--- Log for 23.05.106 Server: clarke.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot- Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 1 month and 28 days ago 00.00.41 Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp119-66.adsl.forthnet.gr) 00.01.19 Quit petur ("[x]") 00.01.22 Join earHertz [0] (n=chatzill@c-24-30-242-135.hsd1.va.comcast.net) 00.01.32 # Hello! 00.01.36 # hi 00.01.45 # What's the best way to debug rockbox? 00.01.54 # that is, run a debugger on it 00.02.17 # hum, i know there's a debug option in it. but it says (keep out!) beside it, so i never touched it ;) 00.02.39 # thanks, but I menat to run gdb or something on teh simulator 00.02.57 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.03.11 # ok 00.03.19 # earHertz: gdb on the sim works fine 00.03.43 # markun: thanks 00.04.11 # pointing gdb to the rockbox source as well helps 00.04.25 # with -d 00.06.26 Join JBGood25 [0] (n=Johnq@ 00.07.15 # to what, the top-level dire? 00.07.19 # dir? 00.07.52 # yes 00.08.04 # Anyway, good night guys 00.08.18 # thanks 00.08.42 Join TCK [0] (i=TCK@85-210-12-183.dsl.pipex.com) 00.09.47 Nick midkay_ is now known as midkay (n=midkay@ 00.10.03 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-46-78.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 00.15.32 Quit obo ("bye") 00.17.49 Quit RedBreva (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) 00.18.10 Quit RoC_MM (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.20.39 Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-45.VIC.netspace.net.au) 00.21.12 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 00.21.26 Quit KlrSpz () 00.24.07 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.25.38 Quit JBGood (No route to host) 00.26.45 Quit Kohlrabi ("Fast alle Menschen sind Regenwürmer") 00.27.10 Join Sinbios [0] (n=Sinbios@Kingston-HSE-ppp3561635.sympatico.ca) 00.30.31 Quit ACK54W (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.52.22 Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.54.21 Quit ashridah ("uni") 00.56.33 Quit lostnihilist (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.59.25 # hi 01.03.18 Quit Psilonaut (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.06.45 Join Falco98 [0] (n=18586afa@labb.contactor.se) 01.10.13 Quit Falco98 (Client Quit) 01.11.09 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@wireless-224-112.uchicago.edu) 01.17.38 # can rockbox play videos on ipod 4G color? 01.19.26 # no 01.20.11 # what's the 'status bar'? 01.20.30 # amiconn? 01.20.50 # german_snail, the bar at the top of the LCD that shows battery, volume, playback, repeat, shuffle, clock.. 01.21.13 # ok, and can it play videos on the nano? 01.21.16 # or any other model? 01.21.22 # ta 01.21.28 # only grayscale videos on the archoses with bitmap LCDs.. 01.21.30 # np 01.26.40 Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@dsl-29-8.cofs.net) 01.34.44 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-169-219-115.worldnet.co.nz) 01.35.50 Quit dj-fu (Client Quit) 01.36.39 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-169-219-115.worldnet.co.nz) 01.36.51 Quit dj-fu (Client Quit) 01.37.00 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-169-219-115.worldnet.co.nz) 01.39.15 # will video be implemented in the future? 01.39.35 # possibly, but it's not a priority. 01.41.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.42.05 Join mmmTROUT [0] (n=coolchaz@adsl-70-237-143-143.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) 01.42.29 Nick mmmTROUT is now known as chazman24 (n=coolchaz@adsl-70-237-143-143.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) 01.42.36 # whats up 01.43.00 Quit chazman24 (Client Quit) 01.43.14 # use your cellphone for video haha 01.44.09 # i don't think i could endure a movie at 320x240 01.44.36 # german_snail, on the iPod 5G, movie playback is very clear+watchable.. 01.46.23 Quit gtkspert ("leaving") 01.46.38 Quit lostnihilist (Remote closed the connection) 01.48.23 Quit dj-fu ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 01.48.38 # yeah i have one 01.48.41 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@wireless-224-112.uchicago.edu) 01.49.25 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-169-219-115.worldnet.co.nz) 01.57.10 # the trick is 01.57.14 # 320x240 is full-screen 01.57.16 # so you don't notice 01.59.17 # 320x240 is pretty close to NTSC and PAL anyway isn't it? 01.59.39 # hum... i think its half ntsc or pal 01.59.48 # isnt it around 640x480? 02.00.07 # no 02.00.59 # midkay: are you using itunes to create the db file? 02.01.45 # RoC_MM, don't notice what? 02.02.25 Join JdGordon [0] (i=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 02.02.58 # man i wish there was a wps compiler for pc so i wouldn't have to create a custom wps with the ipod itself 02.03.42 # 320x240 is sucky for a monitor that supports 1024x768 or whatever 02.03.43 # Aghaster: well, maybe.. maybe i'm just thinking of VCD resolution 02.03.53 # but 320x240 is full-screen on the ipod video so it doesn't look bad 02.03.59 # it isn't big, but it doesn't look bad 02.04.21 # yeah, because i just googled it 02.04.51 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Display_resolution 02.04.52 # yeah it looks good 02.04.59 # german_snail: you can use a simple text editor, even NotePad does 02.05.05 # guess i'd only really watch it if i was stuck on an aeroplane though heh 02.05.28 # you are right when talking of vcd 02.05.36 # pixelma, yeah, but that means plugging/unplugging usb so many times :/ 02.07.17 Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.07.20 # in this case you could try and use a Simulator for your specific device (haven't used it myself) 02.07.56 # anyone done that with ipod? 02.09.42 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 02.10.10 Join flang3r [0] (n=flang3r@adsl2-106-120.du.simnet.is) 02.10.12 # for example genre9mp3 used it for creating the iCatcher-wps's 02.10.57 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=Yngwiejo@ 02.11.06 # hi everyone, I was going to try rockbox video but the link on the hompage is broken =/ anyone here that has the files for it ^^^? 02.11.45 # rockbox video? 02.12.20 # yeah, rockbox video file :) 02.12.29 # http://www.rockbox.org/docs/rvf.html 02.12.35 # rvf files 02.12.48 # aah... 02.12.55 # aren't there any example files linked from that page? 02.13.18 # just to make sure... you _do_ have the ancient archos recorder model with a lcd display? 02.13.50 # bah, me = n00b 02.14.00 # of course I don't hehe sorry 02.14.07 # I can't use it then ? 02.14.15 # nope 02.14.22 # ok thanks though :) 02.14.26 # np. 02.15.14 # but do you guys know what happenes if I try it on an iPod ? 02.16.26 # the video plugin is not built for the ipod 02.16.32 # anyhow, the plugin would not work 02.16.35 # as simple as that 02.16.52 # I think the video format contains some stuff for sending commands directly to the lcd (I might be wrong on this one) 02.17.11 # omfg plasma plugin is so awesome!! 02.17.13 # You need to use the apple firmware if you want video playback 02.17.38 # i'd watch that on an aeroplane. 02.18.13 # ok 02.18.27 # hehe :D 02.20.38 # would had been pretty amazing what I was going to do heheheh you see, I have an iPod Photo hehe 02.20.59 # play video on that for a little worse FPS than ipodvideo = ownage 02.21.16 Join webguest16 [0] (n=18586afa@labb.contactor.se) 02.21.31 Nick webguest16 is now known as Falco98 (n=18586afa@labb.contactor.se) 02.21.57 # that is impossible, right ? 02.22.50 # everything is possible until the opposite is proven 02.23.14 # nice ^^ 02.23.38 # are sourcecodes on rockbox site for plugin ? 02.23.50 # for rvf of course 02.27.59 Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) 02.28.04 # nevermind, think I found it :) 02.29.44 # JdGordon: i mentioned that bug to hardeep, and he was able to reproduce it using a current official CVS.. so it has nothing to do with the patch luckily :) 02.29.51 # i'll let him worry about it from here on out 02.30.02 Part pixelma 02.30.18 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 02.34.56 # :) 02.35.01 # * JdGordon off to uni 02.37.52 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=Steve-O@ppp-70-251-97-250.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 02.40.19 Quit BHSPitLappy (Client Quit) 02.43.33 # I was wondering, does anyone here have all the files for converting avi video files to rvf ?=) 02.47.53 Quit mikearthur ("Konversation terminated!") 02.49.58 Quit flang3r () 02.50.33 # dwihno, the db file for what? iTunes? for movie playback? 02.51.02 Join macdonalder [0] (n=macdonal@CPE00045af2dd15-CM0011ae92481c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 02.51.31 # midkay: the apple fw db browsing file :) 02.51.42 # to enable movie playback using stock fw 02.51.53 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 02.51.54 # dwinho, sure, iTunes does it.. i copy videos to my iPod from itunes. :) 02.52.09 # ok 02.52.14 # haven't found anything working nice enough to generate the file anyways other than iTunes, which doesn't bug me either.. 02.52.52 # video playback remains to be tested for me ;) 02.53.28 # oh, so you got one. :) congrats. 02.53.43 # video playback is excellent, IMO.. very smooth and clear. 02.53.53 Join Genre9mp3_ [0] (n=Yngwiejo@ 02.54.24 Quit flynux (clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 02.54.24 NSplit clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 02.54.38 # midkay: you can generate with other stuff, but it's a pain 02.54.38 NHeal clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 02.54.38 NJoin flynux [0] (n=prout@2a01:38:0:0:0:0:0:1) 02.54.55 # earHertz, i didn't say you couldn't, i said i hadn't found anything reliable, and that i didn't care either way, iTunes doesn't bother me. :) 02.55.14 # Some things itunes won't convert. Like realplayer 02.56.03 # i don't use itunes for converting.. how awful. 02.56.05 # painfully slow.. 02.56.13 # midkay: I guess I'll have to test it some day 02.56.30 # dwihno, indeed you ought to, if you have any interest in it. :) 02.57.13 # anybody us teh vmware debian to compile? 02.58.52 # * Aghaster is still working on translating rockbox to Esperanto 02.59.24 # i'm approaching 1/3 of it... lol 03.00.38 # earHertz, i am.. 03.00.44 # Aghaster, er. congrats. :) 03.00.53 # :P 03.01.15 # btw, not all fonts support Esperanto characters 03.01.37 # Esperanto, isn't that what nerds learn when Klingon seems too mainsteam to them? 03.01.38 # i'd like to add esperanto character support to "snap" font, do you think this can be done? 03.01.48 # :) 03.02.09 # lol, Esperanto is more widespread than Klingon :p 03.02.12 # haha. 03.02.21 # its the most spoken conlang. 03.02.23 # :P 03.02.58 # That's like saying you'rte the sexiest poster on slashdot. it may be true, but it still ain't muxch 03.03.38 # haha. 03.03.44 # haha 03.03.57 Quit elinenbe (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The dawn of a new IRC era") 03.03.58 # well, most people in here are geeks anyway 03.04.18 # we just don't care about the fact we're geeks, we just are geeks. 03.04.43 # :P 03.05.31 # :) 03.05.32 # markun is interested by my translation 03.05.36 # he speaks Esperanto too 03.05.48 # get a room ;) 03.05.54 # lol 03.07.57 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 03.09.01 # lol, earHertz, look what I said, we're all geeks XD. "Paul_The_Nerd" 03.09.16 # He's a nerd. Not a geek 03.09.19 # ;) 03.09.35 # :P 03.09.45 # There's a fairly major difference, especially in the etymology of the terms 03.09.50 # yeah 03.09.55 # well, you consider yourself a nerd 03.10.00 # and i consider myself a geek. 03.10.41 # Heh 03.10.53 Nick Paul_The_Nerd is now known as Llorean (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 03.10.54 # hehe 03.11.00 # LOL 03.11.05 # I'm tired of the confusion 03.11.14 # Trivia question: Do you know what is Esperanto? 03.11.17 # I'm this in the forums, I may as well openly be me here now 03.11.49 # Esperanto is a language native to no individual country, designed with the intent of being the "ultimate" language, or at least easy to learn, and suitable for worldwide use, no? 03.11.58 # good answer 03.12.01 # :) 03.12.34 # well, i'm currently working on the Esperanto translation lol 03.12.40 # I've never heard of that. 03.12.43 # is it a sexy language? 03.13.02 # hum, maybe not 03.13.04 # its a conlang 03.13.11 # oh 03.13.26 # based on anything in particular? 03.13.41 # if "Mi volas fiki kun vi" is sexy, then it is. 03.13.54 # its based off latin and indo-european languages 03.17.20 # lostlogic: You around? 03.23.11 Quit macdonalder (Remote closed the connection) 03.23.15 Join kiji [0] (n=legacy@ 03.24.15 Quit Genre9mp3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.25.49 Nick Genre9mp3_ is now known as Genre9mp3 (n=Yngwiejo@ 03.27.40 # hello i got a problem to download a music from the internet, the website can't download with the accelelator even if i do, have the software like internet download manager, but the web disallow to use this, do you all know how to get this music with another application, not just from the windows cause it's so bored to wait for just one music 03.28.08 Join berryz [0] (n=46a202d0@labb.contactor.se) 03.28.09 # This is a channel for Rockbox discussion 03.28.13 # not illegal music warez downloading. 03.28.16 # hello ^_^ 03.28.21 # Hi. 03.28.45 # kiji: I don't believe warez discussion is permitted on Freenode 03.28.50 # umm... i got a question 03.29.01 # but i got this channel from the internet to get more information for anything like this 03.29.06 # berryz, you don't need to ask if you can ask a question, just go ahead and ask. 03.29.14 # kiji: Well, the internet was wrong. 03.29.21 # http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#unlawful 03.29.47 # oh sorry for that , but do you know for another channel or internet to get it? 03.29.52 # google.com 03.29.55 # don't let the door hit you 03.30.22 # i try, but i can't find it cause there are so much web to discover 03.30.33 # well.... i looked around on the website... but i couldnt quite make it out.... is there gonna be a rockbox for the h10? 