--- Log for 06.04.103 Server: leguin.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 2 days and 0 hours ago 00.01.55 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.07.40 Join DJBaz [0] (~baz@modem-3612.orangutan.dialup.pol.co.uk) 00.08.46 Quit DJBaz (Client Quit) 00.16.29 Quit TBoy () 00.19.10 # anyone have any good wps? 00.26.45 Quit LouNYC25 ("Leaving") 01.34.17 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-212-202-193-34.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 01.47.06 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACB655C9.ipt.aol.com) 01.47.13 # hiiiiiii 01.47.14 # :) 01.48.24 Quit webmind (Remote closed the connection) 01.49.11 Join webmind [0] (webmind@seal.student.utwente.nl) 02.01.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.28.04 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 02.28.04 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.59.15 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-212-202-192-196.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 04.02.02 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.14.50 Join RedLeg [0] (~apotter@apotter.static.pa.net) 05.14.50 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.15.04 # Greetings! 05.15.15 # Anybody awake? 05.59.26 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-212-202-192-196.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 06.02.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.03.05 Join OnoSendai [0] (geshtolt@dhcp065-029-079-112.indy.rr.com) 06.03.08 # hello 06.11.30 # Yo 06.21.21 Part OnoSendai 06.37.19 Quit RedLeg ("Client Exiting") 06.37.19 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.02.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.20.58 Join thu [0] (~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net) 08.21.35 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-212-202-192-196.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 08.27.16 # hello 08.35.56 # hmm 08.36.14 # * adam is amused by other competing jukeboxes to the recorder FM 08.36.19 # the Zen is the worst, by far :P 08.36.27 # Non-replacable LiIon battery1 08.36.34 # WOW, use it for a year, and throw it away? 08.37.15 # Don't know how the iPod compares to it 08.37.23 # hopefully you can manually replace the battery 08.38.44 Join Josh__ [0] (~Josh@adsl-34-190-123.bct.bellsouth.net) 08.46.41 # how can I queue a song after the current one? 08.46.47 # or build a playlist on the fly? 08.46.56 # uh, you can do that? 08.47.02 # heh I surely hope so 08.47.14 # I used to like this in the firmware 08.55.07 Join zheesh [0] (~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net) 08.55.41 Quit thu (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: zheesh!~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net))) 08.55.50 Nick zheesh is now known as thu (~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net) 08.56.14 Quit Josh_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.35.56 Quit thu ("Client exiting") 09.35.56 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.02.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.22.41 Join Schee [0] (~http___gp@ 10.39.43 # does anyone know how I can improve the usb connection of my FM recorder ? (so that it is not always connecting and disconnecting) 10.56.26 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-212-202-192-196.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 11.02.37 Quit Josh__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.02.48 Join Josh__ [0] (~Josh@adsl-34-190-123.bct.bellsouth.net) 11.07.54 # hmm 11.08.04 # * adam contemplates returning his FM recorder 11.08.12 # I could easily order a Multimedia Jukebox online :P 11.08.18 # for the same price I bought the FM recorder 11.09.17 # well the multimedia doesn't interest me 11.09.28 # and it doens't have Rockbox ! 11.09.30 # it does *more* 11.10.28 # I like the TV-out capability 11.13.33 # moin 11.13.47 # why did they put a small usb port on the device ?? 11.15.27 # because it's smaller. 