--- Log for 12.12.103 Server: zelazny.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 9 days and 16 hours ago 00.00.19 # <[IDC]Dragon> they have a problem... 00.00.21 # maybe we can't solve it for players 00.01.01 Join foxy-tyger [0] (~foxy-tyge@67-42-37-200.phnx.qwest.net) 00.01.03 # hmmmm 00.01.07 # ok..im back 00.01.14 # foxy-tyger: wb 00.01.24 # ty. 00.01.36 # u said somthin about takin it apart? 00.01.53 # foxy-tyger: yeah, to resolder the ground connection to the chassis 00.02.04 # >.< 00.02.18 # wouldnt that void my wornty 00.02.30 # the old-player won't work in car-adapter mode anyway, would it? 00.02.45 # foxy-tyger: you have warranty? why don't you send it back then? 00.03.19 # i dnt know if i do..i bought it from a friend 00.03.55 # i dont think i do 00.04.04 # if you have a studio, i doubt that you have any warranty left 00.04.17 # LinusN: correct. it doesn't react to the charger. but they seem to be very rare nowadays, so not many people suffer from them :) 00.04.41 # i think you either have a grounding problem (fairly common) or your display is badly seated 00.05.49 # Zagor: how about this: always try to skip the charging screen, and have a "force-charging" hot key, like the F1-key in the boot loader? 00.06.22 # maybe even configurable 00.06.22 # now i hear the HD clicking alot 00.06.35 # foxy-tyger: grounding or battery problem 00.06.57 # yes, i think that's a good solution. 00.06.58 # ...i'll take it apart right now ^^ 00.07.50 # foxy_tiger: read the instructions on the website 00.08.11 # ok 00.08.13 # be carefull not to bend the metal plates (it is quite delicate) 00.08.18 # thainks 00.08.41 # Zagor: it isn't too easy to have it configurable on the Player of course :-) 00.09.45 # i don't think we need it configurable anyway. a special "charge only" powerup keycombo is good IMHO 00.10.13 # <[IDC]Dragon> F1-ON ? 00.10.24 # i'm thinking of the average luser who doesn't read FAQ's/manuals 00.11.18 # on the other hand, that luser won't flash his jukebox either 00.11.49 # right :) 00.12.05 # [IDC]Dragon: F1-ON is handled in the boot loader, but we can use F3 or something 00.12.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> F3 is now also taken by the bootloader 00.12.36 # <[IDC]Dragon> starts minimon 00.12.45 # oh, f2 then 00.13.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> on a different subject: how about using DMA for memset/memcpy ? 00.14.37 # [IDC]Dragon: that won't buy us much 00.14.46 # <[IDC]Dragon> aha? 00.14.47 # where do we do enough to warrant it? 00.14.52 # we don't do that many large memset's 00.15.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> memcpy then 00.15.20 # no large memcpy's either 00.15.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> File I/O 00.15.43 # they have to be swapped, so dma wont help there 00.16.04 # <[IDC]Dragon> and then it gets copied another time 00.16.16 # it does? 00.16.17 # <[IDC]Dragon> for read() 00.16.31 Join Dogger [0] (~jimmy@cpc1-colc1-5-0-cust124.colc.cable.ntl.com) 00.16.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> from the sector buffer to the application provided pointer 00.16.51 # no. only when you read less than a sector. 00.16.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> Ah. 00.17.06 # otherwise the same pointer is passed all the way down to ata.c 00.17.17 # <[IDC]Dragon> excellent. 00.17.43 # <[IDC]Dragon> And the DMA won't swap, I'm afraid. 00.17.56 # using dma would only be worth it if we move/copy lard blocks very often 00.18.02 # large 00.18.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> a fancy one could have provision for endian conversion 00.18.43 # and memcpy/memset are in IRAM already, which can be accessed concurrently with DRAM 00.19.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> well, I recentla had the impression our file read isn't the fastest. 00.19.23 # <[IDC]Dragon> So I was thinking about this. 00.19.50 # what makes you think it's slow? 00.19.56 # it's pretty fast actually. well over 1.5 MB/s, which is not bad for such a slow cpu. 00.20.30 # <[IDC]Dragon> My recent experiments, maybe Zagor tells you ;) 00.20.44 # recent experiments? zagor? 00.20.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> But I am reading many small chunks. 