--- Log for 21.04.106 Server: clarke.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot- Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 26 days and 6 hours ago 00.02.13 # Hi Guys, start of dumb newbie question season... I have actually managed to install SuSE 10 on the laptop, but am at a bit of a loss on how to start making it a Rockbox development platform. I can see that a good starter would be to install GCC, but Yast only has the option to install 4.x, and it seems that 3.x is prefered..? 00.03.45 Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.03.52 # as far as i know, 3.x is preferred... 00.04.21 Quit DrMoos ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.04.29 Quit Kohlrabi ("Fast alle Menschen sind Regenwürmer") 00.04.34 Quit SereR0KR (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.04.50 Join San [0] (n=test@213-202-185-98.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 00.05.07 Join SereR0KR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fce58.f.strato-dslnet.de) 00.06.21 # you probably can't use the Yast gcc for crosscompiling 00.06.50 # Any suggestions on how to get started? 00.07.08 Quit ender` (" How many AOL users does it take to change a light bulb? Eleven. One to ask to be on the light bulb gif mailing list, nine to") 00.07.35 # RedBreva_: hostCC doesn't matter 00.07.43 # cross compiler depends on target 00.07.55 # 4.0.x for arm, 3.3.x for sh1, 3.4.x for m68k 00.08.33 # so 4.x on host is OK ... 00.08.36 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 00.11.22 # There's someone in the forums who claims simply leaving the CPU boosted stops skipping in higher bitrate AAC files on iPod. Is it possible that our speed change doesn't happen early enough? 00.12.39 # Paul_The_Nerd: with the frequency adjusting automagically, it will let it fall to ~1s on the buffer, boost, fall, boost, fall, if the codec gets into trouble wh en it's already down at ~1s, it will skip soon, but with boosting always on, it will get in trouble with nearly 3 seconds to get out of trouble. 00.15.39 # Ah, so with boost always on, it has more time to reach a more easily decodeable portion of the song? 00.15.46 # right 00.15.49 # * Paul_The_Nerd nods. 00.15.59 # amiconn: i played bubbles way too much today... 00.16.43 Quit Paul_The_Nerd ("Leaving.") 00.16.52 Quit dj-fu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.19.25 # riiight, we don't use the wspll for recording yet... 00.24.24 Quit ^BeN^ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.24.36 # should i update the raster counter before or after an instruction is executed? 00.26.26 # ehh, according to the schematics, sysclk is unconnected... 00.28.17 # okay, the c64 updated the frame 50 times per second... pal's framerate is 25fps... it makes so much sense to display every other frame. 00.29.32 # http://bastardoperatorfromhell.org/ipod 00.29.49 # anyone with an iPod who doesn't feel like settin up udev or hotplug or whatever 00.29.55 # can use that script to mount and unmount 00.29.57 # *lazy* 00.31.29 Quit ashridah ("Leaving") 00.36.07 # twisted`: shouldn't it eject as well on unmount? 00.39.40 Join ProgramZeta [0] (n=zetachan@ip68-101-174-185.sd.sd.cox.net) 00.40.57 # no 00.41.04 # it could 00.41.11 # when you eject it can stay connected on usb 00.41.22 # if you eject you have to replug it if you want to mount it again i think 00.41.27 # when you unmount well... you can just take it out 00.41.34 # Mikachu: yeah 00.41.47 # but it's better to eject it before you do unplug it 00.41.54 # mostly for linux' sake than the ipod's though 00.45.02 # okay, time to see how many errors and warnings i get... 00.46.14 # a lot... 00.47.01 # that bit in onplay.c about the shuffle insert 00.47.12 # it checks that the file is a directory, but the while playing part doesn't 00.47.29 # Mikachu: works here perfectly :) 00.49.11 # i completely lost a section of code. 00.49.32 # this is what i mean, http://mikachu.ath.cx/patches/rockbox-shuffle_insert_dironly.patch 00.50.18 Quit SereR0KR ("XChat Aqua") 00.51.44 # Mikachi: what are you trying to do? 00.51.50 # er Mikachu 00.53.19 Join Hotfusion [0] (i=Hotfusio@ip70-185-188-75.mc.at.cox.net) 00.53.57 # hardeep: a few lines down is the path for when not playing, and the shuffle_insert there checks for & ATTR_DIRECTORY 00.54.05 # hm 00.54.12 # but maybe you can insert a single file shuffled in a playlist after all 00.54.14 # never mind! 00.55.27 # the check at the bottom is to handle the case where nothing is playing 00.55.48 # it doesn't make any sense to insert a single track shuffled in that case so we only display the option for directories 00.56.14 # yes, the fact that you can add a single track shuffled was the part i missed first 01.01.00 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 01.02.57 Quit RedBreva_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.03.43 Join fatjack [0] (n=519ecc63@labb.contactor.se) 01.04.37 Join macdonalder [0] (n=macdonal@CPE00045af2dd15-CM0011ae92481c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 01.05.22 Quit ProgramZeta (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.09.01 # sharpe: that sucks man 01.09.01 Quit fatjack ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.09.11 # sharpe: happened to me a few times, ya feel pwned sooo badly 01.09.31 # i'm guessing at first, i had around... 60 to 100 or so. 01.09.44 # now i'm down to twenty :) 01.09.57 # 60 to 100 01.09.58 # what? 01.10.01 # lines of code? 01.10.03 # errors/warning 01.10.05 # s 01.10.09 # ahhh 01.10.16 # sometimes it's btw good to lose code 01.10.26 # because the second time the way you write it may be very much more rational 01.10.34 # resulting in better code 01.10.44 # tis what i've done 01.11.07 # my previous inturnship 01.11.11 # I had to code all day 01.11.13 # in php 01.11.30 # most of the time I spend on rewriting code 01.11.43 # the guy who had to teach me howto... asked me why I kept rewriting 01.11.48 # cause he didn't see the point 01.11.57 # I did, going from 200+ to 20+ lines of code 01.12.03 # heh 01.12.03 # is an very big improvement :P 01.12.21 # cus I tend to write something, fix on that, fix on that 01.12.27 # and look at it and think: hmm, I could've just done... 01.12.45 # yeah, i did a big improvement while writing the code... 01.13.03 # your working on the c64 emulator right? 01.13.14 # yeah 01.13.19 # kewl I guess 01.13.24 # I never owned a c64 01.13.34 # I've always had Nintendo stuff 01.13.48 # i never used my c64... 01.13.51 # dunno where it is. 01.13.58 # LOL 01.13.59 Join ProgramZeta [0] (n=zetachan@ip68-101-174-185.sd.sd.cox.net) 01.14.05 # how old are you if I may ask? 01.14.22 # actually, i guess it was my parent's c64. 01.14.26 # fifteen :) 01.15.01 # figures then 01.15.05 # I thought I was young 01.15.08 # but now you made me feel old 01.15.13 # * twisted` smacks sharpe 01.15.20 # eh 01.15.22 # i try. 01.15.30 # it's dope 01.15.32 # I'm only 18 01.15.33 # lol 01.16.13 # everyone says i act older... 01.16.17 # well, used to anyway. 01.16.54 # older people tend to use capitals at the starting of a sentence most of the time and end it with a . 01.16.58 # I never did 01.16.59 # :) 01.17.03 # i used to 01.17.40 # although i still do on occassion. 01.17.55 # without the extra s 01.17.56 # I played on my c64 all the time when I was younger before I had a 486 01.18.12 # only thing that rats you out where you can bust people on that they are young... when you talk about music 01.18.26 # hehe, i used to play on my dad's c64 and c128 all the time as a kid 01.18.34 # that sentence didn't make sense... 01.18.39 # not much. 01.18.46 # I remember having to hold down the drive bay door just to load tennis 01.18.54 # good ole' 5 1/4 drive 01.18.55 # heheh 01.19.02 # hehe, here's me on a c128, i think: http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/7945/mec1283mp.jpg 01.19.02 # twisted`: not quite true....i was raised on 80s music 01.19.25 # RotAtoR, ahah... 01.19.34 # :) 01.19.40 # scorche: depends on the person yeah 01.20.04 # most of the errors i didn't realize i made. 01.20.04 # best game on the commodore 64 01.20.06 # airborne ranger 01.20.07 # !!! 01.20.09 # scorche: but a lot of people are like... from my age actually which fucks me up 'n makes me feel old... "Prodigy? what's that?" 01.20.17 # lol 01.20.18 # I blame television 01.20.23 # i am the same age as you 01.20.27 # lol 01.20.40 # when was the c64 introduced, again? 01.20.40 # ah yes prodity 01.20.45 # compuserve 01.20.46 # lol 01.20.55 # my first comp was a apple IIgs though 01.21.02 # scorche: ur parents were rich 01.21.19 # preglow: according to wikipedia, 1982 01.21.28 # damn, that lasted for a while, then 01.21.33 # my first pc... which I owned myself... was... I think... yeah... a Compaq I think, or maybe the old IBM pc... 01.21.34 # i loved it...had a huge thing full of floppies....REAL floppies 01.21.36 # hmm not sure 01.21.36 # i didn't get one until waaay later 01.21.40 # 1st modem was 9600 baud modem 01.21.46 # damn, i was barely born at 1982 01.21.52 # thought that was flying 01.21.52 # lasted until 1990 or so... 01.22.01 Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.22.11 # sharpe: 1993, accoring to wikipedia :) 01.22.25 # airborner ranger, destroyer, seven seas of gold, stealth fighter 01.22.26 # great games 01.22.29 # that is a long run 01.22.35 # now i must register on wikipedia and change the date to reflect my guess... :) 01.22.57 # i remember many hours playing the great giana sisters 01.23.01 # oh remember test drive 01.23.04 # that was very good 01.23.06 # heh 01.23.22 # i never had a nintendo, so that was my mario 01.23.30 # reading this makes me feel old... but i'm not... 01.23.45 # load"*",8,1 01.23.48 # <3 mario 01.23.48 # lol 01.24.08 # man my dad totally ruined my computing life 01.24.16 # he told me not to use linux cus I couldn't do this 'n that 01.24.23 # heh 01.24.24 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.24.24 # if I started usin it when I wanted to... 01.24.29 # I would've had 10 years of experience now 01.25.38 # I remember where I used to live a long time ago there was a tandy computer repair store 01.25.45 # that fixed commodores at the time 01.25.55 # was like a hundred or so screwes just to get to the internal components 01.26.03 # didn't radioshack do the tandy? 01.26.13 # yeah 01.26.23 # 'kay 01.26.37 # wooo! 01.26.51 # only ten more errors to fix. 01.26.59 # sweet 01.27.01 # partially warnings 01.27.15 # kinda funny when you fix 1 error and it magically fixes 20 01.27.22 # worse the othe way around hehe 01.27.25 # yeah... 01.27.29 # hmm 01.27.37 # useually when you fix one another one arises 01.27.45 # at least with bugs that is 01.27.56 # exponential bug growth. 01.28.02 # you fix all bugs and it still don't work 01.29.02 # one down... 01.29.53 # hmm 01.29.58 # I'm considerin 01.30.03 # buyin a second hand NES controller 01.30.06 # you guys wrapping up the code freeze on rockbox, may day can't come soon enough 01.30.08 # and a cheap USB controller 01.30.12 # :) 01.30.18 # i've thought about that too... 01.30.18 # and puttin the hardware of the USB controller into the NES controller 01.30.31 # pssh, they're 2.99 at gamestop 01.30.38 # ? 01.30.52 Quit thegeek ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 01.30.53 # I have a NES controller here with a torn up connector (tried to make it parallel) 01.30.53 # but you don't get your self satisfaction of hacking something together. 01.31.09 # sharpe: I'm referring to NES controllers themselves 01.31.25 # well, i haven't been to gamestop in a while then :) 01.31.38 # this was a couple years back, honestly 01.31.47 # hmm 01.31.51 # * twisted` checks a local eBay like site 01.31.55 # 4 bucks for a NES controller 01.31.56 # hmm 01.32.13 Quit lostnihilist (Remote closed the connection) 01.33.38 Quit ProgramZeta (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.35.06 # well, the rewritten emulator... compiles. 01.35.45 # and i caught myself forgetting to update the lcd. 01.36.56 # wonderful data abort errors. 01.38.32 Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s026b.studby.ntnu.no) 01.40.42 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 01.44.00 # eh... 01.44.24 # now i remember why i never just declared the emulated ram as an array... 01.45.12 Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@81-178-249-38.dsl.pipex.com) 01.45.52 # someones going mad on the feature requests 01.47.26 # anyone have some corrupted MP3 streams that currently play OK in rockbox and want to test a 1 line change to mpa.c for me? 01.47.49 # well, seems as if they know what they want in an audio player. 01.49.59 Join Aditya|Nap [0] (n=aditya@c-69-138-7-5.hsd1.md.comcast.net) 01.50.02 Part Aditya|Nap 01.50.33 Join webguest98 [0] (n=519ecc63@labb.contactor.se) 01.51.03 # no corrupted streams here, no 01.51.26 # isn't rockbox responsible for some of the .fnt standard? 01.51.54 # hi i'm trying to complie with vmware, could someone tell me how to access the rockbox folder where i have the source, wich commands i should use? 01.53.39 Quit lostnihilist ("Leaving") 01.56.58 # running windows, i have the source at C:\rockbox 01.57.28 # how can i access it from Eterm in vmware 01.57.37 # please 01.57.42 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 01.57.57 # preglow: I'm going to risk breaking some corrupted streams that currently play and wait for bitching, I think -- the file I thought it was causing problems with had problems without the change, I was just being retarded. 01.58.11 # and the logic I'm adding _makes sense_ 01.58.53 # go ahead 01.58.57 Quit obo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.00.28 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 02.02.15 # eh, this sucks. 02.02.19 # running windows, i have the source at C:\rockbox 02.02.35 # sorry 02.03.41 Join eu4ic [0] (i=IRK@dhcp0670.hrs.resnet.group.upenn.edu) 02.04.34 # well. i don't know how to fix this data abort error... 02.04.36 # webguest98: you'd hafta setup a share between the two. 02.04.54 # webguest98: I think there is some kind of share setup in the default vmware image, but I've not used it so I'm not sure 02.05.06 # sharpe: check that all of your shit's aligned? 02.05.16 Join ^BeN^ [0] (i=Paprica@89-138-118-148.bb.netvision.net.il) 02.05.23 # well, i've tried aligning it. 02.06.08 # thank you... is there any way to compile not having to use Debian? 02.06.26 # is there a way to everything from my computer? 02.06.40 # is there a way to everything from my computer? 02.06.45 # sorry 02.07.15 # webguest98: either use cygwin, vmware or install ubuntu/debian or any other linux distro on your pc 02.07.19 # wait, would it matter if it's declared static? 02.07.42 # if you want to use vmware you have set up a samba share 02.07.50 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 02.08.06 # webguest98: I do not believe it is possible to compile natively from windows 02.08.11 # sharpe: shouldn't 02.08.23 # blah, how should i align it? 02.08.52 # sharpe: there's an attribute aligned something something 02.09.15 # i'm sorry how do i setup a share? 02.09.18 # __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) is what i found... 02.09.18 # but it's almost definitely not the actual buffer that's misaligned, but some data that you are trying to read off of it 02.09.50 # i see... 02.10.15 # well, definitely doesn't matter if it's static. :D 02.10.21 Quit stoffel (Remote closed the connection) 02.10.44 Quit Rondom ("I'm leaving on a jetplane, don't know when I'll be back again...") 02.11.15 # hm, i'm working on the pitch screen, reintroducing the old left/right +/- 2% thing.. the problem is that the system used for +/- 2% involves the pressing and releasing of a button, and so since the pitch screen is in the menu for iPods and others, when the screen is entered with RIGHT, the release drops the pitch by 2%. so i want to ignore the first RIGHT release event *only* if we enter from the menu. any suggestions? 02.11.15 # can someone help me really quick? -- i'm having a little trouble navigating the rockbox site 02.11.34 # eu4ic, if you can be a bit more specific about your problem, perhaps.. 02.11.44 # midkay: lastbutton? 02.12.03 # Mikachu, hm? 02.12.34 # i'm trying to look for the section on the site where it lists all the addons i can download for rockbox 02.12.43 # either i'm not looking in the right place, or i'm just blind 02.12.55 # switch (button) {case mybutton: if (lastbutton == mybutton_pre) {do stuff} }; lastbutton=button; 02.12.58 # something like that 02.13.07 # eu4ic, addons? no, they just don't really exist. 02.13.19 # all plugins are included.. WPS/themes can be downloaded at the WpsGallery @ the wiki.. 02.13.25 # where _pre is a press and mybutton is |release 02.13.31 # it's done in various places in rockbox 02.13.33 # Mikachu, ah, hmm.. 02.13.38 # preglow: shit. It breaks _resuming_ any mp3. I hate the world. 02.13.49 # and the world loves you back. 02.14.06 # lostlogic: hah 02.14.28 # so now I get voice, or the ability to resume MP3 :( 02.14.43 Quit muesli__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.14.58 # you can't fix libmad itself to deal with this? 02.15.15 # thanks for clearing that up 02.15.17 # Mikachu, slightly confusing mentally, but that sounds like it'd work, trying it, thanks :) 02.15.25 # eu4ic, no problem 02.15.33 # I don't know anything about its internals, and am rather overloaded just with getting swcodec and voice on swcodec in a stable state :( 02.15.41 # midkay: you should find something good with grep lastbutton 02.15.57 # Mikachu, ah, i'll try that. :) 02.16.09 Quit pixelma (" WOW! This IRC Client ownz! HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 02.17.19 Part Paul_The_Nerd 02.18.22 # can't exactly brag too much about knowing its internals either 02.19.55 # sorry, another try... i have the source in my windows pc at c:\rockbox, my question, there's no way i can compile it from my computer? 02.19.59 # *nod* I'm pretty sure it's that 8 bytes bug -- it's looking for the next frame _after_ the small _last_ frame fo the voice clips 02.20.31 # Does anyone know how I'm supposed to get Doom to run on the iPod 5g rockbox software? 02.20.49 # webguest98: you can compile it in vmware, if you mount that folder into vmware. 02.20.50 # most people who read the wiki page probably 02.20.51 # webguest98, what? why can't you compile it? 02.20.56 # gharghgh 02.21.07 # lostlogic: linuxstb said he'd look into fixing that bug 02.21.24 # i don't have time right now 02.21.36 # at least i gotta get this spdif stuff done first 02.21.47 # preglow: nod :( Maybe Day it is going to be. *goes back to working on other voice related issues, and doesn't try to resume any MP3s 02.22.57 # hey lostlogic :), i need to tell you a statement. 02.23.05 Quit Daishi ("Client exiting...") 02.23.06 # sharpe: ? 02.23.12 # when i do "make zip" nothing happens 02.23.36 # when i do "make" lot of text is displayed 02.23.42 # what should i align the stuff to? 02.23.43 # some overshoot on the date is to be expected 02.23.48 # wait, that's a quesiton. 02.23.49 # webguest98, nothing means the zip was made. 02.23.54 Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-457286ab.dyn.optonline.net) 02.23.59 # webguest98, 'lots of text' is normal for make.. 02.24.04 # where can i get it? 02.24.07 # sharpe: just needs to be long aligned (4 byte) to not break 02.24.13 # webguest98, in the build dir.. 02.24.15 # i can't find it in my computer 02.24.15 # okay 02.24.17 # thanks 02.24.37 # sharpe: amiconn gave me forumulas for aligning buffer data access if you need them at all 02.24.42 # ok in the build dir... but how do i bring it to my computer 02.24.46 # ? 02.24.51 # lostlogic: you know, that may be useful. 02.25.03 # webguest98, what do you mean? VMware? 02.25.21 # yes 02.25.27 # webguest98, Start -> Run -> \\debian .. log in with "user"/"rockbox" and voila. 02.25.59 # i can't access \\Debian it says i have no permission 02.26.17 # did you try to log in? 02.26.30 # sorry, how? 02.26.41 # maybe try start -> my network places.. 'user on debian' or 'homes on debian' 02.27.00 # start -> run -> \\debian should prompt for a username/password.. 02.27.26 # i'm sorry, it says that the path isn't found 02.28.09 # god, i love this 02.28.12 # webguest98, hm, if you're using the debian image from the wiki, samba should already be configured to share that stuff.. 02.28.14 # what's the hostname of ur pc 02.28.16 # sometimes spdif recording works, sometimes not 02.28.17 # are you sure it's debian 02.28.23 # ahhh k 02.28.24 # my bad 02.28.28 # * twisted` didn't know bout the VM 02.28.49 Quit eu4ic () 02.30.11 # i should find Debian at Microsoft windows ntwork, clicking on the workgroup icon right? 02.31.37 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 02.32.01 Quit bon (Remote closed the connection) 02.32.21 # funny... 02.32.22 # when i try to click on the workgroup icon it gives me "workgroup is not accessible. you may not have permission to use this network resource. contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. the list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available" 02.32.23 # webguest98: thats a horrible thing to say 02.32.25 # I use VMWare to run Windows... 02.32.51 # BLAARRGH 02.32.53 # webguest98: did you type that or copy that? 02.32.55 # i forgot a 0x 02.32.56 # KEKEK 02.33.26 # typed! 02.35.10 # webguest98, any firewall perhaps? 02.35.22 # windows'? 02.36.39 # webguest98: next time, when windows gives an error do Ctrl+C 02.36.43 # it copies it then :) 02.37.18 Join kaediil [0] (n=fhodum@ip68-100-29-103.dc.dc.cox.net) 02.37.34 # * preglow leaps out the window 02.37.49 # preglow: oh no -_-;; 02.38.19 # bloody hell Midkay, you're right it was the firewall... thank you, many thanks :) 02.38.32 # i'm finally in :) 02.38.36 # webguest98, aha :) no problem 02.38.42 # :) 02.39.02 # Warning: computer has an unexpected error press any key to continue 02.39.06 # heh 02.40.00 # twisted`, very interesting, i never knew you could ctrl+c windows errors :) 02.40.28 # midkay: dude 02.40.37 # midkay: how many errors does one windows machine produce 02.40.51 # midkay: if ya would have to type 'em all... man... you'd go nuts 02.40.54 # WIndowds 95 or Windows xp 02.40.57 # lol 02.41.03 # twisted`, haha. whenever i need to, i type them :) 02.41.04 # all versions 02.41.22 # better ye 95 or ME 02.41.25 # one of the first things I learned was that I could ctrl+c my errors 02.41.26 # O.O 02.41.55 # twisted`, i guess that also says you had to ask for a lot of help ;P 02.42.15 # how can i tell now my firewall to give me permission to access debian 02.42.29 # webguest98, depends on what your firewall is.. 02.42.44 # midkay: nope, I just saw a shitload of errors which make ya go like: wtf 02.42.54 # and when someone tells you: do this and that 02.42.57 # replyin with the error 02.43.03 # is much easier then sayin; eh it doesn't work 02.43.06 # then they go: why 02.43.11 # well cause it says a lot of mumbo jumbo 02.43.15 # twisted`, yes, yes :) 02.43.18 Join erich [0] (n=erich@debian/developer/erich) 02.43.39 # erich! 02.43.51 # in gnome you can select the error 02.43.53 # in kde I dunno 02.44.06 # So on my iAudio X5 I get 6 hours of battery life with rockbox. Thats fine for me; I don't know how much it will have with the regular firmware. the player is a year old. 02.44.07 # you can always grep /dev/mem as root for one of the words 02.45.55 Join bon [0] (i=bon@shadow.radiolan.sk) 02.46.32 Quit quobl (Remote closed the connection) 02.46.37 # where should i look for the rockbox.zip 02.46.39 # ? 02.46.47 Quit lostnihilist (Remote closed the connection) 02.46.49 Join quobl [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/external/x-99dcd3fdba380a69) 02.47.05 # webguest98, just your build dir.. 02.47.09 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 02.47.18 # homes/user/rockbox/builddir/rockbox.zip 02.48.35 # i have to create the 3 last folders right? 