--- Log for 12.10.104 Server: burroughs.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 7 days and 23 hours ago 00.01.51 Quit edx () 00.15.16 Join gromit``` [0] (~gromit@ALagny-151-2-2-23.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr) 00.22.19 Quit gromit`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.55.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.02.34 Quit plok ("I'm outta here!") 01.15.46 Quit AciD (Remote closed the connection) 01.45.25 Quit mecraw ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 02.06.38 Join bagawk [0] (~80c10006@labb.contactor.se) 02.06.53 # hey :) 02.07.02 # my RTC alarm mod is done 02.08.18 # amiconn: are you there? 02.08.28 # yup 02.08.47 # amiconn: could you do me a BIG favor? 02.09.00 # Do you realize what you've started with your Ondio firmware check? ;) 02.09.13 # hehe yes 02.09.36 Join ashridah [0] (ashridah@ 02.09.45 # bagawk: What can I do? 02.11.13 # amiconn: could you do a fresh cvs checkout, compile it with -DHAVE_ALARM_MOD in the EXTRA_DEFINES section of the makefile, and do a make zip (fonts included) and send it to me? 02.11.44 # No build environment? 02.11.49 # nope 02.11.56 # and a 28.8k modem hehe 02.12.08 # Urgs 02.12.41 # bagawk: This is recorder v1, right? 02.12.47 # amiconn: yes 02.16.38 # * amiconn is wondering where those EXTRA_DEFINES are hiding.. 02.17.49 # humm no idea 02.18.10 # it may have changed, since the build system was changed not to long ago 02.18.33 # Found it - had to add an extra "export ...." line to the generated Makefile, let's see if it works 02.20.08 # Looks like it worked... the alarm_menu.o is significantly larger 02.20.18 # :) 02.24.13 # bagawk: Got the link? 02.24.49 # yes, did not see your privmsg in CGIIRC 02.39.42 # i am waiting now to see if it works 02.40.10 # it only works in incrimments of 5 mins 02.40.29 # 'increments'. 02.40.36 # ok 02.41.15 # bagawk: At least it works... and there is room for improvement ;) 02.45.21 # I already see a few things to change 02.47.37 # New voice files upped... now its tts (time to sleep) 02.48.03 Quit amiconn (" nite") 02.50.32 # I need to find some time to make the alarm better 02.50.43 # possibly make it a plugin 02.51.28 # put it up there with 'making my own version of rockbox' and 'center aligning in wps' 02.51.33 # 'checkers' 02.51.55 # yeah 02.52.07 # i have the checkers source at home 02.52.15 # i doubt i will finish it 02.52.29 # ill post it on the mail ist some time, mabe someone will finish it 02.52.41 # i am started that milage calc 02.52.46 # 'maybe', 'i'll', good luck 02.52.47 # but did not finish 02.52.51 # 'i have' 02.53.53 # center alinging in the wps is something i just put on a list, not that i will ever get to it :P 02.55.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.03.58 Quit bagawk ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 04.55.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.40.48 Join webguest75 [0] (~3fe4cfee@labb.contactor.se) 05.41.49 Quit webguest75 (Client Quit) 05.42.18 Join webguest39 [0] (~3fe4cfee@labb.contactor.se) 05.43.59 # Hi, I am looking for some help. I have a corrupted file on my Studio 20, I can't delete it. I am willing to try to write the hard drive clean and start over but can't get that to work. Any suggestions? Thanks. 05.46.16 Quit webguest39 (Client Quit) 06.38.41 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") 06.55.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.03.53 Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 07.06.11 Quit ashridah (Remote closed the connection) 07.06.16 Join ashridah [0] (ashridah@220-253-118-86.VIC.netspace.net.au) 07.39.33 # my LinAV snake port is near complete! now i just have to figure out why it keeps crashing the archos.. :) 07.39.43 # :-) 07.39.57 Join Lurkski [0] (~Miranda@ 07.40.06 # they better come out with devices later on that fix things like this for you. 07.40.30 # damn, i can't figure out how to format my jukebox without a partition table in Win2k... 07.40.56 # without a partition table? why? 07.41.03 # bug hunt 07.41.41 # first fix the bug that is win2k :) 07.41.54 # i have found that silly disk manager, but it won't let me do what i want 07.42.08 # googel! 07.43.37 # maybe efnet #windows2000 can help or something 07.45.01 # I HATE THIS! just tell me what's wrong, stupid thing! 