00.20.58 # that is probably it 00.21.15 # ah right, we're not optimised for many small reads 00.21.48 # <[IDC]Dragon> I can try to buffer a bit more, but then I'll have larger latency for the cases I do so. 00.29.48 Quit _aLF ("bye") 00.34.07 Part pfavr 00.34.55 Quit Dogger ("Client Exiting") 00.35.51 # [IDC]Dragon: zagor let me in on the secret, i'm speechless! 00.49.47 # i'm off to bed. g'night guys! 00.49.51 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 00.55.40 Join mecraw_ [0] (~mecraw@ 00.56.12 Join diddystar5 [0] (Lee@ACCB2615.ipt.aol.com) 00.56.34 # LinusN: busy? 00.57.11 Quit mecraw__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.57.59 # diddystar5: define "busy" :-) 00.58.46 # LinusN: working, or "can't help rightn ow" 00.59.01 # i can help you 01.10.59 Join thedude02 [0] (dudes@pm475-08.dialip.mich.net) 01.11.46 Quit thedude02 (Client Quit) 01.16.08 Quit mecraw_ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 01.17.11 Quit AciD ("q2 > *") 01.17.58 # Hey Linus, did newmp3tech charge you for the lcd? 01.19.16 # Hey Linus, do we have a way of reading rhe modification date of a file? 01.21.34 # right click file, selcet pro-perties, and see the date modified 01.21.44 # (atleast on windows thats works) 01.21.57 # I meant, via the rockbox file functions 01.22.22 # earHertz: the write date is not easily accessible with the current API 01.22.34 # er, the mod date? 01.22.42 # but it's easily added 01.23.06 # so you're saying we'd have to modift some stat-like function? 01.23.26 # we have to *implement* a stat-like function :-) 01.24.08 # which would have to know how a fat32 directory stores the date, right? 01.24.24 # that part is implemented 01.24.45 # btw, it is called "write date" in the fat spec, iirc 01.24.56 # hmm. How do we ask a dire for its list of files right now? 01.25.31 # what ms windows calls the modified date fat32 calls the write date? 01.25.55 # yup 01.26.07 # MS windows is so fun. 01.26.29 # opendir()/readdir()/closedir() 01.26.54 # like the POSIX funcs of the same name? 01.27.08 # yes 01.27.37 # so we should probably stick to the POSIX interface 01.27.53 # a stat() variant would be good 01.28.00 # what is POSIX? 01.28.12 # position x? 01.28.28 # a standard api specification 01.28.34 # ohh 01.28.39 # i see 01.28.41 # Portable Operating System Interface 01.28.58 # that makes sense 01.29.39 # As in portable across OS, not just for portable like Pdas or ,p3 players 01.34.58 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.38.27 Quit [IDC]Dragon () 01.40.26 # LinusN: get to bed 01.40.54 # LinusN: how many hours of daylight do you have there at this time of year? 01.41.51 # about 8 i guess 01.42.17 # where i live 01.52.15 # LinusN: i got the ground points resolderd, i think the batterys are bad now, the HD will spin up when its on the charger, but as soon as I unplug it, it dies 02.01.43 # you should try to replace them, how about the lcd? 02.01.50 # LinusN:but i'm still haveing trubble with random charitors apearing on the screen 02.02.11 # even when you push the lcd gently? 02.02.46 # ya...could it be somthin with the firmware? 02.03.12 # no 02.03.43 # this an fm or a recorder? 02.03.53 # studio 02.04.04 # well..its got a line it 02.04.08 # *in 02.04.41 # the studio has a (pretty useless) line in 02.04.54 # but it can't record 02.05.01 # what is it used for then? 02.05.13 # you can mix it with the output 02.05.23 # ahhh 02.06.47 # when do the random chars appear? 02.09.27 # diffrent times..i was just charging it and the "BATTERY CHARGING....." had a sollid circle in the middle of battery, its not all the time, like its not doing it 02.10.47 # now its doing it again >.