--- Log for 26.04.104 Server: truong.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot_ Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 2 months and 13 days ago 00.01.01 # so now i write a calculation function? 00.01.08 # yes 00.01.38 # new function or inside while(!plugin_ok)? 00.01.39 # yeah 00.01.45 # new function for simplicity 00.01.49 # int calc_dskdjsk {int ans = this_number-thisrunber; return ans} 00.01.51 # :) 00.02.06 # well you could have an input() function and a calculate() function 00.02.15 # in the while loop calling input() 00.02.26 # when done in input() call calculate() 00.03.28 # so 00.03.28 # while (!PLUGIN_OK){ 00.03.28 # input();} 00.03.57 # right. 00.03.59 # :) 00.04.10 # you can do the calculation framework 00.04.19 # then we can do the interface together 00.04.27 # now calculating things in rockbox is the same C as anything 00.04.46 # yup 00.04.53 # or are there rb->add kinds of things? 00.05.02 # we don't need rb-> at this point 00.05.38 # q = (i * .0825); = tax calculation framework. ooooooh complicated 00.05.53 # lol 00.05.54 # *claps 00.05.57 # hmm 00.06.02 # well q is an int right 00.06.07 # yea 00.06.12 # thus it would round to the next whole number 00.06.15 # not very accurate 00.06.21 # i = input amount, q = output amount 00.06.35 # it outputs in cents 00.06.42 # BioHazard, you will not be able to do any sin tan functions etc, basicly no floating point stuff, trust me, i have tried it :) 00.06.53 # so like for 5.74 output it would say "574? 00.07.12 # you input in cents, it outputs in cents 00.07.31 # so $5.74" == "574"? 00.07.34 # diddystar: you dont need sin and cosin for tax calculations... 00.07.40 # LOL 00.07.49 # i told you about complications 00.08.27 # well, stuff like that is just BS, so its not confusing 00.08.35 # was he serious? 00.08.58 # BioHazard, you will not be able to do any sin tan functions etc, basicly no floating point stuff, trust me, i have tried it :) 00.08.58 # but, dont you want it to be a full calc also? 00.09.03 # multiplying by fractions is a good way to get around int limitations...like instead of (x * .75), ((x * 3) / 4) 00.09.03 # no 00.09.15 # its just a tax calculator 00.09.19 # lol 00.09.21 # im just learning 00.09.26 # but, add the tax calc in with a normal calc :) 00.09.28 # * scott666 wants a full calculator 00.09.35 # scott maybe later today 00.09.47 # scott actually i could do it 00.09.49 # later on ok 00.09.57 # ok ok 00.10.00 # so now 00.10.00 # i think you people are silly 00.10.04 # by full all i mean is + - * / ^ 00.10.05 # im goign to make a real calc 00.10.09 # yesssssssss 00.10.10 # oaky 00.10.27 # scott666, join #calculator :) 00.10.33 # nothing complicated 00.10.36 # bio: with me? 00.10.38 # diddystar: im sure you just started coding at carmack level huh... not all of us are like that... 00.10.39 # scott OKAY 00.10.40 # lol 00.10.56 # lol 00.10.57 # heh what am i missing here 00.11.00 # well, a norm cacl isnt that much harder.. if harder at all 00.11.00 # ANYWAY 00.11.26 # bio: try "ctrl + i" 00.11.32 # hmm maybe not 00.11.34 # ctrl b 00.11.35 # :D 00.11.39 Part diddystar5 ("Leaving") 00.11.41 # yo yo yo yo yo 00.11.46 #  la la la la LAAAAAA 00.11.51 Join diddystar5 [0] (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) 00.11.53 # how are you inputting the rate and stuff? 00.11.56 # or are we not that far? 00.12.00 # nto that far 00.12.03 # about to do it now 00.12.08 # ok so bio 00.12.17 # #calculator 00.12.18 # calculate() is all ready? 00.12.41 # diddystar5: im not coming 00.12.42 # #calcualtor , for all talk about makeing calculators :) 00.12.59 # scott666, comeon, you can get your name on the credits :) 00.13.42 # calculate is an awful small function 00.13.48 # BC'll get mad if i start somethin else...he'll think i abondoned blackjack...which i should probably work on 00.13.49 # heh 00.13.54 # heh bio.. 00.13.57 # mm 00.14.08 # LOL 00.14.12 # like one line huh 00.14.20 # yea 00.14.38 # ok let's do this a different way 00.14.50 # put the calculation line in the while loop 00.14.55 # while(!PLUGIN_OK) 00.15.01 Join deadite66 [0] (~Miranda@cpc1-yarm1-5-0-cust53.pete.cable.ntl.com) 00.15.10 # im changing i to input and q to output 00.15.33 # ok 00.15.44 # wasn't it already that way? 00.15.51 # i = cash, q = tax 00.16.07 # i changed the names 00.16.21 # so thier easier to keep track of 00.16.39 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 00.16.54 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 00.17.03 Quit scott666 (Client Quit) 00.17.13 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 00.17.21 # wait 00.17.29 # i = cash, q = tax, i + q = total? 00.17.49 # k, so as it sits now, the program will calculate the tax on 500 cents over and over forever 00.18.06 # right. 00.18.08 # tax = (cash * .0825); 00.18.13 # right 00.18.16 # and 00.18.21 # total = tax + cash; ? 00.18.26 # that wont be very accurate though 00.18.31 # scott come on. 00.18.37 # you make you stinky TAX calc, i make a real calc :) 00.18.41 # i think .08 = 0 to the compiler 00.18.58 # should we move to pm? lol 00.19.03 # it works in TCPPLite 00.19.06 # these are ints, floats 00.19.21 # here's what we'll do 00.19.33 # int cash, tax, total; 00.19.38 # cash = input 00.19.41 # tax = tax amount 00.19.45 # total = cash + tax 00.19.51 # you can int more than one thing per line? 00.19.56 # tax = cash * rate? 00.20.06 # yes bio 00.20.10 # er 00.20.12 # cool! 00.20.25 # then after that do "cash = 500;" 00.20.30 # to default it to $5 00.20.32 # you mean like int cash, tax, total = 0;? 