02.49.04 # /homes!? 02.49.09 # what kind of system is that :| 02.49.10 # webguest98, ? 02.49.19 # twisted`, it's homes on the debian image, seemingly.. 02.49.25 # midkay: didn't you mean /home/rockbox/buildir/rockbox.zip 02.49.26 # or networked oddly.. 02.49.32 # better than Documents\ and\ Settings 02.49.42 # microsoft is on crack 02.49.47 # opened: \\debian\homes\rockbox\apps\screens.c .. 02.49.55 Quit ep0ch (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.50.04 # scratch that 'user' part, webguest98 :) 02.50.12 # ok :) 02.50.24 Join JdGordon [0] (n=JdGordon@c211-28-227-249.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 02.50.52 # i found it :) at \\debian\homes\rockbox\build_h120 02.51.35 # that's it 02.51.48 # one more thing 02.52.12 # anyidea why the iRiver H3xx seris are discontinued. They'll still sell a heck of alot compared to current DAPs now. hmm, makes me wonder if iriver is going in the wrong direction 02.52.44 # just for the test, can i erase everything inside \\debian\homes\rockbox and "make" it again right? 02.53.00 # webguest98, no, you mean clear out the build folder.. 02.53.03 # and you should do 'make veryclean 02.53.06 # instead. 02.53.21 # ok i'll try that 02.53.26 # * twisted` loves his script 02.53.29 # nothing in /rockbox is modified during build except the build dir. 02.53.32 # it's so simple that it's kick ass 02.53.51 # twisted`, ah, i won't ask what it is and just keep wondering. :p 02.54.08 # midkay: http://bastardoperatorfromhell.org/ipod 02.55.15 # twisted`, nice. 02.55.16 Quit taz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.55.23 # booyah 02.57.14 Join Sinbios [0] (n=Sinbios@ 02.57.57 # im lazy.. 02.58.55 # i'm in "debian:~/rockbox#" 02.59.08 # ok, so no one here with skills in coldfire and audio+ 02.59.09 # ? <- 02.59.26 # and do "debian:~/rockbox# make veryclean" 02.59.27 # what's coldfire and audio+ 02.59.28 # webguest98, cd build_h120? 02.59.39 # you build from your build dir.. 02.59.46 # and make veryclean from there as well. 02.59.52 # twisted`: coldfire is a CPU, afaik the one in the iAudio X5. 03.00.03 # ahhh 03.00.05 # also the one int he iRiver 120 03.00.14 # 'make veryclean' only works within a build dir. other stuff does not change during/after compile. 03.00.18 Join taz [0] (n=taz@r80h38.res.gatech.edu) 03.00.44 # ok ok 03.00.50 # bbiab.. 03.03.53 # bharhg 03.03.56 # gotta bed 03.03.59 # see all later 03.04.23 # preglow: nite 03.05.42 # the "make veryclean" worked so as the "make" and "make zip" 03.05.45 # how u call those things 03.05.49 # you see flyin in westerns 03.05.51 # :) 03.06.00 # ninjas? 03.06.02 # no... 03.06.04 # the dry bushes? 03.06.06 # yeah 03.06.07 # oh 03.06.09 # tumbleweeds 03.06.52 # http://www.nelliecashman.freeservers.com/images/tumbleweed.jpg 03.06.53 # yup 03.06.54 # thanks 03.06.54 DBUG Enqueued KICK twisted` 03.06.54 # :D 03.07.21 Quit Inc (""changing servers"") 03.07.23 Quit powr-toc ("Leaving") 03.08.20 # I swear... 03.08.27 # sometimes I wonder what the HELL my iPod is doing 03.09.39 Join Kyomi [0] (n=a@24-196-196-108.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com) 03.09.43 # Sometimes I wonder how "Please, don't ask for gameboy roms here or discuss where to find them for download" translates into "PM me and ask me for Roms" 03.09.59 # Anyone get the latest experimental build and know if it has the updated SID plugin? 03.10.16 # Paul_The_Nerd: because the world pure straight hates you 03.10.19 # Isn't there a thread at MR that says what has been added? 03.10.52 # Paul_The_Nerd: the key word being "here" probably 03.11.31 # Mikachu: Well, I can't tell them not to ask *anywhere*. Technically I don't even have jurisdiction in the Rockbox forums, but at least people seem to think I do, and usually listen to me. :) 03.12.11 # what i meant was that it's possible to interpret "here" as in the public part of the forums 03.12.11 Quit taz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.12.28 # Paul_The_Nerd: it's because you're nice to them. :D 03.12.35 # thus translating your first question into your second question 03.13.08 # Anyone? 03.13.31 # sharpe: I dunno. One of them described me as "always sounds like he fell out of the wrong side of bed." I think that's about the right level of "respect for the fact that he will help us, but no desire to converse with him" 03.13.45 # Kyomi: Why not just read the progress thread at MR, or compile your own build with SID? 03.14.01 # I was reading it 03.14.08 # Sometimes he doesn't say what happends 03.14.09 # -d 03.14.14 # And 03.14.19 # I can't compile anything like that :P 03.14.29 # Because I h8 cygwin 03.14.41 # And I'm not dual-booting or running linux 03.14.43 # so nyah :P 03.14.47 # vmware! 03.14.49 # Kyomi: Ah. So not "can't" so much as "won't." You could also *download* the experimental and see if it has it. 03.14.50 # does cygwin work in wine? 03.14.55 # :) 03.15.06 # that's kind of redundant isn't it? 03.15.16 # Kyomi: And as has been mentioned, VMWare offers another alternative. So does colinux. We have 3 means so far of building Rockbox in windows. 03.15.23 # more stupid than redundant :) 03.15.28 # sharpe: For those who want truly abominable compile times. 03.15.33 # i'd like now to apply a patch, reading the tutorial, it tells to do "cd to/source/root" and than "patch < patchfile" 03.16.01 # what about, vmware inside quemu, inside wine, inside vmware, inside windows? :D 03.16.10 # qemu 03.16.25 # but how's the procedure, where should i have my patch in debian 03.16.29 # ? 03.16.34 # sharpe is obviosuly masochistic 03.16.37 # webguest98: "patchfile" includes the full path 03.16.49 # webguest98: so if it's in /tmp/file you type /tmp/file 03.17.49 Join taz [0] (n=taz@r80h38.res.gatech.edu) 03.17.59 # than i do "make" after "make zip" and will have my rockbox patched? 03.18.08 # How can I tell which version is in it? 03.18.53 # Kyomi: ask the guy to send you the source and look 03.19.03 # if he doesn't, he's violating the gpl 03.19.13 # but i suspect the source is in the forum post as well? 03.19.25 # Mikachu: That still doesn't help me 03.19.33 # Yes, I know to look 03.19.41 # But is it labeled with the version? 03.20.00 # Where will it be? 03.20.52 # no idea ;) 03.21.22 # Exactly why I'm asking the question :P 03.21.55 # i guess you could just ask the experimental guy 03.22.03 # Kyomi: Doesn't he just use the daily? 03.22.08 # Yeah 03.22.14 # But Doom wasn't in the Daily for a bit 03.22.22 # the steps to patch should be, "make" than the "patch" than "make zip" right? 03.22.23 # I dunno if the SID thing is 03.22.45 # webguest98: incorrect 03.22.56 # how than? 03.23.03 # patch, make, make zip 03.23.14 # also; it's then, not than 03.23.24 # sorry :) 03.23.51 # i'll try then patch, make and make zip" 03.24.06 # Kyomi: SID isn't part of Rockbox, so it'd only be in it if he patched it. 03.24.17 Quit lostnihilist ("Leaving") 03.24.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.26.02 # when on Eterm for patch, on wich folder should i be at? /rockbox right? 03.27.05 # debian:~/rockbox/cd to/source/root 03.27.24 # correct? 03.28.00 # do you understand what to/source/root means? 03.28.11 # it's the directory that has "apps", "firmware" etc 03.29.01 # It means the root folder of your source code, rather than literally /source/rood 03.29.03 # root 03.29.53 # ok you do "cd" and after the path of where you want to be taken to right? 03.30.09 # I wonder can I unmount my iPod from irc... 03.30.22 # pointless my previous question then, right? 03.30.26 # YUP I can 03.30.27 # :D 03.30.31 # Unmounting iPod... 03.30.31 # umount: /mnt/ipod: not mounted 03.30.31 # iPod umounted from /mnt/ipod 03.30.34 # rofl 03.30.38 # Checking if iPod is connected... 03.30.38 # iPod not connected! Abort... 03.30.43 # lol 03.31.24 Quit TeaSea ("Leaving") 03.32.08 Quit Daishi (Remote closed the connection) 03.32.38 Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-457286ab.dyn.optonline.net) 03.32.54 # hey paul, i rewrote the emulator code. 03.35.09 # Does anyone know if it's possible to disable receiving PMs on the forums? 03.35.19 # Don't log on? 03.35.35 # don't click the link with "message" in it? 03.35.36 # Paul_The_Nerd: i tihnk there is an option in your prefs.. 03.36.29 Quit Farpenoodle (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.36.38 # JdGordon: I didn't see it in the prefs. Do you know where exactly? 03.36.40 Join Farpenoodle [0] (n=solo84@cm58.sigma6.maxonline.com.sg) 03.37.54 # hmm.. maybe this forum doesnt have it.. 03.38.11 # could someone please then explain me the "cd to/source/root" 03.38.15 # please? 03.38.16 # Paul_The_Nerd, what pm's are thine getting? 03.38.34 # change the directory to where the folder your source is in 03.38.37 # webguest98: Go to the root folder of your source code. Probably the rockbox folder 03.39.52 # but its giving me "-bash: cd: to/source/root: no such file or directory" 03.39.55 # sharpe: It varies. The most common are "Can you give me Doom .wads / gameboy roms / pacman roms", then comes "Will you make a custom build for me?". Occasionally I get a genuine "I can't figure this out, and you were helping me in the thread, but I didn't want to keep filling up the forums" style question. And every now and then "Hey, can you delete my thread for me, as the forums don't seem to let me do that?" or some other administ 03.40.14 # wow. 03.40.32 # webguest98: "cd" means "change directory." You need to change to where YOUR source is, not type it exactly. 03.40.45 # webguest98: So, "cd ~\rockbox" or something similar maybe 03.41.00 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 03.41.00 # * Paul_The_Nerd typed the wrong /, I believe 03.41.29 # speaking in the third person, are we? 03.41.42 # let me try thanks 03.43.01 # sharpe: Bad habit I picked up somewhere. But yeah, I'd rather not ignore PMs completely because then the people who actually *need* help get the shaft. So it'd be easier to turn them off, have them get a rejection message or not be able to send one, and then have them just ask in the appropriate thread 03.43.10 # "cd" means "change directory." You need to change to where YOUR source is, not type it exactly 03.43.32 # ahhh :) ok k i think i'm getting it 03.46.27 # man skingrad oblivion is taking awhile to get through 03.46.31 # >.< 03.49.45 Part Paul_The_Nerd 03.49.50 # "file to patch: " 03.49.56 Quit Daishi (Remote closed the connection) 03.50.36 # you want to press ctrl-c there and give -p0 or -p1 to patch 03.52.08 # -p0 or -p1? sorry... 03.52.46 # try, "patch -p0 < yourpatchfilename" 03.54.55 # thank you it seems to work that way, but i got a "1 out of 2 hunks failed... " 03.55.16 # then you are probably out of luck 03.55.25 # what does it means ? 03.56.13 # that the patch mechanism is secretly gay 03.56.18 # and lost a hot lookin dude 03.56.24 # or you just mistyped... 03.56.36 # argh. need help 03.56.40 # it's hard to get a patch to not apply to one hunk by mistyping a command 03.56.49 # just not hunky enough 03.57.08 # i loaded up a theme, but the background and font colors are the exact same. 03.57.26 # maybe it only changes the wps then 03.57.41 Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-457286ab.dyn.optonline.net) 03.57.45 Quit erich ("Client exiting") 03.58.45 # what does incompatible model mean when trying to run a plugin? 03.59.29 # that your model 03.59.32 # is incompatible 03.59.33 # duh :) 03.59.51 # it can also mean that the plugin can be too old/new compared to your rockbox.player 03.59.56 # well that clears thing sup a lot :) 04.00.11 # ie some internal stuff changed 04.00.27 # twisted. r u in front of a rockbox ui? 04.00.28 # hmm wth did I do to the plugin, I have been working on it all day grr 04.01.20 # oh 04.01.21 # wait 04.01.30 # kaediil: what is the errror? 04.02.11 # without the extra 'r' 04.07.34 Join axion__ [0] (n=MusiFreq@cpe-24-195-84-126.nycap.res.rr.com) 04.08.59 # biffhero: nope 04.10.25 # so if 1 of 2 hunks failed, then the patch is not going to work, correct? 04.11.23 # webguest98: correct 04.11.32 # dam 04.11.37 # :( 04.11.52 # what file holds the current settings? if i nuke that, i should boot up into normal rockbox theme 04.12.39 Part macdonalder ("bye bye ;D") 04.13.23 # is there any other way i can try to do it? 04.13.40 Quit axion_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.14.12 # webguest98: at this point, u need 2 read the files, and patch "by hand" 04.15.23 # webguest98, check the file.c.rej.. 04.15.33 # and just do it manually, yeah. 04.15.43 # hmm interesting. Ever since I updated from the repository, it seems I have to do a make veryclean in between builds or I get "Incompatible model" error 04.16.06 # how? 04.16.54 # webguest98, the lines with a - behind them = delete them.. 04.16.54 # and + = add.. 04.16.56 # just add the + lines, subtract the - lines, and that's it. should be a quick job.. like .. a minute's worth of work at most. :) 04.17.44 # midkay: do you know what file holds my settings? like what theme to start up with? 04.18.09 # biffhero, it's not accessible really. if you have an iPod, turn it on and flick the hold switch on, and your settings will be reset.. 04.18.50 # toggle the hold switch on/off after rockbox boots? 04.19.13 # e.g. press menu, then turn the hold switch on right away.. 04.19.25 # so it's on when rockbox boots, and thus interpreted as "reset my settings pls". 04.19.35 # k 04.19.41 Join axion_ [0] (n=MusiFreq@cpe-24-195-84-126.nycap.res.rr.com) 04.19.51 # i should delete the "-" lines from the patch file correct 04.19.57 # ? 04.20.26 # webguest98, what do you mean? remove the lines with a "-" in the .rej file from the file itself.. 04.20.43 # woo hoo. thx midkay 04.20.49 Quit hardeep ("Killed by BlackJac (Requested by panasync)") 04.20.51 # biffhero, no problem 04.21.20 # wtf 04.21.26 # this has GOT to be the most useless thing EVER 04.21.31 # you can shoot an object into spac 04.21.33 # space 04.21.35 # and you can get it back 04.21.38 # for 99 dollar 04.21.48 # cannot be bigger then a can of soda and cannot be heavier then 350 gram 04.21.53 # what the fuck... is the use 04.21.56 # that is so cool. 04.21.59 # url? 04.22.11 # solar radiation experiments 04.22.22 # i have 7 ".rej" files.. wich one is it? 04.22.24 # heh, the differening opinions of people on irc. 04.22.35 # still can't type today 04.22.40 # twisted`, there doesn't always have to be a use.. maybe just for *having* something that's gone farther than 99.9% of human beings into space? 04.22.56 # webguest98, whichever said 'x hunks out of x failed'.. 04.23.02 # maybe more than one.. 04.23.07 # that percentage is probably higher than that midkay 04.23.12 # sharpe, for sure.. 04.25.04 Quit kaediil (Remote closed the connection) 04.25.10 Quit axion__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.26.27 # the most similar i find is a line with "---", i should now erase this line, save the file and try the patch again? 04.26.41 Join kaediil [0] (n=fhodum@ip68-100-29-103.dc.dc.cox.net) 04.27.53 # I'd rather go into space myself 04.28.03 # but seriously... what is so small... that you wanna send there and back 04.28.07 # it can even be ALIVE if you want 04.28.08 # WHY 04.28.14 # what you wanna put in a can SO SMALL 04.28.35 # hmm... Cigarretes from Outer Space 04.28.37 # yummie... 04.29.24 # why not? 04.29.46 # 2 hunks failed now! 04.30.47 # roflmfao 04.30.52 # this women got busted 04.31.02 # for smuggelin some weed 'n a grenade into a prison 04.31.10 # hidden in her cunt 04.34.10 # ... 04.34.20 # i'm offended. 04.35.02 # why? 04.35.08 # that word you used. 04.35.14 # "her" 04.35.16 # weed? 04.35.16 # :D 04.35.21 # that many consider to be _the_ most offensive word in the english language. 04.35.28 # i know 04.35.29 # "her" ? 04.35.37 # "roflmfao" 04.35.43 # rofl 04.35.47 # "women" ? 04.36.00 # sharpe, okay, you're blowing it. :p 04.36.03 # :D 04.36.21 # fuckin conventional americans... 04.36.38 # 'n why the hell are all the birds happily whistlin outside... it's like 04:30am 04.37.07 # they want to fuck with your head. 04.37.16 # 4:00am or 04:00. not BOTH. 04.38.23 # the deafening loudness of *silence*. 04.41.57 # Oooh 8 and 10GB Nanos *drool* 04.42.17 # every type a word so much, it loses meaning and sense of it's correct spelling? 04.44.00 # ok, i got the hunk error, i removed the "-" line now there's no way to know if its going to work, right?... i should now "make", "make zip" and install my patched rockbox, correct? 04.44.18 # please 04.44.28 # midkay: both is proper 04.44.35 # webguest98, well, it should work if you get no errors. 04.44.42 # try making, you'll either get errors or not. 04.44.56 # twisted`, semi-joking.. but 04:00am is rather redundant.. 04.45.42 # midkay: a lot of people still dunno, 12hr time would be 04:00pm for 16:00pm 24hr time 04.46.06 # no idea why you'd say 04:00pm instead of just 4:00pm.. 04.46.22 Quit Kyomi () 04.46.33 # a "0" before a digit in the hour place on a clock says to me "24-hour time".. 04.46.36 # or just, 4pm 04.46.45 # sharpe, haha. 04.46.53 # or 16:00 4pm 04.46.55 # oh I always prefix time 04.47.06 # i got errors 04.47.09 # or we could always stop talking about the format of time. 04.47.11 # then fix + retry.. 04.47.18 # or we could always not! 04.47.22 # true 04.47.23 # 00:00 - 00:00 just looks better then 0:00 04.47.32 # or we could figure out how i don't get data abort errors 04.47.34 # make is like a stop watch 04.47.39 # 00:00:00 04.47.41 # 00:00 should only show up in 24hr time.. 04.47.49 # thus 0:00 is an invalid argument.. 04.47.54 # or whatever. 04.47.59 # you mean representation 04.48.01 # midkay: it should yeah 04.48.09 # midkay: BUT most people still are like: night or day? 04.48.09 # what should yeah what? 04.48.19 # uh... whaddaya think ya stupid fuck, I said 04 not 16 04.48.30 # right, 04 implies morning. 04.48.39 # but, yeah :) 04.48.40 Quit kaediil ("Leaving") 04.48.44 # tell that to your fellow citizins 04.48.46 # most people are idiots :) 04.48.48 # what about, we create a time format, where it's all syncronized throughout the whole world, and has a completely different type of display? 04.48.51 # citizens ? 04.48.52 # dunno 04.48.55 # citizens! 04.48.56 # * twisted` doesn't care 04.49.00 # me is tired 04.49.04 # we should abolish and stamp out redundancy 04.49.08 # fix what??!! 04.49.18 # sharpe, like a;sidlaAEKKEIAIASDIFASDFsharpesux­FADF = 4:01pm! 04.49.19 # sharpe: it's called @ 04.49.23 # webguest98, fix the errors? 04.49.39 Quit Daishi ("Client exiting...") 04.49.41 # Internet Time is a "new" way to tell time, invented and marketed by the Swiss watch company Swatch. The current Internet Time is the same all over the World (no time zones or daylight saving time adjustments). The current Internet time can be found on the World Clock just below the long list of cities there. ("Internet time: @xxx .beats") 04.49.49 # exactly. 04.52.13 # seriously... linuxtoday is some piece of shit 04.52.31 # they link to an article... which links to an article... which links to the article WHERE ALL THE OTHER ONE'S ARE BASED ON 04.52.38 # just link to THAT one 04.52.54 # reminds me of... research. 04.53.03 # on a sparsely documented topic 04.53.05 # you know 04.53.10 # like the bubonic plague. 04.53.32 # which i have to write a paper on 04.54.54 # the hell u talkin bout... :D 04.55.06 # everything's based on the same thing 04.55.45 # with different wording 04.56.06 # slight deja vu 05.01.32 Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) 05.08.49 # thank you very much for all the help, i'll be here tomorrow :) 05.08.52 # thank you 05.09.04 Quit webguest98 ("CGI:IRC") 05.09.28 Join speacial_ed [0] (n=chatzill@00095b0ec047.click-network.com) 05.11.18 Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.15.35 Join Rob2222_ [0] (n=Miranda@ACB1C29E.ipt.aol.com) 05.19.50 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 05.20.25 # man 05.20.35 # wikipedia sucks badly in consitency 05.20.53 Quit speacial_ed ("Bye") 05.21.35 # in what way? 05.21.41 # well ok 05.21.47 # google: wiki metallica 05.21.54 # and then click from there to their album pages 05.22.01 # it will tell the opposite 05.22.03 # LOL 05.22.09 # or stuff that has been told different 05.22.13 # or page styles aren't the same 05.22.15 # or whatever 05.22.48 # what's inconsistent exactly? 05.24.30 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.27.44 # not being consistent. :) 05.28.59 # midkay: ya know what consistent means right? 05.29.06 # cus that means like, same as in code 05.29.09 # that it would be 05.29.13 # twisted`, i know what consistent means, of course. 05.29.16 # ahh ok 05.29.19 # i mean what is inconsistent *about the pages*? 05.29.20 # well some ppl don't 05.29.34 # hm, well, we already went over the fact that most people are retarded. :p 05.29.40 # jk! 05.29.49 # but not really! just gauging your reaction! 05.33.12 # dur 05.34.38 # :D 05.36.03 # http://www.wikitruth.info 05.38.56 Join gursikh [0] (n=m@adsl-209-30-244-112.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 05.46.12 Join mymomthelush [0] (i=user@ 05.50.13 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 05.52.55 # ey I asked this like... before but I forgot 05.53.01 # I want to have a bootloader or something 05.53.10 # so I can choose between rockbox and the original firmware 05.53.27 # or atleast change swap it around that it boots original instead of the other or something 05.54.20 # The choice at boot is already RB bootloader behaviour by default. 05.54.37 # What target? 05.55.23 # gursikh: iPod Video 05.55.28 # well 05.55.32 # I gotta press that button 05.55.32 # hmmm 05.55.34 # real fast 'n stuff 05.55.46 # I just want either a) a bootloader, which waits like 5sec 05.55.56 # or b) it should standard boot original 05.55.56 # :D 05.56.01 # i've an idea 05.56.02 # how can I get that 05.56.24 # that would satisfy all the people that want to be able to choose to boot the original firmware 05.56.43 # which is? 05.57.04 # ipodlinux bootloader! 05.57.28 # and how do I config it to bootup rockbox or original? 05.57.39 # yeah, i guess you can do that too, But AFAIK the RB BL can boot into linux,RB, and Orig as well. 05.58.18 # actually i had a completely different idea 05.58.20 # but still 05.58.28 # similar 05.58.37 # but 05.58.40 # can I change it 05.58.48 # so it does original unless I press menu 05.58.52 # sure 05.58.54 # or get a menu, like lilo or grub 05.59.01 # how? 05.59.05 # i was thinking about a grub like menu... 05.59.16 # modify the code 05.59.17 # :D 05.59.28 # default RB answer: Down the code and get crackin! 05.59.29 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 05.59.37 # essentially. 05.59.48 # damn 05.59.56 # I don't even have a build env. yet 06.00.05 # so I gotta go through like a zillion docs 06.00.07 # better get started then 06.00.08 # first... 06.00.09 # damn 06.00.09 # nope 06.00.11 # fuck that 06.00.13 # too tired 06.00.15 # only one page if you're good 06.00.26 # and fifteen minutes 06.00.47 # hmm 06.01.09 # are you on windows or linux? 06.01.19 # linux 06.01.49 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DevelopmentGuide 06.04.35 # twisted`: I already have a patch for that 06.04.50 # http://efnet-math.org/~djao/apple-default.diff 06.05.43 # BAM! 06.06.02 # Emril!! 06.06.07 # huh 06.06.08 # ah 06.06.15 # for the bootloader u mean? 06.06.21 # happen to have a precompiled one? :D 06.06.44 # it's bad form to run binaries that other people supply, so ... no 06.08.51 # howso? 