--- Log for 19.11.105 Server: kornbluth.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 14 days and 19 hours ago 00.00.04 # yes with global constants very convinient... 00.04.18 # ooops, i just bricked my h1x0 :-) 00.05.04 # lucky me to have a bdm wiggler ;-) 00.05.35 # hehe :D 00.06.03 Ctcp Ignored 4 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 00.06.03 # * modafroman rejoices 00.06.46 Join webguest10 [0] (n=503a0b2a@labb.contactor.se) 00.07.33 # Linus: with your futur H300 bootloader, you will release v6 for h1XX in same time? 00.07.40 # yes 00.07.50 # * ashridah wonders what the real maximum framerate of the lcd on the h300 would be 00.07.53 # good to hear :) 00.07.58 Join RotAtoR [0] (n=e@12-210-82-91.client.insightBB.com) 00.07.59 # ashridah: slow 00.08.35 # so would it be impossible to get ~24fps video? 00.09.40 # just going through all the h1xx wps's, is going to be cool when we get to h300 to see everyones creativity 00.10.20 # i guess a lot of colored bitmaps...and really complicated code...hehe 00.10.44 # [01:10] i guess a lot of colored bitmaps...and really complicated code...hehe 00.10.49 # oops 00.10.55 # Slasheri: Sorry I didn't replied about the remote, I was away, I will test right now and let you know 00.11.35 Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ 00.12.33 Join San [0] (n=Test@A-79-109.cust.iol.ie) 00.12.53 # hey san 00.13.26 # hey 00.13.33 # any news on the H300 yet? 00.13.50 # hi 00.14.05 # about the gbc emulator there's an open source one called "gnuboy"... (suitable for x11) 00.14.24 # dont think there is an open source gba emulator tho 00.14.37 # San: just lets the "master" working on it, you will know when they are ;) 00.14.37 # and another new build in about 15 mins 00.14.42 # eli_sherer: we have ported gnuboy to the h120m called rockboy 00.14.52 # is there a download yet? 00.14.56 # no 00.15.00 # ah 00.15.06 # check the topic 00.15.08 # expected in a few days, right? 00.15.10 # oops... 00.15.17 # or a week 00.15.29 # cool 00.15.35 # http://cowbite.emuunlim.com/ 00.16.07 # are there any pics of rockboy running? 00.16.18 # google for rockboy 00.16.31 # ahh 00.16.36 # linus 00.16.39 # my God Slasheri you are right this will remove any sort of clicks present.. 00.16.42 # just wana say thanks :D 00.17.05 # and I dont get a slugish reaction at long filetree lists 00.17.19 # though It will be very laggish in the radio screen. 00.17.26 # XavierGr: but he said that will cost abit more cpu usage 00.18.17 # yes but for me that the lag is a major issue I can live with that 00.18.33 # exciting times it is now 00.18.33 # sure just for not forget it ;) 00.18.38 # this little patch must be known for users that use the remote and have that problem 00.19.43 # sure, it was a very Infamous bug :) 00.19.59 # stupid iriver 00.20.07 # hehe :) 00.20.17 # like for lots of stuffs 00.20.24 # freelancer programers are making iriver look amateur 00.20.42 # why? 00.21.05 # and I had lost hope. I was considering bying another remote, to mod the older one. 00.21.14 # <_FireFly_> XavierGr: which patch ?? 00.21.15 # but still iriver made one hack of an operating system that takes down every other on the market 00.21.23 # graphic wise i mean 00.21.37 # modafroman: we don't still really why they did like they made, e.g no radio rec... 00.21.41 Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.21.43 # I was thinking to cut the audio jack of the remote in order to plug earphones directly to main unit but that should be very difficult 00.22.07 # _FireFly_: I will pm it to you. 00.22.16 # very nice indeed, small and valuable 00.22.25 # Moos: given that by the time they release a product, they have to start building the next one, i'm not surprised that features got cut, and stuff got promised with no delivery 00.22.30 # some uses extensions... 00.23.06 # ashridah: sure there are commercials issue... 00.23.23 # but I'm sceptic with some things 00.23.33 # * ashridah also suspects they don't have as many people working on it 00.23.45 # oh yeah :D 00.23.46 # and lets face it, a good deal of rockbox pre-existed here too. 00.23.48 # well their working on their U10 they don't have time for us (H300s) 00.24.05 # rockbox had the oppertunity to save time by importing opensource codecs 00.24.20 # indeed 00.24.25 # yes 00.24.55 # Glory to opensources projects :) 00.25.23 # makes me wanna burn my licensed copy of windowsxp and install linux 00.25.45 # * San smiles 00.26.33 # haha eli_sherer, you actually paid for Windows? 00.26.48 # never do that again.... 00.26.56 # yes it was a student's deal 00.26.59 # No errors! New build! 00.27.13 Join paugh [0] (n=kickback@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:8000:0:3e03:6822) 00.27.19 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 00.27.22 # something like $20 for windows xp sp1 and office 2003 00.27.47 # well that's a good price considering the originals 00.27.49 # it is callled Microsoft Licensind Student Media 00.28.02 Quit frcsyk ("CGI:IRC") 00.28.03 # but I will not pay anything for microsoft in my life 00.28.08 # (except hardware) 00.28.15 # it really is..but i hate that authentication every time i install it...blah 00.28.52 # Ripped copies spare you the trouble 00.29.15 # time to sleep a bit, have a good night all 00.29.29 # good night |) 00.29.29 Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox") 00.29.42 # i think ill go to 3) 00.30.08 Quit mashalla () 00.30.17 Quit eli_sherer () 00.30.51 # hehe http://www.misticriver.net/photos/albums/userpics/12589/Color%20iPod%203G.jpg 00.32.52 # hah 00.33.57 # lol 00.36.58 # hehehe 00.37.36 # hehehe paid for windows... 00.37.40 # WTF!? 00.37.46 # I did not 00.38.04 # admittedly... i was trying to build a system on newegg and they bundled XP into it 00.38.06 # i have paid for both my winxp licenses 00.38.17 # man computer stuff is so expensive 00.38.19 # me too 00.38.22 # esp when you want 4gb of ram 00.38.26 # but use kubuntu 00.38.38 # my laptop has legit XP 00.38.42 # my desktop has gentoo linux 00.38.54 # be interesting when I get my new desktop hehehe 00.39.16 # ath 64 X2 4400+ 00.39.22 # in a mac G5 case 00.41.04 # still planning the mod, but I've sorted out most of it 00.43.18 Quit petur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.43.40 Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.49.29 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=paulthen@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 00.55.37 Quit Paul_The_Nerd ("Chatzilla 0.9.68a [Firefox 1.0.7/20050915]") 00.59.35 # hmm hmm, is trhere anyway we could implement something to change the size of the progress bar and scroll fields 01.01.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.01.56 # there has been a discussion about 'boxes' where you could print and draw 01.02.10 # instead of the whole framebuffer, as I understand it 01.02.27 Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@szgt-d9b8e2a7.pool.mediaWays.net) 01.02.32 # but I don't know whether anybody is working at it 01.07.08 # FM radio is buggy like hell. 01.07.11 Quit ashridah ("out. bbl") 01.07.58 Join DMJC [0] (n=DMJC@220-245-163-220-sa-nt-pppoe.tpgi.com.au) 01.08.02 # for the H100? 01.08.35 # yes 01.08.51 # when you fiddle around too much strange things happening 01.09.13 # strange things? 01.09.37 # like aliens coming? 01.09.40 # :) 01.10.47 Quit xmixahlx ("blah blah blah") 01.12.05 # can i redirect stdrr into a file and the screen? (something like" make &> 123 &> | more " but something that works) 01.12.31 # tee 01.12.38 # Linus: I had 2 issues 01.13.10 # First, I had a crash when I quit the FM radio. (after I fiddled too much) 01.13.52 # Second, I quit the FM radio and the audio codecs couldnt be found after that. A reboot solved the issue. 01.14.13 # I just can't really understand how a so comapct radio became buggy... 01.14.59 # i think it has to do with the route of the signal 01.17.00 # XavierGr: sounds like a memory corruption issue 01.17.33 # why are my cmpos end up getting inversed? 01.18.35 # Also, the button arrangement is difficult to get used to. But I will give a little more time over this, maybe these are better than the old, I just can't get used to them. 01.19.07 # pinkutank: what's a cmpo? 01.19.59 Quit Guest70021 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.25.29 Join webguest53 [0] (n=43823b46@labb.contactor.se) 01.29.04 Quit Kyl3 () 01.29.48 Quit dpassen1 () 01.30.48 Quit Jungti1234 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.34.33 Quit elinenbe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.35.00 # bmps 01.35.02 # :) 01.35.23 # btw, palyer ocmmitted suicide, boots up, no buttons work, dircache dead i think, gonna reflash 01.35.30 # i mean re install .rockbox 01.35.32 # not reflash atm 01.37.43 # in irivers, is there any legal issues with this 01.38.13 # we dont reverse engineer the code so it shouldnt be illega 01.38.13 # l 01.38.59 # oh lol 01.39.03 # Considering their normal lack of attention when it comes to their customers, I don't think it matters... 01.39.05 # make takes 4 times as much 01.39.25 # I wasnt caring aobut doing something illegal 01.39.34 # I was just wondering theoratically 01.40.18 # lol its 3 am, I hate when time runs 01.41.43 Join webguest38 [0] (n=187624cb@labb.contactor.se) 01.42.07 # hey 01.42.17 # just heard that rockbox is targeting the ipod 01.42.21 Quit modafroman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.42.27 # does that include the new ipod with video too? 01.42.43 # I don't think so 01.43.25 # But the Nano is targetted, which is cool 01.43.34 # why not the new one? 01.43.52 # LinusN, You know in the iRiver H300 firmware you are building, are you going to be implementing images into the firmware like the origional iRIver firmware does? 01.43.57 # Different processor setup I believe 01.44.15 # San: what do you mean? 01.44.45 # Linus can you say something about supporting the ipod with video? 01.44.50 # like...in the iriver firmware, the interface is made up of images, will rockbox have that?> 01.45.04 # webguest38: sorry, no 01.45.10 # San: no 01.45.20 Join webguest31 [0] (n=864c0301@labb.contactor.se) 01.45.29 # what does no mean? no support? 01.46.10 # webguest31: no means that we aren't working on the video ipod (yet) 01.46.18 # [00:45] San: no <--- Ah, ok. But you have it in the H100 series 01.46.28 # no 01.46.29 # is there a chance? does it have the same processor series? 01.46.39 # should i relieve you of answring 01.46.54 # currently theyre not working on the video ipod 01.46.54 # San: the rockbox user interface is not made of images 01.46.59 # yeah 01.47.05 # but you can get like one in there 01.47.06 # San: but you can have images in the wps 01.47.14 # thats what I ment 01.47.21 # sorry for not making it clear 01.47.23 # the problem with the video ipod is, it uses another video chipset to output stuff to lcd 01.47.30 # the question is is the new ipod witth the same processor as the other ipods so it might be easy to port it to this processor later? 01.47.31 # San: then the answer is yes 01.47.35 # and it is not "circumvented" yet 01.47.36 # ah, cool 01.48.03 # but, I think it may be circumvented, linux guys said they will be working on it 01.48.10 # but dont expect it in a month 01.50.45 # how did it come that you guys started rockbox for ipod? 01.51.08 # we felt like it :-) 01.51.30 # I'm not a dev here, but probably because thousands of people use it, there was already a linux project, so booting process was handled faster than usual ? 01.51.46 Join linuxstb [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) 01.51.51 # the amount of users isn't interesting 01.52.02 # ok 01.52.08 # the main benefit is that the ipod can be purchased in a store 01.52.15 Join hardeep [0] (i=hardeeps@norge.freeshell.ORG) 01.52.25 # :) 01.52.38 # if it goes like this, even plumbers will start supplyin 01.54.15 Quit webguest38 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.54.56 # LinusN: weren't you the one caling an ipod port 'pearls before swine'? ;) 01.55.07 # i still do :-) 01.55.23 # Rockbox is for ipod owners who don't want ipods. 01.55.35 # well said 01.55.37 # :) 01.56.03 # hehe 01.56.35 # as long as we can actually finish the port before the current ipods arent availablle anymore 01.56.46 # :-) 01.57.04 # did I show you guys this, ipod magick 01.57.15 # My ipod (the 60GB color) has been replaced by the video, but the Nano should hopefully be available for a while. 01.57.22 # http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?id=5294 01.57.23 # anywho 01.57.43 # tehy are/were made in sufficient quantities to be useful for a while 01.57.51 # s/tehy/they/ 01.58.39 # shit, bad sector 01.58.45 # + dircache 01.58.47 # no good 02.00.02 # uski: why, because some of the rockbox elders are involved in curl as well, of ocuerse ;) 02.00.25 Join modafroman [0] (n=subatomi@CPE-138-130-209-123.qld.bigpond.net.au) 02.00.40 # think i'll just wait with the answering until i can type again 02.04.31 # LinusN: What are you plans for USB OTG on the H3x0? 02.04.39 # s/you/your/ 02.04.53 # no plans really, i think UMS is a good start 02.05.01 # ums? 02.05.33 # universal mass storage 02.05.46 # right, the other socket 02.05.51 # Are there any existing usb stacks we could use? 02.06.03 # preglow: no, the otg socket 02.06.29 # linuxstb: we could always look at linux and see how they do it 02.06.43 # but i think we'll have to do most of it ourselves 02.06.44 # omg I killed the simulator 02.06.46 # I just imagine USB to be big and complicated. 02.06.55 # yes 02.07.13 # i think it is 02.08.03 # linuxstb: has your ipod got firewire? 02.08.08 # preglow: Yes. 02.08.14 # now there's a wasps' nest 02.08.34 # wasp's... 02.08.43 # But I didn't get a cable for it - just the dock<->USB cable. 02.09.30 # i'm wondering, does firmware handle every aspect of ipod usb? 02.09.44 # all i got was a dock adaptor, heh 02.10.08 # What does that do? 02.10.23 # adapt the small nano to a larger dock 02.10.38 # it's just a piece of plastic 02.11.09 # OK. I didn't get a dock with mine, just the cable from dock connector on the ipod to USB on my PC. 02.11.18 # no dock for mine as well 02.11.20 # just the adapter 02.12.13 Quit bluebrother^ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.12.26 # I've heard the IPL people talk about making progress with getting USB OTG to work, so hopefully the ipod can share Linus's new USB stack :) 02.13.20 # LinusN: what do the sdram fixes do? tighter timing? 02.14.10 Quit DangerousDan ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 02.14.30 # it enables continuous page mode, tighter refresh timing and proper delays in the init phase 02.15.01 # preglow: You know, the kind of thing datasheets help with... 02.15.31 # linuxstb: kind of forgot about those things after getting an ipod... 02.17.08 # i'm still wondering why ipod threading doesn't work without my test threads 02.20.02 # I wouldn't worry about it too much yet. 02.20.29 # At least your tests show that the context switching is working. 02.22.38 # We have a solution (read-only) for HFS access - libhfsp seems quite suited for use in Rockbox. 02.29.14 # the test threads i had going don't show too much at all, i still wonder if it works in a normal scenario 02.29.35 # read only is enough for me :P 02.30.09 Join _user_ [0] (n=c762142c@labb.contactor.se) 02.30.28 # <_user_> phaedrus961: i'm having problem applying the latest unicode patch 02.32.53 # <_user_> http://cloud.prohosting.com/g2tl/log.txt 02.40.30 # time to sleep 02.40.36 # nite all 02.40.44 Join whatboutbob [0] (n=cbd65f76@labb.contactor.se) 02.40.44 Part LinusN 02.40.48 # hehe... is this just me that getting constant wierd hiss? 02.41.54 # <_user_> im not getting it 02.42.28 # I always had hiss with rb 02.42.43 # hey folks. has the idea of one-button playlist queueing been shot down many times before? 02.43.26 # pinkutank, yes, me too, ever since switching to koss the plug. but i'm talking about no music, just very load hiss... (static) 02.44.47 # i'm building again 02.45.01 # oh 02.45.38 # hope its not my patch ://// 02.46.19 # what did you build 02.47.50 # bah... that's kind of terrifying actually. 4 AM and i'm getting a sudden load noise. pinkutank - h120. 02.48.12 # I meant what patch 02.49.06 # something for better screen viewing... hope to post very shortly. just that static i wasn't ready for it... 02.49.49 # argh 02.50.01 # it might not be the patch 02.50.13 # if you want I can try it 02.51.13 # I will happily let you the first one to try it! but i just wanna make sure everything is set up right. 02.52.19 # I meant it could be something else other than your patch, If I try poatching my source you cna see if its your patch or sumtin else 02.52.27 # but you could just recompile too 02.52.28 # :D 02.53.27 # pink: do you use headphones? haven't had that hiss with iriv fw? explain please. I wasn't getting the hiss (now i mean the very gentle quiet hiss) up until moving to better headphones. 02.53.38 # I use e3c 02.53.46 # shure e3c 02.54.23 # the hiss comes with the isolation + ability to project extremes(lows and highs) 02.54.34 # let me see if i get it with irivers 02.54.52 # pink: did u get it with irver? its prolly going from 16 to 32ohm cans 02.54.54 # oops, in a while do, currently removing badsectors 02.55.10 # i dont remember if i got it with iriver but I'll try 02.55.34 # I have a plethora of headphones,I'll try with some of them 02.55.45 # 2 more coming the 24th actually 02.56.41 # i'm getting the e3's myself next week. looking forward to 'em. 02.57.16 # i've just bought those...and eveyone keeps telling me they are soo expensive... 180 nis = 40 $ 02.57.26 # what kind of music do you listen to, ordered yet? 02.57.36 # 40$ ? for what 02.57.56 # you mean the plugs lamed? 02.57.59 # just got my grado sr60's back for the first time since i've owned my h140 (loaned them to a friend ). they actually sound pretty good with the h140. pleasantly surprised. 02.58.13 Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 02.58.16 # sr 60s are good with portables 02.58.27 # what do you listen to, did you order the e3cs yet 02.58.45 # yey. back on the game. 02.59.36 # for anyone thinking of <70-80$ phones 02.59.38 # Id say ksc 75 02.59.46 # pink: i've already bought 'em via ebay. just waiting for 'em to arrive. listen to all sorts. not hiphop, not thrash, not dance. just about everything else. 03.00.02 # how much you paid 03.00.24 # theyre very decent but your ears need to get adjusted to them , take bout a month 03.00.42 # $85 shipping (used) 03.01.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.01.06 # * shipping 03.01.23 # ergh...not showing the plus sign... :) 03.01.52 # yeah...i'm curious to see how the fit goes. i hear you really have to jam them down your ear canal. 03.01.58 Quit webguest53 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 03.02.03 # anyone heard something about earplugs taking some time to 'adjust' ... i mean... to themselves? -i feel like when i've first opend up my plugs they didn't had enough trebel. now they are fine. 03.02.42 # some of them do 03.02.45 # lames: some cans burn in...yeah. but with plugs, it may just be you getting used to fitting them better. 