--- Log for 19.12.103 Server: orwell.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 5 days and 10 hours ago 00.02.24 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 00.04.31 Quit _aLF ("bye") 00.05.23 Nick edx{off} is now known as edx (edx@pD9EA9941.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.19.39 Join earHertz [0] (~chatzilla@pool-138-88-166-150.res.east.verizon.net) 00.20.41 # anyone here? 00.21.29 Quit [IDC]Dragon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.22.25 # No. 00.31.02 Quit lini ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 00.37.46 Join LinusN [200] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 00.42.34 # Linus, do you know what's involved in IDC's "UART boot mod" ? 00.42.57 # sort of 00.43.49 # what do you want to know? 00.44.35 # Well, first of all, does it start with doing this: http://rockbox.haxx.se/mods/serialport.html? 00.44.49 # yes 00.45.28 # Those pictures are of a recorder. Are there pictures of this for an FM? 00.45.59 # nope 00.46.23 # i have done this on my fm, but the serial port was broken on the cpu :-( 00.46.35 # and i never took any pictures :-((((( 00.46.59 # Are the places to solder as obvious on an FM? 00.48.35 # not really, but the rx and tx pins are present in the 6-pin header right next to the unoccupied RDS decoder socket 00.49.11 # lower left corner of the lcd 00.49.40 # I see. 00.50.07 # After that is done, what else is involved for the UART mod? 00.50.24 # hmmm 00.50.48 # i think you need to ground three port pins at boot time 00.51.03 # unless you have flashed minimon, i think 00.52.40 # and how does the PC then ommunicate with the Archos? 00.53.20 # you need a RS232<->TTL level converter 00.55.51 # have you flashed minimon? 00.55.58 # Uh, no. 00.56.07 # I had a flashing error. My FMR is dead 00.56.20 # ok, does F1 work? 00.56.40 # No. 00.56.44 # ouch 00.56.49 # I was re-flashing the archos firmware. 00.57.09 # When it hung up in "Programming..." 00.57.20 # ouch again 00.57.54 # yeah 00.57.58 # i wonder how much is left of the boot loader 00.58.12 # apparently a bit, acording to idc dragon. 00.58.17 # ok 00.58.29 # When I turn it on, both leds come on. 00.58.44 # you are supposed to ground three of the port pins that are used for communicating with the lcd 00.58.53 # then you boot it up 00.59.09 Join dee-gee [0] (~chatzilla@hbs12-90.hbs.edu) 00.59.19 # you will then be able to communicate with the archos builtin monitor 00.59.21 # How do you ground the port pins? 00.59.37 # a tiny strand of wire? 00.59.47 # Except you could not because the port on your fmr was broken. 01.00.15 # exactly, i wanted to run gdb 01.00.24 # like i do on my player and recorder 01.01.16 # so grounding involves connecting theh three pins with a tiny strand of wire? Is the otehr end of the wire connected to anything 01.01.18 # ? 01.01.45 # ground, of course 01.02.10 # "grounding" 01.02.54 # heh 01.03.10 # What qualifies as ground? 01.03.23 # the chassis 01.03.24 # is there a newbie faq channel? 01.03.44 # dee-gee: nope, do you have a question? 01.04.00 # yeah - I am having trouble mounting my archos on rh linux... 01.04.07 # earHertz: the solder points where the chassis connects to the pcb are good 01.04.12 # the basic mount /dev/sda1 doesnt work 01.04.17 # dee-gee: ok, what's the prob? 01.04.31 # dee-gee: which usb driver? 01.04.34 # mount: /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device 01.04.41 # not sure - how do i check? 01.04.52 # lsmod 01.04.55 # so the wire touches each port oin and the chassis 01.05.01 # s/oin/pin 01.05.10 # earHertz: yes, but i'm not sure which pins 01.05.58 # I can't tell version info from that cmd 01.06.00 # usb-uhci 26380 0 (unused) 01.06.02 # usbcore 79168 1 [hid usb-uhci] 01.06.15 # dee-gee: insmod usb-storage 01.06.21 # Is an rs232<-->ttl something I can buy at an electronics store? 