06.09.23 # it's like eating pills from someone you don't know 06.09.32 # security risks 06.09.50 # gee, i think there's something wrong with my makefile for the bootloader 06.09.52 # but it is mainly about you learning to do it yourself i believe 06.10.02 # oh I just consider it as a on-a-trust-basis 06.10.18 # so far, 250 attempts to build rdf2binary, convbdf, scramble, ipod_fw, bmp2rb, and codepages 06.10.19 # a secondary reason is that I think people should use rockbox since rockbox is better than the default, so it hardly makes sense to encourage using the apple firmware 06.10.40 # hmm 06.10.42 # well 06.10.48 # a third reason is that the patch isn't very useful anyway -- the apple firmware has a sleep mode and it never shuts off unless you leave the player off for like 2 days 06.10.50 # it lowers battery with 14hrs 06.11.01 # so... better, not yet for me 06.11.09 # since I use those 20hrs :P 06.11.20 # so at worst you need to press and hold menu, what, once every two days, if you use the apple firmware all the time? 06.11.44 # Galois: everytime I take it out of the usb connector 06.11.47 # you can still reset it in the apple firmware... 06.11.48 # it reboots :) 06.12.22 # huh? what are you talking about 06.12.35 # my ipod nano does not reboot when the usb connector is removed, not in the apple firmware 06.13.18 # holding select and menu in the apple firmware reboots... 06.14.25 # shit. 06.14.36 # damnit. 06.16.20 # * scorche gently pats sharpe gently on the head 06.16.50 # too many gently-s in there >_> 06.17.00 # ahah... 06.17.02 Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.17.02 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 06.17.43 # after about the four-hundredth attempt to build the tools in my bootloader makefile, make started throwing errors 06.18.01 # discovered there were around thirty make.exe's running 06.18.11 # blackbox crashed 06.18.28 # make.exe? 06.18.37 # mmhmm 06.18.39 # Galois: when I remove it from the dock, it reboots 06.19.04 # funny 06.19.05 # you win win orlinux? 06.19.10 # *in 06.19.14 # cygwin :D 06.19.24 # when my phone seeks for network, the iPod light goes on 06.19.24 # meh 06.19.37 # that's amazing. 06.22.05 # I am an imbecile. 06.22.17 # howso? 06.22.20 # * twisted` pets lostlogic 06.22.32 # been beeting myself up over a bug that resulted from the typing of && vs || in a very obvious place. 06.22.46 # roflmfao 06.22.55 Quit mymomthelush ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 06.23.00 # ouch 06.23.13 Join Arrogant [0] (i=Scott@75.orlando-09rh15-16rt.fl.dial-access.att.net) 06.23.15 # lostlogic, what about my problem? :D 06.23.31 # sharpe: you already tried aligning the big array thing itself? 06.23.40 # yep 06.24.01 # I should actually... 06.24.07 # tried, 1, 4, 8, 16, and 'aligned' by itself for the compiler to do it. 06.24.15 # should compile with -save-temps, get the assembly, dissassemble the rockbox.elf, find the instruction that data aborts, find that in the .s file for the file it comes from, map that to a C line and then debug. 06.24.16 # like... once... re-encode allll my music that I have on the iPod 06.24.28 # to MP3 VBR 128-192 06.24.35 # eh, it's okay 06.24.36 # twisted`: never reencode 06.24.40 # unless you mean re-rip 06.24.47 # impossible 06.24.49 # i'll work around it to use the plugin buffer 06.25.00 # and you won't notice the sound difference anyway 06.25.31 # it just drives me nuts 06.25.35 Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.25.40 # that complete albums are 320kbps 06.25.42 # ... transcoding is bad, mmmk? 06.25.54 # wtf I can't hear that difference through the iPod earplugs 06.26.06 # why don't we get mad about it... 06.26.12 # get better air plugs 06.26.13 # :) 06.26.18 # ear even 06.26.22 # I talk like dumb, is late 06.26.24 # they're ear buds... 06.26.34 # i late earbuds... 06.26.37 # hate 06.26.51 # earplugs block sound... 06.27.06 # have some of the shure ones that go around your ear...you would be surprised at how nice they are 06.27.24 # invasive, i dont like 06.27.37 # W00T voice over audio for the first time since I started refactoring it! 06.27.44 # and it seems comparatively stable. 06.27.54 # how about some IEMs 06.27.59 # which both block sound and play sound 06.28.04 # wait until it starts throwing mean paranoia inducing comments 06.28.22 # "i cant let you do that dave..." 06.28.25 # I'm so getting a pair of E500s when they come out 06.28.39 # and now I sleep. 06.28.42 # should totally add that in as a voice.. 06.28.42 Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@dsl-29-8.cofs.net) 06.28.48 # * BHSPitLappy turns lostlogic off. 06.29.04 # *rocks to the beat of ac/dc* 06.29.14 # lostlogic: mmmm...those are hot 06.29.20 # twisted`: alternating current/direct current? 06.29.21 # *shocks to the voltage of ac* 06.29.37 # actually it'd be amperage... 06.29.37 # lalalala 06.29.43 # amperes 06.29.54 # sharpe: yeah, that occured to me immediately following the use of the RETURN key. 06.30.00 # * BHSPitLappy runs away, crying 06.30.08 # i have a ENTER key 06.30.11 # an 06.30.18 # i have 2! 06.30.25 # but does it have a little arrow on it? 06.30.27 # like, totally! 06.30.30 # yes, yes it does. 06.30.34 # only one does =( 06.30.36 # cause that's symbolese for "RETURN" 06.30.43 # no 06.30.49 # or \n or nl or whatever 06.30.50 # that's the symbol for look left 06.30.54 # * BHSPitLappy looks left 06.30.57 # tricky bastard 06.31.01 # BHSPitLappy: what about my turbo button? =P 06.31.05 # i'm a tricky one i am 06.31.08 # * BHSPitLappy runs for cover 06.31.12 # not the turbo button!! 06.31.25 # has anyone heard of my dilemma with wireless keyboards? 06.31.28 # nope 06.31.29 # no 06.31.32 # but please do tell 06.31.33 # i wuv mine 06.31.41 # same. 06.31.42 # I got 2 Enter keys 06.31.44 # one has the arrow 06.31.47 # the other doesn't 06.31.50 # I also got one key 06.31.54 # that says: not used" 06.31.55 # my only beef is security, but that is why i dont use the bluetooth versions 06.31.56 # why is it so hard to make a wireless keyboard that's rectangular in shape, and is a mini keyboard... 06.31.58 # it produces this: z 06.32.00 # uhh 06.32.04 # I mean: < 06.32.06 # and why are all keyboards shaped like amoebaes now?! 06.32.16 # damn I neve use the key I think it ends at the z 06.32.18 # twisted`: maybe we should take one of those enter keys away, and maybe you then won't use it so damn often 06.32.26 # sentences only need to take up one IRC line 06.32.29 # BHSPitLappy: bullshit 06.32.37 # not 06.32.39 # look and weep! 06.32.41 # BHSPitLappy: point me where it says so in the rfc 06.32.41 # how many words 06.32.43 # there are in 06.32.47 # the damn sentence 06.32.54 # * scorche digs up the stats of this box 06.32.59 # * BHSPitLappy points to paragraph 1729, line 17, word 6 06.33.09 # a sentence is a sentence when I use proper grammer and puctionation 06.33.12 # and I use neither 06.33.12 # how do you encompass that in one word? 06.33.58 # [OS] Slackware 10.0.0 (2.4.26) :: [Uptime] 50 days, 23:07 :: [CPU] 1-Pentium MMX @ 166MHz (12% load) :: [Memory] 41M Used, 60M Total (32% Free) :: [Video] S3 Inc. 86c325 [ViRGE] (800x600/24 Bit/73Hz) :: [Disk] 2.94G Used, 14.85G Total (75% Free) :: [Network] Linksys Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 model NC100 (eth0: 411.31M In, 108.79M Out) 06.34.00 # =D 06.34.24 # scorche: you need new hardware 06.34.28 # no 06.34.29 # specially a new nic 06.34.31 # he needs a life 06.34.39 # I mean that name is like... wrong to the max 06.34.45 # >_> 06.34.53 # * scorche sobs in the corner 06.35.06 # and that's what you get. 06.35.14 # I need a new pc 06.35.14 # why am i procrastinating so much? 06.35.17 # how can you denouce an s3 ViRGE?!?!? 06.35.17 # wait 06.35.18 # it's slow as fuck... 06.35.21 # and I need new hd's 06.35.30 # i need to buy that 2.0ghz processor... 06.35.55 # but then i realize 06.36.12 # i can buy another mobo like i had, and overclock this on 06.36.12 # e 06.36.19 # * scorche pets his real box 06.36.29 # lol 06.36.38 # this pc... damn.. old 06.36.49 # for a poor person, you learn to respect the smaller things 06.36.51 # Intel Pentium 4 2.53ghz, 1.5gb ram 06.36.58 # i upgraded a few months ago 06.37.03 # and like... not so many hd space 06.37.06 # Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 06.37.07 # /dev/hda3 18G 9.1G 7.8G 54% / 06.37.07 # tmpfs 761M 4.0K 761M 1% /dev/shm 06.37.07 # /dev/hdb1 187G 185G 1.6G 100% /WD200GB-1 06.37.07 # /dev/hdc1 184G 175G 0 100% /WD200GB-2 06.37.08 # opteron 175 ^_^ 06.37.09 # /dev/hda1 115M 9.6M 105M 9% /boot 06.37.12 # /dev/hda4 92G 73G 15G 84% /home 06.37.14 # tmpfs 10M 152K 9.9M 2% /dev 06.37.16 # /dev/hdd 582M 582M 0 100% /media/cdrom0 06.37.18 # heh 06.37.19 # /dev/sda2 56G 55G 1.4G 98% /mnt/ipod 06.37.27 # I still gotta locate the other hd's 06.37.33 # I have 2 more 200gb's somewhere 06.37.34 # i have 1.5T 06.37.35 # but where... 06.37.37 # and i need more 06.37.48 # formidable paste there. 06.38.10 # lucky there isnt any flood protection in here 06.38.45 # flood protection?! 06.38.46 # lol 06.38.53 # lets test that theory... 06.39.00 # I remember doin /exec -o ls -lhR / once when I was fuckin high 06.39.03 # they got sooo pissed 06.39.19 # cus everyone else was stoned too so couldn't remember the chanserv pass 06.39.22 # to kick me off the chan 06.40.22 # whatever... 06.42.49 # lol 06.43.05 # Remember kids, don't mix drugs and irc 06.44.13 # friends don't let friends chat high 06.44.45 # friends don't let friends chat high without logging activated 06.44.49 # >fixed 06.45.00 # whehehe 06.45.10 # yesterday I did a dcc-chat with a friend of mine 06.45.16 # to test how fast it sended shit 06.45.28 # we ended up doin ls -lhR and dmesg and god I don't know what else 06.45.34 # parsin complete 'n utter crap 06.45.46 # don't you know ls is a gateway command? 06.45.56 # you're lucky you didn't overparse yourself to death. 06.47.42 Join ProgramZeta [0] (n=zetachan@ip68-101-175-19.sd.sd.cox.net) 06.47.49 # well guys in a couple of hours I will press the submit button for my 1st mp3 player iaudio x5l *gasp* 06.48.27 # eh? 06.48.39 # I gotta p 06.50.10 # BHSPitLappy: wha? 06.50.21 # face it. you need help. 06.50.50 # BHSPitLappy: no :D 06.50.54 # BHSPitLappy: what I need is really simple 06.51.04 # BHSPitLappy: either $4 or a pack of cigarrettes 06.51.12 Quit RoC_MM ("Leaving") 06.51.14 # * scorche shuffles up close to twisted` 06.51.22 # 0_o 06.51.36 # i want to... do the following... 06.51.42 # yell 06.51.49 # scorche: go ahead! 06.51.50 # scream at something 06.51.58 # sharpe: want my phone number? 06.51.59 # go to sleep 06.52.07 # be happy 06.52.07 # sharpe: u can call me and we yell togheter 06.52.08 # rofl 06.52.17 # not be bored... 06.52.37 # not be lonely 06.52.37 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-169-215-87.worldnet.co.nz) 06.52.45 # k now it just got scary 06.52.47 Quit RotAtoR ("fsck your disk") 06.52.54 # scorche: I think sharpe wants your attention 06.53.03 # eh, i'm being serious. 06.53.26 # * scorche winks slyly at sharpe 06.53.35 # dude we all want to bang a chick 06.53.36 # I mean 06.53.37 # damn 06.54.15 # last week when i was out with my friends, i was sad... i rolled down the winodw and screamed 'fuck' at trees... 06.54.22 # window. 06.54.26 # anyone here listen Children of Bodom? 06.54.42 # i think i'm becoming slightly dyslexic! 06.55.07 Quit vmx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.55.20 # no, maybe slight tourette 06.55.34 Join vmx [0] (i=oma@p549B6D62.dip.t-dialin.net) 06.56.04 # eh, i think i'm getting all those good mental illnesses and disorders. 06.56.36 # dude 06.56.38 # u need to get laid 06.56.40 # fo real man 06.56.53 # * twisted` gives sharpe $5 for a cheap ho 'n with the change u can buy a pack o ramen 06.57.02 # that reminds me 06.57.07 # sharpe: where abouts you live? 06.57.09 # i should cool some ramen noodles tomorrow 06.57.40 # * twisted` rocks to his imaginary air-guitar 06.57.52 # twisted`: redudndant much/ 06.58.03 # scorche, YES. 06.58.05 # scorche: typo much 06.58.06 # this is mr. 04:00am. 06.58.11 # spicy chicken flavor i think 06.58.13 # Fri Apr 21 06:58:13 CEST 2006 06.58.14 # I beat ya'll 06.58.15 # rofl 06.58.32 # whoo 06.58.39 # I better get some drugs 'n beer tonight 06.58.43 # 'n get laid! 06.59.00 # actually... any of the tree is good... but the latter is preferred... 06.59.05 # three* 06.59.18 Quit gursikh () 06.59.21 # is that all you do in life? 06.59.26 # meh....i like to save a lot of it for sat instead of fri 06.59.33 # twisted` is polluting this channel like nobody ever has before. ;) 06.59.42 # well....since i got here 07.00.02 # exactly, it's turning into... an irc channel!! 07.00.07 # sharpe: what get drunk 'n shit?! 07.00.09 # basicly yeah 07.00.26 # well, at least my life is filled with 07.00.28 # um... 07.00.33 # BORING SHIT! 07.00.35 # whoo\ 07.00.37 # mostly. 07.00.39 # yeah 07.00.40 # yup 07.00.41 # sharpe: you are young, you have time 07.00.46 # sharpe: come over to amsterdam 07.00.48 # we'll party 07.00.50 # *dances* 07.01.43 # i don't want to fly seven hours to germany... 07.01.55 # 0_o 07.01.59 # took you long enough to look that up. :) 07.02.04 # germany!? 07.02.10 # dude 07.02.13 # they didn't won the war 07.02.18 # win* 07.02.33 # midkay, i didn't look it up... 07.02.39 # mhm. yep. 07.02.47 # from wikipedia 07.02.48 # yeah else he would've known it wasn't germany 07.03.06 # trying to remember how long it takes for a military aircraft to fly to germany... 07.03.16 # ooo....amsterdam is in germany now? 07.03.25 # noo, it's in belgium 07.03.29 # just like the smurfs. 07.03.30 Join Azraak [0] (n=jamie@c210-49-95-93.fitzg2.qld.optusnet.com.au) 07.03.36 # smurfology! 07.03.38 # ya'll got issues 07.03.42 # but then again 07.03.44 # I don't mind 07.03.48 # I hate the Netherlands 07.03.52 # look who's talking... :D 07.03.55 # long live the republic of Amsterdam 07.04.13 # I never said I didn't have any issues, I just say ya'll have 'em in a way that it's not not cool (tm) 07.04.19 # eh. 07.04.25 Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) 07.04.25 # hmm... remove one "not" 07.04.26 # rofl 07.04.27 # i'm back to 07.04.35 # doing whatever i was doing. 07.04.57 # admit it! you were wanking! 07.05.02 # Hotfusion: it doesnt support ID3? 07.05.04 # * twisted` won't shake ur hand 07.05.16 # both hands on the keyboard mister 07.05.28 # then i can't move the mouse. 07.05.34 # who needs a mouse 07.05.38 # who needs a mouse? 07.05.43 # twisted`: pfft! 07.05.48 # * twisted` uses E 07.05.54 # * twisted` can do anythin with ze keyboard 07.05.55 # terminal FTW 07.06.11 # tho the mouse is just l33t 07.06.19 # * twisted` holds META and scrolls mouse wheel 07.06.21 # ooh psychedelic 07.06.36 # who? what? 07.06.37 # i need to buy a wireless mini keyboard 07.06.57 # twisted, can you find me one in amsterdam? 07.07.22 # damn, this is frustrating.. 07.07.27 # ? 07.07.28 # sharpe: dude, don't tell me the economics are so bad they don't have 'em there 07.07.29 Quit dj-fu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.07.50 # they have wireless keyboards, but barely any that are mini. 07.07.54 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-169-215-87.worldnet.co.nz) 07.07.57 # it's like 07.08.05 # oh I bet that got wireless keyboard ;) 07.08.08 # * twisted` doesn't see the point of wireless keyboards 07.08.11 # they* 07.08.18 # it's physically impossible to make a small, rectangular wireless keyboard. 07.08.19 # they need batteries... 07.08.22 # Hotfusion: read somewhere that it doesnt support ID3 07.08.36 # what you talkin about 07.08.37 # same with wireless mouse 07.08.39 # *yeay* 07.08.44 # * twisted` got everythin on cords 07.08.49 # * twisted` doesn't trust "wireless" 07.08.53 # yeah, you can't choke anyone with wireless things. 07.08.59 # YUP 07.09.00 # twisted`: keyboard doesnt wear out till months 07.09.05 # sure you can pull out batteries 07.09.08 # put down throat 07.09.10 # mouse is solved with rechargable 07.09.10 # check out my kick ass ascii drawing on http://bastardoperatorfromhell.org/ 07.09.16 # I couldn't have done THAT with wireless keyboards 07.09.40 # and just dont get the bluetooth ones and operate in encrypted mode and you are fine 07.09.41 # ... 07.09.48 # Hotfusion: your x5l 07.10.07 # not worried there scorche 07.10.26 # twisted, host my website. 07.10.27 # :D 07.10.27 # rockbox is there :D Plus i used ID3-Tag version 3.3 to sort my artists and songs 07.10.46 # <3rockbox 07.11.01 # but i am sticking wiht my archos recorder =P 07.11.05 # sharpe: why? 07.11.41 # twisted`: so he can wank off to his collection when he goes away 07.11.57 # twisted`: because i'm too lazy to register a domain, and pay for hosting. and you love me. 07.12.03 # quick opinion now, what's the absolute best rockbox supported hardware? 07.12.10 # What do you guys think about the Toshiba Gigabeat. Eh no video but looks ok 07.12.13 # sharpe: 0_o 07.12.14 # i'd say archoses... 07.12.24 # archos yeah? 07.12.26 # longest it's been developed for. 07.12.35 # sharpe: I can get you an forwarder for sharpe.bastardoperatorfromhell.org 07.12.37 # but that's it 07.12.37 # ^_^ 07.12.39 # B4gder? 07.12.42 # i wuv my archos recorder =P 07.12.45 # here 07.12.49 # hmm 07.12.52 # that's tempting :D 07.13.05 # B4gder.few_free_minutes == true? :) 07.13.22 # hm, yes I think so 07.13.40 # 'few_free_minutes' not defined in struct 'B4gder' 07.14.27 # if (twisted_gets_head();) then {sharpe_gets_hosting();} 07.14.28 # booyah 07.14.43 # gee, that's almost a given then. 07.14.49 # when can i get access? 07.14.51 # sharpe, hahaha.. B4gder, i'm confused as hell trying to get some _PRE stuff working in the pitch screen, i thought you were experienced with that + was wondering if you could have a look. 07.14.58 # :D 07.15.12 # twisted`: you have beautiful eyes 07.15.18 # omg 07.15.24 # ahahahah... 07.15.26 # don't tell me you went to my flickr 07.15.31 # >_> 07.15.32 # he did 07.15.34 # midkay: I'm really not, I think amiconn is a good man to poke about that 07.15.35 # >_< 07.15.49 # damn.. 07.16.04 # ahahahah... 07.16.12 # scorche, url for all of us!? 07.16.40 # http://www.flickr.com/photos/teh_twisted/109643848/ 07.16.43 Join scorche` [0] (i=ScorchE@ 07.16.45 # http://www.flickr.com/photos/45809242@N00/ 07.16.47 Quit scorche` (Client Quit) 07.16.57 # yay.. 07.18.37 # Remember kids, don't do webcams and drugs at the same time 07.19.16 # oh jeah 07.19.24 # twisted`: your ascii sucks 07.19.29 # yeah, because it's impossible to remove photos once posted online. 07.19.59 # scorche: want me to hang you like I did there :P 07.20.00 # lol 07.20.20 # ahh, "rockbox : inbetween daily dev cycles" 07.21.13 # midkay: earlier (last nights build-ish), i couldnt get back to my music after exiting metronome 07.21.29 # froze 07.21.38 # for some reason, my doom builds freeze. 07.21.43 # * twisted` actually starts to wonder if scorche is female or just highly... gay... 07.22.00 # actually, very straight 07.22.11 # scorche, you ran metronome during playback or while stopped? 07.22.22 # secure in his sexuality enough to act the way he does. 07.22.27 # straight enough that i have no issues with touching a thong-wearing man's ass 07.22.43 # midkay: during playback, which stopped playback, but i couldnt get back to playing 07.22.51 # so it's true. twisted is sith 07.23.02 # Hotfusion: you had to THINK about that one?! 07.23.06 # sharpe: exactly 07.23.16 # scorche, so.. you were playing music, started metronome thus stopping playback.. then quit.. what did you do next? 07.23.17 # no I just looked at it 10 sec ago 07.23.27 # I was distracted by the television 07.23.36 # midkay: hold on...lemme replicate 07.23.41 # no I mean you needed photographical proof of it? 07.24.04 # sarcasm has left the room 07.24.09 # lol 07.24.32 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.25.00 # Build (N)ormal, (D)evel, (S)imulator, (B)ootloader, (M)anual? (N) 07.25.13 # hmmm... Simulator is so I can poke shit round on my pc right? 07.25.17 # yes 07.25.18 # B4gder, what's the diff between button_get(true) and button_get(false)? or anyone? 07.25.32 # midkay: blocking or not 07.25.33 # doesn't true block until it gets a key? 07.25.41 # B4gder, what do you mean, blocking? 07.25.42 # midkay: hit f1 twice to get back to wps 07.25.52 # midkay: it hangs until you press a key and then returns 07.26.03 # FUCK 07.26.03 # i can browse, but if i try to hit play in the wps, it wont play 07.26.04 # I just... 07.26.05 # like 07.26.06 # non-block means it just checks for a key and return in any case 07.26.12 # completely fucked up all compiles 07.26.13 # B4gder, ah, so switching to false would explain the stopping of playback right away when entering the pitch screen? 07.26.18 # I build it for sh1 07.26.25 # * twisted` can recompile everything 07.26.26 # scorche, so where does it freeze? 07.26.38 # midkay: no, a blocking button_get doesn't stop the music 07.26.57 # midkay: not a total freeze...just wont play if i het play...freeze was possibly the wrong word 07.26.59 # B4gder, that's weird, i can't see any other reason it would immediately stop or SEVERELY slow down playback.. 07.27.09 # scorche, ah, hm.. 07.27.26 # midkay: it will work if i browse and play another song, but i cant resume in the wps from it 07.28.01 # scorche, ah, i see.. so it must just be a problem with not re-initializing something.. i could have a check-see after this.. 07.28.24 # midkay: no problem...not high on the list i'm sure, but just something i noticed 07.28.51 # twisted`, i know why you should provide hosting for me, want to hear the reason? :D 07.29.04 # scorche, yeah, not high-up, but should be a very quick fix :) thx for the mention 07.29.26 # sharpe: well? 07.29.37 # B4gder, hmm, switching back to 'true' fixed the playback killing.. 07.30.00 # because you know you want to host the website where the c64 rockbox emulator came about... lol... 07.30.11 # i am tempted to take bubbles off the thing....i played that way too much today when i should have been doing other things.. 07.30.18 # morning :) 07.30.30 # scorche, haha. i beat it recently. :) 07.30.33 # stuck on the last level for.. days.. 07.30.40 # how many levels are there? 07.30.41 # * midkay wants 100 more levels. 07.30.44 # 100! 07.30.50 # lol 07.31.13 # * scorche goes at it again 07.31.44 # lol 07.31.54 # how much space would you need anyways 07.32.07 # for what? 07.32.13 # hosting 07.32.24 # for the emulator? 07.32.27 # ya 07.32.32 # i don't know. 07.32.39 # what is there to host about an emulator? 07.32.39 # *sighs* 07.32.48 # source, documentation... 07.32.53 # midkay: what was the highest score you have gotten on one level? 07.33.06 # sharpe: you can also just get a shell @ cb3rob.net 07.33.07 # scorche, maybe 99 or something.. i remember a few one-shot wins.. 07.33.11 # that's the company I work for 07.33.17 # ooh. 07.33.20 # hmm 07.33.20 # i have one-shotted, but only 97 =( 07.33.21 # $2 a month or something 07.33.26 # arr 07.33.28 # and you can compile on that machine too\ 07.33.28 # g 07.33.30 # scorche, maybe that was it then.. can't remember. :) 07.33.35 # eh, i may 07.33.41 # scorche, anyways, the last level is _hard_.. where are you now? 07.33.53 # midkay: it seems time based, so you might have gotten 99 07.34.02 # scorche, hm, quite possible. 07.34.13 # is there a way to resume from the last level you were at?...lol 07.34.36 # yes? 07.34.45 # after qutting, just choose to go back to the level.. 