00.20.49 # scott no. 00.21.04 # this is getting sort of confusing now 00.21.39 # ok got that bio 00.21.46 # sorry this is getting hectic 00.22.12 # then join #calculator for calc specific talk 00.22.12 # k, just for clarification, this is a simple SIMPLE 51Mp13 program to messily calculate tax at a hard-coded rate 00.22.23 # yes. 00.22.31 # can you paste me what you've got 00.22.33 # so far 00.22.41 # so we can continue instead of argue about rates 00.22.42 # i know you understand, but nobody else seems to 00.23.10 # the reason i split it up into cash, tax, and total is so we can do it like a recepit 00.23.12 # anyway... 00.23.13 # receipt* 00.23.16 # subtotal: x 00.23.20 # tax: x 00.23.21 # total: x 00.23.25 # good idea 00.23.40 # now we'll do, right after those ints, "cash = 500; 00.23.43 # for default 00.24.16 # int price = 500, tax, total; 00.24.51 # or do i need to set the value of price seperatly 00.25.04 # set it seperately 00.25.05 # you could either to 00.25.06 # do* 00.25.17 # int price, tax, total; price = 500; 00.25.26 # or int tax, total; int price = 500; 00.25.31 # up to you 00.26.04 # ah, ok 00.26.11 # so it needs to be seperate 00.26.13 # k, 00.26.19 # i'd do the first one 00.26.36 # so you can comment on the "price = 500;" with /* default to $5 */ 00.26.46 # already did 00.26.46 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 00.27.01 # good 00.27.07 # ok, let's start on the input function 00.27.21 # void input(void) { to start 00.27.30 # got it already 00.27.34 # ok 00.27.39 # how do i do button handling 00.27.50 # let's do the interface first 00.28.00 # does it need (void) or will () work? 00.28.00 # http://www.macally.com/new/new_syncbox.html 00.28.02 # do core code first 00.28.10 # either works 00.29.11 # actually bio 00.29.20 # it would be simpler just do it all in the while loop 00.29.42 # heh sorry we're not moving anywhere 00.29.48 # if input() only gets called once, id move it there at the end 00.29.54 # after your ints you call rb->lcd_setfont(FONT_SYSFIXED); 00.30.06 # that sets the font to a system font 00.30.21 # to ensure it all fits on the screen 00.30.22 # not inside a function? 00.30.23 # ze: interesting 00.30.29 # bio: nope 00.30.41 # yeah i thought so 00.30.41 # heh 00.30.42 # after the ints will do fine 00.30.57 # does it say how the UI works? 00.31.13 # heh bio let's move to pm 00.31.15 # i only looked at that one page and moved on to other things 00.31.18 # our productivity is decreasing 00.31.23 # linearly 00.31.24 # yeah 00.31.34 # forget these "others" 00.31.46 # seems like a good idea, but i dont see how you choose what to transfer 00.32.25 # you mean for the indicated-folder transfer mode? i dunno heh 00.32.34 # i wondered that too 00.32.45 # you should send that to the list 00.33.12 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 00.33.17 # heh 00.33.19 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 00.34.54 # i'm not on the list anymore 00.34.54 # not for a long time now 00.35.19 # i will then 00.35.20 # heh 00.35.44 # ok hehe 00.36.36 # hey ze 00.37.33 # hey mid 00.37.33 # you got a karma? 00.37.33 # heh 00.37.33 # nope 00.37.33 # av320 00.37.33 # oyah oyah 00.37.41 # well i just found your post about the intro play feature on the karma... 00.37.42 # heh 00.38.03 # thanks ze posted that link on http://newmp3technology.net 00.38.20 # it must just copy everything over though 00.38.33 # well it says it has a mode to copy a specified folder 00.38.44 # i didn't see anything about how to select what folder though 00.38.44 # heh 00.38.47 # a DESIGNATED FOLDER 00.38.51 # hiss 00.38.54 # heh 00.38.59 # sent to the rockbox list 00.39.28 Join will513 [0] (~wchamil@c-67-162-131-145.client.comcast.net) 00.41.38 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 00.42.09 Join Erl_ [0] (~erl@as19-6-1.s.bonet.se) 00.42.09 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 00.52.26 Join yeft [0] (~nospinzon@pcp08615553pcs.benslm01.pa.comcast.net) 00.53.12 # hiyoo 00.53.41 # YEFTY 00.55.02 # heh i gotta go 00.55.06 # but it was fun to stop in 00.55.07 # um 00.55.07 Quit yeft (Client Quit) 00.55.10 # wtf is that about 00.55.14 # you come in for like 2 seconds 00.56.26 # actually it was 2 minutes 00.56.39 # stfu ze 00.56.41 # heh jk 00.56.43 # :p 00.57.28 # timestamps are a beautiful thing 00.57.59 # scott loves timestamps 00.57.59 # you know you want them scott 00.58.00 # you know you want those timestamps 01.06.31 # heh 01.23.38 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.25.00 Quit Erl_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.32.10 Quit deadite66 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 01.32.18 Quit AciD ("how to bypass UNIX passwords : dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/hda1") 01.36.53 Part will513 01.41.13 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.50.34 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 01.50.45 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 01.55.21 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.58.31 Quit midk (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 01.58.31 NSplit truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 