03.02.45 # some of them dont 03.02.57 # plugs, usually fitting better 03.03.12 # but low range plugs use your normal drivers so they burn in too 03.03.18 # anything above e2c doesnt 03.03.28 # I just ordered super fi 5 pros 03.03.40 # btw yes e3cs go as deep as anything can go 03.03.52 # actually, one tip stuck in my ear yesterday 03.04.09 # there was no way i could touch it with my finger, and it was invisible 03.04.25 # damn..that sounds a little scary. 03.04.28 # I pushed here and there around my ear and pulled it out with a hairclip 03.04.46 # dont worry, it doesnt happen much, just try to keep them clean 03.05.03 # throw the tips in to alcohol form time to time and clean around the tube 03.05.09 # so they dont move alot 03.05.12 # it was my mistake 03.05.27 # someone cma oalong to talk, i rapidly pulled it out, and i sitll iddnt hear anything :D 03.06.18 # err...are the wps not compiling atm, or am i screwing something up? 03.06.41 # what do you mean wps not compiling 03.06.57 # yes!!! I'm all done!! where should i upload? sourceforge? on the way! 03.07.11 # 'no wps module present, can't do the WPS magic!' 03.07.30 # yes thats what i get too 03.07.47 # lamed if you need space I can help you wisth my ftp serv 03.08.21 # pinkutank: dev i suppose? 03.08.47 # no I'm not, so it wouldnt turn up in the patches 03.08.50 # what I do is 03.09.03 # i put in on sourceforge 03.09.08 # and link to my fftp server 03.09.30 # to get some of the load off the sf servers if people are smart enough to use links instead of the attachment 03.09.31 # :) 03.10.19 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&atid=439120&group_id=44306&aid=1358312 03.10.21 # like her 03.10.22 # e 03.10.42 # i'll be finishing uploading in a sec... it's a 31 kb file i don't suppose it would be problematic... 03.11.01 Join Vlad0man [0] (n=Vladoman@p54A7EE1D.dip.t-dialin.net) 03.11.16 # woot my h120 is hot 03.11.28 # extensive scandisk 03.12.37 Quit _user_ ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 03.18.20 Join Membrillo [0] (n=3ce41a60@labb.contactor.se) 03.18.32 # so lamed, cna we see the patcch 03.20.19 Quit einhirn (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 03.21.22 Join solexx [0] (n=jrschulz@c219020.adsl.hansenet.de) 03.21.42 Quit Membrillo (Client Quit) 03.22.11 Join Membrillo [0] (n=3ce41a60@labb.contactor.se) 03.22.40 Quit solexx_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.22.44 # sdlkjglskdjel;j; ;g; nervous... finished writing a short explanation... 03.23.40 # :) 03.24.11 # one sohuld be careful hot plugging the h120 03.24.21 # i dthink i developed a bad sector or two ther 03.24.22 # e 03.24.35 # clicked the submit... 03.24.45 # hope you were logged in 03.24.50 # ___ Item Successfully Created___ 03.24.56 # yep. i was. 03.25.18 # hurry up, install it... i've got to know what someone else thinks of it... 03.25.25 # link pls? 03.25.29 # im laz y:D 03.25.51 Quit Vladoman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.26.45 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1360892&group_id=44306&atid=439120 03.26.53 # of course! my fault! 03.27.22 Quit hardeep ("BitchX: coming soon to a theatre near you!") 03.27.23 # everyone else are asleep..? 03.27.26 # lamed: what does your patch do? 03.27.57 # m 03.28.00 # nm 03.28.11 # i'm blind 03.28.39 # you can read _all_ about it in the patchtracker... ah. then i guess it won't help you :\ 03.29.43 # oh...no...sorry...i'm not literally blind. just didn't read 3 lines above. 03.29.59 # roflmao 03.30.19 # haha 03.30.39 # what kind of diff is it, I only work with 1 file patches so I dont know how to apply yours 03.30.44 # hehe...i should prolly be a little more sensitive considering the number of blind rockbox users. sorry guys! :) 03.31.10 # i wanted to ask you if rockbox are the only guys today that support players for the blinds... 03.31.34 # k found it 03.31.37 # how does the blind support work? 03.31.45 # the menu speaks to you 03.32.25 # pinku, put the patch at the root build folder 03.32.30 # really? thats pretty cool. So have the rockbox guys just recorded themselves saying the menus and set it to play on scroll over or something? 03.32.43 # (i.e ./rockbox-devel ) 03.32.54 # change the name to something shorter like screen.diff 03.33.17 # and then type | patch -p0 < screen.diff 03.33.25 # that's a zero 03.34.21 Quit mordov ("www.CNLRacing.tk") 03.34.42 # membrillo: you can either have a program records the english strings for you, menus, filenames, numbers... or you can use your own voice. 03.35.39 # lamed 03.35.45 # yep 03.35.46 # it reects something from the lang file 03.36.03 # sry? 03.36.05 Join mordov [0] (n=Mordov@13.80-202-208.nextgentel.com) 03.36.11 Quit mordov (Client Quit) 03.36.17 # it rejects a line from eng.lang 03.36.44 # on it 03.36.55 Join mordov [0] (n=Mordov@13.80-202-208.nextgentel.com) 03.37.16 # what did it told you? 03.38.01 # I sent you a pm 03.38.07 # got it? 03.38.18 # if i paste here I'll be kicked 03.40.17 # do you want me to step by step you on that or just wait i'l reopload a fix? 03.41.24 # i dont mind either 03.41.33 # but you will need to reupload anyway? 03.41.38 # for others 03.41.41 # rather simple acctually. just put at the end of english.lang the two new strings. 03.41.56 # yeah but i have to figure out why did it happend... 03.42.30 # ok I'll look into it 03.43.25 # do you have the error message? 03.43.42 # nm 03.44.49 # sorry to be off topic here, but if I bricked my h300, and buying a wiggler is cheaper, how difficult is it to connect the wiggler and reflash with that 03.44.49 # i think its because 03.45.09 # i think it because of the browse themes seciton 03.45.46 # membrillo, only two people are awak here, you are not off topic... and you have to ask linus on that. 03.46.00 # it doesnt have an id and a desc 03.46.07 # you need an id for the browse themes 03.46.11 # oh i think I know why 03.46.19 # you built this on bleeding edge right? 03.46.51 # I'm trying it on 18th of November 03.48.17 # that might be it. i think there's more to that so i'm rebuilding the patch 03.48.48 # i removed the browse themes and building atm 03.48.50 # it should work 03.49.02 # the browse themes is not built into todays ubild yet 03.49.11 # so its an alien menu for it 03.51.08 Quit webguest90 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 03.52.46 # listen, deprecate items do not come in the way as well. 03.54.26 # i've uploaded an other file. you might want to try it with the bleeding edge build. 03.55.08 # ok , do youre saying it wouldnt work with todays even if i manually do the eng lang 03.56.26 # no, it will easily work either way!. just cut and paste the two new language items and it should work, as long as there wasn't any other rejected segments. 03.57.26 # yes it doesnt 03.57.29 # let build bleedin 03.59.58 # dont use the second patch 04.01.23 # it's not clean. sorry. 04.01.33 # ::) 04.01.40 # no gurries 04.02.01 # where is the menu to control this, I cuilt one but the scrolling menu didnt show 04.02.15 # . btw i forgot where to get the bleeidng edge source 04.02.38 # b. 04.02.42 # http://www.rockbox.org/daily.shtml 04.02.48 # and a. 04.02.59 # under general settings 04.03.06 # display 04.03.11 # scrolling 04.03.28 # screen scrolls out of view / screen scroll step size 04.03.41 # pinkutank, where you from 04.03.45 # i dont have those options under scrolling 04.03.51 # Turkey, you? 04.04.27 # israel 04.04.39 # cool 04.04.49 # :) 04.04.53 # its 5 am ther etoo i guess 04.05.56 # of course... wonders if there are any more maniacs like us out there 04.06.50 # guess not 04.06.55 # as no ones answerin 04.07.21 Quit modafroman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.07.41 # Im in Australia and its 2pm 04.08.55 # that's pretty normal. 04.09.05 # I sleep 3 am daily 04.09.18 # and wake up at 6:30 for school 04.09.21 # pink, no luck yet? i'm up on installing a fresh copy from the net 04.09.30 # currently building 04.10.17 # makes are taking alot longer since ipods came along 04.11.39 Join mofoGX [0] (i=Mofo@ 04.11.57 # hello 04.12.09 # lol if it takes this long on a overclocked atlhong, it will take forever on a p3 400 04.12.11 # hello 04.12.22 # does anybody have pictures of the H320 lcd working? 04.13.11 # 've seen some somewhere... you can search the irc log for them but i guess there might be an easier way. 04.13.22 # couldn't you just believe it's working..? 04.13.34 # .) 04.13.39 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/IriverPort/h300_lcd.jpg 04.13.44 # pinkutank, i'm running a p3 800 mhz... so not much better... 04.13.55 # Membrillo: How did you bricked your H300? 04.14.02 # no no thats photoshop :P 04.14.07 # hey, linuxstb_ is here... 04.14.13 # and xavier 04.14.17 # you guys are scary 04.14.25 # lurking in the shadows and watching 04.14.25 # lamed: Only just - it's very late. 04.14.40 # :) 04.15.11 # well here it's 5 am. what's your excuse? 04.15.27 # it's 5am here too 04.16.01 # it's saturday tomorrow :D 04.16.10 # I've got nothing to complain about then, it's only 3.15am 04.16.33 # forgot to build tools :/ 04.16.42 # generally I have a very problematic schedule 04.16.53 # xaviergrL amazing. it's like that all over the world. 04.17.14 # :D 04.17.19 # sleep at 6.00 am and get up at 5.00 pm then work 04.17.22 # or college 04.17.32 # so go on 04.17.57 # .and 04.18.11 # try this 04.18.17 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1360892&group_id=44306&atid=439120 04.18.36 # seems interesting 04.18.49 # ur quick! 04.19.03 # congrats lamed it works 04.19.25 # what do you think?what do you think?what do you think?what do you think?what do you think?what do you think? 04.19.42 # its nice its nice its nice its nice its nice its bery nice 04.19.48 # :) 04.19.58 # :DDDD 04.20.09 # nahhh... your just saying that..... 04.20.24 # dont pull it :) 04.20.33 # i dont read much, so im not the most requesting user out there 04.20.42 # but its a really nice addition 04.20.56 # especially when you dont want to wait for the damn scroll 04.21.18 Join FingerSoup [0] (i=icechat5@S010600508df503dc.vs.shawcable.net) 04.21.31 Join smeagol1 [0] (n=smeagol@Barabise.ac.uva.nl) 04.21.35 # hello all 04.21.44 # hi 04.21.46 # ermm 04.21.47 # I have a problem with my Archos 04.21.52 # HD died 04.21.57 # yesss!! it's much faster and you can stop to read!... 04.22.09 # bleeding edge is acting funky 04.22.14 # try loading a custom wps 04.22.47 # what happend? 04.22.52 # freeze? 04.22.59 # no 04.23.04 # wps screen 04.23.04 # is 04.23.09 # mumbo jumboeed 04.23.21 # artists repeating all over the scrren and such 04.23.26 # let me see if its oyur patch 04.23.29 # Question re: UI Sim/H120/X11/cygwin - Is there a problem with playback, or is it just my system? 04.23.34 # hope it's not my fault. 04.24.10 # linuxstb, does sounds always builds nowdays, or you have to tell it to build? 04.24.55 # pink, for me it's the other way around, up until this trial wps was always looking bad for me 04.25.02 # I should mention, I get 1/2 secs of sound, then it goes kaput... if I wait long enough UISim crashes 04.25.13 # trial wps? 04.25.21 # I'm trying my own wps in development 04.26.03 # gotta pee 04.26.11 # until this trail (comma) blah blah blah 04.26.30 # trial ... 04.27.32 # XavierGr? 04.29.48 # is there any1 that can help me 04.29.57 # how 04.30.05 # you said hd died 04.30.10 # well 04.30.21 # i took it out of my archos recorder 04.30.27 # Ciao 04.30.29 Quit Membrillo ("CGI:IRC") 04.30.30 # and it appears to be working 04.30.42 # I can read it on my computer 04.30.51 # using a 2,5" drive 04.30.52 # did you scandsk it 04.30.58 # nope will do now 04.30.58 # the h320 rockbox is a thing of beauty 04.31.19 # i so want to buy a h320 now 04.31.31 # i have made my decisionm 04.32.17 # is it woking 100% now, or did Linus just get graphical output? 04.32.21 # heh 04.32.33 # probably just graphical outpur 04.32.34 # graph oout 04.32.47 # but that little bit shows a lot of promise 04.33.08 # it was very clean, simple looking 04.33.16 # pretty colors 04.33.17 # True... As do the reports of IPod Rockbox... 04.33.34 # scandisk is running, but if that does not give problems 04.33.38 # what then 04.33.47 # i thought that an iPod rockbox cannot happen 04.33.54 # Smeagol1 - Check your connections 04.34.15 # because of the IP governing the portalplayer chips 04.34.19 # i used the AC only and still if gives a problem 04.34.28 # check the rockbox webpage. IPod Nano, etc... 04.34.41 # and you were wrong 04.34.53 # anything that linux run on, rb can run on too :) 04.35.18 # cool.. when's the X86 port coming? 04.35.32 # can't wait to boot into rockbox and play off my audigy2 04.35.33 # heh..... It's here. It's the UISimulator 04.35.38 # i gess i was 04.35.50 # audigy 2 is no good 04.35.51 # but you didnt have to be all in my face about it 04.36.07 # unfortunately, I can't get sound to work in it 04.36.07 # its like ipod :) 04.36.19 # heh 04.37.14 # how about getting rockbox to run on ipod shuffle, lol 04.38.08 # ... 04.38.15 # im off 04.38.21 # mofoGX - Someone must have seriously asked that question. It's on the page as well. Alas, the shufffle will NOT be supported. I'm heartbroken... :P 04.38.22 # btw 04.38.27 # it wasnt your fault 04.38.34 # bleeding edge kill wpss 04.38.52 # FingerSoup: which connections 04.38.59 Quit pinkutank () 04.39.14 # geez 04.39.16 # but i think that the h320 rb shows promise 04.39.21 # i've made about $360 this week 04.39.30 # looks like I'll be getting my 4400 soon 04.39.53 # imagine album art support, mpc, ogg, mp3 04.40.34 # probably a decent meta db 04.40.46 # smeagol1 - any connection between your archos and your HD. Moth circuit-board side, and HD side... 04.40.54 # err both 04.41.32 # Make sure your wires aren't chewed either... 04.42.04 # How'd your HD stop working anyways? 04.42.20 # i do not know 04.42.32 # did you drop it? or did it just randomly stop? 04.42.36 # if i turn on the unit it stops after 1 second 04.42.39 # After a charge? 04.42.46 # yes I charged it 04.42.53 # was it raining? 04.42.58 # the hd is just fine 04.43.09 # no it was not raining 04.43.34 # Is your power clean? have you ever opened your archos before? 04.43.46 # nope i opened it now 04.43.57 # do you have the ability to test another HD? 04.43.58 # b/c i thought the hd was dead 04.44.07 # in the Archos that is... 04.44.10 # yes I can test several other hds 04.44.37 # only they are bigger disks 04.44.46 # i do not have a 20 gb disk 04.44.51 # only 60 gb disks 04.44.52 # try another FAT32 formatted drive in the Archos. if it sees it, then it may be a dead controller, not a dead HD... 04.45.10 # dead controller is bad news 04.45.46 # Yes. But I don't know if the Archos can run a larger HD....I'm an IRiver user... 04.46.47 # if i do not put a hd in the unit it does give an error about a missing drive, it does not give that error when there is a drive hooked on to the unit 04.47.33 # ok, but when you have a HD connected, can you read it? 04.47.40 # nope 04.47.45 # unit freezes 04.48.12 # i have no batteries connected 04.48.20 # as soon as I connect the AC 04.48.31 # it says charging batteries 04.48.38 # if I hit the on buttor 04.48.43 # it freezes 04.49.11 # hrm. dunno. Out of options. have you checked the circuit board for burned traces/chips? sounds like something is fried, if it is mis-diagnosing batteries... 04.49.12 # I hear a 'ticking' sound 04.49.31 # hard drive is trying to spin? 04.49.42 # that's probably your HD thrashing it's heads. not good for the HD. 04.50.11 Part XavierGr 04.50.26 # so I am out of options 04.50.26 # if your controller/BIOS is fried, then it may be a crossed signal giving bad commands to your HD. 04.50.27 Quit BirdFish ("back in a minute") 04.50.40 # unit is dead and I should move on 04.51.00 # I am out of options. Someone else may be able to help you. Just look for traces of physical damage inside the unit... 04.51.08 # nighty (morning) all! 04.51.22 # thank you anyways 04.51.29 # you may have to. I am no expert, only giving basic troubleshooting options... 04.51.44 # np. 04.52.24 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1360892&group_id=44306&atid=439120 04.52.35 Quit lamed ("CGI:IRC") 04.55.20 # Can anyone tell me if MP3 Playback on the UISimulator for H120 in Cygwin works or not? 05.01.07 Quit FingerSoup ("Do fish get thirsty?") 05.01.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.02.43 # how do I search the rockboxx mailing list 05.06.57 Join BirdFish [0] (n=bradbox8@ 05.20.54 Quit smeagol1 ("BitchX: the Cadillac of all clients") 05.33.50 Join jaydpb [0] (n=4432b355@labb.contactor.se) 05.49.58 Quit jaydpb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 05.53.24 Quit RotAtoR ("zzzzzz") 06.30.21 Part webguest31 06.31.12 Join Coldtoast [0] (n=edan@ppp110-249.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net) 06.31.31 # hey. so is the h300 bootloader ready to go? 06.51.03 # how is the progress on the iPod rockbox? 06.51.30 # bah, one thing at a time! 06.51.34 # h300 first :P 07.01.13 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.05.21 Part webguest10 07.06.17 # ok...ok.. 07.06.34 # but do you know where i can obtain a fresh h300? 07.07.14 # they still sell alot here in aus 07.07.29 # oh dun worry bout my previous comments 07.07.43 # i have no idea when any version is getting done 07.08.00 # but a huge thanks to the rockbkx guys for doing what they do 07.08.36 # just waitin gfor a bootloader for the h300. I see h300 support has been added to fwpatcher 07.08.55 # ever see any h1x0's for sale where you are cannard? 07.09.34 # nah, the last h1x0 i saw was mine when i took it back to get it fixed and those bastards gave me a h300! 07.09.59 # there's one here. in Stallards 07.10.09 # wheres stallards? 07.10.11 # 740 smackers tho 07.10.35 # Stallards Camera House 07.10.57 # 740?!?! damn 07.11.08 # yeah. I paid $630 for mine last Nov 07.11.14 # with h300 rockbox around the corner doesnt really seem worth it 07.11.41 # well, it depends tho. If you want optical, you'd still buy it I guess 07.12.19 # hah i paid 675 for mine in june or something, then 3 weeks before the warranty expired i 'accidently' (my experiment went wrong) plugged my tunecast addapter into it 07.12.39 Join stu3 [0] (n=stu3@203-217-54-37.dyn.iinet.net.au) 07.12.41 # and it stopped working, i bet them bastards kept it cause rockbox was about to be released! and gave me a h300 07.12.43 # is that an FM tuner? 07.12.47 # yeah 07.12.57 # well, FM transmitter 07.13.04 # how did that ruin it tho? 07.13.27 # not adapter i meant cigarette lighter charger thing! 07.13.31 # 12v 07.13.32 # aaah! 07.13.35 # yeah :| 07.13.42 # not one of my greatest moments 07.13.51 # why would you even THINK about doing that? heh 07.14.15 # you don't have blonde hair do you? 07.14.21 # hahah maybe.. 