--- Log for 21.02.104 Server: truong.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot_ Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 8 days and 19 hours ago 00.16.49 Quit uski ("Fermeture du client") 00.23.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.23.24 Quit mecraw__ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 00.25.25 Join pfavr [0] (~pfavr@c83958a.s-oe.bostream.se) 00.33.51 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 00.39.28 Nick edx{dandd} is now known as edx (edx@pD9EAA4B6.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.42.45 Part pfavr 00.45.00 # hello ? 00.53.03 Quit oxygen77 ("Leaving") 01.03.05 Nick edx is now known as edx{code} (edx@pD9EAA4B6.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.36.24 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.53.20 Join Bio_Hazard [0] (~a@cpe-66-75-38-230.bak.rr.com) 02.00.56 Quit AciD (Connection timed out) 02.01.48 Join bmbr [0] (nick@unrelenting.dominance.org) 02.02.00 # This is gonna sound semi retarded, but... 02.02.29 # you should add this to the faq, or maybe to the Bjorn's ISD-200 page 02.02.56 # Q: Help! My Archos is changing to read-only mode and throwing kernel errors, what do i do to fix it? 02.03.05 # A: attach it to a windows box and run checkdisk on it :) 02.03.18 # ive seen a few entries that suggested formatting the archos 02.03.21 # which im sure fixes it too 02.03.28 # but i took a step back this morning and went, wait a sec 02.03.35 # and just ran checkdisk, and now its super happy 02.04.08 # is that related to that ata error thing thats been floating around? 02.04.35 # i dont believe so.. i was getting vfat errors tossed into my /var/log/messages saying that something had corrupted 02.04.41 # and that it was switching to read only.. one sec 02.05.52 # Feb 19 14:29:40 dubious kernel: Filesystem panic (dev 08:01). 02.05.52 # Feb 19 14:29:40 dubious kernel: FAT error 02.05.52 # Feb 19 14:29:40 dubious kernel: File system has been set read-only 02.05.52 DBUG Enqueued KICK bmbr 02.05.52 # Feb 19 14:29:40 dubious kernel: Directory 5: bad FAT 02.06.12 # that was the error i was receiving.. after running checkdisk, its happy again 02.06.36 # just thought id pass it along 02.06.38 # later 02.06.40 Part bmbr 02.17.18 Nick edx{code} is now known as edx (edx@pD9EAA4B6.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.17.22 Quit edx () 02.23.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.49.19 # alright, im stuck... 02.50.55 Join stevenm [0] (~stevenm@pcp04424903pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net) 02.51.13 # hi all 02.52.15 # minor bug- when an mp3 is played back with pitch set to something other than 100%, the song time will still be displayed in terms of pitch being 100% 02.52.42 # its been like that for ages 02.52.59 # yea i figured noone bothered reporting it 02.53.19 # i would think it is an easy fix.. multiply it by the change factor.. i may be wrong 02.53.42 # i should be simple 02.53.47 # that, and is there a better way to adjust pitch? can one be written? 02.53.48 # but its probably not 02.54.04 # i wish pitch adjusting was faster 02.54.05 # like.. something with increments greater than 0.1% 02.54.08 # yea 02.54.39 # and there should be a cap 02.54.54 # cause at ~180% the box locks up for me 02.54.58 # dang 02.55.18 # we ought to mention it when more coders are on 02.55.33 # like, IDC|Dragon or whoever 02.55.43 # id try to fix these little things, but alas, i cant get the compiler working :( 02.55.52 # neither can I! 02.55.58 # you on linux too? 02.56.07 # no, thats my problem 02.56.13 # ? 02.56.23 # You can't run it through Cygwin ? 02.56.29 # i dont think ive got cygwin set up properly 02.56.35 # just install it.. 02.56.40 # i did 02.56.51 # or have someone zip up their install and send toyou 02.56.58 # i unzip and untar and all that, but i get compile errors 02.57.03 # yo might hafta mount cygwin's / manually 02.57.06 # oh 02.57.08 # I do too. 02.57.17 # have someone zip up the compiler and send to you? 02.57.58 # i did it right a long time ago (back when the win env just came out) but i didnt know how to code back then 02.58.13 # so it was no use and i uninstalled it 02.58.19 # ah 02.58.33 # Anyway, I'm off to watch some good tv. 02.58.42 # good luck getting it working 02.59.13 Part stevenm ("Leaving") 03.04.24 Join Bluechip [0] (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 03.04.44 # evenin' all 03.11.28 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 03.11.58 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 03.42.40 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 03.42.40 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.01.21 # is it possible to decrease the gain level when recording under above -3db gain ? 04.02.03 # anyone available to help me get the win32 compile env working? 04.02.17 # maybe 04.02.34 # WeeD0pE: sorry no idea 04.02.35 # ive got it all set up but it wont "make" 04.02.49 # hmm 04.03.44 # Bio_Hazard - you got the old "make unknown on this server" error? 04.04.13 # i get "make: *** [firmware] Error 2 04.05.03 # put the tools in the tools dir? 04.05.04 # and "make[2]: *** [scramble] Error 255" 04.05.08 # no 04.05.10 # lol 04.05.43 # and "make[2]: *** [../tools/conbdf] Error 2" 04.05.56 # "no" is quicker to type ;) 04.06.23 # is this the "official" dev kit? 04.06.33 # or have you done the whole cygwin thing? 04.06.46 # the one off the rb site 04.06.52 # yea i installed it 04.07.14 # which? 04.07.21 # um... 04.07.33 DBUG Enqueued KICK Bluechip 04.07.33 # 01put the tools in the tools dir? 04.07.44 # (think you missed that Q first time around) 04.07.51 # http://rockbox.my-vserver.de/rockbox-sdk_win32.tar.bz2 04.07.56 # is that what you meant? 