01.58.31 Quit jkerman (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 01.58.31 Quit Ka_ (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 01.58.31 Quit _MT (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 01.58.31 Quit ze (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit mbr (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit diddystar5 (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit top_bloke (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit BioHazard (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit elinenbe (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit kaboofa (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit webmind (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit silencer (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit c0utta (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit adi|home (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.02.45 Quit scott666 (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.04.24 Quit uski (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.04.24 Quit dwihno (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.04.24 Quit Hadaka (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.13.35 NHeal truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 02.13.35 NJoin scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 02.13.35 NJoin jkerman [0] (~jkerman@jkhouse2.jvlnet.com) 02.13.35 NJoin midk [0] (mk@ACC248BE.ipt.aol.com) 02.13.35 Join BC [0] (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 02.13.35 NJoin ze [20] (psyco@adsl-67-123-40-187.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 02.13.35 NJoin _MT [0] (mt@fido.impulsed.net) 02.13.35 NJoin Ka_ [0] (~tkirk@pcp261336pcs.howard01.md.comcast.net) 02.13.35 NJoin Hadaka [0] (naked@naked.iki.fi) 02.13.35 NJoin dwihno [0] (~dw@ 02.13.35 NJoin adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-9.216-194-23-66.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 02.13.35 NJoin mbr [0] (~mb@stz-softwaretechnik.com) 02.13.35 NJoin webmind [0] (~cme2@217-195-236-172.dsl.esined.net) 02.13.35 NJoin kaboofa [0] (~kaboofa@pcp03462569pcs.indpnd01.mo.comcast.net) 02.13.35 NJoin c0utta [0] (~c0utta@77.cust48.nsw.dsl.ozemail.com.au) 02.13.35 NJoin uski [0] (~moo@gandalf.digital-network.org) 02.13.35 NJoin elinenbe [0] (trilluser@207-237-224-177.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 02.13.35 NJoin silencer [0] (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) 02.13.35 NJoin BioHazard [0] (~a@cpe-66-75-38-230.bak.rr.com) 02.13.35 NJoin top_bloke [0] (~ekolb_pot@dsc06-chc-il-209-109-234-186.rasserver.net) 02.13.35 NJoin diddystar5 [0] (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) 02.18.03 # anyone know how long is a "tick" in button_get_with_tmo 02.18.03 # ? 02.18.03 # hz = 1s 02.18.42 DBUG Enqueued KICK BC 02.18.42 # HZ is 1S of sleep(), but I get the feeling that it is not 1S of 01button_get_with_tmo() 02.19.04 # 10ms ? 02.19.21 # Is that a question? 02.19.27 # i think it's 10ms 02.19.44 # does anybody know for sure? 02.19.49 # (cheers mk) 02.19.50 # BioHazard probably 02.19.54 # he was talking to me about it 02.19.59 # he said it must be 10ms 02.20.14 # problem is that there a timing emulation issues with win32sim 02.20.26 # yeah 02.21.35 # from what i can figure out 1tic = 10ms 02.25.07 Quit Ka_ (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit _MT (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit ze (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit mbr (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit diddystar5 (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit top_bloke (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit BioHazard (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit kaboofa (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit webmind (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit elinenbe (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit jkerman (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit midk (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit BC (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit silencer (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit c0utta (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit scott666 (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit adi|home (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit dwihno (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit uski (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.25.07 Quit Hadaka (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.37.39 NJoin scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 02.37.39 NJoin jkerman [0] (~jkerman@jkhouse2.jvlnet.com) 02.37.39 NJoin midk [0] (mk@ACC248BE.ipt.aol.com) 02.37.39 NJoin BC [0] (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 02.37.39 NJoin ze [20] (psyco@adsl-67-123-40-187.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 02.37.39 NJoin _MT [0] (mt@fido.impulsed.net) 02.37.39 NJoin Ka_ [0] (~tkirk@pcp261336pcs.howard01.md.comcast.net) 02.37.39 NJoin Hadaka [0] (naked@naked.iki.fi) 02.37.39 NJoin dwihno [0] (~dw@ 02.37.39 NJoin adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-9.216-194-23-66.