--- Log for 26.05.106 Server: clarke.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot- Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 2 months and 1 day ago 00.00.18 # preglow: just depends on the bandwidth we can develop to push pixels 00.00.19 Join Redbreva [0] (n=redbreva@ 00.00.23 # davidc__: you need tv out for an eq? :) 00.00.26 # might have to double the pixels up horizontally 00.00.39 # preglow: nah, not an eq :P one of those bouncing FFT style things ;) 00.00.43 # heh 00.00.46 # will sure eat some cpu 00.00.49 # that's for sure 00.00.49 # but yeah 00.00.52 # sounds sweet 00.00.59 Quit anathema (Nick collision from services.) 00.01.00 # almost makes me want to code something demoish 00.01.06 # yeah, it'd be cool for parties - re cpu - shouldn't be that bad 00.01.16 # looks to be less overhead than the LCD controller, thats for sure 00.01.20 # [just stream bytes to a register] 00.01.26 # you have a whole unused cpu for that 00.01.29 # and we think DMA to that might be possible - not sure yet 00.01.34 Join wooo [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust696.belf.cable.ntl.com) 00.01.35 Part tim66 00.01.38 # Mikachu: they don't 00.01.48 # preglow: the other cpu is barely used 00.01.54 # it can take a good amount of load 00.01.57 # no, but you ar eusing it 00.02.05 # yeah, but its only used to service interrupts 00.02.08 # Rockbox's multi-screen GUI system will work nicely with a TV-Out as well... 00.02.17 # preglow: Rockbox needs something cool and demoish, something shinier than most of the existing plugins seem to be, to woo new users. 00.02.20 # no main processing thread running on it 00.02.45 # heh, we'll hafta keep our code to ourselves then till we get something shiny and demoish - then you can have at it ;) 00.02.54 # Paul_The_Nerd: You mean a "DOS-like" text interface isn't wooing enough? 00.03.01 # haha 00.03.29 # Hell, Rockbox had me at the wonderful filetree listing on boot. But not everybody has such refined tastes as I. 00.03.33 # ooomfg 00.03.37 # this begs for a port of my ansi viewer 00.03.44 # finally rockbox has a good reason for supporting c++! 00.03.58 # and sdl :PP 00.03.59 Quit midkay_ ("Leaving") 00.04.12 # Hahaha 00.04.24 # is it technically possible to do good things in C++ you claim? ;-) 00.04.29 # no 00.04.42 # i wouldn't dare that 00.04.59 # * Bagder roles down his sleeves again 00.05.04 # yeah i want to view the .nfo files for my movies i can't watch on rockbox yet 00.05.25 # maybe they mostly don't use ansi codes in those 00.05.51 # also, this begs for a port of second reality 00.05.53 # actually - video decoding should be easier /w video out than with the lcd - might be easier than all the hoops we have to jump through for the lcd now.. 00.06.05 # Mikachu: rockbox does nothing with movies anyways 00.06.26 # yes, if you would have read to the end of my sentence little monkeys are cute 00.06.47 # ah. strange wrap-around. my bad. 00.06.57 # carry on 00.07.08 # davidc__: I expect some not-yet-known config registers for the pp lcd controller 00.07.43 # Bagder: why you guys haven't done a rockbox demo yet is beyond me 00.07.44 # The data path is way slower than what I would expect 00.08.05 # amiconn: yea - but then again - apple doesn't really use fast frame updates 00.08.23 # and part of the problem is the LCD itself - its a smart LCD - and all the PP seems to do is pass commands to it 00.08.28 # preglow: yeah, as we all have endless amounts of time to spend on that ;-) 00.08.39 # I did bounce and that was enough for me 00.08.41 # exactly! 00.09.10 # davidc__: That passing is what goes way slower than it should 00.09.35 # the bare minimum we need to be able to do a release with a straight face is a plugin with a sinescroller, some shadebobs, a rotozoomer and a rotating torus :) 00.09.36 # Dunno, maybe that doesn't hold for the colour models, but for the 4-gray lcd it definitely does 00.09.42 # amiconn: IIRC - we spend most of our time waiting for the done to come back from the lcd - but anyhow 00.10.20 # It almost looks like there's another controller between the cpu core and the lcd controller itself 00.10.42 # HD66753 should be good for ~10x the speed we get right now 00.10.44 # preglow: plugin? I want those in my WPS. 00.11.02 # amiconn: I don't think we ever figured out what contrller it was using 00.11.07 # [on the lcd] 00.11.09 # linuxstb: yes, agreed, if i can make room for it besides the the album art and the lyrics 00.11.26 # The HD66753 datasheet is a perfect match - all the commands I tried work as they should 00.11.26 # scrap album art heh 00.11.36 # Even display flip does 00.12.42 # amiconn: hrm.. it'd be interesting to take a LA and look at the turnaround times on the actual wired bus - and compare to the measured cmd->done time on the iPod 00.13.03 # amiconn: would that be for all ipods or only mini2g? 00.13.20 Quit ACK54W ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 00.13.33 # This 'done' business seems to be pp specific - the renesas controller don't need that, provided you adhere to the timing constraints 00.14.01 # But these timing constraints should allow a transfer rate approx. 10x of what we get now 00.14.07 # amiconn: hmm.. haven't looked that closely @ the spec on it 00.14.28 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 00.14.28 # I'll take a look at it after I play with video out 00.14.29 # Mikachu: It would be at least for all greyscale ipods 00.14.44 # i guess at least i can be happy for you :) 00.17.47 Quit Zendefera () 00.18.34 # no skipping whatsoever for 75mhz cpu- i think it is the cpu speed code 00.20.21 Quit lee-qid__ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 00.21.50 # Oooh... The ffmpeg AAC decoder is one of the projects in Google's summer of code. 00.22.14 # i want it finished now!!11en 00.22.33 # I saw that. :) 00.22.36 # fixed point? 00.22.43 # they're planning a fixed point port, yes 00.22.48 # it's been discussed, at least 00.22.50 Join ccd0 [0] (n=Miranda@M741P022.adsl.highway.telekom.at) 00.23.02 # hello! 00.23.06 # need help :) 00.23.10 # then ask! 00.23.12 # Don't panic. 00.23.15 # heh 00.23.23 # im owning an ipod mini 1 g 00.23.37 # on half hour ago i installed rockbox 00.23.39 Join _Lucretia_ [0] (n=munkee@ 00.23.43 # it worked all fine 00.23.44 Quit ashridah ("Leaving") 00.23.48 # but i have a lil bugs:) 00.24.08 # so when i restart the ipod it mostly loads only to the rockbox screen 00.24.20 # hehe nono no panic:) 00.24.41 Quit Redbreva (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.24.51 # than i have to restart again pressing ffwd then mostly works 00.25.17 Quit ender` (" printk("autofs: Out of inode numbers -- what the heck did you do??\n"); -- /usr/src/linux/fs/autofs/root.c") 00.26.01 # It freezes at the Rockbox logo screen? 00.26.09 # yes 00.26.37 # but when i hold ffwd during restart it doesnt freeze (mostly) 00.26.47 # Odd 00.26.50 # Have you enabled tagcache and/or the directory cache? 00.27.39 Quit jakub31337 ("leaving") 00.27.45 # (if you don't know what they are, I'm guessing you haven't enabled them...) 00.28.14 # yep i think so:) one moment please 00.28.17 # bah... the 24c02 doesn't like our ACK 00.28.38 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 00.29.37 # oke im doing 00.30.13 # frozen 00.30.22 # <_Lucretia_> anyone got an xclef mt-500 here? 00.30.32 # <_Lucretia_> having trouble with the thing not booting with a particular sd card 00.31.02 # <_Lucretia_> only started doing this after I copied some files to the card via the xclef and *I think* I unmounted without doing a sync 00.32.06 Part Paul_The_Nerd 00.33.08 Part tucoz ("Leaving") 00.33.32 # freeze again while "updating in background" 00.33.45 # _Lucretia_: this is #rockbox 00.34.00 Join thegeek_ [0] (n=thegeek@s026b.studby.ntnu.no) 00.34.00 Quit courtc (Connection timed out) 00.34.04 Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.34.07 # not #general-mp3-player-support 00.34.51 # <_Lucretia_> yeah i know 00.35.02 # <_Lucretia_> I also know that I started the mt-500 support 00.35.08 # <_Lucretia_> and david continued 00.35.21 # the mt-500 support? 00.35.23 # <_Lucretia_> and i also know that others here have got one 00.35.28 # <_Lucretia_> of rockbox 00.35.32 # <_Lucretia_> well the disassembly 00.36.42 # ah, right, calmrisc hell 00.37.17 # my ipod always freeze if i try to "force tag cache update" 00.37.56 # theres any chance that completly rebuild the bootloader and software helps? 00.38.07 Join Infirit [0] (n=infirit@84-104-97-114.cable.quicknet.nl) 00.38.21 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.38.37 Quit klrspz () 00.40.56 Nick qwx is now known as qwm (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 00.40.57 # OK, I have proof that our [ipodlinux'es] users are stupider than yours: "DJDutrow> i know ipod can run linux and all, but can it run windows?" 00.41.12 # rotfl 00.41.25 # hahahaaaaa 00.41.34 # it hurts 00.41.36 # and then he gets all testy for mocking him 00.43.25 Quit zblach (Success) 00.43.52 Quit Infirit ("Leaving") 00.45.33 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 00.46.02 # ccd0: No, the bootloader won't make any difference. It sounds like a bug in tagcache, so hopefully that will be fixed in newer versions of Rockbox. What kind of music files do you have on your ipod? 00.47.48 # @ linuxstb: just mp3 files most 320kb but it alos freeze with 128kb files, but at the moment i can "force tag cache update" didnt freeze i hope the best:) 00.48.09 # if you get music files from various places, there are many ways to have messed up id3 tags 00.48.32 # no they self ripoped frpm cd with ID3 V1 and V2 00.48.46 # for example: i use an app that saves radio streams to files and creates id3 tags for them 00.48.58 # oke 00.48.58 # every one of those had a problem 00.49.04 # Oo 00.49.42 # use an app that goes through all your tags and can categorize them by the id3 tags 00.49.54 # i never belive that just the ID tag makes such problems? 00.49.58 # EbErT: Are they MP3 files? Do you mean Rockbox has problems with them, or other players? 00.50.26 # i did that, and found SOME of the ones it couldn't handle. the ones it couldn't it wouldn't process and i deleted 00.50.36 # yes, all mp3 the ones i searched through 00.50.46 # rockbox only has the problem 00.51.04 # it could be the aac files' id3 tags, didn't look into those 00.51.15 # Was the problem just with tagcache, or did you also have problems if you tried to play it from the file browser? 00.51.24 # only tag cache 00.52.36 # all i have is aac files and mp3 00.53.42 # Did tagcache crash, or just fail to find the tags? 00.55.22 # it starts to find them, then freezes everything 00.55.22 Quit Poka64 ("destroy X now !!!") 00.55.39 # how long does it takes fpr update tag cache? and do i get an note when finished? 00.56.01 # but i have to say, in just play mode, putting cpu to 75mhz stops all the load problems and haven't had a freeze yet 00.56.17 # u sure the guy who wrote the cpu commands didn't mess up? 00.57.02 Quit obo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.57.10 # Given that we have no hardware documentation, we can't say anything for sure. But the CPU boosting has been enabled for a lot longer than these problems have been reported. 00.57.57 # ah 00.58.09 # any more questions about my tag cache probs? 00.58.27 # mhm the ipod restarts then an note with tag files 10/10 but when i try to play music it still freeze 00.59.02 # EbErT: You confused me by mentioning the CPU boosting - is that related to your tagcache problem? Or did you solve the tagcache problem by just removing the bad files? 00.59.10 # * petur browses his h3x0 eeprom 00.59.36 # no, removing the bad files made the cache go longer before crashing 00.59.49 # but still not fixed. and the cpu boost is unrelated to it 01.00.12 # Maybe you still have some more bad files? 01.00.12 # petur: What was the problem with our ACK? 01.00.25 # guess so. don't know how to find them tho 01.00.59 # amiconn: don't know, I just don't get page reading working so I use single byte reading atm :( 01.01.02 # OK. It seems that a log would be very useful in tagcache for finding these problem files - and then hopefully fixing Rockbox to deal with them. 01.01.06 # that's why the cache should be able to check them first and skip problem ones, then create a list of the ones that weren't handled 01.01.33 # yes. and u already put that in the suggestions as i recall linuxstb 01.01.49 # VERY useful :) 01.03.35 # does it makes problem when the original ipod stuff is in the player? 01.03.44 # i'd put it at high priority linuxstb 01.04.08 Quit Super ("CGI:IRC") 01.05.48 # If I don't want to compile a plugin into my build, what do I have to do to remove it? 01.06.07 # Edit apps/plugins/SOURCES (or apps/plugins/SUBDIRS for the multi-file ones) 01.06.35 # thanks 01.07.03 # amiconn: should I check this code in (it's under the debug menu)? I've put the eeprom access code in the pcf50606 files as it uses its functions 01.08.24 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=Yngwiejo@ 01.13.37 # bah... it's not ok yet 01.14.12 # are there any special issues with profiling on th eipod? 01.14.22 Quit petur ("Zzzz") 01.14.38 # okay 01.14.43 # thx 4 help.. 01.15.14 # i cpoied the oldest daily build in my ipod and no it works al fine -.- 01.15.42 # no freeze and plays all titles. 01.16.15 # and now, binary search to the one that introduced the problem! ;-) 01.19.39 Quit SereR0KR ("XChat Aqua") 01.20.25 Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.20.27 # Ok, what do I need to do to set up profiling? I've gotten a profile.ourt, but the only data seems to be memory addresses. No time data 01.22.41 # have to sleep gn8 all 01.22.54 Quit ccd0 ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 01.24.07 Join Infirit [0] (n=infirit@84-104-97-114.cable.quicknet.nl) 01.25.52 Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=xavier@ppp123-72.adsl.forthnet.gr) 01.27.14 Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3017.gwdg.de) 01.27.37 Quit earHertz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.28.20 # Hello, i'm trying to build rockbox on gentoo but get an error 01.28.25 # /usr/lib/gcc/m68k-elf/4.0.3/../../../../m68k-elf/bin/ld: region PLUGIN_IRAM is full (/home/sander/rockbox/rockbox-devel/build_dir/apps/codecs/vorbis.elf section .ibss) 01.28.44 # Is my cross compiler broken? 