--- Log for 02.03.106 Server: zelazny.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot_ Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 1 month and 16 days ago 00.00.06 # In wps it seems to copy the current and next 00.00.40 # is that in addition to the N loaded songs 00.00.44 # the wps doesn't copy the id3 struct 00.01.06 # but yes it uses pointers to it and the next 00.01.35 Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ 00.01.47 # of coarse 00.02.53 # So would it be sensible to make my own structure in wps, decide which song is playing and extract its lyrics there 00.03.17 # The person working on the album art patch is attempting to store the image in the audio buffer - immediately before the track itself. You could do a similar thing with the lyrics data, but you would need one static buffer to copy the lyrics into when that track starts playing. 00.04.47 # its a lot of memory to take up staticly, Is dynamic possible? 00.05.06 # The metadata buffers (id3 structure are static. 30 on swcodec, 16 on archos 00.05.16 Join ts-x [0] (n=0cad6dbb@labb.contactor.se) 00.05.42 # we have no malloc() in the core, on purpose 00.06.36 # cool2bdave: the playlist viewer uses the plugin buffer, you could use that.. 00.07.02 # Imho it doesn't make much sense to do this kind of work right now. At devcon we will discuss ideas for improving the whole audio buffer system including metadata etc 00.07.29 # JdGordon: That's not possible for buffering lyrics 00.07.40 # y not? 00.07.44 Quit x1jmp (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 00.07.49 Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") 00.07.59 # So should I hold off till then 00.08.36 # You want to have lyrics accessible during playback. What if a plugin is loaded, or the user uses the playlist viewer? 00.08.40 # JdGordon: well, you should of course be able to run a plugin while playing songs 00.09.06 # ye, so rebuild it after the plugin exits... you cant view lyrics while in a plugin anyway 00.09.08 Join quobl [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/x-46e0baad0b2bd4fa) 00.09.14 # rebuild? 00.09.19 # you mean reload from N songs? 00.09.19 # i understand its not the best way.. but it works.. 00.09.28 # seems... odd 00.09.48 # oh whaa??? all the lyrics are loaded at the start? not just the current song? 00.09.59 # The plugin buffer can be used for data, but only if the usage is "atomic", i.e. not interruptable by another process that would also use the plugin buffer 00.10.29 # JdGordon: we must not spin up the disk for each song, that's not clever 00.10.30 # e.g. as a buffer for copying files 00.10.33 # righto... anyway, i have to go.. damn uni 00.10.43 # cheers 00.13.22 # On the same lines then I shouldnt store the current song data in gwps.c as that would spin up the disk each time too 00.15.32 # If we are going to support lyrics, this would need to be part of the metadata handling, 00.15.51 # so that lyrics are loaded when the song gets buffered 00.15.52 # cool2bdave: try linuxstb's suggestion 00.16.42 Join bernd [0] (n=bernd@dslb-084-060-132-156.pools.arcor-ip.net) 00.17.05 Nick bernd is now known as bernd_b (n=bernd@dslb-084-060-132-156.pools.arcor-ip.net) 00.17.07 # How do I get access to the audio buffer 00.17.37 # which files? 00.19.03 # audio.c? 00.19.03 Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-5.VIC.netspace.net.au) 00.20.02 # only found audio.h 00.26.57 # mpeg.c? 00.30.22 # pcmbuff.c 00.30.37 # just one f 00.36.00 Quit Steven_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.37.11 Join Steven__ [0] (n=Steven@p549F91B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 00.37.19 # cool2bdave: On software-codec platforms, I think playback.c manages the audio buffer. 00.37.47 # This calls the get_metadata() function immediately before it starts to load each track into the audio buffer. 00.38.45 # My suggestion would be to change playback.c to pass a pointer to some free space in the audio buffer to get_metadata(), and that function could store extra information, such as lyrics or album art in that space. 00.39.45 # But when that track starts to get decoded, the data needs to be moved elsewhere - so that part of the audio buffer can be freed to start buffering future tracks. 00.44.30 # So the currently playing track should have its lyrics stored somewhere else, but all buffered tracks will have their lyrics stored until they are played 00.46.24 # I could use gwps.c 00.58.21 Quit markun (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.02.16 Join markun [0] (n=markun@bastards.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) 01.04.15 # lol, bastards.student.ipv6.utwente.nl ? 01.04.27 # bastard students 01.07.52 # test 01.08.12 Quit bernd_b (Remote closed the connection) 01.09.00 Quit Thus0 ("Leaving") 01.09.04 # test failed 01.10.39 # thanks all and linuxstb, I have much code reading to do. playback.c is a long one. I will try the suggestion 01.10.52 # Thanks again TTFN 01.11.32 Quit cool2bdave ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.15.11 Quit skwad (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.20.05 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.21.16 # Hideo_Kuze: yep, that's me :) unfortunately my PC is also a bastard from time to time.. 01.23.06 # Hmm, am I right in thinking that pointers are usually the same size as longs? 01.24.01 # i.e. sizeof(* ) == sizeof(long) for most architectures? 01.24.34 # sizeof(* ) == sizeof(int) holds for 32bit processors, but neither for 16bit nor for 64bit 01.25.04 # It seems likely that it'll be the same as a long for most architectures, I think. 01.25.25 # * amiconn is tackling the sim issues on amd64 01.25.56 Quit ashridah ("Leaving") 01.26.30 # Making good progress at least? 01.33.32 Quit Moos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.51.06 # amiconn your wife is a bug seeker? ;-) 01.51.15 # My sister... 01.51.27 # ah ok ;) 01.53.03 Quit xmixahlx ("blah blah blah") 01.54.02 # Was she bitten by a moose once? 01.57.02 # No, really! 01.57.38 # Sweden is nice this time of year. See the lakes. 01.57.45 # The wonderful telephone system. 02.07.43 Join virtualball2 [0] (n=virtualb@AC8C261D.ipt.aol.com) 02.11.24 # linuxstb, what are the files i need to put in my linux partition? 02.11.40 # i know the iPL userland but what was the bin file? 02.12.27 # The bin file is the ipodlinux patched uclinux kernel. It should already have a .bin extension, and you just rename it to linux.bin and put it in the Fat32 partition 02.12.50 # ok and i put the userland in the linux partition? 02.13.12 # then how would i run linux then? Would i still have rockbox installed? 02.13.48 # When you hold down Play while booting the iPod, it tells it to load linux.bin instead of rockbox.ipod (assuming you still have the rockbox bootloader installed) 02.14.14 # ok cool 02.14.34 # Thanks Paul and do i need to reformat if i used newfs_msdos? 02.15.00 # Honestly, dunno. 02.15.18 # Probably not 02.15.28 # ok thanks anyways, once again, you guys are really nice about questions 02.15.54 # Assuming the first partition is the non-FSed one, the second is formatted Fat32, and the third is ext2/ext3, you should be fine 02.16.36 Nick vmx_ is now known as vmx (i=oma@p549B5806.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.16.39 Quit imphasing ("Have mercy on my soul..") 02.16.44 # ya can i paste my partition map[? 02.17.22 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@ 02.17.28 # Do you not know what they're formatted as? 02.17.31 Join egotrippen [0] (n=c7616225@labb.contactor.se) 02.17.33 # ya 02.17.46 Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.17.50 # Then it should all be fine. 02.18.00 # i just dont know about my first one, it is 27.9 GB and so is the second one :\ 02.18.12 # The first one shouldn't be 27.9gb 02.18.43 # ...well thats weird lol 02.18.44 # Basically, it should be ~40 or 80mb (depending on which iPod you have), then Lots and lots of fat 32, then some small amount of ext2 (depending on how much you want. I made mine 150mb) 02.19.01 # but theres an asterik next to it 02.20.57 # well w/e im gunna try it, and one last thing, i type things like this "cp bin /dev/disk2s3" and it is done quickly...is that weird? 02.20.59 # I don't know. I'm not that good with partition stuff. I had all kinds of problems trying to get my iPod properly partitioned to run Linux when I tried it. 02.21.20 # lol 02.21.22 # And I don't know how long that should take at all 02.21.31 # mkay then nvm 02.21.38 # thanks for your help 02.21.56 # Well, for one thing, if you try formatting just one partition on an ipod in windows using the built in windows format (at least with the Nano) it destroys the partition table and consolidate the whole 'disk' into one partition. 02.22.09 # That caused me a few issues when I was trying to format the Fat32 portion 02.22.21 # basically the same with mac 02.22.30 # except HFS+ :P 02.22.33 # Hehehe 02.23.45 # im pretty mad at iPL :P I used to think rockbox was the sucky one and iPL was good cuz it was sooo easy, but its like it has turned its back on hehe, so im pretty much rootin for RB now :D 02.25.16 # They're pretty different anyway. 02.26.19 # ya i guess, but not so much, one is basically for music the other is for games 02.26.28 # but both basically have the exact same :-P 02.26.50 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-66-65-89-236.nyc.res.rr.com) 02.28.41 Join JdG|uni [0] (n=82c20d65@labb.contactor.se) 02.29.00 # hey all 02.29.09 # uni sux :'( im soo bored here 02.30.36 # everyone gone to bed already have they? 02.30.47 # damn eurpopeans and yanks 02.31.03 # Hahaha 02.31.44 # the Yanks should be up, it's only 8:30 02.31.49 # Lost hasn't even aired yet :) 02.32.14 # 7:30 here. 02.32.27 # yeah 02.32.30 # i'm on the east coast 02.32.33 Quit muesli__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.32.35 # I figured 02.33.02 # 's what america gets, having three time zones in it 02.33.13 # Four 02.33.17 # And Arizona 02.33.27 # hm 02.33.41 # Arizona and their "We're too GOOD for your 'daylight savings time'" 02.33.43 # i'm forgetting hawaii, right? and i don't know about arizona 02.33.46 # ah 02.33.54 # they got the right idea, DST is a pain 02.34.05 # Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Atlantic. 02.34.23 # yup, we r in DST also, i hate it so much.. why the ell do we need to the sun to be still up at 8.30pm ? 