--- Log for 02.01.104 Server: orwell.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 19 days and 10 hours ago 00.00.05 # i have 7xx ripping and i like the supertagging 00.00.27 # how fast does winamp rip? 00.01.18 # no idea on ripping speed... i just use to play mp3s 00.02.07 # ill try it out - any other programs for cataloguing my music? 00.02.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.02.25 # winamp does 2x unless u get pro 00.02.35 # which is limited only by ur drive 00.02.50 # you like winamp pro? 00.03.11 # i dont have pro 00.03.21 # just regular 00.03.42 # too lazy to find a keygen 00.05.51 # trying to modify the playlist within the archos 00.06.18 # how u gonna do that? 00.07.54 # not sure - maybe go into the text editor for each m3u file? 00.08.05 # probably not realistic for 250 playlists 00.21.40 Quit BC|busy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.26.28 Join BC|Code [0] (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 00.27.06 Quit Gary (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.29.28 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 00.30.05 Join Gary [0] (~jirc@ip68-1-232-41.dl.dl.cox.net) 00.30.25 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 00.52.11 # just wanted to say thanks 00.52.17 # i now see from practising that 00.52.34 # i need the structure on my archos to match the structure on the m3us 00.58.31 # does anybody online have any idea how to pass a path to plugin_load() ? 00.58.54 # ...it looks impossible, but surely cannot be or features I use could not work! 01.01.42 # forget that - think I've got my head on backward 01.01.43 # s 01.01.54 # (and gf whinging in my ear) 01.36.13 Join Strath [0] (~firewalle@dgvlwinas01pool0-a196.wi.tds.net) 01.38.40 Quit trackkk ("Leaving") 01.42.41 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 02.02.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.15.14 Nick c0utta{beach} is now known as c0utta (noemail@dialup- 02.16.07 # hey Gary, another good option is tag&rename for m3u. http://www.softpointer.com/tr.htm 02.16.40 # for id3 taggers for windows ...I quite like ID3Tagit 02.17.22 # i like t&r because it uses freedb and allmusic.com 02.17.31 # ill try it out 02.17.39 # thanks! 02.17.52 # i just use a batch file to copy from my PC to the archos 02.18.12 # never understood that ...how can you use freedb to identify an MP3? 02.18.28 # BC|Code: you need the whole album 02.18.31 # ahhh 02.18.55 # you can use allmusic.com for individual songs 02.19.14 # i used to use ultratagger but it seems to corrupt some of the id3 tags 02.19.55 # that was the problem i had with rockbox a few days ago. linus still hasn't fixed it, but at least we could isolate the problem 02.20.06 # hey c0utta do u code? 02.20.16 # top_bloke: badly, but yes 02.20.29 # or BC if youre not busy 02.20.38 # yeah? 02.20.51 # i wanna show they day of the week 02.21.00 # example? 02.21.08 # thursday 02.21.14 # but rb gives me a number 02.21.19 # multi language? 02.21.25 # nah english for now 02.21.45 # how many times will you use the code within your app? 02.21.49 # once 02.22.00 # what is the number range from rb? 02.22.11 # well today is 04 02.22.16 # not really sure 02.22.24 # where it starts or ends 02.22.41 # need to know that, guess sunday==0, sat==6 02.22.50 # yeah thats what i assume 02.23.10 Nick c0utta is now known as c0utta{lunch} (noemail@dialup- 02.23.17 # given that assumption... 02.23.18 # i can just go if(wday == 0) {day = "Sun"} 02.23.44 # else if(wday == 1) {day = "mon"} and so on 02.23.52 # but is there an easier way? 02.24.14 # also gonna do it for months 02.24.16 # yes... but you have to give me time to type it in ;) 02.24.30 # tyep what? 02.24.36 # lol 02.24.38 # ok sorry 02.24.40 # i wait 02.24.43 # did you want some example code? 02.24.50 # or an explanation? 02.24.52 # yeah sorry 02.24.57 # both? 02.25.06 # example better 02.25.08 # then let me give you some code to explain ;) 02.25.17 # lol ok 02.25.18 # one other... 02.25.33 # is it okay if the day name is returned with spaces on the end? 02.25.43 # yeah 02.25.57 # brb 02.26.19 Join kurzhaarrocker [0] (~Philipp@Be152.b.pppool.de) 02.26.51 # btw the centering thing was either right all along or the lcd_update(); fixed it 02.27.05 # cause it works now 02.27.12 # lol 02.27.19 # hate it when that happens 02.27.29 # "But WHAT did I do???" lol 02.28.03 # lol it was one of the 2 02.28.25 # sorry, trying to discover which string functions we have in rockbox.... 02.29.13 # all these lcd_puts functions and so on write into a buffer. No data is written to the lcd at that moment. lcd_update transfers that data to the lcd. Thus without lcd_update you don't see what you wrote. 02.29.46 # this part of the loop in f2 menu though 02.30.03 # it does lcd_update(); later 02.30.07 # i dunno 02.30.36 # And if you comment out that lcd_update line you won't see the f2 menu either. Though still it works 02.30.52 # what do u mean works? 02.31.17 # it wont show right 02.31.21 # you just don't see the text, everything else is the same. 02.31.26 # ok 02.31.34 # char sDay[10]; 02.31.34 # int iDay; 02.31.34 # strncpy(sDay,"sunday monday tuesday wednesdaythursday friday saturday "[iDay*9],9); 02.31.56 # woah looks complicated 02.32.09 # sDay is somewhere to store the resutl 02.32.12 # second parameter of strncpy must be a size, I think 02.32.21 # iDay is the 0...6 02.32.29 # "days" is a string of days 02.32.44 # [] say where to start 02.32.59 # 0*9==0 ...so for sunday start at position 0 in the string 02.33.09 # 1*9==9 ... 02.33.26 # the final ",9)" is the length of a word 02.33.35 # think this is too advanced for me 02.33.36 # in fact both 9's are the length 02.33.41 # so what do i do with that then? 02.33.58 # take the long line of code 02.34.18 # replace "iDay" with whatever variable you currently store the day number in 02.34.23 # ohhhhh 02.34.24 # ok 02.34.42 # and whats the name of the string that it puts the day in? 02.34.42 # and replace sDay with the String into which you want the result placed 02.34.44 Join ely78373 [0] (~Fbi@pool-68-160-243-158.ny325.east.verizon.net) 02.34.53 # so sday 02.34.55 # ok i get it 02.35.01 # can someione help me 02.35.20 # i think 02.35.28 # you can, if you like, replcae "iDay" with "rb->getday()" 02.35.43 # (or whatever the function is called) 02.35.50 # i have it put that in wday 02.36.02 # i have the rec 15 02.36.07 # and the videos r workin 02.36.09 # Is there a difference to 02.36.09 # char *sDay[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue"}; /* and so on */ 02.36.11 # so you have wday = getday() ?? 02.36.11 # i just cant hear any sound 02.36.12 # ? 02.36.22 # int wday = tm->tm_wday; 02.36.43 # or, if you prefer you can do it The way that Kurz will now explain 02.36.48 # ely78373: me too 02.37.00 # theres no sound in vids 02.37.04 # yet 02.37.04 # there are precisely 703,492 different ways to do this - lol 02.37.20 # i'll go w your way right now 02.37.25 # BC|Code and increasing ... 02.37.34 Quit methangas (" I love my HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 02.37.42 # when will there be sounds 02.38.11 # ely78373 I have no idea. 02.38.22 # dasmn 02.38.38 # well i hope whoever came up with thsi video thing will find a way to get sounds on it 02.38.56 # also is it possible that i can change my greyscale screen and get a color screen 02.39.24 # Very unlikely, as that would require heavy hardware mods, too. 02.39.42 # damn 02.39.50 # cause the vidz aint that good 02.39.53 # quality 02.39.56 # with grey scale 02.40.08 # what do you expect. Its a music device, not a video recorder. 02.40.16 # i guess but still 02.40.24 # sound there should be 02.40.33 # when did this vidz thing come out 02.41.26 # I consider it very likely that there will be sound with video somewhen. 02.41.35 # i hope so 02.41.40 # aight peace 02.42.03 Quit Gary ("Leaving") 02.44.49 # * kurzhaarrocker is still puzzled by BCs strncpy code. 02.45.31 # BC|Code does it work with strings of different lengths? 02.46.38 # no, hence the space padding 02.46.47 # ok. 02.59.30 Quit AciD ("Hiroshima 45, Tchernobyl 86, Windows 95") 03.04.49 Quit top_bloke (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.06.42 Join top_bloke [0] (~ekolb_pot@dsc01-chc-il-209-109-240-238.rasserver.net) 03.06.53 # sorry i got disconnected 03.06.58 # s'okay 03.07.02 # where did you get up to? 03.07.03 # anyway it dont work and i get a warning 03.07.20 # warning: passing arg 2 of `strncpy' makes pointer from integer wi 03.07.28 # thout a cast 03.07.53 # ARGH 03.08.11 # put an & JUST before the first quote 03.08.33 # before sunday? 03.08.43 # before the quote before sunday 03.08.57 # &"sunday ... 03.09.03 # yep 03.09.16 # the []'s dereference the string! 03.09.27 # the & references it again 03.09.37 # sorry, I should have compiled it before i sent it 03.10.08 # to me c was a bag of surprises and mysteries since ever 03.10.42 # you'll kick yoursefl when the penny drops 03.10.46 # ooops 03.10.46 # already compiled lol 03.10.47 Quit top_bloke (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.11.13 Join top_bloke [0] (~ekolb_pot@dsc01-chc-il-209-109-240-238.rasserver.net) 03.11.20 # back so soon 03.11.24 # god i dont know wtf is up w my connection 03.11.40 # the joys of autologin - lol 03.11.40 # anyway it compiled 03.11.53 # i just get my standard warning lol 03.11.57 # does it print garbage though ...this is the big question 03.12.02 # ah 03.12.05 # lets see 03.14.01 # If you want it to print garbage you shouldn't put replace &"Sunday ... with &"garbage 03.14.16 # (rimshot) 03.14.21 # lol 03.14.38 # ohhh 03.14.53 # lol it shows "day Frida" 03.14.58 # oh man lol 03.15.36 # is that considered garbage 03.15.38 # ? 03.15.43 # hmmm, kinda 03.15.58 # cut'n'paster your line 03.16.01 # strncpy(sDay,&"Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday Saturday "[9*wday],9); 03.16.56 # SUNDAY---MONDAY---TUESDAY--WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY-FRIDAY---SATURDAY-" 03.17.17 # can you count the dashed you end 03.17.18 # ? 03.17.21 # dasheS 03.17.31 # ? 03.17.47 # need more spaces? 03.17.53 # ESS EWE EN DEE AY WHY SPACE SPACE SPACE 03.18.19 # yeah i get it 03.18.19 # count all nine chars :) 03.18.20 # ok 03.18.22 # each word (including spaces) must be exaclty 9 characters long 03.18.26 # indeed 03.19.30 # got it 03.19.30 # anyway i dont think i have room for the whole word 03.19.31 # if i wanna fit the whole dat 03.19.31 DBUG Enqueued KICK top_bloke 03.19.31 # e 03.20.00 # like Thu, Jan 1, 2004 is what im thinkin 03.20.37 # char sDay[3]; 03.20.37 # strncpy(sDay,&"SunMonTueWedThuFriSat"[3*wday],3); 03.20.38 # ? 03.20.47 # :) 03.21.55 # would that do? 03.21.56 # but this is harcoded to english 03.21.56 # ah so what 03.22.23 # yes language support calls for a very different approach 03.22.29 # ok month should be easy now 03.22.29 # thanks a lot BC and kurzhaarrocker 03.22.35 # ;) 03.22.36 # top_bloke are you coding a plugin? 03.22.46 # no this is for the f2 screen 03.22.51 # ok 03.23.05 # on top theres room 03.23.06 # what is the "f2 screen"? 03.23.13 # when u hit f2? 03.23.37 # you mean the three shortcuts thing? 03.23.45 # but on a f2 screen internationalization would be desirable. 03.24.16 # the middle button under the lcd 03.24.16 # or r u kidding 03.24.16 # BC|Code yes. Its in apps/screens.c 03.24.40 # well doesnt everyone understand mon, tues 03.24.51 # hee hee :) 03.24.59 # if not 03.25.02 # they SHOULD 03.25.04 # nah j/k 03.25.43 # There are already internationalized 3 letter week days in the .lang files. 03.25.45 # if i recall, the setting screen for date has no international support 03.25.45 # and day of week 03.25.55 # -> hardly no work to internationalize 03.25.55 # there are? 03.26.22 # see english.lang , so around line 900 03.26.47 # does the stting screen use em? 03.27.43 # Its used in settings.c 03.28.36 # ok 03.28.36 # i tried to stal that code 03.28.37 # that sets the date 03.29.41 # what went wrong when you tried to steal that code? 03.29.47 # lol 03.29.49 # i dunno 03.29.56 # i couldnt understand it 03.29.57 # lol 03.31.09 # oh they DO use LANG_WEEKDAY_SUNDAY, 03.31.25 # i dunno what i was looking at before then 03.31.45 # do you need those daynames in a local variable within a function or is it a module variable outside of any functions? 03.32.08 # i didnt get a word of that 03.32.20 # lol sorry 03.32.39 # your sDay variable - is that declared within a function? 03.32.49 # yeah 03.33.43 # cool. Then you could make it like this: 03.33.43 # char *sDay = {str(LANG_WEEKDAY_SUNDAY), str(LANG_WEEKDAY_MONDAY), ...