01.06.37 # i fear not 01.06.52 Quit edx () 01.07.03 # and it's not even ttl, it's 3V 01.07.25 # if i was at home, i could have sent you one 01.07.27 # Using /lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2115.nptl/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.o 01.07.36 # dee-gee: now mount again 01.07.43 # thanks 01.08.04 # didnt work.. 01.08.06 # sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/archos/ 01.08.11 # mount: /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device 01.08.24 # dee-gee: tail -100 /var/log/messages 01.09.00 # Dec 18 19:07:16 dhcp-516-12 kernel: Initializing USB Mass Storage driver... 01.09.01 # Dec 18 19:07:16 dhcp-516-12 kernel: usb.c: registered new driver usb-storage 01.09.03 # Dec 18 19:07:16 dhcp-516-12 kernel: USB Mass Storage support registered. 01.09.11 # decent msgs... Dec 18 19:07:16 dhcp-516-12 kernel: USB Mass Storage support registered. 01.09.38 # dee-gee: try this: 01.09.48 # rmmod usb-storage 01.09.53 # rmmod usb-uhci 01.10.01 # insmod usb-uhci 01.10.05 # insmod usb-storage 01.10.47 # same error! 01.11.04 # =( 01.11.05 # player or recorder? 01.11.08 # player 01.11.31 # do you have the isd200 driver in your kernel? 01.12.13 # I didn't put it in explicitly.. I thought the faq said that kernel 2.4.10+ didn't require it... 01.12.18 # should I try that? 01.12.44 # i just wanted to make sure that the isd200 support is compiled 01.16.03 # Linus, is this the level converter? 01.16.06 # http://www.superdroidrobots.com/rs232.htm 01.17.19 # yes, but you need the 3.3v addition 01.19.08 # And then the wires from this ting are connected to the rx and tx pins beow the lcd? 01.20.22 # and the ground wire as well 01.21.05 # the ground wire on the level converter is connected to the archos chassis? 01.21.35 # yeah 01.21.59 # there is a chassis solder point right next to the 6-pin header 01.22.19 # anywhere on the ground plane will be fine 01.22.54 # is there any way to temporarily attach without solder, say with Aadhesive tape? 01.26.04 # i wouldn't try that 01.26.22 # but i'm not saying it wouldn't work 01.27.38 # If it didn't work, I wouldn't be any worse off than I am now, right? 01.27.59 # Right now I have a $550 paperweight 01.28.23 # true, true :-) 01.28.53 # but you need to check with jörg about the lcd pins 01.29.13 # yes, of course, 01.32.18 # Thnaks for your help, Linus 01.32.28 # you're welcome 01.33.47 # I so wish there was another hard drive mp3 player that was hack-able. One with better QC than Archos. 01.35.53 Join midknight2k3 [0] (midknight2@12-229-204-15.client.attbi.com) 01.36.03 # hey all 01.36.19 # hey. 01.37.29 # earHertz: agreed, i wish arshos had better h/w quality 01.37.30 # sup midknight2k3 01.37.45 # but i haven't had any probs so far 01.37.48 # oh hey linus 01.37.52 # hey Sebulba02 01.37.52 # hi midknight2k3 01.41.04 Quit dee-gee (Remote closed the connection) 01.51.01 Quit mecraw_ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 01.54.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.13.11 Quit AciD ("Segmentation fault (core dumped)") 02.14.54 # hi hardeep 02.26.55 Join diddystar5 [0] (Lee@ACAF3559.ipt.aol.com) 02.27.15 # ohhh no its Masskiller run!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 02.27.27 # lol 02.33.46 # Hey diddystar5 02.33.59 # hey Sebulba02 02.34.00 # hey hardeep 02.39.09 # *what*? lol 02.39.42 # ? 02.39.54 # hey hardeep ... 02.40.03 # hey [OFF]BtT, BoBB, diddystar5, dsg, dwihno, earHertz, Exion, Hadaka, Hes, LinusN, logbot, markw, Masskiller, mbr, midknight2k3, MT, Sebulba02, strestout1_, uski, webmind, and ze! 02.40.16 # yeah? 02.40.17 # heh 02.40.20 # lol 02.40.23 # DONT DO THAT 02.40.24 # lol 02.40.30 # now everyone will come running 02.40.34 # lol 02.40.36 # so 02.40.37 # i guess its time to say 02.40.38 # hey hardeep 02.40.40 # nnnng 02.40.52 # Including the scary people.. 