--- Log for 12.07.104 Server: bear.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16p1 Started: 11 days and 19 hours ago 00.00.03 # ahh 00.00.04 # i see 00.00.08 # with rpn you have something different 00.00.14 # i'll make a ascii representation 00.00.52 # 3: 00.00.52 # 2: 00.00.52 # 1: 00.00.56 # 0123456789 +-*/ 00.01.06 # the bolded thing is the inverted cursor 00.01.24 # the numbers go upto 6, but i didn't want to flod the irc. 00.01.25 # *flood 00.02.03 # ok, I see. thank god logbot is not a op, he would've kicked you for color/bold. it wrecks up the logfile 00.02.58 # sorry. 00.03.09 # well, anyone reading the log will get the just of it :X 00.03.50 # I don't mind. anyone will understand: 00.03.57 # 0123456789 +-*/ 00.04.00 # ouch 00.04.11 Join Rob2222 [0] (Rob2222@ACB3F5D5.ipt.aol.com) 00.04.22 # there is a square before and after the '0' 00.04.35 # didn't know this can be copy&pasted and converted back 00.08.28 # ?? 00.08.37 # oh 00.08.55 # attention person reading the logs: the square means bold. 00.09.00 # ie: where the cursor is 00.26.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.31.30 # any1 here to help me ? I am about to flash my sweet rockbox the first time and I can't find the firmware_rec.bin 00.31.49 # eh 00.32.04 # i thought you just needed th ajz file 00.32.07 # but i'm probably wrong 00.32.51 # the ajz is one of the images. to start, (firmware_flash.rock) you need the bootloader. as far as I understood 00.59.46 # hmmm 00.59.53 # cvs is deciding not to compile 00.59.54 # damnit 01.01.32 # boofCodes my one does ?!? 01.02.47 Quit gromit` ("Client exiting") 01.04.29 # no no 01.04.34 # i just checked out cvs 01.04.36 # like 10 minutes ago 01.05.01 # and i tried to compile the uisim from cvs 01.05.04 # and it kept erroring 01.05.06 # on uh.. 01.05.07 # a tool 01.06.15 # ok, I didn't make it through the sim yet. 01.06.53 # i want to make my plugin on the sim before i do anything else. 01.07.02 # i don't want to update my jukebox before i get my shit working 01.07.08 # eh 01.07.10 # sorry about shit 01.07.55 # ahh 01.07.58 # *that 01.07.58 # that 01.07.59 # that 01.08.02 # freudian slip ;\ 01.08.18 # LOL 01.08.22 # running modified plugins on the reallife-box is no big danger. 01.08.31 # no danger at all 01.08.39 # yeah 01.08.45 # in the hardest case you have to take away one battery ;-) 01.08.45 # but i have to update my jukebox, reflash, etc 01.08.47 # and i'm lazy. 01.08.52 # reflash ? 01.08.58 # to update 01.09.05 # i have my stuff flashed 01.09.14 # i also have to find it.. etc 01.09.27 # just copying the rpncalc.rock should be ok ? 01.09.31 # whatever 01.09.46 # but my current one doesn't have snprintf? 01.09.47 Quit dstar5 ("Leaving") 01.09.58 # i thought rock only works with the version it was compiled on. 01.10.55 # ahh, well 01.11.12 # your rockbox.version != sdk.version 01.11.33 # yeah 01.20.09 Join gromit` [0] (gromit@w00t.adsl.nerim.net) 01.22.04 # fiiiix myyy cee vee ess! 01.22.10 # or i'll eat your kids :) 01.22.16 # haha. meany 01.22.53 # yes. yes i am. 01.23.22 # I just made it through, and my sim builds just nicely 01.24.01 # hmmm 01.24.02 # weird 01.24.08 # i'm getting errors with the tools 01.24.15 # what are you using to compile? 01.24.17 Nick boofCodes is now known as kaboofa (~kaboofa@dsl092-066-005.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 01.25.12 # bluechips (BC|feeding)'s last sdk (devkit 3.02) 01.25.28 # right 01.26.04 # i'm using 3.02 with the latest cvs 01.26.19 # did you checkout or update ? 01.26.23 # yeah 01.26.26 # i checkedout 01.27.10 # ... 01.27.15 # it has a vc6 file 01.27.18 # why the fuck am i using gcc 01.27.36 # ack 01.27.41 # sorry i keep swearing :( 01.27.44 # vc6 is for the ide only, it does not compile 01.27.55 # (yet) 01.28.04 # >_< 01.30.29 # lImbus: did you figure out flashing? 01.31.25 # not yet 01.31.31 # want help 01.31.32 # ? 01.31.37 # that file is 'missing' 01.31.38 # mom 01.31.39 # or a nice link? 01.32.06 # firmware_rec.bin 01.32.11 # can't find it 01.32.15 # ILL GET IT 01.32.32 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/twiki/bin/view/Main/BlindFlashing 01.32.50 # http://joerg.hohensohn.bei.t-online.de/archos/flash 01.33.04 # section 3 in my link 01.33.17 # ok, i'll add these links to the twiki-article 01.33.17 # STUF 01.33.19 # i gave them a direct link. 01.39.22 # convdbf keeps giving me errors 01.39.30 # hmm 01.39.32 # where is my knife. 01.41.36 # hmmm 01.41.37 # ok 01.41.38 # i just updated 01.41.52 # it appears the the source tree got modified between when i downloaded it and now. 01.41.58 # i know what's wrong kaboofa with convbdf 01.42.07 # i'll make it again 01.42.21 # and when/if i get 50,000 errors flying by, i'll let you know. 01.48.41 # t/rockbox-devel/uisimulator/win32 01.48.52 # ../../tools/convbdf error 2 01.50.20 # make[225]: Leaving directory `/home/guest/rockbox-devel/uisimulator/win32' 01.50.22 # make[224]: *** [sim] Error 2 01.50.22 # make[224]: Leaving directory `/home/guest/rockbox-devel/tools' 01.50.22 # make[223]: *** [../../tools/convbdf] Error 2 01.50.22 DBUG Enqueued KICK kaboofa 01.50.22 # make[223]: Leaving directory `/home/guest/rockbox-devel/uisimulator/win32' 01.50.24 # make[222]: *** [sim] Error 2 01.50.26 # make[222]: Leaving directory `/home/guest/rockbox-devel/tools' 01.50.29 # make[221]: *** [../../tools/convbdf] Error 2 01.50.32 # that is the error i keep getting 01.55.21 Nick BC|feeding is now known as BC (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 01.55.21 DBUG Enqueued KICK BC 01.55.27 # kaboofa: fixed it yet? 01.56.20 # nope 01.56.26 # why are you compiling with? 01.56.31 # cygwin 01.56.33 # BC BC 01.56.36 # your sdk 01.56.37 # full install? 01.56.43 # devkit 3.0 01.56.59 # most weird 01.57.06 # it appears that convbdf has not compiled 01.57.13 # http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cyborgsystems/CS_Main/RockBox/Win32_DevKit/RockBox-DevKit_v302.exe 01.57.26 # that's what i'm using + latest cvs checkout 01.57.53 # do you have directory DEVKIT/home/guest/mysource/buildfolder ? 01.58.29 # i have.. 01.58.32 # C:\RockBox-DevKit_v3\home\guest\rockbox-devel 01.58.36 # then 01.58.41 # C:\RockBox-DevKit_v3\home\guest\rockbox-devel\buildfolder 01.58.46 # thats good 01.58.55 # i called it "moo" 01.58.59 # look in devel/tools 01.59.03 # yep - moo is okay 01.59.05 # i have moo\.deps, Makefile, archos 01.59.17 # +d .deps, archos 01.59.48 # do you have convbdf.exe 01.59.57 # under tools? 02.00.01 # yep 02.00.03 # eh 02.00.04 # no 02.00.05 # i have scramble.exe 02.00.07 # that's the problem 02.00.12 # you need convbdf.exe under tools! 02.00.15 # how do i build the tools? 02.00.22 # they SHOULD build automatically 02.00.25 # just cd \tools\make 02.00.29 # they didn't, apparently 02.00.35 # bu, try type "make" while in the tools dir 02.00.39 # right 02.00.45 # maybe even 02.00.47 # make clean 02.00.49 # make all 02.00.51 # just to be sure 02.01.22 # error 2 is generally "command not found" in my experience 02.08.00 # i'm getting error 2 with convbdf even when i just run make in the rools dir. 02.08.06 # kaboofa, working? 02.08.16 # ignore that 02.08.16 # can i copy it over from my old sdk? 02.08.20 # NO! 02.08.24 # .. 02.08.27 # oh hang on 02.08.34 # copy what from what to where? 02.08.47 # just the exe? 02.08.59 # to be honest, you're much better off finding the source of the problem 02.09.08 # what major though? 02.09.08 Part kaboofa 02.09.23 # ouch. must have hurt. 02.09.45 # "what major"?? 02.09.51 Join kaboofa [0] (~kaboofa@dsl092-066-005.