04.08.07 # or am i having a brain-fart? 04.08.14 # erm 04.08.32 # that question I asked twice - did you work out the answer yet? 04.08.47 # i vote for barin-fart :) 04.08.55 # barin - lol :) 04.09.40 Quit WeeD0pE () 04.11.05 # last time, and then I will take a hint and change the subject.... 04.11.06 Quit AciD (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.11.19 # did you put the tools in the tools directory 04.11.21 # ? 04.11.37 # which tools directory? /tools or /home/rockbox/tools 04.12.00 # /home/rockbox/source/tools 04.12.35 # there is tools source in there 04.12.52 # sure is 04.12.59 # you dont got a win32 compiler tho 04.13.13 # iirc 04.13.20 # (i dont use that dev kit any more) 04.15.06 # hey, bc are you planning on releasing another patch for the win development environment ? 04.15.42 # I couldn't keep up with all the changes in the end :( 04.16.09 Ctcp Ignored 2 channel CTCP requests in 2 hours and 1 minute at the last flood 04.16.09 # * Bio_Hazard is stupid 04.16.15 # i figured it out 04.16.22 # what was it? 04.16.26 # installed in wrong dir? 04.16.34 # tools could not be found? 04.16.34 # exactly what you said :) 04.16.38 # ;) 04.17.20 # now that i did "make" now what? 04.17.34 # am i done? 04.17.48 # do you have an AJZ file? 04.17.54 # (or MOD) 04.17.58 # yep 04.18.03 # ta dah! 04.18.06 # :) 04.18.16 # well then whats all these other files in there 04.18.38 # don't try to use the win32 emulator 04.18.49 # is is broken in a dozen places 04.19.17 # what emulator? 04.19.33 # did you type "configure"? 04.19.37 # yea 04.19.53 # when it said "emulator or ajz" i presume you chose ajz? 04.20.05 # i think so :) 04.20.08 # the emulator is what happens if you choose the other option :) 04.20.22 # oh, it builds the sim? 04.20.33 # sorry, yes, SIMulator 04.20.39 # :p 04.20.39 # not EMulator 04.20.46 # * Bluechip bow head in shame 04.21.05 # ...and wanders off to make another pint of green tea... brb 04.21.11 # anyway it says on the page not to compile the sim in win32 04.23.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.24.07 # can't say i blame it 04.24.38 Quit hardeep ("BitchX: the Cadillac of all clients") 04.25.06 # i patched it all up to work, but the core guys didn't like my style, and I gave up after a few revisions 04.25.42 # ...which is a fair call, it is their project after all ...shame about the sim though 04.28.23 # anyways bio, what do you have planned for us? :) 04.34.02 # i dunno 04.34.39 # ive written some little trivial programs for dos, i wanted to see what trivial stuff i could cook up for rockbox 04.34.51 # just a constantly learning thing 04.36.55 # my first play was to write Othelo ...means you get to do keyboard and screen IO ...plus I got to play with a bit of AI 04.37.20 # I have a number of graphic routines you're welcome to use and/or abuse 04.37.30 # othelo is a good plugin :) 04.37.35 Join [GoE]BENtheTEN73 [0] (~quasi@ 04.37.38 Quit [OFF]BtT (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.37.39 # cheers :) 04.37.39 Nick [GoE]BENtheTEN73 is now known as [GoE]BENtheTEN (~quasi@ 04.37.56 # what i want to do (unlikely) is make menus slide around 04.38.21 # you mean transitions or able to reorganise the menus 04.38.23 # ? 04.38.43 # i mean like menu changing "woosh" effects 04.38.50 # eye candy 04.39.04 # I think that would be cool 04.39.46 # i guess a double buffer would be the core of that 04.39.53 # might be able to set the top offset (if there is one) and have the menu call do a for loop to slide it up 04.40.09 # and maybe a sond effect (inint that possible now) 04.40.33 # can only do sound if you are not playing already 04.40.49 # but it can still be done ;) 04.41.08 # oh yes :) ...just no mixer 04.42.20 # it would check if there wasant any playback happening then if it wasant, it would play 04.42.34 # also mp3 only atm 04.42.43 # but i assume that it would be "memor inefficent" 04.42.56 # memory* 04.43.10 # you have 32k of ram reserved for plugins to use as a buffder 04.43.18 # buffer 04.43.54 # but menu woosh wouldnt be a plugin... or do you mean use it because no plugins would be using it? 04.44.06 # yes, use it cos it's free :) 04.44.33 # so is there a document of the plugin api somewhere? 04.44.57 # nah - you get to read plugin.h :) 04.45.23 # i thought so, but i cant find "plugin.h" 04.45.40 # /source/apps iirc 04.46.02 # you win again 04.46.28 # What do I get - not wet cheese again I hope 04.46.58 # (scuse my humour) 04.47.10 # you have won: dessil fuel! why dessil? why not? truck drivers use it! 04.47.52 # LOL 04.48.26 # hey bc, are you familiar with the language system in rockbox ? 04.48.42 # sorry, never played with it :( 04.48.57 # i've been waiting for bagder to come online 04.49.00 # I could look and try to answer though 04.49.06 # timezones seem to be wrong 04.49.30 # eurgh - know even less about timezones :( 04.49.31 # i have developed user defined menus 04.49.37 # brilliant 04.49.45 # bloody brilliant - my hero 04.49.49 # but, they can't use the lang codes :( 04.49.53 # ah 04.50.15 # you can sort items in the menus 04.50.25 # and delete them 04.50.28 # did you add ON+UP and ON+DOWN so I can reorg my menu? :) 04.50.35 # but adding has to be done by editing a file 04.50.38 # erp - beat me to it :) 04.50.46 # yep on+up and on+down are the keys 04.50.58 # LOL - I did that for my audio plugin 04.51.10 # ive been waiting for that patch for ages 04.51.18 # i've extended menu.c a lot 04.51.37 # i just need it to be accepted by the core developers 04.51.42 # I thought you could press F2 when in the F1 menu to add the entry to the F2 menu (make sense?) 04.51.57 # yep - you remember then ? 