02.41.00 # who? 02.41.33 # Not sure, but I'm sure theres at least one scary person here :) 02.42.01 # Masskiller is! 02.42.06 # lol 02.42.09 # lol 02.42.13 # dont be so pesty 02.42.23 # stop saying my name 02.42.23 # dammit 02.42.24 # :| 02.42.28 # SEe 02.42.30 # im sitting in a game 02.42.32 # you piss him off 02.42.35 # and i keep hearing this noise 02.42.36 # stop it diddy 02.42.41 # he will stop, i'm sure 02.42.47 # ;\ 02.42.57 # apology sent 02.43.10 # lol 02.43.25 # diddystar5: why dont you consider bugging me instezd 02.43.30 # * diddystar5 is busy in word trying to get something ready for tomorrow 02.43.43 # work, eww 02.43.44 # * Masskiller [Song: Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without The "E" (Cut From The Team)] [Album: Tell All Your Friends] [Emocore|2002|232kbps] 02.43.46 # * midknight2k3 seconds that its MY WORD. 02.43.49 # cute without the e 02.43.53 # thats you diddy 02.43.53 # lol 02.43.55 # word even 02.44.09 # wtf 02.44.31 # yeah 02.44.32 # lol 02.44.43 # thaks for office 2k3 mid 02.44.45 # lol 02.45.02 # oh, no problemo 02.45.07 # lol 02.45.08 # always wanted to help the needy 02.45.12 # gah 02.45.19 # recorder 10 is only usb 1.1? 02.45.20 # one day i might burn up osme cds to send lol 02.45.24 # ha ha mt 02.45.28 # MT: yes 02.45.35 # only the rec 20 is 02.45.35 # :/ 02.45.37 # get a rec20 02.45.41 # AND FM 02.45.45 # thats gotta suck 02.45.53 # and gmini 02.45.57 # yeah, not touching another fm or a rec mk 2 02.46.07 # rec mk 2? 02.46.14 # the one in an fm body 02.46.21 # oh 02.46.24 # rec make 2 02.46.29 # rec20, nto fm rec i said 02.46.53 # sucks not habing an mp3 player anymore :/ 02.47.26 # s/ab/av/ 02.52.08 # yes 02.52.09 # time to eat 02.52.11 # get a rec20 02.52.14 # alright by didd 02.52.15 # se you guys later 02.52.20 # :d 02.52.22 # :D 02.52.24 Quit diddystar5 ("Bye") 02.59.54 # mmm... food 03.01.43 Quit midknight2k3 ("sudden death") 03.28.21 Join diddystar5 [0] (Lee@AC9562C2.ipt.aol.com) 03.36.12 Part LinusN 03.53.23 Quit diddystar5 ("Bye") 03.54.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.10.05 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 04.58.45 Quit earHertz ("ChatZilla 0.9.46 [Mozilla rv:1.5/0]") 05.13.29 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-11.216-194-24-247.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 05.49.14 Join Arnaud [0] (~asl@adsl.hlfl.org) 05.54.56 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.07.00 Join |SFF|Nate[GNR] [0] (Nate@cs24243188-15.hot.rr.com) 06.27.14 Join mad8k [0] (~mad8k@h-68-164-43-147.DNVTCO56.dynamic.covad.net) 06.45.57 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 07.14.24 Quit |SFF|Nate[GNR] (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.18.25 # everyone's sleeping :| 07.18.48 # not me :D 07.22.56 Quit mad8k (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.24.59 Quit Arnaud (Remote closed the connection) 07.38.24 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 07.54.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.14.12 Quit strestout1_ ("Leaving") 08.39.15 Quit Exion (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.39.15 NSplit orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 08.39.15 Quit scott666 (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.39.15 Quit Masskiller (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.39.15 Quit webmind (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.39.15 Quit ze (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.39.15 Quit Hadaka (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.39.15 Quit mbr (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.39.17 NHeal orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 08.39.17 NJoin scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 08.39.17 NJoin Masskiller [0] (RIAA@bgp01039051bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net) 08.39.17 NJoin webmind [0] (~cme2@217-195-236-172.dsl.esined.net) 08.39.17 NJoin Exion [0] (~jon@athena.suphammer.net) 08.39.17 NJoin ze [20] (psyco@adsl-63-205-46-26.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 08.39.17 NJoin mbr [0] (~mb@stz-softwaretechnik.com) 08.39.17 NJoin Hadaka [0] (naked@aka.pp.htv.fi) 08.42.10 Join strestout1 [0] (~Linux@user187.net761.nc.sprint-hsd.net) 08.42.30 Part strestout1 ("Leaving") 09.13.26 Join Schnueff [0] (~mah@temp2.cs.uni-sb.de) 09.50.32 Quit adi|home (Connection timed out) 09.54.