03.30.51 # berryz, there isn't now, but anything is possible ;) 03.31.01 # probably not soon if at all.. 03.31.06 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/TargetStatus 03.31.13 # not according to that, anyway 03.31.19 # what is that? 03.31.47 # dj-fu, not what according to that? 03.32.01 # no h10 port, according to that page on the wiki 03.32.13 # The H10 is mostly the iPod mini with some part's of the H3XX. The major work is the LCD, Power handling, and Button driver. See iRiver H10 Info. 03.32.24 # see here, berryz - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverH10Info 03.32.25 # berryz: It's entirely possible for one to happen, and the _main_ stopping point is getting the firmware on there. The bootloader itself has the potential to brick it, and nobody owns one, and the proper tools the recover it if/when they fail to make a proper bootloader, to do the work. Some programmer out there with an H10, and the money to buy the thing, JTAG interface was it, needs to do that step. 03.32.38 # right, so it's probably quite doable, but probably not going to happen next week.. 03.33.07 # bricking things is good 03.33.08 # lol 03.33.13 Nick kiji is now known as djkgfkdsg (n=legacy@ 03.33.24 # People are _still_ saying sound quality on Rockbox is worse than the retail firmware. These crazy people and their SRS WOW, I suppose. 03.33.25 Quit djkgfkdsg () 03.33.42 # i think the SRS WOW runs down the battery faster... 03.33.48 # It does. 03.33.54 # But then so does our equalizer. 03.34.08 # whats SRS WOW? 03.34.36 # lol 03.34.40 # It's a filter effect. 03.34.41 # crazy people, lol. 03.34.42 # ok 03.34.45 # Crossfeed >* 03.34.51 # Nothing like crossfeed 03.34.54 # ah, crossfeed 03.35.03 # It's more like stereo width increase, plus a bass boost, and a few other subtler things 03.35.05 # had a hard time trying to translate that word. 03.35.33 # hrm, don't alot of pc chipsets have srs wow? 03.36.05 # Not that I know of. 03.37.45 Quit berryz ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 03.39.52 Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.40.27 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 03.41.13 Quit Genre9mp3 ("Leaving") 03.41.38 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.43.22 # wait.. paul_the_nerd == Llorean? 03.43.24 # * Falco98 goggles 03.43.27 # Yes 03.43.44 # [i've been reading, sorry for the retarded reaction time :-P] 03.43.50 # Hehehe 03.44.04 # I signed up for the forums as Llorean 03.44.11 # I'd been Paul_the_Nerd on freenode before 03.44.17 # gotcha 03.46.50 # I enjoyed the lack of association between my names here and there for a little while, then one day someone said "Hey, there's this guy in the forums who seems to know way too much to not ever be around here." :) 03.46.59 # Llorean: i guess you know about nickserv link 03.47.33 # I do now. :) 03.48.32 # Since I don't usually need to deal with services anyway, it's not a big deal. 03.51.45 # haha 03.52.37 # so the one thing i'm curious about is, whose decision is it, ultimately, to decide what new additions, patches, etc, get into cvs? 03.52.58 # Anyone with commit access. 03.53.01 # (something little such as my "shuffle + trackskip" patch, let's say..) 03.53.34 # how many people in general have that level? 03.53.43 # I really don't know. 03.54.18 # ok :-P 03.54.19 # Falco98, either way, no new features go into CVS until 3.0 is released.. 03.54.26 # yeah i figured that 03.54.31 # Falco98: look at the frontpage and try to remember the names you see there :) 03.54.33 # Generally if it's something there's the possibility of objections to, it'll be discussed here first. If it's just a bugfix, plugin, or something deemed as needed, if the dev feels the patch is ready he'll often just add it. 03.54.42 # ooh: another thing.. how could i get "modify own" on Flyspray? 03.55.20 # I think that allows you to set its priority, unclose it, and so on. 03.55.28 # Did you need something changed? 03.55.52 # i did a few days ago, and someone did the changing for me, but i was more curious just in general 03.55.54 # * midkay sighed 03.55.59 # -ed+s. 03.56.00 # wtf. 03.56.07 # Why the sigh? 03.56.14 # * midkay is trying to get Xobox running on the archos recorders in grayscale.. 03.56.15 # it'd be nice to have control over my own FR/patches 03.56.29 # works, but not fully and quite glitchy.. /me needs amiconn :) 03.57.36 # Falco98: The problem is, the ability to modify your won tasks would give you too much control over them from the looks of it. There needs to be a limited modify permission, I suppose. 03.59.10 # yeah.. i mean, i don't necessarily need the access level that would allow me to edit other peoples' comments to turn them into death threats or anything, but OTOH it might be nice to trim out some of the fat of an original FR after a patch has been written, or change a FR into a patch, etc 03.59.12 # most bugzillas let any user modify any bug, they usually don't have any problems 03.59.23 Quit Aghaster ("Leaving") 04.00.05 # yeah, weird that users can't even edit their own.. 04.00.21 # i mean, maybe restrict them from the priority/"due in"/assigned to fields and stuff.. 04.00.30 # but at least the description and category and type.. 04.00.31 # * Falco98 nods 04.00.40 # midkay: I think it's that editing your own means full control over it, which means you could change the priority, assignment, due, etc back any time someone else changed it down. 04.00.50 # * midkay shrugs 04.00.54 # I agree they should be able to change _most_ of the things 04.00.55 # SourceForge let you do that.. 04.01.12 # nobody seemed to fight back, and if anyone did they could simply have it deleted and/or the user could be banned. 04.01.33 # yeah, I guess it'd be better to trust users. 04.01.46 # right, you could do a lot more with the wiki for example.. 04.02.05 # I'm just used to the people in the forums. "The core developers have said that X feature is working the way it is intended to, and they do not feel like changing it." Six pages of unhappy comments later, repeat. 04.02.05 # better trust + stop the few abusers than distrust + restrict everyone, i think. 04.02.17 # haha. 04.02.17 # yeah. 04.02.54 # forums attract stupid people for some reason, i try to stay away from them 04.03.10 # Yeah. I would too, but I fear that if I did, they'd overflow into someplace more dangerous 04.03.11 # that's so true 04.03.17 # haha. 04.03.35 # At least at the moment, with a little careful question asking, I can mange to extract usable bug reports from some of 'em. 04.04.00 # hahaha. 04.04.08 # that's a rarity, isn't it.. :) 04.04.14 # hehe 04.04.18 # "my ipod isn't working! what's wrong??" 04.04.42 # "dunno, you tell us.. what's happening?" "rockbox says 'dir buffer full'! what do i do?!" :) 04.04.44 # * Falco98 goes back thru the forums to find how many topics started (and ended) with that exact sentence... 04.04.46 # midkay: Actually, with the right questions you can get something in most cases. 04.04.58 # Llorean, surprising :) 04.05.12 # Though I don't know how many times I've had to say "Yes, that's very interesting, but of the 7 questions I asked you, it answers none of them." 04.05.22 # haha. 04.05.34 # heh 04.06.01 # that reminds me of how i'll send my boss an e-mail with 5 or 6 specific, unrelated questions, and he'll answer the first in a one-word reply, and that's it... 04.06.30 Join Jd|uni [0] (n=82c20d69@labb.contactor.se) 04.06.41 # And then you get guys like the fellow who was in here: "Is the path exactly X:\Games\Doom" "Yes" "Could you copy and paste it here?" "F:\Games\Doom" "You're not copying and pasting it from the explorer bar. I know this because I know your path isn't exactly that." "Okay, F:\5. Games\Doom" "See, and what confused you about the word 'exact'?" 04.07.04 # Falco98: That's about as common. One yes/no or single word answer, all but one questions ignored. 04.07.12 # hehe 04.07.25 # haha. i hate that. 04.08.10 # "did you try restarting your device? reinstalling rockbox? was it fixed after you cleared out the .rockbox folder? did rebuilding tagcache fix the problem?" "yes" 04.09.02 # good lord, xobox gets hard.. 04.09.13 # DAMN. 04.09.17 # died at level six. :( 04.09.19 # at like 74%. 04.09.28 # i made some changes that i thought made sense but apparently they don't 04.09.37 # to what, Mikachu? 04.09.42 # yes 04.09.46 # ;) to xobox 04.09.49 # what changes? 04.11.01 # hmm 04.11.07 # * Falco98 wonders aloud what xobox is 04.11.08 # http://mikachu.ath.cx/patches/rockbox-xobox_updates.patch 04.11.17 # (comments on @@ lines) 04.11.18 # Falco98, a Rockbox game.. 04.11.24 # it makes the game a bit easier :) 04.11.26 # yeah... 04.11.33 # and also removes the possibility for a cheat 04.11.39 # so i guess that makes it harder :P 04.11.40 # Mikachu, what does it do exactly? 04.11.44 # haha. 04.11.53 # oh -- another question.. where does one get the "full assortment" of previously-included themes, etc, now that they aren't included in the dailies? 04.12.12 # @@ -637,12 +649,19 @@ static inline void move_board (void), die if you hit your own trail, stop if hitting a boundary from filled to empty. 04.12.26 # in stock xobox, you can go forward 1 square, then back again 04.12.28 # and it will fill 04.12.37 # what it does in every other clones i tried is kill you 04.12.40 # oh, weird, it had only loaded like the first 20 lines.. 04.12.52 # Falco98: They're all in CVS still 04.12.53 # ie if you run into your own trail you should die 04.13.02 # at least i think he didn't apply it 04.13.03 # * Mikachu checks 04.13.04 # ahh, ok 04.13.19 # Falco98: It used to be "All ones that are small enough to fit, or smaller are included" now it's "All that fit exactly" so generally you shouldn't want the ones left out anyway 04.13.20 # i haven't seen it in cvs, no.. 04.13.27 # hm maybe he did after all :) 04.13.33 # doh 04.13.33 # Mikachu, really? 04.13.37 # i am looking at my own tree 04.13.41 # haha. 04.13.42 # <- 4am 04.13.50 Quit _Lucretia_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.13.51 # i was just wondering how someone would find iAmp, since it's not on the WpsGallery page 04.13.53 # :-P 04.14.05 # ah, it's in cvs. 04.14.08 # at least partially.. 04.14.09 # k 04.14.14 # http://www.rockbox.org/viewcvs.cgi/apps/plugins/xobox.c?r1=1.2&r2=1.3 04.14.33 # Falco98, by 'it's in cvs' i mean mikachu's xobox changes. 04.14.48 # i know he didn't grab all of it at least 04.14.50 # ahh whoops 04.14.51 # Mikachu, i want to add life pickups. :) 04.15.00 # heh 04.15.19 # how do you feel about that, sir? 04.16.13 # now i remember what he didn't add 04.16.23 # the hitting-trail bit? 04.16.25 # stopping when you reach a fill->empty boundary 04.16.32 # i rather remember going through my own trail... 04.16.48 # Mikachu, can you clarify that? fill->empty boundary? 04.16.52 # the cvs server seems to not like me at the moment 04.17.09 # if you are in a big green area, and move towards a black one, my change would make you stop before you enter the black 04.17.11 # i can go through my own trail, i just tried it. 04.17.22 # oh, i'd like that. 04.17.29 # somewhat annoying how it goes straight through.. 04.17.35 # have to time it just right. 04.17.41 Quit Rondom ("I'm leaving on a jetplane, don't know when I'll be back again...") 04.17.59 # yeah, while the game should require some skill with the buttons, i don't think that part feels good 04.18.36 # especially how even just halfway to the last level, you need some serious skill.. 04.18.43 # especially especially without bonus lives and stuff. 04.18.50 # Yeah, you shouldn't have to guess how long it takes to get from the edge of the screen to the actual box. 04.19.29 # * midkay 's eyes dart around for devs 04.19.41 # psst.. i could slip that change into cvs.. 04.19.41 # :) 04.20.00 # for some reason cvs up works fine, but cvs diff just sits there staring at the wall 04.20.05 # haha. 04.20.10 # hm. 04.20.19 # i'd like to change the teal color. 04.20.24 # i don't like it. 04.20.33 # feh, i'll just link my xobox.c to public_html meanwhile 04.20.44 # http://mikachu.ath.cx/xobox.c 04.20.47 # too weird. 04.20.48 # you diff it :) 04.20.56 # diff WHAT?!?!?! 04.20.56 # :) 04.21.07 # iT!!!!1 04.21.31 # HOW. HOW. HOWEKLw. HELP.1!@! 04.21.46 # ask Llorean 04.21.55 # heeeeeeeeeeelll naw. 04.22.19 # Hahaha 04.23.10 # * midkay organizes a vote for CLR_CYAN change from awful ugly teal/turquoise to lovely, standard, rockbox default background color: light blue. 04.23.25 # then it wouldn't be cyan... 04.23.36 # CLR_NOTCYAN in the future. 04.23.36 Quit TeaSea ("Leaving") 04.23.37 # let's make it depend on the time of day too 04.23.41 # Llorean, haha. 04.23.55 # Oooh... time of day from Sky Blue to Midnight Blue. 04.23.57 # CLR_WASCYANNOWLIGHTISHROCKBOXDEFAULTBLUE. 04.24.14 # Peak at noon and midnight, midpoints at 6es. Not necessarily accurate, but the lazy way out. 04.24.34 # that sounds, ah, pretty, ah, uh, stupid actually. :) 04.25.01 # Hehehe 04.25.02 # well. actuellement.. 04.25.12 # j'aime. j'adore! 04.25.17 # Hahaha 04.25.21 # let's make the hilight bar in menus pick a random color on every scroll too 04.25.31 # Mikachu, hahaha, awesome. 04.25.55 # only if we can give the colors foreground: BRIGHT green, background BRIGHT red a priority.. 04.26.13 # we do, after all, want plenty of "my eyes are bleeding" lawsuits. 04.26.40 # As many as possible! 04.26.53 # yes. like. from every user possible. 04.27.07 # Twice per! 04.27.07 # Mikachu, i'd be quite happy to really commit that stop-on-edge patch if i had a diff. :( 04.27.10 # haha. 04.27.20 # midkay: were you serious about the how stuff? 04.27.22 # and slap LinusN and bagder with the fines. 04.27.35 # Mikachu, sorta, but i don't really wanna do it!!! DOn't MAKE ME DO it.a :( 04.28.08 # diff -pud xobox.c.cvs xobox.c.mikachu > awesome.patch 04.30.05 # -pud is short for -pudding, or...? 04.30.29 # * midkay is checking out fresh cvs because he doesn't want to screw with his existing xobox.c Archos port! :D 04.31.15 # quick poll for ipod users: how do you use the scroll wheel? do you do a complete 360 rotation, or do you scroll part-way around the circle, then lift your finger, and and replace it where your scroll started? 04.31.33 # mostly I don't lift until I'm where I need to be 04.31.54 # i rarely need to scroll that far.. 04.32.03 # My brother likes that if you hit the end of a list, and lift and then scroll down, it will goto the beginning, he says it saves time 04.32.09 # doing full 360 rotations will kill your thumb pretty quickly 04.32.16 # RoC_MM: ye, it does 04.32.17 # earHertz, full 360, unless i need to release, e.g. for end-of-list 04.32.19 # That's why I have two Mikachu 04.32.28 # earHertz: Full rotations 04.32.32 # circle is much nicer than turn lift turn lift turn lift.. 04.32.40 # and quicker. 04.32.41 # midkay: -u is unified, -p puts the containing functions at the end of the @@ lines and -d tries to make the diff smaller 04.32.56 # my biggest dir has 44 files in it 04.33.03 # p is only useful for human readers, right? 04.33.14 # yes 04.33.44 # Mikachu: you never scroll through all tracks or all albums (8500 and 537 for me, respectively) 04.33.50 # i think i do full rotations too sometimes 04.33.56 # earHertz: like i said, my biggest dir has 44 files 04.34.30 # Mikachu: try out the id3 cache. It's justy like the apple ipod interface 04.34.39 # i know, that's why i don't use it 04.35.02 # i don't even have it compiled it *hides* 04.38.11 # s/it/in/2 04.39.38 # * midkay slaps mikachu. 04.39.48 # hey all 04.39.49 # any1 know html? 04.40.17 Join hardeep [0] (n=hardeep@c-67-188-108-180.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 04.40.44 # i know
04.40.55 # i know and 04.41.08 # with our combined knowledge, we could have a page full of line breaks. 04.41.09 # what about formas? 04.41.17 # imagine des possibilites. 04.41.20 # forms* 04.41.20 # i know forms are evil 04.44.08 # anyone with a standard xobox build available to test something really quick? 04.44.19 # * Jd|uni can 04.44.45 # actually, i'm pretty sure i'm right - can you try moving in some direction, and then pressing the opposite direction on the keypad? e.g. going back the way you came.. 04.44.56 # with Mikachu's patch, that kills you. i'm 90% sure it didn't before.. 04.45.05 # ye, it doesnt 04.45.07 # it shuold tho 04.45.18 # ah, that's the "die when you eat your trail" thing.. 04.45.34 # wtf?? i just quicka nd the screen has gone blaxck... 04.45.40 Join jpmahala [0] (n=45221b43@labb.contactor.se) 04.45.44 # well, i wouldn't mind it so much if it was explicitly eating your trail, but i think just when you're moving along and you press the other direction, it shouldn't hurt you, it should just have no effect.. 04.45.45 # but music i still playing 04.45.54 # Jd|uni, weird.. 04.46.42 # yup.. it didnt crash.. it just turned the screen off... 04.46.50 # or sometihng.. i could manually shutdown 04.47.10 # very reproducable.. just did it again 04.47.11 # in fact i think a cool mode would be to be able to go back on your trail only when you follow it exactly.. 04.47.24 # e.g. go down, go back up = alright, but go down, left, up, right, crash into yourself = die. 04.47.54 # down and back up is a tactic i use all the time. :) 04.48.01 # on the tough levels.. 04.48.17 # this kind of requires you to go all the way across or be very very quick in spinning around.. 04.49.54 Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.52.07 # grr.. me ghates regexp... how do i check to make sure a sting only has numbers and () ? 04.55.13 # grr.. of to my lecture 04.55.17 # cyaz later 04.55.22 # laters Jd|uni 04.55.38 Quit Jd|uni ("CGI:IRC") 04.56.50 # /^[0123456789\(\)]$/ 04.56.53 # in case he comes back :) 04.57.04 # umm 04.57.09 # /^[0123456789\(\)]*$/ 04.57.36 # Mikachu? 05.00.04 Part Llorean 05.00.36 Join _Lucretia_ [0] (n=munkee@dyn-62-56-121-41.dslaccess.co.uk) 05.01.34 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACD027C2.ipt.aol.com) 05.04.55 Join TechGuru [0] (i=Tech@S01060010dc2aec29.wp.shawcable.net) 05.05.10 # anyone awake 05.05.13 # yep 05.05.34 # can u send me the booy loader..can't find it on google 05.05.44 # bootloader 05.05.45 # that's pretty ambiguous... 05.05.50 # boot loader for.. what? 05.06.02 # rockbox 05.06.09 # um, model? 05.06.12 # they're all different, you know.. 05.06.14 # ipod video 05.06.24 # it's attached to the IpodInstallation page. 05.06.25 # 30 gig model 05.07.32 # http://download.rockbox.org/daily/ipodvideo/rockbox-ipodvideo-20060522.zip .. 05.07.41 # ? 05.07.44 # that 05.07.47 # .. the IpodInstallation page.. 05.07.51 # are you reading the instructions? 05.07.56 # yea 05.08.02 # where from? 05.08.08 # the pdf 05.08.26 # use this instead: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodInstallation 05.09.00 # thanx 05.09.04 # np 05.11.10 Quit TechGuru () 05.12.44 # this is so bizarre: I'm using cygwin to run unzip to unzip a zip on the virtual debian machine and copy to the ipod 05.13.06 # why? 05.13.20 # the virtual debian is samba'd so it's a network drive of teh host windows 05.13.30 # yes... 05.13.38 # why not just access the zip with windows? 05.13.47 # Becasuase compilng is MUCH faster on teh virtual debian machine than using cygwin, teh virtual layer 05.14.05 # because I prefer to use unzip from the command line 05.15.04 # well, then, whatever floats your boat :) 05.16.08 # somehting is wrong -- the debian compile doesn't load on the ipod 05.16.36 # dotDotDot 05.16.38 # works for me.. 05.17.35 # you ue the debian vm? 05.17.41 # yes 05.18.06 Join cismo [0] (i=cismo@adsl-85-217-32-41.kotinet.com) 05.18.21 Quit Rob2222_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.19.35 Join DrumRBoy320|AltN [0] (n=Drumrboy@ool-44c2019c.dyn.optonline.net) 05.19.41 Nick DrumRBoy320|AltN is now known as Drumr (n=Drumrboy@ool-44c2019c.dyn.optonline.net) 05.19.53 # blast.. Mikachu went to bed. 05.19.57 Nick Drumr is now known as Drumr|Away (n=Drumrboy@ool-44c2019c.dyn.optonline.net) 05.21.56 Join Ayer [0] (i=shnaider@ppp129-70.dialup.mtu-net.ru) 05.22.14 Part Ayer 05.23.22 Quit cismo_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.24.47 Quit jpmahala ("CGI:IRC") 05.27.23 Join Llorean [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 05.27.26 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=Steve-O@adsl-66-141-169-130.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 05.30.04 Quit lostnihilist ("Leaving") 05.38.35 Quit kkurbjun ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 05.41.14 Quit Falco98 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 05.41.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.46.07 Join macdonalder [0] (n=macdonal@CPE00045af2dd15-CM0011ae92481c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 05.46.33 # just before I get too far ahead of myself, the cross-compiling instructions on rockbox.org are still accurate? 05.46.58 # yes 05.47.19 # sweet, ty :D 05.47.25 # np, good luck :) 05.47.51 # heh thanks... I've done this once already and it worked nicely... let's see if lighning strikes twice ;D 05.48.11 # haha. should be no prob then :) 05.48.58 # I don't suppose you know if any progress has been made with the 3G port in the last month or two do you? 05.49.49 # not much, no.. 05.49.59 # mm k 05.50.07 # i don't think it's too far from being usable, not sure what's holding it up. 05.50.48 # cool yeah, I'm out of school for the summer so I'd figure I'd help if I could 05.50.57 # good to hear, got a 3G then? 05.51.03 # do I ever 05.51.09 # haha. :) 05.51.54 # * macdonalder hopes to be listening to FLAC on his aging iPod sometime before it expires 05.51.54 Quit ts-x ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 05.51.55 # ;) 05.52.10 # flac works 05.52.22 # 4g grey /5G fine 05.52.27 # not on the 3G, RoC_MM. 05.52.30 # <- 3G :D 05.52.33 # which is the problem, 3G doesn't run.. 05.52.38 # ahh 05.52.43 # yes 3g is not so hot 05.52.46 # i have a 3g too 05.52.50 # going to sell it soon 05.52.55 # If I recall 3G doesn't have playback, but you can browse? 05.52.55 # :o 05.52.58 # Or am I mistaken? 05.53.13 # Llorean, i'm not sure of the 3G's status exactly, i'm not so sure it even runs.. 05.53.14 # yeah, last I built it it ran, but I couldn't play anything 05.53.27 # but that was at least a month ago 05.53.47 # If its status has changed, it's accidental from work done in other parts then 05.53.48 # no 3g coder though? 05.53.53 # yeah 05.54.08 # With the feature freeze, even if there _was_ a 3G coder, things shouldn't be committed for it. 05.54.26 # At least not if theres any chance they'd affect the release targets due to any possible mistakes. 05.55.01 # hrmmm 05.55.15 # well I'm not working from cvs quite yet ;D 06.06.30 Join Apostle^ [0] (n=pete@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 06.07.22 # my nano HD seems to have an error, will formatting it with the apple utility fix it? 06.07.31 # linux tells me the error is in the FAT file cluster or something 06.07.46 # nano's don't have HD's 06.08.08 # a restore should heal that... 06.08.14 # how do i restore? 06.08.23 # I've dealt with those before, dang bad file transfers 06.08.23 # you are right it is flash memory 06.08.29 # yea a transfer failed 06.08.30 # use the apple utility 06.08.37 # gotta go to friends house 06.08.42 # so just do restore, not format? 06.08.42 Join Jeffimix [0] (n=jeffrey@ppp-69-216-38-32.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 06.08.48 # the same program that you use to update 06.08.53 # click on Restore 06.09.01 # that completely restores it to its original state. 06.09.12 # i see 06.09.15 # then i can reinstall rockbox? 06.09.27 # sure 06.09.36 # nice. 06.09.41 # ;-) 06.09.43 # you'll have to completely reinstall, though 06.09.47 # eh it's not hard 06.09.51 # a 10 minute process 06.09.57 # you -could- back up the main files from the FAT partition, and format it 06.10.01 # simple question, anyone on right now using rockbox on a 1st gen ipod mini and if so, what version of rockbox, I have the newest CVS and it just sits there with the graphical boot screen, doesn't load, "Help I'm a Rock!" 06.10.03 # and recopy them 06.10.38 # how do i do that? 06.10.43 # Jeffimix: the mini port isn't very mature, so you know 06.11.11 # I know, I'm just wondering if anyone has better luck with a different version 06.11.24 # Apostle^: meh, might as well do a restore, you seem to know what you're doing as far as re-installation. 06.11.36 # I'm not about to say 'fix it' unless I had some money to give you guys 06.11.50 # latest version is customarily the best way to go 06.11.52 # the firmware runs fine at least 06.12.12 # BHSPitMonkey, yea, the install was easy i got it right the first time 06.12.25 # very good guide written for it 06.12.31 # you know... it's scary but your online .pdf manual is bigger than the one I got with my iPod 06.13.00 # lol 06.13.18 # I might just backtrack a version or two and see if that works, other people seem to have it running 06.13.22 # Jeffimix: well, obviously... we have WAY more to offer than the original iPod does :P 06.13.35 # heh 06.13.53 # well between this and getting it a new battery I think I'm gonna make my linux laptop and my ipod much happier 06.14.57 # if you dig linux, give it a shot on the iPod :) 06.15.04 # heh 06.15.17 # it's more settled down on the mini than rockbox is at this point 06.15.18 # I don't get 'hot and bothered' about having bash under my click-wheel 06.15.36 # heh, a person doesn't customarily use a terminal on the iPod :P 06.16.00 # that's not to say it's unwanted though :p 06.16.03 # although that' be a 'novel' way to add a new screen for error messages 06.16.35 Part Llorean 06.16.41 # heh, an external LCD for the lappy? 06.17.13 # sounds like a neat gimmick of an idea, if only we had communications on the things mastered 06.17.16 # yeah haha 06.17.41 Quit xNibbler (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.17.44 Join xNibbler [0] (n=sven@e181074143.adsl.alicedsl.de) 06.18.12 # gah next on my list of OS changes is going back to a slackware derivative instead of Suse 10.1 ..... suse is .... too much like windows 06.18.40 # but that's neither here nor there 06.19.04 # * dj-fu waves from gentoo lan 06.19.08 # s/lan/land/g 06.19.13 # a windows resemblance can likely be blamed on KDE usage... 06.19.28 # mhmm. gnome>kde. 06.20.06 # yeah I'm using Gnome but still.... the whole auto-launching of banshee when I plug in my iPod is eerily reminiscent of how iTunes works.... 06.20.07 # I guess. still looking for my "right" linux desktop 06.20.58 # ubuntu with gnome is great 06.21.03 # ubuntu with anything lol 06.21.33 # I don't mind fedora that much 06.21.46 # yeah... I like to try and make linux match me perfectly, plus it gives me reasons to play with my laptop like the toy I wish it to be 06.21.51 # I just installed ubuntu 06.22.02 # yech, ubuntu is horrible 06.22.05 # try a real mans linux, gentoo 06.22.08 # it's not all I expected it to be from the raving. 06.22.20 # I'm def. not prepared for gentoo :P 06.22.20 # the whole "linux that works" layer on ubuntu is nothing new 06.22.27 # hald/dbus & pmount have been around for a while 06.22.54 # eh, I prepared myself by burning the cd, had no idea. printed out the handbook too 06.23.02 # nice 06.23.16 # gentoo handbook.. sounds like quite an ink/paper expenditure 06.23.24 # @work, of course. 06.23.34 # ah, haha 06.23.37 # I don't have that kind of ink/paper lying around :P 06.23.42 # was at least 30 or 40 pages, iirc 06.23.46 # *hugs his compact laser printer* 06.25.00 # how long does rockbox normally take to boot? 06.25.01 # out of curiosity, for the iPod is the apple firmware needed or is it possible to just write the rockbox bootloader to the ipod without merrying it with the apple stuff? 06.25.27 # rockbox takes <1sec 06.25.41 # hum 06.25.46 # macdonalder: afaik, you don't need the apple firmware 06.25.51 # *slowly walks back down the CVS tree to find one that boots* 06.25.58 # cool... 06.26.04 # but, that'd be a pain in the ass 06.26.16 # according to paul the geek, retail firmware disk-access mode is faster 06.26.27 # the online instructions don't mention any other way, seeing as that 40meg boot partition stays regardless it's not really a huge issue, just neat.... 06.26.31 # hahaha alright 06.27.06 # yeah, you could just make the image to write to it without te apple firmware, i'm sure. 06.27.24 # what's the harm it's all beta anyhow 06.28.44 # i have had minimal beta-style issues, to be honest 06.28.49 # like, none at all 06.28.55 # okay so um it boots on the 2006-05-19 software 06.29.01 # but after that it's a duck 06.29.06 # what model? 06.29.17 # I haven't updated mine for a while 06.29.36 # mini 1g 06.29.41 # ah 06.29.44 # I've got a nano :p 06.29.48 # right now I'm playing chess 06.29.54 # it's thinking very hard 06.30.07 # lol 06.30.08 # oops, too hard! *BOOM* 06.30.21 # *fizzle* 06.30.23 # 'twas a great day when libmad got optimised and I could listen to music w/ crossfeed enabled. 06.30.32 # *resets* it can't think that hard I'm way too interested in getting some ogg's on it 06.31.23 Quit german_snail (Connection timed out) 06.32.05 # well that's a unique way to handle usb connections 06.32.27 # heh 06.32.39 # ... whatever works 06.32.45 # that may be an issue without the apple firmware ;) 06.34.54 # has the nano battery life gotten better recently 06.39.43 Join kkurbjun [0] (n=44500eb9@labb.contactor.se) 06.40.23 Join Llorean [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 06.42.04 # gag, no matter what software revision I use it likes to freeze on boot.... so why did the size jump down a little while ago from like 1.megs to .9 megs? 06.42.08 # *1.7 06.42.22 # Just removal of fonts 06.42.29 # ah, okay 06.42.38 # Since they're never really updated, there was no reason to force users to download 'em every time 06.43.19 # They're available on the daily build page though, so if there are changes they can be downloaded 06.43.23 # ok 06.43.32 # should I get the old package then if I want lots of fonts? 06.44.13 # Just get the fonts package from the daily build 06.44.23 # There's a specific fonts package that has all the ones we used to include. 06.44.40 # ok 06.49.25 # hmmm bit of load lag but it seems to handle VBR oggs 06.52.11 # how do I scrub in a file? 06.52.20 Quit kkurbjun ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 06.54.12 # but anyhow, listening to OGG files with an open-source jukebox OS, listening to the free album I downloaded with torrent (legally!) ..... now this is how the 21st century should be 06.54.16 Join EbErT [0] (n=EbErT@adsl-145-133-19.asm.bellsouth.net) 06.55.21 # scrub in a file? 06.55.33 # yeah, like, move back and forth 06.55.55 # Seeking 06.55.57 # I'm not really playing around I just wanna see if it can live through the album at the moment... 06.55.57 # Gotcha 06.56.02 # Press and hold Left or Right 06.56.11 # ah, okay, makes sense 06.57.43 # it doesn't skip between tracks, nice 06.58.09 # anyhow I like what I hear, thanks you guys 06.58.10 # Well, it's not supposed to. 06.58.12 Join hioudafy [0] (n=sweet_gi@ 06.58.29 # well it works right ^_^ 06.58.45 # I should just print the manual 06.58.49 # Hi guys 06.58.52 # hello 06.59.01 # It could be a good idea. Or at least the IpodFAQ wiki page. 06.59.16 # what are talking about now? 06.59.29 # let me know 06.59.34 # yeah 06.59.43 # can you tell me what will be lots when i update my rockbox onto a newer daily build? 06.59.53 # oh I'm just using the irc channel as a complaint board while installing rockbox on my mini 07.00.06 # i guess i'll have to move my .wps files 07.00.06 # EbErT: If the settings block version has changes, your settings will clear. If you save them to .cfg first, you can load it, and nothing will be lost 07.00.20 # heh alright, I'm already out of it... I've made and installed the bootloader, I'm totally lost on how I'm supposed to make the filestructure that goes in the fat partition... 07.00.23 # To upgrade you just copy everything over the old stuff, you don't need to delete the .rockbox folder 07.00.45 # macdonalder: Extract rockbox.zip onto the FAT partition. That's it, as long as you tell it to preserve directory tree 07.00.53 # so that way it will leave the files i've added- fonts and such 07.00.57 # I was hoping to build it from cvs 07.01.07 # EbErT: Exactly 07.01.19 # macdonalder: After running "make" run "make fullzip" 07.01.22 # ok, thx! 07.01.27 # Then extract that zip onto your player 07.01.35 # ahhh fullzip, awesome :D 07.02.41 # and for debugging, it would probably be wise to to a devel build with log files? 07.03.26 # I don't know if it logs to files, actually. 07.03.31 # * EbErT thinks playlist folders should be shown at the same time as id3 tag database 07.03.42 # where should i suggest that 07.03.48 # It's been suggested 07.04.05 # and i wish i could get it to cache all my tags :/ 07.04.12 # What's it missing? 07.04.17 # something's corrupted, hangs up 07.04.37 # i used something else that categorizes them via tags, and deleted the ones it couldn't handle 07.04.50 # which helped it to load more, but not fully 07.05.10 # guess a corrupted song, wish it could tell me where 07.05.32 Nick hioudafy is now known as huifyadig (n=sweet_gi@ 07.07.27 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-3-71.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 07.08.12 # how does rockbox's battery use compare to normal ipod, it's unfair to compare on my old dieing battery 07.08.28 # Rockbox drains the battery far more quickly at the moment. 07.08.45 # Though on grayscale ones like the Mini, it's actually much better than on the colour ones 07.08.49 # ah okay... heh 07.09.10 # I think battery life on the grayscale iPods isn't bad. Still not as good as the original firmware yet, but not actually _bad_ like on the color ones. 07.09.13 # yeah well I gotta replace my battery anyhow, so if it lives through the album I'm content.... 07.09.21 # bull shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07.09.23 Part huifyadig 07.09.31 # will rockbox freak if I plug it into the wall? 07.09.36 # he got mad! 07.09.42 # Hold Menu while doing it. 07.09.50 # Otherwise it tries to reboot into USB mode 07.09.58 # okay 07.10.27 # setting it to not flash the light on all the time would save battery life, heh 07.11.26 Join earHertz_ [0] (n=chatzill@c-24-30-242-135.hsd1.va.comcast.net) 07.11.42 Part Llorean 07.12.21 # anyhow, I vanish 07.12.22 Part Jeffimix 07.22.32 Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.23.28 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-39-201.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 07.25.18 Quit earHertz (Connection timed out) 07.29.06 Quit dj-fu ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 07.29.23 Join crossworks [0] (n=crosswor@ 07.30.06 Part crossworks ("Leaving") 07.39.38 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.41.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.42.53 Join Lynx [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 07.48.28 Quit RoC_MM ("Leaving") 07.52.41 Join webguest86 [0] (n=185b502b@labb.contactor.se) 07.53.28 Quit webguest86 (Client Quit) 07.58.02 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@fhrouter83.fh-wuerzburg.de) 07.59.16 Join muesli|delhi [0] (n=muesli_t@ 08.00.00 Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.00.00 Nick Lynx is now known as Lynx_ (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 08.02.41 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-93-232.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) 08.13.26 Quit hardeep ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") 08.19.51 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.21.38 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-59-240.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) 08.21.52 Quit EbErT (Remote closed the connection) 08.24.10 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 08.26.06 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@ 08.28.11 Join tear [0] (n=tear@ip-140-176-14.phx.extremezone.com) 08.28.24 Part tear 08.36.44 Quit _FireFly_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.37.51 Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.40.02 Join Prot [0] (i=mixup@ip70-162-10-125.ph.ph.cox.net) 08.40.12 # sigh.. 08.41.48 Mode "#RockBox +o LinusN " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 08.43.28 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-57-250.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) 08.48.44 Quit dj-fu (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.52.33 Quit macdonalder ("bye bye ;D") 08.53.06 Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 08.54.02 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-89-151-155.ubs.qsi.net.nz) 08.55.27 Join petur [0] (n=d4efd6a6@labb.contactor.se) 09.00.14 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.00.48 Join courtc [0] (n=court@c-71-199-169-45.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) 09.03.40 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-24-83.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 09.04.00 # morning 09.04.17 # yeow 09.04.34 # LinusN: How would I use rockbox' simulated file code from simulator code (in uisimulator/sdl/ ) ? 09.04.59 # amiconn: eh? 09.05.15 # If I just use it, it works, but of course I get warnings (implicit declaration of blah) 09.05.25 # I cannot use #include "file.h" 09.05.33 # what exactly are you trying to accomplish? 09.05.45 # I have a working screendump for th eplayer sim 09.06.20 # I need sim_creat(), write() and close() 09.06.40 # I could just hack around and declare them myself... 09.07.42 Join double7 [0] (i=double7@ip-140-176-14.phx.extremezone.com) 09.08.42 # Do you have a better idea? 09.08.51 Part double7 09.08.51 Join double7 [0] (i=double7@ip-140-176-14.phx.extremezone.com) 09.08.52 Part double7 09.08.52 Join double7 [0] (i=double7@ip-140-176-14.phx.extremezone.com) 09.09.03 Quit double7 (Client Quit) 09.11.37 # heh, looks like rockbox has new fan: http://rainstorm.org/ipod/stats/ipodlinux.log 09.12.56 Join Equinox [0] (n=Solstice@cpe-68-175-27-245.nyc.res.rr.com) 09.13.14 # ok guys, successful 09.13.24 # we spammed ipodlonix for an hour 09.13.35 # that idiot courtc doesn't even know how to ban 09.14.02 # cute. 09.14.17 # huge success imo 09.14.36 # btw, learn to ban idiot 09.14.44 # Or... entire waste of time. 09.14.50 # loooooooooool 09.14.56 # huge success imo 09.14.57 # btw, learn to ban idiot 09.15.52 Join ral [0] (n=53aaeba8@labb.contactor.se) 09.15.59 # hi all 09.16.26 # i need help with rockbox on ipod 4G 09.16.41 # you want us to do it in #ipodlinux again? 09.16.43 Mode "#RockBox +b *!*@*.nyc.res.rr.com " by LinusN (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 09.16.56 # ugh, stupidity really is abundant... 09.17.03 Kick (#rockbox Equinox :LinusN) by LinusN!n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN 09.17.49 # it worked OK but yesterday it boots and shows "scanning disk" repeatedly 09.18.02 # it works OK in "disk mode" with my PC 09.18.37 Join shriphani [0] (n=shriphan@ 09.18.43 # i need help 09.18.47 # ral: how long did you wait while it showed "scanning disk"? 09.19.14 # i put in two songs by black sabbath and none of them are displayed 09.19.16 # 10-15 minutes.. it goes to sleep mode still with this message 09.19.23 Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.19.49 # shriphani: black sabbath is not allowed by rockbox :-) 09.19.51 # although the original apple firmware displays them 09.20.00 # it isnt ? 09.20.08 # shriphani: rockbox doesn't read the itunes database 09.20.09 # what has it got against them ? 09.20.10 # LinusN, incorrect! I just listened two albums through yesterday! 09.20.13 Quit ral (Client Quit) 09.20.19 Join ral [0] (n=53aaeba8@labb.contactor.se) 09.20.26 # crwl: file a bug report ;-) 09.20.29 # hehe 09.20.34 # got an exam in 20 mins 09.20.37 # wish me luck :D 09.20.39 # no i put an ABBA in it and that is displayed but blacksabbath isnt 09.20.43 # good luck, Acksaw 09.20.55 # good luck Acksaw 09.20.56 # shriphani: you use tagcache? 09.21.10 # yes 09.21.22 # perhaps you need to rescan 09.21.43 # i did that 09.21.49 # i forced tag cache update 09.21.58 # i'm no tagcache user myself, so i don't know much about it 09.22.15 # but ABBA is displayed 09.22.16 # it could be that rockbox has problems reading the tag of those files 09.22.19 # sorry i lost connection. Libus did yo saif anything to me? 09.22.20 # why isnt blacksabbath 09.22.37 # ral: no, i didn't 09.22.53 # LinusN? 09.22.59 # shriphani: perhaps the black sabbath files are tagged differently somehow 09.23.12 # i tagged then in itunes 09.23.16 # i tried to google with this problem but didn't find anything appropriate :( 09.23.26 # abba was tagged in itunes but it has no problems 09.23.31 # weird 09.23.42 # shriphani, are they DRMed? 09.23.50 # what is that 09.23.59 # bought with itunes 09.24.00 # The playersim screenshot is in uisimulator/sdl/lcd-charcell.c I had to put it there because the only bitmap representation of the simulated player screen is the sdl surface, so the screendump code needs to access it 09.24.03 # did you buy them through Itumes Music store? 09.24.19 # no 09.24.21 # limewire 09.24.27 # thanks all :) 09.24.30 # bye! 09.25.06 # amiconn: i don't think there is a "clean" way to do it 09.25.25 # Linus, is there any way to reset ipod 4G to default settings with rockbox, like iRiver? 09.25.30 # hmm... 09.25.41 # al: boot with hold on 09.25.52 # *ral 09.26.11 # petur, menu+select and hold button on? 09.26.47 # just make sure hold is on when rockbox boots 09.27.25 # it worked! thanks a lot mate! 09.29.36 # bye all! 09.29.41 Quit ral ("CGI:IRC") 09.37.22 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.41.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.46.10 Part shriphani 09.46.50 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@fhrouter83.fh-wuerzburg.de) 09.47.58 # LinusN: I saw there are two eeproms in the h300, do we know how both are connected? 09.50.18 # Afaik one is the config eeprom for the usb-ata bridge, the other is probably used as config storage by retailos 09.50.18 Quit Acksaw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.50.29 Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 09.50.32 # It's hooked up to the same i2c lines as the pcf50606 09.50.58 # The h1x0 also has 2 eeproms, only the 2nd one has half the capacity 09.51.25 # so if we messed up pcf50606 comms, we could be accessing eeprom? 09.51.40 # as in 'glitches' 09.52.32 # Unlikely 09.52.42 # The eeprom has a different bus address 09.52.56 # sure 09.53.23 # but if our driver would mess up, we could address the wrong chip 09.54.06 # I have been trying different stuff to see what could be corrupting retailos settings, but nothing did 09.54.21 # so I guess it must be a glitch in the comm 09.55.26 # * amiconn wouldn't know when retailos settings get messed up 09.56.03 # so I was trying different functionality to try to pinpoint it 09.56.09 Join german_snail [0] (n=s@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za) 09.56.13 # If there were a glitch in the comm, we would have more problems than just messing up the eeprom 09.56.56 # it would probably need only one write in 10^xxx accesses to screw it 09.57.23 # I didn't check the datasheet, but I would expect the eeprom needs a certain command sequence for writing 09.57.53 # yes, I'd expect that, I'll need to look at that 09.57.53 # It's highly unlikely that a glitch would change the address to that of the eeprom, change the command to 'eeprom write' *and 09.58.15 # fulfill other conditions necessary for a successful write 09.59.41 # still its contens can get corrupted, which is also highly unlikely *but* happening 10.01.38 # argh! red! 10.02.01 # * amiconn wonders why gcc 4.x stumbles upon mode_t, while gcc 3.4.4 doesn't even throw a warning 10.02.22 # Germany, 22 points :P 10.02.34 # petur: Are you sure the eeprom contents gets corrupted? 10.02.39 Join shadou [0] (n=deejay@202-89-151-155.ubs.qsi.net.nz) 10.03.06 # retailos can get all borked (completely wrong settings) 10.03.27 # Had it myself, others have had it too 10.03.32 # slasheri has some eeprom code 10.03.38 # i think 10.04.06 # maybe we should read and hash it as easy check 10.04.42 # yep 10.04.56 # preglow: Slasheri's code probably won't work on h300 10.05.07 # is it only h3x0 that has the problem? 10.05.43 # have only heard of it from h300 users 10.05.47 # ..because in the h300, the pcf50606 and the eeprom share the i2c bus 10.06.06 # right, then i find it more understandable 10.06.15 # Instead, we should be able to use the pcf50606 i2c driver to access the eeprom 10.06.30 # (with a different device address) 10.06.37 # * petur has the feeling we already do :) 10.06.47 # * amiconn doesn't 10.07.00 # * amiconn doesn't care too much about retailos settings either 10.07.16 # some users do 10.07.33 # and if we cause this, it's a bug 10.07.39 # no shit 10.08.05 # :P 10.08.06 # petur: can't you dump the eeprom and do it again after a week of using rockbox. See if they are the same. 10.08.16 # Yes of course it would be a bug - if it really happens 10.10.07 # http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=40829 10.11.41 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-65-86.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) 10.19.24 Quit dj-fu (Connection timed out) 10.21.08 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.27.20 Join felix_ [0] (n=fix@elk.csi.ch) 10.27.40 Quit petur ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 10.28.18 Join gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@124-168-66-103.dyn.iinet.net.au) 10.30.14 Part felix_ ("Ex-Chat") 10.32.03 Join MrShlee [0] (i=BIGKING@58-84-79-68.dial-lns8.sa.chariot.net.au) 10.39.51 # Any chance of Rockbox supporting m4a? or is the codec closed? 10.40.40 # m4a is a container, not a codec 10.40.44 # We have support for it 10.41.43 # MrShlee: Rockbox supports both Apple Lossless and AAC in m4a. However, it needs more work from an interested developer. 10.43.43 # audio MPEG-4 AAC LC, 168.739 secs, 253 kbps, 44100 Hz 10.43.53 # .. that makes sense 10.45.04 # The AAC decoder in Rockbox is very slow - it probably won't be able to decode a 253kbps file in realtime. 10.49.01 # probably? it has no chance at all 10.50.45 # yeah, it doesn't even try.. just skips to previous song in the que 10.53.11 # preglow: At least until the gigabeat port is working.... 10.53.53 # MrShlee: There are also bugs in the .m4a parser.... - I'm guessing you didn't use itunes to encode the file? 10.54.10 # So all in all, it's in a bit of a sad state. 10.54.26 # nope 10.59.15 Quit shadou ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 11.01.30 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-74-53.w86-207.abo.wanadoo.fr) 11.08.45 Join __guillaume__ [0] (n=guillaum@ALyon-252-1-40-38.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr) 11.09.21 # <__guillaume__> hello all 11.09.53 # <__guillaume__> I have some problem with rockbox and the voice possibility 11.10.20 # <__guillaume__> when I play a song and i want to return to the main menu rockbox freeze 11.10.27 # <__guillaume__> with an error message : 11.10.52 # <__guillaume__> IO4:IllInstr 11.10.59 # <__guillaume__> at 00000010 11.11.22 # __guillaume__: which player model? 11.11.34 # coldfire, apparently 11.11.51 # <__guillaume__> an iaudio X5 11.12.04 # which rockbox build? 11.12.23 # <__guillaume__> the daily build 11.12.29 # <__guillaume__> of today 11.12.34 # from today? 11.12.36 # ok 11.12.38 # <__guillaume__> yes 11.12.54 Join shleeshle [0] (i=BIGKING@58-84-70-143.dial-lns4.sa.chariot.net.au) 11.13.08 # you are playing an mp3 file? 11.13.29 Quit shleeshle (Client Quit) 11.16.37 Join petur [0] (n=d4efd6a6@labb.contactor.se) 11.16.46 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 11.17.27 Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.17.55 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-88-233.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) 11.18.41 # <__guillaume__> yes 11.21.20 # gah 11.21.39 # Why doesn't nautilus have a file search function, like windows explorer? 11.21.56 # * amiconn is still fighting with the grep syntax 11.23.37 # <__guillaume__> amiconn: you can use the file search program of gnome or locate ! 11.23.58 # <__guillaume__> LinusN: you don't have any idea 11.24.21 # <__guillaume__> nobody have the same problem ? 11.24.27 # __guillaume__: not really, have you tried a complete reinstall? 11.24.37 # i haven't used voice on the x5 11.24.56 # <__guillaume__> erase the folder and copy it 11.24.58 # <__guillaume__> ? 11.25.34 # yes, unzip the rockbox.zip file again 11.25.48 # <__guillaume__> ok I will try 11.25.55 # don't remove the old .rockbox directory 11.26.06 # then you will lose the voice file 11.26.10 # <__guillaume__> ok i have do that this morning 11.26.39 # amiconn: If you right-click on the toolbar panel in Gnome and select "Add to panel", you can add the "Search Files" icon. 11.27.11 Join BCMM [0] (n=BCMM@cpc3-oxfd1-0-0-cust912.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) 11.27.19 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@fhrouter83.fh-wuerzburg.de) 11.27.30 # <__guillaume__> and i have alway the problem 11.27.46 # is there a version of voicebox for linux? does the windows one run under wine? 11.31.12 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 11.31.20 # <__guillaume__> LinusN: is there any solution to stop playing a song 11.31.31 # <__guillaume__> in the iaudio X5 11.31.38 # hold Play/Pause 11.31.45 # <__guillaume__> ok thx 11.31.53 # BCMM: Most probably not (voicebox needs SAPI, and I highly doubt wine handles SAPI) 11.31.57 # <__guillaume__> maybe it tempory soluce the pb 11.32.02 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-44-86.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 11.32.18 # Evene if it did, you most probably don't have any voices installed 11.32.25 # amiconn: ok 11.32.28 # Perhaps it's possible to install sapi 5 in wine? 11.32.59 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.33.06 # i think it would be better to port it... festival is better than MS's synthesizer, and lame is available on linux 11.33.08 # oh well 11.33.10 # thanks 11.33.14 Quit BCMM ("Real life? Where?") 11.33.27 # good question.. 11.33.28 # . 11.33.37 # is festival better? in what way? 11.33.56 # dunno 11.34.00 # it's fair quality, though 11.34.08 # acceptable 11.34.13 # heh 11.34.17 # just like the windows one 11.36.35 Quit MrShlee (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.41.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.43.48 # <__guillaume__> LinusN: I have the same error when I stop the song 11.43.55 # ok 11.43.57 # <__guillaume__> an mp3 11.44.10 # <__guillaume__> when I hold the play/pause button 11.44.35 # i thought that bug was fixed, but it seems i'm wrong 11.44.57 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-4-244.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 11.45.17 # <__guillaume__> if I can help you to fix it 11.47.47 Quit Poka64 ("bbs") 11.48.33 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.51.34 # <__guillaume__> LinusN: you know why it's append ? 11.51.35 Join Poka64 [0] (i=peter@hd5e241c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) 11.52.13 # __guillaume__: there are many problems with voice playback on all platforms 11.52.55 # <__guillaume__> ok 11.53.12 # <__guillaume__> it is the first time I use this fonctonnality 11.53.41 # <__guillaume__> I install it for a blind people 11.54.00 # we are working on solving those problems 11.54.51 # <__guillaume__> If I can help you, I am a dev 11.55.43 # <__guillaume__> I have to install the developpement environnement 11.56.06 # <__guillaume__> is there any documentation on the rockbox code ? 11.56.19 # rtfs 11.56.31 # :D 11.56.49 Quit _FireFly_ (Connection reset by peer) 11.57.52 Quit mirak (Connection timed out) 11.58.11 Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.59.51 # <__guillaume__> with an archox the blind user I have meet was very satisfying 12.00.08 # <__guillaume__> archos 12.01.45 # the archos is very different 12.05.43 # <__guillaume__> ok 12.16.27 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=Yngwiejo@dsl-88-218-17-158.customers.vivodi.gr) 12.19.07 Mode "#RockBox -o LinusN " by LinusN (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 12.24.18 Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ 12.28.13 # hi 12.33.24 Join Jungti1234__ [0] (n=jungti12@ 12.33.45 Join Spacksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 12.35.57 Quit Jungti1234__ (Client Quit) 12.36.30 # LinusN: The commit times are off... 12.36.56 # They are supposed to be shown as GMT, but actually show CEST 12.37.12 # (on the frontpage) 12.37.33 Join Jungti1234__ [0] (n=jungti12@ 12.39.38 # hmm 12.41.44 Quit Jungti1234__ (Client Quit) 12.46.34 Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@rockbox/developer/tucoz) 12.47.02 Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-75.VIC.netspace.net.au) 12.47.20 # hello, how do you think we should solve the wps-naming issue? That is, different font for different targets. (iCatcher) 12.48.04 # name them iCatcher-h300, iCatcher-archos or iCatcher-resolution? 12.48.06 Join Jungti1234__ [0] (n=jungti12@ 12.48.06 Quit Spacksaw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.48.24 # maybe, iCatcher.resolutio.font.wps ? 12.48.33 Join Spacksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 12.48.38 # or make the wpsbuild.pl script handle it? 12.48.59 # Well yes, modifying the script will be better... 12.49.17 # I've heard that preglow loves perl 12.49.18 # oh 12.49.19 Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3011.gwdg.de) 12.49.35 # well, I do to. But, I am not that good with perl 12.49.43 # too 12.50.32 # isn't it iCatcher-resolution today? 12.51.01 # LinusN:I've updated the files to the new wps system 12.51.06 # iCatcher.160x128x1.wps etc 12.51.09 # Yes, but if we add it to the WPSLIST file we need to define different fonts for differnet resolutions 12.51.14 # no 12.51.17 # They are now : iCatcher.resolution.wps 12.51.18 # and the script doesn't handle that 12.51.21 # LinusN: btw -- I have that semaphore stuff coded, and it works unchanged for normal audio playback, but I haven't managed to do voice tests on it, so I can't commit it. 12.51.46 # lostlogic: send me a patch 12.52.01 # the buildscript uses the resolution of iCatcher.resolution 12.52.04 # i have only icatcher.wps in my WPSLIST 12.52.28 # yes, but how do you define different fonts for the different targets then? 12.52.35 Quit Jungti1234 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.52.57 # hmmm, now i understand 12.53.00 Quit muesli|delhi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.53.23 # Also, because of the different fonts, the rwps for H100 and H300 are different 12.53.44 # btw, i like icatcher, but i don't really like that it has the song title on the bottom row 12.53.52 # it hasn't :) 12.53.54 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-91-226.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) 12.53.58 # mine has 12.54.03 # not the new one 12.54.08 # LinuN: I made a major update on this, I think you should check... 12.54.12 # oh, is it in the tracker? 12.54.17 # Oh, you mean the next track? 12.54.17 # yes 12.54.42 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/?getfile=11671 12.54.47 # love it 12.54.51 # :) 12.55.49 # Genre9mp3, is the blue one in the default pack? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/?getfile=11673 12.56.06 # ok, so we need a way to specify the font for different lcd sizes 12.56.10 # Yes, iCatcher-DefaultColours.zip 12.56.23 # LinusN: correct 12.56.37 # also specify different rwps for H100 & H300 12.56.37 # ok. I think we should have the blue theme in CVS 12.56.52 # hey... 12.57.08 # what's iCatcher? 12.57.17 # a wps/theme 12.57.20 # isn't the h100 and h300 lcd the same size? 12.57.30 # huh?? 12.57.31 # oh for which device? 12.57.35 Join muesli|delhi [0] (n=muesli_t@ 12.57.36 # remote lcd 12.57.36 # all targets 12.57.45 # yes but, H100 uses different font than H300 12.57.51 # hmmph, url? 12.57.54 # Ah, yes, the remote lcd is teh same 12.57.56 # ah, yes 12.57.57 # german_snail, http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/?getfile=11671 12.57.58 # linuxstb: we can't currently detect if we've got an actual usb signal, no? 12.58.01 # and the font is the same for both main screen and remote screen 12.58.06 # i see 12.58.21 # so the rwps are different... 12.58.22 # german_snail, that is a screenshot. You find the theme in the tracker 12.58.37 # k 12.58.46 # This of course doesn't happen with UniCatcher versions (all themes use unifont) 12.58.48 # Genre9mp3 *bow* 12.59.10 # i suggest a new dir layout for the wps module 12.59.21 # again ;-) 12.59.30 # LinusN: such as? 12.59.34 # where each WPS has its own WPSLIST 13.00.13 # hmmm...so each WPSLIST define different font, right? 13.00.19 # yes 13.00.27 # and what about the remotes? 13.00.55 # How the compiler know which one of thenm include in the H100/H300 builds? 13.01.08 Quit Acksaw (Connection timed out) 13.01.52 # isn't the rwps in the WPSLIST file as well? 13.02.07 # yes... 13.02.36 # but the rwps files should have a different name... 13.02.48 # preglow: Apart from copy/pasting the IPL code, I haven't really investigated. You could try adding the value of the USB_STATUS register to the GPIO debug screen and see if you can spot anything. Do you have an AC adapter? 13.03.05 # i see in your zip that you don't use separate subdirs for different resolutions 13.03.31 # Yes, this is due to the new wps system 13.03.50 # the new wps supports that 13.03.57 # So don't have to have the same bmps in each dir 13.04.03 # icatcher/320x240x16/ 13.04.06 Join senab [0] (i=senab@82-36-16-45.cable.ubr01.smal.blueyonder.co.uk) 13.04.14 # you refer to your latest commit? 13.04.18 # yes 13.04.23 Quit Cassandra (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.04.38 # with that system, you might have to have the same bmp in several dirs though 13.04.41 # I just updated to match Cassandra's changes... 13.04.50 # linuxstb: no, but i know a guy that does 13.04.53 # linuxstb: good thinking.. 13.05.02 # So there aren't any duplicates 13.05.33 # is the same bmp used for several resolutions? 13.05.49 # Not all, but many... 13.05.54 # i see 13.05.59 # Does duplicates matter for now? 13.06.06 # Exept in the source-tree 13.06.34 # duplicates are inconvenient for the developer 13.06.48 # that is true 13.06.56 # The new system reads the contents of the wps file and include only the bmps that are preloaded (in the builds) 13.07.05 # yes 13.07.22 # So there aren't any bmps that are not necessary in the builds 13.07.31 # and with my latest commits, it looks for the bitmaps in icatcher// 13.07.54 # So...do I have to update the files, again? 13.08.03 # if it can't find them there, it looks in icatcher/ 13.08.36 # the nice thing about the separate directories is that the WPSLIST file could be there as well 13.08.52 # icatcher/320x240x16/WPSLIST etc 13.09.01 # Yes but then you'll have duplicates bmps 13.09.11 # yes 13.09.16 # what about making WPSLIST.resolution files? 13.09.24 # sure 13.11.06 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.12.03 # does anyone know the resolution of the ipod colour screen? 13.12.12 # is it 220x176x16bit? 13.12.27 # senab:yes 13.12.33 # cheers 13.12.37 # Nice feature request... "I believe untill iTunesDB parsing is supported for iPod, rockbox cannot be effectively used." 13.13.55 # hahahah 13.13.55 # LinusN: about the rwps naming...is iCatcher.128x64x1.H100r.wps & iCatcher.128x64x1.H300r.wps Ok? 13.15.48 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 13.17.37 # i guess 13.17.56 # maybe one WPSLIST for each wps would be sufficient 13.18.03 # icatcher/WPSLIST 13.18.20 # and that file would have many entries, one for each resolution 13.18.40 # LinusN: yes, it's better this way I guess 13.19.10 # then the script would look for a WPSLIST file in each directory 13.20.07 # when i was making my wps, i was wondering, when is the stop button displayed? 13.20.19 # i like the blueish theme, but it would be even nicer if the rockbox-yellow would be there somewhere 13.20.40 # senab: actually, it is never displayed 13.20.46 # currently 13.20.48 # i was thinking that 13.20.51 # LinusN: I will make all additional colour themes... 13.21.02 # because i've never seen it 13.21.04 # apart from for a split second when stopping the music 13.21.21 # so it's a bit of a waste of buffer space 13.21.29 # A nice idea would be to let people download different colours from the site... 13.21.31 # Genre9mp3: i mean a tad of yellow in the blueish theme 13.21.47 # senab: yes, currently 13.22.04 # i sustect that this will change in the future 13.22.09 # suspect 13.22.16 # LinusN: a tad of yellow? 13.22.23 # so that the wps can be visible with the music stopped 13.23.06 # i suppose so, but there is so stop function at the moment is there 13.23.15 # Genre9mp3: ignore me, i just felt like ot would have been nice to have more than one color shade in the wps 13.23.29 # like having the rockbox logo in there somewhere 13.23.31 # it's either paused, or playing 13.23.49 # senab: are you talking about x5? 13.24.06 # nope ipod g 13.24.07 # 5g 13.24.32 # LinusN: a rockbox logo would "overload" the theme, especially on small screens, i think... 13.24.33 # all rockbox targets can stop the music, afaik 13.24.40 # Genre9mp3: possibly 13.24.57 # The rockbox logo will make the wps look crowded. But maybe a bit of yellow somewhere would look nice. 13.25.12 # linus: hmmm, 'll have to do some digging 13.25.18 # Genre9mp3: it will be sooooo nice when the rest of rockbox can be themed in this way 13.25.35 # senab: it usually involved holding the pause button 13.25.41 # involves 13.26.28 # So, is there something you want me to do at the moment? 13.26.48 # linus: you right (http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ButtonAssignments) 13.26.57 # Genre9mp3: not really, i think 13.27.08 # linuxstb: weird stuff happens to USB_STATUS when plugging, but nothing that differs between usb/power cable 13.27.22 # ok... 13.28.28 # BTW, yesterday I created a Gigabeat wps... 13.28.31 # http://users.teilam.gr/~yngwiejo/dump_0007.PNG 13.28.32 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-49-13.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) 13.28.47 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-89-151-155.ubs.qsi.net.nz) 13.29.19 # preglow: Do the GPIO ports show any differences? 13.29.51 # i'm not the greatest fan of helvetica unaliased 13.30.29 # btw, how is the iriver h100/h300 remote support nowadays? 13.31.08 # AFAIK, the H300 LCD buttons don't work as they should 13.31.10 # * amiconn wonders why LinusN is asking this 13.31.32 # Afaik you do have both a h1x0 and a h300 and the respective remotes... 13.31.34 # * LinusN answers that he doesn't use the remote 13.31.34 # forum complaints? 13.31.34 # linuxstb: yeah, gpio_l, but that's also the same 13.31.44 # petur: yes 13.32.08 # Afaik the h300 joystick directions are switched in the browser, but that's it 13.32.10 Join TeaSea [0] (n=Thunderc@lonsdale.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 13.32.16 # amiconn: i see 13.33.07 Quit Jungti1234__ () 13.33.22 Quit Genre9mp3 ("Leaving") 13.33.30 # preglow: I suppose the place to look is usb_init() in firmware/usb.c - but that's the usual cryptic sequence of inl() and outl() commands... 13.33.36 # indeed 13.33.50 # We need the button action concept for fixing this. There's way more to it than I first thought :/ 13.33.57 # linuxstb: god, it's even worse than usual 13.33.59 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=Yngwiejo@dsl-88-218-17-158.customers.vivodi.gr) 13.34.17 # amiconn: ouch, with 6 days to go... 13.35.04 # I would ignore that for now. It's a minor problem, and it seems we can't release for H300 anyway :( 13.35.27 # maybe not 13.35.37 # linuxstb: any idea why all that stuff is needed? it just reboots anyway.. 13.35.58 # i scratched my head last night, measuring the power consumption 13.35.59 # preglow: You could try displaying 0xc50001a8 in the debug screen (4 bytes higher than USB_STATUS) 13.36.10 # preglow: No idea at all - I just blindly copied it. 13.36.24 # LinusN: Any chance to get at least partial H300 schematics? 13.36.40 # that's my current plan 13.36.48 # Would we need to sacrifice a (defective) H300 in order to make them? 13.36.55 # i have been avoiding it 13.37.07 # i have a clean h300 pcb 13.37.12 # Iirc you did that for the H1x0 13.37.21 # ah 13.37.49 # i have done the same woth the h300, but i haven't traced much more than the absolutely necessary stuff so far 13.38.34 # mainly because it's so tedious and time consuming work 13.39.07 # i put so much work in the h100 schematics, and didn't fell like doing it all over for the h300 13.39.12 # feel 13.39.26 # but it looks like that was a mistake 13.40.01 # need to unsolder everything bit by bit and trace, yes? 13.40.17 # i have unsoldered the large chips 13.40.54 # so there is nothing that stops me, only lack of time and motivation 13.41.03 # mostly time 13.41.26 Quit senab (" Like VS.net's GUI? Then try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 13.41.42 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.41.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.42.33 # linuxstb: looks like that address i always zero 13.53.06 Quit Sinbios ("If the definition of a klutz is someone who doesn't have eyes on their ass, then yes, I suppose I am a klutz.") 13.53.59 # preglow: Have you tried removing all the code in usb_init() ? 13.54.18 # nopes 13.54.20 Join Lynx [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 13.54.26 Quit german_snail (Nick collision from services.) 13.54.46 Join german_snail [0] (n=s@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za) 13.57.01 Join cadavre [0] (n=jd@wikipedia/Meanos) 13.57.30 # hi 13.58.55 Join pixelma [0] (n=pixelma@ 13.59.53 # hi, I just wanted to let you know that the tetrox plugin is broken on Archos Ondio 14.00.36 # Broken, how? 14.00.42 # When starting I get the following error) I09: CPUAdrEr at 091F812E 14.01.01 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-75-133.w86-207.abo.wanadoo.fr) 14.01.28 # I experienced it first with a build from May 15th, but I got myself a bleeding edge build and it's still there 14.05.11 Quit ScootScat (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.08.03 Join dpro [0] (n=x@chello080109121047.8.15.vie.surfer.at) 14.09.53 Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3041.gwdg.de) 14.10.08 Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.11.43 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-39-37.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 14.15.31 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.16.28 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.17.01 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ 14.24.37 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.26.10 Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 14.30.19 Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.32.23 Part tucoz ("Leaving") 14.41.22 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.44.37 Join guillaume_ [0] (n=guillaum@ALyon-252-1-54-63.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr) 14.44.40 # is http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5364 gonna be added? 14.45.50 # LinusN/ Bagder/ Zagor: viewcvs seems to have problems... 14.46.37 # in what way? 14.46.52 # JdGordon: yes 14.46.56 Quit dj-fu ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 14.47.04 Quit __guillaume__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.48.07 # ok :) 14.51.15 # amiconn: what's the problem with viewcvs? 14.55.54 Quit Spacksaw (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.56.26 # (1) http://www.rockbox.org/viewcvs.cgi/uisimulator/sdl/ doesn't show lcd-charcell.[ch] (2) If you manually go to http://www.rockbox.org/viewcvs.cgi/uisimulator/sdl/lcd-charcell.c (or from the front page), it doesn't show revisions 1.4 and 1.5 14.56.51 # Maybe this is not the only affected file... 15.00.50 # I don't know what it means, but "cvs log" is showing a "commitid:" entry for those recent changes to lcd-charcell.c It also appears in apps/plugins/xobox.c - which is also out of date in viewcvs 15.10.09 # quick regexp q.. can any1 give me the regexp for only numbers and () please? my brain is off atm 15.10.35 # [0-9\(\)] ? 15.10.58 # but that will still work if there is letters before or after it wont it? 15.11.58 # ive got ([^a-zA-Z]+[0-9\(\)]) which doesnt seem to work 15.12.09 # ([^a-zA-Z]+[0-9\(\)])* sorry 15.15.50 # JdGordon, someone gave it right after you left yesterday 15.16.01 # :'( 15.16.27 # iv simplified the problem abit and its workking now.. 15.17.20 # do you want something like 2342)234(29 to match? 15.17.25 # or only (234165) ? 15.18.24 # its supposed to be only the 2nd.. but either works... its good enough 15.18.45 # im just doing ... "unless ($phone =~ /[a-zA-Z]/)" which is close enough 15.19.13 # ..hopefully.... its worth like 0.5% so i dont care that much 15.20.04 # I'm sure Google will find you regular expressions to match phone numbers. 15.20.11 # (If that's the problem) 15.20.17 # tis 15.20.23 # doing your homework on irc, not a good ide 15.20.34 # meh.. why not? 15.29.33 # linuxstb, amiconn: i wonder why those "commitid" strings are there 15.29.50 # cvsweb seems to have problems with them 15.33.11 # amiconn: are you using cvsnt? 15.33.37 Join BCMM [0] (n=BCMM@cpc3-oxfd1-0-0-cust912.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) 15.34.47 # does anyone know of a way to use festival to generate voice clips for songs? I can only find references to scripts to generate menu voice clips 15.35.25 Nick cadavre is now known as jd_ (n=jd@wikipedia/Meanos) 15.35.28 # i believe there is a script in the patch tracker 15.35.48 # JdGordon, could "test test(3456)chunky 45)bacon".scan(/\([0-9]*\)/) be what you're looking for? 15.35.53 # LinusN: I noticed the recent commits from midkay have them as well - e.g. apps/plugins/xobox.c, and also markun - apps/lang/english.lang 15.36.01 # (returns "(3456)") 15.37.04 # jd_: thanx.. close but no... i acxtually need to make sure the user is giving a valid phone number... im happy with my "solution".. thanx anyway 15.37.13 # ^^ 15.38.24 # LinusN: sorry for confusing, but was that a response to my question or to something just before i joined? 15.38.41 # BCMM: that was for you 15.39.14 # LinusN: thanks. what is the patch tracker? is that the same as flyspray? 15.39.20 # yes 15.40.03 # linuxstb: did I do anything wrong? 15.40.06 # LinusN: thanks a lot 15.40.30 # I'm trying to compil gcc-3.4 in order to build Coldfire stuff, but while following the CrossCompiler wiki page, I get "m68k-elf-ranlib : commande introuvable" (basically meaning the commande is unknown). Didn't find a tip on Google, sorry 15.41.12 # markun: No, I don't think it's anything you did. I was just saying that the cvs problem isn't just with amiconn's commits - it happened with you and midkay as well. 15.41.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.42.00 # jd_: did you set the PATH before running make install? 15.42.08 # yes 15.42.27 # For user root? (assuming you're running make install as root) 15.42.56 # jd_: and you did set it to the "bin" directory? 15.43.04 # linuxstb: we still have that problem with the hold switch sometimes eating keys after being switched off, yea? 15.43.50 # jd@mop:~/build/gcc$ echo $PATH 15.43.50 # /home/jd/coldfire/bin:/(...) 15.44.09 # oh, let's root that indeed 15.44.30 # preglow: Yes - but I think tempel has fixed it in the latest ipodloader2 versions. Something to do with re-initialising the button driver when hold is turned off I think. 15.44.58 # jd_: type "which m68k-elf-as" 15.44.59 # yes, he has 15.45.09 # so we should merge that some time 15.45.13 Quit JdGordon ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.11") 15.45.19 # preglow: Yes, definitely. 15.45.28 # jd@mop:~/build/gcc$ which m68k-elf-as 15.45.29 # /home/jd/coldfire/bin/m68k-elf-as 15.45.36 # ok 15.45.40 # and ranlib? 15.46.03 # outputs /usr/bin/ranlib 15.46.13 # i mean m68k-elf-ranlib 15.46.18 # oops 15.46.31 # same location than -as 15.46.43 # (with -ranlib suffix) 15.46.48 # then it should work... 15.46.53 # ok 15.47.30 # silly question but have you set them in the same terminal as you're trying to compile in? 15.47.53 # thank you, if I get it working I'll tell you :) 15.58.01 # LinusN: I'm using commandline cvs - both on cygwin and on linux 15.58.09 Quit german_snail (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.00.22 # preglow: The button driver eating key events on ipod? 16.00.31 # * amiconn never observed this 16.03.45 # yes 16.03.48 # sometimes after disabling hold 16.04.11 # you haven't got a 5g device 16.04.11 Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.04.44 Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3021.gwdg.de) 16.04.50 Nick PaulJam_ is now known as PaulJam (n=pauljam@vpn-3021.gwdg.de) 16.07.40 # Ah, so it's a 5g only problem... 16.08.34 # well, neither the hardware nor the driver is the same 16.08.42 # so i have no reason to think it's anything other than 16.11.01 # LinusN: Maybe newer versions of cvs add that commitid "feature"? 16.11.56 # Hmm, strange... 