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 02.09.53 # ack 02.09.56 # what was that? 02.10.00 # 02.10.01 # i tapped ctrl+c a few times to kill make. 02.10.11 # i mean, what did you say 02.10.15 # better to use ctrl-break 02.10.41 # cygwin has problems with ^C sometimes 02.10.47 # i'm trying to kill make 02.10.51 # ahh 02.10.51 # right 02.11.06 # I think it must emulate ^\ 02.11.16 # i still don't see why make needs to spawn make 250 times 02.11.32 # rockbox makefiles are not the best in the world 02.11.49 # i can gather that :( 02.13.02 # bluechip: do you have another version the sdk? 02.13.52 # I suppose technically I am using 3.03, but the mods are all cosmetic 02.14.15 # argh 02.14.17 # I assure you that 3.02 works fine for me and many others 02.14.44 # it is a cygwin install with about 250MB of unwanted crap removed 02.15.12 # there is nothing special about it 02.16.22 # gwar 02.17.05 # what happened when you did make in the tools dir (very difficult to debug some things without knowing what errors they give) 02.17.29 # error 2 02.17.30 # a lot 02.17.43 # i'm going to try to just cc the one tool 02.18.36 # what does ~/../../version.bat 02.18.37 # say 02.19.09 # i just used gcc on it 02.19.11 # and it compiled 02.19.11 # wtf 02.19.21 # oohh 02.19.33 # ~>../../version.bat 02.19.33 # The system cannot find the path specified. 02.19.33 # Rockbox Devkit v3.02 - from http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cyborgsystems 02.19.33 DBUG Enqueued KICK kaboofa 02.19.33 # Cygwin v3.3.1 Package 02.19.33 # 'Source' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 02.19.36 # operable program or batch file. 02.19.38 # SH-1 Toolkit 02.19.41 # 'Source' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 02.19.43 # operable program or batch file. 02.19.46 # Cygwin Installer available from http://www.cygwin.com 02.19.48 # 'ECH' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 02.19.51 # operable program or batch file. 02.20.30 # that's interesting 02.20.35 # what is your path? 02.20.40 # don't know 02.20.41 # compiling. 02.21.10 # ah no, that's okay, I see, my mistake 02.21.34 # i just did /setup/SetPath.bat 02.21.40 # now i'm going to try to remake 02.22.01 # I'll let you get on with it then ;) 02.23.29 # wow 02.23.30 # it works now 02.23.43 # scott666: I finally finished flashing my box. that's awsome, it takes about 1,5 seconds from off to resume. AWESOME 02.26.10 # tell me too! 02.26.12 # wow 02.26.22 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.26.26 # it's more like 3 seconds though... no? 02.26.33 # yup. I wonder why I was waiting so long. 02.26.39 # no, it's much faster. 02.26.52 # mm\ 02.27.06 # other harddisk: Toshiba MK4025GAS 02.27.12 # ahhh 02.27.35 # Debug->Disk info says spinup time = 0ms ?!? 02.27.43 # must spinup disk before it reads 02.27.48 # go into a dir first 02.28.12 # cycle times both 120 ms 02.28.44 # right spinup time 990 ms. 02.30.07 # hmm 02.30.11 # rpncalc.c isn't being mad.e 02.31.42 # nm 02.31.48 # the next devkit is coming with an MD5 file!! 02.32.01 # lol 02.32.26 # tell us why 02.33.14 # gives people a nice simple way to test certain things 02.33.27 # sure 02.35.02 # there is no reason what so ever why you should be having these problems 02.35.24 # i suspect you have the same problem some1 else had 02.35.30 # bad files 02.41.20 # heh 02.41.24 # why use 7zip though 02.41.27 # why not rar or .zip? 02.42.59 # 7zip is a better compressor 02.43.01 # that's all 02.43.02 # :) 02.43.26 # personally speaking, I'm not really a second-best kind of guy 02.44.55 # right 02.45.02 # what about tar.gz ;) 02.45.11 # you already said zip 02.45.24 # tar = tape archive, .gz = zip 02.45.25 # :P 02.45.26 Join T^JulioVega [0] (~fred@pD9EE24C7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 02.45.32 # kaboofa, go to 7zip website, there is a rating 02.45.33 # heyho 02.45.35 # +on it 02.45.43 # yeah 02.45.46 # but i don't want to use it 02.45.56 # hi T^JulioVega 02.46.00 # can sombody help me? 02.46.08 # with? 02.46.14 # flashing 02.46.15 # if you like zip, you should use 7-zip's multi-pass adaptive huffman table generator 02.46.25 # adaptive huffman? AHAHAHA 02.46.26 # or continue using tar.bzip2 ;) 02.46.28 # HAR HAR 02.46.33 # back to my code. 02.47.19 # again dude, I'm sure you can find loads of compressors that are suitable for "second-best" type people, you've not mentioned ARJ, ZOO or the elusive HA yet 02.47.33 # can someone tell me where i can download the right packet for my jukebox with the file "ajbrec.ajz" in it? 02.47.33 # LOL 02.47.49 # bc: there is this thing called standard 02.47.57 # where a lot of people have it 02.47.59 # etc 02.48.00 # anyway 02.48.10 # T^JulioVega, um.. 02.48.12 # back to code. 02.48.15 Nick kaboofa is now known as kaboofa`code (~kaboofa@dsl092-066-005.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 02.48.15 DBUG Enqueued KICK kaboofa`code 02.48.19 # http://joerg.hohensohn.bei.t-online.de/archos/flash 02.48.23 # for flashing 02.48.31 # yes, what is the standard for self-extracting exe's nowdays? 02.48.32 # kool thx 02.48.44 # you saying i should use CAB? 02.48.47 # yeah 02.48.48 # i am 02.48.52 # you are 100% weird - lol 02.48.53 # no 02.48.55 # i'm saying that i don't like self extracting anything 02.48.55 # np* 02.49.02 # what type is the jukebox studio 20? is it a v2? 02.49.04 # because i don't want to run any code that i don't know what it is 02.49.16 # um 02.49.19 # studio! or player. 02.49.24 # studio 02.49.32 # i mean, when you purchase retail, that's different, but downloading from some guy named 'blue chip' sounds shady. 02.49.32 # player. 02.49.35 # shady in the pants! 02.49.42 # then I think you should not use anything modern - perhaps a full cygwin install would be better for yourself? 02.49.42 # now i code!~ 02.49.44 # ach du bist eh deutsch, wieso laber ich da englisch ^^ 02.50.00 # i'm usually on fbsd 02.50.05 # but i couldn't find sh1 stuff on ports. 02.50.26 # er, download the source and type make? 02.50.30 # T^JulioVega, studios cannot be flashed 02.50.40 # och nö 02.50.42 # fuck 02.50.46 # ndoch 02.50.54 # i would rather not install older gcc and sh1 stuff on my fbsd machine 02.51.09 Part kaboofa`code ("code. i don't want to argue with bc either.") 02.51.18 # LOL 02.52.01 # Requirements 02.52.01 # You need two things: 02.52.01 # The first is a Recorder, FM Recorder or Recorder V2 model 02.52.33 # 2. more luck than BC 02.52.36 # ups ^^ 02.52.58 # T^JulioVega, a recorder is a recorder or better, a player is a player or a studio (2 lines of char lcd) 02.53.53 # hey 02.53.59 # what does this mean? 02.54.00 # Players can also be flashed, but Rockbox does not run cold-started on those, yet 02.55.29 # huh? 02.55.32 # i am pretty sure players cannot be flashed 02.55.39 # at all 02.55.43 # they CAN'T\ 02.55.51 # they can be flashed actually 02.55.54 # i think it is POSSIBLE, but not done 02.55.56 # but.. rockbox doesn't run in flash 02.56.05 # ok 03.01.26 Join wiler [0] (wiler@adsl-68-92-121-250.dsl.spfdmo.swbell.net) 03.03.00 # using recorder and want to know if it is possible to program buttons to start recording right away rather then having to go through menu? using v1 recorder 03.03.35 # no 03.03.38 # well 03.03.41 # program - yes 03.03.46 # but you can't atm. 03.04.01 # it's something everybody wants to have (customizeable buttons), but nobody wants to implement 03.05.56 # it's quite easy just edit the menu system in the C code 03.06.17 # yes, like i SAID, you can just PROGRAM IT, but it's not YET implemented. 