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 02.37.39 NJoin mbr [0] (~mb@stz-softwaretechnik.com) 02.37.39 NJoin webmind [0] (~cme2@217-195-236-172.dsl.esined.net) 02.37.39 NJoin kaboofa [0] (~kaboofa@pcp03462569pcs.indpnd01.mo.comcast.net) 02.37.39 NJoin c0utta [0] (~c0utta@77.cust48.nsw.dsl.ozemail.com.au) 02.37.39 NJoin uski [0] (~moo@gandalf.digital-network.org) 02.37.39 NJoin elinenbe [0] (trilluser@207-237-224-177.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 02.37.39 NJoin silencer [0] (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) 02.37.39 NJoin BioHazard [0] (~a@cpe-66-75-38-230.bak.rr.com) 02.37.39 NJoin top_bloke [0] (~ekolb_pot@dsc06-chc-il-209-109-234-186.rasserver.net) 02.37.39 NJoin diddystar5 [0] (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) 02.44.16 Quit Ka_ (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 NSplit truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 02.44.16 Quit _MT (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit ze (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit mbr (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit diddystar5 (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit top_bloke (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit BioHazard (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit kaboofa (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit webmind (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit elinenbe (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit jkerman (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.16 Quit midk (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.33 Quit BC (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.33 Quit silencer (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.33 Quit c0utta (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.33 Quit scott666 (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.33 Quit adi|home (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.33 Quit dwihno (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.33 Quit uski (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.44.33 Quit Hadaka (truong.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.10.27 DEBUG EOF from server (Connection reset by peer) 03.10.27 *** Cleanup 03.10.27 *** Cleanup 03.10.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.10.27 *** Exit 03.10.32 *** Started Dancer V4.16p1 03.10.32 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 03.10.32 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 03.10.32 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 03.10.32 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 03.10.32 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 03.10.32 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 03.10.32 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 03.10.32 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.eu.openprojects.net (No such file or directory) 03.10.32 *** Unable to connect to irc.eu.openprojects.net on port 6667 (tried 8 times) 03.10.32 *** Cleanup 03.10.32 *** Connected to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 03.10.32 *** Logfile for #rockbox started 03.11.01 *** Server message 501: 'logbot :Unknown MODE flag' 03.11.01 Mode "logbot :+i" by logbot 03.11.01 Join logbot [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 03.11.01 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 03.11.01 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 03.11.01 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 03.11.01 Join jkerman [0] (~jkerman@jkhouse2.jvlnet.com) 03.11.01 Join midk [0] (mk@ACC248BE.ipt.aol.com) 03.11.01 Join BC [0] (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 03.11.01 Join ze [20] (psyco@adsl-67-123-40-187.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 03.11.01 Join _MT [0] (mt@fido.impulsed.net) 03.11.01 Join Ka_ [0] (~tkirk@pcp261336pcs.howard01.md.comcast.net) 03.11.01 Join diddystar5 [0] (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) 03.11.01 Join BioHazard [0] (~a@cpe-66-75-38-230.bak.rr.com) 03.11.01 Join silencer [0] (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) 03.11.01 Join elinenbe [0] (trilluser@207-237-224-177.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 03.11.01 Join uski [0] (~moo@gandalf.digital-network.org) 03.11.01 Join c0utta [0] (~c0utta@77.cust48.nsw.dsl.ozemail.com.au) 03.11.01 Join kaboofa [0] (~kaboofa@pcp03462569pcs.indpnd01.mo.comcast.net) 03.11.01 Join webmind [0] (~cme2@217-195-236-172.dsl.esined.net) 03.11.01 Join mbr [0] (~mb@stz-softwaretechnik.com) 03.11.01 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|home@as5300-9.216-194-23-66.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) 03.11.01 Join dwihno [0] (~dw@ 03.11.01 Join Hadaka [0] (naked@naked.iki.fi) 03.11.03 # they have 3 programs 03.11.34 # winzip, winrar, winace 03.12.00 # lol 03.12.12 # to kazaa i go 03.12.30 # when did this turn into a warez grup? 03.12.42 # it didnt 03.16.31 # only thing kazaa turned up was a startrk TNG episode 03.16.48 # damnit 03.52.03 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.52.57 Nick midk is now known as midk|bbl (mk@ACC248BE.ipt.aol.com) 04.10.13 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.43.40 Quit diddystar5 ("Leaving") 05.10.