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.02.31 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 10.59.56 Join strestout1 [0] (~Linux@user187.net761.nc.sprint-hsd.net) 11.00.29 Part strestout1 ("Leaving") 11.55.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.36.04 Quit Sebulba02 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.47.18 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-11.216-194-24-219.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 12.56.40 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 12.58.59 Quit adi|home (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.58.59 NSplit orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 13.24.39 Join Sebulba02 [0] (~Sebulba02@dialup- 13.33.51 NHeal (timeout) orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 13.34.33 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EA9941.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.40.14 Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50c61de4.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 13.55.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.16.04 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 14.45.16 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 15.00.27 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 15.55.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.04.46 Join Arnaud [0] (~asl@adsl.hlfl.org) 16.10.06 Join dee-gee [0] (~chatzilla@hbs12-90.hbs.edu) 16.10.36 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 16.29.39 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 16.35.24 Join Zagor [0] (bjst@1-1-3-36a.sk.sth.bostream.se) 16.44.51 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 16.53.45 Nick edx is now known as edx{joggen} (edx@pD9EA9941.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.22.33 Join mecraw_ [0] (~mecraw@ 17.25.26 Part Sebulba02 17.28.29 Join Sebulba02 [0] (~Sebulba02@dialup- 17.35.24 Quit Schnueff ("leaving") 17.55.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.07.40 # is there documentation somewhere on reflashing the archos with the original firmware 18.08.50 # i think so 18.09.35 # When for any reason you'd like to revert to the original firmware, you can do like above, but copy and rename your backup to be "firmware_rec.bin" on the box this time. Keep the Rockbox copy and the plugins of this package for that job, because that's the one it was tested with. 18.11.31 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/flash.html 18.14.58 # so name the backup firmware_rec.bin and run firmware_flash.rock 18.15.21 # i guess so 18.54.40 Join ^^neo^^ [0] (neo@p213.54.177.240.tisdip.tiscali.de) 18.54.45 # <^^neo^^> hery 18.55.27 # <^^neo^^> why does my recorder sometimes play videos faster as normal ? 18.56.22 # how much faster? 18.59.46 # <^^neo^^> hmm dont know how to describe 18.59.57 # <^^neo^^> like twice 19.00.15 # <^^neo^^> but not from start 19.00.31 # <^^neo^^> first its normal then after 1min it goes faster 19.00.58 # <^^neo^^> without music 19.01.23 # you should report it to [idc]dragon. it's his code. 19.01.38 Quit Masskiller (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.02.18 # ^^neo^^: what recorder is it ? 19.02.29 # <^^neo^^> 20gig 19.03.08 # ok 19.03.20 # explain the problem to [IDC]Dragon like Zagor said 19.03.29 # do you want to wait for him, or do you want his email address ? 19.03.35 # <^^neo^^> ok I will 19.03.36 Join ]MpC[Masskiller [0] (RIAA@bgp01039051bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net) 19.03.39 Nick ]MpC[Masskiller is now known as Masskiller (RIAA@bgp01039051bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net) 19.03.44 Quit ^^neo^^ ("get satisfied! • (Gamers.IRC powered by PlayerLiga.de) »» get it @ www.gamersirc.net") 19.03.56 # hmm ! 19.06.17 Join _aLF [0] (~alexandre@mutualite-3-82-67-66-128.fbx.proxad.net) 19.06.17 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-11.216-194-24-219.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 19.16.15 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 19.20.21 Quit edx{joggen} (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.47.36 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 19.55.