--- Log for 16.09.104 Server: leguin.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 20 days and 13 hours ago 00.00.40 # hola 00.00.43 Quit silencer_ (Remote closed the connection) 00.02.16 # Seems I was a bit confused last night. 00.02.28 # ? 00.02.53 # Yes, I confused PA and PB (RTW and EOD). 00.03.10 # Rockbox used indeed PB14 00.04.21 # Anyway, I implemented my modifications into the recording transfer (first version is not asm, but plain C) 00.04.41 # Currently doing a longer test recording 00.05.54 # I also implemented (quick hack) displaying the spdif crc status in the recording screen 00.06.34 # The 2 data sheets disagreed on the correct register number, but I found the right one 00.08.02 # With several short test recordings I was able to trigger the spdif synchronization bug. This gives totally distorted recordings, but not more bad frames than usual 00.09.00 # However, I found another rockbox bug :( 00.09.31 # You can call the recording menu from the recording screen via F1, even when currently recording 00.09.44 # If you go back, the recording is stopped! 00.10.01 # amiconn, actually stopped or just shows the stopped icon? 00.10.50 # It's actually stopped, the recording size displays as 0 bytes. "Play" will start a new recording 00.11.18 # (At least this happens when source == spdif) 00.11.52 # bad 00.12.01 # s/bad/bad Linus. 00.12.02 # :) 00.12.07 # the lcd on the iriver is parallel 00.12.25 # i have identified d0-d7 00.12.32 # and the cs 00.12.57 # LA hhokup is next 00.13.00 # hookup 00.25.33 Join ripnetUK [0] (~mirc@82-70-100-230.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) 00.27.35 Join mecraw_ [0] (~lmarlow@ 00.28.13 Join silencer [0] (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) 00.34.55 # the bdm wiggler is now in Paris, coming closer... :-) 00.35.52 # whats what? 00.35.58 # where does it have to get to?? 00.36.05 # the wiggler that is :) 00.36.35 # it's a debugger interface for the coldfire cpu, and it's on its way to me in stockholm 00.36.47 # neato 00.36.54 # time to go do school work 00.36.56 # see you :) 00.36.59 # cu 00.37.09 Quit bagawk ("Leaving") 00.38.10 # its 2008km by road from Paris to Stockholm :) 00.40.34 Quit zeekoe ("bed time") 00.41.42 # LinusN: Why does usb_slave_mode(true) call ata_init() before handing over control to the usb bridge? Thinking about the mmc driver... 00.43.59 Quit mecraw (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.48.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.49.17 Join webguest93 [0] (~c7e73180@labb.contactor.se) 00.50.46 Join PaulS [0] (~0d0274bd@labb.contactor.se) 00.51.42 # Is Dave Hooper around? 00.53.30 Quit webguest93 (Client Quit) 00.54.12 # amiconn: i din't remember 00.54.15 # don't 00.54.42 # it may not even be necessary... 00.54.55 # The only purpose I can imagine is switching on the ata power... 00.54.58 # could be some old obsolete workaround 00.55.49 # Although I don't know if it may happen that ata is not yet initialized when entering usb mode 00.56.23 # In that case, ata_standby(15) wouldn't work without ata_init() 01.04.15 # ata_standby(15) should be removed and replaced with changing the powersave mode instead 01.05.06 # since ata_standby attempts to spin down immediately 01.05.15 # gotta reboot 01.05.17 # cu soon 01.05.20 Part LinusN 01.08.06 Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 01.08.32 # I'm having all sorts of troubles getting my attachment in IriverPort up... It claims to have attached the file but browsing to it returns "Internal Error" from the server. 01.08.33 # hi again 01.09.15 # (Oo.. Hi LinusN! How's the River hangin'? :-) 01.10.13 # PaulS: i think the web server is confused, and tries to run the script as a cgi 01.10.22 # cool exploit! 01.10.37 # change the extension 01.11.41 # Oh, BTW, LinusN, you need an A0 pin on that LCD display pinout, basically the Command/Data switch. 01.14.30 # Shweet.. Now I'll fixeup the links 01.16.49 Join webguest00 [0] (~524664e6@labb.contactor.se) 01.17.00 Quit _aLF (".") 01.17.53 Quit webguest00 (Client Quit) 01.22.43 Quit Headie (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.23.14 Join Headie [0] (~hehe@fsto6.sto.sema.se) 01.23.39 # PaulS: i know, i just don't know which yet 01.25.04 Quit mecraw_ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 01.28.17 # (More about A0) If you're using a scope to look at it, you'll find that the A0 signal goes active (high) for multple CS cycles during long data bursts. 01.28.45 # ...at least that's my assessment from looking at the code. 01.31.49 # The CS is driven by the ColdFire internals, and the A0 is driven by GPIO, and they just leave A0 high during the course of a data burst. 01.37.58 # hmmm, tracing with a logic analyzer, and it doesn't make any sense... 01.46.29 # anyway, i gotta sleep now, cu around 01.46.36 # nite LinusN 01.46.41 Part LinusN 01.48.12 # Awww... He left, and I had more suggestions.. Aie well. 01.48.26 # suggest them now, there are logs 01.50.44 # Well, if he's using a analyzer, he should just trigger on one of the control words like 0xB1, and follow the trace forward. The B1 byte should have A0 inactive. The next byte should have A0 active, and the next byte will be a 0x13 with A0 inactive again.' 01.52.30 # From a software point of view, though, I'm not sure this is very important, since we already know where (which GPIO pin, what register address) A0 is and what it does. 02.06.27 Join _Headie [0] (~hehe@fsto6.sto.sema.se) 02.06.28 Quit Headie (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.09.55 # Anyways, I'm off as well. Later, folks. 02.10.47 # later 02.11.39 Quit PaulS ("CGI:IRC") 02.27.49 Join Headie [0] (~hehe@fsto6.sto.sema.se) 02.27.49 Quit _Headie (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.41.53 Join bagawk [0] (Lee@ACC71881.ipt.aol.com) 02.45.50 Quit amiconn (" pow") 02.48.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.25.24 Quit gromit` (Remote closed the connection) 03.38.06 Join gromit`` [0] (~gromit@ALagny-151-1-22-167.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr) 03.38.06 Quit bagawk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.41.46 Join BC [0] (~BlueChip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 04.05.15 Part BC 04.48.38 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.38.19 Quit MrMoo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.51.58 Join maikeul [0] (~gromit@ALagny-151-1-27-251.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr) 05.57.54 # bonjour 05.58.14 # baguette avec saucisson et fromage pour moi, s'il vous plait 06.02.14 Quit gromit`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.12.39 Quit scott666_ ("i'll be back...eventually...") 06.13.18 Join flabat [0] (~f@pcp09993805pcs.narlington.nj.comcast.net) 06.13.44 # i just want to say : thank you! 06.14.36 # any developers online? 06.15.57 # me.. somewhat 06.16.50 # i just installed rockbox in my studio20, upgrade the hdd to 80gb 06.17.02 # this is awesome software 06.17.54 # :) 06.19.40 # 80gb? nice 06.20.24 # does the studio have a 2 line charcell or a lcd? 06.20.29 # I never got the hang of that 06.21.16 # charcells 06.21.25 # :/ 06.21.38 # then flabat is missing the lcd ride :( 06.23.07 # :\ yeah 06.23.17 # the best improvement, imho 06.23.26 # yes 06.23.31 # 2 lcd lines 06.23.58 # whats the lcd ride? 06.24.27 # bitmap lcd: ~8 lines, depending on font you're using 06.24.31 # graphics, etc 06.24.38 # jpeg viewer, video player 06.24.53 # no, just text on the studio 20 06.24.59 # right 06.25.06 # the bitmap lcd on the recorders does the above 06.25.09 # no money for that 06.25.23 # but you have money for a 80 gbyte disk ;) 06.25.32 # i recall they were about the same price 06.25.49 # this was a unit with bad hard drive and the hard drive i got it for free 06.25.54 # ah, okay 06.25.59 # freebies for all! :) 06.26.03 # cool cool :) 06.26.04 # so is a 80gb mp3 player for free 06.27.28 # both the player and hard drive were free 06.27.30 # ? 06.27.33 # yes 06.27.46 # certainly not bad 06.28.56 # and with the firmware update even better, the original firmware is really bad 06.29.37 # flashing the firmware is also great 06.29.51 # decreasing from a 15 sec boot time to ~1 sec 06.30.00 # is not dangerous 06.30.17 # Should not be if you know what you are doing 06.30.49 # Also, flashing the so-called rombox frees an additional ~160 kbyte for the mpeg buffer 06.31.03 # mmm, i can wait 15 secs i guess 06.31.40 # so whats the benefits with thw buffer 06.32.09 # I've read something about a 4% runtime increase 06.32.47 # erm 06.32.49 # with the old player also 06.32.52 # can't do rombox/flashing on player 06.32.58 # midk: oh. 06.33.01 # ah 06.33.05 # midk: Well, didn't know that :) 06.33.07 # :) 06.33.11 # midk: Another reason for getting the recorder ;) 06.33.37 # dwihno, high five :] 06.33.40 # * midk high fives 06.33.47 # * dwihno high fives 06.33.50 # \o/ 06.34.09 # o 06.34.11 # / \ 06.34.13 # :) 06.34.40 # So, what do you think about rockbox on ihp? 06.34.49 # will it see the light of day? 06.34.54 # sounds very interesting actually 06.35.02 # hmm. it will take a while but i think they can do it 06.36.37 # I will never doubt any project with the team members Zag/Bag/Lin 06.37.10 # same reasoning here :) 06.37.27 # i definitely don't doubt that if they want to they could do it.. and i think it would be very cool to have that running 06.37.38 # true 06.37.39 # instead of it dying out with the old archos series it could live on in the newer ihp models 06.38.13 # A successful port on the ihp will open the doors, I think 06.38.53 # and perhaps make the iriver guys uncomfortable 06.39.13 # I guess it's not all sugar and cake 06.39.22 # it's salt and vinegar too 06.39.27 # they're cool imo.. they replace units basically no matter how they broke down 06.39.29 # ok guys, thanks again and good night 06.39.35 # nightie 06.39.40 # their firmware/support isn't bad compared to most companies 06.39.41 # night 06.39.49 Part flabat 06.41.10 # It's a tough market, so I guess their high prices perhaps increases the support and software divisions of the company 06.41.36 # they are relatively high priced, true 06.41.44 # but nice hardware/abilities make up for it 06.41.57 # yup 06.42.00 # fm tuner, 320kbps cbr recording, optical in/out, nice large lcd, etc 06.42.04 # they use 2.5" or 1.8"? Can't remember 06.42.27 # Did you see the screenshot Zagor showed yesterday? 