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.16.58 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 05.21.04 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 05.21.28 Nick midk|bbl is now known as midk (mk@ACC248BE.ipt.aol.com) 05.23.21 Join Strath [0] (aopen@dgvlwinas01pool0-a237.wi.tds.net) 05.30.05 # anyone have suggestions for questions to put in the FMR/V2 battery FAQ? 05.31.44 # Q: "can scott become a non-dipshit?" A: "This is not possible due to hardware limitations" 05.32.48 # right, cause im just covered in hardware 05.32.52 # like a borg... 05.33.07 # hardware / personality limitations* 05.33.17 # better 05.35.24 # jking btw 05.35.42 # i know 05.35.48 # :) 05.35.55 # otherwise youd already be dead :-) 05.36.06 # LOL no 05.40.44 # any serious suggestions? 05.41.19 # got replacement site included? 05.42.25 # yup 05.42.37 # replacement instructions? 05.45.02 # do now 05.45.37 # ? 05.45.40 # oh 05.45.42 # mm 05.46.01 # how does the life compare to the rec batts? 05.47.33 # good question 05.47.54 # depends on the mAh of the batteries in the recorder 05.48.02 # against the 1500s it should be longer 05.48.07 # yeah 05.48.10 # against, say, 2300s, it should be shorter 05.48.27 # i meant put that q in the faq 05.48.27 # lol 05.48.56 # do you think a lot of people will ask it/ 05.49.05 # it's possible 05.49.28 # how about "how long is the battery's life" and also "how long does it last under normal usage?" 05.49.34 # either if they aren't there 05.49.40 # ok 05.50.03 # -i'm a true visionary 05.54.01 # added 05.54.28 # i just need somone to frequently ask me questions 05.54.29 # lol 05.55.10 # are you a lowlife 05.55.36 # ? 05.55.51 # frequently asking you questions. 05.55.55 # do you enjoy toe jam? 05.56.27 # *relevant questions 05.56.46 # relevant to? 05.56.56 # the FMR/V2 battery FAQ 05.57.01 # ah 05.57.10 # how about 05.58.04 # "would you say that '3===D' is a relatively good mockup of how the battery looks?" 05.59.42 # A: no, but thats an almost perfectly to scale model of a certain appendage of midk's 06.00.34 # yeah i guess my pointer fingernail *is* a bit short 06.02.10 # A (cont): fortuanately there are tweezers with sticky pads for aid in this area 06.02.35 # make sure the sticky pads are a bit thick 06.02.41 # it helps if they cushion a bit 06.45.54 Join silas_a [0] (~silas@h00045a470643.ne.client2.attbi.com) 06.46.36 # what CPU does the archos use? 06.46.53 # mm 06.46.55 # faq 06.47.03 # oh, my bad 06.47.08 # SH031 or something lol 06.47.20 # i think its on the faq 06.49.18 # sh1 it seems 06.50.08 # yeah thats it 06.50.10 # i think 07.00.52 Quit silas_a ("meh") 07.02.30 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 07.03.55 Quit Strath ("ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7b/20040316]") 07.04.11 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.08.17 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 07.10.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.13.04 # aciddy 08.02.44 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 08.04.14 Join [1]c0utta [0] (~c0utta@234.cust41.nsw.dsl.ozemail.com.au) 08.14.07 # yoi coutte 08.14.11 # lol start over 08.14.15 # yo c0utta 08.26.44 Quit c0utta (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.26.44 Nick [1]c0utta is now known as c0utta (~c0utta@234.cust41.nsw.dsl.ozemail.com.au) 08.29.09 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 08.45.20 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.53.26 Join mattzz [0] (~c2af7555@c231002.adsl.hansenet.de) 08.53.51 # hi ho 08.55.02 Quit BC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 08.55.27 Join BC [0] (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 08.56.13 # BC: are you available? 08.58.57 Quit mattzz ("CGI:IRC") 09.01.05 # nite all 09.01.32 Quit midk () 09.01.58 # anyone here active? 09.10.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.11.04 # guess not... 09.11.23 # anyway, i learned a lot today, expect some patches soon! 09.11.32 Quit BioHazard ("wait! come back! i want that muffin! -=SysReset 2.51=-") 09.26.31 Join LinusN [200] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 09.26.42 # * LinusN is away: I'm busy 09.26.43 # * LinusN is back (gone 00:00:01) 09.55.22 Part LinusN 10.14.24 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 10.29.15 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 10.37.47 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 10.43.23 Quit c0utta (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.56.18 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~c2af7556@reladm.kharkov.net) 11.10.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.11.34 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.45.37 Quit elinenbe (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 11.52.37 Quit [IDC]Dragon ("no fate but what we make") 12.10.57 Join c0utta [0] (~c0utta@234.cust41.nsw.dsl.ozemail.com.au) 12.14.29 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 12.29.41 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 12.47.59 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.47.59 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.10.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.36.26 Join elinenbe [0] (trilluser@207-237-224-177.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 13.36.46 Nick c0utta is now known as c0utta{zZ} (~c0utta@234.cust41.nsw.dsl.ozemail.com.au) 14.05.24 Join elinenbe_ [0] (~elinenbe@207-237-224-177.