--- Log for 30.05.103 Server: calvino.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 16 days and 2 hours ago 00.11.53 Join BoD[] [0] (~BoD@m198.net195-132-85.noos.fr) 00.11.55 # hi 00.44.32 Quit _aLF ("bye") 00.56.01 Join LinusN [200] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 00.58.50 # hi! 01.13.58 Quit mecraw ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 01.16.17 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBC34E0.ipt.aol.com) 01.16.34 # hello room 01.22.18 # * tracktheripper wonders if LinusN is asleep 01.22.23 # hi:) 01.22.30 # hello BoD! 01.22.35 # Glad someone is half-alive here! 01.22.49 # :)how are you 01.23.15 # im fine, just sipping on Stella Artois 01.23.18 # in my bedroom :-) 01.23.25 # and thinking of the possibilities 01.23.25 # :-) 01.23.33 # what possibilities 01.23.50 # about the Future of Rockbox :-) 01.24.13 # what about it 01.25.13 # when the wonderful plugin thingy is working 01.25.36 # why is it wonderful ? 01.25.55 # because it means Rockbox can have a whole world of new features 01.26.14 # are you sure ? 01.26.40 # can't it have a whole world of new features without this modular design 01.26.51 # well thats the whole point of it 01.27.02 # ask Bjorn and co 01.27.25 # or see my rejected request "Multi-loading system to load firmwares greater than 200kb" 01.27.57 # :)) 01.28.00 # anywayyyyyyy 01.28.21 # i'd like to have recursive add directory enquing 01.28.27 # and of course 01.28.44 # I want playlist reshuffling when it repeats :-) 01.28.53 # some way of using an id3 database to navigate through the files 01.28.55 # i'm awake, was busy 01.29.19 # ohhh!! 01.29.20 # how are you linus 01.29.28 # ((gives LinusN super-strong coffee)) 01.30.05 # i'm fine i think 01.30.14 # lol 01.30.31 # LinusN What exactly is the point of this plugin system?? 01.31.09 # the point is that we don't need to have all code in the "main" firmware file 01.31.40 # when we play Sokoban, we load the Sokoban plugin 01.31.44 # yea 01.31.54 # but will it enable a whole host of new features? 01.32.02 # and only one plugin can be loaded at a time 01.32.21 # that will free up memory, so more features can be added 01.32.36 # ohhh 01.32.49 # im really keen to see the plugin thingy being written 01.32.51 # and better still, many features can be added without recompiling the firmware, just the plugin 01.32.56 # ohhh 01.33.02 # I like you LinusN :-) 01.33.09 # so third-party plugins are possible 01.33.21 # you are far easier to understand than the others :-) 01.33.22 # ah yeah !! 01.33.28 # *that* is cool 01.34.04 # what is cool BoD? 01.34.06 # but we have a long way to go before the plugin system works satisfactory 01.34.10 # ohh 01.34.25 # ((perhaps then Archos will have pulled out all the stops with their firmware)) 01.36.09 # :D 01.36.32 # just a thought 01.36.46 # track : to be able to include new modules without recompiling the whole firmware 01.37.18 # ohhh 01.37.23 # im hot 01.37.25 # its hot here in London 01.37.51 # you're english ??? 01.38.05 # yea 01.38.07 # I live in London 01.38.39 # didn't know that 01.38.45 # heehee 01.40.18 # by the way 01.40.26 # I re opened my unit 01.40.34 # (2nd time) 01.40.47 # and saw that it was unsoldered like everywhere 01.40.58 # so I soldered everything 01.41.13 # and now it doesn't close right 01.41.23 # because of my 'not perfect' soldering :) 01.41.50 # aww 01.42.15 # but espacially 01.42.22 # it STILL doesn't work good 01.42.29 # a lot of bad contacts 01.42.45 # ==> i hate archos 01.42.51 # i must be the luckiest person in the universe to have a perfectly working archos 01.43.00 # yes 01.43.01 # OR 01.43.11 # i'm the unluckiest person in the universe ;) 01.43.23 # to have a unit that stop working the day the warranty is over 01.43.35 # awwwwwww 01.50.19 # anyway that's why i want an ipod ;) 01.50.42 # to stay the unluckiest person in the universe? 