--- Log for 18.10.103 Server: orwell.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 1 month and 15 days ago 00.00.08 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 00.00.38 # hi 00.00.40 # hi 00.06.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.15.50 # Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 00.16.32 # * Plugh lights a firecracker and tosses it toward track 00.17.39 # bang 00.17.44 # hi 00.18.48 # * track lights a firecracker and tosses it towards Zagor 00.52.55 Quit edx () 00.55.31 Nick dwihno is now known as dw|gone (dwihno@ 01.00.30 Join midknight2k3 [0] (LeLaLeLA@ACC7CF54.ipt.aol.com) 01.01.50 # oh i see 01.01.53 # lol 01.01.56 # 16:01:02 | -> *logbot* seen Track 01.01.56 # 16:01:07 | -logbot- You need glasses badly 01.02.00 # i ddint even see him 01.03.36 # mebbe you do need glasses then 01.03.44 # track's idle 43 mins 01.03.52 # i didnt look for him 01.03.54 # plughtard 01.04.01 # hey thats good 01.04.04 # "plughtard" 01.05.27 # anything to say to that 01.05.31 # huh? huh? HUH? 01.05.34 # not really 01.05.36 # oh zagors here too 01.05.39 # it's kinda dumb 01.05.48 # i should scan the list sometimes 01.05.52 # and top bloke 01.05.57 # i didnt even see anyone 01.06.36 # nobody but me or track has said anything in over 2 hours 01.07.02 # so? 01.07.04 # except you, but you don't count 01.07.09 # i know 01.07.12 # i suck right 01.07.25 # I dunno... I haven't asked 01.07.35 # oh thats funny 01.07.43 # i think plugh isnt bluelist material 01.07.59 # you're probably right 01.08.17 # so just stay away please 01.08.56 # reach into that bag and get me my wallet. It's the one that says "Bad Motherfucker" on it 01.09.22 # yeah you are a "bad" "motherfucker" 01.11.27 # right? 01.17.05 Join r5rd5tcgc [0] (Email@1Cust208.tnt5.chi15.da.uu.net) 01.17.29 Nick r5rd5tcgc is now known as topbloke (Email@1Cust208.tnt5.chi15.da.uu.net) 01.18.43 Join diddystar5 [0] (diddystar5@AC82161C.ipt.aol.com) 01.20.42 Quit top_bloke (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.22.44 # nick top_bloke 01.22.54 # SLASH nick top_bloke 01.23.17 # damn it 01.23.18 Nick topbloke is now known as top_bloke (Email@1Cust208.tnt5.chi15.da.uu.net) 01.23.20 # yeah i know 01.23.47 # there 01.23.51 # i had been disconected for like a half hour 01.24.04 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 01.24.10 # hi scott 01.24.14 # and the server didnt realize it 01.24.16 # hey 01.26.10 Quit scott666 (Client Quit) 01.27.36 # zagor around 01.28.43 # ? 01.30.41 # hi midknight 01.30.44 # sorry i was awya 01.30.45 # away 01.30.53 # hi track 01.31.06 # midknight welcome to my partition -warming party 01.31.12 # oh no 01.31.15 # what now lol 01.31.23 # ive partitioned my archos 01.31.25 # lol 01.31.36 # thats pretty stupid 01.31.43 # rockbox wont read the extra ones 01.31.43 # used the Fdisk interface in Windows XP 01.31.45 # will it? 01.31.46 # i know 01.31.47 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 01.31.51 # track: thats so awa--- 01.31.52 # i don't want it to read the extra ones 01.31.53 # ZAGOR NO 01.32.00 # ah great 01.32.07 # he dosent like us 01.32.15 # lol 01.32.15 # the second partition is a compressed NTFS partition for my data 01.32.30 # i think ntfs is a little better 01.32.41 # so i can segregate my data from my MP3s 01.32.51 # so? 01.32.51 # and partitioning makes the clusters closer together 01.32.54 # make a DATA folder in .rockbox 01.32.59 # so performance is improved 01.32.59 # thats what i do 01.33.28 # but I prefer having the drive partitioned 01.33.35 # its a 3Gb NTFS partition 01.33.46 # which is compressed 01.33.51 # 3gb.... 01.34.06 # yes 01.34.09 # i remember the first computer in my house had a 700mb drive.... 01.34.13 # lol 01.34.25 # and activating the compression makes all the files nice and small 01.34.29 # uy 01.34.40 # compression i dont like on drives 01.34.51 # check this out 01.34.54 # just use a bzip files 01.35.19 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=44306&atid=439118&aid=757855 01.35.34 # yea but I can defragment the second partition if I need to 01.35.54 # idiot 01.36.03 # what? 01.36.12 # track what an idiot 01.36.15 # why did you do that 01.36.19 # "smarty pants" 01.36.24 # I did not do it 01.36.26 # he gave the info, he states it 01.36.28 # I came across it 01.36.31 # yes you did dont lie 01.36.33 # you tard 01.36.36 # no the one that filed the bug report 01.36.38 # no I didnt 01.36.50 # you been wanting to punch him in since the day he told you off for making bogus requests 01.37.15 # of course you didnt call him a smartypants in sourceforge like you did a few days ago! 01.37.20 # lol 01.37.30 # he really upset me once 01.37.45 # over the request "Make the Archos read inside zip folders" 01.37.51 # oh boy 01.38.03 # you need to take some meds for your overactive.. thing 01.38.08 # lol 01.38.38 # anyway I have my Iriver now 01.38.45 # iriver what 01.39.06 # midknight heres a request u could file if u wanna be daft :-) 01.39.14 # iRiver WHAT? 01.39.24 # joke :-) 01.39.39 # ok what request 01.39.46 # midknight u could file "Make the Archos a cigarette lighter" 01.39.53 # GOOD IDEA 01.39.54 # lol 01.39.58 # i think i will 01.40.04 # how about this 01.40.08 # lol 01.40.18 # "enhance the firmware so when I press the PLAY button you get a flame out of the Ear jack. Great for lighting fags" :-) 01.40.20 # heat up the USB socket to make it red hot and shoot out a plasma beam to light the cigarrette 01.40.29 # haha 01.40.38 # im sure tack would love it 01.40.52 # lol u won't file it though 01.40.52 # :D 01.40.55 # or of course "give out nicotene patches through the usb port 01.41.00 # lol 01.41.46 # this is the best request Diddystar 01.41.49 # "use the usb port as a data transferring interface" 01.42.08 # well it is a data transfer interface when the cable is plugged in 01.42.15 # i know 01.42.16 # lol 01.42.17 # thats why its so good 01.42.25 # diddystar check this out 01.42.30 # nopt me 01.42.32 # just diddystar 01.42.36 # "Make Zagor less moody" 01.42.36 # DBO DOB 01.42.39 # "Rejected" 01.42.49 # "This is not possible to implement, due to personality limitations" 01.43.00 # heh 01.43.15 # stop clowning on zagor track 01.43.20 # he's not a bad person 01.43.25 # i know 01.43.30 # he should smile now and then 01.43.31 # :-) 01.43.34 # jeez, talk about backstabbing 01.43.39 # ugh 01.43.48 # what sort of a jerk would poke fun at zagor? 