--- Log for 14.03.105 Server: sterling.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 6 days and 23 hours ago 00.00.03 # itunes makes good playlists 00.00.04 # :-D 00.00.06 # script = sync 00.00.19 # ya i got that 00.01.10 # well i'm off 00.01.22 # i expect sound by the time i get back, ya hear? :P 00.01.27 # "yes" 00.01.30 # :P 00.01.33 # i'll have it ready when you've deposited the money 00.01.39 # to my swiss bank account 00.01.39 Quit nobby ("SOUND PLEASE :P") 00.01.52 # you guys should have a bot 00.01.57 # why? 00.01.59 # a fake-promises-bot 00.02.02 # hahah 00.02.15 # wich autimaticaly tells people what they want to hear 00.02.27 # so you don't have to do any estimates and stuff :} 00.02.31 # "rockboxx will clean your dishes" 00.02.53 # "oops, i forgot laundry also" 00.02.58 # print "yes, it's coming real soon" if /sound/ or /remote/; 00.07.50 # preglow 00.07.54 # couldn't you start with the SA? 00.08.19 # eh? 00.08.24 # sound api? 00.09.15 # api, arch, you name it :) 00.09.23 # no, i have no idea of how it should be, nor do it have the time to develop it fully 00.09.27 Quit Seed (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 00.09.38 # is linus the only one capable of doing it? 00.09.54 # i have to use more or less all my free time in the coming week for other stuff, and after that, it's easter, so i'll vanish completely for close to two weaks 00.10.02 # no 00.10.09 # but no one else has tried 00.11.37 # i cant wait for the h3xx port :-D 00.11.50 # oh, but you'll have to :) 00.12.03 # ya 00.12.16 # i dont see it coming till atleast another 3 months 00.12.19 # nor do i 00.12.26 # is that a decent estimate? 00.12.28 # i would say 6... 00.12.32 # i don't do estimates 00.12.33 # 6!? 00.12.39 # hey 00.12.44 # jeeperz! 00.12.47 # you can always wait for the official iriver firmware! ;) 00.12.48 # feel free to get us the specs we need 00.12.53 # and research on the hardware 00.12.54 # that'll help 00.12.58 # really? 00.12.58 # ok 00.13.04 # what do you want me to do 00.13.13 # i dont mind helping 00.13.15 # the directions are in the three above liines 00.13.34 # i don't think the lcd has been identified 00.13.37 # research the exact differnces btw the 3xx and the 1xx, and search for data sheets on the differnet components 00.13.48 # hi 00.13.52 # you can update this: 00.13.54 # 951161 Rejected 5 nobody Rockbox for iHP100 2004-05-10 12:26 00.14.00 # in http://www.rockbox.org/requests.shtml 00.14.12 # why? 00.14.12 # since it is obviously not rejected anymore 00.14.28 # yes but who cares about that old request? 00.14.35 # or did i get the thing wrong? 00.14.46 # well it's the exhaustive request list 00.14.53 # it need to be accurate 00.14.57 # needs* 00.15.06 # asking for ports will continue to be rejected 00.15.24 # ports are made when people feel like it 00.15.29 # asking for them is pointless 00.15.39 # hmm 00.15.43 # okay then 00.15.54 # maybe i didn't get the point of the page. 00.15.58 # my bad 00.16.11 # I don't think you misunderstood 00.16.24 # we just take the right to deal with requests as we think 00.16.58 # I bet you can find many requests we rejected, and then they ended up implemented later on anyway 00.17.34 # I don't think one single user will be happy by us going through old rejected ones and changing them to reflect reality better 00.18.00 # okay i understand 00.18.23 # so yes, we do port to the h1x0 players 00.18.32 # even if that old request was rejected 00.18.32 # that's all that matters :) 00.18.55 # please NEVER port to ipod 00.19.02 # why not? 00.19.12 # I use to nag the ipodlinux people to it 00.19.13 # is ipod ever firmware upgradeable? 00.19.26 # ya 00.19.33 # pretty rarely 00.19.47 # ipodlinuxx is pretty neat 00.19.57 # they do in fact have enough info to make Rockbox work 00.20.08 # if someone wanted it to 00.20.26 # Bagder, i have a friend who is a mac-fan, and we always do iriver vs. ipod flamewars for fun:P 00.20.36 # let's hope that doesn't happen, my desire to code arm asm will be too great 00.20.45 # ;*) 00.20.54 # that flash based iriver thing is ARM based 00.21.12 # yea, know 00.21.13 # tempting 00.21.34 # perhaps i'll start buying more toys when i get a job and cash is pouring in 00.22.22 # it would be fun to get Rockbox on an ARM based unit 00.22.27 # indeed 00.22.34 # more CPUs means more fun! ;-) 00.22.53 # heh 00.23.03 # start porting those old pocket pc games in arm :-D 00.23.06 # jk 00.23.08 # does rockbox have a lot of assembly code? 00.23.12 # tvelocity: no 00.23.30 # it's mostly c 00.23.30 # good:) 00.24.03 # so, technically, if you took the assembly code and all that junk from it could you esstianly build your own mp3 player? 00.24.04 # god, i'm seriously starting to consider having a look at gcc internals to see how hard it would be to make emac intrinsics 00.24.39 # OPP: sure, putting Rockbox on your own mp3 player would be a peace of cake 00.24.49 # cool 00.24.56 # i had an archos before :-D 00.25.30 # what a beast that thing was 00.25.32 # i loved it though 00.27.08 # why does X hate me? :( 00.27.14 # X? 00.27.29 # xorg 00.27.51 # o 00.28.06 # x hates everyone 00.30.30 # it hates me at most 00.33.29 # Bagder: you're a 68k guy, yes? is there any point in using the 'a' (movea, suba) versions of some instructions explicitely, or is it accepted practice to drop the a? 00.33.58 # its been too long since I did 68k asm, I don't remember such details ;-( 00.34.35 # (~ 15 years) 00.35.32 # ouch 00.35.57 # i was around 8 years those days, you're excused 00.36.02 # hehe 00.36.15 # you youngster 00.36.19 # had probably never even gotten my c64 00.36.23 # jeez i was 4 then 00.36.59 # I got my C64 20 years ago 00.37.07 # jeez, i want a gamecube :( 00.37.07 # i wasnt even a sperm 20 years ago 00.38.21 # shit, i must have had a c64 by eight years old then 