01.50.52 # hahahh :)) 01.51.04 # nooo 01.51.15 # because they rock ! 01.51.19 # seems ive started you off LinusN 01.51.19 # :D 01.51.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.51.40 # i'm sure ipods don't unsolder! 01.52.24 # hey did you know the new ipods can record 01.54.03 # lol they only prob record to WAV 01.54.43 # well for the moment they can record 6 seconds or so :) in the hidden debug menu 01.54.54 # but it means the hardware can do it 01.55.11 # so it's a matter of time they release a firmware that enables it 01.55.50 # i was thinking the MP3 chip in the Archos is so good at MP3 encoding on the fly do you really need WAV? 01.56.34 # wav == no loss of quality 01.56.55 # yea but WAV == massive unwieldy files 01.57.22 # well if you need space you take mp3, if you need no quality loss you take wav :) 01.57.32 # so i vote don't remove wav recording ;) 01.57.49 # but for me an MP3 at 192kbs with the Fraunhofer codec equals WAV quality 01.58.16 # tracktheripper: equals, no 01.58.23 # sounds like, maybe 01.58.32 # well to me LinusN it equals 01.58.37 # its my ears that count :-) 01.58.45 # i'm sure with a GOOD elmet you can hear the difference 01.59.07 # well ive tried and tried and tried and I cannot tell the difference 01.59.21 # even comparing the MP3 and WAV in Soundforge I couldnt tell the difference 01.59.47 # but did try in good listening conditions ? 01.59.55 # like NO noise around 02.00.31 # YES, YES, YES!! 02.00.41 # :) 02.00.51 # ok well 02.00.53 # ME 02.01.00 # i can't make the blind test 02.01.13 # and tell you which one is the mp3 and which one is the wave :) 02.01.29 # the only thing was different was that the waveform for the MP3 looked different to the waveform in WAV in Soundforge 02.01.49 # the thing is that you might not hear the difference until you start manipulating the sound 02.02.17 # :-| 02.02.18 # so the artifacts become audible when you add effects to it, for example 02.02.30 # yes! 02.02.37 # like for example the karaoke things 02.02.41 # like reverb, or some noise cancelling 02.03.11 # LinusN, try installing REALIZER for the ultimate MP3 sound quality!!!! 02.03.25 # what is realizer 02.04.51 # BoD, According to their website, Realizer is a powerful Plugin for Winamp that brings all the sizzilling vitality of the original sound quality by restoring the frequences lost by MP3 compression. It does this by carefully analylizing the waveform and by a system of algorithims and equations, adds missing frequencies. 02.05.12 # wow :) 02.05.14 # is it free ? 02.05.31 # its shareware 02.06.47 # but Bjorn and co reckon its pure snake oil :D 02.07.05 # me I use another plugin for winamp 02.07.20 # it's a bass boost thing :) 02.07.24 # heehee 02.07.29 # well the Archos has a bass booster 02.07.30 # very good for my very poor speakers :) 02.07.40 # yeah i know ;) 02.10.58 # heeeheee 02.11.03 # yes? 02.11.15 # i cant think of any more funny requests to send 02.11.23 # ive exhausted all my bright ideas 02.11.41 # request a talking clock 02.12.26 # but maybe it already has been requested 02.13.41 # i WAS gonna request, "Make the LCD touchscreen like on a PDA" Would be really for using the built-in keyboard!! 02.13.57 # :))) 02.14.01 # yeah right!! 02.14.30 # but I feel ill get shot if i send it :-) 02.14.50 # what about "make the archos travel faster than light" ? 02.15.55 # or what about "Make the Recorder pick up TV broadcasts, so you can watch Eastenders on the Recorder's LCD" 02.16.05 # :)) 02.16.17 # hey what is eastenders ? 