01.44.13 # you mid? 01.44.27 # since when? you always bring up that dumb request 01.44.29 # with your ddf and polyphonic ringtones and bluetooth wireless router? 01.44.29 # and reject it 01.44.35 # that poked fun at zagor? 01.44.37 # fat chance 01.44.53 # hell ive got a log here of you saying the only reason you file bogus requests is.. (suspense) 01.44.59 # let me FIND it. 01.45.06 # then i will show the world 01.45.08 # no no no don't 01.45.09 # please 01.45.10 # :-) 01.45.13 # have a beer 01.45.22 # mmm beer 01.45.26 # im too young, just like i was two days ago, track 01.45.31 # lol 01.45.32 # lol 01.45.34 # have coke instead 01.45.38 # and i will be for the next 5 years so get over it 01.45.45 # ok 01.45.47 # or is that 8 years 01.45.50 # whatever 01.45.52 # you get the point 01.45.56 # let me find that log 01.46.07 # no no no no no 01.46.11 # here it is 01.46.16 # track.freenode.log.txt 01.46.25 # Session Start: Tue Oct 07 16:32:23 2003 01.46.25 # Session Ident: track 01.46.25 # * Logging track to 'C:\Program Files\mIRC\logs\track.freenode.log' 01.46.25 DBUG Enqueued KICK midknight2k3 01.46.25 # 16:32:34 | :d 01.46.25 # 16:32:39 | :D 01.46.32 # interesting 01.46.35 # lets look 01.46.53 # im gonna go now 01.46.54 # :( 01.47.05 # bye sir track 01.47.16 # ill stay if u don't show htat 01.47.17 # taht 01.47.26 # go ahead 01.47.29 # stay until i find it 01.47.40 # ok 01.48.08 # noo 01.48.09 # where is it 01.48.42 # 15:32:05 | yea? 01.48.43 # 15:32:24 | well file a request "Make Zagor forgive me" 01.48.43 # 15:32:35 | that might be dumb enough to work 01.48.43 *** Alert Mode level 1 01.48.43 # 15:32:38 | "rejected" 01.48.43 *** Alert Mode level 2 01.48.43 # 15:32:42 | "i hate you" 01.48.46 # interesting 01.48.52 # but not the one 01.50.39 # perhaps its been erased 01.50.50 # it has 01.50.53 # RATS 01.50.56 # heres a bagder log 01.51.38 # nothing good 01.51.53 # where? 01.52.06 # nothing good 01.52.11 # i gave him y ascii archos 01.52.14 # ok 01.52.21 # and he tald me that linus's wife isnt feeling well 01.52.30 # and that was basically it 01.52.34 # awwwwww 01.52.50 # she hasnt been since linus became a fater 01.52.55 # father* 01.53.03 # if the archos could understand BASIC i;d do a firmware in that 01.53.18 # thats dumb 01.53.23 # err not a good idea 01.53.29 # C is much more versatile 01.53.35 # track: it can.... 01.53.44 # its just not a good way to do things 01.53.46 # i think gcc can compile basic 01.55.23 # ah 01.55.36 # just a case of compiling basic into ajbrec.ajz 01.55.52 # well that and you need to do MPEG code and thats not really easy to do in basic 01.55.57 # IF it's even possible 01.56.00 # which is unlkely 01.56.02 # yea 01.56.10 # its about time we started behaving here 01.56.17 # behaving how? 01.56.22 # its time to run wild in #rockbox 01.56.48 # i never learned a thing about basic and pascal and that kinda stuff C just made sence to me the first time i saw it... 01.57.05 # ok 01.57.13 # C is sort of self explanatory 01.57.20 # my archos was red-hot after downloading 5Gb of music to it non-stop 01.57.35 # its just takes lots of time to figure out how to make it work everytime 01.57.49 # red hot is impossible track 01.57.59 # the hard drive needle would melt 01.58.07 # whem melted archos! 01.58.31 # someone that has a broken unit should make a video of a archos on fire!!!! 01.58.37 # lol 01.58.44 *** Alert Mode OFF 01.58.58 # track 01.59.43 # that would be funny shoot one out of a potato cannon and put on on fire using liquid oxygen.... 01.59.50 # lo. 01.59.51 # lol 02.03.47 # what do you do after you run bmp2rb? 02.04.03 Quit track ("Leaving") 02.04.20 # did you get the 0x434 stuff? 02.04.33 # i got a bunch of * 02.04.44 # that a ascii 02.04.53 # like a lot scrolling by 02.04.59 # i do it wrong? 02.05.07 # do it like this "bmp2rb (pic)" 02.05.17 # dont use the -a 02.05.20 # no -i? 02.05.27 # no -i or -a 02.05.37 # just bmp2rb (pic) 02.05.41 # now its all 0xff 02.05.45 # good 02.05.52 # 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 02.05.54 # IT WORKS 02.05.55 # }; 02.05.57 # IT DOES? 02.05.59 # THATS GOOD 02.05.59 # what did you want it to be? a logo? 02.06.02 # THATS IT IN CODE! 02.06.02 # yeah 02.06.08 # YESS 02.06.09 # yes 02.06.10 # you did it! 02.06.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.06.49 # should there be some new files in there? 02.06.52 # ok now just put that in apps/recorder/icons.c where you char rockbox112*37 i think 02.06.57 # no new files 02.07.06 # put what though 02.07.18 # unsigned char rockbox112x37[]={ thats it 02.07.34 # ok copy all the 0x232 things 02.07.46 # its not working 02.07.47 # oh 02.07.53 # is it all of them? 02.07.57 # it was scrolling by 02.08.00 # yes 02.08.01 # yeh 02.08.02 # how do u go up? 02.08.05 # copy all those 02.08.06 # scroll bar? 02.08.08 # lol 02.08.17 # he must be using a older windows... 02.08.19 # not in a dos window 02.08.26 # oh where 02.08.36 # the older windows dont have a scroll bar 02.08.45 # win98? 02.08.50 # thats odd 02.08.56 # yeah it dosent 02.08.59 # humm 02.09.02 # what a rip 02.09.06 # one sec i have a idea 02.09.22 # mine still wont work 02.09.32 # topbloke: how did you get it 8bit or less 02.09.58 # carp i gotta go 02.10.13 # explain how to do it diddytar 02.10.14 # aww 02.10.21 # yeah hurry 02.10.31 # got it 02.10.37 # i'll look at when i get back 02.10.44 # he got it 02.10.46 # no hurry 02.10.52 # just i wont be able to respond 02.10.56 # craaap 02.10.59 # what 02.11.04 # i really got to go now 02.11.07 # bye 02.11.19 # type "bmp2rb (pic) > (file to put it in *make sure you creat it first*) 02.12.11 # GOd 02.12.16 # its not working 02.12.23 # i cant make my images 8bit or less 02.12.24 # what isnt? 02.12.28 # any ideas diddy 02.12.28 # lol 02.12.33 # really 02.13.01 # start with the pic uisimulator/x11/archos/ just edit it it's already one bit 02.13.09 # *the pic in 02.13.19 # x11/archos/rockbox112.bmp? 02.13.29 # yeah 02.13.35 # NO WAY thats the on im trying.. it says 256 02.13.52 # lemme recopy it 02.13.55 # well it is one bit.... 02.14.14 # it works for me when i use paint (i know paint sucks...) 