.53.18 # I'll just take the drive out :p 08.53.24 # I only got a laptop, so having extra disks is a bit jobbish ;) 08.54.35 # yeah 08.54.37 # that's a good idea 08.54.49 # just need to find some more cash ;P 08.56.55 # I got a new set of contact lenses the other day 08.57.07 # hello vision, goodbye money :( 08.57.13 # heh 08.57.22 # how much will a decent enclosure cost, for 9.5mm? 08.57.53 # I'll show you what I got. W8 a sec. 08.58.27 # http://www.emagictech.com.tw/fd6252-1.htm 08.58.55 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 08.59.01 # 870e 08.59.12 # what'd it cost? 08.59.17 # http://fwdepot.com/thestore/product_info.php?products_id=278 08.59.21 # this one looks decent 08.59.59 # I like the plug and play aspect 09.04.02 # heh 09.04.11 # USB1 for all my joysticks, mice, keyboards, and crap :P 09.04.15 # since I already have the hub and all 09.04.22 # I can use 2 for mad storage 09.06.05 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.06.46 # :) 09.06.50 # Mad storage :D 09.07.03 # yeah 09.07.07 # I got the munchies for another USB2-disk 09.07.10 # if I pickup a laptop in the near future 09.07.15 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 09.07.20 # The best part is the compatibility with the old interface. 09.07.30 # yeah 09.07.38 # and it's common on new boxes 09.07.42 # not hard to add to old 09.07.46 # like in my case :p 09.07.49 Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 09.07.49 # my 800mhz PIII 09.07.51 # wooo :p 09.07.59 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 09.08.19 # very rarely do I run into a task so daunting it requires *more* 09.08.44 # just spending cash on important stuff like hard drives, and food 09.09.27 # :D 09.09.40 # hmm 09.09.51 # wow, laptops with 3 ghz processors 09.09.55 # I can see it now 09.09.56 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.10.00 # a bright red spot near the center 09.10.06 # like ET, except it can cause minor burns 09.10.09 # Zagor: Hello! Do I got news for you! :) The build seems a bit more solid. I still encountered the no sound until next disk read issue, but it didn't hang. 09.10.22 # goodie 09.10.29 # big step forward 09.10.35 # no sound until next disk read issue 09.10.38 # I've ran into that with the FM 09.10.46 # please take note about the no sound issue. there is no "next disk read". it's something else. 09.10.48 # Bagder - you sound like a Chinese communist with that ;p 09.11.01 # * adam puts thousands of peasants to work in a commune 09.11.03 # damn, I blew my cover 09.11.06 # Zagor: it stays silent until next disk read! :) 09.11.42 # how much of Intel's new "CENTRINO" hype actually reflect on reality? 09.12.13 Quit ken0 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.12.48 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 09.12.49 Part Zagor 09.13.00 Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 09.13.03 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 09.13.23 # dwihno: of course it does. but when does the next read happen, and why? 09.13.55 # Zagor: changing songs? 09.13.57 # viewing the debug mpeg thread screen while silent could be interesting 09.14.15 # yes 09.14.34 # arg, what mAh are the LiIon batteries in the FM recorder, per default? 09.14.52 # Zagor: I'll try to check that out today, and give you juicy details :) 09.15.06 # dwihno: good 09.15.53 # Zagor: Just out of curiosity, what is changed in your test build? 09.16.47 # dwihno: a couple of things. I added a 400ns delay between two register accesses, and fixed a possible spindowm timeout issue 09.18.13 # Zagor: The delay is a part of the ATA specs? 09.18.18 # yes 09.19.00 # Perhaps you should check in the changes, allowing more people to test it. 09.19.11 # heh 09.19.15 # You're way ahead of me :) 09.20.45 # :-) 09.24.30 # Should 250 gig be "enough for everyone"? 09.24.41 # dwihno - no 09.24.53 # ;p 09.25.00 # not for the video-recording inclined people ;-) 09.25.15 # or those with no concept of 'archiving' 09.26.02 # * adam is fine with a collection of drives ranging from 80 to 30 :p 09.26.22 # I suppose the archos fm is a decent 20 gig, since it actually has throughput 09.26.36 # I feel sorry for my friend who used a USB 1.1 drive for years :P 09.27.37 # why in god's name are laptops still including diskette drives 09.27.54 # who, other than people who live in 1987 still use the goddamn things 09.28.11 # when the network breaks down ;-) 09.29.00 # http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/2826587.stm 09.29.08 # :) 09.29.11 # Bagder - I use guided wires 09.29.13 # they are unstoppable 09.29.18 # except by wire cutters 09.29.22 # adam: I like floppies :) 09.29.25 # yes 09.29.30 # My notebook has everything 09.29.32 # (except DVD) 09.29.35 # when you need to pull off some Bourne Identity styled ninja work 09.29.37 # dude 09.29.42 # "except DVD" 09.29.49 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.29.54 # Who needs DVD? :) 09.30.08 # I get dvd-rws from people 09.30.16 # so I do :p 09.30.23 # Hah 09.30.23 # I don't get floppies. 09.30.33 # Floppies rule! 09.30.35 # but yeah, I can see where you'd need one 09.30.43 # yes, they've lingered on 09.30.50 # but they're overpriced, and totally pointless 09.30.58 # Yeah. 09.31.07 Quit ken0 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.31.08 # At least, CD's are better. 09.31.10 # it's just a matter of user behavior 09.31.19 # CDs, I do agree, are superior, in a few ways 09.31.29 # * adam just uses network :p 09.31.38 # Let's say you don't have a network :) 09.32.10 Join quelsaruk [0] (~swordmast@faerun.ugr.es) 09.32.29 # Bagder: doom is not a joke?? 09.32.43 # heh 09.32.47 # why would it be a joke? 09.32.52 # no, it's great 09.33.00 # I just find the controls a bit difficult to get used to 09.33.15 # maybe 'cause you're swedish and had some contact with a crazy spanish guy?? 09.33.29 # quel! :D 09.33.34 # good point! 09.33.46 # morning dwihno! 09.33.52 # Bagder: You rule so badly! :D 09.34.13 # * Bagder blushes 09.34.17 # i'm going to test it right now then!! 09.34.58 # "Man, I got to the third level before I figured it out..." :-) 09.34.58 # * adam wants a desktop replacement notebook... 09.35.32 # Any of you guys know the temperature diff between 5400 and 7200 rpm drives? 09.35.46 # 12.2 degrees 09.35.51 # hot and hoter?? 09.35.55 # hotter 09.36.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.37.03 # mmm 09.37.10 # they have the machine for me 09.37.51 # heavy as hell, massive screen, dvd-rw, and an outdated ATI graphics card 09.37.55 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 09.39.46 # btw, sf.net is screwed up atm in the member admin department 09.39.58 # ok 09.40.01 # we can't add members atm 09.40.12 # I've filed a bug report 09.40.43 # it seems to concern the whole site as I have very simimlar problems in curl too 09.41.51 # well 09.41.55 # goodnight everyone 09.42.02 # I've sworn off caffeine forever 09.42.09 # so I'll have to do without that in the morning 09.42.11 # that requires sleep 09.44.06 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.49.34 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 09.51.20 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 09.51.21 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.55.06 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 09.55.06 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.55.56 # ken0 is a strange fellow. has anyone ever actually seen him online? 09.56.04 # hm 09.56.07 # secret spy from archos? 09.56.20 # haha 09.57.34 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 09.57.34 Quit ken0 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.58.49 Part Zagor 09.59.04 Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 09.59.11 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 10.00.16 # keno got you! :) 10.00.22 # Kung keno! Lett å vinne 10.02.50 # darn 10.02.57 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.02.59 # did anybody here have problems with umounting an archos? 10.03.05 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 10.03.11 # umounts hangs and there's no way to kill it 10.03.46 # nope 10.04.09 # thu: what did you do before unmounting? 10.05.11 # Zagor: nothing much.. mount it and copy rockbox 10.05.16 # it hangs every time I try to umount 10.05.38 # and btw rockbox has a really dark screen on my fm juke 10.05.47 # with weird vertical lines 10.05.49 # change contrast 10.05.53 # yeah 10.05.57 # first i need to charge my batt 10.06.07 # anyway.. about my umount problem 10.06.18 # is there any way to kill the process if it's gone crazy? 10.06.27 # thu: are you using usb1 or usb2 ? 10.06.45 # a few mins ago my usb2 seemed dead 10.06.48 # so I moved it on usb1 10.06.56 # ok. how long has it been hung? 10.07.01 # a few mins 10.07.16 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.07.19 # that's normal for a 20gig disk over usb1 10.07.28 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 10.07.56 # it needs to read the entire FAT to find a free spot for the new file. that takes a while on the slow usb1 link. 10.08.26 # I have meant to write a fix for that, but haven't done it yet. 10.09.31 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.09.50 # uhm.. what happens if I disconnected it? :)=) 10.11.38 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 10.11.51 # the file system could be corrupted, or simply the new file was never copied 10.12.05 # rockbox seems to be on 10.12.12 # after I pulled it off the cable 10.12.19 # ok. dosfsck is advisable. although that will of course take even more time... 10.12.23 # but umount is still 'running' 10.12.27 # what about killing umount? 10.12.36 # did you run kill on anything? 10.12.39 # that request for an "ASCII Playable Rockbox In Line For Our Own Loser units" was kind of amusing 10.12.43 # I tried to kill it 10.12.56 # no result 10.13.29 # btw what should one know to be able to work on something like rockbox? 10.13.50 # C programming :-) 10.14.02 # thu or how to read... 10.14.03 # how to sacrifise goats at midnight! 