04.52.19 # problem is... 04.52.34 # i have dramatically changes rockbox 04.52.45 # which means that it will take a long time for the patch to be accetped 04.52.48 # accepted 04.53.07 # ah! yes, the win32 patch did that - and I could never get it to look quite the way that was required :( 04.53.08 # so there are only 4 functions in the plugin API? 04.54.04 # eh? 04.54.18 # you looking in plugin.h? 04.54.46 # oh ...while I think about it ..."Agent Ransack" is a good windows grep util 04.54.47 # only ones i can find are: plugin_get_buffer, plugin_get_mp3_buffer, plugin_load, and plugin_test 04.55.11 # oh - it must have undergone a re-org since I last played 04.55.35 # follow the headers back from plugins/helloworld.c 04.56.07 # or grep for (example) void (*lcd_puts)(int x, int y, unsigned char *string); 04.56.19 # plugin.h is the only #include 04.56.32 # does plugin.h include other stuff? 04.56.59 # possibly better still, grep for struct plugin_api { 04.58.23 # 25 functions in the struct 04.58.51 # sounds like too few :( 04.59.56 # oh, wait a second 05.00.09 # theres a bunch of em 05.00.29 # too bad i dont know what they do... 05.00.49 # i don't know what you;re looking at, but I''ve just got todays source code and /apps/plugins.h is fully populated 05.01.30 # oh wait... this is plugin.c 05.01.37 # LMAO 05.01.44 # plonker! 05.01.55 # i fail it 05.02.30 # there is also a document called "API" in the docs directory, but it is terribly out of date 05.02.55 # oh BTW anyone know the difference between "printf" and "cprintf" in standard C++? 05.03.19 # C is normally for Console 05.04.08 # now after i write something, how do i test it? 05.04.24 # depends very much on what you write 05.04.40 # a standard plugin thingy(tm) 05.05.05 # plugins are broken in the sim - so they need to be tested on the jukebox 05.05.25 # oh boy, that will be a pain... 05.05.29 # you can try to update my win32sim patch, but brace for an evening's work 05.05.55 # what does the patch do? 05.06.01 # fix the sim 05.06.09 # so (eg) plugins work 05.06.22 # also audio stuff 05.06.24 # languages 05.06.28 # ah, well... i dont have anything else to do tonight... 05.06.28 # configs 05.06.30 # etc. 05.06.58 # the most work will be in mpeg.c because the source code underwent a complete reorg 05.07.07 # so all the functions moved 05.07.31 # is it a .diff or manual changing? 05.07.41 # it's a broken diff 05.07.47 # ah 05.07.59 # ill try if your up to it 05.08.17 # go4it - it's a dead project afaic 05.08.43 # well, where is it? 05.08.53 # lol - sorry, on sourceforge 05.09.32 # www.sourceforge.com... i dont see it :) 05.10.31 # goto rockbox homepage ...hit the sourceforge button ...patches ...look for my name 05.12.10 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 05.14.10 Join Dogger [0] (~jimmy@adsl-63-199-31-109.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) 05.14.22 # hi anyone here know about mas? 05.14.31 # a little 05.14.52 # I seem to remember it takes its data in byte swapped? or bit swapped? 05.14.57 # is that right? 05.15.10 # bitswapped iirc 05.15.19 # ah cool 05.15.22 # that makes sense 05.15.30 # av300 has hardware conversion :) 05.15.36 # grrrrr 05.15.39 # lol 05.15.40 # you write a 16bit val, 05.15.50 # and it gives you byte swapped and bit swapped data in another reg 05.15.54 # should be really fast 05.16.07 # brilliant, yes the DVD core processors do that too :) 05.16.16 # ah cool 05.16.31 # pretty useful to have 05.16.48 # did you see my charging graph? 05.16.51 # we were chuffed to f' when we found it on our processor 05.16.52 # http://avos.sf.net 05.16.59 # kewl :) 05.17.00 # looking now... 05.17.25 # love the animated gif :) 05.17.40 # http://avos.sourceforge.net/bins/snake.gif 05.17.45 # this ones not bad either :) 05.17.46 # thanks 05.17.55 # mplayer and convert rock :) 05.18.10 # lol - is it really THAT fast :) 05.18.15 # lol can be, 05.18.27 # the charge graph works pretty well 05.18.28 # that IS a nice GIF :) 05.18.38 # hardware gives you value from 0-4000 hex 05.18.44 # archos firmware tell you like 4 values 05.19.29 # do you know if zagor is doing much work on av300? 05.19.43 # no idea at all, sorry 05.20.04 # k, 05.20.12 Join JimmyDu3 [0] (du3@66-61-157-198.dialroam.rr.com) 05.20.20 # any thoughts on runing rockbox on the unit, or are you starting afresh? 05.20.32 # we are doing a lot from scratch 05.20.37 # but now I have i2c working, 05.20.37 # keeeeeeewl 05.20.44 # yes, just read :) 05.20.44 # I'd *love* some help 05.20.50 # I know where the mas is 05.21.00 # and I know nothing about the mas 05.21.08 # so it will prolly make sense to port some mas code over 05.23.11 Part JimmyDu3 06.10.50 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 06.10.51 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.13.24 Quit c0utta (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 06.23.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.23.18 Join c0utta [0] (HydraIRC@dialup- 06.29.09 Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50c61cf7.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 06.38.19 Quit Bluechip (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.48.55 Quit AciD (Connection timed out) 07.03.55 Quit Dogger ("Client Exiting") 07.17.11 Quit scott666 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.23.17 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 07.37.10 Join Dogger [0] (~jimmy@adsl-63-199-31-109.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) 07.53.47 Quit Bio_Hazard ("wait! come back! i want that muffin! -=SysReset 2.51=-") 07.53.47 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.12.33 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 08.23.21 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.34.31 Join jesse_132 [0] (~chatzilla@12-202-165-137.client.insightBB.com) 08.35.48 # I just got an archos recorder (amazon $129) and put rockbox on it, but I am a little concerned that while using it I hear it do a "click" every 30-45 seocnds (when it buffers) ... it sounds like the "click of death" that zipdrives have... not like a quiet HD! 09.08.57 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EAA4B6.