--- Log for 10.06.105 Server: tolkien.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 18 days and 14 hours ago 00.00.14 # It seems that after a while (perhaps caused by some volume adjusting) the decoder can't follow 00.00.29 # flac needs a lot of work done to it 00.00.34 # it doesn't even touch iram as it is 00.00.39 # The red led is blinking irregularly, and playback starts & stops 00.00.46 # i did the lpc opt, but i don't think that helped very much 00.01.14 # * amiconn just encoded an album with flac to try out flac 00.01.26 # Didn't see a single flac file before... 00.01.30 # heh 00.01.34 # you don't see them often, no 00.01.40 Quit midk_ ("later...") 00.01.42 # keep in mind that higher encoding quality == slower decoding 00.01.45 # amiconn: What options did you use with FLAC? What bitrate is Rockbox displaying? 00.01.47 # <[solid]> preglow: unless you're into lossless :P 00.01.53 # Hmm. Now it happens again, within the same file :( 00.01.55 # * [solid] has 50 dvd-rs full of flac 00.02.03 # [solid]: not many are, mostly people recording live stuff 00.02.15 # linuxstb: I used -8. Rockbox displays 959 kbps for that track 00.02.26 # amiconn: what realtime percentage does flac2wav give that file? 00.02.27 # amiconn: I use the same. 00.02.27 # <[solid]> amiconn: maybe it's the same skipping bug i was telling Slasheri about? 00.02.46 # <[solid]> amiconn: it happened more often with oog vorbis here tho' 00.03.06 # The progress bar occasionally jumps to zero and back to current position when that happens 00.03.10 Quit DangerousDan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.03.38 # <[solid]> oh so it's not the same 00.04.04 # the flac site only lists iAudio and Rio Karma as portable players that play flac 00.04.30 # those or the only two as far as i know 00.04.34 # Bagder: Time to send Josh Coalson an email... 00.04.42 # we'll be the first to play musepack and wavpack 00.04.48 # <[solid]> preglow: yeah ~~ 00.04.57 # and possibly he-aac 00.05.00 # if i can make it work 00.05.18 # Hmm. It seems the files with lower bitrate are consuming more cpu 00.05.25 # amiconn: like i said 00.05.34 # amiconn: higher compression may mean more cpu for flac 00.05.39 # amiconn: since it uses higher lpc orders 00.05.44 # The next track didn't stutter so far, but the red led is blinking since the start of the track 00.05.59 # ..which is > 2:30 now 00.06.12 # I noticed that it blinks quite a long time 00.06.15 # amiconn: you can try optimising the default case in colfire.S for a good asm excercise 00.06.20 # Seems it can just even cope to with loading 00.06.38 # 3 minutes now, it stopped blinking 00.06.46 # <[solid]> amiconn: weird... i've been playing a lot of flac with no such problems 00.06.47 # the iAudio X5 supports flac, although I dont know if it's actually shipping yet 00.06.55 # <[solid]> amiconn: including 8hrs yesterday ;) 00.06.56 # it is in korea 00.07.49 # If I just start FLACs playing and do nothing, then they carry on fine. It's only when I try to do other things that things go wrong (seemingly randomly). 00.07.49 # the iAudios seems _so_ much like iriver clones 00.08.01 # yeah 00.08.06 # flac runs very marginally for some files, there's a huuuge difference between the files that run well and those that don't 00.08.15 # did everyone see the $150 jukeboxes ? 00.08.19 # refurbs probablly 00.08.37 # Bagder: let's hope they are so internally as well ;) 00.08.42 # they are 00.08.42 # i think my friend just ordered an iAudio X5 00.08.48 # linuxstb: Trying the problematic track with flac2wav now... 00.08.52 # my friend here at finland, ordered from germany 00.08.53 # I saw some details somewhere 00.08.57 # Bagder: they share more than the coldfire? 00.09.13 # I don't recall, but the coldfire was what triggered me 00.09.22 # <[solid]> preglow: i didn't have problems even with 1100kbps -8 files... 00.09.39 # [solid]: i can't see a common factor for the slow and fast files here 00.09.54 # [solid]: i've got two files, both encoded at -8, one gives 180% realtime, the other 110% realtime 00.10.00 # <[solid]> oh. 00.10.24 # preglow: With .wav writing enabled or disabled? 00.10.36 # amiconn: for flac i doesn't much matter, afaik 00.10.49 # might as well keep it enabled to "simulate" the overhead of buffering 00.11.00 # ...cause... until now... this track decodes at... ~38% (!!) 00.11.10 # that's at 49mhz 00.11.14 # kick the unit up a notch 00.11.20 # Hmm, doesn't it boost itself? 00.11.21 # xxx2wav doesn't do that automatically 00.12.08 # Okay, trying again... 00.12.12 # but yeah, people who want flac playback should start working on it 00.12.16 # preglow: Maybe doing "flac -a" on the file will give some clues. It produces a "track.ana" text file containing information about how each frame is encoded. 00.12.19 # it needs tons of work, and the autor hasn't made it easy 00.12.30 # with his malloc hell 00.12.34 Join ashridah [0] (ashridah@220-253-120-9.VIC.netspace.net.au) 00.13.12 # preglow: Small wonder it stutters. This track decodes at <100 % even at 120 MHz 00.13.21 # ~95% currently 00.13.27 # preglow: If I remember correctly, the mallocs are quite limited - i.e. it should be relatively easy to replace them with static buffers. But it was a few months ago when I looked at it. 00.13.33 # <[solid]> amiconn: what music is that?:) 00.13.42 # ABBA 00.13.46 # <[solid]> who 00.13.47 # <[solid]> a 00.14.08 # <[solid]> abba being too complicated for realtime playback sounds... sad :) 00.14.09 # linuxstb: it even uses realloc 00.14.17 # abbagabba 00.14.56 # preglow: Yes, but I think some of them are only for metadata. Would it help if I tried to replace the alloc/realloc calls with static buffers? 00.15.01 Join Axelerator [0] (shoulderss@c213-100-107-46.swipnet.se) 00.15.07 # of course 00.15.10 # then you can see what fits in iram 00.15.12 # and anyway: 00.15.22 # getting rid of malloc and realloc is a major goal for codecs 00.15.23 Quit spiralout (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.15.27 Quit Stryke` ("Friends don't let friends listen to Anti-Flag") 00.15.30 # we don't want to keep a malloc buffer around 00.15.47 # But with the downside of forking the code to far from the official codebase. 00.15.59 # well, that's up to you ;) 00.16.05 Join Stryke` [0] (~Chairman8@cpe-24-168-110-99.si.res.rr.com) 00.16.22 # i place the elimination of mallocs above that concern 00.16.24 # heh 00.16.32 # "the iPod cannot play songs without a short gap between songs" ... "The processors found in most portable players, including the iPod, lack the speed to process the headers in lossy (MP3, OGG, etc.) files in the short period of time necessary to obtain gap-free playback" 00.16.34 # Now one of my FLAC files I am listening to is stuttering... 00.16.37 # hahahaha 00.16.49 # wikipedia's page on ipod 00.16.53 # hahaha 00.16.57 # written by an engineer for sure 00.17.02 # yeah 00.17.06 # linuxstb: Average percentage 93% on that track 00.17.07 Part Axelerator 00.17.08 # !anime magical canan 00.17.14 # amiconn: ouch, ouch, ouch 00.17.16 # oops 00.17.17 # someone get to work on flac 00.17.28 # haha 00.18.01 # but people 00.18.08 # the stuttering of flac is no surprise 00.18.12 # flac has seen almost no optimising 00.18.13 # so get to work 00.18.39 # Bagder: ".... in the short period of time", hahahaha 00.18.46 Join Zoom2 [0] (~44dfcca3@labb.contactor.se) 00.18.57 # There's plenty of time to process the headers 00.18.58 # Bagder: i assume you're updating the page as we speak? :P 00.19.25 # nah, too much ipodaganda 00.19.41 # wouldn't know where to start 00.19.59 # <[solid]> hey, that music quiz game sounds nice:) 00.20.06 # <[solid]> never knew about it 00.20.12 # Do the ipod-linux people have gapless playback? 00.20.20 # they barely have playback 00.20.32 # they have sometimes-playback 00.20.35 # i guess their gapless status depends on mpd 00.21.02 # OK :-). 00.21.09 # actually, I believe they can play CBR mp3 in realtime 00.21.18 # they can do aac in realtime as well 00.21.26 # in addition to vorbis, sometimes 00.22.14 # their choice of using linux won't help them get the most of their little cpu 00.22.18 # indeed no 00.22.26 # i don't get that part of the deal 00.22.49 # preemptive multitasking wont make their task easier either 00.23.23 # and last, mpd most certainly wont help them conserve cpu 00.24.28 # flac -8 consistently uses 12 sample long lpc sequences 00.24.57 Join zezayer [0] (~chatzilla@ 00.25.26 # linuxstb: but yeah, if you wanna help flac speed up a bit, search for critical data that can be put in iram 00.25.47 # data that is accessed again and again 00.26.00 # like lpc coefs, temporary audio data and codebooks 00.26.24 Join spiralout [0] (~keep_goin@p54B3876A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 00.26.35 # I've already done that in one place in codecflac.c (can someone have a quick check I did it correctly?). I'll try and look at libFLAC as well. 00.27.11 # i'm amazed that they've even got enough memory to do the job 00.27.27 # linuxstb: looks good 00.27.59 # linuxstb: it's bloody big, though, eats over half the iram in one chunk 00.28.59 # Remind me how big the iram is? 00.29.10 # the current codec section is 32kg 00.29.11 # kb 00.29.29 # Heavy. 00.29.34 Join cheriff_AWAY [0] (davem666@wagner.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU) 00.30.53 # has anyone ever done hardware mods to increase the ram? 00.31.01 # Maybe a change could be to make FLAC produce the audio data directly in the correct format for Rockbox - i.e. not as one 32-bit array per channel (storing 16-bit values). 00.31.05 # seems like if the players could buffer more it'd help battery life a lot. 00.31.55 # bill20r3: The iriver already has a relatively big ram. 00.32.18 # Bigger ram means more audio data can be buffered, so less disk spinups are necessary 00.32.41 # * ashridah imagines that finding ram with the same pinout but a larger size would be interesting. 00.32.43 # Otoh, more ram is worse if you change your mind and start playing another directory or playlist 00.32.51 # oh yes 00.32.58 # if you listen to entire albums, it could be good 00.33.21 # Then all this preloaded audio data is discarded 00.33.53 # The gain might be smaller than one might expect 00.34.26 # yeah 00.34.32 # On archos, increasing the ram to 8 MB (from the default 2 MB) increases runtime by ~25 % (with 192 kbps mp3) 00.34.33 # i don't think there'd be much gain at all, actually 00.34.52 # (On disk based units of course) 00.34.54 # well, the archos is a pretty extreme example with its 2mb of ram (default) 00.35.12 # More RAM would help FLAC though? 00.35.26 # now, if we could get more iram... :-P 00.35.29 # Yeah, and even there it's only 25% by quadrupling the buffer ram 00.35.54 # we probably can use more iram for codecs 00.36.01 # The buffer is actually more than quadrupled, since the firmware takes some ram too 00.36.03 # but we need to find out how much everything else needs first 00.36.31 # the codecs actually use more than 32kb as it is, the stack needs to be pretty large for some codecs as well 00.36.37 # like libmad 00.36.56 # Hmm, now that you mention it... 00.37.17 # ...maybe the IllIstr reported earlier is actually caused by a stack overflow? 00.37.30 # The address range was in iram iirc 00.37.48 # might very well be, what codec was used? 00.38.17 # amiconn: indeed, it was iram 00.38.32 # amiconn: but very early in iram, the stack is placed later than that 00.38.47 # but then, it does grow downward... 00.39.04 # ...and the stack check still isn't enabled on iriver, is it? 00.39.11 # don't think so 00.40.23 # haha 00.40.25 # mailing list 00.40.34 # someone had to ask sooner or later 00.40.49 Join XavierGr [0] (~XavierGr@ppp15-adsl-181.ath.forthnet.gr) 00.41.45 # doom 1 & 2 might very well run on iriver, but require some graphics squeezing 00.41.51 # i think they'd run just fine 00.42.09 # they ran well on 33mhz 486, for chrissake 00.42.14 # doom even runs on 50 MHz Amiga, even with c2p conversion 00.42.23 # Well, the source code is there (at the bottom of the page mentioned in the email).... 00.42.26 # They even did on 386/40 00.42.26 # c2p? as in c to pascal? 00.42.36 # chunky-to-planar 00.42.46 # thank god 00.43.25 # Native Amiga graphics is bitplane oriented, but usually 3d engines output chunky pixels 00.43.30 # someone insane enough is certain to come by one day 00.43.56 # doom 2 you seirous!?!? 00.44.02 # sure 00.44.10 # i rmeember it didnt require much specs 00.44.18 # that would be interesting 00.44.19 # do you know how accurate the battery check is? 00.44.21 # smaller screen, tons of ram, decent cpu 00.44.23 Nick yngwi_away is now known as yngwi (~chatzilla@chello080109107064.1.15.vie.surfer.at) 00.45.01 # The H-1X0 screen is not exactly suited for action games though 00.45.06 # god, no 00.45.12 # i don't think the h3x0 screen is either 00.45.27 # but still, the novelty value alone is worth the effort of porting it, hehe 00.47.09 # does wps supports different fonts for different lines? 00.47.16 # no 00.47.30 # we're waiting for your multi-font patch! ;-) 00.47.52 # I am thinking writting something like that 00.47.56 # or at least try 00.47.59 # haha 00.48.10 # how much memory does a font consume, averageish? 00.48.16 # 2-3K 00.48.21 # * ashridah fondly remembers playing doom on a 386 laptop with a greyscale LCD screen 00.48.25 # not bad 00.48.29 # hey dont laugh at a starters try 00.48.39 # my god that was sickening. turn and "BLURRRRRRRRRRR" "ARGHL, My eyes!" 00.48.54 # but I'd imaging supporting two or max three fonts 00.49.02 # it would be kinda cool 00.49.23 # yes that is what I mean 00.49.29 # * amiconn tries enabling stov check... 00.49.33 # *stkov 00.49.35 # to support 3-5 five generic defualt fonts for wps 00.49.45 # we'll be cloning the iriver gui in no time 00.49.54 # not that's it's worth cloning... 00.50.01 # what about plugin fonts too 00.50.05 # Meh, please don't 00.50.13 # this should be extra handy for new plugins 00.50.31 # but people will be requesting custom widgets before long 00.50.43 # yes 00.50.54 # but if we just don't read misticriver, we'll feel better ;-) 00.50.57 # is there any manual for all the api functions that Rockbox has? 00.51.14 # oh, they'll find us, don't worry 00.51.21 # XavierGr: nopes 00.51.52 # argh, my beer's gone 00.51.53 # at least a list with all supported functions maybe? 00.51.59 # XavierGr: nopes 00.52.04 # :( 00.52.11 # feel free to start writing one 00.52.18 # then how do developers know which functions is supported 00.52.22 # headers 00.52.23 # Huh? With the stkov check enabled, rockbox immediately crashes at boot with IllInstr at 00000000 ??!! 00.52.25 # ^are 00.52.30 # XavierGr: reading source code 00.52.33 # amiconn: i believe that's the ol' problem, yes 00.52.42 # amiconn: there's a reason it's disabled 00.52.50 # Wth it has to do at 00000000 ??? 00.52.57 # *shruggage 00.54.28 # what files do you think that I have to mod except wps.c to intergrate multi-font support? 00.55.19 # wps-display.c 00.55.32 # font.c, lcd-*.c, .... 00.55.41 # argh! 00.55.59 # it isn't a small and easy thing to fix 00.56.08 # you're up for a bite 00.56.30 # And I know nothing about Rockbox workings great :( 00.56.44 # well, most people start at that point 00.57.26 # I remember that I encountered an putsxy function with four arguments in the API documentation 00.57.35 # the 4th argument asked font name 00.57.50 # but normal putsxy has only 3 00.58.01 # There is no such function 00.58.18 # There is lcd_putsxyofs() which has 4 arguments 00.58.29 # and what does it do? 00.58.47 # ..the additional one being an offset, to chop off n pixels at the left 00.59.03 # nothing to do with fonts then 00.59.03 # ...used in the scroll thread(s) 00.59.35 # lcd_setfont() sets which font to use 00.59.45 Quit Zoom2 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 00.59.45 # since we have two atm 01.00.11 Join bg_ [0] (~chatzilla@c24.241.230.113.mad.wi.charter.com) 01.16.26 DEBUG EOF from server (No route to host) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 545) 01.16.26 *** Cleanup 01.16.26 *** Cleanup 01.16.