07.14.25 # :) 07.14.56 # I need to contact iriver I think. Just realised I have about 2 weeks left on my warranty and the HDD has become noisy 07.15.05 # i was hung over and didnt charge it for a 7 hour drive home, you'd think it would have diode voltage protection or something 07.15.13 # be careful, you will get a h300 07.15.30 # that'll be fine 07.15.45 # you could always just buy a bigg hd for it? 07.15.58 # where abouts in aus? 07.15.58 # well, even tho the h300 is one of the uglier DAPs 07.16.03 # Tas 07.16.20 # ahh ok 07.16.25 # I'm not paying $200+ for a new HDD if I can get something done under warranty 07.16.40 # hmm does iriver look after your warranty? or c.r.kennedy? 07.16.52 # c.r.kennedy I'm pretty sure 07.18.01 # except for keeping my h140 the guy i dealt with there was pretty good, even marked urgent on the repair, though it prolly meant nothing 07.18.30 # did you email or phone them? 07.18.46 # i phoned them, then i drove down there and said, oi fix this! 07.19.19 # it'll be a bit of a pain tosend mine. have to change the battery back to the original 07.19.28 # ahh ok 07.19.39 # what battery did you change it too? 07.19.47 # and I dunno if a noisy HDD would even be covered 07.19.56 # 2200mAH one 07.20.43 # you could always brick it so it doesnt start up and then it wouldnt matter? 07.20.54 # thankfully, when you dismantly the player it doesn't break any stickers or anything 07.21.16 # well, I might want to put the battery in teh replacement tho 07.21.35 # how much did the battery cost? 07.21.41 # $26 07.21.44 # but even so 07.21.57 # im interested in doing something similar 07.22.07 # you'd NEVER regret it 07.22.12 # it's great 07.22.22 # I rarely ever seem to have to charge it 07.22.34 # hmm though i dont use my h300 now, since im always at the computer 07.22.52 # though rockbox could change that! 07.23.37 # I wear mine to the gym, while iI train and then for the 40min walk home from the gym 07.24.02 # I pretty much never leave the house without mine 07.24.40 # surely iriver would just replace the HDD in mine tho. it's just noisy 07.24.46 # i hope so 07.24.54 # there's nothing wrong with the player at all 07.26.38 # ever heard of Thirsty Merc? 07.26.50 # heard of them, but i dont think ive heard them 07.27.09 # we had them play last night at work. Supported by Dead Abigails 07.27.16 # prolly on the radio 07.27.20 # they were pretty good 07.27.22 # where you work? 07.27.26 # nightclub 07.27.52 # we have Steve Earle (remember him?) Monday week 07.28.01 # $57 for a ticket tho 07.28.12 # steve earle? 07.28.36 # if you ever ask anybody what Steve Earl songs they've heard, the only one anybody can ever remember is Copperhead Road 07.28.48 # maybe you're too young? 07.29.04 # haha i hope so! or im missing out on a lot :p 07.29.38 # I'm probably just old enough to have heard the last BIG song he had 07.29.50 # maybe before Copperhead Road, I was too young to take any notice 07.30.00 # how old are you? 07.30.04 # 32 07.30.56 # ahh fair enough 07.31.12 # GOD this vid I'm watching is great 07.31.19 # ever heard of Toni Lloret? 07.31.35 # err nope 07.31.45 # what has she starred in? or sung? 07.31.56 # he's a guitarist 07.32.10 # you've heard of Steve Vai tho? 07.32.38 # haha much has happened in the 6 years seperating us! 07.32.39 # http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7920824004094969155&q=steve+vai is Toni Lloret playing a Steve Vai song 07.35.23 # ahhh crap 07.35.32 # damn my 64kbs bandwidth cap! 07.35.38 # awwwww 07.36.09 # 6 hours togo to the next billing month! 07.36.15 # so i'll watch it then 07.36.23 # ok 07.36.40 # its been a long month... 07.36.40 # man. it's great to have WPS for the remote, btw 07.36.51 # you have rockbox? 07.36.54 # how is it? 07.36.58 # yeah. I have a h140 07.37.17 # well, I've not used the iriver firmware for ages 07.37.41 # i never got a chance to try it 07.37.57 # there's pretty much only one thing the iriver fw has tht makes it better 07.38.10 # not overall, just better in ona area 07.38.26 # and that's the SRS stuff 07.38.29 # ahh ok 07.38.46 # hmm thats really a love it or hate it setting 07.39.26 # depends on the person tho. some ppl hate it. But I was using SRS to fatten the sound up. it also seems to open the sound up 07.39.31 # with my earphones 07.39.36 # definitely 07.40.03 # other than that tho, there's LITERALLY not a thing that's better about the iriver firmware 07.40.32 # cool, i cant wait 07.40.50 # you'll really love it 07.41.19 # and the fact you can create your own WPS ices the cake 07.41.35 Join mashalla [0] (n=dj-dave@p5498C1EC.dip.t-dialin.net) 07.44.22 # its going to be interesting indeed 07.44.30 # yep 07.47.02 # where did you get the battery from? 07.47.09 # ebay 07.47.14 # it's an ipod battery 07.47.56 # I know how easy it is to install in a h140 but I gather it's abit trickier to dismantle a h300 07.48.24 # so it'd be a good idea to research that I think 07.48.49 # heh i think so 07.48.49 Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-123-206.VIC.netspace.net.au) 07.48.56 # theres no warranty on this one i think 08.14.22 Quit mashalla (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.17.49 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=paulthen@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 08.51.50 # morning 09.00.29 Quit Paul_The_Nerd ("Chatzilla 0.9.68a [Firefox 1.0.7/20050915]") 09.01.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.08.07 Quit uski (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.08.47 Join FingerSoup [0] (i=icechat5@S010600508df503dc.vs.shawcable.net) 09.09.11 # Hey all. Any devs here? 09.10.00 Quit FingerSoup (Client Quit) 09.19.12 # <^BeN^> mmmm 09.19.21 # <^BeN^> what is the fwpatcher utility? 09.32.05 Quit Maxime (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.37.14 Quit mofoGX (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 09.38.09 Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) 09.47.32 Join Sando [0] (i=lolsteam@ 09.52.02 Join webguest67 [0] (n=864c0334@labb.contactor.se) 09.52.04 # Slasheri: I'm not sure whether your ticking reduction method is a good idea. It costs considerably more CPU time, so much that it adds the same ugly lag when scrolling long lists that before happened in radio mode only 09.52.20 # ...and was reduced by my asm-optimised transfer 09.54.05 # The problem is most likely caused by bad shielding within the remote and/or the cable, and a proper fix would be to get a ticking remote replaced by iriver 09.54.37 # I also thought about an emi-reduced transfer method, but with a different approach 09.55.22 # ...using variable timing between 2 bit transitions, and never changing more than one bit at a time in the same direction 09.56.02 # Unfortunately I can't really test; my remote doesn't tick... 09.56.05 # amiconn: that is why i added it as an option.. 09.56.32 # but it compensates with the cpu speed and shouldn't add considerably ui lag 09.56.45 # It does, I tried 09.56.49 # oh :/ 09.57.00 # weird.. i will try more testing soon 09.57.12 # Scroll through a lot directory listing, then stop 09.57.24 # It keeps scrolling several lines further 09.58.51 # Oh, and btw, you broke all iriver sims... 10.00.02 # :( i fix that soon, eating something first -> 10.15.49 Join mofoGX [0] (n=mofo@064-084-110-024.alt.wireless.cust.winbeam.com) 10.21.30 Quit webguest67 ("CGI:IRC") 10.21.39 Join webguest67 [0] (n=864c0334@labb.contactor.se) 10.24.56 Join webguest45 [0] (n=d5654ab4@labb.contactor.se) 10.25.07 # hello guys ! 10.25.38 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD4BB2.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.26.16 # i just read on misticriver that you have the bootloader ready, but you cant listen to music on it ? what can you do with the bootloader right now? is it avaible for download? 10.28.03 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 10.28.04 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD4BB2.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.28.37 # whoever said it was ready jumped the gun, i daresay 10.29.42 # haha 10.31.35 # but what is the H3xx - boot in the daily builds? 10.32.10 # It's a h3xx bootloader build 10.32.26 # webguest45: it's the bootloader build. even tho it builds, it's not in the slightest garunteed to patch or work 10.32.32 Join eli_sherer [0] (n=eli@IGLD-84-228-234-144.inter.net.il) 10.32.36 # it's just whether or not it compiles without warnings or errors 10.32.41 # The fact that it builds w/o warning does only mean that, it doesn't mean that it will actually work 10.32.49 # checking out a non-sanctioned release of the bootloader is not a good idea 10.33.32 # but do you know when we will get the pre-realese version of rockbox ?:D 10.33.55 # Check the channel topixc 10.35.14 # sorry but im a n00b, wher can i check that ?:S 10.35.33 # no pre-release... 10.36.07 # i dont know what about you but i wont upload a pre-release to my iriver... 10.36.24 # so there will be no pre-realese like the h1xx? we have to wait until its finished ? 10.37.14 # webguest45: you have to wait until it's functional enough. when a working bootloader can be constructed that's reasonably expected not to brick a player, a build will be uploaded to the wiki by Linus 10.37.23 # thats because linus have a US version and not an international so it will be better to wait until it be checked on all of the version with md5 sum and then we try it... 10.37.37 # with pre-realese i mean like that one that we have on the h1xx now:D 10.37.49 # yeah, waiting for a few sacrificial lambs to test on both the us and international versions would be wise 10.38.38 # i hope it wont take long ! i cant wait !! 10.38.55 # and i see that linus is working very hard on this :D 10.39.19 # i daresay http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverBoot would be the page to watch, along with http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverStatus 10.39.20 # if you really want to see it in action...make the win32-sim and run the h300 rom... 10.40.01 # The sim doesn't run a rom, it's not an emulator 10.40.18 Join petur [0] (i=petur@d54C2B033.access.telenet.be) 10.40.22 # i meant the boot sorry 10.40.39 # Same thing 10.41.20 # The simulator is just rockbox built natively for unix/x11 or windows, showing the rockbox ui and allowing higher-level development 10.41.33 # eli_sherer: the simulator is just an x86 compiled version of the firmware, with some glue to hook it up to a virtual LCD and keyboard etc 10.41.36 # it's not an interpreter 10.41.56 # (well, x86 on x86 platforms, it works on ppc too iirc) 10.42.43 # but the only thing i have to download is the h300 win installer ? or do i have to downbload rockbox 2.5 installer ? 10.43.58 # The win installer is for installing rockbox on target, and has nothing to do with the sims 10.44.22 # However, it doesn't install any of the iriver targets yet, only archos 10.44.27 # but where to find the sims? 10.44.38 # ...and the official build still isn't repaired :( 10.45.02 # The sims aren't available for download; you have to build them from the source 10.45.24 # got a problem building: LD rockbox.elf: build/apps/lang.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized - any ideas? 10.45.27 # okee, tnx for your support:D 10.51.00 Join me [0] (n=502c4f5e@labb.contactor.se) 10.52.40 # petur: what target are you building for, compiler version, etc 10.53.25 # crosscompiler 4.0.2, target was H3x0 10.55.35 # * petur is sorry for being new to this way of building - spoiled by IDE development 10.55.52 # petur: you know the H3x0 isn't a viable target yet, right? 10.56.05 Join Mxm`Pas`Bien [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) 10.56.06 Quit Maxime (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.56.14 # you mean it doesn't build yet? 10.56.21 # i mean it doesn't RUN yet 10.57.37 # yes... I want to join development as I recently got a H340 and like to mess around with HW ;) 10.57.47 # aah. 10.57.57 # well, waiting for a known working bootloader is a wise idea 10.58.08 # if the simulator wasn't broken atm (in cvs HEAD anyway), i'd suggest that. 10.58.11 # * ashridah looks at Slasheri 10.58.40 # yeah, but I want to get up to speed with this way of building by the time it's available... 10.59.20 # fair enough 10.59.30 # well. the H3x0 build works here. 10.59.38 # which binutils did you use? 10.59.50 # any screenshots? 10.59.57 # followed the wiki guidelines 11.00.39 # mofoGX: of? 11.00.53 Quit webguest45 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 11.01.17 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.02.49 # Slasheri: It's just cosmetic, but the config-.h files are divided in two sections, with the general #defines at the top and the #ifndef SIMULATOR ones further down. No need to introduce additional #ifndef SIMULATOR 11.03.39 Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ 11.03.41 # amiconn: Oh, i didn't notice that. Fixing :) 11.04.05 # petur: well, i'm using gcc 4.0.2, and binutils 2.15.94 or so and it's working here. well. building here 11.05.43 # gcc 4.0.x isn't recommended for any target so far 11.06.21 # I have binutils 2.16 as explained in the wiki. Will rebuild myself a 3.4.4 crosscompiler 11.06.22 # petur: what does 'file' say that lang.o file is? 11.07.52 # sorry to be an idiot: what's 'file' 11.09.22 # petur: i probably should have asked first. what platform are you compiling on? cygwin? linux? mac? 11.09.55 # cygwin on W2K 11.10.49 # aah 11.11.21 # well, cygwin might have come with a utility called 'file' 11.11.34 # none found :( 11.11.37 # if you run it against a file, it attempts to determine stuff about it, ie, the data type, etc 11.11.39 # ah well. 11.12.43 # why yes, i can take a look at it, thanks for asking 11.12.47 # * ashridah looks at petur 11.13.07 # being lazy - sorry 11.13.23 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD783C.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.13.42 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 11.13.42 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD783C.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.13.44 # okay 11.13.47 # there's something wrong here 11.13.49 # $ file lang.o 11.13.49 # lang.o: 80386 COFF executable not stripped - version 30821 11.13.57 # that file hasn't been built by a cross compiler 11.14.10 # ok 11.14.24 # $ file apps/lang.o 11.14.24 # apps/lang.o: ELF 32-bit MSB relocatable, Motorola 68020, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped 11.14.30 # for example is from my H3x0 build 11.14.51 # ashridah, petur: 'file' is available for cygiwn, just not installed by default 11.15.09 # will have a look what's going wrong 11.15.14 # try typing 'm68k-elf-gcc --version' and make sure that exists. 11.15.38 # the other thing to check is that you selected a 'normal' H3x0 build 11.16.29 # got the correct compiler alright, will remove all output and rebuild 11.23.37 # * petur shouldn't have tried to build the sim and the target in the same build directory 11.25.05 # rofl, that would help ;) 11.25.22 # but yeah, keep them separate, otherwise the build system won't realise some of the files need to be rebuilt 11.26.17 # found out the hard way.. ah well, learning all the time... 11.27.02 # ashridah: thanks a lot for helping! 11.27.14 # np 11.28.24 # linuxstb_: Do you have a front scan of your ipod color and or a nano? 11.29.17 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.29.21 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 11.31.44 Join Lear [0] (n=chatzill@h73n11c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) 11.32.53 Join noc [0] (n=irc@tor/session/x-46bb9c0ca644ca6e) 11.34.38 Quit noc (Client Quit) 11.42.36 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) 11.43.11 # amiconn: regarding the ticking remote, iriver did offer replacements, but they replaced the player, not the remote 11.43.41 # so it is the player that is broken, and not the remote 11.43.51 Part LinusN 11.45.32 Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc0b8.b.pppool.de) 11.47.00 # g'mornin 11.47.37 # Ah, so that's the ticking the fix is about... 11.48.36 # Btw, the new WPS "widgets" don't work too well with logf builds, but I'm not quite sure which fix (of two simple ones) is the best... 11.49.26 # Lear: Iiuc TiMiD wants to work on the wps widget code anyway 11.49.48 # "liuc"? 11.50.22 # Iirc of course 11.50.30 # But it is a simple fix really, just changing a couple of preprocessor statements... 11.50.31 # Iiuc == if I understand correctly 11.51.02 # Ah, read that as "LIUC"... :) 11.51.38 # Bad font... 11.52.17 # Not unusual problem with sans-serifs... 11.53.23 # I'm using a sans-serif font, but the capital I still has small serifs 11.53.41 # Verdana 11.56.35 # Hm.. A bit wide for my taste... 11.57.31 Join jaydpb [0] (n=4432b355@labb.contactor.se) 11.58.37 Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=3b112820@labb.contactor.se) 11.58.52 # hi 11.59.54 Quit Jungti1234 (Client Quit) 12.03.26 # dows the windows sim need extra stuff in the /archos folder? 12.04.25 Join jelle-k [0] (n=jelle-k@jelle-online.xs4all.nl) 12.04.51 # amiconn whats zwischenablage in english? 12.05.00 # clipboard 12.05.40 # cheers :D 12.08.52 Quit me ("CGI:IRC") 12.20.40 Join NicoFR [0] (n=nico404@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) 12.22.00 Quit DMJC-L ("Leaving") 12.27.28 Quit eli_sherer () 12.30.26 Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) 12.34.18 Quit Mxm`Pas`Bien (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.38.07 Join pinkutank [0] (n=ddd@ 12.38.51 # anyone familiar with the partition table of h120? 12.39.11 # I was going to repartition it do get rid of some bad sectors 12.39.18 Quit Maxime () 12.39.18 # what is the ideal cluster size 12.43.20 # hoo hoo 12.46.02 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) 12.46.10 # pinkutank: use large clusters 12.46.46 # what is the issue with the "signed char police"? 12.48.11 # do we have a problem with chars in our current targets? 12.50.53 # i suspect that the ARM platform has unsigned chars as default 12.51.00 # yes 12.51.10 # then i suggest we use -fsigned-char instead of policing the code 12.51.34 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.51.38 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 12.52.14 Join mashalla [0] (i=mashalla@p5498C1EC.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.53.06 # LinusN: Seems you scared linuxstb_ ... 12.53.16 # hehe 12.53.59 # LinusN: Yes, ARM chars are unsigned by default. 12.54.18 # then i suggest we use -fsigned-char instead of policing the code 12.54.24 # is there anyway to create bitmap fonts from suitable fonts 12.55.20 Quit paugh (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 12.55.29 # pinkutank: http://crl.nmsu.edu/~mleisher/ttf2bdf.html 12.56.05 # then you use the convbdf tool to create the rockbox font 12.56.37 # afk 12.57.38 # LinusN: I don't think we need to do that - I should have fixed all the problems related to unsigned chars now. I also think it's cleaner to say "signed char" when that is what you need. 12.58.03 Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) 13.00.00 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 13.00.05 # LinusN: So it's the iriver itself that causes the ticking remote... I wonder what iriver did wrong there. Either bad shielding, or connected analog & digital ground, methinks 13.00.13 # Do you have such a h1x0? 