--- Log for 05.07.103 Server: sterling.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 1 day and 14 hours ago 00.09.08 Join earHurts [0] (~zic@pool-138-88-169-239.res.east.verizon.net) 00.09.29 # how are yiu gentlemen !! 00.11.39 # earHurts: heya earHurts... are you still having problems with the dynamic playlist stuff? 00.12.29 # uh, probably. I haven't had an opportunity to try any other builds 00.15.04 # oh, okay. 00.15.10 # I,m going to see what the latest build does for me 00.15.31 # yeah, i can't reproduce it and no one else has reported it 00.16.12 # how easy is it to call dynamic playlist functions without the dp gui? 00.17.29 # earHurts: all exported functions are in apps/playlist.h 00.18.06 # when I first got archos ai was disappointed abd durprised playing a directory judt listed it 00.18.34 # surprised, even 00.19.02 # can I use dp to get that functionality? 00.21.13 # earHurts: sure, just call playlist_insert_directory() 00.22.16 # how do I override the recursive setting? 00.22.36 # earHurts: see the arguments to insert_directory 00.23.16 # nice forward thinking api, hardeep 00.24.17 # this will address much of what i weant in the gui 00.27.04 Quit Sparks (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.31.16 Join Sparks [0] (~ask@public1-bror2-4-cust155.bror.broadband.ntl.com) 00.32.31 # is it possible to lock the keypad during recording? - i cant seem to do it :S 00.33.19 # Sparks: i don't believe you can do it currently 00.33.32 # :( 00.33.58 # Sparks: you may want to make a feature request if there isn't one already 00.34.56 # ...just checking for one! 00.35.03 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=44306&atid=439121&aid=700253 00.35.25 # also, would it be possible to put "irc://irc.freenode.net/rockbox" on the IRC part of the web page so it is much quicker to connect! 00.36.14 # Sparks: it's certainly possible... post a request on the mailing list 00.37.37 # it would be VERY useful! 00.39.11 # as would the keylock when recording (secret recording with the Arcos in a pocket, for example!) 00.39.24 # :) that's fun! 00.39.35 # heh, recorded a wedding a while back 00.42.58 # I have been recording some meetings @ work, due to the fact we are relocating and have had the personell managers talking to us - it would be much nicer to not have to worry about pressing buttons accedently! 00.50.12 # Use the Source, Luke 00.56.09 Join devZer0 [0] (devZer0@pD951EFF3.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.58.50 # hi there! sparks: i tried your link and indeed it makes things much quicker. :) 01.03.02 # ;) 01.03.19 Quit hardeep ("BitchX: the ONLY three day cure!") 01.03.36 # u using mIRC? 01.04.19 # didn`t know that i can start irc session so easily from a webbrowser. i`m using mirc - did mirc install a special "handler" for that? is this a mirc "speciality" or do irc clients usually do so? what happens on linux ? 01.04.49 # not sure, that was why I was asking if you were on mIRC (Like I am) 01.05.33 # it would be interesting if other irc clients can handle this, too. 01.05.36 # anyone know of a good place to get a Fujutsu MHS2060AT from? 01.05.48 # (good=cheap!) 01.07.13 # mhhh - what is your "reference pricing"? 01.07.24 Join tuximus [0] (~jirc@psrb-c72-lo.tcsn.net) 01.07.45 Quit tuximus (Client Quit) 01.08.00 # cheapest I have seen is GBP155 01.08.55 Join telliott [0] (telliott@ 01.10.13 # is that a 60gb drive? 01.10.21 # marf... getting stuff like 'lib1funcs.asm:60:Unknown pseudo-op: .global' when I try to compile now on OSX... think I've ran google dry... 01.10.22 # yep 01.10.27 # thats very expensive! 01.10.49 # do you absolutely require 60gb 01.10.59 # 40gb would be much cheaper 01.11.19 Quit Zagor|away ("Client exiting") 01.11.47 # MHR2040AT = £90 01.12.05 # Fujitsu MHS2060AT 60,0 GB 12/2048/4200 U-100 IDE 01.12.12 # 173.19 EUR 01.12.17 # here in germany 01.12.52 # I use the Jukebox as file storage for backing up peoples PC's etc. (I am an IT Engineer) - so the bigger the better! 01.13.19 # My 1 year warrenty is up in August.. I'm joping I can upgrade the hard drive in my AJR20. 01.13.28 # thats 119.361 GBP 01.14.50 # i need to find some other suppliers then! 01.15.27 # www.mix-computer.de seems to have it in stock for that price 01.16.34 # £133.27+VAT from redstore.com 01.16.47 # I just saw the new video from Joerg. I can't wait till we can boot Rockbox from RAM. 01.16.59 # ROM 01.17.06 # ROM 01.18.16 # Sparks: if you really want it just for backing up peoples stuff, you could get a 120GB USB2 drive *complete* for less than just your 60gb replacement hd 01.18.54 # telliott: me too :) 01.18.57 # http://www.redstore.com/fx/techinfo.php?itm_code=LACSTO011 01.21.07 # 60.0 GB 2.5" IDE HDD-ATA5-4200U/Min-13mS-9.5mm - 169,00 EU @www.berger-daten.de don`t know the model 01.23.02 # that guy sold archos-boxes for a long time. he also sold "tuned" ones - with 60gb drive inside 01.23.40 # MT: - its cheaper from http://www.bluepoint.net/fx/techinfo.php?itm_code=LACSTO011 01.24.04 # bought mine there a while ago - toshiba 60gb and it works very well since then.... 01.24.42 # MT: a whole 62p :) 01.25.34 # :D 01.25.53 # MT: It is a good idea, but I do prefer only having one box to carry arond, and the Archos has the battery if there are no power points! 01.28.28 # yay! s/.global/.globl/ fixes that... 01.29.18 # has anyone here got the FM? 01.30.56 # i have the FM here, and have just tried plugging in my power supply for my iPAQ (seems to have the same connector) - my battery level is now cycling between 0 34 68 100 - I dont have the proper PSU to hand (It's at work)...is this normal! 01.31.45 # (I just upgraded to a newer version of Rockbox (I had a May version previously) and didnt remember seeing it do this before 01.32.56 # might be the charge-graphic-moving-thingy 01.33.32 # yes - this is new afaik 01.37.01 # anyone have any ideas on how to fix stuff like this: "Invalid mnemonic 'rotcl'" when compiling the cross-compiler? also get it with rts, shar, shlr16, etc 01.39.20 # no - can`t help - sorry. 01.41.27 # sparks: when you upgrade your archos hdd - there are very nice & tiny usb 2.0 aluminium cases out there. very cheap ! http://www.cks-computer.de/cgi-bin/onlineshop/frontkunde/shop_main.cgi?func=det&wkid=4423381&rub1=Geh%E4use&rub2=USB-Geh%E4use&artnr=GEH-U1006&pn=0 01.42.19 # i don`t think you want to throw away the old hdd :) 01.45.53 # OOPS! was putting linus's path in my PATH variable, not mine... 01.47.01 # devZer0 - that sounds like a very good idea! :) 01.47.30 # do you know if the USB port will power them, or do you need another wall wart? 01.48.14 # wooow. beautiful: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3421121109&category=3708 01.48.27 # that depends 01.48.41 # on my notebook, the port has enough power 01.48.50 # @work i need additional power supply. 01.49.17 # you can put an adapter between keyboard plug as power supply 01.50.50 # nice stuff @ebay :) http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?cgiurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2F&krd=1&from=R8&MfcISAPICommand=GetResult&ht=1&SortProperty=MetaEndSort&query=usb+2.5+hdd 01.53.01 # oohh, and it's bloooooo :P 01.54.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.54.15 # it`s a small blue from big blue :D 01.54.29 # a beautiful small blue from ugly big blue :D 01.55.14 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@AC85D014.ipt.aol.com) 01.55.15 # eh, you lost me there! 01.56.47 # hi 01.56.56 # ello 01.57.33 Quit _aLF ("Client exiting") 01.59.05 # devZer0 - do you know the height of the existing HDD in the FM? 02.00.36 Quit telliott (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.00.45 # hmm... that didn't fix it... 02.02.27 # * ClosetPacifist wonders if the binutils version is incompatible with the gcc version. 