07.46.39 # it's so incredibly harder to debug code that isn't your own, i've come to understand 07.46.55 # pff, i remember when i wanted to rewrite rockblox because i didn't understand it too well 08.04.52 Quit einhirn (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 NSplit burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 08.04.52 Quit MoGl53 (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 Quit midk (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 Quit ze (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 Quit gromit``` (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 Quit silencer_ (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 Quit Tron|Uni (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 Quit ashridah (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 Quit dwihno (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 Quit Sebulba02 (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.04.52 Quit LinusN (burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 08.06.15 NHeal burroughs.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 08.06.15 NJoin gromit``` [0] (~gromit@ALagny-151-2-2-23.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr) 08.06.15 NJoin silencer_ [0] (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) 08.06.15 NJoin Tron|Uni [0] (~tron@hobbit.chemie.uni-hamburg.de) 08.06.16 NJoin LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 08.06.55 NJoin ze [0] (psyco@adsl-63-205-44-84.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 08.06.55 NJoin midk [0] (~midk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 08.06.55 NJoin MoGl53 [0] (mogle3@ 08.06.55 NJoin einhirn [0] (~Miranda@carlsberg.heim2.tu-clausthal.de) 08.07.28 NJoin dwihno [0] (~dw@ 08.13.16 Join amiconn [0] (~jens@pD95D1937.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.13.30 # Good morning 08.13.54 # morning, amiconn 08.15.08 NJoin ashridah [0] (ashridah@220-253-118-86.VIC.netspace.net.au) 08.16.08 # LinusN: What an irony: You are trying to do the opposite of what I had to do last week (I had to reformat my Ondio *with* a partition table, after I half-accidentally ditched it), without much luck with the WinXP disk manager either 08.17.08 Join Sebulba02 [0] (~Sebulba02@ 08.22.23 # LinusN: What bug are you trying to catch? 08.34.52 # i'm headed to bed, nite all 08.35.00 # nite midk 08.35.09 # see you later 08.55.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.04.29 # amiconn: hi 09.04.51 # i'm looking into the disk:null messages people are getting when installing 2.2 on a virgin box 09.05.09 # i suspect that the boot sector gets overwritten 09.05.29 # and i also suspect it has to do with "super floppy" formatted drives 09.05.30 Quit Tron|Uni (Remote closed the connection) 09.05.43 Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.30.30 Join einhirn [0] (Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) 09.35.25 Join plok [0] (s336156@student.uq.edu.au) 09.59.29 # (back again) 10.00.28 # LinusN: The boot sector should not get overwritten, however, theconfig sector may cause problems... 10.03.32 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (~d90a3255@labb.contactor.se) 10.04.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> good morning folks 10.05.37 # <[IDC]Dragon> (morning to europeans, that is) 10.05.50 # good eurorning! 10.05.57 # ;-) 10.07.19 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn: I fooled myself looking for the "can't rolo archos ajz" you reported 10.08.23 Join webguest78 [0] (~8446db96@labb.contactor.se) 10.08.31 # <[IDC]Dragon> I revived the startup port save/load feature, made snapshots with cold and warm boot, etc. 10.09.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> then I found the Archos .ajz I've been trying was the SP one! 10.09.47 Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50a476ab.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 10.11.12 # from the Misticriver forum regarding rockbox donations: 10.11.15 # "Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but i really can't stand freeloaders who leech of the expense of others." 10.11.43 # and who are the freeloaders in this case? 10.11.49 # we are 10.11.53 # ah 10.11.57 # we are bad persons 10.12.01 # baaaad 10.12.14 # i'm rich, thanks to rockbox! 