11.15.31 # at least disconnections and reconnections make music : dum dudum ding dududum dingding dum 11.15.50 # the original one took up alot of space compared to the smaller one 11.16.02 # and mine seems to work better than the old studio 20 did anyways 11.16.23 # but the Player didnt have all these problems 11.16.29 # well MY player, at least 11.16.49 # * adam still wants the badass multimedia juke 11.18.41 # asides from the obvious screen differences, I'd actually be willing to use the video function on my old TV :P 11.18.43 # didum dududum 11.19.39 # hmm I don't think I would use the multimedia functions of the JMM 11.19.44 # if I had one 11.20.11 # heh 11.20.21 # it's more portable than a DVD player 11.20.26 # and I've already got tons of movies :P 11.21.22 # I don't have a dvd player and I don't have a broadband connection so... 11.23.20 # wow. 11.23.25 # That's pretty depressing :p 11.24.56 # well next year I should move to a city where there is cable, or dsl 11.25.03 # but for now, only 56K 11.25.03 # * adam shrugs 11.25.08 # I've been really impressed by it 11.25.12 # I messed with one today 11.25.35 # the only things I've heard against it involved either cost or battery life 11.25.40 # the cost isn't too bad 11.25.48 # and the battery life isn't a huge problem, since I'm always near an AC adapter :P 11.52.48 Quit Josh__ (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 NSplit leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 11.52.48 Quit webmind (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit GissXC (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit Snorlax (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit seb-away (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit Schnueff (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit adiamas|work (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit mbr (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit Hadaka (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit adam (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit PsycoXul (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit adi|home (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.52.48 Quit Schee (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.52.48 Quit Hes (Nick collision) 11.52.48 Quit MT (Nick collision) 11.52.48 Join Hes [0] (~hessu@hessu.zedi.sonera.fi) 11.52.48 Join MT [0] (mt@phhhwwwooooaaarrrr.annwiddecombe.com) 11.52.48 Join Schee [0] (~http___gp@ 11.52.48 NHeal leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 11.52.48 NJoin Josh__ [0] (~Josh@adsl-34-190-123.bct.bellsouth.net) 11.52.48 NJoin webmind [0] (webmind@seal.student.utwente.nl) 11.52.48 NJoin GissXC [0] (gissehel@AFontenayssB-105-1-4-225.abo.wanadoo.fr) 11.52.48 NJoin Snorlax [0] (Snorlax@h82n2fls34o883.telia.com) 11.52.48 NJoin seb-away [0] (Sean@ 11.52.48 NJoin Schnueff [0] (mah@d096.stw.stud.uni-saarland.de) 11.52.48 NJoin adam [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 11.52.48 NJoin adiamas|work [0] (~adiamas@dogwood.vport.net) 11.52.48 NJoin PsycoXul [0] (psyco@adsl-63-205-46-242.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 11.52.48 NJoin mbr [0] (~mb@stlx01.stz-softwaretechnik.de) 11.52.48 NJoin Hadaka [0] (naked@ 11.52.48 NJoin adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-10.216-194-23-246.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 11.52.48 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.52.48 # heh 11.52.48 # wow, this network blows. :p 11.52.48 # not quite EFnet, but it has issues sometimes 11.52.48 # hmm I think I should reboot : "not enouh memory to run the programm" (notepad !) 11.53.48 Quit Schee ("France. Peace.") 12.02.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.07.23 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACB6020A.ipt.aol.com) 12.07.34 # morning 12.21.44 Join DJBaz [0] (~baz@modem-2351.python.dialup.pol.co.uk) 12.23.26 # hi DJbaz 12.23.38 # hey 12.23.55 # :D 12.24.28 # * DJBaz im off to wash ma hair bbiab 12.24.52 # :( 12.24.52 # * DJBaz is away: washing hair 12.47.43 # * DJBaz is back (gone 00:22:44) 12.48.48 # hi 12.49.21 # hey 12.49.37 # * DJBaz is installing mandrake 9.1 on his lappy 12.54.55 # :( 13.02.05 # lol its quite in here 13.06.05 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 13.07.03 Quit DJBaz ("brb") 13.07.54 Join TBoy [0] (~xxx@ 13.08.01 # hoi 13.23.54 Part TBoy 13.25.59 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-212-202-192-196.