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 14.05.25 Quit elinenbe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.05.38 Nick elinenbe_ is now known as elinenbe (~elinenbe@207-237-224-177.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 14.14.33 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 14.29.53 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 14.47.33 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.10.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.34.17 Join pfavr [0] (pfavr@t1o902p37.telia.com) 15.59.00 Quit pfavr ("ChatZilla 0.9.52B [Mozilla rv:1.6/1]") 15.59.01 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.14.37 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 16.17.49 Join limbus [0] (~manuel@kernel.cycos.net) 16.20.56 Join TheDude2 [0] (Dudewin32@jkhouse2.jvlnet.com) 16.25.48 Quit jkerman (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 16.25.48 NSplit sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 16.29.43 Join mecraw_ [0] (~mecraw@ 16.31.12 NHeal sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 16.31.12 NJoin jkerman [0] (~jkerman@jkhouse2.jvlnet.com) 16.51.27 Quit jkerman (Connection timed out) 16.56.49 Join Ka__ [0] (~tkirk@ 17.10.15 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.10.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.33.48 Join Crtpsn [0] (~aaa@user-0cet7k8.cable.mindspring.com) 17.34.05 # Is there anyone alive here? I have a question to ask. 17.34.53 # let's try it 17.35.04 # how do I turn it off, the unit 17.35.13 # i have studio 17.35.43 # I only have a recorder. it turns of by holding down the off-button for a second or two 17.36.02 # I don't have that button 17.36.14 # give it a try with the stop-button 17.36.57 # furthermore, a recorder connected to the power supply (running rockbox, understood) cannot be switched off 17.42.01 # stop does stop play but won't turn the unit off, I hold it for a long time 17.44.08 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 17.48.47 Quit _MT (Client Quit) 17.55.00 # Crtpsn: would the idle poweroff-function suit your needs ? 17.55.25 # Sure but it would be nice to turn it off manually as well. 17.56.46 # ok, I just meant, at least it works. rockbox is still able to switch off itself 17.58.44 # he rockbox-manual actualy says nothing about switching it off. ever had a look in the archos manual ? 17.58.49 # THE * 18.02.50 --> "explain quelsaruk" received from quelsaruk (~zin-carla@ 18.05.42 # The original firm that came with the player had STOP button to turn it off, doesn't do such with Rockbox 2.2 18.06.02 # Couldn't find anything in PDF on-line 18.06.59 # I don't know if idle turns it off yet, just set it to 1min 18.07.02 # mhmm. why would the developers have configured it to another button if there is no "better" function/action for holding "off" ? 18.07.35 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/ gives you a pdf and pure text manual 18.07.39 # I am not aware that there is any other button now 18.07.49 # I can text search PDF too 18.08.35 # FAQ: 46. I keep shutting off my player in my pocket. Can the OFF (Recorder) or STOP (Player) key be locked? 18.08.35 # No. Unfortunately, the ON/OFF mechanisms are handled entirely in hardware. The firmware can read the keys, but can't prevent them from shutting off the player. 18.08.48 # nope, one min passed, didn't turn off. I might as well take batteries out. :( 18.09.43 # so you seem to have a hardware-problem. switching off in handled in hardware, it may not work in archos proper firmware too 18.09.51 # now it just froze 18.10.43 # did it before ? I mean 10 minutes before ? 18.11.49 # Nope, I didn't have it enabled. I just upped the firm like 30 mins ago. 18.12.53 Join deadite66 [0] (~Miranda@cpc1-yarm1-5-0-cust53.pete.cable.ntl.com) 18.13.35 # I got to go for now, college. I'll chat more this evening. Thank you for trying. 18.13.41 Quit Crtpsn ("Bye-bye all !!!") 18.31.04 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 18.31.04 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.35.22 Quit deadite66 ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 18.38.24 Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50a432b3.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 18.40.02 Quit AciD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.40.02 # is there any way to turn the backlight OFF from a plugin? 18.40.08 Join ReaDOnlY [0] (ReaDOnlY@ 18.42.28 # Sup 18.43.13 # hangin 18.43.47 Nick BC is now known as BlueChip (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 18.45.24 Join mecraw__ [0] (~mecraw@ 18.45.41 # Lookin for firmware for the av340 -~ 18.46.02 # avos.sourceforge 18.46.07 # #avos 18.46.15 # thx 18.46.18 # yw 18.46.38 # Rockbox gonna come up with any? 18.46.52 # the avos guys are ex-rockboxers ;) 18.46.56 # ah hehe 18.47.08 # I am retarded with code unfortunatly 18.47.19 # looking at the avos website i have to compile the stuff myself? 18.47.32 # sadly, not sure 18.52.38 Join edx [0] (edx@pD9EAA78C.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.57.22 # rb->backlight_set_timeout(0); 18.57.35 # seems to work just fine :) 19.01.24 Quit mecraw_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.01.41 Quit limbus () 19.10.19 Join RedBreva [0] (~jirc@host81-153-56-186.range81-153.btcentralplus.com) 19.10.