13.00.54 Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 13.00.55 # i dont 13.01.21 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.02.27 # iirc, the ticking problem was not that common... 13.02.34 # linuxstb: Hmm, that might cause problems because I have for example supposed chars, ints etc. will be always signed 13.02.55 # int and long are always signed 13.03.09 # char can be signed or unsigned depending on the platform 13.03.13 # And i think almost everybody else have supposed that way when coding 13.03.17 # ah, good 13.03.25 Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.04.15 # In some places where it is important, I already used 'signed char' explicitly 13.04.23 # (nothing relevant for ipod though) 13.04.31 # iirc, signed chars are more common 13.04.50 # yes 13.05.05 # probably because x86 is so common 13.05.17 # iirc powerpc has unsigned chars as well 13.06.22 # well, since we aim for portable code, perhaps we should do the policing... 13.07.02 # * amiconn wonders whether it's worth reporting more gcc bugs :( 13.07.31 Nick Lear is now known as Lear_away (n=chatzill@h73n11c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) 13.07.40 Quit webguest67 ("CGI:IRC 0.5.4 (2004/01/29)") 13.07.55 # amiconn: why 13.07.57 # ? 13.09.32 # Well, all comments I've got so far for the weak alias problem sound like 'your code is hackish, do it in a different way' etc 13.09.55 # Nothing like acknowledging the actual problem 13.10.06 Join ep0ch| [0] (n=ep0ch|@ 13.11.04 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 13.11.23 # Slasheri: Hello, I think the new buffering is a little on the buggy side - crashed my player once or twice last night. 13.12.16 # ep0ch|: Hmm, interesting. Are you sure it's related to that? I will try to do a longer testing 13.12.43 # Slasheri: well it was the first build i tried in about 3 days 13.12.44 # The buffering itself hasn't changed, only some defines how much to buffer at the first time 13.14.28 Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc1e8.b.pppool.de) 13.16.30 Join uski [0] (n=uski@ALagny-151-1-36-52.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr) 13.16.43 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.17.54 # well i can't replicate now... 13.19.01 # linuxstb__: If ARMv4 doesn't have SETEND, then how do you specify if it's big or small endian? 13.19.41 # if anyone has the time can someone create a code that margins scrolling text in wps' 13.20.04 # markun: As preglow said yesterday, probably via a control register. There must be some way to do it. 13.20.16 # It's just that there is no explicit instruction to do it. 13.23.07 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.31.01 Join webguest89 [0] (n=836f0861@labb.contactor.se) 13.31.07 Join Febs [0] (n=cfac7a51@labb.contactor.se) 13.32.48 Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@szgt-d9b8e38d.pool.mediaWays.net) 13.33.08 Quit webguest89 (Client Quit) 13.33.12 Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp12-adsl-80.ath.forthnet.gr) 13.35.22 Quit NicoFR () 13.36.33 Join modafroman [0] (n=subatomi@CPE-138-130-209-123.qld.bigpond.net.au) 13.39.20 Nick Lear_away is now known as Lear (n=chatzill@h73n11c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) 13.39.37 # amiconn: Slasheri's ticking fix works great aside from the UI lag that appears when the CPU is on 45Mhz or idle. 13.40.00 # His fix doesn't influence behaviour in idle mode 13.40.10 # But please if ou have another better fix give it a try, I will gladly make some tests for it, as my remote ticks like hell. 13.40.25 # i know i will get told to look at the topic, but, we any closer to getting h300? 13.40.30 Part ep0ch| 13.40.37 # Idle mode uses my asm optimised transfer, which isn't changed by his fix 13.40.54 # Idle is 11 or 45mhz? 13.40.56 # 11 13.41.10 # well idle appears in radio screen no? 13.41.16 # yes 13.41.25 # well there is a lot of lag there too. 13.41.31 # The optimised transfer lowers the lag, but doesn't manage to avoid it 13.41.37 # but I guess that this was the kcase before the fix 13.41.41 # yepp 13.41.59 # This lag was the reason why I wrote the optimised transfer 13.42.05 # when there is no playback there is significant lag on the filetree itself 13.42.13 # yes 13.42.18 # That's at 45 MHz 13.42.23 # this disappears as playback starts due to the higher CPU frequencies 13.42.35 # ...and doesn't happen with tick reduction switched off 13.42.51 # do you have a better solution for it? 13.42.55 # Playback switches between 45 MHz and 124 MHz as needed 13.43.52 # I have an idea (which will also lower the transfer speed, but not as much) 13.44.17 # well if you have time please give it a try, and I can make the tests. 13.44.28 # I can't really test it (well I can test whether the display works ok, but not whether it avoids ticking) 13.44.53 # do you think that this issue can be easily fixed by a hardware mod on main unit? 13.48.34 # XavierGr: a hardware mod would fix it 13.48.47 Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) 13.49.02 # only connect two series resistors between audio hot wires and ground should do it 13.49.06 # Slasheri: Your remote does tick? 13.49.09 # i haven't tried that yet 13.49.15 # amiconn: yes, very loudly 13.49.23 # well if you try it please take some pictures of it 13.49.30 # I am very interested about it 13.49.32 # XavierGr: ok, i will do :) 13.49.43 # also reminds me of the other issue I have 13.49.52 # some times the sound gets duller 13.49.58 # like an audio connection is loose 13.50.30 # the same problem had another guy from here, I just don't remember who. thegeek are you the person I am talking about? 13.50.43 # I think he fixed that by resoldering some connections 13.51.17 # XavierGr: hmm, weird. Sounds like a hardware issue too 13.51.30 # yes it is definetelly 13.51.31 # probably a bad soldering 13.51.43 # it comes around when I poke the connector 13.52.09 # you should try to resolder everything near the connector 13.52.11 # When I opened my unit I recall that all the soldering connections were very bad. 13.52.20 # :/ 13.52.23 # is the ticking an issue with the actual remotes (ie not the main unit)? if so, I've got a few remotes, but i haven't listened to all of them...might check them all out to see if i've got any duds. 13.52.37 # All the connections were like blobs of solder 13.52.45 # It's a problem within the main unit according to LinusN 13.53.10 # ah. hokay. thanks amiconn/linusN. 13.53.12 # I remember sites on soldering techniques that showed this way of soldering very bad 13.54.17 # xavier oyu talking about 120? 13.54.37 # h140 13.54.46 # or to be more accurate iHP-140 13.56.18 # * whatboutbob jumps topics: have lots of ppl requested one button track queueing? 13.56.27 Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.58.25 # its just that i've got 2 listening methods. full albums, or start playing one track, get bored and queue up maybe 10 songs for a short commute. 13.59.14 # would be nice if there a one-button click to queue songs (yeah...i know...i'm lazy) 13.59.33 # whatboutbob: like in the original fw.. yeah would be great :x 13.59.48 # kinda like with the iriver f/w rec button...but for multiple tracks 14.00.00 # (not just one) 14.01.02 Quit cannard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.01.18 # whats with the bleeding edghe and wpss 14.01.22 # everytyhig looks messed 14.02.28 Quit mashalla () 14.02.50 # pinkutank: maybe your font has changed? 14.06.21 # Bagder: The wps build script creates an image folder even for wps'es that don't use images 14.06.31 # oh, and is it just me screwing up compiling causing no wps to be included in the build? make zip results in: ('no wps module present, can't do the WPS magic') 14.06.39 Join len0x [0] (i=user@du213-130-141-21.as15444.net) 14.06.58 Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.07.25 Join hshah [0] (n=hshah@hirenshah.plus.com) 14.07.41 # whatboutbob: You need to check out the wps module from CVS. It's at the same level as apps, firmware, tools etc 14.07.45 Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.08.31 # anyone having a problem with their wps... 14.09.08 # problems with WPS? noooo :) 14.09.19 # mine is duplicating the top line twice... 14.09.25 # with the latest cvs build 14.09.31 # see my forum pist... 14.09.44 # I was sarcastic 14.10.06 # so... its a known problem then? 14.10.19 # linuxstb_: i'm a cvs noob. i just followed the guide to compiling. cvs up -dP won't get the wps module? 14.10.42 # "cvs co wps" 14.10.50 # there a lot of issues popping up with new wps code (or old WPS's) 14.10.51 # ^ run that without the quotes 14.10.59 # thanks guys 14.11.17 # hmm... 14.11.39 # i can't see why the top line is being duplicated on the next line though :s 14.13.38 # what's your wps ? 14.13.54 Quit mofoGX () 14.14.03 # I get al kind of problems 14.14.09 # I was just building one 14.14.12 # havent uplaoded yet 14.14.41 # len0x: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=1874.0 14.16.04 Part petur 14.16.42 Join lamed [0] (n=52a6f590@labb.contactor.se) 14.16.59 # I've just been browsing the new WPS archive in CVS for the first time, and must say I'm impressed with both the designs and how customisable Rockbox has become. 14.17.37 # good afternoon everyone. 14.17.55 # linuxstb_: oh, hey, those flacs that weren't playing last night are now playing fine. 14.18.01 # has anyone tried my patch? 14.18.11 # whatboutbob: Very strange. 14.18.13 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1360892&group_id=44306&atid=439120 14.18.26 # urgh 14.18.35 # whatboutbob: But you're right - my test file is now playing..... 14.18.35 # ...with the bleeding edge build... 14.18.48 # Yes, I've just installed an up-to-date build as well. 14.19.15 # didn't see anything in the commits about flacs. *shrugs* 14.19.42 # why o why is my wps broken :( 14.20.07 # oh, and i can now confirm that the flacs didn't have a id3 tag at all... 14.20.34 # (so it wasn't just id3v2 buggering things) 14.20.57 # linuxstb__: a lot of the times I hear people saying: "I'll have to discuss that with the other devs", right? 14.21.01 # Maybe the original bug that showed itself with dbpoweramp files temporarily returned - this was a problem in the core playback code, but dbpoweramp FLAC files were the only ones that caused a problem. 14.23.39 # holy crap, does 48kHz recording actually work? 14.23.48 # * whatboutbob just stumbled across the setting... 14.23.52 # lamed: Yes, that's the general Rockbox approach. Why do you ask? 14.24.09 # btw, who's Miika?(is he around here) 14.24.14 # slasheri 14.24.24 # len0x: did u manage to have a look at my wps? 14.27.34 Quit len0x (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.27.49 Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 14.27.58 Join webguest28 [0] (n=d4406110@labb.contactor.se) 14.28.03 Quit DMJC ("Leaving") 14.28.15 Join len0x [0] (n=len0x@mobileweb08.london.02.net) 14.28.51 # I have downloaded the latest Bleeding edge and my wps is broken, where are the changes to that ? 14.29.13 # Miika seems to broke previous track navigation... 14.29.32 # i fixed a few bugs in the wpws code, and it may affect the wps'es that have worked around it 14.29.42 # i know i will get told to look at the topic, but, we any closer to getting h300? 14.30.39 # modafroman: we decided to turn rockbox into a web browser instead. 14.30.39 # modafroman: as close as new ir legislation... 14.30.45 # :) 14.30.51 # ah ok, are the changes documented 14.30.59 # ir legislation? 14.31.15 # you're an aussie arentcha? 14.31.18 DBUG Enqueued KICK len0x 14.31.18 # 05LinusN:01 exactly what I said here: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=1866.0 :)01 14.31.20 # yes 14.31.34 # to young and rich to care about ir 14.31.37 # ... 14.31.39 # whatboutbob: try 'IR reform legislation' 14.31.57 # 'ir' is a little vague. it is an acronym, after all 14.32.09 # my bad :) 14.32.55 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 14.32.55 # * webguest28 heads off to read 'how to make a wps" doc's 14.34.06 Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc138.b.pppool.de) 14.34.23 # len0x: Hmm, how? 14.35.08 # dunno, but see here: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=1871.0 14.35.18 # ah, checking 14.35.18 # linuxstb__: so How do I start a talk about my recent patch..? 14.36.32 # lamed: You just start talking - either here on the dev mailing list 14.36.43 # s/on/or on/ 14.36.57 Join DJDD__ [0] (n=DJDD@220-245-186-182.static.tpgi.com.au) 14.37.35 # LinusN, in anticipation of the release of the H300 bootloader and a large influx of H300 users, I removed the installation instructions from the IriverBoot page. 14.37.49 # and put it where? 14.38.03 # I believe, as we talked about a while back, that returns the page to what you originally intended it to be. 14.38.54 # modafroman: go to the Rockbox wiki and type ManualRockboxInstall in the search box. 14.38.54 # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1360892&group_id=44306&atid=439120 14.39.14 # ahh 14.39.20 # ManualRockboxInstall has complete step-by-step instructions for installation on all supported platforms. 14.40.15 # lamed: Sorry, I didn't notice that. You also need to keep pestering people :) 14.40.32 Quit modafroman () 14.40.59 # * lamed is always a pests. 14.41.57 # lol 14.42.03 # wpss went haywire 14.42.05 # yay 14.43.15 # * amiconn wonders what change caused the win32 sims to become significantly smaller 14.45.14 # amiconn: as one of the people that have most helped me answering stupid questions, 14.45.23 # have you tried my patch? 14.45.59 # No 14.46.44 # lamed, when di you wake up 14.47.12 # lamed: My initial reaction is that it looks like a big diff for a small feature. 14.47.23 # You've also ignored the ipod parts of the code. 14.47.38 # your next patch should be customizable left and right margins for scrolling fields in wpss :) 14.47.52 # too many files to customize, that why its big I think 14.48.39 # but it works good 14.49.08 # I hope preglow resumes his work on eq sometime 14.49.28 # rb will be almighty with an presetable eq 14.49.40 # with quick switching via menuhold 14.49.49 Quit DJDD_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.50.06 # lamed: For one I don't see the point of it. The current line does scroll anyway. Then my next point is that a scrolled-right view should reset itself to leftmost when changing dirs 14.50.16 # Otherwise it would be very confusing 14.50.43 Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ 14.50.45 # i see the poing 14.50.47 # t 14.50.50 # and it is useful 14.50.56 # but resetting is a good idea 14.51.34 Quit len0x ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 14.52.13 # amiconn: and I wonder when the win32 sim started hogging the cpu... 14.52.59 # Well, it depends on how your files are organised. I have everything organised as (coarse)genre->artist->album, with the files just named trackno. title 14.53.29 # I have all albums under one folder that all 14.53.42 # For tracks which don't belong to an album there's a special 'Various Tracks' album, with just the trackname as filename 14.53.42 # win32 sim more than hugs it 14.53.42 # :D 14.53.46 Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 14.53.51 # im away 14.54.39 # The only case where I do have artist name - album name is for tracks that don't belong to an album and where I have less than 5 tracks of the same artist 14.54.47 # ..or for multi-artist albums 14.55.25 # Lear: Iirc this is since sim playback was introduced.. 14.55.40 # The change that I mean must have happened yesterday or today 14.56.11 # The win32 sims became ~700KB smaller 14.56.39 # amiconn: I'm assuming they still work perfectly? 14.57.04 # yes 14.57.41 # Has it happened to every sim? 14.58.04 # All win32 sims 14.59.04 Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 14.59.29 # Hmm, maybe this is due to my latest cygwin update 14.59.39 # It updated the mingw-runtime... 14.59.41 # That sounds most likely. 14.59.54 Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.00.08 # flac seeking no longer working? or just me? :) 15.00.46 # I broke it a while ago when I changed the decoder library. dbPowerAmp doesn't add seek tables to FLAC files.... 15.01.03 # The FLAC decoder now only seeks to the nearest seek point in the seek table. So if you have no seek table, it won't seek. 15.01.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.01.38 # You can use the "metaflac" command to add seek tables to your files. 15.02.03 # ah. cool. thanks. will do. 15.02.34 # linuxstb: This is definitely the cause... The last mingw-runtime package was ~1.3MB, both previous and current package are <250 KB 15.03.05 # How big is your H300 sim, for example? 15.03.19 # 2285KB 15.03.28 # (without simsound) 15.03.29 # My cross-compiled version is 2518610 bytes. 15.03.40 # does the wps file and icons have to be in a specific folder now ?, my wps doesn't display my icons 15.03.46 # (also without sound) 15.03.50 # (2339727 Bytes) 15.04.49 # I've fixed the button definitions, so we just need some ipod pictures to make the win32 sims work. 15.04.56 # yes 15.05.14 # ...and a slight fix for the swapped rgb565 15.05.36 # Do you have a scan of your ipod? 15.05.56 # No, but I could try and get my old scanner working and scan it later today. 15.06.11 # That would be nice 15.06.14 # We'll need preglow to do the same with the Nano. 15.06.26 # The fix is in fact simple 15.06.42 # The handling in screendump() needs fixing as well 15.07.10 # You added the swapped format, but left it as swap16() ... 15.07.12 # how do you guys enable sound in the simulator? 15.07.37 # This wouldn't work for an ipod sim on a big-endian machine 15.08.29 # We could just use htobe16() instead; this will in fact give little endian data with the swapped source data 15.10.36 # why does this NOT call the icon %xl|a|hm.bmp|57|1| 15.11.04 # linuxstb: so dbpoweramp neglects to make a seek table, but still wastes tons of space with padding?? 15.12.09 Quit DangerousDan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.12.10 # linuxstb: Btw, I wonder why the lcd data is swapped on ipod? Perhaps the apple firmware does run in big-endian mode? 15.12.19 # linuxstb: yes, it is a big diff for a small feature, but that was one of the best ways to do it. there could be some other quick-hacks to do that, but i wanted to make it something that looks organized. also, i have ignored the ipod parts just for now, because i wanted others to see my work and talk about it. it will be very simple to make the adjustments to the ipod lcd driver & bind the correct keys. 15.13.17 # amiconn: no, at the time I added win32 sim sound, I also changed it so that playback worked without hogging the cpu. and that worked for a while. 15.15.01 # wubbla: check autoconf.h 15.15.11 # amiconn: I'm sure that there are hundreds of users like me, that like to have complete ' - ' , which is always very long. in some folders, like "presidents of the united states of america" album folder... you are pretty darn lost of waiting the scroll thing to reach. second, about folder view, maybe you'r right, maybe it should always jump back to zero. i feel that this should be left to the user. 15.15.30 # argh! what's wrong with the win32 sim sound?! 