03.06.43 # yeah, pretty easy to modify the code to suit wiler, but not to make it customizeable 03.08.00 # well guys, it's 3:00 in the morning here in beatiful germany and i have to go to school at 8:00, so i'd better go to bed now 03.08.12 # cya 03.08.18 # hehe. ich muss auch morgen wieder raus. 03.08.20 # ciao 03.08.36 # morgen? du meinst wohl heute ^^ 03.08.40 # nja 03.08.45 # also gn8@ll 03.08.57 # hmmm, well i'll have a look at the code and see what i can do 03.09.02 Quit T^JulioVega ("Ich muss ins Gebüsch...Die Arbeit ruft...") 03.09.14 # i don't know a ton about coding in c but why not 03.09.28 # wiler: good starting point. that's how open source works 03.10.03 # so i assume i can download the latest source from somewhere? 03.10.07 # cvs 03.10.50 # either by cvs if you want to keep it up every day without fiddling in your changes every day, or a daily tarball if you plan to get the source once, then work in peace 03.11.40 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/daily.shtml or http://rockbox.haxx.se/cvs.html 03.12.23 # http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cyborgsystems/CS_Main/RockBox/Win32_DevKit/HowTo_CVS.html 03.12.35 # ah, well, of course 03.12.52 # linus put a lot of work into that 03.13.52 # I see 03.21.21 # ok guys, I really have to go to bed now. 03.21.27 # nitey nite 03.21.35 # night lImbus 03.21.37 # nite 03.21.50 # n8 all. 03.21.55 # nate? 03.22.04 # cd .. 03.22.04 # lol 03.22.12 # opps. it's rather german 03.22.20 # oohh, wondered that went 03.22.20 Nick lImbus is now known as lImbus|ZzzzzZ (lImbus@66.106-200-80.adsl.skynet.be) 03.22.35 # oh yes, n-acht 03.22.48 # right. 03.22.52 # ahhh 03.26.00 # http://www.sonicstudios.com/index.htm#intro/quit 03.26.08 Quit wiler ("[BX] PARTYTIME! 5 seconds to the millenium! 4...3...2...1...EOF From client") 04.26.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.29.26 # For those interested, I have updated my PLUGINS section over at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cyborgsystems 04.29.43 # yo yo yo 04.29.46 # *checks it out 04.33.58 # klondike win sequence is sooooooo overkill :) 04.35.20 # oh damn, i need to learn how to play solitaire now.. :D 04.35.51 # i must be a minute or two long - LOL 04.35.55 # it 04.36.04 # seriously? 04.36.12 # haha, updated archos.. 04.36.15 # tesitng starfield first. 04.36.21 # you say it is fast 04.36.24 # holy HELL 04.36.55 # new grafix lib :) 04.37.04 # hey the twinklies work now! 04.37.09 # never saw them before. 04.37.53 # ok i am on a mission to beat solitaire... 04.37.56 # but..... 04.37.59 # Incompatible Version 04.37.59 # ? 04.38.11 # no! you are joking? 04.38.17 # no.. 04.38.29 # incompatible. 04.38.34 # what ajz you using? 04.38.51 # the one provided 04.38.59 # oh 04.39.04 # card_Klondike.rock? 04.39.18 # needs latest cvs of audio-3587 release 04.39.21 # or Klondike_solitaire_ALPHA 04.39.23 # hmm 04.39.24 # of -> or 04.39.29 # must be my fault for keeping the old one 04.39.36 # the included is card_Klondike right 04.39.55 # download the release pack is probably easiest 04.40.03 # i DID 04.40.09 # my mistake.. i have an old klondikein here too 04.40.21 # hmm, jumpy "cyborg systems" logo introduction 04.40.23 # lol 04.40.30 # jumpy? 04.40.40 # i like the way the card goes fast to wipe and then slow to introduce the text 04.40.52 # yes, it is blank, then the black box goes halfway 04.40.52 # then all the way 04.40.57 # then back down half way 04.40.57 # then disappears 04.41.23 # haha 04.41.23 # i love it. 04.44.34 # i have to commend you on solitaire bc. 04.45.26 Quit gromit` ("Client exiting") 04.45.52 # thank you 04.45.57 # jumpy log is a bug 04.46.00 # log 04.46.01 # logo 04.46.06 # haha 04.46.14 # i like it actually... 04.46.37 # weird - it works find in the sim!! 04.58.47 # well, that's for another day, probably not this week - nite all :) 04.59.25 Quit BC ("For The Latest Rockbox DevKit AND Advanced Plugins Visit http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cyborgsystems") 05.13.46 Quit midkizzt0r (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.13.50 Join midknight2k3 [0] (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 05.13.53 Quit midknight2k3 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.15.09 Join midk [0] (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 05.28.30 Nick midk is now known as midkizzt0r (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 05.45.54 Nick midkizzt0r is now known as midjizzt0r (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 05.45.55 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.46.02 Quit AciD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.49.42 Nick midjizzt0r is now known as midkizzt0r (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 05.54.41 Nick midkizzt0r is now known as midgamezt0r (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 05.56.24 Nick midgamezt0r is now known as midkizzt0r (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 06.26.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.34.03 Join LinusN [200] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 06.34.37 # hey LinusN 06.37.51 # yo 07.29.19 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-78-112.dynamic.qsc.de) 07.57.39 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.26.30 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.29.17 Join Christi-S [0] (~christi@client-479-p-2-lns.winn.dial.virgin.net) 08.32.47 Join Hooth [0] (~jirc@acs-24-154-251-160.zoominternet.net) 08.33.01 # hello everyone, new user here 08.33.36 # anyone here? 08.33.43 # me. 08.33.55 # hey hows it goin 08.34.00 # good, you? 08.34.20 # decent, i got a question for you guys 08.34.28 # k 08.35.00 # Hooth: shoot 08.35.08 # is it just me, or when the volume is turned up to 100% is it louder than the original archos firmware? 08.35.14 # yes it is 08.35.22 # player or recorder, btw? 08.35.24 # it is louder, or its just me? 08.35.31 # i have the studio 20 08.35.59 # i believe rockbox is louder on the player/studio as well 08.36.46 # we have a different volume scaling algorithm than the original firmware 08.37.21 # yeah the reason i was wondering is because i recently bought a FM transmitter, yeah i know they suck haha, but anyways i had to turn up the volume so loud on my cars sterio because of how softly the archos firmware would play even at the loudest volume 08.37.40 # Regarding the manual, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I've only plugins and advanced topics (flashing, WPS editing, etc) to do. The bad news is that I want to find everyone responsible for OpenOffice and repeatedly kick them in the head. 08.38.04 # so it caused my cars speakers to hiss because they were turned up so loud 08.38.06 # haha, good luck with that Christi-S :) 08.38.20 # Hooth: but it is better with rockbox? 08.38.38 # Christi-S: openoffice isn't always pleasant to use 08.38.50 # s/always/ever/ 08.39.02 # Christi-S: you are free to send the bug reports and feature requests, though 08.39.09 # i havent got a chance to try it yet, i just got rockbox working 5 minutes ago, we'll see what happens tomorrow on the way to work, but I have a feeling it will definitly be better 08.39.10 # It's completely screwed up the section headings. 08.39.26 # I'm going to try importing to AbiWord and see if that's any better. 08.39.39 # Christi-S: what exactly is the problem? 08.39.50 # do any of you guys have it hooked up to your cars somehow? 08.40.13 # The sections don't get numbered consecutively. In fact, it keeps losing its place in the numbering scheme. 