10.12.21 # hahaah 10.12.26 # i feel quilty just using rockbox 10.12.41 # i should go and spend my life caring for the poor 10.12.52 # not sure if i should reply to that, i don't know if he deserves it 10.13.01 # I think you shouldn't 10.13.33 # * LinusN clicks on "cancel" 10.13.36 # let them have their own little universe in there 10.14.26 # it is hard to see how you freeload 10.14.37 # but let's not confuse their reaction with facts 10.18.08 # well, it's not "their" reaction, it's just a jerk who always moans and bitches about everything 10.18.32 # he's their local asshole, every forum has one 10.18.34 # right 10.18.47 # a troll 10.18.57 # and the other guys are defending us quite well :-) 10.18.57 # "don't feed the trolls" 10.23.54 # LinusN: yeah. those leechers are horrible. you obviously need to start charging for rockbox 10.23.59 # LinusN: URL? 10.24.32 # <[IDC]Dragon> LinusN: I'm about to change the voice code a bit for Ondio, such that not the whole voice file is loaded, only the tables, and the rest on demand 10.24.37 # http://www.misticriver.net/boards/showthread.php?t=4909 10.24.51 # [IDC]Dragon: sounds fair. drawbacks? 10.25.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> because we're not afraid of spinups, but about loading the large chunk 10.25.30 # <[IDC]Dragon> no drawback, just a question: 10.25.52 # aha, the change is only for ondio 10.26.00 # <[IDC]Dragon> would it be OK to leave the file open all the time, until the buffer gets claimed again? 10.26.16 # probably, why? 10.26.41 # <[IDC]Dragon> dunno, shortness of file handles, or side effects I'm unaware of 10.26.53 # no, i mean why keep it open 10.27.18 # <[IDC]Dragon> then a clip playback is just a seek and read 10.27.31 # so it saves time 10.27.44 # <[IDC]Dragon> else I have to open the file each time, causing dir and fat walk 10.27.53 # i see 10.28.04 # <[IDC]Dragon> for every word, that is 10.28.13 # today we have a maximum of 4 open files 10.28.28 # so i think it should be ok 10.28.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> one of them is the playback, I guess 10.29.05 # <[IDC]Dragon> so if I close before that's opened, we may not even need an extra handle 10.29.06 # yes, and then you might do other stuff while playing, like running plugins, loading configs etc 10.29.58 # go ahead, if it turns out to be a problem, we'll just increase the file handle limit 10.30.32 # <[IDC]Dragon> I'll try 10.31.54 # LinusN: a full-fledged troll indeed (that misticriver dude) 10.32.02 # yup 10.32.12 # and a quite verbal one too 10.32.43 # [IDC]Dragon: I couldn't find the that startup port save/ load in cvs... 10.32.54 # bit sad, really. it's not like donating a BROKEN iriver is actually a burden, past shipping. 10.33.30 # amen 10.33.33 # which reminds me, did that moglen fellow talk to you or zagor? 10.33.44 # I think he did 10.33.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn: don't worry, I did 10.33.51 # ashridah: I read something in the logs 10.34.35 # <[IDC]Dragon> If Zagor doesn't mind, I commit it again, while Ondio and possibly Player is ongoing 10.34.38 # cool. 10.40.37 # he's sending the iriver board to me 10.41.22 # [IDC]Dragon: I checked the bus controller inits on the player (BCR and WCR1..WCR3) 10.41.31 # LinusN: cool. 10.42.33 # [IDC]Dragon: BCR, WCR1 and WCR2 are identical to recorder (apart from BCR being different for me, caused by your bootloader enabling warp mode, while the archos loader doesn't) 10.43.15 # WCR3 is different, but I doubt that it is for a reason. Recorder and Ondio initialize it to 0x8000, while player initializes it to 0xE000 10.43.36 # That adds 4 wait states for area 02 (flash rom) instead of 1 10.44.43 # Flash rom is always 90 ns or faster, so 1 wait state should be sufficient (Linus? Did you find slower ROMs in very old players?) 10.45.42 # I tested the 0x8000 setting on my player - no problems so far 10.45.53 # <[IDC]Dragon> I 10.46.07 # <[IDC]Dragon> I think 90 ns is the slowest you can get 10.46.39 # i haven't looked at the ratings of the ROM's 10.46.58 # but i doubt that they're slower than 90ns 10.47.34 # Even 1 wait state allows for more than 90ns, so I think we can use the WCR1 and WCR3 inits for all archos models 10.47.43 # <[IDC]Dragon> confimendm 90 is the max 10.48.04 # <[IDC]Dragon> confirmed, I mean (from the datasheets) 10.55.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.57.53 # <[IDC]Dragon> can we do 0 waitstates? 