00.38.35 # freak ;) 00.41.05 # always will be 00.41.16 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.41.25 # if it hadn't been for my c64, i most probably wouldn't have been programming today 00.42.04 # me, zagor and linus were in the same "c64 group" back in those days 00.42.16 # we go back 00.42.19 # i didn't discover the scene until the pc days 00.46.31 Quit Sucka ("a bird in the bush is worth two in your house") 00.46.48 # ahhh, the memories... all the failed attempts at producing something working/noteworthy 00.47.23 # hehe 00.48.41 # my first system was a sega genesis 00.49.31 # that was my third 00.52.58 # * HCl started programming on his msx 00.53.25 # never saw one of those 00.53.35 # it was ok 00.53.39 # it had basic, and pascal 00.53.46 # basic was my first language 00.53.46 # haha 00.53.53 # pascal my second 00.53.56 # i never really learned basic 00.53.59 # i did 00.54.05 # i started with pascal since i thought basic was too primitive 00.54.15 # i hate pascal 00.54.16 # >.> 00.54.19 # haha 00.54.21 # pascal's ok 00.54.29 # the string limit in pascal is dumb. 00.54.30 # but nothing i would want to use 00.54.38 # but it was a good starting language 00.54.47 # anyways. 00.54.49 # afk 00.54.59 # we had to learn an artificial non-existant language in school... it was basicly pascal translated into greek... jeezzzzzz... 00.55.04 # haha 00.55.05 # lovelyu 00.55.09 # talk about useless... 00.55.10 # >.> 00.55.13 # afk now. 00.55.16 # mr. afk is back! 00.55.47 # i miss the sound in my megadrive :/ 00.55.57 # i wish adlib sound cards would come back in style 00.55.58 # fm rocks 00.56.35 # * HCl still has his megadrive 00.56.38 # dunno whether it still works 00.56.46 # SNES r00lz :P 00.57.01 # xbox will play all snes and megadrive games anyways ;p 00.57.04 # * HCl returned. 00.57.05 # o.o 00.57.12 # i love snes as well, yes 00.57.17 # got my love for rpgs from that 00.57.28 # for me, snes is the best console ever 00.57.33 # then we agree 00.57.41 # it just has the greatest games 01.00.12 # zelda ownz for example :) 01.00.23 # deed 01.00.36 # spent loads of quality time with my friends and a snes 01.00.40 # and tons of snacks 01.00.54 # arhh, those were the days 01.01.01 # i sincerely miss them 01.02.36 # hm, quality time with friends + snacks... now d&d just came into my mind :) 01.02.49 # lol. 01.03.37 Quit cYmen_ ("zZz") 01.07.49 # * HCl watches elfen lied... 01.09.50 # i'll just go to bed 01.09.52 # good night, all 01.10.38 Quit preglow ("b8") 01.13.05 Quit CoCoLUS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.27.09 Quit _Lucretia_ ("Leaving") 02.20.23 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 02.20.39 Join Strath [0] (~mike@dgvlwinas01pool0-a252.wi.tds.net) 02.24.58 Quit tvelocity () 02.29.57 Quit OPP () 02.36.40 Join thh-seize [0] (~DIENOW@81-86-75-117.dsl.pipex.com) 02.38.58 Quit StrathAFK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.41.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.41.37 # evenin everyone 02.42.31 # sooo 02.42.39 # anyone got an iriver h340 ? 02.44.51 # i like mine 02.44.58 # wouldnt mind gettin rockbox on it 02.45.16 # even tho to be honest 02.45.21 # i dont really get rockbox 02.47.13 # anyway 02.47.24 # good luck wit the whole thing 02.47.26 Quit thh-seize ("—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 2.0 Build 3515") 02.50.39 Join Seed [0] (~ben@l192-114-41-133.broadband.actcom.net.il) 03.20.42 Quit xen` () 04.02.40 Join OPP [0] (~non@adsl-69-208-202-118.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) 04.02.44 # hola 04.30.14 Quit Rick (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.30.15 Quit Strath (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.32.08 Join Rick [0] (rick@wbar25.lax1- 04.36.38 Quit OPP () 04.41.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.01.23 Quit courtc (Nick collision from services.) 06.02.38 Quit Stryke` ("Friends don't let friends listen to Anti-Flag") 06.02.55 Join courtc [0] (~court@adsl-33-162-231.asm.bellsouth.net) 06.19.28 Quit pill (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.33.36 Join DMJC [0] (~James@220-245-171-89.tpgi.com.au) 06.35.34 Join GOATHEAD [0] (~417d30ab@labb.contactor.se) 06.36.47 Join pill [0] (dearth@ip-130.net-82-216-140.issy4.rev.numericable.fr) 06.37.13 # does anyone knowif there will be an archos xs200 firmware? 06.38.22 # .. 06.41.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.42.17 Part GOATHEAD 07.02.23 Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 07.09.52 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 07.20.25 Join midk [0] (~midk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 07.41.45 Join CoCoLUS [0] (~coco@h081217139221.dyn.cm.kabsi.at) 07.45.29 Join amiconn [0] (~jens@pD95D1F5B.dip.t-dialin.net) 07.47.16 # g'morning 07.48.35 # mooning 08.00.49 Nick kergoth is now known as kergoth`zzz (~kergoth@li11-226.members.linode.com) 08.24.34 # * Bagder zips his morning coffee 08.24.51 # did it get any smaller? 08.25.08 # uuuh, that hurts 08.26.09 # espresso, nah ... compresso! 08.26.59 # lol 08.29.07 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 08.38.00 Join gromit`` [0] (~gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) 08.38.00 Quit gromit` (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.41.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.45.44 Join Elmoe [0] (elmoe@c-24-18-191-227.client.comcast.net) 08.45.49 Nick kergoth`zzz is now known as kergoth (~kergoth@li11-226.members.linode.com) 09.14.48 Join Schnueff [0] (~mah@ 09.17.36 Nick Lynx_awy is now known as Lynx_ (HydraIRC@ 09.48.17 Join T0mas [0] (~Tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 09.48.20 # lo 09.48.52 # helo 09.50.52 # EHLO 09.53.56 # ghehe... Should I reply all supported codepages/langages? ;) 09.54.09 # 250 dwihno 09.55.45 Join Chamois [0] (~3e234217@labb.contactor.se) 10.12.16 Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.18.41 Join Patr3ck [0] (~patr3ck@pD9ECFB30.