02.34.56 # yeah - i'd rather have to wake up at the same real time every day than suddenly jump to match the sun 02.35.10 # Man, is it so hard to just say "Alright, we want to save on our power bills, so starting next week, you all come in to work one hour early and leave one hour early" and NOT change the clocks? 02.35.12 # they should make it gradual if they're gonna change it at all 02.35.21 # how would i move files to a hidden partition? Do i need to boot linux (Ubuntu is basically hell on eart--well Mac lol 02.36.08 # Well, if MacOS doesn't recognize ext2 or ext3, yeah, you'd probably have to boot it. 02.36.36 # can ubuntu use a bootdisk? that's the wrong term 02.36.37 # livedisk? 02.36.50 # I do not know. 02.36.58 # where you literally run the distro off of the CD, without installing anything 02.37.18 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa46.2.tellas.gr) 02.37.31 # ubutunu has a livecd 02.37.39 # yeah 02.37.42 # that's a great idea 02.37.43 # egotrippen, yes i use the live 02.38.00 # cool 02.39.02 # i miss Linux... i messed around with it for a few months before i got a laptop 02.39.25 # i couldn't figure out a bunch of the laptop-y things, though, like touchpad and tv-out recognition 02.39.43 # got it going pretty well on the desktop, though 02.46.41 Quit quobl (Remote closed the connection) 02.46.57 Join quobl [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/x-b4828d9ded90f3bb) 02.48.47 Quit JdG|uni ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 02.55.54 Quit egotrippen ("CGI:IRC") 03.03.21 Quit Steven__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.06.23 Quit tvelocity ("Ex-Chat") 03.09.00 Join imphasing [0] (n=imphasin@c-69-250-93-218.hsd1.dc.comcast.net) 03.10.49 Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.13.06 Join sw13 [0] (i=Shadowar@ip68-3-160-223.ph.ph.cox.net) 03.13.40 Join Lohnny [0] (n=a@cpe-065-190-015-212.triad.res.rr.com) 03.14.30 Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.16.38 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (i=steve-o@adsl-68-88-143-123.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 03.20.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.20.37 Quit virtualball2 ("virtualball2 has no reason") 03.24.15 Quit Shadowarrior13 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.24.25 Nick sw13 is now known as Shadowarrior13 (i=Shadowar@ip68-3-160-223.ph.ph.cox.net) 03.28.21 Join nave7693 [0] (i=evan@c-71-198-247-170.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 03.31.09 Quit ashay (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.33.16 Part nave7693 03.51.41 Quit ts-x ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 04.03.02 Quit Daishi ("Client exiting...") 04.12.02 Quit imphasing (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.14.46 Quit Hideo_Kuze ("off to lala land") 04.27.23 Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.38.09 Join nave7693 [0] (i=evan@c-71-198-247-170.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 04.38.10 Quit Shadowarrior13 () 04.39.35 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@ 04.52.34 Part picohertz 05.01.54 Join Rob2222_ [0] (n=Miranda@ACB40E4B.ipt.aol.com) 05.04.28 Nick Lohnny is now known as ashay (n=a@cpe-065-190-015-212.triad.res.rr.com) 05.14.01 Quit Rob2222_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.16.47 Join Deviant [0] (n=tnelms@CPE-72-129-224-152.kc.res.rr.com) 05.20.10 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.20.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.25.34 Quit Deviant () 05.40.06 Quit perldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.45.15 Part nave7693 05.47.14 Quit golf7 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.52.47 Join StrathAFK [0] (n=mike@dpc67143207026.direcpc.com) 05.56.02 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-66-65-89-236.nyc.res.rr.com) 05.59.14 Nick warewolf_ is now known as warewolf (i=warewolf@warewolf.org) 06.08.54 Quit Strath (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.10.46 Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ 06.22.44 # hi all 06.38.40 Join nave7693 [0] (i=evan@c-71-198-247-170.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 06.38.50 Part nave7693 06.39.27 Part segphault 06.42.52 Quit RotAtoR ("zzzzzzzz") 06.52.21 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 06.52.22 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 06.59.59 Nick Aditya_ is now known as Aditya|Zzzz (i=user@c-69-138-7-5.hsd1.md.comcast.net) 07.00.34 Quit SereR0kR ("XChat Aqua") 07.07.41 Join nave7693 [0] (i=evan@c-71-198-247-170.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 07.07.53 Part nave7693 07.11.25 Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) 07.20.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.26.21 Quit TCK ("well, if you say so.") 07.27.26 # why cant we edit our own comments on fyspray? is that a fs limitation or its just not setup? 07.29.38 # it's the way it works, we haven't told it anything special to do so 07.29.50 Join egotrippen [0] (n=c7616225@labb.contactor.se) 07.29.51 # its annoying.. but ok 07.30.16 # anyway, i updated the search in pl pacth again... 07.31.04 # yes, I noticed 07.39.15 # http://dvdprime.dreamwiz.com/images/news_special/200602271021038900.jpg - wow... 07.44.40 Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ 07.45.07 # Jungti1234: what the heck? 07.51.29 # hehe, iDJ. 07.52.29 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) 07.52.37 Part LinusN 07.53.06 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) 07.55.14 # haha.. 08.06.58 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD649F.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.13.26 Quit Jungti1234 () 08.13.34 Quit quobl ("Leaving") 08.14.03 Quit thegeek () 08.17.21 Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s026b.studby.ntnu.no) 08.17.49 Quit egotrippen ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 08.22.53 Join Siku [0] (n=Siku@f303b.w3.ton.tut.fi) 08.24.29 Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.24.29 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD649F.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.29.36 Join needleboy [0] (n=needlebo@HFA62-0-135-185.bb.netvision.net.il) 08.39.41 Join DJ_Dooms_Day [0] (n=DJDD@220-245-186-182.static.tpgi.com.au) 08.41.31 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 08.43.54 Join JonasNZ [0] (n=jbergler@unaffiliated/jonasnz) 08.44.21 # JdGordon: in the search playlist patch: why do you use button_get_w_tmo() when you don't do anything fun when it times out? 08.44.40 # copy/paste? 08.44.52 # and a little suggestion, use sizeof(search_str) instead of hard-coding '32' for the size of the buffer 08.45.02 Quit perldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.45.18 # wow, i want to congratulate this project, ive been trying for ages with ipl to get flac going, i find this and it just works :D 08.45.37 # JonasNZ: yay ;-) 08.46.25 # there are a couple of questions i have, is there a way to browse the music in certain folders like the ipod does it normally, by artist, or album etc? 08.47.00 # JonasNZ: there is a database mode 08.47.10 # but it is quite buggy as it is now 08.47.23 # B4gder: do u want me to change those 2 things? 08.48.03 Join webguest48 [0] (n=c08a74e7@labb.contactor.se) 08.48.06 # LinusN: hmm ill have a play 08.48.13 Join nave7693 [0] (i=evan@c-71-198-247-170.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 08.48.33 # JdGordon: It would make it more or less "final" so why not. I haven't tried it though. And I am not a dir cache user so I don't epect to either... 08.48.42 # it'd kill me 08.48.48 # alright 08.48.56 # I use a 4000+ playlist 08.49.01 # mostly 08.50.50 Join ender1 [0] (i=ychat@ 08.51.32 Quit Paul_The_Nerd ("Leaving.") 08.52.00 Quit webguest48 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.01.01 # morning 09.01.20 # morning 09.02.21 Quit kkurbjun (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.06.56 Quit ender` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.07.05 # B4gder, LinusN: Is it okay to rely on sizeof pointer == sizeof long for fixing the 64 bit problems, 09.07.20 # I think so 09.07.31 # I don't know of any arch where that isn't true 09.07.32 # or should our inttypes.h rather implement intptr_t and uintptr_t ? 09.08.21 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.08.36 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 09.09.20 # B4gder: I can't either, perhaps 8 bit archs? 09.09.32 # possibly yes 09.10.10 # A good thing is that this requirement (casting pointers to and from 'long' is also part of the older 'long policy' 09.10.32 # ah right 09.10.37 # So my fixes would also help the gmini port in case it will ever be picked up again... 09.10.44 Join petur [0] (n=d4efd6a6@labb.contactor.se) 09.11.07 # ..and it also explains why there aren't *that* many of these warnings 09.11.53 # I'm down to 23 warnings with my last commit 09.11.59 Quit JonasNZ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 09.12.05 # Most of them are now in playback.c 09.13.31 # I also found at least one other place where our code doesn't work correctly even though it gives no warning - the functions to extract bits from / put bits into the binary settings 09.14.30 # The effect is e.g. that I can start a sim without sector3D.bin and it works fine, but if I leave it and start it again, colours are black on black... 09.19.00 # my favourite combo ;-) 09.19.24 # B4gder better white on white 09.20.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.21.41 Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@81-178-235-210.dsl.pipex.com) 09.21.53 # do i want to slow down the search by adding a button_get_w_to so the search can be stopped? 09.22.14 Quit needleboy () 09.22.19 # ah, yes you do 09.22.34 # since it'll take *ages* with dir cache disabled 09.23.11 # what is the abolute fastest timeout that would still work? 09.23.25 # no timeout at all, just poll for a button 09.23.33 # button_get() 09.23.58 # button_get(false) even 09.24.00 # * JdGordon slaps self 09.24.36 # is BUTTON_OFF always defined? 09.24.58 # JdGordon look at firmware/export/button.h 09.25.01 # most probably no key is really certain 09.25.01 # but i doubt 09.25.14 # ok, just using TREE_OFF then 09.25.29 Join yeahx [0] (n=aarond@c-67-183-44-119.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 09.26.28 # yes, better this way 09.26.29 # JdGordon: X5 and Player have no BUTTON_OFF 09.26.34 # amiconn: I was looking at your 64-bit fixes, and wondering if you should use one of the posix types, such as size_t or off_t. 09.26.49 # linuxstb_: ?? 