11.02.32 # No, it's not possible 11.03.22 # <[IDC]Dragon> yeah, figured that 11.04.12 # So I think we can remove the conditionals around the WCR1/WCR3 init (and correct the WCR1 init according to the datasheet) 11.05.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> I'm all for it, yes 11.05.52 # I already did it locally... 11.05.59 # go ahead 11.06.36 # <[IDC]Dragon> it's rare to see an #if removed, these days ;-) 11.08.25 # :-) 11.10.22 # amiconn: got my email? 11.10.35 # yup :) 11.11.33 # Another topic - is it still desired to implement logarithmic scroll speed settings? (Discussed that on 2004-07-30 on irc) 11.11.41 # think so 11.12.20 # What unit should we use for the settings? Or should the settings dialog display the Hz values? 11.15.28 # not sure, maybe just a generic "speed" setting, without unit 11.18.43 Join MisticJeff [0] (~MisticJef@lv-65-173-87-243.dyn.sprint-hsd.net) 11.19.01 # Good Morning one and all... 11.19.07 # hi 11.19.17 # nice trolling on the misticriver board :-) 11.19.33 # Just wanted you all to know that the Rockbox project has 100% support from MisticRiver 11.19.41 # just ignore Flame Grilled 11.19.48 # don't worry 11.20.00 # he's such an obvious troll 11.20.27 # not really a troll... he's been with me since the inception... just misguided 11.20.42 # and verbal :-) 11.20.51 # oh yes, very verbal! 11.21.22 # too bad he doesn't have the facts to back his statements 11.21.53 # that's just the way he is unfortunately, just had a little conversation with him via PM 11.22.40 # Zagor here? 11.22.44 # nope 11.23.02 # bet he's at home feeling sorry for himself :-) 11.23.02 # When you see him have him check his email and get back to me 11.23.13 # (broken rib) 11.23.14 # LinusN: Next one: How/ when is SYS_POWEROFF coming? 11.23.31 # amiconn: i can do that now 11.24.10 # lots of plugins don't call the default handler though 11.24.31 # MisticJeff: will do 11.26.23 # <[IDC]Dragon> MisticJeff: is everybody else happy with the forum tree? 11.26.39 # <[IDC]Dragon> I still find it very diverse 11.26.59 # <[IDC]Dragon> with the sub-boards 11.27.29 # no complaints so far, much more diverse than the old site was 11.27.34 # ...and i still miss the "new posts" feature, it's too hidden as it is now 11.27.37 # LinusN: So they have to be adapted... We Ondio guys have to look into each plugin anyway, to either adapt them to the limited keyboard or ditch them for Ondio (e.g. calendar makes no sense without RTC) 11.28.01 # i'll have a go at it 11.28.14 # (sending the POWEROFF event, that is) 11.28.28 # MisticJeff: The css is still a bit odd, imho. It is rather different from the ordinary rockbox site 11.28.44 # LinusN: yeah i need to move that link button still... *kicks self in arse* 11.29.09 # Yes a little different 11.30.05 # I've been around mailing lists for a long time, I'm new to this IRC stuff but nowadays if you want participation you really must have a forum 11.30.36 # <[IDC]Dragon> forum is fine, thank you very much 11.31.13 Quit Lurkski (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.31.18 # <[IDC]Dragon> I just think we don't need that many sub-forums 11.31.33 # i agree 11.31.53 # <[IDC]Dragon> One per main model should be enough 11.32.32 # <[IDC]Dragon> it's not like the FM users have different interests than the Recorder users 11.35.49 Join Pillo [0] (~Miranda@navlab03.dei.unipd.it) 11.41.53 Quit webguest78 ("CGI:IRC") 11.44.20 # * [IDC]Dragon sees a showstopper for the Ondio voice on demand loading 11.44.54 # ouch 11.45.25 # Forums edited down!! Done! 11.45.34 # <[IDC]Dragon> the clips have to be available in memory, else we can't schedule them in a queue 11.46.14 # <[IDC]Dragon> MisticJeff: Thanks! (you're too easy to influence) 11.47.04 # <[IDC]Dragon> if you add FM and V2 to the Recorder forum description, it'll be perfect, imho 11.47.17 # i'm just the gatekeeper, you guys run the show 11.47.57 # <[IDC]Dragon> ahem and the Ondio line features the models FM and SP 11.50.26 # <[IDC]Dragon> LinusN: speaking of model, I added a "Storage" row to http://www.rockbox.org/docs/devicechart.html 11.50.58 # <[IDC]Dragon> mainly to state that the Ondio has no HD but MMC 11.51.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> I'm not sure about the HD sizes of the older models, can you please check if I didthat wrong? 11.51.44 # [IDC]Dragon: sure 11.51.45 # [IDC]Dragon: You *can* schedule the clips, loading one after the other in memory, and resetting to the start address when the queue is empty. 