02.16.26 # TV soap opera 02.16.37 # all you have to do is write a software TV tuner! :))))))))) 02.16.39 # mhm i think i know it 02.16.54 # well you could port Gnu radio ;) 02.17.21 # hey LinusN, why not write a software FM tuner for the normal Recorder?! 02.18.04 # *stop* distracting him :)) 02.18.12 # he has serious business to do ! 02.18.36 # * LinusN is hunting the dreaded "rec fls: -114" bug 02.18.48 # yes that's it :) 02.19.15 # Bod One request was "Overclock the Archos processor to 1Ghz" 02.20.13 # mouhaha :)) 02.20.20 # come ooooonn 02.20.45 # it's NOT funny ! 02.22.05 # my classic requests are "Auto Voice Transcriber", "Speed up file transfer with a USB ADSL modem", and "Make the normal Recorder pick up FM like the FM recorder" 02.22.40 # arfffffffffff 02.22.46 # it sounds like you are proud of taking up our time with silly requests 02.23.27 # our PRECIOUS time 02.24.01 # don't worry LinusN delete my Souceforge account if u like 02.24.17 # why would i? 02.24.36 # so u would never ever see me again :) 02.25.35 # :D 02.26.13 # :) 02.26.28 # :( 02.26.34 # well just stop the silly requests 02.26.40 # they are NOT fun ;) 02.27.02 # :( 02.27.20 # ...I admit I can find some of them fun, but it's true it takes time to people who actually review them ! 02.27.41 # well don't worry im not gonna file feature requests anymore 02.28.27 # if LinusN fixes my "Reshuffle when playlists repeats" request ill guarantee to stop filing daft requests 02.28.33 # can't say fairer than that :-) 02.34.06 # anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyy 02.53.02 # i have to go :) 02.53.05 # see you bye !! 02.53.07 Quit BoD[] ("DODO") 02.55.02 Join midknight2k3 [0] (jirc@12-229-204-15.client.attbi.com) 02.55.09 # hello 02.55.20 # linus has an fm recorder right? 02.56.41 Join Mighty_ [0] (mboss@h72n1fls35o931.telia.com) 02.56.54 # Linus? 02.56.55 Nick Mighty_ is now known as Mighty2 (mboss@h72n1fls35o931.telia.com) 02.57.52 Quit midknight2k3 (Client Quit) 02.57.57 Join midknight2k3 [0] (WinNT@12-229-204-15.client.attbi.com) 02.58.18 # Don't you have an FM Recorder, Linus? 02.59.03 # yes i have 02.59.43 # and a reg recorder? 02.59.54 # yes 03.00.19 # is teh fm recorder better than the reg recorder other than that it has fm capabilities? 03.00.33 # no 03.00.34 # is the button layout nicer, better screen etc? 03.00.39 # hmm 03.01.13 # is ti bigger? 03.01.15 # the buttons are not that easy to push by mistake in your pocket 03.01.26 # it is smaller 03.01.34 # and lighter 03.01.37 # nice 03.01.53 # and i think it feels better in your hand 03.01.53 # the paint isnt as good though 03.02.00 # oh BOY 03.02.06 # here we go 03.02.17 # thats rude!!!!!!!!! 03.02.23 # sorry 03.02.24 # LinusN 03.02.32 # what? 03.02.36 # he did nothing 03.03.04 # it feels better in the hand 03.03.13 # it doesn't? 03.03.27 # I bet you havent even seen one 03.03.49 # its the way he said it!!!! 03.04.18 # I didn't get what you meant till you said that and i think you shouldn't mention it again. 03.04.39 # heehee :-) 03.04.59 # I'm sure LinusN totally meant to mean that. (trackripper quote: "Joke, LinusN") 03.05.36 # :-) 03.05.55 # But anyways Linus, one more thing: does the FM recorder have all the functions orf reg recorder (rockbox wise)? 03.06.22 # yes, except disk poweroff 03.06.35 # custom fonts and all that 03.06.41 # thats good 03.06.53 # but it has the alarm hardware, something that the reg recorder hasn't 03.07.06 # my recorders dc in broke (as you might have read) and I was considering upgrading to the fm recorder 03.07.19 # alarm hardware.. what's that again? 03.07.30 # midknight2k3: you you use digital i/o? 03.07.35 # no 03.07.39 # The power cord plug 03.07.39 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 03.07.41 # DC in 03.07.49 # oh just a question? 