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.36.53 Join tarabas [0] (~jirc@host92-111.pool80183.interbusiness.it) 09.36.57 # hi 09.37.15 # hey 09.37.16 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 09.38.00 # anyone know a way for upgrading the usb on archos mp3 recorder? 09.38.25 # i have 1.1, I would pass to 2.0 usb 09.39.35 # doubt its an easy job 09.40.13 # I'm better than mc gyver :) 09.55.10 Quit jesse_132 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.07.18 Join ]MpC[Masskiller [0] (~user@bgp01039051bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net) 10.07.19 Nick ]MpC[Masskiller is now known as Masskiller (~user@bgp01039051bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net) 10.18.16 Join pfavr [0] (~pfavr@c83958a.s-oe.bostream.se) 10.23.22 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.27.43 Join rastus [0] (HydraIRC@dialup- 10.28.52 Quit rastus (Client Quit) 10.35.47 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 10.57.33 Quit tarabas ("Leaving") 11.02.49 Join oxygen77 [0] (~Chris@pauguste-7-82-66-87-78.fbx.proxad.net) 11.19.13 Join FlorianK [0] (~chatzilla@pc4.campus-sued.uni-duesseldorf.de) 11.20.17 # hello, anybody have time to answer a newbie question? 11.23.47 # hello, anyone? 11.28.23 Part Dogger ("Client Exiting") 11.40.04 Join hithere04 [0] (~hi@adsl-64-160-27-71.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 11.40.06 # hi 11.40.26 # has n e 1 here flashed their RecorderV2? 11.41.38 # i haven't because i was having trouble with 2.1 - it made the recorder backlight flash & stuff, like somebody wrote in the bug list 11.41.58 # when i try i get a wrong plugin error 11.42.24 # i was afraid to flash it because i thought then that problem would occur all the time 11.43.02 # i flashed my recorder at the beginning and haven't experienced a problem 11.43.50 # how did u flash it? 11.44.46 # i followed the instructions exactly 11.45.27 # nm i just got the latest build 11.45.30 # and flashed 11.45.31 # cool 11.45.41 # that's what i'd suggest 11.45.47 # use a daily build 11.46.01 # extract everything and then follow the instructions 11.46.58 # what is the battery capacity for a factory v2? 11.47.07 Quit edx () 11.47.57 # i'm not sure hithere04 11.48.19 # ok 11.48.40 # sorry to interrupt - anybody have experience with the jbr powering off and on randomly (rockbox 2.0)? I'm using it as an external hd, connected to the charger pretty much all the time. 11.49.16 # yes FlorianK: 11.49.19 # many reasons 11.49.26 # sounds bad 11.49.47 # poor electrical connections 11.49.52 # any idea what i could try? 11.50.14 # for the charger? 11.50.32 # the laptop's plugged into the same power plug 11.50.38 # when you use the jbr as an external hd, the batteries will eventually run out 11.50.44 # ok 11.50.57 # the charger charges the batteries, and the batteries run the jbr 11.51.21 # i couldn't just remove the batteries and just use the charger, no? 11.51.22 # FlorianK: what is the time interval between powering on and off? Seconds, minutes, hours? 11.51.25 # running via usb is apparently the largest consumer of electricity 11.51.53 # while connected to USB the HD keeps running 11.52.03 # it's a minute(s) interval, say one minute, two, maybe less sometimes - and it's connected to a pcmcia usb 2.0 card 11.52.16 # My archos is a JBR20, old model with rockbox 2.1 in flash 11.52.25 # I'm using usb1.1 11.52.31 # mine is old model jbr15, rockbox 2.0 11.52.31 # FlorianK: are your batteries fully charged at the beginning ? 11.52.53 # no, apparently they drained over the last couple of days, unconnected 11.53.01 # I've experienced the batteries get drained after let's say 4 hours connected to USB 11.53.08 # me too 11.53.14 # should i just recharge them while it isn't connected to my pc? 11.53.31 # jbr6 (upgraded to 60gb), daily build 11.53.32 # most of the time, the jbr is connected to my pc 24/7 11.53.50 # even though i switch of the pc at night 11.54.30 # somehow the first time the batterylevel drops - the charging starts ok - then it gets fully charged and when the batterylevel drops the second time the charging doesn't start 11.54.45 # um ... 11.54.47 # And I run out of power 11.55.05 # I think it might be due to deep discharge setting 11.55.21 # oh, you mean turn off the deep discharge, maybe? 11.55.24 # how do u set the deep discharge setting? 11.55.24 # At least I have tried turning the deep discharge off 11.55.35 # But haven't really tested it after that 11.55.47 # how do u set the deep discharge setting? 11.55.52 # off 11.56.02 # Only occasionally I would set it to on 11.56.07 # in V2.0, it's under F1, system, deep discharge 11.56.24 # oops, sorry 11.56.36 # i always thought deep discharge was a cool thing to have 11.56.37 # to be able to connect the charger without starting a charging cycle (so you can go to bed and it will first discharge and the start charging) 11.56.56 # exactly 11.56.59 # i still use the standard archos charging 11.57.10 # hold down f1 then plug in the power 11.57.25 # sometimes u can't help it, can you? because it just turns on the archos charging once it powers down 11.57.34 # I think the deep discharge is only ment to be used to now and then discharge completely - but really: batteries are cheap, I bought some 2100mAh recently 11.57.39 # while still connected to the charger 11.58.12 Quit hithere04 () 11.58.19 # that's true, of course - so do you suggest i buy some new batteries, and that's that? 11.59.30 # I did four things to my archos: 1) installed rockbox, then after a while it got very bad re running time and would even turn of and on when I pushed the front somewhere 11.59.43 # (that had nothing to do with rockbox) 12.00.01 # 2) opened it up and resoldered whatever I thought should be resoldered 12.00.12 # (that cured the on-off-problem I think) 12.00.34 # (even soldered some metal plates together - think it serves as the ground plane) 12.01.01 # 3) installed 2100mAh batteries - after that the playback time approaches 15-18 hours 12.01.30 # 4) flashed rockbox 2.1 - so now it starts playing within 4 seconds after pusing "on" 12.01.50 # i can concur 12.01.56 # i've done 1, 2, 3 & 4 12.02.13 # i had the on/off problem with rockbox 2.1 more frequently than with 2.0, so i thought it was to do with the new version and removed it again 12.02.22 # FlorianK: check if the random on/off problem can be caused by mechanical stress: push the front panel - squize and twist the box a little 12.02.35 # there's also a bug report on that on the rockbox page 12.02.46 # ok, i'll try that now 12.02.51 # (without having it connected to anything and maybe even turned off) 12.02.59 # be careful 12.03.13 # FlorianK: jbr's are very poorly made 12.03.34 # hm. it turned on now. switched to rb 2.0 12.03.49 # i agree about the poor workmanship :-) 12.03.50 # you didn't touch the on button? 