11.52.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn: with some kind of dynamic memory management 11.52.32 # I doubt that we schedule so many clips that we run past the end of the mp3 buffer 11.52.55 # <[IDC]Dragon> how about duplicates? do you want them twice in memory? 11.53.11 # [IDC]Dragon: the oldest recorders had 6Gb 11.54.14 # <[IDC]Dragon> up to 15 is correct? 11.54.29 # i believe so yes 11.54.47 # [IDC]Dragon: Should be no problem, simply place them in memory in playing sequence. Should be even easier to play that... 11.55.35 # <[IDC]Dragon> yes, that's a simple solution 11.56.19 # You can add an end-of-buffer check, just in case 11.56.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> and a very different talk module, without the queue 11.57.04 # <[IDC]Dragon> I was thinking about some kind of caching, but too much code 11.57.32 # <[IDC]Dragon> I need an upper limit, the file clip goes behind that 12.00.23 # Why not use the same clip queue for the file/dir clip? 12.00.43 # <[IDC]Dragon> I do 12.01.02 # <[IDC]Dragon> just have a different idea: 12.01.42 # <[IDC]Dragon> I could reserve the space for the full voice file as usual, but load the pieces into their place when needed 12.01.54 # <[IDC]Dragon> lunchtime, away 12.05.12 # [IDC]Dragon: that sounds better 12.05.27 # Doing it this way may need fewer changes, and it avoids loading the same clip twice. On the downside you have to maitain the clip-loaded state for every clip 12.43.37 Join Zagor [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 12.55.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.55.47 # SYS_POWEROFF works fine 13.02.02 # lunch time 13.02.09 Quit MisticJeff (Read error: 238 (Connection timed out)) 13.07.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> back again 13.09.17 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn: in the voice file way described as above, I just need a tag bit per clip, this could be the MSB of a table entry 13.11.52 # [IDC]Dragon: Isn't the MSB used for lang<->voice only clip separation? 13.12.20 # <[IDC]Dragon> no, within the clip "directory", I mean 13.12.34 # <[IDC]Dragon> struct clip_entry 13.14.02 # <[IDC]Dragon> I could e.g. use the MSB of the size member, plenty of room there 13.14.54 # <[IDC]Dragon> when loaded, the MSBs of all entries will be 0 13.15.28 # <[IDC]Dragon> so I can gradually set them, to indicate a loaded clip 14.01.51 Part LinusN 14.30.23 Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 14.43.04 Join elinenbe [0] (~elinenbe_@ 14.46.31 Join Lurkski [0] (~Miranda@ 14.55.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.15.52 # <[IDC]Dragon> amiconn: r u there? 15.18.33 Quit Bagder ("Off to search for that connect-resetting peer guy!") 15.18.37 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 15.31.42 # [IDC]Dragon: can you test the SYS_POWEROFF change? 15.32.17 # btw, which key to use for the ondio? 15.34.42 Quit Lurkski (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.37.15 # <[IDC]Dragon> LinusN: can't test now, perhaps not even tonight 15.37.40 # <[IDC]Dragon> off is holding the On/Off button 15.38.17 # * [IDC]Dragon has to admit he doesn't understand the SYS_POWEROFF business 15.38.30 # <[IDC]Dragon> haven't followed that 15.38.45 # easy, a held OFF key sends a SYS_POWEROFF event to the button queue 15.39.09 # <[IDC]Dragon> and then? only button queue? 15.39.12 # which is handled by default_handler(), which turns off the unit 15.39.37 # <[IDC]Dragon> and saves to RTC, etc. ? 15.39.43 # just like the OFF-OFF click does today 15.40.22 # the OFF-OFF handling is removed on the platforms that supports "soft poweroff" 15.40.34 # fm, v2 and ondio 15.40.49 # now you hold OFF, and the player is cleanly shut down 15.41.22 # <[IDC]Dragon> I have never used OFF-OFF, was that for recorders as well? 15.41.27 # yes 15.41.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> :-/ 15.41.33 # recorders still have it 15.41.47 # the player has it as a menu choice 15.42.10 # <[IDC]Dragon> "cleanly" means disk power down, or what? 15.42.39 # cleanly means "saves settings to disk/rtc, spins down and turns off" 15.43.10 # <[IDC]Dragon> ah, ok 15.43.33 # <[IDC]Dragon> because when not holding off, we're not racing against the hardwareoff 15.43.47 # exactly 15.44.06 # the user will probably let go off the OFF button the the "shutting down" message appears 15.44.18 # s/the the/when the/ 15.44.37 # <[IDC]Dragon> vs. for fm, v2 and ondio we will? 15.44.43 # <[IDC]Dragon> (race) 15.45.11 # the fm/v2/ondio has such a long OFF timeout in hardware that the user has time to let go off the button 15.45.