< 02.10.50 # you mean "BAOTERY CHARGING" 02.11.06 # well kinda 02.11.52 # it really looks like you have a loose connection somewhere between the CPU and the LCD 02.12.24 # and theirs realy no way that i can fix that 02.14.32 # it should be fixable 02.15.53 # well...i cant solder small things..i actualy had my friends dad to solder the grounds 02.16.28 # were would the cpu be located on the board 02.18.56 # i have no idea on a player 02.18.57 # it's under the top pcb 02.19.32 # gotta go 02.19.37 # still, i think the bad connection is on the lcd itself 02.19.44 # ewww....i just looked at "dissasembling the Archos" and thats a lot of desoldering 02.19.47 # bye LinusN foxy-tyger and earHertz 02.19.52 # bye 02.19.55 # bye diddystar5 02.20.02 Quit diddystar5 ("Bye") 02.20.34 # foxy-tyger: yes, attempting a repair like that without soldering skills is not recommended 02.20.43 # ya.. 02.21.06 # i dont think i will try that 02.21.11 # i guess you're in the us? 02.21.19 # ya 02.21.26 # u 02.21.59 # well, you could send your player to mike at newmp3technology.com 02.22.50 # do you know off hand how much he charges 02.23.49 # nope, email him 02.23.58 # ok...thanks 02.25.30 # oh..and one more question...or a few ^^...can i format the HD just like a regular HD in windoze XP? 02.28.48 # he charges $100 02.29.28 # foxy-tyger: yes, you can format it as a regular hd 02.29.56 # however, not if your hd is larger that 30gb 02.31.21 # no its 20gb....and i have one more question, do i have to be in the root of the HD when i add and delete things off the HD 02.31.32 # huh? 02.32.10 # you can have directories and sundirectories 02.32.15 # subdirectories 02.35.01 # right...when i turn it off, i was in a subdirectry, and then i hooked it up to usb, and moved some stuff around, added more subdirecterys, i didnt see any changes to the folders on the player, but i do when i use it as a HD 02.35.57 # did you safely remove the usb device (in the system tray)? 02.36.09 # i dont see the new subdirecterys that i added, and yes i did 02.36.56 # no error messages? 02.37.01 # no 02.37.03 # do you use rockbox? 02.37.17 # no 02.37.23 # ok 02.37.28 # what is that ? 02.37.30 # Err, for custome .wps's, are the docs still correct, 10 lines for a recorder? 02.37.51 # foxy-tyger: you joined the rockbox irc and you don't know what rockbox is? 02.38.08 # Sebulba02: yes i think so 02.38.13 # heh...i'm new to all of this ^^' 02.38.23 # sorry 02.38.24 # odd, mines only showing 8 02.38.55 # Sebulba02: it depends on which font you have, and if you have enabled the status line or not 02.39.11 # the WPS *file* is max 10 lines 02.39.25 # what fits on the lcd is another thing 02.39.30 # I used the smallest 5x7 font 02.40.07 # Status line. its enabled. 02.40.16 # Sebulba02: the lcd is 64 pixels high 02.40.41 # so with a 7 pixel font, you will be able to show 9 lines if you disable the status bar 02.40.57 # Ah, okay 02.41.32 # i have to go to sleep npw 02.41.44 # 'night 02.41.50 # thanks for the help 02.41.54 # cu around 02.41.56 # ya 02.41.59 # foxy-tyger: yw 02.42.03 Part LinusN 02.42.07 # ill read up on rockbox 02.42.59 # cool, no more messy playing screen 02.44.04 Join [MolincH] [0] (~[MolincH]@AStrasbourg-106-1-14-31.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) 02.44.11 # <[MolincH]> lo 02.45.12 # <[MolincH]> i read the faq and i know that the ogg vorbis decoder won't be used but will one day another codec, better than mp3 be available on the rockbox firmware ? 02.46.41 # What other codec is there? 02.46.52 # wmp? 03.00.49 Quit hardeep ("[BX] That's Miss BitchX to you") 03.01.12 Quit [MolincH] ("Leaving") 03.35.02 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.02.54 Part foxy-tyger 04.46.45 Quit MT ("changing servers") 04.47.22 Join MT [0] (mt@no.beer.for.beating.me.uk) 05.35.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.48.17 Join midknight2k3 [0] (midknight2@12-229-204-15.client.attbi.com) 05.59.39 Quit midknight2k3 ("Time to go now...") 06.37.44 Join Masskiller [0] (RIAA@bgp01039051bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net) 06.37.52 # where can i get plugins :\ 06.38.07 # i need one that's a calculator so i can take it to school and not get it taken away :P 06.40.06 # and the battery charging logo is boring :P 06.40.15 # even though i doubt you can change it :\ 06.40.18 # time for sleep 06.40.26 # $time(hh:nn:ss TT) = 12:40:28 AM 06.58.43 Join mad8k [0] (~mad8k@c-24-8-163-65.client.comcast.net) 07.06.02 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 07.14.51 Join Arnaud [0] (~asl@adsl.hlfl.org) 07.19.46 Quit mad8k ("(I was using Polaris IRC 2001) Version:(4.0 Platinum) Webpage:(http://www.polaris-central.com)") 07.31.48 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 07.35.05 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.56.44 Quit Arnaud (Remote closed the connection) 08.52.40 Join Arnaud [0] (~asl@adsl.hlfl.org) 09.20.10 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 09.35.