16.12.19 # cygwin cvs -v ==> Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.17 (client/server) 16.12.35 Join SereR0KR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fd20c.f.strato-dslnet.de) 16.12.48 # linux cvs -v ==> Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.12.9 (client/server) 16.13.15 Join klrspz [0] (n=klrSpz@ 16.13.21 # I'm guessing something on the server-side changed. It seemed to happen a couple of days ago, and all commits (by various people) since then have the commitid: tag. 16.14.39 # amiconn: yes, it seems to be a pretty new feature 16.15.43 Join senab [0] (i=senab@82-36-16-45.cable.ubr01.smal.blueyonder.co.uk) 16.15.51 # i guess upgrading to a newer viewcvs would solve it 16.15.57 # i'll have a look 16.16.00 # gotta go 16.16.02 Part LinusN 16.18.02 # seems to have started with the commit on 22 May 08:56 16.20.55 Quit ashridah ("Leaving") 16.30.03 Quit muesli|delhi ("ich will Kühe!!!") 16.37.09 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-47-147.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 16.37.15 Nick _Lucretia_ is now known as Badger (n=munkee@dyn-62-56-121-41.dslaccess.co.uk) 16.37.26 Nick Badger is now known as _Lucretia_ (n=munkee@dyn-62-56-121-41.dslaccess.co.uk) 16.37.29 # ggg 16.37.45 Join webguest96 [0] (n=8dd3865f@labb.contactor.se) 16.39.02 Quit webguest96 (Client Quit) 16.39.04 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-137-028.pools.arcor-ip.net) 16.42.26 Quit senab (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Go on, try it!") 16.50.17 Join josh_ [0] (i=josh@adsl-64-161-78-226.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) 16.50.53 # Hi all, I'm an iPodLinux dev; would any of you know about some wiki vandalism done to us by a user registering as "T0mas"? (with the zero) 16.51.06 # I'm not blaming t0mas, as for all I know it was some troll, I was just curious. 16.51.23 # (I ask because the vandalism was iPL-bashing and Rockbox-favoring.) 16.51.26 # was the ip from ph.cox.net? 16.53.40 # hm, can't tell, actually. MediaWiki doesn't log that. 16.53.55 # probably was, though - #ipodlinux got a massive Pr0t attack at the same time 16.54.14 # odd that he's trying to play us against each other... oh well, impossible to predict a troll. 16.54.15 # he is all over the internet it seems 16.54.18 # http://vgmix.com/ 16.56.04 # It certainly wasn't the t0mas that is a regular here, since he's a sensible guy 16.56.50 Join ender` [0] (i=useless@ 17.01.33 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 17.02.51 # what? 17.03.02 # interesting 17.03.08 # is my IP 17.03.29 # well, you wouldn't use your ordinary IP if you were being a bad boy 17.03.38 # and I sure as hell didn't vandalize your wiki :) 17.03.44 # true :) 17.04.08 # * Bagder leaves 17.05.26 Join hardeep [0] (n=hardeep@c-67-188-108-180.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 17.07.47 # also you wouldn't use your ordinary nick... 17.11.07 # that is what he wants you to believe! ;) 17.11.50 Quit linuxstb ("Leaving") 17.12.15 # hehe 17.12.16 # indeed 17.12.22 # never trust me ;) 17.12.42 # don't you remember I removed the entire rockbox wiki last year? ;) 17.13.07 # lol 17.17.56 Quit PaulJam (".") 17.23.05 Quit pixelma (" bbl") 17.41.56 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.42.43 Quit jd_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17.42.53 Join jd_ [0] (n=jd@APuteaux-151-1-32-89.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr) 17.43.26 Nick jd_ is now known as cadavre (n=jd@wikipedia/Meanos) 17.44.26 Quit petur ("[x]") 17.56.27 Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.57.05 Join Moos [0] (n=51429ee8@labb.contactor.se) 18.00.24 Quit hardeep (Remote closed the connection) 18.03.10 Quit guillaume_ ("Quitte") 18.05.38 Quit BCMM ("Real life? Where?") 18.07.08 Quit hannesd__ (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.10.00 Join scorche` [0] (n=a306870a@labb.contactor.se) 18.10.41 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 18.12.51 # * scorche` pokes midkay 18.17.41 Join rconan [0] (n=richard@ 18.18.55 # hey peeps 18.19.19 # how come rockbox uses arm-elf-gcc when arm-uclinux-elf-gcc is there and works 18.21.09 Join ScootScat_ [0] (n=sjohnson@71-80-131-108.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com) 18.21.48 # arm-uclinux-elf-gcc is a higher version so should be better right? 18.21.48 Quit scorche` ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 18.22.30 Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-120-219.pools.arcor-ip.net) 18.23.07 # rconan: we don't need to generate uclinux binaries 18.24.05 # will the newer toolchain not work then? 18.24.30 # or can i get a newer arm-elf toolchain anywhere 18.24.35 # mine is only 2.95 18.25.26 # You could compile it yourself 18.25.58 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CrossCompiler 18.26.02 Join german_snail [0] (n=s@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za) 18.27.27 # when I navigate from one level in tagcache to the next a dialog window briefly pops up. is there any way to disable that? 18.29.19 Quit Moos ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 18.29.56 Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@riblet.plus.com) 18.30.33 Nick Acksaw is now known as ACK54W (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 18.35.20 # buraianto: could you read what was in the dialog window? 18.35.56 # if it doesn't let you answer, it's more of a monolog than a dialog :) 18.36.23 Join Farpenoodle [0] (n=solo84@cm90.sigma243.maxonline.com.sg) 18.37.04 Quit ravon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.37.27 # it goes pretty fast, but it looks like it says something like "searching: X many found" 18.39.47 # so yeah, I guess it is a monolog 18.40.27 # but it's so fast that it's impossible to really read, and becomes a somewhat annoying distraction 18.40.46 Quit cadavre () 18.41.16 Nick Lynx is now known as Lynx_ (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 18.41.21 # maybe if I had one of them fancy 60 gigabyte players it would take longer to search. Maybe that's my solution ;) 18.41.49 # (60 gigs worth of songs, that is.) 18.41.53 # There is currently no way to displable it (except compile your own rockbox) 18.41.59 # disable 18.42.16 # markun: ok. thanks. 18.43.25 # markun: the uclinux toolchain seems to have made a perfectly good binary for rockbox 18.44.25 # rconan: it's possible to use it, but you suggested we all 'upgrade' to the uclinux compiler. 18.44.29 # which version do you have? 18.44.55 # i'm guessing i could probably use my gameboy advance toolchain too 18.45.11 Join earHertz__ [0] (n=chatzill@c-24-30-242-135.hsd1.va.comcast.net) 18.45.13 Nick earHertz__ is now known as earHertz (n=chatzill@c-24-30-242-135.hsd1.va.comcast.net) 18.45.35 # markun: i was suggesting that the configure script could be aware of it 18.45.38 Quit Bagder (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.45.48 # Ah, then I misunderstool 18.45.59 # not stool :) 18.46.07 # and if there is both it could use whichever has higher supported version 18.46.13 # Damn, my typing is even worse than usual.. 18.46.39 # rconan: yes, good idea. Do you want to give it a try? 18.47.04 # You can also include arm-linux-elf-gcc in the comparison 18.47.24 # there are endless possibilities i can imagine 18.47.26 # ahaha 18.47.27 # not stool, you say? 18.47.38 # :) 18.47.40 # misunderstool <- word of the month 18.47.56 # i just imagine there are a lot of people with a uclinux toolchain they use for ipodlinux which they could use for rockbox too 18.48.06 # you can't, i think 18.48.06 # Yes, what a nice word I just invented 18.48.37 # preglow: were you saying that to me? 18.48.44 # rconan: yes 18.48.54 # i just did and it worked 18.48.57 # markun: what, you can use arm-linuf-elf? 18.49.01 # cool 18.49.05 # then what the hell is the difference? 18.49.10 # im not sure 18.49.23 # they're built against different libc's ???? 18.49.43 # i think the arm-uclinux-elf is built against uclibc 18.51.40 # we don't use libc, so in that case, hooray 18.51.48 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 18.51.58 Join FelixKarl [0] (n=fix@elk.csi.ch) 18.53.26 Quit earHertz_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.53.32 # is there a way i can run the configure script but have the shell show all the commands as they run? 18.53.40 Join Hansmaulwurf [0] (n=maerlyn@p5081BF9D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 18.55.11 # sh -x configure 18.55.44 Quit Apostle^ (Connection timed out) 18.58.41 # cheers Mikachu 18.59.32 # is it also possible to output that output to a file? 19.01.51 # yes, with: sh -x configure 2> outputfilename 19.05.21 Join senab [0] (i=senab@82-36-16-45.cable.ubr01.smal.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.20.57 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@ 19.22.44 Quit senab (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 19.25.13 Quit FelixKarl ("Ex-Chat") 19.28.10 Join Febs [0] (n=40be24f0@labb.contactor.se) 19.28.15 Quit german_snail (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.28.21 Join anathema [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust696.belf.cable.ntl.com) 19.32.48 Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3116.gwdg.de) 19.33.59 # omg... talking about the programmer being fired because the janitor can do it with PL/SQL 19.34.03 # http://thedailywtf.com/forums/thread/73971.aspx 19.34.19 # what an idiot... 19.37.45 # t0mas: let's not talk about mysql in that context :) 19.38.40 # yeah, lots of people can "work with mysql" 19.38.50 # just by writing a simple PHP guestbook they think they can do it 19.39.05 # that's why there is a 4 hours/week class in university just about good database design :) 19.39.06 # well, referring specifically to exception handling 19.39.14 # you can catch them 19.39.22 # but RAISE is scheduled for the next version 19.39.33 # so dividing by zero is just about a valid solution at the moment :-P 19.40.13 # haha 19.40.49 # Postgres had something stupid there too 19.41.03 # being able to RAISE but not catch an exception or something 19.41.35 Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m232.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 19.41.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.47.00 Join Farpnut [0] (n=solo84@cm90.sigma243.maxonline.com.sg) 19.47.33 # why would you insure proper error handling? i could get if you wanted to ensure it.. :) 19.47.58 # maybe it was a pun, i didn't start reading the actual article 19.49.34 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-9-207.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 19.55.23 Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 19.57.20 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ 19.59.48 Quit mirak (Connection reset by peer) 20.00.36 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@ 20.01.24 Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp121-212.adsl.forthnet.gr) 20.01.33 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.02.52 Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp121-212.adsl.forthnet.gr) 20.03.56 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.04.28 Quit Farpenoodle (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.09.54 Join bluebrother [0] (i=4miaHubE@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 20.10.53 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.12.56 Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp125-201.adsl.forthnet.gr) 20.15.31 Quit Moos ("Gloire à Rockbox !") 20.19.14 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 20.20.03 Quit anathema (Nick collision from services.) 20.20.37 Join wooo [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust696.belf.cable.ntl.com) 20.21.15 Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m232.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 20.27.38 # XavierGr: you didn't get my PMs I suppose? 20.29.10 Join ravon [0] (n=nravon@c-e947e455.029-28-73746f34.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 20.31.53 Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-140-14-86.range86-140.btcentralplus.com) 20.33.16 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.39.33 Quit Seed (Remote closed the connection) 20.39.45 Join Seed [0] (i=ben@ 20.44.49 Quit XavierGr_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.48.30 Join hardeep [0] (i=hardeeps@otaku.freeshell.ORG) 20.48.43 Join Farpenoodle [0] (n=solo84@cm65.sigma6.maxonline.com.sg) 20.50.28 Join pixelma [0] (n=pixelma@ 20.52.08 Join chang [0] (n=chang@AAmiens-157-1-152-173.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) 20.53.26 Join TCK [0] (i=TCK@85-210-12-183.dsl.pipex.com) 21.04.26 Quit Daishi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.07.06 Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-45703854.dyn.optonline.net) 21.07.38 Quit Farpnut (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.07.51 Join postglow [0] (n=d9092244@labb.contactor.se) 21.10.05 Quit chang ("So long, and thanks for all the fish !") 21.19.23 Quit RedBreva ("Time for Tubby ByeBye") 21.22.48 Quit bluey- (Remote closed the connection) 21.28.49 Quit Genre9mp3 ("Leaving") 21.33.28 Join DrMoos [0] (i=DrMoos@m232.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 21.33.45 Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.36.22 Quit mirak (Connection timed out) 21.40.04 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-104-147.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr) 21.41.28 Join powerrangersfan1 [0] (n=chatzill@ip70-179-116-87.dc.dc.cox.net) 21.42.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.42.34 # hey i only have a ipod for mac formated no windows machine any GUI installer thatwill install rockbox on a mac? also i already have ipodlinux with bootloader2 21.43.11 Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp127-155.adsl.forthnet.gr) 21.43.38 # * amiconn found the cause of the tetrox crash on archos 21.43.53 # anyone? 21.44.12 # powerrangersfan1: No. 21.44.17 # It's a good match to the link Mikachu posted earlier... 21.44.45 # oh so only windows formated ipods will work? what link 21.46.12 # powerrangersfan1: Yes, Rockbox needs a FAT partition. 21.46.33 # oh 21.46.41 # oh well 21.49.04 Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m232.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 21.49.05 # Hmm 21.49.09 Quit DrMoos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.49.40 # * amiconn thinks that 3x4 pixel tetrox blocks would look better on archos than the current 3x3 blocks 21.50.49 # 3x4 is an aspect ratio of 1.33, which is more close to the actual 1.25 than the ratio of 1.00 (3x3 block) 21.52.18 # Sounds reasonable to me... Is there room on the screen to increase the block size? 21.53.26 # garrr! 21.53.40 # ?? 21.53.41 # Yes there's a bit off room to the left & right 21.55.33 # just a OT question, is here someone who works with matlab? 21.56.23 # Activity table time stamps are still wrong... 