}; 03.33.57 # sorry: char *sDay[] of course 03.34.16 # and keep everything the same? 03.34.44 # Well maybe you should make sDay sday, or Zagor will slay you. 03.34.51 # oh 03.35.07 # right away sir 03.35.38 # god text pad is starting to bug me to register 03.35.41 # well, no, when you later want to have the string for monday you'd write sday[1] 03.36.14 # well i dont know what to write 03.36.26 # cause wday tells it what to write 03.36.31 # you could look at the code i just sent you ...just an idea? 03.36.41 # then its sday[wday] 03.36.51 # even more comlicated eh 03.36.56 # complicated 03.37.19 # more code 03.37.21 # yeah you got to cut and paste MUCH more this time 03.37.29 # lol 03.37.53 # AND the same thing for date 03.37.57 # But with the internationalizattion that strncpy approach doesn't work any more. 03.38.11 # i'll make screens.c twice the size! 03.38.25 # month that is 03.38.29 # by date i mean month 03.38.44 # LMAO -no sympath from the man who's just written 2500 lines of new code for the audio control 03.39.01 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 03.39.01 # * kurzhaarrocker is impressed 03.39.29 # wow 03.39.31 # me too 03.39.34 # for rockbox? 03.39.36 # i get to waste the rest of tonight trying to work out htf to get the rocks to taget the right dir for the new sim code 03.39.41 # yes for rockbox 03.39.51 # yay 03.39.56 # And to be honest: the lack of a _good_ sound menu is a major drawback compared with the original firmware. 03.40.09 # yeah sliders ans stuff 03.40.29 # no INACCURATE sliders in MY code!!! 03.40.40 # inaccurate? 03.40.49 # But not a new screen for each number I hope? 03.41.00 # boo 03.41.23 # I've got it all on one screen - but eveyrbody keeps complaining about that 03.41.32 # not me. 03.41.34 # who? 03.41.41 # i'm not 03.41.41 # (well I haven't seen it yet) 03.41.45 # me neither 03.41.49 # linus, and I *thought* Kurz!? 03.41.51 # i'm sure its good tho 03.42.15 # ahh what do they know? 03.42.17 # two people bashing me about wanting it to scroll more than a screen 03.42.20 # BC|Code all I said was that it would preferable not to tie the user to a special font other than the system font 03.42.28 # yep - that's it! 03.42.31 # I was right! 03.42.33 # 03.42.33 # can u scroll the slider? 03.42.38 # what slider? 03.42.47 # the sound slider 03.42.57 DBUG Enqueued KICK BC|Code 03.42.57 # 01[02:40] no INACCURATE sliders in MY code!!! 03.43.08 # brb 03.43.10 # or keep all the sliders in place and scroll the text on the side 03.43.23 # top_bloke are you talking about a scrollbar for the whole page? 03.44.03 # no the sliders 03.44.15 # make them scroll by if the user has a huge font 03.44.22 # but that seems stupid now 03.45.25 # bak 03.45.52 # yeah so do the sliders 03.45.54 # BC|Code: do you run in problems with the height or the width of the screen with the system font? 03.46.03 # yes 03.47.01 # ? 03.47.21 # it was a choice! height 03.48.09 # width is PROBABLY okay 03.48.30 # ok. Just for a moment I had the vision of many scrolling text thingies on a sound setting screen. It was a nightmare. 03.48.49 # only the one youre on would scroll 03.48.54 # THERE IS ******NO********* SCROLLING 03.48.59 # oh? 03.49.07 # how will u fit? 03.49.08 # BC|Code: uff 03.49.16 # with big fonts 03.49.36 # there is currently no font support 03.49.45 # ok good 03.50.33 # is it a problem is moth starts with 1? 03.50.54 # I'm so thrilled. I can hardly wait for the next band practice session when I can test the recording trigger and prerecording in real life! 03.51.12 # you record with archos? 03.51.34 # top_bloke: That's what I'd expect 03.51.34 # top_bloke: yes, of course. That's why I bought it. 03.52.01 # i guess ill make a new int and -1 from mon 03.52.28 # u rec on line in? 03.52.36 # yes 03.52.52 # what u mean by recordin trigger? 03.52.55 # I have a self made microphone preamp 03.53.33 # recording trigger = it starts recording automatically when a volume level is exceeded and stops the recording when there is silence. 03.53.42 # is that in rockbox 03.53.50 # i just thought of that when u said it 03.53.54 # like in wavelab 03.54.05 # not yet, I just uploaded that patch yesterday 03.54.14 # definitely a nice feature 03.54.23 # can u set on/off levels? 03.54.24 Quit scott666 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03.54.27 # how about FFWD during record breaks the track? 03.54.48 # doesnt play do that? 03.54.50 # ffwd while recording? Into the future? 03.54.55 # not when i last tried it 03.55.05 # yea i dont know dont record much 03.55.30 # i play in a band too but record on the drummers pc 03.55.41 # never thought about the archos 03.56.09 # yes, for real recordings we use a pc, too. Just for reherasal and as an acustical notepad thats to much hazzle. 03.56.18 # oh ok 03.56.53 # could just use built in mic if u dont care about quality 03.57.21 # Yes, but the hazzle to plug in the mic preamp is bearable to me. 03.57.33 # can i snprintf multiple strings in one? 03.57.39 # in one snprintf 03.58.05 # yes with snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s %s %s", s1, s2, s3); 03.58.07 # snprintf ( destination, "%s %s %s", string1, string2, string 3); 03.58.16 # ok thanks 03.58.18 # both 03.58.29 # i forgot sizeof() 03.58.43 # mine was actually a sprintf() 03.59.11 # and both of us put in spaces between the strings 03.59.36 # lol 03.59.36 # oh and im gonna need some ints in there too 03.59.42 # but i think i can handle it 03.59.42 # %d 03.59.58 # whats %2d? 04.00.03 # 2 chars long 04.00.14 # %-2d is two chars long left justified 04.00.31 # %02d is 2 chars long zero padded 04.00.34 # can i use %d if my int CAN be 2 chars? 04.00.40 # I didn't know that. 04.00.50 # yes, the number is the MINIMUM 04.00.56 # oh 04.00.57 # ok 04.01.05 # if you exceeed this count, then the string will expand accordingly 04.01.09 # BC|Code: what was the tag for hexadecimal output? 04.01.21 # %x or %X 04.01.37 # for lower / uppercase ? 04.01.40 # yes 04.02.21 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.02.27 # there are rumours that there will be printf stuff in java 1.5 -> good to learn a few things in advance. 04.02.52 Join Stevenm [0] (~StevenM@pcp04424903pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net) 04.04.21 # oh can i use , in qutes? 04.04.33 # yes 04.04.46 # you cannot use \ or " 04.04.56 # \ is \\ " is \" 04.05.01 # ok 04.05.03 # tab is \t 04.05.09 # newline is \n 04.05.12 # return is \r 04.05.16 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 04.05.21 # BC|Code: Is an example of your soundsettings stuff for download anywhere? 04.05.26 # not atm 04.05.53 # im working on the next build of the win32sim patch atm 04.06.46 # Linus broke it by committing the prerecord stuff. 04.06.54 # well and truly - lol 04.08.19 # ok i compiled 04.08.46 # Does ANYONE have a working *nix Dev kit? 04.08.48 # When talking about win32sim patch stuff: Have you found a solution to simulate reading peaks from the mas? 04.09.08 # Stevenm: I work on cygwin 04.09.26 # kurzhaarrocker: How did you get GCC to compile ?? 04.10.52 # gcc was not the problem, the sh1 and mig compiler were. But that was more than a year ago and I don't know anything about those troubles any more. 04.11.04 # all right 04.11.30 # does anyone know where I can get a pre-compiled package of the development kit for the nix platform? 04.11.53 # I think in the end I found all info that was neccessary on http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/ 04.12.21 # If there is no link to a precompiled dev kit I don't know any other sources. 04.12.26 # I have tried compiling it before.. twice, following everyone's instructions. I still get build errors 04.12.37 # :( 04.12.59 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 04.16.11 # Stevenm: Been a while, but I don't seem to recall any problems building SH-targetted GCC. 04.16.29 # dsg: Do you still have it ? 04.16.33 # Haven't set one up for rockbox, but I had a dreamcast devkit up, the DC uses SH-4. 04.17.07 # I'm off for bed. CU 04.17.10 # Stevenm: Doubt it... reinstalled my desktop machine since then. 04.17.24 Quit kurzhaarrocker ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 04.17.35 # Besides, it had alot of stuff you probably don't want (gcc built with newlib support and such). 04.18.25 # ../../../gcc-3.0.4/gcc/config/sh/lib1funcs.asm:166: Error: no such instruction: `rts' 04.18.25 # make[2]: *** [libgcc/./_ashiftrt.o] Error 1 04.19.52 # Fína finishing move. 04.19.55 # Argh. 04.19.59 # You have binutils compiled, I trust? 04.20.06 # yes 04.23.30 # Wel... not sure. I didn't have any problems with it at the time. 04.24.06 # Kurz: I am not working on mpeg emulation, just UI emulation 04.25.22 # hardware level audio device emulation is a ludicrous task 04.25.42 # BC|Code do u have an easier way to make sims? 04.26.04 # simulation of..... 04.26.10 # rockbox 04.26.15 # win32 04.26.24 # you want me to simulation windows? 04.26.31 # *simulate 04.26.38 # sim rockbox 04.26.41 # on windows 04.26.58 # what does it not do currently that you want 04.27.11 # no i dont have full cygwin 04.27.22 # i thought u were doing another solution 04.27.25 # forget it 04.27.48 # i have a cut down dev kit if that's what you mean ...or I can forget everything as you prefer? 04.28.13 # is up for dl anywhere? 04.28.19 # only on my machine 04.28.26 # no interest 04.28.36 # i have interest 04.28.46 # i'm sick of USBing every time 04.29.00 # got garbage last time - %s instead of %d 04.29.04 # me too - hence shit loads of work on getting the sim up and running 04.29.22 # people have interest 04.29.40 # i got my fingers crossed on this one 04.29.52 # the current ver I have has a couple of bodges in it ...but IT WORKS 04.30.09 # thats cool 04.30.23 # you should put it up 04.30.31 # heh 04.30.53 # my dl is horrid 04.31.01 # .5K/sec - WTF!!!!!???? 04.31.11 # and i will get disconnected long before its done 04.31.18 # well, you'll have it in a couple of days 04.31.19 # i mean put it on a site 04.31.25 # i'd get it at school 04.31.32 # more aggro than I get for 04.31.38 # get->care 04.31.39 # yeah 04.31.49 # i understand 04.32.15 # if i could fix it, then I would upload it, but I just cant get the help 04.32.41 # none of the devs use win? 04.33.08 # yeah, but they all install 60TB of cygwin 04.33.15 # lol 04.33.20 # hahahaaha 04.33.36 # well i'm with u on this one 04.34.02 # why u only get .5K down - you hammering your line with p2p 04.34.25 # something like that 04.35.07 # you run a porn server! 04.35.34 # lol yeah thats it 04.35.39 # off 56k 04.38.31 # anyone here understand MAKEFILEs 04.41.31 # lol - aint that typical! 04.41.51 # lol dont look at me 04.42.04 # i dont understand anything 04.42.20 # i think a more fair question is ...does ANYBODY ANYWHERE EVER understand the damn things 04.42.30 # i'm sure they do 04.42.40 # just not here right now 04.42.59 # I'm sure people just copy one from someone else and botch it - it's all i ever do ! 04.44.02 # uh 04.44.03 # ok 04.44.05 # I'll bodge it ..then someone will complain ..then I will say "so fix it" lol 04.45.12 # yeah so do it 04.53.33 Join MALOW [0] (OperaTor@VA1-1G-u-0143.mc.onolab.com) 04.53.37 # hi 04.53.55 # hi 04.54.31 # YES 04.54.35 # IT WORKS 04.55.09 # as he is the commando for use halftone.exe? 04.55.18 # Thu Jan 1, 04 04.55.25 # commands 04.55.36 # oohh - you have the Y3K bug! 04.55.39 # halftone your.yuv output.rvf 04.55.49 # Y3k? 04.55.56 # two digit year 04.56.06 # on purpose 04.56.15 # i may barely fit 2004 on there 04.56.19 # j/k 04.56.35 # you know archos stores the year since 1900 04.56.40 # in 3 digits 04.57.06 # and they add 2000 to it 04.57.17 # so it definitely has a y3k bug 04.57.40 # thanks a LOT BC! 04.57.45 # finally works 04.57.56 # cool :) 04.58.12 # thanks top_bloke i have a win32 program for convert avi to yuv, in case u interesting it..... 04.58.26 # whats a yuv anyway 04.58.34 # us video standard 04.58.42 # oh? 04.59.00 # is there anyway to have pics in the video viewer? 04.59.04 # or loop video 04.59.22 # see lena.rvf 04.59.26 # yeah 04.59.45 # did you see it with the latest build 04.59.51 # doesnt loop for me 04.59.54 # video loops ...so are you a cult leader? 05.00.00 # lol 05.00.11 # yeah we got a mass suicide tonight 05.00.21 # and i need to get my loops straight 05.00.23 # cool - can I come and watch 05.00.35 # u gotta do it too 05.00.42 # die that is 05.01.10 # who's gonna document your greatness for the anals of time? 05.01.25 # isnt that anals? 05.01.41 # i will go down as a leader 05.01.50 # i mean annals 05.02.00 # 05.02.13 # anals is... 05.02.15 # well u know what 05.02.41 # anyway the current build doesnt loop lena! 05.02.46 # wtf 05.03.34 # try it 05.03.37 # maybe i ought to get the original video rock 05.04.15 # or speak to jorg 05.04.41 # yeah 05.15.14 Quit MALOW ("...") 