09.27.05 # size_t seems to be the type used with pointers. 09.27.09 # e.g. in memcpy 09.27.49 # I found several references to special intptr_t and uitptr_t types, 09.28.12 # (ints that match the size of a pointer) 09.28.54 # size_t would not always work, as it is unsigned 09.29.35 # ..and ssize_t is something very different 09.29.49 # yes, a signed size_t 09.29.55 # although not a standard type 09.30.04 # iirc 09.30.05 # Meh, I confused sth 09.30.05 # Is there a reason you rejected intptr_t ? That would seem perfect. 09.30.18 # linuxstb_: It doesn't seem necessary 09.30.44 # sizeof pointer == sizeof long holds for all architectures I know of, 09.31.37 # possibly except 8bit. I know that on Z80 addresses are 16bit, iI'm not sure whether long is 32bit there 09.32.11 # ..but will we ever see rockbox running on an 8bit CPU? 09.32.50 # no 09.33.24 # It just seems cleaner somehow to use a specific type when we need to treat pointers as integers, rather than making an assumption. 09.33.51 # Maybe, but it also implies other problems 09.34.40 # In case the value is propagated to other variables, it would be necessary to change these as well 09.35.19 # linuxstb_: I have to fix inttypes.h to work correctly on varying archs anyway, perhaps I should add intptr_t and uintptr_t 09.36.28 # B4gder: When preprocessing I can only figure out datatype sizes by checking UINT_MAX & friends, or is sizeof() available? 09.36.36 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Zagor) 09.36.51 # amiconn: nope, no sizeof() in preprocessing 09.37.04 # but you can write a test to run at configure-time 09.37.11 # The sim should just use the system inttypes.h - does cygwin have it? 09.37.22 # I did that for the endian check 09.37.29 # The sim uses our own inttypes.h 09.37.35 # That's a bug then. 09.37.45 # ..the same way it uses our own errno.h 09.38.48 # I didn't know we had udev and devfs support in rockbox... ;-) 09.38.57 # Was that one of your recent changes to make our errno.h include /usr/include/errno.h ? 09.39.15 # Zagor: must be that new linux compatibility layer ;-) 09.40.15 Quit Higgy_ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 09.40.25 Join Higgy_ [0] (n=not_eric@client-82-18-246-205.brhm.adsl.ntlworld.com) 09.40.37 Quit muesli__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.40.53 # linuxstb_: Btw, from looking at the system includes, inttypes.h isn't the header where the int*_t types are actually defined, the definitions reside in stdint.h 09.41.15 # inttypes.h includes that and then defines a bunch of other macros 09.41.26 # B4gder: got a reply from him yet? 09.41.32 # nope 09.41.32 # linuxstb_: Yes that was one of my recent changes. 09.41.47 # but then I think he's ignoring me already 09.41.54 # due to previous events 09.42.33 # It allows building the sim on an nptl linux system. The #ifdef magic makes it use our own errno for the win32 sim 09.42.47 # B4gder: what that before or after he left rockbox? 09.42.48 # ..and the sdl sim when building for windows 09.46.02 Part yeahx 09.47.31 Join needleboy [0] (n=needlebo@HFA62-0-135-185.bb.netvision.net.il) 09.54.04 Quit needleboy () 09.54.41 Join needleboy [0] (n=needlebo@HFA62-0-135-185.bb.netvision.net.il) 09.54.43 # amiconn: I know inttypes.h works at least on Linux, Mac OS X and Cygwin/mingw32 (I've written an application which uses it, and that compiles cleanly on those three platforms) So I think it should be OK to do the same #ifdef magic as errno.h in inttypes.h 09.59.47 Quit nave7693 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.10.08 # wiki:IpodStatus says rockbox has "clickwheel lag". wasn't this fixed in the button driver? 10.10.25 # or isn't the fix good enough? 10.14.09 # The clickwheel still needs more work, but yes, the lag has been removed. I'll fix the page. 10.27.38 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 10.28.41 # does any1 know how to add a drive to windows (like a fake drive from a folder on the hdd)? i know its a long shot... 10.29.35 # subst x: 10.29.37 # subst 10.29.59 # JdGordon: or the long way, share the folder and then map it 10.30.22 # the drive manager snap-in should be able to do it as well 10.30.50 # thanx guys... i was expecting some really idiotic code... damn this is gonna be sweet 10.34.06 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-77-10.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 10.35.06 Nick ender1 is now known as ender` (i=ychat@ 10.48.33 Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-132.VIC.netspace.net.au) 10.51.23 # does the splash function support multiline strings? 10.51.38 # JdGordon splash itself rearranges the lines 10.51.57 # so u can have a multiline msg? 10.54.27 # I don't think splash() even looks for \n 10.54.34 # it will wrap the string if it thinks it needs to 10.55.21 Join bagawk_ [0] (n=lee@71-210-18-7.eugn.qwest.net) 10.56.35 # B4gder: i just tested it with dir cache off and its not much slower 10.56.46 # cool 10.56.47 # maybe an extra 2 or 3 sec 10.56.50 # I don't understand how though 10.56.59 # of course the disk will spin the whole time 11.01.31 Quit bagawk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.02.43 # .. and im done... again... 11.05.04 Part LinusN 11.09.13 Quit Bg3r (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 11.14.17 # Someone tested my cut/copy/paste patch on Ondio with a MMC card and it seems to work copy between them. Cool. 11.14.23 # Now... should I add a progress bar? 11.15.00 # .. probably... 11.15.31 # and a completely random estimated time, like windows does :) 11.15.39 # haha 11.18.56 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 11.20.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.21.04 Join skwad [0] (n=P4@lns-bzn-54-82-251-110-232.adsl.proxad.net) 11.21.12 # I was thinking of making it themeable so you could have a progress WPS... 11.21.17 # While Progressing Screen :) 11.21.19 # safetydan: For moving, do you try rename() first and if that fails, resort to copying? 11.21.19 # Hi all 11.21.32 # amiconn, no 11.21.56 # safetydan: its dead simple to use the currne twps.. as long as u fake the id3 info... 11.22.00 # That will be necessary for multivolume support 11.22.28 # amiconn, I hadn't got to multivolume support yet 11.22.38 # Is there a way to detect if the file is on a different volume first? 11.23.01 # Not with the standard file api 11.23.20 # The fat code does know about the volume 11.23.32 # would any1 like to look at my latest brain-fart.. uh, i mean, patch and commit if its ok? http://www.rockbox.org/bugs/task/4759 11.24.05 # Hmm, when thinking about it, is there a standard errno value (Esomething) to indicate move across filesystem boundaries? 11.24.28 # EXDEV oldpath and newpath are not on the same filesystem. 11.24.52 # EXDEV 11.24.55 # ah 11.25.11 # hehe 11.25.17 # but rename just sets EIO if fat_rename fails 11.25.21 # Okay, so file.c: rename should be made to set that for move attempts across filesystems 11.25.57 # Rockbox already has EXDEV defined... 11.26.33 # should be easy enough, fat_rename returns -1 in the case of cross-volume renames 11.26.43 # other errors have different return codes 11.27.00 Quit gtkspert (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.27.17 # yup, just another if inside the if(rc <0) ... 11.27.44 # ..put in an #ifdef HAVE_MULTIVOLUME 11.28.22 # So who wants to do it? I can't test it without a multivolume target, but I can certainly write the code. 11.28.54 # multiple volume as in more than 1 partition on the hdd? 11.29.04 # Hmm, I have a nice challenge for Slasheri: Make dircache work properly with multivolume and hot mounting/unmounting of volumes. 11.29.44 # JdGordon, pretty much 11.29.55 # will certainly need all this nice work when I ever get usbotg to work... 11.30.21 # ill test it out 11.30.31 # assumeing its safe to partition the disk in winxp? 11.31.12 # JdGordon, only some targets actually support multiple volumes. By some I think that means just Ondio at the moment 11.31.25 # oh ok 11.31.47 # what is multiple volumes ? 11.31.53 # JdGordon: You can use multivolume support for multiple partitions as well, 11.32.21 # but it was mainly developed for Ondio, which has 128MB of builtin flash memory, and an MMC slot 11.32.31 # amiconn, does Rockbox currently work on multiple partitions on anything other than Ondio? 11.32.45 Join webguest76 [0] (n=51429e4d@labb.contactor.se) 11.34.04 # with usbotg, it could be that a multi card reader gets attached that has n drives of which only one is valid 11.34.21 # just a suggestion : wouldn't it be logical to group the wps gallery by lcd sizes and not players ? 11.34.35 # skwad: yes, lcd size + color depth 11.34.43 # yep 11.35.15 # cause x5 and h100 have same resolution, and h300 and ipod 4g too 11.35.51 # but x5 is color and h100 is not 11.36.08 # * JdGordon thinks thats his point 11.37.27 # or just groupping the players which have same lcd size 11.41.25 # yep B4gder but the x5 users could take the h100 b/w wps .... 11.41.51 # making like you said; lcd size + color depth 11.42.28 # skwad: Yes, I've been thinking the same thing. Headings like "220x176 16-bit color (iriver H300, iPod Color/Photo)" 11.42.47 # yep 11.43.03 # perhaps I coul do it ... it's not very difficult 11.43.07 # *could 11.45.06 # Another heading could perhaps be "Text-only", and the WPS would need to indicate how many lines of text are required - these are dependent on the combination of LCD size and the font the user chooses. 11.46.26 # amiconn, this seem okay? http://pastebin.com/579899 11.46.43 # I'm cautious about comitting things in that area since... well it's in the scary firmware directory :) 11.47.23 Quit dpassen1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.48.42 # safetydan: In fact I tested multivolume support on archos player, to see whether it has problems with mixed FAT32 and FAT32 11.49.04 # Worked rather well after fixing some bugs. 11.49.22 # safetydan: Looking at your latest patch (v4), I noticed that in your main copy loop, you are checking bytesread instead of byteswritten after a write. 11.50.50 # linuxstb, good spot 11.51.10 # Erm of course mixing FAT16 and FAT32 11.51.19 # FAT16 was another Ondio first... 11.52.08 # Also, if the write fails, maybe you should delete the created file. 11.53.47 # linuxstb, good idea. I'll fix that too 11.54.16 # safetydan: Your #fdef #else #endif sequence is wrong. 