--- Log for 12.10.103 Server: orwell.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 1 month and 9 days ago 00.00.01 # Updating dependencies for /home/rockbox/poo/onplay.c 00.00.02 # onplay.c:31:18: lang.h: No such file or directory 00.00.06 # is that an error? 00.00.25 # i'm getting a ton of there 00.00.27 # these 00.00.42 # nah i don't think so 00.00.49 # ok cool 00.00.49 # the dependancies stuff always gets things like that 00.00.56 # if it doesn't stop the process then it's not a real error 00.01.01 # its going 00.02.25 # compling takes forever 00.03.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.05.34 # its done 00.06.15 # it actually compiled with a patch 00.06.32 # thanks for helping dsg 00.08.33 # damnit 00.08.52 # my rockbox does resume at stupid moments 00.08.52 # what 00.09.02 # ? 00.09.11 # like when it shuts itself down.. like after to have finished playlist 00.09.19 # and then when i boot.. it wants to resume 00.09.45 # how did it shut itself down 00.10.03 # timeout 00.10.08 # oh 00.10.10 # like out of boredom 00.10.35 # maybe it doesnt save the fact that its done w the playlist 00.11.34 # uhm 00.11.48 # its always a playlist in rockbox 00.12.05 # so its never done with it 00.12.09 # i dont know 00.12.23 # i do :) 00.12.30 # is there anyway to move cygwin to d:/ 00.12.40 # sorry.. dont do windows 00.12.44 # seems hardcoded to be in C:\sygwin 00.12.49 # cygwin 00.14.07 Quit track ("Leaving") 00.14.16 # is there any small linux distro that still is functional 00.14.29 # not like a floppy 00.14.32 Join acidman200 [0] (jirc@ACBF1DEC.ipt.aol.com) 00.14.48 # Hi there IRC 00.14.50 # i'd put it on my old box 00.15.11 # hello 00.15.18 # hi top_bloke 00.15.29 # i gotta go wash car 00.16.23 # I really feel the Pitch Adjust could do with some tweaking 00.16.26 # so I filed a request 00.18.40 # what do u lot think? 00.18.46 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=821950&group_id=44306&atid=439121 00.44.59 # !Gimme Pigface - Eat Shit You Fucking Redneck - 08 - Girls Are Cool.mp3 00.45.07 # !Gimme Pigface - Eat Shit You Fucking Redneck - 09 - Think.mp3 00.49.56 # wrong chan 00.50.04 # i just realized 00.53.04 # you fool top_bloke! 00.53.35 # yes 00.53.36 Quit k3no_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00.53.46 # its true 00.53.52 # i think my colour ink cartridge is on its way out........ 00.54.20 # yeah 00.54.28 # me needs a new colourink cartridge... 00.54.29 # u need a new one 00.54.39 # or inject it with one of those needles 00.54.54 # you can't with mine since the cartridge has a chip that monitors ink levels 00.54.54 # with paint in it 00.55.06 # or ink that is 00.55.10 # so if i fill it up the printer will still think the cartridge is empty 00.55.35 # but it will be full 00.55.48 # yes but the chip will still tell the printer that the cartridge is empty 00.55.50 # and the chip will see that 00.55.55 # it won't 00.56.01 # BUT ITS FULL 00.56.16 # yes but the chip will still think the cartridge is EMPTY 00.56.22 # stupid chip 00.56.33 # how 00.56.45 # how does it make that decision 00.57.14 # I don't know 00.57.30 # its a ploy by the manufacturers forcing us to buy their cartridges 00.57.50 # yes 00.57.54 # these days you are better off buying a new printer rather than an ink cartridge 00.58.05 # lol 00.59.22 # I read somewhere printer manufacturers make profits on the cartridges, not the printers 00.59.30 # nite 00.59.39 # probably true 00.59.59 # u could buy 3rd party cartriges 01.00.32 # yea but not if these chips continue to be used 01.00.53 # damn chips 01.01.05 # get a non chipped printer 01.01.21 # and Hewlett-Packard sued