06.42.28 # 1.8 i believe 06.42.32 # yeah, of the sim? 06.42.34 # that was really cool 06.42.35 # yeah 06.42.38 # and my clock was in it of course :) 06.42.44 # it was? 06.42.44 # hm 06.42.45 # advertisement is good 06.42.48 # Didn't see that :) 06.42.49 # the filename at least 06.42.52 # :) 06.42.58 # heh 06.43.19 # Using the prop font, most titles will fit the screen 06.44.35 # yeah, that is really cool 06.45.54 # My first archos' disk died a couple of weeks ago 06.46.10 # Do you think rapid cold and heat changes can damage the disk? 06.46.16 # :\ sorry about that. hopefully it's backed up? 06.46.22 # it's possible, but doubtful... 06.46.28 # if you keep it cool you may be able to boot it 06.46.49 # I mean, swedish winters can be quite cold 06.46.53 # (which sucks, btw) 06.47.04 # i bet 06.47.17 # iRiver has a 1.8 drive 06.47.23 # so.. it was in the snow then you grabbed it and put it in the oven to dethaw it? :) 06.47.32 # haha :) 06.47.39 # thanks plok 06.47.56 # I always keep backups 06.48.06 # good 06.48.06 # since I had a disk failure a couple of years ago 06.48.09 # good boy. 06.48.17 # Lost a ton of pre-2k sourcecode 06.48.20 # yeah, i had a disk failure. no, i don't back up. 06.48.22 # :) 06.48.40 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.48.50 # Including a rather nice VESA2 engine (first time I ever read docs to accomplish anything) :) 06.49.16 # hmm. well, that sucks, but i guess you learned a lesson 06.49.22 # yup 06.49.30 # and just remember, it was destined to happen. 06.49.40 # well, no, if you would have backed up it would have been avoided. ;) 06.50.20 # The great giant fork in the sky has already foreseen my future :) 06.50.37 # you sure that's not a spork? ;p 06.50.58 # :) 06.53.44 # yum 06.53.46 # chocolate candy 06.54.07 # yum, chocolate covered raisins. 06.54.29 # yuck :P 06.54.29 # :) 06.54.35 # those taste like... 06.54.40 # chocolate covered raisins :P 06.54.43 # haha. :) 06.59.11 Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 06.59.20 # Welcome back! 06.59.24 # thx 06.59.31 # We were busy praising the project ;D 07.00.56 # :-) 07.01.05 # haha! yeah. :) 07.01.24 # i recall something about a spork too. 07.01.35 # it was a FORK goddamnit! :) 07.02.01 # I actually wrote an ultra light encryption thingie which I named "sporkel" 07.02.02 # spork? fork? fillet knife? what's the difference. 07.02.05 # :] 07.02.28 # when i was trying to save tetris high score to disk i had to have an encrypted number to make sure it was unmodified.. 07.02.44 # the algorithm was something like "level*rows/blocks" 07.02.56 # i just sort of scrapped the idea. 07.03.07 # doesn't really matter 07.03.14 # people who cheat sucks anyhow :) 07.03.23 # yeah, that's it 07.04.02 # hmmm 07.04.13 # It would be really swell if I could make windows start my processes a bit different 07.04.30 # hm? how? 07.04.39 # disk i/o intense applications would've been given lower priority 07.04.50 # bootvis, if it works, is great. 07.05.02 # i used it once a while back.. it shaved ~15s off my booting time 07.05.03 # bootvis? 07.05.24 # it analyzes which drivers are loaded when, how long etc, then rearranges the order and stuff to make it quicker 07.05.32 # yeah.. google for it, ms took it off their site 07.05.33 # aaah... cool stuff! 07.06.17 # wonder why 07.06.23 # xp still boots quite fast 07.06.53 # yeah, it just went faster for me :) 07.06.59 # it overlaps some and stuff 07.07.03 # loading earlier 07.07.05 # not really sure. 07.10.09 # I read something about being able to replace some files on win2k with the winxp equivalents to increase boot time 07.11.07 # hmm 07.11.10 # wiat, to increase? 07.11.11 # wait* 07.11.55 # wups 07.11.59 # decrease ;) 07.12.01 # hehe 07.12.10 # "I think my computer runs too fast! I need to slow it down!" :) 07.12.17 # :) 07.12.22 # That reminds me of the turbo buttons on those old 486 machines 07.12.32 # i never understood the purpose. 07.15.54 # easy, many programs couldn't handle the extra speed, like Tetris for example 07.16.10 # so you had an option to run at a compatible speed 07.16.12 # tetris?! 07.16.15 # TETRIS?! 07.16.26 # what's with your tetris obsession, midk? :) 07.16.35 # tetris obsession?! 07.16.38 # TETRIS obsession?~ 07.16.40 # :) 07.16.55 # ever tried to run the original PC version of tetris on a modern pc? 07.17.14 # i imagine it would occur such like that as... er... no. 07.17.33 # the timing is done with delay loops 07.17.47 # so it runs faster on faster pc:s 07.18.06 # hmm. 07.18.07 # well.... 07.18.10 # hmm. 07.18.42 # Yay! Firefox 0.10 is out! 07.18.50 # I like Firefox and Thunderbirds. 07.18.51 # s- 07.18.52 # -s 07.19.17 # 1.0 you mean. 07.19.38 # and it's a preview release, not official 1.0, 07.19.43 # and it's been out for about 2 days. :) 07.21.59 # wuups 07.22.06 # Well, I'm living under a rock, okay?! :) 07.24.32 # yeah, i know. 07.24.33 # ;) 07.25.35 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 07.26.31 # time to test this stuff 07.26.44 # WHICH STUFF?! 07.30.09 # Just a plain reboot 07.30.47 # hm, ok. 07.30.55 # permission granted. 07.30.56 # :) 07.31.49 # bedtime anyways, nite 07.33.03 # nite 08.41.56 Quit Hadaka (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 08.48.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.54.14 Join [av]bani [0] (~goemon@washuu.anime.net) 08.55.40 Part LePoulpe303 08.57.35 # <[av]bani> no dead ihp's yet? 08.59.57 # <[av]bani> re: rng 09.00.18 # <[av]bani> you can collect entropy from user button presses and ide interrupt timing 09.00.27 # <[av]bani> save it when you shutdown and restore when you boot back up 09.00.32 Join Zagor [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 09.03.44 # <[av]bani> http://forum.iriverlounge.de/viewtopic.php?t=196 09.03.50 # <[av]bani> any idea wtf that whine is about? 09.07.56 # they got sour when we quoted information from their forum in our wiki 09.07.56 # we gave proper credit and references, but they still didn't like it 09.07.57 # so I removed the information again 09.08.04 Join Fusen [0] (~Fusen@fusen.user) 09.08.08 # but that wasn't enough either! 09.08.18 # so I gave up and ignored them 09.08.54 Part Fusen 09.10.50 # [av]bani: we have no rng entropy problems in rockbox 09.21.38 # <[av]bani> re: an ihp to mangle 09.22.00 # <[av]bani> maybe start a donation pool colecting funds for a sacrificial ihp-120 09.22.15 # <[av]bani> anyone who donates >$10 wil get early access to rockbox beta testing 09.22.17 # <[av]bani> etc 09.22.21 # we can use the regular donation fund 09.22.25 # we have a donation fund already. it just feels bad to buy a brand new box and destroy it... 09.22.44 # <[av]bani> cool 09.22.59 # <[av]bani> well, did you have to destroy any archos'en ? 09.23.13 # no, since they didn't use bga 09.24.37 # that was fast :) 09.24.40 # <[av]bani> ah, did bdm wiggler come out of the fund? 09.24.44 # yes 09.24.48 # <[av]bani> yey 09.25.13 # <[av]bani> that works :) 09.25.21 # :) 09.25.39 Join webguest46 [0] (~a9cfc25d@labb.contactor.se) 09.26.14 Join Naked [0] (naked@naked.iki.fi) 09.26.24 Nick Naked is now known as Hadaka (naked@naked.iki.fi) 09.27.43 Quit webguest46 (Client Quit) 09.29.23 # <[av]bani> ah so lcd is parallel after all 09.29.25 # <[av]bani> that is good :) 09.29.27 # yup 09.29.56 # i hooked up my logic analyzer yesterday, but didn't get any wiser, will work some more on it 09.30.14 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 09.30.39 # <[av]bani> i imagine many lcds even from different vendors share similar command sets 09.31.07 # <[av]bani> since companies may want to multiple source parts 09.33.04 Join pillo [0] (~trillian@navlab03.dei.unipd.it) 09.33.54 Join PaulS [0] (~437e19f6@labb.contactor.se) 09.35.33 # Hullo guys. 09.35.37 # 'lo 09.35.38 # <[av]bani> When I hit track-forward it sends any of a few strings: "1134-1", "1279", "134-2A", "13589". None of the strings are terminated by whitespace/cr/nl. I haven't yet figured out the rhyme or reason for each, although I think one of these means "went to next album". At startup I got a "674". 