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.59.07 Join cjnr11 [0] (nmpjhb@l01m-51-93.d1.club-internet.fr) 20.10.46 Join edx{joggen} [0] (edx@pD9EA9E22.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.11.06 Nick edx{joggen} is now known as edx{essen} (edx@pD9EA9E22.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.19.59 Join Guest1161 [0] (~jirc@pD9E209EC.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.22.23 # hi 20.22.42 # anyone here = 20.22.44 # ? 20.28.00 Quit Guest1161 ("Leaving") 20.52.11 Quit Arnaud (Remote closed the connection) 21.06.04 Nick edx{essen} is now known as edx (edx@pD9EA9E22.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.14.50 Join supergamerj [0] (jirc@rouen-1-213-228-40-124.dial.proxad.net) 21.15.07 # hi ! 21.20.42 Quit supergamerj ("Leaving") 21.31.11 Join ^^neo^^ [0] (neo@p213.54.171.171.tisdip.tiscali.de) 21.33.48 Quit ^^neo^^ (Client Quit) 21.55.13 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.18.15 Quit Masskiller ("User has been banned from freenode (no reason)") 22.25.15 Join Zagor [0] (bjst@1-1-3-36a.sk.sth.bostream.se) 22.31.53 Quit dee-gee ("ChatZilla 0.9.45 [Mozilla rv:1.6a/20031029]") 22.32.48 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 23.06.44 Join midknight2k3 [0] (zakk@ACAAA4A6.ipt.aol.com) 23.06.51 # hey zagor 23.09.17 # hi 23.09.35 # midknight2k3: is it you who were looking for a formula to convert a linear scale to a logaithmic one ? 23.09.38 # i was just going to make a video browsing patch to the .rockbox browse patch 23.10.03 # midknight2k3: why? is an .mp3 browsing patch next? 23.10.04 # uski: that was diddystar5, though since we both worked on it, if you could help, by all means please do 23.10.12 # never mind then 23.10.15 # ok i have the formula ;) 23.10.24 # ooh yay 23.10.35 # value(dB) = 10log(v/A) 23.10.42 # where v is the value in linear scale 23.10.55 # and A is the value corresponding to the lowest level of sound the ear can hear 23.11.01 # see what i mean ? 23.11.12 # ohhh 23.11.18 # i.e. you play a song and rise the volume from 0 to xxx 23.11.23 # when you start hearing the sound 23.11.29 # you write the number: this is A 23.11.59 # at least, it was the formula i saw in mathematics course some day ago 23.12.12 # zagor is turned against me 23.12.30 # i never moved :) 23.12.40 # it makes me sad 23.12.47 # i dont want zagor against me 23.13.41 # i suppose writing a more user friendly id3 tag browser is useless too (that was an idea i had) 23.13.57 # and lets forget "progress bar on ff/rw in video.rock 23.14.59 # that just confuses me. plugin browser, but not video browser? 23.15.07 # same exact thing 23.15.20 # now i know how track feels about mikeholden 23.15.57 # mp3 and video is the same thing. plugins and videos are very different. 23.16.11 # not in the file way 23.16.13 # midknight2k3: but i also found other formulas, dunno which one is ok :\ 23.16.14 # float SNDConvertLinearToDecibels(float linear) 23.16.14 # { 23.16.14 DBUG Enqueued KICK uski 23.16.14 # return (float)(20.0 * log10((double)linear)); 23.16.14 # } 23.16.17 # .rockbox/rocks are plugins 23.16.21 # .rockbox/videos are videos 23.16.25 # i dont get your logic 23.16.32 # .rockbox/cows are cows 23.16.32 # oops 23.16.36 # lol 23.16.59 # ok, that code is confusing 23.17.11 # .rockbox/videos doesn't exist 23.17.11 # well 23.17.14 # it would 23.17.19 # .rockbox/rocks was CREATED. 23.17.26 # why not /videos for your clips? 23.17.28 # so you want .rockbox/mp3 too then? 23.17.37 # NO! 23.17.48 # its not like youll be playing videos just like mp3s 23.17.50 # why are you treading mp3 and video differently? 23.17.56 # because its like plugins 23.17.58 # not all day long 23.18.02 # just a side attraction 23.18.18 # so are .txt files, yet we don't treat them like plugins either 23.18.25 # i'm afraid i agree with Zagor :\ 23.18.32 # mp3 files are multimedia files 23.18.38 # videos are multimedia files 23.18.47 # sure 23.18.47 # => why putting multimedia files in .rockbox ? 