11.54.36 # The code wouldn't report other errors than EXDEV on multivolume targets 11.56.16 # yes, you're right 11.58.22 # Check my suggestion on pastebin 11.58.24 # I'll change that to just do both checks 12.00.49 # Okay, that's the same thing I did 12.00.54 # I'll commit that now then 12.03.40 # talking to partition things, anyone now how to fix the Rockbox Infos concerning the HD space left? 12.03.50 # s/now/know 12.04.59 # gah... misspelt "volumes" 12.05.26 # at least it's only a debug string 12.06.30 # I purposely used 'tried' not 'failed' 12.06.37 # But it's not important either 12.07.04 # It's just a debug string, and debug bui.ds aren't possible on Ondio 12.12.33 # wow the builds are fast now 12.12.47 # it's almost quicker to commit things to the build server than to compile them locally 12.13.23 Join webguest60 [0] (n=3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) 12.13.58 # webguest76: you can do it from the debug menu.. which player do you have? 12.14.49 # webguest76, what's wrong with the free space count? 12.15.19 # that said me wrong free space 12.15.56 # exemple: my iriver h1xx said me 2.34 GO, but I reall y have just around 600 mo free 12.16.05 # info > debug (keep out!) > view disk info.. now press up 3 times (or until you get a listing of free space).. Press select and it should say "Scanning disk" 12.16.23 # That'll recalculate the free space count 12.16.33 # uh? didn't know this, let me check 12.16.48 # what is the select button btw? 12.16.57 # The joystick 12.17.03 # Pressing it down. 12.17.10 # ok thanks 12.17.14 # I'm testing 12.17.51 # Maybe that should be possible to do outside the debug screen, as someone mentioned on the mailinglist? 12.18.29 # IIRC it's from the FAT structure which Windows (or Linux) is supposed to update when modifying the file system 12.18.35 # obviously it doesn't work right 12.18.47 # ok, that doesn' automaticly refresh 12.18.59 # we need to scan like this manually 12.19.18 # or you file a bug report to microsoft :-) 12.20.24 # Yes, windows seems utterly broken in this area (as well) 12.20.28 # time to go, thanks webguest60 for the info 12.20.38 Quit webguest76 ("CGI:IRC") 12.21.01 # likewise 12.21.02 Quit webguest60 ("CGI:IRC") 12.28.10 Nick ashridah is now known as Lost-ash (i=ashridah@220-253-121-132.VIC.netspace.net.au) 12.32.14 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.43.56 # does any1 know if it is possible to load the windows icon for a certain file if u know the filetype? 12.44.31 # yeah 12.44.34 # its a shell call 12.44.49 # do u know the name? 12.45.05 # SHGetFileInfo 12.45.16 # what language you using? 12.46.04 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACB40E4B.ipt.aol.com) 12.46.08 # c 12.46.55 # oh 12.47.11 # well I dont exactly know how to make shell calls from C but thats your guy 12.47.37 # thanx 12.47.41 # ill have a look 12.47.51 # np 12.47.57 # have you tried google groups? 12.48.17 # not yet 12.48.31 # since when is C++ or higher required to do win32 api calls? 12.49.03 # JdGordon: check that on msdn (msdn.microsoft.com) 12.50.15 # erm 12.50.20 # I didn't say that.. 12.50.28 # I just didn't know HOW to make shell calls from C 12.50.44 # I use C# and C++ a lot and I only have had to use ShGetFileInfo from C# for a file browser 12.50.47 # msdn is very helpful for stuff like this 12.50.56 # use it all the time myself 12.51.08 # eh 12.51.16 # off to uni. 12.51.18 # later taters 12.51.25 Nick Aditya|Zzzz is now known as Aditya|Uni (i=user@c-69-138-7-5.hsd1.md.comcast.net) 12.51.51 # ... talks a lot in his sleep ... :P 12.53.28 Join erus` [0] (n=tommo@ACD4B063.ipt.aol.com) 12.55.23 # whoa... 8 seconds / build 12.55.44 # darned neat 12.56.44 # wth? 12.57.43 # not bad 12.57.46 # not bad at all 12.57.49 # Has anyone tried distcc to build Rockbox? e.g. on a home network? 12.57.57 # yes 12.58.04 # pretty good looking build table too 12.58.12 # or rather, I build it on the build server with distcc to my homebox 12.58.33 # how many build boxes have we got? 12.58.39 # which was too slow network for distcc to be fun 12.58.50 # preglow: 5 the last time I checked 12.59.16 # very nice 12.59.21 # solved that problem 13.01.14 # a few more servers and we'll be faster than what most people build locally ;-) 13.01.36 # Mine will be coming on line in the next week or two, hopefully. 13.01.48 # bah, it already is... A LOT :( 13.02.53 # JdGordon: you had colinux running, right? 13.03.09 # ye, havnt got it setup properly yet tho 13.03.34 # mine runs, but refuses to know the dns servers I give it :( 13.03.52 # have u got networking at all? 13.03.59 # you cygwin guys tried using ccache? 13.04.13 # I see it is available as a package 13.04.33 # install it, run configure --ccache 13.04.39 # compare build speed 13.04.54 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.04.57 # * JdGordon doing 13.04.59 # JdGordon: I just tried pining my windows box, maybe I should try an ip address on the net - good point 13.05.41 # somebody said ccache made it worse 13.05.53 # ;-( 13.06.57 # B4gder, I think amiconn tried it. His results were something like 6 minutes without ccache, 8 minutes the first time with ccache and 7 minutes the second time with cccahe 13.07.10 # haha, how crappy 13.07.37 # What is ccache? 13.07.50 # it caches compiler results 13.07.59 # and gets them instead of rebuilding 13.08.04 # if all things remain the same 13.08.09 # It that the same or different to pch? 13.08.36 # I don't know pch 13.08.43 # Pre-compiled headers. 13.08.46 # ah 13.08.51 # this caches object files 13.09.05 # Nice feature in mingw at least that cuts down on compile time a lot. 13.09.16 # Not sure if core gcc supports it. 13.09.38 # so if you build the same unmodified source again, it just gets the cached object file instead of recompiling 13.10.07 # but of course it needs to preprocess first 13.10.17 # which I guess is what takes lots of the time on cygwin 13.11.34 # Do you know how much ccache speeds up the builds on the build server? 13.11.42 Part erus` ("Leaving") 13.11.59 # not exactly, but I remember it cut down the build time by a signigicant amount when I added it 13.12.14 # like 20-30% or so 13.13.11 # Really we ought to be using pre-compiled headers if bog standard gcc supports it. It should increase build speed quite dramatically. 13.13.18 # http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Precompiled-Headers.html#Precompiled%20Headers 13.16.15 # I notice that doesn't seem to indicate how to generate them. 13.16.34 # not with details, it just says "To create a precompiled header file, simply compile it as you would any other file, if necessary using the -x option to make the driver treat it as a C or C++ header file." 13.17.49 # but that doesn't make sense to me 13.18.07 # Only one precompiled header can be used in a particular compilation. 13.18.42 # weird limitation 13.18.47 Quit JdGordon ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 13.19.05 # heh 13.19.07 # Some other command-line options starting with -f, -p, or -O must be defined in the same way as when the precompiled header was generated. At present, it's not clear which options are safe to change and which are not 13.20.19 # B4gder: safetydan is right, I tried ccache on cygwin and it is indeed counter-productive 13.20.22 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.21.33 Join gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@203-59-90-165.dyn.iinet.net.au) 13.22.03 # The cygwin slowness seems to be filesystem related 13.22.41 Quit hyarion ("leaving") 13.24.27 # Building on my linux VM is almost 3 times as fast as on the host w/ cygwin, but guess what happened when I tried building within the linux VM but directly on the hgfs shared folder? 13.25.31 # Almost as slow as under cygwin... 13.25.44 # gosh 13.27.38 # Either it's the virus scanner or ntfs itself 13.42.44 # file system doesn't matter 13.42.48 # it's just as bad on fat32 13.44.02 # i've never used an active virus scanner, and it was just as bad on my pc 13.46.24 Nick Lost-ash is now known as ashridah (i=ashridah@220-253-121-132.VIC.netspace.net.au) 13.46.43 # http://www.misticriver.net/showpost.php?p=399629&postcount=46 <- nice to see someone's talking about me 13.48.19 # which reminds me, anyone know where the latest wma fixed point port is? i can only seem to find what was posted on our forum 13.50.45 # there was a fixed point port? 13.51.47 Join webguest31 [0] (n=3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) 13.55.38 # well, yeah 13.55.49 # a half-finished one 14.00.46 # i seem to recall someone mentioning they were going to look into it shortly after the H3xx started playing audio or something, that's all i've seen 14.04.39 # a lot of people have said they'll look at it 14.04.52 # i've never heard from anyone of them again, even those i said i'd help 14.10.37 # what, you have to _check_ for size_t? 14.10.49 # i thought that was a built-in type 14.13.47 # preglow: I'm not sure. Maybe my commit isn't the best solution 14.15.15 # Without it I get: include/sys/types.h:46: error: conflicting types for 'size_t' 14.15.32 # /usr/include/stddef.h:55: error: previous declaration of 'size_t' was here 14.15.32 # size_t isn't built-in 14.15.36 Quit DJ_Dooms_Day ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 14.15.40 # only char, int, long, short etc are 14.18.28 # right 14.18.30 # it should be :> 14.21.02 Quit Paprica (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.24.00 Join DJ_Dooms_Day [0] (n=DJDD@220-245-186-182.static.tpgi.com.au) 14.26.53 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@host213-123-154-169.in-addr.btopenworld.com) 14.28.19 Join saa[b_r]ider [0] (n=saab_rid@ 14.30.19 Join webguest33 [0] (n=3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) 14.30.41 # preglow: Are you still looking for the wma code? 14.31.32 Join SereR0kR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fd122.f.strato-dslnet.de) 14.33.05 Quit webguest31 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 14.33.43 # preglow: I can't find the forum thread, but I think this is the zip file the poster made available: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/WMA_V0.2.zip 14.35.26 # But looking again at it now, it doesn't seem very useful - it still uses float, and it still links against libm. 14.36.59 Quit SereR0kR ("XChat Aqua") 14.38.39 Join SereR0kR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fd122.f.strato-dslnet.de) 14.38.41 # I seem to be talking to myself, but I've also found the forum topic - http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=1258.15 14.39.54 # oh no, I listened... not that it helped much :) 14.40.16 # linuxstb_: I also listened and found the same thread 14.40.31 # :) 14.40.32 Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ 14.41.15 Quit B4gder ("time to say moo") 14.41.16 # http://homepage.ntlworld.ie/p.mc.quillan/WMA_V0.5.zip 14.41.44 # hello all 14.46.09 # markun: Thanks for that link. 14.46.28 # man, these 5 minute builds are phenominally nice, keep catching me off guard with their speed. 