12.03.58 # i did 12.04.00 # And I agree too:-) 12.04.15 # well it is supposed to turn on when you touch the on button;-) 12.04.24 # lol 12.04.38 # but its here now, which is a Good Thing 12.04.38 # so now we know the on button is working 12.04.45 # i love my jbr tho - despite all it's faults 12.04.54 # of course, me too!!! 12.04.58 # c0utta: I agree 12.05.08 # if it died i'd probably cry 12.05.30 # But before doing the 4 steps I was not so sure - step 1 helped a lot of course 12.05.45 # that's elemental, of course :-) 12.05.46 # i'm trying to get another jbr 12.05.52 # rockbox is so great 12.05.53 # But step 2 and 3 was really really good 12.05.56 # not a v2 either, but an original jbr 12.06.15 # c0utta: I was thinking the same thing: just to have one in spare 12.06.32 # FlorianK: so it seems the mechanical stability is ok then? 12.06.40 # yup, seems so 12.06.43 # yes, i don't need batteries or a hd. just the main unit 12.07.01 # have you tried using it w/out batteries, just with the charger? or is that very unsafe? 12.07.06 # FlorianK: that's good - ou don't need to open it up then 12.07.18 # FlorianK: you can't use it woithout batteries 12.07.22 # ok 12.07.34 # too bad 12.07.36 # the charger charges the batteries, and the batteries run the jbr 12.07.44 # FlorianK: I would suggest you let it run off batteries (just let it play on repeat) until it dies 12.07.52 # right 12.08.01 # and then re-charge completely, no? 12.08.05 # FlorianK: then plug in the charger and let it charge completely 12.08.12 # FlorianK: yes:-) 12.08.23 # Then turn off deep discharge 12.08.30 # and trickle charge on 12.08.32 # pfavr: r u a coder ? 12.08.49 # c0utta: well yes but haven't contributed to rockbox (yet) 12.09.03 # thanks very much, pfavr and c0utta, you're the best! I'll try that now. have a nice weekend!!! 12.09.12 # u 2 FlorianK 12.09.57 # FlorianK: I'll like to hear about if it works or not - maybe you'll need a newer version of rockbox - maybe it should be flashed (the USB changes a little I think) 12.10.27 # I think rockbox is still controlling the charging during USB mode 12.10.34 # But I'm not sure about this 12.10.38 # i'll let you know, definitely - and i'll think about flashing 2.1 - when i get more confident about the hardware and batteries, ok? 12.11.11 # Maybe it is a bug - maybe rockbox should just charge the batteries at full speed whenever the USB is connected? 12.11.22 # i think so too 12.11.25 # FlorianK: good luck 12.11.39 # thanks, pfavr!!! 12.11.57 # c0utta: r u a coder 2 ? ;-) 12.12.42 # yes - doing some work for f2/f3 user configurable menus 12.13.05 # c0utta: sounds cool! 12.14.12 # works well - my f2 menu is configurable now 12.14.21 Quit FlorianK ("ChatZilla 0.9.52B [Mozilla rv:1.6/20040113]") 12.14.35 # can run specific plugins, set sound settings 12.15.14 # working on f1 configuration too, but need to speak to bagder 12.15.29 # ok - I was thinking maybe it would be nice tobe able to change e.g. the "random" setting by pushing just a single button 12.15.59 # I often leave it running on random - and when a nice album starts playing I turn off random for a while 12.16.34 # at the moment you press F2-Left for shuffle ? 12.16.44 # yes 12.17.06 # but it is the only reason for me to use F2 12.17.47 # u may have to do your own build 12.18.08 # i really want to make your request possible too. may be a few months tho 12.18.22 # complete key configuration is my goal 12.19.31 # It's not that important for me - just something I noticed the other day about my playing habits 12.20.15 # i also turn off shuffle a lot 12.20.21 # same habit as me 12.20.58 # Maybe an intelligent function for this so when I turn off shuffle it will continue by playing _all_ of the album it is currently in even though the song it was playing was maybe the last track in the album... 12.21.27 # Well, I'm dreaming - we need to add an interface so the rockbox will just read your thoughts 12.21.41 # (or learn your habits) 12.22.59 # One thing I might add one day: a log file where your usage is appended to. Then I could do some statistics and clean out the songs I never listen to (or that I keep skipping after <20 seconds of listening) 12.23.24 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.23.39 # hey guys, nice work your doing 12.24.19 # Domin, i can't claim any credit 12.24.28 # yet 12.24.31 # :-) 12.24.43 # my aim is to be mentioned in the credits screen 12.28.40 # haha 12.29.16 # well, still this is just what i been looking for since archos wont make any updates for it 12.29.36 Join LWi [0] (~LWi@dsl-213-023-249-230.arcor-ip.net) 12.29.48 # hi! 12.30.13 # g'day 12.30.19 # i'm working on a plugin and got a problem: 12.31.06 # the following code: 12.31.06 # int c_hour; 12.31.06 # int c_minute; 12.31.06 DBUG Enqueued KICK LWi 12.31.06 # int c_second; 12.31.06 # int c_oldsec; 12.31.07 *** Alert Mode level 1 12.31.07 # struct tm* c_time; 12.31.09 # c_time = rb->get_time(); 12.31.11 # c_hour = c_time->tm_hour; 12.31.13 # c_minute = c_time->tm_min; 12.31.15 # c_second = c_time->tm_sec; 12.31.17 # produces: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 12.31.19 # error 12.31.21 # and i have no idea, why 12.31.46 # hmm, im no coder so i cant help, sry 12.32.42 # hm 12.32.50 # this is drivin me nuts 12.32.59 # i'm having a look - give me 5 12.33.13 # thanks 12.40.58 # you've got #include "time.h" ? 