08.40.25 # Hooth: i did in my old car, but not in my current one 08.40.40 # how did you go about doing that? 08.40.55 # Hooth - I find one of those CD tape adapter things works fine. 08.40.58 # the stereo in that car had an Aux input 08.41.10 # luxury, i know... 08.41.23 # i dont have a casette player in my car 08.41.48 # Christi-S: you should file a bug report to them 08.41.50 # linus, did it have the aux input on the front, or did you have to wire it into the rear 08.42.06 # front, i'm sure.. 08.42.19 # in the rear 08.42.24 # ..or rear :) 08.42.32 # linus - probably. But after spending the last 2 days trying to figure out why it wasn't working I'm now disinclined to spend further time on it. 08.42.57 # Christi-S: that's what i call a bad Open Source attitude 08.43.07 # how did it sound feeding it directly from the headphone jack into the aux input? 08.43.21 # or did you wire it from the line out somehow 08.43.48 # Hooth: i haven't tried the Player, but it sounded fine with my recorder 08.43.56 Ctcp Ignored 5 channel CTCP requests in 3 hours and 15 minutes at the last flood 08.43.56 # * Christi-S shrugs. 08.44.36 # awesome, i'm currently running it through a monster cable fm transmitter, but as with all fm transmitters its no where near cd quality 08.47.05 # Christi-S: i guess you already have tried the very latest OO release... 08.47.29 # ok well thank you guys, i was so close to ditching this damn thing for an IPOD until i found the rockbox stuff, what a difference! thanks again! 08.47.54 # No. More bad attitude, and being on dialup. Plus I fundamentally don't like OpenOffice. It makes everything twice as hard as it ought to be. 08.48.48 # dialup is a good excuse for not trying other releases :-) 08.49.19 # night, ya'll 08.49.22 # nite 08.49.39 Quit Hooth ("Leaving") 08.50.18 # Christi-S: what do you prefer? 08.50.33 # TBH I've never found a WP I like. 08.50.37 # hm, adobe acrobat as a suggestion.. 08.51.08 # Best to keep it editable using free tools. 08.51.47 # I have a help request out on the openoffice forums, and I'll try AbiWord in the meantime. 08.52.07 # midkizzt0r: acrobat is a format, not an editor 08.52.09 # I will find a way around this - just venting my frustration. 08.52.22 # acrobat reader* SORRY 08.52.35 # midkizzt0r: acrobat reader is a reader, not an editor 08.52.39 # how do you plan on writing with a reder? 08.52.44 # i mean 08.52.49 # acrobat editor? 08.52.53 # heh .. heh.. 08.53.30 Join hooth [0] (~jirc@acs-24-154-251-160.zoominternet.net) 08.53.36 # hoothy... 08.53.43 # aight guys one more thing i fogot to ask 08.53.47 # shoot 08.54.13 # is there any way you can browse through like the folders and whatnot while a song is playing 08.54.22 # press on 08.54.34 # hahahaha 08.54.37 # THANKS 08.54.41 # i'm an idiot 08.54.45 # hooth: try the manual 08.54.49 # i'm sure thats prob right in the insturctions 08.54.53 # yeah i was just reading it 08.54.59 # the faq is good too 08.55.06 # my bad, thanks for helpin a new guy 08.55.13 # hahahaaaa, he's reading the MANUAL, what a l00ser! :-) 08.55.23 # ha, i try my best 08.55.42 # i'm just so pumped right now i dont have to put up with any more crackling noises durring all the songs 08.55.45 # haha LinusN :] 08.56.15 # hooth: you're in the car NOW? 08.56.18 # LinusN: trying to be the polar opposite of the 'RTFM n00b' stereotype? 08.56.29 # ha, no listening with my headphones 08.56.44 # scott666: :-) 08.57.03 # no one else had the problem where the song would start crackling and you would have to stop it and re start the song from the beginning? 08.57.24 # hooth: not that i can remember 08.57.42 # with rockbox? 08.57.44 # Consider yourself special. 08.58.03 # no, with the standard archos firmware 08.58.21 # now that i've installed the rockbox no more crackling, thank god 08.59.44 # weird indeed 09.00.52 # LinusN: this isnt a known problem? its the second feature on the list 09.00.53 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/features.html 09.00.55 # i was literally gana go drop 300$ on an IPOD tomorrow, so i was reading ipod reviews and i decided for the hell of it i would look at some jikebox reviews and i saw the link to your guys site 09.01.52 # it wasn't so much background noise 09.02.01 # it was more like the song didnt load up right or something 09.02.23 # oh 09.02.32 # weird 09.03.13 # scott666: the feature on the list is another thing 09.03.32 # hey all i can say is you guys saved me 300 bills 09.03.45 # it's a high frequency background noise 09.03.53 # hooth: glad to help :-) 09.03.55 # I used to get skips a lot with the Archos firmware on my player. 09.04.06 # Never used the Archos firmware on the recorder. ;) 09.04.21 # i used the archos firmware on the car ride home... 09.04.33 # how do you guys have your songs organized? 09.04.46 # i have 26 folders A-Z going by the artists name 09.05.05 # genre/artist/year - album/00 - track name.mp3 09.05.27 # damn 09.05.41 # i have a lot to learn 09.06.17 # i didnt used to use genre folders, but now i have too much music to not use them 09.06.24 # theres just too much scrolling involved otherwise 09.06.42 # like do you have subfolders in the genre folders 09.06.50 # no 09.06.52 # cuse i would have like 500 songs per genre 09.07.02 # i might need some soon though 09.07.10 # yeah 09.07.26 # my Rock directory has almost 100 Artists 09.07.49 # yeah thats what mine would be like too, maybe a few more 09.08.06 # and then each of those has between 1 and 5 cds 09.08.12 # the only complaint i have anymore about my jukebox is why did they make the faceplate thing purple 09.08.27 # i mean purple of all colors 09.08.38 # i suppose pink is better.. 09.08.42 # you're completely right. 09.08.47 # whats purple? 09.08.57 # the only complaint i have anymore about my jukebox is why did they make the faceplate thing purple 09.09.00 # the faceplate thing purple 09.09.00 # oh, right, studio 09.09.04 # faceplate thin 09.09.05 # i have an FMR 09.09.06 # Kind of a reddy blue 09.09.06 # g 09.09.13 # (Sorry, couldn't resist) 09.09.18 # ha 09.09.37 # aight ya'll i got to be at work in 5 hours 09.09.39 # 'its not pink! its light red!!' 09.09.50 # 'they already have a color for light red....PINK' 09.09.52 # so that means its bedtime, thanks again guys and girls 09.10.04 # hooth: you're welcome 09.10.06 # RvB rules... 09.10.19 Quit hooth ("Leaving") 09.14.13 # why dont we have FF/RW with sound? no ones coded it yet? 09.14.34 # or is there some other more dissapointing reason? 09.15.11 # scott666: it's tricky 09.15.51 # tricksy. 09.16.30 # yeah...i suppose you would have to load mp3 data at some set interval, and with rockbox it accelerates 09.17.06 # youd have to have the HD on the whole time, wouldnt you? 09.17.13 # yes 09.17.26 # would you anyway? 09.17.51 # if it didn't accelerate? 09.18.09 # no, i mean when theres no sound 09.18.19 # no 09.18.22 # (i dont FF very often, i was just looking at the features doc) 09.27.34 # * Christi-S sighs. Abiword can't even open it. Crashes. 09.27.53 # * Christi-S sets up OOo 1.1.2 to download and goes to get some more sleep. 09.30.03 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-78-112.dynamic.qsc.de) 09.31.03 Quit Christi-S ("If I were actually witty, this quitline would be funny.") 09.52.30 Join meshuga [0] (meshuga@c-24-21-114-212.client.comcast.net) 09.52.31 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.04.49 # LinusN, are you on air ? 10.04.55 Nick lImbus|ZzzzzZ is now known as lImbus (lImbus@66.106-200-80.adsl.skynet.be) 10.05.31 # i am 10.05.33 # ME TOO 10.06.18 # I just wanted to ask if someone may add following lines to stopwatch.c 10.06.18 # rb->reset_poweroff_timer(); 10.06.31 # \//idle poweroff prevention 10.06.34 # aha 10.06.48 # comment before code: /*idle poweroff prevention*/ 10.07.17 # you see ? it busted the kiddies laptime last week. they were not happy at all :-/ 10.09.44 # LinusN, does "Aha" mean "nice, good idea, I'm gonna quickly do that" ? 