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 13.39.31 Join Bluechip [0] (~bluechip@pc1-colc1-3-cust223.colc.cable.ntl.com) 13.44.59 Quit edx () 13.45.41 Quit Bluechip ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 14.02.13 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.07.05 Join DJBaz [0] (~baz@modem-2335.monkey.dialup.pol.co.uk) 14.07.05 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.18.36 Join Schee [0] (~http___gp@ 14.42.34 DEBUG EOF from server (Connection timed out) 14.42.34 *** Cleanup 14.42.34 *** Cleanup 14.42.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.42.34 *** Exit 14.42.40 *** Started Dancer V4.16p1 14.42.40 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 14.42.40 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 14.42.40 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 14.42.40 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 14.42.40 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 14.42.40 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 14.42.40 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 14.42.40 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 14.42.40 *** Unable to connect to irc.eu.openprojects.net on port 6667 (tried 8 times) 14.42.40 *** Cleanup 14.42.40 DEBUG connect(2) failed on socket 3 (No route to host) 14.42.40 *** Connected to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 14.42.40 *** Logfile for #rockbox started 14.43.10 *** Server message 501: 'logbot :Unknown MODE flag' 14.43.10 Mode "logbot :+i" by logbot 14.43.10 Join logbot [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 14.43.10 Join Schee [0] (~http___gp@ 14.43.10 Join Hes [0] (~hessu@hessu.zedi.sonera.fi) 14.43.10 Join MT [0] (mt@phhhwwwooooaaarrrr.annwiddecombe.com) 14.43.10 Join Josh__ [0] (~Josh@adsl-34-190-123.bct.bellsouth.net) 14.43.10 Join webmind [0] (webmind@seal.student.utwente.nl) 14.43.10 Join GissXC [0] (gissehel@AFontenayssB-105-1-4-225.abo.wanadoo.fr) 14.43.10 Join Hadaka [0] (naked@ 14.43.10 Join mbr [0] (~mb@stlx01.stz-softwaretechnik.de) 14.43.10 Join PsycoXul [0] (psyco@adsl-63-205-46-242.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 14.43.10 Join adiamas|work [0] (~adiamas@dogwood.vport.net) 14.43.10 Join adam [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 14.43.10 Join Schnueff [0] (mah@d096.stw.stud.uni-saarland.de) 14.43.10 Join seb-away [0] (Sean@ 14.43.10 Join Snorlax [0] (Snorlax@h82n2fls34o883.telia.com) 14.47.31 Join dw|gone [20] (dwihno@h193180246067.kommunicera.umea.se) 15.32.12 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-9.216-194-23-117.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 15.54.43 Join Giss|XC [0] (gissehel@AFontenayssB-105-1-1-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) 15.54.43 Quit GissXC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.12.06 Join Schee2 [0] (~http___gp@ 16.13.01 Quit Schee (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: Schee2!~http___gp@ 16.13.04 Nick Schee2 is now known as Schee (~http___gp@ 16.15.36 Join DJBaz [0] (~baz@modem-592.leopard.dialup.pol.co.uk) 16.19.02 # * DJBaz is away: getting a pot noodle 16.22.33 # * DJBaz is back (gone 00:03:25) 16.42.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.47.43 Quit DJBaz ("working :(") 17.13.53 Join elinenbe_ [0] (trilluser@user-0cev103.cable.mindspring.com) 17.16.23 Quit elinenbe_ (Remote closed the connection) 18.05.03 Quit adi|home (Remote closed the connection) 18.15.51 Quit Schee (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18.42.48 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.50.47 Join DJBaz [0] (~baz@modem-965.porcupine.dialup.pol.co.uk) 19.02.52 Quit DJBaz ("brb") 19.07.59 Join DJBaz [0] (~baz@modem-965.porcupine.dialup.pol.co.uk) 19.08.39 # lo 19.09.17 Part DJBaz ("Using Kopete IRC Plugin") 19.09.30 Join DJBaz [0] (~baz@modem-965.porcupine.dialup.pol.co.uk) 19.10.30 Quit DJBaz (Client Quit) 20.42.