10.14.04 # reading is good... 10.14.09 # because you can learn the rest... 10.14.23 # oh.. and umm 'mail adi 100$' 10.14.24 # well other than the language itself 10.14.26 # thats good too 10.14.35 # what libs/concepts/other info? 10.14.40 # thu.. you really wanna help out? 10.14.41 # just wondering 10.14.49 # adi|home: I love my archos :) 10.14.58 # the docs _really_ need updating 10.15.00 # and I think rockbox is really cool 10.15.35 # see thats the diff.. i _know_ it is :) 10.15.59 # hehe 10.16.09 # thu: we don't use other libs. rockbox is self-contained. embedded programming in general is good. 10.16.13 # and I know my umount is frozen :\ 10.16.33 # Zagor: that's what I like about embedded programming.. once you make it work it just works 10.16.48 # Zagor: no crazy deps or anything 10.17.59 Join langhaarrocker [0] (~Phil@212-204-020-003.dsl1.versanet.de) 10.18.30 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 10.20.57 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 10.21.11 # ken0 clones? ;-) 10.23.20 Nick quelsaruk is now known as quel|out (~swordmast@faerun.ugr.es) 10.23.38 Join ken0___ [0] (marklar2@ 10.24.59 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 10.24.59 Quit ken0___ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.25.01 Join ken0____ [0] (marklar2@ 10.25.16 # ken0 looks like a script to me 10.25.47 # shall we clean him up or let him be? 10.26.01 # he seems harmless to me 10.26.04 # nods 10.26.05 # k 10.26.06 # :) 10.26.16 # but i was refering to you bagder :) 10.26.17 Join pyvasene [0] (~pyvasene@ 10.26.18 # lol 10.26.23 # * Bagder runs! 10.26.39 # sure.. but youll never get elected 10.26.53 Quit ken0____ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.27.03 # not even in Florida? ;-) 10.27.04 # so.. i had a thought today. 10.27.06 # it hurt 10.27.11 # lol@florida 10.27.27 # * thu tries out doom 10.27.46 Join ken0____ [0] (marklar2@ 10.27.51 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.28.03 # after having run doom on your Archos, you're a better person! 10.28.42 # too bad that second screenshot got a little blurry... 10.28.58 # :) 10.29.26 # heh 10.31.17 # im surprise goodle inst doing anything for april fools. 10.31.28 Quit ken0____ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.31.33 Join ken0____ [0] (marklar2@ 10.33.46 # ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3514.txt 10.34.03 # "the Evil Bit" is new in the IPv4 header ;-) 10.34.03 # yeah.. i saw it :) 10.35.37 # hehe 10.35.59 # i thought the carrier pigeon ip was more creative last year :) 10.36.26 # that's older than that 10.36.39 # they only implemented it last year ;-) 10.37.39 Join ken0_____ [0] (marklar2@ 10.39.10 Quit ken0 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.39.59 Join TotMacher [0] (tot@ip67.rsidus.riege.de) 10.40.36 Quit ken0_____ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.40.49 Join ken0_____ [0] (marklar2@ 10.46.13 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 10.46.13 Quit ken0_____ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.50.27 Join lhrocker [0] (~Phil@212-204-020-003.dsl1.versanet.de) 10.51.47 Quit langhaarrocker (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.52.08 Nick lhrocker is now known as langhaarrocker (~Phil@212-204-020-003.dsl1.versanet.de) 10.52.16 Quit TotMacher () 10.53.53 Quit ken0____ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.00.44 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 11.00.44 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.19.40 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 11.19.40 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.30.33 Join TotMacher [0] (tot@ip67.rsidus.riege.de) 11.36.30 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.49.17 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACB6503F.ipt.aol.com) 11.49.27 # morning! 11.50.00 # moin 11.50.32 # Just got one bug to report 11.50.34 # be back in a min 11.55.20 # done :-) 11.56.25 Part Zagor 11.56.57 Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 12.07.43 Nick dwihno is now known as dw|gone (dwihno@h193180246067.kommunicera.umea.se) 12.14.11 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 12.17.42 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 12.20.37 Join ken0___ [0] (marklar2@ 12.20.37 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.23.15 Join ken0____ [0] (marklar2@ 12.23.16 Quit ken0___ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.24.48 Join ken0_____ [0] (marklar2@ 12.29.59 Quit ken0_____ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.30.26 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 12.31.01 Join ken0_____ [0] (marklar2@ 12.32.16 Quit ken0 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.36.00 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.36.11 # lunch 12.42.00 Quit ken0____ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.44.18 Quit ken0_____ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.49.28 Join ken0_____ [0] (marklar2@ 13.19.38 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 13.36.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.37.40 Quit ken0_____ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.39.25 # morning 13.46.13 Quit ken0 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 13.49.35 # ken0 has gone completely nuts 13.50.30 # I think he has gone under score :) 13.50.41 # yeah 13.53.52 # What a shame! Someone photographped me while landing in a corn field and published it! 13.53.52 # http://www.rheinlandflieger.dnsalias.com/Fotoalben/20020914_Melbecke/20020914-154538.jpg 13.54.59 # :-) 13.55.29 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 13.55.38 # langhaarrocker: have you tried the new disk code lately? 13.55.46 # not yet 13.55.52 # * langhaarrocker downloading 13.59.27 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 13.59.49 # * langhaarrocker nees some goats 14.00.13 # I seem to have a hd problem. The thing doesn't boot rockbox. 14.02.04 # uh, bad 14.02.55 # This morning I accitently tried to boot on flat batteries. I hope that didn't hurt. 14.04.20 # * langhaarrocker backs up data 14.17.05 # "I hope there will be more levels in time, I finished the existing ones in 2 hours..." 14.17.15 # (comment on funmp3players) 14.17.23 # hehe 14.18.04 # Mark the author. In the near future he'll be complaining that his buttons are broken. 14.18.04 Join Acathla_ [0] (~Acathla@nord-2-81-57-97-57.fbx.proxad.net) 14.18.12 # hi 14.18.18 # lo 14.18.18 # 'lo 14.18.27 # * langhaarrocker was faster :) 14.18.38 # :) 14.19.17 # hey its IRC, in my end my line came first! ;-) 14.19.45 # Do you have a lifo irc client? 14.20.04 # i've got a "not_recharging_anymore_archos_player", and i don't think i'm the first... 14.20.06 # I'm sorry, you don't make any sense when you talk backwards 14.20.08 # :-P 14.20.49 # Acathla_: 1) return it on your warranty 2) buy an external charger 14.21.02 # not underwarranty 14.21.18 # 3) maybe your batteries are old, flat and dead -> replace the batteries? 14.21.19 # and i'de prefer to repair it 14.21.56 # i've only found the recorder electrical schematic, but it's seems similar... 14.22.07 # not concerning the charging 14.22.17 # * Bagder returns later 14.22.18 Quit Bagder ("http://daniel.haxx.se") 14.22.34 # at least near the first DC-DC chip 14.22.36 # the player has a designated charging circuit while the charging algorithm of the recorder is done in software. 14.23.57 # noone has draw the schematics for the player ? 14.24.55 # Pah. As a recorder owner I never bothered with players. :) 14.25.09 # :) 14.26.09 # i'll buy a MC34063 and change it, it seems to be in cause 14.26.42 # * langhaarrocker is puzzled that scandisk doesn't find any errors. 14.30.20 # langhaarrocker: i told you.. use the goats.... 14.30.21 # ;) 14.30.48 # * langhaarrocker strangulates the white plastic goat. 14.32.07 # seems to work. I just entered red led death. 14.36.04 # great! 14.36.17 # next time, try black goat 14.36.39 # the dark side of the source is stronger ;) 14.36.43 # yea 14.37.03 # lunch time 14.37.13 # cu later langhaarrocker! 14.37.19 # cu 14.37.39 # Zagor: some time after red led death my jukebox returns to the browser with led off. When I try to start another track it enters red led death right away. 14.38.15 # ui seems to be frozen. I can't enter the menu. 14.38.39 # (But light will turn on on button press) 14.39.18 # langhaarrocker: so, basically, no difference? 14.39.28 # no. not really 14.39.34 # :-( 14.44.24 # But I think that there are variants of red led death. Now I entered a variant where the led flashes off occasionally. The progress bar moves but no sound. 14.44.42 # flashes off? 14.45.14 # ok. Now it stopped moving, no more flashing off. 14.45.14 # flash off = led is on and turns off for a fraction of a second. 14.45.50 # that indicates the mpeg thread is trying to read stuff, but fails 14.47.11 # So while flashing of the controler seems to receive ata commands? But why does it freeze then? I wasn't shaking the thing any more then. 14.49.00 # * langhaarrocker 's recorder has a concussion 14.49.16 # I don't know 14.52.29 # What about this theory: The drive cached some data which the mpeg thread could read out -> busy led. But when it ran out of data the drive didn't know where I shook its heads to. Searching for its heads the drive was so busy that the operations on the cache was slowed down so that it took serveral seconds so that I could notice the flashing? 14.52.29 # Sounds like a stupid explanation 14.54.14 # Nah, the more I think about it the less I believe it. 14.55.08 # "searching for its heads" is not something disks normally do, afaik :-) 14.56.08 # it was supposed to be a colorful description of finding the appropriate sector on the disk. 14.59.24 # how long would you say each "off" flash is? 15.00.02 # just so long that is was noticable. Maybe 1/10 s. 15.00.43 # It occured once every three seconds, so round about 15.03.19 # during that phase I occasionally heared mechanical noises from the disk. Maybe it tried to sort out it's physical guts. 15.03.38 # strange 15.04.31 # But I can't reproduce that again. Now I have the red lead death 'as usual' 15.05.05 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.05.14 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 15.11.45 # Zagor: can't you implement a rpc ata interface? Then I could lend you my drive remote. :) 15.13.10 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 15.13.30 # hehe 15.14.03 # I wonder how many kens will appear. 15.19.22 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 15.19.23 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.21.20 Join ken0___ [0] (marklar2@ 15.21.20 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.21.53 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.25.39 Quit pyvasene ("Client Exiting") 15.26.08 >>> "pass" used by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) [snoop prevented] 15.26.18 >>> "ban marklar2@" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 15.30.04 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 15.31.20 Quit matsl ("Client Exiting") 15.36.