--- Log for 10.05.103 Server: asimov.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 3 days and 15 hours ago 00.00.17 # thanx :-) 00.00.27 # does the 6502 cpu has any function for long jumps into other codesegments ? 00.01.11 # LinusN Can I have an Admin position please? :-) 00.02.02 # Mighty: are you bankswitching? 00.02.02 # LinusN, youre an 6502 hacker? 00.02.23 # or do you mean a branch? 00.02.44 # LinusN, I know nothing about the 6502 cpu :-) 00.02.57 # just got the MOS Programming Manual 00.03.01 # the big funny one 00.03.26 # nice 00.03.27 # I believe Zagor is quite good at the 6502? 00.03.34 # i'm better 00.03.46 # but you'r several guys here from the group, what was it called 00.03.54 # the introgroup 00.04.05 # "intro" 00.04.09 # Demogroup 00.04.12 # c64 demogroup 00.04.17 # Horizon 00.04.21 # yes! 00.05.11 # LinusN, you know like the ix86 cpus can do long jumps into other codesegments but that's pretty much never done, the normal jumps are 16 or 8 bit local ones,, 00.05.42 # the 6502 doesn't have any segments 00.05.43 # what I would like to know is if the 6502 only does such local jumps or if it also can jump to 'any' place in ram ? 00.05.46 # hmm 00.05.59 # ok I guess I'll have to read the whole book before asking more ;-) 00.06.14 # :-) 00.07.05 # thanks a lot, I'll come back later tonight when there's nothing more on TV 00.07.13 # I have to see StarTrek Nemesis too... bye 00.07.15 Quit Mighty ("BitchX: faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive") 00.07.55 Nick s is now known as _seb_ (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 00.14.27 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 00.24.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.37.16 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-away (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 00.37.16 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.43.01 Join BoD[] [0] (~BoD@m131.net81-67-41.noos.fr) 00.43.10 # hgellllllllllloooooo 00.47.46 Quit Jet8810 ("Client exiting") 00.48.29 # yo 00.48.53 # heyyyyyyyyy 00.48.58 # linus 00.49.50 Join s [0] (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 00.51.44 Quit s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.52.16 Quit seb-away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.52.33 Join s [0] (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 00.52.39 # how are you 00.55.03 Quit s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.57.37 Join midknight2k3 [0] (LaLaLaLaLa@AC97CFCA.ipt.aol.com) 00.57.44 # Hello 00.57.49 # whoever is here 00.58.06 # hiiiiiiiii 00.58.10 Quit edx () 00.58.18 # oh yes its the ipod guy 00.58.25 # noooooo 00.58.27 # the OTHER ipod guy :) 00.58.34 # the broken archos guy ;) 00.58.54 # oh yeah 00.58.59 # the ipod-conSIDerer 00.59.15 # just joking 00.59.19 # the 'if i had money i'd buy an ipod" 00.59.23 # guy 00.59.37 # do you need a lecture? 00.59.44 # a lecture on what 00.59.57 # on ipods and all them disadvantages 01.00.05 # no thanx :) 01.00.25 # oh well 01.00.37 # how about a nice big cheeseburger - ascii type? 01.00.42 # yehhhhhhhhhhh :) 01.01.09 # really? 01.01.14 # of course! 01.01.37 # (----) 01.01.38 # \/\/\/ 01.01.40 # ====== 01.01.42 # ______ 01.01.45 # (----) 01.01.55 # great!!!!! 01.02.00 Join s [0] (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 01.02.01 # and yummy 01.02.12 # well 01.02.49 # i should come up with a new one 01.02.57 # hey if you like ascii-art you should subscribe to alt.ascii-art 01.03.18 # nah 01.03.21 # it's great 01.03.27 # very good artists there 01.03.36 # never even knew what it was called until i made a burger and psyco went crazy 01.03.43 # and a good comic strip "nerd boy" 01.03.57 # loo 01.04.12 # :) 01.07.03 # it's very nice 01.07.20 # however it makes no sense 01.07.29 # hein,? 01.07.30 # ??? 01.07.53 # ? 01.08.06 # what makes no sense 01.08.30 # Nerd Boy 01.08.42 # you read it ? 01.08.49 # one of them 01.08.55 # read more 01.09.07 # some are not that good 01.09.13 # but some are very funny :)) 01.10.35 # well in a bit 01.11.42 # you know that 'read contents of zip files' feature request wasnt all that bad 01.11.47 # it could be VERY usefyul 01.12.01 # why 01.12.12 # i mea, did you read it? 01.12.37 # i guess it's about reading zip files ? 01.12.45 # did you read it though> 01.12.49 # nop 01.13.53 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=44306&atid=439121&aid=732602 01.13.56 # read it there 01.16.16 # and did you read mikeholden's comment? :)))) 01.16.23 # yeah 01.16.26 # its not my request 01.16.28 # But, 01.16.44 # if you packed all your mp3s in there it could save a significant amount of space 01.16.53 # are you sure 01.17.04 # plus you could store all your WPS and CFG and FNT files 01.17.09 # in one zip 01.17.20 # yes its farfetched but it just sounds like it would be neat 01.17.21 # yes and win like .. 10K ? 