14.47.51 # There is some weird code in there - e.g. the initialisation of lookup tables using 256 assignment statements (table[0]=2; table[1]=1; etc...), or 256 if statements instead of a lookup table. 14.48.15 # hahaha 14.48.30 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa46.2.tellas.gr) 14.48.32 # It's like a lesson in how to write inefficient code... 14.48.47 # no wonder it required 100MHz 14.49.11 # linuxstb_: was it already there in the ffmpeg source? 14.49.14 # But it's definitely got potential - those things are easily fixed. 14.49.21 # markun: I highly doubt it. 14.50.15 # linuxstb_: well, fix it! :) 14.50.49 # Of course - those bits are the least of our worries. 14.53.55 # It would be so nice if the codecs could use the same fft and mdct code 14.55.48 Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp46-adsl-132.ath.forthnet.gr) 14.56.01 # I'm very tempted to give this wma decoder a go - to at least get it working (at whatever speed it can manage) under Rockbox. 14.56.13 Quit Jungti1234 () 14.56.54 # go go go! 14.57.28 # yeah linuxstb_!! 14.57.38 # Make the big leap :D 14.58.14 # Once wma runs on ipod, expect a nastygram from Apple 14.58.58 # Does MS have problems with a GPL WMA decoder? 14.59.27 # I don't think there's much they can do 14.59.38 # except make the next codec harder to RE 15.00.25 # markun: The WMA decoder in ffmpeg isn't new. But I guess it has a relatively low profile. 15.01.04 # is there any chance of realtime? 15.01.23 # Of course - the original iriver firmware plays wma in realtime. 15.01.44 # But how much work it's going to need is another question. 15.01.52 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 15.01.56 # yeah but the ffmpeg decoder may be not so optimal 15.04.03 # Wasn't the WMV spec submitted to a standards board? Wouldn't that also include the audio component? 15.04.32 # markun: (size_t and stuff for bsd) Maybe your solution isn't the best, but if it works... It goes in the same line as my errno.h fixes for nptl 15.04.58 # safetydan: That all depends what audio format was proposed to go with it. But yes, Microsoft want broadcasters to use their codecs, so they've had to submit them for standardisation. 15.05.12 # safetydan: only video 15.06.03 # linuxstb: what is needed is a fixedpoint implementation of the requantization of the mdct coeffs 15.06.14 # webguest33 - I don't think Apple would care - we're never going to support DRM'd WMA. 15.06.49 # linuxstb_: I was a) more thinking of the principle of the thing: "their format on our player! An outrage!" b) kidding 15.07.22 # webguest33: their new codec is not hard at all to RE, linspire released decoders with debug info in them 15.08.18 # merbanan: then they have failed, I guess 15.08.48 # webguest33: ps file of the call tree for wmapro init http://tranquillity.campus.luth.se/~banan/wmapro/libwma3init.ps 15.13.04 Quit DJ_Dooms_Day (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.14.11 Join Matze [0] (i=Miranda@p5484E6B8.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.17.07 Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-18bcf48a.dyn.optonline.net) 15.18.41 # linuxstb_: i think you should! :) 15.19.10 # I only have one wma file though.... 15.19.12 # the integration job is what i'm not looking forward to 15.19.14 Quit SereR0kR ("XChat Aqua") 15.19.17 # i only have one wma file too... 15.19.22 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A47069.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.19.40 # I'm sure microsoft will happily provide a few to show off how superior the format is 15.19.43 # *cough* 15.20.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.20.58 # I don't mind the integration job - as long as I can find some documentation on the asf format (or whatever wma is contained in...) 15.21.34 # http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/demos/audio_quality_demos.aspx 15.22.40 # Encoding to wma is not a problem with a windows box 15.22.51 # also http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/democenter/9series/avquality/wmamp3/default.htm 15.23.21 # I'm sure there will be volunteers to give preglow and me sample files... 15.24.07 # those are short samples of different bitrates I think 15.24.15 # probably nice for testing 15.24.30 # linuxstb need a wma? 15.25.42 # muesli__: Not yet :) 15.25.49 # oki ;-) 15.26.05 # just to give u a perfect jump start ;) 15.26.38 # linuxstb_: i think contacting the wma port guy might also be clever, i think he's done some more work on it 15.26.41 # linuxstb: here are some samples for you http://equinox.campus.ltu.se/samples/A-codecs/ 15.26.52 Quit kernelsensei (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.27.01 Join kernelsensei [0] (n=boris@gentoo/developer/kernelsensei) 15.28.35 Quit tvelocity ("Ex-Chat") 15.32.51 # linuxstb_: i get the impression there's a lot of unneeded code here 15.32.57 Join Paprica [0] (i=Paprica@85-250-85-64.bb.netvision.net.il) 15.33.06 # hi 15.34.56 # aaghahahaha, half of the wmadec.c code is bloody lookup tables in disguise 15.35.05 # I noticed that :) 15.35.15 Join dpassen1 [0] (n=dpassen1@resnet-236-163.resnet.UMBC.EDU) 15.35.27 # my god 15.35.55 # I especially love the internal_05_power_ten() function 15.36.29 # yes, that in particular struck a chord with me 15.36.47 # the programmer has to be from the moon or something 15.36.49 # http://booc.coob.org/jackbauer.mp3 <- best song ever. 15.37.32 # linuxstb_: the readme.txt says the ffmpeg code is taken from a 2004 branch, do you think much has changed since then? 15.38.24 # preglow: the most important fix commited was a framing issue 15.38.33 # yeah, it has been changed 15.38.37 # couple of bug fixes 15.38.47 # nothing big 15.39.18 Join ts-x [0] (n=0cb706c2@labb.contactor.se) 15.39.51 # huuge parts of dsputil.c are uneeded 15.39.58 # cpp, at that 15.40.16 # Yes, most of the time I spent on porting the FLAC decoder was deleting unused code. 15.40.40 # but yeah, in the near future, when we change to svn, the libffmpegFLAC dir should probably be renamed 15.41.09 # * preglow pokes Bagder in the ribs 15.41.40 # I can see more and more of ffmpeg being useful - especially if someone ever implements video. 15.41.42 # preglow: dsputil is unneeded, the mdct code from ffmpeg isn't used 15.42.04 # i couldn only see dct code in dsputil anyway 15.42.09 # didn't look too close 15.42.48 # it also gives you mdct routines 15.43.13 # now, what the hell does simple_idct do here... 15.43.31 # I guess to make dsputil happy 15.44.03 # and then we've got two different implementations of the mdct 15.44.06 # one needing an fft lib 15.50.38 # * linuxstb_ spots an asf file format document on Microsoft's website: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/format/asfspec.aspx 15.51.51 # lostlogic: Why did you remove the global_settings.runtime = 0; lines from apps/gui/statusbar.c ? 15.52.24 # The runtime should be forced to 0 whenever a charger is connected 15.53.14 # linuxstb_: http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Microsoft_Advanced_Streaming_Format 15.53.19 # Btw, this didn't work 100% on H300. It did work on the archos jukeboxes 15.53.55 # On H300 it was only forced to 0 while actually charging, not when charging was complete 15.56.41 # merbanan: Do you know if that is still accurate? i.e. is v1.0 undocumented but used, and v2.0 documented but unused? 15.58.47 Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@ 15.59.30 # linuxstb_: not sure but new files still demux correctly with ffmpeg and mplayer 15.59.59 # try to correlate any fatal changes 16.07.41 Quit ashridah ("Leaving") 16.07.52 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD649F.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.10.30 Quit webguest33 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 16.16.24 # hmm 16.16.26 # any devs aboot? 16.17.10 # sure 16.17.21 # hey preglow, ltns :) 16.17.25 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 16.17.26 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD649F.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.17.30 # indeed, hehe 16.17.43 # i wanted to ask about the bootloader actuall 16.17.59 # go ahead 16.18.05 # on the other architectures rockbox has been ported too, what happens if the bootloader doesn't quite work 16.18.11 # does it, effectively, just brick the player? 