03.07.54 # no i don't use digital 03.08.09 # good, because the fm rec has no digital out 03.08.13 # only in 03.08.24 # ahh that makes no diff to me 03.08.35 # i'm not sure what it's for exactly but i have no use for it 03.09.57 # hello 03.10.02 # hi 03.10.06 # hey 03.11.20 # I've changed batteries a couple of times now and one of the blue shockabsorbers doesn't stick in it's place as it's supposed to do,,, it's pushed down 2-3mm, when I press it into position it's just pushed back out again by the feathers that keeps the batteries under preassure/in position 03.11.53 # you know if there's something hurt inside of the player that cause this, or is it just the material in the blue bumpers that's a little looser after the batterychanges? 03.12.06 # I'd like to fix this if it's possible so they're tight again 03.12.15 # Mighty2: you may have broken a soldering point 03.12.32 # :-/ 03.12.45 # can be fixed by resoldering it 03.12.52 # I'l take a photo of what it looks like, brb 03.19.16 # linus 03.19.21 # hows the fm reception? 03.20.52 # it's quite ok 03.21.07 # not exceptionally good, but acceptable 03.21.18 # and one more thing i wanted to ask 03.21.30 # oh yes, what's the alarm hardware feature? 03.22.08 # it can boot up the device with a timer, good for timed recordings or alarm clock functionality 03.22.17 # hmmmm 03.22.20 # at any time? 03.22.25 # yes 03.22.44 # like you can say, record at 12:30 pm and it will boot up and record at 12:30pm? 03.22.50 # just set the time and date 03.23.04 # but then how do you tell it what to do? 03.23.10 # you leave it in the mode you want it? 03.23.12 # the code isn't there yet, but the hardware supports it 03.23.23 # oh 03.24.05 # ftp://atn.ods.org/pub/p5120033.jpg 03.24.13 # today, all it can do is boot up at a specified time, and if Resume=yes it will start playing music 03.24.43 # cant make all progress at once right? :) 03.24.54 # Mighty2: my Mozilla says the image is broken 03.24.58 # I don't know how I could have broken something, I've been quite carefull when removing/inserting batteries 03.25.09 # oh it sticks about the batt cover? 03.25.14 # about=above 03.25.15 # I'll fix the image with gimp 03.25.16 # yes 03.25.58 # i see it now 03.26.19 # ok 03.26.28 # it might just be the rubber bumper that is displaced 03.26.30 # does it look 'normal' ? 03.26.31 # ok 03.26.33 # hmm 03.26.41 # I'm very worried :-) 03.26.50 # you'd have to open it to find out 03.26.59 # calm down lol 03.27.02 # it's gonna be ok 03.27.09 # cause the battery-springs aren't supposed to be able to push out the bumbers ? 03.27.20 # unless, there's something broken 03.27.26 # that's what makes me think the PCB is loose 03.27.30 # be back in 10-15-20 mins 03.27.39 # midknight2k3: then i'll be asleep 03.27.51 # PCB,, circuit-board? 03.28.02 # yeah I saw photos from Björns disassemblement 03.28.21 # the board sticks out there at the sides it seems 03.28.28 # then I ought to have broken one of them 03.28.57 # or just the soldering that holds it into place 03.30.00 # if I take it apart to see whether it's broken I'll likely break something else during that... 03.30.20 # too bad you live that far from Stockholm 03.30.25 # yes 03.31.01 # i have to go to sleep now 03.31.32 # * LinusN is working on a fix for the "rec fls: -114" bug 03.31.43 # ok, sleep tight 03.31.54 # nite 03.31.57 Part LinusN 03.33.13 Quit Mighty2 ("BitchX: no additives or preservatives") 03.39.49 Join Dinh [0] (~bowdinh@dsl254-046-113.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 03.39.55 # howdy 03.40.24 # is anyone actually here? 03.48.12 # me 03.48.54 # cool. 03.49.02 # need help or just droppin in? 03.49.18 # I have the FM recorder and installed Rockbox.. and can't find the FM menu 03.49.36 # what version? 03.49.42 # i installed the FM Recorder version 2.0 and also built it was an FM recorder .. I 03.50.01 # you need a later version than 2.0 03.50.12 # I downloaded the source yesterday and built it. 03.51.10 # Dinh: did you download the rockbox 2.0 source or one of the daily build source tarballs? 03.51.16 # or latest cvs? 03.51.22 # you need a dailybuild 03.51.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.51.59 # yeah I'm trying to get the CVS to work in cygwin but I keep getting errors. 03.51.59 # get this: 03.52.02 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/auto/build-fmrecorder/ajbrec.ajz 03.52.08 # that will make it work 03.52.10 # cvs [checkout aborted]: reading from server: Socket operation on non-socket 03.53.22 # anychance you guys use CVS in Cygwin? 03.53.37 # i can get it to work on my linux machine.. but I really want it on cygwin. 03.54.24 # just get that build i pasted 03.54.34 # unless you NEED to build it yourself 03.56.15 # well.. I was hoping to get the build environment setup to play with and see what I could do with it. 03.57.58 # so what's the story with the support.. I saw some schematics and I'm wondering how open Archos is with this.. Judging by how easy it is to run Rockbox I'm sort of assuming Archos is really openminded and even supporting this sort of project... 03.58.45 # yes 03.59.13 # i'm sure they will not make their future recorders and players rockbox-protected 03.59.57 # do you know if anyone has tried implementing a serial interface? 04.00.05 # yup 04.00.30 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/mods/serialport.html 04.00.31 # this? 04.02.04 # hmm.... 04.02.16 # or using a serial port to download music? 04.02.51 # Well I guess I'd want to tap into whatever I/O ports are available and then bring them out to a header to play with. 04.03.04 # i don't know about that 04.03.28 # it looks like that mod disables the Line-In 04.03.34 # yeah 04.06.09 # you ever had a regular recordeR? 04.06.47 # as in a Jukebox Recorder? 04.06.55 # yeah 04.06.58 # just the FM I got like two days ago. 04.07.06 # like it? 04.07.39 # i originally got a Minidisc but then got disappointed in the features... Looked around alittle more and found this FM Recorder.. So far I really like it.. 04.08.09 # if only iPods had recordability features.. 04.08.15 # ik 04.08.45 # I got it to record mixtapes.. but I also plan on doing some hacking up.. 04.10.26 # lol 04.10.33 # like what? 04.11.21 # seeing if I can add extra I/O 04.12.49 # maybe throwing in an atmel AVR and buffering over it. 04.13.00 # ...riiiiight. 04.13.04 Quit hardeep ("[BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.0c19 for Windows CE today!") 04.13.14 # ? 04.13.22 # dunn 04.13.32 # i just dont know what you mean 04.14.37 # Its a microcontroller with a 20gb HD, an FM receiver, and a good sized graphical LCD... seems like a great platform to play with. 04.14.47 # oh yeah 04.14.52 # very much so 04.22.19 # is anyone rockbox here? 04.33.01 # i dont think i was clear lol 04.35.34 # dinh you still here? 04.35.42 # aww never mind 04.48.40 Quit midknight2k3 ("-=SysReset 2.53=-") 04.55.12 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 05.29.45 Join Jeffro [0] (jirc@cpe-66-169-2-242.spart.sc.charter.com) 05.30.08 # hello... anybody here? 05.30.16 Join Stevie-O [0] (whatsit2u@user-2inilqh.dialup.mindspring.com) 05.31.02 # i just bought a recorder and all I'm getting is a black screen after charging it for 8 hours... any ideas? 05.31.31 # black? 05.31.38 # or blank? 05.31.45 # yeah, just a big black square 05.31.58 # odd 05.32.13 # i guess you could call it blank too 05.32.20 # contrast 05.32.44 # how do i change the contrast? 