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.03.13 Join Schnueff [0] (~mah@temp0.cs.uni-sb.de) 10.08.36 Join heiner-ich [0] (diego@tucan.physik.uni-giessen.de) 10.09.02 # Hi 10.09.48 # This may be a faq, but how can I distinguish between recorder and recorderv2? 10.40.18 Join blaise [0] (~jirc@ 10.40.43 Part blaise 10.45.30 Quit Arnaud (Remote closed the connection) 10.46.01 Join Arnaud [0] (~asl@adsl.hlfl.org) 11.30.15 Quit MT ("changing servers") 11.35.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.36.12 # v2s have the fmr form factor 11.36.25 # the sides are not columns to hold the battery 11.39.06 Join MT [0] (mt@no.beer.for.beating.me.uk) 12.09.03 Join track [0] (jirc@ACBBD48E.ipt.aol.com) 12.09.09 # morning 12.19.48 Quit AciD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.24.00 # hi 12.24.20 # hi webmind 12.24.48 # is it possible to get batteries higher than 2000mAh? 12.28.20 Quit Schnueff (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12.49.48 Join Dogger [0] (~jimmy@cpc1-colc1-5-0-cust124.colc.cable.ntl.com) 12.49.55 # hey 12.51.23 # hi dog 12.51.42 Quit track ("Leaving") 13.07.53 # hows it going track? 13.30.23 # thanks 13.35.13 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.58.24 Join Schnueff [0] (~mah@datix.cs.uni-sb.de) 14.00.52 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 14.11.40 Nick mbr_ is now known as mbr (~mb@stlx01.stz-softwaretechnik.de) 14.31.34 Join leapingfrog [0] (~idavies@host81-129-21-16.in-addr.btopenworld.com) 14.31.35 Quit heiner-ich (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.33.12 Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50c61de4.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 15.14.45 Quit methangas (" HydraIRC rocks! -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 15.15.03 Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50c61de4.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 15.15.43 Quit Dogger ("Client Exiting") 15.35.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.02.38 Join {edx} [0] (edx@pD9EAA260.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.02.58 Nick {edx} is now known as edx (edx@pD9EAA260.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.05.42 Join theTof [0] (~chatzilla@ 16.11.51 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 16.15.18 Quit Schnueff ("leaving") 16.15.54 Quit theTof ("ChatZilla 0.8.31 [Mozilla rv:1.4/7]") 16.52.04 Nick edx is now known as edx{sportz} (edx@pD9EAA260.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.14.27 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 17.22.51 Join mecraw_ [0] (~mecraw@ 17.33.29 # hardeep: I just tried out the gameboy emulator, and I think some of the games run too fast... You may want to try and set it to 30 Hz or 60 Hz or fix the framerate. 17.35.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.35.39 # elinenbe: right, i'll get on it immediately. Which games in particular did you have problems with? 17.41.50 # hardeep: wario world was too fast, but tetris ran perfectly. Also, I love how you mananged grayscale without any flicker... nice work! 17.50.09 Quit uski ("Fermeture du client") 18.09.45 # the grayscale withot flicker required countless hours of manipulating bits... it came out better then I was expecting. Have you had a chance to try out DDR - Groovin' to the Rockbox yet? 18.53.54 # hardeep: no, but I will be honest with you -- that would be an easy game to program and fun to play on the rockbox! 18.54.22 # hardeep: however, when songs load and bitswap there would be considerable slowdown -- thus leading to bad scores... 19.00.30 # elinenbe: People would just have to play better then! =) 19.00.34 # gotta go 19.00.35 Quit hardeep ("BitchX: now with flavor crystals!") 19.03.37 Join epx [0] (edx@pD9EAAE47.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.06.49 Nick epx is now known as edx (edx@pD9EAAE47.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.06.51 Nick edx is now known as edx{esn} (edx@pD9EAAE47.