02.14.26 # youll have photoshop soon ;) 02.14.31 # :) 02.14.48 # i have to go cya mid and top_bloke 02.14.55 # bye 02.15.00 # bye 02.15.04 Quit diddystar5 ("Bye") 02.15.06 # ill send it asap 02.15.50 # be back in a in 02.15.52 # min* 02.28.02 Join midk2k3 [0] (LeLaLeLA@AC9434F9.ipt.aol.com) 02.28.03 Quit midknight2k3 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.28.17 Nick midk2k3 is now known as midknight2k3 (LeLaLeLA@AC9434F9.ipt.aol.com) 02.31.28 # hello? 02.32.05 # hello? 02.32.20 # oh im sorry i asked 02.32.45 # oh im sorry i asked 02.33.20 # you suck 02.33.25 # you suck 02.33.26 # i do not 02.33.30 # i do not 02.33.35 # stop please 02.33.39 # stop please 02.33.54 # screw you 02.34.28 # ahh, boredom 02.34.39 # YOU GAVE UP 02.34.42 # yeah 02.34.44 # the good part was coming 02.34.47 # "plugh sucks every day" 02.34.47 # got bored with it 02.34.55 # it was the next one planned 02.34.58 # my wife would agree 02.35.05 # how so? 02.35.24 # you're too young for the explanation 02.35.33 # please? i understand lots 02.35.35 # it's rated NC-17 02.35.44 # how so 02.36.02 # because of where and how I suck her every day 02.36.20 # i can just imagine 02.36.25 # why did you tell me 02.36.30 # if i am.. hmm 02.36.33 # you brought it up 02.36.37 # "too young" thats it 02.36.43 # but im too young remember 02.36.51 # < midknight2k3> "plugh sucks every day" 02.36.57 # and 02.37.01 # 17:34:44 | you're too young for the explanation 02.37.05 # then 02.37.06 # 17:35:22 | because of where and how I suck her every day 02.37.12 # you ate your own works 02.37.14 # words* 02.38.03 # you arent replying 02.38.05 # well 02.38.07 # ? 02.38.30 # quick, think up something to distract him

02.39.17 # PLUGH IS A RETARD 02.39.20 # GOD WHAT A JERK 02.39.24 # he is hiding now 02.39.26 # what has he done 02.39.42 # say... you forgot the why part of the where and how 02.40.30 # huh? I was talking to my wife in another channel 02.40.49 # sure 02.40.51 # SURE 02.40.52 # just SURE 02.40.59 # telling her how i invade your lives 02.41.06 # not really 02.41.21 # so anyways go on after you tell me why you told me 02.41.34 # I didn't 02.41.39 # I only hinted 02.41.44 # the rest is in your mind 02.41.53 # your hyperactive imagination 02.42.22 # oh,, you suck her.. uh.. hair? 02.42.57 # plugh is pretty twisted 02.43.06 # talking about sucking someone's hair 02.43.37 # one thing everyone can agree on is that I'm twisted 02.43.49 # but the reason is a variable 02.43.54 # like the fact that you suck hair 02.44.03 # or the fact you imply rotten things to a minor 02.44.18 # or the fact you.. you.. do other stuff 02.44.22 # thats WRONG 02.44.41 # you never told me you were a minor 02.44.45 # or how old you were 02.44.59 # you just keep saying you're younger than me 02.45.00 # you .. didnt? 02.45.04 # which I could guess 02.45.09 # haha 02.45.17 # i am 13 02.45.21 # wow 02.45.46 # yes? 02.45.47 # of course, when I was 13... 02.45.51 # let's not go there 02.45.55 # when scott said 2^3 02.45.59 # no no tell me! 02.46.32 # I was online back then 02.46.42 # 19 years ago 02.46.55 # WOW SO AM I! 02.46.57 # REALLY? 02.46.58 # NEAT 02.47.04 # ONLINE AT 13?!!? 02.47.06 # at 300 baud 02.47.23 # of course I didn't go by Plugh back then 02.47.31 # that came at 16 02.47.40 # at 13 I was Xyzzy 02.47.57 # anything else to tell me? 02.48.01 DBUG Enqueued KICK midknight2k3 02.48.01 # 17:45:07 | <02Plugh> of course, when I was 13... 02.48.01 # not really 02.48.01 # 17:45:11 | <02Plugh> let's not go there 02.48.06 # thats where you didnt want to go? 02.48.09 # no 02.48.14 # where then 02.48.23 # oh, I did bad things at 13 02.48.28 # VERY bad things 02.48.54 # likee? 02.49.12 # hacking, phreaking, general anarchy 02.49.25 # phreaking? 02.49.28 # makes no sense 02.49.40 # I wouldn't expect you to know about it 02.49.45 # i'd LIKE to 02.49.49 # it's pretty much a dead hobby 02.49.54 # meaning? 02.49.58 # ever since the phone system went digital 02.50.16 # i hack, i do not phreak, i do general anarchy 02.50.41 # there used to be ways to navigate the telco trunk lines 02.50.52 # and? 02.50.57 # thats phreaking? 02.50.58 # wow 02.51.37 # people used to be able to move the little bars that switched connections in the telco 02.51.44 # and jump to new circuits 02.52.12 # THAT SOUNDS like somewhere you dont wanna go! really hwere is it you dint wanna go 02.52.15 # using tones played through the telephone line 02.52.31 # i know 02.52.41 # the whole noise thing for free long distance etx 02.52.42 # etc* 02.52.44 # well, you can't do that anymore 02.52.46 # that was on the core actually 02.53.05 # so thats it 02.53.08 # wow 02.53.10 # neat life story 02.53.22 # you phreaked the telephones 02.53.26 # anything else that id LOVE to hear? 02.53.35 # I also spent my days cracking copy protection off games 02.53.45 # 17:51:03 | and jump to new circuits 02.53.45 # trading them over the modem 02.53.45 # 17:51:32 | THAT SOUNDS like somewhere you dont wanna go! really hwere is it you dint wanna go 02.53.45 # 17:51:34 | using tones played through the telephone line 02.53.45 *** Alert Mode level 1 02.53.45 # 17:51:50 | i know 02.53.45 *** Alert Mode level 2 02.53.45 # 17:52:00 | the whole noise thing for free long distance etx 02.53.48 # oops 02.54.22 # THAT SOUNDS ULTRA COOL 02.54.22 # I ran a BBS when I was 15 02.54.24 # and restricted 02.54.38 # had people calling me from all over the US 02.54.39 # thats it? 02.54.43 # thats where you didnt want to go? 02.54.47 # i thought it was something good 02.54.56 # not phreaking telephones 02.55.07 # which, btw, doesnt sound right AT ALL 02.55.09 # it was a different world back then 02.56.22 # anything else? 02.56.27 # i like plugh's stories 02.56.59 # there was the day of the $768 phone bill :) 02.57.05 # that forced me to get a job 02.57.21 # continue! 