16.18.17 # i know the ipod has a special emergency mode 16.19.27 # yes, brick 16.19.31 # at least for iriver players 16.19.31 # rocking 16.19.40 # in the case of iaudio, you have something much like on ipod 16.19.55 # but yes, for iriver players, a brick is very probably if you break the bootloader 16.19.57 # as im still within my 1year statutory period here in the uk with this iriver 16.20.05 # so if i brick it, i can just get a new one from the store 16.20.18 # no you can't 16.20.26 # well 16.20.30 # ive done it once alreayd 16.20.32 # so im guessing i can 16.20.32 # weeell, i don't exactly know uk laws, but i think flashing it with unauthorised firmware kind of voids that... 16.20.37 # hehe 16.20.39 # yeah, that's the idea 16.20.41 # you have to demonstrate it was unfit for sale usually 16.20.43 # but they wouldnt know, as it's just a store 16.20.53 # well, when ive replaced hardware that's broken before 16.20.56 # nobody bricked his iriver so far..you would be bloody nr.1 ;-p 16.21.05 # especially in high street chains, like Dixons 16.21.08 # they just exchange the unit 16.21.27 # there's already a story of a rockboxed iriver gone bad, and no more warranty 16.21.42 # it wasn't rockbox that bricked it 16.21.46 # well 16.21.52 # but they still refused 16.22.03 # when i left my h10 in a red hot car over the summer for a few days, the battery broke, and they just replaced the whole unit in the store i bought it from 16.22.07 # petur yepp, but the bootlaoder itself is safe 16.23.13 # the guy's hdd broke, he returned it (couldn't reflash) and they said he void his warranty 16.23.20 # :o 16.23.23 # where was this? 16.23.41 # read in the forum (here or MR, can't remember) 16.23.47 # ahh, fair deal 16.24.27 # petur that sounds logical...he shouldve built in a replacement hff before returning 16.24.27 Quit DT291 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.24.37 # foolish if you ask me 16.24.42 # http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2738.0 16.24.48 # I don't think it would boot so he couldn't reflash it 16.24.49 Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-32-194-202.bna.bellsouth.net) 16.25.20 # get another drive and reflash 16.25.22 # done. 16.25.25 Join SereR0kR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fcdd9.f.strato-dslnet.de) 16.25.56 # err... he wanted the drive replaced under warranty 16.26.53 # organizations are always looking to avoid their warranty service 16.28.38 # on another topic... web services are annoying :( 16.28.39 # and a new report just came in: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2611.0 (happened in the UK) 16.32.45 # heh 16.33.03 # perhaps we should make the rockbox bootloader not spam the screen so much :-) 16.35.59 # support usbotg and flashing from the bootloader, so we can attach a memorystick and reflash from it :D 16.40.50 Join Menollo [0] (n=53740bec@labb.contactor.se) 16.42.40 Join Farpenoodle [0] (n=solo84@ 16.42.56 Quit Menollo (Client Quit) 16.45.50 # petur lol 16.46.15 # that would be awesome 16.46.37 # for bootloader v39 probably :P 16.46.45 # connecting a 5 1/4 floppy ;) 16.47.21 Quit vmx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.47.30 Quit markun ("leaving") 16.47.48 Join vmx [0] (i=oma@p549B5FBA.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.48.45 # * petur looks at the address of markun and notes how the university of Twente thinks about its students 16.50.22 # how so? :P 16.51.08 # bastards.student.ipv6.utwente.nl 16.51.19 # we choose our own hostnames :) 16.53.39 Quit needleboy () 16.55.36 Join TheOneWhoKnows [0] (n=NeedWeed@DSL212-235-20-175.bb.netvision.net.il) 16.55.38 Join markun [0] (n=markun@bastards.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) 16.56.16 Join imphasing [0] (n=imphasin@c-69-250-93-218.hsd1.dc.comcast.net) 16.58.27 # Xerion: quite a lot of people from Twente who come here :) 16.59.22 Quit TheOneWhoKnows (Client Quit) 17.00.45 Quit Thus0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.00.57 # Xerion: you, me, HCl and Pieter (not here right now) 17.01.16 Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@ 17.06.09 # :) 17.08.17 Join DJ_Dooms_Day [0] (n=DJDD@220-245-186-182.static.tpgi.com.au) 17.16.39 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 17.20.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.26.14 Join Mongey|study [0] (n=mongeyc@83-70-60-232.b-ras1.dbn.dublin.eircom.net) 17.27.26 # anyone speak french here? 17.28.12 Join needleboy [0] (i=Miranda@85-64-87-18.barak-online.net) 17.33.29 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.33.40 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 17.34.44 # Mongey|study: un peu ;) 17.35.16 Quit Thus0 ("Leaving") 17.36.41 Join IcyStorM [0] (n=aknemyr@h119n3c1o1043.bredband.skanova.com) 17.36.43 # yes 17.36.46 # emm 17.36.54 # can u help moi? 17.37.23 # with what? 17.37.51 # nvm its ok now 17.37.55 # thanks anyway 17.38.06 # phew... 17.39.05 # lol 17.39.11 Quit Mongey|study () 17.48.26 Join Farpnut [0] (n=solo84@ 17.48.45 Quit safetydan ("Leaving") 17.50.50 Join paugh [0] (n=kickback@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:8000:0:3e03:6822) 17.55.22 Quit ts-x ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 18.01.46 Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) 18.03.58 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-77-10.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 18.06.00 Quit petur ("damn, another evening without rockbox coding :(") 18.09.14 Quit Farpenoodle (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.12.01 Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@81-178-235-210.dsl.pipex.com) 18.12.26 # amiconn, I just booted in to windows to try and reproduce the SDL sim "window dragging while playing sound" 18.12.33 # works fine for me (un)fortunately 18.12.43 # Sound plays no matter what I do to the sim window 18.15.50 # safetydan: Have you tried holding an extended drag, and like... shaking it all over the place, for lack of a better way to describe it? 18.16.10 # I haven't done it recently, but when I first heard about it causing issues, I had to go that far cause problems 18.18.26 Join mozetti [0] (n=mozetti@p54A8577A.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.30.06 # Paul_The_Nerd, that's what I spent about five minutes doing :) 18.30.16 # My wife was looking at me funny the whole time 18.30.22 # "I'm just debugging honey" 18.31.22 # safetydan: Well, I haven't tried that recently, so it's very possible the problem's gone anyway. :) Man, I'm glad I don't have people to look over my shoulder when I do things like that 18.46.00 Quit IcyStorM (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.55.05 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-7-37.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 18.59.02 # öö 18.59.05 # mmm 18.59.19 # how can i jumo a line when i read from file? 18.59.33 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nico404@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) 19.01.46 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-084-059-077-183.pools.arcor-ip.net) 19.04.52 Quit ghode|afk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.05.30 Join ts-x [0] (n=0cb706c2@labb.contactor.se) 19.08.24 # Paprica: What do you mean by "jumo" ? 19.08.33 # jump* 19.08.42 # go to the next line 19.08.43 # .. 19.10.20 # You have to read the whole file in order to know where the lines are - so you can't jump lines. 19.10.52 # ok 19.11.12 Quit Paul_The_Nerd ("Leaving.") 19.11.17 Quit imphasing (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.12.08 Quit Xerion (" ") 19.14.47 Quit DrumRBoy320|Away (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.15.29 Quit linuxstb_ ("Client Exiting") 19.20.32 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.21.23 Join SuperSnout [0] (n=chatzill@82-35-97-118.cable.ubr05.dals.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.22.50 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@zorgash.student.utwente.nl) 19.22.53 Join egotrippen [0] (n=c7616225@labb.contactor.se) 19.22.55 # Hey.. I'm running rockbox on my H300.. are there any plugins extra plugins that people could recommed? Also.. where would you get other rockdoom .wad files to play the other versions.. and if you add those files to the doom folder.. how do you select which file rockdoom runs from? 19.23.06 # * -plugins 19.23.41 # i'm getting an error message re 'Playlist Control File' on the H300 CVS 19.23.58 # most of the times when i try to resume a playlist, and sometimes when i try to add something to a playlist, it won't let me 19.24.05 # egotrippen: still not sorted it out? =( 19.24.36 # i don't think i've reported this problem yet... it just began happening a couple weeks ago, i think 19.24.48 # it's starting to really bother me, though 19.24.52 # i like playlist resume 19.25.22 # i don't think we can talk about where to get .wad files unless they're open source, but to play them 19.25.32 # just rename them and put them where the one you have is 19.25.41 # either to doom.wad or doom2.wad, i think 19.27.01 # doom2.wad is commercial, but a lot of the other wad's you can get are freeware 19.27.15 # yeah. freeware ones we can point you to 19.27.26 # but not like quake or hexen 19.27.32 # go to the forums at ipodlinux.org and search for "wad" 19.27.37 # egotrippen: must have been someone else last night who had the same problem 19.27.44 # hm 19.27.57 # they get any info on it? i haven't heard anyone else with this problem 19.28.22 # egotrippen: can't really remember.. sorry.. 19.28.33 # eh, s'alright 19.28.53 # BHSPitLappy: thanks.. 19.29.15 Join |Beowulf| [0] (n=kvirc@82-46-57-180.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.30.24 # BHSPitLappy: "No page with this exact title exists, trying full text search." 19.30.42 # SuperSnout: I said the forums, not the wiki 19.31.05 # " go to the forums at ipodlinux.org" 19.31.08 # oh.. seperate.. ok 19.31.20 # sorry.. i thought it was just a straight link.. 19.31.45 Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.34.54 # are they actually shareware BHS? 19.35.16 # they have doom2.wad.. 19.35.23 Part mozetti 19.35.49 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.36.04 # SuperSnout: no, they don't 19.37.07 # BHSPitLappy: *sigh* i'm awfully sorry.. i'm seem to be a bit blind today 19.44.35 Join TCK- [0] (n=tckocr@81-178-255-205.dsl.pipex.com) 19.45.32 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-45-186.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 19.46.11 Join Lear [0] (n=chatzill@h194n1c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) 19.48.07 # i actually have the game doom.. bought it a long time ago.. do you just take the wad files of the cd? 19.50.36 # i have ultimate doom.. would it run? 19.52.23 # it should 19.52.47 # just rename the wad to what the one you have already is called 19.55.05 Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.55.13 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.58.45 Join skwad_ [0] (n=P4@lns-bzn-54-82-251-110-232.adsl.proxad.net) 19.58.45 Quit skwad (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.00.15 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.05.03 Quit TCK- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.05.15 # safetydan: The crash still happens here 20.06.30 # I start playing music (tested both with ogg and mp3), then start moving around the sim window. 20.06.43 # amiconn, back trace? Or is it still the "wacky negative values to pcm_buf_len" issue? 20.06.48 # Within a few seconds, music stops playing 20.07.10 # ..and then either the sim freezes or exits 20.07.31 # I was only able to reproduce the latter effect right now 20.07.42 # (tried 4 times, 2 each with ogg and mp3) 20.08.31 # you guys have any ideas what would cause problems with the 'playlist control file' when resuming playback? 20.08.36 # have you heard of this bug before? 