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> but long enough for the disk to spin up and save settings? 15.45.40 # the recorder and player has such a short timeout that the SYS_POWEROFF event is useless 15.46.09 # i don't think the hardware timeout is long enough to spin up, save and spin down again 15.46.18 # but the user won't hold it that long 15.46.37 # try it yourself, you will release the button when the message appears 15.46.46 # <[IDC]Dragon> because you issue a splash first? 15.46.46 # just like the original firmware 15.46.49 # <[IDC]Dragon> ok 15.47.04 # this is the "shutting down" message i mentioned 15.47.38 # <[IDC]Dragon> that's excellent for the Ondio, because you can't power it down in software while the button is pressed 15.47.53 # good 15.48.02 # a builtin safety net 15.48.32 # gotta go 15.48.34 # cu guys 15.48.40 # <[IDC]Dragon> I think it's annoying, requires such a message 15.48.48 # what is? 15.48.55 # ah 15.49.16 # <[IDC]Dragon> for Ondio, we have to "force" the user away from the button 15.49.26 # i see, 15.49.29 # ok gott arun 15.49.31 # gotta run 15.49.32 # <[IDC]Dragon> cu 15.49.34 Part LinusN 15.50.34 # [IDC]Dragon: I'm here noew 15.50.38 # *now 16.14.16 # <[IDC]Dragon> now I am, too 16.14.25 # <[IDC]Dragon> what was I about to ask? 16.15.03 # <[IDC]Dragon> ah, about SYS_POWEROFF 16.15.23 # <[IDC]Dragon> we should use it to save the delayed sector 16.16.04 # <[IDC]Dragon> perhaps not write it at "spinup", to minimize wear 16.17.13 # <[IDC]Dragon> or at spinup, too, but not before a certain timeout 16.18.13 # Iiuc the safe shutdown does the config save already 16.21.19 # <[IDC]Dragon> ok, then we're only left to think about delaying the delay 16.26.17 # Another idea: We could "fake" a real poweroff while the user is still holding the button, by blanking the display 16.26.34 # <[IDC]Dragon> hehe 16.28.24 # not a bad idea, if it feels good for the user. most mobile phones do that. 16.29.13 # <[IDC]Dragon> they do? interesting. but the feedback is good, because it's the desired 16.31.26 # <[IDC]Dragon> so, amiconn: good idea 16.32.12 # <[IDC]Dragon> set the contrast to lightmost, to make it look more real 16.34.23 # The player already does something like that (half-way) - it switches off the backlight 16.55.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.57.06 Join Lurkski [0] (~Miranda@ 17.05.50 Part Zagor 17.17.00 Join mecraw [0] (~lmarlow@ 17.20.46 # [IDC]Dragon: Still there? 17.20.53 # <[IDC]Dragon> yes 17.22.47 # <[IDC]Dragon> just checking, or what? ;-) 17.23.41 # The "Storage" row in the device comparison table is now complete. The Player/Studio are available from 6 to 20 GB 17.23.49 # *is not complete 17.24.27 # <[IDC]Dragon> aha, I guess only the newer ones? 17.25.15 # I don't know about the older ones, but there are Studio 10 and Studio 20. I should know as I have a Studio 10... 17.25.29 # <[IDC]Dragon> ;-) 17.25.54 # <[IDC]Dragon> do you have cvs right now? I don't. 17.26.18 # <[IDC]Dragon> Linus also pointe dout the Recorder started at 6 GB. 17.26.26 # <[IDC]Dragon> pointed out 17.27.08 # <[IDC]Dragon> (the above looked french) 17.27.15 # Yes indeed. And there are rumours that *some* 15 GB recorders also have USB2... 17.27.41 # I'm not sure about that 17.27.51 # <[IDC]Dragon> I was betting on that when I go one fo my gf, but lost 17.27.51 # Me fix. 17.28.11 # <[IDC]Dragon> let's neglect the very exotic combos 17.28.22 # If the recorder is USB2, it is clearly printed on the front (in red) 17.30.50 # fix committed 17.36.19 # <[IDC]Dragon> thanks 17.36.53 # <[IDC]Dragon> I knew that row is most likely wrong, but it was a start 17.45.28 Quit Lurkski (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.46.45 # <[IDC]Dragon> leaving... 17.46.52 Quit [IDC]Dragon ("CGI:IRC") 17.48.13 Quit ashridah ("gone") 18.22.04 Quit einhirn (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.40.05 Part Pillo 18.45.31 Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) 18.53.59 Join _aLF [0] (Alexandre@mutualite-3-82-67-66-128.fbx.proxad.net) 18.54.01 # <_aLF> hi 18.55.