12.41.08 *** Alert Mode OFF 12.41.11 # no 12.41.36 # indeed i missed that 12.43.24 # thanks a lot now it compiles 12.43.32 # :-) 12.43.34 # Nice 12.43.54 # np 13.56.32 Quit oxygen77 (Remote closed the connection) 14.04.17 Join oxygen77 [0] (~Chris@pauguste-7-82-66-87-78.fbx.proxad.net) 14.18.29 Quit Domin ("Rebooting into hell") 14.19.44 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 14.19.44 # * pfavr is back 14.20.00 # * pfavr is away: shopping 14.21.24 Join track [0] (~74d57721@ACBF9ACA.ipt.aol.com) 14.21.27 Part track 14.23.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.30.46 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EAA4B6.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.32.41 Join Domin [0] (Domin@50C57FCC.flatrate.dk) 14.32.45 # ben 14.34.53 # how exactly works the voidformat_time(char *res, int hour, int minute, int second) 14.34.53 # { 14.34.53 # rb->snprintf( res, 8, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second); 14.34.53 # } 14.35.02 # sorry 14.35.17 # i mean: how exactly works the 01snprintf command? 14.35.53 # because in the code above, if i set an 7 instead of 8 all works, but it outputs "14:35:" 14.36.21 # with the 8 it says I04:I11Instr 14.36.24 # and hangs 14.38.24 Quit Domin ("reboot") 14.43.27 # LWi, what is the value of res ? 14.43.45 # nothing assigned to it 14.44.10 # char timestr[7]; 14.44.11 # format_time(timestr, c_hour, c_minute, c_second); 14.46.11 # i tried char timestr[8] and 9, but didn't work either 14.51.54 Join AciD` [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 14.52.47 # what does timestr[8] output ? 14.54.03 Quit AciD` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.54.04 # if i do rb->lcd_puts(timestr); it prints "14:54:" 14.54.23 # but only with the 7 in snprintf 14.54.40 Join AciD` [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 14.55.21 # remember that the timestr[] must include the terminating null character 14.55.33 # ah 14.55.41 # should be: char timestr[9] 14.55.51 # rb->snprintf( res, 9, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second); 14.57.04 # thanks 14.57.10 # does it work ? 14.57.18 # mom 14.57.24 # (i got no simulator) 14.57.33 # yes it does 14.57.34 # why not ? 14.57.37 # great 14.57.46 # i don't know how to compile 14.58.04 # using cygwin 14.59.42 # is there a chance to get a build binary? 15.00.26 # how did you get your original rockbox source ? 15.00.29 # from cvs ? 15.00.42 # i downloaded a source tarball 15.01.11 # i set up another sim environment 10 minutes ago 15.01.33 # very easy, but some plugins won't work :( 15.02.07 # the simulator-howto in document section is missing, so i don't know how to do 15.02.33 # r u in cygwin now ? 15.02.44 # yes 15.03.02 # i used the instructions at http://rockbox.haxx.se/cvs.html 15.03.31 # go to the folder where u want to download 15.03.40 # cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.rockbox.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rockbox login 15.03.50 # cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.rockbox.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rockbox co rockbox-devel 15.04.01 # note that you must use "rockbox-devel" 15.04.10 # this downloads all the developer tools 15.05.20 # downloading 15.07.14 # done 15.08.18 # and now? 15.09.25 # oh i see. i need a gcc compiler 15.09.27 Join Domin [0] (Domin@50C57FCC.flatrate.dk) 15.10.45 # do you have that ? 15.10.54 # no 15.11.03 # i used the rockbox sdk 15.11.13 # i seems it's not included 15.12.55 # i want do do a little alarm plugin, that just plays a previously paused song at given time. 15.13.59 # but when the plugin is running it plays the buffer to the end and does not attempt to read it full again 15.14.31 Quit edx (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.15.33 # i got my cygwin from bluechip in a zip file 15.17.15 # and i've deleted it :( 15.18.01 # do you know how to keep the playing buffer filled out of a plugin? 15.18.14 # i think rockbox is multithreaded 15.18.32 # i have no idea 15.18.54 # i know it's multithreaded 15.19.25 Part LWi 15.19.53 Join LWi [0] (~LWi@dsl-213-023-249-230.arcor-ip.net) 15.23.58 # by the way, the full toolkit was 15MB 15.26.56 Nick c0utta is now known as c0utta{zZZ} (HydraIRC@dialup- 15.26.56 Nick c0utta{zZZ} is now known as c0utta (HydraIRC@dialup- 15.27.38 # can't you just send me the compiled simulator?` 15.28.18 # the simulator gets recompiled on every make 15.28.29 # oh 15.28.41 # The simulator rocks! 15.28.56 # It sure makes writing new GUI stuff easy. 15.29.01 # yes, i thought it just took the ajz at the beginning 15.29.20 # but it creates a separate uisw32.exe every time 15.29.30 # dwihno, new gui stuff ? 15.29.48 # i searched the net and can't find a gcc binary for cygwin 15.30.29 # c0utta: well, sort of ... :) 15.30.55 # Initial GUI stuff. 15.31.41 # i think we'll be text based for a while yet... 15.32.30 # LWi, i've got a gcc.exe that's only 87KB 15.32.46 # luckily i had bluechip helping me set up my environment 15.33.00 # would be cool if you send it to ivo@gmx.net 15.33.14 # can i dcc it ? 15.33.35 # mom 15.34.03 # i got to reconnect 15.34.08 Quit LWi () 15.34.17 Join LWi [0] (~LWi@dsl-213-023-249-230.arcor-ip.net) 15.34.29 # now it should work with ddc 15.34.52 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@c25025a.hud.bostream.se) 15.35.26 # \o/ Bagder \o/ 15.35.32 # hey 15.35.57 # hey bagder 15.36.23 # Welcome back! \o/ 15.36.41 # LWi, did you get it ? 