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.20.23 Quit edx{sportz} (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.35.20 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.38.16 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 19.42.09 Join cjnr11 [0] (nmpjhb@l01v-41-70.d1.club-internet.fr) 19.55.40 Nick edx{esn} is now known as edx{dd} (edx@pD9EAAE47.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.04.10 Quit elinenbe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.04.11 Join elinenbe_ [0] (elinenbe_@207-237-224-55.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 20.04.15 Nick elinenbe_ is now known as elinenbe (elinenbe_@207-237-224-55.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 20.42.54 Join _aLF [0] (~alexandre@mutualite-3-82-67-66-128.fbx.proxad.net) 21.35.21 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.37.07 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~idc-drago@pD9512D49.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.45.18 Join cjnr12 [0] (~ezt@m26.net81-65-248.noos.fr) 21.45.35 Quit cjnr12 (Client Quit) 21.49.04 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 21.52.11 Join cjnr12 [0] (~ezt@m26.net81-65-248.noos.fr) 21.56.07 Join theTof [0] (~chatzilla@ 21.59.50 Join uski [0] (~moo@gandalf.digital-network.org) 22.01.20 # anybody very familiar with the LCD code, and particyularly the font handling ? 22.01.40 # i don't understand how it is encoded in the .c files 22.01.56 # <[IDC]Dragon> LCD yes, font no 22.03.34 # ok, do you know how the lcd_bitmap function works ? 22.03.36 # (hi :)) 22.03.55 # because it seems to be used by the code to draw chars to the screen 22.04.46 # <[IDC]Dragon> it shifts and masks into place, iirc. 22.05.02 # hmmm 22.05.07 # let me see the source code 22.08.39 # ok so if i understand, a bitmap is stored like that: 22.08.58 # 4 bytes = 4 rows, 8 columns 22.09.22 # i.e. each byte is for a row 22.09.26 # and columns are the bytes 22.10.36 # (damn, this code is hard to understand) 22.11.41 Quit methangas (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Chicks dig it") 22.11.50 Quit theTof ("ChatZilla 0.8.31 [Mozilla rv:1.4/7]") 22.11.58 Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50c61de4.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 22.13.47 # wow ok i understood 22.13.49 # :] thx 22.14.53 # <[IDC]Dragon> I didn't do anything to make you understand... 22.15.17 # you did 22.15.26 # you made me look at the code 22.15.27 # ;) 22.15.45 # someone create a calculator for me :F 22.15.46 # :D* 22.16.02 # ? 22.16.13 # <[IDC]Dragon> Hey, my display is upside down! 22.16.19 # ? lool 22.16.20 # :| 22.16.26 # wth :| 22.16.29 # the display of your computer ? 22.16.37 # if yes, it might be a trojan horse like subseven 22.16.38 # where can i get roxbox games/plugins 22.16.39 # <[IDC]Dragon> It _can_ be configured 22.16.43 # lol ok 22.16.45 # <[IDC]Dragon> no the box 22.16.49 # ok ,) 22.17.46 # :| 22.17.53 # where can i get games and/or plugins :) 22.20.11 # <[IDC]Dragon> Masskiller: doy you mean chip8 games, or what? 22.20.19 # i dont know 22.20.23 # im new to this stuff 22.20.25 # i just got it last night 22.20.37 # but my mp3 player owns all my friend's now ;D 22.56.38 # download the 2.1 zip, it has all the plugins and games included 22.58.39 # whats all this F1 and F2 stuff 22.59.00 # obviously, my mp3 player doesnt have a F1 key like my keyboard 23.00.40 # Sure it does 23.00.47 # it does? :S 23.00.52 # where is it :| 23.02.22 # you said player, oops.. my bad 23.02.22 Quit cjnr12 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.02.23 # found it :) 23.02.34 # err, okay 23.02.41 # I must be looking at the wrong one then. 23.16.11 # [IDC]Dragon: what does the high performance blit do? 23.16.29 # <[IDC]Dragon> that was quick... 23.16.45 # <[IDC]Dragon> well, it is quick. 23.17.07 # what is the blit? what does it speed up? 23.17.28 # <[IDC]Dragon> later, you'll see soon. 23.20.44 # "blit" sugests it has to do with the ld. a faster way to change the display, perhaps. 23.20.48 # s/ld/lcd 23.27.03 Quit Arnaud (Remote closed the connection) 23.32.03 # [IDC]Dragon: hey man! what are you going to use it for? 23.32.24 # [IDC]Dragon: I am salivating with anticipation. 23.32.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> keep calm, it's not used yet, there's issues. 23.35.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.42.57 # what? too much flicker? 23.45.46 # heh