10.09.50 # yes 10.10.04 # haha 10.10.15 # * lImbus is happy. first contribution that goes into code 10.11.10 # lImbus: committed 10.11.31 # cool. gonna fix that cvs-conflict now here :-) 10.13.01 # ok, I did it right after stopwatch = prev_total + *rb->current_tick - start_at; to allow poweroff if it's NOT counting, but that's all fine with me 10.14.45 Quit Strath ("Client closed") 10.15.07 # sorry, your does so, of course. * be dumb guy 10.17.02 Join Strath [0] (~mike@dgvlwinas01pool0-a232.wi.tds.net) 10.22.57 # yo strath 10.26.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.31.40 # l8ers, I am off for work. see you there 10.31.46 Quit lImbus (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 10.32.35 Quit Strath ("Client closed") 11.36.22 Nick midkizzt0r is now known as midgamet0r (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 11.37.17 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-78-112.dynamic.qsc.de) 11.40.47 Nick midgamet0r is now known as midkizzt0r (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 11.49.35 # midk: wtf? 11.49.43 # ? 11.49.52 # whats with the names 11.49.57 # i am the new 'off the hizzle' midk. 11.50.46 # well get back on the hizzle before i bludgeon you 11.50.51 # oh crap 11.50.53 Nick midkizzt0r is now known as midk (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 11.51.06 # thank you 11.51.13 # surely! 11.51.15 # isnt it past your bedtime? 11.51.16 # heh 11.51.23 # it's only 2:51am 11.51.33 # last night i stayed up until... hmm.. 5:25am-ish 11.51.52 # you didnt answer my question 11.51.59 # it is not. 11.52.35 # youre 2 hours behind me? where are you again? CA? 11.52.40 # WA 11.52.45 # right 11.52.48 # thats what i meant 11.52.54 # lol 11.52.55 # theyre right next to each other 11.53.09 # pacific timezone, bee ahh tch. 11.53.25 # |--------------| <--this far apart 11.53.33 # (not to scale) 11.54.10 # yeah. that makes about as much sense as: 11.54.14 # midk looks like this - :) 11.54.18 # (not quite) 11.54.28 # exactly 11.54.56 # so it is the yawns0rs 11.54.58 # you look EXACTLY like a colon and a close paren 11.55.05 # LOL.. 11.58.22 # WTF 11.58.31 # there's a textpad 4.7.3 out and i'm using 4.7.2 11.58.33 # god dammit :( 12.10.06 Join lImbus [0] (~manuel@kernel.cycos.net) 12.13.49 # hey lImbus 12.24.54 Join scott666_ [0] (~scott666@c-24-245-58-48.mn.client2.attbi.com) 12.24.54 Quit scott666 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.25.24 Nick scott666_ is now known as scott666 (~scott666@c-24-245-58-48.mn.client2.attbi.com) 12.25.36 # * scott666 defeats the ghost 12.25.46 # WOO 12.25.49 # go scott 12.25.51 # YEAH 12.25.56 # lol 12.26.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.54.49 # hey scott666, was afk, sorry, now off for meal 12.55.27 # scott666, talk to meh. 12.56.03 # can anyone give me a reason to not remove the Mute feature? 13.00.17 # no. I was quite confused by this too. 13.00.50 # haha 13.00.52 # um 13.01.08 # well LinusN, we'd have very few useless features left to joke about.. :) 13.06.27 # LinusN: kill it 13.06.58 # midk: what other useless features do we have left? 13.07.12 # *does some quick thinking 13.07.17 # hmm, binary clock? 13.07.27 # lol 13.07.33 # OH i've got it... 13.07.39 # oh wait, i don't.. 13.07.43 # plugins dont count 13.07.50 # cause theyre modular (thats the point) 13.07.55 # well um 13.07.59 # the um.. 13.08.10 # right. have to go to bed now.. bye. :D 13.08.15 # haha, not yet jk 13.08.16 # wait! 13.08.18 # damn 13.08.18 # ok 13.08.21 # err 13.08.22 # good 13.08.24 # not damn 13.08.29 # LOL 13.08.40 # common typo 13.08.55 # the keys must be like right next to each other 13.08.56 # midk: are you on XP? 13.09.01 # yeah 13.09.15 # do you have a file C:\.rnd? 13.09.30 # no 13.09.34 # ok 13.09.39 # im trying to figure out wtf it is 13.09.39 # sucker 13.09.56 # delete that b...lock of wasted space. 13.10.06 # wow, that was really quick thinking 13.10.19 # wouldve been even quicker without the ...s 13.10.32 # its less than 1k 13.11.25 # delete it. 13.11.30 # well VIEW IT 13.11.36 # wtf is in it 13.11.40 # dcc sucks 13.12.03 # ahh! its exactly 1024 bytes 13.12.05 # im scared 13.12.28 # wow, 1kb.. 13.12.31 # delete it. 13.13.14 # theres a lot of ???s and one U right in the middle 13.13.28 # just delete the bastard.. 13.13.29 # ? = [][][] 13.13.42 # but its so random! 13.13.56 # DEE LEEE TT 13.14.20 # what if its important? 13.14.47 # WHAT IF IT COMES BACK AND ITS 2^20 BYTES?! 13.15.01 # and then 2^30! 13.15.08 # where will the madness end midk? 13.15.10 # WHERE?! 13.15.16 # | |= _| () () [ /\ |\| |2 [- /\ |) + |-| | S, _| () () |\| [- [- |) + () |) [- |_ [- + [- .|2|\||) 13.16.11 # lol 13.16.31 # ah, pointless ascii chars - fun! 13.16.32 # whered you steal that from? bash? 13.16.44 # definitely bash 13.16.46 # i remember YOU made one a while ago. 13.16.52 # oh 13.16.53 # ... 13.16.59 # iff joo can read this joo need to get laid 13.16.59 # lol 13.17.08 # i decided to.. modify it a bit 13.18.16 # (i stole it from bash) 13.18.19 # http://bash.org/?66959 13.18.28 # WTF 13.18.38 # all my respect for you.. gone 13.18.59 # lol 13.19.17 # also happened today: http://bash.org/?5300 13.19.47 # i finished the joke 13.19.54 # common typo 13.19.54 # the keys must be like right next to each other 13.20.06 # lol 13.20.16 # yeah 13.20.32 # which was my conclusive proof that you stole the j00 thing from bash 13.20.42 # I DIDN'T STEAL IT 13.20.44 # YOU DID 13.20.49 # YEARS AG... well maybe months 13.20.54 # thats what i forgot 13.22.17 # tasteless. 13.22.57 # * scott666 gasps 13.23.10 # who's tired?! 13.23.12 # ME! 13.23.16 # not i 13.23.17 # *looks out from behind blinds 13.23.23 # it's LIGHT OUT 13.23.23 # and its 6:30 here 13.23.31 # 4:30am... 13.23.34 # im going to summer school in an hour 13.23.38 # haha 13.23.41 # have you been up all night? 13.23.44 # yes 13.23.51 # holy hell... 13.23.55 # do you do this often? 13.24.01 # it was the only way to be sure i would remember to go 13.24.02 # do you fail summerschool? 13.24.05 Join c0utta [0] (~c0utta@162.cust2.sa.dsl.ozemail.com.au) 13.24.08 # no 13.24.10 # of course not 13.24.19 # do you exit the classroom prior to the end of class? 13.24.31 # prior to it? no 13.24.43 # hm.. 13.26.22 # is partook a word? it sounds good even if it isnt 13.26.53 # partook in = correct grammar. 13.49.37 Nick midk is now known as midk|sleep (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 13.49.54 # nite scott, lImbus, linus. 13.50.08 # its not night 13.50.13 # its more definitely morning 13.50.17 # oh.. yeah 13.50.19 # um 13.50.23 # how to word this.. 13.50.30 # good morning. time for bed. 13.50.41 # sounds good 13.51.00 # even if 'good morning' is an oxy moron 13.51.03 # yawn. make sure you check out my render of the solar system before you go to school 13.51.06 # you moron 13.51.16 # wtf am i still doing up. 13.51.20 # GOOD ... MORNING 13.51.22 # *leaves 14.11.51 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.26.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.28.10 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 14.30.44 Quit AciD (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.31.01 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 14.34.43 Join AciD` [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 14.50.01 # scott666: sometimes I think you both (you and midk) need help ;-) 14.50.47 Quit AciD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.01.15 Quit AciD` (Connection timed out) 15.04.16 # i really hope they're in a different timezone :) 15.05.47 # different from what ? 