09.35.54 # <[av]bani> if they code like me, each digit probably indicates a function/routine 09.36.20 # [av]bani: are you talking about the remote? 09.36.32 # <[av]bani> no, thats re: the rs232 output 09.36.41 # on the rx/tx pads? 09.36.44 # <[av]bani> yes 09.37.01 # ok. free debug output :) 09.37.08 # [av]bani -- that's correct. I've seen where in the code that lives, and I know where the "putc" routine is. 09.37.10 # <[av]bani> you havent kept up with the wiki? 09.37.21 # apparently not :) 09.37.30 # <[av]bani> pauls, my guesses have been good so far :) 09.37.57 # <[av]bani> 1 is probably "main" 09.38.01 # <[av]bani> the rest, shrug 09.38.22 # <[av]bani> A maybe ata :) 09.40.24 # maybe it's similar to rockbox's panic error codes 09.40.33 # "1 is probably 'main'" -- not quite. It's debugging different spots in the track access routines. The numbers are pretty much linear 0-9 in the code, and depending on the path through the branches different digits get triggered. 09.41.45 # <[av]bani> probably something which gave them a lot of trouble 09.41.52 # <[av]bani> so they put in debug for it 09.41.58 # <[av]bani> though they never took it out, interesting 09.45.09 # Is there anything wrong with rockbox.haxx.se, or is it just my web proxy? 09.45.21 # <[av]bani> just you 09.45.34 # In the 1.40 image, putc is 0x2CBE0. The byte pushed on the stack before the JSR is the ASCII byte that'll spit out the TX. 09.45.34 # <[av]bani> :) 09.47.18 # The site has been slow for me, but I don't have a lot of context. 09.48.27 # it should be faster now 09.51.41 # The other thing they failed to take out was all the calls to debug prints. They ifdeffed out the actual content of the debug print, but the strings are there and the call to the prints are there. There are different kinds of debug print functions -- each takes a string arg, but some act like printf("%s %d"), while others are string-only. 09.53.17 # <[av]bani> sounds like someone forgot to remove -DDEBUG :) 09.53.26 # <[av]bani> or theyre too noobish to have #ifdef'd it 09.53.52 # Don't complain. :-) 09.54.06 # <[av]bani> tbh the iriver firmware is pretty bad, i suspect most of their code is purchased 3rd party that they threw together 09.54.25 # <[av]bani> well i complain when _I_ know i do better 09.54.27 # <[av]bani> :P 09.54.42 # [av]bani: from what I've heard, the iriver firmware is supposed to be quiote good 09.55.07 # hmm, I just tried building the cross compiler GCC again (with --enable-languages=c only!) and I'm getting the same error again 09.55.26 # But... but... those debug strings are going to tell me how the whole thing works! 09.55.26 # dwihno: The iRiver firmware could be a LOT better, so easily! 09.55.33 # plok: you need to use the same --prefix for binutils and gcc 09.55.54 # Zagor I'm sure that I did. I get this error 09.56.07 # If there was rockbox for iriver, I would have to buy one just for the cause of it :) 09.56.32 # insn-emit.c:8549: Internal compiler error in simplify_subreg, at simplify-rtx.c:2452 09.56.48 # wow. I haven't seen that problem before. 09.57.01 # what version is your native compiler? 09.57.08 # gcc version 3.2 20020903 (Red Hat Linux 8.0 3.2-7) 09.57.15 # should be fine 09.57.31 # have red hat stopped their custom gcc patching? 09.57.46 # no idea. don't they patch everything? 09.57.50 Join MrMoo [0] (~me@ 09.58.00 # I'll blow it all away and start from scratch again just to make sure 09.58.00 # * Zagor uses debian 09.58.08 # <[av]bani> redhat hacks everything 09.58.22 # <[av]bani> tbh what they patch was generally broken to begin with though 09.58.37 # <[av]bani> so its generally not worse :) 09.59.20 # I disagree with that description 09.59.26 # Zagor: probably... I guess you should use one of the "vanilla" distrubitions... (are there any left?) 09.59.31 # but nevermind 10.00.35 # <[av]bani> gentoo 10.00.38 # <[av]bani> is the closest 10.00.52 # debian is the coolest ;-) 10.01.04 # * Bagder joins the distro wat 10.01.08 # war 10.02.20 # Maybe I should try building on windows instead... 10.02.25 # 10.03.28 # I use gentoo too ;) 10.03.43 # hi all, sorry to say hello this way but couldn't resist ^_^ 10.04.03 # :) 10.04.22 # plok: write a doc if you succeed ;) 10.04.28 Part [av]bani 10.04.46 # I'm watching this channel these days as I'm interested in the iriver port too, and hope to start contributing soon. 10.05.37 Quit ripnetUK () 10.05.39 Join webguest72 [0] (~a9cfc25d@labb.contactor.se) 10.06.22 # Zagor: Sure :) Before or after I manage to build it with a c++ compiler? 10.06.42 # I've rebuilt binutils from scratch and am rebuilding gcc now 10.08.38 # plok: don't bother, we don't need a c++ compiler 10.10.47 # I was joking, I got the messgae yesterday :) 10.11.21 # * dwihno uses slackware 10.11.29 # Until I get my 250 gig disk working under FreeBSD ;D 10.11.47 # It's some kind of fat32 file system issue 10.12.28 Quit Bagder ("Leaving") 10.12.43 # grr... same error again :( 10.13.55 # weird 10.14.11 # maybe we should tar up our build 10.15.12 # I have another linux box with an earlier version of redhat. I could try that one first 10.15.20 # dwihno: 250gig disk, are you sure that your ATA controller can handle that? 10.15.27 # All we have at work are redhat machines 10.16.02 # the rockbox build server is currently an old redhat too 10.16.16 Quit webguest72 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.17.09 # http://rockbox.haxx.se/sh-gcc-3.3.4.tar.bz2 (22MB) 10.17.53 # thx! 10.18.07 Quit PaulS ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.18.39 # uh, bad idea to restart apache right now. sorry :) 10.19.06 # I was going to say, I only got 19k?! 10.19.13 # :) 10.28.18 # This other machine is so slow :( 10.42.08 # LinusN: I connect it using USB... 10.42.36 # LinusN: Works flawlessly using Wintendo and Linux... The fat32 driver for FreeBSD has some limits. 10.42.57 # boo :) 10.43.09 # Perhaps you should patch it, Zagor? ;) 10.43.19 # my co-worker brought senap! 10.43.27 # Guess who's gonna have ärtsoppa deluxe for lunch? 10.48.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.53.29 Part pillo 10.54.58 # Cool, I have the archive. Thanks Zagor! 10.55.03 # later 11.36.18 Join ripnetUK [0] (~mirc@82-70-100-230.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) 11.37.39 Join amiconn [0] (~jens@pD9E7F596.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.45.46 # Ärtsoppa and pannkaka.. Yummie 11.57.29 Join Lynx_ [0] (lynx@ 12.11.30 Join ashridah [0] (ashridah@dialup-a1-180.Melbourne.netspace.net.au) 12.23.44 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 12.32.20 # Zagor: http://rockbox.haxx.se/dl.cgi?bin=install is brokeb 12.32.24 # broken 12.32.38 # and the source one too 12.32.47 # I bet you've removed my symlinks 12.33.04 # or something 12.34.21 # checking... 12.35.23 # the script checks in the dir named as the 'bin' parts says 12.35.48 # hmm, those dirs don't exist 12.35.52 # no 12.35.55 # I hade them as symlinks 12.36.00 # made 12.36.05 # ln -s . install 12.36.09 # i haven't removed them afaik 12.36.15 # weird 12.36.17 # or 12.36.25 # perhaps the auto-remover removes them... 12.36.29 # I'll check 12.37.21 # oh yes it does! 12.37.22 # hehe 12.37.24 # how silly 12.38.16 # btw, should we keep files longer now when they're no longer fill the daily-build page? 12.38.40 # sure 12.38.45 # why not 12.38.54 # a month perhaps 12.39.02 # ok, increasing to 30 days 12.40.13 # currently the files use 29MB for 6 days 12.41.34 # currently we have 7.5G free :) 12.41.46 # and the auto-cvs-build dir takes 110MB 12.42.14 # room to grow indeed! ;-) 12.48.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.55.08 Join dwihno_ [0] (~dw@ 12.55.08 Quit dwihno (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.22.04 Quit AciD (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 13.25.23 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~d90a3255@labb.contactor.se) 13.28.49 # hi Jörg! 13.30.21 # [IDC]Dragon: Yesterday I digged a bit into the beginnings of an mmc driver. However, I have some questions you could help me to solve. 13.31.52 # <[IDC]Dragon> hi jens 13.32.01 # <[IDC]Dragon> standby, I'm busy 13.33.15 # Anyway, here are the questions. No need to hurry though. 13.34.03 # (1) When not in usb mode, does the SCK1 output continuously output the clock (~1.5 MHz) or bursts? 13.34.27 # (2) I suspect that there is actually something connected to PA13. Could you check this? 13.42.14 Quit ashridah ("Client exiting") 14.03.02 Join ashridah [0] (ashridah@dialup-a1-180.Melbourne.netspace.net.au) 14.10.40 Join R3nTiL [0] (~zorroz@197-250-30-217.kgts.ru) 14.23.37 Join lImbus [0] (~manuel@kernel.cycos.net) 14.31.07 # <[IDC]Dragon> Jens: now is better 14.31.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> (1) The Archos firmware generates burst, longer than 1 byte 14.32.24 # <[IDC]Dragon> (2) I don't know about PA13, haven't found a connection yet. In which context is this used? 14.33.20 # <[IDC]Dragon> Bagder: I've pushed some OndioFM pictures in your upload area, since my email wasn't working this morning. 