01.17.29 # 44K for one mp3 01.17.38 # yes it's unsignificant 01.17.39 # times that for 20GB 01.17.54 # 44K = 0 :) 01.17.57 # it could simply HELP i mean it would be NEAT calm DOWN 01.18.07 # :))))) 01.18.11 # you're fun 01.18.28 # yeah it would be cool i agree 01.18.48 # i mean even for other stuff 01.18.48 # and i guess one could unzip files with a code less than 100kB 01.18.50 # non-mp3s 01.19.02 # it's very impossible but it would be neat 01.19.23 # with the new v2.3 plugin loader it might be possible but still very unlikely ;) 01.19.57 # i'd prefer to have a recursive random 01.20.05 # but why not ;) 01.20.14 # BoD[]: without a playlist? 01.20.20 # yup 01.20.37 # what's wrong with a playlist? 01.20.44 # you have to make it ;) 01.20.45 # oh yes thats what i was going to suggest 01.21.08 # do you expect rockbox will soon have the ability to make custom playlists? 01.21.27 # when somebody writes code for it 01.21.41 # isnt that your job ;)? 01.21.45 # :-) 01.21.58 # well if i'm not wrong it would be slow to recurse a directory anyway 01.22.30 # i hope i can actually FINISH that rockbox review tonight 01.22.41 # i keep putting it off but i just need to sit down and finish it 01.22.53 # ;à 01.22.55 # :) 01.23.05 # um 01.26.21 # hello, deadbeets! 01.26.39 # ? 01.26.49 # nm 01.37.07 # i go to bed ! 01.37.08 # bye 01.38.16 # se you 01.38.19 Quit BoD[] ("MMMMMMMMMMMMMMBLELEELEOEOEPEPEEP") 01.39.45 # Linus, in the roadmap for v2.2, when you say User Interface Overhaul, do you mean the directory browser, the menus or the entire thing? 01.42.47 # we mean the entire thing 01.43.05 # wow i wonder how it could really be change 01.43.24 # do you have any concepts or ideas? 01.44.25 # you don't subscribe to the mailing list do you? 01.44.51 # yes i do 01.44.58 # i barely read it tho ;) 01.45.11 # it clogs up my inbox i dont even know why i subscribe 01.45.19 # i review it though for anything interesting 01.45.21 # use a filter 01.46.24 # uh? 01.47.26 # my mail client (mozilla) has an auto-filtering option that can move incoming messages to a separate folder based on, for example. the to: address 01.47.48 # ah well i dont really care its not a big deal 01.47.52 # i have all my mailing lists auto-filed in folders like that 01.48.02 # yeah its a good idea 01.48.07 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/mail/archive/rockbox-archive-2003-04/0946.shtml 01.51.48 # sounds pretty neat 01.53.28 Join Kinslayer [0] (dragon@wastelands.net) 01.53.39 # anyone here on linux using rsync for transfers? 01.53.57 # not me 01.54.04 # i use no Linux! 01.54.27 # ok well anyone using windows version of rsync? :) 01.55.12 # nawp 01.55.28 # whats rsync anyways? ;) 01.55.34 # just never mind 01.57.38 # linus, icant believe you took out the demos from rockbox! 01.57.42 # shame on you! 01.59.30 # we had to, because the firmware file became too big 01.59.39 # when are we getting modules? :) 01.59.52 # 2.3 02.00.02 # (plugins) 02.00.37 # so as i understand 02.01.09 # the plugins will basically allow us to load multiple pieces seperately, such as two firmwares simultaneously 02.01.16 # (forgive my speeling) 02.01.19 # *spelling 02.01.23 # :) 02.03.31 # midknight2k3: the plugins will allow loading of separate "applications", like games 02.03.48 # one plugin at a time 02.03.59 # kind of like overlays 02.04.15 # it seems like it would be impossible to run a firmware and then 'add' something to it 02.04.22 # without modifying the firmware file 02.04.44 # think of them as DLL's 02.07.31 # What i cant believe overall is what youve done so far, and how you could even THINK about where to go next :) 02.07.54 # :-) 02.08.01 # we just can't stop 02.08.17 # its very surprising you could even have STARTED. 02.09.06 # Thatsa lotta code 02.09.39 # And it's even more amazing when you think that archos hasnt sponsored you in anyway (i don't think...) 02.11.10 # the first version of rockbox wasn't very big, not much code 02.11.26 # a blinking LED 02.11.52 # lol 02.11.57 # which one 02.12.35 # not really a version number 02.12.48 # thanks, night 02.12.49 Quit Kinslayer ("[BX] Tickle-Me Elmo uses BitchX. *giggle* *giggle* *giggle*") 02.12.52 # it was the first test code that proved that we could reprogram it 02.12.58 # And I assume that people publicly downloaded this? 02.13.05 # oh no 02.13.16 # it must have ruined your archos huh 02.13.23 # oh no never mind 02.13.37 # i forgot you can get to usb mode by doing usb plug then power on 02.13.37 # we did have the disk-lock problem back them 02.13.48 # how did that occur again? 02.13.49 # then 02.13.52 # bad code or what? 02.13.57 # we don't really know 02.14.13 # the led-blink code didn't touch the hard drive 02.14.25 # but somehow the hard drive was affected 02.14.34 # and it was locked 02.14.44 # look how far you've come 02.14.44 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-213-20-152-78.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 02.14.49 # it still happens to people, even when running the original firmware 02.15.29 Join Kinslayer [0] (dragon@wastelands.net) 02.15.40 # actually, last question. how active is rockbox during USB stuff? 