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.39.31 Part Zagor 15.40.09 Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 15.40.54 Join Bagder [241] (~daniel@as3-3-2.ras.s.bonet.se) 15.41.05 # rehi 15.41.25 # Dario's reply on the list sure made me laugh 15.41.53 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 15.42.19 Quit ken0___ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.46.53 Join Nomad__ [0] (nomad@24-216-225-11.charter.com) 15.46.59 # morn 15.47.09 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.47.24 # hi 15.47.28 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 15.47.45 # Zagor_: the .mod you gave me yesterday shut off on the way home 15.47.51 # today's bleeding edge though worked great 15.48.21 # ok 15.48.30 # ~/remlog 15.48.35 # so we've improved a bit. but langhaarrocker still gets the led dead 15.48.36 # Zagor: don't trust him. It's first of April. :) 15.48.41 # :) 15.48.48 # on the way home yesterday ti kinda hung like normal about 75mph 15.48.52 # came back once 15.48.52 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 15.49.02 # no, I've had my joke for the day and it wasn't a good one 15.49.41 # A hardcore Security guy did the ole "ok, I'm fed up with how much pos windows guys make when I have to fight tooth and nail for a paycheck, I'm converting and making hte cach I deserve" type post 15.49.46 # wasn't funny 15.49.49 # wasn't funny at all... 15.50.25 # anyway when I hit 75 it hung up, a few mins later it kinda clicked like a skipping CD then went silent again for a while then it shut off 15.50.48 # this morning it gave me it's nice quiet routine when I hit 75'ish then when I slowed down with traffic it kicked back in 15.51.04 Join ken0___ [0] (marklar2@ 15.51.05 # got back up to speed and it went quiet again. slowed down and it picked up again 15.51.07 # was great 15.53.03 # do you have the archos in a pocket or inside your jacket? 15.53.40 # it's in a doulbe layed wrap of motherboard packing foam inside my pocket of my heavy leather jacket 15.53.53 # today it was on an inside check pocket, yesterday outside hip height 15.54.42 # I updated to the latest bleeding edge about 1.5hrs ago before heading in today 15.58.07 # just a thought 15.58.24 Quit ken0__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.58.32 # Could you have a "counter" that tracks the total # of consecutive failed read attempts (skips) 15.58.37 # sure 15.58.44 # if it reaches X+1 skips drop the read speed? 15.59.00 # kinda like my CDR slows when ripping from a scrathced CD 15.59.16 # see where I'm going? 15.59.21 # we don't have different speeds. the disk spins by itself. 15.59.36 # ok, didn't know if it was possible to slow it down or change it's mode 16.00.03 # afaik it isn't 16.00.09 # would be great for situations where the drive is vibrating or constant bumping such as my motorcycle 16.00.13 # yes 16.00.21 Join ken0____ [0] (marklar2@ 16.00.32 Quit ken0___ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.00.38 >>> "ban ken0____" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.00.44 >>> "pass" used by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) [snoop prevented] 16.00.47 >>> "ban ken0____" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.00.47 DBUG sent MODE #rockbox -o+b ken0____ *!*marklar2@80.178.45.* 16.00.47 DBUG Sent KICK ken0____ to server 16.00.47 Mode "#rockbox -o+b ken0____ *!*marklar2@80.178.45.* " by logbot (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.00.47 Kick (#rockbox ken0____ :Rotten persons outside, please) by logbot!~bjst@labb.contactor.se 16.01.21 Join OnoSendai [0] (geshtolt@dhcp065-029-079-112.indy.rr.com) 16.01.28 >>> "ban ken0 Stop your script" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.01.28 DBUG sent MODE #rockbox -o+b ken0 *!*marklar2@80.178.37.* 16.01.28 DBUG Sent KICK ken0 to server 16.01.28 Mode "#rockbox -o+b ken0 *!*marklar2@80.178.37.* " by logbot (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.01.28 Kick (#rockbox ken0 :Stop your script) by logbot!~bjst@labb.contactor.se 16.01.44 # he was getting annoying 16.02.05 # * Bagder agrees 16.03.06 # which one of him? :) 16.03.37 # * Bagder points to the annoying one. "that one" 16.03.49 # the left one 16.05.36 Join ken0_____ [0] (marklar2@ 16.05.41 # haha 16.05.44 # lol 16.05.49 # ken0_____: are you alive? 16.05.51 # ken0 for zombie! 16.05.57 >>> "ban ken0_____ Stop your script" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.05.57 DBUG sent MODE #rockbox -o+b ken0_____ *!*marklar2@80.178.33.* 16.05.57 DBUG Sent KICK ken0_____ to server 16.05.57 Mode "#rockbox -o+b ken0_____ *!*marklar2@80.178.33.* " by logbot (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.05.57 Kick (#rockbox ken0_____ :Stop your script) by logbot!~bjst@labb.contactor.se 16.14.28 >>> "help ban" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.15.38 >>> "ban *ken0*!*markar2@80.178.*.* Stop your script" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.15.38 DBUG sent MODE #rockbox +b *!*markar2@80.178.*.* 16.15.38 Mode "#rockbox +b *!*markar2@80.178.*.* " by logbot (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.15.47 >>> "banlist" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.05 >>> "unban 3" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.05 DBUG sent MODE #rockbox -b *!*marklar2@80.178.45.* 16.16.06 Mode "#rockbox -b *!*marklar2@80.178.45.* " by logbot (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.09 >>> "unban 4" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.09 DBUG sent MODE #rockbox -b *!*marklar2@80.178.37.* 16.16.09 Mode "#rockbox -b *!*marklar2@80.178.37.* " by logbot (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.11 >>> "unban 5" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.11 DBUG sent MODE #rockbox -b *!*marklar2@80.178.33.* 16.16.11 Mode "#rockbox -b *!*marklar2@80.178.33.* " by logbot (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.44 >>> "unban 6" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.44 DBUG sent MODE #rockbox -b *!*markar2@80.178.*.* 16.16.45 Mode "#rockbox -b *!*markar2@80.178.*.* " by logbot (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.53 >>> "ban *!*marklar2@80.178.*.* Stop your script" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.16.53 DBUG sent MODE #rockbox +b *!*marklar2@80.178.*.* 16.16.54 Mode "#rockbox +b *!*marklar2@80.178.*.* " by logbot (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.18.50 >>> "banlist" by Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.23.38 # oh my god! 16.23.45 # you're really crazy! 16.23.50 # i was wrong 16.24.16 # spanish are normal compared with all of you 16.24.29 # * Bagder looks at quel|out 16.24.31 # is he (quel) talking with logbot? 16.25.36 # ummmm 16.25.39 Nick quel|out is now known as quelsaruk (~swordmast@faerun.ugr.es) 16.25.53 # maybe? 16.26.00 # am i crazy if i say yes?? 16.26.54 # Quelsaruk: have you tried talking to trees lately? Less risky because they usually can't kick you. 16.27.29 # i usually talk with goats, but nowadays they are afraid of me, and i dunno why. :( 16.27.48 # i'll try talking to trees, or sea waves ;) 16.29.16 # i had to explain some fortran programs... that was a hard work ;) 16.29.45 # Ah. Let me guess: you've been teaching again. 16.30.09 # private teaching this time :) 16.30.47 # my speciality is steel, but fortran is easy enought to explain it and earn some money :P 16.33.37 Nick seb-sleep is now known as _seb_ (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 16.34.36 # btw, do all of you have 1st April?? 16.34.48 # here in spain we have 28th December 16.35.17 # good joke! It's nearly recursive. :) 16.35.49 Part Zagor 16.35.54 # langhaarrocker: don't understand you.. i only have 2 neurons :( 16.36.21 Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 16.44.44 Quit langhaarrocker (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.53.30 Join i_am_pi [0] (bogusident@pihost.us) 16.54.07 # hello 16.55.07 # hi 16.59.02 # yesterday i was asking where the charging regulator was but i had to leave 16.59.47 # charging regulator?? 17.00.14 # Zagor mentioned i might try replacing it.. 17.01.22 # umm 17.01.35 # Zagor_: someone's looking for you ;) 17.02.25 # nice slow day 17.02.27 # see, my jukebox died.. says "hd error" which meant to me "dead batteries", but the charger doesn't power up anything :-| 17.02.48 # not even the green light or the stock firmware saying "Charging battery" 17.03.44 # try to change the batts... or the charger 17.03.45 # :) 17.03.59 # replaced the charger, i'm replacing the batteries today after screwl 17.04.24 # good luck 17.04.29 # thx. 17.04.39 # i did replace the hard drive earlier 17.04.50 # the stock 20 gigger had no usable sectors :-| 17.05.04 # :( 17.05.08 # but this was months before 17.05.21 # got a 40 gigger from our local computer store for $200 :) 17.05.33 # and i had gotten the jukebox for free in the first place. 17.07.20 # you're lucky then :) 17.22.42 # i've "found" a 20gig :) 17.22.43 Join LinusN [200] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 17.23.19 # who banned my script? :-) 17.24.50 # this it? * logbot kicked ken0 from channel #rockbox : Stop your script 17.24.56 # :-) 17.25.05 # * LinusN is just kidding 17.25.08 # :P 17.25.14 # : ) 17.25.37 # LinusN: good evening-afternoon-or whatever is said now 17.25.50 # same to you 17.26.47 # btw, any idea of when will 2.0 be released?? i know that soon... but, any possible date?? 17.27.02 # i have no idea 17.27.10 # we want to kill the red led bug 17.27.21 # and i still have some recording stuff left 17.27.43 # i have yet to test the recording for myself... 17.28.00 # are the recording bugs posted on the site? 17.28.12 # what bugs? 17.28.23 # don't know.. you said there were some issues yet with recording.. 17.28.35 # and i still have some recording stuff left 17.28.36 # yes, i have work to do (adding features) 17.28.42 # ahh... 17.29.21 # it's mainly about Xing headers, ID3 info and stuff 17.29.35 # cool... i'm loving all you guys.. i've already got 3 friends addicted to the jukebox.. now i'm converting them to rockbox 17.29.50 # nice 17.29.56 # uh 17.30.31 # the Studio is sad. The Recorder however, is > * 17.33.34 # LinusN: what is that red led bug?? 17.33.46 # the fade dug? or which one? 17.33.51 # *bug 17.34.43 # the red led death is an ATA driver bug, when it fails to recover from disk errors 17.34.47 # like when you shake the jukebox 17.34.52 # ahhh 17.35.13 # normally i use goat blood to repair that kind of errors ;) 17.35.25 # and garlic 17.35.36 # never tested garlic, i have to try ;) 17.35.55 # well, there's also a fade bug. 17.35.57 # sharp pointed stick doused in kerosine, lit on fire... 17.36.01 # works wonders. 