15.15.50 # I'm just hearing noise 15.16.02 # *loud* noise 15.16.06 # preglow: Yep - dbpoweramp adds about 50KB of padding IIRC. 15.16.27 # Lear: thanks! i've already discovered that :-) 15.16.47 # any updateds on the H300? 15.17.06 # wubbla - same thing happend to me, just on the player (!) that was terrifying. 15.17.39 # in the log-window i get: simulator got no pcm 15.18.25 Quit ashridah ("Leaving") 15.18.55 Join DJDD_ [0] (n=DJDD@220-245-186-182.static.tpgi.com.au) 15.18.58 # what am i doing wrong there? 15.21.08 # wubbla: noise could be a plugin/core api mismatch. Make sure you've done a make install. 15.21.27 # Lear: yeah, i've done make install 15.22.00 # the thread handling isn't perfect; sometimes there's a delay in the pcm data from the codecs, causing those logs. 15.22.16 # so, what format did you try to play (and with which simulator)? 15.22.56 # win32 simulator, latest cvs-source, mp3 and ogg 15.23.53 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.24.30 # Lear: in the log i get: "simulator got no pcm" 15.27.13 # amiconn, linuxstb, responds? 15.28.53 # oh... 15.28.57 # it does work now :-) 15.29.05 # make clean && rbconf 15.29.13 # fixed the problem... 15.29.17 # rbconf? 15.29.28 # You mean configure? 15.29.33 # rbconf = ../tools/configure 15.29.33 # ../tools/configure 15.29.34 # yes 15.29.38 # cygwin alias 15.29.44 # lamed: I've got to go now, but I'll try and look at your patch in more detail later. 15.30.02 # i will appreciate that :) 15.31.36 # It also affects another change I was thinking of making - moving the generic scrolling code out of the lcd drivers. I'm sure you noticed that the scrolling code in lcd-recorder.c, lcd-h100.c and lcd-16bit.c is identical. 15.31.38 Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp12-adsl-80.ath.forthnet.gr) 15.31.58 # yes, nice idea 15.32.00 # Unless I'm mistaken about that. 15.32.02 # pinkutank - i've woke up at 15:00 ... and the thing you've said about scrolling fileds in wps isn't that far out. I've thought about making the lcd driver looking a bit different then now, giving it the posibility to scroll both directions, and to scroll out of view as it should. corrently the scrolling thread in comination with puts_scroll . 15.32.29 # bbl. 15.32.42 # linuxstb: you are not only right, but that i certenly agree with you, and we have to come up with a better scrolling code. 15.32.45 # : 15.33.28 Quit DJDD__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.33.47 # something that can display text out of view and then scroll it back to view with less hassle. i will explain myself another time 15.35.07 # (the next scrolling code should solve any right to left language problems that rockbox is still having.) 15.35.09 # linuxstb: the scrolling code was in fact common back in the dark ages. I guess there must've been a reason for the change... 15.35.49 # lear: there's some diffrence between the player/ recorder / h codes. 15.35.54 Join Mordov_ [0] (n=Mordov@13.80-202-208.nextgentel.com) 15.36.02 # of course player is totally different, 15.36.05 # what's the difference between crossfade and crossfeed? :P 15.36.17 # haha 15.36.28 # crossfeed bleeds audio from one channel over to the other 15.36.31 # crossfeed mixes two tracks 15.36.36 # ehh 15.36.39 # crossFADE mixes two tracks 15.36.44 # fade fade in/out, feed has to do with food.! 15.36.56 # haha :D 15.37.06 # I think I should move crossfeed to sound instead of playback 15.37.14 # coming soon: crossfired 15.37.16 # markun: i think lots of things should be moved 15.38.04 # I'm not sure if replaygain should be in playback either, but I'm not sure 15.38.42 # preglow: do you think crossfeed is better then stereo width? 15.39.17 # well, neither should optical out... 15.39.45 # Lear: not much of a headphoner, aren't you? 15.39.58 # lamed: you can't compare them 15.40.01 # lamed: why do you say that? 15.40.29 # lamed: I think he was refering to the menu items in playback.. 15.40.38 # lear: woops, you ment that they effect the opt. out? 15.40.58 # no, optical out should be moved from the playback menu... 15.41.12 # :/ bah 15.41.16 Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 15.41.42 # i think the menu system needs a major overhaul, actually 15.43.23 # they should be user customized. and then we could have the user to select between simple configurations.cfg to advance config.cfg, something like that. 15.43.38 # I'm not sure how efficiently it could be implemented, but I would like to have files in the filesystem (such as fmradio.menu, generalsettings.menu) that call the relevant function when selected in the file browser. 15.43.59 Join Mindship-02 [0] (n=personal@62-221-202-178.dsl.fiberworld.nl) 15.44.36 # who desides which functions do, and which don't end up in the official build? 15.44.54 # so the menu system would be movable files..? 15.45.02 # lamed: Yes.... 15.45.19 # linuxstb: that's a great idead. haven't crossed my mind. 15.45.56 # Is it perhaps an idea to have something like $make (menu)config as with the linux kernel to select what you want (and which device you use - ie archos/iriver) 15.46.28 # Mindship-02: The developers just discuss if a feature should be included or not.. 15.46.32 Join Acksaw [0] (i=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-4-0-cust5.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 15.46.34 # will obviously make 1,000 new problems.... mindship - 02 but how would an avarage user would use that? 15.47.02 # or make it completely plug-in based and have a PLUGINS directory on the device in which all stuff such as games and equaliser support CAN be put 15.47.18 # lamed: how does an average user use the kernel? 15.47.38 # markun: so they deside what I want? 15.47.51 # I don't want no games for one thing! 15.48.32 # Mindship-02: you can remove the games 15.48.39 # Mindship-02: It's quite rare for a feature to be denied access. It's normally how that feature is implemented that the devs object to. 15.49.28 # ah, so, in a certain way my proposal already exists? 15.49.56 Quit mordov (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.50.16 # I presume implementation would in some situations lead do delete-ability of stuff 15.50.22 # markun: how? 15.50.39 # well, the games are plugins, but not DSP effects. Maybe they will be in future. 15.50.54 # They are stored in .rockbox/rocks/ - just delete the rocks (i.e. plugins) that you don't want to use. 15.50.59 Join akaidiota [0] (n=nope@ 15.51.11 # great! 15.51.33 # But you will only save a few MB of disk space, so it's not really worth it. If you don't run them, they don't affect how Rockbox works in any way. 15.52.02 # now a more technical question... where in the source are the pictures called for (ie boot-logo) 15.52.05 Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc1fa.b.pppool.de) 15.52.17 # MB? KB! 15.52.19 # In fact, it's probably less than 1MB of disk space.. 15.52.23 # linuxstb: its more that I don't want to see them mentioned 15.52.41 # They are only mentioned when you do "browse plugins" 15.52.57 # yup, and I want to see what I need... :-P 15.53.56 # okay, perhaps I should install the thing first... but I planned to get 955078 implemented first (I realy look forward to it) 15.54.04 # Mindship-02: Which plugins DO you need? Plasma? Mandelbrot? 15.54.12 # linuxstb, i want to adress you to few things about my patch that can make the thinking about a new scroll thread more clear. 15.54.12 Join dropandho [0] (n=dropandh@cpe-24-193-36-91.nyc.res.rr.com) 15.54.12 # If you only want to use a small number of plugins, you can can copy the ones you need to another directory, and then browse them in the normal file browser. 15.54.31 # So when is the podbox due? :P 15.54.34 # OK, but I may need to run at any moment... 15.54.43 # akaidiota: read the topic 15.54.47 # akaidiota: Work is progressing steadily. 15.54.58 # hey guys! 15.55.04 # seriously? rockbox for iPod? 15.55.05 # linuxstb & markun: thanks for the info on plugins. 15.55.13 # any clue what we have in store for the bootloader v6? 15.55.14 # linuxstb: i thought you'r back. when will you bback? 15.55.17 # Mindship-02: no problem :) 15.55.31 # now a more technical question... where in the source are the pictures called for (ie boot-logo) 15.55.34 # I haven't left yet - I'm waiting for my girlfriend to be ready so we can leave... 15.55.53 # girls. that happend like 20 minuts ago!! 15.55.57 # is a rockbox firmware for the iPod planned? 15.56.16 # akaidota- they are currently working on it...no eta 15.56.36 # akaidiota: Yes. See http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodPort 15.56.41 # akaidiota. todays topic 15.56.43 # Topic is: Seriously, we DO NOT estimate release dates. You'll find out when it happens. 15.56.50 # cool, I remember linus stating that it was pretty much not gonna happen? 15.56.54 # thanks linuxstb 15.57.06 # pearls b4 swine! 15.57.10 # Can I ask one Question, What Type of H300 are the tests been run on by linusN? US or intl? 15.57.18 # but that was a couple of years ago, when I had the first archos player 15.57.26 # San: I believe he has both. 15.57.32 # oh :D 15.57.41 # ind is it working on both of them so far? 15.57.44 # linux- any idea what linus has in store for bootloader v6? 15.57.55 # No idea. 15.58.15 # keeping us on our toes! 15.58.26 # linuxstb: when will you bback? 15.58.34 # In a few hours 15.59.42 # ohh cool- looks like Mmmm found out what was up with the messed up wps 15.59.46 Quit Lear (Excess Flood) 16.00.00 # hope i'll manage to talk to you. i assume i'm one of the 10 only users that uses rockbox with right to left language... 16.00.26 # akaidiota: Things have changed a lot with both Rockbox and the iPod since the days of the Archos players. Rockbox now does software decoding, and the iPod's hardware has been pretty much fully reverse-engineered by the ipodlinux people. 16.00.52 # right 16.01.41 # later. 16.01.51 # byes 16.02.36 # bye 16.04.06 Quit dropandho () 16.08.10 Join curio [0] (n=curio@dsl.curio.fr) 16.08.44 # Hello evrybody! 16.10.06 Join Lear [0] (n=chatzill@h73n11c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) 16.10.21 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 16.10.49 # So... Any Win32 IRC client recommendations, apart from mIRC and HydraIRC? 16.11.04 # are there any RB _programmers_ in here? 16.11.07 # Lear: Gaim 16.11.39 # GTK based? 16.12.08 # Mindship-02: you could call me a rb programmer I guess 16.12.31 # markun: where in the source are the pictures called for (ie boot-logo) 16.13.12 # phone call... brb 16.13.30 # i think i need some help.. i've just installed rockbox 2.5 on a archos studio 10 and music plays with the wrong pitch (slow pitch), and skip everytimes there is a screen refresh ( constantly apart in some menus) 16.14.12 # Mindship-02: they are in apps/recorder (which should be renamed to bitmap-lcd of something i guess) 16.14.59 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 16.15.29 # after testing that i've restarted without archos.mod, to test with original archos firmware and now it still plays with wrong pitch and make skips on screen refreshes. it didn't happend before 16.16.29 # it's hard to belive but could rockbox software broke the players hardware ? (or deconfigure it permanently) 16.17.03 Quit akaidiota (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.19.19 # i've searched in mailing list archive but did not find any corresponding q/a, except a post talking about slow pitch in rockbox 1.2 on this hardware 16.20.37 Join dropandho [0] (n=dropandh@cpe-24-193-36-91.nyc.res.rr.com) 16.20.44 # what's an "M screen_access.c" means when cvs update? merge? 16.20.56 # Modified, I think. 16.21.04 # back again 16.21.19 # please do somebody have an idea how to fix the problem described ? 16.21.22 # P or U is for updated/patched file. 16.21.24 # so did it do the cvs magic or not..? 16.21.36 # was wondering if anyone knew if people were working on the "Blocker bugs" for the H1x0 port 16.21.47 # the id isn't been refreshed. 16.21.57 # Yes, but there wasn't anything to change for that file (rather, your copy was different from CVS). 16.22.11 Quit webguest28 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 16.23.45 Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@ 16.25.24 # lear: i don't understand. yes, my copy was different then the cvs, but it didn't state out a C. 16.25.25 # markun: bedankt 16.25.29 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.26.59 Quit lamed ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 16.27.56 # lamed: C is for conflict 16.29.46 Join lamed [0] (n=52a6f590@labb.contactor.se) 16.30.16 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.30.46 # lear, i know, but it stated out an M, so, not like with a C, why didn't it worked? 16.31.11 # lamed: M means that you have made modifications 16.31.14 # what didn't work? 16.31.21 # So everything seems to be fine 16.31.35 # C requires manual resolution for the conflict 16.32.28 # slasheri: that's what i thought.. just that the file id is left unupdated. 16.32.31 # And P means the file (with you modifications) has been successfully patched 16.32.44 # lamed: id is updated on cvs commit only 16.33.26 Quit lamed (Client Quit) 16.33.34 Join lamed [0] (n=52a6f590@labb.contactor.se) 16.33.38 # 1 16.33.43 # 1 16.33.51 # 2 :D 16.34.09 # slasheri: actually, everything else has updated (and the id). 16.34.15 Join ep0ch| [0] (n=ep0ch|@ 16.34.50 # anyone know if the "Blocker bugs" are being worked on? 16.35.44 # slasheri: i've "cvs diff screen_access.c" and now i can see for sure that the file hasn't been updated. 16.36.00 # lamed: Hmm, how? 16.36.49 # how do i tell cvs to diff against screen_access.c revision 1.12? 16.37.10 # slasheri: because it contains both my changes and the things that are new in revision 1.13 16.37.10 # cvs diff -r 1.12 screen_access.c 16.37.23 # -r? recursive? 16.37.25 # or -r 1.12 -r 1.13 or -D 2005-xx-xx ... 16.37.29 # no, revision 16.37.32 # ah 16.37.39 # sec 16.38.23 # yes, that gave me the correct stuff. (not suprising) 16.41.26 Part Mindship-02 16.42.17 # how do you " cvs diff -r 1.12 screen_access-mychanges.c > 123 | cvs update screen_access.c | patch screen_access.c < 123 | " without creating the external file? 16.42.32 # = 123 16.43.10 # slasheri? 16.43.49 # Hmm 16.44.19 # you should cp screen_access-mychanges.c screen_access.c && cvs diff screen_access.c 16.44.26 # that should do the correct diff 16.45.01 # or cvs update before the diff 16.45.14 # hehe... that what i was doing t the first place. but now i want it to patch the diff with the new revsion.. 16.45.37 # eh, why in earth do you want to do it that way? 16.46.02 # cvs diff can do it for you.. and cvs update automatically patches the file with your changes whenever there is a new version available 16.46.17 # slasheri, all i want to do is have the scree_access.c file update to the new version with my change. what's the best way? 16.46.27 # cvs update 16.46.39 # that caused an M 16.46.43 # and no update. 16.47.01 # Hmm, then it's already the newest version 16.47.05 # so.. escuse me but, does anybody hear me ? am i on a splitted serve ? does everybody ignores me ? 16.47.20 # stop shouting 16.47.25 # hehe 16.47.45 # hey lamed, hello 16.48.07 Join RotAtoR [0] (n=e@12-210-82-91.client.insightBB.com) 16.48.15 # curio: try to reask your question later when archos dev will (ya pa d'user archos pour l'instant) 16.48.34 # okay Moos 16.48.34 # slasheri: no, it really isn't, it's still v. 1.12 and it's lacking the lasts commit. 16.48.47 # Moos : thanks for the response 16.49.06 # lamed: that's really weird.. 16.49.26 # try to delete the file (take a backup of your changes) and run cvs update 16.49.26 # slasheri: yepp, that's me. 16.49.35 # does it correctly fetch the new version? 16.49.37 # curio: np, here people answer if they know answer, but currently aparently no archos devloper or user 16.49.37 # slasheri: ok, so i've got the new file. 16.49.42 # slasheri: yes. 16.50.01 # Hmm.. what if you copy your changes to screen_access.c and run cvs udpate then? 16.50.40 # i guess it will tell me an M..? modification? 16.50.45 # waiitt... 16.50.51 # i think i know! 16.51.05 # if it tells M, it indicates that the file has your modifications not yet committed to cvs 16.51.13 # and cvs diff will tell them 16.51.35 # Moos, maybe should i try to post to the mailing list, or sumbit something to the bug tracking system ? 16.51.36 # http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=32092 16.51.40 # maybe one time it tells you "C", then the next time it will only claims for an "M", because the cvs entry file is updated! 16.51.42 # anyone se that ?^^ 16.51.49 Join ehntoo [0] (n=Mitch@24-177-166-0.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) 16.52.12 # lamed: if it ever tells C, you must manually correct the conflict before doing anything to the file 16.52.32 # curio: that sounds good you could try the user ml and if there are no reply, retry here if you have a bit of luck 16.53.03 # slasheri: it looks that way, because in /cvs/entries: "/screen_access.c/1.13/Sat Nov 19 15:21:27 2005//" 16.53.15 # so it thinks it's updated... 16.54.13 # yes! 16.54.29 Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) 16.55.09 # i've changed the entry to v 1.12, then it correctly retrived the older version, diffed and merged, and produced a "C"! 16.55.12 # hehe 16.56.04 Join tim66 [0] (n=tim@ 16.56.49 # Moos: olay. Do you know nicknames of developpers who may be able to respond to this wreid problem with roxckox 2.5 and jukebox studio 10 ? 16.57.30 # did you try mailing list first? 16.58.15 # Moos, yep. But reading only. 16.58.21 Quit muesli_- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.58.27 # and Rb forums too? 16.58.58 # try to post mail with all infos, Rb version... 16.59.19 # and in the Rb Archos forum too 16.59.53 # yes, i'll retry with other search querys 16.59.53 Join NicoFR [0] (n=nico404@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) 17.00.01 # :) 17.00.48 Quit akaidiot (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.01.02 # anyway, rockbox 2.5 has the capability to make the studio 10 unusable. i doubt that it could be permanent but I do not find how to fix that 17.01.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.02.00 # I doubt the fw can kill one device 17.02.16 # it's maybe an harware problem? HD... 17.02.23 # *hardware 17.03.42 # i doubt becay just 5 minutes before, player was running officiel firmware (i just bought it used) and played mp3 files at the right speed and without skips 17.04.19 # curio: pv for french :) 17.08.37 # anyone with info about it? 17.08.44 # hi all 17.08.49 # * lamed is going for the USB CHARGER CABLE MOD 17.08.53 # curio: could you re-explain your problem J 17.08.56 # ? 17.09.04 # lamed, for which player ? 17.09.08 # h120 17.09.27 # hello, uski: yes for shure 17.10.19 # uski, i've upgraded an archos studio 10 to rockbox 2.5. Before this upgrade the player worked flawlessly 17.10.38 Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@ 17.10.44 # uski anything? 17.10.56 # lamed, no, just some curiosity ;) 17.11.03 # curio: and now what's wrong? 17.11.19 # uski, after the first boot under the rockbox firmware, players play songs with the wrong pitch ( 90% of the normal speed ) 17.11.59 # uski, and it skips at every screen refresh. so it skips everytime when song title scrolls on the display 17.12.08 # oh, that's strange 17.12.22 # have you tried reinstalling an older version ? 17.12.42 # uski, so i've removed the .mod and .rockbox/ to reboot to the original firmware, and it does not work anymore good 17.12.47 # mp3 decoding is done by the MAS, and if i remember things correctly it is the MAS that sets the pitch, it has its one timebase 17.13.04 # does the archos firmware shows the same behavior ? 17.13.32 # uski, yes, i've tried rockbox 2.4: the same. i've tried 1.0 too, and now my player is stuck and semi-crashed with rockbox 1.0 firmware 17.14.13 # did you remove the .mod file from USB ? 17.14.23 # yes 17.14.25 # also, do you have a flashed box ? or do you still have the original archos bootloader ? 17.14.51 # xaviergr here? 17.15.08 # i've only put the .mod file on the disk, without any flashing operation 17.15.31 # if you remove the .mod file, it should go back to the original archos firmware 17.15.36 # have you tried that ? 17.15.51 # for now the device is up with rockbox 1.0 in ram, and.. don't know how to shut it down :) 17.16.20 # i've removed the .mod files 2 times : after testing the 2.5 version and the 2.4 version 17.16.26 # press the OFF button and keep it pressed 17.16.37 # i think it's the square (stop) button on the studio 17.16.49 # i didn't know that :) 17.17.00 # :) 17.17.00 # that worked :) 17.17.05 # cool 17.17.15 # now, connect your player to the computer with the usb cable 17.17.18 # remove any .mod file 17.17.23 # disconnect the cable 17.17.32 # and then try with the original archos firmware 17.17.56 # uski: i can give you a ssh access to the machine connected to the player if it can help 17.18.10 # i don't see how it will help 17.18.14 # okay 17.18.33 # i've removed all files from the harddrive 17.18.48 # and umounted the hard drive 17.19.10 # .. removed the usb link 17.19.14 Quit Acksaw () 17.21.16 Quit dropandho () 17.21.23 Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bbc83.b.pppool.de) 17.21.36 # didn't worked 17.22.01 # still play hacked by constand skips and at a slower pitch 17.22.43 # sorry: hashed 17.24.22 # uski, i do not have equiements to open the player, but if i open it and remove batteries, could it help to really reset the hardware ? 17.24.53 # curio: try to empty the batteries 17.25.02 # by letting a song play until poweroff .. 17.25.13 # maybe it may help.. 17.26.09 # Maxime does the device really empty the batteries or shutdown just before they are empty for filesystem corruption preventing ? 17.26.43 # i think it's a soft poweroff, but if you restart the player a lot.. maybe? 17.27.19 # Maxime, yes, i'll try that... 17.27.31 # Well, I have an old studio I could try 2.5 on. Need to charge it a while first though... 17.27.40 Join mashalla [0] (n=dj-dave@p5498C1EC.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.27.45 # Lear, thank for the effort 17.29.39 # one second, im on phone 17.29.46 # :) 17.31.08 # i'm trying to drain batteries copying files to the device in order to make much disk access. 17.40.13 Quit akaidiot (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17.40.17 # im back 17.40.34 # yup 17.40.42 # curio: if you want to reset the hardware, you could remove the batteries yes 17.40.52 # you don't need any equipement to remove the batteries 17.40.57 # it can be done by hands 17.41.06 # (if we are speaking of the same player) 17.41.18 # i.e. an archos studio, aka archos jukebox 17.41.19 # the good old archos player studio 10 17.41.24 # yea then you can do it by hands 17.41.32 # you're right 17.41.40 # no need of screws 17.41.45 # remove the batteries for some seconds, then put them back 17.41.52 # if the player starts, immediatly shut it off 17.41.59 # after that, do a long format of the hard drive 17.42.04 # there is a config sector on the harddrive 17.43.03 # how much bytes ? 17.43.28 # i can do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=1 17.43.39 # to clear data, partitions and all 17.44.11 Quit RotAtoR () 17.44.33 # HELP! :) Once the source code file has been downloaded, you should have a file called rockbox-daily-XXXXXXXX.tar.gz (where XXXXXXXX is the date) or rockbox-bleeding.tar.gz 17.44.49 # Cool ! 17.44.51 # mine are called .zip and remaning it gives me erros 17.44.58 # it works now, after removing the batteries 17.45.18 # trying to compile rockbox :) 17.46.06 # uski: afer removing the batteries, the player works well on the officiel v5.8 firmware 17.46.32 # uski, i retry now the rockbox 2.5 firmware 17.46.40 # yea 17.47.05 # i was quite scared, thank you ;) 17.47.34 # np ;) 17.47.39 # tell me if it works with rockbox 2.5 17.48.20 # back on rockbox 2.5 17.48.28 # and back with problems 17.48.40 Quit DJDD_ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 17.48.48 # so this is not random ;) 17.49.02 # wich other version can i test ? 17.50.04 # this whole convert to unix thing is annoying 17.50.11 # anyone knows where's haku's usb charger cable link had went? 17.50.12 Join dpassen1 [0] (n=dpassen1@resnet-233-61.resnet.umbc.edu) 17.50.22 # the positions of the text has also changed... so i need to remake my bmp too 17.50.25 Part ep0ch| 17.50.53 # old link is dead 17.53.12 Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.53.27 Join Creatine [0] (n=Spiffy_V@c-67-164-200-164.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) 17.53.42 # lol I formatted my palyer today, installed bleeding edge, got on the subway thinkin im missin somethin, turns out i forgot to copy my music over 17.54.28 # lol 17.54.30 # silly u :p 17.54.57 Nick Mordov_ is now known as mordov (n=Mordov@13.80-202-208.nextgentel.com) 17.55.15 # lamed ill find it for you 17.55.18 # its easy anyway 17.58.07 # http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=5243&highlight=usb+charge 17.58.08 # use this 17.58.48 # LinusN: the data segment copy in crt0.S is only for when it's in flash, yes? 17.59.06 Quit BirdFish (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.01.30 # is there a safe way of low level formatting my h120, partitions and all ? I want to get rid of some sectors 18.02.38 # I was thinking of partition magick, remove partition 18.02.42 # recreate partition 18.02.43 # ? 18.05.10 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.05.11 # Does someone have time to help me a bit with compiling rockbox?? 18.05.31 # I try using the helpguide but it refers to thing that doesn't exciost,,, 18.05.45 # ill help in a sec 18.05.53 # thanks :) 18.06.01 # ko staa e poruvi 18.07.12 # http://www.boxwave.com/products/directsync/directsync-sync-and-charge-cable-iriver-h120_354.htm 18.07.19 # koi tui e 18.07.24 # k I'm here 18.07.27 # where are you stuck 18.07.34 # na maikati putkata 18.07.36 # mordov: what does it refer to that doesn't exist? 18.07.36 # sadak 18.07.47 # dami idesh huq 18.07.48 # NiTrON: english 18.07.55 # mordov: you mean the Simplified Guide to Compiling right? 18.07.56 # I can find no .tar.gz file 18.08.01 # and no tools folder.... 18.08.10 # can't find out what I do wrong 18.08.12 # well i wrote that guide, so i know it works :p 18.08.17 # you need to download it 18.08.21 # pedal 18.08.23 # from rockbox.org 18.08.25 # maikati sha iba 18.08.28 # have you even downloaded it like i said in the instructions? 18.08.30 # gay 18.08.31 # I have downloaded every thing that was on the site :) 18.08.32 # someone eject this idiot, please 18.08.43 Quit NicoFR () 18.08.44 # http://www.rockbox.org/dl.cgi?bin=source 18.08.48 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 18.08.58 # there is your tar.gz 18.09.08 # 19:03:04] Does someone have time to help me a bit with compiling rockbox?? 18.09.08 # [19:03:22] I try using the helpguide but it refers to thing that doesn't exciost,,, 18.09.08 # [19:03:36] ill help in a sec 18.09.08 DBUG Enqueued KICK NiTrON 18.09.08 # [19:03:44] thanks :) 18.09.08 # [19:03:52] ko staa e poruvi 18.09.08 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.09.11 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.09.12 # the source tarball on the top 18.09.15 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.09.19 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.09.20 # and that will have he tools folder in it 18.09.26 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.09.29 # exactly 18.09.30 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.09.31 # read my instructions mate... its all in there 18.09.32 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.09.35 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.09.37 # we need more channel ops here 18.09.41 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.09.42 # FUCK OFF NiTrON 18.09.45 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.09.48 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.09.48 # FUCK OFF NiTrON 18.09.51 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.09.52 # GRR!!!! 18.09.53 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.09.54 # hshah: please ignore him 18.09.56 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.09.58 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.10.02 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.10.07 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.10.11 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.10.13 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.10.14 # hshah, your guide may miss ground level newpersons at some points 18.10.19 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.10.20 # nice that's a tar.gz file :D 18.10.22 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.10.23 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 18.10.23 # * Creatine np: hallwaydemo [00:11m/0Kbps/0KHz] 18.10.25 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.10.28 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.10.31 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.10.36 # pinkutank: what do u mean? 18.10.39 # when I calick the link on the page I get daily build... 18.10.42 # 19:03:04] Does someone have time to help me a bit with compiling rockbox?? 18.10.42 # [19:03:22] I try using the helpguide but it refers to thing that doesn't exciost,,, 18.10.42 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.10.46 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.10.47 # and that is .zip 18.10.54 # no 18.10.57 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.10.57 # i told you 18.11.00 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.11.02 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.11.03 # its the topmpst link 18.11.05 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.11.07 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.11.08 # not the one for your player 18.11.10 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.11.19 # you need the SOURCE of the daily build 18.11.20 # ok :) 18.11.22 # 19:03:04] Does someone have time to help me a bit with compiling rockbox?? 18.11.22 # [19:03:22] I try using the helpguide but it refers to thing that doesn't exciost,,, 18.11.22 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.11.26 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.11.31 # can someone ban him?????? 18.11.35 # all the ops are gone 18.11.38 # * Added *!*n=NiTrON@ to ignore list 18.11.39 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.11.44 # i suggest you do something similar 18.11.44 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.11.49 # i just added him to my ignore list 18.12.07 # curio, hmmm 18.12.09 # :) 18.12.14 # i think you have found a bug 18.12.31 # _please_ send a mail to the mailling list explaining your problem, and telling everything you have done so far 18.12.38 # it will help rockbox developpers to find the bug 18.12.40 Quit NiTrON (Excess Flood) 18.12.43 # congrats curio 18.12.44 Join NiTrON [0] (n=NiTrON@ 18.12.44 # uski okay 18.12.47 # whats the bug btw? 18.12.48 # and you will help other archos studio users by the way 18.12.48 # :) 18.12.50 Quit NiTrON (Remote closed the connection) 18.14.17 # uski i've retries rockbox 2.5 and back to the officiel firmware with the same method (hardware reset with removing batteries) and now with the official it still skips at every refresh. 18.14.44 # uski : i do not anderstand why and will investigate a bit more before posting 18.15.08 # is there anyone who is familiar with irivers partition table 18.15.57 # uski, is the studio10 limited with some high bitrates or non strict iso padding mp3 (like mp3 produced by lame) ? 18.16.39 # pinkutank: why do you need to be familiar with it? 18.16.47 # pinkutank: as long as it contains a fat32 part, you'll be fine 18.16.58 # primary/logical? 18.17.02 # primary, i guess 18.17.26 # I wanted to ask what would be the best cluster size 18.17.51 # depends if you're going to need many small files or not 18.18.06 # if not, just choose a big one 18.18.09 # rockbox uses small files 18.18.11 Quit curio (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.18.11 # i dont 18.18.14 # i use mp3s 18.18.17 # they are big 18.18.20 # _many_ small files 18.18.26 # .rockbox isn't many files 18.18.26 # so yeah 18.18.30 # choose a big cluster size, then 18.18.43 # 16k 18.18.53 # is default 18.18.57 # 32k then 18.19.41 # 16k is nice 18.19.56 # just go with the defaults, they should be more than good enough 18.20.09 # and just make sure you make fat32, not ntfs' 18.20.24 # lol i know that much 18.21.05 # why not just use the iriver firmwares format? 18.21.16 # because i forgot 18.21.23 # *ashamed* 18.21.39 # heh, no need to be ashamed 18.22.57 Join curio [0] (n=curio@dsl.curio.fr) 18.23.43 Quit linuxstb__ (Connection timed out) 18.28.50 # is there anyway to build wps in a build 18.29.45 # well doesnt matter 18.32.55 # hmm... thats an idea 18.33.06 # i may try and do that with my wps 18.34.51 # btw, the morning bleeding edge killed wpss 18.34.53 # how is it now 18.39.20 Join hardeep [0] (n=hardeep@c-67-188-108-180.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 18.39.29 # .... builds take ages no 18.39.31 # w 18.40.10 # make an i-make command :D 18.42.33 Join Lynx_ [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 18.43.04 Join hd [0] (i=hd@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 18.44.16 Quit goa (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.44.19 Nick hd is now known as goa (i=hd@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 18.46.29 # pinkutank: thanks for the link 18.46.33 # wps still dont work on bleeding edge 18.46.35 # why? 18.46.39 # lamed: np 18.46.57 Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc144.b.pppool.de) 18.51.31 Quit Lear ("Chatzilla [Firefox 1.5/undefined]") 18.51.37 # re 18.51.54 # "Forgot to initialize the ticking reduce setting on boot" is there a setting for this?= 18.54.09 # curio, did you send the mail ? :) 19.01.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.01.42 # whats with the wps problem 19.02.38 # anyone knows what are the big humps on both of the usb cable end is for? - my guess is it's to prevent static electricity? 19.02.50 # ermm i knew 19.02.53 # but i dont remember 19.02.57 # muesli_-: yes 19.03.04 # hmm 19.03.08 # thinking physics 19.03.19 # they might be electron accelerators 19.03.23 # to boost speed 19.03.25 # no kidding 19.03.34 # electrons are ultra slow normally 19.03.44 # 3 mm a minute or so 19.03.56 # dpassen1 where can i find it? 19.04.22 # but then 19.04.35 # it's somethign to reduce interferences 19.04.42 # if I remember well 19.04.47 # ?! pinkutank, i really don't think that they have them on all cables... 19.04.55 # General Settings -> Display -> Remote-LCD Settings 19.04.58 # they could be just ferro stuff to hold electro magnetic fields; reducing interference and lowering usb noice, which is much more likely then boosting 19.05.13 # yes pinkutank 19.05.14 # linuxstb_: there? 19.05.45 # the question is what happends if i remove those? i want to make the shortest usb cable, but: 19.05.55 # nothing 19.05.59 # a. i don't know if i can remove one/both of those humps 19.06.00 # you can safely remove them 19.06.03 # they are just ferrite 19.06.27 # b. i've read that if i cut and solder the usb data cable, it won't run as usb2 cable. 19.06.52 # pink... if it's that safe,,, why are they there in the first place? 19.07.04 # to reduce electrostatic 19.07.11 # they put them one veruything 19.07.14 # I'llr ead more on them 19.07.19 # and give you a final conc 19.07.34 # lamed, about that solder thing, I think its wrong 19.07.58 # wow I have a working simulator :) tnow I can make good wps's thank hshah and other helpfulle dudes :D 19.08.49 # nps mate 19.09.22 # heheee 19.09.32 # mordov thinks he'll have working wpss 19.09.42 # lol 19.09.52 # he aint looked at the crappy unix stuff yet... 19.09.54 # it seems to work.. 19.10.16 # why r the wps so messed up now - the positioning of the text etc has all changed... :( 19.10.17 # I save in unix... 19.10.25 # cool cool mordov 19.10.36 # :) 19.10.42 # bleeding edge 19.10.45 # literally 19.10.46 # read the post before I made the sim ;) 19.10.50 # kills wpss 19.10.59 # dpassen1 cheers 19.11.31 # pinkutank - even with the unix thing, the text has still all moved up a bit... by like a few pixels... 19.11.54 # fucking hell - its like -3 outside in Leamington Spa (Midlands, UK) 19.12.17 # lol 19.12.20 # what is the unix thing 19.12.24 # hahaha it's as cold as here (midlewaay up norway ;) 19.12.24 # it's very cold in france too, near paris 19.13.14 # its maybe 10 or so here 19.13.20 # http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=5243&highlight=usb charge 19.13.32 # or 13 19.13.33 # or more 19.14.05 # my old wps's wokrs fine too :) 19.14.06 # pinkutank, in your link xaviergr tells you not to cut the data lines. in other thread i've found out that people who have cut them couldn't have the player use the usb2 speed. 19.14.09 # gues I'm lucky 19.15.47 Join mofoGX [0] (n=mofo@064-084-110-024.alt.wireless.cust.winbeam.com) 19.15.49 # and i can't find the other link. 19.16.05 # excepts that teh wolume don't autorefresh when I have %s in the line... 19.17.23 # ok 19.17.30 # uski : i still do experiements, i does not work anymore and that's quite hard to find how / why, I'll try to find but it start to drive me mad ;) 19.17.52 # I just dont see the reason yet, probablt because the wires are thin and full contact is hard 19.17.58 # i really dont know why 19.18.02 # by the way 19.18.18 # you can remove your ferrite beads but its better to keep one near your computer 19.18.39 # because computers are lectromagnetically noisy as hell, and your cable is noisy too 19.18.47 Quit Coldtoast (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.19.47 # http://computer.howstuffworks.com/framed.htm?parent=question352.htm&url=http://www.antennex.com/shack/Dec99/beads.htm 19.19.49 # read more there 19.20.20 # whats the unix think for wps 19.20.39 # my wps doesnt show anything but the backgroun battery meter and the shufle indicator know 19.20.44 # now i meant , not know 19.22.05 Join NicoFR [0] (n=nico404@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) 19.22.27 # http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=1866.0 19.22.34 # this post says things abaout saving in unix... 19.22.44 # can't say I have it aĝll under contoll ;) 19.24.26 # ok wills ave udner unix and try 19.25.48 # yes it works now 19.30.28 Join len0x [0] (n=len0x@ 19.32.47 Quit Creatine () 19.37.00 # who knows his way around multimeters? i'm trying to read the ac voltage of the iriver's charger. 19.38.26 # the *ac* voltage? 19.38.35 # have you opened it up? 19.39.53 # where do you want to read lamed 19.40.45 # lamed: you should put some (but not much) load to the charger dc output before trying to measure it 19.41.43 # what i've done was simply connecting it to the wall and reading it, setting the multimeter on "ACV 200" 19.42.26 # the reading was... 11.1 19.42.31 # eh.. 19.42.38 # Why did you set it to AC? 19.42.48 # Where did you read that value? 19.42.55 # i have no idea. why not? 19.43.06 # (from the multimeter screen...) 19.43.23 # because its dc 19.43.25 # yes it should be dc 19.43.29 # if you measured the dc jack, it gives dc voltage.. So with ac setting you have a very incorrect reading 19.43.36 # :( 19.43.43 # sec 19.44.00 # why dont you just ask me the value 19.44.06 # 5v 19.44.16 # anything that charges from usb is 5v 19.44.27 # yey. set to sc 200 : i get 5.5 sounds good..? 19.44.34 # yes 19.44.39 # lamed: it's on the safe margin 19.44.40 # set to dcv 19.44.41 # why do you need it tho 19.45.08 # i'm trying to make the usb cable remamber..? and everyone has to know how to work with a multimeter eventually... 19.45.14 # oh oh 19.45.24 # no worries on usb output killing you iriver 19.45.34 # of course there is! 19.45.35 # most likely it would commit suicide before it did it 19.45.44 # :) 19.45.47 # but still most likely 19.46.09 # myh 120 has a purple front and a green baCK 19.46.17 # i've already done that (bricked my player) for 5 times for the first year i've had it. ever since that (1.5 year more) it hasn't even scratched. 19.46.38 # HOW DID YOU BRICK IT 19.46.41 # OOOPS 19.46.44 # caps caps 19.46.56 # WHAT? 19.47.09 # i said how did you brick it 19.47.29 # ah. i'm sorry, i couldn't hear you. 19.47.35 # i'll find the log... 19.48.15 # log? 19.48.16 # does anyone knows if it's true you can't cut the data wires for the usb2 charger mod? 19.48.21 # you log your brain? 19.48.25 # (i've wrote a buglog) 19.48.47 # (sent it to iriver, hoped they'll be nice to me) 19.49.25 # and you goy lucky 19.49.28 # 5 times? 19.50.19 # damn. it's in hebrew. 19.50.24 # lemme see. 19.51.41 Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.53.13 Quit NicoFR () 19.54.03 # purchased: 12.2.03 (dang!~) 19.54.22 Quit mashalla (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.54.36 # firmware upgrade failure 1.12.03 (a month later) 19.55.09 # got a new player back (2.2.04) waiting period: a month 19.56.46 # (3.~.04) main lcd screen being totally smached. the player was in a big bag of mine in the army, someone probebly fell over it. it was rapped up it towels... didn't helped. 19.57.43 # (22.6.04) got my player back from repairs. 40 $ for shipping and 40 $ for repairing 19.57.49 # ill build a shell out of titanium for you 19.58.02 # and steel wired glass infront of lcd 19.58.03 # 11.11.04 another bad firmware upgrage 19.58.16 # how did you do those bad fw 19.58.27 # TiMiD: around? 19.58.56 # (second one was because the company send it with the wrong firmware, of an H115!!!) 19.59.33 # ermm 19.59.39 # very interesting 20.00.08 # is it just me, or does the new cvs builds leave the bottom part of the lcd blank when viewing the tree 20.00.10 # last firmware upgrage wasn't a hurdle, because they have returnd the player with a bad earphone connection, and an ihp140 panel.... 20.00.49 # they have monkeys as technicals? 20.01.46 # and yeah, they haven't seald the player back to place properly. 20.02.30 # they are bad. bad people. they only know how to make technicly good players. 20.03.03 # i opened up a h320 before 20.03.09 # they are really well designed 20.03.14 # and I mean really 20.04.29 Join Kyl3 [0] (i=Kyle@cpe-24-90-232-130.nyc.res.rr.com) 20.04.52 # Quick question: GBC roms on H300 only, or GBA roms too 20.05.02 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 20.05.03 # gba roms: forget it 20.05.04 Join refranS [0] (n=rever@62-14-174-65.inversas.jazztel.es) 20.05.21 # gbc roms: if you find someone to work on it 20.05.50 # I thought rockboy was in the h300 firmware gbc only? 20.06.16 # why should it be? 20.06.24 # No reason 20.06.32 # I just thought it was 20.06.37 # rockboy for h3x0 is currently the exact same as rockboy for h1x0 20.06.50 # Oh so, .gbc roms work 20.06.55 # but .gba roms dont 20.07.09 # well, if .gba is gameboy advance 20.07.10 # the no 20.07.18 # _then_ no 20.07.25 # that's a completely different beast 20.08.31 # i think gameboy advance uses a 16mhz arm7tdmi, which we'll be hard pressed to emulate 20.11.54 # aha 20.14.50 # xaviergr here? 20.15.47 # anyone tried opening up the rough looking usb connector? 20.16.08 # i'm trying to short the data cables without re-soldering them. 20.19.48 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.23.31 Join NicoFR [0] (n=nico404@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) 20.26.48 Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.29.18 # pinkutank? 20.30.37 # pinkutank here? 20.31.18 Join _DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) 20.34.11 Quit DangerousDan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.34.20 Quit goa (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.34.25 Join goa [0] (i=hd@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 20.36.26 Quit pinkutank (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.37.30 Quit lamed ("CGI:IRC") 20.40.15 Join hshah_ [0] (n=hshah@hirenshah.plus.com) 20.40.20 Quit Kyl3 () 20.43.05 Join hshah__ [0] (n=hshah@hirenshah.plus.com) 20.43.29 Part hshah__ ("Leaving") 20.44.46 # hardeep: yes I'm here 20.49.18 Quit NicoFR () 20.50.09 # TiMiD: referring to the forum post - ive always been using the same font 20.50.52 Join webguest27 [0] (n=538e15c7@labb.contactor.se) 20.51.03 Quit webguest27 (Client Quit) 20.51.30 # and you just noticed this yesterday ? 20.51.33 Join Bger_cgiirc [0] (n=538e15c7@labb.contactor.se) 20.51.46 # because it's normal in some cases to have an empty line 20.52.01 # preglow: http://www.work.de/nocash/gbatek.htm , maybe GBA on iPod ? :) 20.52.06 # when the character height is bigger than the remaining space 20.52.20 # ahh rite... well ive never noticed that space before.. 20.52.30 # some of the latest cvs changes have moved the texts around 20.52.46 # i had to update my wps bmp coz the text had moved 20.53.27 Quit uski ("Leaving") 20.55.08 # yes 20.55.45 # the font applied with some cfg files to fit the bundled wps is a little too big to fit in the last line ;) 20.55.52 Quit hshah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.57.06 # but whats that got to do with my wps and the xtal font which has always worked fine before? 20.58.21 Quit mofoGX () 20.58.31 # I don't know 20.59.08 # I noticed that some fonts were a little too big long time before remote wps went into cvs 20.59.19 # you used the same font without this line ? 20.59.28 # yeah 20.59.39 # i think... :s 20.59.47 # coz ive never noticed this line before... 20.59.54 # but it may be me being stupid... 21.00.09 # but the main thing is, why has the wps text moved up a bit? 21.00.27 Quit jaydpb ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.00.29 # moved up ? 21.00.34 # yeah 21.00.38 # it should have moved down 21.00.38 # TiMiD: Question about your yesno gui... i was wondering if there was any reason you didn't set the display text as scrolling? 21.00.51 # i had to edit my bmp because the images were no longer in line with the text :s 21.01.04 # hardeep: should I ? 21.01.05 # mine moved up... 21.01.09 # i fixed som bugs in the wps parser 21.01.19 # hshah_: can i see your wps? 21.01.19 # coz i had to move the volume image up a bit... 21.01.31 # a bit? 21.01.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.01.36 # not a whole line? 21.01.36 # LinusN - http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=1874.0 21.01.41 # no, not a whole line 21.01.42 # TiMiD: I think it makes sense, especially now that we have so many different lcd screens to support 21.01.49 # ok 21.01.59 # it's not very hard to implement ;) 21.01.59 # like a few squares, when editing at 800% in MS Paint 21.02.09 # TiMiD: cool, thanks 21.02.28 # LinusN: i fixed the problem mentioned in that post by saving the file in unix format... 21.02.32 # but other than that... 21.02.43 # but currently, are there cases where the screen s not big enough ? 21.02.53 # TiMiD: of course 21.03.21 # archos player ? 21.03.24 # the archos player screen is always the most troublesome 21.03.28 # 11 char limit 21.03.29 # different languages 21.03.37 # different fonts 21.03.43 # because in the old code, there wern't scolling in those parts of the ocde 21.03.54 # TiMiD: also a bug 21.04.00 # hehe :) 21.04.16 # in fact we should use a splash 21.04.16 # im just curious why i had to change the bmp after using the same wps and same font since i started using rockbox 3 months ago... 21.04.27 Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bbc9a.b.pppool.de) 21.04.27 # hshah_: and the font? 21.04.34 # xtal 14 21.05.01 # i don't have the images 21.05.01 # re 21.05.01 Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.05.10 # u want me to upload the original bmp i used to use? 21.05.20 # yes 21.05.32 # the entire wps, as it was 21.05.36 # http://www.warwickforums.co.uk/hshah.bmp 21.06.09 # LinusN: congrats for h3x0 progress, i'm really amazed how quickly the things are moving last days 21.06.12 # preglow: Are you still looking for me? 21.06.23 # LinusN: the WPS quoted in the link is the WPS as it was... 21.07.52 # LinusN: the data segment copy in crt0.S is only for when it's in flash, yes? 21.07.53 # hshah_: so i'll have to change it to CR/LF myself then 21.07.53 # XavierGr : yes, I had problems with audio 21.08.01 # preglow: no 21.08.09 Join Guest70021 [0] (n=a@cpc1-asht1-3-0-cust160.manc.cable.ntl.com) 21.08.11 # CR/LF? 21.08.14 # however my problems were caused by a hardware problem 21.08.18 # DOS line endings 21.08.23 # probs 21.08.27 # LinusN: oh? what other cases is it used for? 21.08.34 # a small smd resistor near the audio connector had a bad connection 21.08.47 # actually LinusN - don;t bother... ill just make a new wps... im getting bored of the font anyway 21.08.58 # probably because I dropped my player with the plug still in, and it landed _on_ the plug, so that the pcb itself was "bent" 21.09.10 # preglow: we could in fact drop the copy 21.09.20 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.09.23 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.09.37 # linuxstb: i'm just wondering about use of 'cc' conditional in the bss zero loop in crt0.S, wont that entail that we'll zero one more element than we should? carry is clear when you compare two identical registers as well, yes? 21.09.41 # hshah_: i want to fix that bug 21.09.53 # oh ok... 21.10.06 # hopefully it is a bug and not me being a complete retard... lol 21.10.22 # if the line endings matter, it is a bug in rockbox 21.10.29 # LinusN: well, i do see the use for it when .data is in flash 21.10.47 # and when you want to restart without reloading the image 21.11.14 # which actually were the case a long time ago 21.11.28 # but not anymore 21.11.29 # true, but we don't keep a .data copy unless we are in flash? seems datacopy and databegin are usually equal 21.12.04 Join DrMoos [0] (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 21.12.04 # hmm, ok 21.12.04 Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.12.17 Nick DrMoos is now known as Moos (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 21.12.28 # there should be a data copy... 21.13.06 # databegin? 21.13.31 # ah yes 21.13.34 # i remember now 21.13.51 # you are correct, the data and the copy are linked to the same address in RAM builds 21.14.07 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.14.08 # ok, 'cuz then i'll just omit it in the ipod crt0.S 21.14.10 # we'll never run from flash 21.14.24 # unless some insane person with a jtag interface connected goes at it 21.14.28 # i thought that about the iriver too... 21.14.44 # LinusN: oh well, at least it's still valid for the bootloader, that might have some .data 21.14.50 # and some insane person *without* a jtag interface did it... :-) 21.15.03 # LinusN: but not so for ipod bootloader 21.15.08 # which will always run from ram 21.15.14 # true 21.15.15 # again, unless etc, etc 21.16.00 # preglow: I copied that code from ipodlinux, so I trust you if you think there are bugs. I'm not fluent in ARM yet. 21.16.36 # in rockbox, the xxxend symbol is not inclusive, i think, so you're just meant copy/zero until that location 21.16.41 # that might be different in linux code 21.17.51 Join webguest40 [0] (n=864c0349@labb.contactor.se) 21.18.19 # how can one add their wps into the source? 21.18.26 # makes life so much easier :) 21.18.40 # at least it seems so, since they use carry clear as condition for writing, and carry is clear even when curpos == xxxend 21.18.53 # unless i'm acting the fool again 21.21.42 Join tucoz [0] (n=81b17b04@labb.contactor.se) 21.22.18 # linuxstb: I am a little curious on how you cross compile the sims so that you can run them in wine. 21.23.05 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=54bd4e4e@labb.contactor.se) 21.23.12 Join Febs [0] (n=cfac7a51@labb.contactor.se) 21.23.27 # hi 21.23.51 # (!) from a wireless connected linux box - finally :-) 21.24.31 # someone up there likes you, it seems. Never got it working myself 21.25.21 # Yeah, it was hours of searching documentation, the correct driver, getting them to compile etc pp 21.26.01 # wifi under linux :s 21.26.06 # what card amiconn? 21.26.39 # what chipset :x 21.26.43 Nick Maxime is now known as Maxime` (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) 21.26.53 # tucoz: You need to install the mingw cross-compiler. The Rockbox build scripts do the rest. 21.27.24 # If you're running Debian, just do "apt-get install mingw32" 21.27.31 # linuxstb_: ok, thanks 21.27.40 # amiconn_? 21.28.11 # linuxstb_: what about the mingw32-binutils/runtime. What are those? 21.28.50 # nice size of that package. 72Mb ;) 21.29.13 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.29.17 # Maxime`: Level One PCI card (don't know exact type atm) 21.29.30 # Ralink RT2500 chipset (802.11g) 21.29.35 # oh ! 21.29.42 # you get it work? 21.29.45 # yup 21.29.46 # hshah_: your wps looks fine with xtal-14 21.29.51 # I have one rt2500 and one acx111 21.29.57 # hshah_: are you sure you didn't have nimbus-14? 21.29.59 # did'nt manage to make them work .. 21.30.20 # Fresh debian testing installation (kernel 2.6.12 for K7) 21.30.23 # nimbus2000..harry loves it too ;) 21.30.28 # or, it work, then hangs the system after few MB transfered 21.30.33 # linuxstb_: nevermind my last question, I found out. 21.32.15 # Maxime`: Card type is WNC-0301 21.32.26 # I had a MSI card 21.32.31 # and a Netgear :x 21.32.39 # MSI, rt2500 netgear, acx111 21.32.43 # Running like a charm now... 21.32.45 # on linux.. no way .. lol 21.32.49 # amiconn_: nice work on the h300 sim. 21.32.58 # amiconn_: i skipped the idea of wifi on my linux box ^^ 21.32.59 # The hardest part was to find out how to get WPA working 21.33.09 # ...since there is no standard method in linux 21.33.36 # In case of RT2500 the driver itself handles WPA, but there's also wpa_supplicant 21.33.51 # I'll stay with my old RJ45 cable ^^ 21.36.02 # hshah_: found and stomped on the bug 21.36.12 # what was it? 21.36.33 # it triggered on a CR when it should only look for LF 21.36.41 # ahh rite 21.36.42 # cool 21.36.44 # so there was an empty line inserted 21.36.48 # about per screen font 21.37.08 # hshah_: it looks perfect with xtal-14 21.37.24 # hmm... 21.37.29 Join Kyl3 [0] (i=Kyle@cpe-24-90-232-130.nyc.res.rr.com) 21.37.42 # sre you sure you didn't use nimbus-14? 21.37.45 # LinusN: what do you think about multi font support? 21.37.50 # yeah 21.37.54 # woulnd't it be the time to switch high level drawing fn to multi-screenand unify low level with macros 21.37.55 # Moos: i want it 21.38.04 # :) I did sure 21.38.29 # TiMiD: you mean lcd_puts & friends? 21.38.35 # yes 21.38.54 # as long as the performance is the same... 21.38.55 # high level fn would be slightly changed 21.39.08 # and low level used with macros 21.39.31 # hey linus, this may sound stupid, but if im in Linux, can I download the source bleeding edge, and compile the bootloader for the h300 and install rockbox on it? (Im not going to do it but would that work) 21.39.34 # display->put_pixel would become put_pixel(display) and would be a macro 21.39.49 # Kyl3: yes 21.40.07 # display->puts would become puts(display, .. ) and would be a real fn 21.40.08 # TiMiD: How do you mean that? 21.40.25 # TiMiD: how would you do that? 21.40.43 # Really? Cool. Too bad I'd risk breaking my comp and bricking the player. 21.40.45 # how would I do what ? 21.41.11 # reboot, brb 21.41.22 Quit amiconn_ ("CGI:IRC") 21.41.37 # I'm reading stuff about ipod support in the cvs log... Are people actively working on this? 21.42.01 # LinusN: put_pixel(display) would be a macro calling display->put_pixel 21.42.07 # dwihno: me and linuxstb are 21.42.43 # since it's a low level fn and it differs depending on the hardware 21.43.10 # but high level fn like fonts and so on are the same for all plateforms 21.44.14 # TiMiD: afaik, put_pixel isn't involved in text drawing anyway 21.44.35 # yes 21.44.45 # so it might be easier than you think 21.44.47 # but it would make the whole lcd access uniform 21.44.54 # to change all fn 21.45.11 # i agree 21.47.11 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=54bd4e4e@labb.contactor.se) 21.47.34 # if putpixel is involved in anything at all, perhaps with the exception of draw_line() or something, it's wildly inefficient 21.48.44 # It's called drawpixel, and some of the plugins use it. 21.48.59 # But you're right - it's probably horribly inefficient. 21.49.11 # ahh, how i fondly remember frustrated people wondering why their putpixel() using drawing routines were so slow... 21.49.50 # how i also don't at all miss the "what's the fastes possible putpixel" discussions of old 21.49.53 # I use it in Sudoku to draw a dotted line on the Archos LCDs. 21.50.09 # preglow: so how are you guys progressing? 21.50.21 # dwihno: slowly, but we'll see, i'm hoping to boot rockbox later tonight 21.50.54 # amiconn_: how's you discussion with the gcc people faring? 21.51.27 Join petur [0] (i=petur@d54C2B033.access.telenet.be) 21.51.49 # you mean setpixel ? 