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.03.27 Join DJBaz [0] (~baz@modem-2006.porcupine.dialup.pol.co.uk) 21.05.31 Quit DJBaz (Client Quit) 21.07.20 Join thu_ [0] (~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net) 21.08.14 Nick thu_ is now known as thu (~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net) 21.17.03 Join DJBaz [0] (~baz@modem-218.porcupine.dialup.pol.co.uk) 21.33.41 Quit dw|gone (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.38.06 Join dw|gone [20] (dwihno@h193180246067.kommunicera.umea.se) 22.10.40 Join Guest [0] (jirc@village4-093m.fdu.edu) 22.11.56 Quit Guest (Client Quit) 22.20.53 Join OnoSendai [0] (~geshtolt@dhcp065-029-079-112.indy.rr.com) 22.20.57 # hello 22.22.42 # so.. if we record over 3 hours... everything is fine.. we just need to run VBRfix right? 22.22.53 # but under 3 hours doesn't require VBRfix anymore? 22.26.32 Join LinusN [200] (~linus@dhcp117.contactor.se) 22.26.47 # OnoSendai: vbrfix may still do good 22.26.54 # even with < 3hr files 22.27.24 # wow... are you omniprescient ? 22.27.30 # psychic 22.27.55 # i read your changelogs for the past couple of days... was wondering if things had changed drastically 22.27.56 # the TOC is not present in the recorded files 22.28.06 # vbrfix adds the toc 22.28.12 # : ) 22.28.33 # as always... keep up the good work LinusN 22.28.35 # thanks 22.28.41 # you're welcome 22.30.53 Nick seb-away is now known as _seb_ (Sean@ 22.42.35 Nick Josh__ is now known as Jet8810 (~Josh@adsl-34-190-123.bct.bellsouth.net) 22.42.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.51.55 # hey 22.52.05 # quick question -- is it possible to queue a song after the current one? 22.52.12 # or make a playlist on the fly? 22.52.27 # you can queue one by 22.52.29 # playing a song 22.52.35 # hitting ON to browse 22.52.40 # finding song 22.52.57 # then F1 - Play 22.53.02 # select queue in the menu 22.53.11 # no.. that's mute.. 22.53.14 # just a sec 22.53.24 # ON+PLAY 22.53.30 # : ) 22.53.48 # thu: playlist making is not yet possible 22.54.02 # too bad :( 22.54.06 # that was a nifty feature 22.54.13 # i noticed someone posted a question on the ability to queue more than one track.. is that possible? 22.54.13 # was? 22.54.26 # i believe it was in regards to dumping the queue's to a playlist 22.54.27 # 100 tracks is the limit today, methinks 22.54.49 # you can rename the queue file 22.55.23 # will queue work with resume ? 22.57.37 # yes 22.58.07 Join IDC-Dragon [0] (jirc@p508618EC.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.58.21 # LinusN... what's your cfg look like ? 22.58.42 # what do you want to know? 22.59.16 # first... to see how yours is setup.. you know almost everything... i'm sure there is stuff in there that i wouldn't even think of.. 22.59.38 # second.. to see if there is a way to auto-execute a mp3 on boot... 22.59.40 Quit DJBaz ("im off cya") 22.59.54 # i think use the default, more or less 23.00.17 # there is no way of auto-playing an mp3 at reboot, except for the resume of course 23.01.09 # i was thinking some type of levels test mp3 ... like a tone generator for setting levels for playing/recording 23.01.30 # don't know if it makes sense to do it.. just a thought .. 23.01.38 # why would you auto-execute it at boot-time? 23.02.20 # * OnoSendai dunno.. just the way the idea the occurred to me 23.03.22 # has anybody volunteered for doco help? 23.03.45 # several, but not much has happened since then 23.03.47 # i definitely will.. don't know if i'd be able to follow deadlines with my schedule.. but i'd like to help 23.03.56 # it's a tough job 23.04.01 # i'd imagine... 23.04.09 # the archives are hard to search 23.04.20 # yea, and very technical 23.04.54 Join Pi [0] (bogusident@pihost.us) 23.04.55 Quit IDC-Dragon ("Leaving") 23.04.56 Nick Pi is now known as i_am_pi (bogusident@pihost.us) 23.05.10 # brb 23.05.26 Quit Jet8810 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.08.16 # back 23.10.01 Quit thu ("Client exiting") 23.20.15 # sigh. my poor jukebox 23.20.29 # i got the batts charged and the disk still says "READ ERROR PLEASE CHECK HD" 23.20.31 # :'( 23.21.10 # badness 23.21.43 # if i broke the hdd i'm going to cry 23.21.54 # what happened? 23.21.56 # or i could leech one from work, i think we have a compatible one that's sitting.. 23.22.07 # linus: i klled the charging regulator is all i know 23.22.26 # can you hear it spin up? 23.22.28 # then i get the batts externally charged and /.rockbox is gone 23.22.36 # i can hear it try to spin up 23.22.55 # like spin...click...spjn...click...? 23.22.58 # yes 23.23.10 # have you tried to replace your cells? 