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.22.49 Join Lynx_ [0] (HydraIRC@ 10.32.20 Quit Chamois (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.41.30 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.20.45 # Hmm, a friend of mine connected a wrong powersupply to an usb hard disk case, now the disk does not do anything any more. is there a chance of reviving it? OnTrack wants 1000 eur for restoring the info... 11.23.45 # have you torn out the disk from the casing and tested it inside a PC? 11.25.57 # yes, and inside other cases...doesn't spin up 11.26.09 # i guess there is a short in there somewhere... 11.26.52 # i just wonder if it could be repaired if opened, and then would hopefully just run long enough to get the data off 11.30.21 # I haven't heard of hard disk repairs 11.30.36 # dwihno: there are companies that do that 11.30.48 # they usually charge a lot 11.31.10 # since they know people don't have the stuff backed up ;-) 11.32.15 # Bagder: yes, 1000 euro was the quote ;) 11.32.29 # :-) 11.32.55 # I actually made a complete source archive backup, right before christmas 11.33.23 # One of my disks was breaking up, so I got the most important stuff before it totally died 11.39.07 Join kurzhaarrocker [0] (~Phil@p3E9C2560.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 12.06.15 # does rockboy really work on V1 recorders? 12.08.49 # yup 12.08.58 # (but very slowly) 12.09.03 # Where can I get an example? 12.11.57 # ftp://titania.student.utwente.nl/ (HCl's site) 12.12.45 # thx 12.15.01 Quit Heidelbaer (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 12.20.36 Join Schee4 [0] (~SeeSchlos@ARennes-352-1-7-252.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr) 12.22.24 Join preglow [0] (thomj@s183a.studby.ntnu.no) 12.27.59 Quit Schee (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12.30.41 # Hmm, it seems that most harddisks actually have a fuse on the board that could be repaired... 12.41.32 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.05.54 Quit lostlogic ("Going to the moon") 13.07.48 Join _FDV [0] (~konversat@ 13.20.33 Join Patr3ck_ [0] (~patr3ck@p548CB151.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.29.05 Quit Patr3ck (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 13.35.42 Join rasher [0] (~3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) 13.39.43 Join Heidelbaer [0] (~h@pD9E3933C.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.47.19 Join webguest99 [0] (~c06a3402@labb.contactor.se) 13.48.42 Quit webguest99 (Client Quit) 14.04.06 Join R3nTiL [0] (~zorroz@ 14.13.01 # _FDV? what do you need my client version for? 14.14.53 # yawn 14.20.39 Quit T0mas (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.21.40 Join T0mas [0] (~Tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 14.32.43 Quit rasher ("CGI:IRC") 14.32.53 Join rasher [0] (~3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) 14.37.31 Part LinusN 14.38.04 Quit preglow ("leaving") 14.41.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.43.46 Join T0mas_ [0] (~Tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 14.43.46 Quit T0mas (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.44.35 Quit T0mas_ (Client Quit) 14.46.20 Quit Bagder (Remote closed the connection) 14.46.44 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 14.50.17 Join elinenbe [0] (~elinenbe_@ 14.50.52 # hello! any new progress on the iriver port in the last week? 14.51.40 # I guess everybody are waiting for pcm/audio/codecs now. 14.52.02 # does audio work in the CVS now? 14.52.46 # no 14.55.19 # Bagder: anytime soon? or are we waiting for the audio api? 14.55.51 Quit kurzhaarrocker (Remote closed the connection) 14.56.00 Join lolo-laptop [0] (~lostlogic@ 14.56.43 # we're mostly waiting for the audio api, really. 14.57.12 # people are busy with life these days 14.57.16 # yup 14.57.33 # *nods at mostly watching anime* 14.58.02 # though i must say not having an audio api is also preventing me to play around with stuff a bit... 14.59.14 Join preglow [0] (thomj@s183a.studby.ntnu.no) 15.07.51 # hey preglow. 15.07.54 # how goes...? 15.18.48 # good 15.19.05 # nothing out of the ordinary 15.22.53 Quit _FDV (Remote closed the connection) 15.24.59 # * rasher murders nautilus 15.25.09 # NO I DO NOT WANT YOU TO CREATE A DESKTOP 15.29.46 # Hrm.. could someone explain to me, what's happening in flipit.c in draw_spot() ? why is the bitmap drawn in two steps? 15.30.08 Quit R3nTiL () 15.38.13 Join T0mas [0] (~Tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 15.38.15 # lo 16.00.07 Join BIPPY [0] (~5198272e@labb.contactor.se) 16.01.08 Quit BIPPY (Client Quit) 16.02.48 Join _FDV [0] (~FDV@ 16.41.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.44.34 Quit elinenbe (" The IRC Client of the Gods! -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- HydraIRC") 17.10.46 Join mecraw [0] (fwuser@ 17.16.34 # doh. 17.16.40 # our tv is stuck on one channel... 17.16.47 # and its national government like television... 17.16.53 # its so boring it makes your head bleed >.<; 17.19.05 # great... gaim won't log me onto aim 17.19.17 # ah well, at least you can run linux properly 17.19.31 # Hm? 17.19.36 # * HCl can't cause he can't get 802.1x to work and his touchpad won't work 17.19.57 # Ah 17.20.16 # can't get my wifi to work either.. it's horrible 17.20.37 # so I don't run linux often on my laptop 17.20.40 # sadly 17.21.08 # well 17.21.12 # wifi works nowadays 17.21.15 # for cards that won't work 17.21.18 # you can load windows drivers 17.21.21 # works sweet. 