17.36.02 # brb 17.36.22 # quelsaruk: i know about the fade bug 17.36.28 # :) 17.36.31 # ok 17.36.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.38.37 Part Zagor_ 17.39.58 # Back 17.40.13 # yeah, i've seen the red led death, when the batteries lose charge 17.42.35 # then teh drive makes "click click" noises.. 17.42.54 # I've seen that too 17.46.26 # um... E is 1.0 now : ) http://www.enlightenment.org/pages/news.html 17.46.53 # another 1st april ? 17.46.54 # ;) 17.47.15 # : ) 17.51.16 # cpan.org is horked also 17.54.19 Nick quelsaruk is now known as quel|out (~swordmast@faerun.ugr.es) 17.54.23 # bbl 17.54.25 # cu 17.54.45 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/doom/ <- 1st april too ? 17.55.34 # Acathla_: how can you say that!!! 17.55.55 # do you think Bagder could do that?? 17.56.06 # he's a serious man 17.56.07 # ;) 17.57.54 # hum... 17.59.05 Quit Bagder ("http://daniel.haxx.se") 17.59.58 # * Acathla_ go home 18.00.00 # bye 18.00.07 Quit Acathla_ ("leaving") 18.02.53 Join _adam [0] (jankey@x84-207-243-dhcp.reshalls.umn.edu) 18.03.49 # <_adam> heh 18.03.57 # * _adam notes some software should be open sourced :P 18.04.07 # <_adam> like sftp gui frontends that use Putty as a backend anyways 18.04.15 # <_adam> *especially* when they suck 18.04.17 # <_adam> bad :p 18.04.39 Quit adam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.04.45 Nick _adam is now known as adam (jankey@x84-207-243-dhcp.reshalls.umn.edu) 18.09.05 # putty r0x0rs :) 18.09.26 # but Mac OS X's terminal.app r0x0rs more 18.09.46 # GLTerm r0x0rs even even more since it is opengl accelerated 18.10.47 # uh 18.10.51 # yes 18.10.57 # because that makes it faster 18.11.00 # all that compounding 18.11.01 # :P 18.11.34 # neither terminal.app nor GLTerm are ssh clients, anyways 18.13.16 # but they turn into one with "ssh" :_P 18.13.32 # yeah 18.13.35 # when i'm forced to use windows, I use putty 18.13.36 # I don't see any advantage to OS X 18.13.39 # 'forced' 18.13.47 # as in when i'm at school 18.13.47 # heh, OS X doesn't even have a decent peer to peer filesharing program 18.13.53 # i.e. Kazaa 18.13.57 # now, now.. 18.13.59 # Carracho :-P 18.14.02 # www.carracho.com 18.14.04 # That's not 'decent' 18.14.05 # that's shitty. 18.14.09 # wtf 18.14.13 # carracho rocks! 18.14.41 # and it's not really peer-to-peer, either way 18.15.46 # well i happen to like it. You may (actualy, you seem to) feel differently :) 18.16.06 # well, it has probably less than 1% of the users that Kazaa does 18.16.27 # which, unless everyone is running a 200 gig server, is not going to make up for the parity 18.16.45 # Hotline did it first, either way 18.16.49 # but yeah, Hotline has it's faults as well 18.16.54 # as in a totally non-existent company behind it 18.17.05 # but there are several servers that have huge caches of quality behind them :) 18.17.21 # which takes effort 18.17.23 # then there (was) mine which had nothign but community, and spottily at that :) 18.17.25 # I can just leave my searches going all day and all night 18.17.48 # well, if I use anything, it's Hotline vs Carracho 18.18.05 # just because HL is quite multiplatform 18.18.05 # i've been using that less and less 18.18.31 # but yeah 18.18.45 # OS X has pitfalls in games, and various misc software 18.18.50 # since i've been getting $ from work ,i've bought more software 18.18.55 # you gain quality, I suppose, in the lowest common denominator 18.19.09 # heh 18.19.19 # I usually try to get mp3s (suprise), or various fansubs 18.19.22 Quit TotMacher () 18.19.30 # I haven't 'warezed' since my old Mac Quadra 700 :P 18.19.36 # lol. mp3s is all kazaa is really good fore 18.19.41 # s/fore/for/ 18.19.42 # that's true 18.19.43 # and it does that well 18.19.50 # very well :) 18.19.59 # opposed to hotline, or carracho ;p 18.20.03 # but the default install has spyware, so i use kazaa lite 18.20.10 # same. 18.20.18 # Also gives you 1000 participation... 18.20.59 # i had a socks5 proxy on my server installed, but idiots leaked the info and sucked down movies.. Couldn't iptables them out because they were inside the school! 18.21.15 # uh 18.21.20 # * adam doesn't *share* with random idiots 18.21.27 # i didn't share with them 18.21.28 # rarely share at all :P 18.21.36 # yeah 18.21.38 # they got on my computer when i was away 18.21.40 # but if you're running a server... ;p 18.21.53 # heh, security is good 18.21.59 # win98 at school 18.22.09 # if it wre 2k i'd have hit windows-L and locked it when i left. 18.22.34 # Win98 is the OS that shouldn't be 18.22.38 # it's obsolete 18.23.41 # * adam will either float between Linux, or Windows + Cygwin 18.24.12 # Windows seems to work fine for most tasks, and my machine is fast enough to make cygwin endurable 18.24.39 # the thing that pisses me off about windows is the registry 18.24.57 # or any OS that tries to garble up and hide configuration files 18.25.34 # yeah 18.25.49 # registry corruption is fun to recover from.. 18.27.41 # i worked on this box that had about 50 modems 'installed' 18.27.46 # heh 18.27.52 # "i can't connect to the internet" 18.28.31 # * adam must find an OS that isn't hopelessly contrived (XP, OS X), isn't hopelessly mutable (Linux), and actually has hardware support (*BSD) 18.28.53 # that, or I need to get newer debian test images... 18.29.10 # Gentoo is fun, except for the whole YOU MUST COMPILE *EVERYTHING* aspect. 18.29.37 Join Neocramencer [0] (Neocramenc@pD953BD52.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.29.43 # hi 18.29.48 # anybody here? 18.29.48 # hey 18.29.53 # fine.. 18.30.11 # i have a damn f*** problem with my jukebox 18.30.24 # what is it? 18.30.26 # everytiem when i connect it to my pc the pc reboots... 18.30.46 # its not everytime, yesterday it worked but today.... 18.30.52 # whats that issue? 18.31.11 # adam: havne't messed with Gentoo 18.31.25 # Neocramencer - this is a studio? 18.31.26 # i like debian with the unstable tree in the sources list 18.31.47 # mhh its a jukebox 6000 18.31.47 # yes 18.31.50 # I used to use Sid 18.32.02 # want to upgrade the harddrive.. 18.32.10 # Neocramencer - and the thing starts up and plays music fine? 18.32.16 # because of that i need access to it 18.32.19 # yes 18.32.21 # sure 18.32.23 # with rockbox 18.32.24 # Neocramencer - hm. haven't seen that particular bug. could be your USB controller on your computer 18.32.26 # turn the box off 18.32.35 # plug the usb hard drive in 18.32.36 # mhh 18.32.43 # i've seen machiens reboot when the modem was used though 18.32.44 # start it up 18.32.45 # don't hot plug it 18.33.02 # heh 18.33.13 # * adam wants a Sony VAIO GRV680 18.33.19 # i tryed this too 18.33.22 # tried 18.33.25 # ;) 18.33.30 # me is not good i nenglish 18.33.30 # 16 inch screen, 60 gig drive, DVD+-RW, and it's heavy as hell 18.34.03 # neo: another idea, maybe your power supply is marginal 18.34.15 # how many watts is the supply? 18.34.18 # you mean the power supply in the pc? 18.34.27 # oh its a good levicom 420 watt 18.34.44 # board is an epox 8rda+ 18.34.48 # nforce2 18.35.04 # well that idea goes out the window.. 18.35.06 # mhh i will try a other usb port 18.35.16 # wait a sec 18.37.23 # mhh lol 18.37.25 # it works 18.37.28 # this time 18.37.30 # :) 18.37.41 # but thx for ya help 18.45.16 # no problem 18.45.17 Quit Neocramencer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.45.22 # heh. 18.47.56 Join Baz [0] (unknown@modem-920.monkey.dialup.pol.co.uk) 18.48.02 # hey 18.48.39 # yo 18.49.19 # hows u? 18.49.37 # fine i think 18.49.41 # lol 18.49.49 # well i hate bitchx 18.49.52 # mirc here i come :P 18.49.58 Join DJBaz [0] (unknown@modem-920.monkey.dialup.pol.co.uk) 18.50.03 # heh 18.50.18 # xchat r00ls 18.50.35 # i mean bitchx 18.50.37 # :P 18.50.39 # quit 18.50.40 Quit Baz (Client Quit) 18.50.45 Nick DJBaz is now known as Baz (unknown@modem-920.monkey.dialup.pol.co.uk) 18.50.46 # hmm 18.50.49 # noise cancelling earbugs 18.50.51 # ... 18.50.51 # buds 18.51.15 Nick Baz is now known as DJBaz (unknown@modem-920.monkey.dialup.pol.co.uk) 18.51.26 # might be good for protection against my roommate's snoring 18.51.35 # lol 18.54.12 # i liked the doom april fules jple 18.54.13 # :) 18.54.22 # *fools 18.54.22 # jple... 18.56.06 # rockbox webmaster here yet? 18.56.07 # :p 18.56.25 # just LinusN 18.56.45 # k 18.56.49 # LinusN u there? 18.57.01 # hmm 18.57.24 # i'm here 18.57.42 # kk 18.57.53 # would u guys like a server 2 host a forum on? 18.58.04 # forum? 18.58.07 # its hosted in a data center... so its fast 18.58.14 # yeh a forum... 'bulletin board' 18.58.32 # linux: like http://forums.geeksharks.com (example, hosted by me) 18.58.42 # ... 18.58.42 # we haven't really felt a need for a forum 18.58.45 # BBS blow :P 18.58.53 # consumes more time than IRC 18.58.58 # yeh 18.59.03 # but not everyone can access irc 18.59.08 # check ma forums 18.59.13 # so...? 18.59.14 # www.liberationfrequency.vze.com 18.59.24 # :p 18.59.31 # brb 18.59.32 # fast eh :p 18.59.39 # forums are good, and we will not stop anyone from creating one 18.59.40 # it's not hard to have a shell account 18.59.58 # yeh 19.00.03 # however, we developers will still use IRC 19.00.07 # just offering thats all... ya dont need to bite my head off :P 19.00.30 # DJBaz: no, we will kill you in a less painful way 19.00.38 # lol 19.00.39 # uh 19.00.46 # LinusN: may i use him in my rituals?? 19.00.49 # pliiizzzz 19.00.54 # let me :) 19.00.54 # noooo 19.00.55 # :< 19.01.06 # you're using what script for that 'forum'? 19.01.06 # it looks kinda like geeklog 19.01.16 # i can give you his spline, i want the rest for the red led death bug 19.01.24 # lol 19.01.33 # adam invision board 19.01.35 # spline? is that the word? 19.01.37 # hmm 19.01.47 # spine? 19.01.48 # * adam has a distinct distaste for all things forum 19.01.53 # spline? that sounds like a mathematical function 19.01.54 # but 19.01.56 # lol 19.01.57 # I do run geeklog 19.02.02 # thats the portal adam :p 19.02.02 # no, not the spine 19.02.04 # click forum lol 19.02.05 # http://rei.damnsw.net/ 19.02.06 # slpeen? 19.02.08 # differential ecuations and so on :) 19.02.17 # yeah, obviously, DJ 19.02.24 # gd gd... jst making sure :p 19.02.39 # what are you trying to give me linus? a part of the body? or what? 19.03.12 # spleen, that's it 19.03.25 # what's a spleen?? 