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.11.41 Quit RedBreva (Client Quit) 19.25.15 Quit ReaDOnlY () 19.43.01 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.51.40 Join deadite66 [0] (~Miranda@cpc1-yarm1-5-0-cust53.pete.cable.ntl.com) 20.04.37 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 20.04.41 Quit Nibbler (Remote closed the connection) 20.15.39 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 20.22.33 Quit deadite66 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.28.31 Join cjnr11 [0] (dfd@bobillot-5-82-224-193-23.fbx.proxad.net) 20.28.32 Part cjnr11 20.36.46 # BlueChip: You can turn the backlight off with the LCD API. 20.36.50 # via a plugin 20.38.41 # Mmmm, going to find his ESN and rape his phone :D 20.39.22 # lcd_backlight(on) - set backlight on/off 20.39.35 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 20.39.39 # Hi. 20.41.12 # cheers kaboofa 20.41.37 # cheers :) 20.41.44 Quit elinenbe (" Like VS.net's GUI? Then try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 20.41.52 # ugh... 20.41.59 # like forced quit messages? try HydraIRC 21.06.24 Join ElCapi [0] (~a@Ottawa-HSE-ppp259126.sympatico.ca) 21.06.48 # hey anyone home 21.08.20 # moo 21.08.51 # cow 21.09.09 # what's up? 21.09.21 # so i was lookin at the site hows this video plugin work on the archos' 21.09.32 # not plugin but u know 21.09.42 # ok 21.10.02 # what you need to do is make/find rvf files made for rockbox 21.10.12 # hold on, i have a site with them somewhere 21.10.21 # nono i read how 21.10.22 # (not my site, but i have link) 21.10.23 # oh 21.10.34 # you just "play" the video like you would play a song 21.10.40 # but like does it play on the lcd screen or is it to output to a tv 21.10.44 # lcd 21.10.54 # the quality must be awful tho? 21.11.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.11.46 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 21.12.47 # eh 21.12.48 # yeah 21.12.49 # it is 21.12.59 # but it works for cartoons like southpark or futurama 21.13.16 # lol nice 21.13.40 # i think ill go buy one today 21.13.53 # Hmm 21.13.57 # you'll probably want a recorder 21.14.03 # and mine is in yellow+black :X 21.14.08 # (screen color) 21.14.10 # does the recorder have fm? 21.14.12 # i dunno if they have colored screens 21.14.17 # http://www.archos.com 21.14.19 # i don't know. 21.14.31 # cuz i found a recorder for 130 21.14.33 # I know they released a fm one 21.14.35 # great deal 21.15.19 # yeah 21.20.46 # it says special edition dunno wuts so special about it 21.25.57 # i wish they could get a multimedia firmware i want one of those so bad but it isnt worth it with the orignal firmware on it 21.28.18 # ugh 21.28.30 # my smtp server went down :| 21.28.56 # and my lovely isp drops all connections to/from port 25 unless it's to *their* server 21.50.04 Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) 21.50.05 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.58.36 Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 21.59.08 Join MT [0] (~null@ 22.15.07 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 22.38.21 Join amiconn [0] (~jens@pD95D15F6.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.38.57 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@c25025a.hud.bostream.se) 22.55.04 Join CompBrain [0] (pcislot1@pcp01270874pcs.kilng01.ct.comcast.net) 22.55.12 # hello everyone 22.55.18 # hi 22.55.25 # hi 22.55.54 # hey 22.56.17 # Im poking around the site, and havent seen anything about FLAC, is there support? 22.56.25 # no 22.56.38 # just mp3 22.57.04 # Hmm 22.57.29 # Anyone brought up the topic? 22.57.38 # CompBrain: the playback is done by hw 22.57.42 # the hw only speak mp3 22.57.52 # ahhh 22.57.56 # Didnt know that ;) 22.57.59 # thanks 22.58.07 # learn something every day ;) 22.58.18 # :-) 22.58.37 # Just saw amazon had the 20gb for 120$ and if it did flac, id buy it in 2 seconds 22.58.52 # at this point all i see is that god forsaken karma thou 22.59.05 # why did the nodo doc move to the advanced users section? 22.59.23 # I don't know 23.00.00 # i would think that doc would be targeted specifically to 'normal' users 23.00.07 # I agree 23.00.28 # and that's why I left it there when I fiddled with that page the other day 23.02.28 # you lost me 23.02.59 # you agree its for normal users,but left it in the 'advanced' section anyway? 23.06.24 # im confused 23.06.45 Join Erl_ [0] (~erl@as19-6-1.s.bonet.se) 23.07.25 # me too 23.07.27 # :-) 23.07.38 # ok, I thought it was in the users and was moved to advanced users 23.07.58 # but I now realize it always was in the advanced users since that header was made 23.08.28 Quit Erl_ (Client Quit) 23.10.22 # Hmm 23.10.35 # * kaboofa shakes his fist at his un-working gui 23.10.55 # * kaboofa takes a look at how the 'core' files did it 23.11.00 Quit edx (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23.11.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.15.20 Join Snerf [0] (icechat5@ 23.15.32 Join LinusN [200] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 23.16.53 # eh 23.16.59 # i need to figure this out :| 23.17.07 Part Snerf 23.17.27 # * kaboofa greps the rockbox site for anything about 'menu.h' 23.18.25 # kaboofa: what? 23.18.48 # I'm working in a calculator plugin 23.19.11 # and i'm trying to set up a menu so I don't have to display EVERY function on the screen 23.19.17 # you want an inverted box as a cursor? 