a company for reverse-engineering the chip 01.01.49 # dmca? 01.01.52 # you can pick up a brand-new printer for only £30 01.02.04 # lol 01.02.18 # just keep buying new printers when ink runs out 01.03.02 # yea 01.03.18 # since most companies charge £40 for a new cartridge 01.03.39 # wow 01.04.03 # my printer is old and broken as far as i know 01.04.16 # these chips are a fucking nusiance 01.04.31 # the Canon BJC-240 01.04.38 # no chips in there 01.04.56 # u need a non chip printer 01.05.04 # i have an Epson Stylus Photo 890 01.05.06 # its so simple 01.05.27 # thats a chipped piece of trash 01.05.34 # what is? 01.05.46 # that 01.06.14 # well it does give good quality images I must admit 01.06.18 # meaning the 15Epson Stylus Photo 890 01.06.44 # mine sucks 01.06.56 # or sucked when it worked 01.07.36 # lol 01.07.46 # I love my Recorder 10 01.08.41 # do u do any hacking or coding on it? 01.08.44 # when I go back to work im gonna take my digital camera and get candid shots of the virgin atlantic girls 01.08.49 # or for it 01.08.59 # nice 01.09.16 # lol 01.09.27 # have you seen the red virgin atlantic uniform? 01.09.33 # can u plug your cam into the archos? 01.09.37 # no 01.09.40 # i have not 01.10.00 # http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=cache:hD-jmUGi1Z8J:www.uniformfreak.com/virgina.html+virgin+atlantic+uniform&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 01.10.11 # no you can't plug a camera directly into the archos 01.10.39 # that sucks 01.10.50 # how bout a pda? 01.10.57 # no 01.12.05 # the USB on the Archos and digital cameras are both slaves 01.12.15 # you need a master usb which is found on your pc 01.37.42 Quit acidman200 ("Leaving") 01.40.31 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 01.45.29 Join midknight2k3 [0] (LeLaLeLA@AC967003.ipt.aol.com) 01.46.03 # HI PLUG 01.46.44 # plugh 01.58.17 Part ClosetPacifist ("scripting pie") 02.03.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.22.35 Join BoBB_ [0] (~bob@ip24-56-43-44.ph.ph.cox.net) 02.23.34 Quit BoBB (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.24.58 Quit BoBB_ (Client Quit) 02.25.12 Join BoBB [0] (~bob@ip24-56-43-44.ph.ph.cox.net) 02.58.32 # hey mid i patched rockbox 02.58.39 # and it compiled too 02.58.51 # i owned it 02.59.12 # COOL 02.59.28 # hell yeah 02.59.35 # LOL 02.59.40 # pwned 03.00.26 # do u happen to know how to use bmp2rb or how to change the logo? 03.01.05 # its sorta hard 03.01.29 # i know my stuff 03.01.39 # i patched rockbox, remember 03.01.48 # cool 03.02.03 # lol 03.02.15 # so is there any docs on how to do it 03.02.52 # bmp2rb that is 03.03.32 # just a sec 03.03.37 # i gotta get into hacking rockbox 03.04.44 # i found a bmp in C:\cygwin\home\rockbox\uisimulator\x11\archos\rockbox112.bmp 03.05.07 # but i dont know if it has anything to do with anything 03.05.51 # yeah 03.05.53 # you wanna hack rockbo? 03.06.07 # does it? 03.06.17 # hell yeah 03.06.33 # top bloke is into it yat 03.06.33 # i gotta start with the logo 03.06.36 # yay* 03.06.46 # ill help in a bit 03.07.29 # cool 03.13.47 # keep away dude 03.13.53 # hes comin 03.13.58 # dude is coming 03.13.58 Join Dude [0] (~thefirstd@pm479-18.dialip.mich.net) 03.14.03 # stay awaty frn em 03.14.08 # told you 03.14.11 # shut up! 03.14.17 # lol 03.14.22 # yu shutup 03.14.22 # SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 03.14.31 # GET OUT 03.14.48 # DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO 03.14.49 # ill take out my ascii middle finger 03.14.51 # do i need to? 03.15.12 # I alread did 03.15.25 # already did what 03.15.37 # took out my middle finger 03.15.45 # oh do again 03.16.03 # lol for some unknown reason 03.16.14 # i was busy.. do it again 03.16.27 # done 03.17.59 # now ill go 03.18.01 Part Dude 03.18.06 # thank you 03.39.33 # top bloke?