23.23.23 # actually now 23.23.24 # no 23.23.26 # lemme test them though 23.23.37 # i have the batts and a tester in the same place this time ! 23.23.39 # i had the same prob once, turned out to be a bad cell 23.24.00 # looked fully charged, but couldn't deliver enouch current 23.24.21 # ok.. they just came out of the charger recently 23.24.25 # so i'll test them. 23.25.22 # they're all 1.41 volts 23.26.43 # a bad cell will still show a good voltage, but will fail when you try to draw current from it 23.26.47 # is that normal, abnormal, too high, too low, not enough space robots? 23.26.51 # i see. 23.27.08 # do bad/good cells smell a certain way? these smell a little funky. 23.27.16 # i dunno :-) 23.29.18 # well i've replaced the hdd 23.29.23 # and the charger 23.29.32 # now i need to replace the batts and the charging circuitry 23.29.54 # good thing i got this for free, i've only invested $225 into it 23.30.31 # :-) 23.32.33 # i'm sure all you slashdot readers saw this btw http://chaz6.com/enterprise/ 23.37.59 # :-) 23.38.07 Join thu [0] (~thu@h24-78-136-7.vc.shawcable.net) 23.38.26 Join Triple-z [0] (Mp3@ 23.38.34 # hello 23.39.50 Join Guest [0] (~jirc@ool-43544d26.dyn.optonline.net) 23.40.25 # hmmm Linus.. does logbot have a lastseen? 23.40.39 # i made 2 of the enterprise-disks already 23.41.01 #>> "seen" used by LinusN (~linus@dhcp117.contactor.se) [snoop prevented] 23.41.09 # cool... 23.41.15 # logbot: seen adi|home 23.41.24 # whats 8mb recorder? its new? 23.41.27 >>> "seen" used by Guest (~jirc@ool-43544d26.dyn.optonline.net) [snoop prevented] 23.42.45 Quit Guest (Client Quit) 23.43.25 # Triple-z: 8mb recorder is a hardware modded recorder 23.43.35 # 8mb of RAM instead of 2 23.44.06 # coo 23.44.36 # and VBRfix is? 23.44.55 # vbrfix scans a VBR file and updates the Xing VBR header 23.45.47 # logbot: seen i_am_pi 23.45.47 # what would a ram upgrade get you? 23.45.59 # thu: coolness :-) 23.46.02 # thu: the disk would have to spin up less often 23.46.13 # I see :) 23.46.15 # and about 20% extra battery time 23.46.23 # it would read all the mp3 file into RAM 23.46.27 # interesting 23.46.43 # most of mine are 4 megs, so that'd be niiiiice 23.46.51 # blah I got a nasty 'dir buffer full' err 23.47.16 # thu: put less files in a directory :-D 23.47.33 # the firmware was ok with it 23.48.07 # thu: if it shows an error, it os not ok with it 23.48.32 # it will show the files that fit in the buffer 23.48.40 # it does 23.48.49 # but it looks like there are some missing files 23.49.04 # that's what i am telling you 23.49.13 # it will show the files that fit in the buffer 23.49.17 # thu: less files, more directories 23.49.17 # and leave the rest 23.49.26 # or if you want to, recompile with larger hard-coded values 23.49.39 # ic 23.49.41 # then just make a /root.m3u playlist and play that, like i do 23.53.23 # theres no logical reason to have more than 30 music files in a directory anyways 23.53.34 # MT: :-) 23.54.08 # i've trained myself not to organize my archos like everything else 23.54.25 # since i'm not interacting with my archos by command line or GUI it's OK 23.54.33 # i tend to shove everything in one folder/directory 23.54.39 # I'm still looking for a good way to organize music 23.55.01 # I would KILL for a search command on the archos 23.55.07 # hmm 23.55.17 # if you would kill for it, i wont finish writing it 23.55.25 # :) 23.55.26 # my lfie is worth more than a search function 23.55.40 # MT: nobody's life is worth more than a search function 23.55.48 # thu: wanna bet? 23.55.54 # the Search Function always comes first 23.56.08 # i've talked with idots whose life isn't worththe photons their screen name is represented by 23.56.57 # btw, thu, /Artists-name/album-name/01-track-name.mp3 23.57.06 # is a good way to organize 23.57.25 # i_am_pi: what if you download some guy's misc music folder with 500+ misc songs? 23.57.31 # sort them 23.57.38 # by what?! 23.57.44 # by artist 23.57.58 # I don't think there's an artist with more than 2-3 songs in that dir 23.58.11 # so you get 200 folders 23.58.14 # so what? 23.58.14 # then make misc1 misc2 23.58.19 # MT: :\ 23.58.19 # and stick 30 in each 23.58.20 # :-P 23.58.28 # i_am_pi: :\ 23.58.43 # or make a /Misc/Misc1 and /Misc/Misc2 etc as not to clutter root