23.18.56 # but its not like you watch videos all day as like mp3s 23.19.08 # yes but 23.19.15 # but...? 23.19.21 # why does it make that you can't put them in normal directories ? 23.19.29 # why putting them in rockbox ? 23.19.37 # midknight2k3: do you read text files all day long? 23.19.43 # no. 23.19.44 # i have hundreds of files that i do not listen more than once per month 23.19.50 # but they aren't in .rockbox 23.19.55 # sure 23.19.56 # .rockbox should be a system directory 23.20.00 # but thats a mp3 format 23.20.05 # like /usr/bin or c:\windows\system 23.20.05 # games are system files? 23.20.08 # that makes me laugh 23.20.16 # games are binaries 23.20.19 # games are program 23.20.36 Join arspy87 [0] (~arspy87@h00062598fa3b.ne.client2.attbi.com) 23.20.38 # ok forget it 23.20.43 # hey 23.21.01 # ideally, the user shouldn't know that there is a .rockbox directory 23.21.04 # i dont believe it 23.21.07 # oh yea right. 23.21.31 # ok how about browsing video clips under /video 23.21.34 # (a windows user doesn't know there is a c:\windows\system directory, and he doesn't put his documents into this directory) 23.21.41 # no 23.21.48 # why doyou absolutely want to put videos files under a separate directory ? 23.21.49 # i know theres a system directory ;) jk.... jk... 23.21.52 # but this is ... are you even listening to my idea? 23.21.53 # midknight2k3: how about letting users put their video files wherever they please? 23.21.55 # arspy87: ;) 23.22.11 # midknight2k3: yes but we don't understand why you want to restrict the user to only one directory 23.22.15 # zagor: i got the good idea. how about a setting to configure where Menu->Video Clips browses too? 23.22.19 # makes all happy 23.22.32 # you just pick "select dir" and then point it to where 23.22.41 # nobody needs a video clip browser. we already have a file browser! 23.22.43 # but WHY only ONE directory ? :\ 23.22.49 # sure, but why a plugin browser then?! 23.22.50 # so who's the hero who invented this grayscale movie thing? 23.22.56 # heh 23.23.00 # arspy87: [IDC]Dragon 23.23.05 # cool 23.23.15 # but i'm a hero because i told you his name 23.23.18 # ;) 23.23.22 # midknight2k3: because some plugins have to be located in a special place. video files don't. 23.23.23 # :) 23.23.33 # they dont "have to be" 23.23.38 # they just "are typically" 23.23.41 # midknight2k3: plugins are system files 23.23.47 # no 23.23.49 # they're games 23.23.52 # wrong. some *have* to be. like the video player. 23.23.54 # no, they are executables 23.23.54 # games != system files 23.24.01 # lol 23.24.03 # and executables are system files 23.24.04 # games != system files !!! 23.24.14 # so what are games then ? 23.24.19 # they are games 23.24.21 # plugins 23.24.22 # lol 23.24.27 # plugins ARE system file 23.24.28 # thats like asking what an mp3 is 23.24.35 # its, uhh what do you think 23.24.39 # games == system files + executables + a whole bunch of other stuff 23.24.52 # mp3 files are multimedia files 23.24.56 # when you have a digital camera 23.25.02 # you don't see the firmware ! 23.25.04 # but it is here 23.25.12 # it should be the same with .rockbox 23.25.21 # system files, executables, and so on shoulod be hidden somewhere 23.25.34 # and this hidden place shouldn't have anything to do with the files of the user 23.25.56 # if the user wants to add features to the player, he should change something in the system directory 23.26.05 # but only for this 23.26.12 # uski: will you just quiet down if i say i agree? 