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.16.26 *** Exit 01.16.26 *** Started Dancer V4.16 01.16.26 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.16.26 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.16.26 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.16.26 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.16.26 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.16.26 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.16.26 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.16.26 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.16.26 *** Unable to connect to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 (tried 8 times) 01.16.26 *** Cleanup 01.16.26 *** Cleanup 01.16.26 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 01.16.26 *** Exit 01.20.16 *** Started Dancer V4.16 01.20.16 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.20.16 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.20.16 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.20.16 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.20.16 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.20.16 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.20.16 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.20.16 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.20.16 *** Unable to connect to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 (tried 8 times) 01.20.16 *** Cleanup 01.20.16 *** Cleanup 01.20.16 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 01.20.16 *** Exit 01.24.23 *** Started Dancer V4.16 01.24.23 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.24.23 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.24.23 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.24.23 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.24.23 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.24.23 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.24.23 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.24.23 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.24.23 *** Unable to connect to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 (tried 8 times) 01.24.23 *** Cleanup 01.24.23 *** Cleanup 01.24.23 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 01.24.23 *** Exit 01.28.11 *** Started Dancer V4.16 01.28.11 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.28.11 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.28.11 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.28.11 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.28.11 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.28.11 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.28.11 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.28.11 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.28.11 *** Unable to connect to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 (tried 8 times) 01.28.11 *** Cleanup 01.28.11 *** Cleanup 01.28.11 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 01.28.11 *** Exit 01.32.07 *** Started Dancer V4.16 01.32.07 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.32.07 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.32.07 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.32.07 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.32.07 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.32.07 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.32.07 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.32.07 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.32.07 *** Unable to connect to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 (tried 8 times) 01.32.07 *** Cleanup 01.32.07 *** Cleanup 01.32.07 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 01.32.07 *** Exit 01.35.54 *** Started Dancer V4.16 01.35.54 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.35.54 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.35.54 DEBUG gethostbyname(2) failed for irc.freenode.net (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99) 01.35.54 *** Connected to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 01.35.54 *** Logfile for #rockbox started 01.38.01 *** Server message 501: 'logbot :Unknown MODE flag' 01.38.01 Mode "logbot :+i" by logbot 01.38.01 Ctcp Version from freenode-connect!freenode@connect.utility.freenode 01.38.01 *** Server message 477: 'logbot #rockbox :[freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup' 01.38.02 Join logbot [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) 01.38.02 Join XavierGr [0] (~XavierGr@ppp15-adsl-181.ath.forthnet.gr) 01.38.02 Join cheriff_AWAY [0] (davem666@wagner.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU) 01.38.02 Join spiralout [0] (~keep_goin@p54B3876A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 01.38.02 Join Stryke` [0] (~Chairman8@cpe-24-168-110-99.si.res.rr.com) 01.38.02 Join ashridah [0] (ashridah@220-253-120-9.VIC.netspace.net.au) 01.38.02 Join _DangerousDan [0] (~Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) 01.38.02 Join bill20r3 [0] (bill@cloudburst.xmission.com) 01.38.02 Join n[o]bby [0] (~nobby@cpc3-bele3-3-1-cust61.belf.cable.ntl.com) 01.38.02 Join Naked [0] (naked@naked.iki.fi) 01.38.02 Join Patr3ck [0] (~patr3ck@p549EE260.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.38.02 Join bipak_ [0] (~bip@p508852BC.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.38.02 Join yngwi_away [0] (~chatzilla@chello080109107064.1.15.vie.surfer.at) 01.38.02 Join ehntoo [0] (~noclue2@24-177-161-77.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) 01.38.02 Join Ismo [0] (laitinei@huippu.net) 01.38.02 Join thegeek [0] (na@ti521110a080-0260.bb.online.no) 01.38.02 Join tvelocity [0] (~tony@ipa41.2.tellas.gr) 01.38.02 Join xen` [0] (~xen@pla25-1-82-227-196-9.fbx.proxad.net) 01.38.02 Join Rori [0] (MO-Pantsu@deadman3000.plus.com) 01.38.02 Join BossG [0] (~bossplaya@pcp0011272384pcs.mainf01.in.comcast.net) 01.38.02 Join [solid] [0] (~solid@ 01.38.02 Join _aLF [0] (Alexandre@mut38-2-82-67-66-128.fbx.proxad.net) 01.38.02 Join Bger [0] (~Bager@ 01.38.02 Join mbr_ [0] (~mb@stz-softwaretechnik.de) 01.38.02 Join courtc [0] (~courtc@adsl-158-51-117.asm.bellsouth.net) 01.38.02 Join Rick [0] (rick@Rick.user) 01.38.02 Join MoosCamaro [0] (MoosCamaro@m214.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 01.38.02 Join edx [0] (edx@p54A8DD62.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.38.02 Join elinenbe [0] (~elinenbe_@ 01.38.02 Join ]RowaN[ [0] (a2b0y@82-43-211-171.cable.ubr10.newm.blueyonder.co.uk) 01.38.02 Join preglow [0] (thomj@s183a.studby.ntnu.no) 01.38.02 Join linuxstb [0] (~linuxstb@dsl-212-23-31-215.zen.co.uk) 01.38.02 Join pabs [0] (~pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 01.38.02 Join StrathAFK [0] (~mike@dgvlwinas01pool0-a219.wi.tds.net) 01.38.02 Join QT [0] (as@area51.users.madwifi) 01.38.02 Join amiconn [0] (~jens@p54BD4F1E.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.38.02 Join HCl [0] (hcl@titania.student.utwente.nl) 01.38.02 Join CoCoLUS [0] (~coco@h081217139221.dyn.cm.kabsi.at) 01.38.02 Join crwl [0] (~crawlie@dsl-83.148.225-157-dynip.ssp.fi) 01.38.02 Join Plugh_ [0] (~plugh@adsl-68-122-77-189.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) 01.38.02 Join C-Keen [0] (~C-Keen@positive-it.de) 01.38.02 Join dwihno [0] (~dw@ 01.38.02 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 01.38.02 Join Seed [0] (ben@l192-117-115-168.broadband.actcom.net.il) 01.38.02 Join lostlogic [0] (~lostlogic@node-4024215a.mdw.onnet.us.uu.net) 01.38.02 Join tedboer [0] (~maarten@mtg62.upf.es) 01.38.02 Join crashd [0] (nobody@badger.ing.me.uk) 01.38.02 Join bill2or3 [0] (bill@cerberus.protovision.com) 01.38.02 Join Lynx_ [0] (Lynx@ 01.38.02 Join Slasheri [0] (miipekk@ihme.org) 01.38.02 Join crash_ [0] (~crash@a15167580.alturo-server.de) 01.38.02 Join ze [0] (ze@ca-dstreet-cuda2-c9a-73.snbrca.adelphia.net) 01.38.02 Join [zmaj] [0] (zmaj@liebt.polnische.putzen.am.telefon.und.das.ist.auch.gut-s0.de) 01.38.02 Join gromit` [0] (~gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) 01.38.02 Join odd [0] (mrodd@fangorn.starshadow.com) 01.38.02 Join silencer_ [0] (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) 01.38.02 Join rob- [0] (~robbie@haylott.plus.com) 01.38.11 # preglow: Haha, gcc's really fun way of multiplying an address register by 3 01.38.21 # so in order to print a character from a font (with putsxy) rockbox makes the font character a binary bitmap and then prints it, tight? 01.38.25 # ^right 01.38.25 # took me a while to understand: lea %a1@(00000000,%a1:l:2),%a0 01.43.29 # amiconn: ehhh?? 01.43.49 # ahh 01.43.57 # yes 01.44.01 # gcc does stuff like that ;) 01.44.04 Nick yngwi_away is now known as yngwi (~chatzilla@chello080109107064.1.15.vie.surfer.at) 01.44.22 # is it harmles to charge with rockbox?? 01.44.24 Join Zoom2 [0] (~41088181@labb.contactor.se) 01.46.57 # i've even seen gcc replace multiplies with shifts and adds 01.47.42 # preglow: I know why switch_thread crashes with stkov check enabled... 01.48.15 Join sandstorm [0] (~dxz@ 01.48.56 # In that case, switch_thread pushes one register onto the stack, however, this will cause havoc as switch_thread is manipulating the context, i.e. the stack pointer... 01.49.08 # The end: 01.49.14 # 31028c9c: 4cd0 fcfc moveml %a0@,%d2-%d7/%a2-%sp 01.49.15 # 31028ca0: 241f movel %sp@+,%d2 01.49.15 # 31028ca2: 4e75 rts 01.49.20 # ...lovely :/ 01.50.17 # is this asm? 01.50.22 # indeed it is 01.50.32 # great! :x 01.50.46 # gcc does nothing wrong here, but I wonder what we can do... 01.51.33 # The curse of too few scratch registers... :( 01.52.24 Quit Zoom2 ("CGI:IRC") 01.52.45 # in which .c file does the default font gets load? 01.53.21 Part MoosCamaro 02.00.12 Join DomZ [0] (~52426222@labb.contactor.se) 02.00.54 # hmm for wps intergration two major changes must occur 02.01.26 # first I need to rewrite font.c to initialize more fonts 02.02.02 # then I have to write a funstion to lcd.c that has an argument font type 02.02.20 # and then change wps code to use this new function 02.02.56 # all this is very theoritical from a quick view of lcd-h100.c and font.c 02.03.20 # ..and change the scroll thread to cope with more than one font displayed at once 02.03.35 # one at a time amiconn! 02.03.43 Join webguest22 [0] (~51429ed6@labb.contactor.se) 02.03.48 # I dont think that I can make it 02.03.52 # hi all 02.03.53 # If you only display one font, why do you need more than one? 02.04.28 # but in the wps we need to display multiple fonts 02.04.49 # Yes, so the scroll thread must be able to handle that 02.05.02 # ofcourse 02.05.29 # but fisrt we must make a function like putsxy that can take a font argument 02.05.38 # nope 02.05.47 # why? 02.06.12 # It doesn't make sense to always pass paramaters which don't change that often 02.06.46 # Instead, it is better to have a separate function to set the font, which is then used in subsequent calls until it is changed again 02.06.53 # then make lcd_font take more that 2 options 02.07.06 # Yes, and that's the easiest part 02.07.20 # I cant even imagine the hard 02.07.56 # what if I write something like this in a plugin: 02.08.14 # lcd_setfont(FONT_SYSFIXED) 02.08.16 Part sandstorm 02.08.34 # lcd_putsxy(0,10,'test') 02.08.50 # lcd_setfont(FONT_UI) 02.09.10 # lcd_putsxy(0,20,'test') 02.09.34 # This will of course work and display your texts with the 2 available fonts 02.09.40 # yes 02.09.57 # ...because lcd_putsxy(), lcd_putsxyofs() and lcd_puts() 02.10.08 # amiconn: scuse for this question, but what's about your much ideas about API graphical and grayscale please 02.10.26 # ...are all 'fire and forget', i.e. they just paint some graphics 02.10.43 Quit _aLF ("Leaving") 02.11.00 # ...but this won't work for lcd_puts_scroll(), as this one uses the scroll thread, and has to redraw continuously 02.11.11 # so if setfont can take more than 2 options we could make plugins to be able to print different fonts 02.11.22 # ...and we surely want scrolling lines in the wps, don't we? 02.11.34 # yeah I guess sscrolling will be hard! 02.11.41 Quit webguest22 ("CGI:IRC") 02.12.49 # XavierGr: In fact, current rockbox uses both fonts at once in some cases 02.12.58 # do you think that changeing setfont options will be easy? 02.13.27 # ...e.g. the status line always uses FONT_SYSFIXED (for numeric battery/ volume display, and also for time display on archos recorder) 02.13.39 # interesting 02.13.52 # ...while the file browser of wps use FONT_UI 02.13.56 # *or 02.14.03 Quit Patr3ck (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.14.32 # setfont() itself is trivial; font_load() requires a bit more work 02.14.42 # yeah 02.15.03 # Then there is the question how to let the user select more than one font without confusing him 02.15.17 # in the wps? 02.15.31 # No, I mean how to select the font 02.15.37 # have a system font, a title font, and some other font? 02.15.51 # Currently we have 'browse fonts' which selects FONT_UI 02.16.38 # but the user will not be bothered about the other fonts? Only the wps (or the plugins which is the programmer that makes the choice) will be open for users 02.16.42 # * ashridah nods 02.16.50 # My idea (which might be a little easier) was to try adding font styles first. 02.17.06 # (bold, underline, and perhaps italic) 02.17.37 # XavierGr: The user will need a way to select the additional fonts 02.17.52 Quit ]RowaN[ () 02.17.54 # for what purpose except the wps? 02.18.05 # Yes, for wps 02.18.11 # They still need to be selected 02.18.23 # in the wps we can make tokens like %f1 %f2 02.18.36 # that corresponds to a fixed size font 02.18.45 # Yes. But how do you map f1 to e.g. atadore.fnt? 02.18.48 # and will be loaded per line 02.19.04 # these values will be fixed 02.19.05 # Loading fonts everytime is a big no-no 02.19.16 Quit yngwi ("Chatzilla 0.9.68a [Firefox 1.0.4/20050511]") 02.19.19 # we must select 3-5 default fonts for the wps usage 02.19.27 # We'd need to load all used fonts once 02.19.32 # 5 ??!!?? 02.19.39 # or less maybe? 02.20.19 # If they're fixed, who should decide about them? 02.20.43 # Btw, I like the current concept way more. The user selects which font to use 02.21.00 # but nothing will change for that 02.21.29 # Yes it will if you want predefined fonts for the wps 02.22.02 # predefined fonts will come into place when someone will utilize the %f1 token for that exact line 02.22.30 # the rest of it should remain as is between the fixed and ui font 02.22.36 # Hmm 02.24.32 # so you can have the tiny fixed font of rockbox (for values that are not so crucial to the eye from a distance) and then you can use an %f token for information you want to fill the screen 02.25.55 # gotta go sleep 02.25.55 # later 02.26.00 Quit preglow ("leaving") 02.26.19 # can the user change the default rockbox font? 02.26.52 # even with having to compile a different file 02.30.30 Join telliott [0] (~telliott@208-251-255-120.res.evv.cable.sigecom.net) 02.44.09 Quit spiralout ("ChatZilla [Firefox 1.0.4/20050511]") 02.48.30 Part telliott 02.50.10 # I have to go too. Good night all! 02.51.22 Quit XavierGr () 02.52.45 Quit Stryke` (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 03.04.03 Join DJ-suparappa [0] (~polarisx@CPE00045a9a6183-CM0012253ec384.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 03.21.39 Quit BossG (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.29.46 # are we all in the UK or something? everyone went to sleep? 03.31.05 Join amiconn_ [0] (~jens@p54BD5368.dip.t-dialin.net) 03.31.49 # quite a few of the rockbox developers are from northern europe 03.35.58 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.37.09 Join DMJC [0] (~DMJC@60-240-221-194.tpgi.com.au) 03.38.18 Quit amiconn (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03.38.18 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (~jens@p54BD5368.dip.t-dialin.net) 03.46.08 Quit _DangerousDan (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.49.27 Join DangerousDan [0] (~Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) 04.00.31 Nick cheriff_AWAY is now known as cheriff (davem666@wagner.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU) 04.05.20 Join QT_ [0] (as@area51.users.madwifi) 04.05.44 Quit ehntoo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.09.04 Quit QT (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 04.14.36 Quit DJ-suparappa (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.09.50 Join DJ-suparappa [0] (~polarisx@CPE00045a9a6183-CM0012253ec384.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 05.36.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.43.31 Quit HCl (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.43.31 NSplit brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 05.43.31 Quit CoCoLUS (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.43.31 Quit crwl (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.43.31 Quit Plugh_ (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.43.31 Quit C-Keen (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.45.03 NHeal brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 05.45.03 NJoin C-Keen [0] (~C-Keen@positive-it.de) 05.47.55 NJoin CoCoLUS [0] (~coco@h081217139221.dyn.cm.kabsi.at) 05.48.22 NJoin HCl [0] (hcl@titania.student.utwente.nl) 05.48.31 NJoin Plugh_ [0] (~plugh@adsl-68-122-77-189.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) 05.52.21 Join Zoom2 [0] (~44dfe975@labb.contactor.se) 05.54.34 NJoin crwl [0] (~crawlie@dsl-83.148.225-157-dynip.ssp.fi) 05.56.37 Join webguest79 [0] (~80dc24ab@labb.contactor.se) 05.57.08 # Hi everyone, just curious... is there any reason why some of the custom WPS's in the gallery show a little symbol that looks like an angstrom symbol? 05.58.36 # for example, Flol's wps screen has little A's just before every dot 06.00.14 # where? 06.02.30 # yeah I dont see it 06.02.40 # seems to appear everywhere 06.03.04 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsGallery#FloL 06.03.22 # what browser are you using? 06.03.44 # see those dots between all the numbers? I have a little angstrom symbol between everything 06.03.49 # sorry, I meant on the iriver itself 06.04.01 # the browser shows what I want to see, but the iriver shows a little angstrom between everything 06.04.25 # oh, I am not sure, havent used that WPS 06.04.53 # well, that friendly little symbol appears in almost all the wps screens 06.05.01 # Tang's screen shows the same symbol just before the first line 06.05.55 # are you using the most current rockbox? 06.06.15 # yeah, bleeding edge actually 06.06.20 # I wanted to try the crossfader 06.07.11 # I am using one from last nite, I will try updating it later and see if I have the same problem - its not with me right now 06.18.59 # ok, so it's definitely related to fonts, because if I change to a different font, the char disappears 06.26.03 # what font? 06.33.36 # the rockbox_default font gives me the angstrom, some of the others give me a weird symbol for the dot, others don't have a dot, some display correctly, and others have the angstrom as well 06.33.39 # I tried a lot of them 06.40.14 # well, if anyone else notices this, or finds a solution, just leave a message. I'll search the logs... gnite everyone! 06.40.16 Quit webguest79 ("CGI:IRC") 06.41.22 Join Strath [0] (~mike@dgvlwinas01pool0-a219.wi.tds.net) 07.04.00 # hrm. should have gotten him to take a screenshot using his player 07.04.15 # i'm not seeing anything weird with that wps and the latest cvs checkout here 07.04.16 Quit StrathAFK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.09.30 Quit tvelocity (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.29.51 Quit DJ-suparappa () 07.36.05 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.55.59 Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) 07.59.03 Quit bipak_ (Remote closed the connection) 07.59.05 Join bipak [0] (~bip@p508852BC.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.12.33 # Good morning 08.19.00 Quit Rick (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.20.32 Join Rick [0] (rick@pool-71-108-23-179.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 08.22.15 # LinusN: I know why rockbox on iriver immediately crashes when the stack overflow check in switch_thread() is activated. 08.22.42 # yes, i know that too 08.22.49 # The rockbox scheduler has a bug (or rather: design problem) depending on how this function is compiled 08.23.11 Nick QT_ is now known as QT (as@area51.users.madwifi) 08.23.16 # gcc save an extra register when adding the stack check 08.23.20 # We already have a possible solution - do it like jyp did on the gmini 08.24.18 # Doing most of the context save on the stack is debatable; it has both advantages and disadvantages 08.24.35 # I mean the 'started' flag 08.24.59 Quit Seed (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 08.25.48 # yeah. i'm not particularly fond of his solution, but it works 08.25.56 Join Harpy [0] (OPaYXSY74P@dsl-hkigw7wbb.dial.inet.fi) 08.27.47 # I think the started flag, and doing the first call with a direct jump is in fact a cleaner solution than to 'craft' a return address on the stack and the let the return do the work 08.28.19 # As I said, the second part of this solution (saving most registers on the stack) is debatable 08.28.27 Join webguest98 [0] (~c31ce021@labb.contactor.se) 08.28.47 # It saves space in the context save array, so having a higher max_threads doesn't eat that much iram 08.29.10 # Otoh a thread's stack might not be in iram, making the context switch a bit slower 08.29.52 # yup 08.30.06 # \o/ 08.31.25 # For the extra register problem, there is another solution, but it's still dirty imho. We could put the crafted return address on the stack twice in create_thread() 08.35.40 # I'd prefer the 'started' flag though 08.36.40 # Our current solution is highly compiler dependent 08.36.46 # * LinusN has an H100 now 08.36.50 # amiconn: yes it is 08.37.30 # What do you think about that flag? I'd really like to have a working overflow check.... 08.37.46 # sure, why not? 08.39.14 # I *could* also be done for sh, although not necessary due to the many scratch registers, but it would unify the code (?) 08.40.05 # I think about coding the check in load_context() in one asm block, i.e. possibly more efficiently than using 2 asm blocks and doing the check in C 08.40.59 # hi 08.41.54 # amiconn: that's also an alternative 08.41.58 # Slasheri: hi 08.42.25 # LinusN: ??? 08.42.40 # Do you mean coding the whole switch_thread() in asm ? 08.42.48 # yes 08.43.55 # hmmm, what happens if you move the panic call to a void tpanic(void) function? 08.45.05 # Hmm. That might work, although it's still compiler dependent 08.45.43 Join ghode [0] (~c2b0dfc3@labb.contactor.se) 08.48.07 Join Chamois [0] (HydraIRC@champigny-5-82-226-182-23.fbx.proxad.net) 08.48.18 Quit ghode (Client Quit) 08.49.15 Quit Zoom2 ("CGI:IRC") 08.58.41 Join Seed [0] (ben@l192-117-115-168.broadband.actcom.net.il) 09.01.36 Join ghode1 [0] (~c2b0dfc1@labb.contactor.se) 09.02.34 Quit ghode1 (Client Quit) 09.11.06 Nick Naked is now known as Hadaka (naked@naked.iki.fi) 09.28.02 Join bobTHC [0] (~bobthc@l05v-26-3.d1.club-internet.fr) 09.32.10 # Slasheri: you there? 09.32.24 # LinusN: yes i am :) 09.32.42 # i wondwr about your cpu_boost fix 09.32.55 # Hmm, which one? 09.32.56 # you can cpu_boost(false) in the init 09.32.58 # call 09.33.34 # in pcm_playback.c 09.33.41 # ah, yes. I did that in audio_init but i am not sure why the cpu was originally boosted at startup 09.34.03 # i think we should find the real cause of it rather than "painting it over" 09.34.53 # that's true 09.35.37 # Hmm, btw i might know what calls it 09.36.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.36.22 # When the sample full of zeros is played at startup and buffer goes empty, pcm watermark callback is called and that will boost the cpu.. 09.38.27 # Hmm, maybe pcm_boost false could be added to dma_stop so that would unboost cpu everytime playing stops? 09.38.33 # why is that played btw? 09.38.52 # There is a really bad dc offset unless something is played.. 09.38.54 # remember that cpu_boost() is stacked 09.39.22 # (that's only on headphone jack, not on line-out) 09.39.23 # each cpu_boost(true) must have a matching cpu_boost(false) 09.39.55 # yep, pcm_boost keeps that in order 09.40.20 Join markun [0] (~markun@bastards.student.utwente.nl) 09.41.09 # maybe the pcm watermark callback should only call cpu_boost() if it knows that it is really needed 09.41.42 # I sugest not turn on the headphone amplifyer at all until playing starts, if we can turn on the amp quietly. 09.41.43 # Hmm, it calls pcm_boost and that will check if it's needed 09.42.13 # still it leaves the cpu boosted 09.42.16 # markun: I don't know if it's possible at all to turn it on quietly.. 09.42.17 # it seems 09.42.35 # Slasheri: the iriver firmware seems to handle it well 09.43.06 # yes, but I still couldn't find out how to do it. Spend a lot of time reading the uda1380 datasheet yesterday. 09.43.12 # spent 09.43.25 # LinusN: I will try to move the pcm_boost to dma_stop, maybe that will fix all the boost issues :) 09.45.20 # Maybe instead of the uda1380_init functions we should have a more fine-grained control of which parts to turn on and of as needed. 09.49.11 # Don't know if it saves a lot of battery. When turned on the dac+headphone draw 9 mA, is that a lot compared to wat the other iriver components draw? 09.49.58 Join Zoom2 [0] (~44dfe975@labb.contactor.se) 09.50.24 Quit Rick ("I… don't need to be here.") 09.50.38 # hey is crossfading working? 09.50.39 # LinusN: Will you do some current measurements soon? 09.51.11 Quit DangerousDan (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.53.37 Join Rick [0] (rick@pool-71-108-23-179.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 09.54.01 # markun: no, not soon 09.55.19 # Zoom2: partially if you enable it. But the crossfading period is quite short, something like 2-3 seconds 09.55.32 # Increasing it would require also increasing audio buffer size 09.56.03 # so if we increase the "skip mode" the crossfade will increase? 09.56.14 # i noticed that it could snip off a fraction of the end of the song in non-crossfading mode 09.56.26 # "skip mode" does nothing at the moment 09.56.36 # I thought that controlled the buffer 09.56.46 # Zoom2: on the archos, yes 09.56.48 # maybe it will in future :) 09.56.52 # ahh 09.57.01 # Zoom2: currently it doesn nothing 09.57.04 # on the iriver 09.57.14 # well good work on the crossfade regardless, I was so excited to see that as a possibility 09.57.32 # all my music is sounding better on the rockbox firmware 09.57.48 # currently the buffer is 1 MiB but it should be possible to change the size on the fly (that would require at least restarting audio playback) 09.58.50 # Man, I need to get a ihp-140 asap :) 09.59.06 # do we know what causes the crossfade to work/not work? 09.59.18 # all I notice is a slight "skip" in the next song that plays 09.59.29 # although gapless is looking good 10.01.41 # the crossfade might be slightly buggy at the moment 10.02.29 # and you will hear only a skip if there is some gap between the songs 10.02.56 # that because the crossfade buffer is too short.. 10.03.53 # ahh, I am guessing that is not a major change? 10.04.48 # nope, the buffer size should be soon configurable :) 10.04.56 # nice 10.05.23 # another random question, I was searching on the webpage for but couldnt find an answer... the "battery capacity" option does what exactly? 10.05.32 # yeay! the crossfade worked for one of my songs 10.05.35 # that made me happy 10.05.57 # Zoom2: it tells rockbox the capacity of the battery, so it can calculate the battery percentage correctly 10.06.38 # and on the iriver 120 what should it be? 10.06.47 # I think I had changed it by accident 10.07.15 # 1300 10.07.33 # ok thanks 10.12.31 # I've put a 2200 mAh battery in my iriver. The voltage right after charging is higher than the voltage for the old battery. 10.13.03 # wow that was odd. 10.13.16 # markun: Hmm, would you recommend those 2200 mAh ipod batteries or 1900 mAh ionity? I think i am going to buy a new battery soon 10.13.29 Join B4gder [0] (~dast@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) 10.13.37 # I was listening to a mp3, and when it ended it went to a another song 2/3 into it, and display's a competly different song 10.13.44 # is this a known issue? 10.14.05 # I bought the 2200 mAh from Hong Kong for just EUR 13,70 including shipping. It was too cheap not to buy :) 10.14.15 # now it repeated the song before that, and displaying another song 10.14.16 # I think yes, but i haven't been able to reproduce it yet 10.14.26 # markun: oh :) 10.14.36 Join sox [0] (~sox@c-223de255.733-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 10.14.54 # does this only happen with crossfade mode? 10.14.59 # HCl also bought the same. On the original firmware mp3 played for 29 hours. 10.15.13 # Zoom2: Are you using the very latest build? Slasheri made lots of playback fixes last night. 10.15.17 # LinusN: where should I add the WPS req list? 10.15.25 # Zoom2: I am not sure, i think not 10.15.28 # yes, I am using the latest bleeding edge 10.15.56 # with crossfade enabled 10.16.33 # did you do anything else like file seeking, next/prev etc. while listening? 10.16.37 # what I was doing before was skipping tracks manually to get to a song I wanted in the playlist because it had stopped randomly in the middle of the song 10.16.37 # Slasheri: [solid] and I experienced different behaviour yesterday with crossfade on and off, but I haven't been able to reproduce them since your last set of fixes. But it could still be an issue. 10.17.02 # Zoom2: Hmm, interesting 10.17.18 # Same issue happend with you? 10.17.52 # linuxstb: yep, i am still trying to figure that out.. No luck so far reproducing it :/ 10.20.20 # The onlything I was doing was skipping numerous tracks to get to the one I wanted at the time, let that play full and then things got weird. I didnt do any other "extra" behavior. no FW or Rewind 10.20.57 # and this was all in a "playlist" 10.21.02 # Zoom2: ok, i will try that 10.21.44 # I will brb though 10.24.12 # Slasheri: I started a directory (of FLACs) playing. I skipping forward/back a few times (which worked) and then let it play. It then stopped playing after a couple of minutes and next/prev didn't work any more. I pressed stop, and then play again in the same directory, and after a lot of disk activity, there is still no sound. The elapsed time indicator is staying at zero. 10.24.53 # Ah, attempting to seek in my FLAC file brings it back to life. 10.26.11 # was taking some sleeping pills, back now - let me see if I can reproduce it 10.30.35 # Here's a Wiki page where everyone can add their feature requests for the WPS: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsRequestList 10.30.37 # markun: where have you bought the 2200mAh battery ? 10.30.43 # ebay 10.30.57 Join Patr3ck [0] (~patr3ck@p549E6836.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.31.02 # thanks I'll try immediately 10.32.10 # I think bold and italics go under the "different fonts" note 10.32.24 # webguest98: look for "ipod 2200" 10.33.03 # and don't forget to change the polarity before you install the battery.. 10.33.13 # Resume: Off --- Shuffle: On --- Selected: Playlist --- Jumped: Multiple tracks --- Result" 10.33.18 # :Error 10.34.04 # Crossfade: On too 10.34.06 # Hmm 10.34.37 # I will try it once more. see if it happens again 10.34.57 # i've been finding that mp3s are still skipping the last chunk of a track when changing to the next one. 10.36.03 # ashridah: Even with the very latest builds? Is that with crossfade on or off? 10.36.23 # off 10.36.26 # and yes 10.36.30 # markun: thanks 10.36.31 # Slasheri's fixes last night fixed that problem for me (with FLAC files). 10.36.32 # I dont know if this is related, but I think if you "jump tracks" faster than it buffers the first 10 tracks you run into problems 10.36.34 # the two tracks are part of the same cd 10.36.43 # I am using mp3 files 10.37.18 # Zoom2: ah, thanks. trying that 10.37.19 # I have a good test CD (a radio recording - DJ talking over the starts and ends of tracks) so it's easy to spot if the gapless playback is not 100% perfect. 10.37.40 # And it's currently perfect. 10.38.42 # yeah it just stops "jumping" after so many songs 10.39.14 # only way to get outta the frozen screen is to hit stop 10.39.14 # it's definently broken here. the WPS display changes to the next track before it starts playing and sits at 0 for a few, then all of a sudden, it skips the last block (and possibly the first block of the next track) without joining them together. 10.39.46 # ashridah: I get the same "WPS changing too early" problem. But the audio is fine (with FLAC). 10.41.43 # odd. it seems to actually be misguessing the length of the track 10.42.15 # the track claims to be 9:18 on the iriver, but 10:11 normally 10.44.30 # ah, no, it's not getting the length wrong 10.44.33 # the other app was :) 10.44.35 # yeah I reproduced it again, this time outside of a playlist - just jumping tracks in a folder 10.44.48 # settings are all the same though 10.44.50 # rockbox does the same 10.45.01 # a dir or playlist is no difference internally 10.45.08 # Zoom2: i think there's a couple of things that are broken while it's in the process of buffering 10.45.14 # I had figured, just thought I would try it out 10.45.49 # I presume that a "buffered" track loads instead of the inteded "shuffled" track 10.46.12 # because when the HD stop spinning it doesnt respin for the song after 10.46.22 # I doubt that 10.46.45 # the code asks for the next song and that is loaded 10.46.45 # because I played a few seconds of the intro song, and last night I was told it buffers the first 10 tracks or so 10.46.54 # the problem is, the two tracks i'm getting this problem with are largish, i can't put them anywhere that won't attract attention :( 10.47.02 # but I skipped at least 9 or 10 tracks 10.47.15 # Zoom2: it'll depend on how big the tracks are 10.47.16 # how large? 10.47.53 # ashrdah: do you mean all the tracks that are being buffered from the first song? or the song I am playing 10.48.28 # Zoom2: well, no, i mean the number of tracks that can be buffered will depend on how big they are 10.48.29 # because the odd part is, after it skipps to the wrong song, it goes back to the song I had "seeked" but updates the next song ment to be played correctly 10.49.57 # For example, I skipped some files to the Kinks "girl you really got me", after that song it went into a middle of a miles davis song, but showed playing "turn turn turn" by the byrds. After this the Kinks song played again, but the track info that was updated was a slipknot song 10.50.35 # clear as mud 10.50.44 # lol 10.50.46 # ehhh 10.53.29 # Ok, I opened an mp3 folder, skipped a few files to file "a". that played fully and loaded song "b" that started playing midway. song "b" was not supposed to be the next track. When song "b" finished. song "a" replayed but the track info was that of song "c" 10.53.33 # does that make any sense? 10.53.56 # no 10.54.03 # it loads many songs at once 10.54.18 # when you start song a, it loads song b c and d too 10.55.34 # so what must of happend was when I opened the folder I played the first track, and it must o f loaded some other songs, which I had "skipped" 10.56.13 # hence it played one of the songs correctly, but then the shuffle or fade messed things up due to a buffer error? 10.56.33 # I don't think shuffle has anything to do with it 10.57.01 # alright. 10.57.11 # but what about the loaded songs that I had skipped? 10.57.23 # I have a feeling it had to do with some of those 10.57.42 # yes, there are some buffer-related playback problems still 10.58.27 # Hmm, i think that problem is almost impossible to reproduce.. The bug has to be figured out by looking carefully the source code 10.58.29 # i've also encountered some quite strange song skipping issues where WPS also showed wrong tracks, and without shuffle 10.59.37 # Slasheri: I have reproduced that 2-3 times so far, buy just loading a file, playing 1-2 seconds of it and skipping 8-9 tracks. The track plays perfectly, and then from there things get messed up 11.00.18 # ok, i am still trying 11.01.01 # Open a folder/playlist. Hit play. Skip a good number of tracks. let the song play fully, and then the problem should happen 11.01.22 # Now i started one song, played it 2 seconds and skipped 8 songs 11.01.31 # waiting this one to fully play.. 11.01.36 # ok 11.01.46 # do you want to know the settings I was using again? 11.01.56 # sure :) 11.02.10 # i have now shuffle on and crossfade 11.02.28 # Shuffle, Crossfade, repeat 11.02.54 # ok, i think i have the same 11.03.26 # most of my songs are 3-5 minutes long, not sure if that makes any difference 11.04.39 # brb 11.08.54 Join narowmind [0] (nobody@dsl093-130-154.sfo4.dsl.speakeasy.net) 11.13.43 # anyone know anything abou the Av700 ? there are some indirect reports that it runs linux from the factory 11.14.32 # anyone awake ? 11.15.02 # i am 11.15.09 Nick n[o]bby is now known as nobbeh (~nobby@cpc3-bele3-3-1-cust61.belf.cable.ntl.com) 11.15.26 # rockbox is not for any archos multimedia or AV models 11.15.55 # and rockbox isnt linux based 11.18.27 # Zoom2: btw, are you sure you are running the latest bleeding edge build? 11.18.34 # back. Yes 11.18.38 # hmm.. 11.19.09 # i was just wondering because the "wrong song display" was corrected. Now it should not display next song at all if it's unknown 11.19.19 # you were not able to reproduce it? 11.19.24 # nope.. 11.19.50 # see under next it displayed a song, that would play AFTER the partial song played 11.19.56 # but all of the tag info would be skewed 11.19.57 # however, i have had other crashing problems but not that one you describe (i had it before) 11.20.10 # Hmm 11.20.21 # I will try to reproduce it again 11.20.26 # are you using regular mp3 files? 11.20.34 # yes 11.20.49 # bitrate between 128-240 something 11.20.56 # I have around 150 songs in a folder/playlist 11.21.04 # the bitrate is simmilar 11.21.05 # ah, i hadn't that much :) 11.21.18 # I doubt that would make a difference 11.21.20 # but mabye 11.21.23 # i will add a few hundreds of songs to playlist 11.23.01 # now there are 592 songs in playlist 11.23.08 # hmmm this time it worked fine. let me try it once more 11.25.15 # gah I skipped 15 tracks and it froze up 11.25.40 # ok, i have had that frozing too. Maybe it's related to the problem 11.25.44 # I will try to fix that 11.26.23 # again I have a feeling its buffer related, this time I will skip 14 tracks in the same folder 11.26.23 Quit DomZ ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 11.26.27 # and see if i can reproduce it 11.27.39 # Has Archos's Linux-based SDK for the PMA 400 been discussed? I know it's of no use to Rockbox, but it's an interesting development. 11.27.47 # 14 worked fine, let me try playing it on the "15th" track 11.28.17 # linuxstb: you can't even download it without registering your unit 11.28.24 # and I have none 11.28.33 # B4gder: Yes, the license is very restrictive. 11.30.20 # I especially like item 17 in their terms and conditions - the right to come to your premises and audit your computer! 11.30.35 # hehe 11.30.42 # they sure are evil 11.31.15 # I didn't know you had to register a PMA 400 first though - I didn't agree to their terms and conditions, so didn't continue. 11.31.20 # cd .. 11.31.34 # Slasheri: it seems I cannot reproduce this problem the last 2-3 times I tried, so I am not sure what is up 11.31.49 # I will try to test it more tomorrow, but the sleeping pills are kicking in so I need to get going 11.31.55 # Zoom2: yep, this seems to be more difficult issue.. 11.32.09 # ok, cu later :) 11.32.18 Quit webguest98 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 11.32.23 # good luck bro, I wish I could help you test it some more 11.32.27 # LinusN: have you looked at the av700 it looks alot like the pma400 but with a bigger drive and screen. 11.32.30 # :) 11.32.30 # 11:12 < B4gder> -rockbox is not for any archos multimedia or AV models 11.32.35 # I will keep you updated if I notice any changes tomorrow 11.32.38 # goodnite everyone 11.32.45 # you told me such things when i asked for the gmini 11.32.45 Quit Zoom2 ("CGI:IRC") 11.32.49 # and now it supports it 11.32.52 # of course 11.33.02 # I talk about present time 11.33.08 # No means No until it means Yes... 11.33.11 # everyone is free to start a new port 11.33.33 # I doubt most people want to know if they can start a new port 11.33.38 # maybe it isn't clear that no means "no until yes" 11.33.54 # 95% of our nos are no until yes 11.33.56 # gromit`: Don't quote me on that. 11.34.10 # and btw 11.34.13 Quit Patr3ck (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.34.22 # rockbox is not for gmini now either :-/ 11.34.24 # ... 11.34.37 # Or the current developers all say no, but then a new developer comes along and says yes. 11.34.51 # yes 11.35.06 # people just have to realize that we are an open source project with all what that means 11.35.42 # there are several common points between some devices 11.36.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.37.33 # i don't blame anything 11.45.43 Quit sox (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.45.43 NSplit brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 11.45.43 Quit QT (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.45.43 Quit tedboer (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.45.43 Quit crwl (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 11.45.56 NHeal brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 11.45.56 NJoin crwl [0] (~crawlie@dsl-83.148.225-157-dynip.ssp.fi) 11.46.31 NJoin sox [0] (~sox@c-223de255.733-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 11.46.31 NJoin QT [0] (as@area51.users.madwifi) 11.46.31 NJoin tedboer [0] (~maarten@mtg62.upf.es) 11.48.21 Part cheriff 11.56.25 Join MoosCamaro [0] (MoosCamaro@m214.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 11.56.31 # Morning all 12.02.35 # hello 12.02.56 Quit bobTHC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.03.16 # hm. looks like i have more webspace than i thought 12.05.01 # Slasheri: you around? 12.05.38 # * HCl thinks its time for him to actually try the mp3 playback 12.06.04 # HCl: feel like poking at a bug? 12.06.33 Quit Seed (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.08.50 Join Enc0der [0] (JeckelB@ 12.09.19 Join Lost-ash [0] (ashridah@220-253-123-2.VIC.netspace.net.au) 12.09.45 # damnit. 12.09.47 # HCl: you say anything after i asked you about a bug? 12.09.47 # ashridah: yes 12.09.49 Quit ashridah (Nick collision from services.) 12.09.54 # Slasheri: even better 12.09.57 # :D 12.10.00 Nick Lost-ash is now known as ashridah (ashridah@220-253-123-2.VIC.netspace.net.au) 12.10.25 # http://ashridah.customer.netspace.net.au/10%20-%20On%20Her%20Majesty's%20Secret%20Service.mp3 and http://ashridah.customer.netspace.net.au/11%20-%20Bigger.mp3 12.10.32 # the second one isn't complete, but that shouldn't matter 12.10.43 # propellerheads <3 12.10.45 # skipping from one to the next should be seamless, but it skips a chunk of the first one 12.11.26 # ah, thanks. i will investigate the problem, however, mp3 gapless is not very easy thing to do.. 12.11.31 # yeah. 12.11.44 # just figured i'd give you something to poke at that *should* reproduce it 12.12.21 # :) 12.12.44 Join Seed [0] (~ben@l192-117-115-168.broadband.actcom.net.il) 12.14.16 Quit Enc0der ("Leaving") 12.15.24 # i don't particularly want to leave those in my webspace at my isp, so let me know once you've got them, will you? 12.16.15 # * ashridah notes it's seamless in other mp3s 12.17.05 Join yngwi [0] (~chatzilla@chello080109107064.1.15.vie.surfer.at) 12.18.26 Join Nuxator [0] (~c02c4e5e@labb.contactor.se) 12.18.28 # ashridah: ok, i will 12.18.52 # hi 12.19.09 # does somoene use the remote with rockbox? 12.19.23 # good mornig everyone. does any of you get a "nasty" scratch at the beginning of files? 12.19.35 # yes i do 12.20.05 # but not for all tracks 12.20.31 # yeah, it does'nt appear with every track 12.21.06 # ig got it last night 12.21.13 # but i can't reproduce it 12.21.51 # i jsut get a little pop now 12.22.01 # do you try the remote with rockbox? 12.22.17 # at least it seems to appear every time when the first song starts playing after startup 12.22.23 # no, but i try 12.22.32 # ashridah: got them :) 12.22.38 # i've got problem with fast forward 12.22.51 # and fast reverse 12.23.04 # i've seen a fix in cvs but it doesn't work for me 12.23.13 # Slasheri: thanks 12.23.25 # if i try ff or fr it goes to next previous track 12.23.46 # i think ff and fr doesn't work at present, but im sure it soon will 12.25.06 # it works but not with the remote 12.25.23 # yes, thats what I meant 12.25.41 # I know it works on the main unit :-) 12.25.55 # i think it's just the same problem for volume 12.26.04 # they forgot to put repeat on the buttons 12.26.17 Join preglow [0] (thomj@s183a.studby.ntnu.no) 12.26.24 # could be 12.28.02 # so i think the fix is really easy 12.28.11 # LinusN: i'll just have david bryant mail you with what username and password he wants for cvs? 12.28.16 # Nuxator: I also get a small knack at "nearly" every song start 12.28.44 # yngwi: knack=pop i gess 12.28.54 # :-) yes 12.29.09 # i think so 12.30.21 # I sometimes also get a "Io4:IllInstr" error, after which I have to reset, any ideas what this means? 12.30.31 # illegal intruction 12.30.46 # so it's a bsod 12.31.04 # yngwi: yes. it means rockbox audio playback on iriver is nowhere near complete and stable :) 12.31.20 # ok, i wasn't worryd anyways, just curious... 12.31.26 # preglow: yes 12.31.33 Join Nibbler [0] (~sven@port-212-202-79-250.dynamic.qsc.de) 12.31.37 Join NibbIer [0] (~sven@port-212-202-79-250.dynamic.qsc.de) 12.31.49 # i just got it if i tried to view current playlist with more thant 4 or 5 tracks 12.32.28 # hehe, but honestly, I think this already IS a great piece of software... 12.32.28 Quit Nibbler (Client Quit) 12.33.31 # i was getting very annyed with the abscence of real shuffle on normal FW after only 9 days of owning a H140 12.33.36 # annoyed 12.33.46 # on the fly playlist 12.34.11 # but it's still half broken in rockbox 12.34.17 # hm? 12.34.23 # how so? 12.34.40 # i can't view current playlist and remove tracks in it 12.34.50 # is the indicator for the remaining battery time accurate?? if it is, then I may have a Battery Problem 12.36.03 # i don't think it's accurate 12.37.20 # yngwi: it hasn't been calibrated yet 12.37.36 # ok, thanks.. 12.37.42 # so it probably drops off in a non-linear fashion 12.37.52 # LinusN: linus@haxx.se, yes? 12.38.16 # because it says ~8 hours remaining on a fully charged player 12.38.34 # but ut doeas played 8 hours flac 12.38.41 # it does 12.38.57 # it did play 8 hours flac 12.39.32 # yeah, but the 8 hours on mine are before any playback... (and mp3) i also think on normal firmware the battery lives not very long... 12.39.54 # btw. sorry for my bad english, I'm out of practice 12.39.57 # where could one order that 2200 mAh battery again? :) 12.40.38 # anyone for a quick fix for the remote? 12.40.53 # just hace to add repeat to some buttons 12.40.58 # crwl: http://www.misticriver.net/boards/showthread.php?t=4680 12.41.28 # heh, that page crashes my firefox 12.41.34 # haven't seen that happening for weeks 12.42.18 # crwl: sorry 'bout that, its the thread on the 2100 mAh Li-Polymer Battery 12.43.28 # the threadstarter purchased his on: http://eshop.macsales.com/Catalog_I...m=NWTIPOD210012 12.43.55 # but it's an ipod battery, if you wanna use it, you have to switch polarity 12.44.32 # hm 12.44.47 # i have my warranty left and the original battery in good condition, so i won't be doing anything just yet, but it's interesting anyway :) 12.45.25 # there are threads on misticriver on other types of replacement batteries as well... 12.47.53 # damn you rockbox, instead of learning latin as I should, i play around with the custom WPS screen :-) 12.49.13 Quit narowmind ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!") 12.49.21 Quit sox ("Time to move on...") 12.52.26 Join webguest19 [0] (~c31ce021@labb.contactor.se) 12.59.47 Join pillo [0] (~93a202de@labb.contactor.se) 13.00.09 # hi all 13.03.13 # just wanted to let you know that there's a feature request on the tracker that has been completed, it's #989075: bookmarking for text viewer. Direct link is http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=44306&atid=439121&aid=989075 13.03.38 # state should be changed to "closed" 13.04.16 # thanks and by the way congrats to everybody working on the sound system on irivers! 13.04.26 # bye 13.05.00 # thanks, will fix 13.05.01 # ait, i'll close it 13.05.05 # * preglow awaits 13.09.08 Quit DMJC (Connection timed out) 13.10.15 Join DMJC [0] (~DMJC@220-245-170-40.tpgi.com.au) 13.12.27 Quit edx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.17.44 Quit yngwi ("Chatzilla 0.9.68a [Firefox 1.0.4/20050511]") 13.20.30 # LinusN: I think I'll try to fix the scheduler to work with stack check enabled. Maybe that helps to track down those IllInstr crashes; I suspect a stack overflow somewhere 13.20.55 # I'd like to know whether I should go for the cleaner or the faster solution... 13.21.35 Join yngwi [0] (~chatzilla@chello080109107064.1.15.vie.surfer.at) 13.27.43 # amiconn: do what you feel is best 13.36.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.37.34 # crosstool is nice" 13.37.48 # builds a whole crosscompile set in one go 13.45.42 Quit pillo ("CGI:IRC") 13.47.15 # LinusN: Then I'll go for the clean solution. I do have 2 nice ideas, I think 13.47.52 # (1) It is possible to save the extra flag; the start address field can double as the flag 13.48.13 # If it is non-null, the thread was not yet started, jump there and set it to null 13.49.07 # (2) The conditional can be implemented rather efficiently in m68k asm, using the 'instruction shadowing' provided by the tpf instruction 13.50.26 Join tucoz [0] (~81b1111b@labb.contactor.se) 13.50.31 # hi 13.50.41 # Slasheri, are you here? 13.51.20 # tucoz: yes :) 13.51.44 # Slasheri: You might know this, but when playing the last song in a directory, it stops playing about 15-20 secs from the end 13.52.01 # tucoz: have you tried the latest bleeding edge build? 13.52.05 # Yes 13.52.11 # Hmm 13.52.18 # It' 13.52.42 # do you have playlist repeat on? 13.52.47 # It's like when there is no more tracks to buffer, it stops. 13.52.53 # let me check 13.53.23 # repeat - off 13.53.32 # maybe you should try turning it on :) 13.53.37 # but that's still bug indeed 13.54.08 # Turn it on to One or all? 13.54.13 # all 13.54.26 # after that the playing should never stop 13.54.52 # Oh, ok. Then this will never occur because rockbox will start to buffer the first song after the last one right? 13.55.10 # yes 13.55.32 # or maybe you should create a playlist with more songs on it :) 13.56.04 # Not a problem for me, but still a unhandled event though 13.56.46 # Thanks for the tips anyway 13.56.55 # Slasheri: I've got a new problem. Almost every time I try to play a FLAC file, Rockbox doesn't go into the WPS screen, and the disk activity light is on. Even when the disk stops, nothing happens. This is with latest CVS. 13.57.15 # linuxstb: ah, i will check that 13.57.45 # But it doesn't always fail - very occasionally, it works. 14.01.58 # Slasheri: you've been busy today. Downloaded the bleeding edge an hour ago. Didn't notice your latest changes. 14.02.16 # I'll try again with a newer build. :) 14.02.22 # :) 14.04.00 # slash > * 14.04.04 # :) 14.06.01 Join zezayer [0] (~chatzilla@ 14.10.07 # Slasheri: Still the same. About 20 secs from finishing the last song it stops playing and returns to the file browser. 14.11.10 # ok, that will be fixed 14.12.04 # ls 14.12.08 # oops 14.12.28 # sounds great 14.15.21 # * tucoz is away 14.19.09 # Hmm, I00: at 40102710 14.22.51 # hehe 14.23.01 # I got the same, at 40102704 14.23.05 # just now 14.23.16 # cvs from yday 14.23.59 # and no reset "pin" in sight... 14.26.44 # Hmm, do you know what the I00 means? 14.27.00 # no 14.27.05 # ok :) 14.27.39 # Btw, do you know if rockbox will be able to detect trackchanges when recording from optical in? 14.28.24 # For all I know, irviver's firmware doesn't do this. 14.28.40 # Or at least, didn't a year ago ;) 14.29.17 # depends if we can find the specs 14.30.32 # preglow: ok, I remember that my old minidisc did that. So I guess my cd-player sends some kind of information on track changes 14.31.19 # Slasheri: How are the playlist viewer crashes related to the plugin_loaded status? (Trying to understand your fix...) 14.32.58 # how do I use google to search old irc-logs? 14.33.28 # amiconn: playlist viewer uses the plugin buffer and if plugin_loaded status is not set to true, playlist viewer tries to use the whole plugin buffer 14.33.55 # I don't think you should so such fixes 14.34.00 # do 14.34.11 # the codecs are to be moved soon anyway 14.34.33 # B4gder: yes, but that fix was small and it cannot harm anything else 14.34.53 # it is unnecessary when the codecs are fixed 14.35.01 # and I don't like unnecessary 14.35.06 # It can be taken back when codecs are moved 14.35.11 # yes 14.35.30 # A comment saying so could be added 14.35.31 # I'm just saying that let's not do fixes this way 14.37.16 # when codecs are moved, the fix will vanish with them 14.37.32 # It is defined inside #ifdef IRIVER_H100 and codec_load functions 14.37.39 # <[solid]> tucoz: the latest iriver fw can do that 14.38.08 # [solid]: ok, sounds great. 14.41.36 # tucoz: it does, my minidisc player too did that 14.42.48 Nick NibbIer is now known as Nibbler (~sven@port-212-202-79-250.dynamic.qsc.de) 14.51.20 # preglow: Found some specs for the spdif: http://www.epanorama.net/documents/audio/spdif.html 14.52.38 Join edx [0] (edx@p54A8F5BB.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.54.44 # hmm, I wonder if my cd-player sends that copy-permit bit on copy protected cd's, and if the iriver fw cares about it. 14.54.59 # Have to try when I get home. 14.55.09 # heh 14.55.18 # sincerely doubt it cares 14.55.58 # me too, if it does, I'm sure rockbox will...well..neglect it's precence 14.58.56 # The archos recorder firmware usually respects the copy protect bit, but there's a special method to disable this 14.58.56 Quit webguest19 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 14.59.06 # Rockbox on archos doesn't care 14.59.51 # amiconn: hehe, why not? ;) 15.00.43 # Slasheri: Just to let you know that your latest commit seems to have fixed the "not playing" problem. Thanks. 15.03.45 # bye bye 15.03.48 Part tucoz 15.08.35 # vbr mp3 files only have 100 fast seek positions? 15.08.55 # preglow: yes, with the Xing header 15.09.02 # the VBRI header has more 15.09.03 # that explains why this big mp3 is so bloody hard to seek 15.09.25 # it keeps snapping to the same place when i try to seek to a specific place 15.09.28 # Re-synching to a stream can't be that difficult... Or can it? 15.09.33 # then again, xmms is crap 15.09.41 # resyncing to an mp3 stream is very easy 15.09.44 # just look for the sync marker 15.09.54 # Seek to an offset, find next valid frame, decode 15.10.10 # so why are there markers then? 15.10.17 # for fast seeking 15.10.22 # walking through the bitstream isn't very fast 15.10.29 # dwihno: because the frames aren't the same size 15.10.42 # so you don't know wrhere to seek 15.11.03 # CBR streams are easy 15.11.18 # LinusN: as I said, just find an offset and hook on to the start of the next frame 15.11.28 # Why isn't my way good? :) 15.11.31 # still, rockbox is supposed to interpolate between the markers 15.11.52 # dwihno: it's just that tiny part of "finding the offset" :-) 15.12.05 # dwihno: what if the file has very low bitrates frames at the start and high bitrate frames at the end? 15.12.14 # dwihno: you can't just seek to the middle and think you're in the middle of the song 15.12.19 # LinusN: you have the filesize. If you seek ~50% in the file it can't be that bad 15.12.23 # preglow: of course you can :) 15.12.30 # dwihno: and like i said, walking through the bitstream to find the middle is very slow 15.12.34 # preglow: approximation to the people :) 15.12.41 # foobar does this 15.12.46 # and it's very slow even on my computer 15.17.42 Join asdsd____ [0] (~asdsd@h-67-100-31-99.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net) 15.17.45 # But isn't this an unsolvable problem? The only reliable solutions are to either walk through the file from the beginning, or to put the MP3 file inside a container. 15.17.55 # mp3 has seek tables 15.17.55 # Then VBR is the tool of the devil! Period! :) 15.17.58 # that is, extensions 15.18.17 # most vbr files i've seen have xing headers which contain 100 seek points 15.18.25 # don't know how common the vbri header is 15.18.30 # dwihno: storing raw MPEG audio frames without a container format is the work of the devil. 15.18.52 # why? i think storing raw mpeg audio frames without a container makes less sense 15.19.27 # Because if the frames are variable size, or if you can have non-audio data (such as ID3v2 tags) in the middle of the file, you can't seek in them. 15.19.47 # MPEG audio is designed to at least be inside "PES" packets - which contain a timestamp. 15.19.54 # id3v2 doesn't belong in a container 15.20.03 # the container is supposed to handle commenting needs 15.20.37 # preglow: That's my point - there have been so many bad hacks to MP3 files, when they should have been iside a container such as Ogg. 15.20.40 # if mp3 had been wrapped in a container, we wouldn't have had a gapless issue, or need for hacks like extra stuff like xing and lame headers 15.20.52 # Exactly! 15.27.29 Join Musicmad [0] (~Musicmad@cpe.atm2-0-1031198.0x50a4ad0e.bynxx13.customer.tele.dk) 15.29.36 Join tvelocity [0] (~tony@ipa116.6.tellas.gr) 15.30.17 Quit elinenbe (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.34.24 Join dapureplaya [0] (~anon@CPE-144-136-73-250.nsw.bigpond.net.au) 15.36.13 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.37.22 # how do you revert to default wps? 15.39.31 # rename the custom wps file 15.39.39 # or reset the settings 15.41.53 # preglow and linuxstb: remember that mp3 is a streaming format 15.41.56 # weird. Still got no wps other than the battery, volume and play icon. 15.42.10 # Musicmad: hmmm, maybe a bug 15.42.58 # LinusN: yeah - tried various mp3's though. Maybe I don't upgrade correctly. I just unpack the zip on my player and run the .iriver file. 15.43.11 # LinusN: I know - that's why we have all these problems. 15.43.16 # LinusN: sure, you don't use containers when streaming 15.43.22 # Musicmad: that should work 15.43.39 # preglow: You do, but a different type of container - for a different purpose (error detection/correction). 15.43.42 # but it was designed for ordinary storage use as well 15.43.50 # "designed" ? 15.43.57 # LinusN: any ideas then :) 15.44.08 # Musicmad: reset the settings 15.45.19 # hmm 15.45.36 # LinusN: thanks that worked. 15.48.11 # https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=439120&aid=1218188&group_id=44306 15.48.19 # if anyone still can hear artifacts in mp3 playback, let me know. i think i can hear some sometimes, but i don't really trust my hearing 15.48.20 # misa like the idea 15.48.58 # LinusN: i agree 15.52.00 # Preglow: I hear a loud scratch everytime the first song after startup is played (and sometimes on the beginning of a file) and a small knack or pop noise on the beginning of every file. But I guess you don't mean this kind of "artifact" 15.52.00 Join Tomhab [0] (~tom@ 15.52.36 # hmm, that's not exclusively an mp3 problem, is it? 15.53.17 # I don't know, I only have MP3.. Sorry 15.54.46 # hmm 15.54.51 # it does seem to be an mp3 problem 15.55.46 Quit Nuxator ("CGI:IRC") 15.56.17 # Slasheri: I see you've committed a patch that delays buffering after 2MB. I haven't tested it yet, but how does that work with FLAC files, where 2MB isn't very long at all (maybe 15-20 seconds) 15.57.08 # 2MB will obviously be even less if you're playing WAV files. 15.57.20 # LinusN: Re the patch you mentioned - it seems like a nice idea. This functionality should probably be added to the PGUP/PGDN handling as well 15.57.49 # yup 15.58.15 # ehh, i paused the player, went away for a couple of minutes, and it locked up when i pressed play 15.58.26 # I think the 2mb fix was a bit quick to do 15.59.59 # it needs to adjust to codec/compression 16.00.05 # to be really good 16.00.08 # linuxstb: Hmm, it doesn't work with flac files quite well 16.00.18 # But with ogg/mp3 it works 16.01.58 # linuxstb: Hmm, maybe with flac files the delayed buffering should not be activated at all? 16.02.09 # did mp3 files use to have a click in the start? 16.02.22 # preglow: with archos? 16.02.28 # no, iriver 16.02.32 # before my sound quality fix yesterday 16.02.46 # i have always heard a faint click 16.02.49 # preglow: I don't yet know that causes that garbage when song starts.. 16.03.01 # it's only for mp3s 16.03.04 # it seems 16.03.05 # Ah, hmm 16.03.34 # Slasheri: doing such things for specific codecs signals something is wrong 16.03.50 # Slasheri: no, i was wrong, it happens for oggs as well 16.04.17 # i'll just ignore it, then 16.04.18 # B4gder: Hmm.. But flac files require so much buffer space that it's not very useful to do that 16.04.40 # then the codec should somehow tell you it doesn't want that behaviour 16.04.52 # the codec should rather set the limit 16.04.54 # preglow: yes, that's correct :) 16.05.03 # since it knows the compression etc 16.05.07 # i will do that 16.05.22 # didn't someone start working on a separate plugin api for codecs? 16.05.27 # then flac can set it to 16mb or something 16.05.31 # LinusN is working on that 16.05.38 # ahh 16.06.58 # no one works on getting wavs to play? 16.07.12 # no, afaik 16.07.20 # kind of funny :-) 16.07.24 # someone has to write codec for wavs 16.07.28 # shouldn't be prohibitively hard, hehe 16.07.28 # get a crash when viewing current playlist. 16.07.31 # that's not very difficult 16.07.48 # just load what you need to the buffer, with an endian swap 16.07.56 # Musicmad: with latest bleeding edge build? 16.08.10 # latest daily. 16.08.21 # Musicmad: ok, that's not yet fixed 16.08.25 # try the bleeding edge one 16.08.28 # i will 16.09.58 # Slasheri: works now 16.10.01 # thanks 16.10.02 # great 16.10.08 # Slasheri: the pop at the start is probably just a step in the waveform caused by the last sample from the last track being held by the dac 16.10.30 Quit Tomhab (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 16.11.47 # Slasheri: progress doesn't seem to be in sync with music after heavy forward seeking. 16.12.19 # Musicmad: ok, that might be possible because the seeking is still experimental 16.12.30 # ok :) 16.13.00 # so you should probably play some zero samples before a track change 16.14.15 # preglow: Hmmm 16.14.33 # That should not be necessary (unless audio is stopped) 16.14.45 # Slasheri: audio is stopped briefly when you switch tracks, isn't it? 16.15.00 # Slasheri: like when i press 'next', not when the track is finished 16.15.13 # no, it's not 16.15.21 # aah.. 16.15.28 # yes, it's when you press next 16.15.51 # there is no glitch when audio is continious 16.15.55 # of course 16.16.52 # B4gder: There is no need for WAV when you have FLAC - but I've been thinking about doing it. It should be almost trivial (until the bug reports come in with weird WAV files). 16.17.10 # hehe 16.17.24 # well, some people will have wav files they want to play without using flac 16.17.50 # ...and probably the first shot on iriver recording will probably record to wav 16.18.16 # It would be really odd when the iriver couldn't play its own recordings... 16.18.18 # Something else I want to do quite soon is a "wav2flac" plugin. I don't think real-time encoding is a good idea (for quality reasons), but on-iRiver encoders will be very useful. 16.18.34 # definitely 16.18.43 # linuxstb: lame !! 16.18.46 # someone should also make a 2wav codec loader 16.18.52 # so we can get rid of the xxx2wav fellas 16.19.06 # I also think it's too risky to do real-time encoding - it will always be pushing the CPU to the limit. 16.19.34 # not necessarily 16.20.37 # a flac encode is a pretty speedy affair 16.21.16 # Not as speedy as decoding, and we are still struggling to decode. 16.21.20 # Depending on the CPU, perhaps variable compression? 16.22.20 # we'll see 16.22.24 # i don't care much about recording 16.22.26 # I see recording being used for three reasons - voice recording (i.e. low quality), live concert recording (i.e. best possible quality) and for people who want to convert CDs without using a PC. 16.22.29 # wav will probably do for me 16.23.42 # Sorry, got to go... 16.23.44 Quit linuxstb ("Leaving") 16.25.11 # preglow: neither do I. but then, there will always be 16.25.19 # does the rockbox status on the page belong to the cvs status? :) 16.26.53 # wish I had the skill to do som wma codec :) 16.27.02 # <[solid]> preglow: the h1x0 are a bootleggers dream actually if they wouldn't have the bugs/misfeatures the current fw has 16.27.26 # booo! no wma! 16.27.33 # dwihno: :) 16.27.35 # <[solid]> preglow: and i think encoding realtime could actually improve the runtime over wav... 16.28.00 # dwihno: explicitly no? - why :) - it's the most used format for online music shops. 16.28.08 # non-ipod that is. 16.28.20 # Musicmad: proprietary format! 16.28.35 Part asdsd____ 16.28.47 # dwihno: - well isn't there an open source floating point codec for it. 16.28.56 # go ahead 16.28.57 # port away 16.29.01 # :) 16.29.05 # no skillz :) 16.29.08 # When we're speaking of it... 16.29.18 # Online stores should sell the music in a lossless format 16.29.38 # true 16.29.58 # Otherwise, it would not make sense paying such a relatively high price for something you don't know how well it's been compressed 16.30.19 # dwihno: actually I think the price is fair. It's around ˝ price in Denmark. 16.30.21 # I recall my pal telling me how great he thought the Xing encoder used to be, since it was such a fast encoder 16.30.23 # <[solid]> warps bleep store uses lame -ape :) 16.30.38 # -ape ? :) 16.30.39 # [solid]: got a link? 16.30.48 # <[solid]> it's by far the best online shop i've seen 16.30.52 # <[solid]> http://bleep.com/ 16.31.05 # <[solid]> and they've got all sorts of sold-out releases for sale there.. 16.31.44 # Lossless to the people! 16.31.54 # <[solid]> and to quote them: "Secondly, Bleep music has no DRM or copy protection built in. We believe that most people like to be treated as customers and not potential criminals - DRM is easily circumvented and just puts obstacles in the way of enjoying music." 16.31.57 # * dwihno has started re-ripping all his CD's to FLAC :) 16.32.16 # [solid]: excellent 16.32.18 # [solid]: a great quote indeed 16.32.22 # <[solid]> word. 16.32.41 # yeah 16.32.44 # <[solid]> if i had the money, the bank account, and wasn't into lossless i'd surely buy there :) 16.32.48 # bleep is the only place i've ever bought compressed music 16.32.54 # and i've only bought the out of print releases 16.32.55 Join t0mas [0] (~Tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 16.33.10 # bleep's even got some flac releases now 16.33.15 # DRM is good. DRM is good. DRM is good.. damn, brainwashed again 16.33.25 # <[solid]> preglow: yeah, i've heard you could buy all autechre in flac 16.33.32 # yup 16.33.43 # Autechre was made for lossless 16.33.50 # hehe 16.33.52 # <[solid]> oh indeed 16.33.55 # <[solid]> how lovely 16.33.58 # i've got most or all of their releases on cd 16.34.00 # <[solid]> and it's all of them 16.34.03 # and a couple of 12" 16.34.03 # one of the only bands that manages to beat MPC at --extreme 16.34.09 # <[solid]> biggie up bleep :) 16.35.42 # <[solid]> dwihno: i was wrong, -aps, that's --alt-preset standard (-ape is preset extreme) 16.36.02 # [solid]: ah, okay... 16.36.11 # but yeah 16.36.16 # buying lossless music sounds better 16.36.21 # [solid]: If I were to buy music online, I would not settle for less than lossless. 16.36.25 # i'm very sceptical to buying lossy compressed music 16.36.39 # is tehre a place whereu can buy lossess music? 16.36.39 # If I want the music in MP3, OGG or whatever, I can encode it myself 16.37.15 # the problem is how they rip, not encode 16.37.17 # dwihno: non compressed format would cause higher traffic and then higher prices for the music, i think 16.37.24 # dapureplaya: itunes can supply aac lossless music iirc. of course, it's protected aac, afaik. 16.37.36 # ah 16.37.44 # so each song is like? 60-70mb? 16.38.02 # i have no idea 16.38.09 # w0t 16.38.13 # i've never used itunes, being a linux user and all 16.38.15 # *w0000t 16.38.19 # * t0mas has a new speaker set 16.38.24 # Creative I-Trigue 16.38.37 # man... there is a volume limit.... but it's not hardware... it are my ears 16.38.48 # lol :> 16.38.49 # t0mas: i was thinking about getting em for my PC. how do they go 16.38.58 # one word: PERFECT 16.39.18 # really small speakers... 16.39.26 # look very nice next to a tft 16.39.38 # bipak: I'll test something. Brb. 16.39.39 # hehe sounds nice. Yeah i got myself teh Klipsch GMX-A (2.1). They thump hard. can't use it atm. the house is sleeping heheh 16.40.04 # * t0mas has the basslevel at 33% 16.40.16 # is that the 5.1 speakers? 16.40.20 # but still half of my rook is shaking 16.40.21 # to t0mas 16.40.33 # Rori: nope, 2.1 for music 16.40.36 # k 16.40.43 # you can better get a 2.1 at the price of a 5.1 16.40.49 # which model? 16.40.53 # 3500? 16.41.04 # bipak: So the price is 100 SEK for an album (regular price in the store is approx 175 SEK) 16.41.05 # 3450 black = 3500 16.41.09 # looked at the 3200 first 16.41.16 # but these sounded much better in store 16.41.24 # <[solid]> dwihno: i wouldn't buy music online at all i think, i like the physical part, the packaging... 90% of the cd's i bought in last two years are digipacks or similar :) 16.41.31 # wait 16.41.35 # my sister has 3200 16.41.37 # time for a test :P 16.41.41 # [solid]: there's more... 16.41.55 # bit [ricey 16.41.58 # pricey 16.42.00 # dwihno: for uncompressed files? 16.42.01 # [solid]: you pay ~60% of the retail price for a download (which is lossy and you don't know how "well" it's encoded) 16.42.15 # Rori: same price as the 5.1 set I wanted 16.42.35 # why didn't you get the 5.1 then? 16.42.39 # and I decided to take these... and not 5.1 because I already have a decent 5.1 set for my dvd player 16.42.44 # bipak: So basically, the lossless should be set at that price and perhaps having mp3 or similar at 60% of the flac price 16.42.45 # ok 16.42.49 # and these sound better 16.42.52 # <[solid]> dwihno: there is one lossless online store (not talking about allofmp3 which is illegal after all, and even if it's legal i bet the musicians don't get a dime from their sales) 16.42.57 # and all my music is normal stereo on pc 16.43.02 # so why take 5.1 for my pc 16.43.13 # <[solid]> dwihno: but it's average cost is higher than that of a cd bought in a store... 16.43.22 # dwihno: yea that would be good :) 16.43.28 # I feed my soundcard via SPDIF to a Sony top notch surround sound amp and some expensive speakers 16.44.06 # my dvd player is a B&o (don't know if they're international?) 16.44.25 # well... my parents dvd player ;) 16.44.38 # JBL 15" 170 watts per channel fronts, 150 watt Paradigm center, 100 watts Wharfedale rears 16.44.40 # but I'm the only one who knows how it works 16.44.46 # No sub as I don't reall yneed it 16.44.47 # Rori: RMS? 16.45.11 # No idea :) 16.45.15 # it sounds fucking mad 16.45.16 # [solid]: allofmp3 isn't illegal 16.45.18 # oops 16.45.22 # scuse the language 16.45.35 # Rori: I guess pmpo.... at 170 watts RMS is almost impossible... 16.45.51 # Put some DTS title on like Lord of the Rings and the place shakes 16.46.04 # :D 16.46.13 # I'm looking for some thx test movie on DVD 16.46.14 # The fronts are on proper pedestals 16.46.16 # it's on some dvd's 16.46.40 # t0mas: how many watts is the i-trigue? 16.46.44 # yeah I have a few of those 16.47.11 # dapureplaya: my sisters 3200 is 25 watt RMS\ 16.47.14 # and this one is 35 16.47.15 # I guess 16.47.27 # let me check 16.47.27 # site says 48 16.47.49 # [solid]: hm. purchasing CDs is not that bad after all. 16.48.00 # 30 Watts RMS 16.48.05 # [solid]: Although I FLAC encode them and store them on my "big" disk 16.48.18 # says the manual 16.48.51 # nice. My Klipsch are like 76 Watts RMS or something. It's disturbingly powerful for a 2.1 set. I was scared at first when i heard them/ 16.49.06 # yes, I have the bass at 1/3 now 16.49.14 # and I guess the rest of the hous doesn't like this :P 16.49.37 # hm... but still I think my sisters speakers look better :) 16.49.46 # the 3200 16.49.57 # haha yeah they don't like it, but they have to put up with it. It only thumps wduring the day and when people are up. I spent AUD$220 on them. 16.50.12 # t0mas: you want power over looks tho. 16.50.38 # wow 16.50.45 # these were 70 euros 16.50.49 # and I got them for free 16.51.15 # because my tft has a dead pixel (bottom 3 pixels from the border, but still) 16.51.46 # I payed the shop 30 euros for a pixel problem free tft... and they were unable to give me this type... 16.51.51 # t0mas: free? Haha! No complaints then! I was expecting everything that i got for these speakers. Were they a present or something for you? 16.52.02 # no 16.52.09 # but the shop had a big problem 16.52.11 # having me there... 16.52.29 # t0mas: oh. long story? 16.52.34 # because they had no way to give me a new screen (Iiyama is in production trouble) 16.52.52 # and they sold screens with pixel errors with a 70 euro discount 16.53.01 # t0mas: oh fair enough. 16.53.06 # (but then you don't know where the pixel is... and how many you have) 16.53.34 Join DJ_Dooms_day [0] (~scottr@dialup- 16.53.36 # so I wanted 70 euros... and they started talking about the possibility that it was in the middle... and the discount screens might have 5 pixels... bla bla 16.53.40 # Heya 16.53.52 # anyway speaking of creative products, anyone seen the Creative 5GB Neeon? 16.54.04 # then I said: "Ok, I give mine back... put it on that pile... and give me the money... then I bought it back with discount + my new speakers set :P 16.54.13 # t0mas: nice 16.54.16 # jup 16.54.47 # So how far along is the new rockbox now? I see it can play MP3, any bugs? 16.55.22 # If we would know we would fix DJ 16.55.30 # ah 160 watts not 170 watts 16.55.33 # http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14993&item=5780154709&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW 16.55.35 # but there are some bugs in the graphics patch 16.55.38 # fixed in my local copy 16.55.44 # No doubt, not all bugs can be fixed straight away though 16.55.45 # I have these. They are made by JBL so I read someplace 16.55.51 # but still working on some improvements 16.55.54 # But under the Realistic branding 16.56.01 # They are BIG! 16.56.01 # <[solid]> dwihno: i rip and store flac on dvd's, don't have the space on my disk... ogg -q6 is enough + it transcodes nicely directly from flac with oggenc and ogg is perfect for my h120 :) 16.56.02 # DJ_DOOMS_DAY: plays mp3, ogg and flac. 16.56.03 # ah and the next happy story :D 16.56.03 # graphics patch? 16.56.07 # I get a free archos 16.56.17 # broken... but it's fried with a wrong charger 16.56.21 # RMS is 40 watts 16.56.22 # so I guess I can re[air it 16.56.27 # Rori: that's a lot 16.56.30 # mine is 30 16.56.33 # They kick booty ;) 16.56.44 Part Musicmad 16.56.48 # DJ_Dooms_day: graphics on wps 16.56.50 # (bmp) 16.56.58 # Ah, yes 16.57.00 # Cool 16.57.01 # [solid]: ah. dvd's is also nice. 16.57.06 # total weight of these babies is 46.2 lbs. (21 kg) 16.57.09 # lol 16.57.14 # Grey scale still AWOL? 16.57.14 # [solid]: disks are so cheap nowadays... dvd might be good for backup though 16.57.42 # <[solid]> dwihno: yeah i recently got 10 dvd's (44GB) for equvalent of $2.5 16.57.58 # <[solid]> dwihno: or exactly 2 euro with the todays exchange value :) 16.58.10 # [solid]: really, really nice! 16.58.56 # DJ_Dooms_day: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=534.15#msg3555 16.59.00 # tomas: http://www.klipsch.com/product/product.aspx?cid=713&dmore=True&rmore=False <--my babies ;-) 16.59.33 # ghe... they look cool 17.00.16 # * t0mas np: iRiver - iRiver, Catch the digital flow! (0:04) [http://amarok.kde.org/] 17.00.20 # good bass testing song 17.00.44 # <[solid]> rotfl 17.00.51 # r u serious? 17.01.13 # lol 17.01.20 # I can suggest better bass testing tracks 17.01.36 # jup... some hardcore dance tracks 17.01.40 # but that iriver track is funny 17.01.49 # or any rnb/rap songs 17.01.50 # designed for SRS on iriver I guess :) 17.02.07 # or enya... to test overall quality 17.02.15 # or the lotr music 17.02.16 # dapureplaya: can you not speak in aolbonics? :/ 17.02.27 # Get the Junkie XL remix of BT's Somnambulist 17.02.31 # That will work the bass 17.02.35 # Rick: aolbonics? sorry i'm not with teh lingo. 17.02.59 # or the Burufunk remix if you want some kicking bass beat 17.04.15 # http://www.klipsch.com/product/product.aspx?cid=907 <---That just looks so cool. =(. Sucks. 17.05.36 # yeah pisses me off the support iPod gets 17.05.44 # i concur 17.06.07 # i've seen my mate's Bose Sound-Dock. It is suprisingly powerful for such a tiny system. 17.07.24 # Bose always has these kind of tricks 17.07.29 # great sound form a little box 17.11.17 Part LinusN 17.15.39 # * t0mas np: Usher - Yeah (Feat. Lil Jon And Ludacris) (0:52) [http://amarok.kde.org/] 17.15.51 # man... this song sucks 17.16.00 # hahahaha 17.16.11 # (this r&b is what you mean right?) 17.16.27 # uh. there are other songs which you can better for bass 17.16.40 # or, and maybe better for my mood 17.16.44 # I hate this... 17.17.03 # let's c......J-Kwon - Tipsy. I think that's a good tester. 17.17.20 # is that the fucking song about a girl getting tipsy in a bar? 17.17.23 # (sorry) 17.17.24 # Get 'The Chemical Brothers - Bass Test' 17.17.39 # hahaha...i dunno 17.17.47 # Has a nice big fat bass wind down 17.17.59 # * t0mas doesn't like R&B at all... 17.18.08 # more rock, dance... and even classic 17.18.09 # or any of teh old prodigy stuff. 17.18.10 # * preglow Calyx feat. Gridlok - Dead Ringer 17.18.11 # but no r&b 17.18.28 # what about funky house? 17.18.35 # remember those bass test CD;s you used to get from car stereo fitting places? :) 17.18.39 # Anyway, bed time. Catch yaz all later 17.18.42 # bye 17.18.45 # * t0mas np: Scooter - One (Always Hardcore) (0:04) [http://amarok.kde.org/] 17.18.47 # ghehe 17.18.52 # Apres ski cd 17.18.54 Nick DJ_Dooms_day is now known as DJDD_SLEEP (~scottr@dialup- 17.18.55 # CD's with names like 'Ultimate bass' etc ;) 17.19.20 # yeah... everybody here knows them... 17.19.29 # but it's a "black" thing here 17.20.06 # mostly jokes about black people having a more expensive radio than the car it's mounted in 17.20.30 # like it should be 17.20.31 # I put some new speakers in my car recently. Sounds amazing. Only snag is the car body vibrates/buzzes lol 17.20.47 # too much cowbell. 17.21.08 # These speakers literally kick you 17.21.25 # You feel it more than hear it :) 17.21.26 # * preglow recommends drum and bass for speaker testing 17.21.36 # aye or breaks 17.21.43 # ghehe 17.21.48 # a jumping car :P 17.21.49 # Nice bit of breakbeat 17.22.12 # nothing beats my stereo systems in my car. Stock stadnard. hahah 17.22.33 # I have a line in on my car stereo front for my iRiver ;) 17.22.40 # wow 17.22.42 # that rocks 17.22.44 # I use a mobile phone thing to hold it 17.22.57 # on the air vent 17.23.07 # I finally ordered my first mp3 player last night, an H340 17.23.14 # * t0mas still hopes it will work for VW's audio system someday 17.23.30 # damn. I wish i could have that. ATM i'm using crappy FM Trans. Not to mention is a Belkin. 17.23.38 # bill20r3: and now the waiting for rockbox on H3xx starts ;) 17.23.39 # they don't do a CD to line convertor yet. Only the tape cassette ones 17.23.58 # bill20r3 gratz! you rgoing to love video playback on it. the screen on it is super dopper clear. 17.23.59 # I've had the line in stereo for years and I won't part with it because of it 17.23.59 # Rori: cd's almost impossible 17.24.07 # yeah t0mas, hopefully soon. 17.24.10 # Awai branded 17.24.15 # anyone here have a 320 or 340? 17.24.21 # removable face too 17.24.24 # you dapure, which do you have? 17.24.30 # I was thinkl 17.24.34 # I was thinking ahead 17.24.38 # when I bought it years ago 17.24.43 # bill23or3: i have an H140. but i have used my cousin's H340 very extensively. 17.24.58 # how do you like it? 17.25.03 # also, do I need a remote? 17.25.04 # I knew I would need it for some kinda DAP eventually 17.25.08 # or do I just want one? 17.25.18 # bill20or3: It's great. personally i'm not a rmote user. 17.25.26 # whenever I change cars I take it out ;) 17.25.57 # bill20r3: the only downfall is that navigation scrolling thru songs is slightly slower than H140. but that didn't get to me very much, especially when i taught my cousin how to organise his music very well. 17.26.14 # yeah, I'm pretty fussy about organizing stuff, so I should be ok. 17.26.35 # too bad the 3x0 remotes are so much 17.26.50 # if u had an intl model, you would have had a remote incl. 17.27.07 # I got a US model. 17.27.10 # filetree is a great way to organise music. i don't like it how ipod organises things for you it's annoying 17.27.20 # what format video does it play? 17.27.51 # filetree rules 17.27.59 # I know where everything is 17.28.14 # filtree is cool 17.28.18 # by category and name and album 17.28.23 # never gonna need a database 17.28.31 # bill20r3:avi's. btw, you can only play videos if u flash the intl. firmware. once you get rid of your US firmnware, say bye bye to the DRM capabilities. So if you plan to buy online, you won't have vid playback 17.28.43 # A-Z/Artist/album/file 17.28.51 # I dont care about drm 17.29.02 # filetree is actually pretty shit when you have around 250 albums. 17.29.03 # good! all teh more reason to flash 1.28K :) 17.29.25 # I sort by Genre/Artist/Album/file 17.29.27 # Mainly because of the slow scrolling speed of the iriver 17.29.38 # DJDD thats not true, i have about 300... and it rocks :-) 17.29.42 # 1.28 Korean is the good firmware? 17.29.45 # THats no help either, i have around 1800 artists 17.29.55 # you can do sub-folders right? 17.29.59 # yes 17.30.05 # like \music\A\Artist ? 17.30.11 # 1800 artists, thats much 17.30.18 # so as long as you knwo where everything is, you wont have speed problems 17.30.28 # Yes you will 17.30.39 # ? 17.30.42 # and its hard memorizing 4500 songs 17.30.48 # bill20r3: yeah any intl version of H300 firmware will work. not t he US one. 17.31.06 # At 250 folders, getting to the 150th folder takes a good few minutes 17.31.08 # I have >6000 songs in a nicely sorted filetree 17.31.12 # does theusbtogo work with any usb mass-storage device? 17.31.16 # hmm i haven't had any problems with 3600 songs until now 17.31.25 # ie: could I copy stuff straight off another H340? 17.31.34 # Does the rockbox have a good scrolling thingy? 17.31.37 # I like being able to switch back to iRiver fw. Means I can still play audio books while the Rockbox speed issue is resolved 17.31.42 # (assuming I modify my US version so the usbtogo actually works) 17.32.11 # djdd, the scrolling accelerates if you scroll longer, so yes, its "good scrolling" 17.32.12 # iRiver has no bookmark feature though :P 17.32.12 # bill20r3: not too sure how it works on the US modell, but i transferred files fro my H140 to my cousin's H340 vpretty successfully. keep in mind it was USB 1.1 so super slow. 17.32.17 Join ]RowaN[ [0] (a2b0y@ 17.32.19 # cool 17.32.20 # or resume when switching on 17.32.33 # what would be *WAY* cool is a rockbox feature for "copy from ipod" 17.32.34 # heh heh 17.32.39 # lol 17.32.53 # strips the DRM as it copies ;) 17.32.54 # iriver is too good for aac :p 17.32.56 # <]RowaN[> have u guys thought about having a setting to enable crossfading on next/prev track skip? so when you skip to the next song it crossfades there too? 17.33.09 # Rori the iriver firmware DOES resume on playback. 17.33.12 # that's a bit harder to do 17.33.16 # RowaN great idea 17.33.16 # if I'm skipping tracks I want it to skip *now* 17.33.33 # I agree with Bill 17.33.35 # I'd like the option :) 17.33.48 # <]RowaN[> bill: thats why i say make it an option =] 17.34.01 # ahh. 17.34.02 # <]RowaN[> as long as the crossfade is short it wont be annoying, just pleasant 17.34.23 # Gimmie some generic gapless (Something close is all I ask) for any MP3 and I will be happy though 17.34.26 # are there any US sources for the H3x0 remote? 17.34.29 # or just ebay? 17.34.35 # <]RowaN[> not even crossfade.. just fade the 1st track out for a second and have the next one start at full volume over the top 17.34.51 # I think that'd be of minimal use. 17.35.04 # Lame gapless will be a start 17.35.07 # http://www.misticaudio.com were selling them but they sold out in a snap. you can try asking the store if they plan to stock anymore. 17.35.18 # lame gapless will be a start? 17.35.30 # i don't want any more than lame gapless 17.35.34 # yeah once Slasheri or someone figures it out 17.35.40 # whic model is this remote from? http://www.ebestdeal4u.com/pictures/iRiverRemote/image01.jpg 17.35.53 # Well I never rule out an option if it's possible :) 17.36.04 # bill20r3: H100 remote. 17.36.16 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.36.19 # yeah, H1x0 remote 17.36.36 # but not going to get into the gapless argument again...for now ;) 17.37.01 # dapure, do you know which remotes work w/ the 340? 17.37.02 # * t0mas np: Freestylers - Push Up (0:34) [http://amarok.kde.org/] 17.37.06 # <]RowaN[> how does crossfading work atm? i havent managed to hear it yet (yes ive turned it on). Does the next song fade in over the top, or does it just start at normal volume over the last track (which is fading)? 17.37.13 # Rori, dapureplaya: that's a really good one :P 17.37.17 # bill20r3: you can also use it for H300 aswell. but there is a special H300 remote which has a joystick on it. 17.37.32 # what is dapureplaya? 17.37.42 Quit B4gder ("Lämnar") 17.37.56 # of course I'd rather have the 'proper' remote, but the 100 ones seem a lot easier to find 17.37.59 # oh yeah. Push up is a good one heheh 17.38.10 # oh lol 17.38.23 # bill20r3: good luck if u can find the H300 one. 17.38.25 # silly me I thought you was referring to some plugin :D 17.38.31 # bill20r3: the H100 remote works fine 17.38.56 # Freestylers are cool BTW 17.39.08 # i only ever heard one of their songs and that was it hehe 17.39.52 # ]RowaN[: the first track fades out, the second track fades in 17.39.54 # <]RowaN[> bill20r3: i think it would be a nice touch - atm i use dare i say it, winamp, and with directaudio plugin, when you hit next track, just for not even a second, the current track fades out instead of abruptly stopping, and the next on starts with no delay 17.40.07 # <]RowaN[> preg: at the same time? 17.40.10 # yes 17.40.17 # <]RowaN[> over what period of time? 17.40.19 # it wouldn't be crossfading if not 17.40.28 # why not just try it? 17.40.41 # <]RowaN[> like i said, i have 17.40.49 # <]RowaN[> and cant manage to hear 2 tracks playing at once at any point 17.41.25 Join Musicmad_ [0] (~Musicmad@cpe.atm2-0-1031198.0x50a4ad0e.bynxx13.customer.tele.dk) 17.42.00 # <]RowaN[> the wps screen changes to the next mp3 a little early, but the next track seems to just start as normal.. maybe its just me, i'll have to try some other mp3s tonite 17.42.30 # have you enabled it? 17.42.38 Quit Musicmad_ (Client Quit) 17.42.39 # <]RowaN[> yes 17.42.45 Join Cassandra [0] (~Christi@82-70-230-150.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) 17.42.52 # <]RowaN[> since it became on option yesterday or whenever it was 17.43.09 # <]RowaN[> ah maybe i need to reenable it again coz i updated rockbox a few times in the last few days 17.43.21 # Hello 17.43.25 # hi 17.43.58 # I'm getting a bug in iriver playback where occasionally Rockbox drops back to the WPS at the start of a track. Is this known about? 17.44.23 # (On the positive side, recent commits have fixed all the other flakyness) 17.44.24 # <]RowaN[> but that aside, what do you think about the next/prev cross.. well not crossfading, just current track fading out (for like half a sec) and the next one starts with no delay (so you hear it immediately, as the 1st track is still fading) 17.45.20 # This is with shuffle on. I don't know if that makes a difference. 17.45.33 # jesus those 340 remotes are expensive 17.45.38 # <]RowaN[> it mite sound weird but its much easier on the ears to have a track not end abruptly when you skip to the next, trust me 17.45.42 Join MO-Pantsu [0] (MO-Pantsu@deadman3000.plus.com) 17.46.01 # Cassandra: can't say i've noticed it 17.46.05 # <]RowaN[> infact a friend of mine said "wow" when he heard my winamp do it =p 17.46.08 Join webguest43 [0] (~acd796df@labb.contactor.se) 17.46.18 # Hi 17.47.12 Quit Rori (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.47.38 # is there a side-by-side comparison of the different remotes anywhere? 17.47.50 # I seem to be able to reliably reproduce it. Make a root.m3u, enable shuffle, start it off, and press the next button a few times. Eventually you will drop backt to the WPS. 17.48.55 # Personally I hate crossfading. If you have a DJ selecting tracks it works, but some tracks do not crossfade well into each other. 17.48.57 # <]RowaN[> hmm still cant seem to experience crossfade here.. contineous mix cd in lame mp3 format listening to i am (whoops got all yodaey) 17.49.31 # <]RowaN[> yes but for a 1 sec crossfade, it doesnt need a dj so much 17.49.47 # i'll never use crossfading myself 17.50.03 # there should be plugins for sound adjustment on iriverbox 17.50.05 # <]RowaN[> im against crossfading... just fade the old track OUT, no need to fade the new one in, just have it start full volume 17.50.06 # (Oh, as another aside, gapless works fine.) 17.50.18 # Cassandra: not for mp3s, no? 17.50.37 # <]RowaN[> gapless seems find (dont remember enabling it, maybe its on by default) but still cant hear crossfading. any ideas preglow? 17.50.46 # Funny I could have sworn it was working for my copy of The Wall. 17.51.24 Nick Lynx_ is now known as Lynx_awy (Lynx@ 17.51.38 # i think it's a coincidental thing at the moment 17.51.40 # I mean obviously I ripped it splitting on frame boundaries. 17.51.53 # ahh, --nogap ?= 17.52.01 # Wouldn't expect it to work otherwise. 17.52.04 # then it should work just dandy, yes 17.52.28 # the more proper method using the LAME info header doesn't work yet 17.52.44 # Ah - didn't know about that. 17.53.11 # you don't need to pad out the last frame with next track data then 17.53.38 # That'd be kind of cool. Saves having to rip things in a special way. 17.53.52 # yup 17.54.02 # and keeps track transitions the way they're supposed to be 17.54.24 # So, can anyone else reproduce this dropping to WPS bug? 17.56.21 # Hmm. I'm also getting a bug where sometimes, the track buffers correctly but freezes at 0:00. 17.56.31 # there are still bugs left no doubt 17.56.51 # gotta go 17.56.54 # later 17.56.56 Part preglow 17.57.08 # <]RowaN[> is anything supposed to happen when you click the iriver joystick during playback/wps? 17.57.27 # <]RowaN[> in original firmware it goes back to the file list 17.57.52 # hey is there a way to show which songs are of what filetypes while in browser mode? 17.58.03 # It should do that with rockbox too, at least it does it for me 17.58.50 # <]RowaN[> ah yep, working for me now too 17.59.04 # Ah, the second one is a side effect of the first. After it's dropped back to the WPS, playback always halts at 0:00 18.05.02 # <]RowaN[> after i press stop, and the song fades out, there is then a little blip of sound, does everyone else get that too? 18.07.55 Join linuxstb [0] (~linuxstb@dsl-212-23-31-215.zen.co.uk) 18.08.03 # Rowan: do you mean the song gets played shortly or do you mean a noise? 18.15.15 Quit webguest43 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 18.27.00 # <]RowaN[> song 18.27.20 # <]RowaN[> blip of the song u were just heading fade, but at normal volume 18.28.32 # do you use the bleeding edge build? 18.28.58 Join Tomhab [0] (~tom@ 18.29.45 # <]RowaN[> yes 18.29.48 Quit ]RowaN[ ("back in 2 hours") 18.30.30 # hmm i had that too, but not anymore i thought, but i'll try 18.32.21 # <[solid]> i had that for ages 18.32.22 # hmm no, that doesn't happen anymore, do you have crossfade on? 18.32.38 # <[solid]> but i didn't test explicitely for it with the latest build, no 18.33.37 # i remember, that i had it and i don't have it anymore, so it must be the latest build or some settings, and i remember turning crossfade of so it was on by default 18.34.19 Quit ashridah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.35.20 # no, even with crossfade on, it is gone,... so i don't have a clue 18.35.54 # Hmm, "fun" :/ 18.36.11 Quit Cassandra (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18.39.27 # The rockbox scheduler does only work on archos because there is the pr register. 18.42.42 # ...wrong. There's a specially crafted thing in load_context() 18.43.10 # I got that song blip too 18.43.15 # using a build from late last night 18.43.17 # but 18.43.21 # it only happens sometimes 18.43.32 # did not spend time finding the trigger 18.43.40 Quit thegeek (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.45.15 Quit dapureplaya (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.52.00 # I'm in the process of writing codecwav - does anyone know how much data I should be passing to the audiobuffer_insert() function in one call? 18.52.48 Quit DMJC ("Leaving") 18.53.16 Quit zezayer (Remote closed the connection) 18.53.48 Quit Tomhab (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18.53.53 # Rowan: I've got it, the "Fade on Stop/Pause" is the problem, something there is not working, try switching it off 19.04.16 Quit [solid] ("Lost terminal") 19.07.29 Quit tedboer ("Leaving") 19.08.01 Join DMJC-L [0] (~DMJC-L@220-245-170-40.tpgi.com.au) 19.10.07 Quit DMJC-L (Client Quit) 19.33.48 # linuxstb: There is no limit 19.35.51 # linuxstb: So feel free to pass as much data as you need to. But maybe you should call yield sometimes, so try to limit the data to a few kilobytes. You should experiment which values gives the best ui and overall performance 19.36.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.36.55 # Now iriver seems to be able to play even 500 kbit/s vorbis flawlessly 19.37.06 # wow 19.40.21 # Slasheri: How many bytes would you suggest my WAV codec reads/writes in one go? 19.40.41 # Is 4096 bytes sensible? 19.41.48 Join DrMouss [0] (MoosCamaro@m214.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 19.42.04 Join thegeek [0] (na@ti521110a080-0260.bb.online.no) 19.44.47 Quit Chamois (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 19.50.59 Quit MoosCamaro (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19.55.28 # linuxstb: yes, it's quite good i think. And btw, there is limit but it's very big 19.56.24 # Yay! The modified scheduler for iriver is working, including stack check :-) 19.56.26 # I tried 4096 bytes, but it wasn't sounding correct - increasing to 16K fixed the problem. 20.00.49 # amiconn: oh, sounds good :) 20.04.05 # Slasheri: Should I copy your two new ci->configure lines from codecflac into codecwav? Do you think I should increase the values? 20.04.54 # linuxstb: You should determine the best values by testing :) 20.05.09 # :-) I'll just copy the FLAC values for now then... 20.08.50 # OK, I've just committed codecwav.c to CVS. 20.09.42 # what format video do the iRivers play? 20.09.55 # linuxstb: great :) 20.10.03 Nick DrMouss is now known as MoosCamaro (MoosCamaro@m214.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 20.13.04 # bill20r3: Rockbox doesn't play videos on the iRivers 20.14.04 # I mean on the iriver firmware, for the H3x0's 20.14.27 # Sorry, I have no idea. 20.16.13 # I just ordered an H340 20.17.42 # linuxstb: btw, instead of request_filebuf you should use request_buffer so there is no need to copy data twice 20.17.43 Join zezayer [0] (~chatzilla@ 20.18.00 # *read_filebuf 20.18.10 # i have a tag related w 20.18.14 # *question 20.18.27 # any change of ape tags on mp3s being supported? 20.18.38 # *chance 20.20.08 # Slasheri: OK, I'll change that. 20.22.01 # linuxstb: Then you could also use short int as pointer type so byteswapping would be easier (and probably faster). #define BITSWAP(x) (((x>>8) & 0xff) | ((x<<8) & 0xff00) 20.22.52 # Do I need to call advance_buffer as well? 20.23.05 Join elinenbe [0] (~elinenbe_@ 20.23.26 # yes you need, after you have done with the data 20.23.37 # have=are 20.24.51 # I'm looking at codecmpa - I don't understand how it works if the MP3 file is larger than the memory buffer. 20.25.28 # It requests small chunks same way read_filebuf does 20.25.38 # But it doesn't advance the pointer? 20.25.52 # ^buffer 20.25.56 # it will, at the end of the loop 20.26.27 # it uses advance_buffer_loc but you should use advance_buffer(amount) 20.26.27 # OK - I missed that. 20.26.31 # :) 20.27.54 # after calling something like that: short int pointer = ci->request_buffer(&size, CHUNK_SIZE); the size will tell you have many bytes was read 20.28.08 # So it's just request_buffer, byte-swap, audiobuffer_insert, advance_buffer 20.28.11 # if size is zero (or return value NULL), it's end of file 20.28.16 # yep :) 20.28.44 # *pointer 20.30.37 # Please don't define the byte swap as BITSWAP, this will be *very* confusing in rockbox 20.30.38 # and remember not to request too large buffer sizes (maximum allowed amount is GUARD_BUFSIZE defined in playback.c, 8 KiB, but you should use lower values still 20.31.19 # amiconn: That was only a silly example, i meant BYTESWAP or something like that =) 20.32.55 # Slasheri: I have problems processing chunks smaller than 16K - try changing the size of wavbuf in my current codecwav to (e.g.) 4K, and listen to a WAV file. There is very bad stuttering. 20.33.20 # linuxstb: Hmm, maybe you have too many yields then 20.33.25 # Try decreasing those 20.33.44 # OK. Too many changes to do at once.... 20.33.48 # or add a counter if necessary 20.38.14 # * t0mas np: Sound Effects - Thx - Dolby Dts - Ultimate Bass Test(Techno 320) (0:04) [http://amarok.kde.org/] 20.39.10 # does anyone else find teh latest bleeding edge doesnt play mp3's 20.41.03 # linuxstb: You have forgot to update SOURCES, your codec wont compile.. 20.43.01 # linuxstb: It seems the .wav bitrate is still a bit off. Afaik the bitrate is given in kBit/s, not KBit/s... 20.43.21 # ...so it should be /(1000/8) not /(1024/8) 20.43.36 # Slasheri: Sorry, I'll commit it now. 20.43.42 # linuxstb: great :) 20.43.53 # amiconn: KBit.. what's that? :) 20.44.02 # amiconn: Who made that rule? :-) 20.44.03 # Kelvin Bits.. sorry :D 20.44.38 # SOURCES is updated now. 20.44.43 # linuxstb: I don't know, but it's the way it works with mpeg audio 20.45.28 # Slasheri: K == 1024, k == 1000 20.45.35 # OK, I'll change the bitrate. Bloody computer scientists. 20.45.55 # amiconn: Hmm, in europe we use SI-units. So k = 1000, Ki = 1024 and K = Kelvin =) 20.46.20 # Slasheri: I know that you use Ki for that, however, your commits were the first thing I've seen using that 20.46.30 # oh :) 20.46.41 # ...and I *am* in europe :) 20.47.31 # ok, that Ki, Mi etc. are still quite rarely used 20.47.33 # I can't believe I'm sitting here optimising the WAV codec.... 20.47.40 # :D 20.48.15 # amiconn: This site has more explanation on that: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html 20.48.25 # Slasheri: ...and btw, those k, M, Ki, Mi etc aren't units, but prefixes 20.48.37 # ah, yes.. that's true :) 20.49.03 # Or would you think 'mm' means 'meter meter'? ;-) 20.49.19 # ;D 20.50.02 # Those Ki, Mi etc look a bit strange imho 20.50.18 # Ki might be okay, but Mi? 'Migabyte'?? 20.50.48 # linuxstb: does it run at 11mhz yet? 20.51.28 # I'm in europe too, have been going to a technical school and have never heard of Ki, ect... :-) 20.51.47 # but I'm not what you'd call a good student :-) 20.51.50 # yngwi: Hmm, really weird :) 20.52.02 # Austria 20.52.51 # HCl: I don't know yet - it's not working reliably ATM. 20.52.56 # k 20.53.21 # hehe taking out a pin to reset... :-) 20.54.03 # Hmm, you should use some paperclip.. pins are known to be harmful to the reset button 20.54.39 # oh, haven't thought of that, thanks 20.54.44 # :) 20.55.57 # a good tip, its also working better... again, thanks 20.55.58 # What i have read from misticforums, some people did use pins and had broken reset button into pieces after that. 20.56.03 # good :) 20.56.18 # hmm, thats bad 20.56.25 # yep.. 20.56.31 # don't want to hurt my baby.. 20.56.38 # :-) 20.56.53 # have done that personally 20.57.00 # makes it a pain 2 reset now 20.58.45 # the progress is awesome 20.58.54 # you are doing a great job 20.59.21 # how can anyone actually put the sharp end of a pin in there? 20.59.22 # I mean 20.59.37 # it's pretty obvious it's not good sticking an object that sharp into there 20.59.51 # yeah thats true, shame on me :-( 20.59.56 # ;) 21.04.39 Quit xen` () 21.06.49 Join ghostiger [0] (~ghostiger@2a4bd8d6dfc3474b.session.tor) 21.10.11 # is there a way to turn off gapless playback for mp3?? 21.10.25 # haven't found it in the menu 21.13.10 # why would you want that? 21.13.32 # becaus it seems to shave of the end of many songs... 21.13.37 # OK, I've updated codecwav.c to use ci->request_buffer, but I can't prevent it stuttering unless I process chunks of 16K at a time. 21.13.42 # Can someone look at it? 21.18.42 # linuxstb: i will :) 21.19.26 Quit Hadaka ("poof") 21.21.39 # ind i can't remember that I have any album that needs gapless (except NOFX-Ribbed :-) ) 21.23.07 # yngwi: "gapless" (at the moment) just means that Rockbox doesn't insert any silence between tracks. So if you are losing the end of a track, it's a bug. 21.24.43 # i could only remember having read about cutting parts from the end of the file, but i guess that's where my memory starts to cheat on me... :-) 21.25.17 # I'm gonna try this out some more.. 21.25.54 # Make sure you're using the very latest "bleeding edge" build - there's been lots of bugfixing today and last night. 21.26.39 # linuxstb: Check my commit :) 21.28.06 # linuxstb: btw, thanks to your "shuttering" code i might be able to locate one bug that will cause a crash :) 21.28.20 # I'm "always" using the newest build, i'ts very exciting :-) in fact, I sat the whole day in front of the PC pretending to study Latin but checking the IRC and build Page very often.... 21.28.33 # Hehe :D 21.28.49 # its thrilling... what will they improve with the next build.... *sigh* 21.29.22 # maybe I'm kinda weird... 21.29.29 # Slasheri: I don't understand your changes, but it's working perfectly. Glad I could help! 21.29.42 # linuxstb: I think the filebuffer chunk size was too small 21.29.49 # I increased it and it's now working :) 21.30.31 # Slasheri: What are you planning on doing next? What about seeking in FLAC/OGG/WAV ? 21.30.45 Join Naked [0] (naked@naked.iki.fi) 21.30.53 # linuxstb: I want to find the remaining bugs that will cause rockbox to crash.. 21.31.08 # Of course! 21.31.11 # :) 21.31.40 # Slasheri: Crashes might very well be caused by stack overflows 21.31.48 # I may regret it, but I'll try to look inside libFLAC and see if I can make some more use of the IRAM to speed it up. 21.31.51 # amiconn: Hmm, indeed 21.31.59 # Stack usage is at 80% just by playing mp3s 21.32.51 # That's why I want to have the stack overflow check in the scheduler working 21.33.22 # A stack overflow will then trigger a panic on the next context switch, and rockbox will print the offending thread's name 21.33.41 # I already have it working, just need to do some more tests 21.33.49 # ah, thats really good :) 21.36.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.40.52 Nick Naked is now known as Hadaka (naked@naked.iki.fi) 21.43.33 Quit zezayer ("Chatzilla [SUSE 1.0.4-1.1/20050511]") 21.48.42 Join Tangleding [0] (~Tangledin@ARennes-351-1-21-195.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr) 21.48.49 # hi 21.48.51 # :) 21.49.08 # Nice to see latest progress on wave too... 21.49.10 # :) 21.49.43 # hi Tang 21.49.49 # Hi Moos 21.49.50 # :) 21.49.59 # Slasheri: mp3 playback seems to need the largest stack space 21.49.59 # linuxstb work on it ;) 21.50.08 # Still no overflow though 21.50.10 # little thing to edit in the wiki codec status 21.50.17 # " WAV Plays from the debug menu (first 8mb of /sample.wav)" 21.50.29 # the prenthesis seems useless now no? 21.50.56 # amiconn: do you have an iriver now? 21.51.00 # Everything after 'Play' should be useless 21.51.05 # elinenbe: yup 21.51.38 # lol indeed 21.51.51 # sorry to be off topic, but do you (wherever you are) also have stupid movie translators?? (feel free to tell me if you don't want that kind of talk on the channel) 21.51.52 # good shot amiconnn 21.52.02 # mikaa seems to edit actualy 21.52.34 # Slasheri: flac needs ~12% of the codec stack, vorbis ~17%. mp3 needs ~80% 21.53.01 # Now I need to forge a stack overflow condition... 22.00.34 # yep 22.00.48 # linuxstb: your code was great, i was able to find one crashing bug using it :) 22.02.09 # :-). 22.02.26 # Do you know how many are left? 22.03.09 # no i don't but i believe this will fix many problems 22.03.30 # (i think there is second bug somewhere too, now searching it) 22.09.16 Join bipak_ [0] (~bip@p50885B69.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.09.30 # * amiconn scratches head 22.10.28 # * t0mas has a new way to clean his desk: 22.10.30 # * t0mas np: Sound Effects - Thx - Dolby Dts - Ultimate Bass Test(Techno 320) (0:30) [http://amarok.kde.org/] 22.10.46 Join Rori [0] (MO-Pantsu@deadman3000.plus.com) 22.11.31 Quit MO-Pantsu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.11.54 # anyone has some news of BobTHC? 22.14.47 # stange bug with latest building edge 22.15.07 # the playback was cut 22.15.27 # any chance of ape tags on mp3s being supported? 22.15.29 Quit bipak_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.15.58 # since RG info are stored in ape tag 22.16.07 # and RG are planned to be supported 22.16.15 # i think the answer is YES, no? 22.16.21 Join bipak_ [0] (~bip@p50885B69.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.16.32 # The isn't no. 22.16.41 # ^The answer isn't no. 22.17.45 # depand if someone work on it ;) 22.17.51 # :) 22.18.11 # maybe nobbeh is volunteer? :D 22.18.21 # whats rg info? 22.18.21 # (just joking) 22.18.26 # I could work on it, but I never tag any my files... 22.18.29 # ReplayGain 22.18.30 # replayGain 22.18.39 # i think it work from APe tage 22.18.53 # gonna check if i didn't mistaken 22.20.24 # .wav shouldn't need to boost the cpu at all, correct? 22.23.37 # amiconn: I would hope not. All it does is byte-swap the data. 22.24.11 # Hmm. Playing a .wav still boosts the cpu while reading from disk 22.24.20 Quit bipak (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.24.43 # How can I check the CPU status? 22.24.59 Join preglow [0] (thomj@s183a.studby.ntnu.no) 22.25.39 # current implementation always boosts cpu while reading from disk.. 22.25.47 # linuxstb: debug menu :) 22.25.57 # boosts cpu while reading from disk??? 22.26.05 # have anyone thought about getting ata dma to work? 22.26.31 # preglow: yep, that's mainly to speed-up disk reading 22.26.58 # however, dynamic cpu_boost could do it also (haven't tested yet) 22.28.59 # preglow: mp3 uses the most of all codecs by far 22.29.51 # cvs updated, at least one crashing problem fixed! 22.31.38 # amiconn: not more than tremor, i'd wager 22.31.49 # *way* more 22.31.49 # amiconn: or what do you mean? 22.31.53 # more cou? 22.31.54 # cpu <- 22.31.59 # Stack space 22.32.02 # ahh, yes 22.32.03 # that i know 22.32.10 # take a look at III_decode 22.32.18 # it uses about 8k of stack space for temporary samples 22.32.28 # Hmz, the most important word was missing in my sentence :-/ 22.32.59 # mno, 4k 22.33.08 # how much stack space usage have you seen? 22.33.23 # [21:52:11] Slasheri: flac needs ~12% of the codec stack, vorbis ~17%. mp3 needs ~80% 22.33.32 # I can add mp2: ~19 % now 22.33.44 Quit bipak_ ("Lost terminal") 22.34.24 # Codec stack size is 10.25 KB 22.34.39 # ouch 22.34.41 # but anywho 22.34.45 # it's needed for performance 22.34.50 # so might as well let it use that stack 22.35.58 # The stkov check is working now (not yet committed), but for obvious reasons it can't catch all cases 22.36.21 # If some crucial code gets overwritten by the stack overflow.... 22.36.22 Join Jason [0] (~acc86221@labb.contactor.se) 22.37.02 # I was able to cause a 'stkov audio' but not a 'stkov codec'. Rockbox simply hung 22.37.12 # ...probably because the codec stack is in iram 22.37.30 # Im just trying out Crossfade 22.38.04 # amiconn: exactly how does stkov work? 22.38.07 # Jason: currently it's broken 22.38.24 # (at least i think it is) 22.38.25 # well its doing something on my iRiver 22.38.33 # ah, ok :) 22.38.33 # what would be good is a variable crossfader setting 22.38.54 # Slasheri: you haven't heard that one yet 22.39.17 # Hmm :D 22.39.17 # preglow: switch_thread() checks whether the first longword is != 0xdeadbeef. If it is -> panicf() 22.39.18 # the only thing iRiver Rockbox doesn't have is sound adjustment 22.39.43 # Jason: There are many more things missing 22.39.49 # as well as a clock 22.39.56 # It's far from complete 22.40.21 # well i now use Rockbox simply because the shuffle is a million times better than iRiver 22.40.28 # :-) 22.40.42 # * bill20r3 shops for a remote 22.41.02 # miss that a lot decent shuffle 22.41.28 # :D 22.41.39 Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 22.41.41 # It's not finalised thought 22.41.52 # well its somethign 22.41.56 # but too i use Rbx since i have some mp3 taht iRiver fw can't play 22.41.58 # is there just the 2 models, the common 1x0 remote, and the unobtainable H3x0 remote? 22.42.01 # and Rockbox does 22.42.11 # bill 22.42.13 # yes but 22.42.22 # for H3xx only the two work 22.42.32 Quit ghostiger (Remote closed the connection) 22.42.34 # for H1xx the H3xx remote won't work fine (no buttons) 22.42.41 # but I must admit iRiverbox looks promising 22.42.50 # so which ones work on the H3x0? 22.43.16 # I reckon the H1x0 series are gonna be very collectable 22.43.50 Join ehntoo [0] (~noclue2@24-177-153-208.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) 22.44.20 # both H1xx and H3xx work for H3xx 22.45.25 # Mrf, I don't get this 22.45.59 # are there different remotes within the H1xx models, or are they all identical? 22.46.09 # seems like some pictures are chrome, and some are black. 22.46.11 # al; identical 22.46.15 # and you can even buy 22.46.19 # iMP550 remote 22.46.24 # reeeeally 22.46.31 # it's the same only the names of the button change 22.46.52 # i own an iMP550 remote in replacement of my iHP1xx old remote that i broke 22.46.54 # is there any reason to get the iMP500 remote over one of the H1xx remotes? 22.46.57 # it work fine 22.47.02 # (on my iHP1xx) 22.47.13 # are they different colors or anything? 22.47.22 # cause I'd like one that's black, if possible. 22.47.29 # no more reason but sometimes iHP1xx remote aren't available and iMP550 are 22.47.31 # ;) 22.47.37 # MP 22.48.02 # It would be awesome if iRiverbox supports the FM tuner and enables recording from it 22.48.03 # It might be that there are H-1x0 remotes with different colours. Mine is black 22.48.22 # amiconn 22.48.23 # indeed 22.48.40 # there is black for US H120 and iHP140 22.48.53 # and champaign for UE iHP120 22.49.06 # but also silver for iMP550 and black for iMP550 too 22.49.20 # anyway the only diffĂ©rence is the button labeling 22.50.35 # and black for h140 too ;) 22.55.22 # amiconn: but how does it check stack usage? writes 0xdeadbeef as far as it can and sees how far it's been erased? :P 22.55.49 # create_thread fills the whole stack of the new thread with 0xdeadbeef 22.56.07 # ahh, yes 22.56.14 # The check in switch_thread is a quick check for overflow 22.56.33 Quit silencer_ ("Lost terminal") 22.56.36 # but yeah, no surprise libmad needs stack, slasheris first attempts at audio crashed because of this 22.56.44 # The values in the debug menu are calculated by thread_stack_usage(), 22.57.05 # amiconn: are you gonna commit the working stack check soon? it's a nice tool to have 22.57.17 # ..which will scan each thread's stack until it finds something else than 0xdeadbeef 22.58.14 # I would have done that already if there wouldn't be a problem 22.58.35 # oh+ 22.58.54 # I've unified the scheduler as much as possible for coldfire and sh1. 22.59.19 # Now I'm trying to trigger stkov on both. 22.59.35 # ...to see whether it displays the correct thread name 22.59.47 # On archos, I did not yet manage to do that 22.59.50 Join telliott [0] (~telliott@208-251-255-120.res.evv.cable.sigecom.net) 23.00.12 # I might have to do with build dependencies; trying a full rebuild now 23.00.34 # amiconn: my remote is also black 23.03.59 # Something is seriously wrong here 23.04.04 # * amiconn is puzzled 23.04.37 Part telliott 23.12.45 # ? 23.12.46 # black? 23.12.48 # what do you mean 23.13.32 Join road_runner [0] (~554166e9@labb.contactor.se) 23.14.31 # I've just posted a question at the website, now this is kinda silly right? I can ask you guys... i'm pasteing it. 23.14.47 # :-) 23.15.04 # Hello. In a few minuts i'm going to (finally) install rockbox as now it plays music and I must try it... 23.15.05 # I'm using hebrew on the original iriver (1.65u) firmware - by altering the cyrillic font by h3mod to the hebrew letters. this has worked o.k. for me - surely with the mirrored problem. 23.15.05 # In order to install the bootloader I would like to use the fwpatcher. And so I get a checksum error if I use it on an already moded .hex firmware file. 23.15.09 # I got away with this by firstly patching the firmware with the bootloader and only then h3mod'ing it to include the hebrew charset. 23.15.14 # Wayyyy too afraid of trying this myself, I have made a resolution to wait until u guys will tell me if this is safe or not... 23.15.19 # p/s, if the fwpatcher program wouldn't do a checksum check, (would descrambling-merging-rescrambling it myself = wouldn't produce the same error) would lead to a corrupted firmware? b.t.w. I guess not. 23.15.22 # (hey it worked) 23.15.53 # I'm not sure what you're asking 23.16.00 # shoot 23.16.01 # (and if someone has a bdm interface I would love to hand him my firmware so he could check if it really works...) 23.16.08 # Has anyone done any work on the AC3/A52 decoder recently? I've just tested it, and it's decoding at 130% realtime on one test file, and 115% on the other. 23.16.18 # road_runner: you can only patch an unmodified firmware 23.16.34 # road_runner: with fwpatcher, that is 23.16.50 # linuxstb: no work whatsoever 23.16.58 # linuxstb: since i have little or no interest in the format 23.17.15 # It seems no work is necessary. 23.17.28 # road_runner:theoretically, if only the fonts are replaced, you should be ok. 23.17.33 # necessary, no, but still needs to be done, heh 23.17.41 # The only use for AC3 is for digital TV or DVD rips. 23.17.48 # know 23.18.31 # preglow: how can I be sure, i already crashed the player 5 (that is FIVE!!!) times until warrenty voides 23.18.38 Quit yngwi ("Chatzilla 0.9.68a [Firefox 1.0.4/20050511]") 23.18.51 # you can't be sure 23.19.04 # but the bootloader doesn't touch those parts of the firmware, I THINK 23.19.17 # but no guarantees 23.19.36 Join yngwi [0] (~chatzilla@chello080109107064.1.15.vie.surfer.at) 23.20.12 # well I DO KNOW that using h3mod would produce good altered firmwares... question is if this is the right way, or scrambling it myself :? 23.20.34 # you'll get the same end result I guess 23.20.49 # the key word is "guess" 23.20.56 # but hell, why do you need iriver firmware when you've got rockbox anyway? :> 23.21.00 # yes 23.22.19 # hehe.. because everyone warned me I would have to start carring pins with me everywhere 23.22.39 # chicken 23.22.42 # wuss! 23.22.49 # the pin is very light ;-) 23.22.53 # heeee... lol 23.22.55 # hardly takes any space at all 23.23.10 # had to use mine on the train back from work today ;-) 23.23.12 # u r the 1st guys how acctually told me to try it 23.23.26 # :/ 23.24.18 # anyways... can someone acctually try C if my firmware works 4 him or would this be 2 much 2 ask 4? 23.24.45 # what the wquestion? 23.25.17 # You want to know if you can change the fw bitmaps with H3mod? 23.25.17 # so you're asking someone else to risk what you don't dare? 23.25.25 # can someone try my patched 1.65U firmware with hebrew charset and bootloader... ? 23.25.36 # nooooooo 23.26.09 # Ask Linus if he has BDM 23.26.09 # I'm asking if someone in this forum has a bdm inteface - > can risk his own player because he can always reflash it!!! 23.26.17 # ooops 23.26.24 # anyway you know 23.26.27 # Linus surely has bdm 23.26.29 # i have changed bitmaps from my 1.65E firmware, patched it with bootloader after that and flashed. Works fine 23.26.29 # Linus is the only one to has one 23.26.34 # who has 23.26.38 # maybe Linus has betetr to do with Rockbox 23.26.44 # is this very important? 23.27.01 # I say run without the font patch 23.27.19 # or cross your fingers and run for it 23.27.32 # slasheri: modding before patching? didn't it give you a checksum error? have you used the fwpatecher? probebly not. 23.27.44 # RR 23.27.49 # road_runner: i patched it on linux using command line tools 23.28.09 # if you want to know if we can mod a iHP fw with bootloader using H3mod 23.28.12 # the answer is YES 23.28.25 # i've done it for myself 23.28.33 # tangleding: yeah very. half of my playlist is in hebrew and i don't like reflashing, crashed way too much for me 23.28.37 # i just do'nt understand what's the matter 23.29.06 # Ugh, severe bug found 23.29.08 # I'll re explain myslef 23.29.15 # in private 23.29.24 # amiconn: Hmm, from cvs code? 23.29.24 # I wonder how this could have worked... 23.29.25 # n.p 23.29.29 # oki 23.29.36 # Slasheri: Nope, in my reworked scheduler 23.29.39 # ah :) 23.29.59 # I was mixing up some registers in the context load on archos 23.30.15 # cvs has still one unsolved crash problem (I04: something) 23.30.21 # It still worked, just not always 23.30.35 Join Nuxator [0] (~5544f448@labb.contactor.se) 23.30.50 # hi 23.30.53 # I04 is illegal instruction 23.31.04 # any dev here? i've got a problem to compil rockbox 23.31.22 Join pbvas [0] (~pbv@res04-pbv.res.st-and.ac.uk) 23.31.24 # src/it/itread.c: In function `it_load_sigdata' 23.31.39 # it seems that dumb doesn't compile 23.31.57 # your first build? 23.32.11 # I mean, did it ever work? 23.32.21 # i build rockbox ong ago without dumb in cbvs 23.32.36 # what gcc version? 23.32.38 # and under cigwin nom i'm in linux 23.32.50 # but i've got the same error in cygwin and linux 23.33.09 # latest cvs? 23.33.11 # hm, queuing doesn't seem to work very well currently, does it? :) 23.33.12 # gcc from linux or gcc m68k-elf 23.33.32 # "gcc --version" shows 23.33.34 # yes latest cvs 23.33.48 # 3.4.3 23.34.16 # well, it builds fine for me and numerous others 23.34.17 # looks like if i play something and then queue, say, an album full of songs, then rockbox will still play all the songs it had buffered before moving on to the queued tunes 23.34.37 # Nuxator: did you create a new build dir and ran configure in there now with the recent code? 23.34.39 # crwl: i noticed that too 23.34.44 # and when it's playing those buffered songs, the wps correctly says what it's playing, but the playlist window (which now works) claims it's playing the queued song it's supposed to play 23.34.54 # dumb doesn't compile: itread.c has errors 23.35.06 # Badger : yes 23.35.09 # Ahahhhh! 'Stkov mpeg' 23.35.14 # it compiles for me 23.35.19 # It works on archos as well :-) 23.35.30 # Slasheri, have you noticed what i reported? 23.35.36 # error: insn does not satisfy its constraints 23.35.57 # Nuxator: what binutils version? 23.36.04 # i wanted just to fix fasts forwrd rewind for remote 23.36.10 # crwl: Hmm, i haven't tried that 23.36.21 # binutils how i know version? 23.36.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.36.40 # Slasheri, it seems to be easily... öö, toistettavissa ;D 23.36.56 # Nuxator: how did you install binutils for m68k-elf then? 23.37.01 # Nuxator: m68k-elf-as --version 23.37.07 # from documezntation 23.37.08 # crwl: hehe =) 23.37.19 # same version has on webbbbbsite 23.37.21 # crwl: Okay, i will try that tomorrow :) 23.37.25 # Slasheri, ok :) 23.37.29 # 2.16 23.37.35 Join Zoom2 [0] (~41080fd1@labb.contactor.se) 23.37.53 # and m68k-gcc-elf 3.3.4 23.37.58 # that error sounds like a bad binutils version error to me 23.38.27 # Nuxator: Try to build or install gcc 3.4.x for m68k 23.38.46 Join Shari [0] (starchild4@cuscon9633.tstt.net.tt) 23.38.52 Part Shari 23.39.50 # pfff just all this workd just to add 2 define in one file 23.40.57 # wich version do you have? 23.41.14 # m68k-elf-gcc (GCC) 3.4.3 23.41.34 # 3.4.4 here 23.41.37 # GNU assembler 2.15.94 20050202 (with coldfire patch) 23.41.57 # ..and binutils 2.16 23.43.10 # it's strange that i had same prob under cygwin 23.43.29 # Did you use the precompiled m68k-elf-gcc? 23.44.04 # no 23.44.20 # i followed the page on rockbox website 23.44.25 # ha for cygwin 23.44.48 # i intalled from the url in setup so i guess it's precomplied 23.45.22 # My guess is that gcc 3.3.x won't work for iriver builds 23.45.35 # ha ok 23.45.48 # Aah, found probably the last bug! 23.45.57 # (major crash bug) 23.46.02 # i'll try with 3.4.3 23.46.04 # Slasheri: There is no such thing as a last bug ;) 23.46.14 # yep, i corrected that ;) 23.46.16 # Last bug found 23.46.26 # until next 23.46.30 # :) 23.47.03 # committed 23.47.05 # goodnite :) 23.47.10 # nitey 23.51.27 # like i told some time ago, i encountered a bug with mp3 playback 23.51.45 # on some files, the end gets cut of 23.52.20 # yes 23.52.22 # we know about that 23.52.31 # ok 23.52.32 Quit thegeek (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.52.58 # i just tried a few songs... and just had to admit, that i could not find a system 23.53.08 # for the error 23.53.49 # i tried songs from a single album which i ripped with -aps and no other modifications, and on some it skips and on others not 23.57.38 Quit ehntoo (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.57.53 # anyone know if [solid] did some vorbis battery tests? 23.58.20 Join ehntoo [0] (~noclue2@24-177-161-77.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) 23.58.55 # i read the whole irc-log and at least I haven't seen any results posted by him, though he said he would do some tests today