07.34.49 # oh.....didnt see that 07.34.51 # doh 07.34.58 # oh, you're on an archos, aren't you? 07.35.00 # ignore me 07.35.02 # i am 07.35.08 # it might be a bit harder for me =P 07.35.18 # yeah :p 07.35.32 # i found that 07.35.45 # butya...it prolly is a bit harder =P 07.35.50 # * scorche puffs up 07.36.28 # my 5G's LCD is almost 3x as large, so yeah, maybe a little advantage :) 07.36.57 # source takes up 52kb. 07.36.58 # :) 07.37.04 # it isnt too true on-line to where it goes =P 07.37.09 # have to guess sometimes 07.37.42 # sharpe: well I can host ur site I guess 07.37.42 # lol 07.37.47 # lol 07.37.48 # don't really use all of my space anyways 07.37.52 # scorche, yeah, tried it on my archos, quite ugly and hard to play.. 07.38.04 # still very impressive that it runs at all. i wouldn't believe it had i not tried it. :) 07.38.16 # midkay: i like it....but then again, it is all i have 07.38.23 # i was really just kidding about it, unless you really want to. 07.38.46 # then again, i cant motivate myself to ever get an ipod 07.39.05 # scorche, why not? :) 07.40.02 # why should i? 07.40.10 # i can mod my current player however i wish 07.40.13 # dunno, i asked you :) 07.40.35 # and 160 gigs (well, 128 cause of sector limits) can be hard to turn away from 07.41.10 Join spitball [0] (n=d31ea12a@labb.contactor.se) 07.41.13 # scorche, ah, nice. 07.41.23 # you know what'd be interesting to implement? 07.41.26 # what i would gain from ipod, are mainly cosmetic deals, which i dont care much about 07.41.39 # scorche, if that's how you feel, stay away ;) 07.41.41 # on the fly compression on a hard disk. 07.42.05 # well, it would support other formats also, but what else besides that? 07.42.30 Quit dj-fu (Connection timed out) 07.43.13 # scorche, the huge color LCD - resulting in larger fonts with more viewing area, nicer WPS', etc.. swcodec playback = not only more formats, but crossfade, crossfeed, parametric EQ.. video playback in apple firmware.. 07.43.27 # it all depends on whether any of it matters to you :) 07.43.57 # also, i am poor and would rather spend the money on other things =P 07.44.04 # that too. :) 07.44.26 # hmm. 07.44.38 # any ideas why this freezes the player, anyone? 07.44.39 # while((button == PITCH_RIGHT_PRE) || (button == PITCH_RIGHT_PRE|BUTTON_REPEAT)) 07.44.39 # button = button_get(true); 07.44.53 # PITCH_RIGHT_PRE == BUTTON_RIGHT .. 07.45.22 # it should continue on after RIGHT is released, but it just sort of freezes the LCD (button scanning or something, locked into the loop).. 07.46.33 # I never thought I'd say this 07.46.38 # but I actually miss programming :| 07.46.43 # why? 07.46.53 # cus somehow it was fun to do :) 07.47.10 # heh 07.47.41 # COME ON MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!! *rocks* 07.47.48 # eh? 07.48.08 # np: Children of Bodom - Lil Bloodred Ridin Hood 07.48.22 # okay... 07.48.28 # you all suck@ 07.48.44 # pff now your probably gonna tell me I'm not supposed to sing along or something 07.48.57 # no, no, go on! 07.49.06 # I'm considerin to reinstall my machine today... 07.49.07 # mo0ning 07.49.26 # but not quite sure yet... considerin Slackware... but... dunno 07.49.37 # amiconn, morning :) hey, maybe you have an idea about the code i just pasted a little earlier? 07.49.48 # go for slackware :D 07.49.56 # i wuv slack 07.50.05 # but i also wuv other distros =P 07.50.22 # slack is what i learned on though, so it will always hold a special place 07.51.14 # midkay: Nope. Only remark I have is that _PRE button macros shouldn't be used that way, but that shouldn't break your code 07.51.28 # debian did the trick for me 07.51.36 # amiconn, right, it's just temporary screwing-around-trying-to-get-it-to-work code atm :( 07.51.39 # learned the most on gentoo... but that also became the distro I hated the most 07.51.45 # hmmm. 07.52.26 # debian is my current preferred 07.52.36 # friend is also a dev for debian 07.53.12 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 07.53.21 # twisted`: hahaha, same 07.54.19 # what should i do? 07.54.37 # get laid? 07.54.48 # other than that? 07.55.41 # get drunk 07.55.51 # go to amsterdam 07.55.54 # werd 07.56.00 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@60-234-218-124.bitstream.orcon.net.nz) 07.56.07 # one of these days, i need to go out there 07.56.20 # it's boring actually... 07.56.39 # oh? 07.56.41 # but well, it just rocks compared to the strict shit in other countries 07.56.56 # gmm 07.57.04 # hmm, no I won't try Slack... 07.57.17 # maybe OpenBSD... hmm... cus I *won't* use FreeBSD 07.57.20 # try LFS 07.57.32 # just because of the fact that it seems to be very overrated 07.57.39 # lfs is hot 07.57.41 # encap 07.57.42 # heh, be a rebel. 07.57.45 # nope, I won't ever do "compile your own linux" crap again 07.57.48 # use windows. 07.57.51 # ahahahah... 07.57.59 # gentoo drove me insane 07.58.07 # emerge -avuD world 07.58.10 # 10 hrs later 07.58.11 # whoo-hoo 07.58.11 # you should try lfs/encap if you havent =P 07.58.11 # i've been using lfs for a few years after i gave up on all portage-like net distros after using gentoo 07.58.31 # axion_: what do you think of it? 07.58.33 # I've been recommended to use SourceMage 07.59.34 # i like being in total control...nothing can f*ck up unless I tell it to 07.59.56 # debian doesn't fuck up on me :) 07.59.59 # * twisted` pets debian 08.00.07 # actually I should resize my / 08.00.20 # and install either bsd or hurd on it... 08.00.30 # I would prefer hurd 08.00.42 Join scorche` [0] (i=ScorchE@ 08.00.47 # twisted`: http://linuxfromscratch.org/pipermail/hints/2002-September/001244.html 08.00.50 Quit scorche` (Client Quit) 08.00.53 Quit dj-fu (Remote closed the connection) 08.01.52 # true, but i can build lfs for my p4, and use new software without waiting for it to be put in one of debian's repos 08.02.58 # ya that;s actually the ONLY reason I'm considerin to use a sourcebased distro 08.03.05 # but then again... I could compile it all myself 08.03.09 # that';s why I thought of Slack 08.03.13 # got a bit of both afaik 08.03.17 # * twisted` wanna checkout xgl 08.03.28 # you see my link? 08.03.34 # yup 08.03.35 # read it 08.03.48 # its hot 08.03.58 # i would recommend slack right after lfs...good choice, though still i386 based 08.04.08 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-20-69.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 08.04.09 # so is debian 08.04.16 # * twisted` doesn't care about optimizations 08.04.50 # does debian/slack even have a a64 version? 08.04.59 # http://funroll-loops.org/ 08.06.00 # debian does 08.06.14 # i believe someone made a slack, but not sure 08.06.50 # ah. yeah gentoo is just getting worse too 08.07.13 # *commits pitchscreen update*.. 08.07.18 # *hopes it doesn't break anything* 08.07.35 # now they don't even support stage1 installs. they give you a pre-compiled toolchain to work with, and let me tell you it is buggy as hell 08.08.25 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@60-234-218-124.bitstream.orcon.net.nz) 08.08.36 # toolchains are handy for lfs =P 08.09.28 # well 08.09.34 # that was the main reason I used gentoo 08.09.38 # cus I had to do shit from scratch 08.09.38 # ever realize something out of nowhere? 08.09.46 # but... eventually ya didn't do SHIT 08.09.50 # sharpe: never 08.09.51 # cus ya type: emerge bla 08.09.55 # and it does EVERYTHING 08.09.59 # yep 08.10.14 # * Paul_The_Nerd thinks there should be a rockbox-fans channel, for rockbox users to chat about non-rockbox things without making the logs harder to read each day. :-P 08.11.03 # Paul_The_Nerd thinks too much 08.11.30 # ../../../../gdb-6.1.1/sim/arm/iwmmxt.c:3722: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'memcpy' 08.11.34 # bad gdb 08.11.35 Join Mikaelh [0] (i=Mikachu@kr-lun-154-152-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com) 08.11.36 # ../../../../gdb-6.1.1/sim/arm/iwmmxt.c:3727: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'memcpy' 08.11.39 # damn 08.11.50 # wtf 08.11.52 # people read logs?! 08.12.00 # yes 08.12.01 # i just grep them 08.12.03 # :P 08.12.09 # what for :| 08.12.27 # You can only really grep if you're looking for specific keywords though 08.12.38 # or times :) 08.12.42 # days 08.12.43 # you know. i know none of you care. but, i think i just realized i fucked something up in my life. 08.12.53 # bout time 08.12.58 # thank ye 08.13.03 # you have a life? 08.13.08 # then get out of here 08.13.14 # :-) 08.13.19 # spring break, nothing else to do :) 08.14.02 # B4gder, you're in charge of fixing any pitchscreen problems. thanks for volunteering (i.e. being the first dev to speak recently). much appreciated. :) 08.14.05 # there is 08.14.07 # but man is the forum getting crowded these days 08.14.09 Quit Mikachu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.14.11 # CELEBRATE SPRING BREAK! 08.14.12 # GET DRUNK! 08.14.14 # GET NEKKID! 08.14.24 # oh B4gder, i forgot to tell you, i can't get the emulator to work with the arrays. 08.14.47 # why not? 08.14.55 # get a data abort error 08.15.01 # hmm 08.15.08 # I remember someone givin me a patch for the iPod thing... 08.15.11 # but where did it go... 08.15.24 # somewhere where you can't remember. 08.15.37 # Galois: http://efnet-math.org/~djao/apple-default.diff < to where do I apply that actually? 08.15.39 # hmm... sounds like the multiplexer is out of synch with the decoder chip 08.15.42 # midkay: ;-) 08.16.04 # B4gder, surprisingly generous actually ;) 08.16.19 # *grunts* 08.16.27 # come on come on dammit.. buiiiiild. 08.17.06 # B4gder, i see that the builds appear on the table below as they're finished, right? @ CVS builds. 08.17.24 # they appear there as soon as they're complete 08.17.35 # but 08.17.50 # B4gder, right.. it'd be absolutely kickass to see the green/yellow/red number as they finish as well. 08.17.50 # i'm going to 08.17.54 # :) 08.17.58 # midkay: a small hint they at least link fine ;-) 08.17.59 # twisted`: You apply it to /bootloader/ipod.c as it say in the file... 08.18.03 # work on something. 08.18.07 # Paul_The_Nerd: ah k 08.18.07 # B4gder, i'm on it :) 08.18.25 # * B4gder hands midkay the plate with 19 golden points 08.18.47 # can't believe i didn't catch that.. 08.18.53 # and farsan is back in the game 08.19.14 # Paul_The_Nerd: is that in the rockbox cvs or... 08.19.15 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.19.33 # b4gder, can you think of any solution to my problem? :D 08.19.48 Quit ProgramZeta (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.19.48 # twisted`: All rockbox source is in CVS... Also, I take it you haven't actually looked for it yet? 08.19.53 # sharpe: not really, as I can't think of why it happens right now 08.20.04 # neither can i nor lostlogic 08.20.21 # k, fix should be committed.. B4gder you're seriously in charge now, i need to go ;) nite all 08.20.29 Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ 08.20.37 # good night midkay 08.20.39 # i think i'm going to go do some work, then go to sleep... 08.20.41 # Paul_The_Nerd: I did a find and couldn't find the dir it mentions :S 08.20.53 # g'night peoples. 08.20.58 # sharpe: nite 08.21.25 # hmm I got no dir called bootloader :S 08.21.36 # twisted`: Well, did you check out "rockbox" or "rockbox-devel" as the using cvs page mentions that rockbox just has the files necessary for a normal build 08.21.42 # ahh rockbox 08.21.43 # :) 08.21.52 # twisted`: try "cvs co bootloader" from the root of rockbox 08.21.52 # kewl, lemme grab the other one 08.21.57 # hmm 08.21.57 # ok 08.22.25 # sweet 08.24.02 # k I build the bootloader... now... do I have to do make zip? or... ? 08.25.12 # twisted`: You should have a bootloader directory under your build dir, with a bootloader.bin 08.25.34 # You use that in much the way you originally installed your bootloader (I hope you kept the bootpartition.bin from the first time) 08.25.35 # ah yes :) and I install that the same way 08.25.46 # Paul_The_Nerd: yup 08.25.50 # You don't want to repeat the first step where you extract bootpartition.bin 08.29.12 # Step 3 - Install the bootloader 08.29.17 # I only need that step right? 08.29.22 # cus I didn't remove any files 08.29.41 # "Download a pre-compiled bootloader for your iPod from the IpodInstallation page. " instead of that I use the bootloader I just compiled right? 08.30.58 # Yeah 08.31.19 # sweet 08.31.36 # well, its been fun kids 08.31.38 # nite 08.31.52 # nite 08.32.30 # yeaaah 08.32.32 # alright 08.32.32 # it works 08.32.59 Quit dj-fu ("Leaving") 08.33.25 Join cismo_ [0] (i=cismo@adsl-85-217-34-148.kotinet.com) 08.36.55 Quit JBGood25 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.38.08 Part Paul_The_Nerd 08.40.11 Nick kclaf is now known as int (i=kclaf@crj95-3-82-237-150-15.fbx.proxad.net) 08.46.47 Quit cismo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.47.57 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@60-234-218-124.bitstream.orcon.net.nz) 08.48.23 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-140-115.pools.arcor-ip.net) 08.54.11 Quit Ribs ("Leaving") 08.54.50 Quit dj-fu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.55.10 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@60-234-218-124.bitstream.orcon.net.nz) 08.55.16 # omg! 08.55.17 # omg! 08.55.21 # I got money! cash! 08.55.21 # YES! 08.55.28 # now all I should do is find my shoes 08.55.34 # 'n goto teh store 'n buy cigarettes! 08.55.42 # 'n some booze 08.58.38 # o.o 08.58.51 # you should buy a guitar amp 08.58.59 # instead 08.58.59 # :p 08.59.26 # buy a life while you're there :p 08.59.48 # axion_: pff, like anybody needs that 08.59.53 # axion_: a guitar amp would be much better 09.01.27 # amps are cool yes 09.02.02 # and there's only one guitar amp for us 09.02.03 # http://namm.harmony-central.com/WNAMM04/Content/Marshall/PR/RockBox.html 09.02.11 # :-P 09.02.11 # only if you know how to play though...then they arent 09.02.29 # axion_: nonsense 09.02.44 # axion_: if you listen to any music with electric guitar in it 09.02.56 # axion_: you're most likely enjoying an amp as much as you are the guitar and the performer 09.02.58 # bbl 09.03.12 # B4gder: haha oh yeah i saw that the other day 09.03.40 # i listen to music i like. if they dont know how to play its a completely different story...called a headache. every day when i lived with this room mate 09.04.00 Join petur [0] (n=d4efd6a6@labb.contactor.se) 09.04.02 # i mean unplug the fucking amp if you cant play 09.04.05 # heh 09.04.30 # right, well 09.04.44 # lots of nice recordings are done of people who know how to play 09.04.45 # heh 09.05.01 # and most of them are done by mic'ing the amp 09.05.54 Join infamis [0] (n=4b03b59a@labb.contactor.se) 09.09.29 Part Azraak 09.09.53 Quit sharpe () 09.10.27 Join sharpe [0] (i=ziggy@user-0c8hc2h.cable.mindspring.com) 09.10.36 # ugh 09.12.05 # screw it, i'll work on it when i wake up. 09.12.31 # 'night everyone. 09.14.36 Quit Lynx_ (" bye") 09.16.41 Quit Kohlrabi ("Fast alle Menschen sind Regenwürmer") 09.18.15 Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) 09.24.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.25.05 Quit Arrogant ("Leaving") 09.26.29 Join Saranomaly [0] (i=user@YTWIRELESS.WV.CC.cmu.edu) 09.28.52 # hey, I'm new to rockbox and I'm having a somewhat frustrating problem with it... would this be the place to ask for help? 09.29.14 # sure! 09.29.22 # wonderful :) 09.30.17 # I'm running it on a 4g iPod, and it installed okay, but when I play songs under any conditions they always skip like I'm using a cheap CD player or something 09.31.17 # I'll get 20- or 30-second chunks of music followed by a 1-second gap before it resumes play again 09.31.33 # got any of these active: EQ, crossfeed, WPS peakmeters? 09.32.17 # I haven't changed anything yet, just trying to test it out... let me check 09.33.34 # Crossfade and EQ are off, where do I find the settings for WPS peakmeters? 09.34.01 # it's not a setting 09.34.19 # well, then where do I see whether or not I have it enabled? 09.34.19 # does the WPS (while playing screen) got peakmeters? 09.34.30 # yep 09.34.37 Quit infamis ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 09.34.44 # can you try one without? 09.34.58 # where would I change that? 09.35.39 # settings -> browse themes 09.35.46 # ah, okay 09.36.21 # sorry for asking dumb questions like that, I really haven't learned my way around it very well yet 09.36.37 # np 09.37.17 # it seems to me, form all reports about skipping, that it's always the peakmeters who do it... 09.37.45 # ah, it sounds to be working perfectly now, thanks so much :) 09.39.37 # Saranomaly: ipod support is still very much beta, will get better as time passes ;) 09.40.54 # couldn't the ipod default wps just not have peakmeters in the meantime? 09.41.19 # that would be a good idea 09.41.31 # hey, petur :) 09.41.39 # howdy 09.41.42 # excellent... I was about to sell my ipod before a friend told me about rockbox because I was missing the features my old creative zen nx had, but it seems that everything I missed is here 09.41.44 # i see there is a progress with the isp1362 09.42.05 # not enough 09.42.11 # but there is! 09.42.33 # so, u've got some kind of response from the chip ? 09.42.50 # the bloody chip still doesn't answer, but I've got some init code that I want to get into the bootloader 09.43.39 # I hope Linus has some time today to try it (I'm not comfortable with flashing my player with my own bootloader) 09.44.29 # petur ah :) 09.44.48 # i was a bit surprised when i saw the changes in the bootloader:) 09.45.16 # I've seen that iriver configures the chip to wake up on CS. The datasheet doesn't say you have to, but I figure you have to at power up or it won't respond 09.45.28 # the isp1362 can be woken up by CS and/or hardware pins 09.45.46 # and I didn't find the hardware pins 09.46.08 # so yes, some progress :) 09.46.49 # :) 09.50.59 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 09.52.05 # * petur hands support badge to Paul_The_Nerd 09.53.01 # Hehehe 09.54.44 Quit Evilnipple () 09.56.11 # Hotfusion: I'd say the gigabeat is a nice player, but lacks rockbox :) 09.57.22 # Big iPod news: http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/04/20/portalplayer/index.php - Apple are not using PortalPlayer chips in their next iPod. 09.58.24 # perhaps they'll begin using something that's documented? ;) 09.58.45 # some obscure and even less documented dsp? 09.58.51 # Very unlikely... My guess would be Broadcom. 10.00.00 # "the stock plummeted 41.88 percent" 10.00.03 # seems pp got punished for having only one big customer 10.00.16 # (90% !!!) 10.00.46 # for sale: portalplayer production plant 10.01.30 # :-] 10.02.02 # for us I'd guess it is bad news 10.02.27 # No iPod 6G support for a while. 10.02.30 # or let's say it opens the opportunity for brand new reverse engineering 10.02.59 # But then all the rumors floating around about it portray it as probably being a pretty video-heavy device, which is at the moment kinda out of the scope of this project anyway. 10.03.12 # yeps 10.03.36 # when new iPods are supposed to be released? 10.03.38 # maybe rb/ipl made them switch to another controller to make our life hard? :P 10.03.51 # :D 10.03.56 # hehe 10.04.00 # petur haha that comed to my mind too :) 10.04.18 # I can just see that meeting. "Sorry We've decided that various online open source projects found your chips too easy to reverse engineer, and have decided to move on to a more obfuscated architecture." 10.04.54 # "But please give us a call when you have a totally new family of obfuscated cpus we can use in the future" 10.04.54 # hahaha 10.04.56 # When the next generation is opened up, you will find that all chips have no brand-identification markings at all. 10.05.15 # Just the numbers 1-x for lookup on a table somewhere internally at Apple 10.05.42 # rockbox is probably not a good thing for Apple - it makes iPods much more less dependant on other Apple technologies (AAC, iTunes)... 10.07.07 # perhaps, but there are many million ipods and only a very small fraction of those use and will ever use Rockbox 10.07.23 # yes 10.08.05 # OTOH I can't see why a smaller manufacturer like Cowon with their iAudios would care - except that it might get slightly more difficult for them to sell their newest player if a rockboxed X5 or something else is good enough :) 10.09.04 # I don't see how Rockbox hampers their sales 10.09.23 # on the contrary, they can get an updated firmware without doing anything on their own 10.09.23 # I think all Rockbox could do is slow the "upgrade" market a bit. 10.09.33 # yes 10.09.52 # it prolongs life of older units, which might not be what companies want 10.10.02 # "might not?" 10.10.17 # well, they of course want to sell new units 10.10.26 # but they still want a good name and a good rep 10.10.32 # Though iRiver seems to have dropped entirely out of the large-capacity player market 10.10.32 # I wonder what percentage of Rockbox-on-ipod users bought their ipods specifically for Rockbox. 10.10.40 # * Galois raises hand 10.11.07 # linuxstb: I think that's going to be the question of my first poll ever in the forum. I'm kinda curious too 10.12.11 # It's probably worth including IPL in that poll - maybe some users bought it because of IPL. 10.12.24 # Okay 10.12.36 Quit sharpe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.12.36 # Just to get the numbers up :) 10.12.39 Join sharpe` [0] (i=ziggy@user-0c8hc2h.cable.mindspring.com) 10.12.41 # what percentage of, say, iRiver h100 series users you think use rockbox? or would use if they knew about it? 10.12.50 # :) 10.13.05 Nick sharpe` is now known as sharpe (i=ziggy@user-0c8hc2h.cable.mindspring.com) 10.13.20 # The Rockbox forums at misticriver are very busy - so it's probably a fairly high proportion of misticriver users. 10.13.24 # otoh, posting such poll in forum like misticriver's one isn't representative ... 10.13.28 # the shear fact they void their warranty will keep the masses away, no matter what Rockbox does 10.13.33 # but then again, the default firmware really sucks except for someone with very little needs 10.13.42 # B4gder i doubt it ... 10.13.44 # There was a poll at ilounge.com, and I think about 25% of ilounge users use Rockbox. 10.14.04 # as if anyone with a H100 still had warranty left anyway :) 10.14.21 # I wonder how the number comparison is IPL vs Rockbox 10.14.22 # linuxstb i think this % will raise with better arm codec efficiency (and use of the other core) 10.14.31 # the problem is that companies often are stupid and pursue utterly idiotic policies. 10.14.39 # crwl: hah, true 10.14.58 # for example, copy-protected CDs, everyone except the music execs knows that they hurt sales 10.15.03 Join RedBreva_ [0] (n=c1713011@labb.contactor.se) 10.15.47 # http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=3738.0 10.16.43 # Here's that ilounge poll: http://forums.ilounge.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=154141 - 15 out of 62 voters use Rockbox (24.19%) 10.16.54 # Paul_The_Nerd i think posting it on the rockbox.org forum is even less representative ... 10.17.21 # post it on the apple forum :D (if there is one :D) 10.17.23 # it's not as if he's asking how many people that visit the rockbox forums, use rockbox... 10.17.23 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 10.17.24 # Bg3r: The idea is "What percentage of _Rockbox users_ bought the iPod to use Rockbox on. Where else would you look to specifically poll those using our software? 10.17.30 Part LinusN 10.17.51 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) 10.17.59 Join jumpfroggy [0] (n=chatzill@user-11jl5qj.cable.mindspring.com) 10.18.15 # Can I vote twice as I have two ipods? 10.18.29 # Hehehe 10.18.37 # I don't think there's an option to allow multiple votes. =/ 10.18.45 # :) 10.19.06 # In fact, I've bought every MP3 I own because of Rockbox... 10.19.11 # ^MP3 player 10.19.18 # I bought my H120 because of Rockbox, accidentally 10.19.42 # i bought h340 because of the future rockbox port ... 10.19.51 # All of them in advance of Rockbox actually doing anything useful (starting with an Archos Recorder v1) 10.20.01 # I bought my H120 because it was perhaps the only Vorbis-playing HD player then 10.20.13 # and it had great hardware specs 10.20.25 # too bad the firmware sucked, but it was usable for what I bought it 10.20.29 # I'd read about both Rockbox (though I only remembered it as "An open source firmware for MP3 players"), and had read that a future iRiver player would have an open source firmware (the "linux" based PMP), and somehow while at the store those ideas got confused into the H120 being able to use an open source firmware. Of course it wasn't when I first bought it, but it had the features I wanted natively anyway. 