14.34.09 # thanks 14.36.45 # <[IDC]Dragon> conveniently made them the size used on your page 14.36.52 # I noticed 14.36.58 # <[IDC]Dragon> :) 14.37.20 # <[IDC]Dragon> except for the big one, of course 14.37.22 # I'll make use of them when we start providing daily builds 14.37.35 # <[IDC]Dragon> yes, no hurry 14.38.14 # there here now: http://rockbox.haxx.se/ondio/ 14.38.18 # they're 14.38.43 # <[IDC]Dragon> maybe rename them to OndioFM_xxx 14.38.51 # <[IDC]Dragon> I forgot to do so 14.39.02 # <[IDC]Dragon> or whatever the naming convention is 14.39.05 # that whole dir is only temporary 14.39.19 # I'll rename and fix when the time comes 14.39.32 Join JoeBorn [0] (~41d6673c@labb.contactor.se) 14.39.42 # <[IDC]Dragon> oh, they seem to be progressive jpeg 14.39.48 # <[IDC]Dragon> did I do that? 14.40.00 # yes 14.40.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> sorry 14.40.37 # it doesn't matter 14.44.23 Join webguest88 [0] (~da458715@labb.contactor.se) 14.48.48 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.50.07 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn: have to reboot, see you 14.50.16 # <[IDC]Dragon> (and see above) 14.50.22 Part [IDC]Dragon 14.51.13 Quit Bagder ("Leaving") 14.51.57 # hello everyone, does anyone mind talking about hardward generally for a bit? 14.52.12 # not a bit 14.52.42 # well, I guess as most of you probably know, we've made some mistakes in some of our choices along the way :( 14.53.03 # is it possible that I use my JukeBox 20 with the Jukebox 5000-6000 software? 14.53.12 # in going forward, I'm just looking to make sure that we don't keep repeating those 14.53.57 # webguest88: yes 14.54.21 # okay, thanks 14.54.43 # JoeBorn: we'd like that too :) 14.55.15 # I guess I'll start with a couple questions. It's obvious that the ARM cores have the Gcc tools and the benefit of good support generally 14.55.24 # yup 14.55.26 # (for those who don't know, JoeBorn is talking about the Neuros player) 14.56.02 # but it's also obvious that the DSP side is of great interest to developers and it seems that these have often been less open, 14.56.19 # what's your take on availability of tools for the DSPs? 14.56.22 # yes, that has been a problem 14.56.40 # what processor does the iRiver use? 14.56.43 # well gcc supports some dsps, not sure exactly which though 14.56.46 # coldfire 5249 14.57.05 # with an EMAC, so not a full DSP but still enough for fast signal processing 14.57.43 # and those have complete support tool-wise? 14.57.49 # nope 14.58.01 # not that i know of 14.58.13 # the EMAC needs to be assembly-programmed, but being very restricted (just a few instructions) it's not a problem 14.58.33 # ahh! 14.58.47 # the coldfire core itself is quite well supported though, since it builds on the m68k core 14.59.39 # so have you guys researched processors much or you pretty much just looked at the handful of players out there and then looked at the processors for those? 14.59.57 # the latter 15.00.14 # although we work with stuff like this for a living, so we know a lot of different cpus 15.00.20 # have you looked at any of the TI products? 15.00.27 # we have of course worked on quite a few cpu's, but not in the scope of the rockbox project 15.00.42 # no, not ti 15.00.51 # yes, when I was looking at the archos multimedia players. TI is notorious about hiding documentation though so it quickly gets boring. 15.01.37 # TI is appealing for us, because we have so much code written for it already. 15.02.03 # I can understand that 15.02.13 # FM stereo algorithms, etc, etc. 15.02.20 # but their attitude to non-commercial development is rather hostile 15.02.33 # i'd stay away from the ti stuff 15.02.36 # so how much of an impediment is that "hostility"? 15.02.48 # the lack of docs is a real problem 15.02.51 # a rather big one. we simply cannot get docs. 15.02.52 # where does that hostility stem from? what form? 15.03.14 # oh, and the docs are all protected so we can't distribute them either, I assume? 15.03.31 # if I ask for docs, I get the response "how many chips are you planning to buy?" 15.03.34 # yes, generally 15.03.50 # funny you say that, we get that too. 15.04.12 # yeah, but you can answer :) 15.04.25 # that's the first signal that tells you to stay away 15.04.27 # what about the gcc project to port to TI 15.04.37 # don't hold your breath 15.04.55 # i've only seen the sourceforge project page, but no content 15.04.55 # you think it's just too difficult and big a project? 15.05.14 # right, it clearly needs a push. 15.05.19 # i think the TI secrecy will be a problem for that project as well 15.06.03 # have any silicon manufacturers been particuliarly supportive? 15.06.06 # as i see it, they don't deserve the gcc port 15.06.13 # or open? 15.06.40 # motorola is pretty open in that all their docs are available on their website 15.06.49 # that's all we ask 15.06.55 # sure. 15.07.10 # and one should also choose a common architecture 15.07.13 # i think others do that too, I just can't think of any names right now 15.07.30 # what do you mean "common architecture?" 15.07.39 # 68k, ppc, arm etc are very popular 15.07.48 # oh, right. 15.07.53 # so there are good tools for those 15.08.21 # yes. the more popular a platform is, the better the tools are 15.09.04 # so in a nutshell, on the DSP side, although there may not be an available compiler, you'd probably use assembly anyway. 15.09.14 # and if you want to benefit from opening the source, virtually everyone should be able to compile and link the firmware 15.09.30 # it depends. for the coldfire we use DSP since it's only a few instructions. 15.09.46 # but for a case like yours where the entire system runs on a DSP I'd want C 15.09.53 # s/dsp/assembler/ 15.09.56 Quit midk (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.09.59 # sure, that makes sense 15.10.06 # LinusN: right 15.10.13 Join midk [0] (~midk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 15.11.06 # but looking at some of your discussions, it seems clear that you were facing resource issues with the Archos and that's one of the big reasons for the move? 15.11.47 # obviously some of these issues would still be there with a processor like we're currently using, perhaps not quite as severe, but still there. 15.11.58 # well the archos is an old platform that is becoming obsolete. we wanted to follow the times and not stay lock in to a dying product. 15.12.02 # well, they don't manufacture the archor jukebox anymore 15.12.15 # right 15.12.28 # Zagor: you do realise they don't manufacture the 1xx series anymore either, iirc. 15.12.30 # and it's nice to have the codec in s/w 15.12.41 # (iriver H1xx series i mean) 15.12.43 # ashridah: really? interesting... 15.12.49 # ashridah: :-) 15.12.53 # Zagor: yeah, they're pretty much pushing the 3xx 15.12.59 # of course 15.13.40 # well the h100 isn't exactly hard to get yet anyway. the archos is. 15.13.46 # true 15.14.09 # but sure, we won't be able to stay with the h100 forever either 15.14.42 # and it shouldn't be *that* hard to port to the 300, afaics 15.14.57 # * ashridah nods 15.14.57 # 3xx uses the same 5249? 15.14.59 # if joe makes a good platform we can use, at least we'd know when it stopped being manufactured ;) 15.15.27 # JoeBorn: as far as I know, yes 15.15.28 # i believe the cpu is the same, yes 15.16.02 # so what about the rest of the hardware. I'm absolutely amazed that you guys can do so much without support from teh mfg. 15.16.19 # lots of experience 15.16.23 # you might have specs on the CPLD, but no information on the code, etc 15.16.36 # how much of an impediment is that? 15.16.39 # well one thing we've found useful is the separate usb/ata bridge. it means we don't have to write and debug a complex usb-storage driver. 15.16.52 # well, all hardware must have public data sheets 15.16.56 # it also means the disk always works, even if we fubar the firmware 15.16.58 # right. 15.16.58 Quit webguest88 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 15.17.02 # (nearly always... ;) 15.17.58 # make sure you line up the MSBs and LSBs on your serial connections... :) (internal joke, archos players needs a lot of byte swapping) 15.18.40 # parallell connection to the display, preferrably, for fast access 15.19.10 # I'm not really a hardware engineer, I just play one on TV, inside Hw jokes will surely go over my head :( 15.19.43 # brb 15.19.47 # fast access for video? animation? 15.20.21 # well, a fast lcd connection leaves more power for the codec 15.20.33 # oh! I get it 15.20.36 # same goes for all peripherals 15.21.13 # connecting the hard drive correctly, so you can use the internal DMA in the cpu (if any) 15.21.21 # etc 15.22.09 # no those are good tips. 15.22.31 # there are so many small details that can make a huge difference 15.22.40 # so, it's clear that you guys have been able to figure out most everything without manufacturer support, so besides just designing good HW, what else do you need from us? 15.23.01 # (us meaning the manufacturer generally) 15.23.27 # a dialog, and hardware to develop on 15.23.31 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 15.24.10 # what about hardware tools, emulators and such? 15.24.39 # if you choose your platform wisely, you may not need emulators 15.25.06 # only a cheap BDM/JTAG wiggler 15.25.57 # and the gnu debugger 15.26.53 # what platforms support that? 15.27.24 # at least arm and coldfire 15.27.27 # what about the mp3 codec? Do you have a source for that? 15.27.28 # ppc 15.27.44 # libmad is gpl 15.27.59 # we will probably use it for the iriver 15.28.14 Join Lynx [0] (lynx@ 15.28.33 # i don't know much about free realtime encoders though 15.28.56 # we will probably have to do some "inhouse" developing for that 15.29.08 # it seems like writing one is quiet an effort. 