> 03.42.44 # yeah 03.43.25 # so what now 03.43.34 # wanted help with bmp2rb right 03.43.54 # yeah 03.44.01 # ill try 03.44.13 # so basically you make a 2bit BMP of what you want the pic of 03.44.23 # ok 04.01.08 # dont spend too much time on it 04.01.20 # hehe 04.01.30 # i got carried away 04.01.33 # it prolly will not work anyways lol 04.01.40 # yeah 04.01.42 # carried away on the pic or on other stuff 04.01.52 # pic 04.01.56 # lol 04.01.57 # oddly enough 04.02.02 # heheh 04.02.12 # i was so into it too 04.02.19 # what do i do now 04.02.24 # if it ready? 04.02.30 # yeah 04.02.34 # run the BASH promt 04.02.46 # hang a sec ok ill be a sec 04.03.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.04.50 # ok 04.05.03 # can you give me 10 minutes? 04.05.10 # or do you not have that long 04.05.32 # i got time 04.05.38 # thanks 04.05.39 # no rush 04.05.41 # ill be back in 10 04.05.47 # ok 04.18.25 # back 04.18.31 # i guess that was a little over 10 04.23.03 # let me know when you come back 04.23.06 # top bloke 04.24.00 Join thu [0] (~thu@h24-87-64-169.vc.shawcable.net) 04.24.12 # hey im here 04.24.33 # hey 04.24.34 # hi thu 04.24.41 # hey midknight2k3 05.01.06 Quit webmind (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.01.06 NSplit orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 05.01.10 NHeal orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 05.01.10 NJoin webmind [0] (~cme2@217-195-236-172.dsl.esined.net) 05.03.57 Join ClosetPacifist [0] (~ClosetPac@ppp35.sns2.NewportNews.visi.net) 05.06.42 Quit webmind (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.06.42 NSplit orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 05.06.52 NHeal orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 05.06.52 NJoin webmind [0] (~cme2@217-195-236-172.dsl.esined.net) 05.07.47 Quit AciD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.11.15 # what the hell 05.11.20 # haha 05.19.26 Quit midknight2k3 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.25.13 Quit top_bloke ("wasted 0 seconds online") 05.26.27 Join midknight2k3 [0] (LeLaLeLA@ACC48273.ipt.aol.com) 05.26.44 # ARG 05.26.56 # ahoy, mk! 05.27.04 # ahoy matey 05.32.03 # scott: any experience on bmp2rb? 05.53.24 # nope 05.53.25 Quit midknight2k3 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.03.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.05.21 Quit ClosetPacifist ("scripting pie") 07.08.08 Join Angelusnewbdude [0] ([LL]81560@c-66-176-9-216.se.client2.attbi.com) 07.09.26 # Um. Hey people. Err. I know i bet i sound like a total newb asking this, but eh im gettin an archos studio two days from now, but im kinda worried about making playlists, i have a whopping (to me) 200 songs, and id hate to have to sort them one by one 07.09.50 # ? 07.10.09 # What the hell is the webmaster? 07.12.50 Quit BoBB (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.13.29 Quit Angelusnewbdude ("Leaving") 07.19.03 Join BoBB [0] (~bob@ip24-56-43-44.ph.ph.cox.net) 07.35.50 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 08.03.48 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.25.54 Join k3no_ [0] (trilluser@ 08.32.51 Join webmind_ [0] (~cme2@217-195-236-172.dsl.esined.net) 08.32.55 Quit webmind (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.41.52 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 08.42.40 Quit scott666 (Client Quit) 08.43.18 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 08.51.24 Join CptJ [0] (~at@ 08.53.28 # will the jukebox recorder 20 play mp3's lower than 30kbps? 08.54.36 # why would you want to? 08.55.16 # becuase I record radio that doesnt need the higher , and it saves space 08.55.56 # it probably would 08.56.50 # yeah thats what I figured but since it doesnt encode any lower they prolly just say that too in there description of it 09.00.09 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EAB534.