10.20.50 # I bought my h340, got pissed by the firmware and started looking around 10.20.59 # and about an year after that (summer 2005), rockbox was starting to get quite usable on the player 10.21.03 # crwl btw (out of curiosity) are you using the standard oggenc ? 10.21.29 # I love this "tutorial": http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=3719.0 10.22.02 # hehe 10.22.13 # linuxstb: I just didn't have the heart to say anything about it directly. 10.22.20 # Bg3r, the aotuv one... and I would probably use that Lancer encoder, but last time I checked, I couldn't get it to compile under Linux 10.22.54 Join SereR0KR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fce58.f.strato-dslnet.de) 10.23.24 # fun 10.23.36 # crwl i'm asking because from what i've heard/read, the standard xiph.org's oggenc isn't better than lame at all ... 10.23.51 Quit jumpfroggy ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") 10.24.16 # Bg3r: I thought the standard xiph.org one eventually ended up incorporating a lot of the AuToV changes eventually anyway 10.24.25 # it's still better in the 48-64k range 10.24.31 # Bg3r, almost anything newer is better than mp3 at sub-128 kbps bitrates, I'd say 10.24.38 # but, of course, most of aotuv's improvements are in that range 10.24.41 # but lame is *really* good, but it also has a *long* optimization history behind it 10.24.48 # Galois: thanks for the iPod fix btw 10.24.54 # xiph libvorbis is almost the same as aotuv beta2 10.24.58 # Paul_The_Nerd, yes, that's true, a lot of stuff was incoroporated at (I think) vorbis 1.1 10.25.04 # crwl i'm talking about the higher bitrates 10.25.17 # Bg3r, that might be true, I don't hear the difference anyway 10.25.36 # or maybe i've read some really oold threads ... 10.26.01 # xiph.org libvorbis is "imperfect" at the high bitrates if you believe the people with the golden ears 10.26.02 # on the computer I encode to FLAC and from there I transcode to -q4 vorbis for portable use 10.26.02 # It eventually just becomes a question of "Which hits transparency at the lowest bitrate, and/or has the least artifacts." And if you have the space for all your music at a moderate-to-high bitrate anyway, then the difference is academic other than artifacts, no? 10.26.06 # which is pretty believable, I might add 10.26.14 # Is there any concensus on the best lossy codec for high bitrates - 256kbps or higher? 10.26.20 # (it's very simple to transcode from FLAC to Vorbis, oggenc supports FLAC input and copies the tags too, they're a natural pairing) 10.26.37 # linuxstb, that would probably be MP3/Vorbis/AAC/MPC, whatever floats your boat 10.26.37 # paul_the_nerd: the problem arises when the encoder has faults that are audible at any bitrate 10.26.47 # crwl yeah, i've used this combo soon and was impressed by it :) 10.26.50 # crwl: Very helpful :) 10.27.01 # So you're saying there's probably no difference? 10.27.08 # Galois: Well yeah. I personally would qualify that as an artifact. 10.27.16 # linuxstb, I guess that, generally, nobody can tell the difference except with some isolated problem samples 10.27.34 # linuxstb, on most music all of MP3/Vorbis/AAC/MPC hit transparency at 135k 10.27.49 # when using a good encoder, that is 10.27.54 # aotuv is slightly better than the others, but it's not statistically significant 10.28.01 # what do you mean with "hit transparancy" ? 10.28.09 # 5 on the scale 10.28.21 # twisted`: "Transparency" is the point at which *most* people can't hear the difference between it and the original CD in a blind test. 10.28.29 # it means a trained listener cannot distinguish between the lossy sample and the original better than 50-50 10.28.34 # I haven't been able to ABX lame --preset standard (that reaches about 170-220 kbps VBR) or vorbis at -q5 (~160 kbps VBR) 10.28.46 # ahh 10.28.49 # with "normal" music, that is 10.28.51 # also depends very on the music 10.29.00 # crwl normal as ? 10.29.23 # normal means not castanets, fatboy slim, and so on 10.29.30 # yes, that's what I meant 10.29.32 # I mean, anything above 192 is just... pointless for most metal anyways 10.29.38 # stuff like classical, techno, rock is normal 10.29.54 # just some music from some CD, not known problem samples 10.29.56 # but a complete symphony, well then you can indeed lose tones... 10.30.25 # but imo, flac is overrated 10.30.37 # all the years when I've been encoding with decent encoders and reasonable bitrates, I've hit a real sound quality problem only once and on one single song 10.30.40 # lose tones??? sounds dubious... 10.30.48 # the whole "omg I can convert it back and it got the crc as the wav! w00t 10.30.54 # just... sickens me :P 10.31.18 # and that was an old LAME bug, it didn't allocate enough bits for the very first samples of the song in VBR mode, and it had this loud distorted guitar noise right at the beginning 10.31.38 # preglow: I noticed a significant difference between a symphony by Beethoven encoded in 192 and 320 10.32.19 # twisted` maybe u just should use VBR ... 10.32.32 # Bg3r: considered it, but I never did it for the space :) 10.32.42 # on my iPod I am considerin to re-encode everything so it's smaller 10.32.48 # sure, difference, but you don't lose whole tones 10.32.53 # cus I could easily fit 1.5-2x the ammount of music 10.32.57 # twisted`: I don't understand why lossy encoding is overrated. If you want an actual *backup* of your music, isn't it ideal for it to both be playable, *and* smaller than the original? 10.33.01 # if space is a concern then vorbis aotuv is the obvious choice 10.33.07 # Lossless, not lossy 10.33.19 Nick Mikaelh is now known as Mikachu (i=Mikachu@kr-lun-154-152-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com) 10.33.22 # for me it's either have all my music with me (30GB of 320kbps vbr mp3) or only part of it (any lossless codec), so flac would be a step back 10.33.47 # * preglow hates recording 10.33.49 # if it's 320kbps average it's not vbr :) 10.33.56 # I have 20GB of ~128 kbps VBR vorbis, and I could probably go lower than that if I really ran out of disk space 10.34.06 # LinusN: i just can't make spdif monitoring work 10.34.30 # too bad 10.34.34 # Okay, I still don't get people who only use rockbox for *some* of their music. 10.34.38 # but it has to be something i'm doing wrong 10.34.41 # Paul_The_Nerd: if you want a backup, just use WAV's... but... that's just my opinion 10.34.45 # i've even found a 44.1khz source now 10.34.49 # twisted`, using WAVs is just stupid :P 10.34.52 # twisted`: Why use WAVs though? They're bigger. You can fit less. 10.35.10 # Paul_The_Nerd: I never noticed the difference myself between FLAC and Mp3 320kbps... so the choice for me was obvious 10.35.15 # and they don't have a standardized tagging system.. 10.35.28 # Paul_The_Nerd: yeah but why would you use a *backup* on your portable player? 10.35.43 # a backup is something you put on your harddisk, tape, etc 10.35.54 # twisted`: Who said anything about using it on a portable. You said the format was overrated. Its purpose is primarily backup, so I asked about using it for its purpose 10.36.01 # there's one easy way to tell the difference between FLAC and mp3 320kbps. It doesn't involve listening. 10.36.33 # reencode both with a lossy codec. The mp3 sounds noticeably worse. 10.36.33 # LinusN: oh, and btw, what is the wsi input of the uda connected to on the coldfire? 10.36.38 # preglow: silence or garbage? 10.36.43 # Paul_The_Nerd: the reason I find it overrated is because diskspace costs nothin these days... just burn the wav's... but thats just my opinion 10.36.43 # LinusN: silence 10.36.58 # twisted`: It doesn't cost *literally* nothing though. It's just cheap. 10.37.22 # and again, wavs don't have tags 10.37.23 # twisted`: A 30% larger HD (the difference between flacs and wavs on a decent average) can cost as much as a couple hundred bucks. 10.37.34 # I mean I remember the days when 20mb was a LOT 10.38.02 # preglow: it is connected to lrck2 according to my schematics 10.38.15 # so we can use it for recording at several sampling rates 10.38.24 # Paul_The_Nerd: then don't buy a 500gb but 2 250gb's 10.38.41 # twisted`: It still costs more than a 250 and a 160. 10.38.52 # preglow: sure, but it is the coldfire that generates the clock 10.38.54 # I mean sure it's nice that it can be smaller 10.39.06 # LinusN: i just assumed it could be configured 10.39.34 # but what annoys me the most about FLAC 10.39.49 # is thatn on communities where they share music... theso nazi about it 10.40.03 # twisted` is on crack. Hard disks are not the right thing to measure if you're talking about backup. 10.40.13 # "bitch bitch, it's not flac, I cannot turn it back into wav, we don't accept this" 10.40.18 # you want your fuckin music or not, bastard 10.40.40 # so now flac is bad because people are idiots? 10.40.40 # hey, "music sharing communities" are made up of idiots 10.40.43 # twisted`: Well, A) You're discussing mostly illegal activities, and B) Some people prefer to have an actual duplicate of the original. 10.40.43 # the right thing to measure is DVD-R, because most people these days use DVD for backup. And with DVD-R backups, the cost of backup is not measured by the cost of media. 10.40.58 # the same people used bladeenc in the 2000's 10.41.05 # Galois: it's not? 10.41.08 # nope 10.41.11 # by what then? 10.41.17 # and "true stereo 192 kbps MP3" after that, because "joint stereo destroys the music" 10.41.19 # Paul_The_Nerd: an actual duplicate of the original is a copy of a cd, NOT a digital backup on your computer... IF that would be the case, make an ISO 10.41.22 # for most gainfully employed people, it costs more IN TIME to sit there and burn the DVD than the blank DVD costs 10.41.27 Join SereRokR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fd6aa.f.strato-dslnet.de) 10.41.44 # also any serious backup solution requires long term storage cases, and believe me, those cost more than the media 10.41.46 # twisted`: A flac + cue can create the same duplicate as an ISO, plus be playable without mounting 10.41.59 # twisted`: And you can even embed the cue in the tags 10.42.19 # twisted`: i'd say you're losing this one ;) 10.42.26 # Paul_The_Nerd: .iso is very playable 10.42.27 # big time 10.42.28 # i'd say you're all bitching about preferences anyway 10.42.32 # Paul_The_Nerd: mplayer can read it out directly 10.42.34 # Paul_The_Nerd: so can xmms 10.42.40 # my CD's are my backup, they're stored safely. I only use the digital version on my HDD's 10.43.14 # I've had *two* strange cases of CD's seemingly self-destructing in my CD drawer 10.43.40 # crwl: the estimated life-span of a cd is approximately 10 years, after that it just wears off 10.43.41 # i've lost lots of old cd backups because the media died, but it was so old i didn't care about it anymore :) 10.43.51 # twisted`: .iso is also uncompressed. Again, what takes less time to download, 300mb or 500mb? 10.43.52 # both are Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds albums from the 1990's, no stratches or anything... one or two of the last tracks just don't play anywhere 10.43.54 # commercially pressed can last longer, but record labels use cheaper and cheaper media these days 10.44.05 # crwl: if that happens, I'll buy them again, still cheaper than making backups 10.44.07 # Paul_The_Nerd: does that even MATTER these days? 10.44.10 # petur, true 10.44.14 # twisted`: are you saying flac is worse than wav because people don't want mp3s from you? 10.44.20 # ;) 10.44.29 # I don't have FLACs of those albums because at the time I didn't use it 10.44.39 # Mikachu: nope, I'm not sayin that, just the whole hypocrisity of it 10.44.46 # twisted`: Yes, it does. You assume that everyone is in your economic position. I have friends who use dialup still. Or capped college connections, which are actually slower than some dialup. 10.44.47 # and mainly I think because of my first experience with FLAC 10.44.53 # which just made me hate it till the end of time :P 10.44.56 # twisted`: i like my diskspace so much that i usually encode to 100kbps ogg 10.45.19 # twisted`, and yes, those were of course commercially pressed CD's, not CD-R's or anything - I use CD-R's only for in-car use or something like that :P 10.46.02 # it was this live recording, encoded in flac, total size was 450mb... the actual quality of the music was depressing... it was mono and was somewhat close to 96kbps mp3 10.46.06 # twisted`: why not pad your wavs with 2G of silence too, since it's so cheap? 10.46.27 # twisted`: it wouldn't have been better as uncompressed pcm 10.46.32 # "I buy my quality silence as flac" 10.46.45 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 10.47.09 # twisted`: the reason it was bad was probably the source of the recording, not flac. 10.47.22 # petur: yeah, but then the choice of format is just very wrong 10.47.23 # * preglow hugs his vinyl 10.48.09 # I buy my quality pops and scratches as vinyl 10.48.10 # twisted`: would it have been any better in wav? sounds like something of a moot point to me 10.48.26 # that argument is unpersuasive. A poor quality recording is precisely the kind that suffers most under lossy compression. 10.48.39 # twisted`: somebody makes a recording, gives it to a friend as LQ mp3, he burns them to CD-AUDIO to listen to in the car, anothe friend likes the recording and rips that cd to flac 10.48.50 # that's how I've seen it happen already 10.49.05 # preglow: if you rar or gzip a wav it get's the same compression as flac, so for download it wouldn't matter 10.49.13 # hell no 10.49.14 # hah 10.49.15 # no, it won't 10.49.18 # try gzipping a wav and see 10.49.20 # when is rockbox going to support gzipped wavs? ;) 10.49.21 # twisted`: tapers dont release lossy recordings. they distribute the best quality they possibly can. some venues/bands don't allow soundboard patching 10.50.09 # preglow: I did that with those files, and there was no difference in size 10.50.18 # axion_: I pass my recordings on as vbr mp3 (128-320kbps) 10.50.20 # i find that incredibly hard to believe 10.50.25 # mainly since i've tried doing it myself 10.50.28 Quit SereR0KR (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.50.39 # that seems... not likely 10.50.42 # preglow, I can believe it. If the original source recording was poor then flac will have a hard time. 10.50.42 # so unless the wav was a square wave or something... 10.50.57 # flac works very hard to keep all the pops and scratches intact 10.51.08 # hehe 10.51.20 # hell 10.51.21 # twisted`: Can you remember what % compression rar/gzip gave you? 10.51.25 # petur: i am referring to etree tapers...where all the taper-friendly recordings come from 10.51.28 # give flac a white noise sample, and i'm sure it'll compress tons better than with gzip 10.51.34 # i cant speak for true bootlegs 10.51.49 # linuxstb: you mean as opposed to the wav's? 10.52.06 # twisted`: Yes, the size of the WAVs and the size of the .rar 10.52.07 # preglow: you mean like sox -t raw /vmlinuz -t wav kernel.wav ? 10.52.21 Quit RedBreva_ ("CGI:IRC") 10.52.49 # Galois: the linux kernel is far from white noise 10.53.00 # fine, /dev/random 10.53.04 # better 10.53.04 # linuxstb: pff that was like 2 years ago... can't remember the exact ratio but I do remember the size of the flac and gzip were the same 10.53.31 # you ever listened to /dev/random?! 10.53.38 # it drives you fuckin nuts :P 10.53.38 # it sounds like angels singing 10.53.52 # I mean /dev/null should produce absolute silence afaik 10.54.21 # yes is always the same annoyin beep 10.54.46 # i used to have /dev/urandom as my alarm clock 10.54.53 # brb 10.55.00 # no wonder you're thin, then 10.55.01 Quit dj-fu ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 10.55.08 # you've gotta be a nervous wreck 10.55.22 # it's so annoying i used to wake up minutes before it so i didn't have to hear it 10.55.29 # hahaha 10.55.41 # i would at the very least need to have it faded in 10.55.44 # you should use urandom to set the wakeup time :-) 10.55.47 # to avoid swallowing the tongue, and all 10.56.04 # the default alarm sound on my cellphone sounds probably quite a lot like /dev/urandom 10.56.18 # LinusN: haha 10.56.22 # i did wake myself with foobar2k and the amp volume at full dial, though 10.56.30 # not exactly as planned, but it did the trick 10.56.48 # i use my music player as wakeup now, with an annoying signal as a backup 15 minutes later 10.57.10 # http://mikachu.ath.cx/slask/sine3.c 10.57.31 # yeah, i do that too, with my phone being the annoying signal 10.58.39 # hello aliasing 10.59.02 # it wouldn't be annoying if it was a pure sine :P 10.59.14 # My phone fades in if I try to use it as an alarm 10.59.26 # arpeggio! 10.59.31 # Unfortunately, I'm used to sleeping through loud and varied noises, so a fade-in makes it nearly impossible for it to work well. =/ 10.59.56 # Mikachu: this thing just turns into a chip tune 10.59.57 # haha 11.00.19 # it's very hard to sleep through even one cycle of that 11.00.59 # Paul_The_Nerd: you need one of those alarm clocks donald has in "Mickey's Trailer" 11.01.19 # Mikachu: I have one advertised as "The loudest digital alarm clock on earth" 11.01.22 # It works most of the time 11.01.47 # I have gotten complaints from the neighbors in the past though. =/ 11.02.02 # you need time controlled electrodes 11.02.20 # automated sleepwalking 11.02.40 # a 500 volt spike in the nuts should do the trick 11.02.51 # who needs an alarm clock if you have a good wife to wakeup next to? :P 11.03.02 # always waking up smacked into the roof might get annoying, though 11.03.16 # preglow: by your wife? :-) 11.03.21 # exactly! 11.03.33 # Ouch... 11.04.06 # LinusN: but yeah, when i set txsource in iisconfig to be ebu1, do you think it'll magically clock the samples out after the ebu clock? :> 11.04.22 # if not, it's kind of a useless feature, imho 11.04.32 # i feel the same 11.04.35 # nice segue 11.04.37 # since the external ebu clock will almost never be perfectly equal to the internal one 11.04.57 # i believe it should work that way 11.05.06 Join wehn [0] (n=wehn@82-143-222-203.rev.techex.net.au) 11.05.43 # then god knows where i'm messing up 11.06.03 # lets see if some early lunch smartens me up 11.06.22 # that never helps me... 11.06.34 # i just can't get any smarter :-) 11.06.45 # lol 11.07.06 # i don't know if it's good or bad though 11.07.35 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ppp123-179.adsl.forthnet.gr) 11.07.41 # preglow: do an iq test before and after 11.08.30 # do the same iq test before and after, then you will at least *feel* smarter :-) 11.09.52 # bugger. battery_bench seems broken in daily 060403. 11.10.03 # was trying to do before and after tests for H300 optimisations 11.12.47 # got 8h 26min with 18th Apr CVS, 11.13.15 # any idea which dates affected by breakage, intro test is there, just no data logs. 11.13.25 # test -> text 11.14.05 # http://www.rockbox.org/viewcvs.cgi/apps/plugins/battery_bench.c?r1=1.7&r2=1.8 11.14.32 # indicating a lack of number of threads 11.14.43 # around that time 11.17.33 # cheers! i'll try after the 5th. (go charger! go!) 11.18.22 # and that viewCVS is great! hadn't found it before. 11.18.38 # it is certainly a useful tool 11.20.02 Join RedBreva_ [0] (n=c1713011@labb.contactor.se) 11.23.24 Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-63.VIC.netspace.net.au) 11.24.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.24.56 Join PaulJ [0] (n=PaulJ@vpn-3091.gwdg.de) 11.33.51 Quit tvelocity ("Ex-Chat") 11.38.12 # Is there a math lib in rockbox? 11.38.59 # No. 11.39.17 # mkay :( 11.39.32 # There should be though. It would make porting sound libs so much easier :) 11.39.56 # Isn't the math lib just for floating point? 11.40.04 # That and a POSIX file I/O layer. 11.40.48 # The file I/O layer is pretty close to POSIX AFAIK. 11.40.56 # linuxstb: it also contains log tables and whatnot 11.42.04 # we don't have a floating point unit 11.42.10 # the math lib would be of no practical use 11.42.23 # and we have all the io i can possibly think we'll need 11.42.58 # And codecs shouldn't be doing file I/O anway... 11.43.24 # ravon: if you're talking about dumb, you should be too busy converting all the floating point math to fixed point math to be wanting math libraries :) 11.43.50 # preglow: Yeah, for dumb too, but also for other libs. 11.43.57 # nosefart for example 11.43.58 Join lee-qid_ [0] (n=liqid@p54965A2F.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.44.08 # ravon: a math lib is useless 11.44.16 # well, just forget floats altogether 11.44.18 # we can't use them 11.44.19 # it would be far too slow for realtime playback 11.44.19 # If a lib needs libm, then it's using too much floating point... 11.44.36 # floating point is so incredibly slow for us it's of absolutely no use 11.44.46 # and i'd count rockbox even linking the float routines as a bug 11.46.55 # Hmm, probably true. Oh well, I'll continue with this and see how it runs. 11.50.13 # Maybe nezplug would be a better choice. It's doesn't use floats at all. 11.51.32 # isn't nosefart the best one, though? 11.51.41 # i refuse to believe it'll be hard to port it to use ints 11.51.44 # I've just had a very quick look at nosefart, and it doesn't seem to use floats in the important parts of the library. So I wouldn't dismiss it. 11.52.01 # yeah, exactly 11.52.08 # i can't imagine where you'd need floats in the emulation part 11.52.17 # there's not even any filtering going on 11.52.24 # From the changelog (in 2000): "removed all floating point from sound generation" 11.52.25 # nezplug doesn't even compile in newer gccs :/ 12.10.37 # lunch 12.10.47 Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m132.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 12.14.02 # so iis channel 2 is used for playback on h1x0? 12.18.31 # GHAH 12.18.36 # i'm such an asshat 12.18.40 # spdif monitoring works 12.19.42 # haha 12.20.55 # why does pcm_record.c even bother to stop PLAYBACK on iis1config? 12.20.59 # it's not the playback channel... 12.27.53 # hmm 12.28.04 # it obviously doesn't clock correctly 12.28.18 # 48khz sounds bad 12.28.36 # typical high freq distortion 12.33.33 # and that's with iis2 clock selection follow iis1 12.35.05 # recorded audio is just fine, monitored audio is not 12.35.08 # help :/ 12.49.16 # Man, 10 votes so far and it's split even. 12.50.54 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 12.51.13 # Paul_The_Nerd: So 5 out of 50 million ipods have been bought for use with Rockbox? 12.51.31 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-140-115.pools.arcor-ip.net) 12.51.45 # linuxstb: Indeed. 12.51.48 # I make six, I'm just not willing to register in a forum solely to vote 12.52.28 Quit RedBreva_ ("CGI:IRC") 12.52.35 # 7 :) 12.52.49 # ok, gotta go 12.52.52 # back tomorrow 12.53.08 # I'm honestly surprised that so many forum dwellers have voted for "I bought my iPod for Rockbox" considering how often I field the question "How do I make it boot into retail primary?" 12.54.11 # i'd be more likely to ask "how can i remove that broken waste of space from my HDD?" :-) 12.54.27 # s/broken/never worked in the first place/ 12.54.56 # that 80MB boot partition is looking mighty tempting. On a nano it's a fair chunk of space. 12.56.30 # I think that's the difference between Rockbox and IPL. IPL people (both devs and users) generally seem to quite like the Apple firmware :) 12.57.17 # I don't know HOW you can like that thing. 12.57.25 # Well, I guess I know how. 12.57.29 # But it rhymes with "brain damage" 12.57.35 # :) 12.57.52 # It took me more time to get used to using the Retail OS when I first got my Nano than it did to switch from the h120's retail to Rockbox. 