20.09.18 # egotrippen, maybe trying deleting the .playlist_control file and trying again? Or possibly a scandisk. 20.09.26 # Argh! Under gdb control, the former effect happens 20.09.38 # ok 20.09.39 # The crash freezes the whole system for several seconds 20.10.36 Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@172.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) 20.10.49 # safetydan: http://pastebin.com/580593 20.11.37 # okay.. i'm having problem.. i copied the wad file from my copy of ultimate doom and named it doom1.wad.. but when i play the game the startup screen is correct.. but all the rest is the same as the shareware version and i can only play knee deep in the dead.. 20.11.44 # *a problem 20.12.30 # doom1.wad is the wrong name 20.12.41 # amiconn, that's crashing inside the Rockbox pcmbuf code 20.12.43 Join RotAtoR [0] (n=e@12-210-82-91.client.insightBB.com) 20.13.06 # Also, your sdl_audio_callback seems to get a much longer "len" value than mine 20.13.51 Quit Lear ("Chatzilla 0.9.71 [Firefox]") 20.15.45 # Yeah, my audio callback only seems to want 8192 bytes at a time 20.16.25 # pcmbuf_current is a NULL pointer 20.16.28 # "just rename the wad to what the one you have already is called".. what do i name it then? 20.16.40 # How big is a typical PCM block sent to the DAC? 32k? 20.16.46 # ..so the dereferencing caused SIGSEGV 20.17.02 # safetydan: Yes, I think the callback normally gives 32KB 20.17.35 # SuperSnout: The .wad files need to have their proper names, as the doom code 'magically' adjusts its behaviour according to the name 20.17.44 # so it's almost like the pcmbuf code isn't keeping up in the sim and running out of buffers maybe 20.18.22 # snout: try doom2.wad 20.18.25 # SuperSnout: The ultimate doom wad has to be called doomu.wad 20.18.37 # amiconn, on line 279 of sound.c, try lowering the value from 2048 to something smaller, like 512 20.18.43 # i dunno, if the H300 doom whatever can read that... try it though 20.18.46 Quit Thus0 ("Leaving") 20.18.48 # if it doesn't work, try doom2 20.18.52 # amiconn thanks! 20.20.07 # safetydan: You mean line 276? 20.20.22 # it's 279 on my system 20.20.27 # fmt.samples 20.20.34 # fmt.sampes = 2408; 20.20.42 # can't type 20.20.43 # Yes, 276 here 20.20.45 # but you get the idea 20.20.52 # * $Id: sound.c,v 1.9 2006-02-23 21:42:53 dan Exp $ 20.21.03 # ah... yeah I just added some debug stuff 20.21.13 # sorry about that 20.21.29 # anyway, that should tell SDL to ask for a smaller audio buffer 20.21.35 # I will have to fiddle with sound.c anyway, on amd64 there's two places with incompatible pointer type warnings 20.23.10 # Same effect with fmt.sampes = 512; 20.23.23 # okay 20.23.42 # My only other guess is that we need a better mapping of Rockbox threads on to SDL threads. 20.23.47 # Particularly yield() 20.25.12 Join imphasing [0] (n=imphasin@c-69-250-93-218.hsd1.dc.comcast.net) 20.25.25 # safetydan: looks like deleting the file fixed it 20.25.52 # amiconn: worked =) thanks 20.25.53 # thanks 20.25.58 # has rockboy been worked on lately? 20.26.10 # egotrippen, possibly the file got corrupted somewhere along the line 20.26.28 # BHSPitLappy, if you haven't seen any CVS commit messages then probably not 20.26.36 # mm. it's an easy enough fix. thanks for the tip 20.26.42 # it'd been happening on and off for awhile 20.29.40 Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.29.52 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.33.48 Quit |Beowulf| ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") 20.35.16 # safetydan: Maybe the problem is that the sdl sim playback code can't deal with the pcm buffer running empty? 20.36.16 # Hmm, the problem happens in pcmbuf_callback(), which is core code... 20.36.47 # I did write the sim sound code to try and deal with that problem. 20.36.58 # Though it could probably do things better 20.38.53 Join |Beowulf| [0] (n=Beowulf@82-46-57-180.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.39.04 Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@172.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) 20.42.45 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 20.43.29 # * preglow sees further ways of optimising the fiq handler... 20.44.51 Quit bluey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.49.52 # safetydan: Could be interesting to test whether pcmbuf_callback() does the same NULL pointer access when running out of data, 20.50.02 # i.e. when the codec can't keep up 20.50.18 # Wouldn't someone with an iPod discovered that by now? 20.50.28 # How? 20.50.43 # Rockbox has no memory protection 20.50.43 # I thought there were issues with some codecs keeping up with realtime 20.50.45 # ah 20.50.47 # true 20.50.58 Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@81-178-255-205.dsl.pipex.com) 20.51.01 # But has anyone reported freezing on high bitrate files? 20.51.14 # it doesn't freeze 20.51.17 # not on ipod, at least 20.52.04 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 20.52.24 # ..but on iriver (and archos) I've implemented a 'memory guard' feature http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UseMemoryGuard 20.52.48 # The page talks about archos only, I should update it... 20.53.15 # So, if we had an .aac test file, the test could be done... 20.54.03 Join Steven___ [0] (n=Steven@p549F9D9C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 20.54.24 # Another option would be to disable cpu boost 20.54.39 # amiconn: did you get cross compilers working on your amd64 box with no hassle? 20.54.56 # preglow: sh and arm: yes, m68k: no go 20.55.05 # amiconn: same problem i had, then... 20.55.18 # m68k was the only thing i used at that time 20.55.24 # I tried 3.3.6, 3.4.5, 4.0.2 and 4.1.0 20.55.31 # yeah, i tried bunches too 20.55.34 # goddamned annoying 20.55.36 # Same bug in all of them, at the same place 20.55.42 # have you reported it? 20.55.47 # Even rewriting that function didn't help 20.55.50 # Not yet 20.56.15 # Yesterday I tried crosscompiling the crosscompiler 20.56.49 # ..but couldn't do that because that requires to build an x86_64 crosscompiler on i686 first, which failed as well 20.57.16 # hahaha 20.57.19 # marvelous 20.57.33 # Totally different bug though 20.57.40 # why can't you just use an 32bit compiled crosscompiler? 20.57.42 # shouldn't it work fine? 20.58.50 # perhaps 20.58.55 # but ok, time to start the linux installer fun 20.59.02 # brb 20.59.38 # HCl: you need a complete 32bit library install then 20.59.48 Join leftright [0] (n=414a01a8@labb.contactor.se) 20.59.55 # Mikachu: ah... 21.00.07 # Slasheri you around ? 21.00.11 # static 32bit compiled crosscompiler? o-o 21.00.37 Join Farpenoodle [0] (n=solo84@ 21.01.24 Join quobl [0] (i=tor@tor/session/x-0dd2143de59ee0ce) 21.02.46 # hrmm... my clipboard code adds 2k to onplay.o 21.03.40 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.04.45 # Slasheri; dir cache doesn't enable if its set to 'on' in a config file, one has to go to the dir cache menu and re-enable it again 21.04.55 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.05.34 Join ghode|afk [0] (n=garudin@host-84-9-105-90.bulldogdsl.com) 21.05.41 Quit Nico_P () 21.05.45 # Slasheri Lostlogic, I get the occasional pop when skipping tracks and when selecting play from pause. 21.08.29 Quit egotrippen ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.08.43 # safetydan: The .o size increase isn't important; what's important is the increase in final binary size 21.09.26 Quit ts-x ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.10.04 # binary increased about the same amount 21.10.07 # for h120 at least 21.10.18 # oh :( 21.10.38 # 1220 bytes precisely 21.10.59 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.13.41 Part leftright 21.15.11 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-19-98.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 21.17.17 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.18.27 # preglow: Did you see my changes to enable the C version of the FIQ handler for the ipod 3g? Audio on the 3g isn't working (there are no fiqs being fired), so if you spot anything odd, please let me know. 21.18.42 Quit damaki (Remote closed the connection) 21.19.14 Quit Farpnut (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.19.28 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-19-98.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 21.19.33 Join Farpnut [0] (n=solo84@ 21.20.33 # if I got a fat32 formatted iPod, can i install RockBox from a mac without Virtual PC? 21.20.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.21.43 Quit Farpenoodle (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.25.50 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 21.26.15 Quit ghode|afk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.28.35 # http://www.rockbox.org/bugs/task/4760 21.29.40 # Paprica: #defint PREV_MONTH BUTTON_SCROLL_BACK 21.29.50 # just noticed that line wasn't hilighted in vim 21.29.57 # shit 21.30.00 # haha 21.30.00 # =] 21.32.45 # fixed 21.33.12 # does it work on nano? 21.33.24 # not yet 21.33.26 # kay 21.35.21 Join skwad__ [0] (n=P4@lns-bzn-54-82-251-110-232.adsl.proxad.net) 21.35.23 Quit skwad_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.36.28 # Well I got the cut/copy/paste code to be 16 bytes smaller. But I can't see anything else I can easily remove to make it smaller. If anything it will get larger if I add a progress indicator 21.37.07 # Maybe it would be best if it was a "file manager"' kinda plugin then? 21.39.11 # It depends on whether 1200 bytes is significant enough to warrant moving out of the core. 21.39.57 # But yeah, norton commander style plugin would be cool 21.42.07 # Is this already including directory copy/move ? 21.42.26 # yes 21.42.36 # ..and how much does it add for archos (where size matters most) 21.42.45 # don't have an sh1 tool chain locally 21.42.50 # I should probably do that 21.42.59 # * amiconn has all 3 toolchains 21.43.15 # i accidentally installed an sh toolchain when i didn't look at the instructions too carefully 21.43.39 # safetydan: Is the patch on the tracker? 21.44.08 # amiconn, yes http://www.rockbox.org/bugs/task/3033 21.44.16 # the version 5 down the bottom 21.44.28 # doesn't include some minor size changes I've made recently though 21.44.49 # blah, why cant i delete my files from the traker? 21.45.54 # Is gcc 3.4.5 okay for SH1? The crosscompiler page seems to say 3.3.x is better 21.47.40 # Stick with 3.3.x 21.47.48 # 3.4.x will generate larger binaries 21.48.30 # +1444 bytes for archos recorder 21.48.42 # (added by your patch) 21.49.28 # So, is that too large? 