01.28.45 # don't use 4.0.3 for m68k 01.29.02 # as said in the wiki, we recommend 3.4.x for that 01.29.20 # Ah, ok that explains it. 01.29.50 # * Bagder goes to bed 01.29.54 Join earHertz [0] (n=chatzill@c-24-30-242-135.hsd1.va.comcast.net) 01.29.55 # Problem is that i cant get any of the 3.4.x gcc build with crossdev 01.30.08 # try my build script 01.30.12 # in the tools dir of rockbox 01.30.28 # Thanks, will try that :) 01.30.44 # rockboxdev.sh 01.31.17 # it hasn't been used much yet, so it might not be 100% working 01.31.25 # when frofileing, I have to maunaully add profile opts to the CCFLAGS for the compiltaion units I want to profile, yes? 01.31.44 # I will try it and see how far i get with it 01.31.53 # er, profiling 01.33.07 # earHertz: I'm not sure about the details, but I know that the parser to process the profiling output doesn't work with the ipod's output. No-one has adapted it yet. 01.33.28 # linuxstb: But I can't even get the output 01.34.08 # If I don't manunally edit the makefile, I get a profile.out with no data 01.34.36 # if I manually edit the makefile, I get an unsatified link error, looking for __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit 01.35.33 Join Zendefera [0] (n=zendyman@ip68-7-163-21.sd.sd.cox.net) 01.36.02 # woohoo, I finally got my shit together, and built my own copy of rockbox. and wierd, it runs much faster than that that I downloaded yesterday. 01.36.30 # I assume that if profiling works for otehr platforms, these funcs are defined somewhere in rockbox? 01.36.41 # earHertz: Sorry, I can't help with profiling. 01.36.52 # no problem 01.37.08 # any odea who can? ;) 01.37.11 # idea 01.37.33 # lostlogic wrote it. I'm not sure who else (if anyone) has used it. 01.37.39 # i have 01.37.57 # and i never did any more than just use configure 01.38.04 # profiling doesn't work on ipod yet anyway 01.38.21 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.38.27 # earHertz: What are you profiling? A plugin or part of core Rockbox? 01.39.03 # core, teh list.c button handling 01.39.09 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.39.29 Nick XavierGr_ is now known as XavierGr (n=xavier@ppp123-72.adsl.forthnet.gr) 01.39.45 # ipod can add scrolls faster than list.c can scroll the list 01.40.07 # I want to find out where the bottle-neck is 01.40.08 # Which ipod are you using? 01.40.33 # video 01.40.36 # the real solution is of course to scroll directly to the end spot instead of redrawing 5 times if there are 5 events in the queue 01.40.59 # earHertz: Then I would guess the LCD is the main bottleneck. The solution would be to perform less LCD updates. 01.41.07 # Mikachu: yeah, although I'd prefer the user sees the highlight bar move "naturally" rather than jumping 01.41.27 # linuxstb: probbaly, although I also wionder about the list data callback 01.41.30 # even apple os jumps when you scroll quickly 01.41.52 # Mikachu: yeah, I've written a couple of version sof accelerated scroll 01.41.53 # but i think lostlogic has all of this figured out already 01.42.13 # Mikachu: how so? 01.42.15 # * linuxstb goes to bed 01.42.22 # i don't know, it's just an impression i have 01.42.56 # linuxstb: could we preform a scroll by reading teh lcd memory, and copying everying up one line? 01.43.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.43.59 # sure, if you want the backdrop to move 01.44.09 # good point 01.44.21 # (I've never used a backdrop) 01.45.01 # i think the underlying issue is both the lcd driver and the button driver for ipods suck right now 01.45.49 # how's the button driver suck? 01.47.40 # is there any "yield" solution that will prevent audio skipping on H300 and H100 too? 01.48.05 # I mean the button driver should let the codec thread "breathe" a little instead of stealling all CPU action. 01.48.50 Quit Zendefera () 01.49.50 # XavierGr: on teh ipod, dfor scrolling (haven't tested with playback on) boost_cpu helps when teh button thread finds the button_queue not empty 01.49.56 # there, rockboxdev.sh should now work for all archs 01.50.10 Quit mbr_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.53.48 # on my few tests on iriver targets, I see that when the user fast scrolls for some time (2 seconds or more) playback stops until the user let off the buttons 01.54.40 # That must be that scrolling algorithm doesn't yield enough for other threads to run realtime. 01.55.11 # the scrolling thread only yeilds after it does a redraw 01.55.34 # Yeah, the redraw takes too long 01.56.05 Join mbr [0] (n=mb@stz-softwaretechnik.de) 01.56.34 # Mono bitmap drawing on 16bit targets is still rather slow 01.56.36 # amiconn: any actual numbers on how long it takes? 01.57.42 # The other slow part is the data transfer to the lcd controller 01.58.33 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 01.58.53 # * amiconn points to http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/LcdFrameRate 01.59.18 # Only 5.6MByte/s for ipod video... 01.59.58 # ...and the partial updates suck even more 02.01.06 # On almost all targets, the 1/4 lcd update gives almost 4x more fps (as I'd expect), just not on ipod video 02.02.58 # ok, I've got eaw profile data for the ipod 02.03.00 # raw 02.03.45 # s/4x more/4x as much/ 02.04.47 # or 3x more :) 02.05.21 # yes 02.08.20 # earHertz: now make that perl parser!!! 02.08.34 # i've got it on my todo list, but go ahead, feel free 02.08.43 # no hard feelings if you do it first 02.09.19 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.09.47 # * Mikachu is listening to Eagles - Peaceful Easy Feeling (0:02 / 4:17) 02.10.46 # preglow: I can do C, C++, and java. Perl makes my head hurt 02.11.24 # perl is sweet 02.13.23 # each to his own 02.13.45 # preglow: where do I find the addresses profile.out record? in riockbox.map? 02.14.00 # anyone good with electronics, currents and such? 02.14.19 # I just wonder how long a 12v car battery would be able to feed 1000 watt :) 02.14.44 # depends on how much energy is stored in it 02.14.52 # fully charged? :) 02.14.57 # this is typically measured in ampere hours 02.15.00 # ah 02.15.09 # don't know about that. 02.15.15 # I'm just thinking about crazy ideas 02.15.35 # but my hunch is: not very long 02.15.56 # 3-4 minutes tops 02.16.14 # I see a 70 amp battery 02.16.28 # 3-4 still? 02.17.31 # car batteries are made for high current-draw over a short period of time, such as, for starting a car. they're not made for powering things... 02.17.40 # i'm not 100% sure about this calculation, but 02.17.44 # You have: 70 ampere hours * 12 volts / 1 kilo watt 02.17.45 # at least, directly. 02.17.47 # You want: hours 02.17.47 # * 0.84 02.18.19 # when the units add up, it's usually right :) 02.18.40 # 0.84 hours then? 02.18.53 # or 50 minutes 02.18.58 # but no guarantees 02.19.27 # Don't forget that the effective capacity decreases when load increases 02.20.15 # ah 02.20.26 # ..and with such high loads, self-heating of the battery becomes a problem 02.20.41 # yeah, that's an absolute maximum probably 02.21.31 # so my idea is probably bound to fail? 02.21.46 # if it involves drawing 1000 watts from a car battery, yeah 02.22.04 # how about 600 watts then? 02.22.44 # by the same formula i get 84 minutes 02.23.22 # I was more like, thinking of the heat issue 02.23.45 # ah 02.23.54 # i am not an expert on car batteries 02.24.05 # i have my final on basic electronics next week :) 02.25.21 # :) 02.26.07 # Then it's a good idea I keep asking these questions ;) 02.26.27 # someone with a clue might show up 02.28.14 # The idea is powering a 2x300 light rig using a car battery 02.36.39 # you won't be doing that for long 02.36.58 # An hour per battery is sufficient 02.37.44 Quit dpro (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.37.46 # so your idea is to blow people's car batteries? 02.38.41 # they will explode? 02.38.51 # that's... a nice waste of money? 02.40.15 Part pixelma 02.41.10 # I have been trying to get a working cross compiler for ages on gentoo but it always fails with: 02.41.21 # ../../gcc-3.4.6/gcc/libgcc2.c: In function `__fixdfdi': 02.41.28 # ../../gcc-3.4.6/gcc/libgcc2.c:1277: internal compiler error: in do_SUBST, at combine.c:447 02.41.42 # Does anyone know how to solve this? 02.42.25 # correctly? 02.43.11 # Well, if i can get rockbox to build i am happy :) 02.43.29 # heh, then i'm not the one to help you. 02.43.31 # :) 02.45.33 # If gcc 4.0.3 was supported for m68k i would use that. But it fails to build rockbox on an IRAM-something 02.45.59 # Would 5 02.46.25 # Ignore that, sorry. Would 4.1 work for m68k? 02.51.32 Join JdGordon [0] (i=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 02.51.40 # Ok, just looked at the wiki and it does not. 02.53.19 # internal compiler error means the compiler crashed, you're not using a gcc compiled with crazy cflags are you? 02.53.50 Join solexx [0] (n=jrschulz@e176096157.adsl.alicedsl.de) 02.55.15 # I just follow the wiki on how to make a cross compiler. 02.55.21 # echo $CFLAGS does not give anything 02.55.38 # grep CFLAGS /etc/make.conf 02.56.06 # only looking for lines not starting with # 02.56.18 # CFLAGS="-march=k8 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" But i am not using crossdev 02.57.05 Nick qwx is now known as qwm (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 02.57.16 # that should be fine 02.58.12 # Infirit: don't use 4.1 for m68k 02.59.59 # preglow, I won't i forgot to check the wiki before asking 03.00.40 # Infirit: i just came in.. but if your making the cross compiler, just run the new script thats in the tools folder 03.00.52 # rockboxdev.sh 03.01.26 # Tried that, fails at the exact same point :( 03.01.35 # oh ok 03.09.53 Quit solexx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.12.00 # Anyway, thanks for taking a look :) 03.12.37 # what gcc are you using to compile it? 03.13.28 # gcc version 3.4.6 (Gentoo 3.4.6-r1, ssp-3.4.5-1.0, pie-8.7.9) 03.14.18 # nothing suspicous there either 03.14.53 # It is realy strange and most likely something in gentoo screwing it up 03.15.06 # Could it be that i am on amd64? 03.15.31 # quite possibly 03.15.38 # i heard something about that being troublesome before 03.16.10 Quit hannesd (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.16.14 # I'll setup a 32bit chroot to see if that solve the problem. 03.17.01 # If not qemu and ubuntu/fedora will have to come to the rescue :) 03.17.17 # Thanks for trying though :) 03.17.29 Quit dpassen1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.18.01 # are you saying i failed? 03.18.07 # :) 03.19.40 # Nah, I failed as nobody seems to have this problem :) 03.26.23 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 03.30.27 # i'm... blah... 03.41.01 Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.41.14 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 03.42.11 # <{edf}ss> I'm back, anyone around? 03.42.29 # meh... 03.42.53 # <{edf}ss> I have a question maybe you can help me with... 03.43.16 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.43.17 # <{edf}ss> I have an iPod nano, and if I navigate to a directory, I can hold down the middle button, and add that entire dir to the playlist 03.43.20 # <{edf}ss> that works great 03.43.32 # mmhmm... 03.43.36 # <{edf}ss> then, while it's playing that, I hold down the middle button again and navigate to save the playlist 03.43.47 # <{edf}ss> I can enter the name of the playlist - but how do I actually SAVE it?! 03.43.51 Nick {edf}ss is now known as {EDF}SS (n=SS@Toronto-HSE-ppp3667261.sympatico.ca) 03.43.59 # hold down the select button for a second or two 03.44.07 # <{EDF}SS> select is the middle button? 03.44.09 # aye 03.44.24 # it could have better feedback on when to let go 03.44.28 # <{EDF}SS> alright let's try this again.... 03.46.30 # <{EDF}SS> ok I held down select, it flashed something really quickly on the screen then was done, but there's no playlist saved 03.47.16 # are you in a folder currently? 03.47.52 # try navigating to the root directory of your ipod. 03.48.05 # <{EDF}SS> I looked in root, in my music dir, in the artist's dir, no playlists 03.48.28 Quit davidc__ (Nick collision from services.) 03.48.34 # what'd you save it as? 03.48.38 # <{EDF}SS> do I need to enter the extension? 03.48.59 # yes 03.49.05 Quit hardeep ("Read error: 69 (Excessive sex)") 03.49.17 # <{EDF}SS> well that's pretty dumb, that should be fixed 03.49.22 # :) 03.49.30 Join davidc___ [0] (n=chatzill@s142-179-110-30.bc.hsia.telus.net) 03.49.49 # <{EDF}SS> not like I'm going to try to create a text file from the playlist-creation dialog 03.50.27 # you can just scroll the cursor to skip over the extension... 03.51.11 # <{EDF}SS> it's much easier to hit select a whole bunch til the default filename is deleted 03.51.46 # <{EDF}SS> and regardless of what you can/should do, my point's still valid 03.52.30 # meh, doesn't affect me. 03.53.08 # <{EDF}SS> how do you delete the current playlist? 03.53.23 # i mean, pressing left four times to skip over the extension doesn't take much time to me. 03.53.36 # <{EDF}SS> [21:56] <{EDF}SS> and regardless of what you can/should do, my point's still valid 03.55.29 # meh. 03.55.45 # {EDF}SS, .m3u is a text file. Rockbox just does not recognize it as a playlist if there is not extension 03.55.58 # <{EDF}SS> sharpe you're not a developer of rockbox, are you 03.55.58 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 03.56.03 # The same goes for audio files 03.56.15 # {EDF}SS: take a wild guess. 03.56.25 # <{EDF}SS> Infirit there's no prob with that, but when you're in the save-playlist dialog, it should automatically append the extension 03.56.39 # there is more than one playlist format. 03.56.54 # does rockbox detect the ending and use the appropriate one? i'm guessing no 03.57.00 # <{EDF}SS> that dialog supports other types? 03.57.09 # <{EDF}SS> right, what Mikachu said. 03.57.10 # No 03.57.14 # no, there just are different playlist types. 03.57.25 # <{EDF}SS> yeah well from that dialog, it should append the extension 03.57.32 Join Presence [0] (n=presence@ 03.57.32 # But it's possible that a user wants to name it something specific anyway, for another reason. 03.57.57 # well, why don't you create a patch, that changes four letters in a string? 03.58.08 # <{EDF}SS> save a non-playlist from the save-playlist dialog? I think not. 03.58.23 # Paul_The_Nerd: if that should happen, he could use the rename feature after.. 03.58.50 # Mikachu: You should never _have_ to use the rename feature to get a desired filename. 03.59.24 # Maybe add a default extension button to the VKeyboard somehow, that picks the most likely extension based on what dialogue you're in, and appends it. 03.59.28 # i think i am leaning to the "don't delete the extension in the first place" approach 03.59.46 # {EDF}SS: I think you're missing that it's really the "generic pick a filename" dialogue 03.59.56 # i don't see the problem with moving the cursor four charactesr 04.00.10 # excuse me, characters. 04.00.11 # <{EDF}SS> whatever you want to call it, it saves a playlist, so why the hell would you want a different extension 04.00.16 # it's the same amount of keypresses as deleting them 04.00.35 # {EDF}SS: it's a general keyboard entry dialogue. 04.00.50 # the code that calls the vkeyboard can append the .m3u without any problems 04.01.27 # I think that the .m3u should never be done automatically. That's taking away a user's option to name it somehow else. 04.01.37 # At the very most a ".m3u" "key" 04.01.38 # <{EDF}SS> does the vkeyboard always start out with default filename dynamic.m3u ? 04.01.48 # only when saving a dynamic playlist 04.01.51 # {EDF}SS: Not when called elsewhere 04.01.59 # if you save a config it will start with configXX.cfg 04.02.14 # and if you edit a text file it will start with what's on the line 04.02.22 # <{EDF}SS> well if there's already detection in place for where the vkb is called from, use that same detection to ensure the correct extension is attached! 04.02.38 # the keyboard doesn't need to detect it at all 04.02.42 # the calling code can take care of it 04.02.53 # <{EDF}SS> so have the calling code rename the file if necessary 04.03.09 # {EDF}SS: You're making assumptions on the user's behalf though. 04.03.12 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 04.03.28 # <{EDF}SS> You're damn right I am, nobody's gonna want a playlist with a different extension! 04.03.40 # heh 04.05.04 # yeah. you're right. actually taking the time to move the cursor over the extension is so time-consuming. 04.05.11 # <{EDF}SS> that's NOT THE POINT! 04.05.15 # I dunno. I can think of a few cases where I might. If I'm in "view supported" then I won't see playlists with no extensions. Which means if I have an idea for a Mix CD, I can create one with a non-m3u extension to keep the list in place, and use for a burner, without it cluttering my screen. 04.05.40 # You should never take an option AWAY from a user in favour of "I don't want to move the cursor" 04.05.50 # <{EDF}SS> for those instances which will be SOOOOO few and far between, then a user can use the rename function. 04.06.09 # <{EDF}SS> maybe have it as an option 04.06.10 # wouldn't it be possible to auromatically set the cursor in front of the extension in a save file dialog? so the user can still save the file with a different extension, but doesn't have to move the cursor first if he just wants to change the filename 04.06.22 # {EDF}SS: As I said, the user shouldn't be _forced_ to save a filename within constraints. Why isn't a single button that auto-appends the appropriate extension, but no forced extension, good enough for you? 04.06.23 # you know what my opinion is? that this really doesn't warrant a big discussion 04.06.27 # <{EDF}SS> PaulJam_ 's idea is good too 04.06.44 # you'd have to change where the cursor is in the kbd_input() source, but i don't think it would be too hard. 04.08.09 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=Steve-O@ 04.08.19 # Mikachu: oh, but it does! someone doesn't want to take the time to bother moving the cursor four spaces, so they rather have the extension appended for them! and yes! i am in a pissy mood. 04.08.30 # <{EDF}SS> The point is - when you save a playlist, you have to use the left key to scroll past the extension, then switch to the select key to delete the filename (making sure you don't delete the / at the start) and then finally start entering the filename. It SHOULD be as simple as typing the filename without the extention. Perhaps have a checkbox with "do not append .m3u" 04.09.30 # {EDF}SS: So make a bloody patch. 04.09.45 # If you'd rather it done a very specific way, do it yourself 04.09.50 # * Infirit sees files with .m3u.m3u and it reminds him of window hiding extension 04.10.10 # <{EDF}SS> Infirit at least they'd work, unlike .(blank) 04.10.24 # Yeah, I'm still against it doing anything without being explicitly told to do it. The checkbox should be for "append" not "do not append." 04.10.28 # If anything 04.10.30 Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) 04.10.32 # yes, it shouldn't be too hard to remove the extension from the buffer passed to kbd_input(), and just append it to the buffer *after* the function is called. 04.11.06 # <{EDF}SS> exactly! 04.11.10 # then do it. 04.11.20 # <{EDF}SS> but detect if the user has entered .m3u so it won't be .m3u.m3u 04.11.31 # Then DO it. 04.11.40 # <{EDF}SS> where is the code? 04.11.44 # in cvs. 04.12.07 # It's an open source project. There's a tarball at the site, as well as information for accessing the CVS server for download 04.12.16 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DevelopmentGuide 04.12.24 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UsingCVS 04.12.32 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WorkingWithPatches 04.13.01 # <{EDF}SS> yeah see, that's far too much work for regular joe, even if regular joe knows some coding - but for you who are developing the project, it's a simple suggestion that would benefit all rockbox users, so I'd assume you want it to be done 04.13.03 # Hi 04.13.16 # does anybody know where to find the rockboxdev.sh tool described in the mailing list? 04.13.22 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.13.45 # {EDF}SS: It wouldn't benefit all users, and it takes freedom away from them. 04.13.53 # Aghaster, it is in the tools directory 04.14.07 # in the latest sources, i guess? 04.14.09 # {EDF}SS: If you feel as strongly as you do about it, make a patch. If you don't feel strongly enough to make a patch, then accept if it never shows up. 04.14.23 # <{EDF}SS> Paul_The_Nerd it's one thing to support open source, give user choice etc, but you're taking it WAY TOO FAR, illogically so! 04.14.45 # Aghaster, yes 04.14.55 # {EDF}SS: What, by requiring them to type four letters in a situation where they want those four, and none when they don't? 04.15.00 # k 04.15.05 # that might be quite interesting. 04.15.29 # <{EDF}SS> Paul_The_Nerd the point is that from a save playlist dialog, there will be 0.00001% of the time that the user does NOT want the .m3u extension 04.15.53 # <{EDF}SS> so if the user wants to do that, they can damn well rename the file themself 04.16.23 # {EDF}SS: See, that's intentionally and knowingly forcing your wishes on the user. 04.16.41 # <{EDF}SS> boo freakin hoo to those 0.00001% of people 04.17.08 # {EDF}SS: And maybe I think "boo freakin' hoo" to people who can't bother to just type the bloody m3u, or not delete it. 04.17.09 # you know what? 04.17.17 # why don't we make a bug controversy about it? 04.17.23 # er, big. sorry. 04.17.26 # <{EDF}SS> as it is, your sole idea of when a user wouldn't want a .m3u extension is really far-fetched anyway 04.17.38 # {EDF}SS: I've done it before, so it's not that far fetched 04.18.12 # <{EDF}SS> fucking linux nerds :( 04.18.19 # whats rockbox recognize as a playlist? does it not use the .m3u extention to tell? it just take whatever you give it with an unfiltered directory listing? 04.18.31 # It uses the .m3u extension to tell. 04.19.00 # {EDF}SS: that's not very nice. 04.19.41 # All I'm saying is that a solution should be reached that does not FORCE things upon users. An extension key that appends it or whatever, yeah, sure. 04.19.58 # I'm also saying that if you're not willing to do the work for it, then you should post your feature request, and then drop it. 04.20.58 # and it is *not* too much work for the average joe. plenty of people have set up a build enviornment to work with patches, at the least. 04.21.40 # Well, it's too much for the average joe. But the average joe doesn't replace his MP3 player's firmware with open source code from a bunch of linux nerds. 04.22.01 # But there's definitely a high enough percentage of iPod users who've managed to figure it out to say it's not _too_ bad. 04.22.10 # :P 04.23.04 # why does he assume we all use linux? 04.23.21 # don't we? 04.23.23 # because we all do. 04.23.24 # lol 04.23.27 # * Aghaster is a gentoo user 04.23.53 # * sharpe doesn't. 04.24.05 # o.O you're a windowsian? 04.24.07 # * sharpe develops plugins, but doesn't use linux. 04.24.12 # yes. 04.24.13 # What else is there ;) but it is a huge assumption to make 04.24.40 # meh. hackers usually enjoy linux 04.24.54 # meh 04.25.22 # maybe you feel too comfortable on windows to start learning a new OS, i had the same problem when i started 04.25.46 # nobody should feel comfortable in windows 04.26.05 # no, it's just really a hardware incompatibility that keeps me from using linux. 04.26.39 # and software, really. 04.26.40 Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 04.26.51 # yeah, well, in my case i'm saving my money for an nvidia card. 04.26.56 # far too many games i play that are only for windows. 04.27.05 # It all depends on your needs. 04.27.11 # yeah, but you know solutions exist 04.27.14 # to emulate your games 04.27.28 # yep. 04.27.33 # someone who really wants can run linux 04.28.01 # it doesn't really bother me what operating system i use, nor what anyone else uses. 04.28.17 # of course, i think the same 04.28.23 # it doesn't show :) 04.28.29 # lol 04.28.31 # :P 04.28.35 # :P 04.28.44 # i hide it pretty well too 04.28.49 # I'm simply enthousiast about everything that is open source and free 04.29.03 # Aghaster: same goes for me 04.29.06 # hehe 04.29.18 # and it's enthusiastic :) 04.29.24 # :P 04.29.43 # well, i fear i must go everyone. er, at least in thirty minutes. 04.29.48 # k 04.29.52 # i will prepare the mourning tent 04.29.54 # Once ReactOS plays my games, I think I'll be done with windows. 04.29.56 # If it ever does 04.30.00 # heheh 04.30.01 Quit TeaSea ("Leaving") 04.30.06 # Paul_The_Nerd: wow linux too mainstream for you? 04.30.09 # Well my reason to switch was because off all the spyware and virussus i got 04.30.22 # Mikachu: ReactOS is to Windows what Linux was to Unix so long ago. 04.30.23 # i don't get any... 04.30.28 # And having to contantly update virus scanners etc 04.30.32 # is amiconn here? 04.30.36 # he was... 04.30.38 # Paul_The_Nerd: commercial software that died a slow death? 04.30.49 # Paul_The_Nerd: wait i read that backwards :) 04.30.52 # Mikachu: No, no, ReactOS fills the Linux role. :) 04.31.13 # Mikachu: It's an attempt to be a FOSS windows-compatible environment, which would mean I can use all my old windows games without jumping through WINE hoops 04.31.14 # i should go to bed, it's 4.5am 04.31.16 Quit wooo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.31.25 # i switched because i felt i needed to do it 04.31.25 # wouldn't it technically be a wine hoop? 04.31.47 # Heh 04.31.50 Quit PaulJam_ (".") 04.32.44 # I need to go, cya guys 04.32.58 # goodbye. 04.33.39 # I guess i'll have time to finish my esperanto translation this weekend :P 04.33.42 # its half-finished now 04.34.12 # Is there a plan to have multi language manuals? 04.34.22 # doubt it.. 04.34.26 # I am willing to start a Dutch translation 04.34.40 # go for it... 04.35.57 # I will but it would be great to see it updated like the lang files 04.37.38 # it'd only be updated like the lang files if you were willing to write updates like the lang files.. 04.37.45 # midkay! 04.37.48 # midkay: !! 04.37.49 # they aren't something that just occur naturally, people must write them. :) 04.37.54 # sharpe! earHertz!!! 04.37.54 # :D 04.37.58 # heheh... 04.38.07 # Yeah, true 04.38.13 # hey midkay did you write teh ipod video lcd source? 04.38.19 # i've not played factions for a while, been in some bad moods. 04.38.26 # earHertz, ha..ha..? 04.38.27 # :) 04.38.29 # But there are always people who want to contunue other peoples work 04.38.32 # sharpe, ah.. 04.38.40 # Infirit, just as your work'd be continued if you started it, sure. 04.38.42 # So if it has a begin... 04.38.53 # sharpe, i'm getting pretty far pretty quick.. 04.38.56 # i'm going to try to finish the SIDE port tomorrow... 04.39.02 # what level? 04.39.09 # almost 20 by now. 04.39.12 # ooh. 04.39.17 # farther than me. 04.39.32 # played it for 8 hours straight after school yesterday.. 04.39.41 # lit. home -> factions -> sleep.. 04.39.42 # heh... 04.40.06 # i'll probably try to play it some this weekend. 04.40.24 # cool, maybe we can hook up.. 04.40.40 Quit BHSPitLappy ("Dropped my laptop.") 04.40.44 # so wrong on so many levels. 04.41.07 # heh... 04.41.19 # haha. 04.41.27 # i regretted it after hitting enter. 04.41.29 # even a bit before. :) 04.41.37 Nick qwx is now known as qwm (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 04.41.46 # hah. 04.42.02 # well, i'm going to get going. i've got to finish this work for class tomorrow. 04.42.17 # then i'll try to fix that problem in the SIDE port's cpu emulation. 04.42.21 # the release the patch. 04.42.27 # then play factions. 04.42.35 # haha. cool. alright. 04.42.40 # later everyone! 04.42.46 # laters :) 04.46.01 # omg 04.46.06 # midkay: is alive 04.46.06 # :P 04.46.19 # haha. 04.46.20 # only in here. 04.46.22 # :) 04.53.28 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 04.56.25 Quit daurnimator ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") 04.56.38 Join Novus [0] (n=Novus@c-67-190-63-114.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 04.56.39 Quit Infirit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.57.10 # anybody here? 04.57.30 # when i plug in my ipod it says removable disk e: has to be formated 04.58.14 # And? This is after what? 04.59.14 # when i plug my ipod in my via usb 04.59.18 # ive never got this before 04.59.40 # it's obviously when you plug it in, but did you do anything special to it? 04.59.46 # no 05.00.18 # i mean i have rockbox installed but that shouldnt matter 05.01.40 # usually it comes up the name of ipod, not removable disk e: 05.02.00 # <{EDF}SS> sounds like the partition got b0rked 05.02.55 # shat, anybody kno how to fix it? 05.03.12 Join Rob2222_ [0] (n=Miranda@ACB7EA6F.ipt.aol.com) 05.03.23 # <{EDF}SS> how large is your player? 05.03.37 # ipod nano 4g 05.03.49 # <{EDF}SS> probably not worth the bother 05.04.09 # .. 05.04.14 # to fix it? 05.04.34 # <{EDF}SS> depending on what the problem actually is.....yeah 05.04.36 Join kfarrell [0] (n=kfarrell@ppp172-243.lns3.adl4.internode.on.net) 05.05.02 # i was thinking mabye cos i have older version of rockbox.. 05.05.09 # Gday, I'm sorry but I'm a little confused.Can RockBox be run on a Gigabeat X30? 05.05.21 # not yet 05.05.25 # <{EDF}SS> Novus if windows can't read the drive, it's nothing to do with the software onit 05.05.31 # i don't know what models are being worked on 05.05.50 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.06.02 # so its my computer, not my nano? 05.06.26 # <{EDF}SS> no, it's the hard drive on your nano, the way it's formatted/partitioned 05.06.30 # <{EDF}SS> (probably) 05.06.50 # <{EDF}SS> I recovered a 300gb disk using these tools, but I doubt it's worth it for a 4gb one: 05.06.51 # ty Mikachu 05.06.51 # <{EDF}SS> http://www.partitionsupport.com/ 05.07.20 # so if just format, it will be good? 05.07.33 # <{EDF}SS> all your data will be gone, but it will work again (probably) 05.09.25 Nick qwx is now known as qwm (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 05.11.50 Quit kfarrell ("Lost terminal") 05.16.27 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 05.18.09 # midkay: what's sizeof( short) on teh ipod? 05.18.46 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 05.19.24 # earHertz, i dunno.. :E:E 05.20.03 # what are you doing with the LCD code?! 05.20.21 Quit qwm (Nick collision from services.) 05.20.26 Nick qwx is now known as qwm (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 05.20.31 # replaceing a loop with Duff's device 05.21.07 # you ever seen Duff's Device? 05.21.29 # no? 05.21.47 # Google it. It'll blow your mind 05.22.12 # wtf. 05.23.29 Quit Doomed ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.01 :: www.XLhost.de )") 05.23.46 # how weird. 05.24.00 # sweetm, huh? 05.24.21 # and competely leagal. the stanfdards committe agree, and so does dmr 05.24.41 # indeed! 05.26.15 # Weird. 05.29.06 # Also weird is this commercial about text-messaging phones that advertises it as a way to communicate with mimes. 05.29.35 Quit Novus (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.29.50 # haha. 05.31.12 # <{EDF}SS> lol wtf 05.32.12 # I hate miomes 05.32.14 # mimes 05.32.16 # earHertz: aren't writes to the lcd register timing constrained anyway? 05.33.48 # it appears so 05.34.49 # bbut there's no timing check WITHIN the loop 05.34.57 # just priior to the block containig it 05.35.21 # hm, i guess there is a remote possibility it will help then 05.38.27 # i think it looks like it does wait after every copy 05.38.49 # are we looking at color ipods? 05.40.17 # I am 05.40.24 # well, at teh video 05.40.27 # ah 05.40.37 # different story then i guess 05.40.45 # prob'ly 05.43.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.00.09 # how do I get teh system time? 06.00.22 # er, the ticks 06.00.53 # current_tick 06.02.44 # it's global? 06.02.57 Join Falco98 [0] (n=18586afa@labb.contactor.se) 06.03.13 # hey all 06.04.00 # earHertz: yup 06.04.12 # thanks 06.04.32 # JdGordon: did you notice they broke the patch when they changed the playlist code the other day? 06.05.32 # it doesn't even compile now 06.05.56 # (i just tried your last version of the patch with source i had from 5-22.... when it worked with source from 5-19) 06.07.03 Join {EDF}SS2 [0] (n=SS@Toronto-HSE-ppp3656863.sympatico.ca) 06.14.42 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 06.16.56 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.17.18 Quit {EDF}SS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.21.01 # JdGordon: u around? 06.23.23 # hey 06.23.27 # ye i saw the comments 06.23.57 # yeah 06.24.01 # have you tried to compile? 06.24.04 # nope 06.24.07 # no time today 06.24.08 # it's not a simple misalignment error 06.24.15 # i dont see a point fixing it till next week 06.24.19 # someone has done fundamental change to playlist.c 06.24.35 # yeah, that's fine, i don't mind, i just wanted to make sure you know the scope of the problem 06.25.15 # but when you try to compile it as it is now, it complains that several of the variables are undeclared etc (the ones you use in the CASE part which are used other places in the function) 06.25.40 # so i think hardeep may have messed with the way things work just in general (or hopefully just renamed some variables) 06.26.03 Join {EDF}SS [0] (n=SS@Toronto-HSE-ppp3656579.sympatico.ca) 06.26.08 # ok, i dunno... iv got stuff to do now, but ill have a look later today or after the w/e 06.27.49 # no prob.. like i said, just wanted to make sure you know ;-) 06.28.10 Quit {EDF}SS2 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.33.25 Quit Falco98 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 06.34.44 # how many ticks per second? 06.35.58 # hz 06.36.04 # Or is it HZ? 06.36.42 # where's it defined? 06.36.57 # No clue 06.37.02 # thanks 06.37.03 # I think it's HZ 06.37.22 # If something takes ticks, and you pass it HZ, it's one second's worth if I recall 06.40.20 # yah 06.42.39 Quit lostnihilist (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.44.05 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 06.44.41 # ok, HZ = 100 06.45.43 # my mod seems to save about 0.1 ticks per call to the lcd update, or one millisecond per lcd update 06.51.22 Quit {EDF}SS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.56.15 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.57.38 Join {EDF}SS [0] (n=SS@Toronto-HSE-ppp3656579.sympatico.ca) 06.59.33 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 06.59.42 Quit EbErT (Remote closed the connection) 07.02.31 Quit lostnihilist (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.08.32 Join wooo [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust696.belf.cable.ntl.com) 07.09.55 # hahaha, earHertz :) 07.10.10 # * midkay howls with laughter 07.10.18 # what? 07.10.25 # your last message. 07.11.43 # a millisecond is not insignificant 07.12.23 # i was joking. 07.12.32 # besides, tahts' on average; some savingsd are as high as three milliseconds 07.12.43 # :o 07.12.55 # you should try test_fps. 07.13.13 # wonder if the speed changed, however slight.. 07.14.02 # where's that 07.14.27 # need to add it to plugins/SOURCES and compile it yourself 07.14.27 # It's an optional plugin, you have to change sources to include it 07.14.53 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/viewauth/Main/LcdFrameRate 07.14.55 # ok, how do i do that 07.14.57 # ? 07.15.33 # just add it to the top of apps/plugins/SOURCES (add a new line "test_fps.c") 07.15.44 # recompile, and copy it over from builddir/apps/plugins/test_fps.rock 07.16.04 # then just run it (with CPU boosted to 75mhz) and see what a full update is reported as. 07.16.19 # 36.5fps on my 5G as of 1.5 months ago. 07.17.34 # copy it where? 07.17.44 # wherever? to your iPod.. 07.17.59 # /.rockbox/rocks as a plugin for the browse plugins menu, or in the root, wherever you wish to run it :) 07.18.01 # what dir 07.18.13 # plugins can be executed from anywhere.. 07.18.24 # * earHertz strangles midkay 07.18.28 # :) 07.18.39 # you should know this! :) 07.18.46 # midkay: Boosted or no? 07.19.00 # Paul_The_Nerd, that was boosted, and as such i asked earHertz to boost his before running it.. 07.19.18 # gah. does it seem to take forever for teh pc to figure out the ipod's been plugged in? 07.19.32 # earHertz, in disk mode, maybe 10-15s max for me.. 07.19.36 # midkay: so i ended up buying a used karma on ebay :p 07.19.38 # might want to reconnect it.. 07.19.40 # or if the VM window was open. 07.19.47 # minimize and reconnect. or it steals focus. 07.19.48 # midkay: Ah, didn't see that. 07.19.51 # midkay: did you know you can buy a 1 year warranty on new/used/refurb electronics sold on ebay? 07.19.56 # ze, what a ******* loser. :) 07.20.02 # warranty/service plan 07.20.03 # heh 07.20.04 # Paul_The_Nerd, :) 07.20.24 # midkay: My _remote's_ screen is 60.5 boosted 07.20.36 # for what model? 07.20.45 # h120 07.20.52 # :-P 07.20.57 # Main screen's 850 boosted 07.20.58 # remotes are quite fast, since their LCDs are small+monochrome. :) 07.21.00 # haha. 07.21.02 # midkay: hopefully it'll last untill what was to be the chroma reaches some actual manifestation thats worthy of its would-be glory 07.21.05 # lucky bastards. 07.21.12 # 850 is a lost faster than 60.5. :-P 07.21.18 # ze, um, you know it's not coming out, right? 07.21.33 # Paul_The_Nerd, again, you are a lucky bastard. :) 07.21.53 # midkay: what was to be it still exists as a sigmatel kit for companies to make a player out of 07.21.55 # midkay: The iPod Nano gets 200.5 07.21.57 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 07.22.01 # midkay: roughly 07.22.02 # heh 07.22.11 # ze, er.. if you say so.. 07.22.16 # Paul_The_Nerd, sigh. 07.22.22 # the 5G needs more work. :p 07.22.54 # midkay: supposedly the first products made from the sigmatel stuff based on the karma/chroma will be coming out late this year 07.23.06 # ze, nice.. 07.23.09 # or so is rumoured 07.23.10 # heh 07.23.12 # midkay: The 5G needs to not have an evil Broadcom chip in the way. :-P 07.23.13 # pff. :) 07.23.23 # 1/1 21.5 fps, 1/4 44.5 fps, cpu 30 MHz 07.23.28 # Paul_The_Nerd, 'in the way' or 'available for use'? :) 07.23.33 # earHertz, we wanna know 75mhz! :) 07.23.36 # IN THE WAY 07.23.52 # OH. OH. ALRIGHT. 07.24.21 # So I say, so it is written. 07.24.39 # may you so explain? 07.24.52 # No 07.24.55 # I do not need to. 07.24.57 # :-P 07.25.04 # er. 07.25.05 # I'm sure the broadcom chip will prove quite handy at some future point. 07.25.14 # but how is it in the way? 07.25.14 # 1/1 37, 1/4 57, 75MHz 07.25.30 # heey, earHertz .. 36.5fps to 37. :) 07.25.35 # pretty schweet. :) 07.25.44 # no, that's w/o my mod 07.25.51 # oh. 07.25.59 # well, we want to hear the mod results ffs. :) 07.29.09 # 1/1 22.5, 1/4, 46, 30 MHz 07.29.09 Quit {EDF}SS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.29.31 # Yes, but you can't compare like that 07.29.44 # what do you mean? 07.29.53 # 30mhz compared to 75mhz? 07.29.59 # he'll give 75 in a moment.. 07.30.05 # Ah 07.30.05 # he gave 30 and 75 last time too. 07.30.09 # Right 07.30.25 # Paul_The_Nerd, are you really tired or drunk or high or something? :) 07.30.31 # you seem rather off. :) 07.30.39 # 1/1 38.5, 1/4 58, 75 MHz 07.30.55 # earHertz, congrats! :) nice little improvement. 07.31.11 Join {EDF}SS [0] (n=SS@Toronto-HSE-ppp3656579.sympatico.ca) 07.32.47 # midkay: I'm talking with a very hot girl I know, and edging around the topic of dating, so my concentrations on trying to interpret things she's saying. 07.33.15 # Paul_The_Nerd, no wonder. stop troubleshooting and give it your all! :) 07.34.34 # I suspect nothing shall come of it. I seem to fall into the "gay male friend" role where they talk to me about who they're sleeping with, etc, but never actually see me as a guy. Which is kinda unfortunate. 07.35.29 # ah, but things may change. 07.37.02 # * Paul_The_Nerd shrugs 07.37.09 # It doesn't matter. 07.37.39 Join EbErT [0] (n=EbErT@adsl-145-133-19.asm.bellsouth.net) 07.38.13 # Paul_The_Nerd: I heard a study today. 50% of men think of sleeping with their platonic friends, while only 10% of women do. 07.38.50 # biffhero: I think the truth is that simply men are more honest when asked to admit they do. 07.38.53 # 50%? bs. :) and 10%? even more bs. :) 07.39.14 # true Paul_The_Nerd , that is a biased survey 07.39.22 # Paul_The_Nerd: plainly, we are hornier 07.39.26 # Paul_The_Nerd: women need to be directed. Just tell her what you want, and tell her she wants itsd 07.39.33 # it's got to be around 100% on each side, even if just a quick, single thought.. :) 07.39.38 # haha. 07.39.58 # Paul_The_Nerd: women need to be directed. <<< tie her up. 07.40.06 # and don't become her shoulder to cry on 07.40.26 # well, yeah, some of them like being tied up, but I always find that a bother 07.40.35 # cry on her shoulder. 07.40.40 # haha. 07.40.57 # i see the conversation has passed my level of.. well, you see where this is going. 07.41.00 # anyways. 07.41.10 # i've also got to head to bed. 07.41.16 # so, nite. :) 07.41.23 # nite 07.41.45 # Cya 07.43.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.48.50 Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 07.55.06 # ok, patch is on patch tracker 07.59.07 # Cool 07.59.29 # Paul_The_Nerd: legt me knowe your results using it 07.59.35 # (the patch I mean, niot the girl) 08.00.50 Quit qwx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.01.23 # Hahaha 08.01.29 # I don't have a 5G 08.02.58 # crap 08.03.12 # no wonder the girls aren't fallign LL OVER YOU 08.03.18 # :) 08.04.10 # i'll never get a 5g, silly to have video playback on that screen 08.04.30 # actually, while i don't use it much, it's kinda cool 08.04.41 # i'm happy with my 4g ipod/brick 08.05.01 # if i wanted that, i'd get an archos or something similar, with greater capabilities 08.08.08 Join ender` [0] (i=useless@ 08.11.54 # morning 08.12.07 # amiconn: morning 08.12.24 # amiconn: did you write lcd-ipodvideo.c? 08.12.42 # Hmm, Infirit should've mentioned his amd64 host earlier... 08.12.53 # earHertz: Nope. 08.13.06 # hu, thught I saw your name in the source 08.13.27 # take a look at this; http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5432 08.17.34 # Someone with a g5 should try this 08.17.58 # what's the battery life difference on 30mhz vs. 75mhz? 08.18.40 # I was just the last one committing a change to lcd-ipodvideo.c. That's because I removed lcd_roll() in all lcd drivers. 08.19.09 # EbErT: bad 08.19.18 # what did lcd_rool do/' 08.19.38 # It was highly lcd dependent, not actually implemented for many newer targets, and the only plugin (!) using it was removed 08.20.43 # lcd_roll() used a hardware feature of the lcd controller to roll (not scroll) the lcd content. 08.21.10 # might be nice to have that 08.21.20 # What for? 08.21.44 # if it's in hardware, it could obviatwe teh need to rewrite stuff on a scroll 08.21.54 # roll, not scroll 08.22.12 # yreah, roll up n lines, then fill in teh botton n lines 08.22.29 # And it doesn't actually move the content of the internal lcd memory, it just sets the starting line different 08.23.51 # (1) Not all lcd controllers have it (2) On some that have, we couldn't use it because the lcd panel is smaller than what the controller could control, and it's not possible to clamp the roll in a suitable way 08.24.03 # um 08.24.14 # It would show garbage from the 'invisible area' of the controller 08.24.17 Join ACK54W [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 08.24.55 # (3) On some more controllers that have it, we couldn't use it because the lcd panel works 'sideways', so it would roll horizontally instead of vertically 08.25.21 # (H300, probably also the g4 color / nano) 08.26.38 # And, it's rather unlikely that we want to roll/scroll the *whole* display 08.27.10 # good point 08.28.12 Part JdGordon 08.29.41 Join MZed [0] (n=Mz@ 08.31.02 # In case of the lcd update loop, I think it might pay off to write it in asm 08.31.44 Part MZed ("Leaving") 08.32.11 # Someone should do some experiments on ipod whether there is some kind of burst memory access like there is on coldfire 08.33.00 Part Paul_The_Nerd 08.38.55 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-36-103.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 08.41.38 Quit Strath (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.41.38 Join StrathAFK [0] (n=mike@dpc67143207026.direcpc.com) 08.41.38 Quit EbErT (Remote closed the connection) 08.41.38 Quit Sinbios (Connection reset by peer) 08.41.38 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 08.41.53 Join Sinbios [0] (n=Sinbios@Kingston-HSE-ppp3561635.sympatico.ca) 08.42.16 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 08.42.18 Join ender [0] (i=useless@ 08.42.30 Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.42.54 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 08.42.55 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 08.48.04 Join daurnimator [0] (n=daurnima@unaffiliated/daurn) 08.49.16 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 08.54.25 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.54.52 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-96-148.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) 08.58.44 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.03.53 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.05.00 Join petur [0] (n=d4efd6a6@labb.contactor.se) 09.17.45 Join Moos [0] (n=51400b8c@labb.contactor.se) 09.23.09 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 09.36.58 Join SereR0KR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fd057.f.strato-dslnet.de) 09.40.18 # * petur gets a WMA feeling... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/05/25/windows_media_photo/ 09.40.30 # Just read about it as well 09.43.14 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-124.pools.arcor-ip.net) 09.43.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.51.09 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b964b7.pool.mediaWays.net) 10.04.14 Join muesli|delhi [0] (n=muesli_t@ 10.04.25 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-2-170.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 10.08.56 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 10.10.33 Join theli_ua [0] (n=theli@pension-icom.intercom.net.ua) 10.10.43 # amiconn: When I was optimising the screen drawing functions in pacbox for the ipod I got big increases when changing the code to do multiple-word memory reads/writes, so I think the answer is yes. 10.10.55 Quit theli_ua (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.12.36 # I agree that at least writing that inner-loop in asm should help the 5g video driver. In fact, the IPL project already has a 5g lcd_update() function in assembler and I've been meaning to compare the performance of that with our C version. 10.22.09 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.25.12 Join lee-qid__ [0] (n=liqid@p54967E91.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.27.57 # linuxstb: It would still be helpful to analyse under what conditions the pp50xx does burst accesses 10.28.29 # If nobody else does it, I'll probably do some experiments with mem memory speed test plugin, but only after 3.0 10.28.41 # (and I consider a few other things higher priority) 10.29.11 # Yes, I was just saying that I found that some kind of burst access exists. 10.36.29 Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 10.39.33 Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-123-146.VIC.netspace.net.au) 10.41.41 # amiconn: please don't forget about the X5 LCD too when you will on this area : ) 10.47.19 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.48.53 Quit qwx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.57.33 Quit merbanan (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.57.35 Join merbanan_ [0] (i=banan@farmer.campus.luth.se) 10.59.31 Quit JoeBorn ("Leaving") 11.00.46 Nick merbanan_ is now known as merbanan (i=banan@farmer.campus.luth.se) 11.03.29 Join TeaSea [0] (n=Thunderc@lonsdale.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 11.08.42 Quit wooo () 11.10.59 # midkay: i10n v2 isn't completely done. The framework is there, but 2 major things are still missing. (1) The actual rework of the .lang files to take advantage of l10n v2 (2) Voice building per target 11.12.00 # Bger started working on (1), but then mysteriously disappeared... 11.17.34 # * petur already wondered where Bger went 11.18.49 Quit Rondom (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 11.19.40 Quit ScoTTie (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.20.43 Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) 11.21.45 # wiki spam alert... 11.24.31 # o.o 11.29.53 # daurnimator spam alert 11.30.02 # * daurn|laptop spurles 11.30.49 # amiconn: where? 11.35.27 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-22-144.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 11.36.12 # * daurn|laptop guesses: the wiki 11.37.11 Quit ACK54W (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.37.31 # nah.. he's an ok man ;) 11.39.33 # * petur wonders how our chairman is doing... 11.40.51 Join Antioch [0] (n=none@d225.FtokyoFL46.vectant.ne.jp) 11.42.57 # Zagor: AeamgxeGuy 11.43.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.46.52 Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.47.14 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-124.pools.arcor-ip.net) 11.47.52 # amiconn: removed. thanks. 11.48.36 # What are the flags/extensions/whatever-you-call-them for %pb (progress bar) 11.51.04 # %pb isnt even mentioned in http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CustomWPS 11.51.20 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.53.04 # Antioch: check the (pdf) manual 11.53.12 # which one? 11.53.25 # of the target you use? 11.53.31 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.53.50 # example: h300: http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-h300-20060526.pdf page 95 11.53.55 # ah, I see 11.54.00 # Sorry, I had never looked at them before 11.54.35 # the manuals are becoming better maintained than the wiki 11.54.40 # hi al 11.54.48 # does any1 know of a general dap channel? 11.54.54 # Yea, I noticed a lot of contradictions when reading the wiki 11.54.55 # a lot 11.55.53 # Antioch: my holy hand grenade came from you 11.56.03 # Indeed it did. 11.56.27 # is [19:54:54] a lot @ me? 11.56.48 # no, just emphasising, lol 11.57.57 # i'm looking for a cool, new mp3 player 11.58.00 # something small 11.58.05 # but... cool 11.58.06 # lol 11.58.15 # I noticed that the manual's wps section doesnt talk about alternating sublines. 11.59.35 # feel free to contribute :D 12.00.26 # indeed 12.06.13 # so..... any1 got a channel? 12.07.07 # MR has a general DAP subforum 12.08.03 # http://www.misticriver.net/forumdisplay.php?f=122 12.10.17 Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@rockbox/developer/tucoz) 12.11.18 # i want an irc room 12.11.18 # :S 12.11.44 Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.24.48 Quit hannesd ("Client suicide") 12.25.57 Join Infirit [0] (n=infirit@84-104-97-114.cable.quicknet.nl) 12.27.06 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 12.27.29 Quit hannesd (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.27.46 Quit Sinbios ("If the definition of a klutz is someone who doesn't have eyes on their ass, then yes, I suppose I am a klutz.") 12.29.22 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 12.32.01 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 12.38.12 Quit Infirit (Remote closed the connection) 12.41.46 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.43.14 Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 12.55.24 Join Infirit [0] (n=infirit@84-104-97-114.cable.quicknet.nl) 13.03.10 Join juxtap [0] (n=juxtap@wbs-196-2-104-48.wbs.co.za) 13.04.42 Join lodesi_ [0] (n=moi@AOrleans-252-1-46-83.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr) 13.10.29 # at least it's friday, bofh-day :) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/05/26/bofh_2006_episode_18/ 13.13.20 Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3063.gwdg.de) 13.20.42 Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.21.03 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-89-151-146.ubs.qsi.net.nz) 13.21.23 Quit dj-fu (Client Quit) 13.21.30 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 13.25.46 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp122-236.adsl.forthnet.gr) 13.27.02 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 13.28.24 # so in order to use lang v2 we need to fulfill the strings for each target on the lang files? 13.28.45 # we already use langv2 13.28.50 # only if it's different for a particular target 13.29.18 # for all phrases that should differ, we should make them differ properly 13.29.21 # Bagder: yes i know, I mean to utilize it. 13.29.34 Quit [TCK] ("well, if you say so.") 13.30.39 # Bagder, XavierGr: Yes, and properly merge those which were separated before 13.30.44 # (mostly for player) 13.30.48 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-69-208.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) 13.31.12 # I'm not sure whether I'll manage to adapt voice before the 29th ... 13.33.40 # I could help for the iriver targets. Is there a wiki page that comments which specific tags we must change, or what exactly to do? 13.34.26 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/LangFiles 13.34.34 # is the docs we have 13.35.56 # basically, you need to add target-specific ones before the *: for the phrase you want to change 13.36.56 # I see, but I remember there is a patch that makes that in the tracker, at least for iriver targets (for NAVI instead play). Are there many more cases? 13.37.32 # Also what about the other languages? (except english) They must be updated from the translator, right? 13.38.37 # yes 13.38.55 # we first make sure the english one is right, and of course all translators must adapt 13.39.48 Quit StrathAFK (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.39.49 # reminds me, shouldn't we call for some translators to update all lang files? (Announce it like the 2.5 release) 13.40.05 # we should 13.40.19 # and I remember rasher's nice lang status table 13.40.26 # As mentioned, there are a couple of string pairs that were used to separate the player from the rest 13.40.48 # These should be combined into one id each, and the old pairs deprecated 13.41.02 # Search for _PLAYER in english.lang 13.41.22 # * amiconn wonders were rasher vanished... 13.41.37 Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 13.42.04 # amiconn: he got busy with life and non-rockbox stuff 13.42.30 # at least so he claimed ;-) 13.42.54 # yeah I haven't seen him for ages. 13.43.11 # Same for Bger. He vanished out of the blue. 13.43.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.43.34 # over time, lots of people come and go 13.44.04 # heck, I'd say the top 50 names of the CREDITS file are rarely seen these days 13.44.29 Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.46.08 # Also there was a discussion long ago to standarlize keymaps in the new targets... I guess this won't happen on 3.0 13.46.18 # OMG too many fronts! 13.46.32 # the key rework was decided to be done after 3.0 13.46.35 # * amiconn knows that feeling :/ 13.47.16 Quit lee-qid__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.48.38 # Bger seems to be alive, he committed some stuff recently (18/5) 13.50.14 Quit hannesd (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.51.45 Quit qwx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.52.52 # petur: yes I saw that too... 13.57.26 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 14.02.29 Join Poka64 [0] (i=peter@hd5e241c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) 14.05.26 # BTW is it possible to have Greek voice files? (or non-english) 14.05.37 # sure 14.06.11 # there are french and german ones floating around 14.06.23 # greek shouldn't be any different 14.06.50 # So the lang file shoould contain the voice namings too, right? 14.06.57 # yes it does 14.07.44 # Hello, i'm updating the nederlands.lang file but have a question. 14.07.49 # What does LANG_ALARM_MOD_ALARM_MENU do? It does not exist on my H340. 14.08.41 # oh how nice... another item off my stack :) 14.09.49 # I cant help code but this i can help out with. 14.10.06 # I'll upload it to the tracker when done 14.10.20 # nice, I'll commit it then ;) 14.12.08 # google is brokened :( 14.12.15 # But is LANG_ALARM_.. a kind of alarm clock? EG it starts playing at a certian time? 14.12.16 # Infirit: Are you from the Netherlands? Or Belgium? 14.12.28 # Netherlands 14.12.36 # me too :) 14.12.44 # * petur is .be 14.13.10 Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rz-du-ubx-140-225.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 14.13.33 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-36-216.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 14.14.32 # I am also starting an effort to translate the manual but that will take some more time ;) 14.15.29 Join KN|stiff [0] (n=phhome@p54B79A09.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 14.15.32 # so you're using the Dutch translation? 14.15.52 # Is there already one? 14.16.06 # an outdated one 14.16.12 # Which might be the reason nobody uses it... 14.16.35 Join orfax [0] (i=kvirc@CPE-60-226-232-173.sa.bigpond.net.au) 14.17.08 # Is it on the wiki somewhere? I'll have a look if i can use parts of it/ 14.23.20 # it's in CVS I guess? 14.23.22 # Infirit: it's in the rockbox source tree. apps/lang/nederlands.lang 14.24.45 # Ok, maybe i'm confused :) I was talking about a Dutch translation of the manual not the lang file. 14.24.59 # aah ok 14.25.05 # The lang file was already 100% update by me last release :) 14.25.54 Join lodesi [0] (n=moi@AOrleans-252-1-46-83.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr) 14.26.07 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-153.pools.arcor-ip.net) 14.28.14 Quit lodesi_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.29.13 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.31.09 Join [1]pjo [0] (n=pjo@i58-94-247-217.s02.a022.ap.plala.or.jp) 14.31.15 # <[1]pjo> Hello ! 14.31.55 # <[1]pjo> How do I boot iPod 4G Greyscale after installing the bootloader and rockbox files ? 14.32.26 # <[1]pjo> menu + center does not work 14.32.38 # how long are you pressing them 14.32.47 # <[1]pjo> 30 sec 14.34.10 # hmm...dunno, works for me in about 5 seconds. 14.34.57 # XavierGr: For a greek voice file, we would need a greek tts engine 14.35.07 # or a greek 14.35.14 # ..preferably a sapi5 compatible one 14.35.30 # hahaha 14.35.42 # <[1]pjo> what is the best way to find which iPod model is this ? 14.35.51 # <[1]pjo> it is not 5G, photo 14.35.56 Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.36.00 # <[1]pjo> looks like it is Greyscale 4G 14.36.32 # ipodlinux wiki has a page that helps you identify your model 14.36.39 # Do you have an image somewhere? 14.36.47 # <[1]pjo> thanks petur 14.37.30 Join Hansmaulwurf [0] (n=maerlyn@p5081CA6F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 14.37.49 # http://ipodlinux.org/Generations 14.38.19 # Mikachu: In fact it's possible to create a voice file with human speech, just that it is a tedious task 14.38.33 # LANG_INVERT_CURSOR has been re-added to the english.lang it was DEPRECATED? 14.38.35 # Christi did that once for UK english 14.38.46 # Should it be removed? 14.38.58 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 14.39.14 # nope 14.39.27 # <[1]pjo> petur: is it in documentation or wiki ? 14.39.35 # http://ipodlinux.org/Generations 14.39.47 # <[1]pjo> petur: tahnks 14.40.47 # <[1]pjo> or its not RockBox page 14.41.19 # <[1]pjo> i found it it is 3G greyscale 14.41.20 # you wanted to identify your ipod model, no? 14.41.40 # <[1]pjo> but at Rockbox installation page I caould not find 3G 14.41.54 # 3G isn't ready yet 14.41.57 # <[1]pjo> yes it is 3G Greyscale 14.42.07 # <[1]pjo> Oh ! 14.42.16 # there's no dev (anymore) with a 3G 14.42.16 # <[1]pjo> I installed 4G greyscale 14.43.00 # <[1]pjo> no wander it does not work 14.43.24 # <[1]pjo> I have to restore boot to the original one 14.44.28 # <[1]pjo> thanks petur, Parlez vous Francaise ? 14.44.32 Quit KN|stiff (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.45.43 # [1]pjo: Also, the key combinations are different for the 3G - see http://ipodlinux.org/Key_Combinations 14.46.01 # <[1]pjo> oh yes ! 