15.36.55 # no 15.37.54 # oh wrong path 15.37.58 # please send again 15.40.02 # i'm being blocked, so i'll send via email 15.40.11 # thanks 15.41.08 # i solved the buffer reload problem 15.41.16 # hey bagder, have a read of my mail on the list about F1 menu 15.41.25 # in main loop you have to use get_button_w_tmo 15.42.07 # LWi, mail sent 15.42.22 # thx 15.43.07 Nick c0utta is now known as c0utta{zZZ} (HydraIRC@dialup- 15.53.55 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EAA4B6.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.58.01 Quit AciD` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.08.03 Join uski [0] (~moo@gandalf.digital-network.org) 16.16.28 Quit edx () 16.23.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.38.05 # how can i do call by reference with int variables in c? 16.38.37 # you pass in a pointer to the int 16.38.45 # foo(&variable); 16.38.56 # void foo(int *varpointer) 16.39.35 # int wrap_int(int *var, int min, int max) 16.39.35 # { 16.39.35 # 16.39.35 DBUG Enqueued KICK LWi 16.39.35 # int temp = 0; 16.39.35 # 16.39.36 *** Alert Mode level 1 16.39.36 # while ((*var) < min) {(*var) = (*var) + (max-min); temp = temp - 1;} 16.39.38 # while ((*var) > max) {(*var) = (*var) - (max-min); temp = temp + 1;} 16.39.40 # 16.39.42 # return temp; 16.39.44 # 16.39.47 # } 16.39.48 # this lets my jukebox hang with a memory error 16.40.47 # += and -= would make that code more readable ;-) 16.40.57 # and how do you call this function? 16.41.47 # int a_hour; 16.41.47 # wrap_int(a_hour, 0, 23); 16.41.59 # use &a_hour 16.42.07 # you must pass in a pointer to an int 16.42.15 # ah, ok 16.42.19 # if a_hour is an int, that is 16.43.36 Quit dwihno (Remote closed the connection) 16.44.30 # another question: how can i invert a character? 16.44.39 # cool it works :-) 16.44.48 # you mean invert graphics-wise? 16.44.58 # yes 16.45.10 # lcd_invertrect() 16.45.17 # perhaps 16.45.37 # so i have to calculate the position of that char 16.45.50 # or lcd_puts_style() 16.46.12 # hm not in the plugin api 16.46.24 # well, we could easily add it 16.46.38 # cool. 16.46.54 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 16.46.54 # * pfavr is back 16.47.13 # would you do that? 16.47.29 # LWi: you can add it yourself to your local version while developing 16.47.33 # then submit the patch 16.49.37 *** Alert Mode OFF 16.50.09 # should i sort it to the end or where it should be? 16.50.20 # yes, append it last 17.09.52 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.11.29 Quit oxygen77 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.15.42 Join oxygen77 [0] (~Chris@pauguste-7-82-66-87-78.fbx.proxad.net) 17.20.29 Quit Bagder ("http://daniel.haxx.se") 17.38.09 Part uski ("Fermeture du client") 17.38.41 Join AciD` [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 17.46.58 Quit AciD` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.49.21 Quit oxygen77 ("Leaving") 17.53.51 # was muss ich tun, um meinen sf-account für das Rockbox-Projekt zu registrieren? 17.54.20 # sorry wrong language 17.54.38 # what do i have to do, to register my sf-account to rockbox-project? 17.56.27 # or can i submit code without that? 18.03.15 Join Dogger [0] (~jimmy@adsl-63-199-31-109.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) 18.10.14 Join oxygen77 [0] (~Chris@pauguste-7-82-66-87-78.fbx.proxad.net) 18.23.30 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.35.21 Join NX2000 [0] (~Nunya@206-126-49-58.nstci.net) 18.36.16 Part NX2000 18.46.44 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 18.54.38 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 19.07.15 Part LWi 19.14.00 Join LWi [0] (~LWi@dsl-213-023-249-230.arcor-ip.net) 19.14.33 Part LWi 19.15.01 Join LWi [0] (~LWi@dsl-213-023-249-230.arcor-ip.net) 19.15.26 Part LWi 19.15.33 Join LWi [0] (~LWi@dsl-213-023-249-230.arcor-ip.net) 19.15.40 Part LWi 19.23.18 Join _aLF [0] (alexandre@mutualite-3-82-67-66-128.fbx.proxad.net) 19.43.17 Join WeeD0pE [0] (WeeD0pE@lpz9-d9ba7236.pool.mediaWays.net) 19.43.21 # hi 19.46.35 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 19.50.25 # is the archos jukebox recorder capable of recorcding over the current max. quality level of 7 ? 19.55.44 # doubt it 19.58.08 # hmm why ? 19.58.31 # can anyone confirm this ? 20.04.19 Nick oxygen77 is now known as oxygen_out (~Chris@pauguste-7-82-66-87-78.fbx.proxad.net) 20.08.00 # hmm 20.10.23 # WeeD0pE: I think it is the DSP which does the encoding as well as the deconding - so it would be strange if RockBox didn't provide the highest quality setting also 20.11.37 # hmm 20.16.25 Join ]MpC[Masskiller [0] (~user@bgp01039051bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net) 20.16.25 Quit Masskiller (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.16.27 Nick ]MpC[Masskiller is now known as Masskiller (~user@bgp01039051bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net) 20.23.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.25.14 Part pfavr 20.29.14 Join stevenm [0] (~stevenm@pcp04424903pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net) 20.34.15 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 20.45.38 Quit stevenm (Remote closed the connection) 21.07.05 Join DoggerMoore [0] (~jimmy@adsl-67-116-5-21.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) 21.07.27 Quit Dogger (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 21.09.22 Nick DoggerMoore is now known as Dogger (~jimmy@adsl-67-116-5-21.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) 21.09.23 Quit c0utta{zZZ} (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 21.11.17 Quit AciD (Connection timed out) 21.19.30 Join c0utta [0] (HydraIRC@dialup- 21.19.43 Quit Dogger ("Client Exiting") 21.26.54 Join pfavr [0] (~chatzilla@c83958a.s-oe.bostream.se) 21.34.22 Quit pfavr ("ChatZilla 0.9.52B [Mozilla rv:1.6/1]") 21.34.37 Join pfavr [0] (~chatzilla@c83958a.s-oe.bostream.se) 22.21.09 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.23.