05.33.05 # with Rockbox... switch between 2.0 and the latest daily build 05.33.52 # i don't have rockbox yet... is there any way to do it with the archos software? 05.34.22 # put on rockbox 05.34.23 # :p 05.34.44 # lol... gotcha... thanks for the help! 05.35.06 # i was worried it was fried... contrast makes complete sense though 05.35.43 # later 05.35.45 Quit Jeffro ("Leaving") 05.51.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.26.27 Join Jeffro [0] (jirc@cpe-66-169-2-242.spart.sc.charter.com) 06.27.04 # if anyone's here i've got another question 06.27.36 # i installed rockbox but can't get the contrast change to work with the F1, down, and right 06.28.27 # also, when i connected my recorder to my computer, there were only a couple of mp3s on the root, but no .ajz file 06.28.28 # Jeffro: i'm assuming you're using the key sequence described in the faq? 06.28.38 # yep 06.29.44 # there's a .ajz file there now of course, but i don't think there was one there before i copied the rockbox files over 06.29.47 # Jeffro: the firmware is installed on the flash, that's why you don't see a .ajz file 06.29.58 # oic 06.30.09 # the ones on disk are for updates (and rockbox of course) 06.30.26 # does the contrast work on the archos firmware? 06.31.00 # no, the only thing i've seen at all is a black box covering the screen 06.31.22 # that doesn't sound good 06.32.02 # is this a new unit? 06.32.13 # yeah, i just got it today 06.32.38 # you might want to return... sounds like a problem with the lcd 06.33.33 # that sucks... i guess i'll have to send it back then 06.33.41 # thanks for the help 06.34.15 Quit Jeffro ("Leaving") 06.36.57 Quit hardeep ("BitchX: now with 38 percent fewer calories!") 06.40.57 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 07.51.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.15.06 Quit adi|home (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.23.40 Nick dw|gone is now known as dwihno (dwihno@h193180246067.kommunicera.umea.se) 09.51.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.53.10 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBC1BE9.ipt.aol.com) 10.02.23 Join Manlangley [0] (~stewage@ 10.07.36 Join Quelsaruk [20] (swordmaste@faerun.ugr.es) 10.07.45 # morning 10.07.55 # finally my hd has died.... 10.08.02 # morning Quelsarukk 10.08.02 # *comfort* 10.08.10 # :( 10.08.41 # what's apox. the price for a 60GB hd?? 10.08.41 # awwww 10.11.55 # erm........ 10.11.58 # £100? 10.15.42 Quit Manlangley ("Client exiting") 10.20.49 # in euros? 10.20.50 # ;) 10.26.53 # why does it take you half an hour to answer simple questions Quelsaruk? 10.28.04 # only 9 minutes 10.28.05 # ;) 10.28.18 # because i have just 2 neurons, and they are still asleep 10.28.29 # sounds about right 10.28.29 # :D 10.28.30 # i woke up 30 minutes ago 10.28.34 # more or less.. 10.28.40 # i'm really tired 10.28.48 # and as soon as you wake up, you come on here :D 10.33.44 # heehee 10.34.39 Quit hardeep ("[BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.0c19 for the PalmPilot today!") 10.48.22 Join _spiridon [0] (~spiridon@p5080D36A.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.52.48 # anyone alive here? 10.53.23 # a little 11.01.34 # wow!!! 11.01.45 # ? 11.06.25 Quit spiridon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.06.26 Nick _spiridon is now known as spiridon (~spiridon@p5080D36A.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.08.21 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 11.17.31 # wakey wakey rise and shine! 11.43.27 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 11.51.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.00.50 Quit hardeep ("[BX] Who ate my nuggets?!") 