02.15.57 # not very, it updates the status bar 02.16.16 # why? 02.16.30 # well, im trying to trasnsfer 17 gb 02.16.42 # ive just had to reformat the drive because it got screwed along the way 02.16.47 # a safe auto shutdown would be great :)) 02.17.01 # what model do you have? 02.17.07 # recorder 20 02.17.40 # the charger can't supply enough current to keep it alive during sustained USB transfers 02.17.52 # ok well maybe screwed is a bad word, but partially messed will suffice. it could still boot and see files, but there were problems with the fat table 02.17.55 # yeah 02.17.56 # the batteries are drained 02.18.17 # yeah i know... i read the FAQ... not looking for a fix for that, just something to make it less painful 02.18.19 # is there a way for instance to tell the hard drive to spin down when its not in use linus? 02.18.41 # Kinslayer: if rockbox shut down the drive it would still be messed up 02.19.06 # if youre replying to my comment linus thats not what i meant 02.19.24 # midknight2k3: we have thought about enabling the STANDBY mode before switching to USB mode 02.19.59 # dont know usb that well but is there not potentially a 'safe' way to disconnect the drive even during a transfer? 02.20.00 # like on the RioRiot the hard drive stays off unless its booted up by the computer to add songs 02.20.29 # Kinslayer: no, that has nothing to do with USB, but the file system caching in your OS 02.21.00 # midknight2k3: my recorders spin down in USB mode, at least when using Linux 02.21.03 # mmm ok, think i get it 02.21.18 # hmm 02.21.21 # im using windows 02.21.26 # the hard drive is ALWAYS on 02.21.30 # no matter what 02.21.34 # unless the batteries die 02.21.45 # which brings us back to the start: can you stop that ;) 02.21.51 # maybe there is some checkbox to click somewhere in some "hard drive manager" somewhere? 02.22.03 # midknight2k3: we have thought about enabling the STANDBY mode before switching to USB mode 02.22.25 # what's that mean 02.22.44 # i didnt know there WAS a standby mode 02.22.51 # so what if i connected an adapter with a 1500 ma output straight to the battery terminals on the jukebox? :) 02.22.55 # thet means that the hard drive will spin down when it isn't accessed 02.23.17 # well then thats a GREAT idea is it impliment-ab-able? 02.23.33 # Kinslayer: maybe 02.24.04 # midknight2k3: we could try 02.24.14 # hey that would be great 02.24.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.24.38 # it's not urgent but would be very useful 02.25.11 # thanks for the help. night. 02.25.12 Quit Kinslayer ("Killed by BlackJac (Requested by panasync)") 02.26.40 # midknight2k3: can you test it right away? 02.27.01 # like, now? 02.27.02 # sure 02.27.17 # when do you mean? 02.27.50 # give me a few minutes 02.27.59 # you can do it that fast? 02.28.03 # or is it already coded? 02.28.14 # i can do it that fast 02.28.20 # wow 02.29.44 # it would take me 5 hours just to figure out where to put the "set standby on usb" line lol 02.32.23 # which model do you have? 02.32.39 # recorder 20 02.32.43 # ok 02.32.45 # the ONLY model to have ;) 02.33.05 # agreed 02.37.19 # http://linus.haxx.se/usb_standby.ajz 02.37.44 # brb 02.37.48 # all right 02.42.11 # let me know if you're back 02.43.04 # back 02.43.34 # okay well at first i thought it was messed up but after approximately one minute it shut off 02.43.38 # it works heh 02.43.50 # one minute...mm 02.44.09 # perhaps more 02.44.15 # 1.5 max? 02.44.29 # should have been 5 secs 02.44.46 # oh well heres the thing 02.44.53 # okay first it spun up 02.45.06 # then after 5 seconds i think the rw heads locked 02.45.13 # then a minute later the disk actually shut off 02.46.00 # do you know what i mean when i say that the rw heads 'locked'? 02.46.45 # clickety-click 02.46.52 # yeah 02.47.43 # exactly thats how it goes... whirrrrrr...clickity-it click.. whirrrrrrrrrrrrr (time passing approx 45 seconds - 1min) whirrrr..... clickety-clowww (silence) 02.51.48 # and does it spin up if you access it? 02.51.53 # yeah 02.52.53 # new version up, same url 02.53.19 # should spin down in 5 secs 02.53.29 # ok ill give it a go 02.56.28 # umm 02.56.39 # well heres what happens 02.57.04 # the second you plug in the usb cable the drive shuts off then turns back on (that's not good) and it also still hasnt turned off yet 02.57.10 # turned it off a bit too soon 02.57.56 # hmmm 02.58.29 # actually 02.58.35 # now its not turning off at all now 02.58.39 # so its an imporvemtn 02.58.44 # it shuts off too quick though 02.58.54 # this is weird 02.59.10 # and it either doesnt reshutoff or its totally not what i think it us 02.59.18 # let me try one more time 02.59.52 # yeah all it does is the hard drive clicketyclicks 03.00.00 # after it restarts the driveof course 03.01.17 # 10-second version up 03.01.25 # allright 03.01.50 # its amazing what you can do with this thing 03.02.54 # yes! 03.02.56 # it works! 03.03.25 # amazing 03.03.34 # really? 03.03.51 # yeah the reason i think the other one didnt work was because there wasnt enough time to get it going and autoplay the contents and all 03.03.54 # but yes it works 03.03.56 # however 03.04.15 # it still shuts off the drive and starts it up again immediately upon plugging in usb 03.04.24 # but hey its not a big deal at all 03.05.18 # that may be because the windows driver doesn't access the drive until after some time after it is plugged in 03.05.42 # but 03.06.21 # one suggestion (and sorry i know beggars cant be choosers) but an option would be nice (off, on 5 seconds, on 10 seconds, on 30 seconds) or something 03.06.42 # not necessary though you did an excellent job i cant believe it works! 