14.46.52 # <[1]pjo> Thanks linuxstb BTW I just got a dvd of SUSE 10.1 14.47.05 # [1]pjo: un petit peu - I'm from the Flemish part of Belgium 14.47.25 # <[1]pjo> petur: bien sur 14.47.56 # SUSE 10.1 has XGL, hmmm eyecandy :) 14.47.58 # <[1]pjo> I thought your nick is French 14.48.29 # <[1]pjo> yes that is the reason I want to run SUSe Xgl cubic desktop 14.48.40 # [1]pjo: in fact my nick is just my first name in icelandic 14.48.54 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.49.04 # <[1]pjo> petur: oh icelandic, lots of volcano as here !!!!! 14.51.18 # hmm I found a duplicate in lang. 14.51.50 # LANG_REPEAT_ALL = All and LANG_FILTER_ALL = All 14.52.13 # Shouldn't we have one "All" for various cases? 14.53.31 # That's a controversial thing - maybe it is desirable to use different translations for "All" in some language 14.53.42 # Not asure at all about this 14.54.52 Join bluebrother^ [0] (n=dom@rz-du-ubx-140-225.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 14.57.40 # Should LANG_MENU_SHOW_ID3_INFO be changed to say: Show tag info instead of ID3 info? 14.57.47 # also some voice files are missing in english.lang 14.59.30 # Not all entries should have a voice: string 14.59.45 # ...only those which are actually voiced 15.00.20 # Including a voice clip for a string that isn't voiced would be a waste, and makes it more difficult to squeeze the voice file 15.00.33 Join Siku [0] (i=Siku@dsl-kpogw4-fe52df00-45.dhcp.inet.fi) 15.00.54 # Can it say maybe "not voiced" or something to make it clear? 15.00.54 # tag info is still too technical. Linus made a good proposal a few weeks ago, but I don't remember what it was... 15.00.54 # amiconn: yes I agree but I found voice strings that are in the menu and not voiced. 15.01.13 # Ok, i;ll leave it for now, thanks 15.01.25 # Like LANG_LCD_REMOTE_MENU 15.01.35 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-31-32.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 15.02.13 # wasn't it something like "file info" or "metadata"? 15.06.10 # <[1]pjo> i am going to bed tyhanks folks and see you later 15.06.18 # <[1]pjo> thanks 15.06.25 Quit [1]pjo (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- 100,000+ downloads can't be wrong") 15.09.01 # XavierGr: LANG_LCD_REMOTE_MENU is voiced in english.lang... 15.09.13 Quit bluebrother (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.10.21 Nick bluebrother^ is now known as bluebrother (n=dom@rz-du-ubx-140-225.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 15.17.39 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.26.35 Quit PaulJam (".") 15.32.13 Join Febs [0] (n=40be24f0@labb.contactor.se) 15.36.23 Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 15.36.54 # I know this is a bit off topic but, is there anyone around that knows about format string attacks? 15.40.40 Join klrspz [0] (n=klrSpz@ 15.43.32 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.44.10 # tom__: i recall that it's mostly due to people calling printf(buffer) when they mean printf("%s",buffer), but i seem to recall it's more complicated than that 15.45.03 # yeah exactly, I've set up a test bed under qemu, I'm trying to learn about it. 15.48.04 Quit qwx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.50.47 # speaking about .lang, the francais.lang update is in the tracker (there was just one missing string) 15.54.33 # Question for the Dutch speaking people. Should pitch be translated at all? I saw it translated as "versnelling" but this does not seem right to me. 15.55.20 # I'd keep pitch or translate it as tempo 15.55.34 # which isn't 100% coorect 15.55.41 # correct even 15.55.45 # pitch is probably better 15.56.25 # Ok, i'll change all them to pitch. Thanks 15.57.10 # What about other technical words like crossfade and crossfeed? 15.57.15 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 15.59.32 # I am more for leaving them as they are, unless it has very obvious translation. Like frequency 15.59.36 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-153.pools.arcor-ip.net) 16.03.14 # I'd rather try to translate as much as possible 16.03.47 # If you keep like half the strings in english just because they're technical there's not much point in a translation 16.04.20 # The translation is also meant for people who don't understand english well enough 16.04.40 # The problem is that there is no direct translation for some words 16.05.06 # If there is no meaningful translation, then you have to keep the english word, unfortunately 16.05.46 # * amiconn also prefers a program's UI in german, even though he has no problems in understanding an english UI 16.08.03 # I will translate as much as possible and upload it to the tracker. People can have a look and point out my errors or better ways to translate it :) 16.08.27 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.08.37 # * XavierGr prefers a program in English UI because in Greek I can't understand the translated terminology.... 16.09.22 # * petur agrees with XavierGr 16.11.26 # most translations of software to Dutch are done by Dutch people, and then sold in Belgium. The small differences between Dutch and Flemish make this very irritating, so I never bother to try the translation. 16.12.39 # I once did the translation of some software and had complaints from Dutch people, so it works the other way around too 16.13.37 # Yes, that is true unfortunately. Maybe create a flemmish language file? 16.13.49 # nah, don't bother 16.13.58 # Or for the netherlands a vries language file :) 16.13.58 # good or bad, with english being an international language, technological terminology is left back for other languages. 16.14.16 # * Moos loves frech ;) 16.14.24 # *french 16.14.35 # fries.... and blushes 16.14.47 # how about a klingon or bavarian translation? IIRC some projects already did this for fun ;-) 16.15.15 # Yeah, why not, it would be very cool to show klingon ui to your mates :) 16.15.24 # it's sometimes hard to choose between an approximate translation and keeping the English term 16.15.51 # the translation can be more confusing than the English word 16.16.00 # i don't think klingon is officially in unicode 16.17.13 # according to wikipedia it is ;-) 16.17.20 # http://www.evertype.com/standards/csur/klingon.html 16.17.39 # i think there is an unofficial range used for it, but not approved by the unicode committee or whatever they are 16.17.49 # this one isn't either: http://www.rockbox.org/viewcvs.cgi/apps/lang/wallisertitsch.lang?rev=1.15&view=log 16.18.26 # afaik a Swiss dialect 16.18.29 # from wp: Everson created a mapping of pIqaD into the Private Use Area of Unicode, which he listed in the ConScript Unicode Registry (U+F8D0 to U+F8FF) 16.19.05 # so it's unofficial 16.20.28 # Aghaster is working on a esperanto translation 16.22.37 Quit ashridah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.25.09 # o.o 16.25.42 # Is it tagcache or tagcache? I see both in the lang files 16.25.52 Join KN|stiff [0] (n=phhome@p54B79486.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 16.26.27 Quit muesli|delhi ("ich will Kühe!!!") 16.29.45 # The manual has it with a space 16.35.11 Join ACK54W [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 16.39.20 Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 16.40.23 Quit tom__ (Remote closed the connection) 16.55.23 Quit Moos ("CGI:IRC") 16.56.50 Join dpro [0] (n=x@chello080109121047.8.15.vie.surfer.at) 16.57.15 Quit petur ("[x]") 16.57.36 Quit ACK54W (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.06.51 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-25-90.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 17.07.53 Quit KN|stiff (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.18.51 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 17.20.42 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 17.20.45 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp128-179.adsl.forthnet.gr) 17.21.34 Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.25.32 Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 17.27.17 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 17.34.57 Join holotone [0] (n=holotone@d216-220-25-44.dynip.modwest.com) 17.35.18 # I was just checking in to see what the status of the power consumption bug on the H3xx port was... 17.35.23 # Has it been tracked down? 17.35.47 # And is the bug fix slated to be included with RB3.0? 17.36.32 Quit qwx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.37.10 # As far as I know, the H300 power issues have not been resolved. Yes, it was an issue that was targeted to be addressed in release 3.0. I don't know whether it is an issue that is currently considered to be release-critical. 17.37.30 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 17.38.48 # Imho it is 17.40.32 # agreed 17.41.06 # I love the current build, but I really can't justify using it until the power consumption bug is resolved, just do to hardware wear and tear it will cause 17.41.19 # beside that point, you all have done INCREDIBLE job with this release. 17.41.20 # seriously 17.41.34 # I've been a RB fan since the Archos 6000 port that ya'll did. 17.43.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.47.50 Part YouCeyE ("Leaving") 17.48.14 Join qwx_ [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 17.50.00 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.58.50 Quit qwx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.59.58 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-95-8.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) 18.13.06 Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.13.26 # The nederlands.lang is almost ready except for the crossfeed entries. 18.14.26 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.14.36 # What does crossfeed do? It will help me translate it better. 18.15.52 # it takes some of the R channel to the L channel and vice versa 18.15.58 # possibly with some delays, i'm not sure of the details 18.17.59 # Ok, I'll see if there is something in the manual. Thanks 18.18.31 Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 18.26.04 Part orfax 18.26.45 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@254.80-203-96.nextgentel.com) 18.26.54 Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ 18.28.13 Quit qwx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.30.33 Quit freqmod (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.33.48 Quit _Lucretia_ ("Leaving") 18.33.48 Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.34.03 Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@c-24-16-191-240.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 18.34.23 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-26-92.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) 18.39.05 Quit holotone ("Leaving") 18.43.11 Quit Poka64 ("brb") 18.44.50 Join lee-qid__ [0] (n=liqid@p54965743.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.45.29 Join KN|stiff [0] (n=phhome@p54B7A6E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 18.48.06 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.48.28 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 18.48.33 # The dutch translation is now done and uploaded to flyspray task #5435 18.49.26 Join Poka64 [0] (i=peter@hd5e241c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) 18.49.38 Join wohlstandskind [0] (n=sdasd@p508A3572.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 18.50.58 # Crossfeed btw sounds really advanced stuff. Are there other portable players supporting this? 18.52.08 # hi all 18.59.45 # i have a question 18.59.58 # how can i activate the themes? 19.00.23 # Infirit: i doubt it, but it's possible they do 19.01.16 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-153.pools.arcor-ip.net) 19.02.57 # wohlstandskind, go into the menu and into browse themes 19.03.02 # where in menu? 19.03.18 # Mikachu, Another point for the Rockbox team :) 19.03.27 # wheres the any key? 19.03.28 # :S 19.03.55 # bah totally missread what you typed :( 19.03.59 # i dont the the menu browse themes 19.06.15 # oh i found it but i have a problem 19.06.49 # when i press the center butto to enter the menu Rockbox it shows just a screen loading for a second and then nothing 19.08.33 # What player are you using? 19.09.01 # ipod nano 4gb 19.10.30 # OK, so you press the "menu" button to enter the Main Menu, and then the "Browse Themes" button to enter the themes directory, right? 19.10.55 # (I meant, navigate to the "Browse Themes" entry and press the center button) 19.11.14 # You need to press and then quickly release the MENU button to enter the main menu. A long press on MENU will bring up the "quick menu". 19.12.12 # Right. Check the "quick menu" and make sure that "Show files" is set to "Supported" or "all." If you still can't see any themes, that means that you have none loaded onto your nano. 19.12.38 # Someone needs to write all this down in a manual... 19.13.47 # i will check this in 2 minutes 19.14.55 # the control of rockbox is difficult 19.15.39 # Linuxstb, "someone"? 19.16.10 # ;) 19.16.16 # Usually, that means me. 19.18.57 # is there a standby plugin for rockbox? 19.19.24 # Oh, wait just one minute here! Turns out, somebody HAS written all this down in a manual! http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml 19.19.35 # How about that! 19.19.48 Quit Poka64 ("testing") 19.20.04 # wohlstandskind, there is a sleep timer, if that's what you mean. 19.21.05 # what can i do with sleeptimer? 19.21.18 Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-144-107-234.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) 19.21.45 Join webguest23 [0] (n=5087ccc2@labb.contactor.se) 19.22.14 # what can you do withy a sleep timer, why, put yourself to sleep ofcourse 19.22.31 # sorry couldn't ressist it 19.22.33 # wohlstandskind, it is the same kind you have on your tv. Turns itself off after xx minutes 19.23.01 # Perhaps we could answer your question better if you let us know what you mean by "standby plugin." 19.23.24 # or there is always the manual as a good source of information 19.23.43 # webguest, we mentioned that just before you joined. 19.25.27 Part webguest23 19.25.28 # Febs, as you are the manual guy, how easy would it be to make a multilingual manual. I am starting a translation to Dutch. 19.27.28 Quit wohlstandskind () 19.28.15 # I suppose it could be done. One way would be to just take the manual as it currently exists in CVS, and translate each of the .tex files, leaving the formatting, macros, etc. intact. 19.29.34 # tucoz might have some thoughts on how it could be accomplished. He's better at the LaTeX side of things than I am. 19.30.00 # I am now starting with a seperate copy and been updating that 19.34.12 Join Poka64 [0] (i=peter@hd5e241c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) 19.36.17 Quit lee-qid__ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 19.36.54 Join _Lucretia_ [0] (n=munkee@ 19.38.23 Quit juxtap (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.41.00 Quit KN|stiff (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.41.14 Join lee-qid__ [0] (n=liqid@p54965743.