05.26.24 # new win32sim patch uploaded 05.26.47 Quit Stevenm ("Client exiting") 05.53.26 # i'm rolling out 05.53.32 # later 05.53.39 Quit top_bloke ("The mind is a terrible thing to taste. Wasted 2 hours 43 minutes and 43 seconds online.") 06.02.25 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.28.43 Join arspy87 [0] (~arspy87@h00062598fa3b.ne.client2.attbi.com) 06.29.01 # arse pie :) yo 06.29.08 # :) hey whats up 06.29.15 # new winsim patch :) 06.29.36 # nice! im unwinding froma really annoying 1GB session of ripping CDs with musicmatch 06.29.45 # grrrrrrooooooaaannnnnn 06.29.56 # ripping = not fun 06.30.00 # tagging = worse 06.30.03 # no - 06.30.05 # also no 06.30.13 # with EAC it is even more painful 06.30.20 # about 35mins/album 06.30.28 # wow, why so long? 06.30.37 # perfect rips 06.31.00 # and i thought 5 minutes was painful 06.31.18 # spell checking freedb is also a pain 06.31.38 # then i get an album cover and add catalog numbers to the id3 06.31.53 # add artist home page etc. etc. 06.31.58 # wow i feel so lazy 06.32.02 # the worst was my yello collection 06.32.11 # heh 06.32.31 # some "best of" tracks are the same, some are complete remixes 06.32.42 # had to listen to them all and work out which was which 06.33.08 # ugh, Best Of / Greatest Hits albums are the worst - took me forever to actually get them distinguished on my mp3 player 06.33.24 # only do my genres by album ...thank god 06.33.30 # yeah 06.34.05 # brb 06.34.33 # so what are you coding this time, blue? 06.34.34 # ok 06.34.38 # me too, brb 06.38.13 # back 06.51.13 # back 06.51.28 # hey 06.51.35 # what are you coding, blue? 06.51.40 # working on some new audio code 06.52.20 # aha, the infamous audio code 06.52.52 # it's getting that way isn't it? lol 06.53.17 # lol yeah 06.53.20 # I'm doing a maths bit atm - i am USELESS at math 06.53.31 # i used to be good in math 06.53.47 # until precalculus arrived on the scene 06.54.34 # i need to represent 0...524288 in terms of 0..1 given a resolution of 3 decimal places 06.55.02 # without ever using a decimal point 06.55.14 # thus my result is 0...1000 06.55.24 # 1000 being 1.000 == 524288 06.55.44 # ah, got it (i think) 06.55.51 # please do :) 06.56.15 # i don't think i'll ever understand C, i cant even get javascript ;) 06.56.34 # forget C ...what's the math? 06.57.07 # ---thinking--- 06.57.53 # 524288... is that something in base-2? 06.58.20 # the full problem is a 20bit 2's complement number ...but I didn't want to scare you 06.58.42 # 524288 should be represented by the variable "max" 06.59.10 # ok... already scared but doing best to comprehend 06.59.29 # don't worry about the source of the number ...just trust it 06.59.36 # ok 07.00.01 # im getting my calculator for this 07.00.45 # well 524288 is really 2^19 07.02.09 # you know - i think you're onto something 07.02.24 # possibly, im getting my C book right now 07.02.57 # no, I just joined your insanity for a moment 07.03.12 # oh, lol 07.03.30 # when you say 0..1 what dot he '.'s mean? 07.03.41 # the 20th bit is the sign!! 07.03.57 # 0.000 to 1.000 07.04.16 # 01a resolution of 3 decimal places 07.04.17 # ah ok 07.04.58 # but as you CANNOT have decimal places... the result must be expressed as 0 to 1000 07.05.35 # then i will "draw a dot" in the right place as I print it 07.05.59 # ok so you need to represent 524288 wihtout using decimal place? or... 0...524288? 07.06.08 # = dumb 07.06.54 # 0 = 0 1 = 524 2 = 1048 ...... 1000 = 524288 07.07.10 # AHA! now i see 07.07.38 # actually 2 = 1049 07.07.48 # um, why? 07.07.56 # round off error? 07.08.17 # 524.288 = 524 1048.576 = 1049 07.08.41 # although that really isn't the biggest issue 07.08.45 # oh... ok now i get it. makes sense now... 07.09.49 # it's a dumb 30 char expression ...i'm just useless at math! 07.10.36 # took me christ know how long to get hex = (524288*decimal)/1000 07.10.45 # (which is the problem in reverse) 07.11.27 # nah actually i dont get it either lol 07.11.58 # oh well 07.12.20 # sorry 07.12.49 # why must C make it so difficult to use a simple decimal point.... 07.12.56 # it doesn't 07.15.49 # this is NOT a "C" issue 07.19.00 # I THINK I've got it! 07.19.15 # dec = (((value*(1000*1000))/0x80000)+500)/1000; 07.21.15 # which is all very good apart from the overflow condition that occurs 07.26.55 # or even ....dec = (value*1000)/0x80000; 07.30.22 # aha 07.31.12 # i knew it would be simple 07.33.59 # 0x80000? 07.34.05 # 524288 07.34.11 # ah 07.34.45 # so some random amount of zeroes followed by 80000 equals 524288? 07.35.00 # wait that doesnt make sense im probably wrong 07.35.32 # $0000000000000000000000080000 == $00000080000 == $80000 = 524288d 07.36.00 # AH YES 07.36.01 # you got it yay 07.36.08 # just figured it out 07.36.10 # onmy calculator 07.36.16 # you do know about base 16? 07.36.28 # not really 07.36.39 # you cannot program without it 07.36.46 # not real stuff anyways 07.37.09 # thats in the "skip me on your first reading because this is a techie section" section of my book 07.37.26 # learn base 2, and base 16 if you want to program low level stuff 07.37.28 # lol 07.37.49 # run screaming at the word "BCD" 07.37.58 # i know base 2 07.38.06 # computers are not smart 07.38.19 # convresion from base 2 -> 16 is stupidly simple 07.38.48 Quit hardeep ("[BX] Twat?! I cunt hear you!") 07.39.08 # oh yes hardeep - very polite 07.39.12 # lol 07.40.56 # hey BC, what do I need to set up the win32 simulator ? 07.41.16 # i got a zip file with the cygwin & rockbox stuff in it 07.41.29 # then the latest source and the latest winsim patch 07.46.32 # i still don't understand the development environment very well 07.46.40 Nick c0utta{lunch} is now known as c0utta (noemail@dialup- 07.46.52 # is cygwin like a linux for win32 ? 07.46.57 # yes 07.47.36 # c++ for dummies forces me to use GNU C++ which STINKS, i'm a visual person 07.47.48 # you can, if you prefer, install cygwin with their setup util and then get the rockbox tools from rockbox 07.47.50 # i have cygwin at least. i do patch and diff in there 07.48.04 # and make of course 07.48.12 # do you have all the sh-1 compilers in place? 07.48.41 # how do i tell ? 07.48.43 # arspy87: buy a different book ! 07.49.43 # lol i d2d, now i have Dev C++ 07.49.51 # d2d = did 07.50.00 # BC|Code: i used http://rockbox.my-vserver.de/win32-sdk.html 07.50.24 # oh righty ..rolands old dev kit :) 07.50.39 # is there a better way ? 07.50.49 Join thu [0] (~thu@ 07.50.51 # i use crimson editor for the coding, then make in cygwin 07.50.57 # you cannot build sims with the old dev kit 07.51.06 # then copy to rockbox from build-dir 07.51.22 # ok, where is the "new" dev kit ? 07.51.38 # 01[06:41] i got a zip file with the cygwin & rockbox stuff in it 07.51.47 # ...on my hdd 07.51.57 # dcc send ? 07.52.12 # well i'm out, ttyl 07.52.22 # c u arspy87 07.52.25 # byeeeeee 07.52.27 # good luck on your coding, BC :) 07.52.31 Part arspy87 07.52.50 # sorry, no can do, you have me blocked ;) 07.52.57 # try again 07.53.03 # oop - hang on... 07.53.07 # 02-c0utta- DCC SEND RockBox-DevKit.exe 04BLOCKED01. I don't accept files of that filetype. 07.53.19 # it's a self extracting 7-zip 07.53.46 # try again - i've enabled exe 07.54.54 # thx BC. it'll take a while 07.55.13 # what are you doing with all your bandwidth????? 07.55.32 # nothing. i'm at 56K and have nothing else going 07.55.48 # 1.2K ...56K gives you 5K 07.56.00 # you got ftp? 07.56.06 # yep 07.56.18 # I'll set you up an account - see if ftp is faster 07.56.44 # ok. i'll be in/out as i've gotta feed my midget. 07.58.03 # i'm off to bed soon - so not sure what is best 07.58.13 # it's 0700 here 08.02.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.06.19 # it's 17:30 here 08.06.40 # try the ftp - see if it is faster - if it is - stop the dcc 08.08.33 # bizarre: Unknown host bluechip.dyndns.org:2121 08.08.56 # would much rather you did not discuss my private details publicly 08.09.04 # sh*t 08.09.18 # np 08.17.34 # BC|Code: not that it's a huge deal.. but you know your sign-on ip is part of the perm irc log right? 08.18.02 Join MiChAeLoL [0] (MiChAeLoL@c-24-12-216-51.client.comcast.net) 08.19.19 # lol - oh yeahhh - never thought of that! 08.19.43 # i think it was karma for me publishing linus' email the other night ;) 08.21.59 Join oxygen77 [0] (~Chris@pauguste-7-82-66-87-78.fbx.proxad.net) 08.30.55 # lol 08.42.40 Quit thu ("brb") 08.46.27 Join Stevenm [0] (~StevenM@pcp04424903pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net) 09.09.41 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 09.24.38 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 09.25.54 Quit oxygen77 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.35.49 Join oxygen77 [0] (~Chris@pauguste-7-82-66-87-78.fbx.proxad.net) 09.47.51 Part BC|Code 09.57.25 Quit Stevenm ("Client exiting") 10.02.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.12.37 # la la la... 10.48.27 # Anyone around? 10.48.53 # Zagor, Bagor, Linus? Don't tell me they STILL are on vacation ;) 10.49.26 # ? 10.49.41 # well, vacantions are important ya know 10.49.59 # sure they are :) 10.50.06 Join kurzhaarrocker [0] (~Philipp@Be194.b.pppool.de) 10.50.11 # but when it comes to rockbox issues, I need to have them around ;) 10.50.19 # heh 10.51.05 # I got a few tricks up my sleeve, but before I make the thing way TOO big, I'd like to get feedback from any of them. 11.01.23 # does anyone here use win32 for their development environment ? 11.01.28 # I do 11.01.39 # I do 11.01.47 # excellent. 11.02.07 # i was taling to bluechip and he sent me an install package 11.02.34 # it creates a cygwin environment, i'm now lost 11.02.45 # hm 11.02.47 # i have downloaded the latest rockbox image 11.02.51 # I guess it was the mini SDK 11.02.58 # how do i get a compile ? 11.03.00 # You need the tools.tar.bz2 as well 11.03.31 # extract your tarball somewhere in your home directory of cygwin 11.04.33 # i now have 2 copies of cygwin - one using rolands old dev kit 11.04.52 # hrgh. Sounds like trouble. 11.05.01 # yea. 11.07.00 Join rastus [0] (noemail@dialup- 11.07.10 # back. 11.07.30 # \nick c0utta 11.07.36 # whoops 11.08.09 Nick rastus is now known as coutta (noemail@dialup- 11.08.18 # ok. 11.08.53 # i want to create a stock standard rockbox environment to program within 11.09.17 # i'm very familiar with DOS, but know jacksh*t about linux, or cygwin 11.09.28 # Well, the cygwin environment works extraordinary well. 11.09.50 # But you can't have many simultaneous cygwin environments - it's bound to give you problems. 11.10.03 # is this as easy as a "delete" 11.10.17 # there is some kind of registry key you have to erase as well 11.10.23 # (or modify) 11.10.33 # which reflects the home directory (or something similar9 11.19.50 # maybe the path variable as well 11.25.10 Quit c0utta (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.25.37 # coutta was that you alter ego who died? 11.25.57 # yep. 11.26.02 Nick coutta is now known as c0utta (noemail@dialup- 11.26.23 # the registry key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin 11.29.19 # i need to ask some basic questions. 11.29.43 # when using cygwin, it seems to default to home/rockbox. is this correct ? 11.29.46 # I don't know much about basic :) 11.30.24 # probably your installation assumes that you are user "rockbox" 11.30.50 # aha. my unix lectures from 1989 are coming back to me 11.31.00 # But it is correct that cygwin defaults to your user directory 11.31.45 # under home/rockbox is where thew rockbox directory tree is stored ? 11.31.56 # yes 11.31.59 # apps, docs, firmware & tools 11.32.40 # I'd even make a subdirectory first as you might want to have servaral parallel development dirs 11.33.26 # eg. I have one for the spliteditor, one for triggered recording, one for user bound key schemes, ... 11.34.21 # good info - i'll do that when i start working on more than 1 1project 11.34.28 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~idc-drago@pD9512AA8.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.34.37 # ok, how do i get a make ? 11.34.40 # Moin Dragon! 11.35.06 # make a build directory parallel to apps or firmware 11.35.26 # from within that directory call ../tools/configure 11.35.29 # <[IDC]Dragon> 'morning Phil, up again? 11.35.51 # [IDC]Dragon yes, my uptime is somehow random. 11.36.08 # <[IDC]Dragon> you must be living alone 11.36.17 # in fact 11.36.41 # <[IDC]Dragon> congrats to your split editor! 11.36.49 # <[IDC]Dragon> looks pretty nice 11.36.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> what a pity that I don't record 11.37.12 # Thank you. 11.37.19 # <[IDC]Dragon> does it depend on your patch? 