12.59.48 Join webguest98 [0] (n=519ecc63@labb.contactor.se) 13.03.14 # Alright, it is necessary that I seek out comestibles. Be back later. 13.03.16 Part Paul_The_Nerd 13.03.26 # hi... i'm having problems applying a pacth, i get failing hunks 13.03.31 Quit mikolas (".") 13.03.55 # could someone help here please? 13.04.15 # then you need to hand edit 13.04.21 # or ask for an updated patch 13.04.40 # ask the developer? 13.05.05 # well, whoever got you the patch in the first place 13.06.02 # i tried to edit following the instructions i got here yesterday 13.06.51 # i was told i should look for text lines starting with "-" and remove them 13.07.02 # is that all? 13.07.05 # no 13.07.13 # you need to understand the failuers 13.07.17 # and correct them 13.07.32 # it _may_ be very simple 13.07.42 # but it can also be very tricky 13.08.17 # so you need to read the patch and see what changes it wanted to do 13.08.27 # and then you make sure you do those changes to the sources by hand instead 13.09.15 # i look for the files where the error happened, and try to make the changes? 13.10.09 # yes 13.12.48 # a ".rej" file is kind of a report file? 13.13.05 # yes, it shows exactly what change(s) it couldn't apply 13.15.42 # thank you B4gder you enlighted me a little more :), let me take a look... i'm sorry i'm a very newbie :/ 13.15.49 # no worries 13.15.52 # we've all been there 13.18.18 # :) 13.18.59 Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ 13.19.17 # hi 13.19.38 # is anyone russian? 13.19.53 # I think there are millions of them ;-) 13.19.57 # i bet a couple of million are, at least 13.20.06 # haha 13.20.08 # bah, too late 13.20.11 # haha 13.20.13 # we're a funny family ;-) 13.20.17 Part _rj ("Konversation terminated!") 13.20.20 # hahaha :) 13.20.25 # million as a 1E+6 ? 13.20.31 # in here 13.20.45 # Bg3r: :) 13.20.48 # Bg3r: no, 2^20 13.21.02 # *obviously* 13.21.09 # haha 13.22.03 # Here russian be? 13.22.22 # Jungti1234 why ? 13.22.43 # maybe some1 who isn't russian can answer to your question too 13.22.52 # I'm going to request translation to him(her). 13.23.04 # Jungti1234 translation of ? 13.23.34 # http://club.iriver.co.kr/down/freeboard/%C1%A6%B8%F1%20%BE%F8%C0%BD(230).JPG 13.24.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.24.41 # Zagor Russia's population as of Dec. 2005: 142,800,000 13.24.57 # * Zagor makes a note 13.25.06 # hahaha 13.25.16 # :D 13.26.01 # correct if i'm wrong... the "-"lines in the rej file are copies of lines with errors on the original file, and the "+"lines are the ones we'll be using to replace? 13.26.26 # webguest98: the rej file contains the patch that couldn't be applied 13.26.33 # where - lines are removed lines and + are added ones 13.27.18 # it fails to apply when it can't find the exact line(s) it should replace 13.27.29 Join deathfromafar [0] (n=deathfro@host13-61.pool8021.interbusiness.it) 13.28.07 # so it here we have to insert manually? 13.30.35 Quit spitball ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 13.30.38 # yes 13.30.52 # but remember, there is often a reason why it fails 13.31.13 # and you might have to rewrite parts of the code to make the patch work 13.31.34 # basically, you have to know what you're doing 13.33.29 # then i'm not going to get this working!? 13.33.40 # webguest98: Which patch it is? 13.34.05 # the SID patch 13.34.39 # Are you definitely using the latest version? There's been about 2 or 3 versions posted. 13.35.18 # webguest98: what does the .rej file contain? 13.35.22 # i think so its the "sid_v1_2.sid" 13.35.50 # long post ahead 13.36.04 # noooo 13.36.09 # * LinusN ducks 13.36.12 # pastebin.com 13.37.02 # \o/ because we all love massive pastes into irc :> 13.37.05 # anywho, luncheon time 13.37.55 # ok with pastebin 13.37.57 # http://pastebin.com/673088 13.38.38 # you can ignore the first one, and for the second just add the AFMT_SID, line 13.39.39 # but this line 13.39.43 # + AFMT_SID, /* SID File Format */ 13.39.48 # is already there 13.40.16 # Then all is probably OK. Have you tried compiling it? 13.40.49 # i'll try now 13.42.50 # * petur whispers to LinusN: did you try my patch already? 13.43.03 # i'm a very busy man nowadays 13.43.16 # btw, what is it supposed to accomplish? 13.43.45 # init the chip at power up time 13.44.45 # a couple of errors when compiling 13.44.51 # and maybe somebody spots some error I made? 13.45.48 # how can i copy the displayed infromation from vmware to paste it in pastebin? 13.47.50 # petur: i see that you try to control the 5V to the chip 13.48.22 # are you sure that the ENABLE and FUNCTION is setup correctly for the GPIO pins you use? 13.48.38 # hmm 13.49.10 # no... will do that first then :( 13.49.27 # [tonight] 13.49.57 Quit deathfromafar ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12") 13.57.12 # LinusN: just a small question, didn't you use the port config values that 'they' used? 13.57.25 # Are there any 60GB ipod 5g/video owners around? 13.58.05 # petur: i haven't written any code for the isp, so i haven't set up the port pins 13.58.25 # rockbox only sets up the port pins it uses 13.58.26 # right - will check it 13.59.33 # don't tell me you need to configure the GPIO pin for CS3 too? 14.03.27 Join obo [0] (n=c38119fe@labb.contactor.se) 14.03.34 # linuxstb: waves 14.03.35 # LinusN? 14.03.59 # obo: You have a 60GB 5g? 14.04.02 # yup 14.04.09 # Have you installed IPL? 14.04.27 # yeah, but never use it... 14.04.44 # I'm looking for a copy of an unmodified partition table from a 60GB 5g. Did you back that up before installing IPL? 14.05.06 # It's to help Mac OS X users convert their ipods to FAT32. 14.05.30 # (it's the very first sector on the disk) 14.05.45 # I don't think I did - but I have a colleague here who hasn't installed ipl on his 14.06.00 # when he gets back from lunch I'll see if I can borrow his for a few minutes 14.06.00 # Do you have access to a linux machine, or cygwin? 14.06.12 # dd with a count=1 ?? 14.06.23 # You just need to do (for example) "dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr-video60gb.bin count=1" 14.06.26 # So yes. 14.06.30 # is bs 512 by default? 14.06.34 # Yes. 14.06.51 # you could do head -c 512 /dev/sda > mbr-video60gb.bin too 14.07.01 # okay - want it on the wiki page? 14.07.18 # Yes please - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodInstallationFromMacOSX 14.07.37 # I'll tackle him when he walks back in :) 14.07.43 # OK, thanks. 14.08.19 Join dpro [0] (n=x@chello080109121047.8.15.vie.surfer.at) 14.11.23 # btw, I tried vmware yesterday and I'm unable to connect to the share, any ideas? 14.12.02 # try disabling firewal, it was the only i could connect 14.12.42 # hmmm good point. But kerio normally asks me before blocking stuff 14.12.50 # ah no wait 14.12.52 # i about to quit with this patch... any ideas please! 14.13.06 # tried it on a machine without firewall 14.13.11 # :D 14.14.15 # webguest98: what target? maybe somebody has a build with SID ... 14.14.36 # ipod color 14.16.18 # cheched every rej file and respectives, everything seems ok, all the reports of the rej are already patched! 14.18.03 # sorry 14.18.46 # webguest98: I've edited the patch very slightly so that it applies to current CVS cleanly. You could try downloading a clean version of the Rockbox source, and using my modified version of the patch (I'm about to upload it to the patch tracker now) 14.20.12 # Fixed .diff file now uploaded. 14.20.14 # thank you 14.24.41 # i can't find it :( 14.24.47 # bye 14.24.49 Quit wehn (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 14.25.26 Quit Jungti1234 () 14.28.35 # webguest98: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5157 14.32.59 Quit int (Nick collision from services.) 14.36.10 # linuxstb: done 14.38.50 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 14.39.21 # obo: Thanks. I'll let the person who requested it in the forums know. 14.45.12 # thank you i'll try now :) 14.45.33 Join dogbeer [0] (n=c27f67d3@labb.contactor.se) 14.48.42 Quit dogbeer (Client Quit) 14.50.09 # when you say i should use a clean source of rockbox... i should download, remove old version and upload to debian? 14.51.02 Part obo 14.51.05 # webguest98: get the current cvs version, then apply patch 14.51.40 # webguest98: Yes, the safe thing is to completely delete your existing copy of the source, and start again with a fresh download. 14.54.48 # sorry.. but in "\\debian\homes\rockbox" are folders that then are missing on the rockbox-2.5.tar 14.55.44 # not 2.5, the current cvs version 14.56.21 # here? http://www.rockbox.org/cvs.shtml 14.56.23 Part Paul_The_Nerd 14.57.27 # yes, or do a cvs download from the folder (http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UsingCVS) 14.58.57 # B4gder: Did you remove the .tar.gz bleeding-edge source download on purpose? Only the .tar.bz2 appears to be there. Also, the daily builds downloads only have the .tar.gz source. 14.59.17 Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ 14.59.20 # Bg3r 15.00.17 # what is 'manifacturer'? 15.01.01 # this one yes? 15.01.02 # http://www.rockbox.org/dist/build-source/rockbox-bleeding.tar.bz2 15.01.07 # He probably meant "manufacturer" - the company which makes something. 15.01.17 # aha 15.04.46 # uf, yes 15.05.00 # me and my very "good" english :D 15.05.15 # hahaha 15.07.57 # lostlogic: my ipod hasn't shut down even though playback is paused 15.08.05 # lostlogic: auto shutdown is set on 5m 15.10.05 # hmmm... company drink today... 1) me happy to commute with bike 2) bad news for development work tonight :D 15.11.02 # hey 15.11.20 # Chessbox has problem. 15.11.36 # petur :D D 15.11.47 # maybe it is bug. 15.13.48 # Jungti1234 what problem? 15.14.21 # I have screenshot. wait 15.20.43 Part LinusN 15.20.43 Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@ 15.24.38 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.25.18 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A47DC3.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.26.51 # why can't i log in now using Eterm? 15.27.13 # i need a real password! 15.27.57 # Mikachu: it hates you. 15.28.05 # Mikachu: I assume it's not plugged in? 15.29.36 # webguast98: used anonymous? 15.30.07 # if i use anonymous it doesn't let me "make" 15.30.33 # ? 15.31.29 # i'm trying again with anonymous 15.32.20 # cd rockbox-devel 15.32.26 # sorry 15.32.30 # haha 15.33.49 # doing "../tools/configure" i get a "permission denied" 15.34.29 # webguest98: see wiki page about vmware 15.35.43 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VMwareDevelopmentPlatform 15.36.25 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VMwareDevelopmentPlatform#Compiling is even closer 15.43.20 # it worked :) 15.43.41 # "make" now 15.44.16 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b953ee.pool.mediaWays.net) 15.44.34 Join scf [0] (n=scf@r4.softwarium.net) 16.02.48 # this patch is not working too 16.03.39 # or i can't figure it out 16.04.45 # i'm going on hollidays today could any kind soul upload a compiled rockbox with the sid patch for ipod color, please? 16.04.54 Join TeaSea [0] (n=Thunderc@lonsdale.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 16.05.43 Quit dpro (Remote closed the connection) 16.09.14 Quit B4gder ("time to say moo") 16.09.45 Quit Rondom ("I'm leaving on a jetplane, don't know when I'll be back again...") 16.13.27 # webguest98: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/rockbox.zip - but test it first if you are planning on relying on it for any length of time... 16.14.16 # thank you :D 16.18.58 Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@unaffiliated/youceye) 16.19.02 Join Kyomi [0] (n=fika@suidb4hhw41-5.acs.appstate.edu) 16.19.23 # Alright... dir/tagcache takes ALOT out of the battery 16.19.33 # I barely got through one song and it crapped out 16.19.56 # I was lucky enough to get it back on to take it off and it seems fine now... apart from charging itself o.o 16.24.15 Part YouCeyE ("Leaving") 16.27.31 # Kyomi: Hmm, that doesn't sound normal 16.29.21 # jeesuss chrisss it works!!! amazing, thanks a billion you done me hoolidays ::D 16.30.48 # So... you think I need a new battery? 16.31.00 # I've had it for maybe... 2 years? 16.36.26 Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 16.36.49 # My battery is going down a bit faster then it should it goes by like.. -2 almost every minute 16.38.59 Quit petur ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 16.39.24 Quit axion_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.41.18 Join ProgramZeta [0] (n=zetachan@ip68-101-175-19.sd.sd.cox.net) 16.57.50 # hey Bg3r 17.00.51 # http://jungti1234.netcci.net/rockbox/dump%20060421-235859.PNG 17.00.52 Join pondlife [0] (n=pondlife@ 17.00.53 # see it 17.01.05 # wahahaha 17.02.16 # Is it Rockbox's chess rule? :D 17.02.20 # lostlogic: I've a bit more info on the situation where crossfade fails if you're interested... 17.02.30 # phew, only sin() and rand() left now.... then it compiles. 17.02.37 # Starving :( 17.04.04 Quit Kyomi (Nick collision from services.) 17.04.14 Join Kyomi [0] (n=fika@suidb4hhw41-5.acs.appstate.edu) 17.06.40 Join filoktetes [0] (n=filoktet@g-001.osl255.netcom.no) 17.09.40 Join Lost-ash [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-123-47.VIC.netspace.net.au) 17.09.50 Quit ashridah (Nick collision from services.) 17.13.46 # pondlife: not now -- flyspray or wiki it if you want... 17.14.59 Quit Kohlrabi ("Fast alle Menschen sind Regenwürmer") 17.15.07 Nick Lost-ash is now known as ashridah (i=ashridah@220-253-123-47.VIC.netspace.net.au) 17.15.19 # lostlogic: OK, I've wikied it anyway 17.16.03 # lostlogic: feel free to mail me if you have questions, bye 17.16.10 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-34-254.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 17.16.31 # * pondlife gets on with Paid Work 17.16.40 Quit pondlife () 17.16.52 # Anyone know much about the H320 battery? 17.18.07 # why? 17.19.59 # http://jungti1234.netcci.net/rockbox/dump%20060421-235859.PNG - What should I do about this? 17.20.46 # That.. is awesome 17.20.56 # hehe 17.20.59 # It's the instant win portal 17.21.32 # what in the hell? 17.21.37 # It can't move. 17.21.40 # Theres like 8 white knights 17.21.51 # go PAWNS! 17.21.54 # :) 17.22.09 # That isn't checkers :P 17.22.19 # Anyway 17.22.23 # The reason I ask about the battery 17.22.32 # Is it because it drains out REALLY fast 17.22.37 # i realize there are too many, but if you get your pawn to the end, you get to pick your piece 17.22.41 # like -2 every min or so 17.22.45 # that's what i was referring to 17.22.53 # *displays battery power numerically* 17.23.07 # Ohhh 17.23.09 # lmao 17.23.19 # I've like... completely forgotten most of the rules in chess 17.23.24 # And there it goes 17.23.30 # no more power for me :/ 17.23.36 # White horse is 11. :) 17.23.53 # I'd choose queen :P 17.24.00 # get like 11 queens XD 17.24.15 # most would... 17.24.34 # hah 17.24.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.26.03 # Bg3r: r u there? 17.29.57 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.33.50 Quit Jungti1234 () 17.34.11 Quit ashridah ("sleep") 17.37.49 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-101-079.pools.arcor-ip.net) 17.41.14 Join Philip_0729 [0] (i=user@user-7920.lns3-c7.dsl.pol.co.uk) 17.42.27 # Any owner of a H300 remote (LCD and/or non-LCD) around? 17.42.30 Join stoffel [0] (n=sfr@p50816975.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.43.46 # yep 17.44.12 # Philip_0729: LCD or non-LCD? 17.44.38 # H300 LCD 17.44.48 # and i have a non lcd one i could dig out.... 17.44.58 # Oh, very nice. :) 17.45.00 Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@81-178-249-38.dsl.pipex.com) 17.45.14 # Could you test something for me? 17.45.19 # yep 17.45.36 # I want to improve remote detection + init, but only have the H100 remote myself 17.45.51 # ok 17.45.55 # Do you have a recent build on your H300? (I presume you have a H300) 17.46.10 # fairly recent yes 17.46.32 Join hardeep [0] (i=hardeeps@SDF.LONESTAR.ORG) 17.46.44 # You will need a build as of 20-Apr-2006 21:10 UTC or later for the test 17.46.55 # (One after my 21:05 commit) 17.47.07 # i'll download a bleeding edge.... 17.49.09 Quit webguest98 ("CGI:IRC") 17.50.25 # grr, no rockbox development at this weekend, as my main workstation has broken.. it no longer boots at all 17.51.25 # Slasheri: :( yet another reason Maybe Day is becoming more of a reality :( 17.53.13 # ok i have new build 17.53.24 # Ok. 17.53.42 # my LCD remote is not working at all... :? 17.53.57 # Hmm, it should... 17.54.10 # Did you plug it after boot? 17.54.57 # sorry the contrast setting was changed ..... :) 17.55.01 # ah 17.55.12 # I ask you to do the following: 17.55.24 # but up/down is not working right 17.55.43 # It is working right in the wps, but not in the browser 17.55.56 # That's a somewhat tricky problem we'll address later 17.56.16 # Disconnect the remote. Go to Info->Debug->View I/O Ports 17.56.31 Nick scf is now known as unexterminatable (n=scf@r4.softwarium.net) 17.56.56 # yep 17.57.00 # Tell me the value of ADC_REMOTEDETECT 17.57.09 # 80 17.57.19 # okay, same on my H300. 17.57.49 # Now plug in the remote _slowly_, and watch both the first digit of GPIO_READ (1st line) and ADC_REMOTEDETECT 17.58.18 # GPIO_READ should change from D.... to 9..... first, and a little later ADC_REMOTEDETECT will go up 17.58.27 # Do not plug in fully yet 17.58.57 # yes 17.59.04 # Tell me the raised ADC_REMOTEDETECT value, then plug in fully, and check the value again 17.59.11 # BF 17.59.17 # then 2c 17.59.26 # Okay. 17.59.51 # Now disconnect the remote again, switch the remote to hold, and repeat the procedure 18.00.05 # Tell me both the raised and the final value 18.01.32 # takes lots of intermitant values in hold and off 18.02.07 # Yes, sometimes the elevated value varies a bit. That's not critical 18.02.13 Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-457286ab.dyn.optonline.net) 18.02.19 Quit Kyomi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.02.38 # end value with hold on is 6 b/c 18.02.57 # Basically, I want to verify whether the behaviour is the same for the H300 remotes as what I observed with the H100 remote 18.03.05 Join Kyomi [0] (n=fika@suidb4hhw41-5.acs.appstate.edu) 18.03.07 Join fiftyfour123 [0] (n=chatzill@cpe-66-108-136-179.nyc.res.rr.com) 18.03.28 # Gpio read is same as hold off 18.03.36 # Yes 18.03.50 # What is the intermittent value (roughly)? 18.04.10 # Should be around BF if my theory is right 18.04.25 # *HFS+ supports* 18.04.30 # support** 18.04.41 # bf then if a little more 8f 18.04.49 # and that is same as hold off 18.05.06 # yes, so it's the same behaviour as with the H100 remote 18.05.26 # Now if you could check the non-LCD remote as well. 18.05.38 # sometimes remotetype at bottom displays type 2 others type 3 18.05.59 # Yes, that's a bug that would be fixed with my changes 18.06.22 Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.06.46 # If you check the non-lcd remote, you don't need to check with hold on and off, as hold doesn't matter on that remote 18.07.04 # gpio read is same 18.07.10 Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@riblet.plus.com) 18.07.30 # remote detect 80 > BF > 8F 18.07.52 # Ok, many thanks for the tests :) 18.08.10 # also if hold is on goes to BE not Bf 18.11.16 # np 18.13.36 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@254.80-203-96.nextgentel.com) 18.13.37 Quit lee-qid_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.16.00 Join webguest62 [0] (n=51d977da@labb.contactor.se) 18.18.36 Join lee-qid_ [0] (n=liqid@p54965A2F.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.20.52 Quit quobl (Remote closed the connection) 18.20.55 Quit Daishi ("Client exiting...") 18.22.03 Join quobl [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/external/x-2627af45fe46d726) 18.24.41 # is there a more recent custom cfg file format spec guide anywhere available? 18.28.04 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-140-115.pools.arcor-ip.net) 18.34.14 # actually the setting name for the browser cache would help too =) 18.37.26 # is it max files in dir? 18.38.24 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 18.41.44 Quit webguest62 ("CGI:IRC") 18.48.38 Quit lee-qid_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.55.43 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 18.56.44 Quit freqmod (Remote closed the connection) 18.57.11 Quit fiftyfour123 ("Chatzilla 0.9.71 [Firefox]") 18.58.20 Quit predius_ ("Lost terminal") 18.59.15 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@254.80-203-96.nextgentel.com) 18.59.28 Join webguest67 [0] (n=51400b8c@labb.contactor.se) 19.02.59 Quit Kyomi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.03.33 Join Kyomi [0] (n=fika@suidb4hhw41-5.acs.appstate.edu) 19.03.33 Quit Kyomi (Remote closed the connection) 19.06.33 # Can any h300 owners confirm this bug? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/4752 19.07.06 Part Saranomaly 19.07.26 # Looking at what I think is the relevant code - gui/logo.c:gui_draw_logo() - there is a call to display->clear_display() before the logo is displayed. So I don't understand how the bug can happen. 19.08.50 Join lee-qid_ [0] (n=liqid@p54965A2F.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.14.54 # i don't get that but the backdrop from the WPS is used and for continuity it should use the backdrop for the menu... 19.16.23 Quit muesli__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.17.13 Quit bluey ("Leaving") 19.20.50 # linuxstb: im running an h300 optimized build from paulh from ~1-2 weeks ago. is that usefull to you? 19.21.51 # i don't see the magenta rectangles, but some wps bitmaps are still shown while the usb logo is visible 19.23.50 Join pondlife [0] (n=pondlife@ 19.24.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.25.25 # linuxstb: H340 owner here, just tried to repro 4752.. 19.25.42 Quit lostnihilist (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.26.00 # linuxstb: No display weirdness occured - USB icon was displayed as expected 19.26.41 Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 19.29.38 # linuxstb: No gfx glitches when connecting usb while playing, but then I use neither a graphical wps nor a background bitmap 19.30.59 Quit filoktetes (Remote closed the connection) 19.32.21 # When USB is connected while menu is held, what events are put where? Does it cause a sys_timeout to be issued to all waiters or somethign? 19.33.43 # USB power mode fires no events 19.39.01 # I had a bug yesterday in my voice refactor where it would get stuck on the voice codec and never swap back. Until I held menu and plugged USB, then it would switch back and resume operating. The bug basically caused the voice thread to go to sleep on a queue_wait() instead of doing a queue_wait_w_tmo(,,0), so I can't figure out why plugging it in would wake up 19.39.32 # That's indeed strange 19.39.51 # USB power mode itself does definitely not send any events 19.40.07 # Maybe the charging code does send SYS_CHARGER_CONNECTED 19.40.20 # broadcast? that's probably it. 19.40.25 # intriguing. 19.40.33 # Philip_0729: I think you've hit the problem - the WPS backdrop isn't cleared when displaying the USB logo. I also agree with you that the main Rockbox backdrop should be restored. 19.41.06 Quit pondlife () 19.41.36 # especially if that backdrop of your wps has pink rectangles for other pics... 19.42.03 # lostlogic: It's the charging code that sends an event in case of USB power, I just checked 19.42.28 # if(charger_inserted() || usb_powered()) .... queue_broadcast(SYS_CHARGER_CONNECTED, NULL); ..... 19.43.11 # amiconn: ty, at least now I know why... was making me slightly insane. 