17.21.27 # Didn't work for me 17.21.30 # aside from not being able to put it in promiscious mode 17.21.34 # what kind of card do you have 17.21.40 # Prism3 usb 17.22.05 # At least, it didn't work with the provided drivers 17.22.13 # ah. 17.22.15 # may work with some from the ndisloader wiki 17.22.15 # okay 17.22.18 # usb 17.22.25 # Indeed. 17.22.35 # usb makes it a lot more complicated, sadly 17.22.42 # yea. 17.22.54 # i just bought an pcmcia pci card 17.22.57 # unfortunately 17.23.02 # i haven't gotten it to work on my server yet 17.23.05 # probably cause of its irq 17.23.34 # My laptop doesn't have pcmcia though 17.23.34 # Yenta: ISA IRQ mask 0x0000, PCI irq 177 17.23.38 # irq 177 :/ 17.23.44 # i think thats just plainly too high 17.23.50 # for it to work properly.. 17.25.11 # ahh, love pcs 17.27.09 # mmmm. 17.27.13 # i trust thats sarcastic 17.28.33 # hell yes 17.29.09 # they're large, clunky, noisy shits that often refuse to work 17.29.32 # unfortunately, they also offer a slew of other possibilites 17.32.26 # yup. 17.32.32 # i agree 17.32.47 Join alx_ [0] (~alx@h80ad9166.dhcp.vt.edu) 17.32.54 Nick alx_ is now known as alxcm (~alx@h80ad9166.dhcp.vt.edu) 17.32.58 # oh, i do SO love it when i can't get things to work 17.33.05 # lol 17.33.09 # quite luckily frustration is quickly vented with me 17.33.09 # whats wrong? 17.33.11 # * preglow puts on loud music 17.33.14 # :P 17.33.20 # * HCl has this collection of glass jars 17.33.22 # and a brick wall outside 17.33.24 # :P 17.33.42 # so does rockbox play music on the iHP-120? 17.33.50 # from wav, yes 17.33.56 # or are you all still working on the codec api? 17.34.11 # nobody's working on the codec api at the moment 17.34.25 # but the table in IriverPort says: Codecs incomplete mp3, ogg and FLAC all play > 100% but more optimizations are needed 17.34.36 # yes. 17.34.39 # the codecs work 17.34.42 # okay 17.34.51 # just not on the target 17.34.55 # they do 17.35.01 # they're just not hooked up to anything 17.35.08 # lol! 17.35.10 # they just output to a .wav in the root 17.35.13 # well, that would make sense 17.35.14 # exactly. 17.35.26 # and connecting them to anything at all is a rather big job 17.35.27 # useful feature in itself 17.35.34 # which requires thought and discussion 17.35.41 # and we're not experiencing any of those at the moment 17.35.41 # ...hence the API, i see 17.35.45 # well, making something for them to connect to 17.35.51 # i do like the api proposal so far 17.35.51 # well, the whole codec slot thing 17.35.59 # and stuff like that. 17.35.59 # yes, but that's just an idea 17.36.03 # codecs should not be compiled in 17.36.03 # the actual connecting shouldn't be a huge problem? 17.36.08 # no 17.36.18 # nah, its just rewriting the wav playing demo 17.36.22 # to use output of the codecs 17.36.39 # and figure out how buffers are to be used 17.36.44 # how large they're supposed to be 17.37.13 # yea. 17.37.29 # there are several issues 17.37.33 # hmm...so are we going with dynamically loadable codecs? 17.37.36 # yes 17.37.46 # how many can theoretically be loaded at once? 17.37.57 # because loading a codec then would -> hdd spinup 17.37.59 # theoretically, a bunch 17.38.02 # why would you want to have more than one (possibly two) loaded? 17.38.03 # but we're going with two 17.38.12 # okay 17.38.33 # well if you're going to start playing a file, there'll be hdd spinup anyway, so I don't see that as much of a problem :) 17.38.44 # and which ones get loaded comes from the playlist 17.38.49 # yeah, good point 17.39.04 # how much ram does the hp hav? 17.39.07 # 32 megs 17.39.17 # nice 17.40.04 # ETA until codec -> DAS is working? 17.40.22 # none 17.40.31 # it all depends when someone starts working on the api 17.40.36 # lol 17.40.50 # i'd love to...but i'm not that good at C, and i've never done embedded programming before 17.41.00 # could someone explain to me, what's happening in flipit.c in draw_spot() ? why is the bitmap drawn in two steps? .. HCl? preglow? 17.41.51 # no rockbox for me, sorry 17.42.22 # rasher: no idea, don't even have the source, but it seems that it could be because you need to clear the screen before drawing...? 17.42.34 # no idea :/ 17.42.40 # nope, that's not it 17.43.00 # look at who checked it in last and ask him? 17.43.09 # I guess 17.43.30 # it's pretty old though 17.44.26 # I think this code comes from the original checkin, 2 years ago 17.44.27 # :-\ 17.44.39 # :/ 17.44.40 # ok o 17.44.41 # k 17.44.42 # but I've noticed it other places 17.44.44 # i'll take a look at it 17.54.40 # anyways 17.54.42 # what i'd do 17.54.45 # is remove the second drawing 17.54.48 # and see why its needed 17.55.14 # good plan 17.55.43 # I have a feeling it's being tricky with the bitmap, needing less bytes or something 17.58.57 # indeed, it's drawing the upper half 17.59.14 # then the lower half 17.59.18 # there you go :) 17.59.21 Part loki1228 17.59.27 # still doesn't make sense 17.59.37 # is it a visual optimization thing 17.59.37 # so alter it to do it in one time, see if that works? 17.59.43 # like, to avoid flicker? 18.00.21 # I doubt it, it's only drawn when they change 18.01.21 # weird, then 18.02.04 Quit Patr3ck_ () 18.02.57 # *boggle* 18.03.17 # but yeah, it works if I draw it in one go 18.03.18 # ENGE class ending...ttyal 18.05.27 Quit alxcm ("Bye all ;)") 18.06.07 Join webguest62 [0] (~51429fe0@labb.contactor.se) 18.10.06 Quit webguest62 (Client Quit) 18.22.22 Join R3nTiL [0] (~zorroz@ 18.27.31 Quit R3nTiL () 18.37.57 Join Sucka [0] (~NNSCRIPT@host81-156-159-252.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) 18.40.46 # oh for crying out loud. 18.40.49 # our tv is stuck. 18.40.50 # i mean 18.40.51 # broken 18.41.03 # it keeps forgetting its programming, so its stuck on a single channel. 18.41.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.43.28 Join _Lucretia_ [0] (~munkee@abyss2.demon.co.uk) 18.46.14 # turn it off 18.52.09 Join Stryke` [0] (~Chairman8@resnet-241-86.resnet.umbc.edu) 18.52.49 # * rasher yells at flipit 18.57.44 # think I broke it 18.57.47 # rubbish 18.58.06 # I should never be allowed to touch computers. 18.59.53 # * HCl smacks his computer 19.04.41 # seems like everybody is happy ;) 19.04.59 # arg... no.. 19.05.11 # * T0mas hates computers... 19.05.24 # why did it chose this as a hobby? and a job? :X 19.06.07 # i wonder that too. 19.07.00 # but then i make stuff like rockboy and dynarec 19.07.05 # and i remember that its fun in a way 19.07.06 # at times. 19.07.26 # lol 19.07.33 # yeah, when everything is working it is... 19.07.56 # I've been on the phone with a customer for 2 hours... 19.08.06 # wondering why it didn't work 19.08.39 # Just when I almost gave up... he said: "Oh shit, I have it..." 19.09.02 # "thanks for you help, bye" 19.09.06 # and dropped the phone... 19.09.13 # hahaha 19.09.13 # I still don't know what he did wrong 19.09.24 # but it must have been _REALLY_ stupid 19.09.46 # otherwise he would have told me i guess... 19.09.53 # you work tech support? my condolences. 19.09.58 # lol 19.09.59 # thanks 19.10.14 # but I'm not the real techsupport :) 19.10.25 # * kergoth did that for 3 years, and thinks his ability to deal with end users has been seriously and permanently impaired as a result 19.10.31 # lol 19.10.39 # well I'm co administrator 19.10.48 # so not that much customers 19.10.59 # but when nobody find's out what's wrong... they forward it 19.11.04 # years of forced friendliness is bad for the soul 19.11.06 # ah 19.11.15 # yeah, I don't have to do much customers... 19.11.27 # they complain to others... 19.11.28 # thats good, you just might survive 19.11.30 # ;) 19.11.36 # I just get the filed form... and do what's asked 19.11.49 # or return it when in BOFH mode :P 19.11.52 # hehe 19.12.59 # but I can imagine you getting crazy after a few years... 19.13.14 # afaik it's the same question's every week? 19.14.12 # "Where is my document?" - "where did you save it?" - "Don't know, just clicked ok..." 19.14.29 # * T0mas would scream at those kind of people :P 19.14.44 # I'd probably kill myself pretty fast. 19.14.51 # or better, kill them 19.14.55 # lol 19.15.08 # well... maybe I would give them a pen and paper if I was in a good mood :P 19.15.41 # like: "You can't work with computers, I'm sorry... here's a pen... good luck..." 19.16.31 # it wasnt _that_ bad.. but in some ways it was worse 19.16.35 # unix tech support, not windows 19.16.42 # oooh 19.16.49 # that's intelligent customers at least 19.16.59 # so i had the fun experiences like walking a school cafeteria lady through using vi to edit her /etc/inittab on an ancient SCO openserver machine to fix her terminals. 19.17.06 # fraid not 19.17.21 # lol 19.17.24 # and did it work? 19.17.29 # eventually.. 19.17.34 # after much banging my head on my desk 19.17.35 # * T0mas would ask for SSH access... 19.17.49 # the Mute button is a godsend. 19.18.05 # vi is just not idiot proof... 19.18.10 # "why yes ma'am, just do.." *mute* "GOD DAMN STUPID FUCKING WHORE" *mute* "right, yeah, just hit :wq" 19.18.27 # :) 19.18.28 # "Yes, you have to type :w filename.txt"... "No, not ; it really has to be :" 19.18.36 # yeah, exactly. no fun 19.18.49 # and good luck figuring out if they're in insert or command mode 19.18.51 # * kergoth shudders 19.18.57 # lol 19.19.00 # yeah... 19.19.20 # vi is pretty hostile 19.19.35 # "Hit escape untill it starts beeping. Then type I, you can now type." 19.19.38 # hehe 19.20.03 Nick Lynx_ is now known as Lynx_awy (HydraIRC@ 19.20.07 # What? you didn't want to type there? *mute* IDIOT!!! *mute* ok, use the escape till beep again 19.20.18 # now move to where you wanted to type 19.20.39 # WHAT? You didn't want to type in vi help? you wanted to open a file? 19.20.43 # :P 19.21.54 # hehe. vi is wonderfully efficient.. once you know it. until then, god help you 19.22.20 # its 12:30pm and i havent yet gone into work 19.22.22 # hmm 19.22.25 # * kergoth wanders off 19.22.34 Quit DMJC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.25.18 Quit Schnueff ("leaving") 19.26.43 # well.. vim is fine 19.26.54 # vi is just a tad too.. simple for my taste 19.45.25 # * rasher yawns 19.55.15 Join Renko [0] (~Renko@host217-43-59-62.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) 20.04.07 # ARG... 20.04.27 # * T0mas has to find an association with the feeling "desire" for a dutch test... 20.04.36 # well... actually.. 5... 20.05.06 # I have: vacation, sex and food... anybody has a good suggestion for others? 20.09.51 Join DMJC [0] (~James@220-245-171-89.tpgi.com.au) 20.14.46 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 20.18.35 # desire right now would be: twenty bottles of the most expensive beer i can find, two large pizzas and a pack of smokes 20.18.41 # that and no pc 20.23.13 # yeah, that's food ;) 20.23.34 # My other chat channel came with freedome... and power... 20.24.25 # hahah 20.24.26 # power... 20.24.34 # i can do without power 20.28.58 # heh. 20.29.05 # power usually gets abused 20.29.19 # yeah, but it's a desire... 20.29.26 # why start wars? for money and power... 20.30.21 # a lot of desires are rather dumb, if you ask me. 20.35.41 Join mirak [0] (~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-38-248.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr) 20.35.42 # hi 20.36.10 # should rock box be able to achieve better performance on video for iH320 ? 20.36.26 # better than 10 fps 20.36.32 # I am wondering 20.41.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.47.59 # ghagag 20.48.09 # what makes you think we're planning on adding video support? 