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.42.24 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 19.43.31 Quit Poka64 ("XChat 2.6.2 - www.xchat.org, XC-WSys 0.18") 19.43.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.46.07 Join juxtap [0] (n=juxtap@wbs-196-2-104-48.wbs.co.za) 19.46.44 Join Poka64 [0] (i=peter@hd5e241c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) 19.55.18 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b94ab8.pool.mediaWays.net) 19.55.45 # wtf... WinDiff starts complaining the lang files are binary and can't be compared :( 19.56.31 # unix format? 19.56.42 Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 19.56.54 Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.57.52 # Ow, should they be in dos format? 19.58.12 # petur: A quick google tells me that windiff doesn't support utf-8 - http://www.grigsoft.com/windiff.htm 19.58.14 # well, no 20.02.20 # * Mikachu hugs diff -a 20.07.39 Join bluebrother [0] (i=x9WD3NtV@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 20.14.28 Join akaidiot [0] (n=not@ 20.14.36 # * amiconn wonders what windiff is 20.17.24 Quit obo ("bye") 20.21.11 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.29.19 # amiconn: what's the difference between LANG_BUFFER_STAT_PLAYER and LANG_BUFFER_STAT_RECORDER. I suppose this is where langv2 must be applied? 20.29.37 # Yes 20.29.44 Join pixelma [0] (n=pixelma@ 20.30.13 # This is also a very special case - the whole string should be changed and the associated code should use outpu_dyn_value() 20.30.27 # * output_dyn_value() 20.31.08 # <^BeN^> mm some one recive mail from sandisk about rockbox? 20.31.18 Nick ^BeN^ is now known as Paprica (i=Paprica@CBL217-132-110-191.bb.netvision.net.il) 20.31.52 # ? 20.33.35 # amiconn, linuxstb? 20.33.45 Join Kadd [0] (n=kakf@lan21.covernet.pl) 20.34.24 # somebody can help me? 20.34.48 # i looknig for firmware for this player 20.34.49 # http://www.updatehk.com/list.asp?id=733 20.35.09 # link to foto and model info^^ 20.36.13 Part Kadd 20.36.15 Join Kadd [0] (n=kakf@lan21.covernet.pl) 20.36.21 Part Kadd 20.36.53 # Paprica: what? why? 20.37.12 # have you receive a mail from sandisk? 20.37.23 # why should I? 20.37.27 # FW: SanDisk Sansa e200 Firmware via RockBox 20.37.37 # i receive one.. 20.37.54 # i think that they send it to all the developers... 20.38.03 # * amiconn didn't get one 20.38.06 # do you want to see it? 20.38.07 # saying what? 20.38.22 Quit Acksaw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.38.30 # "...We wanted to see if your community/team would be interested in creating alternative firmware for the Sansa e200 model? " 20.38.45 # wow is this from the company? 20.38.53 # i think that they choose the wrong man :) 20.38.54 # yep 20.39.01 # Keith Washo 20.39.01 # SanDisk Corporation 20.39.01 # Product Marketing Manager-MP3 Players 20.39.03 Join ACK54W [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 20.39.08 # Now this is getting serious 20.39.13 # Hmm, interesting... 20.39.14 # yeah 20.39.27 # This is good news for Rockbox 20.39.27 # It seems rockbox is starting to get attention 20.39.35 # Your search - "Keith Washo" sandisk - did not match any documents. 20.39.39 # From companies, I mean 20.40.12 # if some devs can make rockbox work for it after a company request then other companies will think it twice... 20.40.22 # Mikachu, i have his phone number 20.40.24 # mail 20.40.26 # ... 20.40.43 # hummm.... 20.40.50 # amiconn, do you want to see all the mail? 20.41.09 # http://www.zoominfo.com/Directory/default.asp?page_id=9415 20.41.19 # maybe i need to forward it to the developers list? 20.41.34 # paprica: that would be nice. 20.41.41 # Mikachu: Search for "Keith Washo" Creative .... 20.42.07 # search for Washo, Keith in the link above 20.42.29 # haha its funny to know that im the only that recieve this mail 20.42.41 Join Zendefera [0] (n=zendyman@ip68-7-163-21.sd.sd.cox.net) 20.42.52 # Hmm, is Sandisk connected with Creative in any way? 20.42.54 # does rb have the ipod video hardware specs on the site? 20.43.13 # lol 20.43.18 # sandisk associated with creative? hmm, not that I've heard, but I could be wrong. 20.43.20 # what is the rockbox developers mail list email? 20.43.49 # paprica rockbox@cool.haxx.se I think 20.44.09 # Paprica: Maybe the committers list would be better (it's not public) - I never like to publish someone's email without their permission. But that's up to you. 20.44.21 Join hardeep [0] (i=hardeeps@otaku.freeshell.ORG) 20.44.28 # i mean the commiters list 20.44.30 # .. 20.44.34 # Paprica: rockbox-dev@rockbox.org 20.44.44 # im really dont know what to do with this mail 20.45.25 # well Linus, Bagder, Zagor, preglow, amiconn, linuxstb e.t.c must definitely know about it. 20.45.49 # you could reply and tell him to send it to rockbox-dev 20.47.04 # hmm, anyone know what cpu and ram the ipod video has? 20.47.31 # check ipodlinux.org 20.47.47 # good idea. 20.47.47 # * petur returns 20.47.52 # W000000t 20.48.06 Quit Kohlrabi (Nick collision from services.) 20.48.13 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-153.pools.arcor-ip.net) 20.48.14 # I wrote to the Sansa guys some days ago :) 20.48.26 # Zendefera: http://ipodlinux.org/Generations 20.49.17 # petur, you got the same mail? 20.49.59 # I wrote them regarding http://www.idont.com/ and told them that ipod users do have an alternative, and that rockbox could work on their player if they helped a bit ;) 20.50.15 # * petur checks his mailbox at work 20.51.15 # nope, no mail 20.51.19 # strange.... 20.51.54 # slandering competitors is always a fun way to advertise... 20.51.54 # ok i send it to the commiters list 20.52.52 # haha he wrote rockbox.com 20.52.59 # instead of rockbox.org 20.53.39 # stupid, I did give him the correct web address 20.54.10 # can't trust marketing guys 20.54.54 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-81-201.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) 20.58.45 # dos2unix also doesn't like the lang files anymore - since when has this started? 21.01.11 # wow, the ipod vidos have pretty good cpus and ram. 21.07.11 # I once found a picture on ebay, that made me think that Sandisk could be related to iAudio too: a Sandisk player showing: iAudio Mania - Enjoy Color Sound 21.07.15 Join lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 21.07.49 Part tucoz ("Leaving") 21.08.40 Quit lukaswayne9 (Remote closed the connection) 21.08.44 # * amiconn thinks that was a photoshopped fake... 21.09.17 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 21.10.12 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.10.28 Join lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 21.10.51 Quit lukaswayne9 (Remote closed the connection) 21.12.10 Join lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 21.13.59 Join Rondom_ [0] (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b94b32.pool.mediaWays.net) 21.14.13 Quit Rondom (Nick collision from services.) 21.14.24 # amiconn: really? OMG 21.14.29 Nick Rondom_ is now known as Rondom (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b94b32.pool.mediaWays.net) 21.15.02 # hey. for some reason cygwin thinks some lang files are binary. english is ok, francais is not. :( 21.15.06 # XavierGr: I mean the image with the sansa player playing the iaudio song 21.15.09 # ah never mind... I thought you were talking about the email... 21.15.34 # petur : it's probably the utf-8 thing? 21.16.21 Quit Kohlrabi ("Fast alle Menschen sind Regenwürmer") 21.18.04 # somebody checked it in like that.... 21.19.22 # perhaps because it needs to be utf-8 in order to get the characters right? 21.19.33 Quit Hansmaulwurf ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: www.XLhost.de )") 21.19.35 # I guess cygwin just sucks when it comes to unicode;) 21.20.07 # http://www.cygwin.com/faq/faq_3.html#SEC48 21.20.14 # Internationalization is a complex issue. The short answer is that Cygwin is not Unicode-aware, so things that might work in Linux will not necessarily work on Cygwin. 21.20.17 Quit lukaswayne9 (Remote closed the connection) 21.20.28 # :( 21.20.42 # * petur should give colinux another kick 21.20.49 # Or vmware. :-P 21.20.55 # ;) 21.21.13 # or just install linux 21.21.25 # lol 21.21.27 # "just" 21.21.31 # as if migrating is easy :P 21.21.36 # do as I do 21.21.39 # run it on a server 21.21.51 # I offload a _lot_ of stuff onto my gentoo box 21.21.54 Join lodesi_ [0] (n=moi@AOrleans-252-1-9-77.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr) 21.21.59 # but I still prefer windows for the desktop 21.22.16 # I'm just dependent on too many windows apps;) 21.22.28 # Windows, only for games 21.22.38 # that's bullshit 21.22.41 # * petur doesn't play games 21.23.03 # windows xp is a decent os, it's not as good as linux but it's a _lot_ easier to work with 21.23.25 Quit lodesi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.23.27 # I have crossover for my windows app i cant live without 21.23.42 # my primary reason is actually litestep 21.23.53 # can't live without my theme 21.24.01 # been using it for 3 years now 21.25.02 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-153.pools.arcor-ip.net) 21.25.55 # windowmaker is just as good as litestep (Hey i'm not starting s flame war here :) ) 21.26.12 Join gppo [0] (i=party@ool-43557d40.dyn.optonline.net) 21.26.15 # hey 21.26.27 # I got one question, how do I setup crossfeed second 21.26.40 # like it crossfade from one song to another 21.26.48 # on a ipod 2g mini 21.26.55 # Then you set up "crossfade" not "crossfeed" 21.26.56 Quit midkay_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.27.17 # AFAIK I know I can't find it 21.27.20 # k let me see 21.27.29 # You said crossfeed the first time, so I had to make sure. 21.27.37 # I mistyped 21.27.38 # sorry 21.27.48 # crossfade 21.27.51 # Is it not in the manual? 21.27.56 # If it's not, that needs to be corrected... 21.28.35 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 21.29.30 # page 37 of the manual explain crossfade 21.29.43 Join tom_ [0] (n=tom@84-12-163-202.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 21.29.52 # For the h300 one at least 21.29.56 # Infirit: He's asking about the Ipod Mini 2G though. Its manual may be slightly different. 21.30.11 # Sometimes parts get left out of manuals because things aren't set up quite right 21.30.42 # Infirit wher ethe link to that manual I am sorry let me read it 21.30.49 # your software rocks 21.30.50 # MUch love 21.31.06 # Love GPL keep it up 21.31.11 # http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodmini2g-20060526.pdf 21.31.48 # :) 21.32.00 # page 30 :) 21.34.04 Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.34.11 # opps my dylsixica 21.34.21 # OH i see, crossfeed !=crossfade 21.34.57 # Yes, they're two different terms, which is why I said you need to set up crossfade rather than crossfeed. :-P 21.35.30 # sorry my reading comprehession is bad 21.35.53 # I also read that all the music is just any dir on your ipod hd 21.35.56 Join webguest08 [0] (n=400c7443@labb.contactor.se) 21.35.57 # k I see that make sense 21.37.00 Quit webguest08 (Client Quit) 21.39.17 Quit gppo ("gop: god giveths and democarts taketh away!") 21.40.49 # hmmm.. tortoisecvs uses winmerge, not windiff. and winmergeu supports utf-8, still it complains the file is binary. What's a good tool to check file encoding (windows please) 21.41.42 Nick qwx is now known as qwm (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 21.43.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.44.20 # whee... 21.44.27 # i got a cover for my ipod. 21.44.49 # for a moment I thought you had another emulator working :p 21.45.05 # heh 21.45.14 # what would the next one be? :) 21.46.21 Quit Zendefera () 21.46.41 # Ahem, UAE? 21.47.10 # amiga? i dunno... 21.47.27 # On iriver it might even be possible 21.47.42 # (and iaudio too) 21.48.47 # why iriver? 21.49.29 # coldfire is m68k-based 21.49.49 # right. 21.50.05 # petur: notepad2 21.50.13 # i suppose i'm fascinated with emulation of classic hardware. :) 21.50.33 Join dc_ [0] (n=4824ef5a@labb.contactor.se) 21.50.34 # * Mikachu whispers something about atari ym music 21.52.04 # i think i'll get to work on the space invaders emulator 21.52.18 # maybe... fixing it. 21.53.06 # hmm Greek text to speech converters are hard to find, (not to mention free) I found a very good one from loquendo but it is not for free. :( 21.54.16 Quit dc_ (Client Quit) 21.54.42 # the demo lets you write anything you want. Then a wav file is created. I am pretty inmpressed it is much better than the English voice files I 've heard so far. 21.55.07 # The at&t english voices are far better than what we can publish now 21.55.34 # heh... 21.55.42 # A true TTS engine would be kinda neat, just in general. 21.55.43 # yes I 've heard the difference between the microsoft ones. 21.57.18 Quit preglow (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.57.29 # i wonder if it'd be safe to expose my ipod to a few drops of water... 21.57.38 # :) 21.58.47 # sharpe: just try it and tell us the result :P 21.59.14 # will do. 21.59.21 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 21.59.33 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 21.59.33 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 21.59.36 # bleh 21.59.50 # sharpe: don't blame me if it won't work after that.... 22.00.02 Join lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 22.00.03 # sharpe: They sell waterproof cases for them. They're only like.. what, $150 or so. :-P 22.00.22 # ;) 22.00.32 # I'll sell you a plastic bag for half the price 22.00.45 # i know, i just washed the new cover i got for it, since there was some dirt on the screen cover part thing. 22.02.03 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-153.pools.arcor-ip.net) 22.02.29 # yeh, few drops of water = okay. 22.04.17 # eh, i'll use use eclipse as an ide, and just build using cygwin. 22.04.22 Quit lukaswayne9 (Client Quit) 22.04.44 Join romanpress [0] (n=roman@80-219-219-2.dclient.hispeed.ch) 22.11.43 Quit tom_ (Remote closed the connection) 22.18.14 # hi, i deleted some songs from my rockbox, but the are still in my tag cache. i already did a "force tag cache update". ps. the files i deleted are from the original ipod music folder... 22.19.15 # You have to delete the tagcache itself, not just force an update. 22.19.45 Quit SereR0KR ("XChat Aqua") 22.20.03 Part romanpress 22.20.26 Join romanpress [0] (n=roman@80-219-219-2.dclient.hispeed.ch) 22.21.08 Join anathema [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust696.belf.cable.ntl.com) 22.21.10 # thats not very logical 22.21.26 # Yes well it's primarily because the TagCache feature isn't done yet 22.21.33 # It's not how it's supposed to work, just how it has to right now 22.22.49 Join tom_ [0] (n=tom@84-12-163-202.