21.56.58 Quit buraianto ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") 21.58.14 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 21.59.10 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 21.59.11 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.02.09 # pixelma: Check the latest bleeding edge... 22.02.28 # amiconn: will do 22.04.29 # viewcvs is severely hosed... tetrox.c doesn't even show up in apps/plugins/ :( 22.04.36 # amiconn: is it possible to change only the tetris.rock? 22.05.18 # Yes, if you already have a sufficient version installed 22.05.52 # You can always try, all that (should) happen is that the plugin loader says "Incompatible version" 22.08.22 # it works :) 22.08.37 # * amiconn expected it to work ;) 22.08.39 Quit Moos ("Gloire à Rockbox !") 22.15.04 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@dialin-145-254-108-254.pools.arcor-ip.net) 22.20.18 Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 22.23.20 Join FelixKarl [0] (n=fix@elk.csi.ch) 22.23.43 Join haradrgon [0] (n=haradrag@ip68-0-187-173.tc.ph.cox.net) 22.24.41 # hey all, anyone around to answer a quick Q 22.24.57 # ask and you'll found out! 22.25.08 # oh Bagder you are back? 22.25.21 # how was your holiday? 22.25.25 # back with two bazillion unread mails ;-) 22.25.30 # hehe 22.25.36 # I had a great week off 22.25.42 # in sunny Barcelona 22.25.49 # ouuh sounds nice!!! 22.25.51 # two low tech questions really, I have the Ipod Video. 1. Does Rockbox allow for video playback? 2. Where to I put my music... just make a dir called music and go at it? 22.25.56 # Ah, my girlfriend's home town... 22.26.07 # barcelona... I'm heading there on the 31st. 22.26.14 # haradrgon: 1) no 2) yes like that 22.26.17 # 1.no 2.yes 22.26.18 # Well, barcelona, then ibiza, then back to barcelona 22.26.27 # awe... no video playback, that sucks 22.26.38 # but, I can boot to the ipod firmware and do video that way, yes? 22.26.42 # yeps 22.26.55 # Just hold MENU whilst booting, and the Apple firmware will start. 22.26.55 # Bagder: Two things, in case you didn't follow the logs: (1) Activity table time stamps are off, they're supposed to show GMT but do show CEST (2) viewcvs is severely hosed 22.27.00 # the ipod firmware is a bit too perty for me 22.27.43 Quit xNibbler (Success) 22.27.44 # amiconn: ok, will look into it 22.28.20 # Bagder: 2) may be because of a new "commitid:" tag that's started to appear in all commits a couple of days ago. This apparently causes problems with viewcvs. Linus was going to look into upgrading viewcvs (see this morning's logs). 22.28.22 Join xNibbler [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-78-92.dynamic.qsc.de) 22.28.43 # will rockbox be supporting video, in the future? 22.28.49 # Linus already checked some things regarding viewcvs, the problem is that it doesn't show all revisions for some files, and (just found out half an hour ago) doesn't show some files at all 22.28.52 # haradrgon: the second someone writes the code for it 22.29.01 # lol, gotcah 22.29.17 # Linus found that the 'bad' files have some 'commitid' added, which may confuse viewcvs 22.29.43 # Perhaps viewcvs needs an update to adapt to some new cvs feature? 22.29.50 # most likely 22.30.02 # its even called viewcv these days afaik 22.30.19 # Just install svn.... 22.30.20 # (since it also speaks svn) 22.30.23 Join shirour [0] (n=50b297e7@labb.contactor.se) 22.30.25 # :) 22.30.44 # hi.... anyone here familiar with the DM320 SoC? 22.30.58 Join macdonalder [0] (n=macdonal@CPE00045af2dd15-CM0011ae92481c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 22.31.00 # shirour: I doubt you'll find many such ppl here 22.31.12 # bummer.... 22.31.16 # hrm... got my music transfering... 22.31.17 # haHA, you have not scared me away yet 22.31.22 # gonna need it for the flt to spain 22.31.51 # shirour: there's some code available all over for it 22.32.17 # what kind of code? 22.32.27 # linux kernel and u-boot stuff 22.32.34 # where? 22.32.48 # and what stuff do i need to change in the source in order ot make mine work? 22.32.52 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/TexasInstrumentsTMS320 22.32.57 # lists several sources 22.33.15 # and you do need some skill of your own ;-) 22.34.56 # It's called viewvc now 22.35.08 # oh right 22.35.40 # ok, oddity 22.35.44 # force tag cache rebuild 22.35.47 # reboot 22.35.49 # it commits 22.35.56 # play a song throught the tagcache 22.36.02 # loads in the player, but doesn't start playing 22.36.16 # hrm... do you guys know of a good software for transfering music, once using rockbox 22.36.27 # I have some other files in each music dir, that I would like to not copy 22.37.04 # reboot again, and it works from then on 22.37.20 # i jhave skills... i just don't know how far i need to go... 22.37.38 # thx for the info all... work time 22.37.40 Part haradrgon 22.37.53 # shirour: well you haven't told us anything about what you do or what you want 22.38.27 # ok.... i'll start: 22.38.42 # i've hacked the firmware - i can read the boot part and everything 22.38.49 # i can copy my stuff to the flash 22.39.00 # but if i destroy something i'm doomed.... 22.39.18 # the os is of unknown type (esol), and i want linux on it 22.39.31 # what target is it? 22.40.11 # tmx320dm320 22.40.22 # Are you hacking a DAP? 22.40.23 # I meant what player/device 22.40.29 # m:robe 500i 22.40.46 # aha 22.41.16 # Can you enter USB mode when you screw up the firmware on disk? 22.41.18 # there are several Linux based dm320 ones with source available 22.41.35 # but of course, doing it 100% right the first time isn't an easy task 22.41.55 # i don't think you can - when the device is stuck the usb interrupt does not respond 22.42.01 # if flashing a bad image truly makes a dead unit, I say you need a hw debug tool 22.42.21 # like jtag or whatever the tms features 22.42.24 # that's why i want to keep the original and add some bootloader that allows 22.42.29 # me to switch between possibilites 22.43.32 Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp119-144.adsl.forthnet.gr) 22.46.12 # but i don't know how to find the serial port address 22.46.22 Quit mirak (Connection timed out) 22.46.46 Join Aghaster [0] (n=Aghaster@modemcable240.73-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) 22.46.49 Quit SereR0KR ("XChat Aqua") 22.47.38 # well, there's some code to read for you... 22.47.52 # most of those are using the same linux/u-boot ports 22.48.02 # made by Ingenient 22.48.22 # who also happen to sell boards with the chip on 22.48.33 # and whose reference design is used by many players 22.48.50 # wooo!!!! 22.49.11 # what od you mean? doyou think all the devices have the same address mapping? 22.49.33 # from cold start yes 22.49.34 # my problem is resolving the i/o address map 22.49.34 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.49.48 # but I'm not sure all the DM320s are identical 22.50.06 # this is just stuff I've read 22.50.23 # where? 22.50.34 # that little thing called internet 22.50.54 # that wiki page I mentioned points out most of the stuff 22.51.19 # the Neuros devel list is really a good place if you wanna hang out where there is dm320 development in progress 22.51.26 # ok.. 22.51.36 # thanks...! 22.51.49 # some of them have the docs we mere mortals cannot get 22.52.34 # bagder, did you know i was porting side to rockbox? or at least, most of it anyway. 22.53.07 # side? 22.53.19 Part shirour 22.53.42 # space invaders didactic (?) emulator... 22.54.06 # aha 22.54.14 # nice! 22.54.26 # yeah... i've got a screenshot of it running... 22.54.33 # just have to fix some problems in the cpu code... 22.54.49 # then it'll be playable... 22.55.53 Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3047.gwdg.de) 22.58.18 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 22.58.19 # does anyone know a decent IRC client with multi-highlighting? Trillian is starting to be annoying 22.58.44 # gaim! 22.58.45 # not sure what you mean by multi highlighting but i would probably use xchat if i had to use windows 22.58.46 # ahah... 22.58.53 # If I only knew what you mean with 'multi-highlighting' 22.59.24 # * amiconn uses HydraIRC 22.59.25 # but it's a bit tricky to find windows binaries 22.59.33 # KVIrc? 22.59.39 # SharpeIrc? 22.59.47 # sorry for that. multihighlight = you add a word that is highligted with a colour you define. (you can add as many words as you like) 22.59.57 # * amiconn tried xchat on windows once 23.00.15 # It crashed a lot 23.00.25 # I will try to use both. (and maybe I will try again gaim). 23.01.30 # never crashed for me 23.01.36 # I use xchat on win from work 23.01.49 # not an exciting client, but works for me 23.01.59 # * rconan uses xchat 23.02.01 # but on linux 23.02.07 # /version 23.02.10 # oops 23.02.11 # I use it on linux too from home 23.02.12 # * amiconn doesn't like the interface of xchat 23.02.12 # :D 23.02.29 # I've never actually tried a GUI irc client I like 23.02.31 # -macdonalder- VERSION xchat 2.6.0 Linux 2.6.16-1.2122_FC5 [i686/3.53GHz] 23.02.32 # ;D 23.02.41 # ircII were the days ;-) 23.03.12 # * rconan wonders how macdonalder did that 23.03.24 # ctcp version 23.03.33 # i think i am slightly dyslexic. 23.03.35 # ctcp version ?? 23.03.46 Quit Hansmaulwurf ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: www.XLhost.de )") 23.03.57 # i read 21 as 12... 23.04.18 # /version rconan 23.04.32 # just don't do it to other people 23.04.57 # and there've been a few times where i was told what i had to pay for something, such as 5.12$, and i realized i was getting 12.50$ out... 23.05.13 # ctcp-ing other people is like pm'ing them without asking... rude and such 23.05.37 # ok 23.05.39 # For some reason the latest builds for Ondio have a noticeable delay between clearing the rockbox logo and showing the file browser 23.05.44 # it's the irc version of whispering to people, "i'm stalking you." 23.05.55 # heh 23.06.18 # * amiconn wonders what causes it 23.07.20 # * rconan has to go 23.07.21 # bye 23.07.23 Part rconan ("Leaving") 23.07.32 # i think his name was richard! 23.07.54 # haha 23.08.09 # 'sharpe' cookie :p 23.08.26 # oohhh will the hilarity ever cease 23.09.14 # because i am a comical genius. 23.10.07 Quit FelixKarl ("Ex-Chat") 23.10.12 # Hmm, what was the cvs command again to bring the local copy to a specific date+time? 23.10.38 # freebsd!5.3-release-p5 bitchx-1.1-final! - prevail[0123a] (i_think_i_need_a_bigger_bawx) + BXLog [2.2] by dARTh 23.10.46 # BitchX 4 lyfe and all that. 23.11.02 # amiconn: cvs update -D 'datetime' ? 23.12.20 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.14.23 Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.14.33 Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@ 23.15.13 Quit Rondom ("I'm leaving on a jetplane, don't know when I'll be back again...") 23.18.33 Part Paul_The_Nerd 23.20.29 # hi 23.21.32 Quit klrspz () 23.23.15 Quit powerrangersfan1 ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") 23.23.36 Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-56.VIC.netspace.net.au) 23.29.36 Quit ashridah ("uni :(") 23.32.04 # * amiconn blames markun 23.32.34 # Thanks. What did I do? 23.33.18 # You introduced the noticeable blank-screen delay between rockbox logo and filebrowser when booting the ondio 23.33.56 # (though I did not yet track down how - just that it appeared after your commit) 23.34.18 # The commit regading separate remote scroll settings, to be precise 23.36.04 Join nudelyn [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-109-71.dslaccess.co.uk) 23.37.26 # damn you XavierGr! 23.38.02 Join Romanos [0] (n=Romanos_@host-84-9-152-147.bulldogdsl.com) 23.38.26 # rockbox should sponsor us with every conceivable target so we can test decently!!!1 23.39.26 # i have a small problem with the newer rockbox release for nano. How can i get some more fonts? 23.40.39 # Romanos: on the daily build page there's a link 23.41.08 # :( i guess that i will have to see the previous release with the included fonts and replace them over the other one 23.41.33 # no 23.41.36 # there's a link 23.41.39 # on the daily builds page 23.41.42 # says "fonts" 23.41.44 # download that zip 23.42.05 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.42.18 # ok ok , found it :) 23.42.19 # Romanos: But the fonts of older builds will also work. 23.42.35 # no, they wont 23.42.50 # * amiconn is severely confoozled 23.43.31 # i think there is some sort of conflict cause i messed up a few things.. 23.43.58 # between rockbox and ipl 23.44.16 # for some reason , the crossfeed isn't working 23.44.26 # crossfeed should work 23.44.31 # are you sure you just don't notice the effects 23.44.31 # ? 23.45.03 # there is no crossfeed at all any more between the tracks 23.45.09 # you mean crossFADE 23.45.15 # srry 23.45.18 # blarblar...r 23.45.33 # :P 23.45.51 # Romanos: Maybe your settings have been reset - have you checked crossfade is still enabled? 23.46.03 # give me a break guys, i'm having my maths examd tomorrow and my head feels like shit from studying 23.46.14 # preglow: maybe we should rename it to something like speakersim because we get these questions all the time.. 23.46.29 # yeah, i agree 23.46.35 # crossfeed is a bit techy 23.46.38 # What my remote_scrolling patch did that to ondios? 23.46.47 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 23.46.56 # XavierGr_: I also can't imagine what it could be. 23.47.01 # How can that be? I only changed scrolling options. Nothing else 23.47.25 # Anyway If I am to blame I am really sorry... 23.48.22 # Romanos: don't worry, it's just that you are not the first one confusing crossfeed and crossfade 23.48.30 # Romanos: good luck with the exam 23.48.45 # thanx :) 23.51.03 # in the new release for nano there's no wps??? 23.51.20 # i mean the default one, iamp .. 23.51.39 # iamp's the default one for nano? 23.51.40 # well, it's not the default 23.52.12 # my head is screwd up, and the last thing i can do right now is translating exactly in my mind from greeek to english 23.52.29 # Romanos: a lot of things are low priority until we release 3.0 23.53.05 # ok, so how can i get iamp wps then? 23.53.13 # We could rename crossfeed to "Rockbox WOW - a special combination of Rockbox audio technologies that creates a thrilling immersive sound experience..." 23.54.44 # RB-WOW 23.55.08 # RBWOW 23.55.11 # ribow! 23.55.21 # bow 23.55.27 # bow before RB. 23.56.04 # XavierGr_: It's a complete mystery to me, but it's a fact 23.56.43 # The filebrowser used to appear directly after the rockbox logo vanished. Now there's a noticeable delay during which it shows a blank screen... 23.57.55 Join german_snail [0] (n=s@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za) 23.58.08 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net)