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.41.59 Quit elinenbe (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- :P") 20.00.53 Join webguest53 [0] (~d5f0ca38@labb.contactor.se) 20.16.39 Join marc77 [0] (~marc@pub212004076150.hfc.datazug.ch) 20.21.25 Quit marc77 (Client Quit) 20.37.54 Quit webguest53 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 20.49.54 # Bagder: Are you there? 20.55.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.07.52 Join iRiverMan [0] (~acba865f@labb.contactor.se) 21.08.13 # hiya 21.08.42 # what kind of hardware decoder does the iriver have? 21.10.34 # a mas? 21.11.00 # Erm, the iRiver has *no* hardware decoder 21.11.40 # it must have 21.11.54 # archos has hardware decoder 21.14.10 # Yes, but then the archos CPU is only 12 MHz SH1, while the iRiver CPU is >100 MHz Coldfire 21.14.44 # cool 21.14.53 # so where is the decoder "stored"? 21.15.18 # It's a software decoder, part of the firmware 21.15.55 # <_aLF> http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/DataSheets/Philips_UDA1380TT_Datasheet.pdf should be spec of the DAC ? 21.17.13 # yup 21.18.40 # ok 21.18.51 # hope rockbox can make it play aac or atrac3 21.18.57 # as well as wma, ogg and the others 21.38.27 # Yay! Grayscale, jpeg viewer and video run on Ondio! 21.41.13 Join scott666 [0] (~scott666@c-24-245-58-48.mn.client2.attbi.com) 21.42.58 Join scott666_ [0] (~scott666@c-24-245-58-48.mn.client2.attbi.com) 21.44.18 # boo 21.44.27 # add backlight for the ondio 21.44.28 # lol 21.45.27 # The PCB is prepared for backlight... 21.45.51 # so where is it? 21.46.00 # on the archos website it shows the Ondio having a BLUE backlite 21.47.47 # These pictures look very artificial, but the PCB looks like it was planned to ship the Ondio with an EL backlight. So if we can figure what chip belongs in the empty space, we could add it ourselves. It may even be that early Ondio actually have that backlight 21.48.48 # cool 21.48.58 # I know the Iriver has an EL backlight on its remote 21.49.09 # the LCD on the iriver itself uses blue LEDS for the backlight 21.49.38 # I have modded my recorder with white LEDs... 21.49.58 # :D 21.50.09 # man i was this close to buying an ipod before choosing the iriver 21.54.36 Quit mecraw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.55.09 Join mecraw [0] (~lmarlow@ 22.05.35 Quit scott666 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.11.30 Join mecraw_ [0] (~lmarlow@ 22.11.57 Quit mecraw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.15.25 Quit mecraw_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.15.27 Join mecraw__ [0] (~lmarlow@ 22.16.55 Join uski [0] (~uski@lns-th2-5f-81-56-234-40.adsl.proxad.net) 22.17.05 # hi * 22.18.43 # hi uski 22.20.02 # here now 22.20.10 # hey Bagder 22.20.18 # there is something i feel i should ask 22.20.44 # Bagder: I have a problem with the default_event_handler() ... 22.20.59 # wouldn't rockbox face legal action from iriver if Rockbox enabled it to play aac, or aiff, or atrac3? 22.21.22 # iRiverMan: why would it/we? 22.21.39 # dunno 22.21.48 # Probably not from iRiver, but maybe from the patent holders if patented formats are supported 22.21.52 # ok 22.21.58 # ah, right 22.22.04 # unless we pay the fee 22.22.06 # i think atrac3 or aac would be good formats to implement 22.22.09 # or similar 22.22.53 # someone recons the ondio may actually have a backlight in the hardware, yet its not enabled yet 22.23.36 # iRiverMan: It's *prepared*, i.e. the pads & traces on the PCB are there, but empty 22.23.42 # oh 22.26.34 # iRiverMan: Look at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ArchosOndio , images under "Front of PCB, with LCD bent away". Top-left from the buttons there are some places for bigger passive parts, and an 8-pin chip. [IDC]Dragon says this look like a preparation for an EL circuit 22.29.56 # yea 22.30.50 # Bagder ? 22.31.37 # amiconn: what the problem with it? 22.31.41 # what's 22.32.45 # I'm currently trying to enable several plugins to be built on the Ondio, and wanted to change them to use the default_event_handler() on the way 22.33.00 # will iriver-rockbox have plugins/ 22.33.01 # ? 22.33.10 # iRiverMan: of course, rockbox has plugins 22.33.13 # This is actually necessary because the handler has to do additional things on Ondio (MMC inserted check) 22.33.15 # cool 22.33.20 # can't wait 22.33.22 # :-) 22.33.46 # amiconn: ok, sounds reasonable 22.33.58 # However, quite a number of plugins has to do something *before* the usb screen *in case* an event is captured by the handler. 