02.04.25 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 02.05.41 # sparks - no, i don`t - but isn`t that a regular 9.5mm one? 02.06.00 # it's regular 02.06.16 # okay :) 02.06.22 # I was able to replace mine with a normal laptop hdd 02.07.01 # 60GB 02.07.09 # i was just looking at http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3421121109&category=3708http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3421121109&category=3708http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3421121109&category=3708http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3421121109&category=3708 and it clearly states it will only work with the 9.5mm ones 02.07.39 # * thu is back (Gone: all day) 02.07.43 # 9.5 is normal, 8 think 02.07.43 # whoops, i posted the URL twice 02.07.51 # Sparks: maybe you want to look at tinyurl.com too :) 02.08.13 # yea, that wud have been better! :D 02.08.36 Join Remo [0] (~Remo@pbschmidt.physik.unibas.ch) 02.08.41 # it was supposed to be just http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3421121109 02.08.59 # got knows how I managed to paste it multiple times :/ 02.09.07 # darn.. cable is slow during the day 02.09.15 # I didn't de-solder when I replaced mine, but you might want to 02.09.49 # how did you swap without desoldering then? 02.10.10 # I folded the top and bottom of the back plate down 02.10.29 # did it leave a crease in the metal then? 02.10.38 Quit Remo (Client Quit) 02.10.41 # folding the bottom down was a mistake; you should be able to avoid doing so 02.11.10 # * thu thinks upgrading his archos' drive is not worth it 02.11.23 # it did leave a crease; I would suggest if you do it, you attempt to fold at the existing bend 02.11.25 Join telliott [0] (telliott@ 02.11.42 # i might just desolder it! 02.11.51 # I have 22GB of music on it, it's worth it 02.12.02 # lol 02.12.11 # hardly :) 02.12.20 # i have a 20 gig disk, and 30 gigs of music, so it is worth it! 02.12.39 # and I use it for file transfers between PC's! 02.13.04 # I'm doing fine dragging just < 20G around 02.13.44 # if you fold down the top, you can reach a small screwdriver in through the bottom to pop out the hdd 02.13.48 # it is also usefull for "backing up" a friends DVD collection :P 02.14.00 # too slow :P 02.14.14 # I use it at lan partys.. last time I backuped around 15G of music 02.14.26 # the hdd is insulated with a piece of sticky plastic. be sure to transfer it to the new drive 02.14.40 # mm I have about 70G of mp3s on my drive now 02.14.49 # i think I will just desolder :D 02.14.54 # I guess I would need an 80G upgrade drive 02.15.09 # be sure the drive is completely insulated, as the battery connects to the back plate 02.15.18 # what is the biggest 2.5" disk avalable now? 02.15.26 # 80? 02.15.32 # do u have the FM? 02.15.34 # anything over would probably be really expensive 02.15.38 # I do 02.15.40 # (earHurts) 02.15.44 # he doesn't 02.15.46 # iirc 02.15.50 # I have an fm 02.15.53 # lol 02.15.56 # okay I don't rc 02.16.25 # bleh I don't know what I'm talkin about 02.16.25 # what iirc mean? (I never worked that one out!) 02.16.29 # I'll go eat 02.16.42 # [Linux] thu@dusty thu $ wtf is iirc 02.16.42 # IIRC: if I recall correctly 02.16.45 # ah! 02.16.46 # it means if I recall correctly, iirc 02.16.48 # ta 02.18.26 # any idea when the rockbox flash will be avalable for the FM for the masses? 02.18.39 # 3second boot really appeals! 02.18.59 Join keithhub [0] (~keithhub@rdu57-68-096.nc.rr.com) 02.25.56 # n8 guys. gonna sleep 02.27.37 # night night :D 02.27.51 # devZer0 - u in the UK? 02.28.51 # <[IDC]Dragon> Phew! My firmware flashing plugin works! 02.29.52 # <[IDC]Dragon> So the box can flash itself, without mod. 02.30.01 # :) that is very good news! 02.30.48 # <[IDC]Dragon> Expect a first release for the recorder very soon (mask 0x0302 preferred). 02.30.52 # if one was to kill the flash area (erase it, for example - would it be possible to recover it? 02.31.17 # <[IDC]Dragon> Yes, but then you need the UART boot mod and the serial mod. 02.31.32 # okay 02.31.39 # <[IDC]Dragon> Nothing for the masses. 02.31.44 # what does mask 0x0302 preferred mean? 02.32.12 # <[IDC]Dragon> I've only tested it for that so far. (see debug->HW info) 02.32.37 # <[IDC]Dragon> Those flags decide on some hardware differences. 02.32.44 # okay, my FM is mask 0x0304 02.32.54 # ...is that bad! 02.33.04 # oh no 02.33.07 # 0x0304? 02.33.17 # run away BEFORE IT EXPLODES! 02.33.27 # ahhhhhh!!!!!!#BOOOOMMMMM 02.33.32 # :P 02.33.36 # <[IDC]Dragon> Different story. Before flashing the FM, we'd need a developer volunteering to do those mods. 02.33.52 # is that just the FM's version then 02.34.48 Join BoD[] [0] (dirc@ca-sqy-1-73.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr) 02.34.51 # Hello ! 02.34.55 # why is it the Archos takes so much longer - what is it doing in that extra time? 02.35.06 # Hello BoD 02.35.37 # <[IDC]Dragon> There's a little monitor started first. But aport from it's 1 second timeout, I have no idea. 02.35.39 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-212-202-78-103.reverse.qsc.de) 02.36.37 # erb, is a mask 0x0202 good? have the most likely positive flash values that you mentioned on the mailing list 02.36.57 # and the same when you turn it off - it takes a lot longer to go off with Archos 02.37.18 # <[IDC]Dragon> Time to sleep. 02.37.25 # <[IDC]Dragon> Goodnight! 02.37.29 # * ClosetPacifist waves. 02.37.47 Quit [IDC]Dragon () 02.39.22 # Sparks: scratching its virtual balls 02.39.47 # * Sparks laughs 02.40.08 # what else? 02.40.10 # i mean 02.40.21 # 15 seconds difference 02.40.34 # or, more meaningfully 02.40.39 # they just wanted to show te progress bar thingie 02.40.50 # 500% longer 02.40.57 # geez 02.41.14 # or how about '6 times as long' 02.41.27 Quit earHurts (Remote closed the connection) 02.41.34 # any idea if a hugher output PSU is used, it would stop the battery drainwhen xfering over the USB? 02.42.09 # (Sorry about the typing, I obviously need sleep!!) 02.42.17 # dunno 02.43.06 # must try it on my 2A iPaq one 02.44.01 # do you have the FM Stevie-O? 02.47.53 # he doesn't 02.48.01 # u do? 02.48.07 # iirc 02.48.09 # yeah :) 02.48.22 # can u tell me the voltage of the PSU (Mine it @ work) 02.48.29 # it -> is 02.49.09 # where was that? 02.49.36 Join Neo [0] (Neo@ 02.49.40 # it should be printed on the PSU 02.49.43 # hey all 02.49.44 # Sparks: how do i get it? 02.49.47 # probably on the bottom 02.49.58 # ello Neo 02.50.05 # bottom? 02.50.10 # have some questions about archos jukebox before burchase 02.50.11 # of the power pack 02.50.15 Part Neo ("Client exiting") 02.50.32 # the thing you plug in the wall to charge the FM :) 02.50.50 Join Neo [0] (~Neo@ 02.50.53 # 6v 02.50.54 # sorry 02.51.01 # + in the middle 02.51.06 # can i ask some questions about the archos 02.51.19 # Neo: this is an ipod channel 02.51.21 # okay, I thought as much - it;s just the 5v one for my iPaq seems to be chaging it :? 02.51.29 # how is it 02.51.32 # its rockbox 02.51.43 # i think it was a joke :D 02.51.58 # gotcha 02.51.59 # i.e of course you can 02.51.59 # my bad 02.52.00 # Neo: jk 02.52.03 # thanks 02.52.04 # ok 02.52.08 # i was here before 02.52.12 # asked some questions 02.52.25 # if you say so 02.52.26 # what do you want to know? 02.52.28 # is the archos jukebox recorder 20 worht buying 02.52.31 # *worth 02.52.47 # I chose the recorder fm 02.52.53 # yeh? 02.52.53 # it's a pretty good deal for the money 02.52.54 # depends what you want to do with it - if you want a door wedge, then no :P 02.53.05 # its heavy? 02.53.18 # not overly heavy 02.53.36 # you can probably pick it up in a store and see for yerself 02.53.42 # IMO the FM radio is not that good 02.53.53 # ok 02.53.54 # yeh 02.53.56 # I second that 02.54.07 # i was just gona get the recorder 20 02.54.15 # the recorder fm is just slicker 02.54.26 # but it's hardly possible to record hi-q off the radio 02.54.43 # is the FM the same as the recorder 20, but minus the radio? 02.54.58 # nah.. different design 02.55.05 # ok, thought so 02.55.07 # mm and different batteries 02.55.19 # i could get the recorder 20 for 200 02.55.25 # is taht a good deal? 02.55.28 # yea, not as easy to replace on the FM 02.55.33 # 200 what? 02.55.39 # and I think the recorder has digital in 02.55.42 # fm doesn 02.55.42 # t 02.55.48 # 200 USD sounds good 02.56.12 # especially if you compare it to the other jukeboxes 02.56.17 # the rockbox firmware has the digital input option in the menu 02.56.18 # yeh 02.56.18 # Neo: who's selling it for $200? 