11.37.55 # The split editor is independent of the triggered recording patch 11.38.25 # <[IDC]Dragon> are you done with it, source released? 11.38.30 # But there are still improvements to be made. It doesn't split on frame boundaries yet. 11.38.36 # <[IDC]Dragon> (I could check it in) 11.38.46 # <[IDC]Dragon> OK, let's wait. 11.39.14 # That might be long as I won't have that much time within the next few weeks. 11.39.29 # If you want to commit it as it is I can upload a patch. 11.39.45 # <[IDC]Dragon> whatever you feel comfy with 11.40.13 # <[IDC]Dragon> how do you mean "It doesn't split on frame boundaries yet"? 11.40.21 # <[IDC]Dragon> what els? 11.40.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> else 11.40.49 # <[IDC]Dragon> just somewhere in the file? 11.40.54 # yes 11.41.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> ah, hm. 11.41.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> it's not difficult to search for frame boundaries. 11.41.35 # thanks phil. i have a ajbrec.ajz 11.41.41 # I've seen some routines in mp3data 11.42.48 # c0utta you're welcome. Now make many new good features. We must commit things to make the "recent cvs activity" page look right again! :) 11.43.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> ;) 11.44.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> no mpeg buffer commit so soon... 11.44.40 # ha! i'm going to start work on the F2/F3 menu stuff 11.44.55 # <[IDC]Dragon> I woke up without _the_ big solves-it-all idea 11.45.04 # [IDC]Dragon the problem with detecting frame boundaries in the split editor is that I'd have to do it on the mp3 buffer. And I haven't found out yet how to calculate the mpeg buffer position from the file position and vica versa 11.45.22 # my next question is...the simulator 11.45.46 # <[IDC]Dragon> I don't understand... 11.45.57 # <[IDC]Dragon> The plugin has no access to mp3 buffer 11.46.14 # <[IDC]Dragon> aren't you working solely on file level? 11.46.28 # <[IDC]Dragon> and if you write the file, it's in your hands 11.47.43 # I in fact had to wrap and export some mpeg.c code for determining the file position in a function and put it into the plugin api. 11.48.05 # <[IDC]Dragon> ah, so the plugin is not independent 11.48.19 # no, I had to extend the api in many ways 11.48.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> then I won't commit it now 11.49.09 # :) 11.50.21 # <[IDC]Dragon> MY picture about the mp3 buffering is a bit clearer 11.50.48 # <[IDC]Dragon> we don't need to stuff everything into descriptors right away 11.51.06 # <[IDC]Dragon> the source could maintain the old-fashioned ring buffer 11.51.21 # <[IDC]Dragon> and just create descriptors on the fly 11.51.35 # (one thing I wondered about: It's still the task of the drain to bitswap) 11.51.44 # <[IDC]Dragon> I think we need 3 minimum: 11.51.54 # <[IDC]Dragon> 1) being played 11.52.08 # <[IDC]Dragon> 2) ready and sitting there to be used 11.52.22 # <[IDC]Dragon> 3) subject of current work: bitswap, etc. 11.52.58 # <[IDC]Dragon> the bitswap is a real drawback, if I ever want to play that data again 11.53.31 # the descriptor could contain a flag 'bitswapped' 11.53.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> would be great if we could avoid it 11.54.01 # <[IDC]Dragon> yes, I was definitely thinking about such type info 11.54.16 # <[IDC]Dragon> but it doesn't really help later 11.54.29 # <[IDC]Dragon> if we want to scan 11.54.35 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 11.54.48 # <[IDC]Dragon> Hi Mats! 11.54.51 # maybe we'll need frame detection algos for swapped _and_ unswapped data 11.54.55 # hello 11.55.16 # Hi from here, too 11.55.17 # <[IDC]Dragon> we always think the same 11.55.50 # <[IDC]Dragon> If we bitswap early, we could do all the parsing on the swapped data 11.56.08 # <[IDC]Dragon> but its probable a PITA 11.56.24 # PITA? Food? 11.56.34 # <[IDC]Dragon> the opposite 11.56.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> Pain In The A** 11.56.48 # ok, understood 11.57.35 # <[IDC]Dragon> Archos seems to do the same kind of swap 11.57.46 # <[IDC]Dragon> I found the table intheir software 11.58.41 # <[IDC]Dragon> another issue when not everything is linked into descriptors: 11.58.57 # <[IDC]Dragon> how can we "inject" mp3 data 11.59.23 # <[IDC]Dragon> if we want UI voice inbetween 11.59.44 # The drain must be interruptable. But that's a problem with half bitswapped data chunks 12.00.25 # <[IDC]Dragon> not if we bitswap early 12.00.49 # you mean when reading files? 12.01.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> yes, when reading anything but ID info 12.02.08 # hm. I'm not sure but I think there was a discussion about that before. One point against it was that that this may increase the disk uptime -> wastes energy. 12.02.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.03.00 # <[IDC]Dragon> you can do it after reading your big chunk 12.03.21 # <[IDC]Dragon> but before passing anything down, or other work with the data 12.03.27 # yes 12.04.13 # But if we want to start playing early that means that we start playback before the entire data has been bitswapped. 12.04.58 # But that again could be a matter of sizing the descriptors. 12.05.01 # <[IDC]Dragon> darn! 12.05.28 # <[IDC]Dragon> probably we also start before the entire data has been read 12.05.58 # <[IDC]Dragon> or at least, it would be nice. 12.06.04 # Like the first chunk is just long enough to give the source time to bitswap the 2nd , the large chunk. 12.07.02 # So while the 1st chunk is being played the swapper hast time for the 2nd chunk 12.07.49 # <[IDC]Dragon> which brings us backto 2 pointers, one for swapped and another for unswapped data 12.08.10 # <[IDC]Dragon> no big drawback 12.08.13 # with the difference that the pointers are wrapped in descriptors. 12.08.47 # ENCAPSULATE! JEHOVA! JEHOVA! 12.08.50 # <[IDC]Dragon> not necessarily, the descriptors are just for the management in the sink. 12.09.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> the source is free to do whatever in private. 12.09.28 # ok 12.09.48 # <[IDC]Dragon> descriptors are the interface 12.10.40 # only data that is 'described' is locked 12.11.11 # <[IDC]Dragon> only data in the descriptor passed down is locked 12.11.29 # <[IDC]Dragon> until a callback function in there is called to return it 12.11.56 # :) a fine but not so minor difference 12.12.37 # <[IDC]Dragon> which is? 12.13.11 # that you are free to discard the othewise 'described' data at will 12.13.57 # <[IDC]Dragon> ahem, so? 12.15.17 # ah, forget it. 12.18.36 # Assume the user wants to beep while playback. The drain is playing back in the middle of a large descriptor. How does it work? The source clears the descriptor queue, inserts the beep descriptor in the descriptor queue, sends the drain a stop (which returns the current position), the drain frees the old big chunk descriptor, the source uses that current position to create a new descriptor from the existent buffer data and inserts that into the d 12.19.28 # <[IDC]Dragon> brr 12.19.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> I'd like to make that independent from the source, if possible 12.20.00 # <[IDC]Dragon> so the source doesn't notice 12.20.03 Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50c61de4.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 12.20.07 # but how do we know where to resume after beep? 12.20.20 # Ah, that's a task of the drain 12.20.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> I was thinking about making these descriptors relatively small 12.20.42 # <[IDC]Dragon> so you chain in your data 12.20.57 # <[IDC]Dragon> and have a latency of one descriptor payload 12.21.34 # <[IDC]Dragon> but pausing the current would even be more elegant 12.21.49 # dwihno: do u use the simulator ? 12.21.59 # many small descriptors would increas cpu use. 12.22.14 # <[IDC]Dragon> which is not too bad 12.22.22 # c0utta yes, but I can't really debug within it. 12.22.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> if we just switch a desciptor a few times per second, that's nothing. 12.23.00 # <[IDC]Dragon> currently, data is passed in 8k blocks to the DMA 12.23.07 # kurzhaarrocker: didn't want to disturb you and [IDC]Dragon 12.23.19 # you're both going over me head 12.23.21 # <[IDC]Dragon> so the software has to switch that anyway 12.23.25 # me=my 12.23.30 # [IDC]Dragon: you're right. 12.23.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> c0utta: sorry 12.23.49 Quit uski (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12.24.02 # <[IDC]Dragon> how long is 8KB? 12.24.20 # np. makes my changes to f2/f3 seem sooo simple 12.24.24 Join uski [0] (~moo@gandalf.digital-network.org) 12.24.26 # <[IDC]Dragon> half a second at 128kBit 12.25.03 # That's on the edge of being problematic for acustical feedback. 12.26.12 # <[IDC]Dragon> well, then make it 4K or whatever 12.27.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> we can't be faster than one DMA buffer, have to let that pass, I think 12.27.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> but you're right, it would be better if this doesn't depend on the chunks provided by the source 12.28.04 # <[IDC]Dragon> which brings back the side channel 12.28.36 # <[IDC]Dragon> so the sink has an extra functional interface to accept side data 12.28.39 # and that could be managed by the drain, the source wouldn't even notice 12.28.58 # <[IDC]Dragon> to be inserted after the current DMA block 12.29.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> right. 12.29.14 # problem: -> we keep track of the elapsed time manually. Makes this complicated 12.29.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> what do you mena by "manually"? 12.29.35 # <[IDC]Dragon> mean 12.29.52 # <[IDC]Dragon> the track is "stopwatched"? 12.30.01 # There's a timer that de facto is unsynchronized with the mas 12.30.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> hmm 12.30.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> who's maintaining that? 12.30.35 # somewhere in mpeg.c 12.30.45 # <[IDC]Dragon> If we put it to the sink, it could correct the value 12.31.23 # but the sink doesn't even know by which source it's fed. 12.31.44 # And it knows even less about the song that is being played. 12.31.57 # <[IDC]Dragon> if it has this sideband interface, it could exclude the time for playing that. 12.32.08 # yes, I see. 12.32.19 # <[IDC]Dragon> Yes, it won't know about songs. 12.32.48 # <[IDC]Dragon> But it could provide a clock for the main data playtime. 12.35.10 # If it is up to the drain to manage that side channel I don't see a real reason why it shouldn't interrupt even in the middle of a dma chunk. 12.35.34 # <[IDC]Dragon> dunno if that's technically possible 12.36.15 # In worst case the mas must be reset. 12.36.32 # But I'm talking about things I don't really know here. 12.36.46 # <[IDC]Dragon> so do I 12.37.17 # I remember there were functions to start /stop dma transfer. 12.40.57 # I must work for money now. See you later... 12.41.39 # <[IDC]Dragon> OK, thaks. 12.41.42 Quit kurzhaarrocker ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 12.41.43 # <[IDC]Dragon> thanks 12.43.39 # can i ask simulator questions now ? 12.44.04 # <[IDC]Dragon> shure, any time 12.46.06 # to use the simulator, do you run configure to make another make file and select S for simulator ? 12.46.16 # do you then do the make from build-dir ? 12.46.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> for which platform? 12.46.41 # win32. i'm running cygwin 12.46.52 # <[IDC]Dragon> OK. 12.47.12 # <[IDC]Dragon> which compiler? 12.47.50 # i assume it's gcc 12.48.05 # i'm new to this type of environment! 12.48.06 # later guy....time for sleep 12.48.12 Quit Strath ("User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby") 12.48.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> you use gcc to build for the target (SH CPU) 12.48.49 # <[IDC]Dragon> but for the simulator you need a Win32 compiler 12.49.04 # <[IDC]Dragon> to make a Windows program out of it 12.52.14 # [IDC]Dragon: hi 12.52.19 # is this gcc-mingw ? 12.52.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> 'morning! 12.52.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> c0utta: for example, yes. 12.52.49 # <[IDC]Dragon> I used MS Developer Studio 13.02.24 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EAA791.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.10.49 # i seem to have all the required components, but can't seem to get a make 13.11.16 # do i use the same source, in \home\rockbox ? 13.11.27 # or do i need another copy just for the simulator ? 