02.58.03 # Dude likes your stories too 02.58.06 # go on pllleeeeeeasee 02.58.32 # cmon 02.59.51 # you suck 02.59.57 Ctcp Ignored 2 channel CTCP requests in 1 hour and 1 minute at the last flood 02.59.57 # * Plugh nods 03.00.07 # go on! 03.00.19 # nah 03.00.24 # I think I'm done for now 03.00.36 # come on please 03.00.39 # i want to hear more 03.00.46 # what about at 14? more telephone work? 03.01.24 # I gave up phreaking at 15. The phonecops got too many tools to track us down by that point 03.01.50 # go on 03.02.03 # besides that, a bunch of my friends got busted for it 03.02.18 # and go on 03.02.23 # what did you do after that? 03.02.26 # secret service arrived at their houses one morning and took all their stuff 03.02.28 # i like this storytime thing 03.02.32 # hahaha 03.02.49 # keep going 03.02.51 # all of them at the same time, same day 03.02.51 # pleaes 03.03.01 # it was kinda funny, in a tragic sorta way 03.03.22 # did they get killed or get their heads chopped off or electric chaired? 03.03.28 # nah 03.03.37 # just got their stuff confiscated 03.03.41 # they were all minors 03.03.46 *** Alert Mode OFF 03.03.47 # cept one. He got probation 03.04.00 # neat 03.04.03 # what was that like 03.04.39 # I dunno. Didn't hear from him very much after that. He lost like $5000 worth of computer equipment 03.04.51 # was hard for him to get back to that point 03.04.59 # and he was all paranoid 03.05.14 # here comes Dude 03.05.15 # uy 03.05.25 # he wants to talk about it or something 03.05.32 # hah 03.05.41 # yeah 03.05.42 # oh well 03.05.55 # here he comessss... 03.06.01 # and NOW! 03.06.05 # shabang! 03.06.07 # NOW! 03.06.10 # right 03.06.13 # NOW! 03.06.17 # whree is he? 03.06.42 # NOW! 03.06.45 # get here.. NOW! 03.06.50 # hes here NOW! 03.06.50 # from about 15-17 I was still goofing off with computers, still running a BBS 03.07.06 Join Dude [0] (~thefirstd@pm477-46.dialip.mich.net) 03.07.19 # and some kid downloaded a file off my board that told how to pick locks, make bombs, that sorta thing 03.07.28 # and turned it into a research paper 03.07.51 # lol 03.07.57 # he's getting in all sorts of trouble with the school and he points his finger at me 03.08.06 # poor plugh 03.08.16 # I wouldn't want to be him at the same time as i would 03.08.25 # why would you? 03.08.31 # I had to explain to the principal what a BBS was and that I had no control over files that get uploaded to my board 03.08.41 # because it'd be cool to make a bomb, THAT DIDN'T WORK 03.08.52 # If the bomb worked then... 03.08.58 # then what? 03.09.13 # then you can only imagine what would happen. 03.09.19 # I got off the hook. He got an F 03.09.48 # not a 0? 03.09.55 # ugh 03.09.59 # I guess. I dunno 03.10.15 # he tried to turn in a copy/paste off my BBS as a research paper 03.10.31 # complete with misspellings, profanity, and ASCII line art 03.10.37 # * Dude says plugh sucks 03.10.48 # don't start with me Dude 03.11.01 # whatever you say 03.11.04 # but you do 03.11.06 # every day 03.11.11 # lol 03.11.13 # twice on Sundays 03.11.18 # lol 03.11.35 # special day coming up 03.11.39 # what 03.11.40 # 2 days and it will be sunday 03.11.47 # lol 03.11.53 # anyhow, after that, I graduated, went to college, got on the internet 03.11.59 # * Dude says why was that funny? 03.12.01 # this was 1990 03.12.08 # OK 03.12.11 # * midknight2k3 says because you don't get it 03.12.14 # thats when i was born! 03.12.17 # yay 03.12.18 # I know 03.12.19 # continue please 03.12.21 # 13 yrs ago 03.12.25 # I was born in... 03.12.29 # should I say? 03.12.31 # we dont CARE! 03.12.33 # no dont 03.12.44 # I think I better not... 03.12.51 # oh no you better not 03.12.58 # terrifying 03.13.00 # oh 03.13.02 # I know I'd better not 03.13.06 # the place? or the year? 03.13.14 # by in i thought you meant place 03.13.17 # I was born in Jerusalem 03.13.26 # that was hard wasnt it 03.13.31 # so in 93 I was fired from my job for running a warez server off the company firewall 03.13.35 # the year? 03.13.38 # lol 03.13.41 # lol 03.13.43 # plugh is a bad boy 03.13.48 # why? what did you do? 03.13.59 # * Dude says midknight said plugh was a bad boy 03.14.00 # he RAN A WAREZ SERVER OFF THE COMPANY FIREWALL 03.14.07 # OH! 03.14.09 # can you READ? 03.14.11 # OK... 03.14.17 # I didn't get it at first 03.14.31 # stop playing with /me please 03.14.32 # But how do you do that? 03.14.35 # go on plugh 03.14.38 # you just run it 03.14.59 # * Dude tells plugh to continue please 03.15.14 # umm, after that I lost my net connection 03.15.18 # it sucked 03.15.28 # and you got it back and made mudbarn 03.15.31 # i rock! 03.15.47 # I hope that's not true... 03.15.48 # so I dialled into a freenet run by the city library and hacked a shell 03.16.04 # and ran a SLIP connection off the shell 03.16.05 # dude: it is 03.16.30 # until they found that and shut down my little backdoor 03.16.40 # lol 03.16.54 # then I hacked the college's dial-in server 03.16.58 # lol 03.17.08 # I made it give me a PPP connection 03.17.14 # lol 03.17.30 # so I used that for about 6 months for net access 03.17.41 # how fast was it? 03.17.41 # until they finally found me out 03.17.45 # 9600 baud 03.18.33 # lol 03.18.38 # was it worth it? 03.18.47 # he didnt get killed, so yes 03.18.50 # i am sure 03.19.01 # well clearly he wasn't killed 03.19.10 # hell yeah. I had a better connection than most of my friends 03.19.25 # a full, real IP address to the net 03.19.26 # what year was this? 03.19.30 # through a free dialup 03.19.35 # lol 03.19.42 # what year? 03.19.47 # '94? Mebbe 95 03.19.57 # so that explains it 03.19.59 # when ym dads truck was made 03.20.02 # my* 03.20.20 # I remember I had this 14K modem 03.20.22 # external 03.20.28 # parrallel port 03.20.29 # then I started paying for access 03.20.37 # hardly ever used it 03.20.43 # until about 96 when I took off to California 03.21.00 # I still have it less a few capacitors in my cupboard 30 feet away 03.21.21 # met my wife in late 96, started dating her early 97, married her in October '97 03.21.28 # lol 03.21.41 # sure is funny, dude 03.21.44 # ha ha ha 03.21.52 # and thats where you are today 6 years later 03.22.00 # now you suck every day and twice on sundays 03.22.02 # great 03.22.10 # yep. Anniversary in 2 weeks 03.22.17 # still suckin' 03.22.19 # you marry on halloween 03.22.20 # ? 