15.32.36 # mine 15.32.39 # well 15.32.44 # utc aqtually 15.52.07 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-78-112.dynamic.qsc.de) 15.54.08 Part LinusN 16.26.38 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.43.43 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 16.48.49 Join Naked [0] (naked@naked.iki.fi) 16.49.58 Quit Hadaka (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.50.04 Nick Naked is now known as Hadaka (naked@naked.iki.fi) 16.56.50 Join dstar5 [0] (lee@ACC4D360.ipt.aol.com) 16.57.18 Join mecraw_ [0] (~lmarlow@ 16.58.24 # mecraw_: :) 17.02.02 # midk|sleep: wake up 17.12.12 Join kaboofa [0] (~kaboofa@dsl092-066-005.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 17.19.12 Nick mecraw_ is now known as mecraw (~lmarlow@ 17.19.22 # dstart5: howdy 17.20.58 # can't use tab completion? lol 17.21.13 # it's been a rough morning 17.22.27 # ohh 17.26.59 # mecraw: want to play rockbox-trivia? 17.27.53 # #rockbox-trivia 17.41.27 Quit lImbus () 17.41.44 Join lImbus [0] (~manuel@kernel.cycos.net) 17.48.14 # hmm 17.48.31 # ncurses fo' rockbox 17.48.36 # need to code! 18.11.04 Join elinenbe [0] (trilluser@207-237-224-177.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 18.11.32 Join D0gbert [0] (~dogbert@dsl-082-082-234-217.arcor-ip.net) 18.11.46 # evening 18.18.59 # hi 18.23.14 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.26.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.54.52 # moo. 18.57.39 # BOO!!! 19.00.17 # miau 19.22.51 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.30.34 # bye bye 19.30.50 Quit dstar5 ("Leaving") 19.49.44 Join Rob2222 [0] (Rob2222@ACB47EE9.ipt.aol.com) 19.57.05 Join oxygen77 [0] (~Chris@pauguste-7-82-66-87-78.fbx.proxad.net) 20.22.38 Quit AciD (Connection timed out) 20.26.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.49.46 Join zeekoe [0] (~rtwolf@ip51cc69f6.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) 20.51.19 # wheeeee! 20.51.32 # i got my own program running on rockbox!!!!! 20.51.35 # :P 20.51.40 # webmind: (delayed response) at the time it was 7am here and 5am for midk 20.51.54 # zeekoe: whats it do? 20.52.29 # it displays "Hello zeekoe!" 20.52.37 # sweet 20.52.38 # i used this one: http://rockbox.my-vserver.de/win32-sdk.html 20.52.43 # 0 20.52.54 # it seems a bit old :) 20.53.48 # i kept my cygwin files because they're quite a bit newer, i had to change the cvs server from sourceforge to rockbox, i had to put the gcc-elf files to some other bin directory, and then it worked :) 20.54.24 # i recomend trying the one on this page: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cyborgsystems/CS_Main/RockBox/RockBox.htm 20.55.33 # ok 20.55.41 # i already tried that one some time ago 20.55.49 # how long ago? 20.55.53 # i stuck and tried something else 20.55.54 # uh 20.55.55 # and what happened? 20.55.58 # 2-3 days ago 20.56.02 # really? 20.56.06 # well, it couldn't found stuff or so 20.56.11 # how did you get stuck? 20.56.13 # but i didnt dug deep into it or so 20.56.16 # let's try again 20.56.20 # scott666, ah ok 20.56.42 # webmind: what time did you read it at? 20.56.48 # scott666, my client (which is on utc) said 11.55 20.57.00 # ahh 20.57.30 # in what timezone are you btw? 20.58.15 # central? 20.58.30 # central what? :) 20.58.38 # GMT -6 20.59.01 # ah k 20.59.02 # central america 20.59.03 # us :) 20.59.11 # k 20.59.16 # but that doesnt sound right 20.59.23 # indeed 20.59.26 # cause im in minnesota and not panama 20.59.41 # what tla is there for it ? 20.59.57 # or 4 letters :) 21.00.05 # uhh 21.00.08 # tla? 21.00.15 # three letter acronym :) 21.00.48 # CST or CDT i think 21.01.20 # i checked the windows clock settings before i answered and it was completely useless 21.01.33 # S-standard D-daylight 21.01.45 # so whenever daylight savings time is its D 21.01.53 # but i have no idea which is which 21.06.11 # i think it's D now. 21.06.13 Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-78-112.dynamic.qsc.de) 21.06.21 # anyway, i got the other devkit working :) 21.06.31 Join Jovanni1 [0] (~jovanni@M725P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at) 21.06.35 # just copied the cvs updating thing from the old one 21.13.00 Quit lImbus () 21.19.30 # so... is there an easy way to put a custom bitmap for eg the usb connect in the firmware? :) 21.19.43 # i already found out i have to use screens.c 21.20.12 # or should i insert hexadecimal codes by hand... 21.20.31 # well, you find out where the usb image is, then replace it with yours 21.20.51 # theres a nice app for converting a bmp to rockbox format, but i cant think of the name of it 21.20.58 # hmm 21.20.58 # someone'll say it 21.21.08 # could be bmp2rb 21.21.15 # that sounds right 21.21.15 # ok 21.21.17 # maybe... 21.21.22 # search the rockbox site 21.21.24 # i found that one too 21.21.29 # let's try what it does 21.25.20 # hmm... it says 256 bit bitmap 21.25.23 # but it's mono 21.25.42 # and on 24 bit it says 6144 21.30.28 # hmm... i guess it was badly precompiled or so 21.30.33 # i'll ask again sometime 21.30.53 # it definitely requires mono 21.36.35 # yep 21.36.41 # it has mono 21.36.46 # but that doesnt work 21.37.30 Quit Jovanni1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.45.12 # zeekoe: what program are you using? 21.45.35 # to save the .bmps with that is 21.48.26 # paint, paint shop pro, irfanview 21.48.35 Join dstar5 [0] (lee@IC62.library.oregonstate.edu) 21.48.36 # same result, all of them 21.49.46 # midk|sleep, wake up dude 21.50.15 Join lImbus [0] (lImbus@66.106-200-80.adsl.skynet.be) 21.50.33 # there we are again. 21.50.49 # cool, lots of people online :P 21.50.50 # and look at midk|sleep, he must be tired 21.51.03 # midk is always awake at this time 21.51.26 # in what timezone does he live? 21.51.30 # midk|sleep signed on at 12-07-2004 05:15:08, and has been idle 7 hours, 59 minutes and 48 seconds 21.51.38 # yes, he was online all night long (HIS night, not mine). he is PST 21.51.46 # hehe 21.51.48 # uh 21.51.59 # anyone here that uses the car adapter mode ? 21.52.08 # PST=GMT-8? 21.52.18 # he should be awake :P 21.52.30 # lImbus: hey i just saw a website about that :P 21.53.10 # http://de.geocities.com/matthiasklumpp/cdcemu-e.html 21.53.21 # but you probably already know that one :) 21.53.57 # yes, I kno that page, but I am talking about something different. 21.54.04 # just the feature / setting in menue. 21.54.18 # I flashed my archos yesterday (from cvs own build). with the car adapter mode on, the archos starts and resumes if I plug in power. fine 21.54.58 # he goes to pause (and idle poweroff) if I unplug it, like if the current would be interrupted because I switch of the engine. 21.55.19 # hmm... okay 21.55.21 # but he does not resume if I plug it in before he went of. 21.55.40 # i suppose you already tried booting while pressing F1? 21.55.45 # this is not as I would expect it, neither as it was explained in the manual when I read it. 21.56.38 # sorry zeekoe, I've got no problem with flashing and all that. That's all pretty much fine. The car adapter mode just does not work as I would've expected in that special case 21.56.53 # going to warm up my food, then have a peek at the code. 21.57.03 Nick lImbus is now known as lImbus|eating (lImbus@66.106-200-80.adsl.skynet.be) 21.57.12 # hmm no it should go to play mode 21.57.34 # i mean pause mode 21.58.14 Nick midk|sleep is now known as midk (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 21.58.26 # hmmmm 21.58.32 # haha. 21.58.41 # anyone know if you can use nickel metal-hydride batteries on archos recorders? 