13.12.01 # <[IDC]Dragon> I don't know about MinG 13.13.00 # i don't have ms developer studio, so that's not an option. sounds easier tho! 13.15.00 # i was working with bluechip to setup my environment. i'll wait until he's had a sleep and is back online. 13.15.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> did you try to just use make in the sim dir? 13.16.01 Join Laurent_ [0] (~laurent@dyn-81-166-218-46.ppp.tiscali.fr) 13.16.11 # hello 13.16.21 # <[IDC]Dragon> hello 13.17.21 # yes, but it seems to be referring to the player, not the recorder and gives compile errors 13.17.45 # don't be concerned. as i said, i'll wait for BC as i don't want to waste everyone's time 13.17.56 # <[IDC]Dragon> and if you create a make file in the build dir, with the sim options? 13.20.00 # make errors 13.20.02 # make[1]: *** No rule to make target `buffer.c', needed by `/home/rockbox/build-d 13.20.03 # ir/.deps/buffer.d'. Stop. 13.20.52 # <[IDC]Dragon> hmm, I've never worked with that, sorry. 13.21.17 # i've used make, but under a dos environment. i don't feel comfortable yet 13.22.53 # i have other questions about submitting patches 13.23.19 # if i was working on project, would i only submit the patch when i'm complete ? 13.23.31 # what if my project takes me 2 months to complete ? 13.23.53 # i'm concerned that cvs and my local copy will get out of sync 13.24.00 # <[IDC]Dragon> then it takes 2 month til we have your patch 13.24.02 # and then be difficult to merge 13.24.19 # <[IDC]Dragon> you should make a patch against the most recent 13.24.55 # what it two people have made major changes to the same files ? 13.25.16 # <[IDC]Dragon> then it becomes hairy 13.25.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> it's OK if the changes don't conflict 13.25.31 # i don't like hairy.. 13.26.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> when you're done with your development, you should merge your changes with the latest source 13.26.34 # <[IDC]Dragon> then make a patch from it 13.26.55 # <[IDC]Dragon> and clearly state the cvs version/date the patch is for 13.27.25 # is it a common practice to split a project into phases and incrementally submit patches ? 13.27.36 # to ensure that nothing's broken ? 13.29.24 # i sound weird, don;t i ? 13.29.41 # <[IDC]Dragon> not really, what should a patch of something half-done be good for? 13.30.06 # <[IDC]Dragon> what major rework are you doing? 13.30.33 # i'll give you an example. i'm currently working on changes to F2/F3 functionality 13.31.16 # <[IDC]Dragon> a very common thing to do 13.31.45 # i want to do the whole user-config F2/F3 that everyone seems to want 13.32.11 # firstly, i want to insert my own functions as wrappers to the existing f2/f3 functionality 13.32.45 # within my wrapper i can then do my own coding within worrying about breaking anyone elses 13.41.05 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 13.41.53 # anyway jörg, i appreciate all the work you've done 13.42.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> thank you! 13.42.35 # the flashing is excellent, particularly your attention to detail 13.42.49 # i can't believe the video either 13.43.20 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 13.43.20 # * uski should try the video some day 13.43.40 # <[IDC]Dragon> you haven't? 13.43.43 # nah 13.43.44 # uski: you won't believe it 13.44.12 # i suppose i won't, knowing what joerg is able to do... 13.44.21 # <[IDC]Dragon> scared of the download? 13.44.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> get the stills 13.44.27 # nah 13.44.28 # the video is so smooth - i was amazed 13.44.38 # hmmm where can it be downloaded ? 13.44.44 # is there a sample movie with it ? 13.44.57 # <[IDC]Dragon> a few 13.45.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> 2 stills and the doom clip 13.46.11 # <[IDC]Dragon> http://joerg.hohensohn.bei.t-online.de/archos/doom/ 13.46.26 # <[IDC]Dragon> get small.zip 13.50.01 # <[IDC]Dragon> no need for the provided .ajz any more, since the video player is in the daily build 13.58.44 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 14.02.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.06.20 # ok [IDC]Dragon, ill try later on the dat 14.06.22 # day* 14.06.53 # <[IDC]Dragon> OK 14.15.08 Join kurzhaarrocker [0] (~Philipp@Be543.b.pppool.de) 14.19.13 # <[IDC]Dragon> that was quick money! 14.19.45 # I just had to update a few sources I forgot ... 14.20.27 # btw: what does [IDC] stand for? 14.20.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> that's a stupid story 14.21.11 # <[IDC]Dragon> I once created an email account for LAN parties 14.21.21 # <[IDC]Dragon> later used it as my spam account 14.21.39 # <[IDC]Dragon> more later for the group 14.22.12 # <[IDC]Dragon> it's a clan shortcut, Instant Death Commando. 14.22.21 # :) 14.23.23 # hm. Lets found a new clan: [RLD] :) 14.23.54 # <[IDC]Dragon> tell that to Björn 14.25.14 # sources updatet, must work again. See you 14.25.25 Quit kurzhaarrocker ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 14.25.51 Join Guest [0] (~jirc@ 14.26.10 # Mmm... hello? 14.26.37 # Is anyone here? 14.26.51 # <[IDC]Dragon> yes 14.27.03 # Cool... can I ask a question about Rockbox ? 14.27.26 # <[IDC]Dragon> I guess that's what this channel is for 14.28.02 # :) my first time... I have a Recorder model, and Rockbox is great... just I've run into a strange problem just now 14.28.27 # I made a bunch of file folders to organize my mp3 files, but out of the 15 or so folders, only 3 or 4 show up 14.28.53 # They all show up on the computer when connected thru USB, but not only the Recorder itself 14.29.18 # So I can't access the folders and the songs inside to play them 14.29.56 # <[IDC]Dragon> hmm, strange indeed. 14.30.05 # <[IDC]Dragon> are they hidden? 14.30.05 # Tell me about it... 14.30.24 # <[IDC]Dragon> do you use F2: show all files? 14.30.27 # On the Recorder, there's no sign of the folders except the 3 that are visible (they were the first 3 I made) 14.30.32 # Yes! 14.30.41 # <[IDC]Dragon> scandisk? 14.30.50 # I tried it too, but no difference 14.31.11 # <[IDC]Dragon> maybe you found a bug in the file system 14.31.18 # <[IDC]Dragon> tell Linus about it 14.31.18 # Sigh... 14.31.24 # OK 14.31.50 # Thanks for trying :) 14.31.52 # <[IDC]Dragon> Can there be anything special about them? 14.32.07 # Well, the files that show up were made a few days ago, the others were all made today 14.32.07 # <[IDC]Dragon> Name too long, nesting too deep, whatever? 14.32.25 # Does the length of the file folder name make a difference? 14.32.37 # But it's strange, some folders' names ARE long, but others are quite short 14.32.42 # And they all don't show up 14.32.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> not really, unless it's ridiculously long 14.32.56 # hmm 14.33.39 # Thanks :) 14.33.45 Quit Guest ("Leaving") 14.34.50 # jörg, maybe guests folders had extensions on them 14.35.11 # maybe ACDC.123 14.35.22 # <[IDC]Dragon> would that be harmful? 14.36.36 # would they get filtered with "Show files" since the had extensions ? 14.37.32 # if they had extensions ? 14.37.39 # <[IDC]Dragon> dunno 14.45.53 Nick edx is now known as edx{jogging} (edx@pD9EAA791.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.47.54 Quit adi|home (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 16.02.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.02.55 Nick edx{jogging} is now known as edx{shower} (edx@pD9EAA791.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.20.05 Nick edx{shower} is now known as edx (edx@pD9EAA791.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.21.57 Quit [IDC]Dragon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.50.00 # does anyone know of a program that xors a file against a given number ? 16.50.33 # i'm writing one right now but if a known one already exists I guess that'd be better :) 16.50.43 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-10.216-194-24-37.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 17.10.26 Part Laurent_ 17.10.32 Join Laurent_ [0] (~laurent@dyn-81-166-218-46.ppp.tiscali.fr) 17.19.59 Join leapingfrog [0] (~idavies@host81-129-95-14.in-addr.btopenworld.com) 17.27.57 Join mecraw [0] (~mecraw@ 17.28.58 Join kurzhaarrocker [0] (~Philipp@Be199.b.pppool.de) 17.34.23 # hi kurz 17.34.30 # Hi Laurent_ 17.35.55 Nick edx is now known as stoiber (edx@pD9EAA791.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.35.57 Nick stoiber is now known as edx (edx@pD9EAA791.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.41.38 Nick edx is now known as edx{code} (edx@pD9EAA791.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.43.04 Quit AciD (Connection timed out) 17.52.01 Quit kurzhaarrocker ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 18.02.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.19.21 # ok, I think I have the "unencrypted" gmini firmware now 18.19.49 # time for a mail 18.19.51 # :) 18.28.17 Join diddystar5 [0] (Lee@ACC37F1A.ipt.aol.com) 18.51.16 Nick edx{code} is now known as e{ating}dx (edx@pD9EAA791.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.52.22 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 19.21.37 Quit e{ating}dx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.25.41 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 19.27.04 # does anyone know how to install the min cygwin dev invroment on a drive other than C:/? 19.27.42 # edit the reg entries? 19.30.55 # dosent work 19.35.47 Join edx{code} [0] (edx@pD9EAA520.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.37.17 Join kurzhaarrocker [0] (~Philipp@Be197.b.pppool.de) 19.41.57 # kurzhaarrocker: your patch is great! 19.42.11 # Thanks 19.42.21 # But there is still room for improvements. 19.42.58 # ever get sound with the video working? 19.43.28 # I assume somewhen that will happen. 19.43.54 # that will be tricky to get the video+sound to sync 19.44.19 # with the way the video slows down so much when sound buffer refills 19.44.21 # I think the idea is to multiplex the video file. 19.44.57 # i think if it just constantly loads sound like with the video it may work 19.45.02 # I know that there was a discussion about storing all the settings in a config file instead of the rtc / superblock. Does anybody know wether something happened already? 19.45.31 # i never saw anything on that disscusion 19.46.16 # but i ignore many disscusion in the mail i get :) 19.46.42 # i just pick the interesting topics 19.47.00 # So do I 19.47.44 # diddystar5 have you already _used_ that triggered recording? 19.48.05 # kurzhaarrocker: no, but i looked at the code 19.48.35 # i dont update my builds very often 19.48.42 # usualy once a week 19.49.28 # I try to update whenever something happened. 19.49.49 # heh i used to do that, but it just got tired of it 19.50.17 # i used to make really cool build with lots of patches and my custom boot logo, but i just got tired of it 19.50.54 # and for the time, im sure lots of people would have liked to try them, they were very good builds 19.51.03 # i should have realesed them 19.51.34 # I had big trouble sometimes when I developed things and didn't update regularily. If it wasn't for keeping patches up to date I wouldn't update much either. 19.56.28 # i wish windows would use the / instead of \, its easier for me to type with that, and its agrivating when you type the wrong one and cant figure out whats wrong 19.57.20 # Whatever they use I wish it was the same in both environments. 20.01.10 # ooh man i forgot when i installed windows on my new hd to run win update 20.01.23 # now im getting annoying messages in messenger thing 20.01.47 # hrgh 20.02.38 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.03.42 # microsoft is dumb 20.03.53 # if they just made it right the first time..... 20.04.41 Nick edx{code} is now known as edx{visited} (edx@pD9EAA520.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.05.02 # you have to make the same mistake many times before you master it. 20.05.55 # who cares about win media player updates.... who gives a SHIT about it? 20.06.10 # i wish i could just remove the bastard 20.07.06 # 9.9 mb of updates..... 20.07.25 # (that takes a long time to get on 56k!) 20.07.48 # you too use an anachronism like that?:) 20.09.54 # * diddystar5 looks up anachronism in google deskbar 20.10.04 # yes i do 20.10.46 # i need to get a kernel update for my linux 20.10.53 # its 32mb..... 20.11.01 # everything is just to big 20.11.17 # Things like that I only download when I'm in the office... 20.12.06 # My old school had a T1 line, (about 450-600 kb's) download, and they had a few computer with cd burners 20.12.22 # to bad i dont go to that school anymore.... 20.12.40 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 20.12.53 # hey hardeep 20.13.01 # heya 20.13.04 # happy new year 20.13.14 # hardeep: happy new year! 20.13.17 # Bang Bumm Paff! 20.13.27 # hardeep: want to see my vu meter code with log scale? 20.13.28 # * kurzhaarrocker launches a rocket 20.14.03 # heh oregon has banned almost all fireworks 20.14.16 # about all you can use are sparklerrs, and ahh sparklers 20.14.27 # diddystar5: lucky you: you didn't have to do all the scaling in db. 20.14.32 # cant even use roman candles 20.14.36 # shit, french law's not that easy on reverse engineering 20.14.48 # diddystar5: maybe later? 20.14.59 # hardeep: ok 20.15.01 # Laurent_ what happened? 20.15.33 # kurzhaarrocker: what do you mean by scaling in dB? 20.15.40 # I am reading the Code of intellectual property in order to know if I can publish what i've found on the gmini 20.15.55 # diddystar5 db = logarithmic 20.15.58 # kurzhaarrocker: n/m 20.16.34 # and some conditions must be met first in order to be allowed to disassemble/decrypt the firmware as well as publish it 20.18.28 # some are ok (the goal : interoperability with rockbox firmware, the right to use the firmware : i'm a legitimate user) 20.20.17 # some are a bit restricting : publication of informations is allowed only to people who need it to work on the interoperability, this means that it can't be published on the list, only sent to individual developers working to have the rockbox firmware loaded on the gmini 20.21.41 # Laurent_: a disclaimer doesn't so here? 20.21.46 # but there are more subtle ones 20.22.34 # The informations obtained (via disassembly) can't be used to design, produce, or commercialize a program which "does something" similar [to the disassembled one] 20.23.24 # Laurent_: go to some small country with a laptop and report your findings :) 20.23.25 # this point is the big problem 20.23.49 # diddystar5: and I won't be able to come back to France before ten years have passed ;) 20.23.53 # just make sure they have no laws on reverse ingineringh 20.24.13 # and no extradition laws ;) 20.24.13 # Laurent_: n/m then :) 20.25.54 # so I guess I need a lawyer there 20.27.36 # to make sure that rockbox would not be considered as "something similar" 20.27.49 # anyone knows one ? 20.27.50 # ;) 20.28.07 # I'm pretty sure it's ok though 20.28.11 Join midknight2k3 [0] (zakk@ACC69AF1.ipt.aol.com) 20.28.16 # hi all 20.28.22 # midknight2k3! 20.28.26 # hardeep: are you there? 20.28.30 # hey diddystar5 20.28.38 # since rockbox would only work on already sold devices, which does not hurt archos (except for the fucking plugins) 20.28.41 # packed in here today 20.28.46 # hi midknight2k3 20.28.52 # hi laurent 20.30.48 # midknight2k3: present 20.31.12 # :) hardeep, do we have any sort of function to spin down the disk? 20.31.18 # disk_spindown(); or such? 20.31.37 # i recall seeing something like that in the source before but never found it again 20.31.41 # midknight2k3: yeah, i think that's the function name 20.31.45 # one sec 20.32.05 # great 20.32.08 # thanks 20.32.56 # geez 20.33.17 # that sucks 20.33.30 # ? 20.33.43 # midknight2k3: ata_spindown(-1) will force an immediate spindown 20.33.44 # at least what I did is legal, but that point must be made clear first 20.34.06 # hardeep: thanks! 20.34.53 # and there's also the distinction between interoperability with the hardware and with the software : interoperability with the hardware is ok, but interoperability with the software is not so clear because rockbox does the same than the archos firmware 20.35.08 # everyone: back in a minute ok 20.35.29 Quit midknight2k3 () 20.36.15 # well, i guess i'm lucky a friend of my parents knows lots of lawyers at least 20.37.11 Join midknight2k3 [0] (zakk@ACC69AF1.ipt.aol.com) 20.37.17 # back 20.40.01 Join Strath [0] (~firewalle@dgvlwinas01pool0-a196.wi.tds.net) 20.40.21 # hello Laurent_ 20.40.27 # hi Strath 20.40.56 # hey idiiiiii 20.41.14 # er 20.41.16 # hrmm.... hose weren't the right key 20.41.25 # hhhhhey midi 20.41.30 # wth.. 20.41.39 # midi 20.41.42 # i like that 20.41.46 # hi Strath 20.42.14 # i thn i ran my keyboareds batterrrrrrrrrries dea when i fell asleep whiiil typng 20.42.25 # midnight2k3: actually, a better call would be ata_sleep() 20.42.29 # go get new batteries 20.42.37 # ata_sleep it is then 20.42.37 # llllllllllllury!!!!!!!!!! 20.42.38 # thanks 20.42.58 # ok, ok... new batteries... 20.43.00 # anyone has a good pointer on the DMCA ? 20.43.15 # (everyone should have one) ;) 20.43.17 # they are vampired 20.43.21 # besides reading it in it's entirety? 20.43.52 # Strath: what do you mean 20.43.53 # ? 20.44.31 # Will this work in the archos?? 20.44.32 # Form Factor: 2.5" x 1/8H - internal 20.44.34 # hard drive 20.44.52 # what's the length? 20.45.02 # Dimensions (WxDxH): 2.8 in x 3.9 in x 0.4 in 20.45.28 # well, whats the prob with the DMCA? 20.46.01 Join pfavr [0] (~pfavr@ 20.46.14 # (sorry, whent to change the battiries without having fresh handy 20.46.40 # Strath: huh, no prob, I just wanted to have a look at it, but a google search will be fine ;) 20.46.56 # in order to compare it to french law 20.48.00 # midknight2k3: depends on how they rounded the 0.4 in (H) 20.48.06 # it needs to be 9.5mm 20.51.25 # so Laury... I've been sitting here for three days, it's about time you showup 20.52.43 Quit c0utta (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.53.40 # thx hardeep 20.53.42 # I got my gmini only a couple days after you 20.54.53 # how are your efforts going? 20.55.15 # hardeep: then this one works. right? 20.55.16 # http://store.yahoo.com/directron/tos4gbnotide.html 20.57.18 # is it a common practise to rasterize your prices? 20.57.37 # (gotta disapper for a few minutes...) 20.57.41 # strath: sdd 20.59.04 # I haven't won enough prices yet to rasterize them 21.01.24 # heh 21.05.20 # midknight2k3: yeah, that one will work 21.07.24 # bye everyone 21.07.36 # see you 21.07.44 Quit diddystar5 ("Leaving") 21.09.22 # Strath: oops sorry was writing an email tothe list summing up where I find myself 21.10.33 # Strath: I need lawyer advice before publishing anything and that sucks, moreover the plugin system might prevent rockbox from being legal on the gmini 21.11.24 # but if there's some uncertainty i think i'll take the risk 21.12.40 # See you later 21.12.47 Quit kurzhaarrocker ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 21.12.48 # bye kurzhaarrocker 21.12.52 # grr 21.15.35 # why grr ? 21.15.42 # ah ok, because you were a bit late ;) 21.16.10 # yes 21.16.10 # a bit 21.16.14 # one second too late 21.16.18 # less than a second 21.16.29 # so that excuses you 21.16.30 # :) 21.16.41 # :D 21.17.18 # what pisses me off in this law problem, is that publication of informations is restricted even if getting those informations was trivial 21.18.02 # what's the point of forbidding the publications of informations that everybody could find easily by himself ? 21.18.16 # it's idiotical 21.18.27 # yup 21.18.50 # I wonder if going to court would help create some jurisprudence on this point 21.18.54 # ok,, ok i'm back 21.19.52 Quit leapingfrog (Connection timed out) 21.21.00 # i think the gmini wud make a nice act of civil disobediance 21.21.35 # unjust laws must be struck down 21.21.58 # no, i'm a firm believer that if law's stupid them it must be fought with legal means 21.22.41 # ok... so you disagree with gandi's methods? 21.22.50 # no 21.23.05 # I agree that unjust laws must be struck down 21.23.37 Join leapingfrog [0] (~idavies@host81-129-3-78.in-addr.btopenworld.com) 21.24.16 # and how do you expect that to come about when the ones enforcing the unjust laws put the unjust laws on the books? 21.24.52 # I only know that revolutions end in blood baths :) 21.25.33 # atleast the survivors will be clean :) 21.25.40 # Strath: the law is not unjust, it is somewhat not specific enough, building a jurisprudence around the points where it's not clear is a possible solution 21.25.48 # but that involves going to court 21.26.59 # who do you think would triumph? saging old money grubing suits of young enpassioned revolutionaries?/ 21.27.21 # s/of/or 21.28.06 Quit ely78373 ("—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 2.0 Build 2520") 21.28.20 # neither, but young active citizens using the legal system could do it and indeed do it, see DVD Jon 21.28.52 # you are french arn't you? 21.29.02 # true 21.29.10 # oy oy oy.... 21.29.39 # why ? 21.29.40 # why must it be always by the book?!? 21.29.58 Join trackkk [0] (jirc@ACBFD14D.ipt.aol.com) 21.30.09 # the US/world is in need of a revolution 21.30.11 # because it causes the less pain 21.30.32 # long term or short term? 21.30.40 # all of them ;) 21.31.14 # little pain * many years >= big pain * few years 21.31.28 # nobody needs revolution, everybody must take care of evolution, it's because they fail that revolution happen. for the worse 21.32.09 # I guess you would have been happy in the USSR then ;) 21.32.27 # letting things like to DMCA stand will lead to further injustices 21.32.43 # evolution is dead... 21.32.49 # Strath: have you ever tried to write your congress representative ? 21.32.54 # Hi 21.32.57 # at least as far as humans are concerned 21.33.31 # just cause i opose copyright laws? 21.34.10 # ATTENTION! 21.34.12 # yes to explain him you want him to reject the DMCA 21.34.20 # midknight2k3: ? 21.34.22 # look at the end of tracks name 21.34.24 # he is evil 21.34.27 # theres three k's 21.34.31 # ;) 21.34.33 # no... i'm just a proponent of restoring copyright to some semblence of sanity 21.35.01 # maybe he just likes 311? 21.35.13 # hes EVILL 21.35.51 # Strath: then writing to your representative to tell him just that is a way to go :) 21.36.10 # no but since the system is broken, i'm in favor of chucking it and starting over 21.37.03 # unfortunatly, most of the population are fat ignorant sheep 21.37.31 # the system is broken because people are too lazy just to do the simplest things, such as writing a letter, which gives full impunity to people who abuse it, your country is what you make it 21.37.42 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 21.37.48 # as is mine : 21.37.52 Join arspy87 [0] (~arspy87@h00062598fa3b.ne.client2.attbi.com) 21.38.06 # either way.... 21.38.07 # hey 21.38.23 # i refuse to follow unjust laws 21.38.48 # though i wont go out of my way to break them... 21.39.11 # no problem, then use just ones that say there are representative with which people should talk to to express their desires 21.39.21 # just = "the just" 21.40.24 # before revoluting there a lot of middle choice alternatives that must be tried before, revolution is an extreme that must be used only when everything else has failed, at least that's my point 21.40.32 # ya... but in the meantime i should just abandon my projects? 21.41.00 # if so, then they've already won 21.41.02 # what are your projects ? 21.41.20 # i was speaking hypotheticly 21.41.31 # dont speak, act ;) 21.42.15 # (besides ongoing reverse engineering projects, media protability projects etc ) 21.42.53 # and that is what i'm doing by continuing my projects reguardless of the law 21.43.10 # actions not words 21.44.02 # though bush/ashcroft have got to go 21.44.07 # I think that being one sided is a bad thing, you should do both : use legal means to defend your rights, ie your vote, your representatives, support associations such as the EFF and ACLU and continue your projects 21.44.26 # hey... i donate to EFF 21.44.33 # g2g now ttyl 21.44.44 # Strath: so you're not a true revolutionnary 21.44.45 # ;) 21.44.46 # (what little i can...) 21.44.59 # not all hope is lost then ;) 21.45.04 # verbaly, yes... :P 21.45.12 Quit arspy87 ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 21.45.43 # nah... i just like taking contrary sides to commonly held views :) 21.46.02 # so do I ;) 21.46.28 # expecting the revolution is becoming a more and more commonly held view ;) 21.46.45 # heh... i knew i saw some similarities in the archives 21.47.26 # i've read up all the archives since you posted about a week ago 21.47.31 # and ? 21.47.43 # irc archives ? 21.48.06 # ya... well your text 21.48.17 # ctrl-f Laurent_ 21.48.27 # ah, yup, I always make the same english mistakes I guess 21.48.30 # ;) 21.48.50 # and the mailing list archives 21.49.20 # so are backing down from your initial brovado? 21.49.45 # regaurding the reverse engineering of the gmini? 21.50.17 # no, I'm just seeking legal advice before going to court :) 21.50.35 # laurent: court?! 21.50.46 # (oh i meant simlarities in our thoughts) 21.51.03 # midknight2k3: I think it can't be avoided, archos probably choosed the plugin models to make it unavoidable 21.51.17 # hrm... 21.52.19 # off topic, if i wanted to protect the firmware for a device, what type of protections do you think i should use? 21.52.20 # aff 21.52.24 # dds 21.52.30 # protect? 