21.51.53 # preglow: Any progress with interrupts, or is this just a basic crt0.S ? 21.52.06 # linuxstb_: just a basic crt0, but i'm starting to figure things out 21.53.41 # TiMiD: setpixel/putpixel/drawpixel/whatever, they're all names for the same thing 21.54.16 # but now i've gotta go for a little while, bbl 21.54.56 # preglow: that soon? well, I wish you the best of luck :D 21.55.01 # i think my iriver is complete now that rockbox has remote support... 21.55.17 # not full remote support 21.55.19 # actually... hmm... no... all that it needs now is to be able to use different fonts for the iriver and the remote 21.55.23 # lot of things remains to be done 21.55.26 # well its got nearly everything there 21.55.40 Join DrMoos [0] (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 21.55.48 # as long as i can see the song name on the screen im happy :) 21.56.07 # hmm 21.56.07 Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.56.17 # what r the dimensions for the rwps bmp? 21.56.24 # If anyone in London is looking for a H140, I saw one in a shop today. 21.56.37 Nick DrMoos is now known as Moos (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 21.56.51 # well LinusN is it ok for you to move all high level drawing code to the application layer ? 21.58.00 # TiMiD: you have my blessing as long as it doesn't hurt performance 21.58.12 # TiMiD: how does the multiscreen work for the plugins? 21.58.23 # What do you mean with high-level drawing functions? 21.58.36 # amiconn_: lcd_puts() etc 21.58.43 # hmm. 21.59.02 # I'm not sure whether this is a good idea 21.59.16 # How do you intend to handle e.g. scrolling? 21.59.33 # LinusN: for the plugins, it's not ported yet 21.59.42 # If you don't want to overcomplicate things, you need one thread per display 21.59.52 # amiconn_: scrolling is high level isn't it 22.00.03 # It's not 22.00.11 # Scrolling runs in a separate thread 22.00.17 # It has to 22.00.21 # when skipping tracks now, it shows the file name b4 showing the id3 info 22.00.28 # I know it's threaded 22.00.44 # but I don't see the problem 22.00.53 # you can have application level threads 22.01.12 # Scrolling can't be highlevel because it depends on the display properties 22.01.33 # ie if the file name is Test - Test 2.mp3 it will show that as the track name, and then it will change to show Test as the artist and Test 2 as the track name... 22.01.36 # It will even more depend on that as soon as we handle attributes 22.02.02 # That's a big drawback atm - you can't scroll a gray and a black line of text 22.02.40 # I don't seelow level code in the scrolling code 22.03.19 # hmm... mebbe this is happening in my wps coz i have a %fn in there... lol 22.03.49 # but it never happened b4 22.03.49 # hshah, even if there is other info in the id3? 22.04.13 # hshah, nah, that is because Slasheri implemented that just a few days ago. 22.04.43 # oh rite 22.04.46 # its a bit annoying 22.05.10 # amiconn_: could you explain why scrolling has to be in kernel level ? 22.05.15 Part tucoz 22.05.43 # hshah_: that's because at the moment we don't have real id3 tag information available 22.06.01 # of course we could try to parse the filename better but that will be hard 22.06.06 # how did it do it b4? 22.06.08 # The real information is displayed as soon as it is available 22.06.23 # hshah_: before there was a huge delay 22.06.32 # Now it's instant and that is the cost for it 22.06.34 # TiMiD: Scrolling accesses internal variables of the driver, e.g. the scrolling_lines flags 22.06.34 Quit webguest40 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 22.06.55 # fair enough 22.07.17 Part len0x 22.07.23 # if u wait like 10 secs b4 u change to the next track, it doesn't do it on the next one... 22.07.31 # it only does it when u skip quickly 22.07.40 # ...and with the addition of attributes, the scroll code will differ depending on the lcd depth etc 22.07.52 # amiconn_: and why would scrolling_lines be an internal var ? 22.07.59 # I mean 22.08.16 # it's not drier related since it's only used by scroll 22.08.28 # amiconn: as i see it, it should be possible to have a generic scrolling thread 22.08.34 # and lcd_clear_display 22.08.43 # LinusN: taht was the idea 22.08.52 # yes 22.09.18 # LinusN: A generic scrolling thread would be much more complicated than one scrolling thread per display 22.09.41 # Both displays can have different scroll speeds 22.10.06 # amiconn: i mean moving the threads from the lcd driver to the app code 22.10.54 # Hmm. I'm still not convinced 22.10.55 # yes 2 threads 22.11.24 # 1 thread would be more complicated and more cpu-time consuming 22.11.55 # amiconn: for example, the scroll_thread for lcd-recorder and lcd-h100 are *very* similar 22.12.07 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 22.12.10 Quit Bger_cgiirc ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 22.12.31 # amiconn_: the thing tht bothers me with the current state is that lot of code is just c'n'p from other lcd-* files 22.12.38 # exactly 22.12.41 # LinusN: They are *now* 22.12.51 Quit amiconn_ ("CGI:IRC") 22.14.31 # amiconn: if something that has to be app level one day on one platform has to be to kernel level, nothing prevents us to handle it, app code would just call kernel code optimized for this task 22.14.47 # and generic code would be used otherwise 22.20.20 Join San [0] (n=Test@ 22.20.26 # lol 22.20.29 # i like the topic 22.20.30 # :P 22.20.59 # haha I never noticed 22.24.50 # amiconn: are you dead ? 22.26.09 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.29.53 Join lamed [0] (n=52a6f590@labb.contactor.se) 22.30.12 # xaviergr: here? 22.32.12 # guys, is rockbox running on ipod...? no, right? the table on http://www.rockbox.org/daily.shtml states no errors. 22.34.18 Quit novimon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.35.42 Join novimon [0] (n=novimon@a84-230-230-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 22.41.49 # lamed: that table doesn't tell if it works or not, only that the code can be compiled 22.43.07 # TiMiD: Back now 22.43.40 # TiMiD: Btw, few days ago when I was playing with the h300 sim, there was a bug in synclist 22.44.01 # Sometimes when returning to the list, the cursor ended up outside the visible area 22.44.08 # (two lines down) 22.44.48 # Moving further down didn't change it, moving up brought back the cursor after 2 steps 22.45.10 # Wahh, who broke 'follow playlist'! :-(( 22.45.38 Join Addam [0] (n=a@cpc1-asht1-3-0-cust160.manc.cable.ntl.com) 22.46.39 Quit ripnetuk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.47.27 Quit whatboutbob ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 22.47.28 # perhaps me 22.47.40 # if it's in viewer code 22.47.49 # It still works when stopping playback, but not when the playlist ends 22.48.11 # In the latter case the browser used to be at the last played file. 22.48.15 Join arkascha [0] (n=arkascha@xdsl-213-168-108-153.netcologne.de) 22.48.25 # Now it ends up in the root :-( 22.48.25 # haa 22.48.42 # nothing to do with my job I guess 22.49.08 # about the synclist bug, was it after a font change ? 22.49.14 # no 22.49.18 # I mean how to reproduce it 22.49.24 # It was after returning from a plugin 22.49.35 # When I tried today I was unable to reproduce it 22.49.46 # Font was xtal-14, in the h300 win32 sim 22.50.45 # if you are able to reproduce it, please tell me 22.51.07 Join ripnetuk [0] (n=george@82-70-100-230.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) 22.51.30 # After the next build, we should have a nice green line all the way across the top of the build table. It's been a long time... 22.51.43 # TiMiD: Now I could reproduce it 22.53.23 # only when returning from a plugin ? 22.54.00 # Yes. 'star' definitely causes it 22.54.23 # amiconn: If I understand what you've been saying about scrolling, you want to keep separate copies of the scrolling code in the three bitmap lcd drivers? 22.54.44 # ok 22.55.01 # when I will be able to build again I will investigate 22.56.16 # linuxstb__: The scrolling code is quite similar between the drivers now, because it lacks the important ability to keep attributes per scrolling line 22.57.04 # This makes colour support in wps impossible, so it has to be added 22.57.11 # amiconn: what device are you seeing the follow playlist bug? It worked fine for me on the h120 22.57.19 # h140 22.57.41 # follow playlist works when stopping a resumed playlist, but not when a resumed playlist ends 22.57.52 # amiconn: scrolling lines could have attributes, per device 22.58.05 # with a struct scrolling line 22.58.24 # and attributes present or not trought #ifdefs 22.58.27 # Yes, but 1 bit lcds will have less attributes than 2bit and higer 22.58.58 # #ifdefs don't solve the differences between the LCDs 22.59.04 # amiconn: dircache on or off? 22.59.08 # on 22.59.42 # e.g. the h1x0 main lcd is 2bit, the remote lcd is monochrome 23.00.12 Join joshn [0] (n=kvirc@ool-182d4545.dyn.optonline.net) 23.00.20 # and ? 23.00.31 # The structure could contain the additional attributes as soon as one of the lcds need it, but that creates additional problems as the high level code must handle the differences 23.00.38 # we could just have a color attribute 23.00.49 # Did you see my comment regarding screen-access.[ch] ? 23.00.53 # yes 23.01.07 # That's a similar thing 23.01.20 # you removed charcell remote (which wasn't a bad idea hehe) 23.01.29 # Not only 23.01.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.01.44 # I mean the comment regarding certain combinations 23.02.07 # I see 23.02.08 Quit Guest70021 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.02.29 # that's why I put a depth atribute in the screen struct 23.02.44 # to handle the remote lack of set_background 23.02.45 # Yes, but it's not checked everywhere 23.03.35 # You set unused fn ptrs to NULL, but nothing prevents app code from calling them 23.04.07 # the app code I changed checked for that 23.04.24 # but now that wehave a lcd_remote_set_background 23.04.34 # We don't 23.04.37 # it's not useful to check for that 23.04.55 # I just fixed the #ifdef 23.05.00 Quit refranS ("Abandonando") 23.05.19 # lcd_remote_set_background only exists for remote lcd depths > 1 23.05.28 # ...which we don't have yet 23.05.49 # but it exists even if it does nothing isn't it ? 23.06.00 # No, it doesn't exist 23.06.00 # since you can get a pointer on it ... 23.06.06 # screen->set_background=&lcd_remote_set_background; 23.06.15 # Did you check the #ifdef? 23.06.22 # That's what I fixed 23.06.37 # hmm 23.06.39 # #if LCD_REMOTE_DEPTH > 1 23.06.42 # I see 23.06.56 # That's false for all currently supported remotes 23.06.58 Quit arkascha (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.07.25 # Btw, this very function will also become the most problematic when there will ever be a non-monochrome remote 23.07.29 # but the app code has to check for the depth of the screen it's writing on 23.07.34 # (greyscale or colour) 23.07.53 # ...since the pixel formats are most likely different 23.09.50 Join arkascha [0] (n=arkascha@xdsl-195-14-223-20.netcologne.de) 23.10.02 # more over than that h300 has both monochrome and color display 23.10.14 # that what sounds the most problematic to me 23.10.28 Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@ 23.12.26 # The h300 colour/monochrome combos is no more (and no less) problematic than the h1x0 greyscale/monochrome combo 23.12.48 # it is because the fn won't be the same 23.12.53 # Colours handling is no different from greyscale 23.12.57 # the prototype 23.12.58 # The fn is the same 23.14.04 # I don't know how greyscale is handled ... 23.14.04 # That was one reason why I changed colour lcd handling to use packed rgb values instead of struct rgb 23.14.26 # struct rgb is no more, all pixel values are unsigned it now 23.14.37 Quit jelle-k (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.15.08 # hmm 23.15.10 # I see 23.15.15 # That was a few days ago... 23.15.38 # before each change of color you chnage the foreground 23.15.48 # then apply the drawing fn 23.17.19 # linuxstb__: Is there a reason why current_tick has to be signed on ipod? 23.19.07 # amiconn: with packed rgb, no problem then, the API remains the same 23.19.34 # Yes, as long as only one lcd is greyscale or colour, and the other stays monochrome 23.21.56 # what the problem with 2 color lcd ? 23.22.23 # or 1 greyscale and 1 color 23.22.40 # If the pixel formats are different, screen->set_background(LCD_WHITE); will only be correct for the main screen 23.22.42 # o wow 23.22.50 # the new build is perfect 23.23.06 # since LCD_WHITE will be different from LCD_REMOTE_WHITE 23.23.49 # Since its perfect that means we'll have a relese REALLY soon eh? 23.24.02 # It's far from perfect 23.24.06 # yes, but that's the app job to handle this 23.24.18 # Yes, but how? 23.24.30 # maybe some fn that would convert a standard format to the lcd format 23.24.38 # hmm. 23.24.39 # well. i mean perfect as in no bugd 23.24.42 # bugs* 23.24.51 # rgb(display, r,g,b) 23.25.11 # gray(display, gray_val) 23.25.23 # Kyl3: i'm sure there are plenty of bugs 23.25.40 # ok then 23.25.47 # compiling errors 23.26.07 # TiMiD: I suppose this rgb() would be present only when there is at least one colour lcd 23.26.14 # hmm 23.26.21 # That leaves us with a ton of interdependency problems 23.26.28 Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.26.30 Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 23.26.46 # Like, this function has to be implemented at the driver level, because it's the driver that knows the format 23.26.49 # maybe it could convert it to grayscale when the given display is gray 23.26.59 # Yes it can 23.27.25 # and to monochrome format for monochrome lcd XD 23.27.40 # But, the thing is that e.g. rgb() has to be implemented in a greyscale remote lcd driver when the main display is colour, but not when the main lcd is greyscale (or mono) 23.28.28 # Perhaps that can be handled at the app level though 23.28.32 # yes of cours it's per display 23.29.10 # A greyscale driver would implement gray(), and a colour driver would implement rgb() 23.29.13 # since it depends of the lcd internal sructure, it must be handled by the driver 23.29.33 # Then the app layer would implement rgb() for any greyscale lcd in a colour-capable device 23.29.41 # ...by calling gray() itself 23.30.23 # yes 2 layer would be good 23.30.37 # a driver that just converts to the lcd format 23.30.59 # Perhaps, but certainly not for cutting code size... 23.31.09 # and an application layer that converts between rgb, grey and monochrome then calls the display 23.31.13 # Anyway, this is a future problem 23.31.18 # hehe 23.31.31 # For monochrome there is no conversion necessary 23.31.49 # Monochrome fg and bg 'colours' are fixed 23.31.53 # since there isn't lcd_set_foreground/background in h300 display driver :) 23.32.02 # There is 23.32.13 Join linuxstb [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) 23.32.27 # but if I want to use rgb format on a monochrome display ... 23.32.37 # ?? 23.32.53 # amiconn: No, I just changed current_tick to be signed to be consistent with the rest of Rockbox. 23.33.01 # ? 23.33.05 # we can describe Black or white with rgb 23.33.12 # current_tick is unsigned in all other ports 23.33.43 # No it isn't. 23.33.51 # In kernel.c it's defined as "long". 23.33.56 # TiMiD: Yes, but why should we? It would only increase code size for no benefit 23.33.59 # it's just a matter of converting it to b&w and then to pass the virtual b&w value to the driver that will convert it to the lcd format 23.34.28 # amiconn: applications on the H300 could use rgb for both screens 23.34.29 # linuxstb: Hmm, you're right 23.34.41 # what a nice bug 23.34.43 # I kept meaning to ask why it is signed. 23.35.04 # TiMiD: Yes, but why?????? 23.35.09 # Wasting code? 23.35.26 # no 23.35.29 # yes 23.35.38 # using the same code to handle different displays 23.35.53 # Yes, and wasting code on monochrome-only devices 23.36.27 # TiMiD: The big advantage of using RGBPACK is to do the packing at compile-time instead of runtime. 23.36.53 # I agree that we could have a 3-level colour setting scheme, based on the highest level the device supports (colour->grey->mono) 23.37.16 # The functions wouldn't exist at all when the device is monochrome only (archos) 23.37.39 # For greyscale devices (h1x0) onyl the greyscale level would exist 23.38.22 # linuxstb: Yes, but that approach doesn't work when the formats are different per screen 23.39.00 # it could work if we rewrite the apps twice (which is a very bad idea) 23.39.34 # Of course. This is how it was before the multi-screen routines 23.40.23 # To clarify, I'm not against multi-screen support, I just want to point out possible problems, and preferably find a solution 23.40.36 # ...which works ok, isn't dirty, and doesn't waste resources 23.41.31 # well even on monochrome devices, a dummy rgb that would look at r,g,b and return "white" if 255,255,255 is given, blach otherwise 23.42.06 # That's something I would like to avoid 23.42.22 # It would add quite some code to the drawing routines 23.42.26 # I assume this shouldn't increase the code size 23.42.43 # uh ? 23.43.13 # it's just a if , a else an 2 returns 23.43.23 # for monochrome displays 23.43.34 # with this, everything is rgb 23.43.35 # They currently assume background is always white and foreground is always black 23.44.53 # Changing that would definitely increase code size 23.45.17 # if we don't handle this, we have 2 choices 23.45.39 # 1/ dummy set forground/background for monochrome lcd 23.46.15 # 2/ test at application level the screen depth (what I did, but which is maybe not a good idea) 23.47.02 # I'd vote for (1), in app layer, and only present if at least one display is 'higher' than monochrome 23.47.30 # Same goes for colour->greyscale conversion 23.48.22 # this would add ifdefs 23.49.04 Quit hardeep (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The dawn of a new IRC era") 23.50.42 # Yes, but this way we will get the smallest possible code size on all devices 23.51.42 # An empty function is really tiny, but if it's called a lot this will still increase the code size. 23.52.02 # The caller would still set up the parameters and perform the call 23.52.42 # That's similar to how the FOR_NB_SCREENS() macro saved almost 1KB on archos 23.53.05 # kevin@harkonnen ~/rockbox-devel $ grep -r "set_background" *|wc 23.53.05 # 18 46 1220 23.53.05 # kevin@harkonnen ~/rockbox-devel $ grep -r "set_foreground" *|wc 23.53.05 # 28 70 2069 23.53.22 # ? 23.53.53 # total calls to set_background and set_foreground in the whole code is under 46 23.54.20 # if we are talking about the same thing, do you think it worse it ? 23.54.58 # I guess this would add roughly 1KB on archos 23.56.21 # It means 46 times loading the parameter, the function address, saving the scratch registers(!) and call the function 23.57.43 # if we can do this without hurting the code lisibility too much, like you did with FOR_NB_SCREENS, I totally agree 23.58.20 Quit _DangerousDan ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 23.58.50 # I think we can, perhaps with similar macro magic