21.58.57 # * kaboofa greps the faq 21.59.01 # midk!!!!!!!!!! 21.59.06 # yeah! 21.59.17 # kaboofa: guess what im doing right now :P 21.59.20 Nick midk is now known as midkizzt0r (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 21.59.26 # zeekoe: yankin it? 21.59.29 # i don't know 21.59.29 # : 21.59.40 # kaboofa: uh... yankin?? 21.59.48 # as in, cranking out a quick one 21.59.50 # touching your penis 21.59.55 # uh 21.59.57 # nope 22.00.02 # why not just tell me? 22.00.22 # i'm using nimh batteries in my archos jukebox recorder 20 22.00.27 # ok 22.00.28 # sweet 22.00.41 # you stupid sex-minded kaboofa :P 22.00.43 # (nofi) 22.01.01 # what is nofi? 22.01.05 # no flame intended 22.01.07 # lol kaboofa that's not nice 22.01.10 # oh 22.01.11 # sorry 22.01.34 # who cares... we are all not nice, anyway 22.01.38 # i have 2000mAh nimh batteries now :D 22.01.44 # ok 22.01.46 # instead of 1200mAh nicd 22.01.46 # i have 2300 22.01.49 # *nica 22.01.51 # whatever 22.01.53 # muahaha 22.01.54 # nickel cadium 22.02.08 # can i be 'not nice' too? 22.02.23 # yeah, midkizzt0r, just say something evil 22.02.30 # hmm 22.02.35 # i want to say stuff but i know everything here is logged 22.02.42 # so i won't 22.02.42 # you idiot! 22.02.42 # now 22.02.45 # to answer question 22.02.49 # what are you doing 22.02.51 # kaboofa: but i don't have an archos charger, so i dunno if that'll work, just charge the batteries outsode the unit 22.03.04 # JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANTED TO ASK!! 22.03.05 # AYEAKH!!! 22.03.06 # sory 22.03.08 # *sorry 22.03.11 # on my period. 22.04.20 # kaboofa is having his period? 22.04.42 # i guess so 22.04.43 # yes. 22.04.58 # ah, that explains it. 22.04.59 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 22.05.12 # never seen rpn-calculatinig women 22.06.16 # you should. 22.06.16 # who says he is a woman? :p 22.06.23 # now fix my question on the mailing list :) 22.06.40 # the rpnstack array is not being changed at all. 22.06.45 # AT ALL 22.06.54 # what...? 22.07.00 # on my rpncalc program 22.07.01 # an rpn calculator on the rockbox? 22.07.03 # hehe 22.07.08 # which mailing list? 22.07.15 # rockbox mailing list 22.07.19 # zeekoe: < zeekoe> kaboofa: guess what im doing right now :P 22.07.20 # i subscribed to 2-3 mailing lists but never get any mail 22.07.22 # what are you doing :( 22.07.38 # kaboofa: typing on a keyboard 22.07.49 # oh 22.07.50 # midk: are you still subscribed to the list? did you see em talkin shit about clockbox? 22.08.04 # i thought it had something with relavance of the bot or myself :P 22.08.20 # the bot for trivia, that is 22.08.30 # WTF! 22.08.54 # scott: i have gmail dump all the rockbox mails into some folder somewhere,, 22.09.52 # ah .. DAMMIT 22.09.54 # i HATE THAT BUG 22.10.09 # which one? 22.10.23 # the time one 22.10.24 # midkizzt0r: now you're not nice too 22.10.32 # midkizzt0r: you're cursing 22.10.34 # the lcd one is easily fixable but i thought i just did 22.10.47 # * midkizzt0r contemplates saying fuck 22.12.06 # lol 22.12.36 # wtf though 22.12.37 # i' 22.12.44 # i like, just fixed those bugs.. 22.12.50 # oh well, time to get coding 22.12.53 # fix them...more? 22.12.53 # after i take a shower. 22.12.58 # stfu scott 22.13.28 # guys, serious: whom old are you ? 22.13.36 # s/whom/how 22.13.56 # hey! 22.14.01 # you're eating! 22.14.05 # wait i know this 22.14.20 # you cant eat and type at the same time? 22.14.26 # keep your mouth shut while eating or you get all kinds of foody things out of your mouth 22.14.42 # some kind of multitasking 22.14.48 # ...you cant type with your mouth closed?? thats even worse 22.15.08 # so you people don't type with your teeth? 22.15.10 # that's odd 22.15.32 # i type with my fireman! 22.15.35 # or fingers 22.15.36 # either way 22.15.42 # i hope that doesn't mean what i think it means 22.15.49 # it means toes. 22.16.03 # no it doesn't! 22.16.23 Nick midkizzt0r is now known as midk|shower (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 22.16.34 # as bc would say, only people who are dirty shower. 22.16.50 # and as scott would know, i don't "really" shower... :D 22.17.20 # and my question stays unanswered... 22.17.50 # lImbus|eating: which question? 22.17.55 # about the car thingy? 22.18.06 # about your AGE, guys 22.18.22 # i'm 18, live in holland, how old are you? :) 22.18.29 # i'm 17 i live in the united states 22.18.43 # I'm coming back from a 10 days camp with 8-14 years old guys and you behave worse 22.18.53 # 22, belgium, working in germany 22.19.06 # heh 22.19.13 # i'm just kidding around 22.19.14 # i don't believe kaboofa 22.19.15 # im 17 in the US 22.19.24 # but, i really need to fix this error 22.19.28 # change of plans. 22.19.29 # c99 doesn't like for loops. 22.19.30 # at all. 22.19.31 # how can a 17 year old say such mean things 22.19.32 Nick midk|shower is now known as midk|laundry (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 22.19.37 # uh oh 22.19.39 # *hides 22.19.49 # wtf? did you chagne your mind? 22.19.54 # first it didn't like for(int i=0;..... 22.19.57 # scott i have no clean clothes 22.20.04 Nick zeekoe is now known as zeekoe|shredder (~rtwolf@ip51cc69f6.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) 22.20.05 # so i made int i; for(i=0... 22.20.05 # well i have a select few but 22.20.08 # nothing good... 22.20.12 # none of my stuff is good. 22.20.14 # now i don't think it's likeing my i-- in the index 22.20.33 # oh wait! its not me thats dirty, its just the CLOTHES! midk: 1 shower: 0 22.20.36 Nick zeekoe|shredder is now known as zeekoe (~rtwolf@ip51cc69f6.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) 22.20.45 # LOL 22.20.47 # well 22.20.52 # i have been wearing these clothes for.. 22.20.55 # *runs to do laundry 22.21.07 # midk|laundry: i can smell you from here 22.21.07 # i'm going to take a shower after my clothes are clean 22.21.17 # zeekoe, i wouldn't be surprised 22.21.23 # why not take a shower while theyre being washed...? 22.21.32 # oh yeah 22.21.40 # and walk around naked the last 1 hour of the cycle? 22.21.41 # it's called multitasking 22.21.45 # that would be some multithreading 22.21.58 # inky pinky... well whatever 22.22.25 # die. 22.22.40 # ok here's what i'll do. 22.22.42 # take a shower now. 22.22.45 # then start the laundry. 22.22.52 Nick midk|laundry is now known as midk|shower (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 22.23.04 # no, start the laundry first you dolt 22.23.04 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 22.23.09 # WWHY 22.23.21 # hey hardeep 22.23.31 # hello 22.23.53 # no, shower first. 22.23.56 # brb now 22.25.11 # midk|shower, 22.26.24 # contrary to how it may appear, midk is not really talking on IRC while taking a shower...awesome as that would be 22.26.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.26.53 Nick lImbus|eating is now known as lImbus|dessert (lImbus@66.106-200-80.adsl.skynet.be) 22.27.11 # looks like lImbus|dessert is using irc and eating at the same time... 22.27.23 # i'ts not that hard 22.27.24 # heh 22.27.26 # *it's 22.27.27 # ACK 22.28.10 # remember that multitasking-thingy we were talking about ? 