23.19.29 # ah 23.19.31 # yeah 23.19.34 # or the arrow cursor 23.19.47 # i was going to implement a for loop to get the inverted box 23.20.28 # lcd_invertrect() 23.21.04 # thanks much. 23.22.42 # the menu functions are not exported to the plugins 23.23.45 # LinusN: Anything new about the recording code? Did you get my suspicion from the logs and could confirm / disprove it? 23.24.05 # hmmm, what do you suspect? 23.24.40 Quit ElCapi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.26.18 # LinusN: is it possible to use #include "menu.h" and get access to the menu functions? 23.26.40 # no 23.26.58 # Ugh 23.27.04 # I suspect that the burst you recorded was by chance the very last burst of the recording. This is because EOD and RTW are both driven by the mas, so they shouldn't be influenced by the recording code. 23.27.30 # amiconn: i never stopped the recording 23.28.13 # In addition, if this wasn't the last burst then EOD going low again should have generated another interrupt, so the interrupt routine should have drive PR to high to initiate a new burst, but it didn't 23.28.18 # (well i did, hours later, when the disk was full :-) 23.28.28 # *driven 23.28.49 Quit mecraw__ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.28.57 # Bagder: did you say you wanted me to add my liion battery faq questions to the existing battery faq? 23.28.59 Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) 23.29.17 # scott666: yes, I think that would be nice 23.29.17 # amiconn: i'm puzzled too 23.29.45 # i will need some more analyzing to find out what is going on 23.29.49 # Did you record other bursts, and do they all look the same? Did you do recordings with a different time resolution to see several bursts in one? 23.29.55 # Bagder: i think the faqs are cluttered as is. it would be nice to get them sorted some how 23.30.03 # amiconn: yes, and yes 23.30.14 # scott666: I agree 23.30.46 # Bagder: plus starting users might be confused on what type of battery they have if theyre all in the same page 23.31.37 # LinusN: How do EOD and RTW behave between several bursts? Any pic available other than http://linus.haxx.se/recording/rec_weird.png ? 23.31.37 # scott666: I just think it is even more confusing to have several different FAQs regarding batteries and charging 23.32.35 # i disagree 23.32.43 # hehe 23.32.58 # so collect the Qs and we'll argue more later on ;-) 23.33.10 # im up to 8 23.33.14 # possibly rearrange all the FAQ entries 23.33.21 # if someone has a good idea on how 23.33.36 # amiconn: no, sorry 23.33.54 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) 23.34.54 # amiconn: what i saw is that RTW stayed low for 26.12ms and then a new burst began 23.39.47 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~idc-drago@p50861FD9.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.40.25 Quit methangas (" The IRC Client of the Gods! -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- HydraIRC") 23.41.31 Join JonasH [0] (~no@ 23.41.39 Join mecraw_ [0] (~mecraw@ 23.42.18 # hi there. i was thinking about buying the archos gmini 220. does anybody have that one? 23.42.45 # LinusN: What puzzles me most is how EOD can go from high to low without causing an interrupt. 23.42.47 # not me 23.43.23 # i believe Laurent was working on porting rockbox to it, not sure how far he got though 23.43.26 # amiconn: exactly 23.44.08 # And then, later it must cause an interrupt because the recording really works and does not stop. 23.44.30 # I heard rockbox is really cool, so that would be nice. :-) right now i was wondering about the audio quality... 23.47.32 # I like it 23.48.37 # badger: do you have the gmini 220? 23.49.02 # ah, no I like the rockbox quality ;-) 23.49.15 # gmini has no rockbox, so I have no gmini 23.49.25 # lol 23.50.36 # or is it the other way around? 23.51.15 # hehe 23.52.29 # rockbox coming out for the muvo2 ? the screen is a bit small, but it could really use better file browsing. 23.52.53 # we don't turn new platforms 23.53.03 # we have no plans for any other platform 23.53.05 # we just don't get anyone willing to do the ports 23.53.40 # anyone willing to port rockbox is free to do so, and we will help in any way we can 23.53.49 # i see.. hmm unfortunately my skills are way to limited. 23.54.14 # but rockbox is a cool idea 23.55.21 # Does lcd_puts act like printf, in order to print a integer you have to use printf("%i",int); or cen you use lcd_puts(x,y,"string" & int); ? 23.55.28 # s/cen/can/ 23.55.45 # no 23.55.50 # no 23.56.05 # snprintf(buf, "%i", int); 23.56.14 # Thank you. 23.56.15 # lcd_puts(x, y, buf); 23.56.23 # :) 23.56.23 # snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%i", int); 23.56.26 # even 23.56.28 # :-) 23.56.43 # nitpick 23.56.47 # hehe 23.56.57 # calc.rock is coming closer and closer to release 23.56.58 # heh 23.57.09 # nice 23.57.20 # you can use %d for double, right? 23.57.27 # oh no 23.57.31 # * kaboofa hasn't coded in C for a verrry long time :| 23.57.34 Quit [IDC]Dragon () 23.57.41 # we have no floating point support 23.57.42 # Java made me retarded... 23.57.46 # heh 23.57.49 # i'll code my own then! 23.58.11 # this is going to take up waaay too much memory 23.58.11 # good luck 23.58.13 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 23.58.22 # thanks.... i'll need it.. ;x