02.56.23 # circuit city 02.56.30 # 30 dollars off 02.56.32 # mm cheap 02.56.34 # last day tomorrow 02.56.35 # yeh 02.56.41 # how fast of a pause between songs 02.56.42 # imho it's worth it 02.56.50 # but then again.. I payed $260 for my fm 02.57.12 # pauses are long or short 02.57.13 # they can't be fast 02.57.24 # why/ 02.57.25 # ? 02.57.35 # well unless you make them run 02.57.41 # http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3033469539 02.58.21 # it is apparently only 6 months old, so I guess you could return it under warentee 02.58.21 Quit devZer0 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.58.32 # but there is a pause 02.58.33 # don't count on it 02.58.35 # between songs 02.58.40 # Neo: umm guess so 02.58.57 # like its not track 1 then its over then track 2 02.59.12 # probably not 02.59.22 # even with rockbox 02.59.40 # dunno 02.59.55 # dont u have it? 03.00.04 # I do but I didn't notice that 03.00.08 # I guess it pauses 03.00.13 # o 03.00.14 # I never thought of it 03.00.18 # but its not like u have to wait long 03.00.23 # nah 03.00.51 # doesn't circuit city have a 30-day return policy? 03.00.58 # yeh 03.00.58 # if you have the money go try it 03.01.12 # do u think ill like it? 03.01.13 # in the (very unlikely) case you hate it just take it back 03.01.27 # I can't say what _you_ like 03.01.44 # but I've went through 4 mp3 cd players and one memory mp3 player and hated them all 03.01.53 # well.. afterwards 03.02.21 Join Master_Debator [0] (pooper@ip68-101-208-171.sd.sd.cox.net) 03.02.26 # umm.. don't expect to jog with it or anything 03.02.29 # but u like this one the best 03.02.30 # it's pretty sensitive to shocks 03.02.41 # as any hard disk 03.02.43 # * ClosetPacifist got his recorder 15 for ~$175 03.02.52 # even ipod? 03.02.57 # hey all, is it OK to use the defragment option in XP on the archos jb20? 03.03.00 # yeah 03.03.19 # Master_Debator: afaik it's just a regular fat filesystem 03.03.23 # you can do to it whatever you want 03.03.31 # whey master 03.03.35 # do u like ur archos? 03.03.43 # Yes, I just got it a couple days ago 03.03.43 # Neo: I can't even walk with it in my pocket 'cuz it will stop 03.03.49 # Neo: so that would be one limitation 03.03.55 # the main reason I got an archos over and iPod was price, but rockbox defintally makes me happy with it 03.03.55 # the rockbox rocks! 03.04.02 # Neo: in rest.. the battery life is big 03.04.13 # ClosetPacifist: true.. ipod is nicer in some ways 03.04.16 # but the price tag turns me off 03.04.30 # ya, and the recording sounded rather neato, heh 03.04.46 # as I've said before.. the only jukebox I'd consider besides archos is neuros 03.04.57 # how much is the neuros 03.04.57 # I never tried one first hand though 03.05.07 # 3-400 03.05.11 # o 03.05.15 # yeh 03.05.19 # I don't know how much it's in stores 03.05.22 # i have 200 to spend on an mp3 player 03.05.29 # (have the tax) 03.05.38 # Neo: imho it's worth that money 03.05.43 # whats the best mp3 player at that price range 03.05.47 # i got mine at circuit city also... 03.05.48 # the archos? 03.05.54 # you can use it as an usb drive also 03.06.02 # does the recorder 20 do usb2? 03.06.07 # they have that $199 after rebate thing 03.06.18 # thu: Yes 03.06.31 # well then.. it's worth it 03.06.33 # yeh 03.06.34 # ok 03.06.58 # i just want an mp3 player at that range 03.06.59 # While I was there, I noticed they seemed to have two versions, one with blue "pads" and another with black/grey "pads"... 03.07.07 # yeh 03.07.14 # is the archos worth it? 03.07.15 # any difference? 03.07.26 # can u shuffle on the player itself 03.07.27 # So far, I think it's worth it 03.07.31 # recorders? 03.07.42 # ok 03.07.45 # is that what u have 03.08.03 # it's just an usb drive with a mp3 player on it 03.08.09 # and there are no major issues that I know of 03.08.14 # not much more to say 03.08.26 # can i walk with it 03.08.37 # yeah but on your belt 03.08.38 # My battery life seems to suck though..... 03.08.44 # it doesn't like to stay in a pocket 03.08.48 # at least mine doesn't 03.09.05 # pocket 03.09.06 # if you put it in the belt pouch it's happy 03.09.28 # lol 03.09.35 # but it would slip out of what? 03.09.43 # slip? 03.10.13 # Master_Debator: I kill my battery life jumping from song to song 03.10.26 # dir to dir that is 03.10.39 # o 03.10.45 # how does the display work 03.11.00 # you can customize it 03.11.02 # and change the fonts 03.11.09 # thu: yeah, I think that's the problem... but still, it seemed to kill -15 off the battery just from an hour of playing music (no jumping songs) 03.11.10 # in rockbox of course 03.11.13 # if you have a recorder 03.11.38 # yeah he's talkin about a recorder 20 03.11.51 # do they even sell players anymore? 03.11.51 # so i should get it 03.12.04 # think outpost has a player 6000 for cheap, heh 03.12.14 # not that cheap 03.12.24 # I mean not dirt cheap 03.12.30 # otherwise I would have gotten it last year 03.12.32 # instead of this fm 03.12.34 # but thats just 6 gigs right? 03.12.39 # ya 03.12.40 # yea 03.12.42 # yeh 03.12.44 # i watn 20 03.12.50 # don't think they have it anymore anyway 03.13.15 # so i should get it? 03.13.17 # Neo: you can take it apart and put an 80G drive inside if you want 03.13.23 # Neo: that's for you to decide 03.13.39 # Neo: there are no really unhappy archos users afaik 03.13.46 # circuit city can do that? 03.14.04 # Neo: a new drive is 2-300$ 03.14.11 # o 03.14.14 # 20 is enough 03.14.14 # oO 03.14.49 # I don't think you can get any jukebox half as decent as the archos for that money 03.14.58 # ok 03.15.02 # is it solid? 03.15.19 # solid enough but just don't drop it :) 03.15.41 # or hammer nails with it 03.15.52 # heh, mine's slid to the floor a few times x.x 03.16.00 # btw does the recorder 20 shed? 03.16.00 # just treat it with the respect it deserves :) 03.16.13 # my fm sheds all over 03.16.19 # shed!? 03.16.21 # how long should it last 03.16.28 # It won't break if you drop it a short distance on carpet. Mine didn't. 03.16.33 # Neo: until you drop it really hard 03.16.38 # ok 03.16.41 # yeah I dropped it on carpet too 03.16.42 # but if it lasts a shed 03.16.44 # lol 03.16.50 # oh lol 03.16.53 # lol 03.16.54 # ok 03.16.57 # the paint on the back of my fm is gone 03.17.02 # ohhh 03.17.06 # what color looks better 03.17.08 # probably because of the heat 03.17.11 # Neo: pink 03.17.12 # oh, don't think the paint on my rec15's gone yet 03.17.18 # pink?\ 03.17.25 # mine looks pretty beat 03.17.33 # esp with the scratched screen and the paint gone 03.17.38 # what color 03.17.39 # works like a charm though 03.17.49 # Neo: lime green 03.17.55 # they have green? 03.17.55 # haven't taken the plastic screen cover off mine yet 03.18.02 # Neo: no 03.18.03 # :) 03.18.09 # lol 03.18.15 # blue or silver 03.18.19 # you could always re spray it :P 03.18.23 # you can spraypaint it later 03.18.24 # :P Sparks 03.18.32 # heh 03.18.56 # I really liked the FM till I saw they took out the digital I/O. I use my recorder 20 to play through my Pioneer reciever's digital input. Sounds great. 03.19.16 # could i record off a portably cd player 03.19.22 # Neo: yes 03.19.35 # ok 03.19.36 # Neo: if you got a two-ended audio cable like comes with computer speakers, yup 03.19.37 # thats cool 03.19.38 # Neo: you can record off any external audio source 03.19.44 # or internal microphone 03.19.44 # ok 03.19.45 # thanks 03.19.50 # another question 03.19.51 # * ClosetPacifist still has his cable from his first speakers, it's yummy. 03.19.52 # i forgot 03.19.54 # or external preamped mic 03.19.58 # nice thing is that you record directly in mp3 03.20.12 # you just connect it to your pc later and get the songs 03.20.19 # s/songs/sounds 03.20.23 # and rockbox now has auto splitting for BIG recording sessions :) 03.20.33 # cool 03.20.39 # yeah.. I used to record 2h lectures 03.21.00 # um, whats some more good things abut it 03.21.03 # ...but they still need the keylock in the recording screen :D 03.21.11 # Did they ever get spliiting to work without losing a tiny amount between tracks? 03.21.16 # forget the internal mic, its awful 03.21.31 # awful if you want good quality 03.21.36 # it picks up all the hd screeches 03.21.42 # but good for recording compromising stuff 03.21.53 # they should make it spin the disk down forst... 