22.34.30 # The only solution I can see is adding a callback function pointer to the handler... 22.35.00 # hm 22.35.08 # For example, all grayscale plugins have to switch off the grayscale interrupt beforehand 22.37.02 # Evaluating the individual events beforehand, doing the necessary stuff and then calling the handler does question the handler concept itself, imho 22.37.41 # I can only think of either making a callback or splitting the default handler into two functions, one for checking for a signal and the other for running the function 22.38.38 Join mecraw_ [0] (~lmarlow@ 22.38.40 # Those plugins that don't have to do own stuff beforehand could call the handler with a NULL pointer 22.39.03 # yes 22.42.07 # The 2-function concept should work too, the first function would have to check whether this is a handled sys-default event, and the second would handle it. However, this does look less elegant imho 22.43.24 # it would be a means to avoid the callback 22.45.04 # What would be bad with the callback? I'm not concerned about the callback itself, just want a solution that fits into the core concept 22.45.20 # Callbacks are used in a number of other places too 22.45.54 # heck, make it callback now and if we ever think different then let's change it then 22.46.10 # okay 22.46.15 # but I think you should allow for a custom pointer to get passed to the callback function 22.46.22 # to allow local data to get passed 22.46.47 # What data could that be? The event id? 22.47.13 # nah, I meant that the plugin might want to pass in, like handler(myfunc, &mystruct); 22.47.42 # then the myfunc would be called with the &mystruct pointer 22.47.44 # Ah, yes. Just wanted to ask that. This would be a void *, right? 22.47.49 # yeps 22.49.04 # Then this would be handler(event, myfunc, &mystruct); 22.49.21 # seems right 22.50.18 Quit mecraw__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.50.32 # Okay, I'll go ahead. This will break the plugin api albeit no function is added or removed 22.51.33 # yes 22.51.47 # but it'll improve things 22.52.45 # Yes. As it is now many plugins do their own default event handling (and fail on the Ondio when USB gets connected and an MMC is inserted) 22.56.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.00.15 # Argh. I'm obligated to sort functions.... :( 23.01.04 Quit methangas (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Get hot chicks here!") 23.03.49 Join mecraw__ [0] (~lmarlow@ 23.04.12 Quit mecraw_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.07.55 # Bagder: still there? 23.08.33 # yes 23.09.20 # The default event handler is used in quite a number of places from core code where these extended features are not necessary. Should I provide 2 handlers instead? 23.09.37 # yes, I think so 23.09.39 # (the simple one calling the extend one with 2 NULL pointers) 23.12.49 Quit uski (Remote closed the connection) 23.21.40 Join djtremolo [0] (~51d12280@labb.contactor.se) 23.23.58 Quit djtremolo (Client Quit) 23.38.08 # "The Karma is the ONLY HD based player which does gapless playback properly." 23.38.12 # blah 23.38.16 # http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/10/09/1813228 23.38.59 # Haha! They obviously don't know about rockbox :-/ 23.39.16 # that was a quote from a comment, and we all know how they can be 23.40.26 # rockbox is mentioned several times at least 23.40.42 # Btw: The extended handler works :) grayscale.rock already adapted, jpeg.rock and video.rock to follow 23.41.19 # neato 23.41.51 # video.rock unfortunately needs workaround for the (a bit) short-sighted .rvf format definition. Ondio has a different CPU clock... 23.42.06 # oh 23.42.15 # hehe, how lame ;-) 23.42.32 # ...and the time delta between 2 video frames is stored in CPU clocks 23.42.42 # is there any freeware ogg rippers available? 23.42.57 # grip/oggenc! 23.43.05 # * Bagder lives in linux land 23.43.09 # cheers bag 23.44.26 Quit iRiverMan ("CGI:IRC") 23.52.33 Join einhirn [0] (~Miranda@carlsberg.heim2.tu-clausthal.de) 23.56.25 Join webguest79 [0] (~c7e73280@labb.contactor.se) 23.56.35 Join gromit`` [0] (~gromit@ALagny-151-2-6-183.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr)