--- Log for 13.03.105 Server: sterling.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 5 days and 23 hours ago 00.03.51 Join Camilo [0] (~chatzilla@userca029.dsl.pipex.com) 00.06.21 Quit ScHlAuChi ("Bye") 00.28.00 Join muesli- [0] (muesli_tv@ 00.28.45 # moin 00.35.49 # hello 00.36.12 # anyone herer that can answer sumthing bout the simulator? 00.37.21 Quit Camilo (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00.38.32 Nick midk is now known as mdk (~midk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 00.38.37 # ask 00.39.31 # http://www.strasbourgcurieux.com/fourrure/ 00.39.32 # buy fur 00.40.05 # fuck fur :p 00.40.09 # if i use it in jukebox and change settings..are they afective in de box when i disconect from pc? 00.40.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.40.50 # is this clear? 00.42.57 # its in root of jukebox, preglow, and i think it uses the same .ajz as the jb itself.. 00.43.34 # i think not.. simulator is independent i think.. 00.43.47 # its not an emulator.. 00.45.45 # wow. 00.45.57 # this channel's got 51 in it? it topped out at about 25 last year. :) 00.46.00 Nick mdk is now known as midk (~midk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 00.46.04 # oke..i cant really tell.. 00.46.15 # display broke.. 00.46.27 # love the voice now :) 01.01.35 Join hardeep [0] (1098@ 01.16.17 # woo! rockbox now running on my h140 01.20.49 Quit Heidel () 01.22.05 Join webguest34 [0] (~d9eb3773@labb.contactor.se) 01.25.15 Quit webguest34 (Client Quit) 01.27.49 # congrats, and welcome to the club 01.40.07 # but iæm off 01.40.10 Quit preglow ("lol") 01.44.04 Join DMJC [0] (~James@220-245-175-174-sa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au) 01.53.13 Quit Sucka ("a bird in the bush is worth two in your house") 02.02.09 Quit midk (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.04.17 Join midk [0] (~midk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 02.13.26 Quit muesli- (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 02.17.58 Join Strath [0] (~mike@dgvlwinas01pool0-a252.wi.tds.net) 02.20.49 # does mp3 decoding take more or less battery with Rovkbox on h1xx ? 02.20.57 # Rockbox* 02.21.41 # if I checkout and build right now, can I hear ogg/mp3 on my iriver? 02.23.35 # sure, just launch the original firmware on startup 02.23.36 # * Rick snickers 02.26.00 Quit Domonoky ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 02.27.56 # heh 02.28.46 Quit DMJC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.35.46 Join muesli- [0] (muesli_tv@Bfcfb.b.pppool.de) 02.36.34 Quit StrathAFK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.40.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.42.34 Join DMJC [0] (~James@220-245-175-174-sa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au) 03.23.51 Join gromit`` [0] (~gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) 03.23.51 Quit gromit` (Connection reset by peer) 03.27.49 Part rot13 03.33.51 Quit muesli- (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03.57.36 Join Cassandra__ [0] (~christi@ 04.02.06 Quit rasher ("sleep") 04.05.46 Join QT_ [0] (as@area51.users.madwifi) 04.07.08 Join cYmen [0] (~cymen@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 04.08.39 Quit cYmen (Client Quit) 04.10.42 Join rot13 [0] (~blue-fuz@cm129.omega172.maxonline.com.sg) 04.18.12 Quit Cassandra_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.19.11 Quit QT (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.40.48 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.44.41 Join Sando [0] (~lolsteam@dialup- 04.51.25 Quit DMJC (Remote closed the connection) 04.54.13 Join DMJC [0] (~James@220-245-175-174-sa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au) 04.55.41 Quit Aison` ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.72 :: www.XLhost.de )") 05.06.04 Join NibbIer [0] (~sven@port-212-202-73-247.dynamic.qsc.de) 05.15.36 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.41.39 Quit DMJC ("Leaving") 05.46.34 Quit hardeep ("BitchX: use it, it makes hair grow in funny places!") 05.47.25 Quit Strath ("Client closed") 06.40.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.57.20 Quit Sando (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.15.28 Quit pill (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.47.32 Join pill [0] (dearth@ip-130.net-82-216-140.issy4.rev.numericable.fr) 07.48.31 Join Sando [0] (~lolsteam@ 07.58.36 Join DMJC [0] (~James@220-245-175-174-sa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au) 08.14.49 Quit DMJC ("Leaving") 08.40.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.47.39 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 08.51.16 Quit midk ("Leaving") 09.34.49 Join cme2- [0] (~cme2@home.expr42.net) 09.34.55 Quit cme2- (Client Quit) 09.45.00 Join Strath [0] (~mike@dgvlwinas01pool0-a252.wi.tds.net) 09.56.22 Nick kergoth is now known as kergoth`zzz (~kergoth@li11-226.members.linode.com) 10.03.56 Quit rot13 (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.04.30 Nick Strath is now known as StrathAFK (~mike@dgvlwinas01pool0-a252.wi.tds.net) 10.40.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.59.26 Join midk [0] (~midk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 11.05.26 Nick QT_ is now known as QT (as@area51.users.madwifi) 11.30.09 Part amiconn 11.37.01 Join R3nTiL [0] (~zorroz@ 11.42.14 Join rasher [0] (~3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) 11.50.22 Quit R3nTiL () 12.10.16 Quit rasher (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.16.17 Join rasher [0] (~3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) 12.20.19 # quiet weekend.. 12.20.30 Join cYmen [0] (~cymen@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 12.30.42 Quit Ka ("* poof *") 12.40.58 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.49.23 # bwergh 12.49.23 # hi 12.49.32 # hi 12.50.05 # sup? 12.50.20 Join DMJC [0] (~James@220-245-175-174-sa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au) 12.50.23 # not much 13.15.24 Join amiconn [0] (jens@pD9F51AC4.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.20.20 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 13.25.34 Join hubbel [0] (hubble@h108n2fls302o1033.telia.com) 13.29.00 Join T0mas [0] (~Tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 13.29.02 # hi 13.29.23 Join Aison [0] (~hans@zux166-181.adsl.green.ch) 13.39.19 Join F1^Aison [0] (~hans@zux166-181.adsl.green.ch) 13.40.28 Quit Aison (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.47.45 Quit SirWA2 (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 13.48.24 Quit Sando (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.12.02 Join preglow [0] (thomj@s183a.studby.ntnu.no) 14.19.58 Nick F1^Aison is now known as Aison (~hans@zux166-181.adsl.green.ch) 14.25.09 Quit DMJC ("Leaving") 14.28.57 # * HCl bites his abit motherboard 14.29.20 # Tasty? 14.29.51 # yay! X11 multithreading behaves, finally :) 14.33.44 Join DMJC [0] (~James@220-245-175-174-sa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au) 14.34.53 Join muesli- [0] (muesli_tv@dsl-217-199-79-180.berlikomm.net) 14.36.46 # morning 14.40.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.41.53 Join bippy [0] (~d92ba1dd@labb.contactor.se) 14.42.46 # hows the iriver ciming along ? 14.43.51 # well 14.44.26 Quit Aison ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.72 :: www.XLhost.de )") 14.44.28 # hats multi codec architecture 14.44.47 # whats multi codec architecture 14.44.52 # eh 14.47.34 Quit bippy ("CGI:IRC") 14.48.20 Join pjp9101 [0] (~anderson@pcp03174297pcs.plmthm01.pa.comcast.net) 14.59.27 # * preglow strokes his upgraded ubuntu 14.59.54 # preglow: I got my new x11 button handling working, finally :) 15.00.00 # haha 15.00.03 # so it's working great now? 15.00.20 # Still looking very hackish & ugly, but working fine 15.00.43 # I'd need someone to test on linux... 15.01.32 # i can try 15.03.40 # Hmm. I have no access to my webserver atm. Is dcc okay? 15.05.21 # sure 15.13.43 # ehh? 15.13.50 # i get a dependency error for kernel.c 15.14.05 # huh? Interesting... I don't 15.14.15 # What's happening exactly? 15.14.36 # a sec, checking to see if it happens with normal build 15.15.52 # CC recorder/recording.c 15.15.52 # make[2]: *** No rule to make target `kernel.c', needed by `/home/thomj/build/rockbox-devel/build/dep-sim'. Stop. 15.15.56 # make[1]: *** [/home/thomj/build/rockbox-devel/build/libsim.a] Error 2 15.16.09 # this is a clean tree, just checked out from cvs 15.16.15 # Ooopssss..... 15.16.28 # Diff seems to not include new files by default 15.16.58 # I've added a new kernel.c in uisimulator/x11 15.22.48 Part pjp9101 15.27.04 # gimme a sec, i need to sort out some x shit 15.31.26 # funny detail 15.31.36 # it ruins key repeat for my other programs while it runs 15.31.51 # Yes... that's one thing I need to fix 15.32.07 # no, it ruins key repeat for the entire system... 15.32.17 # Currently it disables auto-repeat unconditionally 15.32.20 # ahahahahha 15.32.24 # why is that even possible? 15.32.38 # Well, because X11 sucks ;) 15.32.41 # i hate xx1 15.32.44 # x11... 15.32.49 # it's a dirty whore 15.32.57 # You can't tell x11 'please no auto repeat for me' 15.33.01 # well, any specific tests i should run? 15.33.14 # You can only disable it globally - per the whole x server 15.33.24 # Specific tests: 15.33.31 # x11 is worse than bloody windows 15.33.56 # (1) Run it a bit, especially try calling functions where the text scrolls a lot 15.34.02 # It should not lock up 15.34.11 # guess i'll give rockboy a try again' 15.34.16 # (2) Try whether all buttons work as expected 15.34.39 # One very special test would be to compile an Ondio simulator, and try to call the menu 15.35.02 # This never worked with the old scheme (rasher tried it on real linux) 15.35.22 # Another test is rockboy. Seems to run just fine here now :) 15.35.35 # you got a rom you can send me? 15.36.00 # The well-known mario... 15.36.24 # sure 15.37.28 # seg faults on mario 15.38.01 # Hmm, it shouldn't 15.38.43 # I expect an endianess problem here though. If the compiler doesn't set LITTLE_ENDIAN, gnuboy assumes big endian, and segfaults 15.39.11 # I got this here too, before I added the cygwin kludge (cygwin doesn't set LITTLE_ENDIAN) 15.39.13 # the compiler probably does not do that 15.39.15 # but it worked here before 15.39.30 # Hmm, it did? 15.39.32 # and the scrolling glitches some times 15.39.34 # yes, it did 15.39.41 # i remember the buttons handled queerly 15.39.46 # Yes... 15.39.59 # but yes, the scrolling glitches 15.40.08 # not a major bother, but you might want to know 15.40.15 # The button stuff should now work as expected, but now it segfaults... 15.40.24 # What scrolling glitches? 15.40.35 # like when i scroll through the plugin list 15.40.41 # just keep down button pressed 15.41.26 # You mean with the old button code? 15.41.46 # The old button code sometimes behaves very odd on button repeat 15.42.22 # no, the new code 15.42.37 # Hmm, what happens? 15.44.18 # well, what i say, it scrolls through the list nicely, then it stops for a split second, then it continues 15.44.59 # Hmm. I don't get this on cygwin/x11. Seems I need to set up a linux environment somehow for testing... 15.45.23 # Anyway, gotta leave. Thanks for the quick testing... 15.45.26 # cu 15.45.43 Part amiconn 16.00.34 # hm.. preglow? is the simulator locked at the normale iriver speed? of is it faster? 16.00.38 # of = or 16.06.12 # don't know 16.06.23 # i guess it's a lot faster 16.06.32 # it's not restricted by the target clock 16.08.50 # yeah, I tought it was limited... 16.09.04 # but it ran really fast... 16.11.05 # will there be a new *.hex with included fw v1.65? 16.11.09 Join Stryke [0] (~Chairman8@resnet-241-86.resnet.umbc.edu) 16.12.41 # what .hex file? 16.12.48 # there is no hex file 16.13.19 # ihp_120.hex 2028 KB 26.02.2005 14:05:00 16.13.49 # afaik this is the last modified hex to flash rockbox 16.15.09 # where the hell did you find that? 16.15.19 # that's not an official rockbox deal 16.15.24 # and hcl should remove it 16.16.04 # rockbox will never release .hex files 16.16.11 # we will release a patcher, but not now 16.16.46 # okidok 16.17.30 # we don't even know if you can use 1.65 with rockbox yet 16.18.27 # i mean, 1.63 is working fine and there are no problems yet. dont need v1.65, just wanted to ask only 16.18.35 # sure 16.18.45 # i don't do much recording, so i'll just skip this iriver update 16.18.59 # hm.. anybody tried to downgrade? 16.19.06 # downgrade how? 16.19.12 # well... you have 1.65 16.19.13 # to another iriver firmware? 16.19.18 # i did with 1.63e while a lecture and it was working fine. no need of that features 16.19.20 # but you want to downgrade to rockbox + 1.40 16.19.21 # yes, sure 16.19.26 # works? 16.19.31 # well, yes, why shouldn't it? 16.19.43 # i've flashed mine to every firmware you can imagine, up and down 16.19.44 # well... maybe iriver did a check what you were installing... 16.19.45 # works great 16.20.16 # ok, then it's just to wait if linus can check 1.65 + bootloader 16.20.24 # if anybody need's the recording extra's 16.20.27 # don't hold your breath 16.21.02 # I don't need the recording options :) 16.21.07 # nor do 16.21.08 # i 16.21.09 # so for me it isn't a problem... 16.21.17 # but there are people using it for recording a lot 16.21.20 # yepp 16.21.27 # *sign* 16.21.44 # :) 16.21.49 # What are you recording? 16.22.06 # * T0mas only uses it once in a while for recording some of my guitar sounds... 16.22.14 # when I want them at home... 16.22.21 # and not on DAT.. 16.22.51 # i used it to record a lecture..it was a very big room and it was working with the internal micro very fine 16.23.12 # I tried that 16.23.16 # didn't work 16.23.32 # but then, I was on the back row of a 400-person lecture hall 16.24.57 # yeah.. but are you listening to it afterwards muesli-? 16.25.16 # yepp, i did 16.25.23 # ok... well then it's useful... 16.25.44 # but I just wont listen to it then... I usually write some short notes 16.25.46 # i did only once..just to test it 16.25.50 # much easyer to look through... 16.25.55 # not regularly 16.36.03 Quit Schee (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.38.06 Join Schee [0] (~SeeSchlos@ARennes-352-1-10-125.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr) 16.41.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.48.48 # http://cheston.com/pbf/PBF042ADRefridgeron.jpg 16.50.22 # :D 16.50.39 # should be integrated in rockbox ;) 16.58.17 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 17.13.14 Quit pill (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.23.10 Nick kergoth`zzz is now known as kergoth (~kergoth@li11-226.members.linode.com) 17.23.33 # morning 17.25.24 # hi 17.25.39 # little late to come out of bed? 17.27.14 # hm... is it possible to use the iriver ata hardware with bigger disks? 17.27.31 # something like 80 gb? 17.27.37 # and does rockbox support it? 17.28.45 # rockbox doesn't care which disk you use, afaik 17.28.55 # but the disk might not physically fit 17.29.02 # especially in the h120 17.29.53 # hm... a 2.5" standard laptop disk doesn't fit? 17.29.59 # (and can the controller handle it?) 17.30.25 # I don't know the size of the disk 17.30.32 # but the height is cruzial 17.30.37 # some fit, some don't 17.30.46 # but the controller certainly supports it 17.31.03 # some crazy people hooked up a regular 3.5" disk 17.31.11 # 120gb I think 17.31.16 # lol 17.31.19 Join Liehbeth [0] (~negk@68-190-48-83.cpe.ga.charter.com) 17.31.19 Quit gromit`` (Remote closed the connection) 17.31.27 # not very practical.. 17.31.32 # no... 17.33.21 # it would be a cool mod... 17.33.31 # having a IDE and power connector on an iriver :) 17.33.35 # the hxxx are using 1.8" drives 17.33.45 # hm... even smaller... 17.36.26 # no 17.36.34 # i believe that's their size 17.36.55 # 1.8, i'm sure 17.37.16 # he probably meant 'even smaller than 2.5"' 17.39.16 # such are quite expensive i think 17.41.40 # yeah 17.41.46 # sorry it wasn't clear 17.42.01 # I ment even smaller than the 2.5" I tought it was 17.42.25 Join michiel_ [0] (~michiel@heren.demon.nl) 17.44.34 # CoCoLUS: a quick check says they're not *that* expensive.. only managed to find 20 and 40 gb disks though 17.46.54 # well depends on your definition of expensive :) 17.49.15 # 1100 DKK for a 40gb drive.. let me just convert that to a real currency.. 17.49.20 # more than a day of work = expensive... 17.50.01 # 8 hours at about 20 euro/hour... so more than 160 euro is expensive... 17.50.05 # 150 euro 17.50.14 # for a 40gb disk, that is 17.50.35 # you can sell the old drive too 17.50.40 # lol 17.50.45 # hence its not that expensive 17.58.09 Join OPP [0] (~non@adsl-69-208-202-118.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) 17.58.13 # hello 17.58.20 # hi 17.58.39 # any news on the iriver firmware? 17.59.00 # iriver released 1.65 17.59.09 # but I think you already knew that? 17.59.13 # ya 17.59.22 # i have an h320 though 17.59.44 # ah... 17.59.48 # i hope they make a rockbox port for it after h1xx 17.59.57 # i love my h320 18.01.12 # maybe I'll buy a h320... after rockbox is ported to it... and sell my h120 to my mother/sister/other person not needing the extra's of h320 18.01.34 # ya' 18.02.02 # h320 has some nice features but it missing A LOT of easy stuff in the firmware 18.02.13 # i love my h320 as well. i do wish iriver sucked a bit less at software. having a filesystem browser is nice and all, but why not let us browse by tags as well? 18.02.21 # heh 18.02.31 # they do let you browse by tag 18.02.36 # yeah 18.02.42 # like H120 and 140 18.02.42 # you didn't know that? 18.02.44 # am i blind? 18.02.48 # i must be 18.02.48 # just create a database... 18.02.52 # and enable tag scanning 18.02.56 # ya 18.03.09 # install the program that came with the iriver cd 18.03.32 # or if you use linux, iripdb (iirc) 18.03.34 # kergoth what firmware are you running? 18.03.44 # korean 18.03.47 # k 18.03.48 # playing music videos is novel 18.03.52 # pointless of course, but novel 18.03.53 # ya 18.04.20 # What's the point in running KOREAN firmware? 18.04.32 # you can watch movies? 18.04.41 # and can manage files on the go 18.04.45 # nothin, its only language support for id-tags 18.04.46 # like delete them and copy them 18.05.05 # haha, the korean firmware has different features? 18.05.08 # are you using euro firmware? 18.05.09 # excellent. 18.05.09 # the korean or european firmware lets you play video 18.05.12 # cant with the us. 18.05.13 # yep 18.05.17 # the korean is just one newer version isn't it? 18.05.23 # euro firmware is also meh 18.05.30 # it has a colume limit 18.05.30 # volume limit 18.05.31 # so in a few weeks it's also supported in euro firmware? 18.05.35 # i never tried the euro 18.05.48 # not so on the h1xx I think 18.05.59 # the volume limit, that is 18.06.02 # does the h3xx serie still have radio? 18.06.06 # lol ya 18.06.22 # * kergoth sudo apt-get install iripdb 18.06.23 # and what is the frequentie range in korean? 18.06.34 # mmmmm apt 18.06.37 # debian :D 18.07.06 # ill be back later 18.11.37 Join gromit` [0] (~gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) 18.13.54 Join cYmen_ [0] (~cymen@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 18.14.25 Quit cYmen (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.41.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.43.03 # ARG 18.43.13 # * T0mas want's and iSkin... 18.43.31 # but nowhere in the Netherlands is a dealer for those things... 18.49.53 # go oranje go ;) 18.50.57 # lol 18.55.20 # what about iskin.co,? 18.55.25 # iskin.com* 18.55.31 Join R3nTiL [0] (~zorroz@ 18.55.31 # they wont ship to you? 18.55.40 # h320 iskin :-D 18.55.56 # do you have a link? 18.56.05 # for what 18.56.10 # an iskin 18.56.19 # www.iskin.com 18.56.30 # http://www.iskin.com/iriver.html 18.56.36 # ah 18.57.45 # they already announced they werent making an h320 one 18.58.15 # if you check misticriver people are talking about making one 18.58.19 # boxwave 18.58.28 # i got the good stock case with my h320 18.58.35 # OPP: $ 45.54 18.58.40 # when shipped here... 18.58.41 # yikes 18.58.59 # i got the stock case where you can see the screen and buttons 18.59.30 # hm... and when I pay with creditcard from here I have to pay 5 euro extra... 18.59.31 # the h120 leather case is pretty fine 18.59.38 # so about 50 dollar... 18.59.56 # my h320 case has really nice leather 19.00.19 # well.. 38,17 euro's 19.00.40 # that's survivable 19.01.01 # ha ha the us dollar 19.01.02 # well, imho its ill ;) 19.02.27 # yeah... it's good for us european people buying stuff of the internet 19.02.34 # but it's bad for the economy here... 19.03.59 # OPP: i was pretty impressed with the case it comes with. i didnt expect it to be leather and all 19.04.15 Quit Stryke ("Friends don't let friends listen to Anti-Flag") 19.04.21 # which one? 19.04.32 # o, the good stock case 19.04.36 # not the crummy one 19.05.04 # * kergoth nods 19.05.23 # ya 19.05.34 # it smells really good to 19.05.44 # i keep the smell preserved 19.06.07 # did yours come with the little towlie also 19.06.13 # hehe, yeah 19.07.42 # do you belong to misticriver.net? 19.10.57 # hmm, that iskin is neat 19.11.30 # ya 19.11.45 # It's just a case though, right? 19.11.52 # ya 19.12.07 # hmm 19.12.09 # * Rick considers 19.12.43 # they collect a lot of dirt on the skin though 19.12.56 # but it makes it a lot smaller then other cases i think 19.13.54 # ah 19.14.09 # well, I don't care for size 19.14.17 # o 19.14.20 # its still nice 19.14.24 # looks nice 19.14.27 # yeah 19.14.29 # but that's the other problem 19.14.31 # got a clip 19.14.33 # my iriver is usually in my pocket 19.14.40 # ya 19.14.42 # same 19.14.42 # lol 19.14.58 # i put nothing else in the pocket 19.15.00 # and mine doesnt scratch 19.15.02 # and since I recently bought a new remote 19.15.07 # and I have a screen sleeve on it 19.15.10 # it even more rarely comes out 19.15.11 # hehe 19.15.22 # yeah, I don't put anything else in my pocket with iriver either :p 19.15.30 # i might buy the remote 19.15.37 # although the case has some wear & tear 19.15.41 # why don't you have one already? 19.15.50 # not sure 19.15.52 # lol 19.15.54 # eh? 19.15.59 # you should have gotten one when you bought it 19.16.02 # no 19.16.05 # not the us version 19.16.09 # ... 19.16.12 # I have the US version 19.16.15 # I got everything with it 19.16.18 # h320? 19.16.25 # oh, h3x0 doesn't give you remote? 19.16.26 # that's lame 19.16.27 # h320 doesnt come with a remote for the us version. 19.16.29 # yep 19.16.33 # lame as hell 19.16.34 # ya it sucks 19.16.41 # i had an h120 19.16.46 # it came with remote 19.16.55 # i usually just use the belt clip and control it that way. carry enough other crap in my pockets 19.16.58 # heh 19.16.59 # yeah, I have an h120 19.18.12 # i dont carry much usually 19.18.18 # but a remote would be nice 19.18.48 # 29 bucks 19.18.50 # but not lcd 19.18.53 # 19* 19.19.09 # h120 remote is 34 :-/ 19.21.05 # * T0mas doesn't use the remote very much... 19.21.20 # yeah 19.21.20 # it used to be like 25 19.21.20 # then you have shipping.... yaaay ;P 19.21.20 DBUG Enqueued KICK Rick 19.21.20 # my total was like $45 19.21.41 # yeah 19.21.43 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 19.21.43 # * OPP wouldnt mind T0mas giving him an early birthday presenst :-D 19.21.45 # same for my iSkin 19.21.54 # ghehe... 19.22.03 # it's an H120 one... 19.22.17 # ok 19.22.20 # it works fine 19.23.03 # what works fine? 19.23.10 # the h120 remote in the h320 19.23.23 # ah 19.24.46 # but I understand they don't give a remote with a h320 19.24.57 # because not many people used it with thee h100 serie... 19.25.01 # -e 19.27.04 # ya 19.27.12 # i think the euro version comes with one 19.27.17 # they make h320 docks 19.27.24 # 25 dollars 19.27.50 # i might buy a remote 19.28.03 # not sure yet, its good for the bus when I dont want random people staring at me and stuff 19.28.25 # eh... 19.28.33 # you dont use it? 19.28.37 # you have that kind of trouble? 19.28.44 # im in chicago :-D 19.28.46 # I only use it in the car... 19.29.05 # here you can sit in a bus/subway with an ipod... 19.29.10 # nobody notices... 19.29.11 # haha 19.29.16 # not here 19.29.25 # and im in high school 19.29.35 # yeah, me too... sort off 19.29.44 # so those 30 year old guys look for me 19.30.13 # well, i gotta go pickup the car from pepboys 19.30.16 # be back later 19.30.21 # k c ya 19.30.29 # * OPP is out 19.36.45 Join Querty [0] (~michiel@heren.demon.nl) 19.36.55 Quit michiel_ ("Leaving") 19.39.38 # I absolutely *love* the h100 remote 19.39.50 # The player never leaves my pocket 19.40.22 # I'd die without it :-\ 19.41.14 # that's how I felt when I broke my remote by accident ;P 19.45.17 Quit R3nTiL () 19.53.56 Join xen` [0] (~xen@planoise-2-82-227-196-9.fbx.proxad.net) 19.58.12 Join Sucka [0] (~NNSCRIPT@host81-156-159-252.