12.01.26 Nick dwihno is now known as dw|gone (dwihno@h193180246067.kommunicera.umea.se) 12.55.44 Join PsycoXuul [20] (psyco@adsl-63-205-41-103.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 12.56.36 Quit PsycoXuul (Client Quit) 12.56.54 Join PsycoXuul [20] (psyco@adsl-63-205-41-103.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 13.05.32 Quit PsycoXul (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 13.06.21 Nick PsycoXuul is now known as PsycoXul (psyco@adsl-63-205-41-103.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 13.32.58 Quit Quelsaruk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.33.10 Join Quelsaruk [20] (swordmaste@faerun.ugr.es) 13.51.40 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.56.54 Join awy[baer] [0] (~erklaerba@pD9E4D9F0.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.58.18 Quit awy[baer] (Client Quit) 13.58.33 Join awy[baer] [0] (~erklaerba@pD9E4D9F0.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.34.46 Nick Quelsaruk is now known as quel|lunch (swordmaste@faerun.ugr.es) 14.49.37 Quit Stevie-O (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.53.02 Quit TotMacher () 14.53.22 Join TotMacher [0] (tot@ip67.rsidus.riege.de) 15.17.07 Join ken0 [0] (marklar2@ 15.18.30 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBB5795.ipt.aol.com) 15.19.09 # hi 15.20.39 # * Stevie[FP] is back from [food] [gone 20hrs 5mins 4secs] [KS] 15.27.09 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 15.33.12 Join bertrand` [0] (~Anyone@AAmiens-106-1-5-47.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr) 15.33.19 Part bertrand` 15.51.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.00.09 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 16.44.59 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.53.46 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 16.54.27 Quit ken0_ (Client Quit) 17.12.43 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 17.16.15 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.17.35 Join mecraw [0] (~mecraw@ 17.20.27 Join ken0_ [0] (marklar2@ 17.23.50 # blahh 17.28.14 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 17.51.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.14.14 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBB5795.ipt.aol.com) 18.14.25 # Hello fellow rockboxers 18.16.00 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@as13-4-5.mal.s.bonet.se) 18.19.27 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 18.23.08 Join fuckmehard [0] (~jirc@c-204b72d5.037-14-7673743.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 18.23.51 # * Stevie[FP] is away [(Auto-Away after 1hr)] [KS-MsgLog Off] 18.24.02 # hardeep: do you plan on being able to queue/insert directories recursively in your patch? 18.25.29 # i love fucking great big tits 18.25.49 # i love spanking tits 18.38.12 Quit elinenbe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.38.22 Join elinenbe [0] (elinenbe_@user-0cev103.cable.mindspring.com) 18.41.32 # mecraw: not any plans yet, but it's fairly easy to add 18.43.51 Quit fuckmehard ("Leaving") 18.46.08 Quit matsl ("Client exiting") 18.49.35 # hardeep: it would be nice, I happen to have some double CDs etc in subdirectories 18.49.52 # would be nice to queue a genre or band directory and shuffle over them 18.54.12 Join Jet8810 [0] (~Jet8810@adsl-34-206-251.bct.bellsouth.net) 18.54.28 # hardeep: recursive directory inserting would be the thing i'd like to see most. it would allow me to make playlists easily on the fly. 19.10.41 # okay, convinced me... =) i'll add it later today 19.19.31 # hardeep: excellent!!! 19.36.08 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBB5795.ipt.aol.com) 19.42.16 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 19.51.12 Quit hardeep ("[BX] Have you huggled your BitchX today?") 