22.28.18 # SYN 22.28.22 # no; sorry :( 22.28.41 # uh oh 22.28.49 # i'm getting lang.h no such file or directory 22.28.50 # a lot 22.28.55 # brain volatile kaboofa = {0}; 22.28.55 # updating dependencies 22.29.29 # i think i got that error when i was in france 22.29.33 # kaboofa, maybe you need to get lang.h 22.29.36 # only i wasnt coding anything 22.29.37 # Kaboofa.tactNuke( lImbus|dessert.getLocation() ); 22.29.38 # yeah 22.29.38 # it sucked 22.29.40 # lol 22.29.45 # or the compiler is not searching right 22.29.45 # i keep getting error 2 22.29.50 # i think i'm going to cvsup again 22.29.54 # eh 22.29.58 # that's what we call it on bsd 22.30.13 # this is odd 22.30.20 # when i make a simulator for win32 it works fine 22.30.27 # when i make the real thing, it fails, miserably. 22.30.52 # hmm 22.31.04 # * zeekoe tired 22.31.08 # cya tommorow 22.31.09 # or so 22.31.14 # nite 22.31.33 # g.night 22.31.39 Nick lImbus|dessert is now known as lImbus (lImbus@66.106-200-80.adsl.skynet.be) 22.31.56 # thx 22.31.59 # yay bleeding edge! 22.32.12 # ? 22.32.52 Join Strath [0] (~mike@dgvlwinas01pool0-a215.wi.tds.net) 22.33.03 # current cvs with some small modifs works fine for me (win32 sim and ajz too) 22.34.38 # * dstar5 has not used a daily/bleeding edge in years 22.36.46 # dstar5: years??? 22.37.02 # atleast A year... 22.37.19 # itd be hard for me to go from major version to major version 22.37.32 # so many things change between releases 22.37.50 # were due for 2.3 any time now that the voice ui has settled down 22.37.55 # scott666, would daily build to daily build not be ok for you ? 22.37.59 Nick midk|shower is now known as midkl (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 22.38.02 Nick midkl is now known as midk (~Zakk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 22.40.37 # hooray 22.40.52 # yeah, woo. 22.41.12 # brb.. 22.41.24 # lImbus: no, daily build to daily build is the right way to do it 22.41.48 # did i say something backwards? 22.42.36 # there are too many changes between major versions to learn them all at once, therefore you have to keep up with the daily builds so you can deal with change one day at a time 22.42.38 # it looked like if you cold not work/live without cvs 22.42.56 # +u on 'cold' 22.43.03 # no, not cvs 22.43.51 # and i actually dont update my firmware all that often 22.43.59 # only every time i use it 22.44.13 # which isnt that frequent, as the headphone jack is dead 22.44.47 # oh yeah. nice. 22.45.10 # yet i still read the mailing list 22.45.28 # shame that the community is better than the hardware 22.46.01 # yup. 22.46.07 # zeekoe: I know you're sleeping, but your client will tell you: The car adapter mode is working pretty fine, i was a bit too impatient: 22.47.21 # booting my rockbox takes 1-2 seconds (I say MAX. 2 seconds from OFF to RESUME), and the resume after dc-off is only fired up after 5 seconds to let the engine crank. 22.47.33 # so I was a bit confused 22.51.48 # yo. 22.53.25 # scott666: now that you say it: I think the windows-installer is a big help for simple minded people too and is another good component for 2.3 22.54.42 Quit zeekoe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.58.20 # lImbus: i think its a great idea for releases, but it kind of seems like overkill for daily builds 22.58.41 # if you cant unzip an archive you probably shouldnt be using a daily build 23.00.27 # that's for sure. but when I see how many people on the list or on this channel fail to install 2.2 Ó.ò 23.00.30 # unrelatedly (is that a word?) 'windows installer' seems kind of redundant. as if there would be a linux installer 23.01.08 # maybe one day ... :-) 23.03.43 # if theres a rockbox installer for idiots using linux, i think it will probably be after rockbox is ported to another platform or 3 23.04.06 # eh 23.04.17 # anyone that can't install rockbox should not even be thinking about trying linux 23.04.25 # exactly 23.05.02 # unless were talking 10 years from now where linux usability has more than surpassed that of windows, even for idiots 23.05.32 # but at that point i dont think there will be any rockboxable archoses alive 23.05.40 # lol 23.06.28 # except me 23.06.35 # n/m 23.06.36 # lol 23.06.47 # what if there was a Linux for Dummies distro? 23.07.02 # lindows ? 23.07.19 # no i mean actually ___ for dummies 23.07.37 # the official _____ for dummies linux distro 23.26.09 # last i checked that was like mandrake or something but i dunno by now 23.26.10 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.26.10 Quit D0gbert (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.26.42 # i don't even use distros anymore, i run a linux from scratch system hehe 23.27.17 # I guess you have no problems to install rockbox too, eh ? 23.28.05 # heh 23.28.14 # well i dunno about that 23.28.23 # not having an archos anymore sorta presents a problem in that respect 23.28.43 # archos from scratch? :) 23.28.59 # but yeah i started compiling rockbox-related code and testing it on my archos before there was "rockbox" 23.29.17 # ok, I understand. what is the exact cause you still hang around here ? the pain ? 23.29.30 # oh i dunno 23.29.45 # i fancied i'd still contribute ideas and whatnot, which was really my main contribution before anyway 23.29.50 # but i haven't really done that 23.30.01 # there's also the people and occasional interesting conversation 23.30.29 # are you not keen on getting a new archos ? 23.30.48 # i hang out in another on this network too, the activity there generally looks like: 23.30.51 # Day changed to 10 Jul 2004 23.30.53 # Day changed to 11 Jul 2004 23.30.55 Join T^JulioVega [0] (~fred@pD9EE2B05.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 23.30.56 # Day changed to 12 Jul 2004 23.31.00 # hiho 23.31.02 # i've got a rio karma now 23.31.24 # can somebody help me out again? 23.31.47 # let's try it 23.31.55 # via bestbuy's service plan i went archos studio20->archos fm rec->creative nomad zen->rio karma 23.33.06 # can someone tell me ow i can change the startup cfg? or how i can make the player display the file/dir-icons even after i turned it off and on again? 23.34.42 # ar 23.34.51 # ehh. should be it normally. 23.35.05 # it is saved somewhere in the hardware (rtc). 23.35.21 # but it breaks with every new major firmware (hardware-mask) 23.36.11 # so how can i do something? 23.36.23 # or what can i do? 23.37.26 # T^JulioVega: your settings are not being saved after shutdown? 23.37.35 # or only when you update firmware? 23.37.51 # save to a config... 23.38.01 # nope, every time i restart the box, it doesn't display the icons anymore 23.38.09 # what device do you have? 23.38.11 # menu - general settings - system - manage settings - write cfg file 23.38.27 # i have a studio 20 23.38.32 # ah, okay 23.38.44 # midk: this option isn't saved in a cfg-file 23.38.51 # the settings are only saved when there's hard disk activity 23.39.06 # so? 23.39.08 # after changing your settings, browse into a directory or something so that the hard drive is started 23.39.15 # k 23.39.15 # and then shutdown 23.39.23 # i'll try 23.40.24 # doesn't work 23.41.42 # hmmm, do you see any errors like "Save Failed" ? 23.42.28 # nope 23.42.47 # which rockbox version are you using? 23.43.17 # hey hardeep 23.43.23 # the daily build 23.44.44 # cvs040711 23.45.10 Quit AciD ("Read error: 666 (Connection reset by Satan)") 23.45.33 # did this start happening recently? 23.45.59 # jup, it sems to be happening since i have this version 23.46.44 # acid seems to have used BitchX irc client ;) 23.47.54 # ah, i see the bug 23.48.06 # which options aren't working. Just icons? 23.49.17 # seems so, i don't know another function that doesn't work 23.57.58 # so what can i do now? wait for the next version? 23.58.48 # I'm just about to commit the fix. The next bleeding edge build will have it. Or you can wait for the next daily build