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) 20.04.23 Quit midk ("Leaving") 20.12.49 Quit muesli- ("ich will Kühe!!!") 20.20.09 Part Querty 20.20.51 Join muesli- [0] (muesli_tv@D3412.d.pppool.de) 20.27.06 # Hrm.. Pope out of hospital.. Guess I won't be running for pope anytime soon then. 20.28.41 # i wish i had a pope hat 20.28.48 # and a pimp mobile 20.29.12 # with the two combined i would be an unstoppable force 20.30.03 # You'd fight crime! 20.30.19 # my only weakness would be satanous hoes 20.32.18 Join Heidelbaer [0] (~h@pD9530950.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.39.39 Quit hubbel () 20.41.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.41.36 Nick thegeek_ is now known as thegeek (na@ti521110a080-0416.bb.online.no) 20.48.43 Quit thegeek (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.56.54 Quit rasher ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 20.58.39 Join rasher [0] (~3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) 21.02.44 Join Tomas|laptop [0] (~tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 21.02.47 # hi 21.05.55 Quit T0mas (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.13.26 Quit rasher ("CGI:IRC") 21.19.19 Join rasher [0] (~3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) 21.19.59 Quit Rick (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.20.58 Join Rick [0] (rick@wbar25.lax1- 21.25.57 Quit Cassandra__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.32.12 Quit Tomas|laptop ("Client exited") 21.34.58 Join thegeek_ [0] (na@ti521110a080-0416.bb.online.no) 21.39.38 Join Camilo [0] (~chatzilla@userca029.dsl.pipex.com) 21.40.38 Join T0mas [0] (~Tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 21.41.34 Nick thegeek_ is now known as thegeek (na@ti521110a080-0416.bb.online.no) 21.41.41 Nick thegeek is now known as thegeek_ (na@ti521110a080-0416.bb.online.no) 21.43.09 Nick thegeek_ is now known as thegeek (na@ti521110a080-0416.bb.online.no) 21.48.40 # hi 21.49.57 # hi T0mas 21.50.13 Quit gromit` (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.51.12 Join gromit` [0] (~gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) 21.51.16 # wb 21.55.33 Quit Camilo ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Mozilla rv:1.8b2/20050309]") 21.58.27 Quit DMJC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.00.22 Join stripwax [0] (~stripwax@213-228-241-36.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk) 22.00.27 # ello 22.03.46 # lo 22.06.19 Join pill [0] (dearth@ip-130.net-82-216-140.issy4.rev.numericable.fr) 22.39.52 Quit rasher ("CGI:IRC") 22.41.13 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.57.01 Quit T0mas (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.58.38 Quit stripwax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.59.59 Join nobby [0] (nobby@ACD5E963.ipt.aol.com) 23.01.09 # If iriver can now decode at realtime, and (according to the wiki and what i've heard on irc) can play wave output, why cant it do both together, and play mp3? 23.03.25 Quit muesli- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.06.05 # because the whole "glue" is missing 23.06.11 # aka sound architecture 23.08.10 # cant be that hard to write one 23.08.16 # its been about 2 weeks 23.08.29 # bodge something together :P 23.09.25 # if it's so easy, why don't you try it? :) 23.10.26 Join tvelocity [0] (tony@chan530-a045.otenet.gr) 23.17.21 # shh you :P 23.17.37 # so someone IS working on it? 23.17.43 # not really 23.17.50 # theres been no non-rockboy cvs updates in ages 23.17.53 # the ones who said they would have been quiet 23.18.05 # so i guess they're bogged down with other stuff 23.18.08 # as is most of us 23.18.10 # :( 23.18.15 # RL sucks :P 23.18.29 # im sitting here drooling over an 80GB neuros 23.18.37 # don't hold your breath for sound on rockbox 23.18.37 # http://www.neurosaudio.com/store/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=DigitalInnovationsCatalog&category%5Fname=Neuros+Players&product%5Fid=4020200 23.18.43 # there's some way to go still 23.18.53 # what do you mean? 23.19.14 # dont hold your breath because youll suffocate first, or beacuse it may never happen? 