03.06.53 # sure "standby time in USB mode" or something 03.07.00 # yeah 03.07.01 # neat 03.07.04 # if its possible 03.07.16 Join Stevie-O [0] (whatsit2u@user-2inin4i.dialup.mindspring.com) 03.07.18 # what would be a sensible default? 03.07.19 # which im sure it is 03.07.32 # oh, 15 seconds or so? 03.07.38 # yeha 15 sounds good 03.07.50 # bleh 03.07.55 # 10 would be too quick for most and 30 would be too much 03.08.05 # not too much but not as sensible as 15 ;) 03.08.56 # I can find no clean way to do my language string patch 03.09.21 # Stevie-O: i can imagine that 03.09.28 # but Zagor doesn't like it 03.09.50 # me neither 03.09.52 # The closest thing I could think of is having a union with an int and a char* 03.10.30 # but then you can't just pass one directly to a function 03.10.57 # oh linus, do you think you could have the a-b playback in by 2.1? no rush just, *prays silently* 03.10.59 # midknight2k3: new version up. should be 15 seconds. can you verify? 03.11.04 # ok 03.12.23 # the only OTHER option to make the menu stuff work is to have a 2nd copy of the code for each setting 03.12.43 # and I think code duplication is that last thing rockbox needs 03.12.48 # s/that/the/ 03.12.53 # true 03.14.05 # linus 03.14.27 # so... what *would* make you guys happy? 03.14.44 # i don't know really 03.14.50 # anything? 03.14.53 # a-b repeat 03.14.57 # thats all i need 03.15.04 # what's a-b ? 03.15.06 # then im set 03.15.20 # like press a button at one point then again at another and it loops that section 03.15.23 # midknight2k3: that is not done that easily 03.15.27 # yeah 03.15.35 # evening 03.15.35 # but okay about the new version 03.15.51 # midknight2k3: it is really 15 secs? 03.15.54 # yes it works, but by test did you mean see if it shut off, or see if the menu seetins worked? 03.15.57 # well 03.16.05 # answer above question first 03.16.19 # it would make me understand better 03.16.27 # no settings, just wanted to see if i got the timings right 03.16.31 # okay 03.17.16 # well since i have autoplay that it opens the drive in explorer, it seemed like 5 because of how it takes 8 seconds or so to look at the files to display 03.17.18 # ohhh 03.17.19 # hmm 03.17.22 # a-b play requires some hacking deep inside the mp3 driver code 03.17.24 # but it seems fine 03.17.30 # well anytime you get to it 03.17.34 # what id do linus 03.17.47 # is to make the 15 seond setting actually 18 or 20 03.18.01 # because it takes time to load it on your OS 03.18.08 # i can only set it in 5 second steps 03.18.10 # but either way, it works and it works great 03.18.22 # then 5 seconds ahead would be perfect 03.18.51 # still, if you access it again after it has spun down, does it take 15 secs to spin down again? 03.18.58 # let me see 03.19.35 # heh 03.19.35 # i am silly 03.19.37 # Linus... 03.19.44 # my stopwatch says about 8 seconds 03.19.46 # midknight2k3: try downloading again 03.19.50 # what if I was casting to a union? 03.19.59 # okay 03.21.46 # Stevie-O: i don't think a union makes it much cleaner...hmmm... 03.22.00 # attaboy linus 03.22.15 # http://www.qrpff.net/~stevie/rockbox/tmp.c 03.22.16 # the clickety-click happens very soon but shutoff id say is perfectly 15 seconds 03.22.40 # allright 03.23.00 # so are you going to do the menu now or in a bit or much later/ 03.24.01 # we'll see 03.24.09 # so should i stay or what 03.24.11 # glad that it worked 03.24.19 # i mean, are you going to do it now or later 03.24.25 # i dont need a specific time 03.24.30 # later 03.24.34 # all right 03.24.38 # well its very neat 03.24.39 # it's 3:30 AM here 03.24.47 # wow 03.25.06 # i cant believe i actually tested a rockbox that no one else did first ;) 03.25.08 # yikes 03.25.16 # :-) 03.25.23 # yes im very important 03.25.27 # make way make way 03.25.27 # * Stevie-O hands Linus a pillow 03.25.39 # make way for the VIP 03.25.45 # i must go to the exit now 03.25.58 # midknight2k3: I do that all the time when I build menutest* :P 03.26.08 # Stevie-O: this is what I and Zagor dislike: 03.26.09 # what? 03.26.11 # #define UFOO(x) ((union ufoo) x) 03.26.17 # yeah 03.26.34 # you mean let people test it? 03.26.36 # but that's the only way I know of to get a value into the union 03.26.52 # midknight2k3: actually I meant I'm the first person to test it when I do :P 03.27.00 # : 03.27.07 # WHY IS YOUR : WITH A LINE UNDER IT? 03.27.10 # SORRY 03.27.12 # lol 03.27.13 # sorry 03.27.16 # script 03.27.18 # capls lick 03.27.20 # mid: actually I meant I'm the first person to test it when I do :P 03.27.22 # ARGH 03.27.23 # that's what I typed 03.27.25 # i must leave 03.27.31 # l8r 03.27.33 # my typing is typoing 03.27.44 # see you all later 03.27.44 # Stevie-O: i gotta sleep 03.27.48 # ok, cya 03.27.49 # l8r midknight2k3 03.27.52 # nite all 03.27.57 Part LinusN 03.28.00 # * midknight2k3 says make way for the exit, VIP coming through, out of the way, make way!! 03.28.05 # hehe 03.28.20 Quit midknight2k3 ("see you later he he he he he HEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEE SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!") 