20.48.33 # 10 frames per second on that cpu is nothing short of miraculous anyway 21.00.35 Join Aison [0] (~hans@zux166-181.adsl.green.ch) 21.12.59 # considering the resolution 21.20.10 Join webguest02 [0] (~51429fe0@labb.contactor.se) 21.20.55 Quit webguest02 (Client Quit) 21.21.23 Join webguest02 [0] (~51429fe0@labb.contactor.se) 21.23.07 Quit midk (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.23.19 Join midk_ [0] (~midk@c66-235-14-120.sea2.cablespeed.com) 21.23.19 Quit webguest02 (Client Quit) 21.34.17 # I think the solution to dumb users is to require all new computers to include a huge red light near monitor, and have it flash brightly when any critical security decision is to be made 21.34.36 # o.O 21.35.16 # They say education is the way, I'm all for intimidation instead 21.35.37 # With a bit of luck, dumb users would get scared and asked someone who actually knows what he's doing 21.36.09 # instead of just blindly clicking "yes" because "I want that free screensaver that keeps my computer clock accurate and enhances my mortgage" 21.36.54 # Or at the very least, we'd get to ask in a stern voice "Did you click yes when the RED LIGHT BLINKED?!" 21.37.16 # microsoft is recently doing stuff against that kind of stuff... 21.37.36 # rasher: ahahaha 21.37.57 # HCl: well, of course, they think everyone should be allowed to use a computer regardless of whether they know how to use it 21.38.14 # let's unleash people without drivers licenses on the roads! 21.38.24 # that's a bit on the edge, but... 21.38.24 # mmmmmm... 21.38.26 # well. 21.38.36 # i realized a while ago 21.38.45 # that there's no point in being frustrated about stupid people. 21.39.05 # of course not 21.39.08 # i just try to avoid them 21.39.11 # i'm doing very well at it 21.40.18 # *nods* 21.40.20 # i do the same. 21.41.25 Join NegativeK [0] (~negk@68-190-48-83.cpe.ga.charter.com) 21.42.16 # well, people without driver's licenses... that's actually sortof close 21.42.26 # only tthey're not driving normal cars, but tanks that shoot people randomly 21.42.34 # haha 21.42.36 # and they're not lethal 21.42.42 # well no 21.42.44 # there's that 21.42.54 # but it's a point, of course 21.42.55 # but it's still PRETTY DARN ANNOYING 21.42.58 # computers are complicated things 21.43.06 # and somehow you're not expected to actually know anything about them 21.44.48 # http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~yweiss/Colorization/ 21.44.52 # that's pretty darn cool 21.44.54 # indeed 21.45.06 # especially the animated clips 21.45.37 Join Terminal-Velocit [0] (~tony@ipa35.5.tellas.gr) 21.46.14 # haha, the recolouring is great 21.46.22 # "I want this... green!" 21.46.28 Join DrRick [0] (DrRick@81-86-77-240.dsl.pipex.com) 21.46.57 # in fact, that is awesome 21.47.27 # hm 21.47.29 # doesn't work for me :( 21.47.33 # dns error 21.48.04 # slashdottet 21.48.12 # shouldn't give a dns error though, I guess 21.48.14 Quit Liehbeth (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.48.36 # well you know... ie error messages... 21.49.13 # oh 21.49.16 # yea, same. 21.49.25 Nick Terminal-Velocit is now known as tvelocity (~tony@ipa35.5.tellas.gr) 22.06.57 Join Camilo [0] (~chatzilla@userca029.dsl.pipex.com) 22.11.31 # LOL 22.11.32 # C:\>tracert -d 22.11.32 # Bezig met het traceren van de route naar via maximaal 30 hops 22.11.32 DBUG Enqueued KICK T0mas 22.11.32 # 1 1 ms 4 ms 3 ms 22.11.32 # 2 40 ms 21 ms 35 ms 22.11.32 *** Alert Mode level 1 22.11.32 # 3 26 ms 22 ms 41 ms 22.11.52 # and guess what... it continues like this forever 22.11.54 # localized stuff >< 22.12.10 Quit thegeek ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: www.XLhost.de )") 22.12.14 # set 4 to 30 is all 22.12.19 # but that are two pc's... 22.12.25 Join thegeek_ [0] (na@ti521110a080-0416.bb.online.no) 22.12.30 # excellent 22.12.35 # and the owner is asking why he can't connect... 22.12.37 # lol 22.12.51 # my neighbours are not really pc friendly... 22.20.21 # hm... 22.20.28 # I'll see that tomorrow... 22.20.55 # have to be at the station on 6:30 :( 22.21.05 # so i'm going to bed 22.21.07 Quit T0mas ("bye") 22.21.33 *** Alert Mode OFF 22.22.43 # ohh. 22.22.46 # it suddenly started working. 22.25.04 Nick thegeek_ is now known as thegeek (na@ti521110a080-0416.bb.online.no) 22.25.32 # "it"? 22.26.11 # the site. 22.26.27 # oh ah 22.28.21 # lucky you :) 22.30.39 Quit _Lucretia_ ("Leaving") 22.30.52 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 22.30.52 # * tvelocity np Raphael Marionneau - Abstrait (Njoy) 06/02/2005 22.31.59 # now working :) 22.32.15 # seems somewhat... faked 22.32.35 # it does. 22.33.08 # where what who? 22.33.31 # I doubt it, it's a university.. plus some guy on /. used their code on some pictures of his own 22.33.37 # headlines like "new compression algo - whole dvds on a floppy" come to mind :) 22.33.52 # heh. 22.33.54 # well. 22.34.02 # there once was this guy in the netherlands, i think? 22.34.13 # like, been there, done that, but hey, sometimes there has to be a genius :) 22.34.21 # who had devised a way of putting 4 movies in the amount of silicon that normally stores 32kb 22.34.29 # but the day he was gonna sell his patent 22.34.31 # he was murdered 22.34.37 # and all of his notes were stolen and cleaned out 22.34.42 # o.O 22.34.44 # sounds like a tv episode :) 22.34.47 # its not :/ 22.34.52 # unfortunately. 22.35.03 # you think it's true? 22.35.08 # either its been destroyed, or someone has that technoligy but doesn't want to publish it. 22.35.10 # urban legend deluxe 22.35.15 # I bet he was killed by the same aliens that kidnapped Elvis 22.35.18 # hehehe 22.35.22 # i honestly don't know. it was on the tv news, national channel 22.35.26 # not one of the commercial channels. 