19.03.30 # omg 19.03.31 # lol 19.03.34 # its something 19.03.34 # :p 19.05.50 # you need it to live 19.05.50 # hmm 19.05.50 # * adam would need a Claymore mine anti-theft system for any laptop he bought 19.05.50 # :P 19.05.50 DBUG Sent KICK adam to server 19.05.50 # especially if it were one of those expensive ones that are ugly and heavy, but have lots of cool stuff on them 19.05.50 Kick (#rockbox adam :No flooding!) by logbot!~bjst@labb.contactor.se 19.06.20 Join adam [0] (jankey@x84-207-243-dhcp.reshalls.umn.edu) 19.06.23 # ... 19.06.29 # lol 19.06.32 # whatever happened to openprojects.net 19.06.38 # that didn't have huge lag issues 19.07.49 # I'm back 19.08.46 # linus.. why should i want a spleen?? 19.08.47 # wb 19.08.53 # spleens? 19.09.15 # i can't give that to the metal gods :( 19.13.09 # hm 19.13.42 # does anyone here know how to make the jukebox recorder play a song at a certain time... but i dont want the jukebox to turn off 19.13.45 # if u know what i mean 19.14.14 # DJBaz: that is not implemented yet 19.14.24 # but it will be some time yeh? 19.14.29 # maybe 19.14.39 # kk 19.14.45 # it's in the request database 19.14.50 # ok 19.14.55 # i really should check that out 19.14.55 # :p 19.16.25 Join TBoy [0] (~xxx@ 19.16.42 # guys 19.16.51 # I have a big problem 19.17.03 # and you want to make it ours? :-) 19.17.12 # my comp doesn't recognise my FM anymore 19.17.15 # yes :D 19.17.39 # does the fm work normally otherwise? 19.18.10 # normally I just plugged the usb cable 19.18.44 # and it worked 19.19.13 # but now it gets detected as an unknown device 19.19.31 # any other usb devices connected? 19.19.34 # nope 19.19.50 # tried another port? 19.20.02 # tried reinstalling the drivers? 19.20.12 # which os? 19.26.23 # sry for the delay 19.26.32 # got attacked by bees in my rook 19.26.52 # I'm using xp pro 19.27.03 # i reinstalled the drivers 19.27.07 # still no luck 19.27.51 # LinusN? 19.29.32 # hmmm 19.29.47 # just tried another port still no luck 19.30.15 # does the fm work with another computer? 19.30.16 # I'm going to try a restart once more 19.30.24 # brb 19.30.28 Quit TBoy () 19.33.51 Join TBoy [0] (~xxx@ 19.33.57 # darn still no luck 19.34.39 # does the fm work with another computer? 19.35.45 # yep 19.36.05 # silly winxp 19.36.06 # it works and worked without a hassle on all comps so far 19.36.10 # yep 19.36.17 # what happened before it stopped working? 19.36.35 # nothing 19.36.40 # I plugged it in 19.36.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.36.55 # and it got detected as a unknown device 19.37.34 # did you reinstall the drivers, tboy? 19.38.22 # heh, and it didn't show up? 19.38.22 # eh 19.38.22 # * adam just has times where his drive doesn't appear 19.38.22 # it's detected by chkdsk and all 19.38.22 # wait 19.38.30 # I found something 19.39.38 # it says in my logs that the Personal Player USB Driver couldn't be started because it wasn't found 19.39.40 # hehe 19.39.43 # thats strange 19.39.50 # I'll try to delete it 19.39.55 # or uninstall it 19.40.03 # the drivers that is 19.41.25 # *sigh* i pity my school's web designers 19.41.29 # they just found out about "flash" 19.41.34 # noooo! 19.41.43 # * adam notes there are two pitfalls most people get into 19.41.47 # adam: http://chs.sfps.k12.nm.us/ 19.41.49 # trying to get a website to look 'good' 19.41.53 # every single link on there is flash. 19.42.08 # impossible to navigate if you're on anything but the designer's computer :-P 19.42.14 # idiots 19.42.19 # and trying to make a website look 'cool' 19.42.25 # contrast with my web site: http://www.pihost.us/~pi/ 19.42.26 # two specifically different things 19.42.40 # simple, complete, navigatable, valid HTML, no plugins. 19.42.55 # cool, as in tiny greyish fonts on black and blue, with tons of artsy gif images 19.42.59 # viewable with telnet pihost.us:80 19.42.59 Quit TBoy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.43.03 # god 19.43.05 # it has *MUSIC* 19.43.12 # .wav format, too. 19.43.24 # so you have to havea a T1 19.43.45 # a lot of the student pages have .wavs 19.44.00 # http://chs.sfps.k12.nm.us/spring2003/spring2003.htm 19.44.01 # at least they did last year.. this isn't a common site for me to visit (with good reason) 19.44.13 # I like how almost no links work 19.44.33 # oh, at least she stopped coding links like 19.44.54 # we moved IP addresses last year.. 19.44.55 # heh 19.45.01 # * adam likes... 19.45.05 # tex, and latex 19.45.12 Join TBoy [0] (~xxx@ 19.45.13 # i like PHP and perl 19.45.17 # well, lyx, I mean... 19.45.30 # and vi. I do everything in vi 19.45.32 # kind of duplicitous 19.45.33 # even on my mac. 19.45.37 # php and perl, that is 19.45.46 # perl is good for command line usage 19.45.49 # php is for web. 19.46.06 # * adam likes python, sometimes ;p 19.46.24 # but yeah, I know some perl and php 19.46.29 # mainly database and cgi related crud 19.46.37 # php == teh uber for databases 19.46.53 # * adam will use vim or notepad.exe ;p 19.48.02 # hmm 19.48.06 # can somebody 19.48.07 # i had vim on my network share, but the admins went on a mad "find all exe files and delete them" rampage.. 19.48.16 # help me solve my prob 19.48.39 # tboy: remove and reinstall the drivers already? 19.48.45 # i_am_pi, uh, can't it fit on a floppy :p 19.48.51 # oh. 19.48.52 # or worse, a zip 19.48.57 # I just removed them 19.49.02 # use winzip 19.49.09 # to span across multiple floppies :) 19.49.14 # if I'm right I can use the drivers from the archos site 19.49.19 # tboy: yes 19.49.30 # those work with rockbox 19.49.32 # what kind of a question was that 19.49.33 # haha 19.49.38 # I'm silly 19.49.46 # or use a more efficient algorithm than zip ;p 19.49.46 # and it's not like there is any real lack of that :p 19.50.00 # gogogo bzip2 19.50.59 # I suppose there are small vi clones out there asides from vim 19.51.11 # * adam just doesn't like vanilla vi 19.51.15 # nvi, elvis 19.51.16 # TBoy: some people say that the Cypress drivers are better 19.51.36 # linus: aren't the cypress drivers the same thing on the archos site?? 19.51.46 # i'm not usre 19.51.47 # eh 19.51.47 # sure 19.52.36 # hmm 19.52.44 # the device manager 19.52.47 Join josh966 [0] (~chatzilla@ak.nlc.com) 19.53.08 # says that that driver pack doesn't cantain drivers for the device 19.54.31 # why does this happen now 19.54.34 # well 19.54.42 >>> "help" by josh966 (~chatzilla@ak.nlc.com) 19.54.50 >>> "cmd" by josh966 (~chatzilla@ak.nlc.com) 19.54.56 # I'll see if I can find some leftovers of the driver in xp 19.57.00 # ah xp. 19.58.28 # any idea where I should look 19.58.32 # or a specific file 19.59.00 Quit adam (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.01.39 # get the archos drivers and go to Update Driver in the device mangler 20.03.13 Join adam [0] (jankey@x84-207-243-dhcp.reshalls.umn.edu) 20.03.53 # that doesn't work 20.06.22 # er 20.07.45 Quit thu ("Client exiting") 20.08.05 Quit adam () 20.08.29 # its says that in the folder where I keep the drivers 20.08.35 # that there are no drivers 20.09.28 # are they unpacked? 20.09.34 # yep 20.09.47 # something must have happened before it stopped working 20.09.57 # it did work before, right? 20.10.28 Join adam [0] (jankey@x84-207-243-dhcp.reshalls.umn.edu) 20.11.16 # yep 20.11.28 # hmm I don't see anything that might have happend 20.11.43 # no installation of other drivers o 20.11.47 # are software? 20.11.52 # or software 20.12.20 # have you tried on another computer after it stopped working on yours? 20.12.57 # I haven't connected it to this comp 20.13.02 # for a while like a week 20.13.15 # and in that time I installed vmware 20.13.34 # and that made some extra emulated nics 20.14.10 # and everytime I try to get my player detected it says something about IP 20.14.14 # IPs 20.14.23 # what does it call the unknown device? 20.14.31 # I'm gonna restart now 20.14.36 # unknown device+ 20.14.38 # unknown device 20.14.49 # it should still call it "ARCHOS USB 2.0" 20.14.50 # that is actually an extra driver 20.15.07 # it was always called some thing like player 20.15.10 # but it worked 20.15.54 # ok gonna restart 20.16.01 # wish me luck 20.16.04 # very verbose 20.16.04 # yeah, I'm wondering about that myself 20.16.04 # I just removed the old USB drivers 20.16.04 DBUG Sent KICK adam to server 20.16.04 # for my old studio 20 20.16.05 Kick (#rockbox adam :No flooding!) by logbot!~bjst@labb.contactor.se 20.16.11 # * LinusN holds his thumbs 20.16.21 Quit TBoy () 20.17.51 # rather twitchy bot 20.17.57 Join adam_ [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 20.18.01 # tboy was talking more than adam.. 20.18.05 # the hell... 20.18.12 # it's lag, and a hypersensitive bot 20.18.33 Join TBoy [0] (~xxx@ 20.18.49 Mode "#rockbox +o LinusN " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 20.18.50 # * TBoy weeps 20.18.57 # no luck 20.18.58 Mode "#rockbox -o logbot " by LinusN (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 20.19.06 # that was what I was going to recommend 20.19.14 # ;p 20.19.16 Join thu [0] (~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net) 20.19.18 # you must have some serious lag 20.19.31 # it's probably the University 20.19.41 # but I'll just use my home shell 20.19.44 # rockbox rocks 20.19.53 # hmm 20.19.54 # thu: i know! :-) 20.19.55 # thu: yes it does, that's part of it's name :-D 20.19.58 # heh, still doesn't support FM 20.20.00 # what 20.20.02 # but asides from that, I do prefer it ;p 20.20.12 # adam_: FM is crappy anyway 20.20.14 # adam_: no, we have no radio drivers yet 20.20.15 # at least on my unit 20.20.19 # never used it :\ 20.20.20 # LinusN - yeah, I figured 20.20.26 # uh, thu 20.20.30 # must to go 20.20.32 # * adam_ records various things off the radio 20.20.33 Quit i_am_pi ("[BX] Tiger Woods uses BitchX. FORE!") 20.20.37 # it needs an antenna or something 20.20.42 # it *has* an antenna 20.20.46 # it uses your headphones 20.20.52 # an extra one then 20.20.56 # I get crappy reception 20.21.00 # LinusN you said you know sommin' 20.21.17 # or wasn't that info for me 20.21.35 # ??? 20.21.58 # sry I didn't notice the "thu:" 20.22.10 # thought you knew a solution to my prob 20.22.12 # TBoy: you should really try to connect it to another computer 20.22.25 # I'll try it right away 20.22.32 # I have one upstairs 20.22.44 # brb 20.23.01 Join ciphergoth [0] (~paul@82-41-211-36.cable.ubr12.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.23.02 # thu: you use the original phones? 