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 22.23.13 # thanks, it works when i delete the tag cache, force update and restart. 22.24.21 # ah, ok clear. I just did not find any mention of this in the manual. Or should this be fixed before the 3.0 release 22.24.50 # No clue honestly. I feel it should be, but I suspect it won't be. 22.25.05 # I haven't seen any/many updates to TagCache for a while now. 22.25.51 Join SereR0KR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fd057.f.strato-dslnet.de) 22.28.08 # according tp the wiki page: Autoupdate - TagCache automatically updates the db when music is added or removed from the device without having to force a complete rebuild 22.28.27 # So this is a bug then? 22.28.37 # It's an incomplete feature 22.28.49 # I don't believe it's ever properly updated when a file is removed. 22.30.36 # it doesn't even update without force update when i add a new song 22.30.58 # romanpress: Do you have Dircache enabled, and TagCache set to "Memory"? 22.31.04 # Ow, I see now there are V's after the points indicating its done. This one has no V yet :) 22.34.59 # Infirit: why did you also modify the desc: entries in the lang file? 22.35.48 # Because it was different from the english one and the script put a comment to update it 22.36.09 # Mostly it where capital changes 22.36.25 # * petur checks 22.37.46 # ah ok, it's updated to the desc entries of english.lang 22.37.50 # goodie 22.38.07 # Yes 22.38.48 # is your name already in the credits file? 22.39.03 # Yes, from the previous update 22.39.43 # So all this searching for a diff utils was for my nederland2.lang? 22.40.33 # no, francais.lang 22.41.14 # seems it's not my diff tool but cygwin or the cvs tool 22.41.29 # Hmm, any manual maintainer around? 22.41.40 # Phew, was worried for a moment. I can also make a patch next time. Whichever is prefferred 22.42.33 # I'm just gonna read through your file quickly before committing 22.43.14 # amiconn, you called? 22.43.45 # Febs: I just briefly checked the Ondio SP manual. There are some things that need correction.. 22.44.20 # (1) A number of screenshots shows a button bar, i.e. they were taken from recorder. The Ondio has no button bar b/c there are no soft buttons 22.44.44 # what's superbass? 22.44.54 # (2) The part about the FM radio should be left out from the Ondio SP manual instead of marking it "OndioFM only" 22.45.46 # (3) In the Tag cache chapter, the only option for all archoses is "Keep tag cache on disk", with no option to set, as there is no dircache at all 22.46.23 # Infirit: I think 'Super laag' is not a correct translation for 'Super Bass' 22.46.36 # (4) The ID3 viewer screenshot is way outdated. It shows the single-tag-per-screen version, but the ID3 viewer is a list for quite some time now 22.46.37 # haha 22.46.44 # super lag! 22.46.53 # Heel laag maybe? 22.46.55 Quit Paul_The_Nerd ("Leaving.") 22.47.49 # petur: Super bass is a way to increase perceived bass. It's a MAS feature, and only works in conjunction with Loudness 22.47.50 # Or leave it as superbass. Its not on my h340 so i am going blind on this one 22.48.08 # amiconn, thanks. Anything else? I don't think that any of us who are focusing on the manual have an archos platform. 22.48.18 Join mdke [0] (n=matt@ubuntu/member/mdke) 22.48.22 # I think Bass is one of those audio terms that needs no translation 22.49.11 # hi there. I thought I'd give rockbox a try, but I've noticed that my ipod's partition table is screwed. are there some instructions on how to format it and start again with rockbox? 22.49.30 # Do you want me to change it or will you remove it from your patch? 22.49.36 # petur: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/DataSheets/mas3587f_2pd.pdf page 43. Check the description of the 'Loudness' register 22.50.13 # mdke: windows or linux? 22.50.33 # Febs: Hmm, press 'FixMe' is a funny description... 22.50.50 # does cvsview have problems with utf-8 or did I screw up francais.lang? 22.50.58 # (5) For Ondio SP, the whole recording chapter should go 22.51.03 # sharpe: linux 22.52.34 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 22.52.43 # (6) Many many screenshots also show the clock in the status bar. The Ondio has no clock, and hence no clock display. This is also true for the Ondio FM 22.53.28 Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 22.53.30 # I could make some screendumps - but I have an Ondio FM and no camera/scanner 22.53.56 # pixelma: You don't need a camera, just the debug->screendump feature 22.54.06 # Haha, funny, the anti-skip buffer should be removed for Ondio. 22.54.11 # mdke: well, here are the instructions for installing linux, i'm going to look for more information on the partitions, but you should be able to format them as they are in the document, and possibly work... http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodInstallationFromLinux 22.54.32 # yes, but you also mentioned screenshots showing buttons (that's why) 22.54.35 # sharpe: yeah, that's what I'm working from. ok 22.54.36 # Has anyone ever seen a flash player skip? (due to mechanical influences I mean) 22.55.06 # pixelma: No, I mean the 'button bar' displayed on the archos recorder, showing the meaning of the F1..F3 buttonds 22.55.16 # oh, I see 22.55.23 Quit tom_ (Remote closed the connection) 22.55.26 Part romanpress 22.56.19 # so what's needed? also: where shall I put it? 22.56.58 Quit akaidiot (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.57.09 # (7) The 'caption backlight' description is slightly wrong. 'Caption backlight' enables the backlight seconds before a track change, and disables it seconds after the track change, with being the backlight timeout value, or 5 seconds, whichever is larger 22.57.40 # Oh, and of course all backlight related settings aren't present on Ondio since the Ondio doesn't have a backlight 22.57.47 # mdke: if all else fails, could you get to a windows computer with the ipod updater, and restore your ipod? :) 22.57.51 # (factory mounted) 22.58.15 Join akaidiot [0] (n=not@ 22.58.47 # (8) Brightness isn't present on any target except H300 (yet) 22.59.53 # (9) Battery capacity for Ondio is 1000mAh by default, and there is an additional 'Battery type' option, with the choices 'Alkaline' and 'NiMH' 23.00.22 # sharpe: yeah i can, if i have to ;) seems to be going ok so far 23.00.24 # (10) No disk spindown for Ondio, no dircache for any archos 23.00.56 # mdke: alright, since i really do not know of a ipod restoration utility for linux. 23.01.09 # sharpe: one thing, when making the bootloader, if I have a mini 1st gen, is -g mini correct, or is that for 2nd gen minis? 23.01.34 # (11) Rockblox was removed a while ago 23.01.39 # the list of potential generations doesn't seem to distinguish, only "mini" is available 23.01.52 # while the file I downloaded is named "mini1g" 23.02.17 # -g mini is correct, for both mini's 23.02.22 # thanks 23.02.27 # (12) The 'bounce' screenshot is also the recorder version, with the clock in the background 23.02.27 # welcome 23.02.29 # amiconn: still have 'rockblox' in my build 23.02.36 # oh? 23.02.55 # Hmm, indeed 23.02.55 # 060524 23.03.52 # (13) cube buttons are wrong for Ondio 23.04.22 # sharpe: booting "Rockbox error: -1" then it loads original firmware 23.04.38 # btw, is this a support channel? 23.04.42 # aye. 23.04.45 # (14) oscilloscope shouldn't cause skips on archos 23.04.48 # phew 23.04.52 Join tom_ [0] (n=tom@84-12-163-202.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 23.04.58 # mdke: unzip rockbox to the fat partition? 23.05.00 # you need to extract the /.rockbox/ and rockbox.ipod folders 23.05.01 # er 23.05.04 # folder and file. 23.05.12 # yeah, I did that 23.05.45 # still no success? 23.06.06 # no, I had done it already 23.06.11 # lemme check it's there 23.06.14 # mdke: Error -1 means it cannot find the rockbox.ipod file either in the root of the first Fat32 partition it finds, nor in the /.rockbox/ folder in the same partition. 23.06.32 # ah, it's not there any more 23.06.37 # :) 23.06.39 # how odd 23.06.54 # (15) Ondio doesn't have 'calendar' 23.07.03 # maybe because I rebooted it because unmounting it? 23.07.11 # i suppose. 23.07.18 # ah, works 23.07.38 # ok, "unmount, then reboot" could be added to the instructions :) 23.07.48 # (16) The %X background image tag isn't supported on non-colour targets (yet) 23.07.48 # * mdke checks to see if the wiki can be edited 23.07.58 # * sharpe notes that it can be edited 23.08.07 # * mdke does too 23.08.31 # * sharpe suggests mdke registers to edit it, or have someone edit it for him 23.08.41 # yep, on my way 23.09.34 # ugh, another wiki syntax :D 23.10.24 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=Steve-O@adsl-65-71-93-28.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 23.10.46 # (17) The chapter about flashing is outdated 23.12.19 # (18) Some icons are missing (namely at least the modified double-note for .wav files, associated with the wavplay plugin, which is btw also missing) 23.13.33 Quit Aghaster (Remote closed the connection) 23.14.03 # amiconn: wait a bit so Febs can turn the page of his notebook ;) 23.14.05 # (19) The config options also don't match the target 23.14.39 # (too many details to check right now, but that's probably comparatively simple to fix later.) 23.15.29 # (20) The lcd screen sizes are incomplete, and the X5 remote is missing 23.16.52 # ah i see, rockbox doesn't display stuff by tag, but by directory tree? 23.16.58 # Phew... enough for now 23.17.17 # mdke: you need to enable tagcache for that 23.17.27 # and browse by id3 tag 23.17.48 # petur: will have a search, glad to hear it's supported :) 23.18.17 Quit Rondom (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.18.23 # Hmm, seems I scared Febs away :( 23.18.33 # hahaha 23.18.53 # * pixelma likes to contribute missing Ondio screendumps 23.19.11 Quit anathema (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.20.33 # should i have a little check to make sure it's the right rom loaded in the emulator? 23.20.52 Part Paul_The_Nerd 23.21.25 # or should i just not ? 23.21.50 Join anathema [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust696.belf.cable.ntl.com) 23.21.58 # you should 23.22.08 # but how? 23.22.25 # like, a checksum, certain bytes, etc... 23.22.40 # or at least make sure you don't freeze the player if the wrong file is given 23.22.56 # yeh 23.23.16 # can't see how it'd freeze though. 23.23.44 # eh... 23.23.48 # yeah i do... 23.23.55 # well if your plugin crashes.... 23.24.16 # no... 23.24.23 # i don't... 23.24.46 # i don't see how the cpu emulator could crash from certain instructions... 23.25.01 # is there anything I can do to maybe tweak the performance? the mp3 is skipping every 10 seconds or so at the beginning 23.25.15 # after a while it seems to settle down tho 23.25.18 # don't use peakmeters? 23.25.24 # nor equalizer? 23.25.36 # that sounds sensible 23.25.37 Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) 23.25.39 # General Settings? 23.25.59 # use a wps without peakmeters in them (see wiki for some wpsses) 23.26.21 # aye, or just browse themes in the main menu. general settings -> display -> browse .wps files 23.26.37 # that's for just the wpses if you wish to change that. 23.27.14 # ok, will check it out, thanks a lot! 23.27.22 # heh, we're here all the time... 23.27.22 # the skipping seems to have stopped at the moment anyhow 23.27.33 # because you're in the menu :) 23.27.42 # ahhh 23.27.53 # nice workaround :) 23.28.08 # lol... 23.28.22 # * mdke needs to add .wps files, he only has one 23.28.37 # gah, this will be the third time i go through the cpu emulation source to make sure each and every opcode is emulated correctly :'( 23.29.03 # mdke: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsGallery 23.29.16 # and i'm pretty sure they are... however, something's wrong with a jump or call i assume... 23.29.38 Quit akaidiot (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.30.25 # petur: thanks, was struggling to find that sort of page 23.30.38 # okay... i'll just go back to my plugin... 23.30.43 Quit ACK54W (Connection timed out) 23.30.45 Join akaidiot [0] (n=not@ 23.30.49 Join obo_ [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 23.31.00 # you guys have done a great job, it sounds perfect 23.31.16 # I'm well impressed 23.35.18 Quit obo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.35.21 # * petur orders a typing course for Infirit :p 23.36.34 # I am not that bad am I 23.36.39 # ? 23.36.50 # ;) 23.37.33 # woo, still wearing my sticker from the postal service. 23.38.24 # "Hooge afsnijd frequentie" 23.38.56 # * Infirit runs to his school books 23.39.20 # These where some of the last ones i did 23.39.53 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 23.39.53 # also fixed a dt error (my favorite ones) 23.41.52 # Yes, i love those :) But overall your ok with it? 23.41.57 Part Paul_The_Nerd 23.42.51 # it's ok... I always feel uncomfortable with translated interfaces, it feels 'forced' to use only that language 23.43.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.44.14 # Infirit: you're Sander Sweers, right? 23.44.35 # yes I am :) 23.45.21 # done 23.45.58 # Hurray, now my next project, translaring the manual. 23.46.04 # petur I will soon have a new greek.lang file for you :p 23.46.04 # i guess you've heard all the swears jokes already 23.46.22 # * petur swears at cygwin 23.46.25 # :D 23.46.48 # XavierGr: is that also utf-8? 23.46.51 # yay cygwin 23.47.28 # well. all opcodes seem to be correct. 23.49.18 # * amiconn will take real photos of all his targets - showing (faked) "Ver. 3.0" 23.49.38 # petur: I am not sure if Greek lang is in UTF-8 but I doubt it. 23.49.43 # or.. 23.49.47 # * amiconn found a suitable light source arrangement 23.51.11 Join FelixKarl [0] (n=fix@elk.csi.ch) 23.51.29 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) 23.55.20 Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.55.23 # * mdke is embarassed but has _yet_ another question 23.55.32 # seems I can't copy some files to my ipod 23.55.37 # "invalid argument" 23.56.04 # any funny characters in the name? such as ? or : 23.56.16 # not in a comical way though. 23.56.24 # yes, accents, but lots of accents in files that work too 23.56.51 # any characters not supported by fat32? :) 23.56.56 # actually, it's the only one with è, the others all have é and ê 23.56.56 # are we using windows or linux? 23.57.00 # linux 23.57.15 Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) 23.57.18 Quit akaidiot (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.57.27 Join akaidiot [0] (n=not@ 23.57.41 # mounting with the "utf8" flag? 23.58.18 # iocharset=utf8 23.58.25 # not that one 23.58.34 # /dev/sdb2 on /media/ipod type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8) 23.58.39 # i guess that doesn't hurt, but you want 'utf8' too 23.58.42 # that's all I have, it is mounted automatically like that