04.14.47 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.24.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.28.08 Join Mighty_ [0] (mboss@h72n1fls35o931.telia.com) 04.30.33 Quit Mighty_ (Client Quit) 04.31.28 Nick s is now known as _seb_ (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 05.28.31 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-213-20-152-78.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 05.28.31 Quit Stevie-O (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.54.28 Join Mighty_ [0] (mboss@h72n1fls35o931.telia.com) 05.54.29 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.00.15 Join jms1 [0] (~chatzilla@ 06.03.45 Part jms1 06.24.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.37.19 Join buffer [0] (~buffer@fermi.ucsc.edu) 06.37.29 # What's rockbox? 06.38.25 Part buffer ("Client Exiting") 06.44.54 Quit Mighty_ ("[BX] Terminated.") 06.55.05 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-sleep (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 07.28.43 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-213-20-152-78.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 07.32.56 Join Pi [0] (root@crl81.cnsp.net) 07.33.01 Nick Pi is now known as i_am_pi (root@crl81.cnsp.net) 07.33.25 Ctcp Version from i_am_pi!root@crl81.cnsp.net 07.35.16 Part i_am_pi 07.37.54 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 07.37.54 Quit keno1981 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.49.34 Join jms1 [0] (~chatzilla@ 07.51.01 Quit jms1 (Client Quit) 07.52.24 Join jms1 [0] (~chatzilla@ 07.53.21 # big THANK YOU to whoever added FM radio support in 20030508!!! 08.24.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.28.43 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.28.44 Quit ken0 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.53.32 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-213-20-152-78.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 10.03.01 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBBBB13.ipt.aol.com) 10.03.08 # morning :-) 10.03.14 # morning 10.03.28 # ive just got my ADSL connectin working :-) 10.05.03 Join tracktheripper1 [0] (jirc@ACBB39F4.ipt.aol.com) 10.05.04 Quit tracktheripper1 (Client Quit) 10.05.05 # yay 10.05.06 Quit tracktheripper (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.05.36 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBB39F4.ipt.aol.com) 10.05.44 # yea hi webmind 10.06.40 # wb 10.06.45 # as ive said ive now got my ADSL link working 10.06.48 # what did u use before dsl ? 10.06.57 # dialup 10.07.09 # it is supersonic compared to dialup my dsl link 10.07.09 # creepy 10.07.12 # heh 10.07.16 # and cheaper :) 10.07.34 # i like the way pages load up in 1 second rather than 15 seconds 10.07.43 # uhuh 10.08.01 # tracktheripper, don't worry.. it'll go away 10.08.18 # whats up? 10.08.31 # uhm 10.08.33 # beer 10.08.36 # wel last night 10.09.07 # there ? 10.09.09 # lol 10.09.12 # yea im here 10.09.21 # just trying out my P2P program on dsl 10.09.22 # no asin: what's up there 10.09.24 # ah k 10.09.28 # p2p... 10.09.44 # don't think i ever used it 10.09.53 # maybe tried napster once... 10.09.54 # im on AOL broadband and they don't impose restrictions on bandwitdh usage 10.09.55 # for 5min 10.10.31 # * webmind has 100mbit without bandwith limit, 2mbit at work with same system 10.10.47 # well.. no the 2mbit is true bandwithlimit less 10.10.51 # yea u have a leased line (i think) 10.11.05 # at work yes 10.11.19 # i irc from a machine with a university link 10.11.29 # :-) 10.11.43 # atm i'm behind a wireless connection to a cable account though 10.13.03 # yea im just using a home DSL link which is more than fast enough for me 10.13.28 # ok :) 10.13.36 # awell it's flatrate 10.15.19 # well my modem achieves 560kbs flat out :-) 10.15.39 # wel yes.. but u pay by the minute 10.16.02 # no I don't 10.16.11 # i pay a fixed fee per month 10.16.20 # nice... 10.16.39 # uhm for your dialup aswell ? 10.16.58 # well it includes dialup back-up but i prob don't need it 10.18.03 # no i meant before your dsl 10.18.33 # dialup was also a fixed fee per month 10.18.39 # how ? 10.21.01 Join tracktheripper1 [0] (jirc@ACB993CC.ipt.aol.com) 10.21.06 Quit tracktheripper (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.21.07 Quit tracktheripper1 (Client Quit) 10.21.22 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACB993CC.ipt.aol.com) 10.21.39 # yea dialup is £15 a month, the dsl is £27 a month 10.21.51 # nice 10.22.09 # dont u have to pay phone costs for the dilup? 10.22.16 # no 10.22.45 # nice 10.23.07 # ;-) 10.24.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.25.51 # just downloading a 24MB file and the link is holding at 580kbs :-) 10.26.26 # :) 10.26.48 # :D 10.29.36 # lol 10.30.02 # at least it makes downloading those windows updates less painful 10.30.03 # :-) 10.30.13 # windows updates ? 10.30.28 # yea 10.30.36 # hmm 10.30.42 # i never do that 10.30.45 # if you have Windows XP like I do you get the occasional update now and then 10.32.16 # ((hopes theres enough bandwidth around to download Linux)) 10.34.11 # ah kdont run windows 10.36.20 # :) 10.37.05 # bandwith is nice for apt-get though 10.37.28 # yeea 10.46.57 # i have 1mbit/256 for 30$/month? 10.46.58 Quit tracktheripper (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.49.42 Quit awy[baer]_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.54.48 --> "logtime #macroquest 50" received from trucido (mike20@messiah.gizmo.net.nz) 11.09.07 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBB3F82.ipt.aol.com) 11.09.07 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.09.55 Join juz [0] (juz@ACB02ED0.ipt.aol.com) 11.12.53 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 11.12.54 Quit tracktheripper (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.19.27 # any dev around? 11.20.27 >>> "hello" by GullAn (~GullAn@3E6B1DF2.aarh.stofanet.dk) 11.20.33 >>> "not a eggdrop :\/" by GullAn (~GullAn@3E6B1DF2.aarh.stofanet.dk) 11.20.45 >>> "CMD" by GullAn (~GullAn@3E6B1DF2.aarh.stofanet.dk) 11.21.11 >>> "TELLME UPTIME" by GullAn (~GullAn@3E6B1DF2.aarh.stofanet.dk) 11.21.12 >>> "UPTIME" by GullAn (~GullAn@3E6B1DF2.aarh.stofanet.dk) 11.21.28 >>> "explain linux" by GullAn (~GullAn@3E6B1DF2.aarh.stofanet.dk) 11.21.44 # logbot explain rockbox 11.21.49 # :\ 11.21.55 >>> "explain rockbox" by GullAn (~GullAn@3E6B1DF2.aarh.stofanet.dk) 11.39.23 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBBDFE7.ipt.aol.com) 11.51.46 Quit juz (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement))) 11.51.55 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 12.00.19 Quit ken0 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12.02.53 Join juz` [0] (juz@ACB02ED0.ipt.aol.com) 12.09.01 # hello 12.11.57 Join Kinslayer [0] (dragon@wastelands.net) 12.12.06 # hi kinslayer 12.12.12 # howzitt 12.13.04 # heh i reformatted my jukebox this morning and all the .rockbox files are still there. 12.13.07 # how are u? 12.13.14 # im tired :) 12.13.14 # Kinslayer I know a way around that 12.13.31 # awwwww 12.13.38 # Kinslayer I know a trick how to fix that 12.13.43 # nah its fine im already transferring my collection, 2nd attempt 12.13.50 # of course might be worth knowing for future 12.14.04 # Firstly, do you have Windows 2000 or Windows XP? 12.14.09 # maybe i shuold have just dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/jbr20 :) 12.14.25 # i have XP in a window on my desktop... does that help? 12.14.38 # well for the trick to work u need Windows XP or Windows 2000 12.15.16 # If you have Windows 2000 or XP, do a full format of your jukebox in NTFS, then again in FAT32 12.15.23 # totally wipes the drive clean 12.15.28 # ah ok makes sense 12.15.29 # :D 12.15.42 # yea so reformat your drive as NTFS, then reformat it as FAT32 12.15.50 # can u defrag. a jukebox? 12.15.57 # doing that totally destroys all unwanted files ane makes your drive nice and clean 12.16.00 # GullAn yes you can 12.16.03 # niCe 12.16.24 # KinSlayer try that and let me know how u get on 12.18.37 Join RiESENHiRNi [0] (~jirc@pD9EE1FC1.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.20.25 # hi! :) is archos20030508.ajz the right file with no 400 files/dir limit for my ajr? 12.20.36 # its the latest bleeding edge 12.20.58 # is it unstable? 12.21.18 # not that I know off 12.21.58 # whats the right version for a newbie like me, but i want the version with no 400files limit? 12.22.07 # any hint? 12.22.34 # my english isnt very well, so i have a hard fight with your site...*g* 12.23.27 # just download the latest bleeding edge 12.24.38 # ok, when i will test it! thx for help and guys u make a very good work with this nice software!!! :-) 12.24.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.25.34 # cya 12.25.52 Quit RiESENHiRNi ("Leaving") 12.26.27 # hello , i would know information about patch 12.27.32 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 12.28.30 # how i do to apply patch wich is for a old version of a source file (eg:settings.c) but i have only the newest version and when i patch it it tell me it ignoreg hunk end the copiler dosn t work 12.30.17 # i want to use the rec_timer with the lateste version of rockbox but some file dosnt work (recroding.c and many other 12.38.59 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 12.39.00 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.49.53 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-213-20-152-78.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 13.38.29 # any dev around? 13.38.29 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.51.41 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 13.53.15 Join edx [0] (~edx@pD9EAA269.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.00.15 Quit ken0 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 14.16.24 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBC73EA.ipt.aol.com) 14.16.31 # hi 14.16.50 # hi 14.17.04 # hi 14.17.13 >>> "explain rockboX" by GullAn (~GullAn@3E6B1DF2.aarh.stofanet.dk) 14.20.53 # im bored 14.24.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.27.24 # dev guys 14.27.29 # you around? 14.28.33 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.28.58 # hi Ken 14.37.32 # is there a big risk that the disk will be locked? 14.45.50 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 14.57.50 # is there a big risk that the disk will be locked? 15.01.55 # did it happen to some of u? 16.07.49 Join Jet8810 [0] (~Jet8810@adsl-211-192-69.mia.bellsouth.net) 16.24.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.44.28 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@ 16.59.50 Quit jms1 ("ChatZilla 0.8.11 [Mozilla rv:1.2.1/20030225]") 17.08.23 Quit Jet8810 ("Client exiting") 17.21.29 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACB907EA.ipt.aol.com) 17.47.15 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-213-20-152-78.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 17.47.16 Quit tracktheripper (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.00.37 Quit GullAn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.06.12 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 18.24.56 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.27.46 Join GullAn [0] (~GullAn@3E6B1DF2.aarh.stofanet.dk) 18.27.46 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.31.32 # so i cant run rockbox in a multimedia?? 18.34.57 # no you can t 18.35.33 # :\ 18.36.37 # is there another linux for it then? 18.37.07 # linux?? 18.37.23 # but you ahve the multimedia?? 18.37.33 # soon i do 18.37.50 # why? 18.37.54 # does it sux? 18.37.54 # is it good, can you play divx any resolution file?? 18.38.06 # u cant play divx 18.38.08 # mpeg 18.38.30 # i will tell u when i have it 18.38.51 # omg it CAN play divx 18.38.56 # i didnt know :) 18.40.12 # ok 18.40.20 # do u know 18.40.27 # if there is a linux for multimedia 18.41.16 # a linux or an no archos fireware?? 18.41.41 # linux is an os:) 18.42.08 # just something diffrent that the archos os thing 18.42.37 # fireware? 18.42.39 # :D 18.42.46 # i think no 18.43.02 # :\ 18.43.05 # its too new 18.43.18 # i wanna play tetris on it :\ 18.43.55 # yes the fireware is the rockbox 18.44.10 # you can t 18.44.15 # it is only on the recorder and fm 18.44.31 # sorry for my english but i m french 18.44.50 # go on the rockbox FAq for more information 18.45.01 # theres no fm in it 18.45.20 # only the recorder and video 18.45.41 # but if you will have the multimedia and no another player rockbox it s not for you sorry 18.46.11 # it don t work on multimedia that all 18.46.57 # :\ 18.48.03 # try to search on the net, in a long time i think a group like rockbox will work on a multimedia fireware 18.48.27 # but it s very different a 18.54.10 # y 19.05.25 Quit edx () 19.08.44 Join edx [0] (~edx@pD9EA901F.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.17.23 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@as13-4-5.mal.s.bonet.se) 19.18.15 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 19.32.54 Nick seb-sleep is now known as _seb_ (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 20.06.22 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-213-20-152-78.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 20.24.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.42.07 Join SeanL994 [0] (~Sean@ 21.42.09 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.42.50 # i have the archos studio 20.. with rockbox 2.0 installed.. runs great... cept for the lag inbetween songs and folders.. how can i fix this up to go a bit faster? 21.43.38 # SeanL994: what lag do you mean? 21.43.48 # when the red light comes on 21.44.09 Join Zog [0] (~jonathan@lewis1.plus.com) 21.44.23 # when i go from playing a track. press stop.. goes to the track selection screen.. takes like 2 seconds 21.44.29 # (2 seconds is a long time) 21.45.20 # hmmm... is it faster with the archos firmware? 21.45.24 # it was yes 21.45.33 # i have only had it for 3 days :) 21.45.47 # the red light doesnt come on at all with the archos firmware 21.46.00 Join midknight2k [0] (jirc@12-229-204-15.client.attbi.com) 21.46.21 # that's because rockbox displays disk activity using the red light... the archos firmware only used it for reporting errors 21.46.31 # not only for errors 21.46.48 # it also did for just 'activity' like starting a song etc 21.46.51 # oh .. well it seemed like it was faster on the archos firmware.. but i really like the rockbox firmware(cept for this) 21.46.58 # no it didnt 21.46.59 # ill tell you why 21.47.10 # i used it for a whole day and i never saw that red light once 21.47.20 # on archos firmware? 21.47.32 # player or recorder? 21.48.14 # player 21.48.19 # oh 21.48.26 # recorder uses it for activity 21.48.41 # ok nevermind the lag stuf.. i can totaly just deal with it.. i have another question. 21.49.38 # in the menu i see "INFO" i select it and i get BuF : 1.78M and 99% 10h 14m........is that the batt life? not very acurate 21.49.43 # SeanL994: just regarding the lag... a couple of settings you can play with are disk spindown and disk poweroff in the system settings menu 21.50.00 # someone here told me it just runs the bat? 21.50.09 # what would be a good Mid point to set it to? 21.50.11 # well 21.50.20 # the percent and hours and minuets are the battery time yes 21.50.35 # i figured that.. but its not correct 21.50.42 # i had it in the charger for 30 mins today 21.50.52 # i used it down to 1 batt line yesturday 21.50.53 # it doesnt display when charging 21.51.07 # Sometimes you have to reboot to see it for exactly real 21.51.15 # well.. yea i knew that 21.51.16 # I think it's a bug 21.51.24 # probly a bug..yea 21.51.32 # SeanL994: there's a lot of of info about battery/charging at http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/battery-faq.html 21.51.37 # ok.. disc spindown is set to 5 s 21.51.52 # cool. i;ll check out the site 21.52.16 # hardeep 21.52.17 # SeanL994: disk spindown won't affect going from WPS to folder display... but it may help when browsing the files 21.52.36 # what happened to the daily builds do you know? 21.52.44 # SeanL994: disk poweroff might help some (depends on HD)... see the user manual for more info 21.52.44 # well i dont browse files. just folders. (all my mp3s are in there own folder)(full cd's) 21.53.06 # manual for rockbox you mean? 21.53.15 # SeanL994: that's what I mean... traversing the file system will be faster 21.53.18 # SeanL994: yeah 21.53.33 # oh ok.. so what should i change it to? 21.53.41 # midnight2k: what's wrong with the daily builds? 21.54.05 # why do u buy the recorder when the multimedia is just +100$ more? 21.54.16 # it seems that they aren't being built 21.54.17 # SeanL994: take a look at the manual... higher spindown means the disk doesn't go to sleep as often... but it uses up more battery 21.54.39 # got cha 21.54.45 # cool thanks for all the help 21.54.50 # midnight2k: aha, yes... it's probably due to all the sourceforge cvs problems 21.54.57 Quit midknight2k (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.55.44 # what would be a decent price for selling this studio 20 with 17 gigs of mp3s ,headphones,ac,usb, Irock USB adaptor(maybe)? cause i wanna get the Recorder now.. 21.56.02 # ebay? 21.56.10 # or to a friend 21.56.31 # (not really friend..)just someone in my class.. dont know him very well personaly 21.56.35 # although the 17 gigs of mp3s may be illegal 21.57.12 # well that wouldnt be my main selling point on ebay.. but to someone i know.(in person) it would be 21.58.18 # well.. tell me if you think i got ripped off.. (all that stuff i said) for 185 Shipped..thats what i got it for.. from a forsale/trade forum 21.59.15 # i couldn't tell you... no idea what the current rate for the studio 20 is 21.59.28 # k 21.59.35 # btw, you may want to check out http://www.newmp3technology.com... they offer upgrades 21.59.47 # upgrades for what? 21.59.47 # from studio to recorder 21.59.54 # as a trade in? 22.00.00 # yeah 22.01.01 # well.. screw that.. see.. my situation is.. i just spent 185 bucks on this thing.. i dont want to spend anymore money.. so i sell it for 180-190 (without IRock fm thing) and i go to circuit city and get the Recorder at 'COST' my friend works there.. he should be able to hook me up (its $199 there) 22.01.50 # that site does upgrades (harddrives) thats silly.. i can do that on my own 22.02.20 # yeah, hard drive upgrades are pretty easy... but some people prefer not to do them 22.02.32 # trade-in value for a brand new studio 20 is $145 22.03.02 # yea.. 148 with all the stuff i have with it 22.03.22 # not worth it :(.. oh well 22.03.36 # i'd rather sell this one and get at least 180-190 for it 22.04.01 # my goal is to not spend anymore money.. if possible.. keep my budget under 200 bucks..(alredy spent 185) 22.06.34 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-213-20-152-78.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 22.11.38 # Hi guys, does anyone have any idea why I'm getting "Invalid option 'no-cygwin'" when trying to build rockbox (including simulator)? 22.12.27 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-away (Sean@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) 22.12.34 # the line of code failing says "-mno-cygwin" 22.19.34 Part Zog 22.25.02 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.49.04 Join adam_ [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 22.49.05 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.51.18 Quit adi|home (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.59.36 Quit SeanL994 () 23.01.04 Join TBoy [0] (~xxx@ 23.01.11 Join Stevie-O [0] (whatsit2u@user-2inika9.dialup.mindspring.com) 23.01.31 # hoi 23.01.40 # hola 23.05.40 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-9.216-194-23-56.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 23.10.55 # hmmm 23.16.53 Join adam__ [0] (~adam@c-24-118-131-171.mn.client2.attbi.com) 23.21.49 Quit adam_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.45.04 Quit adam__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.50.45 Quit TBoy ("Bye guys")