03.22.04 # can't really help that with any disk 03.22.24 # * ClosetPacifist takes shelter from the fireworks. 03.23.07 # lool it's the 4th today right 03.23.13 # ya 03.23.14 # I wrote 3rd all day 03.23.17 # heh 03.23.19 # * Sparks wonders what ClosetPacifist of on about! 03.23.20 # in lotsa places 03.23.39 # darn lotech watch 03.23.42 # * ClosetPacifist 's had great fun with the internal mic, and having his recorder in his pocket. 03.23.45 # I have to set it every 2 months 03.23.46 # it's the 5th now (In the UK) 03.24.04 # heh, lucky, you don't have fireworks floatin' bout then! 03.24.38 # I don't either :P 03.24.46 # marf 03.24.57 # thought it was thunder at first... 03.25.02 # ok 03.25.05 # how does it operate 03.25.09 # the buttons 03.25.16 # Neo: you have to push them 03.25.21 # :) you might wana look at the manuel for that 03.25.28 # ClosetPacifist: are you some sort of terrorist? 03.25.28 # u press them, and it does somthing :P 03.25.28 # * ClosetPacifist 's had great fun with the internal mic, and having his recorder in his pocket. 03.25.31 # o really 03.25.33 # no i mean 03.25.35 # how come you're not outside shootin fireworks? 03.25.40 # what kind of buttons 03.25.47 # mm rectangular mostly 03.25.47 # is there a lock button 03.25.49 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/manual/manual.pdf 03.25.49 # thu: eh? cause I'm a geek! 03.25.52 # freature 03.25.53 # plastic buttons 03.25.56 # neo: yes 03.26.06 # we stay inside at our computers all day long, correct? 03.26.06 # is the screen easy to see 03.26.09 # ClosetPacifist: oh.. so you _are_ a terrorist then 03.26.24 # ClosetPacifist: is that a new terrorist group that I didn't hear about yet? 03.26.36 # is the backlight good? 03.26.36 # not in the dark when the backlight has gone ofNeo: 03.26.37 # thu: yup, related to the evil hackers! 03.26.39 # you are clearly antipatriotic 03.26.47 # when the backlight is on 03.26.52 # neo: the backlight is very good 03.26.58 Part telliott 03.27.09 # the contrast is also ajustable in rockbox 03.27.14 # there should be a way to turn the backlight on after you set it to off 03.27.22 # how are the games 03.27.26 # probably not too good 03.27.27 # just basi 03.27.28 # c 03.27.29 # Neo: multiplying 03.27.39 # i did put in a feature request for that @ thu 03.27.43 # Neo: they have doom running on the archos 03.28.04 # Sparks: I usually turn the light off during the day cuz it's really sunny and I don't see it anyway 03.28.07 # then forget about it 03.28.14 # and when I try to use it @ night I have no light 03.28.24 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=677219&group_id=44306&atid=439121 03.28.52 # yeah 03.29.03 # where can u get more games 03.29.04 # doom? 03.29.07 # and http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=677204&group_id=44306&atid=439121 03.29.08 # awesome 03.29.24 # where can u get more games 03.29.29 # doom was a April Fools joke :-) 03.29.34 # damn 03.29.44 # * thu steps on Sparks' foot 03.29.45 # shhhh 03.29.49 # sorry 03.29.53 # where can u get more games 03.29.53 # woah! http://rockbox.haxx.se/doom/camera.jpg 03.30.10 # lol ClosetPacifist 03.30.29 # ClosetPacifist: you can even shoot planes in doom with that left button 03.30.50 # no doom on rockbox? 03.30.53 # didn't see /that/ picture when they released the doomstuffs... heh 03.31.05 # * Sparks apologises, and rubs his foot better 03.31.08 # where can i get a download 03.31.10 # for doom 03.31.21 # Neo: http://rockbox.haxx.se/doom/gogogo.jpg 03.31.41 # yeh 03.31.42 # i see it 03.31.46 # where can i get a download 03.31.46 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/doom/recorder.jpg 03.31.52 # the recorder dl is http://rockbox.haxx.se/doom/ajbrec.ajz 03.32.05 # and its in there 03.32.10 # Neo: there are quite a few games.. tetris, sokoban, wormlet, flipit, othelo, sliding puzzle, star 03.32.12 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/doom/doom-logo-big.jpg 03.32.34 # ya, and with the new rock feature people'll likely be making more 03.32.38 # and is doom in there 03.32.59 # Neo: I heard they are working at doom3 for rockbox now 03.33.05 # lmao 03.33.06 # Neo: they want to release it with the official version 03.33.09 # to support rockbox 03.33.09 # lol 03.33.14 # what doom? 03.33.17 # I have Unreal Tourament ported too 03.33.26 # Neo: doom3 and duke nukem forever 03.33.38 # and can i get doom now? 03.33.46 # Neo: just doom1 for now 03.33.49 # yeh 03.33.52 # where? 03.34.04 # the recorder dl is http://rockbox.haxx.se/doom/ajbrec.ajz 03.34.12 # and its included in there? 03.34.26 # yeah.. it's the rockbox version 03.34.36 # ok 03.34.45 # will rockbox always be free? 03.34.57 # ya 03.35.00 # ok 03.35.00 Quit Master_Debator (Remote closed the connection) 03.35.01 # any Idea when Microsoft Office XP will be finished for the Archos? 03.35.03 # cool 03.35.13 # office xp? 03.35.19 # it's open source and such, and I belive the liscense prevents anything else 03.35.27 # Sparks: they had some problems with the windows emulation for xp 03.35.43 # I don't think wine for rockbox can run anything newer than office 2000 03.35.45 # okay, i heard it was somthing to do with the USB mouse driver? 03.36.01 # oh 03.36.08 # I fixed the windows emulation bug 03.36.17 # it was an error in the CreateFile emulation 03.36.46 # CreateFile on Windows returns -2147483648 on error instead of NULL 03.36.55 # :P 03.36.56 # ok, i lost track of that a while ago 03.37.00 # that was an easy one to fix 03.37.05 # windows always return null 03.37.15 # not from CreateFile 03.37.16 # no matter what you try to do with it 03.37.17 # everything else tho 03.37.22 # windows = null 03.38.51 # im confused 03.38.57 # how can u get windows on an archos 03.39.01 # the words of wisdom have been spoken 03.39.16 # Neo: windows only takes up 1-2G 03.39.20 # the recorder has a 20G drive 03.39.24 # yeh 03.39.32 # but u cant use windows on the small screen 03.39.50 # it's kinda hard.. especially with the usb mouse driver not working 03.39.55 # you have to use mouse keys 03.40.12 # but how does it look? 03.40.35 # it looks pretty good 03.40.45 # they're still having problems with the 3d acceleration though 03.40.49 # so you can't play any games yet 03.41.05 # u can actually use it 03.41.11 # on the tiny screen? 03.41.42 # it's not great but it's good for when you're on the move 03.41.58 # there is a cable that you can plug a monitor into too 03.42.12 # so 03.42.24 # that's a hack though.. you have to open the archos 03.42.24 Quit Snorlax () 03.42.24 # is the start like one pixel large? 03.42.33 # Neo: no.. it has a virtual screen.. you can scroll around 03.42.40 # o 03.42.41 # the start button is assigned to a function key 03.42.45 # but it must be annoying 03.42.57 # mm I didn't know that 03.42.57 # I have to try it 03.42.57 # right? 03.42.57 # F2 03.43.06 # yeah F2 isn't used by the firmware 03.43.10 # that's why 03.43.23 # do u have a screenshot of windows 03.43.25 # hard to believe 03.43.28 # windows on the archos 03.43.52 # mine is recharging now 03.43.55 # but I can take a picture of it later 03.43.56 # I dont, but i can take a picture if i can find me camera 03.44.44 # who's written some rockbox code here? 03.44.47 # Stevie-O: ? 03.45.02 # can u do it now 03.45.07 # im buying in the morning 03.45.09 # its ok if u cant 03.45.22 # Neo: you can ask the circuit city guys to demo it for you 03.45.28 # * ClosetPacifist would be playing with rocks if gcc would compile >.< 03.46.13 # no 03.46.19 # not with windows 03.46.37 # thats all i want to see 03.46.38 # they must have one installed around 03.46.46 # archos with windows? 03.46.57 # yeah.. ask the circuit city guys 03.47.04 # seriously? 