23.19.41 # of course it'll happen 23.20.14 # just not right now 23.20.20 # or tomorrow 23.20.23 # or anytime the next week :P 23.20.38 # this month? 23.20.43 # maybe the week after next week?:P 23.20.53 # by the summer? 23.21.29 # who knows 23.22.24 # :( 23.23.09 # is the archos jukebox recorder V2 much bigger than an iriver? 23.25.42 # i want more than 40GB but not a huge player 23.26.04 # so im looking for either an 80GB 1.8" drive and some sound support 23.26.18 # or another player with that space/upgradability 23.27.37 Join jyp [0] (~jp@117.199-200-80.adsl.skynet.be) 23.29.01 Join Camilo [0] (~chatzilla@userca029.dsl.pipex.com) 23.36.09 Quit jyp ("poof!") 23.42.04 # nobby: there is no 80GB 1.8" available 23.42.45 # and for sizes, check details on http://www.rockbox.org/docs/devicechart.html 23.44.11 # toshiba make one 23.44.23 # it was announced months ago 23.44.28 # they annonced one, yes 23.44.34 # it isn't available 23.45.16 # it'll prolly be available sometime soon? 23.45.20 # but not yet 23.45.22 # sup? 23.45.25 # I believe they said Q3 23.45.43 # what about 60GB then? 23.45.55 # 60 seems to be made but are hard to get 23.46.17 # * HCl wants to talk to xshock about the sound driver, how it works.. 23.46.25 # the point being: if you want larger storage you need a 2.5" player 23.46.35 # :( 23.46.44 # or an ipoo photo 23.46.50 # ? 23.46.57 # that only does 60, doesn't it? 23.47.09 # yeah 23.47.14 # in my archos I can get 120 23.47.22 # i dont need 120 23.47.29 # i'd settle for 60 23.47.36 # i only have 30GB music right now 23.48.06 # rule #1 of buying a new HDD: buy 2x the ammount you THINK you need. 23.48.15 # i KNOW i need more than 30GB 23.48.35 # well, rule #2: don't but crap ;-) 23.48.41 # buy 23.48.57 # but i want crap! ipoo is SHIIiiIIIiiiIIney! :P 23.50.10 # not for long 23.50.27 # all ipod's i've seen are scratched beyond repair 23.50.38 # ipods, even 23.50.44 # * Bagder has never seen an ipod 23.50.50 # i've seen loads 23.50.58 # theyre common as muck around school 23.51.06 # everyone has a 20GB one 23.51.09 # i haven't seen any ipod either 23.51.16 # then laughs at my iriver "brick" 23.51.26 # then i break out the tetris and mario 23.51.27 # but i have seen lot's of creative's 23.51.27 # :D 23.51.45 # i've used one ipod, and that's that 23.51.46 # they're nice enough 23.51.57 # the wheel interface is the shiznit 23.52.11 # eww 23.52.14 # i agree 23.52.26 # wheel blows 23.52.32 # always like skip over stuff 23.52.34 # does not 23.52.36 # nice to control your own scrol lspeed and so on 23.53.15 # ok 23.53.29 # would a 40 gig ipod drive work in a h320? 23.53.46 # probably, dunno 23.53.46 # no 23.53.49 # no 23.53.50 # :P 23.53.56 # they're too thick 23.54.04 # o 23.54.07 # compare a 320 with a 340 23.54.14 # he didn''t ask if they fit :P 23.54.14 # and you'll spot a difference 23.54.18 # haha 23.54.31 # it'll _work_ 23.54.35 # but it won't fit ;-) 23.54.45 # so if i have a h320, what drives will work 23.54.57 # 20gig and 30gig, i think 23.55.06 # and the upcoming thin 40GB ones 23.55.11 # o cool 23.55.17 # i only have 1.5 gig free 23.55.38 # anyone tried a bigger capacity battery in a h1x0? 23.55.50 # do you HAVE to carry all your music with you? 23.55.51 # ya, someone had 23.55.58 # yes, i do 23.56.03 # and movies 23.56.04 # I like having all my music with me 23.56.06 # i fancy the 1900mah one 23.56.19 # i like having all my music. I'm very fickkle about waht i listen to 23.57.07 Quit Camilo (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23.57.34 # same 23.57.43 # i need to carry more playlists 23.57.46 # those help a lot 23.58.07 # well i would like that to, but it ain't gona happen for the next 5 years at least:P 23.58.18 # lol 23.58.43 # just use like most played 23.58.47 # most recent music 23.58.56 # iriver can sync with itune