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.21.43 Join Lear [0] (~Lear@h181n1fls302o1003.telia.com) 09.36.51 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 09.41.04 Quit CptJ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.41.36 Part Lear 09.51.24 Join k3no [0] (trilluser@ 09.51.25 Quit k3no_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.03.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.14.23 Join k3no_ [0] (trilluser@ 11.14.23 Quit k3no (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.51.42 Join dsg_ [0] (~david@pasky.xs4all.nl) 11.51.43 Quit dsg (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.55.45 Join dsg [0] (~david@pasky.xs4all.nl) 11.55.45 Quit dsg_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.03.55 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.25.12 Join acidman200 [0] (jirc@ACBEDF84.ipt.aol.com) 12.33.02 Quit adi|home (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12.35.34 Quit uski (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.35.34 NSplit orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 12.36.02 NHeal orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 12.36.02 NJoin uski [0] (~moo@gandalf.digital-network.org) 12.49.11 Quit k3no_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.59.39 Join k3no_ [0] (trilluser@ 13.00.46 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-11.216-194-24-201.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 13.19.52 Quit dsg ("leaving") 13.30.54 # hiya 13.34.06 Join Lear [0] (~Lear@h181n1fls302o1003.telia.com) 13.52.13 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.35 [Mozilla rv:1.5/20030925]") 14.03.56 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.07.40 Join AciD` [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 14.18.22 Quit acidman200 ("Leaving") 15.17.02 Quit AciD` (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 15.18.05 Join AciD` [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 15.27.23 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBC03A6.ipt.aol.com) 15.27.36 Quit track (Client Quit) 15.40.22 Join Guest1 [0] (jirc@c-24-30-240-204.va.client2.attbi.com) 15.40.38 # hi all 15.42.10 # i was wondering.. i am about ready to install rockbox..i have downloaded the file..do i just unzip it into my recorder? 15.42.37 Quit Guest1 (Client Quit) 15.45.12 Join dp2hike [0] (jirc@c-24-30-240-204.va.client2.attbi.com) 15.45.23 # hi akk 15.47.06 Quit BoBB (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.47.06 NSplit orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 15.47.33 NHeal orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 15.47.33 NJoin BoBB [0] (~bob@ip24-56-43-44.ph.ph.cox.net) 15.47.38 DBUG Enqueued KICK dp2hike 15.47.38 # 0hi all 15.47.39 # is there anyone who might be able to help me with some questions? 15.57.34 Quit AciD` (Connection timed out) 15.57.37 Quit dp2hike (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.57.39 Join elinenbe [0] (trilluser@207-237-236-68.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 15.59.14 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@c25025a.hud.bostream.se) 16.00.42 Join AciD` [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 16.03.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.13.16 # good afternoon Bagder 16.13.17 Quit k3no_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.13.28 # hi 16.23.20 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 16.32.57 Quit uski (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 16.32.57 NSplit orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 16.33.21 NHeal orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 16.33.21 NJoin uski [0] (~moo@gandalf.digital-network.org) 16.42.57 Quit AciD` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.01.22 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~idc-drago@pD9FF8F48.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.22.46 Quit adi|home (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.45.23 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 18.03.58 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.35.45 Join Acidman200 [0] (jirc@ACBC9C35.ipt.aol.com) 18.36.03 # hi 18.38.56 # Ive upgraded my internet connection to 1Mb :-) 18.53.22 Quit uski ("Fermeture du client") 19.01.25 Quit edx () 19.03.09 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EA9CA4.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.10.59 Quit AciD ("www.cpm-fr.com") 19.16.12 Join AciD [0] (~gni@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 19.47.35 Join Guest1 [0] (~jirc@adsl-dyn-111-53.kbnet.net) 19.49.08 Quit [IDC]Dragon () 19.49.56 # hellooo 19.50.19 Quit Guest1 (Client Quit) 19.58.07 Quit Acidman200 ("Leaving") 20.04.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.12.59 Quit Bagder ("http://daniel.haxx.se") 20.19.24 Join acidman200 [0] (jirc@ACBC9C35.ipt.aol.com) 20.25.14 # Hello chaps 20.31.17 # hi there. 20.37.06 # hell elinenbe 20.37.11 # sorry hello elinenbe 20.37.19 # my O key is playing up 20.50.55 Join k3no_ [0] (trilluser@ 20.54.10 Join ClosetPacifist [0] (~ClosetPac@ppp35.sns2.NewportNews.visi.net) 20.54.15 Quit ClosetPacifist (Client Quit) 21.55.24 Join AciD` [0] (~gni@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 22.04.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.10.45 Quit AciD (Connection timed out) 22.15.56 Quit acidman200 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.27.37 Join acidman200 [0] (jirc@ACBB7321.ipt.aol.com) 22.46.41 Join midknight2k3 [0] (LeLaLeLA@AC943228.ipt.aol.com) 22.54.30 # cool 22.54.34 # new patches merged 22.54.55 # sounds good 22.55.51 # hi 22.55.51 # in the main rockbox that is 22.55.58 # faster rolo_load and faster bitswap 22.55.58 # oh right 22.56.10 # they should merge a lot of these 22.56.15 # im just about to put out a new one 22.56.22 # "more versatile settings" 22.56.23 # cool 22.56.33 # i was also working on a status bar redesign 22.56.43 # can you format a CD-RW to ISO 9660? 22.56.44 # i have so many ideas 22.56.55 # hmm 22.56.59 # let me see 22.57.49 # not offhand 22.58.22 # aicdman: can you work with the source well? 22.58.38 # i have Roxio Easy CD Creater 22.58.45 # only formats CD-RWs to UDF 23.03.04 Join diddystar5 [0] (~jirc@cbcpl-fw.ci.corvallis.or.us) 23.03.07 Join Dude [0] (~thefirstd@pm481-36.dialip.mich.net) 23.03.08 # hey mid 23.03.15 # diddy star! 23.05.09 # ive upgraded my connection to 1Mb 23.05.24 # ? 23.05.44 # cool acidman200 23.05.51 # whew 23.05.56 # yea 1Mb ADSL 23.06.12 # midknight2k3: what else are you working on? 23.06.15 # i can get 6 kb's a sec if im lucky :) 23.06.31 # elinenbe: just a few things 23.06.33 Join top_bloke [0] (Email@1Cust130.tnt5.chi15.da.uu.net) 23.06.42 # 1Mb downloads as fast as 120kbs 23.07.13 # I get 52KBps connection, 6KB download if I'm lucky 23.07.22 # ool 23.07.26 # my old school could get about ~400-600hb's a sec 23.07.33 # damn thats fast 23.07.34 # *kb's 23.07.35 # i never get this cluttered 23.07.44 # 52kbps 23.07.53 # my current school gets around 1MB 23.08.25 # sec 23.09.03 # i havent tried my new school yet 23.09.33 # everyone ill be back in a few minute ok 23.09.54 Quit midknight2k3 () 23.10.30 # hes going to knoppix.... 23.10.37 # oh 23.10.39 # yeah 23.10.46 # i knew that 23.11.51 # top_bloke: what was that about? 23.12.01 # what was what 23.12.08 # about 23.12.09 # 52Kbps 23.12.20 # thats fast 23.12.27 # what is 23.12.34 # that 23.12.39 # ? 23.12.40 # fast for 56 k 23.12.45 # damn it 23.12.46 # oh 23.12.56 # trhat's just the connection speed 23.12.58 # there 23.13.01 # at best 23.13.09 # i get 46666 if i'm lucky 23.13.26 # I get 32 if I'm unlucky 23.13.32 # VERY unlucky 23.13.36 # im not a fan of cable modems 23.13.38 # hehe, 14444 when unlucky :( 23.13.50 # i used to have a 14k modem :) 23.13.50 # it's always either 46, 50 or 52 23.13.54 # which happens often 23.13.57 # so did we 23.14.08 # how can u not be a fan of cable 23.14.11 # when i was 3... 23.14.11 # 14K happens often? 23.14.24 # who's your ISP? 23.14.27 # with cablemodems the bandwidth is shared 23.14.30 # yeah my modem is messed up or sometihng 23.14.38 # I had a 14K 23.14.50 # When I was six I took a couple capacitors off it 23.14.51 # i had a 28.8 23.14.59 # and cable is a huge network people can hack the hell out of you if your not careful 23.15.02 # I still have it 30 feet away 23.15.03 # mine was better 23.15.17 # this is confusing 23.15.17 # yea 23.15.22 # cable is fast though 23.15.23 # who's talking to whom 23.15.25 # so that outweighs everything else 23.15.38 # so if everyone is using kazaa at the same time on cable the bandwidth is used up very fast 23.15.49 # I was gonna get DSL, but my friend tried it, he lives just around the block, and he was out of range 23.16.00 # i dont know 23.16.03 # my neighbors across the street use cable though 23.16.12 # my dad won't get dsl :( 23.16.19 # People can hack? I don't... 23.16.19 # I have ADSL 23.16.26 # ADSL isn't shared like cable 23.16.49 # My dad wants to get DSL, just we're out of range so we gonna stick with V92 for a while 23.17.17 # DSL isn't shared, no, but it just dies after 17,000 feet 23.17.30 # and we're 20,000 23.17.57 # yea ADSL is dependant on distance 23.18.12 # im in a modern house with underground wiring so speed isnt a problem 23.18.15 # make a dsl amp :) 23.18.27 # :)) 23.18.43 # the signal is weak at 17,00 23.18.49 # *17,000 23.19.04 # so you should put it at about 8,000 23.19.16 # so amplify it 23.19.19 # someone on a broadband forum said, you can't expect a 100Mhz ADSL signal sent through a pre-60s rusty junction box on a weathered telegraph pole to be perfect 23.19.32 # uh, yeah 23.19.54 # we were saying put the amp at about 8,000, and then another one at 16,000 23.20.04 # doesn't work that way 23.20.08 # ((:)) 23.20.14 # stepping up the signal introduces noise 23.20.15 # that wont work 23.20.34 # don't matter if it dont work 23.20.35 # uh yeah 23.20.37 # woth a try 23.20.50 # *worth a try though 23.20.52 # thats what i was gonna say 23.20.55 # im close to the exchange so im not bothered 23.21.04 # LUCKY :((((( 23.21.11 # never mind 23.21.21 # never mind what 23.21.31 # they did a special offer to upgrad my 512 link to 1Mb link 23.21.41 # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 23.21.56 # its blindingly fast 23.22.10 # I Knw that's what my school has 23.22.28 # your school is only 1mb 23.22.32 # and that's what I get when I connect my Pocket PC to their Wi-Fi network 23.22.32 # thats slow 23.22.39 # no 23.22.42 # woah fancy 23.22.46 # It's a small school 23.22.58 # no need for much more 23.23.00 # i see 23.23.30 # only... 25+???40??? 