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.32.19 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 22.41.24 Join midknight2k3 [0] (ZakkRobert@c-24-18-39-169.client.comcast.net) 22.42.30 # IT'S Masskiller! RUN! 22.42.36 # :| 22.42.40 # hey 22.42.44 # can you help me 22.42.50 # i got a problem with my jukebox recorder 20 22.42.52 # sure 22.43.04 # whenever i plug it into usb, it says "it malfunctioned" 22.43.13 Join track [0] (~74d57721@ACBD0D0D.ipt.aol.com) 22.43.14 # and calls it an unrecogniced dveie 22.43.15 # ...on the PC? 22.43.17 # device* 22.43.19 # yeah 22.43.25 # and i have the drivers 22.43.25 # but it works ok off usb? 22.43.27 # hi trick 22.43.27 # no 22.43.29 # track* 22.43.29 # it doest 22.43.30 # hi 22.43.34 # whwiat 22.43.35 # wait 22.43.41 # yeah, it plays music just fine 22.43.53 # its really hard to explain that my mp3 player is broken when i'm listening to it 22.43.54 # lkol 22.43.55 # tried the archos USB? 22.44.02 # thats the only one i have 22.44.13 # but i tried it on my friend's computer 22.44.17 # try the Rockbox USB screen then 22.44.17 # he has the same player 22.44.27 # he has the same player and everything 22.44.31 # and i plug his in 22.44.33 # works fine 22.44.37 # unplug his, and plug in mine 22.44.39 # and mine malfunctions 22.44.40 # so 22.44.40 # WTF?@?$!@?$2 22.44.43 # wait 22.44.47 # boot to rockbox 22.44.54 # then plugin usb 22.44.55 # one second 22.45.05 # i gotta get behind my computer and plug usb back in 22.45.09 # i unplugged it for my cam 22.45.18 # i dont have enough usb spots ;\ 22.45.28 # get a usb 2 card :) 22.45.58 # i have one 22.46.00 # its in the linux pc ;\ 22.46.02 # i also have one 22.46.05 # usb2 card 22.46.20 # Masskiller, Archos works under linux 22.46.22 # is the archos jukebox recorder capable of recorcding over the current max. quality level of 7 ? or is there a limition of quality level 7 ? 22.46.23 # may give it a go? 22.46.27 # tried it 22.46.33 # couldnt figure out how to mount it 22.46.35 # limitation, WeeD0pE 22.47.01 # we probably could vary it to 1-10 but 10 would be 7 22.48.10 # dont think that would make a great deal of difference 22.48.52 # track, none at all 22.48.52 # http://masskiller.com/wtf.jpg 22.48.53 # damn 22.48.53 # so 22.48.56 # it'd just make it more variable 22.49.03 # n higehr then 160kbps ? 22.49.13 # erm 22.49.14 # well at "7" it records at about 190 22.49.14 # hardware limitation weed0pe 22.49.19 # http://masskiller.com/wtf.JPG 22.49.40 # and above 190 is not possible ? 22.49.58 # no -- hardware. limitation. 22.50.02 # damn 22.50.09 # Masskiller, hrm 22.50.11 # this gmini 22.50.34 # oh, you're on a gmini? 22.50.36 # or what is it called 22.50.36 # what is there the limitation ? 22.50.42 # haha 22.50.44 # yey :) 22.50.54 # u know this new model by archos 22.51.09 # can it record higher than 190kbps ? 22.51.29 # no 22.51.34 # or i don't think so 22.51.38 # i can't say for sure 22.51.41 # there is a feature request where someone wants to control the archos by plugging a mouse into it 22.51.53 # track, that'd be yours 22.52.02 # no its someone elses 22.52.03 # well, show it to me 22.52.19 # lol 22.52.24 # so no one can help me with my problem? :\ 22.52.24 # can i see it? 22.52.32 # Masskiller, i don't know 22.52.46 # did you look here 22.52.47 # http://bjorn.haxx.se/isd200/ 22.52.48 # i did a bootleg about3 days ago 22.52.50 # with my jukebox :) 22.52.52 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 22.52.54 # yeah 22.53.00 # im not about to recompile my kernal 22.53.00 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=44306&atid=439121&aid=722040 22.53.01 # track, here? 22.53.04 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=44306&atid=439121&aid=722040 22.53.31 # haha 22.53.34 # good reply 22.53.38 # u see it? 22.53.40 # thanx 22.53.56 # im amazed it wasnt' rejected 22.53.59 # lol 22.55.03 # well its pretty new 22.56.09 # anybody familiar with a usb2 pcmcia card which works with linux? 22.56.31 # you could proabbyl use any one 22.56.41 # linux works with just about any hardware that works with windows 22.58.00 # ok 22.58.02 Quit pfavr ("ChatZilla 0.9.52B [Mozilla rv:1.6/1]") 22.58.02 # :d 22.58.53 # holsden pils 23.00.17 # fave drink 23.02.04 # ok 23.03.03 # :D 23.03.57 # all the cool names start with "mi" 23.05.10 # Midknight I have a really good idea for a feature request 23.05.48 # ok 23.05.55 # that'd be? 23.05.58 # how about a "novice mode"? 23.06.05 # ... 23.06.43 # when you select an option, a paragraph appears explaining what that option does 23.07.06 # actually 23.07.06 # i was thinking of something like 23.07.06 # that 23.07.06 DBUG Enqueued KICK midknight2k3 23.07.06 # or info below it 23.07.11 # all the wasted screen space 23.07.34 # ok cool 23.07.38 # great minds think alike ;-) 23.08.44 # just have a switchable option for it (help mode on/off) 23.08.57 Join top_bloke [0] (~ekolb_pot@ 23.09.11 Quit midknight2k3 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.09.24 Join midknight2k3 [0] (ZakkRobert@c-24-18-39-169.client.comcast.net) 23.09.57 # welcome back 23.09.59 # kindle home 23.10.23 # ? 23.10.36 # old him knee 23.10.49 # sorry just bored 23.11.03 # wtf are you talking about 23.11.39 # playing with an anagram generator online 23.12.46 # lol "Rag Oz" :)) 23.13.07 # guys, how do i add a new file to a diff ? 23.17.08 Quit track ("leafChat IRC client: http://www.leafdigital.com/Software/leafChat/") 23.19.01 Quit midknight2k3 ("Going... BYE!") 23.22.45 # http://www.galumpia.co.uk/pages/adult_2.htm# 23.22.46 Quit oxygen_out (Remote closed the connection) 23.24.56 Join oxygen77 [0] (~Chris@pauguste-7-82-66-87-78.fbx.proxad.net) 23.29.30 Join Dogger [0] (~jimmy@ppp-67-123-87-89.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) 23.41.12 Quit oxygen77 ("Leaving") 23.54.17 Quit Dogger ("Client Exiting")