15.29.13 # not the entire codec, just optimising an existing 15.29.56 # when we asked monty about writing an Ogg encoder for our machine, he said he heard it took TI 3 man years to write their mp3 encoder 15.30.13 # i can imagine 15.30.47 # btw can I ask if the ogg codec he wrote for you is (or will be) released? 15.30.59 # yes. 15.31.05 # nice 15.31.26 # I just haven't looked the contract, but I'm 99% sure from my recollection that it's fine. 15.31.36 # ok 15.31.45 # xiph wrote our codec for us. 15.32.07 # i guessed that :) 15.32.31 # but I'm 99% sure its actually just a BSD license and there's no problem. 15.33.04 # yeah but it depends on the terms of the contract, as you say. with bsd you can choose to make the result proprietary. 15.33.26 # so Zagor, what do you think you need from the manufacturer? 15.33.41 # what are the impediments that you see? 15.33.43 # loadza cash! 15.34.04 # docs, mostly. and as linus said, a dialog with someone we can ask about stuff we can't figure out 15.34.11 Join R3nTiL1 [0] (~zorroz@185-248-30-217.kgts.ru) 15.34.16 # some development hardware, of course 15.34.17 # well, you know we are a for profit company (at least trying to be) 15.34.52 # when i said "dialog", i also meant regarding the hardware design 15.35.00 # but honestly supporting open source with some hardware is obviously a lot cheaper than hiring internal developers 15.35.43 # well, this is that start of that dialog. 15.36.09 # I just need to raise a warning flag here: you cannot depend 100% on us writing the firmware for you for free. we may not do it in the speed you want it, or with the features you'd like. 15.36.25 # what about installed base? I know that's an issue for you guys, and would be a disadvantage of anything we do, at least for the time being 15.36.46 # relying on programmers that do it for free on their spare time isn't all that good 15.37.15 # of course, what I'm imagining is doing our development with internal developers in an open environment 15.37.38 # JoeBorn: ok, good. just wanted to avoid any misunderstandings 15.37.39 # with support from outsiders as a bonus 15.37.46 # sounds good 15.38.12 # we've seen that in our own experience those issues. 15.38.22 # basically, make the hardware like we want it, and we port rockbox to it -) 15.38.24 # it's impossible to control. 15.38.38 # installed base is obviously an issue, since we as a project are always looking for contributors and testers. if only a dozen people have the hardware it's not going to be as much fun. 15.39.15 # on the other hand, if the hw is sexy, and the publicity is right, it could very well be a hit 15.39.21 # absolutely 15.39.26 # well, it won't be a dozen people (or we've got some other big issues) 15.39.54 # yes, I think it could be a big hit and it's obvious that the things you want are the same things that other folks want too. 15.40.09 # but it's going to be a new product from a small brand 15.40.11 # not the ipod herd... 15.40.26 # i think the xclef model of having both an 1.8" and a 2.5" player with similar hardware is a good idea to consider. 15.40.55 # one small&sexy for the pocket and one which can fit huge 100gig drives, for the car or bag 15.40.58 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 15.41.00 # just so you can have an 80GB if you want? 15.41.03 Quit R3nTiL (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.41.05 # exactly 15.41.33 # what about wireless? does anyone care? 15.41.42 # i dont 15.41.59 # I'm referring to WiFi etc, not FM broadcasting 15.42.03 # i know 15.42.22 # anyone else have an opinion on that? 15.42.25 # i don't think it's worth it having it built-in. those things are easy to add with external hardware. 15.42.53 # btw, S/PDIF is a must imho 15.42.55 # but I'm not pretending to "know the market" 15.43.02 # now that's a very interesting point, what's the interface for external hardware? 15.43.25 # actually, an ethernet connection might be c00l 15.43.57 # CF is big 15.43.58 # but i think usb2.0 is good enough 15.44.01 # rio karma apparently has it 15.44.15 # CF is a good interface 15.44.23 Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.44.24 Nick Lynx is now known as Lynx_ (lynx@ 15.44.31 # but it adds considerable size 15.44.44 # compared to what? 15.44.44 # yes. i'm not sure the tradeoff is worth it. 15.45.44 # the 2.5" version could have more "advanced" connectivity features, while the 1.8" version could have only USB 15.46.00 # LinusN: sounds good 15.46.23 # bluetooth! 15.46.25 # * Zagor ducks 15.46.26 Quit MrMoo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.46.32 # * Bagder swings for Zagor 15.46.34 # the 2.5" version would be more like a portable music collection, much like i use my archos today 15.46.49 # I take it you've already had the wireless conversation many times? 15.46.58 # not really 15.47.24 # oh it sounded like an inside joke 15.47.35 # rockbox is not that much about developing hardware, we have to settle with what the player has 15.47.41 # well bluetooth *is* an inside joke, isn't it? ;) 15.47.45 # haha 15.48.07 # I'm sorry to dominate the discussion, but one final question about licensing 15.48.20 # don't worry, this is a very interesting discussion 15.48.30 # good, thanks. 15.48.47 # we'll kick you out when we find something else to talk about :-) 15.49.07 # you've never been shy 15.49.09 Join MrMoo [0] (~me@ 15.49.36 # so let's say we do what we're talking about and release a piece of hardware and do the development in an open environment 15.50.10 # sourceforge or hosted internally, but with open version control, bugzilla, etc. 15.50.47 # one part of our business model would be to ultimately license or OEM to other manufacturers 15.51.03 # I know this is a pretty sensitive subject, but I have to bring it up. 15.51.16 # so there are a couple ways for us to deal with this. 15.51.51 # we can fork the code into a version where we're the copyright holder or we can do a dual license, etc. 15.52.07 # any particular thoughts on this? Does it make sense what I'm asking? 15.52.33 # i see two issues, one about copyright and one about money 15.52.39 Quit R3nTiL1 () 15.53.25 # I'd say that's right. 15.54.21 # the question is how would you prevent other manufacturers from using the code unlicensed? 15.54.22 # if money were no issue, then we could just release the code under BSD and contributors could contribute under that license 15.54.40 # but then why would anyone pay us? 15.55.15 # i also see an issue with fellow developers contributing to the project 15.55.16 # and essentially we'll be paying developers to develop code for all manufacturers to use for free. 15.55.39 # and of course the same issue you've faced. 15.55.44 # basically, "why should i contribute, what's in it for me?" 15.55.50 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~d90a3255@labb.contactor.se) 15.56.12 # right, that's a great question. 15.56.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> Hi again! (took a bit more than a reboot) 15.56.41 # JoeBorn: there is an ethical dilemma in selling contributed code 15.56.51 # yes. 15.57.04 # so what's the solution? 15.57.38 # I'm afraid I don't see one. Open Source and exclusive licensing doesn't mix well. 15.57.55 # I don't think there's any shortcut. The source need to be "free enough" to attract hackers to it. 15.58.20 # and then anyone can clone the hardware and run the code on it 15.58.23 # well, that solution means forking the code into a plain old GPL 15.58.39 # yes, if someone makes a clone of the hw, they get code for free 15.58.47 # would licensing only the hardware design not be enough, you think? 15.58.59 # I don't have any issue with anyone cloneing the hardware and running the code on it. 15.59.26 # remember they'd have to adhere to the GPL themselves. not many manufacturers would be willing to do that. 15.59.36 # excellent point 15.59.37 # true 16.00.00 # and if they'd do, they'd cooperate on improving the code 16.00.10 # everybody wins 16.00.37 # except the company who has the most manufacturing costs, losing sales 16.00.38 # eventually there will be a lot of hardware companies that will do that, but it will take time 16.00.55 # LinusN: why? 16.01.05 # oh, ok i get it 16.01.27 # however cost is only one variable. marketing is a powerful thing. 16.01.29 # ... and there's money to be made by the people who know the sw to write adaptions for new hw 16.01.50 # ...and who might that be? :-) 16.02.24 # Zagor: licensing HW might be enough, it depends how clever and unique or even *gasp* proprietary it is 16.02.59 # JoeBorn: yeah and we (rockbox) of course don't want it to be proprietary at all... 16.03.11 # I know 16.03.35 # however do you see any problem with using the GPL, thus avoiding the "free clones" problem? 