03.47.07 # they must know about it if they're selling it 03.47.13 # they'd put windows on it 03.47.17 # doubt it 03.47.17 # i got the camera, but I think my cable is at work (The same ones the Archos uses, I was using it today when i should have been working :) 03.47.20 # sure.. if you ask them 03.47.29 # Sparks: those cables are hard to get :( 03.47.31 # and expensive 03.47.40 # what do i say "do u have archos with a windows installed on it" 03.47.52 # yeah.. maybe they do 03.47.56 # doubt it 03.47.59 # 'd spect so since they didn't use the propper usb cable type, heh 03.48.09 # but u can watch movies on this then 03.48.20 # the archos multimedia is optimized for movies 03.48.25 # yeh 03.48.27 # you can play and record divx 03.48.32 # but its 300 03.48.40 # yeah 03.48.43 # yeh 03.48.46 # do u have it? 03.48.58 # no.. when I got mine it was more than 300 03.49.10 # o 03.49.14 # oO 03.49.16 # dont really need that 03.49.36 # well, since ur claiming u can put windows on the recorder, cant u play movies in black in white? 03.49.37 # if they do have the windows version in circuit city, make sure you get the Version SE3 - the previous version had a bug that ran the battery down too quick 03.49.39 # why would you want windows on an archos when we've got rockbox 03.50.16 # u guys keep saying uve put windows on the archos 03.50.18 # they come that way? 03.50.24 # PsycoXul: ms office doesn't work well under rockbox 03.50.34 # PsycoXul: it works much better on windows 03.50.47 # thu: thats your opinion 03.50.48 # Neo: yeah but nobody cares about it 03.50.50 # like PsycoXul here 03.50.55 # they all like to run rockbox 03.51.01 # they say it's better than windows :( 03.51.09 # yeh 03.51.15 # but windows u wouldnt be able to see 03.51.28 # does it look like my windows screen now 03.51.31 # just really small? 03.51.39 # something like that 03.51.42 # it's like Windows CE 03.51.44 # hmm 03.51.49 # u haveto download it 03.51.51 # imagine a pda running windows 03.51.51 # ? 03.51.53 # I don't know what your screen looks like 03.52.00 # and think of like taking a piece of cardboard 03.52.02 # or can i use my xp cd here 03.52.07 # and cutting out a hole the size of your archos screen 03.52.11 # but it is Windows SE (Smaller Edition) 03.52.13 # and then putting that over the pda's screen 03.52.19 # Neo: no.. you have to upload it through usb 03.52.24 # and when you move the pointer, you move the window 03.52.38 # it's like that 03.52.45 # Neo: or connect one of the archos external cdroms to your jukebox 03.52.59 # Neo: see the archos website for info on getting external cdroms 03.53.06 # they even have cd writers 03.53.07 # sorry guys, im confused 03.53.22 # no problem.. so are we sometimes 03.53.40 # u use a windows cd to install to your archos recorder beacuse it acts like a harddrive 03.53.49 # then on the tiny tiny screen windows appears 03.53.56 # right? 03.54.07 # you can only use the cd if you get an archos external cdrom 03.54.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.54.15 # the "Windows professional Sp1" 03.54.23 # that's buggy 03.54.25 # why cant i install it from windows 03.54.28 # you must use sp3 03.54.39 # ok 03.54.42 # can you install windows on another pc from windows? 03.54.48 # yeh 03.55.06 # it is Windows SE3 - this is the latest version 03.55.15 # but u can see "a desktop" on the archos? 03.55.22 # Neo: if you want to use your cd you must also buy one of these http://www.archos.com/products/prw_500364.html 03.55.33 # SE3 = Smaller Edition, service pack 3 03.55.52 # Neo: the screen is kinda small but it works 03.56.13 # archos sells external dvdroms as accessories to the jukeboxes 03.56.25 # wehre do i get smaller edition? 03.56.46 # you can just use 2000 03.56.57 # 2000? 03.57.00 # don't listen to Sparks.. I don't think SE is even out yet 03.57.03 # windows 2000 03.57.09 # he must have a beta or something 03.57.18 # you can crash your jukebox with it 03.57.21 # windows 2000 sp3 03.57.35 # how have u guys put windows on ur juekbox 03.58.08 # you just copy the kit on the drive and then reboot the jukebox 03.58.18 # or you get one of those external drives and boot from cdrom 03.59.11 # its black and white 03.59.19 # yeah :( 03.59.28 # you have to get a multimedia archos if you want color screen 03.59.31 # do u have a screen shot of windows on the jukebox 04.00.39 # lemme see where is my camera 04.01.18 # thanks 04.01.22 # i really wanto see it 04.01.24 # email me 04.01.30 # @ rubberdukkie52@aol.com 04.03.37 # ok? 04.03.57 # i think he is looking for his camera! 04.04.00 # o 04.04.01 # sorry 04.04.17 # sparks 04.04.21 # yep 04.04.26 # have u had luck with windows on the archos 04.04.51 # how do you mean luck? 04.05.37 # does it work? 04.05.37 Quit BoD[] ("zalza") 04.06.06 # yea, it takes a while to master the controls though, but like anything you get used to ut 04.06.20 # yeh 04.06.28 # do u ahve a screen of it? 04.07.13 # i have a photo, but i havent got my camera's cable :( 04.07.44 # u mean its on the camera 04.07.49 # but u cant find the cable? 04.07.52 # thats sucks 04.07.57 # i wanto see it! 04.08.40 # it is the same cable as the Archos, but i left it at work, wich is a bummer, as i have loads of stuff i want to put on the Archos :(:(:( 04.08.56 # o 04.08.59 # yeh 04.09.13 # do u think thu found his camera 04.09.30 # he probally got sidetracked 04.09.32 # u found yr camera thu? 04.09.39 # and fired off some fireworks instead, heh 04.09.45 # yeh 04.09.46 # lol 04.10.36 # have u heard of the Rio Riot 20 gig mp3 player? 04.11.15 # I have heard of Rio, but haven't been following their stuff now I have the Archos :) 04.11.25 # the archos is better? 04.12.07 # i dont know, but I am more than happy with the Archos (With Rockbox) so i havent been looking at others 04.12.23 # how loud does it get? 04.12.34 # the archos? 04.13.22 # Neo: you mean how loud does the Archos get? 04.13.51 # yes 04.14.06 # depends on what you plug it in to! 04.14.20 # plug it into a 2KW amplifier, and it is REALLY loud! 04.14.20 # headphone 04.14.24 # the ones it comes with 04.14.46 # they are not brilliant IMO - i prefer the in-ear ones 04.14.46 # they have a little volume knob 04.15.19 # is there adjustable volume on the archos? 04.15.22 # there better be 04.15.44 # of course 0-100 04.15.50 # ok 04.15.53 # how loud does 50 get 04.16.00 # loud enough? 04.16.06 # and there is a volume control on the headphones 04.16.58 # i have mine on 68% right now 04.17.02 # ok 04.17.08 # what kind of music u listen 2> 04.17.12 # but 100% is well loud 04.17.49 # Stuff like Euphoria, Clubland.. 04.18.26 # * ClosetPacifist listens to Aphex Twin, noisemusic, Mechwarrior 2, electricfunstuff,etc. 04.18.53 # lol fuck this 04.18.57 # the gimp got stuck and i lost my image 04.19.01 # no more windows on archos 04.19.07 # currently listining to http://www.discogs.com/release/85903 04.19.34 # ha 04.19.36 # no image? 04.19.41 # no image 04.20.04 # * thu listens to some weird medieval music he got off emusic 04.20.52 # o 04.20.56 # yeh 04.21.13 # well 04.21.15 # im off 04.21.20 # i think ill buy one tomorrow 04.21.21 # hey thu 04.21.26 # good for you 04.21.28 # cya, best of luck 04.21.29 # if u ever get that pic (hope u do) 04.21.34 # email me 04.21.37 # ok 04.21.38 # rubberdukkie52@aol.com 04.21.41 # thanks 04.21.49 # if u have available 04.21.52 # email other screens 04.22.02 # of the jukebox itself 04.22.06 # just pics of it 04.22.07 # thanks 04.22.08 # bye 04.22.09 # you can find tons of that on the net 04.22.10 # bye 04.22.10 Quit Neo ("Client exiting") 04.22.12 # ask them in Circuit City - they are not allowed to promote it, but if you ask, they will proabbaly show u 04.22.26 # he he he 04.22.32 # :D :P 04.22.45 # that was too much 04.22.53 # unfortunatelly my talents with the gimp are slim to none 04.23.33 # * thu is away 04.36.27 Quit keithhub ("Client exiting") 04.39.45 # * Sparks is Away also 04.40.59 # * Sparks is Going to bed... 04.41.30 # cya 04.42.06 # * Sparks waves, and prepares to enter the real world... 04.42.28 Quit Sparks () 05.04.46 Join artine [0] (~artine@gso163-14-223.triad.rr.com) 05.06.24 # Greetings all. Got a bit of a question. I just added some new directory sorting features to the Rockbox that seem to work just fine on the Archos, but not the X11 sim. I've traced the problem down to x11_readdir, but I get stumped in there. Where is x11_dirent defined? I need to add two members to it, but I can't find it anywhere... 05.07.24 # I did a search through the entire file tree for any files containing any reference to it, none of the files it returned had its definition. Did a scan through my entire directory structure. No go. I'm reallly stumped on this one. 05.08.33 # Any ideas on even how to approach this one? 05.11.27 # nada kloo 05.34.28 Join OliverKlozoff [0] (whatsit2u@user-2inil7l.dialup.mindspring.com) 05.35.35 # ow 05.43.01 Quit Stevie-O (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 05.54.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.02.11 Join joshn [0] (joshn@ 06.04.45 # does anyone else think it's rather ironic 06.04.53 # that one of the sponsors for a race car driver 06.05.00 # is Smirnoff Ice? 06.06.56 # lol 06.12.47 Join earHurts [0] (~zic@pool-138-88-169-239.res.east.verizon.net) 06.13.45 # How are yiu gentlemen? 06.15.51 # it is you!! 06.15.56 # earHurts: any emusic suggestions? 06.16.03 # earHurts: I don't know what to get 06.16.19 # earHurts: and btw some people are saying emusic is capped at 2000 songs / monthg 06.16.21 # What genres you into? 06.16.25 # Yeah, I heard about that, too. 06.16.33 # it's against their policy 06.16.37 # they can be sued or something 06.16.45 # it says UNLIMITED on their first page 06.16.46 # It doesn't affect me 'cuz I never download that much, but it still pisses me off that they say unlimited and then cap you at 2000 06.16.49 # yeah 06.17.00 # I got almost 300 songs in the first day 06.17.10 # so it looks like I'll be there to test it soon 06.17.13 # I'm sure. eMusic is too fun :-) 06.17.19 # so.. suggestions? 06.17.25 # Well, what genres do you like? 06.17.26 # new age / jazz 06.17.33 # some world but ambientalized 06.17.37 # mm maybe blues 06.18.09 # dunno anything 06.18.14 # just tell me what you got last and liked 06.18.22 # Jazz: Bill Evans' Waltz for Debbie or anything from Miles Davis 06.18.38 # I like folk & classical 06.18.49 # I didn't get into classical yet 06.18.56 # I have to look at it some early morning 06.19.07 # ::nods:: They've got some pretty good selections in classical, but not nearly enough, IMHO. 06.19.14 # I don't know about the cap, but downloads see, to be slower the more I have queued OR completed 06.19.16 # today at 6am I was getting > 300KB/s from emusic 06.19.40 # World: Gabrielle Roth's Bardo is fantastic. Not a big fan of their others, though. 06.19.56 # so if I 'clear completed' form the dlm, it moves a bit faster 06.20.11 # s/form/from 06.20.13 # earHurts: How odd... I oughta check that out sometime. 06.20.30 # I'm obsessed by an Ancient Future song 06.20.47 # thu: Which'n? 06.20.50 # Playing: Ancient Future - Ne Po Pogrebu Bochonochek [120/475] 06.21.02 # mm I seem to have 475 songs from emusic now :) 06.21.08 # thu: Hmm... Don't think I've heard that one, oughta check it out :-) 06.21.10 # and this is my 2nd day 06.21.16 # the classical is what really does it for me; I'm afraid of buying classical cds for fear of getting bad renditions 06.21.29 # artine: it's a russian folk song but I heard it before and it somehow stuck to my mind 06.21.43 # so getting them form emusic really allows me to branch out 06.21.52 # earHurts: I hate the concert ones where you hear people cough and stuff 06.22.02 # studio recordings are generally good 06.22.06 # well for my taste anyway 06.22.13 # earHurts: Yeah, that's true. But they never seem to have the ones I'm looking for :-/ 06.22.13 # I really like the Koch & drg lablels 06.22.39 # do you guys like Gilbert & Sullivan? 06.22.46 # never heard of them 06.22.49 # what do they do? 06.22.50 # Nor've I. 06.23.05 # light comedic opera 06.23.13 # Hmmm... Are they on eMusic? 06.23.15 # Pirates of Penzance 06.23.22 # lol I even found gypsy music 06.23.24 # HMS|Pinafore? 06.23.35 # emusic has a best of 06.23.47 # * thu getting gabrielle roth 06.24.42 # how manu queued songs are you capped at? 06.24.55 # didn't try 06.25.05 # I generally have 1 album coming and another one queued 06.25.08 # the rest in in the stash 06.25.15 # 45, IIRC. 06.25.18 # try to queue as many as you can 06.25.22 # I'll be unhappy when they cap me at 2k songs though 06.25.28 # it's 35 for me 06.25.31 # probably before monday :-\ 06.25.40 # thu: I think what they do is eMail you and threaten to cancel your account if you hit 2000 :-/ 06.25.50 # thu: At least, that's the impression I've gotten from people on the Message Boards. 06.25.52 # artine: hehe to much bandwidth? :) 06.26.00 # half a cent per track, huh? 06.26.05 # thu: That and cutting into profits since they have to pay so much for each track downloaded. 06.26.13 # artine: thing is I can't leave a bot downloading or anything like that 06.26.23 # so I'm not a harvester 06.26.28 # I'm doing it by hand 06.26.31 # the site says unlimited 06.26.37 # so I'm not breaking any agreement with them 06.26.44 # yeah, I'd be happier with a cap if I could queue a bunch at a time 06.26.46 # thu: Yeah. I think people using bots are jerks, but somebody downloading by hand should be able to download as many as they want. 06.26.48 # if they said 2000 it would be ok 06.26.56 # heh it would be easy to use a bot 06.27.00 # if they said, precisely 06.27.03 # thu: I, and tons of people on the boards, agree wholeheartedly. 06.27.17 # you could just feed the downloader one album at a time 06.27.24 # and watch the bandwidth to see when it's finished 06.27.30 # but I don't do that :( 06.27.57 # not my fault that I wake up early in the morning and emusic works so good :) 06.28.04 # Hee hee :-) 06.28.07 # I think I got something like 6 albums while I was shaving 06.28.20 # how many tracks? 06.28.43 # Playing: Ella Fitzgerald - Since I Fell For You [253/484] 06.28.47 # 484 06.28.50 # since yesterday 06.28.53 # oh 06.29.00 # not whilst shaving 06.29.15 # in the morning I got something like 50 tracks at least 06.29.16 # probably more 06.29.26 # around 300kb/s 06.29.37 # is the fitzgerald vbr? 06.29.43 # yues 06.29.51 # gonna go get that. 06.30.05 # I've got a few of hers already 06.30.14 # gabrielle roth sounds good 06.30.23 # what genre? 06.30.25 # earHurts: yeah lots of her albums.. I didn't know what to get 06.30.27 # jazz of course 06.30.28 # top of list 06.30.40 # new jazz or old style? 06.30.49 # go to jazz and she's on top of the list 06.30.57 # thu: Yeah, I really dig that Gabrielle Roth album. I was so excited to get all the others, but they don't sound anything like that one. 06.30.59 # bebop I think 06.31.06 # hmm 06.31.42 # I'm so used to p2p networks that I can't stand an idle downloader 06.31.45 # I like to feed it all the time 06.32.20 # i prefer legality 06.32.49 # I prefer the consistent sound quality of eMusic. I tried the p2p networks for a while, but there was no QC. Such a pain. 06.32.53 # I like emusic too 06.33.04 # yeah I can't say I got too much off p2p 06.33.08 # mostly out of friends 06.33.11 # who got it out of friends 06.33.13 # etc 06.33.18 # who encoded it 06.33.45 # Damn! My settings aren't applying unless I save and load them. I'm so close to having this feature fully implemented, and yet so far. 06.33.46 # want to do a test guys? 06.33.48 # oh and that guy who let me copy his 70 mp3 cd collection 06.34.01 # settings are a bitch 06.34.09 # who's implementing what? 06.34.15 # earHurts: Yeah they are 06.34.22 # settings don't save until the disk spins for another reason 06.34.22 # thu: I"m adding some new sorting features to RockBox 06.34.44 # artine: how hard is it to write a rock if i've never played with stuff like this before? 06.34.44 # earHurts: Some settings do seem to take effect immediately (show files of type (dirfilter)) for example. 06.35.00 # artine: in other words how much hardware do I have to know and how much is just C api? 06.35.00 # are not saved to disk 06.35.20 # artine: I was thinking of doing some sync software 06.35.27 # it's all C unless you want to talk directly to the hardware 06.35.39 # let's do a test of emusic. 06.35.42 # hmm I don't think I need to do that 06.35.45 # okay.. test what? 06.35.55 # thu: Depends on what you're doing. For me, it was mostly just API, except for getting the time/dates of files when they were being loaded. 06.36.03 # I'd only need to store the pc music library on the jukebox 06.36.04 # d/l speed: we all d/l the same thing 06.36.07 # thu: But for sync software, you'd prolly need to know a bit more hardware. 06.36.09 # then browse it and save requests in a file 06.36.20 # artine: nah.. the syncing is done by the pc software 06.36.30 # artine: it just moves music in and out 06.36.31 # earHurts: Can't join in the test, I'm on my development platform, so I don't have the DLM installed :-/ 06.37.00 # artine: the only thing that I must do on the archos is to store and browse the pc media library and save requests into a file 06.37.08 # artine: I got the idea from neuros 06.37.11 # it has software that does that 06.37.17 # thu: (Although it took me a good 1.5 hours just to find the parts of the code that I needed to be working with.) 06.37.18 # you can request a file from the hard drive when you're on the move 06.37.27 # then when you sync you get the stuff 06.37.44 # thu: Hmm... That'd be pretty cool... That seems like it'd be more of a computer thing than an archos prog, though. 06.37.50 # right 06.37.53 # yeah 06.37.57 # I'm no archos programmer either 06.38.12 # thu: If you know C, you can learn the archos pretty quickly. 06.38.18 # it still needs to have a library manager and a browser on rockbox 06.38.35 # I'm not sure what happens when you move the files on your pc though 06.39.17 # artine: also my alternate idea was an interactive text-to-speech generated nethack kind of game 06.39.22 # thu: Post your idea to the listserv and see if you can get some suggestions. 06.39.35 # artine: that would be sweet in a perverse kind of way 06.39.52 # thu: I don't think that's really feasible on the archos hardware, actually. 06.40.08 # artine: why not? can't you play short mp3s? 06.40.15 # games with sound won't be playable with music playing 06.40.22 # I realize that 06.40.34 # thu: Oh, yeah, you can do that. I thought you meant generating the speech in realtime. 06.40.42 # no 06.40.47 # just filling a dir with tons of short files 06.40.55 # generated automatically with a text to speech engine 06.40.59 # thu: Ah, that might be conceivable. 06.41.21 # artine: so you'd have a sort of interactive book on tape 06.41.30 # * artine nods 06.41.32 # artine: that's more work though 06.41.37 # thu: Lots. 06.41.43 # artine: and it needs a good TTS engine.. like at&t 06.41.46 # thu: But it could be a fun little project. 06.42.02 # mm I wonder how much text nethack has in it 06.42.26 # lots 06.42.38 # still.. voice doesn't need hiq sound 06.43.02 # the other problem would be that it would require tons of disk access 06.43.09 # so the drive would be spinning non-stop 06.43.21 # buh bye battery life 06.43.41 # oh well.. back to the sync software then :) 06.43.46 # thu: Heh. Good point. 06.43.58 # um 06.43.58 # artine: any idea how much memory a recorder has? 06.44.05 # the buffer thing 06.44.08 # thu: 2MB, I believe. 06.44.38 # about 1.6 for the mp3 06.44.39 # not enough for any intelligent sound preloading 06.44.48 Quit joshn () 06.45.01 # okay.. getting back to the real world 06.45.10 # Hee hee 06.45.10 # what features would you guys like in a rockbox syncer 06.45.11 # ? 06.45.23 # I'm still evaluating whether I wanna get into this 06.45.46 # somebody on the list already has a syncer 06.45.54 # oh they do? 06.45.56 # you might look at his 06.46.01 # thu: Think CVS... It'd be frickin' awesome if I could just type archos-sync update, and then it automatically updates my MP3s onto the archos 06.46.01 # link 06.46.01 # ? 06.46.06 # dunno 06.46.17 # I use another product 06.46.27 # * ClosetPacifist just types archstuff to sync his. 06.46.27 # product? 06.46.29 # I just want to mirror 06.46.40 # oh I don't mean mirror 06.46.49 # I mean 80G of mp3 on pc and 20G of space on archos 06.46.51 # like in my case 06.46.56 # mirroring is easy 06.47.10 # yeah, that's why I have 60 on the archos 06.47.21 # ::drools:: 06.47.34 # and a bent case 06.47.37 # I'm too destructive to upgrade mine 06.47.40 # Ouch. What happened? 06.47.50 # he used a bigger hammer :) 06.47.53 # like the good book says 06.47.55 # LOL 06.47.56 # I bent it to swap the drives 06.48.25 # no bigge 06.49.34 # * thu wonders where his irc logs are 06.51.59 # Okay, this is weird now. My settings will become effective immediately if I also change other settings, but not if I change mine alone... 06.52.38 # you probably forgot to call some code 06.52.51 # reboot. set your settings. play a track. reboot. 06.53.20 # you did and code to settings_save 06.53.32 # OliverKlozoff: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. But dirfilter is one of those that takes place immediately, and I'm not doing anything markedly different from it. 06.53.33 # * thu looks for his good rockbox ideas in his irc logs 06.53.45 # earHurts: Yep, it's all added. 06.53.48 # oh right.. stats 06.54.04 # some rockbox watchdog that could tell ya about stuff you keep around but you never listen to 06.54.35 # there is an id3 tag for that 06.54.40 # consider using it 06.54.47 # thu: Yeah, that was a cool feature that I like about the Rio back when I was researching portable MP3 players. I was gonna try to implement something like that, but I decided it was too much hassle :-) 06.55.06 # hmm but then again there is stuff I keep around because I want the whole discography 06.55.15 # btw, windows media player will severely fuck with your tags 06.55.35 # unfortunatelly it doesn't work well on linux :) 06.58.07 # whats windows media player? 06.58.10 # is that like winamp? 06.58.23 # yeah 06.58.29 # it's like xmms but worse 06.58.43 # damned thing even added a copyright to my mp3s 06.59.10 # I got them from emusic; emusic could have added a copyright if one was needed 06.59.10 # earHurts: You mean just playing an MP3 will cause it to write ID3 tags??? 06.59.18 # yes 06.59.23 # earHurts: Yikes... 06.59.31 # there are settings to disable this 07.00.18 # it also adds proprietart tags, with tag titles prefixed WM/ 07.00.42 # Most unpleasant. 07.00.58 # it does do a good job of looking up track composers though 07.01.14 # what is needed is a freedb for id3 tags 07.01.25 # That'd be spiffy. 07.03.24 # wmp also has the worst interface this side of music match 07.04.25 # fortunately, I've stayed with a much older version of wmp at home 07.07.15 # Okay, maybe someone can help me. My new settings take effect if I reboot the machine, if I play a file, or if I change another setting. But they do not take effect immediately just from changing my setting. My setting pretty much requires the box to reload the directory listing. Any idea how I can force that to happen? 07.08.50 # Wait, I take that back: simply playing a file does not cause it to take effect. 07.08.53 # oh, you wante the dir cache invalidated? 07.09.08 # earHurts: That's my current theory, yes. :-) 07.09.28 # becasuse you change the sort order? 07.09.56 # earHurts: Right. 07.10.31 # dunno how, but tree.c probably has a way to invalidate the cache 07.11.15 # earHurts: You're prolly right. I'll have a little look-see. 07.23.11 # Hmm... I got it working through a bit of a hack. In build_dir, I told it to always reload_root when it returns from main_menu. Now I just need to figure out why main_menu is returning true for the other settings and not mine... 07.23.50 # I assume true means a change occurred? 07.24.05 # Or, dirbrowse(), rather than build_dir() 07.24.24 # * thu downloading loong ambiental tracks 07.24.35 # earHurts: Well, no actually... True means USB is connected... At least, that's the only condition I can find for it to return true. That and there being some sort of function attached to the menu item. (Which there isn't for dirfilter) 07.24.44 # get bamboo rainsticks 07.25.20 # yup it's on my list 07.25.27 # is there a todo list for rockbox? 07.25.32 # maybe you need a special function then, which will return true on a change 07.25.36 # something a new guy might look at for places to start? 07.25.49 # look at the requests list 07.25.50 # thu: Feature Requests, from the main page 07.26.23 # earHurts: Yeah, I was thinking I could do that if all else fails. Just doesn't make sense that mine would need it and the others, which are of the same format, wouldn't... 07.26.57 # the others don't need to invalidate the cache, do they? 07.28.59 # darn I have no way of implementing any of this stuff 07.29.35 # earHurts: Yes. The ones I've played with, anyway. 07.29.38 # hmm this is cool.. automatic volume adjustment using the builtin mic 07.29.43 # I wonder if it's possible 07.29.50 # it's not 07.30.07 # I asked about doing that a couple of days ago 07.30.19 # mic doesn't worl while playing 07.30.19 # too bad 07.30.31 # they should close the request then 07.31.08 # what about sound activated recording? 07.31.36 # that should be doable 07.32.02 # thu: But prolly not a good first project... 07.32.08 # heh what is then 07.32.12 # problem is this: data is put into mp3 format BEFORE you see it 07.32.16 # thu: Might be better to start with something a bit easier, just to learn about it. 07.32.20 # Write a driver for Windows XP that is digitally signed. 07.32.24 # mm nice request :) 07.32.42 # only micros~1 signs stuff iirc 07.33.18 # you want a project, thu? 07.33.25 # earHurts: I'm considering one 07.33.43 # ok, I'll give you a simple on to start with 07.33.54 # what would that b? 07.34.54 # make the play button, for directories, do what on+playlplaylistlinsert first does 07.35.08 # in other words, play a directory 07.35.31 # hmm got it 07.35.36 # That'd be very nice. 07.35.44 # And shouldn't be too terribly tough. 07.36.10 # how would you get into the dir then? 07.36.22 # right button 07.36.31 # mm right 07.36.51 # might not do for players 07.37.21 # okay I'll start with the first time docs 07.37.25 # see where I get to 07.37.28 # ok, can you have that by, say, Monday? 07.37.56 # I have no idea 07.38.08 # probably not but who knows 07.38.48 # Then you're fired! 07.38.56 # damn contractors! 07.39.11 # Hee hee. Fired from a volunteer, open source project. :-) 07.39.28 # Gawd, thu, pitiful :-P 07.39.37 # * thu ducks 07.39.38 # and I'm not even a member of the executive cmmtt 07.42.35 # hmm on news.gmane.org there is nothing from the mailing list 07.42.40 # just a single message 07.54.17 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.56.26 # Whoa... I finally figured it out. I just got unlucky: turns out there's a special case in dirbrowse() for the two settings that I had tested. LOL. Programming drives me nuts sometimes :-) 07.56.56 # told ya 07.57.30 # Hee hee. 07.57.34 # Sneaky little bastards. 07.57.52 # It was in the middle of a 4 line if clause... 07.59.36 # lot of that sort of thing in rockbox 08.01.56 # Sweet. It works now. 08.01.58 # Bedtime 08.01.59 # :-) 08.02.02 # Have a good one, all. 08.02.20 # night 08.02.35 Quit artine ("Client Exiting") 08.05.57 # nite 08.05.58 # i'm off too 08.06.10 # got myself a river flowing 08.06.14 # made me sleepy 08.06.29 Quit thu ("zZz") 08.37.52 Part jzoss ("Client exiting") 08.50.19 Quit ClosetPacifist ("sleep filled with GREEN!") 09.00.09 Quit earHurts (Remote closed the connection) 09.02.03 Join earHurts [0] (~zic@pool-138-88-169-239.res.east.verizon.net) 09.02.10 # xxx 09.10.13 Quit earHurts (Remote closed the connection) 09.12.15 Join earHurts [0] (~zic@pool-138-88-169-239.res.east.verizon.net) 09.13.25 Quit earHurts (Remote closed the connection) 09.54.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.41.07 Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@AC86F479.ipt.aol.com) 10.41.20 # mornin 11.00.00 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") 11.10.19 Join _aLF [0] (~alex@AGrenoble-203-1-3-36.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr) 11.28.12 Join Quelsaruk [20] (~Swordmast@faerun.ugr.es) 11.28.20 # morning 11.43.57 # <_aLF> hello 11.54.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.29.35 Join VoronoV [0] (jirc@ABordeaux-204-1-2-208.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr) 12.42.50 Quit VoronoV ("Leaving") 13.09.00 Quit Quelsaruk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.26.36 Join devZer0 [0] (devZer0@p508754F3.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.40.41 Part devZer0 13.54.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.26.06 Join earHurts [0] (~zic@pool-138-88-169-239.res.east.verizon.net) 14.28.52 Join jzoss [0] (~jzoss@cs6711154-146.satx.rr.com) 14.34.49 Join DJT [0] (~djt@host217-40-153-242.in-addr.btopenworld.com) 15.01.02 Join dionoea [0] (~dionoea@m127.net81-65-66.noos.fr) 15.02.37 Quit dionoea (Remote closed the connection) 15.03.23 Join joshn [0] (joshn@ 15.20.16 # hmmm, just sent a post to gmane.comp.syxtems....rockbox.general and it hasn't appeared, is it not possible to post directly to the newsgroup? 15.28.48 Quit joshn (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 15.54.24 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.08.24 Quit DJT () 16.26.04 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.54.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.40.54 Join telliott [0] (telliott@ 18.47.25 Part telliott 19.49.03 Join Guest [0] (~jirc@p508E832A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 19.50.46 Quit Guest (Client Quit) 19.54.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.39.13 Join eXus_ [0] (~Khan@tonkin-1-82-67-35-7.fbx.proxad.net) 20.39.23 # hi 20.39.50 # need some help (again) 20.41.47 # I ask, hope someone'll answer : what the value of the tension delivered by the FM recorder charger (9V 600mA) when unplugged from the player ? 20.42.54 # (mean is it an intelligent charger, which delivers a tension only if plugged to some device ?) 20.44.17 Nick eXus_ is now known as eXus (~Khan@tonkin-1-82-67-35-7.fbx.proxad.net) 20.53.56 Join DJT [0] (~djt@host217-40-153-242.in-addr.btopenworld.com) 20.54.08 Quit DJT (Client Quit) 21.01.09 Join ClosetPacifist [0] (trevorsa@ppp04.sns3.NewportNews.visi.net) 21.05.55 Part jzoss ("Client exiting") 21.10.56 # * OliverKlozoff yawns 21.11.06 # tension? 21.29.08 Join thu [0] (~thu@h24-87-64-169.vc.shawcable.net) 21.30.06 # sup thu 21.30.15 # hey 21.31.10 # you wouldn't happen to be loaded with experience on writing Windows device drivers, would you? 21.39.30 # far from that 21.39.37 # I'm not even using windows 21.40.58 # sorry Oliver, didn't saw u'r question 21.41.35 # yeah, tension (is it the wrong word ????) 21.50.54 # * ClosetPacifist hunts down someone who has the sh1 compiler on their OSX system. 21.54.22 Join _Jiggy_ [0] (~none@proxy.dsservice.net) 21.54.31 # <_Jiggy_> 'lo guys 21.54.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.54.41 # ello 21.54.58 # <_Jiggy_> Heya mate, you involved in this project ? 21.55.21 # not really, just use it and try to get the cross compiler running 21.55.32 # <_Jiggy_> :) 21.56.20 # <_Jiggy_> I found my Archos earlier, haven't played with it for a year or so and remembered the start of an open source firmware project... anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to the developers. Works a treat. 22.01.16 Nick _Jiggy_ is now known as JigAway (~none@proxy.dsservice.net) 22.28.48 Join joshn [0] (joshn@ 22.52.36 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~idc-drago@pD9E34969.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.52.56 # <[IDC]Dragon> 'Evening! 22.56.02 # * ClosetPacifist waves. 22.56.39 Quit [IDC]Dragon (Client Quit) 23.03.43 Quit eXus () 23.08.14 Join Nibbler [0] (~Nibbler@port-212-202-193-217.reverse.qdsl-home.de) 23.11.42 Quit joshn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.13.31 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~idc-drago@pD9E34969.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.14.26 # <[IDC]Dragon> Does anybody know if and how I can distinguish Player/Recorder/FM at _runtime_? 23.14.39 # hmmmm. 23.14.43 # an interesting challenge 23.15.08 # <[IDC]Dragon> I don't like 3 builds for my boot code. 23.15.14 # it should be easy for the player vs non-player 23.15.28 # <[IDC]Dragon> By what? 23.15.36 # oh, I see 23.16.01 # ok, the Players have a different ATA addressing method 23.16.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> Which is found out how? 23.17.12 # well 23.17.15 # probing? 23.17.40 # theres ata probing code in RB 23.17.49 # <[IDC]Dragon> YOu may be right, I think I've seen that code. 23.18.02 # if you look 23.18.14 # ata.c points ATA_NSECTOR at 0x06100102 23.18.42 # ATA_NSECTOR is actually 0x06100002 on a player 23.18.53 # and 0x06000102 on a recorder/fm 23.20.08 # <[IDC]Dragon> These registers are physically in the harddrive? 23.21.56 # <[IDC]Dragon> gotta go, see you! 23.22.02 Quit [IDC]Dragon () 23.54.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"