03.22.24 # 10/30 03.22.28 # oh 03.22.37 # 31st was booked solid 03.22.51 # we couldn't marry on the 31st. Everyone was busy 03.22.52 # lol 03.23.13 # lol 03.23.44 # it's kinda an important holiday 03.23.52 # i noticed 03.23.53 # my wife and I are witches. 03.23.53 # to whoim 03.23.58 # get your kids to get you candy right 03.24.05 # lol 03.24.06 # man 03.24.19 # I have a school halloween party at 3:00 on that day 03.24.23 # till 5 03.24.34 # and we may or may not be playing in it 03.24.39 # well, when we got married we were Wiccan. But now we're just our own brand of pagan 03.24.48 # plugh has a neat life story 03.24.48 # but there'll be a decent haunted house there 03.25.09 # * Dude agrees with midknight2k3 03.25.21 Quit Dude () 03.25.41 # Dude has a better ISP than you mid 03.25.42 # DING 03.25.52 # its not HIS ips 03.25.54 # isp* 03.26.01 # its his dad's university's 03.26.16 # mich.net is not a university ISP 03.26.33 # Registrant: 03.26.33 # Merit Network Inc. (MICH-DOM) 03.26.33 # 4251 Plymouth Road 03.26.33 DBUG Enqueued KICK Plugh 03.26.33 # Bldg. 1, Suite 2000 03.26.33 # Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785 03.26.35 # US 03.26.53 # its like michigan university 03.27.21 # that would be umich.edu 03.27.41 # let me see 03.27.41 # Registrant: 03.27.42 # University of Michigan -- ITD 03.27.42 # ITCS, Arbor Lakes 03.27.42 *** Alert Mode level 1 03.27.42 # 4251 Plymouth Road 03.27.44 # Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785 03.27.46 # UNITED STATES 03.27.50 # funny 03.27.52 # same place :) 03.28.02 # SEE? 03.28.03 # Zakk says: 03.28.03 # whats your inet connection 03.28.03 # Dude-I like monotonousness so the same to you with or without knobs on depending on the way you prefer it says: 03.28.03 # free dialup with my dad's work at the UofM 03.28.13 # hmmm 03.28.16 # tell me i am wrong? 03.28.37 # exactly 03.28.54 # well plugh 03.28.58 # was i right or was i right 03.29.08 Join dude [0] (~jirc@pm477-46.dialip.mich.net) 03.29.57 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 03.29.57 # * dude asks what's happened while i was gone 03.30.17 # nothing 03.30.25 # so you say 03.30.38 # 18:24:41 | * Dude has quit IRC 03.30.38 # 18:25:01 | Dude has a better ISP than you mid 03.30.38 # 18:25:02 | DING 03.30.38 *** Alert Mode level 2 03.30.38 # 18:25:11 | its not HIS ips 03.30.38 *** Alert Mode level 3 03.30.38 # 18:25:13 | isp* 03.30.39 *** Alert Mode level 4 03.30.39 # 18:25:20 | its his dad's university's 03.30.41 # 18:25:35 | mich.net is not a university ISP 03.31.01 # mich.net is the UofM 03.31.18 # told to plugh himself 03.31.20 # my dad works at the University of Michigan 03.31.28 # he gets free dialup 03.31.36 # from home 03.32.08 # * dude demands that Plugh speak 03.32.18 # dude dont damnd 03.32.30 # I was just joking man 03.32.42 # err 03.32.44 # dude dont demand 03.32.53 # I am King Dude 03.32.59 # I am here to rule you all 03.33.04 # lol 03.33.18 # Anyways I'll be back in the client 03.33.20 Part Plugh 03.33.30 # god 03.33.32 # you scared him off 03.33.40 # dang it! 03.33.48 # ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 03.33.58 # Plugh get back here 03.34.07 # dude 03.34.08 Join dude2 [0] (~thefirstd@pm477-46.dialip.mich.net) 03.34.11 # shut up 03.34.36 # hey! 03.34.41 # I'm here twice! 03.35.06 # hehe 03.35.15 # I was just having a chat with myself 03.35.17 # lol 03.35.19 # hey 03.35.21 # get out 03.35.21 # try that some day 03.35.45 Join Plugh [0] (plugh@adsl-68-122-77-189.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) 03.35.47 Part Plugh 03.35.50 # NEVER 03.35.51 Join Plugh [0] (plugh@adsl-68-122-77-189.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) 03.35.51 # HAHA 03.35.53 # hugh? 03.35.54 # get out dude 03.35.57 # you are scaring him 03.35.57 # no 03.36.06 # sorry for scaring you 03.36.13 # lol 03.36.20 Quit dude ("Leaving") 03.36.29 Nick dude2 is now known as dude (~thefirstd@pm477-46.dialip.mich.net) 03.36.34 # ok 03.37.20 # anyways bye peoples 03.37.24 # gotta go 03.37.25 # to 03.37.27 # bed 03.37.28 # bye 03.37.30 # bedtime 03.37.31 Quit dude (Client Quit) 03.37.44 # 8:30? 03.37.45 # wow 03.37.49 # that's early 03.37.52 # 9:30 for him 03.40.40 *** Alert Mode OFF 03.45.21 Join k3no [0] (irc@ 03.45.45 Quit k3no__ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.46.35 # PLUGH 03.51.51 # what 03.51.54 # I wanna go home 03.52.00 # go ahead 03.55.14 # home yet 04.04.06 # PLUGH 04.04.08 # you there? 04.06.48 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.47.47 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 04.51.25 # scott 04.51.27 # hi 04.51.32 # hey 04.51.41 # didnt see you come in 04.51.45 # im getting angry over this 04.51.52 # settings_menu.c: In function `max_files_in_dir': 04.51.53 # settings_menu.c:616: warning: ordered comparison of pointer with integer zero 04.51.53 # settings_menu.c:617: case label not within a switch statement 04.51.53 # settings_menu.c:619: `used' undeclared (first use in this function) 04.51.53 # settings_menu.c:619: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once 04.51.53 *** Alert Mode level 1 04.51.53 # settings_menu.c:619: for each function it appears in.) 04.51.55 # make[1]: *** [/home/rockbox/settings/build/settings_menu.o] Error 1 04.51.57 # make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rockbox/settings/apps' 04.51.59 # make: *** [apps] Error 2 04.52.31 # what are you trying to do? 04.53.05 # first im making a message pop up after setting the max files in dir to say 'apply settings now?' 04.53.18 # then i will make it really work, by spinning up the disk to store the settings 04.53.23 # first, the message 05.01.54 *** Alert Mode OFF 05.08.48 Part k3no 05.12.40 # note to all future rb hackers: << = left, >> = right 05.12.48 # ha ha scott 05.13.03 # so i got my left and right confused 05.13.04 # so what 05.13.08 # it was a simple mistake 05.13.12 # so youre fuckin retarded 05.13.20 # so i am not 05.13.42 # ill show you 05.14.02 # nice wording there gus 05.14.10 Quit top_bloke (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 05.15.24 # a HA! 05.15.29 # got it out of him eventually 05.15.30 # _____ 05.15.31 # xmk2k3x: am i "fucking retarded" ? 