20.23.06 # LinusN: yes 20.23.23 # I keep expecting them to break ever since I got it 20.23.28 # i often helps to stretch the cord 20.23.30 # which was 5 months ago 20.23.44 # heh 20.23.57 # after they do maybe I can get myself some decent phones 20.23.59 # I don't see why they even package the phones with the thing 20.24.06 # reporting total succes with 40GB hard drive upgrade on a 6GB recorder, rar! 20.24.17 # some sony ear buds would probably be just as cheap and give you better sound quality 20.24.19 # ciphergoth: congrats 20.24.31 # adam_: they need to ship it with some kind of phones 20.24.45 # ciphergoth - comedy, too bad you can't replace the USB <-> ATA bridge ;p 20.25.08 # hmm I like the feature requests 20.25.17 # background mp3<->ogg conversion 20.25.22 # thu: okay, I've got two sets of those phones now 20.25.22 # adam_: I did try copying music files onto it using a direct ATA connection, but I had to copy the files across the network 20.25.30 # and it was slower than just plugging the USB in directly! 20.25.44 # ah 20.26.01 # * adam_ kind of wants a 9.5 mm adapter for those old drives 20.26.05 # Incidentally, what do the "doom" files do really? 20.26.09 Quit DJBaz (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.26.11 # ciphergoth - it's a joke 20.26.17 # adam_: I guessed 20.26.19 # just shows you a digitized image 20.26.32 # thus the phrasing of the question. I couldn't be bothered to install it just to find out what the joke was... 20.26.58 # adam_: I have such an adapter, it only cost GBP 5. I don't suppose you live in Edinburgh though... 20.27.10 # yeah, I know they're pretty cheap 20.27.42 # I could just stop by the local computer chop shop :p 20.27.50 # hey quake is opensource too 20.27.53 # why not port that? 20.28.26 # because the recorder is tragically underpowered. 20.28.35 # on another note I'd like a 802.11-enabled jukebox that could play online streams 20.28.50 # you kids and your wireless 20.29.01 # wireless is nice 20.29.16 # xp fucks up my dlink though 20.29.19 # if the guys at archos come out with an ogg version they'll probably sell out 20.29.25 # If I had a 100Mbit network, it would be much faster for me to use the adapter to copy files. 20.29.36 # thu: I wish i had your optimism 20.29.41 # * adam_ is too cheap 20.29.55 # why bother with ogg? 20.29.58 # if they ever add ogg capacity they'll probably sell three more players. 20.29.59 # no one knows about it 20.30.21 # adam_: not so, it's already finding lots of niche applications eg games 20.30.21 Join Gissehel [0] (gissehel@AFontenayssB-105-1-5-166.abo.wanadoo.fr) 20.30.29 # heh I spend a lot of time on campus where we have wireless 20.30.31 # hello ! 20.30.37 # hi 20.30.37 # the open source guys never were that hardcore about marketing ;p 20.30.40 # I'd certainly use ogg if the player supported it, it sounds better 20.30.43 # it would be nice to be able to share music between jukeboxes 20.30.54 # adam_: it costs money. You want to give them the money? 20.31.09 # thu: yeah, I wish they could master USB as well as slaving it 20.31.25 # no, but I don't think technical details are the primary drive behind what format you use on your player 20.31.40 # I guess what you need is a powerful general purpose setup 20.31.46 # unfortunatelly if they would add all the nice features to it the price would probably go waay up 20.31.50 # adam_: sound quality against compression is one reason, patent freedom is another 20.31.56 # It works!!!! 20.32.07 # * TBoy w00ts 20.32.09 # TBoy: doom? 20.32.14 # thu: not really, if only the MAS guys would release the specs we could find out whether ogg can be made to go on the existing hardware 20.32.18 # it was the rockbox build 20.32.21 # I guess 20.32.36 # I started the usb connection without the rb and it worked 20.32.45 # ciphergoth: ogg is probably doomed on the MAS even if we have the specs 20.32.53 # ciphergoth: I thought you need a fatter cpu for ogg 20.33.02 # heh 20.33.04 # * adam_ sees it now 20.33.13 # ogg is too memory demanding for the MAS 20.33.22 # 200mhz mp3 players :p 20.33.34 # LinusN: Is that an inherent fact about ogg rather than just a fact about existing implementations then/ 20.33.44 # well, hell, I guess any PDA that can handle ogg could easily become an mp3 player 20.33.56 # TBoy: really? 20.34.06 # adam_: my pda can 20.34.12 # sharp zaurus + 20 gig hdd = love 20.34.12 # yep 20.34.13 # I'd wondered if existing implementations were table-heavy just because that was fast on modern processors. 20.34.14 # PsycoXul - yeah 20.34.15 # it worked 20.34.16 # ciphergoth: lots of lookup tables, at least with the Tremor 20.34.23 # and it was only $114 20.34.35 # but almost no storage space 20.34.35 # heh 20.34.37 # all you need in that situation is a long lasting battery, thu 20.34.44 # heh 20.34.53 # oh yeah and mine's only got a 4 hour battery life 20.34.54 # heh 20.34.54 # sharp zaurus + 20 gig hdd + long lasting battery = love 20.34.55 # I doubt there are any PDAs that can handle 9.5mm drives 20.34.57 # without an HD 20.35.00 # TBoy: i mean about it not working with the rockbox code running 20.35.09 # adam_: but WHY NOT? 20.35.12 # what do you get if you put together an archos and a pda? 20.35.19 # and make the pda use the archos battery? 20.35.22 # thanks for the help 20.35.24 # thu: the answer to my dreams! 20.35.25 # ciphergoth - I haven't seen any... ;) 20.35.37 # If you show me one, then I'll move to the next demand 20.35.37 # and for the great Doom port 20.35.44 # handling USB2 drives ;p 20.35.45 # it rules 20.35.50 # r0x0r 20.35.56 # I've not seen the doom port right now 20.36.07 # but I've got an idea about what it look like 20.36.16 # is there a practical reason nobody did it yet or just a price problem? 20.36.23 # I know. I want one so much! A PDA that can replace my Archos, with bluetooth and a phone built in 20.36.44 # ciphergoth: it would be too heavy because of the hdd 20.36.50 # hmm 20.36.55 # uh 20.37.00 # but the archos also have a hdd 20.37.05 # I want a PDA AND the the archos, so I can use the HDS from archos on the PDA ! 20.37.06 # and we carry them around 20.37.08 # ciphergoth: but you can adda bluetooth headset 20.37.17 # thu: I find the weight of the Archos acceptable, I wouldn't mind my PDA weighing that much 20.37.30 # thu: exactly 20.37.33 # can't say i would either 20.37.40 # I think most of the weight for the archos comes from batteries ;p 20.37.44 # NiMH, at least 20.38.07 # thu: here's my current feelings on the subject: http://www.livejournal.com/users/jwz/180812.html 20.38.13 # my archos sheds :( 20.38.20 # anybody else loosing the color off it? 20.38.28 # thu: my old studio lost alot 20.38.30 # especially on the back 20.38.35 # mainly the buttons 20.38.41 # I wouldn't mind a PDA weighing as much as archos if it can use as much hard drive ! 20.38.42 # my fm sheds on the back 20.38.45 # probably because of the heat 20.38.48 # Batteries and HDD. Yeah, stick in Li-Ion instead of NiMH to save weight... It'd cost about GBP 400 but I'd pay it like a shot. 20.39.05 # well 20.39.09 # heh a nice pda is almost a working computer 20.39.20 # the more 'features' crammed into it, the more problems can occur 20.39.21 # add a hard drive and it gets interesting 20.39.39 # thu: that's why I want a master USB on PDA 20.39.50 # to be able to add an archos on it :o) 20.39.58 # Gissehel: me too, so it can get photos off my camera 20.40.32 # that can be somewhat solved with the multimedia version 20.40.43 # but it would be nice to access the files on the hdd from the pda 20.40.45 # * TBoy feels all warm inside because of the help and love in this room 20.40.47 # to play oggs for example 20.41.03 # I want an archos wifi & a pda wifi.. 20.41.15 # hmm i like the spatializer features in rockbox 20.41.16 # TBoy: no, it's getting warm in here because all these geeks are fantasising... 20.41.18 # not much but it works 20.41.28 # * thu drools :P~~ 20.41.33 # hmm 20.41.36 # ok apart from that : ) hehe 20.41.37 # a spatializer ? I knew I should have updraded ! 20.41.40 # Sharp Zaurus 20.41.41 # (including me of course!) 20.41.53 # hey I made a hi-res icon for the FM 20.41.56 # any1 intersted 20.42.01 # what icon? 20.42.03 # I'll put it on my webbie 20.42.27 # http://www.herzovision.de/obrien-richard/Richard/FM-Recorder.ico 20.42.33 # here take alook 20.42.49 # it's really small 20.42.53 # really really small 20.43.06 # its size is 16², 32², 48² and 128² 20.43.18 # all in one? 20.43.21 # yeo 20.43.22 # yep 20.43.28 # hmm :\ 20.43.29 # you just have to use it 20.43.34 # to get it too work 20.43.38 # yeah 20.43.38 # don't know why :P 20.43.41 # .ico :p 20.43.45 # does the Zaurus come with a hard drive? Or are you discussing putting one in the CF slot? 20.43.55 # ciphergoth - heh, it'd be interesting 20.43.56 # (it runs Linux? Am I dreaming?) 20.44.03 # so it's time to test the doom soft. I hope it's well done (unlike the screen shot on the site) 20.44.10 # it runs Linux with weird QT widgets 20.44.15 # rather than X 20.44.19 # for obvious reasons... 20.44.31 # embedded QT was nice when i played with the demo 20.44.40 # fair enough 20.44.50 # yeah 20.44.51 # iirc zaurus had a pretty dim screen 20.44.57 # there is a fair amount of software available 20.44.58 # compared to the ipaq 20.45.11 # yeah and they recently dropped the price under $200 20.45.17 # it was on slashdot 20.45.26 # for the Zaurus? 20.45.29 # yeah 20.45.37 # ~$170 20.45.41 # I guess my problem is 20.45.47 # justfiying the purchase 20.45.54 # er, tif 20.45.57 # I use my mp3 player every day 20.45.58 # my handspring visor was cool for less than a year 20.46.08 # then the phone antenna broke and they wouldn't fix it 20.46.14 # then it ended up in a drawer 20.46.17 # and it's not like the thing gets 'outdated', realy 20.47.04 # hmm the rockbox fader is nice too 20.47.13 # what 'fader'? 20.47.18 # it's not rockbox specific 20.47.22 # the stop/pause 'fader' 20.47.26 # well, that one is 20.47.27 # ;) 20.47.33 # I was thinking backlight 20.47.39 # nah 20.47.48 # too bad it' 20.47.58 # too bad it's not easy to write a crossfader 20.48.08 # uh, it's not the 'writing' element 20.48.10 # or possible rather 20.48.14 # it's the lack of two decoders 20.48.14 # yeah.. the decoding 20.48.45 # adam_: what about decoding first song ahead of time then decoding the second? 20.48.55 # is there enough memory to store a few secs of mp3? 20.49.10 # thu: the decoding is done in hardware, in realtime 20.49.21 # oh well :( 20.49.32 # written in stone, I guess 20.49.37 # yup 20.49.51 # hehe.. hardware mod -- adding another decoder 20.50.02 # hehe 20.50.15 # why not just get a more powerful box in general 20.50.32 # because I'm broke? 20.50.51 # I'm amazed what you guys have managed to make the Archos do given the wired-in limitations... 20.50.58 # well, eh 20.51.18 # * adam_ is amused by pitch changing 20.51.25 # what pitch changing? 20.51.27 # made megadeth sound like alvin and the chipmunks 20.51.35 # too bad we can't get rid of the sound glitch 20.51.43 # can rockbox do that? 20.51.48 # yes 20.51.52 # hmm 20.51.55 # thu: yes, with the recorder 20.51.57 # time to look through the menus again 20.51.58 # on the recorder 20.52.06 # hold ON in the WPS 20.52.12 # * adam_ has thoroughly investigated :P 20.53.08 # "sound glitch"? 20.53.16 # lol :)) 20.53.30 # I don't get it.. how can you do this with a hardware decoder? 20.53.31 # * adam_ just wishes the stepping on the pitch increase/decrease was higher 20.53.41 # adam_: same here 20.53.51 # adam_: worse still: http://gothbofhs.co.uk/~paul/random/no-jingles.mp3 20.54.08 # (if you like Radiohead anyway) 20.54.10 # ciphergoth: a small silent pause when changing pitch 20.54.39 # Well, OK, but isn't pitch changing basically a gimmick anyway? 20.54.47 # how does the pitch change work? 20.54.57 # ciphergoth: no, it's actually useful, for dj:ing 20.55.14 # LinusN: dj:ing with the archos? 20.55.20 # LinusN: gotcha. Cute! 20.55.22 # yup, with 2 archoses 20.55.25 # :)) 20.55.34 # what about the sound glitch then? 20.55.36 # there are people doing just that 20.55.57 # (though I don't go to clubs where they beatmatch...) 20.56.03 # problem is that you can't change pitch while playing 20.56.08 # I've still got to see such a feat 20.56.42 # * ciphergoth still has 45 minutes to wait before all his music files are copied onto his new big hard drive 20.56.57 # the Player models are able to change playback speed without changing the pitch 20.57.20 # but that DSP code is not available to us :-( 20.57.28 # how come? 20.57.40 # Does that have to be done on the DSP? It can't be done by clever massaging of the MP3 data stream? 20.57.41 # it is secret 20.57.48 # ciphergoth: no 20.58.10 # I have only the very vaguest idea how music is compressed, forgive me... 20.59.25 # heh I don't get how the rockbox pitch change works 20.59.38 # 21c moment: I'm waiting for a text message from a friend to say he's found the CD I left in his house and put it in his CD-ROM drive 20.59.52 # so I can ssh into the back of his machine, rip it, and transfer it over 21.00.12 # how come the firmware takes a few secs to shutdown and rockbox doesn't? 21.02.17 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EABC8E.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.02.44 # * adam_ disappears 21.09.53 # damn i should have thoguht about april 1st... stupid all this :P - i have already been so happy! 21.14.17 # I've seen some *very* subtle April Fools jokes! 21.14.17 Quit Gissehel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.14.58 # A top cryptanalyst on sci.crypt claiming to have found an attack on AES 21.15.05 # you have to be pretty on your toes to see the joke. 21.18.02 # thu: the pitch change works by fooling the MP3 decoding chip 21.18.39 # it needs to be told about the frequency of the external crystal 21.19.08 # we lie about it, and it plays the data at a different sampling rate 21.19.43 # thu: the original firmware shuts down more "cleanly" than we do 21.21.43 # bye 21.21.55 # LinusN: why shut down cleanly? 21.22.34 Quit quel|out ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta1 "Eve's Avatar"") 21.22.36 # like, make sure that all not-yet-written data is flushed to disk, stuff like that 21.22.55 # i honestly don't know whyt it takes them so long 21.22.59 # LinusN: but presumably you do that bit because you write the suspension data to disk 21.23.03 # (don't you?) 21.23.28 # the recorders write the resume info in the RTC RAM 21.23.49 # oh, I'd assumed it all went on disk for some reason. 21.24.09 # it goes to disk as well, when the disk is spun up for other reasons 21.24.15 # gotta eat 21.24.26 Nick LinusN is now known as LinusN|dinner (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 21.25.53 # I should stop IRCing too. Only ten minutes to go... 21.26.04 Quit ciphergoth ("I am considering getting a life") 21.36.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.41.07 Part OnoSendai 21.43.41 Nick josh966 is now known as josh966|away (~chatzilla@ak.nlc.com) 21.58.57 Quit josh966|away ("ChatZilla 0.8.23 [Mozilla rv:1.3/20030312]") 22.01.29 Join Mezo [0] (~delanne@ALille-202-1-2-13.abo.wanadoo.fr) 22.01.34 # hi 22.01.43 Quit TBoy () 22.01.50 # Need Help with my archos ... ;) 22.02.03 # I don't manage to mount it under FreeBSD ... 22.02.15 # does someone ever success ? 22.02.21 # (xcuse my english) 22.03.19 Join Gissehel [0] (gissehel@AFontenayssB-105-1-5-64.abo.wanadoo.fr) 22.05.11 Join [BAMF]Vul [0] (VulnoX@nic-29-c122-95.twmi.rr.com) 22.06.23 # <[BAMF]Vul> Hi, I installed the RochBox 1.4 on my Jukebox Studio 10, 5.08 firmware, and I get the red light flash whenever i try to do anything, like play a song, go to next song, ect, is this normal, or am i doing something wrong? 22.06.32 # <[BAMF]Vul> sorry if this is a repeat question, but I am still new at this 22.08.10 # [BAMF]Vul: I don't have studio 22.08.14 # I have recorder 22.08.33 # but the red light seems to be on whenever the archos acces to the hard drive 22.08.48 # <[BAMF]Vul> yea, and i can hear the drive spin up 22.08.54 # <[BAMF]Vul> i tried disabling that spin down feature 22.08.56 # <[BAMF]Vul> but it still did it 22.08.57 # so whenever you 'play a song', "go to next song" you use your hard drive 22.09.00 # that sound normal 22.09.13 # <[BAMF]Vul> yea, but it doesnt do it without RockBox 22.09.31 # <[BAMF]Vul> or is this light just a feature to show HD activity 22.09.32 # with rockbox ? 22.09.36 # or with archos os ? 22.09.47 # withOUT 22.09.49 # <[BAMF]Vul> right, it doesnt do it with Archos OS 22.09.53 # didn't notice the OUT ;) 22.09.56 # <[BAMF]Vul> lol 22.09.57 # <[BAMF]Vul> its pok 22.09.59 # <[BAMF]Vul> ok* 22.10.06 # I don't remember the archos os ;) 22.10.10 # I'll try it 22.10.20 # <[BAMF]Vul> i want to use RockBox, but I am afraid that the red light flashing isnt a good thing 22.10.25 # <[BAMF]Vul> because its not normal at least 22.10.33 # [BAMF]Vul: LOL 22.10.42 # red light is normal 22.10.53 # red flash -> Hard drive access 22.10.59 # <[BAMF]Vul> well it isnt normal on mine with the Archos OS 22.11.00 # like your HD Led for your PC 22.11.12 # <[BAMF]Vul> it never flashes with the archos os, only rockbox 22.11.13 # with rockbox it's normal 22.11.15 # <[BAMF]Vul> thats why i was asking 22.11.16 # <[BAMF]Vul> ok 22.11.19 # <[BAMF]Vul> thats what i was wondering 22.11.21 # <[BAMF]Vul> thanks a lot 22.11.24 # ;) 22.11.42 # ok 22.11.44 # ever people under *BSD OS here ? 22.11.52 # <[BAMF]Vul> because i love the system, but when that light started going, i was all freaked out 22.11.52 # you're right it doesn't do it with archos os ! 22.11.59 # I don't manage to mount my archos ... 22.12.02 # <[BAMF]Vul> lol, thats what had me freaked out 22.12.16 # <[BAMF]Vul> i read in my manual that the solid red is an HD error 22.12.21 # <[BAMF]Vul> so i didnt think flashing red was good either 22.13.13 # <[BAMF]Vul> are there any other OS's for Archos players, or is RockBox just the best 22.13.36 # Mezo: that's because you don't have any usb slot on your box ;) 22.13.45 # Gissehel: not reallly ;) 22.14.01 # well 22.14.08 # port 2 addr 3: self powered, config 1, USB Storage Adapter(0x0031), In-System Design(0x05ab), rev 1.10 22.14.12 # that's my problem with my linux box in fact ;) 22.14.22 # I don't have any usb device on it 22.14.25 # I have patch kernel too ... 22.14.34 # so.. I use the laptop under windows... 22.14.40 # I have add the HITACHI hard drive ... (hard drive of archos) 22.14.45 # but not work ... ;( 22.15.35 # shit ! must going to windows in order to use my archos ... 22.15.37 # ;(((( 22.15.38 # ;) 22.16.36 # buy another computer 22.16.42 # put it under windows ! 22.16.47 # that what I've done ;) 22.16.55 # never ;) 22.17.02 # (well, yes I got the other computer BEFORE the archos ;) ) 22.17.03 # all my computer are under BSD os ... 22.17.08 # :o) 22.17.18 # well I don't especially like windows 22.17.36 # well .. I never manage to use it ... ;) 22.17.38 # but it's nice to be able to use one computer under windows 22.17.47 # with me ... it's always crash ... 22.17.51 # :o) 22.17.58 # <[BAMF]Vul> Hey, one other question, how do you install the daily updates files? or are they not that important unless your having a problem 22.18.17 # use your brain ! 22.18.18 # you just have to copy the file ! 22.18.39 # daily updates ? or daily builds ? 22.18.43 # * rockbox-daily-20030326.tar.gz (518854 bytes) Changelog (0 changes) 22.18.43 # * rockbox-daily-20030327.tar.gz (518871 bytes) Changelog (0 changes) 22.18.46 # 0 zeros ... 22.18.47 # <[BAMF]Vul> i guess the updates 22.18.50 # <[BAMF]Vul> yea those 22.18.51 # no need to update ... 22.18.54 # <[BAMF]Vul> you just change the name? 22.18.57 # <[BAMF]Vul> to archos.mod? 22.19.03 # two things : 22.19.09 # either you rename it 22.19.21 # either you use "rolo" to boot on it with another name 22.19.45 # (don't know if rolo can be used under standard archos, It works under recorder) 22.19.52 # [BAMF]Vul: the *.tar.gz files are source code archives 22.20.06 # download the firmware files only 22.20.08 # ROLO works under players and recorders both, running rockbox 22.20.28 # ok, so you can use rolo 22.20.33 # <[BAMF]Vul> ok 22.20.39 # but use it with "daily builds" 22.20.51 # note that daily build may be corrupted 22.21.13 # <[BAMF]Vul> so unless i have a problem, just stick with the 1.4 release? 22.21.16 # not corrupted, but might contain bugs 22.21.28 # well yes 22.21.34 # like linus says :) 22.21.38 # <[BAMF]Vul> ok guys 22.21.38 # the daily builds have tons of new features you don't want to be without 22.21.44 # <[BAMF]Vul> hrm 22.21.53 # unless you have a problem OR you want a feature that isn't in the stable release 22.22.03 # <[BAMF]Vul> so just to get this straight, what should i download 22.22.07 # and I think there are a lot of new cool features ! 22.22.10 # <[BAMF]Vul> whats it called on the daily release page 22.22.34 # [BAMF]Vul: to sum up : 22.22.35 # <[BAMF]Vul> daily builds page i mean 22.22.41 # "target builds" 22.22.51 # 1/ download the stable 1.4 rockbox 22.23.02 # 2/ download the build for today (20030401) 22.23.18 # 3/ put the stable at the root as archos.mod 22.23.36 # 4/ put the 20030401 as archos-20030401.mod at the root 22.23.40 # boot on the stable 22.24.00 # if you want to try the unstable, just execute the file (like you do when you play a song) 22.24.11 # then, it will boot on the unstable... 