21.52.48 # faith 21.52.49 # ;) 21.53.06 # and which should I not use? 21.53.07 # CRC CHECKSUM, AWAY! 21.53.17 # xor 21.53.20 # crc checksum 21.53.29 # really? 21.53.49 # wow, that would be dumb 21.54.07 # strath: who? 21.54.20 # why would you protect a firmware ? laws protect it already 21.54.24 # i sure wouldn't want somebody hacking my firmware!!! 21.54.57 # so you think a simple xor would handle that? 21.55.17 # NO! CRC CHECKSUM! 21.55.26 # an xor with a key the size of the firmware is unbreakable ;) but any other is crap ;) 21.55.52 # strath, wait 21.55.58 # but for the law to apply, i have to at least make a show of "effective control" 21.56.00 # you're going to make new firmware but not open source> 21.56.08 # ? 21.57.05 # shush midi 21.57.17 # that just might work... 21.57.21 # grr 21.57.21 # good question that ;) 21.58.03 # well... in these digital days, ya gotta watch your ass 21.58.21 # strath: not open source then? boo 21.58.26 # :) 21.58.50 # hrm... 21.59.27 # no, he's trying to have me tell how to decrypt the gmini firmware :) 21.59.57 # wait 22.00.03 # laurent can but strath needs info? 22.00.07 # ah nm forget me 22.00.15 # oh, hrm, you mean a key as large as the firmware? or a key being the length of the firmware? 22.00.50 # hrm, let's make it clear : this is not a hint I'm giving you ;) 22.01.25 # a xor key the length of the firmware would be unbreakable, hence the gmini does not use such one or I couldn't have broken it 22.01.30 Quit Strath (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.01.35 Join Strath_ [0] (~firewalle@dgvlwinas01pool0-a196.wi.tds.net) 22.02.05 # grr.. 22.02.17 # stupid dialup 22.02.22 # :D 22.02.31 Nick Strath_ is now known as strath (~firewalle@dgvlwinas01pool0-a196.wi.tds.net) 22.02.40 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.03.04 # if you want to disassemble the gmini firmware, that's simple : get an hexadecimal/ascii editor, you'll get the basic structure 22.03.25 # well, i see it's a RIFF 22.04.02 # to decrypt the firmware code you'll just need to watch for patterns in the code and a bit of logic, look diagonally 22.04.15 # heh 22.05.27 # what do you want to run on the gmini ? 22.05.30 # hrm... 22.05.50 Part pfavr 22.06.25 # pda type stuff 22.06.41 # similar to me 22.06.50 # heh 22.06.52 # hey wait 22.06.59 # that's legal 22.07.08 # really?!? 22.07.31 # yes, it's not a "similar" product, sofrench law allows it 22.07.35 # without doubt 22.07.45 # sweet 22.08.30 # rockbox **might** be illegal since it does the same than the original firmware, but a pda style software would be fully legal since it does not overlap with the original firmware 22.08.45 # (all this in France) 22.09.36 # why? are there any other contries laws you are bound by? 22.09.53 # in the USA, I think the DMCA allows full disassembly as for xbox linux 22.10.11 # so i'm fine as well 22.10.14 # i'm only bound by french law and european one 22.11.02 # european law sometimes supercedes local legislations but that's not the case yet in this domain 22.12.16 # you're fine as long as your software does not offer features sold by archos as plugins 22.12.39 # hrm 22.12.42 # thats the intent.. 22.13.32 # this makes me think, rockbox might be fine in France on the gmini as long as it does not offer such features neither 22.13.58 # so, i'm not seeing this diagnal pattern of which was spoken 22.14.25 # huh ? use a line width of 16 bytes 22.14.26 # that was my thought as well 22.14.50 # ah... 22.15.11 # it's visible at the very end but also many other places 22.15.52 Join BC|Code [0] (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 22.16.19 # bluey 22.16.23 # MIKKI 22.16.29 # no dont call me that 22.16.39 # okay 22.16.49 # apologies 22.16.52 # :) 22.16.58 # mikki's funny ;) 22.16.59 # EylmRC? 22.17.37 # there was a "fine" , "blowing" joke coming up for it too :( 22.17.57 # strath: which firmware are you looking at ? I studied 1.20 only :) 22.17.57 Nick BC|Code is now known as Bluechip (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 22.18.08 # afad bluey 22.18.23 # heh 22.19.05 # hrm... line with of 17 looks interesting 22.19.06 # strath: in v1.50 it's also present though not at the end 22.19.16 # yes 17 is *very* interesting 22.19.30 # you'll see vertical lines with it 22.19.43 # heh 22.20.35 # kurz been in tonight? 22.20.46 # yes 22.20.48 # was just 22.20.55 # 15 minutes break 22.21.06 # strath: which editor are you using btw ? 22.21.53 # cheers mk, and darn! did he say if he would be back? 22.22.01 # 12:12:47 | * kurzhaarrocker has quit IRC 22.22.08 # 1h 8m ago 22.23.59 # didnt say 22.24.01 # i dont think 22.24.21 # hrm, I see another thing that could help not breaching the law 22.24.21 # hey, mk, your code is a BITCH to patch 22.24.22 # didnt no 22.24.26 # ? 22.24.28 # why 22.24.45 # breaking the la 22.24.47 # law 22.24.59 # you've used M$ format text files 22.25.13 # oh no 22.25.18 # ... 22.25.20 # meaning? 22.25.21 # :) 22.25.44 # CR/LF pairs on the end of line 22.25.50 Quit trackkk ("Leaving") 22.26.17 # it might be as simple as sending a letter to Archos requesting informations on how to load any kind of software on the gmini 22.26.20 # er 22.26.25 # laurent: yes 22.26.42 # bluechip: sorry 22.26.43 # since this gives anyone the right to get those informations by disassembling if Archos refuses to do so 22.27.07 # under french law 22.28.37 # but the plugin issue remains, a conservative judge might consider it enough to declare the whole thing illegal 22.28.51 # i'm wondering what taking one byte, xoring it with the next 16 would acomplish 22.29.00 # bluechip: are you patching it? 22.29.30 # mk, not to fix the bugs, just to make it work with the sim 22.29.41 # WHAT BUGS 22.29.56 # hexworkshop 22.29.57 # btw - awsome clock font/graphics 22.30.02 # strath: nothing interesting 22.30.08 # strath: under windows ? 22.30.17 # i've bought a registration for it... great tool 22.30.21 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~idc-drago@pD9512B01.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.30.26 # mk, example, can only ever get help once 22.30.27 # bc: 7 segmet digital was Linus' work 22.30.29 # hi IDC 22.30.32 # unfortunatly... 22.30.37 # <[IDC]Dragon> hi 22.30.43 # hi dragon 22.30.55 # though i've been using linux on my servers for at least 7 years 22.30.58 # <[IDC]Dragon> BC: not at work? 22.31.07 # 21:31 here 22.31.24 # <[IDC]Dragon> an hour later here 22.31.45 # thought i'd sit and have a smoke and a chat before i did any more coding 22.32.13 # Bluechip: what bugs? 22.32.19 # yay! go smokers! 22.32.21 # finished the advance stereo seperation screen at last 22.32.26 # OOH YAYT 22.32.28 # YAY 22.32.38 # hrm... nothing interesting eh? 22.32.40 DBUG Enqueued KICK Bluechip 22.32.40 # 01 mk, example, can only ever get help once 22.32.52 # oh 22.33.20 # Dragon, do you have any thought on what we might use for the Dynamic Bass in USER mode 22.33.40 # <[IDC]Dragon> what's USER mode? 22.34.08 # laur: you have much asm experience? 22.34.21 # well techie mode is gonna be full access to the registers, hopefully with a realtime graph 22.34.30 # some but not yet with the gmini's cpu 22.34.43 # <[IDC]Dragon> I don't know your screen 22.35.21 # ya... i taught mself m68k and had a course in x86 22.35.27 # strath: I haven't been able to find its machine language yet, I am in contact with samsung and telechips to get it, I need to fill an excel sheet with informations about myself and return them 22.35.43 # dragon: the user would have no interest in full configuration of the MDB, linus suggested centre-freq & strength 22.35.44 # cool bluechip 22.35.56 # we can do center freq and stuff? 22.35.57 # wow 22.36.01 # <[IDC]Dragon> Laurent_: you don't know the cpu yet? 22.36.23 # [IDC]Dragon: I know the cpu, but its instruction set is not public 22.36.24 # ya... telechips semm pretty closed off :( 22.36.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> Bluechip: I'm not really in that subject 22.36.47 # dragon, okay, thanks for listening :) 22.36.56 # <[IDC]Dragon> I meean, what core is it? 22.36.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> mean 22.37.10 # so have you discovered anything interesting? 22.37.17 # dragon : it seems to be a calmrisc 16 core 22.37.28 # wait 22.37.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> never heared of that 22.37.44 # drums fingers... :) 22.37.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> not ARM or something? 22.38.05 # http://www.telechips.com/product/product_mp3_tcc730.htm that's what eric linenberg found 22.38.35 # laur: i've looked at every link you posted, though a saw no gcc referance on the good docter's uni page 22.39.04 # http://www.samsung.com/Products/Semiconductor/common/product_list.aspx?family_cd=LSI060301 22.39.05 # <[IDC]Dragon> 16 bit? that's worse than what we have 22.39.31 # it embeds a 24 bits DSP 22.39.55 # strath: not on his own page, but on the university one 22.40.19 # http://altair.snu.ac.kr/newhome/en/project/project.htm#calm 22.40.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> yes, I've seen that it has a DSP part 22.41.05 # ah... 22.41.08 # to which this ones links : http://altair.snu.ac.kr/newhome/en/research/research.htm#embed 22.41.26 # that last one talks about gcc 22.41.50 # only the AVxx series seem to have an ARM as CPU 22.41.53 # so, 17 bytes wide... thoughh the significance evades me 22.42.30 # strath: it just means there are zeroes every 17 bytes in the firmware code 22.42.42 # strath: no idea why though 22.43.25 # heh 22.43.29 # perhaps is it an artifact of the object code 22.43.44 # so wild goose chase? 22.44.03 # or they did insert one dummy byte every sixteen 22.44.39 # the strings are somewhat cut when decrypted, which would support the last hypothesis 22.45.32 # <[IDC]Dragon> it only has USB1.1? 22.45.38 # 2.0 22.45.58 # ok, whats next? 22.46.06 # <[IDC]Dragon> the Telechip datasheet said so 22.46.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> is there another chip? 22.46.50 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 22.46.50 # * uski ooh, interesting discussion :] 22.47.04 # yes 22.47.06 # ya.. 22.47.22 # http://www.smsc.com/main/catalog/usb97c202.html 22.47.27 # which supports usb 2 22.48.46 # there are probably other chips but they are under the battery and I haven't gotten my soldering iron back yet 22.48.57 # "bit of help" please.. :) 22.49.03 # (the battery is soldered to the board) 22.49.33 # why don't i just open mine up then... i've already had it since wednesday... 22.50.10 # :) 22.50.52 # strath: that's not so easy, you might break it, be extremely careful if you do so 22.51.02 # bah.... 22.51.16 # I bend three pins while doing it 22.51.20 # you should see my ti-92 :P 22.51.35 # strath: what dod you do to your poor TI ? 22.51.37 # i know... 22.51.40 # s/dod/did/g 22.52.10 # i read your descriptiuon, and do you know what a pain those large images are to a dialup user? 22.52.20 # i'll find a link 22.53.10 # took wget two days to grab them.. :) 22.54.11 # :} 22.54.24 # that last link on the usb chip page might be interesting 22.54.46 # bluechip? 22.55.02 # ? 22.55.12 # strath: who are you talking to ? 22.55.15 # are you making your techie mode 22.55.26 # <[IDC]Dragon> did you find this already: http://data.aijisystem.com/down/calmshine/CALMSHINE16.PDF 22.55.30 # http://www.donat.org/michael/ti92/ 22.55.33 # mk, for what? 22.56.01 # sound 22.56.09 # MDB and center width etf 22.56.12 # seperation or MDB 22.56.17 # both 22.56.25 # i love mdb can you make it lol 22.56.27 # seperation is done, mdb is not even started 22.56.27 # [IDC]Dragon: yup 22.56.28 # it sounds very nice 22.56.36 # mdb = lovely sounding 22.56.50 # [IDC]Dragon: it's a commercial compiler available for the smartcard series of the calmrisc 22.57.08 # damn that pdf is too big 22.57.42 # i'll have to download it later 22.57.57 # strath: Images of modification i've made to my 92 to free a one meg block of address space for other uses.. 22.58.03 # ?? what are you doing this lol 22.58.18 # <[IDC]Dragon> download here: http://www.mculand.com/sub3/CalmSHINE16_download.htm 22.58.30 # [IDC]Dragon: I have it already 22.58.32 # that page is from around '97 22.58.37 # <[IDC]Dragon> OK. 22.58.52 # [IDC]Dragon: i think it's an error from them, it should not be public ;) 22.59.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> does that give you a disasm? 22.59.07 # i've don't a bit more with is since, but havn't posted 22.59.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> I think so, too 22.59.