19.44.03 Quit hardeep ("BitchX: no this is NOT a cybersex client") 19.48.20 Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@81-178-249-38.dsl.pipex.com) 19.56.38 # I've got some low-bitrate ogg vorbis files that seem to crash rockbox on ipod 5g. Not the latest version of RB though (I was going to wait for the album art patch to coexist nicely with the newer versions before updating). Should I send them to someone? 19.56.57 # Er, they play fine but if you seek then RB locks up when you release the ffwd/rwnd button. 19.57.18 Part claym 19.57.24 # nudel: might be worth having a chat with lostlogic, he's been overhauling the playback system 19.57.29 # altho, i think he's afk this weekend 19.57.48 # okay 19.57.58 # hmm i should try with a newer firmware really 19.58.00 # maybe another dev can help 19.58.05 # well, if you want, send me over one of the ogg's 19.58.05 # i can always go back to my old one afterwards 19.58.10 # sure 19.58.11 # nudel: Pls try with latest cvs 19.58.12 # and ill give it a whirl, see if i can recreate the bug 19.58.58 # you're running on ipod 5g, right? 19.58.58 Quit mirak (Connection timed out) 19.59.01 # yeah 19.59.08 # nice wps btw ;) 19.59.09 # i'll download the latest cvs now and try it too 19.59.18 # thanks :) i need to update it and make nano version at some point 19.59.22 # im on a cvs from this morning, so ill check it out with this first 19.59.27 # then go for the bleeding edge 19.59.56 Join Kyomi [0] (n=fika@suidb4hhw41-5.acs.appstate.edu) 20.01.39 # i don't know much about how these were created, btw... i think they may have been split from one large ogg file which may explain why seeking is b0rked 20.01.46 # hmms 20.01.50 # it's a radio show that i downloaded 20.02.01 # oh, ok, it might be a file problem then 20.02.03 # ill check anyway 20.02.25 # i figure even a bad input shouldn't cause a crash. better to skip the file than require a reboot 20.02.30 # yeah 20.02.48 # Still, rockbox shouldn't lock up with 'bad' files 20.03.58 # * amiconn is too slow 20.04.52 # are they low bitrate and also low samplerate? 20.04.58 # I'm in town this weekend, AFK next. 20.05.02 # ahh, sorry dude :> 20.05.05 # ;) 20.05.39 # they're ~70kbps, 44.1 kHz 20.05.52 # hmm... then I don't have any _known_ issues that would cause problems. 20.06.14 # seeking in non-44.1khz files seems broken, but that's a separate issue 20.06.24 # probably the worst sounding files i've ever listened to... not only recordedf rom FM radio, but a bad FM radio, at 70kbps 20.06.36 # ha 20.06.49 # maybe it just hates shitty quality ogg's ;) 20.08.45 # hmph, no portalplayer in next nano version... gee fun... wonder who they'll find who is even more NDA happy. 20.09.04 # is it going to be a 'nano' or some kind of even smaller flash player? 20.09.14 # pico ;) 20.09.16 # i hope they use the new sigmatel chipset so it's gapless out of the box 20.09.21 # hehe, well that was the obvious 20.09.45 # the Apple Nacho (better at scopping cream cheese into your mouth than playing music) 20.09.45 # says nano 20.09.58 # s/scopping/scooping/ 20.09.59 # lostlogic: The press release from portalplayer says something like "mid-end and high-end ipods". So maybe the Nano will continue with the PP5021. 20.10.25 # "But this week PortalPlayer (PLAY) disclosed that a forthcoming chip won't be showing up in a planned version of Apple's (AAPL) iPod nano." 20.11.12 # Here's the press release: http://www.portalplayer.com/news-and-events/PPI_transition.htm 20.11.24 # "PortalPlayer believes that the PP5021 will continue to be used in other members of the iPod family." 20.13.08 # nudel: I'd rather hope it would not use the sigmatel stuff 20.13.18 # interesting. 20.13.51 # nudel: What does the chipset have to do with gapless? 20.13.58 # new sigmatel chipset sounds good, though they could cripple its features (and undoubtedly will remove USB MS) 20.14.10 # well, they provide a reference firmware that's gapless 20.14.17 # apple would have to fuck it up *on purpose* 20.14.23 # rather than out of laziness 20.15.08 # doh, i always do a make instea dofa "make zip" 20.15.12 # That's a step forward at least... But is it aimed at high-end MP3 players? 20.15.16 # silly question...does rockbox support files wil embedded que sheets? 20.15.21 # cue 20.15.24 # not que 20.15.33 # scottder: No. And it wouldn't be trivial. 20.15.47 # Ok....just curious :) 20.16.09 Join filoktetes [0] (n=filoktet@g-001.osl255.netcom.no) 20.16.34 # high-end... yeah, well, all mp3 players i guess. it's the first chipset made by the ex-karma people and they say it has all the features that the chroma would've had 20.16.36 # Quite a few people have requested it, but I don't think any developers think it's worthwhile. You can always just split the file and still have gapless playback in Rockbox. 20.17.30 # Yes, I have a few things that are encoded that way. I'll just use foobar2000 to split it out 20.18.13 # nudel: so, seekins breaks rb with this ogg yeah? 20.18.46 # yeah 20.18.56 # nudel: problem is it's not just the chipset...but how it's implemented 20.19.02 # i've just built the latest firmware, but someone's abut to come round so i may not test it for a while 20.19.08 # nudel: you're not wrong 20.19.11 # breaks for me too 20.19.37 # someone should report that on the SoftwareCodecPlayback wiki page... and fix it. 20.19.49 # back in a bit, sorry 20.19.58 # heh 20.20.05 # Something broken with vorbis files? 20.20.35 # is there a decent tool to grep info on an ogg file? 20.20.47 # prolly best if nudel reports it tbh, he has more files that break it than i do ;) 20.21.27 # scottder: low bitrate vorbis files seem to break on seek according to these folks 20.21.42 # crashd: ogginfo in linux may do it 20.21.51 # how low bitrate 20.21.56 # 70kbps 20.21.59 # well, there's something up with the file 20.22.01 # as it breaks winamp too 20.22.08 # just had to intervene in a winamp-falling-over 20.22.14 # oh, well if it breaks winamp too, I ain't fixin' it for 3.0 :) 20.22.19 # hehe 20.22.21 # ill double check 20.22.29 # but seeking through it caused winamp to start chowing on resources 20.23.23 # probably has some kind of difficulty finding the correct seek location and start bouncing from one end fo the file to the other, which I can fathom breaking rockbox... 20.23.33 # was the issue with seeking in large files fixed? 20.23.35 # how...curious 20.23.40 # scottder: yes 20.23.44 # winamp crashes with a Macromedia Director error, ive checked it thrice now 20.23.51 # something is rotten in the state of vorbis 20.23.53 # scottder: unless they are large non-44.1khz file 20.24.09 # Ahh ok... 20.24.15 # gotta run will be back later 20.25.55 # hmm holy shit 20.26.20 # Apple's decision to not use the PortalPlayer chip in a future version of the iPod nano. From the article: "PortalPlayer stock promptly shed $9.46, or nearly 42% of its value, and more than $220 million in market value 20.27.11 # was it because of ms vista exclusive future product, or rockbox 20.29.06 # hello everyone. 20.31.26 Join Febs [0] (n=40be24d8@labb.contactor.se) 20.34.38 Quit filoktetes ("Leaving") 20.35.31 # Hmm, petur isn't around.... there's an obvious bug in the CS3 init.... 20.35.56 # ...no wonder the isp1362 doesn't want to talk to him 20.36.39 # Hmpf, false alarm 20.36.46 # * amiconn confused chip selects 20.37.26 Quit webguest67 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 20.41.41 Join hardeep [0] (i=hardeeps@otaku.freeshell.ORG) 20.43.51 Join Myth_ [0] (n=sinsch@pD95FDE5C.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.44.12 # hi guys 20.44.49 # hi Myth_ 20.45.34 # Does anyone know whether the iPod 5G hardware has recording capability? 20.45.46 # * Febs looks at preglow and linuxstb. 20.46.06 Join pixelma [0] (n=M_@ 20.46.34 # isnt there some contention as to wether it's possible to get the pp in the 5g to record via the headphones, a la 3g? 20.46.44 # Febs: it probably is possible, but no one's looked into it enough yet 20.48.40 # it definitely has recording capabilities 20.48.46 # probably throgh the headphone port 20.48.47 # IPL doesn't support recording on the 5g, but I'm 99% sure that's just because no-one's attempted to code it yet. 20.48.58 # hehe, three similar answers : > 20.49.06 # Why do you say it *definitely* has recording capabilities? 20.49.22 # linuxstb: doesn't apple support voice recording on it through the dock? 20.49.36 # Yes, it does... 20.49.58 # well then it definitely has recording capabilities...? 20.49.59 # Griffin are launching a "high quality" recording interface soon. 20.50.19 # lostlogic: Yes. I forgot about the recording accessories... 20.50.52 # :) 20.51.05 # AFAIK, the dock connector should have a stereo line-in, and the left channel of the headphone socket also works as an input. 20.51.27 # I'll probably have a go at recording, but after 3.0 is released. 20.51.35 # with the recording accessories, then, do they run a part of the retailos that is hitherto unaccessible 20.51.47 # Yes - that's my understanding. 20.51.52 # ah, same for radio im guessing ? 20.52.13 # at least, the interface for radio, i guess the actual signal comes from a 'line in' from the unit you purchase 20.52.29 # Possibly. I think the Apple Accessory Protocol allows for "intelligent" accessories - that can take key input from the ipod, and display graphics/text on the LCD. 20.52.44 # ahh 20.53.39 # Some documentation is here: http://ipodlinux.org/Apple_Accessory_Protocol 20.53.56 # oh, interesting 20.54.01 # havent seen this before 20.54.55 # The problem is that (afaik) there is no low-level serial driver available for the remote port on the 4g and later ipods. 20.55.36 # that'd be a real dog then 20.55.37 # So that will either involve some lucky guesses based on the 3G code, or some disassembly... 20.56.29 Join KlrSpz [0] (n=klrSpz@ 20.56.42 # just installed rockbox.. if there are any dev's here.. you kick ass 20.57.09 # heh 20.57.19 # anyone have any cool voice files? (better than on the site) 20.57.35 # linuxstb, lostlogic: Is the retailos on the firmware partition encrypted? If so, is the encryption known? 20.58.03 # No, it's not encrypted. There's a simple checksum which is added by ipod_fw.c 20.58.35 # it's the bootloader that's encrypted on the ipods innit? 20.58.46 # the one in flash? 20.58.52 # the radio is different from recording, afaik, it simply draws power from the host ipod and does everything else internally. 20.58.57 # Yes - but only on disk. The version that's flashed isn't... 20.59.01 Join axion_ [0] (n=MusiFreq@cpe-24-195-84-126.nycap.res.rr.com) 20.59.03 # yeah 20.59.06 # that's what i mean 20.59.15 # but the encryption on that has alreayd been..uh..circumvented 20.59.16 # amiconn claims reading the flash shouldn't be too hard 20.59.57 # has anyone tried setting MEMORYSIZE to 64 before? 21.00.00 # Indeed not, provided the mapping is known. preglow? 21.00.55 Part Philip_0729 21.01.07 # A simple write(fd,0x0,1024*1024) in the bootloader seemed to work fine for me. 21.01.25 # Linuxstb, thanks for the info. I am 95% sure that I'll be buying a 5G. Recording is not a critical feature because I still have my H120, but it's nice to know that the potential is there. 21.01.55 # (it has to be done in the bootloader, because Rockbox remaps main memory to 0x0) 21.02.04 # Febs: 5g is a nice player, but a button combination nightmare :-P 21.02.26 # I blame Rockbox for having too many features... 21.02.30 # lol 21.02.54 # the only problem with the 5g is that the lcd is just too big 21.02.59 # in my experience, anyway 21.03.14 # but, any of the performance loss due to that will get ironed out, in time, i guess 21.03.15 # You could create a build that only uses 1/4 of it... 21.03.25 # heh 21.03.29 # well, yeah, but that'd be stupid ;) 21.03.29 # hmmm, 63075616 byte codec buffer... 21.03.39 # hmm... yeah, wouldn't even be that hard... treat it like a nano screen basically 21.03.40 # obo: Is it working? 21.03.50 # nope, codec failure on all tracks 21.04.25 # pcmbuffer never starts to fill 21.04.28 # You will have to make sure the codecs are being linked at the correct address (512KB before the end of RAM I think). Same for plugins. 21.04.33 # linuxstb: Where is the flashrom remapped to in main rockbox? 21.04.35 # weird. all of the filebuf code is mapped relative to start and end pointers for the audiobuf 21.04.42 # ah, yes. 21.04.43 # amiconn: I don't think it is. 21.05.04 # oh? 21.05.06 # i.e. the flash is inaccessible after Rockbox starts. 21.05.17 # that's probably a good idea 21.05.19 # linuxstb: any pointers where I should look? 21.05.19 # just in case 21.05.19 Quit axion_ (Remote closed the connection) 21.05.21 Join axion_ [0] (n=MusiFreq@cpe-24-195-84-126.nycap.res.rr.com) 21.05.45 # obo: Look at the .lds files. But they should all be based on MEMORYSIZE, rather than hard-coded. 21.06.10 # apps/plugins/plugin.lds and firmware/app.lds 21.06.30 Join RedBreva_ [0] (n=mark@host86-133-124-164.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) 21.06.31 # btw: A serious question: How is the progress on the DUMB-Player? I'm asking because I could do a simple mod player within a few hours and wonder if its worth the time. 21.06.56 # Myth_: afaik, it hasnt been touched since it was commited to CVS, although there was some chatter earlier about a nes sound player 21.06.58 # obo: There is some memory remapping code, and it's possible that that isn't remapping the whole 64MB. 21.07.16 Quit Kyomi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.07.32 # okay, I'll have a play 21.08.01 # Myth_: I think a couple of people have been looking at in during the last few days. The problem was the heavy use of floats - I don't know how much progress has been made. 21.08.01 Join Kyomi [0] (n=fika@suidb4hhw41-5.acs.appstate.edu) 21.08.18 # But if you could write a small and efficient mod player, that would seem very desirable. 21.08.23 # ok, so someone is working on it 21.08.35 # I think it was ravon and HCl 21.08.48 # Myth_: personally, id love you forever if you wrote a mod player that worked ;) 21.08.51 # my mod player is small and efficient, I'm just afraid I'll release it and it goes into nirvana because of the dumb-player ;) 21.08.53 # but, if it's a waste of time, then obviously 21.09.12 # well, it may turn out to be more effecient than the one in dumb 21.09.16 # "working". Tested it and came to the conclusion that it's slow as an emu 21.09.18 # Myth_: Do you know how it compares to dumb? 21.09.28 # ravon: emu the bird? 21.09.50 # its just a mod player, no it, s3m and xm (though I could do xm, too). 21.09.52 # Mikachu: Emu the savanna buffalo :) 21.10.06 Join Xerion_ [0] (i=xerion@zarathul.student.utwente.nl) 21.10.09 # Myth_: Anything is better than nothing :) 21.10.12 # not as in emulator 21.10.19 Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.10.19 Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (i=xerion@zarathul.student.utwente.nl) 21.10.20 # btw: Can I use malloc() to allocate buffer within a codec? 21.10.25 # linuxstb: I think the flash doesn't contain the whole retailos. Retailos is too big for that 21.10.50 # But the apple flash bootloader has to contain the load-and-decyrpt routine... 21.11.04 # There's a separate bootloader/diagnostics mode - that's in flash. Retailos is only on disk, and then loaded into RAM. 21.11.22 # hurrah, got nosefart to load the nsf file and show the song title. 21.11.59 # \o/ 21.12.05 # They really didn't spoil us with documentation on that one :/ 21.12.41 # how do/will you tell the codec what subsong to play? 21.13.02 # Plugin, I guess. 21.13.28 # If it'll ever produce sound, that is. 21.14.03 # hm okay 21.15.15 # linuxstb: the .lds files under the build-dir are adjusted to 64 - and the other .lds files contain MEMORYSIZE 21.15.37 # "i'm sorry about my friend, he had too much lds back in the sixties" 21.16.32 # obo: Look at your rockbox.map file, and also the apps/codecs/*.map files - do they show the correct 64MB-based addresses? 21.17.41 # hey guys, i just hooked my ipod up, disconnected, and now when it boots into rockbox it says "cleared" and just sits there, won't let me do anything.. any ideas on what to check? 21.17.52 # KlrSpz: your hold switch is on 21.18.00 # oh shit 21.18.01 # i feel dumb 21.18.05 # :P 21.18.10 # don't worry, we've all been there 21.18.16 # aww man, so config is dead too i suppose.. oh well 21.18.28 # if you menu+select reboot it may restore 21.18.45 # ahh, instead of letting it write the config out 21.18.47 # yeah, that did it 21.18.47 # you rock 21.18.53 # this OS is awesome 21.19.03 # also, Manage config -> write .cfg == good idea 21.20.30 # how do you backspace on the nanopod? i was looking through the wiki but wasn't finding it 21.20.47 # linuxstb: DRAM length is set to 3F00000 (63Mb), that is also the Origin value for PLUGIN_RAM 21.21.01 # KlrSpz: in the vkeyboard? 21.21.11 # KlrSpz: go to the input line and press select (ie, anywhere outside the text entry field) 21.21.53 # mm.. like when you hit save .cfg file 21.22.05 # it pops up i guess the vkb, but i don't see how to do that 21.22.13 # just go up over the edge 21.22.22 # obo: That sounds right. And the codec buffer should be the final 512KB. 21.22.35 # Mikachu, yeah, it seems to be adding spaces 21.22.46 # then you're not in the input line i guess 21.22.56 # oh there it goes.. i wasn't seeing an indicator that i was on th eline 21.23.14 # brb, 10 min 21.24.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.28.23 Quit Myth_ ("leaving") 21.30.34 Join cvxdes [0] (n=admin@c-24-62-71-178.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 21.32.20 # hmm, I'm getting "[ERR] File is too large for firmware partition, aborting." when installing on the iPod. Can anyone help? 21.32.36 Join xmixahlx [0] (n=xmixahlx@ 21.34.37 # I dont think the most recent experimental build has SID in it ;_; 21.34.45 # I'm getting a No Codec For: 21.35.37 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 21.36.05 # Looks like no one here helps. Heh... *walks away* 21.36.08 Part cvxdes 21.36.43 # cvxdes: You need a little patience.... 21.36.56 Quit HCl (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.38.21 # ahh, patience... ie waited a whopping 6 minutes from entering the channel to giving up on us. 21.39.24 Quit Xerion (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.40.06 # dialup in sweden is charged by the minute, but i don't think comcast is 21.40.42 # *giggle* I've just learned that I'm going to be in Amsterdam for Queen's Day. 21.45.47 Join leftright [0] (n=5087c060@labb.contactor.se) 21.46.21 # lostlogic, Queens day in amsterdam is one big pissup, make sure you bring a spare liver 21.46.55 # leftright: fortunately(?) I'm a total lightweight, so I'm easy on the liver... 21.47.08 # I just hope to stay conscious 21.47.32 # and dont ride a bicycle around in town, there's too much glass lying around, i had to pedal home on two flat wheels a few years ago 21.47.42 # haha, I skate, not bike :) 21.48.04 # btw, i saw on the site that someone was looking for some kind of installer, it's not much, but i wrote a batch file to assist in the install/uninstall of rockbox 21.49.53 # lostlogic, and you do know what the real purpose of the coffe bars are 21.50.06 # gettin lit! 21.50.12 # yay ramen! 21.50.14 # yes, yes, I'm not that much of a newb 21.50.26 # just making sure :> 21.51.17 # and the woman in the wndows are really satunning, some of them anyway, and there's a special for ROCKbox dev's 21.52.37 Join isidore [0] (n=chatzill@d83-179-209-17.cust.tele2.fr) 21.52.46 # lol 21.52.47 # sure sure 21.54.56 Part leftright 21.54.57 # just tell them.. they'll make it special ;) 21.56.03 # ::rolleyes:: I'll be travelling with a female friend any way ;) 21.56.27 Join midgey34 [0] (n=Midgey34@c-24-11-120-86.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 21.57.44 Quit isidore (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.59.31 # KlrSpz: There is an installer already, it's just not yet adapted to any of the newer platforms 21.59.48 # i thought it was just for the archos? dunno really 21.59.50 # The installer is built using innosetup, which is gpl 22.00.10 # Yes, it's just for archos right now, but it could be extended... 22.00.35 # yeah well, mine is just a dos batch file 22.00.45 # i might build a vb app later or somethin 22.00.54 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 22.02.57 # VB *shudder* 22.04.05 Quit Kyomi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.04.05 # innosetup isn't gpl, it's a modified zlib license 22.04.23 # bloody company drink - do not disturb unless urgent - /me drunk :/ 22.04.57 # * ender` remembers somebody ranting in innosetup newsgroups because it's licence wasn't OSI-verified 22.07.30 # petur: I think we don't know all necessary gpios to communicate with the isp1362 22.07.35 Quit Acksaw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.07.51 # E.g. I would expect the reset pin to be connected somewhere 22.09.11 Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 22.11.22 # hmm... 22.11.35 # amiconn: all i know from looking at the iriver stuff is in the code... do have to get the gpio function/enable things right 22.11.36 # maybe i shouldn't start the riot on Queensday, for lostlogic's sake 22.11.37 # :P 22.12.46 # twisted`: punk. you live in amsterdam? 22.13.21 # lostlogic: if I had o-lines you would have be k-lined now, nobody calls me punk 22.13.38 # lostlogic: but yeah 22.13.42 # heheh 22.13.47 # punkitypunkpunkpunk 22.13.48 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@zarathul.student.utwente.nl) 22.14.02 # * Mikachu plays back to the future 2 music 22.14.06 # amiconn: I talked to Linus before about the gpio interconnects, his suggestion was to check the iriver code 22.14.12 # I am everythin that the punks represent are not 22.14.13 # :P 22.14.14 # lol 22.14.25 # i like punk music... 22.14.35 DBUG Enqueued KICK Acksaw 22.14.35 # * Acksaw 14»»7 Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication 14«»7 RHP Greatest Hits 14«»7 05:29|192kbs|mp3 14«« 22.15.07 # acksaw: RHCP made far better music than that 22.15.15 # wouldn't the acronym for red hot chilli peppers be rhcp, not rhp? 22.15.25 # it should... 22.15.25 # petur, like i dont know! 22.15.28 # yeh midgey34 22.15.31 # whoops 22.15.35 # yes Mikachu 22.15.39 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.15.46 # i have no had the time to correct it yet 22.15.51 # hmm 22.16.03 # i wonder if the similar would throw data aborts as often as my ipod... 22.16.05 # twisted`: ... what defines punk to you? 22.16.07 # simulator... 22.16.19 Join BHSPitLappy2 [0] (i=steve-o@ 22.16.23 # DEAD KENNEDYS 22.17.42 Quit quobl (Excess Flood) 22.18.01 # lostlogic: to me? well in amsterdam there's this building called the "Vrankrijk", a lot of punks meet there 22.18.24 Join HCl [0] (i=hcl@titania.student.utwente.nl) 22.18.24 # lostlogic: and some people I happened to meet are also punk 22.18.27 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 22.18.27 # * petur powers down... 22.18.31 # twisted`: and punks are teenagers of a particular variety? 