16.04.03 # but if it's completely a commodity, just a version based off the reference design then obviously it's not going to be worth much. 16.04.31 # if you have a clever patentented wheel, etc. with a cool design, then maybe 16.05.06 # yes, design is very important. two devices with identical schematics can differ substantially in attractiveness. 16.05.09 # I don't see a problem with the GPM and free clones problem 16.05.23 # GPL I mean, 16.05.59 # what I beleive will happen eventually is that the asian manufacturers will eventually realize the "free clones" opportunity and start making them. 16.06.16 # yup 16.06.18 Join Nibbler [0] (~andrer@port-212-202-73-41.dynamic.qsc.de) 16.06.36 # although, it's an interesting question because will a "free clone" really work perfectly? 16.07.01 # I mean the schematics are copyrighted themselves so you can't just copy them. 16.07.25 # so how do you get them perfect when all the debugging has been done on the original device? 16.07.31 # even "clones" would most likely have small differences tthat need code changes 16.07.47 # like PCs running linux 16.07.53 # Right, and that's an impdediment. 16.08.01 # exactly. 16.08.03 # not if the code is GPL 16.08.32 # well, it's still an impediment because you can't just drop the existing code into the device. 16.08.51 # you would at least change the startup logo :-) 16.09.17 # in our example, the manufacturer, whose english is not that good would have to contact you to have changes incorporated 16.09.18 # right, but the manufacturer would probably spend a month or however much it takes to adapt the software. rather than commission a complete 5 man-year rewrite . 16.09.33 # ...or you 16.10.01 # sure, but now they fork the code and when the official rockbox releases a cool new feature, they don't have it. 16.10.20 # if they want rockbox to work, they will submit their changes to us 16.10.27 # as a user, now my clone just bit me, and I'd sure rather have "the real thing" 16.10.46 # ...and thus they buy "the original", the neuros 16.11.20 # right, wouldn't you? 16.11.23 # yes, so neuros can be proactive and contribute a lot 16.11.38 # i probably would 16.11.47 # exactly. that's why I'm not worried about the free clone issue. 16.11.56 # good thought 16.12.20 # the issue is that we'd like to preserve the ability to license to someone else. 16.12.42 # I wouldn't say it's a must have, but it would sure be nice. 16.13.11 # you mean selling the code without GPL stamped on it? 16.13.19 # right. 16.13.23 # Perhaps, but I think it would be a hard sell to contributors. 16.13.46 # it would require a TrollTech/MySQL setup 16.13.58 # I think if you say it would be a hard sell to contributors, then we can be pretty confident it's true:) 16.14.03 # a norwegian web site picked up on the latest slashdot news about rockbox being ported to iriver, saying thet rockbox coule "very well be the linux of media players" 16.14.14 # LinusN: link? 16.14.16 # Badger: that's exactly right 16.14.19 # hang on 16.14.38 # JoeBorn: it would "only" require that you are the copyright owner of all the code... 16.14.55 # yes, but I know a lot of people who won't contribute to qt for precisely that reason 16.15.03 # or have an agreement with the copyright holders 16.16.18 # I would suggest to drop the dual-licensing. I'd say the risk (of alienating contributors) is greater than the chance (of licensing the code for profit). 16.16.30 # how the pan-european wiggler journey going ;-) 16.16.37 # my mistake, it wasn't the norwegian web mag, it was a blog: 16.16.41 # have you guys considered making an "official organization" out of rockbox? 16.16.41 # http://dev.null.org/blog/archive.cgi/2004/07/13 16.17.05 # JoeBorn: no :) 16.17.44 # ripnetUK: holy moses, it's in Stockholm!!! 16.17.51 # yay 16.17.52 # that's one possible solution 16.18.00 # JoeBorn: how do you mean? 16.18.18 # status: "On FedEx vehicle for delivery" 16.18.26 # and i'm not at home :-( 16.18.33 # LinusN: call them 16.18.34 # well then the organization can own the code 16.18.47 # :) wiggler hits home :) 16.19.41 # my wife has received the package! :-) 16.19.46 # "I wonder how long until companies stop making (and maintaining) their own firmware and start building players around Rockbox" :) 16.20.00 # JoeBorn: sure, but it's not a legal problem. it's an ethic/trust/goodwill issue 16.20.15 # nice... uk couriers have a habbit of sending deliveries to a depot MILES away 16.20.22 # making rockbox a formal organisation won't help with that 16.20.45 # LinusN: excellent! 16.21.06 # Zagor: that means i won't get any sleep this night either :-) 16.21.22 # well, it relies on teh continued trust and ethics and goodwill of Rockbox 16.21.38 # it would just provide a mechanism for you to officially hold resources. 16.21.53 # i have to go now 16.21.57 # LinusN: go go go! 16.22.10 # JoeBorn: nice talking to you, keep in touch 16.22.14 # cu all! 16.22.19 # JoeBorn: ok I see what you mean 16.22.21 # nice talking to you 16.22.24 Part LinusN 16.22.26 Join kurzhaarrocker [0] (~knoppix@p50877CBC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 16.22.45 # It might be a horrible idea for all I know, I was just curious. 16.22.46 # we don't have anything against formalizing rockbox, there just hasn't been any reason to 16.22.59 # and we hate paperwork :) 16.23.19 # I understand that. 16.23.57 # (completely ot) Zagor: I want to request a web page with a form and parse it. Is curl the way to go? 16.24.19 # I need to run myself, thanks for your time everyone. 16.24.21 # curl can do anything :) 16.24.38 # Ok, Ill try to make it make coffee. 16.24.45 # JoeBorn: ok, thanks for the discussion 16.26.33 # Yay for the wiggler! 16.26.35 Nick dwihno_ is now known as dwihno (~dw@ 16.27.18 # lets hope it wiggles ok with the iRiver 16.36.13 # brace for commit 16.37.41 # ) 16.39.41 Quit ashridah ("crash") 16.40.13 # * dwihno bucles his safety belt 16.40.19 # * dwihno braces for impact 16.40.22 # IIIIIIIIHHHH! 16.40.55 # * kurzhaarrocker tries to curl up :) 16.41.33 # now you can all build iriver simulators and play with :) 16.42.32 Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50c61c48.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 16.42.49 # finally! :-P 16.43.32 # want that in the build table? 16.43.59 # I wonder when the ideas about supporting other platforms than the recorder/player became serious. 16.44.32 # kurzhaarrocker: when they discovered enough details on the iRiver 16.44.43 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.45.11 # actually the *idea* came earlier than that 16.45.20 # true 16.45.27 # Bagder soon a table won't be sufficiant any more, prepare to build a build cube :) 16.45.39 # hehe 16.46.05 # Yes but usually the idea was considered as a topic of the nodo. 16.46.29 Quit JoeBorn ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 16.47.50 # :( my web hoster doesn't support curl. 16.48.22 # build it yourself 16.48.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.49.11 Join Nibbler [0] (~andrer@port-212-202-78-96.dynamic.qsc.de) 16.51.07 # I'm not sure but I believe that if php says it was configured with "--without-curl" I'm in a dead end - no matter how many curl libs I build... 16.51.35 # right, but you can use the command line tool 16.51.36 # yes, if you must use it inside php. but you can always use the command-line program 16.52.13 # * kurzhaarrocker considers that 16.53.08 # it might have the tool installed 16.58.02 Join midk_ [0] (~midk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 16.58.12 # * [IDC]Dragon missed the interesting-looking discussion with Joe 16.58.30 # <[IDC]Dragon> (and had not enough time yet to read it) 16.59.01 Join mecraw_ [0] (~lmarlow@ 17.07.42 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn: do you read? 17.07.50 # yeah it was a nice chat 17.08.07 # <[IDC]Dragon> how do you know that guy? 17.08.28 # <[IDC]Dragon> he's from Neuros s/w development? 17.08.31 # we've mailed a bit about their open source effort 17.08.36 # he's their ceo 17.08.42 # <[IDC]Dragon> oh 17.09.45 # sorry, "only" chairman and cto 17.09.51 # <[IDC]Dragon> well 17.10.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> poen source witout open development tools :( 17.10.19 # <[IDC]Dragon> open 17.10.47 # yeah. that's why he was here talking to us today, to avoid doing such a mistake next time 17.11.01 # <[IDC]Dragon> mistake? ;-) 17.11.46 # well what else would you call it? if they wanted it proprietary, they wouldn't have opened the source would they? 17.13.10 # <[IDC]Dragon> no, I mean because it has that accidental touch, ironically 17.13.36 # <[IDC]Dragon> by mistake practically nobody can build it, sorry 17.14.25 Quit midk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.18.30 # <[IDC]Dragon> "Added Iriver H100 to tools/configure", hehe 17.18.55 # yeah, so we can build the h100 simulator 17.20.41 # <[IDC]Dragon> apart from that, it's early and optimistic :-) 17.21.27 # yup :) 17.28.19 # just built the UI sim for iRiver - looking kinda cool 17.28.33 # although still green :) 17.28.42 # :) 17.31.28 # gotta go 17.31.30 Part Zagor 17.36.18 Quit AciD ("how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood ?") 