22.35.46 # hehehe 22.35.55 # I saw it on tv, it MUST be true:) 22.36.00 # ;) 22.36.20 # sounds like "rtl 2 news" :P 22.36.39 # I should probably dream up some food... :-\ 22.37.04 # sounds like the movie "antitrust" :P 22.37.15 # I just had 1 liter of tomato soup, a whole box of macaronis, some bread and cola 22.37.19 # quite full now 22.37.24 # that was a rather silly movie I think 22.37.38 # i liked it 22.37.45 # I think the menu here says chicken and potatoes 22.38.40 # Hahahahaha 22.38.51 Quit DrRick () 22.39.27 # Apparently they're dropping Q from the next James Bond movie, because.. "They're afraid Cleese's appearance will ruin the concept of a serious James Bond movie" 22.39.39 # Hold on a second, when was James Bond movies ever serious!? 22.40.07 # what!? 22.40.15 # um. 22.40.24 # q is the best bond movie character! 22.40.25 # james bind is based on a true story, don't you know that? 22.40.26 # :P 22.40.30 # was q the old guy? 22.40.32 # or the new woman? 22.40.34 # Yup 22.40.38 # old guy 22.40.47 # gotta love those gadgets 22.40.50 # didn't he... die.. several years ago? 22.40.51 # >.>; 22.40.52 # irl? 22.41.04 # hmm 22.41.04 # The old one did, John Cleese took over 22.41.06 # he hasn't *been* in the last james bond movies. 22.41.10 # oh. 22.41.11 # okay. 22.41.11 # sorry 22.41.16 # well 22.41.17 # i really suck horridly at names 22.41.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.52.49 Quit preglow ("flopp") 22.53.53 Quit Camilo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.55.42 Join alx__ [0] (~alx@h80ad9095.dhcp.vt.edu) 22.55.47 Nick alx__ is now known as alxcm (~alx@h80ad9095.dhcp.vt.edu) 22.55.51 # hey guys :) 22.56.28 # anyone ever heard of APE format? 22.57.40 # of course 22.57.48 # planned support...? 22.57.57 # I doubt it 22.58.03 # the license is an issue 22.58.16 # ah 23.00.14 Quit alxcm (Client Quit) 23.04.14 Quit Bagder (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23.06.40 Quit Stryke` ("Friends don't let friends listen to Anti-Flag") 23.10.22 # rasher: Still trying to figure why the bitmap is drawn in multiple parts? I may have an explanation... 23.11.11 # ...lcd_bitmap() used to have problems with drawing bitmaps >8 pixels high. I fixed that, several months ago 23.24.41 # ah, I assumed it was something like that 23.24.51 Join webguest50 [0] (~aa87f12e@labb.contactor.se) 23.25.12 # or that it could be a speed-optimization - didn't make much sense though 23.25.20 Join webguest81 [0] (~aa87f12e@labb.contactor.se) 23.25.53 Nick tvelocity is now known as tvelocity[away] (~tony@ipa35.5.tellas.gr) 23.26.03 Part webguest81 23.26.09 Join Bluechip [0] (~BlueChip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) 23.26.13 # box 23.26.19 Join webguest69 [0] (~aa87f12e@labb.contactor.se) 23.26.24 # * rasher boxes 23.26.24 # whoops 23.26.31 Part webguest69 23.26.38 # the window popped up mid sentence and stole focus 23.26.49 # heh 23.26.56 # Nasty wind 23.26.58 # oqw 23.27.16 # oh riight - lol - I've just realised where I am 23.27.18 # LOL 23.27.27 # evenin' fellow Rockboxers 23.27.52 # hello 23.28.13 # well, while I'm here (albeit by acccident) ...any gmini devs in? 23.29.37 # Doesn't seem so, unfortunately 23.30.04 # How are you keepin' ami? 23.30.46 # Hmm. Currently I'm annoyed with x11. Seems I need to install Linux somehow, in a VM or so 23.31.11 # Time consuming task... 23.32.07 # Why not use the win32sim? 23.33.14 # I want to improve the x11 sim. Especially the button handling has problems 23.33.38 # Didn't think that x11 is so... stubborn 23.34.12 # use xorg :) 23.34.19 # ? 23.35.35 # hmmm, suppose you _need_ to install Linux then :( 23.36.03 # iRiver is arm ? 23.36.14 # ARM cpu 23.36.15 # ? 23.36.28 # The problem is: My improvements work, and they work as intended in cygwin x11, but there are problems reported in real Linux 23.37.11 # mirak: Some of the iriver flash players are arm based. The ihp series are not. They are coldfire based 23.37.27 # H3x0 are what ? 23.37.56 # do you use system emulation ? 23.38.10 # amiconn: why not just dual-boot? 23.38.11 # to test the firmware ? 23.38.32 # rasher: That would be even more cumbersome. 23.38.44 # buy another computer :) 23.38.53 # amiconn: you should only use linux anyway 23.38.54 # Dual boot == choose beforehand what to run. With vm I can have both at once 23.38.55 # :) 23.39.04 # or start using only linux 23.39.16 # or at least mainly linux 23.39.16 # :P 23.39.19 # mirak: Certainly not a good option, especially wit a laptop 23.39.25 # amiconn: I have a XP installation 23.39.32 # amiconn: that I run inside qemu 23.39.44 # amiconn: I also tried colinux 23.39.49 # wich is I thin what you need 23.39.53 # think 23.39.57 # colinux is really nice 23.40.02 Quit webguest50 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 23.40.09 # I think it would take several days of intensive work and research to get all the hardware running 23.40.12 # with colinux when I am on windows, I can run my linux system 23.40.24 # they are in dual boot 23.40.28 # * rasher punches gaim 23.40.30 # but I can run linux from windows 23.40.45 # well, not anymore, because windows hard drive died 23.41.06 # i run XP on my workstation for gaming reasons, and use colinux for development to avoid the hassles of dual booting 23.41.09 # works well 23.41.21 # It's just not worth the effort. With linux I need more work to get it running, for less benefit 23.41.41 # amiconn: depends of the ditribution 23.42.03 # but yes, if you are unexperienced you will lose time adapting 23.42.12 # you can call that time investement 23.42.20 # I tried some distros in th epast years 23.42.32 # well, with qemu, there should be a way to emulate an iriver 23.42.37 # There are endless problems to get all hardware running, and less software 23.42.39 # arm arch is upported 23.42.41 # qemu emulates ARM. thats it. 23.42.47 # theres a lot more to an arm device than the arm core. 23.42.58 # an arm system 23.43.08 # recently, the amount of work needed to get things running amounts to basically a) wifi problems b) setup of whichever software you want 23.43.24 # in my experience, of course 23.43.29 # try distribution like ubuntu 23.43.29 # Wifi, gfx, sound, bluetooth... my list is endless 23.43.37 # ubuntu rocks 23.43.42 # It never worked for me out of the box 23.43.50 # that all works fine out of the box in a decent distro. 