22.18.36 # * Mikachu puts petur in the closet 22.19.00 # lostlogic: at least, they say of theirselves they're punk, they all seem similar tho, so I guess it's all the same 22.19.04 # maybe i should be like marvin from the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy... 22.19.22 Join quobl [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/external/x-66f5ad77b250ef76) 22.19.25 # when petur powers up he will be coming out of the closet 22.19.30 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 22.19.39 # ahahahah 22.19.45 # I've never understood the various meanings of the term punk. There is punk music, there is punk culture, there are punk people. Don't get it. 22.20.04 # it's unique to what you're applying it to? 22.20.33 # n 1: an aggressive and violent young criminal [syn: {hood}, {hoodlum}, 22.20.33 # {goon}, {thug}, {tough}, {toughie}, {strong-armer}] 22.20.42 # 4: a teenager or young adult who is a performer (or enthusiast) 22.20.42 # of punk rock and a member of the punk youth subculture 22.21.34 # lostlogic: the similarities I could draw between all these "punks" is that they a) appear to have no money at all for proper clothes, b) got the weirdest haircuts, c) all the music sounds the same, d) they're pro-"anarchy" while they all demonstrate for communist parties, e) they are all against eating meat etc (while they still continue to eat cheese, which needs the acid for a dead cows stumach to be produced, way to go idiots, damn do 22.22.17 # ROFL 22.22.20 # lostlogic: the music, also very funny, is most close to be drawn to "nazi" music, while they all seem to be wearing: anti-nazi buttons etc 22.22.44 # I'll uhh keep that in mind. 22.23.00 # twisted`: i don't think that was the kind of punk he was accusing you of being :) 22.23.02 # * Acksaw 14»»7 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue 14«»7 Greatest Hits 14«»7 03:36|192kbs|mp3 14«« 22.23.05 # that beter? 22.23.06 # :D 22.23.20 # Mikachu: I hope not :P 22.23.49 # twisted`: correct, I was just saying "punk" in the same way that many people say "bitch" or "ass" to someone who's being a smartass. 22.23.51 # i bet those punks use flac too 22.24.15 Quit midkay (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.24.24 # hey 22.24.32 # you can also say "punk ass bitch" 22.24.34 # :D 22.24.45 # and all "punks" seem to disagree with me on political standpoints, musical taste (so far for their taste btw, HEY! let's beat this shit until we can't hear the difference anymore 'n then scream some weird shit and it's NEW!), philisophical standpoints (I bet they can't spell it :P) 22.24.46 # or punk bitch ass 22.25.11 # twisted`: neither can you ;), it's philosophical 22.25.23 # Mikachu: meh I just woke up 5min ago or something 22.25.27 # punk! 22.25.28 # lol 22.25.32 # Mikachu: I'm very happy I can read atm :P 22.26.08 # Mikachu: yeah, true, s/philisophical/philosophical 22.26.18 # http://standpoint.com 22.27.08 # lostlogic, i found out where it's data aborting... 22.27.27 # actually the "punk"-movement... cracks me up 22.27.34 # they got seriously no idea what they're doin... 22.27.37 Quit Farpenoodle ("Large sacks of cheese") 22.27.48 # yeah they should be using wav 22.28.31 # sharpe: and? 22.29.03 # it's has to do with loading settings for the emulator :D 22.29.15 # Mikachu: nah, punks use Mp3 96kbps, cus the "transparancy" is already hit at that point with that music 22.29.20 # because you try to read or write a long to a non-aligned address??? :) 22.29.36 # twould seem, i'm checking it out now :) 22.29.47 # :) 22.30.08 # :) 22.30.16 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 22.32.11 # sharpe: It could also be reading/write a short to a non-aligned address (i.e. an odd memory address) 22.32.16 Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 22.32.18 # * petur hits Mikachu with quite a big hammer - then falls asleep again 22.32.30 # i guess i deserved that 22.33.02 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.33.14 Quit BHSPitLappy (Connection timed out) 22.33.17 # sorry /me still drunk 22.33.24 # petur: I couldn't find any obvious problems in your code 22.33.56 # Is the retail fw disassembly available somewhere? 22.34.29 # * amiconn would also expect that the interrupt and/or dma pins are connected somewhere 22.35.53 Quit SereRokR ("XChat Aqua") 22.36.40 # lostlogic: so actually you meant to say "punk" in a Clint Eastwood kinda way 22.38.19 # amiconn: i got the ida stuff from linus, I'll package and pm you 22.38.43 Join RotAtoR [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) 22.40.32 # amiconn: got ida? 22.43.00 # twisted`: yah, that's really the only way I use the term. 22.43.24 # lostlogic: LOL 22.43.35 # lostlogic: so everything I typed was actually for nothin, rofl 22.43.54 # such a waste, isn't it? 22.44.03 # it was interesting and amusing 22.44.04 # lostlogic: cause I thought you said it because I said riot 22.45.18 # well, i fixed the data abort... 22.46.33 # sharpe: yay! 22.46.34 Join Spacksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 22.46.44 # twisted`: not a waste, now I know what that kind of punk means, which I never really quite grasped ;) 22.46.44 # now to just fix the loading of the roms :) 22.47.27 # lostlogic: well to make a long story short, just some kids who rebel against their parents and don't really know what the hell they're doin 22.47.47 # lostlogic: I mean seriously, how can you be pro-anarchy while you demonstrate for communist morals 22.48.08 Quit Ribs ("Leaving") 22.48.28 # *giggle* 22.48.34 # yes, I grasped from your previous statements 22.48.39 # ummm most anarchy ideals are considered communist... 22.48.50 # * lostlogic is an anarchocapitalist 22.48.59 # would read() mind reading 8kb at once? 22.49.24 # sharpe: no, it'd probably prefer to read a bit more... 22.49.38 # well, it's the largest of the roms... :) 22.49.47 # lol ... right, commodore 64. 22.49.59 # yobesoom: it's impossible 22.50.09 # yobesoom: at least, depends how they see anarchy 22.50.11 # heheh 22.50.19 # I thought the communist ideal is no state... and socialist ideal was state-controlled production"? 22.50.20 # yobesoom: anarchy is total chaos 22.50.24 # twisted`: no. 22.50.29 # anarchy is the lack of a regimented body of law. 22.50.30 # no order no rules no one is in charge 22.50.31 # i thought communism was about a centrally controlled thinger where everyone gets an equal share of stuff 22.50.33 # well, it will get to read 68kb when i get it to be able to save/load the state of the emulator. 22.50.41 # which absolutely does not imply chaos 22.50.54 # Mikachu: in theory, yeah... 22.51.14 # Mikachu: I believe communism is simply the ideal that everyone should have what they need and give what they can... which can be achieved in a totalitarian way or an anarchistic way 22.51.15 # lostlogic: that's just a lame form of anarchy 22.51.24 # okay 22.51.50 # twisted`: ... I'd quite rather have a stable anarchocapitalist society than anything else... 22.51.50 # but then again, all political forms that now exist are just weak 22.52.07 # I fuckin _hate_ communists and socialists 22.52.13 # communism is based on common ownership... 22.52.26 # amiconn ? 22.52.34 # I mean seriously, if you can't work, fuckin die or something, I'm not gonna work to support you... I mean... why would I even?! 22.52.44 # twisted`: hate is such a strong word. I strongly disagree with them. 22.52.55 # twisted`: wow, this is why i don't discuss politics with people 22.53.08 # it's better to not know their crazy opinions :) 22.53.35 # s/don't/prefer not to/ 22.53.38 # lol 22.53.52 # so you want your mom to die when she's 65? 22.54.00 # twisted`: what if you got some handicap; just die because you're perfect? 22.54.28 # twisted`: you wouldn't like sweden 22.54.29 # Mikachu: she should have damn well saved for her retirement 22.54.30 # I didn't say I won't support other people, maybe I should've said it differently, if you want to support people yourself, SURE go ahead 22.54.34 # but it isn't something imo 22.54.38 # that the state should do 22.54.40 # i'm 21 and i've never worked for a minute yet 22.54.41 # or government 22.54.57 # Mikachu: oh sweden is only a LITTLE bit worse then the NL 22.55.07 # seriously I live in a fuckin socialist country 22.55.22 # if it's okay with you, i'll stop taking part in this discussion here 22.55.24 # we pretty much all do these days 22.55.24 # * Bagder must've joined wrong channel 22.55.43 # we might need that #rockbox-ot channel :-D 22.55.43 # lostlogic: what? 22.55.50 # we just got political overnight. 22.56.00 # twisted`: most of the countries in the first world are getting more socialist by the day 22.56.03 # it sucks. 22.56.04 # welfare=socailism pretty much 22.56.13 # it shouldn't be 22.56.16 # it's criminal too 22.56.24 # lol 22.56.27 # they go like; well we can take the money from the rich, cus they got so much 22.56.28 # * lostlogic proudly wears his 'taxes are stealing' shirt a lot of days. 22.56.31 # and let's give it to the poor! 22.56.40 # well, FUCK THAT 22.56.47 Part Mikachu ("tell me when you're done") 22.56.55 # if you can't come up with some scheme to become filthy rich over the back of some poor bastard 22.57.00 # well that's just your fuckin problem 22.57.01 # twisted`: you could stand to be a little more diplomatic in your communications in here... 22.57.06 # * petur plays some more DEAD KENNEDYS songs 22.57.16 # :) nice petur 22.57.27 # lostlogic: what do you mean? 22.57.33 Quit freqmod (Remote closed the connection) 22.57.49 # twisted`: I think you've sincerely offended Mikachu, by your vehement and violent (cursing) statements. 22.58.08 # and while a good political discussion is no bad thing, offending people is not something we should be doing. 22.58.32 # Damn, went I went into a meeting a while ago, we were talking about the shortage of buttons on the iPod 5g. I come back and all hell has broken loose. 22.58.43 # hehe 22.58.45 # lostlogic: imo it's impossible to offend people by stating your policital standpoints, if that was so, then I should feel offended 24/7 by the propaganda they broadcast on the tv and radio and godknowswhereelse 22.59.20 # twisted`: but you speak like a little kid 22.59.26 # cursing and badmouthing 22.59.36 # its not polite 22.59.41 # and not fun to read 22.59.52 # twisted`: people _get_ offended, you do not offend people, but regardless, you can choose to phrase things in a less offensive way in order to foster rational discussion. 23.00.17 # woo! 23.00.20 # it works 23.00.27 # what's that sharpe? 23.00.32 # sharpe: screendumps! 23.00.34 # ;-) 23.00.37 # rewritten c64 emulator 23.00.42 # ah 23.00.44 # actually, i must fix the screen output 23.00.51 # as... there is no c64 video. :D 23.00.56 # Bagder: just because I am using "bad words" doesn't make me less of a person then you, maybe uptight people tend to offend me the same as I could offend you, and the whole way of talking "proper" is just outdated anyway, and it's idiotic and criminal because you are actually censoring 23.00.56 # haha 23.00.59 # output, video output. 23.01.13 # twisted`: I'm telling you why you upset people 23.01.19 # you can chose to ignore 23.01.48 # and I didn't say anyone was lesser 23.01.55 # Bagder: imo if you get upset by that you should consider getting professional help cause your not made for a real society with real problems anyway 23.02.07 # I know how to behave 23.02.16 # Bagder: no, indeed, you did not, but you did point out, ah you just did it again "behave" 23.02.18 # ask bluechip ;-) 23.02.34 # * lostlogic giggles uncontrollably 23.02.37 # which good for nothin bastard came up witht the stupid idea to "behave" or have 'moral standards" 23.02.43 # it's the same as sayin: no smoking 23.02.51 # twisted`: now stop this 23.03.00 # this is #rockbox 23.03.07 # not #soapbox 23.03.30 # twisted`: do you notice that even though I _agree_ with you I can't take your side at all right now? this is not a positive reflection on your ability to communicate. 23.03.38 # Bagder: I will for the sake of the channel 23.03.54 # * petur hits twisted`with a razor sharp DEAD KENNEDYS CD 23.03.56 # thank you 23.04.16 Join Mikachu [0] (i=Mikachu@kr-lun-154-152-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com) 23.04.54 # Bagder: no prob, btw, kudo's for not banning or kicking, most ops do so without askin first if it can be stopped whatever is against their liking 23.05.21 # amiconn ? 23.05.36 Mode "#RockBox -o Bagder " by Bagder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 23.05.51 # wow 23.05.54 # damn swedes and their egalitarian ideals. 23.06.03 # heh 23.06.09 # shit, politics out, sorry. 23.06.14 # :> 23.06.17 # :D 23.07.00 # btw for the maybe need other channel thing, not neccessary, there;s another one where most of it seems to be possible, #ninjapirate, also here 23.07.22 # heh. 23.08.05 # would it be possible to use multiple fat partitions on ipods in rockbox? 23.08.24 # i noticed something about multipartitions but i think that was for flash cards that a player let you plug in 23.08.26 # Mikachu: rockbox mounts the first it can, iirc 23.08.35 # ah yes 23.08.39 # I think it would be possible to expand the multivolume support for that. 23.08.41 # just thinking about using the 60M space between the bootloader and the main fat partition 23.08.43 # is there a good reason to though? 23.08.55 # but i don't want to expand the main fat there since it might get overwritten sometimes 23.09.35 # it's not a real fat partition is it? 23.09.41 # what isn't? 23.09.41 # it could be made one. 23.09.49 # it's an ext3 partition right now 23.09.59 # but i have rockdoom now ;) 23.10.09 # frrrr... 23.10.49 # amiconn ? 23.11.06 # i think when he gets back, he'll see you called 23.11.12 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 23.11.16 Join quobl_ [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/external/x-8442dbecafa02d62) 23.12.13 Quit Acksaw (Connection timed out) 23.12.14 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ppp123-179.adsl.forthnet.gr) 23.16.41 Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.17.05 Quit petur ("ah what the hell...") 23.20.20 Join Aditya|Nap [0] (i=user@c-69-138-7-5.hsd1.md.comcast.net) 23.20.27 Part Aditya|Nap 23.21.25 Quit Spacksaw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.21.47 Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 23.22.19 Join jbauman [0] (i=Johnq@JBAUMAN.RES.cmu.edu) 23.22.54 Join prethom [0] (n=prethom@g-002.osl255.netcom.no) 23.22.56 # Is TARGET_ID set by the Makefile? If so, is it possible to do the same for ARCHOS? Or is there an enum for the target ids with their text name? 23.23.31 Quit prethom (Client Quit) 23.23.51 # I'm basically trying to get a string containing the model name. 23.24.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.26.39 Quit lee-qid_ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 23.27.02 # at least the ARCHOS variable in the makefile contains the target name 23.28.47 # hmm... 23.29.54 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 23.29.59 Join tobi-wan [0] (n=wankenob@stargate.mollard.sth.ac.at) 23.30.24 # yeah, that would do nicely... but it's undeclared? 23.30.52 Join Farpenoodle [0] (n=solo84@cm58.sigma6.maxonline.com.sg) 23.30.53 # hi guys! i just tried out rockbox on a ipod g4 (using ubuntu dapper) looks good so far, only when i want to boot into rockbox, the ipod 'hangs' it reboots continously. what am i doing wrong? 23.31.00 # well, you'd need to pass it in as a define or something 23.31.08 # i tried 2 different rockbox builds: the current one and the one from 13th of april 23.31.23 # tobi-wan: what's the last screen where it hangs or reboots? 23.31.23 # tobi-wan: did you install the actual rockbox build, or just the bootloader? 23.31.41 Quit ender` (" If everything seems to be coming your way, you're probably in the wrong lane.") 23.31.45 # actual rockbox, reboot without it works as expected, boots into apple os 23.31.52 # last screen is the apple 23.32.07 # the background-light flashes, the apple shows, it vanishes, it reappear ad infinitum 23.32.20 # okay - I tried to see how TARGET_ID was set, but I can only find references to it being used, not where it's defined - how does it grab the value from the Makefile? 23.32.22 # btw: it's got the newest apple fw-update beforehand 23.32.29 Part Paul_The_Nerd 23.33.03 # obo: in apps/Makefile: -DTARGET_ID=$(TARGET_ID) 23.33.27 # you could simply add -DTARGET_NAME=$(ARCHOS) 23.33.30 # tobi-wan, you installed the bootloader, right? 23.33.33 # Bagder: ah! Thanks 23.33.38 # sharpe: yep, i did 23.33.40 # tobi-wan: you're confusing me -- you say rockbox works fine, but then you say you can't boot rockbox... this confuses me. 23.33.44 Join SereR0KR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fd6aa.f.strato-dslnet.de) 23.33.45 # following the instructions to the very minute 23.34.02 # obo: that of course only give you the current build's target name 23.34.20 # but it can boot into apple os? 23.34.21 # Bagder: that's fine for my needs :) 23.34.27 # goodie 23.34.32 # lostlogic: oh, i was unclear. it does *not* boot. installing the firmware works (or seems so, at least): it reboots and boots the apple OS ('cause rockbox isn't there yet). when i add the rockbox zip, it reboots forever 23.35.08 # tobi-wan: and by add the rockbox.zip, I assume you mean unzip -d ipodpath rockbox.zip? 23.35.36 # lostlogic: yes, i do. it creates a .rockbox and some other file on /dev/sda2 for me 23.35.59 # sharpe: how can i try that? 23.35.59 # what kind of 4g is it? 23.36.04 # its a 4g grey 23.36.38 # USB detection bug maybe? probably. 23.36.53 # tobi-wan, from the way you had said it, i thought you meant you could boot onto the apple firmware, but by holding menu as soon as it restarts, you should be able to with more or less success... 23.37.15 # let me try that.... 23.37.31 # also possibly try turning on hold while it's doing it's infinite reboot whatzit. 23.37.41 # yeah... 23.37.46 # sharpe: yep, this one works 23.37.54 # got apple nice and pie 23.38.11 # lostlogic: this could help? one sec 23.38.31 # hold switch tells rockbox to reset settings... dunno, worth a shot 23.38.34 # when hold is switch on while rockbox boots, it reverts to the default settings... 23.38.53 # heh, i figured out why it wasn't drawing the screen 23.39.12 # after that I'm stumped 23.39.14 # i had forgot to set the number of horizontal/vertical lines to draw... 23.39.32 # interesting... activating 'hold' leaves me at the apple logo with permanent background light 23.39.50 # that's... strange... 23.39.50 # huh.... seems like i got a pretty "special" ipod here..... 23.39.53 # sounds like rockbox has a difficulty reading your partition. 23.40.00 # tobi-wan: dosfsck that thing 23.40.02 # it is fat alright 23.40.05 # ok, i will 23.40.07 # heh 23.40.24 Quit Acksaw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.40.51 # well... at first i thought that the latest firmware update might have messed things up (apple firmware), but since it boots fine.... i wonder 23.41.16 # the apple firmware update shouldn't have any affect on it, at least i don't think so... 23.41.18 Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 23.41.37 # that's my opinion, too 23.41.48 # * lostlogic knows nothing about latest apple firmware update vs. rockboxes. 23.42.26 # hmm... just a thought, but did you update the apple firmware after you installed rockbox's bootloader? 23.42.41 # tobi-wan: Does the Rockbox bootloader display any messages? At what point in the process does the reboot happen? 23.43.22 # linuxstb: at the point when the apple logo appears 23.43.46 Quit xmixahlx ("blah blah blah") 23.43.47 # You mean before the Rockbox bootloader starts? (i.e. the screen turns light blue) 23.43.55 # Sorry, not blue for you.... 23.43.59 # dosfsck: /dev/sdb2: 495 files, 1868/986065 clusters 23.44.15 # no, not blue :-) but yes, the backlight starts, the apple shows 23.44.22 # seem ok, too 23.44.50 # The Rockbox bootloader starts after the apple logo. Is the bootloader being started? It should display some text on the screen. 23.45.17 # no, it is not 23.45.46 # for me, the zip contained a .rockbox folder and rockbox.ipod, both of which are mod 700 23.45.56 # Then I'm guessing you installed the wrong bootloader. What "bootloader-????.bin" file did you install? 23.46.08 # 4g 23.46.18 # and ./fw_loader -g 4g too 23.46.58 # definitively bootloader-4g.bin 23.47.42 Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 23.47.44 # so, let us recap: the apple bootloader seems to be intact, since appleos boots fine. obviously, i have managed to mess up the bootloader of rockbox in person? 23.48.19 # oops... 23.48.24 # i screwed something up. 23.48.31 # tobi-wan: The way it works is that the Apple bootloader loads the Rockbox bootloader, and then the Rockbox bootloader either starts the Apple firmware or Rockbox. 23.48.56 # tobi-wan: So if the Apple firmware is starting, then it must be being started by the Rockbox bootloader. 23.49.13 # ahah, i've got to take a screenshot of this... 23.49.32 # *hrm* so both of them are caught in an endless-loop? apple-bl->rockbox-bl->apple-bl? 23.49.44 # that would point to a broken installation of rockbox application, not? 23.49.52 # Did you try to install the Rockbox bootloader more than once? 23.49.59 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 23.50.11 # Anyone with the ability to close FlySpray feature requests around? 23.50.51 # linuxstb: yep, when i messed up the first time, i re-flashed my ipod and tried the process again 23.50.58 # Paul_The_Nerd: Yes, I love that job... 23.51.19 # *arrr* i also tried ipodforlinux, and it didn't work either... i'd love to play oggs :-/ 23.51.27 # linuxstb: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5208 <--- I believe this one's already in. 23.51.44 # tobi-wan: ipodlinux doesn't play oggs, afaik. 23.51.48 # the presence of ipodlinux can screw up a rockbox install 23.51.56 # does it play anything yet? :) 23.52.01 # tobi-wan: OK, so you definitely restored the ipod between the first and second attempts? Installing the Rockbox bootloader onto an ipod with the bootloader already there can cause confusion. 23.52.03 # ipodlinux can play oggs, just not easily 23.52.10 # ah. 23.52.11 # Galois: i flashed the ipod before the whole process 23.52.23 # linuxstb: yep, definitively 23.52.37 # Paul_The_Nerd: You mean the feature is in Rockbox, or is already requested? 23.52.46 # Galois: The presence of iPodLinux has caused many a complaint of "I can't get back to retail OS" 23.53.03 # clearly ipodlinux is evil 23.53.39 # http://ipodlinux.org/Project_Status#Audio_Codec_Compatibility 23.53.47 # linuxstb: It was requested in the past (pre 2.5) 23.54.10 # linuxstb: At the very least the Composer tag is now as supported as Artist, which seems to be the brunt of their request. You can even search by it in TagCache 23.54.13 # htm..... my girlfriend will be gone over the weekend... maybe i should *erm* borrow her ipod nano 23.54.48 # Galois: initially i was hoping to get mpd to work on i4l *sigh* 23.55.01 # any more ideas atm? 23.55.36 # Paul_The_Nerd: I've just searched the source, and there seems to be support for the composer tag in Rockbox already - the %ic tag. 23.55.36 # if your music is all backed up, restore your ipod with the apple utility and follow the instructions again to the letter, I'm pretty sure the instructions work 23.56.10 # Galois: ..... i will, for sure, though with not so much as a glimmer of hope 23.56.26 # tobi-wan: I know you've tried it twice already, but ... it has happened before that people made the exact same mistake twice 23.56.32 # status change: now when i reboot, the apple logo appears (with background light) and stays that way 23.56.39 # linuxstb: Yup. As I was saying, it's basically a request for an existing feature. :) 23.56.55 # Paul_The_Nerd: OK, I'll close it then... 23.57.01 # linuxstb: It's too late. :-p 23.57.20 # Why? 23.57.26 # Galois: :-D hopefully you are right, though, to be honest, i doubt it. i took care not to get it wrong 23.57.27 # I tought the man to fish ;-) 23.57.29 # * Paul_The_Nerd gives the shifty eyes. 23.57.45 # well, i'll go to sleep for now and continue tomorrow, fresh day fresh luck... whatever :-D 23.57.48 # tobi-wan: which installation instructions are you following, anyway? 23.57.52 # thanks guys for the suggestions! 23.58.04 # Galois: those on the wiki and those on newsforge, one for each try 23.58.14 # you're doing a linux install? 23.58.41 # oh, yes 23.58.44 # I wrote that linux install page on the wiki, and I'm sure there is no such thing as fw_loader anywhere in that page 23.58.51 # so what you wrote above already contains a mistake