19.51.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.02.21 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-11.216-194-24-225.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 20.03.12 Quit Jet8810 ("Client exiting") 20.14.21 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 20.24.20 Quit quel|lunch ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta1 "Eve's Avatar"") 20.26.50 # * Stevie[FP] is back from [(Auto-Away after 1hr)] [gone 2hrs 3mins] [KS] 20.27.07 # meh 20.27.21 # where is [idc] 20.28.56 # >:( 20.29.44 # furthermore, where's linus/zagor 20.29.54 # where the hell are all the people who know stuff 21.18.18 Join _aLF [0] (~alexandre@AGrenoble-203-1-1-245.w80-15.abo.wanadoo.fr) 21.21.59 Join Zuikan [0] (~Zui@adsl-68-21-136-131.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net) 21.23.08 Quit Zuikan (Client Quit) 21.43.38 # * Stevie[FP] is away [(Auto-Away after 1hr)] [KS-MsgLog Off] 21.51.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.01.19 Join Yeft [0] (Yeft@AC8940DE.ipt.aol.com) 22.01.32 # my jukebox is kicking my computers butt 22.04.52 # anyone here!? 22.09.21 # maybe he's lame? 22.10.04 # (Yeft@AC8940DE.ipt.aol.com) *g* 22.11.53 # lol 22.12.02 # sorry i can't choose my isp 22.13.35 # sorry mr. amsterdam 22.15.40 # you here awy? 22.30.48 # asfd 22.30.49 # agds 22.30.50 # are 22.30.50 DBUG Enqueued KICK Yeft 22.30.50 # h 22.30.51 # reh 22.30.51 *** Alert Mode level 1 22.30.51 # fdshfds 22.30.51 *** Alert Mode level 2 22.30.51 # h 22.30.53 # fdsh 22.30.58 *** Alert Mode level 3 22.30.58 # 07« 14Ë×07Ç14ü®§îöñ 07» 07-[15Since 9807]- 14Version07-[159.4.207]- 14Released07-[15August 10, 200207]- 14mIRC07-[15v6.02 32bit07]- 07-[15What's On Your Puter?07]- 07-[15Get Your Copy At http://excursion.cjb.net07]- 22.40.59 *** Alert Mode OFF 22.52.38 # asdf 23.01.59 Join Jet8810 [0] (~Jet8810@adsl-34-206-251.bct.bellsouth.net) 23.04.42 # anyone here? 23.10.04 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 23.10.04 # * Stevie[FP] is back from [(Auto-Away after 1hr)] [gone 1hr 26mins 27secs] [KS] 23.10.05 # * Stevie[FP] is away [gone] [KS-MsgLog Off] 23.11.47 # uhm how do i set keyblock on again ? 23.15.42 # on a recorder: F1 + down 23.16.12 # hmm 23.16.15 # and player ? 23.17.11 # the user manual is your friend 23.19.52 # hardeep you here? 23.20.02 # lol 23.20.07 # bah 23.20.30 # 4ANYONE HOME!? 23.20.42 Join Scott1 [0] (~jirc@ool-182fce6b.dyn.optonline.net) 23.20.46 # hey all 23.20.47 # scott 23.20.51 # can you help me? 23.21.00 # what's up? 23.21.29 # it says this is an unregistered copy--can you see my messages? 23.21.57 Quit Scott1 (Client Quit) 23.22.27 Join Ringo [0] (~jirc@ool-182fce6b.dyn.optonline.net) 23.22.33 # hello? 23.22.50 # ringo (scott) lol can you help me? 23.23.02 # yeft, can you see my messages? 23.23.07 # if so, I can try to help you 23.24.40 Quit Ringo (Client Quit) 23.31.29 Quit Yeft (Excess Flood) 23.31.40 Join Yeft [0] (Yeft@AC8940DE.ipt.aol.com) 23.32.58 Join awy[baer]_ [0] (~erklaerba@pD950EF72.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.35.49 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBF9FBA.ipt.aol.com) 23.36.00 # hello rockboxers 23.36.02 # :-) 23.36.38 # track or awy 23.36.40 # you here? 23.36.49 # hello Yeft 23.36.51 # how u doing> 23.37.43 # ill chat with you Yeft 23.39.58 DBUG Enqueued KICK Yeft 23.39.58 # 43342 23.41.21 # whats up Yeft? 23.46.12 # 4Q-script 12St7A9t13S since9 47wks 1day 48mins 12secs averages per day:4 0.25 13Blocks/d.4 0.01 13StatSays/d. 14<> v3.1 23.46.54 # what?! 23.50.52 Quit awy[baer] (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.51.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"