23.23.40 # wait its i megabit 23.23.52 # there's 2 labs, and there's the multimedia room 23.24.00 # or you get a megabyte per second? 23.24.00 # and a comp in each classroom 23.24.07 # 1MB/sec 23.24.13 # when lucky 23.24.21 # megabyte 23.24.33 # and when very lucky more 23.24.34 # 1Mb equals to 122Kbs peak 23.24.37 # acidman has 1 megabit i think 23.24.44 # yeah 23.24.48 # so do i 23.24.50 # so your school is faster 23.24.52 # download an MP3 file in less than 2 minutes 23.24.59 # by 8X 23.25.16 # my school had a 100mb network and a line that could pump internet at 400-600kb's a sec when not many people were on the network 23.25.19 # It would take like 1 second at my school 23.25.30 # i downloaded openoffice at about 50 mb in 2 min :) 23.25.44 # *i mean openoffice was 50mb 23.25.58 # My school also has a 100MB network; no computers are always connected to the wireless one 23.26.02 # if I could afford it i would have a 256Mb leased line 23.26.49 # If IIII could afford it (which I probably could, actually), I would get CABLE PERIOD 23.27.03 # lol 23.27.03 # so do it 23.27.10 # $44 a month~~ is approx what I get 23.27.19 # my dad won't let me probably 23.27.31 # but to get a leased line is thousands of $s 23.27.40 # And anyways that's not what I want to spend all my money on 23.27.50 # Leased Line????? 23.27.52 # ? 23.27.54 DBUG Enqueued KICK top_bloke 23.27.54 # 11[09diddystar511]09: did u ever use bmp2rb? 23.28.04 # i'd just get the basic from comcast 23.28.16 # a leased line is your very own dedicated physical connection to the Internet 23.28.19 # top_bloke: i have a few times to make a custom boot logo 23.28.22 # no contention ratio whatsoever 23.28.31 # Oh 23.28.37 # that'd be cool 23.28.45 # but I don't think it's worth it 23.29.06 # you do need a leased line if u want to operate your own server 23.29.08 # Oh, and my dad, at work, he has FAAAAST internet connection. 23.29.18 Join midknight2k3 [0] (LeLaLeLA@AC943228.ipt.aol.com) 23.29.33 # lol everyone is talking about how fast there internet is 23.29.34 # 11[09diddystar511]09: you didnt get any errors saying its 256 bit when its really 1 bit? 23.29.41 # it's like at the U of M 23.29.43 # shit i gotta go 23.30.14 # top_bloke: are you sure it really is 1 bit? i have never had any problems 23.30.16 # it's like capable of feeding the network at full load at like 10MBps 23.30.20 # bye top_bloke 23.30.25 # bye 23.30.45 # bye 23.30.52 # hi mid 23.31.12 # hi 23.31.19 # I think he just rebooted into Knoppix 23.31.21 # right? 23.31.30 # top_bloke you can try starting from the logo in uisimulator.x11.archos its already 1bit 23.31.53 # i mean uisimulator/x11/archos 23.32.48 # did u understand my request about the pitch adjuster? 23.33.09 # whats your request acidman? 23.33.34 # ill give u the link# 23.34.26 # hummm the faster rolo wasn't completely patched in CVS 23.34.35 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=44306&atid=439121&aid=821950 23.34.47 # there were a few changes in bitswap.S needed 23.35.46 # .align 2 instead of .align 4 23.35.54 # did u get it? 23.36.23 # im looking at it 23.36.47 # ok 23.37.09 # i get it 23.37.17 # what u think? 23.37.23 # ill try it when i get unbanned from my computer...... 23.37.31 # cool 23.37.36 # what u think of request? 23.37.43 # sound cool 23.37.53 # thanks 23.37.58 # i think i should add the pitch to the sound menu also.... 23.37.59 # my first request was rejected 23.38.04 # yea 23.38.17 # What do u think of the logarimithic and circular modes? 