05.15.31 # arspy87net: lol 05.15.31 # arspy87net: you'll get it eventually 05.15.31 *** Alert Mode level 1 05.15.31 # arspy87net: im terrible at programming 05.15.32 *** Alert Mode level 2 05.15.32 # xmk2k3x: for this guy in irc who thinks i am 05.15.34 # xmk2k3x: am i? 05.15.36 # xmk2k3x: you tell him 05.15.38 # xmk2k3x: just say yes or no 05.15.40 # arspy87net: you're not retarded 05.15.42 # you see 05.15.44 # you have twisted opinions 05.16.02 # he sounds biased to me 05.16.15 # how so? 05.17.14 # cause he agreed without proof 05.17.55 # he knows me sorta 05.17.57 # so 05.17.59 # he has proof 05.18.01 # exactly 05.18.03 # hes biased 05.19.43 # hey tard 05.19.48 # get in private chat 05.22.27 # oooh 05.22.28 # scott 05.22.30 # dissed 05.22.32 # ______ 05.22.33 # arspy87net: you are biased if you dont have proof 05.22.33 # arspy87net: he doesnt know what biased means 05.22.33 *** Alert Mode level 3 05.22.33 # arspy87net: *dumb* lol 05.22.38 # ooo ooooooohh 05.22.43 # lol 05.23.06 # lol 05.23.51 # no, being biased means having preconcieved notions about things 05.23.56 # which he obviously does 05.24.07 # that influences them to see things in a distorted way 05.25.41 # do you mean to insult? 05.26.08 # he says sorry for calling you dumb 05.26.14 # he feels bad 05.26.20 # are you sorry too? 05.27.54 # scott? 05.32.34 *** Alert Mode OFF 05.34.55 # back 05.35.01 # ok 05.35.03 # he is sorry 05.35.08 # lol 05.35.10 # lol 05.35.16 # what a nerd 05.35.18 # lament 05.35.20 # lol 05.35.20 # yeah, i bet 05.35.23 # lol 05.35.55 # 0:30:00 | :) 05.35.55 # 20:30:08 | I can smile, but i still hate you. 05.36.28 # go in #c and talk to lament 05.36.30 # its funny so funny 05.36.35 # he's such an angry person 05.36.38 # calmly angry 05.37.29 # 20:36:31 | mid: just shut up, you horrible little man 05.37.29 # 20:36:35 | im a kid 05.37.29 # 20:36:36 | not a man 05.37.34 # what a real jerk 05.37.40 # 20:36:42 | then go to #ypn 05.38.25 # 20:37:22 | mid: I do not hate you, you are far too insignificant to hate. 05.38.25 # 20:37:25 | but without even multitasking, i just dunno 05.38.25 # 20:37:35 | zigago: why do you think im significant 05.38.25 # 20:37:38 | mid: but you are an annoying, and noisy thing, thus my request. 05.38.56 # come on in 05.38.57 # lol 05.40.25 # HAHAaw 05.40.33 # 20:38:56 | mid: go away until you have matured into a vague approximation of a human being. 05.40.33 # 20:39:03 | i am a vague thing 05.40.42 # 20:39:29 | mid: yes, somewhat like a mutated potato, doubtless. 05.40.42 # 20:39:30 | yes, you're a vague thing 05.42.50 # #c? 05.42.54 # ok 05.42.56 # yeah 05.46.07 # speak up lol 05.46.19 # haha 05.46.33 # oh shit 05.46.53 # i cant talk! 05.46.58 # haha 05.47.06 # #c The channel demigods have stolen your voice 05.47.06 # 20:45:57 | heh, you don't even have + 05.47.36 # yeah 05.47.41 # hahah 05.47.46 # 20:46:29 | please don't do that 05.47.46 # 20:46:34 | do what? 05.47.46 # 20:46:39 | i did nothing 05.47.46 # 20:46:45 | i just wish lament would lighten up 05.47.46 *** Alert Mode level 1 05.47.46 # 20:46:52 | are everyone in here mean like that? 05.48.02 # *** Mode change "+q midknight2k3!*@*" for channel #c by xsdg 05.48.03 # *** Signoff: [sKUrZ0] (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.48.03 # *** midknight2k3 has left #c 05.48.03 DBUG Enqueued KICK scott666 05.48.03 # that was swift 05.48.03 # *** UdontKnow (udontknow@udontknow.staff.freenode) has joined channel #c 05.48.03 *** Alert Mode level 2 05.48.03 # sorry it took so long 05.48.05 # yay IRC police 05.48.29 # lol 05.49.51 # 20:48:13 | please don't flood; that isn't appreciated in most channels 05.49.51 # 20:48:21 | i'm sorry 05.49.51 # 20:48:26 | i just wanted to flood lament 05.49.51 *** Alert Mode level 3 05.49.51 # 20:48:30 | cause he's mean to me 05.54.52 # at least i can talk in here 05.59.52 *** Alert Mode OFF 06.05.01 Join diddystar5 [0] (diddystar5@AC8342C1.ipt.aol.com) 06.05.01 Quit scott666 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.05.21 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 06.05.43 # lol mid: are you flooding #c again? 06.05.50 # yep 06.05.51 # jhaha 06.06.03 # lol 06.06.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.06.54 # know how to call a HD spinup? 06.07.31 # no 06.07.40 # you can tell it to open/read something 06.07.40 # rats 06.07.48 # i dont really want that 06.08.11 # you can move int the browser :) 06.08.14 # *in 06.08.32 # lol 06.08.36 # i want a spinupo in-menu 06.09.12 # why? 06.09.19 # ive been on here since you left 06.09.25 # oh its to save a setting to disk 06.09.26 # lol 06.09.29 # i know 06.09.33 # talk about computer obsessed 06.10.37 # hm 06.10.44 # GOD I NEED A SPINUP 06.11.00 # they need a command 06.11.08 # ata_spinup(true) or something 06.13.44 # i gotta go 06.13.45 # seeya 06.14.02 Quit midknight2k3 () 06.18.18 Part scott666 06.20.40 Join PenguinOfDoom [0] (Pahan@syr-24-169-78-24.twcny.rr.com) 06.20.44 # heh 06.20.45 Part PenguinOfDoom 06.26.35 Quit diddystar5 ("Bye") 06.28.32 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 07.21.12 Quit adi|home ("Damn flying monkies") 07.22.01 Quit dw|gone (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 07.22.01 NSplit orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 07.22.01 Quit Suschman (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 07.22.01 Quit MT (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 07.22.01 Quit Plugh (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 07.22.13 NHeal orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 07.22.13 NJoin Plugh [0] (plugh@adsl-68-122-77-189.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) 07.22.13 NJoin MT [0] (~MT@no.beer.for.beating.me.uk) 07.22.13 NJoin Suschman [0] (suschman@p50879AA3.dip.t-dialin.net) 07.32.03 NJoin dw|gone [0] (dwihno@ 07.49.36 Join k3no [0] (irc@ 07.56.42 Quit k3no ("blue") 08.03.04 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-10.216-194-24-64.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 08.06.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.06.55 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 10.45.10 Join k3no [0] (irc@ 10.46.35 Part k3no 10.47.01 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EA9E94.