17.40.41 Quit [IDC]Dragon ("CGI:IRC") 17.48.10 Part kurzhaarrocker 17.55.43 Quit Bagder ("Leaving") 17.58.41 # --- uisimulator/x11/uibasic.c 20 Jan 2003 09:39:37 -0000 1.13 17.58.41 # +++ uisimulator/x11/uibasic.c 16 Sep 2004 15:58:16 -0000 17.58.41 # @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ 17.58.41 DBUG Enqueued KICK ripnetUK 17.58.41 # char *progclass = "rockboxui"; 17.58.41 # char *defaults [] = { 17.58.41 *** Alert Mode level 1 17.58.41 # - ".background: lightgreen", 17.58.43 # + ".background: lightblue", 17.58.45 # ".foreground: black", 17.58.47 # "*help: false", 17.58.49 # 0 17.58.51 # :) 17.58.53 # much more iRiver 18.08.24 Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 18.08.42 *** Alert Mode OFF 18.09.41 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 18.11.35 Part LinusN 18.22.51 Join _aLF [0] (~alex@mutualite-3-82-67-66-128.fbx.proxad.net) 18.22.54 # <_aLF> hi 18.37.22 Join webguest07 [0] (~d4b93602@labb.contactor.se) 18.38.05 Quit webguest07 (Client Quit) 18.48.56 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.03.41 Quit AciD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.06.55 Quit Lynx_ (" WOW! This IRC Client ownz! HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 19.11.45 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 19.14.50 Join srn [0] (~82e13707@labb.contactor.se) 19.16.49 # i just added some pages to the iriver wiki. unfortunately, i positioned a page at the wrong level. IriverPort > IriverBDM > IriverMemoryMap -- should have been --> IriverPort > IriverMemoryMap. can any one fix this? 19.17.16 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~idc-drago@pD9E34188.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.17.46 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn? 19.18.03 # hi. Now I'm around 19.18.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> :) 19.18.20 # <[IDC]Dragon> seen my "answers"? 19.18.21 # (Sometimes I even have to work at work ;) ) 19.18.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> that sucks :( 19.22.12 # Yes, found your answers 19.22.39 # <[IDC]Dragon> they seem to "burst" a sector or so 19.23.11 # <[IDC]Dragon> I didn't measure it, but could do so for an estimate, if that helps 19.23.16 # On PA13: It is used both in the serial transmit and receive, switched between GPIO and IRQ1 19.23.45 # <[IDC]Dragon> with serial you mean SPI for MMC? 19.23.52 # yup 19.24.10 # <[IDC]Dragon> I will go hunting for that signal 19.28.08 Join R3nTiL [0] (~zorroz@249-248-30-217.kgts.ru) 19.30.47 # [IDC]Dragon: before transmit/ receive: PACR1 &= 0xF3FF (PA13->GPIO). After transmit/receive: PACR1 |= 0x0400 (PA13->IRQ1) 19.31.03 # are you fiddling with the ondio? 19.31.08 # yup 19.31.51 # Are you trying MMC communication with the on-board chip? 19.33.25 # Not for real yet. 19.34.10 # Currently looking into various data sheets and at the disassembled archos fw to get a clue how this is supposed to work 19.35.14 Join webguest08 [0] (~d5dff649@labb.contactor.se) 19.36.17 Quit webguest08 (Client Quit) 19.36.43 # The SH1 hardware manual is not very precise about the serial communication. E.g. with synchronous mode, what could cause a receive overrun error? Iiuc, synchronous mode does only output the clock signal if it is ready to receive, so in theory overrun shouldn't be possible. 19.37.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> with exteral clock, I think 19.39.49 # I already have a serial init, and will try to check if enabling serial causes continuous clock output. It's a bit difficult for me though (neither a LA nor a digital scope, only a simple analog scope) 19.40.10 # <[IDC]Dragon> analog is fine 19.40.16 # <[IDC]Dragon> I do most with it 19.40.39 # A logic analyzer could actually prove valuable here 19.41.37 # <[IDC]Dragon> c'mon, you only want to check for your piulses, nothing complx 19.41.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> ...pulses, nothing complex 19.42.19 # Not for this very job, but for capturing e.g. a data transfer burst 19.42.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> I can do that, if necessary 19.43.10 # <[IDC]Dragon> (but mostly, it isn't) 19.43.35 # <[IDC]Dragon> the SCI itself should not need debugging 19.44.34 # Yes, like the recording data transfer. Still no luck :( 19.44.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> we got out LCD working, too, where every transition is done "by hand" 19.45.34 # Yes. In fact I think that's easier than dealing with the SH1 SCI 19.45.56 # It may even prove to be faster 19.46.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> for a first shot, you could do so as well 19.46.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> no, it won't be faster, methinks 19.47.11 # <[IDC]Dragon> with the LCD, we got an overall ~900kBit/s 19.47.18 # The highest serial speed we can set for continuous transfer is 1.5 MBit/s, which equals 8 cpu cycles per bit. 19.47.29 # <[IDC]Dragon> 112*64*130 fps 19.47.50 # <[IDC]Dragon> and the carry trick won't work here 19.48.05 # <[IDC]Dragon> for bad data bit position 19.48.18 # <[IDC]Dragon> (I already checked this mentally) 19.49.37 # Ah ok. I didn't take into account that each data access to the ports needs 2 wait states 19.50.25 # Where do I have to measure the clo 19.50.57 # ck? 19.51.01 # Is it possible at the 74AC08? 19.51.01 # <[IDC]Dragon> yes 19.51.17 # So it's not that difficult 19.51.43 # <[IDC]Dragon> see twiki table 19.52.16 # <[IDC]Dragon> btw, did you see my new photo of the "naked" board? 19.52.47 # yup 19.53.00 Quit R3nTiL () 19.56.24 Quit maikeul (Remote closed the connection) 20.01.29 # [IDC]Dragon: I have seen the bursts of the original fw on my scope now. 20.02.13 # The bridge clock is too high for my scope though 20.02.48 # <[IDC]Dragon> I found PC6 instead 20.02.58 # <[IDC]Dragon> more later, cu 20.03.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> (away) 20.03.11 Quit [IDC]Dragon () 20.04.53 Join gromit`` [0] (~gromit@ALagny-151-1-27-251.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr) 20.49.00 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.50.17 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 20.56.24 Join RyanA [0] (~RyanA_191@pool-68-160-0-36.bos.east.verizon.net) 20.56.49 # does anyone know where to get a replacement AC adapter cord real cheap? 20.58.39 Quit RyanA (Client Quit) 21.30.35 Join mecraw__ [0] (~lmarlow@ 21.41.03 Quit srn ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.48.32 Quit mecraw_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.56.48 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~idc-drago@pD9512E52.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.57.13 # <[IDC]Dragon> hi again 21.57.23 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn: I found PA13 21.57.25 # hi 21.57.33 # What is it? 21.57.36 # <[IDC]Dragon> it disappears under the flash 21.57.44 # Huh? 21.57.50 # <[IDC]Dragon> and goes to a test pad 21.58.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> the flash is BGA, I can't beep that 21.58.16 # I know. 22.00.49 Join Zagor [0] (foobar@h254n2fls31o265.telia.com) 22.01.56 # [IDC]Dragon: Maybe it is connected to the RDY/BSY interrupt signal 22.02.32 # PA13 is always input 22.02.56 # We won't need that for now 22.03.10 # ripnetUK: committed 22.03.15 # [IDC]Dragon: What about PC6? 22.03.42 # Ah, found it. 22.03.58 # Needed to reload the wiki page :) 22.04.22 # <[IDC]Dragon> didn't you say it switches direction? 22.04.59 # No, it switches function: GP in <> IRQ1 22.05.39 # <[IDC]Dragon> ah, never mind. 22.06.25 # I tried to output some clocks (writing 0xFF == dummies). No luck yet :( 22.06.35 # <[IDC]Dragon> maybe it's the ready/busy signal 22.09.08 Join scott666_ [0] (~scott666@c-24-245-58-48.mn.client2.attbi.com) 22.14.57 # <[IDC]Dragon> that's the only thing which makes sense 22.16.32 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 22.27.21 # I don't seem to get that dreaded SCI setup right. Both transmit and receive don't output any clocks; transmit ends much faster than it should, receive hangs :(( 22.28.10 # <[IDC]Dragon> have you set the pin functions correct? 