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> some deep link 22.59.15 # I don't think so, only an emulator and compiler 22.59.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> an emulator is nice 22.59.44 # i've seen those pages 22.59.45 # <[IDC]Dragon> should be able to disassemble as well 22.59.51 # [IDC]Dragon: yes but using it would be illegal 22.59.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> ? 23.00.11 # (google found it for me) 23.00.44 # even if it's an error from them to have put it on a publicly available page, using it without clear permission is illegal 23.01.00 # Laurent_: im not sure about it 23.01.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> does it say so? 23.01.08 # "if it isnot forbidden, it's allowed" 23.01.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> If it's freely avail 23.01.16 # ...no ? 23.01.53 # uski: no, you can't enter people's home even if it's not written anywhere on the walls that you can't ;) 23.01.58 # hell, even google knows where it is, "if it's linked from google, it's allowed" :P 23.02.06 # <[IDC]Dragon> a simuloator helped me a lot for my flashing reverse engineering 23.02.27 # sure, i'm not saying it's useless 23.02.36 # <[IDC]Dragon> by stepping through the boot ROM 23.02.38 # Laurent_: im not sure the comparison is good, anyway im not a lawyer so... 23.02.41 # i'm saying I wish to do the right thing ;) 23.02.54 # <[IDC]Dragon> do whatever you like 23.03.05 # entering a home is not subject to restriced access, leaving a door wide open negates the prohibition 23.03.25 # s/is not/is 23.03.48 # * strath studies law as a hobby 23.03.59 # [IDC]Dragon: I wish not to give industrials good reasons to incite politicians to pass stricter laws 23.04.20 # strath: I meant, when they are not inside the house ;) 23.05.05 # how do you know untill you enter? 23.06.19 # well disasemble the compiler :) 23.06.19 # because the door is locked 23.06.42 # "leaving a door wide open " 23.07.01 # oops... was replying to scrollback buffer :) 23.07.20 # (compiler..." 23.08.11 # what about the code trace in the emu 23.08.12 # <[IDC]Dragon> it must be legal, I managed to get there by just following links from the main page! 23.09.49 # that's okay then 23.09.51 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 23.10.15 # I didn't try ;) the compiler was of no interest until I had decrypted ;) 23.10.32 # heh 23.11.16 # so, to save myself a buttload of time which specific files would be useful? 23.11.34 # strath: for which purpose ? 23.11.55 # emu compile, etc understanding education 23.12.09 # tcc730 specific 23.12.37 # I have no idea, I haven't tried them yet, I just finished decrypting the firmware this morning ;) 23.12.44 # heh 23.12.58 # ok... well then what about mine 23.13.13 # and it's probably not over yet since as I told you the strings are cut which means there might still be something to do 23.13.18 # could i get "a bit of help"? :) 23.15.07 # strath: of course, where were we ? 23.16.04 # 1 byte pattern 23.16.09 # er, 17 23.17.54 # and i asked about applying a "first byte xored with next sixteen" algorithm 23.18.53 # or is it rot13 encoded? 23.19.41 # if the string seems to be garbled, perhaps there is a small algorithm that works on the lowest weight bits 23.19.59 # so the characters will be in the "string" range, but will be wrong 23.21.09 # by "cut" i believe that he was refering to an extranious character within the string 23.21.23 Join _Laurent [0] (~laurent@dyn-195-242-125-236.ppp.tiscali.fr) 23.21.30 # heh 23.21.32 # <_Laurent> back 23.21.41 # welcome 23.21.48 # wb 23.21.54 # <_Laurent> ADSL seem to have been shut off 23.22.04 # <_Laurent> strange 23.22.23 # archos lawyers are against you ! ;) 23.22.30 # thats better than dialup droping out due to line noise 23.22.45 Nick edx{visited} is now known as edx{code} (edx@pD9EAA520.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.22.52 # <_Laurent> uski: not yet ! ;) 23.23.00 # [IDC]Dragon: Are you in? 23.23.02 # strath: i had this problem with i was on dial up 23.23.12 # i rewired my entire phone setup, and i got no hangups after that 23.23.16 # <[IDC]Dragon> almost 23.23.19 # (archos conspiring with telcos :P ) 23.24.15 # [IDC]Dragon: about flashing (what else ;)): if I have question marks for the flash information ... how propable is it that I will be able to flash in the next few months... or is it impossible to flash these JukeBoxes? 23.24.31 # mine is disrupted by an electric fencer too near the buried line somewhere between here and the telco's switching 23.24.34 # edx{code}: impossible 23.24.38 # you have to change the flash chip 23.24.42 # stupid 23.24.43 # back in a sec all 23.24.45 Quit midknight2k3 () 23.24.46 # too sad 23.25.00 # and 1) it is hard to find a new one 2) it is hard to solder it if you are not experienced 23.25.43 # <[IDC]Dragon> yep 23.25.48 Quit Laurent_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23.26.00 # I have no clue about soldering so I better go forget it ;) 23.26.04 # I was just curious 23.26.08 # but you can keep soldering practising until you are experianced (then buy a new device to replace melted one) :) 23.26.29 # edx{code}: you might also try to find a garbled archos with a working cpu board 23.26.29 # <_Laurent> do you still read me ? 23.26.35 # (with the correct flash chip) 23.26.42 # then you could exchange the cpu boards 23.26.42 # uski: actually, I got one 23.26.44 # _Laurent: yea 23.26.45 # your duoble just dropped 23.26.47 # uski: Display is not working 23.26.57 # edx{code}: you're lucky ! then exchange the boards 23.26.58 # <_Laurent> hum, forget that one question, it was my old nick disappearing ;) 23.26.59 # uski: I had already flashed it... but I dont want to risk my new one 23.27.27 # ok 23.27.28 # ok, where were we? 23.28.15 # <_Laurent> strath: my question was : do you see a pattern emerge ? 23.28.29 # the 17byte thing? 23.28.34 # <_Laurent> yes 23.28.41 # ya 23.29.10 # <_Laurent> then you can do the rest by yourself ;) 23.29.21 # the significance evades me though 23.29.29 # <_Laurent> a bit of explanation : 23.30.04 # if you please 23.30.29 Quit oxygen77 ("ChatZilla 0.8.31 [Mozilla rv:1.4/7]") 23.30.32 # <_Laurent> when using a xor key, if there are zeroes in the data that you encrypt, those will reveal the xor key 23.30.44 # <_Laurent> because a xor 0 is a 23.30.52 # that was my next question 23.30.54 # heh 23.31.22 # due to somethig you said eirlier, which just hit me 23.31.39 # blocks of FF's will reveal the NOT xor key 23.32.07 # <_Laurent> yup 23.32.24 # but if its not xor, then what is it? :P 23.32.37 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 23.33.01 # how stupid.... 23.33.08 # dumbarses 23.33.44 # nalvrr..... hrm seems to repeat 23.33.44 # <_Laurent> either dumb either helpful ;) 23.33.57 # <_Laurent> let's give them a chance ;) 23.34.10 # you need to appreciate the legal ramificatons of break ANY encryption to understand why they did not waste time coming up with something complicated 23.34.44 # breaking* 23.35.30 # <_Laurent> bc : i'm not sure I understand what you meant, but they might have used an unbreakable encryption 23.35.31 # but with the dmca, it states "effective" 23.35.41 # <_Laurent> bc: without much effort I mean 23.36.29 # though i understand that it's meant in the business legal sence, not techie 23.36.58 # (effectivly, bluechip is an eggplant) 23.37.09 # !? 23.37.32 # <_Laurent> bc : ok I got what you said 23.37.33 # clarifiying the meaning of a word in the DMCA 23.38.13 # "eggplant" ?? is that a compliment, a criticism, or an observation? 23.38.47 # <_Laurent> or a meal ? 23.38.49 # heh, only other active person... 23.39.00 # euphemism! 23.39.14 # first deragatory object that poped into my head 23.39.37 # ahh a criticism 23.39.42 # nice one :) 23.39.44 # heh 23.39.50 # only in jest 23.40.13 # did you know that the most tasty bit of the egg plant is under the stem because it is still growing? 23.40.30 # also the seeds can be a little bitter 23.40.33 # no, as a matter of fact, i did not 23.41.17 # <_Laurent> Bluechip: let me rephrase what you said in order to make sure I understood it well 23.41.24 # did you know that there is a patch of my lawn that grows really well, a few yards from the doghouse? 23.41.52 # <_Laurent> Bluechip: you meant that Archos chosed a dumb encryption, because breaking an encryption is illegal under the DMCA ? 23.41.57 # hmmmm, no, thank you :) 23.42.08 # yes... 23.42.20 # well, sorta 23.42.25 # not quite 23.42.49 # under the dmca, rot13 qualifies as an effective protection 23.43.00 # +1 is sufficient 23.43.20 # afaik 23.43.28 # basicly 23.43.38 # <_Laurent> huh ? 23.43.39 # but thats besides the point 23.43.41 # <_Laurent> that's dumb 23.43.47 # and picking nits 23.43.58 # and just a bit pedantic 23.44.03 # <_Laurent> then machine language is an encryption too that's stupid 23.44.13 # and a waste of time! 23.44.40 # is the "copyrighted material" is the source code 23.45.08 # only lawyers may answer... 23.45.22 # but reverse engineering still has exceptions, even from the DMCA 23.45.28 # no... 23.45.44 # lawers may answer, but the people will decide 23.45.48 # we just get on and do it in the UK 23.46.17 # i say just get on, and let time sort it out 23.46.22 # <_Laurent> strath: ah, you're getting better ;) people decide by their votes and letters to their representatives 23.46.23 # but being on a small island we have less time 23.46.32 # this is whats refered to as the "chilling effect" 23.46.51 # <_Laurent> Bluechip: do you know the web site for legal texts in the UK ? 23.46.58 # (i was just being vauge laury) 23.47.10 # :P 23.47.24 # No, they are copyright material ...you must buy them 23.47.34 # <_Laurent> nah, I take it as a sign you're not a lost cause ;) 23.47.36 # what are? 23.47.47 # there are various notas about the last official publication, but it is badly indexed and out of date 23.47.51 # <_Laurent> bluechip : are you kidding ? 23.47.54 # no 23.48.06 # blue, you're misleading him 23.48.15 # okay - whatever you say 23.48.18 # <_Laurent> http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr for all french laws + jurisprudence 23.48.23 # <_Laurent> for free 23.48.29 # up to date? 23.48.32 # well indexed? 23.48.40 # <_Laurent> yes 23.48.49 # cool :) nice one France! 23.48.51 # <_Laurent> go and see by yourself 23.48.54 # I trust you 23.49.11 # the text in the documents is public domain, but the arrangment and presentation of it is owned by the contracted preparer 23.49.17 # <_Laurent> i am an employee representative at my work, and I use it all the time 23.49.30 # far a password to the british laws you need to know the right people 23.49.50 # <_Laurent> that's frightening for a democracy 23.50.29 # Bluechip: you mean that, as a British citizen, you cannot read your laws ? nowhere ? 23.50.31 # when I was 14 I stopped a bunch of kids picking on this little dude ...he is now our local police sargeant :) 23.50.45 # probably in the local library 23.50.52 # you asked "online" 23.51.01 # ok 23.51.04 # as the web gets easy enough for even the dullest pencil pusher, the gov docs and becoming more redily availible online 23.51.22 # <_Laurent> bc: the article of french law I quoted on the mailing list was taken there 23.51.30 Join c0utta [0] (noemail@dialup- 23.51.52 # heh 23.52.32 # laury: wanna try your hand at civil disobedience and send over some c code? :P 23.53.21 # <_Laurent> Bluechip: part of the french law are being translated in english and spanish : http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/html/codes_traduits/liste.htm 23.53.47 # cool - also bookmarked 23.54.21 # gtg 23.54.22 # see you folks 23.54.28 # so the object code is simply XORed with a key, and where zeros naturaly occur in the object code, the value of the key is retrivable? 23.54.39 # (everyone got that? 23.54.49 # logbot? did you get that? 23.55.03 # ok, good 23.55.07 Quit uski ("Fermeture du client") 23.55.08 # nite uski 23.55.23 # <_Laurent> strath: I never said such a thing 23.56.13 # <_Laurent> strath: I told you how zeros reveal the key in XOR encryption and showed you patterns in the firmware code ;) 23.56.50 # no... i was stating a fact wbout the futility of XORing to hide something with a known format 23.57.20 # <_Laurent> yes, it's futile, I do agree 23.57.35 # all encryption is crap if you know how to crack it ;) 23.57.40 # <_Laurent> xor can be a perfect encryption though 23.57.47 # <_Laurent> uncrackable 23.57.54 # i though we were just talking about how i could protect some data, and what to avoid 23.58.00 # make the key longer than the data 23.58.23 # strath: you want to WRITE some encryption?? 23.58.58 # well, yes, but the amount of overhead for an embeded device would be cost prohibitve