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.25.19 Quit Suschman ("Der Drops ist gelutscht ...") 12.05.29 Join k3no [0] (irc@ 12.05.53 Part k3no 12.06.58 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.24.31 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBB2B34.ipt.aol.com) 12.24.35 # MOrning 12.42.50 Quit track ("Leaving") 13.41.51 Join AciD` [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 13.54.20 Join Guest [0] (~jirc@81-86-114-198.dsl.pipex.com) 13.58.35 # Does anyone mind if I ask what may be a really stupid question? 14.00.49 Quit Guest ("Leaving") 14.06.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.13.35 Join DarthWufei [0] (DarthWufei@ip68-13-240-27.ok.ok.cox.net) 14.16.38 Quit DarthWufei (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.29.00 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBBEA17.ipt.aol.com) 14.29.23 Quit track (Client Quit) 14.51.09 Quit dw|gone (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 14.51.09 NSplit orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 14.51.17 NHeal orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 14.51.17 NJoin dw|gone [0] (dwihno@ 14.51.31 Quit dw|gone (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 14.51.33 NJoin dw|gone [0] (dwihno@ 15.31.54 Join uski [0] (~moo@gandalf.digital-network.org) 15.32.06 # RoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooock BooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooXXX !! 15.32.15 # hi rockboxers 15.44.57 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBCF919.ipt.aol.com) 16.00.59 Quit adi|home (Connection timed out) 16.06.02 Quit track ("Leaving") 16.07.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.59.06 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 18.07.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.17.38 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBA9DEA.ipt.aol.com) 18.37.32 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-11.216-194-25-37.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 18.42.35 Quit adi|home ("Damn flying monkies") 19.21.04 Quit edx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.28.39 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 19.39.48 Quit track ("Leaving") 19.52.49 Join k3no [0] (~hosted@ 19.54.51 Part k3no 20.02.28 Join k3no [0] (~hosted@ 20.02.34 Part k3no 20.07.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.17.08 Join midknight2k3 [0] (jirc@12-229-204-15.client.attbi.com) 20.17.24 Quit midknight2k3 (Client Quit) 20.23.33 Join midknight2k3 [0] (jirc@12-229-204-15.client.attbi.com) 20.23.43 # anyone here 20.23.46 # look at thi 20.23.50 # look at this 20.23.52 # new archps 20.23.56 # new archos* 20.24.00 # http://www.circuitcity.com/detail.jsp?c=1&b=g&catoid=-8721&qp=0&bookmark=bookmark_1&oid=79300 20.24.27 # "And when you want a little something extra, you can upgrade its features by downloading plug-ins such as a photo wallet and an FM remote control directly from the Archos website. (Note: Downloads are available for purchase)" 20.24.38 # downloading fm recievers? odd 20.39.18 # they sell an FM remote for the MMs too 20.40.50 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EABF84.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.41.46 # scott: but did you see the link 20.41.57 # yeah, wtf? 20.42.00 # that's pretty interesting.. i wanna see one of those 20.42.03 # i know 20.42.15 # The backlit LCD has 5 lines of characters and an icon bar, 20.42.18 # its like a multimedia, without the multimedia playback 20.42.20 # wtf? 20.42.22 # its got the icons and stuff 20.43.31 # bet its not rockboxable 20.43.35 # and therefore shit 20.43.45 # i'll say lol 20.44.10 # soon they'll learn that if ti dont run rockbox, it's not gonna get sold as well and they'll put it back 20.44.42 # http://archos.com/products/mp3_music_product_list.html 20.44.48 # they dont sell FMRs anymore 20.45.08 # yeah 20.45.17 # recorders are on the extinction list as well 20.45.19 # or that new thing 20.45.26 # endangered species 20.45.33 # or that rec20v2 20.45.37 # i bet its cause of DRM 20.45.39 # they need an update 20.45.50 # did you ever see that rec20v2? 20.46.16 # theres not many products thatll let you eaisily record into mp3s 20.46.18 # no 20.46.21 # here 20.46.22 # http://mudbarn.com/~plugh/images/recorder20.jpg 20.46.25 # plugh hosted it 20.46.35 # its an fm recorder 20.46.37 # without the fm 20.46.40 # the new recorders 20.46.41 # yeah 20.46.55 # and of course, non-rockbox enabled 20.47.16 # oh, really? 20.47.18 # thats retarded 20.47.28 # i know 20.47.33 # it wont load any ajbrec.ajz's 20.47.41 # the os is 1.40j or something 20.47.57 # which is just the fm recorder firwmare, minus fm and plus a bigger number 20.48.01 # so you cant upgrade the FW ever? 20.48.12 # they're clever 20.48.26 # the older models had "updates" online that were the same os as shipped 20.48.29 # not anymore 20.48.42 # who the fuck would buy that? 20.49.06 # who knows 20.49.25 # whatever happened to the guy who bought a neros? 20.49.38 # dunno 20.50.40 # here it is 20.50.41 # http://www2.funmp3players.com/forum/topic.asp?topic_id=7051&forum_id=8&Topic_Title=Redesigned+Recorder+20+V2&forum_title=General+%2D+Jukebox+Player%2FRecorder&M=False&S=True 20.50.48 # thats the thread of the new rec 20.51.40 # "I need a firmware file to examine. " 20.51.46 # "... if I could get the file from Archos! ajbrec.ajz 1.40a only on the box right now... " 20.51.54 # they didnt put it up online 20.52.03 # like they did with the (fm)recs 20.52.18 # hmm 20.52.27 # they're changing for the worse 20.52.35 # if i had a recorder 2 i would make the uart boot mod, so i could get the flash file 20.52.41 # but they are stupid 20.52.48 # i bought my recorder because i could put rockbox on it 20.52.54 # yeah 20.52.58 # the new ones.. you cant rally 20.52.59 # and i will not buy a recorder v2 if i cannot put rockbox 20.53.00 # really* 20.53.05 # yeah 20.53.11 # bye archos, hello rio karma 20.53.22 # hmm not sure it is a good choice 20.53.32 # bye archos, hello yacc... 20.53.34 # what 20.53.39 # oops not yacc 20.53.40 # the karma? 20.53.44 # nah 20.53.51 # can't remember the name !! hmm ! 