22.28.20 # Yup (at least I think so) 22.28.56 # <[IDC]Dragon> peeking at the MAS code doesn't help? 22.29.08 # I did peek there 22.29.19 # <[IDC]Dragon> our MAS code, I mean 22.29.25 # Yups 22.30.17 Join [av]bani [0] (~goemon@washuu.anime.net) 22.30.30 # <[av]bani> Re: JoeBorn 22.30.38 # <[av]bani> they should either focus on the hardware, or the software 22.30.42 # <[av]bani> but not both 22.30.52 # <[av]bani> eg, make killer hw and make it easy to code for 22.30.53 # <[av]bani> or... 22.31.11 # <[av]bani> make a generic clonable/licensable open hw, and sell killer sw for it 22.31.21 # well even if they make killer hardware, they have to make decent firmware too. 22.31.28 # <[av]bani> well 22.31.32 # <[av]bani> if they pull a zaurus, it will flop 22.31.33 # <[av]bani> eg 22.31.40 # <[av]bani> nice hw, but poorly supported 22.31.53 # yes, but you also can't bet the company that an open source project will do everything 22.32.26 # <[av]bani> well, take rockbox for an example, the opensource fw turned out much nicer than stock, because you were able to hack it 22.32.38 # <[av]bani> but imagine how much ebtter it would have been had it been openly supported from the start 22.32.45 # <[av]bani> instead of making you jump through hoops 22.33.00 # <[av]bani> its like the pc market 22.33.08 # <[av]bani> you either focus on the hw, or focus on the sw 22.33.13 # <[av]bani> youre either dell or microsoft 22.33.19 # <[av]bani> dont try to do both 22.33.21 # pcs are commodities. mp3 players aren't (yet) 22.33.33 # <[av]bani> sure they are, mp3 players are definitely commodities 22.33.43 # <[av]bani> apple made sure of that 22.34.04 # <[av]bani> only a few companies can really pull off both, and it takes a lot of effort 22.34.07 # mp3 player hardware is not as interchangeable as pc hardware, is what I mean 22.34.10 # <[av]bani> apple ipod, rio 22.34.20 # each hardware manufacturer has to also make the software to run on it 22.34.24 # <[av]bani> look at how many companies flopped because either the hw was inadequate or the firmware was 22.34.29 # much like the pc business in the early 80s 22.34.47 # <[av]bani> well in the case of being open 22.34.52 # <[av]bani> either focus on the hw or focus on the sw 22.35.03 # <[av]bani> one or the other 22.35.12 # you are right in principle, but we aren't there yet 22.35.15 # <[av]bani> if youre totally closed/proprietary, you dont really have a choice 22.35.24 # <[av]bani> well, i'm just saying what Joe should do 22.35.26 # just making good hw will, as you say, risk a zaurus flop 22.35.30 # <[av]bani> if they want an open player 22.35.49 # <[av]bani> decide which side they will take 22.36.06 # <[av]bani> make killer hw and work closely with rockbox for good support 22.36.29 # <[av]bani> both sides win - they get nice fw and you get a nice player 22.36.45 # but that _is_ making good hw and good sw 22.36.58 # only open sw 22.37.02 # <[av]bani> they wouldnt be writing the sw though 22.37.09 # <[av]bani> theyd be making it easy for you to do so 22.37.42 # [IDC]Dragon: Many of your &= / |= settings for the PFC change only either the upper or lower half of the word, so could be replaced with and_b() / or_b(). Not done yet. 22.37.49 # too risky. they have to write some software themselves too. 22.37.53 # And it seems I found a mistake 22.38.01 # maybe the next company doesn't, but Joe definitely has to 22.38.32 # <[av]bani> rockbox already works, if they make it easy for you to poke the hw then a port should be easy 22.38.39 # <[av]bani> and faster than them writing their own 22.38.41 # at least I wouldn't want to bet my company on an bunch of volunteers who are under no obligation to do anything 22.38.48 # <[av]bani> plus, they can plug it that way, opensource player 22.38.56 # <[av]bani> get all the /.'ers drooling etc 22.38.57 # yes, we all agree about that 22.39.01 # even joe 22.39.12 # <[av]bani> because writing fw from scratch would likely take longer and cost more 22.39.19 # <[av]bani> so they can focus more on investing in hw 22.39.23 # <[av]bani> = better player 22.39.36 # <[av]bani> besides 22.39.45 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn: yes, I know. didn't bother for now, it reads nicer while experimenting. 22.39.47 # <[av]bani> few vendors actually _sell_ the firmware 22.39.55 Join Nibbler [0] (~andrer@port-212-202-78-96.dynamic.qsc.de) 22.40.20 # <[av]bani> in the sense that most players are built with off the shelf parts 22.40.26 # <[av]bani> well, rockbox is one of those parts :) 22.40.36 # [av]bani: you don't need to sell *us* on the benefits of open source :) 22.40.52 # <[av]bani> did he say when he would be back? 22.40.57 # <[av]bani> so i can pitch to him :) 22.41.14 # <[av]bani> i just think that an openly clonable hw platform is the wrong way to go for them 22.41.25 # <[av]bani> which was what he was proposing 22.41.26 # you don't need to pitch to him either. the sole reason he was here was to find out how he could make their next product more rockbox-friendly 22.41.57 # <[av]bani> schematics and devkits with bdm support would be the best way :) 22.42.40 # <[av]bani> retail box, and dev sdk 22.42.43 # <[av]bani> :) 22.47.16 # <[av]bani> wiggler@home ? 22.47.48 # @linus' home 22.49.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.49.07 # [IDC]Dragon: Although I made SCK1 an output now, still no clock pulses :( 22.50.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> I once got pulses, a steady frequency 22.50.24 # <[av]bani> pulses are good 22.50.46 # <[IDC]Dragon> (even without outputting data) 22.50.53 # <[IDC]Dragon> do you writedata? 22.50.58 # Yes. 22.51.20 # <[IDC]Dragon> transmit enabled, and everything? 22.51.36 # I try to write 15625*16 bytes @400 kBit/s. Should take around 5 secs 22.53.38 # @375 kBit/s to be exact 22.54.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> how do you init SCI1? 22.54.49 # void setup_sci1(int rate) /* in bit/s, rounds down to the next possible value */ 22.54.50 # { 22.54.50 # int i; 22.54.50 DBUG Enqueued KICK amiconn 22.54.50 # int divider = (FREQ/4 - 1) / rate; 22.54.50 # 22.54.50 *** Alert Mode level 1 22.54.50 # SCR1 = 0x00; /* disable serial port */ 22.54.52 # SMR1 = 0x80; /* Synchronous, no prescale */ 22.54.54 # BRR1 = divider; 22.54.56 # SCR1 = 0x01; /* clock output */ 22.54.58 # and_b(0xC7, SSR1); /* clear ORER, FER and PER */ 22.55.02 # for (i = 0; i < divider; i++); /* wait at least 1 bit time */ 22.55.02 # or_b(0x30, SCR1); /* enable TxD and RxD */ 22.55.04 # } 22.56.06 # This is called from ata_enable(true) with setup_sci1(400000); after setting SCK1, TxD1 and RxD1 pin functions, and making SCK1 and TxD1 outputs 22.56.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> the output part is only relevant if GPIO 22.56.58 # The divider evaluates to 7 for rate = 400000, verified with readback 22.57.58 # The output part is done in the mas serial setup (at least for SCK0). It shouldn't hurt anyway 23.01.11 Part [av]bani 23.01.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> how do you wait for your output? 23.01.53 # for (i = 0; i < len; i++) 23.01.53 # { 23.01.53 # while (!(SSR1 & 0x80)); /* wait for TDRE = 1 */ 23.01.53 *** Alert Mode level 2 23.01.53 # TDR1 = buf[i]; /* write byte */ 23.01.54 *** Alert Mode level 3 23.01.54 # and_b(~0x80, SSR1); /* start transmitting */ 23.01.54 *** Alert Mode level 4 23.01.54 # } 23.01.56 # while (!(SSR1 & 0x04)); /* wait for TEND = 1 */ 23.02.13 # This is part of my mmc_write_transfer function 23.02.41 # (Well, most of it for now. I don't bother trying DMA for now) 23.02.57 # <[IDC]Dragon> you have to clear TDRE, i think 23.03.21 # I do this: and_b(~0x80, SSR1); /* start transmitting */ 23.04.02 # <[IDC]Dragon> ah, yes 23.04.34 # <[IDC]Dragon> have you tried the reverse order? 23.04.53 # <[IDC]Dragon> clear TDRE first, then write new data 23.05.44 # This would transmit the data that was in TDR1 before. The sequence is from the sh datasheet. I can't see what I am doing wrong here, maybe I'm blind. 23.07.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> I don't see it either 23.08.44 # <[IDC]Dragon> how about a close comparison withthe MAS play code? 23.09.09 # The MAS play code uses dma & interrupts... 23.10.30 # Zagor: I can't build the iriver sim 23.11.11 # oh never mind 23.11.15 Quit silencer (Nick collision from services.) 23.11.18 Join silencer [0] (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) 23.11.19 # ok :) 23.11.27 Quit silencer (Nick collision from services.) 23.11.55 *** Alert Mode OFF 23.11.56 # biiig display ;-) 23.12.02 # yeah 23.12.38 # the text reader becomes very nice on this display 23.13.26 # hmm, did I break something? "make install" does not install the fonts 23.14.10 # <[IDC]Dragon> gotta sleep, c u 23.15.20 Quit [IDC]Dragon () 23.15.41 # Zagor: I think the buildzip needs a little pat on the shoulder 23.16.17 Join silencer_ [0] (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) 23.16.43 # check the last 5 lines of it 23.17.49 # ah 23.20.07 # you fix or I? 23.20.24 # fixed 23.21.25 # we should remove all line wraps from the docs when we add it to the zip. they are ugly to read like this. 23.22.01 # hi! 23.22.18 # what's the status with the iriver? has much/any progress been made since last week? 23.22.41 # lots of new information, no code ran yet 23.23.19 # but our bdm pod arrived to linus today so things will hopefully take off a little soon 23.23.53 # is everything in the wiki? 23.24.01 # what is the bdm pod used for? 23.24.55 # it's for interfacing with the cpu's debug module. that way we can run gdb against it without running code. also it will help us flash it. 23.27.17 # wow... nice! how much did that cost? 23.27.24 # $150 23.32.14 Ctcp Ignored 2 channel CTCP requests in 4 hours and 56 minutes at the last flood 23.32.14 # * Zagor got a mail with a link for a broken iriver on ebay 23.32.46 # lemme guess! 23.32.53 # "deliver in US only" ;-) 23.33.01 # nope, located in ireland 23.33.09 # how much? 23.33.18 # $15 so far 23.33.35 Nick silencer_ is now known as silencer- (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) 23.33.36 # and long time time is it left? 23.33.40 # 3 days 23.34.02 # 4 days have passed, 3 bidders (started at $5) 23.34.24 # ok, so it could be worth making a bid in a few days 23.34.33 # definitely 23.38.45 Quit ripnetUK () 23.51.07 Quit scott666_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.51.42 Join scott666_ [0] (~scott666@c-24-245-58-48.mn.client2.attbi.com)