23.26.23 # i'd like you to understand my point of vieuw 23.26.26 # i get it 23.26.31 # i'm not happy because people say "ok shut up" :) 23.26.34 # it needs to be totally user frienly 23.26.39 # yes 23.26.48 # i get it 23.26.52 # thats your point of view 23.27.00 # ...but it's not 23.27.00 # (lol) ok i shut up... 23.27.05 # like Zagor did lol 23.27.10 # zagor hates me 23.27.14 # what do you expect 23.27.33 # :-/ i dont thing anyone hates you midk :) 23.27.46 # aurep 23.27.49 # surep* 23.27.57 # if its anyone its zagor 23.28.14 # :( 23.29.11 # i think the problem is that there's a "philosophy" in rockbox 23.29.24 # that's a problem? :) 23.29.31 # that makes people developping a coherent "thing" 23.29.41 # and when ppl refuses to understand this 23.29.52 # and when they start making things that doesn't "agre" with this philosophy 23.29.57 # it is logical that it creates problems 23.30.08 # because the interface/code/whatever is no longer coherent 23.30.11 # that's my point of view... 23.30.23 # my pov is that zagor is biased 23.30.26 # rockbox is a project made by a lot of ppl, and everyone should follow one standard 23.30.36 # this standard is what i call the "philosophy" 23.30.47 # which is that "NOT ONE fits all" 23.31.00 # midknight2k3: i'm biased? you mean my design decisions are not pulled out of thin air? 23.31.02 # is everyone starts making things as he wants, rockbox will end up in a terrible mess 23.31.11 # with incompatibles plugins, multiple releases, and so on 23.31.15 # no 23.31.15 # hehe philosophy and programming fused into one 23.31.16 # zagor 23.31.29 # i should get an archos and rockbox to experience this 23.31.33 # i mean... 23.31.33 # uski: actually, everyone can do as he wishes. i just won't merge it into the version i'm distributing :-) 23.31.46 # Zagor: :) 23.31.49 # zagor: why did you merge the browser at all 23.31.53 # Thats the idea of open source, no? 23.32.04 # Sebulba02: exactly 23.32.04 # forget it 23.32.10 # i guess it was a "bad idea" 23.32.15 # as was the whole browser idea 23.32.17 # Sebulba02: yea, but it is a problem when you start seeing a lot of different modifications that are not compatible 23.32.30 # the aim of opensource is to allow modifications someone made to be used by another person 23.32.40 # if everybody makes "proprietary" modifications 23.32.55 # nobody will be able to use these mods because they will not be compatible between each other 23.33.09 # uski: They don't have to be, thats why projects fork. 23.33.28 # aka open source? 23.33.36 # Sebulba02: generally, i don't think forking is a good thing 23.33.52 # No one said it was, thats just probably why it happens. 23.33.59 # right 23.34.29 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 23.34.29 # * uski just realizes that he started a troll 23.34.34 # haha 23.34.49 # "what is opensource for ?" "shoudl all developper follow the same coding style ?" 23.34.51 # * midknight2k3 believes its called soapboxing 23.35.22 # :) 23.35.23 # gtg 23.35.28 # see you all 23.35.34 # Later. 23.35.34 # and think about opensource ;) 23.35.40 # later 23.38.01 Part arspy87 23.40.36 # zagor: is a ..ny thing worth doing? 23.41.06 # useful features are always worth doing. 23.41.19 # user friendly id3 browser? 23.41.22 # code that just add another way of doing something we already can do is ... not so useful 23.41.31 # sure, but thats just like plugin browser 23.41.34 # why? 23.41.39 # all the new browsing stuff 23.42.15 # all the browsing stuff was added because we felt configure settings should be reached from the configuration menus 23.42.33 # IMO it's just a clutter 23.42.34 # plugin browsing is a side effect. i'm not even sure i want to keep it. 23.42.41 # i havent used it for a purpose YET 23.42.48 # its no good 23.42.52 # it exits after use 23.42.53 # it's not clutter being able to choose wps and config in the menu 23.42.58 # really? 23.43.13 # i always thought (a) when do you change your wps? every day? and (b) why in the menu? 23.43.39 # because the menu is where you change all your other settings 23.43.57 # why not a sub menu "other settings"? 23.44.03 # then the browser patch? 23.44.22 # that's possible 23.44.41 # its just a mess 23.45.18 # it's a cosmetic shortcoming. it's not a serious problem. 23.45.28 # sure. 23.45.53 # i think more time ought to be spent doing a bit more bulletproofing instead of adding new features prematurely 23.45.57 # i'll be back in a few 23.46.26 # rearranging menus has nothing to do with "bulletproofing" 23.49.08 # brb 23.49.09 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 23.55.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"