22.24.20 # <[BAMF]Vul> ohh ok 22.24.38 # i would definitely do it the other way, having 1.4 as an alternative 22.25.07 # LinusN|dinner: you would, but remember that [BAMF]Vul is stressed by the fact the right light flash ;) 22.25.11 # <[BAMF]Vul> so boot off the build and have the 1.4 as like archos-14.mod 22.25.17 # yup 22.25.29 # <[BAMF]Vul> im not stressed, just making sure it wasnt anything wrong 22.25.34 # <[BAMF]Vul> better safe than sorry 22.25.35 # we want as many people as possible to run the latest builds 22.25.47 # [BAMF]Vul: boot off the one you want to use as every day's one, click on antoher to try another thing... 22.26.16 # note that you can boot on the archos os with ROLO too 22.26.21 # <[BAMF]Vul> last question, then i will leave you alone :) im running the 1.4 right now, and i can hear my HD spin up and down per the 10 second spindown interval, is that a good time, or should it be longer/shorter 22.26.34 Nick LinusN|dinner is now known as LinusN (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 22.26.57 # [BAMF]Vul: bitrate? 22.27.17 # <[BAMF]Vul> ? 22.27.30 # <[BAMF]Vul> the hard drive just spins down and then after about 30 seconds i hear it restart 22.27.37 # <[BAMF]Vul> just playing songs at random 22.27.56 # it should spin down as soon as it has filled the MP3 buffer 22.28.02 Quit Mezo (Remote closed the connection) 22.28.04 # <[BAMF]Vul> ok thats what i thought 22.28.17 # <[BAMF]Vul> and then it restarts after a little bit right 22.28.22 # except for the first time, where it will wait until the spindown timeout 22.29.12 # <[BAMF]Vul> alright thanks guys, im gonna try todays build and see if it works 22.29.20 # 128kbit/s should spin up about once every 90 secs or so 22.32.03 # <[BAMF]Vul> alright cool it works, the daily build worked great too 22.32.24 # nice 22.32.33 # <[BAMF]Vul> i dont remember if i asked, but the build is only good for the new features added that day, not any of the previous builds right? 22.32.33 # have fun 22.32.45 # it contains everything 22.32.48 # <[BAMF]Vul> oh it does 22.32.50 # <[BAMF]Vul> even better 22.33.01 # it is a daily release candidate for 2.0 22.33.15 # <[BAMF]Vul> ohhh 22.33.16 # (sort of) 22.33.42 # <[BAMF]Vul> so if your happy running the build, there is no reason you cant run it as your main boot OS 22.33.52 # exactly 22.34.07 # <[BAMF]Vul> well good work, this was a really cool idea 22.34.12 # <[BAMF]Vul> sorry to ask stupid questions and all 22.34.21 # :-) 22.36.13 # no worries.. LinusN is used to answering stupid questions.. 22.36.18 # least he has been since i joined ;) 22.36.57 # :-) 22.38.07 # <[BAMF]Vul> oh, do any of you know where to download the Archos OS 5.08 for the player? 22.38.16 # <[BAMF]Vul> all i can ever find on Archos' site is the 5.07a 22.38.40 # that's probably the same thing 22.38.43 # <[BAMF]Vul> i have the 5.08 preinstalled on my player, but i would like to have the MOD file in case I want to use it again 22.38.52 # <[BAMF]Vul> you think? 22.39.07 # <[BAMF]Vul> the dates were different on the player, so i just assumed that it was a newer one 22.39.12 # <[BAMF]Vul> but oh well, no big deal 22.39.18 # it's just like the recorder, where 1.27 is the latest downloadable, but 1.28 is in ROM 22.39.40 # they never use the same version number for the ROM versions 22.40.11 # <[BAMF]Vul> oh ok 22.40.25 # for some reason 22.45.37 Join DJBaz [0] (bah@modem-1193.porcupine.dialup.pol.co.uk) 22.46.21 # hey 22.46.45 # yo 22.47.09 # whats up? 22.47.16 # coding... 22.47.28 # o 22.47.30 # what u coding? 22.47.45 # Xing header generation improvements (VBRFix) 22.48.00 # ahh 22.48.02 # nice one 22.48.43 # when ya have time, an alarm function would be nice :) 22.48.44 # but no hurry 22.48.51 # hehe 22.49.39 # hm 22.49.56 # o yeh, do u know how to use a winmodem with linux... perferebly mandrake 9.1? 22.50.04 # speaking of alarm, how would you want to specify which song/playlist to play? 22.50.18 # it all depends on the winmodem 22.50.30 # kk, like what chipset it uses yeh? 22.50.37 # I remember the winmodem FAQ... 22.50.39 # yes 22.50.42 # it says something like : 22.50.57 # « Are the winmodem supported under linux ? 22.50.57 # winmodems are not modems 22.51.00 # - No ! 22.51.07 # :-) 22.51.09 # Will there be a support one day ? 22.51.11 # well u know :P 22.51.13 # - No ! » 22.51.21 # that was the FAQ 22.51.21 # anyway 22.51.44 # some manufacturers have released binary drivers for their chipset 22.51.59 # there are some drivers for winmodems iirc 22.52.03 # the alarm, i would like to beable to set the time, then select the playlist to play or song(s) 22.52.08 # I think it was lucent 22.52.12 # yeh 22.52.19 # just a pain to get them 2 work though 22.52.30 # i think ill end up puting linux on ma 400mhz lappy 22.52.46 # i almost got my winmodem to work on my Dell 22.52.56 # nice 22.52.59 # but i ended up buying a pcmcia modem anyway 22.53.05 # heh 22.53.12 # it would be easier just to buy a modem :p 22.53.13 # the damn modem hung up on me all the time 22.53.22 # :< 22.53.27 # no source code 22.53.33 # f*ck them! 22.53.39 # heh 22.54.20 # so about the alarm, my sound selection a good idea? 22.54.26 # or 22.54.44 # how about having an 'alarm' folder, and all it plays is the songs in that folder... that would be lame though 22.55.22 # is there a name that is auto loaded for the .cfg file at boot time ? 22.55.50 # or an ON+Play menu option: "Play on alarm"? 22.56.11 # Gissehel: no 22.56.13 # yeh LinusN, thats good 22.56.22 # no .cfg file is loaded at boot time 22.56.52 # is there a technical reason for that ? or is it that no one want that ? 22.57.04 # because I suppose it would be hard to code... 22.57.17 # Gissehel technicle reason, LinusN's fingure is up his ass 22.57.18 # :> 22.57.26 # :) 22.57.38 # ;) 22.58.31 # and another feature... dont know if its been requrested but how about when ya play a song, it gets logged how many times that song has been played so a playlist can be made up automatically with all the songs that are played most withing a giving criteria 22.58.39 # Gissehel: the reasons are historical 22.59.04 # LinusN: you speak about the receiver on the FM model lik eyou know what is going on... is this foreshadowing? 22.59.04 # the .cfg files are a pretty new feature 22.59.17 # ha ok 22.59.29 # I try new rockbox from time to time 22.59.36 # try? 22.59.38 # so I didn't know if it was new or not 22.59.39 # elinenbe: i know which chip it is and i know how it is connected 22.59.48 # LinusN: nice :) 22.59.57 # LinusN: why the 3 hour limit? 22.59.58 # but i haven't had the time to write any code 22.59.59 # i never use the archos firmware 23.00.10 # better with rockbox 23.00.22 # elinenbe: the MAS stops counting frames after approx 3 hours 23.00.28 # i only used the archos firmware for 3 days... thats when i first got it 23.00.59 # it has only 20 bits for the frame counter and it doesn't wrap 23.02.12 # could you implement a wrap counter? 23.03.01 # don't know if it a requested feature, but one thing that would change rockbox into a god-application would be a file manger with a "commander" like IHM (like {norton,midnight,windows}-commander; with the screen splited in 2 panel in 2 different directory, where you can move, copy, etc...) 23.03.52 # elinenbe: no, that's in the DSP 23.03.55 # Gissehel that would be good, but isnt the lcd 2 small 2 make it effective? 23.04.08 # Gissehel: write one :-) 23.04.15 # heh 23.04.33 # LinusN, what distro u using? 23.04.34 # LinusN: I was thinging about that ;) but I've too many project in mind :( 23.04.40 # DJBaz: red hat 23.04.45 # kk 23.04.59 # old habit 23.05.13 # heh 23.05.17 # i need a new distro 23.05.24 # ive got mandrake 9.1 but im on dialup 23.05.31 # ill have 2 download it at school 23.06.22 # LinusN: would the counter be in a MAS register, I thought you could (technically speaking) read/write any of them? 23.06.23 # LinusN: is it impossible to get to that info, you couldn't do it externally? 23.06.38 # saw loads of funny counters in the register debug view when i wrote that 23.07.29 # Hes: "funny coutners" are just there for laughs 23.07.38 # Hes: yes i can, but i'm not sure about when to reset it 23.08.09 # i would have to read the register and reset it when it reaches fffff 23.08.44 # but i'm not sure how to make sure that i write it in a "safe" time slot 23.08.51 # right. 23.09.21 # and i would have to read the damn register really often, making the peak meters look like sh*t 23.09.47 # LinusN: would it have been much easier if it just recorderd in CBR? 23.09.54 # I was thinking of, like, brutally resetting the counter at some not-so-scientifically-determined point in time before it reaches fff... 23.10.06 # and cleaning up the mess later. 23.10.08 # elinenbe: yup, CBR would be nice 23.10.49 # brb 23.10.54 # gonna install mandrake 23.10.56 Quit DJBaz () 23.11.16 # Hes: maybe, but i'm not too fond of messing with the mas like that 23.11.18 Join OnoSendai [0] (geshtolt@dhcp065-029-079-112.indy.rr.com) 23.11.20 # yo 23.11.30 # yo 23.12.15 # i can see why. 8-) 23.12.19 # i guess encoding VBR is easier for the DSP 23.13.16 # I think you will figure out a way qround VBRFix -- that seems like such a messy solution currently (from an end user standpoint) 23.13.33 # when exactly are we supposed to use that? i can't find doco 23.14.00 # just my 2 cents before bedtime. Good night! 23.14.01 # elinenbe: as long as the recordings are short enough, you don't need VBRFix 23.14.02 # to fix VBR Xing headers... ? 23.14.08 # OnoSendai: yes 23.14.27 # so if i use LAME.. then i have no worries right ? 23.14.54 # you normally only worry about the recordings you make with the jukebox 23.15.16 # ah... 23.15.21 # : ) thanks 23.23.32 # LinusN: there can never be enough splash()... 23.27.22 # splash() bugs hard when it needs to wrap the text 23.27.29 # but i'll let Daniel fix that 23.32.39 Join Zagor [242] (bjst@as9-5-6.k.s.bonet.se) 23.34.02 # hi Zagor 23.36.00 # lol 23.36.01 # :) 23.36.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.46.48 Quit edx () 23.47.11 # Hes: i just tried, the mas won't let me write to that location 23.51.48 # hi LinusN 23.51.58 # found a weird bug in bash 23.52.20 # "grep string *" takes a lot longer than "ls | xargs fgrep string" 23.53.00 # weird 23.53.20 # Zagor: i had a great idea today 23.53.27 # doom? ;) 23.54.02 # i realized that i could make use of the MAS frame counter as long as the recording is shorter than 3 hours 23.54.24 # yeah, I saw in the commit. very nice. 23.54.26 # that way i can have a correct frame count in the xing header 23.58.34 # silly MAS