23.44.03 # but stay away from RPM based distros 23.44.15 # amiconn: for how long didn't you tried linux ? 23.44.15 # depends on the wifi 23.44.30 # My last try was some weeks ago 23.44.33 # I haven't yet seen a distro eat my laptop wifi chipset 23.44.34 # lol 23.45.24 # do you have the full specs of the iriver ? 23.45.32 # I mean how did you managed to write drivers ? 23.45.41 # or even to hack te firmware ? 23.45.57 # i'd imagine the same way you port linux to any device without docs. painfully. 23.46.05 # mmm 23.46.06 # lol 23.47.04 # the hardware on iriver is more or less fully documented I think 23.47.31 # on the h100 series, at least 23.48.19 # mirak: To name some of the problems (I know of or I actually ran into): AVM BlueFritz, NVidia network driver, NVidia 3d accellerated gfx driver, Canon printer, Intel wifi 23.49.15 Quit lolo-laptop ("Client exiting") 23.49.21 # Odd, at the very least, nvidia 3d driver should work out of the box on most distros 23.50.07 # You need to compile the 'glue' binary, or at least that was necessary when I tried last time, some months ago 23.50.23 # nvidia glx? 23.50.28 # which distro? 23.50.33 # that works perfectly man 23.50.34 # Couldn't do that because the distro even refused to install the kernel sources 23.50.56 # And without kernel sources -> no compilation possible 23.51.07 # *nod*, which distro was this? 23.51.20 # SuSE 9.0 23.51.27 # oh 23.51.29 # OMG! a rpm-based distro! 23.51.37 # I know exactly nothing about suse 23.51.40 # suse. 23.51.40 # ew. 23.51.41 # BAD BAD BAD! BURN IT:P 23.51.45 # hah 23.51.47 # i have a server that i'm supposed to manage 23.51.48 # that runs suse 23.51.57 # tvelocity[away]: dude.. it's a package system.. 23.51.59 # * amiconn is about to try debian now (on vmware) 23.52.06 # debian is nice. 23.52.09 # rpm itself isnt that bad. just happens that all of the rpm based distros are _redhat_ derived. 23.52.10 # i run debian on my server 23.52.14 # which is the issue 23.52.28 # rasher, yes, a very BAD one :P 23.52.29 # SuSE isn't redhat derived 23.52.32 # ubuntu is okay for workstation-linux since it has newer stuff and x.org 23.52.45 # tvelocity[away]: why's that? 23.53.06 # amiconn: eh? 23.53.10 # amiconn: if you have always the very last hardware linux will not be ok for sure 23.53.20 # rasher, i don't even know where to start. it's SO broken 23.53.28 # well. 23.53.39 # amiconn: but this will evolve 23.53.40 # since i've had 0 problems with debian packages and countless with rpms. 23.53.43 # I... see. 23.53.52 # I don't have the very last hardware. No interest in that, because of no (3d) gaming 23.53.52 # i have no choice but to agree with tvelocity[away] as far as my experience goes. 23.54.01 # Thing is.. debs expect a centralized package repository 23.54.04 # more or less 23.54.05 # amiconn: if I use linux, it's mostly because some of the softaware are the best, like the mp3 player amarok 23.54.09 # yes. 23.54.12 # rasher: ? 23.54.12 # gaim, xchat 23.54.16 # etcetera 23.54.20 # if apt-rpm and URPM didnt exist, RPM would have died a long time ago 23.54.40 # kergoth: Depending on packages and package-versions, rather than files, as rpm (can) 23.54.54 # but even these are just ugly hacks not a real solution to the rpm problem 23.54.56 # rasher: ah, indeed. i do like that feature of rpm 23.55.07 # which is part of why i say the problem is redhatisms, not rpm itself 23.55.16 # the .spec format is really quite well done, for example. 23.55.17 Join amiconn_ [0] (~jens@pD95D135B.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.55.20 # cant say i'm a fan of cpio, but hey 23.55.31 # amiconn: if you remove from windows the games, I don't see much things in favor of windowsw 23.55.35 # i will agree about the .spec 23.55.47 # I agree wifi stuff may be a problem :) 23.55.53 # but I don't have this 23.56.00 # urmp is exactly analog to apt 23.56.10 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 23.56.10 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (~jens@pD95D135B.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.56.11 # it's to technologicaly advanced for me :) 23.56.21 # I seriously don't see how you can claim one being better than the other 23.56.29 # the latest rpm versions are actually using sqlite for their db now :D 23.56.33 # down with berkeley db! 23.56.46 # mirak: Well, windows just runs, while linux requires a fair amount of work to make it work 23.56.58 # berkeley db is ... annoying 23.57.00 # Then there are many more programs for windows than for linux 23.57.05 # amiconn: still to much yes 23.57.11 # amiconn: but see OS X 23.57.16 # (Especially *not*counting the games) 23.57.18 # breaking compatibility ever other point release 23.57.18 # amiconn: it's based on BSD 23.57.27 # amiconn: that's a proof that's it's feasible 23.57.44 # heh, nowadays you can run just about everything in wine, even ms office, IE, and most modern games 23.57.49 # but yeah, still not quite there 23.57.55 # amiconn: it's like linux world is just realising that making things that just work can be a good idea 23.58.08 # os x really has an advantage in not having to bother with hardware support much 23.58.23 # as in, there's a finite set of devices and configurations to support 23.58.35 # kergoth: I barealy can run something with wine 23.58.37 # I mean games 23.58.44 # I managed to make run winrar 23.58.47 # that's usefull 23.58.57 # oh but it is :) 23.59.00 # i've run a number of directx8 games. not 9, but 8