23.38.38 # they sound nice 23.38.47 # thanks 23.38.51 # there is a bug on pitch i should fix also 23.38.59 # my first request was "Include SRS WOW" 23.39.08 # it you go past 180 i think it was your unit freezes 23.39.16 # ahh 23.39.28 # Ive noticed a lot of "funny" requests in the Sourceforge website 23.39.53 # mostly by tracktheripper... 23.39.57 # yeah 23.39.58 # lol 23.39.59 # k 23.40.07 # whoever he is 23.40.43 # my girlfriend wondered I was laughing my head off. This was due to a request called "tea maker?!" 23.40.53 # hi there.... 23.40.54 # lol 23.40.56 # am back 23.41.02 # hello elinenbee 23.41.06 # hey elinenbe 23.41.24 # ah well never mind 23.41.31 # still plenty of decent requests 23.42.18 # midknight your request mobile phone ringtones was wierd :) 23.42.28 # i know 23.42.31 # it was bogus 23.42.36 # bluetooth wireless router 23.42.38 # lol 23.42.41 # yea 23.42.48 # not as bogus as the tea maker 23.42.48 # midknight2k3: what changes are you working on? 23.43.18 # changes to what? 23.43.19 # what the hell is this in sourceforge??! 23.44.04 Quit acidman200 ("Leaving") 23.44.15 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBB7321.ipt.aol.com) 23.44.43 # o no its track 23.44.47 # yeah 23.44.58 # hi 23.45.35 # hi diddystar 23.47.51 Join acidman200 [0] (jirc@ACBB7321.ipt.aol.com) 23.47.57 # sorry got booted by error 23.48.52 # where were we? 23.48.59 # nowhere is where 23.49.06 # ok 23.49.08 # midknigbht 23.49.19 # apart from fast internet connections 23.49.21 # hi track 23.49.29 # hi 23.50.18 # yea the pitch could do wiv those options 23.51.17 # why did u file teamaker for track? 23.51.31 # lol 23.51.40 # midknight u still around? 23.51.47 # yeah 23.51.53 # cool 23.52.08 # :) 23.52.33 # are there any players owners here? 23.52.47 # i be a playa, g 23.52.49 # err 23.52.51 # never mind 23.53.00 # lol 23.53.13 # ive noticed that the players lcd is not like the recorders 23.53.18 # nah really 23.53.23 # VERY unlike it.... 23.53.24 # its character cells 23.53.30 # the oppsite 23.53.37 # ok 23.53.40 # whatever they are 23.53.51 # i still need someone to test my game for the player 23.54.01 # diddystar would it work on a Recorder? 23.54.11 # no 23.54.22 # why not? 23.54.29 # acidman200: no it menat for the player it would take alot of work to put it on the rec 23.54.41 # diddy: waht about jackpot? 23.54.59 # have to totaly rewirte it :) 23.55.08 # rats 23.55.11 # but jackpot is so boring 23.55.14 # it could be good gfx 23.55.19 # the only button you push is play 23.55.32 Quit track ("Leaving") 23.55.34 # my game is fun and a maze :) 23.55.48 # track has gone mid 23.55.59 # rats 23.56.01 # but i am having some problems with displaying the map.... 23.56.06 # you game is RIPPED OFF 23.56.16 # no its not 23.56.28 # i just made it better and a plugin 23.56.33 # does everyone hate track? 23.56.39 # he LIES 23.56.46 # he says he do hard driv etransplant 23.57.07 # ahwell 23.57.16 # its nice to meed you midknight and diddystar 23.57.19 # he take FAKE PICS 23.57.24 # nice to meet you 23.57.25 # ill come back here again :-) 23.57.28 # bye 23.57.28 # thanks 23.57.29 # okay 23.57.30 # bye 23.57.35 # seeya diddy 23.58.02 # bye 23.58.05 # gotta go 23.58.06 Quit edx () 23.58.06 # im sure track means no harm give the poor man a break 23.58.07 # bye 23.58.10 Quit diddystar5 ("Leaving") 23.58.11 # bye 23.58.13 # acid 23.58.19 # it was sorta a joke 23.58.20 # he doesnt 23.58.22 # he is nice 23.58.31 # thanks 23.58.40 # :-) 23.58.55 # its very hard talking to Bagder, Zagor and Adiamas 23.58.56 Quit top_bloke (No route to host)