20.53.56 # nah..t a good choice? 20.53.57 # yammp ! or sth like this 20.54.02 # oh 20.54.04 # i cannot remember its exact name 20.54.07 # uhhh 20.54.09 # yeah 20.54.13 # something like that 20.54.21 # WHAT IS IT! 20.54.27 # i can feel it there but i cant remember it 20.54.28 # waait 20.54.30 # its like yabb or something 20.54.32 Join diddystar5 [0] (diddystar5@ACCB3463.ipt.aol.com) 20.54.38 # hi diddystar 20.54.48 # hey mid 20.54.55 # http://www.myplace.nu/mp3/ 20.54.59 # im about to mail the package 20.55.01 # hi diddystar5 :) 20.55.11 # cool 20.55.20 # is the PO open on saturday? 20.55.49 # it should be 20.56.11 # i cant remember the 3rd cd 20.56.14 # oohhh 20.56.15 # yeah 20.56.16 # office 20.56.28 # mmm office 2k3 20.56.35 # yeah 20.56.38 # is it the beta or final? 20.56.44 # final 20.56.48 # cool 20.57.21 # yeah 20.57.30 # its 5 cds but most suck 20.57.38 # 5? 20.57.41 # wow 20.57.43 # the 1st is all the main apps, 2 is frontpage and 5 is onenote 20.57.52 # 3 is infopath or something 20.57.55 # some xml junk 20.58.07 # is publisher on the main cd? 20.58.30 # yeah 20.58.32 # i think 20.58.36 # if its not ill burn that too 20.58.49 # good office 2k2 pro didnt come with it 20.59.05 # yeah 20.59.08 # they put it back 20.59.13 # i liked publisher 20.59.18 # i think publisher is cool 20.59.33 # and outlook 2003 is way .. better 20.59.37 # it can make really cool calendars 20.59.50 # lol 21.00.02 # ahh thats what i was gonna do! make a hotmail account so i can use outlook! 21.00.27 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBBE18F.ipt.aol.com) 21.00.48 # track.... 21.00.54 # HI 21.00.55 # diddy: it's worth it 21.01.34 # hi mid 21.01.37 # and diddy 21.03.11 # hi 21.10.06 Quit midknight2k3 ("Leaving") 21.14.39 Join midknight2k3 [0] (midknight2@12-229-204-15.client.attbi.com) 21.14.45 # that wasnt too bad 21.15.32 Nick diddystar5 is now known as bit64 (diddystar5@ACCB3463.ipt.aol.com) 21.15.39 # im on xchat 21.15.41 # yay 21.15.41 Nick bit64 is now known as dstar (diddystar5@ACCB3463.ipt.aol.com) 21.15.44 # bit64? 21.15.45 # cool 21.15.54 # humm new nick.... 21.16.04 # dstar? 21.16.11 Nick dstar is now known as diddystar (diddystar5@ACCB3463.ipt.aol.com) 21.16.54 # Office 2k3 CD1 - burning 21.17.01 # cool 21.17.04 # "rockbox for president" 21.17.07 # i like that 21.17.23 Nick diddystar is now known as rockbox_for_pres (diddystar5@ACCB3463.ipt.aol.com) 21.17.28 # lol 21.17.32 # its the topic 21.17.32 # ;p; 21.17.37 Nick rockbox_for_pres is now known as diddystar (diddystar5@ACCB3463.ipt.aol.com) 21.20.00 # want frontpage? 21.22.28 Join top_bloke [0] (Email@1Cust71.tnt5.chi15.da.uu.net) 21.22.38 # hi top 21.22.47 # hi 21.22.53 # did you get the logo in your rockbox? 21.22.57 # yeah 21.23.01 # cool 21.23.19 # your method worked 21.23.20 # except it was inverted 21.23.21 # but thats no problem 21.23.35 # lol 21.23.41 # wait 21.23.43 # it worked? 21.23.47 # and i thought the bitmap could be 64x112 21.23.47 # IT WONT WORK FOR ME WAA 21.24.06 # but apperently its 37x112 21.24.08 # well to work it need to be 112x37 21.24.10 # its 112x34 21.24.13 # err yeah 21.24.13 # yeah 21.24.14 # 37 21.24.17 # same difference 21.24.21 # not rally 21.24.29 # differences cant be the same 21.24.37 # yes it can 21.24.42 # its the same difference 21.24.50 # no its not 21.24.52 # that why uisimulator/x11/archos is a nice starting point its already monoscrome and 112x37 21.25.06 # yeah 21.25.19 # but! 21.25.21 # its 256bits 21.25.22 # but same difference 21.25.24 # not 8bit 21.25.45 # 8 = 256 21.25.50 # same difference 21.26.19 # NO ITS NOT 21.26.21 # stop that 21.26.26 # top bloke: what is you logo? 21.26.34 # ehhh, same difference 21.26.39 # *your 21.26.39 # remember tracks request 21.26.52 # lol 21.26.52 # "show zagors face on the LCd when USB is inserted" 21.26.53 # which one mid? 21.27.03 # i just threw some lines in there 21.27.04 # lol 21.27.05 # i'm gonna make it cool 21.27.13 # at least it works for you 21.27.15 # you could do that 21.27.23 # i know that top 21.27.23 # just replace the usb logo 21.27.27 # i will do it if he wants 21.27.31 # do you want track? 21.27.42 # i could show YOUR FACE on the usb logo 21.27.51 # just take the pic of zagors page and monochrome it and bmp2rb it and plug in in icon.c 21.27.58 # right 21.28.43 # to bad the display cant be grayscale it would look good then :) 21.28.57 # yeah 21.28.58 Quit track ("Leaving") 21.29.40 # all 5 cds burnt 21.29.50 # wow what speed is you burner? 21.29.57 # 40x 21.29.58 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@c25025a.hud.bostream.se) 21.30.01 # hi bagder 21.30.12 # hey 21.30.16 # thats fast mines a old 8x from when they first came out 21.30.23 # i have an 8x one too 21.30.53 # Bagder: what do you think about the VU meter being added to cvs :) 21.31.02 # it needs a small amount of work 21.31.05 # in my eyes 21.31.09 # hang on 21.31.27 # i made a few optimizations i should post those right quick.... 21.31.31 # I haven't seen any "VU meter" 21.31.38 # then I haven't seen much at all 21.31.47 # been busy 21.31.51 # Bagder: it's in the patches 21.31.53 # and still am 21.32.05 # Bagder: www.tinyurl.com/pem3 21.32.15 # ain't got time 21.38.23 # bye bagder 21.38.25 Quit midknight2k3 ("Time to go now...") 21.47.51 Quit diddystar ("Bye") 22.07.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.16.18 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBBE18F.ipt.aol.com) 22.16.25 # hi 22.17.57 # hi bag 22.19.30 # der 22.22.45 Quit track ("Leaving") 22.47.28 Quit Bagder ("http://daniel.haxx.se") 23.20.11 Quit uski ("Fermeture du client") 23.25.11 Join Dogger [0] (~jimmy@adsl-63-201-59-198.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) 23.27.57 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 23.28.20 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 23.49.40 # hi anyone alive? 23.52.48 # me 23.53.52 Quit top_bloke (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.54.15 # hi scott 23.55.21 # hey 23.56.44 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBF9421.ipt.aol.com) 23.56.54 Quit AciD` ("ac1d.free.fr") 23.58.54 # anyone know a good cheap source for archos products? 23.58.59 # broken or working