21.50.12 # isn't the splash image bigger? 21.51.15 # no 21.51.27 # Not on archos 21.54.12 # clipboard_(clip|cut|copy) don't need a return value 'cause it's always true anyway 21.54.33 # clipboard_cut and clipboard_copy could be inline or macros 21.55.21 Quit imphasing (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.55.41 # clipboard_cut/copy are called by the menu system so I think they have to return bool and not be macros 21.56.14 # ah ok, sorry 21.58.30 # Hmm, I'm undecided on this 21.59.11 # On one hand, I consider this a very nice feature, but otoh it adds quite some code 21.59.52 # I got an idea though how we could perhaps save some code, not only in your patch but everywhere were menus are built dynamically 21.59.54 # I personally am of the opinion it should be in a plugin for a few more reasons now that I think about it. 22.00.11 Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-120-134.VIC.netspace.net.au) 22.00.16 # s/were/where 22.00.27 # It seems to me, just from my personal perspective, that through normal use a music player's software shouldn't modify any files that it doesn't create (database, etc.) 22.01.17 # Hmm 22.01.21 # And that any functions with the potential to do that should require pretty explicit actions on the hand of the user (entering a plugin or changing a setting to enable it that doesn't save across reboots, or something similar) 22.01.28 # I mean, that's just my personal view on the matter. 22.02.02 # The file/folder delete function would then be another candidate 22.02.21 # Indeed 22.02.28 # Otoh plugins (still) have the disadvantage that they aren't localisable 22.02.36 # Aaaah 22.02.43 # That is a problem then. 22.03.13 # I agree that this could work better as plugin. It's certainly not as "friendly" though. 22.03.27 # The question is how it would work as a plugin 22.04.00 Join nobelium [0] (i=nobelium@c-217-70-76-221.bragatel.pt) 22.04.25 # Oh, and there are more file management functions which should be moved into a plugin if we decide to make file management a plugin 22.04.40 # There's also 'rename' and 'create folder' 22.07.00 # This is why I haven't comitted things yet :) 22.07.54 Join solexx_ [0] (n=jrschulz@c129135.adsl.hansenet.de) 22.10.58 # safetydan: You can save some code for most devices: The check for EXDEV and retry as copy is only necessary for #ifdef HAVE_MULTIVOLUME 22.11.44 # The only devices where code size won't be reduced right now are the Ondios, but for these code size is less critical. 22.12.59 # that's easy enough to do 22.13.26 Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.15.42 # well that saves another 100 bytes on h120 22.16.42 Quit Matze ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 22.16.46 Join pre2k_ [0] (n=pre2k@p549F9865.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 22.16.52 # weird, gcc-3.3.6 won't compile 22.19.51 Quit solexx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.20.03 # * Bagder downloads 78MB Cowon A2 firmware source code 22.20.17 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.20.18 Quit nobelium- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.20.31 Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.20.52 # lol 22.21.16 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 22.21.24 Quit SereR0kR ("XChat Aqua") 22.21.55 # at least it makes our source package seem small 22.22.55 Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@81-178-255-205.dsl.pipex.com) 22.25.50 Quit Steven___ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.26.10 # not that it matters, but 1664 bytes on arm (iPod Nano) 22.26.41 # * Paul_The_Nerd does the "our code is the biggest" dance. 22.26.43 # Or something. 22.26.54 # * Mikachu gives a 5.2 22.27.17 # * Bagder instructs Paul_The_Nerd on how to put his feet when doing that dance 22.28.26 # 78MB is a lot of source 22.28.29 # I'll remember that for next time. 22.28.39 # Is that 78mb including images and other non-text files? 22.28.48 # I don't know yet, their site is quite slow 22.28.56 # but I guess it is 22.29.27 # http://eng.iaudio.com/download/gnu/cowon_pmp_a2_src_1.59_GPL.tar.gz 22.29.37 # in case anyone would be interested 22.30.05 # I fear it. 22.30.35 # "ingenient-bsp" 22.30.38 # I just know they've run some sort of quick script over it to strip out all comments and rename variables to random character strings, just to be spiteful. 22.30.42 # you can tell what they based their hw on 22.31.18 # linux 2.6.5 kernel 22.31.35 # libFLAC 22.33.31 # plenty korean comments ;-) 22.33.42 # //ÇöÀç ?ÂÆÃµÈ ÆÄÀÏÀÇ ¹Ìµð?î Àç»ýÀ» ?ÃÀÛÇÏ? ÇÔ?ö.. 22.34.20 # that looks like it just might be in the wrong charset :) 22.34.31 # yes it is of course 22.34.41 # and I bet my irc client config screws it up even more 22.35.50 # Hehehe 22.36.16 # and if you thought libFLAC uses long source lines, you should see these ;-) 22.36.22 Join moozooh [0] (n=moozooh@ 22.36.29 # 300 columns 22.36.40 # woah 22.36.46 # *cough*brickmania*cough* 22.36.52 # I don't even see lines that long in my Java day job 22.37.13 # brickmania should be code policed 22.37.38 # =\ 22.37.54 Quit quobl ("Leaving") 22.38.24 Quit nobelium (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.38.25 # Paprica: 80 columns, not 180 ;-) 22.41.44 Join petur [0] (i=petur@d54C1B7E9.access.telenet.be) 22.43.41 Quit matsl (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.43.47 # The A2 has the same CPU as the new Neuros models are gonna use 22.44.02 # DM320 22.44.23 # cd .. 22.44.30 # no such directory 22.44.34 # rm -rf / 22.45.12 # uhmm, there's rockbox in there... 22.45.27 # mke2fs /dev/hda 22.46.17 # safetydan: cat /dev/zero /dev/hda 22.46.21 # > 22.46.28 # safetydan: cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda 22.46.53 # I am not sure this works 22.46.59 # safetydan: cat /dev/random > /dev/hda 22.47.01 # this one works 22.48.20 # you probably want urandom 22.48.23 Quit darkless (Client Quit) 22.48.28 Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ 22.53.15 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=Steve-O@adsl-209-30-158-26.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 22.54.50 Quit safetydan ("Leaving") 22.59.06 # linuxstb: so we can use the same fiq handler for both pp chips? 23.05.58 Join ghode|afk [0] (i=testing@host-84-9-105-90.bulldogdsl.com) 23.06.53 # god, its been so long since i had trouble making my norwegian keyboard work properly in linux, id forgotten just how much fun it can be 23.09.03 Quit StrathAFK (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.13.15 Join Strath [0] (n=mike@dpc67143207026.direcpc.com) 23.13.48 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) 23.15.50 # preglow: With some minor changes, we should be able to, yes. 23.16.11 # But we need to get the C version working first... 23.16.27 Join Shadowarrior13 [0] (i=Shadowar@ip68-3-160-223.ph.ph.cox.net) 23.18.10 # heh 23.18.27 Join JdGordon [0] (n=JdGordon@c211-28-227-249.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 23.19.08 # morning all 23.19.09 # i can exploit the fact that all register addresses are a base address plus some offset to free a bunch of registers, plus init a couple of registers in fiq mode in crt0.S, so should be able to shave off more cycles at least 23.19.17 # now if only i got my keyboard working.... 23.19.59 # setxkbmap no should be enough i think 23.20.28 # id prefer to do it from gnome, so all parts of ubuntu remembers what i just did 23.20.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.20.40 # its never bloody been a problem before, but now... 23.20.55 # what the hell 23.20.58 # that command alone just worked 23.21.03 # what happened just now :> 23.21.08 # æ'æåææøåå 23.23.33 # i didn't even give it a parameter, i just typed setxkbmap 23.25.44 Quit ghode|afk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.32.31 Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.32.47 Quit Daishi (Remote closed the connection) 23.33.33 Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-18bcf48a.dyn.optonline.net) 23.34.02 Quit paugh ("Leaving") 23.37.50 Join stripwax [0] (n=stripwax@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) 23.38.11 # ello 23.38.40 # hi 23.38.43 # wassup 23.39.14 # just hanging out. still trying to get ddd to play nicely. is it just me or can I not set a breakpoint on an arbirary line of code? 23.39.32 Quit |Beowulf| (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.39.34 # (still part-time debugging this f**king auto-change-directory-not-working bug) 23.40.09 Join nobelium [0] (i=nobelium@c-217-70-76-221.bragatel.pt) 23.43.54 # ddd? 23.44.15 # linuxstb: Is there a reason why rockbox' inttypes.h uses #define and not typedef? 23.44.31 # ddd is a gui for gdb. only it's even slower and not much friendlier 23.44.50 # you can set a breakpoint on a line of code, yes 23.45.05 # don't remember how, though 23.45.17 # yep, in gdb I can. how do I do that in ddd? maybe I'm just using it wrong 23.45.19 # amiconn: because the rockbox rules say we don't use typedef? :> 23.47.31 # amiconn: What preglow said. ;) 23.49.15 # mmm what do you think on open a sub forum for plugins? 23.49.35 # preglow: that rule is there to protect against unnecessary typedefing of structs etc 23.49.53 # LinusN: yes, i know 23.49.59 # inttypes is a valid use imho 23.50.07 Quit ender` (" If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you have tried.") 23.51.34 # *couph* any1 want to look at the finishd search in play list patch? 23.51.43 # .. if you have nothing else to do... 23.52.05 # will i be shot, killed or maimed if i start assuming variable order in assembler code? 23.52.30 # nah, we'd just drag you out in the forest and beat you up 23.53.04 # 'cuz i've got two variables that are declared in order here, and i want to free a register... 23.53.16 # * preglow moves to the desert 23.54.04 Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) 23.54.06 # * preglow has embarked on the holy quest of the blazingly speedy fiq handler 23.56.36 # preglow: put a comment where the variables are declared, explaining the situation 23.56.51 # preferably not in korean 23.57.00 # would be nice, and i can't imagine why gcc would reorder them 23.57.05 # swedish or norwegian :-) 23.57.06 # Mikachu: but that's the only language i know... 23.57.13 # bork! bork! 23.57.19 # hehe 23.58.18 # LinusN got assimilated? ;)